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PSW: The Evolution of Greed

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I just finshed catching up and I must say i love it keep up the good work.


Thanks, jwt13! I know how it is having to put in the time to catch up on a diary so thanks for taking the time to do so. Luckily in this diary, unlike my X-WA diary, things don't move as fast... So, it's easier to keep up with the action. The pace is much more flexible for me too so it helps to ensure that the diary will run for quite some time.


Great to hear that you're enjoying the diary thus far! :) Things are starting to "click" for me now so it's becoming increasingly more fun to book PSW.



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2nd Week of August 2008

... Was Steven Parker the glue that kept "The Untouchables" together? ...


Ever since Steven Parker left for "the Land of Supremacy" it seems as if "The Untouchables" have embarked on a crash course toward internally imploding. Some sight Teddy Powell's jealousy as the ultimate culprit, however, there seems to be one glaring scenario that has severely "wounded" the formerly dominate Trio..... The loss of Steven Parker.


Now, I know, many of you will question my sanity (once again) as many still label the dynamic duo as a successful unit. Hell, at this point, the war-torn tag team possesses 2 out of the 3 possible Championships in PSW. No one questions their ability to "get the job done" on a singles level, however, it is to be said that these two are racing toward an inevitable breakdown on a tag team level.


Their's no trust present between these two. Teddy Powell, hungry for PSW Championship, has made it very apparent that he is unhappy with the fact that his supposed partner, Mr. Morgan, is the newly crowned Champion. At one point, the self-obsessed superstar went as far as to purposely "screw" his own partner out of potentially winning the title (a feat that he was ultimately unsuccessful in doing). Then again, some chalked this up to a competitor's aggression... Not a real showing of anyone's dislike of another. However, at "The Vile and the Vengeful", Teddy Powell made his point very clear by walking out on the PSW Champion... Forcing him to fend for himself in a 2 on 1 affair against Johnny Martin and Bryan Holmes (A duo that fell apart just as fast as it was created... however, that's for another time and subject).


Little has been said by either superstar (Morgan or Powell), however, it's easy to see the writing on the wall... Powell's jealousy has done the one thing that NO ONE would have ever thought possible 6 months ago when "The Untouchables" were an unstoppable force.... He's single-handedly destroyed the duo from within.


Could this have been stopped? Of Course... However, not in it's present form. The ONLY way "The Untouchables" could survive is if Steven Parker was still here with us today. Why? It seems as if the young mat technician was the "glue" that kept the group together. The voice of reason that could play as the buffer between two, very strong and very different, personalities. Without Parker.... "The Untouchables" were doomed to fail.


So where do we go from here? Sure, these two could find a way to work it all out and, once again, regain their control of the Main Event scene in PSW. However, that would take hours upon hours of therapy... And something tells me that these two are far from sitting down in the same room with one another. So, what does this mean? Almost certainly the death of the, once, dominate faction in PSW... "The Untouchables".

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<hr color="black">

"The Rising Inferno"

Saturday, 3rd Week of August 2008

Run-Time: 1 HR 30 MIN

PSW Event #6

<hr color="black">

"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Good Ole' Boys"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Frankie Future w/ Nicole Kiss? vs. "The Ring Generals"

[2 on 1 Handicap Match]

[Table Match]


Alex Braun vs. KILLER Colossus

[PSW Inferno Match]


Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin



"Thoughts of Greed":

Mitch wants insanity... He wants the fans of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling to walk away from every event with their bodies completely drained of energy. "That's the only way we'll survive, John. It's the only way we'll make any noise", This is the final phrase that Mitch left with me as I embarked upon my short journey back to my sh*t-hole of an apartment, only a few blocks from "The Ministry Event Center". How is this even possible? A year ago I was a pro wrestler.. never did I care about anyone else's fortune other than my own. Now, I'm in charge of the well-being of 28 other wrestlers.... All looking to me to bring on an era of prominence to a small, regional sized, promotion. So what to do? Give Mitch what he wants... A company that defies our limited size in which to make PSW a trascendatory figure in a new era of professional wrestling.


Show Note: Up until now I've been pretty straight forward with what was going to happen on upcoming events. From now on, however, I plan on leaving a match or two out (if warranted) in which to generate some impromptu moments.
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"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Good Ole' Boys"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Frankie Future w/ Nicole Kiss? vs. "The Ring Generals"

[2 on 1 Handicap Match]

[Table Match]


Alex Braun vs. KILLER Colossus

[PSW Inferno Match]


Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin

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"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Good Ole' Boys"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Frankie Future w/ Nicole Kiss? vs. "The Ring Generals"

[2 on 1 Handicap Match]

[Table Match]


Alex Braun vs. KILLER Colossus

[PSW Inferno Match]


Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin

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"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Good Ole' Boys"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Frankie Future w/ Nicole Kiss? vs. "The Ring Generals"

[2 on 1 Handicap Match]

[Table Match]


Alex Braun vs. KILLER Colossus

[PSW Inferno Match]


Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin

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"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Good Ole' Boys"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]

The Dirty White Boys are too badass to lose this one.


Frankie Future w/ Nicole Kiss? vs. "The Ring Generals"

[2 on 1 Handicap Match]

[Table Match]

I could see Future winning but you would make a tag team look completely weak in the process.


Alex Braun vs. KILLER Colossus

[PSW Inferno Match]

Braun is more over than Colossus and so I think he gets the win to keep a happy locker room. Colossus loses by DQ or fluke though as to keep him from looking bad.


Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin

I just like Bryan Holmes much more than Martin.

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"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Good Ole' Boys"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


Frankie Future w/ Nicole Kiss? vs. "The Ring Generals"

[2 on 1 Handicap Match]

[Table Match]


Alex Braun vs. KILLER Colossus

[PSW Inferno Match]


Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin

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Your product changes are really good in my opinion. Independant promotions need their own personality so to speak, they can't be just SWF/TCW-Lite. That's exactly what you've done so far, and it's quite interesting, and adjusting your product accordingly just make senses. It's not like you've changed the product around or sacked 75% of the roster, it's a very believable move.


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Good Ole' Boys"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]

They just don't seem to slow down.


