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The Curious Case of WCW

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Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. and Chris Jericho

This was a tough one for me, because I can really see this match going either way.


TV Title Match: Disco Inferno © vs Prince Iaukea

Raven vs Scott Riggs

Cruiserweight Title Match: Eddie Guerrero © vs Jushin Liger

Mortis vs Rob Van Dam

It's all about Mr. Monday Night


Lex Luger vs Syxx

Luger gets the win here over a not so big member of the NWO


Main Event: Scott Hall vs Ric Flair

After some outside interferances from Mr. Henning himself

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Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. and Chris Jericho


Disco Inferno © vs Prince Iaukea


Raven vs Scott Riggs


Eddie Guerrero © vs Jushin Liger


Mortis vs Rob Van Dam


Lex Luger vs Syxx (I hate Syxx, go a head push him, I will vote against the man every time)

Scott Hall vs Ric Flair

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Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. and Chris Jericho

TV Title Match: Disco Inferno © vs Prince Iaukea

Raven vs Scott Riggs

Cruiserweight Title Match:Eddie Guerrero © vs Jushin Liger

Mortis vs Rob Van Dam

Lex Luger vs Syxx

Main Event: Scott Hall vs Ric Flair

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Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis vs Rey Mysterio, Jr. and Chris Jericho

TV Title Match: Disco Inferno © vs Prince Iaukea

Raven vs Scott Riggs

Cruiserweight Title Match: Eddie Guerrero © vs Jushin Liger

Mortis vs Rob Van Dam

Lex Luger vs Syxx

Main Event: Scott Hall vs Ric Flair

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WCW Monday Night Nitro goes live from the Dean E. Smith Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina in front of a capacity crowd of 21,572. The crowd goes wild as Larry Zbyszko returns to his chair after his customary bow.




Tony: Ladies and gentlemen you have found Monday Night on TNT, and boy do we have a big show for you tonight. Right here tonight, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, the hero of the Mid-Atlantic, Ric “The Nature Boy” Flair will be in action against Scott Hall. Fans, I promise you this. If ever you were going to see a main event, THIS is the one you want to watch because nothing beats Ric Flair in the ring in North Carolina. But guys, before we get to the rest of the show, Bobby “the Brain”…I think you have an announcement.


Bobby: Schiavone, I’ve been doing this for a long time. I’ve been in this business for multiple decades now, and well…it’s time for me to walk away. I’ve decided to retire.


Tony: We’re certainly sad to see you go Brain, you’ve been a huge part of this company and huge part of wrestling in general. I think I speak for all fans when I say “Thank you Brain.”


Brain: Well, I appreciate it Tony. Halloween Havoc will officially be my last broadcast.


Tony: Just one more reason to watch the biggest ppv event of the fall, Halloween Havoc. Speaking of which, that card is shaping up nicely.


Larry: That’s right Ton. Ric Flair will get his hands on Curt Hennig in a steel cage, Diamond Dallas Page will get his hands on Randy Savage, and…


[in the middle of Larry Zbyszko hyping Halloween Havoc, the lights die in the arena and the all too familiar music of the nWo blares throughout the Dean Smith Center. Being die-hard Horsemen country, the crowd in the Dean Smith Center is booing almost 100%. Throughout the arena there is only a handful of nWo supporters. Out of the entrance tunnel first comes Eric Bischoff, blowing sarcastic kisses to the crowd. Behind him is Hollywood Hogan, strumming on the air-guitar. Next come the World Tag Team champions, The Outsiders, and their “little buddy” Syxx. Curt Hennig walks out behind them, followed by Randy Savage who is on crutches. Elizabeth is tending to him as they make their way to the ring.





Tony: Guys, either I’m blind, or the New World Order is a few men short? Where are Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton? Where’s Konnan?


Larry: Yeah, where are those losers? I was hoping to get another crack at them tonight!


{Scott Hall gets the microphone first}


Hall: Hey yo. Maybe you people here have heard, but maybe you haven’t. See the guys at nWo central are taking a little survey. It’s pretty simple, so hopefully you college kids can figure it out. It goes like this. How many of you are here to see…Dubya C Dubya?


