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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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Lead Belly vs. Little Bill Lebowski

If Little Bill wins, we riot


Frankie Future vs. Marv Slater w/ Dean Waldorf

Frankie win with some kind of distraction from Nicole Kiss


Billy Russell vs. The Wolverine

[PSW Debut]

Sounds like you have big plans for Russell so it's gotta be a debut win


Johnny Martin © vs. Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Alex Braun

[PSW "Extreme Roulette" Match]

[PSW Championship and National Championship Match]


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I think there's a place for DQs in a hardcore fed. Sure, weapon usage won't call for it, but let's say half your locker room runs to the ring to get involve in a match. Call it a match stoppage, a DQ or whatever you want, I still think the referee should stop the match in this kind of situation. There's a minimum of order needed to run a wrestling a show.


Another situation that might call for a DQ : hitting the referee. It should not be permitted even in an hardcore environnement. Do whatever you want to your opponent, but don't touch the referee in charge.


I really like the idea of the second reason for a DQ. The buck would really stop with the Referee being purposely assaulted for any reason. A mistake, so be it, they have to deal with the bumps that come with the trade... But if Morgan were to lay out R.M. Stones for no reason... Then I could def. see a DQ coming out of that.


I kinda picture Billy Russell coming out in a Taz like way, towel or hood draped over his head so you can't see his face till the last minute. Then just stands there with his arms folded till the match starts, the bell rings and he just detroys his opponent.


Exactly... ;)


however, with a modern MMA feel to it as well.

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Lead Belly vs. Little Bill Lebowski


Frankie Future vs. Marv Slater w/ Dean Waldorf


Billy Russell vs. The Wolverine

[PSW Debut]


Johnny Martin © vs. Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Alex Braun

[PSW "Extreme Roulette" Match]

[PSW Championship and National Championship Match]

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Lead Belly vs. Little Bill Lebowski


Frankie Future vs. Marv Slater w/ Dean Waldorf


Billy Russell vs. The Wolverine

[PSW Debut]


Johnny Martin © vs. Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Alex Braun

[PSW "Extreme Roulette" Match]

[PSW Championship and National Championship Match]

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NEWS: "Extreme Roulette" Match is Explained.

1st Week of June 2008





Ever since Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling made it official that their upcoming live event in the "Ministry" Event Center was entitled "Extreme Roulette" there has been a lot of questions circulating about it's signature match. That Main Event, under the same name as the show itself, is a tricky competition between four men were both the PSW National Championship and the PSW Championship could change hands within the opening and closing bells.


Here is a collection of bullet points to help shape what "Extreme Roulette", the Main Event Match, will look like:


* Both the PSW Championship and the PSW National Championship are hanging 15 feet above the ring. With one Championship being on the opposite side of the ring as the other.


* There are 4 ladders present positioned around the ringside area.


* The match takes place in 2 stages. After one of the Championship belts are taken down from where they are hanging, The person who captured the title is now the new champion. That champion is not excluded from continuing and will still be eligible to obtain the 2nd Championship as well. (so, in a sense, someone could walk away with both the PSW Championship and the PSW National Championship)


* Once both Championships are retrieved... The match is ended.


As you can see.... Anything can happen while playing "Extreme Roulette"... We could have 2 brand new champions, both champions retain, or one person walk away with 2 Championships to their name...

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Lead Belly vs. Little Bill Lebowski


Frankie Future vs. Marv Slater w/ Dean Waldorf


Billy Russell vs. The Wolverine

[PSW Debut]


Johnny Martin © vs. Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Alex Braun

[PSW "Extreme Roulette" Match]

I am gonna say that Teddy Powell comes out with the National title and Johnny Martin retains his strap.

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As you can see.... Anything can happen while playing "Extreme Roulette"... We could have 2 brand new champions, both champions retain, or one person walk away with 2 Championships to their name...


Not to nitpick, but what would be the motivation behind only grabbing one belt? Why not just get both at the same time?

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Not to nitpick, but what would be the motivation behind only grabbing one belt? Why not just get both at the same time?


I should have clarified, my bad.


The belts are hung on opposite sides of the ring. So, you have to seek out one or the other. I know that most will say... "Why would you even go for the National then as the PSW Championship is the top crown", however, that's something that will be addressed in the actual match... As there are some storylines that will come out of that.