Frankie Future w/ Nicole Kiss? vs. "The Ring Generals"

[2 on 1 Handicap Match]

[Table Match]

Call me crazy, but I'd like to see Future to find a way out of this match and winning it.


Alex Braun vs. KILLER Colossus

[PSW Inferno Match]

So many interferences against Braun are to happen.


Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin

Holmes is bound to be your new leading star.

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Your product changes are really good in my opinion. Independant promotions need their own personality so to speak, they can't be just SWF/TCW-Lite. That's exactly what you've done so far, and it's quite interesting, and adjusting your product accordingly just make senses. It's not like you've changed the product around or sacked 75% of the roster, it's a very believable move.


Thanks, MrOnu.


I was hesitant at first to make any sort of changes as I didn't want to seem like I was messing around with PSW too much. However, I've been last in pretty much every Regional War since I started the diary and, in my eyes, with Mitch's fear of failure... He would be looking for his own little niche to try to pull the company out of the pits. ya know? Plus, with those brought in... The product change, i believe, just adds to PSW versus making it different all together.


I agree, 100%, that it's boring to run a TCW or SWF-lite version of a product.. And while PSW has shades of both... It is it's own entity at the same time.

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NEWS: A Shocking Title Change in TCW.

2nd Week of August 2008




[The International Championship changes hands]


Total Championship Wrestling shocked the wrestling world last night as, the consummate journeyman, Clark Alexander upset the reigning TCW International Champion, Wolf Hawkins, in what was expected to be a routine "fluff-defense". Clark, considered by many to be a roster-filler, somehow found a way to overcome the odds from within... Defeating Cornell's personal favorite within the company and forcing Hawkins into the awkward role of "former champion".


At this point, it's unknown whether or not company officials have a "higher calling" for the youngster this early on in his career, however, many are left scratching their heads as to why such a move was made.


When speaking with our "internal voice", within TCW, it was noted that officials have been locked in creative meetings for the last few weeks... Trying to find a way to overcome the overwhelming challenge of competing with the global juggernaut, SWF. With this being said, however, wouldn't a move like this be a move backwards in the greater scheme of things?


Needless to say, It looks as if TCW is going through a landscape change as they continue to push forward against "The Supreme Choice in Pro Wrestling".



PSW - "The Rising Inferno" Card


"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Good Ole' Boys"

Frankie Future w/ Nicole Kiss? vs. "The Ring Generals"

Alex Braun vs. KILLER Colossus

Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin

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Hehe remember the AI is more strict about belt designagtions Wolf probably became a main eventer so they took it off him btw Clark Alexander is a very underrated worker. Still can't let up the TCW bashing eh can ya Eisen? lol




You know me too well...







[SIDE NOTE: I thought that's probably what came to be, however, I want to document some of the "bigger" moments in my Cornellverse world as it gives an idea of the environment that PSW currently operates in. Not going to post stories like this a lot, however, when it comes up... It helps to give a glimpse of the wrestling world surrounding Pittsburgh.]

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Early August 2008

... "Backbone" of PSW ...




His physique was never really anything to gawk at. In an industry where "bigger is always better", Alex never stooped to those levels. It wasn't in his make-up to take the short cuts in life, but rather to build a career based upon justified respect.


Alex has always been known to be a bit of a "bumper". Someone who literally puts their health and well-being on the line every single night all in the name of the sport he loves so dearly. Don't believe me? Ask the man himself... He'll show you a trail of his scars dating back far before half of the PSW roster was even born. It's this mentality... This approach to life in general that has catapulted him, in his later years, to be arguably the face of Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling. An extremely important figure in the companies past, present, and future.


So, when I came to Alex with an insane request a few weeks back... It was almost as if I knew what his response was ultimately going to be straight out of the gate...



"Alex. Just the man I was looking for..."


The grizzled veteran looks up from his deck of cards. In the middle of a game of solitaire... Somewhat of an addiction for the mild-mannered figure.


"Hey John... [pauses as he plays a quick card] what... can I do for you?"


Not breaking from his game what so ever, however, still giving me the light of day... Which is all I was asking for.


I quickly pulled up a chair from the other side of the table he sits behind. Sitting backwards on the cold steel as I attempt to make eye contact with a man who is more so focused on his game than anything else.


"Mitch is looking for something to really blow the roof off of our next event. I'm feeling pressure in ways that I never thought possible. I've got to keep the creative end flowing while also making sure to push ahead with his new agenda... It's just... I don't really know what..."


"Get to the point, John."


I've been known to ramble from time to time. Okay, well maybe that's an understatement... Alex seemed to know exactly how to keep me on track, however. In a sense, he had the uncanny ability to peg anyone and then, in turn, bring the best out of them... That's why company officials have been using him as a Road Agent since PSW opened its doors in 2007. A practice that I was still honoring.


"Thank you. [Pauses] I wanted to know, well... Tell me if you're okay with this and we'll go ahead with our plans. okay?"


Alex doesn't' say a word... Rather, continuing to work on his game instead.


"Your program with "The Deadly Sin's" has been a complete success thus far. The internet is buzzing around what may come about next... And with that, we really need to knock this next chapter out of the park."




Again, responding while still focusing on his game at hand.


"Mitch and I want to know whether or not you would work an 'Inferno Match' with Larry. [Pauses] Larry's already given us his sign of approval. We're just waiting on you. I understand if you don't want to... I mean, we would hate for you to end up severely injured so close to.."


"Close to what?"


I was caught in a dillemma... Rumor has it that, while Alex knows of his impending retirement... He wasn't very open to talk about it.


"Well. You know... The end.... of your.... career"


Alex, looking up from his game now, places his cards down upon the table in front of him quite slowly. Looking me in the eye now... A quiet intensity raging through his pupils.


"My career will end when I want it to end. Got that, John?"


I quickly nodded my head... Terrified of what may come next.


"I don't need some youngin' telling me that my time is up... or that we're coming to the end soon. Only I will make that decision."


Awkward silence fills the room as certain PSW wrestlers slowly walk past us... Knowing that I had committed nothing short of a heinous crime in the Pro Wrestling Industry... talking about one's retirement before they were "ready" to talk about it. However, next.... The unthinkable happened.... I don't know if it was his internal need to "prove himself" still... or it was the fact that I had rilled him up enough to blur his sense of comprehension... However, it developed all on its own..