{The crowd in Chapel Hill goes wild with a chant of we want Flair}


Hall: Not bad, not bad. But…how many of you are here to see the..


{Hall hands points the mic to the crowd, expecting to hear them say N…W…O in unison for him, but this heavily partisan crowd is deathly loyal to Ric Flair and WCW. Instead, Hall gets a vicious ovation of boos. Hall mockingly acts hurt as does the rest of the nWo.}


Hall: Wow. That one was REALLY close. But I have to say, one more…for the good guys. Hahaha!


{Hall tosses the microphone to Kevin Nash}


Nash: So this is Chapel Hill huh? Home of the legendary North Carolina Tarheels!


{The crowd pops}


Nash: Well, no wonder Duke fans hate you guys, this town sucks! Me and the boys were rolling around earlier with a pretty heavy wallet…


Hall: Felt like a million bucks!


Nash: Hahaha! And we couldn’t find one place worthy of our money. Your idea of a good time in this place is probably pin the tail on the ugly girl who looks like a donkey, because that’s the only type we saw!


{The nWo laughs hysterically at the juvenile and insulting joke while the crowd boos. Nash pretends to be amused beyond repair and hands the microphone back to Hall.}


Hall: No no, in all seriousness now. Maybe you’ve heard, maybe you haven’t, but tonight, Chico climbs into the ring with the greatest, most decorated, most talented BINGO played in this town, Ric Flair.


{The crowd erupts at the mention of Flair’s name and begins chanting “We Want Flair” again. Hall feigns shock.}


Hall: You’ve heard of this geezer? You follow Bingo in Chapel Hill? Man this place REALLY sucks!


{The crowd boos}


Hall: But anyway, listen up Flair. You come down to that ring, and you better be sure to wear your diaper, because I’m gonna beat you so bad you’ll sh…


{Easy E grabs the mic}


Easy E: Whoa whoa! Can’t say that on national television Scott! Anyway, speaking of Flair, I have some news to deliver. You see Ric, I know JJ Dillon made it official last week that you’d get Curt Hennig…


{The crowd boos crazily at the mention of Hennig’s name. As Bischoff tries to lift the mic back to his mouth the crowd begins to chant “*******, *******.” Hennig grabs the microphone}


Hennig: Hey, show some respect! Show some respect! Ric Flair is a lot of things, but he’s not an *******!


{The nWo is again amused and Hollywood high fives Hennig as Bischoff gets back on the mic}

Easy E: Like I was saying, JJ may have made the match, but I still have some power in this company, and I’m putting a stipulation on it. If Ric Flair wants Curt Hennig to show up in Las Vegas, he has to put something on the line as well. So we thought it over, and we came up with a doozy. If Curt Hennig DEFEATS Ric Flair at Halloween Havoc, Flair…now listen up old man…if you lose at Havoc, you MUST disband the Horsemen!


{The crowd boos uncontrollably at this point. It’s so loud that the nWo members cover their ears and pretend to be in pain in the ring.}


Easy E: That’s our condition. No other way around it. Now onto other matters. Randy Savage has a matched booked for Halloween Havoc against Diamond Dallas Page, but after Page’s vicious attack last week, Savage is medically not cleared to wres…


{The crowd explodes in Chapel Hill when the all too familiar music plays in the arena. The Straus piece plays, the crowd goes wild, and out steps The Nature Boy Ric Flair, holding up four fingers, with his men in tow.}


Tony: OH YEAH GUYS! What a moment this will be! Ric Flair is in the building!


{Flair struts a little bit on the entrance ramp and Bischoff starts to talk again}


Easy E: Flair, what’s it..


Flair: Shut your mouth!


{The crowd explodes}


Flair: Maybe you missed a street sign or two along the way pal, but this isn’t nWo territory, this isn’t Outsider territory, hell, this isn’t even WCW territory…THIS…IS…HORSEMEN…COUNTRY! WOOOOOOOOOOO!