Thanks for the heads up Nedew! I should have put that in the description.

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Lead Belly vs. Little Bill Lebowski


Frankie Future vs. Marv Slater w/ Dean Waldorf


Billy Russell vs. The Wolverine

[PSW Debut]


Johnny Martin © vs. Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Alex Braun

[PSW "Extreme Roulette" Match]

[PSW Championship and National Championship Match]


I'm going to second Mr. foolinc here.

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Lead Belly vs. Little Bill Lebowski

If Little Bill wins, we riot


Frankie Future vs. Marv Slater w/ Dean Waldorf

Frankie win with some kind of distraction from Nicole Kiss


Billy Russell vs. The Wolverine

[PSW Debut]

Sounds like you have big plans for Russell so it's gotta be a debut win


Johnny Martin © vs. Teddy Powell © vs. Mr. Morgan vs. Alex Braun

[PSW "Extreme Roulette" Match]

[PSW Championship and National Championship Match]



I'd also like to make a change to my prediction. I still think Braun is going to walk out with the PSW Championship, and think Powell will keep the National Championship.

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Late June 2008

... The Evolution has begun ...


"You can count on me, John."


I was nervous. Not in a "school boy grabs his first real kiss" kind of way but rather in a... "Holy Sh*t, I better not screw this up" kind of way. Needless to say, I was practically chugging my bottle of Pepto-Bismol the entire way to my second home, "The Ministry Event Center".


The collar of my shirt felt tighter, my contacts have never been this dry before, and my back all of a sudden had a mysterious pain that I had never felt before. In a sense, my anxiety levels were theoretically dragging my body through a roller coaster ride from hell.


It was set to be one of the biggest meetings in my short history with PSW. The very man that Mitch Naess has been coveting since day one. The very fighter that could truly deliver the kind of brutal aggression that we've been desperately trying to convey since this last March (when I took over as Headbooker of PSW).




... The Meeting w/ Billy Russell ...







Despite only being a lightweight, Russell is an extremely imposing figure. The deep scarring on his knuckles are, in a sense, a history lesson in a fighter's will.


"Billy, It's great to see you. Your legacy spans the continents"


"Thank you."


It was a rather cold response from Russell, however, I was expecting so. A fighter at his level did not reach success through being a "nice guy".


"Mitch, and I, are very excited to have you here in Pittsburgh. Have you spoken with Mitch yet? I know he has been attempting to call your people overseas."


"Yep. We spoke briefly."


Again, another cold response from Russell... However, by this point, both of us have found our way to the only church pew that still resides within the "Ministry" Event Center. A symbol of how ironic it is that a company like PSW now wrestles within a former religious establishment.


"Let's cut to the chase, though, Billy. We love your fighting style... You fit perfectly with our vision of what PSW is all about. Your brutal, your violent, your a fighter's fighter... A man who doesn't need a weapon in his hands as YOU are your own weapon."


I could feel my anxiety starting to spike once again as Billy stairs back at me with an "ice cold" look on his face. As if he wasn't really buying what I was selling... So, I continued on... Pushing past my nagging fears.


"We want YOU to be one of the main figures in the company as we progress forward. You, along with Braun... Powell... Morgan... and Martin, All five of you will project the different levels at which one can succeed in a land based upon brutal violence."


Billy, still silent, continues to peer through, what seems like, my soul. Barely moving, almost looking as if he wasn't even breathing during the entire time. Therefore, without any signs of him breaking into my flow... I continued forth.


"We want to cut you loose... Allow you to be exactly who you are. That's the benefit with a company like ours... We don't need to follow any sort of "laws" as it pertains to what the Mainstream viewers are expecting to see. You can be exactly who you want to be... Use the same aggressive approach that you honed in your years as an MMA fighter. So, simply, with you on board... We just want to make sure you're as focused as we are in this partnership? Are you ready to take..."


With that, Russell, calmly cuts me off with a very soft, yet confidently stern, response.


"You can count on me, John."




... And so it began ...

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+ Streaming LIVE via PSW.com +

"The Ministry" Event Center



Alex Braun, Johnny Martin, Mr. Morgan, and Teddy Powell

... Chaotic Brawl ...