"Larry's okay with it? Count me in. We'll tear that place apart."

I wanted to dive across the table and give the man a hug, however, that would have probably ended with my arm being bent backwards over the table. While Alex was a mild-mannered soul... He was still a veteran of the sport and with that comes a heavy ability to carry baggage.


"Thank you, Alex. This is going to be... ha.... wow. You have no idea how excited I am about this one. I really appreciate it..."


"I'm not doing anyone no favor. [Pauses] Just make sure that you're at ringside buck.... So you can see that I 'ain't slowing down... Not today, not tomorrow, not anytime here in the near future. Got that?"


"Yes... yes... Oh god Yes. I'm looking forward to it!"


With that, the stage was set. The most controversial match in my short history with PSW was set to happen... Just what Mitch was looking for. However, I can't lie... That night, while I attempted to sleep, I couldn't stop my mind from racing.... Did I Make the right choice? Could someone's career, hell... their life, fall apart because of a match that I booked?


... "God... What the hell have I done?" ...

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"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Good Ole' Boys"

Cheaters never prosper, but they do tend to win more wrestling matches


Frankie Future w/ Nicole Kiss? vs. "The Ring Generals"

If this is a 2 on 1, Frankie probably loses, but I have to go with the Frankster, as he is my forum avatar ;)



Alex Braun vs. KILLER Colossus

I think Braun is heading towards retirement or unemployment, so its time to put over others.



Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin

Hot new star vs broken down former icon. I'm gonna go with the hot new star

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Just started playing a PSW game myself, and I found myself catching up with with this entire dynasty tonight. Great work, going a little different route than I am but thoroughly enjoying this.



The Dirty White Boys © vs. The Good Ole' Boys


Frankie Future w/ Nicole Kiss? vs. The Ring Generals


Alex Braun vs. KILLER Colossus


Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin

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Just started playing a PSW game myself, and I found myself catching up with with this entire dynasty tonight. Great work, going a little different route than I am but thoroughly enjoying this.


Thanks Falling_Star!


That's what's great about a company like PSW.... "Hardcore Companies" tend to be an all-inclusive kind of product. A wrestling product built around the left-overs, the forgotten, the starving for attention, Polarizing characters, the psychopaths, the people looking for more adult-based wrestling.... Really... It's all over the board. So, you can really take the company any which way that you want.


While my version of PSW looks like this... It could be booked a billion different ways.


Awesome diary, tons of fun. You really created an image for PSW that works.


Thanks, Pantaloons!


(Love your username by the way)


When I chose PSW I knew that I had to fall into my own version of the company. Develop a mixture of my own view on the company while still keeping a lot of it's original feel. Overall, it took me a little longer to really settle into my "branding" of PSW (as my X-WA Diary I had a weekly TV show and a PPV to write for... So, I had a lot more opportunity to flesh our storylines and characters vs. PSW where I have one show a month)... However, I'm really happy where things are going!



Looks like Clark Alexander main eventer might be in the works for your game as well.


God, I can only hope. :p However, that would be for selfish reasons... As TCW would probably fall in size and some people on their roster would eventually be available to my picking. ha.

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Do not underestimate the power of the Hawaiian Technician if he gets a good destiny role despite his star quality he is right up there with the Machines in terms of quality.


Jeez defending TCW in a PSW diary while I have switched to doing a TNA one lol. (And yes plug!)

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+ Streaming LIVE via PSW.com +

"The Ministry" Event Center




John Greed and KILLER Colossus

... Menacing Promo ...


[The PSW's August 2008 Live Event, "The Rising Inferno", opens with the view of John Greed standing a few feet from the webcam camera lens as the monster, KILLER Colossus, is also seen towering, over the much smaller Greed, in the background. A black & white filter, along with a shaky-cam delivery, certainly perpetuates a menacing overtone as the borderline psychotic, John Greed, expels a deadly rant centered upon KILLER's opponent for tonight, Alex Braun.]


John Greed: You were given a chance, Alex.... An opportunity of a lifetime last month at "The Vile and the Vengeful". However, you threw it all away.... Just like you threw away any hope of redemption in the eyes of the just. [Pauses] Your inability to recognize your own SIN is something that will haunt you for the remainder of your days... Not only, here in PSW, but far past your date of retirement... As you face the constant public ridicule that comes with your decision. You believe that you're better than us? That, in some way, your SIN's are forgivable? [Creepy Chuckle] Think again. The only difference between you and I is that I am grounded enough to embrace my misfortunes... my downfalls... My real sense of self. But you? You, Alex, are too busy trying to persuade others WHY you're relevant in the world of wrestling today. Your day has come and past.... Your time in this industry has seen it's moments of glory, however, just as every great figure... Your physical presence must fade. [Pause] But you don't believe that to be true, Right Alex? You believe that we are all suppose to drop on bended-knee before you like some sort of diety.... [Evil Grin]... Another sin of your SINNING ways. You want us to worship you, Cherish you, scream your name from on high? We can move on past your selfishness, however, this is where I draw the line.... A GOD Complex? [Evil Laughter] Who do you think you are, Alex? I'm sure just like before, You will NEVER agree to embrace your REAL-SELF... A SINNER... A man of misfortune. [Pause] Therefore, we will see to it that your soul is put to rest with other actions.... Finally freeing you from your destructive self. [Pauses] Tonight, Alex, you will Burn.... You will BURN for your SIN'S.


[With that, John Greed delivers a truly menacing stint of laughter... Almost as if he was a mentally unstable patient locked away in a padded room... talking and laughing to himself. As Greed's message comes to a close, the webcam camera slowly zooms past Greed, Still in the process of executing a shaky camera viewpoint, and focusing in on the 7 foot tall MONSTER that is KILLER Colossus. As the taped promo comes to a close, KILLER is seen 'sporting an evil grin from ear to ear... All the while rubbing his hands together in a show of eagerness.]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: Tonight is going to get out of hand.... You know it is, Mitch. With John Greed spouting off rhetoric like this.... Sometimes the worst of violence comes from those who consider themselves justified via a moral agenda.