{The crowd goes wild, so wild that the nWo members once again cover their ears}


Flair: You want me to what? To disband the Horsemen? Read my lips Eric Bischoff… “I will never..N-E-V-E-R…NEVER, disband the Horsemen!”


{The crowd pops as Easy E looks sad}


Easy E: That’s too bad Ric. You see, I know that Curt was eager to get his chance to beat you, but since you won’t agree to the stipulation, I guess you’ll never get your shot at Hennig.


Flair: Hennig. I know you have some competitive fire somewhere deep down in that yellow, no good, traitorous body of yours. I’m calling that out! I want YOU to man up! And agree to face me you coward! Don’t be like Eric Bischoff, he’s a pathetic excuse for a human being. You’re better than that! Face me like a man. Wooooo!


{The crowd starts chanting “You’re a coward! You’re a coward!” Hennig tries to hush the crowd and then reluctantly picks up the microphone.}


Hennig: Flair…I’ll tell you what. I’ll sweeten the pot. You agree to my stipulation, and I’ll add one of my own. If you put the Horsemen on the line, I will personally guarantee you that not a single member of the New World Order will even be at RINGSIDE during our match, let alone make any attempt to interfere. If they do, I will agree to an immediate disqualification, you’ll get my title, I’ll quit the nWo, and I’ll be you personal assistant for the rest of my career.


{The crowd cheers as Flair’s eyes grow wide. McMichael and Benoit urge Flair to accept the deal, but Arn Anderson tells him now to.}


Flair: Your word doesn’t mean jack to me pal. But I’ll tell you what. If you put that in writing, I’ll sign the contract. You put it in writing and hand that to JJ Dillon tonight Curt, and if it says all that you say it will say, I’ll sign the dotted line and I’ll put the Horsemen on the line.


{Hennig flashes a smiles as the crowd boos and Arn Anderson storms off the scene}


Hennig: Done! I’ll see you at Halloween Havoc!


[Flair’s music hits again and the Horsemen walk out}


Tony: Wow! Did you hear that guys! The match is one, but at what price!


Brain: Ric Flair is going to regret this! Never let the nWo dictate terms! I cant believe this!


Tony: Your last broadcast Bobby Heenan might just be the last night in the history of the Horsemen! We’ll be right back fans!


{WCW goes to commercial break as the nWo is making their way up the rampway.}


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/DiscoCW.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/PrinceIuakea-1.jpg

WCW Television Championship

Disco Inferno © vs Prince Iaukea


When WCW returns from commercial break, Prince Iaukea is standing in the ring and Disco Inferno is dancing his way to the ring with his usual music. The crowd reaction is somewhat plain for him.


Tony: Guys, I still can’t believe what has transpired here tonight already! As we prepare for this Television Championship match, I’m just in shock that Ric Flair has agreed to put the fate of the Horsemen on the line at Halloween Havoc. I just can’t believe it!


Tony continues talking about what we have seen thus far, paying very little attention to the match at hand, which proved to be a solid bout. The two men went back and forth in a semi-open contest, but the final two minutes were all Disco and he eventually caught the Prince with the Chartbuster and the 1...2...3.


Winner: Disco Inferno via pinfall following the Chartbuster to retain the Television Championship

Time: 5:15

Match Grade: C




{Backstage, JJ Dillon walks into the nWo locker room where Eric Bischoff is talking with Randy Savage. Elizabeth is holding the crutches for Savage.}


JJ Dillon: Hello gentlemen. I couldn’t help but overhear earlier that Mr. Savage is unavailable to wrestle at Halloween Havoc? Is this accurate?


Savage: That’s right commissioner man, Page gave me a bone bruise on my hip with that steel pipe last week. My doctors say I can’t wrestle for 3 weeks. No Havoc for me, boss man.


{Savage laughs as does the rest of the nWo and JJ shakes his head.}


JJ Dillon: Can I see that doctor report?


Easy E: Sure thing JJ. It’ll be on your desk in 20 minutes.


JJ Dillon: Alright. Goodnight gentlemen.