"Extreme Roulette" opens in a truly chaotic fashion as all four wrestlers in tonight's Main Event are seen brawling with each other straight out of the gate. There's no build... No back and forth... Just an all-out 2 on 2 brawl that starts in the ring and slowly files its way into the crowd. The PSW Champion, Johnny Martin comes out looking as the most dominant figure in the opening segment as he continually floors Teddy Powell... Finally finishing off his attack with a forced back body drop in the crowd.... Powell, slamming hard on the cement floor below, quickly squirms about... holding his back in a show of immense pain as Mr. Morgan attempts to come to his aide. However, after a short exchange between Martin and Morgan... Alex Braun is seen coming out of nowhere... Planting Mr. Morgan to the cement below with an unsuspecting running bulldog. Upon impact, Morgan looks to be out cold... as Alex Braun and Johnny Martin slowly exit the ringside area together... Showing that, even though they were to be opponents tonight, that in the end... Both Braun and Martin carry a sense of true respect for one another.]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: Tonight's Main Event is going to be one crazy bout....

Mitch Naess: You've got that right. Every man for himself... We could see brand new champions here tonight!



Lead Belly vs. Little Bill Lebowski


The opening match of the night was a true representation of "Hardcore Wrestling" as the resilient, and consummate underdog, Little Bill Lebowski squared off against the much much larger, much more vicious, 1/2 of the PSW Tag Team Championship duo "The Dirty White Boys", Lead Belly. From the very first chiming of the ringside bell, It was almost laughable to see the sheer size differential. Despite this, Little Bill put forth one hell of a fight... Using everything he could get his hands on to subdue the aggressive giant. However, in the end, Lead Belly's size proved to be too much for the desperate fighter. Not only that but Lead Belly's athleticism actually was at par with the much smaller Lebowski... So, truly, Lead Belly was certainly seen as an unstoppable force midway through the match... Mowing over Lebowski, landing a few weapon shots (ie: Steel Chairs, Tables, electrical chords) of his own... Finally ending the match with a combination of shattering a beer bottle over the head of Lebowski, given to him by his Tag Partner, followed by his signature "RPM Bomb". Bill was motionless as Lead Belly was already getting up from his pin attempt almost halfway through the count... Confident that it was over.


Lead Belly defeats Little Bill Lebowski 6:35 via a "RPM Bomb".

Grade: E+


Mitch Naess: Chalk another victory up for a member of "The Dirty White Boys".

Doc Messing: These guys, no matter if it's Lead Belly or Grease Hogg, are practically unstoppable. I don't know if there is a tag team on our roster right now who could ACTUALLY give them a run for their money? They truly are a dominating force here in PSW.

Mitch Naess: All it takes is a lucky roll... However, with their recent showings... I have to agree with you at this point.



Frankie Future and Nicole Kiss

... "Thank You" ...


[We cut backstage to now see Frankie Future exiting the locker room area... On his way to the ring for his upcoming match with one-half of the "Ring Generals", Marv Slater. Just as he is able to land one foot out of the door... He's stopped dead in his tracks by the sight of Nicole Kiss leaning up against the wall... Across from the doorway of the locker room area. She stands with her arms crossed before her, looking down at the floor... All signs of a girl without any sense of confidence following years of abusive relationships. Frankie, smiling at the sight of Nicole, slowly walks over to her.... looking to engage in a short conversation following what happened last month... However, Nicole beats him to the punch.]


Nicole Kiss: I.... I just wanted to thank you for what you did last month... It really... [pauses as she looks as if she is going to cry]... It really means a lot to me. I can't remember the last time that someone actually stood up for me.... cared for me as a human being. So, for that... I thank you.


Frankie Future: You don't need to thank me, Nicole. [Attempts to comfort her] Punks like "The Ring Generals" come a dime-a-dozen.... Men trying to make up for their lack of... Size.


[Frankie, trying to lighten the mood with a joke, cracks a smile on Nicole's face. Shortly after he continues to walk down the hall to wards the backstage curtains... Nicole sheepishly calls out.]


Nicole Kiss: Teach them a lesson....... for me.