Mitch Naess: I fear you're right, Doc. We've brought in a number of EMT's for tonight's secondary Main Event between Alex Braun and KILLER Colossus... We want to make sure that no one loses their life over such a bout.

Doc Messing: All we can do, at this point, is sit back and hope that no one is seriously hurt tonight...



"The Dirty White Boys" © vs. "The Good Ole' Boys"

[PSW Tag Team Championship Match]


If you like unadulterated Hardcore Violence then you would have been a fan of the opening match as the country-bumpkin-like "Good Ole' Boys" squared off against the "tough as nails" biker duo, and PSW Champions, "The Dirty White Boys". There wasn't a moment during this short altercation where a weapon wasn't placed in someone's hand... Hell, at one point, both tag teams were standing on either side of the ring... Ready to strike with an array of weapons ranging for a steel chair, a STOP sign, baseball bat, and a large crowbar.... After a few seconds of building the anticipation... Both teams collided in the middle of the ring... "The Dirty White Boys" gaining the upper hand by flooring both Wooton and Thimbleby with what they had in hand. Despite the craziness, which tends to be loved by the extremely vocal PSW Crowd, there was a hint of dissatisfaction as it seemed that the crowd wasn't really into Wooton for whatever reason.... As he was held in utter contempt. In the end, however, "The Dirty White Boys" continued their unmatched dominance in PSW by defeating, yet another, tag team... Bringing their record to 4-0 since their debut in March 2008. Wooton, groggy from a baseball bat like swing from Lead Belly with a tennis racket to the head, was forced into The Champions combo finisher, "The Dirty Bomb" (A powerbomb overthrow backwards into a big boot)... Picking up a standard three count from R.M. Stones.


"The Dirty White Boys" defeat "The Good Ole' Boys" in 4:53 via a "Dirty Bomb".

Grade: D-


Doc Messing: Chalk up another victory for "The Dirty White Boys".

Mitch Naess: These guys continue to impress as they have now successfully defended their titles for the 3rd time since winning them back in March.

Doc Messing: So far, it seems that no one can really compete with these two... Maybe at some point we may see a worthy challenger but we haven't seen it yet!



Johnny Martin

... Storming the Ring ...


[Johnny Martin was at the center of one of the most shocking moments in PSW's short history last month as the debuting Bryan Holmes appeared to be on his side, however, turned on the SUPER-Face, Martin, shortly after their handicap main event bout. With that being said, Johnny was wasting no time what so ever.... As the crowd showered him with a legit response of adoration, Martin quickly stormed into the ring and grabbed a mic.... Aggressive in his manor.... Looking to verbally assault his attacker from last month.]


Johnny Martin: You all know me from my days in DaVE.... [Crowd errupts]... That's a given. I built my career upon breaking my back each and every time I stepped into the ring... All in the name of extending Phil's dream. However, there were some in the back who never really understood my rise... People who were prematurely jaded and felt that their position within the company was somehow negatively influenced by my success.... In a sense, a bunch of whiny little bitches [crowd pops] who had nothing better to do than to blame someone else for their inability to "get the job done".... [Pauses].... People like Bryan Holmes.


[The crowd boo's like crazy at the sound of Bryan's name. Due to his swerve last month, Holmes has become THE most hated figure in PSW today.]


Johnny Martin: So, when I heard that he was coming to PSW... I was bracing for another round of... "You screwed me over! You held me back"... but I found myself on the same side of the ring with the man. It looked as if his time in Japan had turned him into a changed man.... However, as you can see, that wasn't the case. [Pauses] I should have known... Once a crybaby... Always a crybaby. [Crowd pops] So what is it now Bryan? Your chance at Vengeance? So be it.... If you want to bring the 90's back out into the forefront... Believe me, I have nothing to hide. It wasn't me who walked out and ran to Japan.... So go ahe...



Bryan Holmes

... THE most Hated Man makes his Arrival ...


[With that, Bryan Holmes theme music blares over the low grade sound system in the "Ministry" Event Center. A mixture of pure metal and Gregorian chanting fills the, once, sacred grounds as Bryan Holmes slowly steps through the black curtains... Staring down Johnny Martin with a feverish pitch to it all. The crowd closest to the entrance way looks to be severely riled up as they point in Holmes direction... Yelling obscenities to wards the international superstar, however, this doesn't seem to break Holmes's concentration... Instead, he continues to walk to wards the ringside area... Never breaking eye contact with the former PSW Champion.]


[Holmes comes to the point where he is on the verge of climbing up the steel steps when all of a sudden there is a commotion to the left side of the screen. The confusion turns into a shocking attack as the PSW Champion, Mr. Morgan, is seen jumping over the steel guardrail and sliding into the ring. With Martin unable to hear anything (due to Holmes's music) and his focus primarily on the man who "turned" on him last month.... The former PSW Champion has no idea what's coming his way.]



Mr. Morgan

... The Attack ...


[With Martin's back to him, Mr. Morgan quickly lays out the former Champion with the very title belt he once carried with pride... Slamming the golden plate into the back of his head. Upon impact, Johnny collapses to the canvas in a thunderous heap. Mr. Morgan watches on, now, as Martin slowly tries to push himself back up to his feet... However, would never have the chance to truly do so, as the PSW Champion continues his assault... Finally laying Martin out for good with a butterflied belly to back suplex onto the PSW Championship!]


[With Martin down and out due to a sneak attack from Mr. Morgan... The PSW Champion now pulls himself back up to his feet... Staring down Bryan Holmes, who still stands in the base of the ring, watching the violence unfold. Neither man backs down from their staring as there seems to be a very awkward situation going on at this point.... A situation that no one really knows understands.]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: I just don't get it, Mitch. Last month it looked like these two were bitter rivals and now, all of a sudden, it looks as if they worked in tandem to take out the former PSW Champion.

Mitch Naess: I don't get it either, Doc. I thought I knew last month but it looks like there are certainly more levels to this rivalry.... Something that I'm sure will be ironed out in time.

Doc Messing: God I hope because, at this point, I have no idea what this is all about.... Are Mr. Morgan and Bryan Holmes working as a team? Are they not? Is this all just some random circumstance?