{Dillon leaves the room and Savage and the nWo smile and laugh as the door closes and WCW goes to commercial}


Tony: Well we’re back fans and I’m joined now by Mike Tenay as we prepare for this cruiserweight action, but Mike, I know you want to comment on what’s happened thus far.


Tenay: Tony I’m just blown away, I mean literally blown away. Ric Flair putting the Horsemen’s fate on the line at Halloween Havoc, Randy Savage ducking Diamond Dallas Page, only in WCW!





Rey Mysterio, Jr. & Chris Jericho vs Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis


Rey Mysterio, Jr. comes to the ring to a huge pop while Tenay and Schiavone continue to discuss the goings on of the evening with Larry Zbyszko. He’s joined by Chris Jericho moments later who doesn’t get quite the same pop. They climb into the ring for a match against Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis who are already in the ring.


Tenay: Now Psicosis and Juventud have fought for years throughout Mexico, but I’m not sure they’ve ever teamed together, so it will be interested to see how they work here.


Tony: Well, Jericho and Rey will actually be opponents next Sunday night at Halloween Havoc!


Throughout the bout, the past animosity between Juvi and Psicosis played a critical factor with each man being hesitant to make tags to the other. On the other side of things, Jericho and Rey Mysterio worked incredibly well together, displaying fantastic chemistry as a team. Jericho and Rey seemed to have no problem working together in the match, tagging each in and seemingly having no issue with the fact they’d be opponents in less than 14 days. As the match neared it’s end, a desperate Juventud reached for a tag from Psicosis who dropped to the floor and walked off. Jericho nailed Guerrera with a standing dropkick to the back of the head and then surprisingly tagged Rey Mysterio, Jr. in who nailed Juventud with a flying legdrop from the top rope for the pinfall.


Winners: Rey Mysterio, Jr. and Chris Jericho via pinfall following a flying legdrop

Time: 8:00

Match Grade: C+





{When WCW returns from commercial break, Yuji Nagata is standing in the ring with his manager Sonny Ono.}


Ono: Listen up you people! This morning we got word that Ultimo Dragon, the coward, the traitor to his people has quote unquote, injured himself. Yuji Nagata is not stupid! Yuji Nagata KNOWS that Ultimo Dragon is afraid of him Yuji Nagata KNOWS that Ultimo Dragon is hiding! But none the less, Yuji Nagata wants to wrestle at Halloween Havoc. He wants to wrestle some American so bad, that he is willing to offer an open challenge! The next wrestler to come to the ring, Yuji Nagata will wrestle him!


{The crowd cheers at a decent clip when some music hits that is beginning to grow slightly familiar.}




{Goldberg makes his way out, spazzing out on the rampway. He makes his way down to the ring and slides in}


Ono: Now wait just a minute Mr. Goldberg, Yuji Nagata isn’t sure that someone of your diminutive stature is WORTHY of a match with..OH!


{Goldberg spears Ono and then leaps to his feet and gets in the face of Yuji Nagata. The two men start jawing at each other as Doug Dillinger and security rush the ring and break them up. As Goldberg is pulled away and a Halloween Havoc promo airs, we can hear Goldberg scream a new phrase, “YOU’RE NEXT!”}




{Backstage, Ric Flair is standing by with Gene Okerlund}


Gene: Well guys, I’m standing here with the Fourteen Time, Heavyweight Champion of the World, the one and o…


Flair: Cut it out Mean Gene. I’m not here to party tonight. This isn’t 1987, hell this isn’t 1995! The Horsemen, by god, are not partying tonight! Tonight, and for the next few weeks, we’re tightening our belts, working out like maniacs, and preparing to take down that sorry piece of crap Curt Hennig at Halloween Havoc. WOOOOOO! That’s what I’m about tonight Geno.


Gene: Speaking of that Nature Boy, would you explain to me what you were thinking agreeing to Curt Hennig’s stipulation about putting the Horsemen on the line? What could possibly have moved you to agree to something like that?