[Frankie stops and looks back to Nicole, Making eye contact for the first time with the very lady he "saved" last month. With a heart-felt smile on his face, Frankie nods his head... and then continues on to wards the backstage curtains.]


Grade: D-


Mitch Naess: A true class-act, Frankie Future. After spending the last decade as an un-ruley, self-absorbed, "all about me" kind of persona.... It seems that he's turned over some sense of a new leaf.

Doc Messing: Yea, I don't know what to make of it... to be honest, Mitch. I kind of miss the old Frankie. With that said, however, what he did to help Nicole was an amazing gesture.

Mitch Naess: I guess we'll just have to see where things drift from here.



Frankie Future vs. Marv Slater w/ Dean Waldorf


To anyone who has recently followed PSW, both members of the youngster tag team, "The Ring Generals", certainly have the look of potential future superstars. In action tonight was one-half of that team, Marv Slater, as he squared off against the very man who intervened last month in favor of Nicole Kiss, Frankie Future, as the "Generals" were pressuring her to accompany them back to their locker room to "Celebrate" their recently acquired #1 contendership to the PSW Tag Championships (An opportunity that was not successful later on in the night). Future, fresh off of a highly successful disposition turn, was coming into tonight's match with a lot of momentum on his side... And it showed as the fans absolutely embraced his newfound "babyface" persona. However, while the fans were on his side, it didn't transpire into a full-on "burial" for Future as Marv Slater put forth one hell of a match. Despite being the smaller of the two, Slater found a way to slow down Future's aggressive nature... Instead, grounding him for most of the match.. Applying rest hold after rest hold (something that didn't register so well with the crowd). In the end, Dean Waldorf attempted to assure that his tag partner would come away with the win... however, his expected interference would end up posing as a downfall for Slater. Carrying a pair of brass knuckles in his hand, Waldorf slid into the ring to take out Future... However, never landed a good shot... Instead, being thrown over the top rope in a thunderous heap. As Slater quickly tried to move in for the kill... Future, his energy at an all-time high, was fortunate enough to catch the youngster off guard with his signature "Frank-N-Hurter"!


Frankie Future defeats Marv Slater in 9:06 via a "Frank-N-Hurter".

Grade: E+


Doc Messing: Holy Sh*t! That came out of nowhere....

Mitch Naess: Just goes to show you... You can have all the numbers in the world, have all the intangibles to be a big time star, however, if you're head isn't on straight... You're setting yourself up for a loss.

Doc Messing: Very true. Marv may become a big time star with time, however, tonight... It was the crafty veteran, Frankie Future, who found a way to overcome the odds!



Billy Russell

... Hype Video ...


... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick.. Tick... Tick... Tick...


[There's nothing but a heavy black background before us as the sound of constant ticking from a clock fills your computer's audio speakers.]




... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick.. Tick... Tick... Tick...


[A brief image is shown on the screen of a hazy MMA fight. In the split second that we're shown... Blood looks to be spilling profusely from one competitor's forehead]


Unknown MMA Announcer: I've never witnessed a fighter like Russell. The perfect mixture of a tough chin, a heavy heart, and a violent approach to submission based fighting. A true leader in our sport!


... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick... Tick.. Tick... Tick... Tick...


[The heavy black background finally lifts as we now see a mysterious figure standing inches before the camera man wearing a thin black hood over his head. The mysterious figure barely moves... The only real movement coming from a stint of heavy breathing]


Unknown MMA Announcer: The biggest mistake you can make against Russell is allowing him to get hold of you. If that comes to pass... Say goodbye to any of your limbs. This man is an "ice cold" competitor.


[With that, The Ticking comes to a close...]


[The mysterious hooded figure slowly raises his head upwards... His eyes peering through the dangling fabric in front of him... Not enough to show who it is but enough to display the overwhelming intensity coming forth.]


[Now, looking straight on into the camera, it's shown that the mysterious figure is none other than, former MMA superstar, Billy Russell. A heavy smattering of war paint is seen running across his face as he stairs aggressively through the camera lens and onto your computer screen.]


Menacing Voice: Billy Russell.... comes to..... Pittsburgh.


Grade: C


Doc Messing: Now THAT's a true warrior... Billy Russell is going to be an absolute force here in PSW!

Mitch Naess: Only time will tell for sure, however, what I know of the man... He's going to be something special.... His debut is NEXT!