Frankie Future w/ Nicole Kiss vs. "The Ring Generals"

[Table Match]


The second match of the night started off with a roaring ovation as Nicole Kiss made her return to "The Ministry" Event Center following a heinous attack by "The Ring Generals" last month. However, she didn't look to be 100% as her neck appeared to be overtly stiff... most likely hinting at a neck injury following the spiked piledriver she suffered only 30 days ago. With that being said, Frankie Future looked to have shaved off 10 years of his life... Brawling as if he was back in his 20's all over again... Fighting for the honor of the young Ms. Kiss. With each and every strike... It looked as if Frankie was riding a wave of momentum... Looking as if he was unstoppable as he floored both youngsters in the process. At one point, it looked as if he was going to make quick work out of "The Ring Generals" as he attempted to powerbomb Dean through a table waiting on the outside... However, Marv was fortunate enough to chop block the back of the veteran's right knee... Forcing him to let go.


Nicole Kiss, showing her discomfort with her body language, tried to cheer on Frankie... However, her cheer leading was barely heard as her voice lacked the confidence to rise over a whisper.


In the end, Frankie was slowly starting to show signs that he couldn't keep up with two other wrestlers (especially those almost half of his age) as he spent more and more time on the canvas. Shortly following a lengthy standing suplex, Marv was seen reaching down over the top rope and grabbing the terrified Nicole by her hair... Pulling her up onto the apron as Ms. Kiss screamed out in pain... Crying the entire time. The PSW crowd, firmly behind Nicole, becomes rather violent in their verbal onslaught as various fans are seen throwing things into the ring in the direction of Marv... Trying to do their best to stop the carnage. However, just as Marv goes to pull Nicole into the ring all together... Frankie dives back to his feet and takes out the arrogant youngster... Executing his signature "Frank-N-Hurter" in the process... Putting Marv out for good. In most cases this would signify the end of the match, however, this was not your standard affair... Frankie, possibly forgetting this, goes over to make sure that Nicole is okay (as she lays on the apron crying)... Which gave Dean Waldorf enough room to slip in from behind and stagger Frankie with a forearm shiver to the back of his head. Groggy, Frankie tries to spin around and fight off his attacker, however, it's too late... Dean quickly picks up the much larger Future into a Fireman's Carry.... Throwing him over his shoulder with force and driving him through a nearby table in waiting.


"The Ring Generals" defeat Frankie Future in 10:21 via a Fireman's Carry Slam onto an awaiting Table.

Grade: E+


Mitch Naess: Frankie Future is one of the bigger superstars on our roster, however, when you're forced to go up against 2 other men, in this case 15 years younger than you, there's a good chance that you're not going to walk out as the victor.

Doc Messing: That's true, Mitch. You can be one hell of a singles star but when it comes down to the numbers game... I'll put my money on any tag team in a 2 on 1 bout. The sheer man power gives you a major advantage.

Mitch Naess: Sadly, in his attempt to save Nicole from another attack... It opened the door up for someone to sneak in and pick up the win.



PSW Tag Champions, "The Dirty White Boys"

... Walking Backstage ...


[With their victory over "The Good Ole' Boys" behind them, Lead Belly and Grease Hogg are seen walking through a dim and dreary hallway leading to wards the basement of the former Church, NOW the make-shift locker room area for the boys in the back. As the menacing heavyweights pass a darkened shadow of where I cross use to hang upon the wall, They enter into the "locker room" area to see Teddy Powell leaning his back up against the wall with a ****y grin running from ear to ear.]



Teddy Powell

... The Instigator ...


[At first, "The Dirty White Boys" don't even notice him there, however, Powell certainly makes his presence known shortly there after with a verbal jab in the direction of the PSW Tag Champions.]


Teddy Powell: Feeling high and mighty?


[Teddt laughs and delivers his next line in a truly sarcastic way]


Teddy Powell: You beat the "The Good Ole' Boys"... wow... What a feat! [Laughs] Hell, you've mowed over the entire PSW Tag Team Roster, haven't you? [sarcastically claps] Bravo.... You're the best tag team in a sh*t-hole division. [Laughs] You should definitely be proud of your "achievement".


Lead Belly: Who the F*ck are you?


Teddy Powell: Who the F*ck am I? [Laughs] So disgruntled, Lead. I'm just a beacon of truth.... That's all.


Grease Hogg: No... No.... More like a future coma patient.


[both Lead Belly and Grease Hogg slowly make their way over to the arrogant Powell as Teddy starts to show signs of confidence breaking... Still smirking, however, his eyes darting every which way.]


Teddy Powell: Whoa... Whoa... [Motions to back-up] Let's talk about this...


Lead Belly: We don't talk...


[Lead Belly grabs Powell by the collar of his shirt and slams him up against the wall... Meanwhile, Powell's arrogant smirk has fallen by the wayside.]


Teddy Powell: Get your god damn hands off of me. [Trying to think quickly to survive] How about this? You want a fight, Lead? [Light Chuckle] Let's set it for tonight... You and me... one on one.... [Looks over at Grease Hogg] Leave your "bitch" in the back and we'll settle this like men.


[While these words are coming out of Teddy's mouth... For some reason it seems foreign to him]


Grease Hogg: Bitch? Bitch? [shakes his head] Your f*cking dead you little punk...


Lead Belly: Wait...


[Lead Belly extends his free arm out to stop Grease Hogg. A devilish grin grows on his face in the process.]


Lead Belly: You and me, tonight? [Chuckles] You've got yourself a deal.... however, that title of yours [Points to the PSW National Championship sitting on the table off to the right]... will be on the line as well.


[Powell breaks his shocking tough persona for a second to show that he looks to be legitimately scared over losing his title, however, knowing the situation he's in right now... He goes ahead as planned]


Teddy Powell: Fine... Fine... Just make sure that this dipsh*t.... [his eyes darting over to wards Grease Hogg]... Isn't anywhere near the ring.


[Grease Hogg, attempts again to jump at Powell... However, Lead Belly holds him back... Powell, let go from Belly's grasp, cracks his shoulder and neck in a sign of re-adjusting himself. Walking away from the scene with his National Championship now over his shoulder.]


Grade: D


Mitch Naess: Teddy's lucky that he's still alive...

Doc Messing: You don't mess with these guys... From what we've seen thus far, They have no remorse for a good ole' fashion beating.

Mitch Naess: Exactly. Now, Teddy needs to find a way to survive as tonight it will be he and Lead Belly for the PSW National Championship!

Doc Messing: We could see the PSW's first ever double champion in Lead Belly!

Mitch Naess: Anything to shut Teddy Powell's mouth....



Teddy Powell © vs. Lead Belly

[PSW National Championship Match]


Teddy Powell looked extremely uneasy as he walked to the ring... Almost as if he was the physical personification of a "dead man walking". Lead Belly, on the other hand, was riled up from their altercation only moments ago... Snarling in the direction of the PSW National Champion as he bolts to wards the ringside area on his classic steel hog. The atmosphere was building upon Belly's outward showing of aggression as the crowd's pitch becomes much louder at this point... Watching on as Lead Belly quickly took control of the match with an array of power strikes... Finally, laying out the arrogant Powell with a monstrous Big Boot (A move that flips Powell completely over before he hits the canvas below). Needless to say, Teddy was in a world of hurt as it looked like Lead Belly was on the verge of making quick work of the Champ. Even without Grease Hogg at his side, one-half of the Tag Champions, Lead Belly, was on a tear.... Using the entire ringside area as his own personal weapon. At one point, guerrilla press slamming Powell into the crowd... A move that would generate a major pop for the "tough as nails" Biker.


In the end, Teddy Powell was struggling to stay concious... His body bent, bruised, and broken by the towering monster that is Lead Belly. It all looked to be over and done with following a powerful Irish whip into a nearby turnbuckle (the padding removed; which forced Powell to drop to the canvas pretty force ably following the impact). Powell's lifeless body was lifted off of the mat and placed in a powerbomb position by Lead Belly. Belly, sensing that he was on the verge of winning the National Championship, looks out upon the crowd and slams his fist against his chest in a primal show of dominance... Finally reaching down for Powell and lifting him up off the canvas.


The thing is, Lead didn't notice that Powell had reached into his black leather boot while being bent over for a powerbomb... Retrieving something from within his leather footware. When lifted up in the powerbomb position, Powell quickly makes use of his concealed weapon... Spraying Lead Belly square in the eyes with what seems to be pepper spray. Belly, upon realizing what's happening as pain shoots through his body, quickly lets go of Powell... Staggering to wards the ropes while clawing at his face. Without the ability to see what was coming... Lead continues to claw at his face... Walking out to wards where he had dropped Powell, unbelievably pissed off about what has transpired, swinging like a mad man! However, he was never able to get his hands on the crafty Powell... As Teddy lands his signature "Motion Censor" (leaping superkick) upon the jaw of the expecting Lead Belly. In the end, gaining a standard three count from R.M. Stones. Shortly after the pinfall, Teddy is seen running into the crowd with his National Championship in hand as Grease Hogg races to wards the ring to defend his tag partner.


Teddy Powell retains the PSW National Championship by defeating Lead Belly in 11:48 via a "Motion Censor".

Grade: D


Doc Messing: As much as I love to hate Teddy Powell... You can deny the fact that he's a scrappy little fighter. Always find a way to overcome the odds.

Mitch Naess: He doesn't win pretty but he wins.... I guess that's all that matters in the end.

Doc Messing: Coming away by the skin of his teeth once again... however, I'm sure that this isn't the last we've seen of this budding feud between Teddy Powell and "The Dirty White Boys"...

Mitch Naess: It doesn't matter how crafty Powell is... I don't see him surviving any sort of continued altercation with the likes of "The Dirty White Boys"...

Doc Messing: Agreed. Especially without Mr. Morgan seemingly at his side, Teddy may have bitten off a little too much this time.



Alex Braun

... The Response ...


[in a response to John Greed's earlier promo, Alex Braun stands before a webcam-camera lens in a dimly lit room. The grizzled veteran looks as if he hasn't slept in days... His expressions are cold, his eyes are bloodshot, his overall demeanor looks to be entangled in a state of internal struggle. It only takes a few seconds for Alex to address those watching from the comfort of their own home, via the internet, as his message is that of hardened reality.]


Alex Braun: I've heard the whispers.... [Pause]... The piercing judgment forced upon my career.... My life. [Anger begins to build] They say that it's time for me to call it quits... That I should do the "right thing" and move on with my life. "Hang up my boots" for the final time... Doing my own health a service. [Pauses] The thing is though... How would walking away from this industry be of any service to myself? I LIVE.... EAT.... BREATHE.... AND CHERRISH THIS INDUSTRY! IT'S WHO I AM.... IT'S WHO I WILL ALWAYS BE!


[With little, to no, emotion present upon his face... The anger from within seems to be coming from somewhere unknown. His eyes fixated solely upon the lens before him.]


Alex Braun: You want to tell me that I'm done? That it's time for others to move up the ranks? [shakes his head] F*CK THEM! Did you hear me? To those who say I should walk off into the sunset..... [slows his speech down very slowly to send a message] F********CCKK YOOOUUUUUUUUU!


[Alex intensely stairs into the camera and allows for a powerful moment of silence sending his point home.]


Alex Braun: You speak of SIN? Of my hypocritical ways, John? That's fine.... Go ahead.... Do what you must. However, remember this one thing.... It won't be ME burning for my SIN'S.... Rather, the giant in your corner will come tumbling down... Burning in his descent!


[With that, Alex's short promo comes to a close with an elongated fade to black.]


Grade: C-


Mitch Naess: I don't think I've ever seen Alex like this before... Sure, he's known for his brash mentality within the ropes, however, I've never seen him act in this manor before. It's almost as if he's breaking apart from within.

Doc Messing: A proud, proud, veteran whose found himself at a crossroads.... Everyone's telling him to "move forward" and retire... But, I don't think Alex ever considered that option. That's why it's seemingly causing Alex to generate these kind of emotional outbursts.

Mitch Naess: At 47 it's safe to say that the end of your career is not too far off of the horizon.... However, veteran's like Braun should be given their own choice of when to call it quits.... Not having others force it upon him. If he thinks he can still compete then by all means... He's welcome here in Pittsburgh.