Billy Russell vs. The Wolverine


There was a heavy blanket of anticipation circulating around the debut of the renown international fighter, Billy Russell. The frenzy peaked as Russell, clad in a black Muy Thai pair of shorts and a sleek black windbreaker with his hood up... Masking his face, made his way to the ringside area with a slow, yet confident, swagger to his step. It wasn't until after the bell had rung that Russell finally lifted the hood up and off of himself... Exposing a truly focused individual underneath it all. The match itself was somewhat of a let down as fans didn't seem to buy into the hype as much as PSW officials would have first liked. Wolverine, acting as the gatekeeper in this bout, put up a valiant fight... However, Russell delivered an overly aggressive attack that would eventually slow down the aging veteran. With Wolverine staggering, trying to keep his breathe despite the match only being a few minutes in, Russell quickly moved in for the kill... Catching a lame attempt of a closeline from The Wolverine... Twisting his arm slightly and Rolling his body over and forcing Wolverine with him. Now, on the matt, Russell continues to twist his opponent's arm in the opposite direction while locking in an arm-bar like hold. It wouldn't take very long from that point... A quick tap from an obviously injured Wolverine closely followed.


Billy Russell defeats The Wolverine in 4:24 via Twisting Arm Lock Submission.

Grade: E


Mitch Naess: The newest addition to Pittsburgh did something that many before him could not... Defeat a grizzled veteran like The Wolverine in under 5 minutes....

Doc Messing: Not only did he win in under 5 minutes... But he may have also snapped The Wolverine's arm in half. Jesus, what a hold.



Mitch Naess and Doc Messing

... Main Event Hype ...


[Following Russell's debut victory, We now cut to a view of the supposedly broken looking PSW announcing table positioned high above the crowd in the former choir lofts of the "Ministry" Event Center. From there, both Mitch and Doc are heard hyping tonight's Main Event.]


Mitch Naess: Tonight, as you all know, is the debut of a new match in PSW.... "Extreme Roulette". A four-way affair in which the probability of crowning a new champion is so very high. We could see a new PSW Champion, a new National Champion... Hell, we could even see ONE MAN walk away with both titles.


Doc Messing: Wouldn't that be crazy! One man... Atop PSW as the sole wrestler with singles Championship gold.


Mitch Naess: Could tonight be the final night for Johnny Martin as PSW Champion? He's carried the title for almost a year now with nothing short of an "Iron Will". A Champ's Champ... Can he find a way to retain his beloved Gold?


Doc Messing: As you said before... The probability of that is quite low...


Mitch Naess: True... Then again... I'll always put my money on Martin regardless of the stipulation. He always finds a way to overcome the odds.


Grade: D+




Johnny Martin © vs. Teddy Powell © vs. Alex Braun vs. Mr. Morgan

["Extreme Roulette" Match]

[PSW Championship and National Championship are on the line]


The Main Event was a hotly contested affair with four men practically salivating for the chance to walk away with Championship Gold. While some could have labeled the match up as a glorified 2 on 2 fight... That certainly wasn't the case. The overall theme of the match was "every man for himself" and this mantra was followed to the "T". Even fellow tag partners, "The Untouchables", found their simmering tension rise to a whole new level as... shockingly... Teddy Powell cost Mr. Morgan a chance at the PSW Championship very early on. It was only 2 minutes into the match when Mr. Morgan found a way to scurry up a nearby ladder... His fingertips on the PSW Championship on high. However, as he attempted to pull it down, Teddy Powell was seen running into the ring and simply shoving the ladder over... Sending Mr. Morgan crashing to the canvas in a car-wreck kind of fall. With everyone in the arena shocked by Powell's, in a sense, double-cross... No one knew what to really make of the event. Both Mitch Naess and Doc Messing had a field day with this as both began to speculate why Powell would cost his own Tag Partner the shot at the PSW Championship.


A little later on, Alex Braun was on the verge of capturing the PSW National Championship... When Teddy Powell quickly dove off the top rope and landed a leaping spinning heel kick to the back of the unsuspecting Braun. Alex, Teddy, and the ladder all went crashing to the canvas below as it looked as if both men had suffered through a hard fall. Despite this, Powell found a way to retrieve his PSW National Championship shortly following this exchange... Putting his plan into motion on obtaining both pieces of Championship Gold.