Alex Braun vs. KILLER Colossus w/ John Greed

[PSW Inferno Match]


Unlike companies with major budgets, PSW didn't have the entire ring surrounded by a wall of flames. Something like that would have cost way to much and for a company at this level... Something like that could certainly bankrupt you in the end. With that being said, there was a burlap sack sitting in the corner of the ring underneath one of the turnbuckles FULL of fire starting tools. A sack that would go on to haunt many in the closing moments of the match....


The match itself was an extremely brutal affair as Alex Braun looked to PROVE that he's not in the final moments of his career... Instead, bringing the fight to the much larger KILLER Colossus with fists of fury. Everything looked to be in Alex's favor as the aging veteran was pushing the Monster on his heels... Even flooring him with a series of baseball like steel chair shots to the skull... The final one, of 4 shots, finally dropped KILLER to the canvas below... However, it wasn't a long stay as KILLER was already attempting to pull himself back up to his feet using his brute strength in doing so. All was great for Alex through most of the beginning but, as you know, all good things must come to an end.... Following a trip up attempt from John Greed as Alex hit the ropes... KILLER found a way to make a major comeback using a quick chokeslam... Throwing Alex over the top rope and crashing to the cement floor below (almost on top of John Greed in the process).


If that wasn't bad enough, the other members of "The Deadly SIN" made their way down to the ring (Primal Rage and Acedia) in a methodical, and quite chilling, entrance into the ringside area. Alex, sensing that it was "do or die" at this moment, quickly grabbed hold of a nearby metal trash can lid... Bashing Primal Rage to the floor just before sliding back into the ring. Acedia, going after Braun following Greed's declaration of violence, slowly reaches for the "odd man out", however, was staggered back as well following a string of strikes from Braun... Finally sending him to the canvas with a dropkick to the massive figure's right knee. All was great... Alex was successfully defending himself against the entire faction, however, he forgot about one thing.... KILLER Colossus was the man he was actually competing against.


KILLER Colossus quickly dives at Alex with a lighter in hand... Swinging the small flame to wards Alex's mohawk... However, Alex was able to move out of the way and drop KILLER with a quick kick to the gutt followed by a ring shaking DDT. With KILLER, down and out now, Alex quickly grabs the burlap sack from the corner of the ring... Pulling out a stick with a swab on the end, a small carton of gasoline, and a lighter as well. Dousing the swab with gas, Alex goes to light it... Only to have Acedia come back into the picture... Knocking it out of his hands and engaging him in an all out brawl. A fight that would eventually be won by Braun as he closelines the monster out of the ring. One man down... Primal Rage is now seen trying to jump after Braun from the top rope (something he's not known for).. However, his attempt was a complete failure as Braun quickly dives out of the way... Having Rage smash into his own partner, KILLER Colossus.... A move that had Rage crashing to the canvas below with much force.... however, KILLER still stands on his feet as if nothing had happened (A true sign of his absolute power).


KILLER attempts to go after Braun, however, all hell would break loose shortly following.... Braun, seeing his opening, quickly lights the swab on fire (while laying on the matt)... Spinning around and blowing fire in the direction of a standing KILLER Colossus. The flames quickly reach the right side of Colossus's head... His hair starting on fire and stretching down to the side of his mask as well. The crowd is in complete shock as KILLER Colossus staggers around the ring attempting to put the fire out himself as the right side of his head continues to burn.


Alex Braun defeats KILLER Colosuss in 12:23 via starting him on Fire.

Grade: D-



Mitch Naess: Someone needs to put him out right now.... The match is done.... Someone put that out!



KILLER Colossus

... The Giant Burns ...


[The PSW crowd watches on in horror as KILLER Colossus drops to his knees, in the middle of the ring, as flames rage upon the right side of his hair and mask. R.M. Stones, quick to react, extinguishes the life-threatening fire... However, the damage has already been done. Colossus, seen laying face down upon the matt... rolling around frantically as he screams out in pain, may have been forced into early retirement with such an outcome as John Greed is seen climbing into the ring... Attempting to subdue the injured monster. EMT's quickly rush the ringside area, a team of 4 or 5, and immediately begin to wrap KILLER's head with a thick layer of gause... Trying their best to, not only help the violent monster, but also attempting to stay out of his way as he wildly flings his arms around... Looking to connect with whatever he can... As, just like a confused injured animal, KILLER Colossus is acting out in a desperate sense of innately protecting himself. In the end, Colossus is helped from the ringside area... Gauzed up heavily upon his face... Barely able to stand.... Ultimately a sharp contrast to how he initially came to the ring.]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: Oh.... My.... God..... [silence] I don't care who it is... They should NEVER have to go through something like that. [silence] Jesus, all you can do now is hope that he'll be able to recover just simply for quality of life purposes.

Mitch Naess: We may have witnessed the end of KILLER Colossus's career in this very match-up. Something I never thought I would see this early on in PSW... Then again, "The Deadly SIN's" have certainly made a name for themselves through their violent actions... So, "If you live by the sword... You may ultimately die by the sword."

Doc Messing: I guess.... but still... Did you see his face? [silence] I can't get the image out of my head... He was afraid for his life....

Mitch Naess: Our thoughts and prayers go out to Colossus at a time like this...



Bryan Holmes vs. Johnny Martin


With the crowd, still, a little thrown off by witnessing KILLER Colossus suffer before them while on fire... The overall tone was slowly starting to shift to wards the most anticipated match of the night as Johnny Martin attempts to gain a sense of retribution for what Bryan Holmes did to him last month. A fact that was very evident from the very onset as Johnny Martin came out of the gate with a high level of intensity... Looking to inflict as much pain as possible in a short period of time. His fists were, hands down, his best weapon through out most of the match as the glorified brawler wouldn't' back down. Even as Bryan Holmes began to take control of the match, Johnny still wouldn't let up... Like the fighter that he is, Martin continued to throw vicious strikes following every exchange. While this may have worked against a lesser oponent... Brawling wasn't enough to keep Bryan Holmes at bay as the accomplished technician began to keep the former PSW Champion grounded with a collection of throws followed by long submission holds. At one point, it looked as if Martin was going to tap out around the 10 minute mark as Bryan was successful in locking in a standing single-leg crab... Putting the pressure on Martin's, well documented, bad back. However, the former Champ found a way to not only break out of the hold but also deliver a strong "2nd wind".


To wards the end of the match, the PSW Champion Mr. Morgan was seen coming out of the back to get a closer look of the action. With his Championship Gold over his shoulder, Mr. Morgan stood inches from the ring... His arms crossed the entire time... Looking to get into the head of both Holmes and Martin in the process. The thing is, he actually did... Both wrestlers found themselves looking over at the Champ following any successful move... Almost as if to say "You're next".


In the end, however, Mr. Morgan's presence became more of a problem for one man than the other.... Johnny Martin began to loose focus... Almost as if he was so fixated on the Championship belt that he once possessed that he began to look ahead at the potential of once again regaining his beloved title. This fact opened up enough room for Bryan Holmes to catch Martin with his signature "Final Impact".... Halting any chance at a "3rd wind" from the former PSW Champion.


Bryan Holmes defeats Johnny Martin in 22:42 via a "Final Impact".

Grade: C-


Mitch Naess: I can't believe it.... Johnny Martin has always been known for his impenetrable focus, however, tonight... He fell victim to the very thing that's been a strength of his for years. Very, very weird to see.

Doc Messing: It looks as if his loss of the PSW Championship has spiraled him into this position... He doesn't look like the fighter that he use to be.

Mitch Naess: Almost as if he's "lost his way"...

Doc Messing: I think this confusing Triangle is finally getting to him... He doesn't know what to make of it just like we don't....



Bryan Holmes, Johnny Martin, and Mr. Morgan

... The War Rages On ...


[Johnny Martin hasn't moved an inch since falling victim to an opportunistic Bryan Holmes. Actually, the former PSW Champion appears to be fighting for consciousness as he stairs up at the ceiling lights... Batting his eyes in an attempt to regain his composure. Meanwhile, Bryan Holmes has pulled himself back up to his knees... Locking eyes with the CURRENT PSW Champion, Mr. Morgan, who still resides outside of the ring. The two, presumed, Heels exchange the same "ice cold" stair at one another as R.M. Stones tries to raise Holmes arm as the victor, however, Bryan is much too focused on Mr. Morgan to agree to such a display. Instead, Holmes slowly brings himself back up to his feet... Leaning on the top ring rope nearest Morgan... Looking down upon the Champion. A few seconds pass as Mr. Morgan slowly raises the PSW Championship high into the air with his right hand.... Almost as if to remind Bryan that HE is the Champion, therefore, HE is the MAN in PSW.]


["The Rising Inferno" would come to a close as both Morgan and Holmes continue their epic stairdown.... Meanwhile, Johnny Martin has rolled himself over onto his stomach... Facing out wards on the other side of the ring, still seemingly taking a second to regain his focus. Shortly after, the former PSW Champion begins to shake his head in disapproval over his loss... Pissed at himself for losing, yet another, high profile match in a stretch of a few months.]


Grade: D+


Doc Messing: I don't get these two.... Last month it looked as if Holmes was against Mr. Morgan.... Then earlier on tonight it looked as if they were working in tandem to "one-up" Johnny Martin... Then in tonight's Main Event, once again, it appeared as if the PSW Champion was in the corner of Bryan Holmes... However, now... It looks as if these two are on the verge of an all-out brawl. What the hell is going on?

Mitch Naess: I don't think anyone really knows, Doc, and to be honest.... I don't think they WANT us to know what's going on.

Doc Messing: Do you think they are working in tandem? Could Bryan Holmes be Mr. Morgan's new ally despite the fact that Holmes originally chose Johnny Martin's side last month?

Mitch Naess: I'm not sure, Doc. Knowing Bryan Holmes, as I do, I don't believe they are working together... Bryan doesn't really believe in "allies"... never have and I'm sure he never will. [Pauses] Then again, with the potential demise of "The Untouchables", Mr. Morgan may have offered the PSW Newcomer some sort of deal under the table.

Doc Messing: Like an Alliance that would ultimately benefit Holmes?

Mitch Naess: That's all I can think of.... That's the only reason I EVER see Bryan agreeing to any sort of an alliance.


[Fade to Black]







Overall Show Grade: D+

[Popularity Increased!]

Attendance: 567

Diary Prediction Winner(s): Marcel Fromage, Maskedprogaganda, Sean McFly, Juggaloninjalee (4 out of 4)!!!!

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NEWS: A War to be waged upon USPW?

4th week of August 2008





There has been a great deal of buzz circulating through out the internet this morning that the Tri-State based promotion, Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling, may be on the verge of a declaration of War. Against who you might ask? While this information can only be classified as a rumor, thus far, it's been said that United States Pro Wrestling may be down the "barrel of their gun".


Why would such a small company look to start a war with a much larger, more successful, promotion?


Underneath it all, It seems that the "war" would, more so, be based upon their conflicting products versus those within the company itself. A classic rivalry of "Family Friendly" vs. "Cult Violence".


Again, this is only being labeled as a rumor at this point as neither side has confirmed, or denied, their position.


More to come...

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The Monster Burns



NEWS: KILLER Colossus burns at the hands of Alex Braun.


"Discusting"... "Intense"... "Sickening"...


This is what we've heard from those in attendance, and watching via a live webcast at PSW.com, as it pertains to the vicious ending of the "Inferno Match" between Alex Braun and KILLER Colossus.


"I can't believe what I saw tonight. I saw his face on fire!" proclaimed John Strasberg, an area Pittsburgh resident in attendance. "I couldn't look away... I wanted to... but I just couldn't".


His statement seems to be on par with most others flooding the internet. "Did you see that? Damn, That was wicked" posted BLZBubbFan22.


While little is known about the overall health of KILLER Colossus following such an event... It's safe to say that the vile figure may be out of action for quite some time. Even as a freakish monster, there's no way that someone can rebound that quickly.


As we stated, though, his overall health is unknown at this time as Colossus was seen storming out of the "Ministry" Event Center moments after paramedics attempted to deliver medical attention to the "towering inferno". Those who were backstage said that even John Greed was unable to subdue the beast.... As he shoved Greed up against the wall and stormed off into the midnight air... Never to be heard from again...


More to this story in the future...

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