Teddy Powell retains the PSW National Championship in 7:45.


With the National Championship now in his grasp, Teddy would use the gold plate of his title as a weapon... Flooring everyone in sight. Well, everyone but Mr. Morgan. It looked as if both men moved forward as if the push had never happened. Maybe it was because Mr. Morgan was unaware of who actually pushed the ladder over? Never the less, "The Untouchables" were in top form as both men were seen working as a solid team... Using Powell's National Championship to bludgeon both Martin and Braun square between the eyes. Braun, always in the process of bleeding during pretty much every show, was cut open from above his right eye... Spilling blood on the canvas below and ultimately giving him a menacing look as the blood heavily rolled down his face.


With the match firmly in control of "The Untouchables", It looked like it was only a matter of time before one of them HAD to come away with the win. The only thing is... Who would allow the other to actually come away with the win? Would the two find their simmering tension finally overflowing... Leading into an epic fight? Well, while many were praying for such an event, it never came to pass as Johnny Martin, the reigning PSW Champion, made a legendary comeback... Mowing over both Morgan and Powell with a series of brutal strikes from all over the ringside area.


In the end, Martin had found a way to overcome the odds... Flooring both Morgan and Powell in the process. However, as he began to climb the ladder... both Morgan and Powell quickly climbed back into the ring... bolting for the ladder. As both tried to climb the other side... They bumped into eachother... One trying to climb up... The other pulling them down. For a second, Morgan and Powell stared each other down as Martin slowly pulled himself to the top of the ladder. We were only seconds from seeing a fight break out when Alex Braun surprisingly slid into the ring through the bottom rope and swung at both of the "Untouchables" with a steel chair in hand... However, Morgan was lucky enough to duck out of the way.... The cold steel striking Powell in the head... Morgan following this up with throwing Braun back over the top rope and to the floor. Meanwhile, Martin has now grasped his Championship Gold but is having troubles with actually getting it off the hook. This gives Mr. Morgan enough time to climb the very side of the ladder Martin was on... Landing an "Electric Chair Slam" on Martin as he tried to reach above.




Meanwhile, on the outside of the ring, Alex Braun is starting to get back to his feet... Looking to stop Mr. Morgan from his golden ascent, however, just as he stepped up onto the apron.. "The Deadly Sin's" showed up through the crowd... Attacking Braun from behind and, eventually, KILLER Colossus powerbombed Braun off of the apron onto the hard cement below. A gang beating continued as there starts to be some movement once again in the ring....


Mr. Morgan would be the first man back to his feet... Slowly climbing up the ladder.... Grasping the PSW Championship... And pulling it into his possession.


Mr. Morgan WINS the PSW Championship in 16:97.

Grade: D+


Mitch Naess: Mr. Morgan does the unthinkable.... He is the NEW PSW Champion!

Doc Messing: Wow, what a match!

Mitch Naess: After almost a year as Champion, Johnny Martin has finally seen his day come and go. Now... the question is... What comes next for "The Untouchables"? It looks as if the duo is recklessly speeding to wards a massive fallout!

Doc Messing: I'm not sure what will happen, Mitch... However, you can't deny the fact that "The Untouchables", despite being the most powerful duo in PSW due to the fact that they are our only singles Champions, have seen better days from a cohesive standpoint.

Mitch Naess: Even with a level of tension hovering over their heads... They are still certainly the most successful pairing in PSW today! However, can they keep that up while they potentially descend into a fallout?



Mr. Morgan, NEW PSW Champion

... The New Champ Celebrates ...


[With the PSW Championship now in his grasp, Mr. Morgan stands on high.... Above the ring, still atop the ladder, leaning his full body weight up against said ladder. The PSW Championship, laying on the top rung, gleams from the lights positioned above the ring... A truly majestic image. The newly crowned Champion, Mr. Morgan, is now seen slowly climbing down the ladder as the fans deliver a resounding chorus of boo's to wards the "Untouchable" member. Un-happy that their man, Johnny Martin, was unsuccessful in retaining his Championship, they continue to let the NEW Champion know exactly how they feel about him... Showering him with a truly negative response.]


[Mr. Morgan now raises the PSW Championship up into the air with his right hand... Staring down the crowd with an "ice cold" look that could potentially paralyze a lesser man with fear. Meanwhile, as Morgan shows off his newly obtained gold, his tag partner... Teddy Powell... is seen slowly pulling himself into the ring...The look on his face being the true window into his soul... Seemingly not overjoyed about his partner's victory.]



Teddy Powell

... The National Champion looks Jealous ...


[in the end, the show comes to a close as Teddy Powell leans back into a nearby turnbuckle with the National Championship over his right shoulder.... Staring a whole through the back of Morgan's head as his partner celebrates his momentous victory]


[All in all, While they are both Champions... It seems as if Teddy Powell is quite jealous with, what he sees as his, "hired gun" coming away with the very title he coveted so badly.]


Grade: D+







Overall Show Grade: D [Popularity Increased!]

Attendance: 444

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NEWS: Tank Bradley to leave PSW.

4th Week Of June 2008





Tank Bradley is set to leave PSW in July 2008


Pittsburgh Championship Wrestling, and Tank Bradley, have come to a mutual agreement to not seek an extension of Bradley's original PPA contract. The 30 year old brawler was said to be un-happy with the amount of losses he had acquired recently, while, at the same time, officials from within PSW stated that his stamina levels were not where they would like them to be.


Needless to say, Tank Bradley will finish up the rest of his contract, which is set to expire in Mid July 2008, and will start taking dates on Tri-state Indy circuit.


PSW wishes Tank the best of luck in his future endeavors.

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Nice show there Eisen-verse. Sucks to see Russell's debut not getting the grade you want, but I think the way you booked the title match more than makes up for it. Jealously is always a solid storyline starter.


Plus seeing Bradley getting the hell off your roster is always, well a plus! :D

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Nice show there Eisen-verse. Sucks to see Russell's debut not getting the grade you want, but I think the way you booked the title match more than makes up for it. Jealously is always a solid storyline starter.


Yea, I was a little bummed to see Russell's match grade so low. Popularity wise both men were between a D- and a D+, So you would think that would transpire into a good match given the product based so heavily on popularity. However, it's not the end of the world I guess. Russell is still going ahead as a big figure in PSW and really a cataylst of the changes you'll see as the diary moves forward.


As for the Main Event, I love... love... love writing Teddy Powell. ha. Never thought I'd say that. His character is just so perfect to work from a cowardly, egocentric, borderline depressed, person with one major goal in mind.. Success (since he's never had it before by himself really). Now, with Mr. Morgan obtaining what he coveted... It makes for a good storyline, I believe, going forward. There are going to be twists thrown into the mix though.... ;)


Plus seeing Bradley getting the hell off your roster is always, well a plus! :D


Funny thing is I was set to keep him. Not because I'm a huge fan of him.. but more so as a sidekick to Alex Braun as he now stands on the otherside of "The Deadly Sin's" (as see in the main event). I thought it would be good to have Bradley at his side to help compete against the monsterous group. However, his stamina is too low for my Owner Goals and... Truthfully, I'd rather spend $1,000 on another superstar who can actually work and may be a better fit in my version of PSW.



Thanks for checking out the show, though, Foolinc!



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Bradley is garbage as a wrestler, although I have seen the AI in the game give him a lot of love sometimes, especially in the 07 version where he had several title runs.


That said, I do have what I think is a money gimmick for him, and if and when I ever actually do a PSW diary, I will unveil it ;)

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1st Week of July 2008

... Holy Sh*t ...





I reached across my nightstand, pulling a small chain link chord downward in which to turn on a light.


"Yea, it's..."


Looking over at my alarm clock for a brief second, Attempting to open my eyes enough to make sense of my surroundings.


"It's 4 AM, Mitch."




Mitch had reputation with many wrestling insiders as a "busy body". Someone who maximized his time as much as possible. That meant only getting 5 hours of sleep every night from 11 - 4... Without Fail, every day. His passion for PSW was enough to drive him borderline psychotic as he obsessively plotted and planned for upcoming events.


"You're normally up at this time anyways."


Mitch proclaimed as, at first, I began to laugh at the idea of being up this early... However, then it dawned on me as my sleepy state began to lift. He's right, actually. My Insomnia tends to keep me laying awake for hours on end. Unable to take a sleeping pill due to my previous addiction to such.


"Okay. Fine. What's up? Is there an emergency or something?"


There was a stint of silence... Followed by a message that I never thought, in a million ba-jillion years, I would hear from Mitch.


"We just signed Bryan Holmes."


At first, I thought I was still dreaming... Why would a renown International superstar find refuge in PSW? While I love this company, We are only a regional company at this point... No TV Deal... No PPV Deal... Nothing but a rabid fan base that typically shows up each and every month in drones.


"He was released from PGHW a few days ago and was looking for work. When hearing this, I contacted Phil (Vilbert) as soon as possible to land his phone number. It's true though... John... Bryan is coming to PSW."




I dug at my eyes, trying to wake myself up.


"This month's event will mark his first show with us. I want you to be in the office at 7 AM, John. We've got a lot of work ahead of us."


Despite my sigh, a verbal showing of my hatred of early mornings, it was set. I was to be in Mitch's office in just a few short hours... Finding a way to BEST maximize a talent like Bryan Holmes.


... If we pull this off right then Bryan could potentially be a "Franchise Player" for years to come ...

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NICE!!! I haven't gotten to use him since '07 shipped him to Japan, but Holmes was fantastic for me back in some of my '05 games


Wow. Something that doesn't happen every day :p There's actually quite a bit of these kind of surprises coming in my CGC diary, hopefully. A big one fell in size and you know what that means..


You should have seen me when my contract offer came back as a "decision". hah. I almost fell out of my chair with joy. :p


Not only will he fit in really really well with PSW (the current version and the slight changes set to take place over 2008) but he also carries a sense of a "Franchise Player" for the company. Billy Russell is only a D- popn and really bad Psych skills... So, he cant really "carry" the company at this point. So, getting Holmes just makes everything fall into place so perfectly. A strong competitor who has good popularity (top in PSW) and amazing skills.


I've got his debut cooked up and I'm really exicted about with it will deliver. Not only does it help him to "get over" but it also elevates others around him who will be connected to him in the storyline. Overall, really excited going forward. The Next card will give a first glimpse of the storyline all together.

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Great signing and I'm looking forward to your plans. Still hope you make Russell a player, though.


Good work on the last show.


Russell is def. still going to be a major player (despite the low grade versus The Wolverine), as his persona is something I'm really interested in. A cross between a modern MMA Submission Fighter and a hint of Taz back in his ECW days. So, I def. have plans for him going forward. However, initially, I want to make the storyline for him more about himself than anything else... Get his character cemented before anyone really "challenges him". If that makes sense.

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1st Week of July 2008

... A Rebellion with no cause is just noise ...


What is the go-to-move for any upstart company who believes themselves to be edgy, to be anti-mainstream, to be a cult phenomenon?


Devise a Rebellion. A heartfelt revolution with the sole intent being the declaration of your own relevance within the greater scheme of it all. However, just declaring such an event doesn't mean that you are instantly granted a sense of credibility. Every John, Bill, and Joey can create a wrestling promotion out of their backyard... Scrounge together some money to buy wrestling attire and call themselves the "company of tomorrow", however, words alone mean nothing.


The one trap that many of these companies fall into is that they want a revolution... however, they don't know why they are revolting.


Sick of Mainstream Wrestling?

Sick of the same wrestlers getting over?

Sick of the same companies prospering?

Hatred for a specific product?


Sure, to a laymen, these all could be a good reason to end up creating a revolution of your own... However, these reasons are simply not enough. To successfully develop a cause, in this case a Rebellion, you must BELIEVE that the rebellion is just... That it is severely needed. Each an every wrestler, each an every staff member, each and every event needs a sense of urgency... Like ever second gone by is a wasted second... A moment in time where you COULD have brought forth something concrete... Something Revolutionary.


DaVE waged a revolution.... This is true. Are we waging the same revolution? No.


DaVE's revolution died in 2007 just as they did.


We, here in Pittsburgh, aren't fixated on status... on declarations... Rather, we step into each and every event with one thing in mind... The loss of blood, sweat, and tears...


All for you.

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