Flair: Well you know Gene, it was real simple. I want Hennig so bad I’d do ANYTING to get him in that ring. But we all know how the nWo likes to butt in it. Based on his promise…


{Arn Anderson bursts on the scene}


Arn: Ric, what are you doing? Are you crazy? Putting the Horsemen on the line? That’s insane. You know the nWo has something up their sleeves. You just know it!


Ric: Listen here Double A. I’ve got a signed contract by Hennig and his attorney. If the nWo interferes in anyway, Ric Flair wins the match, the title, and the personal services of Curt Hennig for the rest of his career. It’s all legal Arn. I know what I’m doing. The New World Order…WOOOOOO! Is locked out!


{Arn just shakes his head and walks off. Flair follows him.}


Gene: Well guys, back…what in the world? You again?




RVD: That’s right Gene…Rob…Van…Dam!


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/EddieGuerreroCW4.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/JushinLigerCW.jpg

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Eddie Guerrero © vs Jushin “Thunder” Liger


When the shot goes back to the arena, “Fire” is playing over the PA system and Jushin Liger is making his way to the ring.


Tony: Well guys, as the incredible Jushin “Thunder” Liger makes his way to the ring, let’s take a recap of the card thus far that we know of for Halloween Havoc.


Tenay: Well it’s looking like a great one Tony. Curt Hennig vs Ric Flair in a steel cage match for the United States championship. If the nWo interferes, Ric Flair wins the match, the title, AND the personal services of Curt Hennig for the rest of his career. But if Hennig wins, Ric Flair must disband the Horsemen!


Tony: Not to mention another match that has been confirmed tonight, the Japanese sensation Yuji Nagata will go one on one with the explosive young behemoth Goldberg!


Tenay: Plus one that I’m personally excited about, the cruiserweight championship will be defended in a three way contest against Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio, Jr. Now, it’s time to find out whether the champion will be Eddie Guerrero, or whether it will be the masked dynamo from Japan, Jushin Thunder Liger!


Eddie Guerrero’s music plays and the crowd boos as he struts to the ring. He slides in and hands the belt to the ring announcer, David Penzer.


Tony: Our fans may not be as familiar with Jushin Liger as they are with Eddie Guerrero, but let me assure you folks, Jushin Liger is one of if not the best high flyer in the world today. Right professor?


Tenay: That’s right Tony. Jushin liger is incredibly accomplished in Japan, winning championships and accolades throughout that country. He’s also won championship gold here in the United States, including the cruiserweight championship at one point. But Tony, this match just shows you how important, how revered the cruiserweight championship is around the globe. Everybody wants to come be a part of this division.


The match gets underway in the ring and Tenay and Schiavone continue to put over the greatness of the two competitors and also discuss the challengers for the title at Halloween Havoc. Eddie Guerrero and Jushin Liger are putting on a fantastic display of science and flying in the ring that the crowd is eating up. The relative unfamiliarity with Jushin Liger leads to a semi-slow start with the crowd, but the two’s chemistry and exciting pace quickly builds the crowd’s excitement.


At about the 6 minute mark, Eddie Guerrero slides out of the ring to catch his breath after a stiff dropkick from Liger. He is walking around at ringside when he turns around and gets nailed by an amazing corkscrew moonsault off the top of the turnbuckle to the floor by Jushin Liger.


Crowd: This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!


Tenay: Wow! A corkscrew moonsault, perfectly executed by Liger!


Liger climbs the metal guard rail and poses for the fans, balancing on the rail, and impressive feat by itself and the crowd cheers him. Eddie gets to his feet, Liger notices it and flips and hits him with another moonsault. The crowd cheers appropriately.


Tenay: This action is unbelievable! The WCW Cruiserweight division is unlike anything else you’ll see in American professional wrestling!


Liger slides Guerrero into the ring and makes the cover, but only gets a 1 count before Guerrero kicks out. At the 12 minute mark, Liger whips Guerrero into the turnbuckle, charges after him and climbs up for a tornado DDT, but Guerrero holds onto the ropes and Liger falls to the mat. Guerrero hops to the top turnbuckle and jumps off, dropping his feet onto the chest of Liger. Liger rolls in pain as Guerrero flaunts for the crowd. Guerrero pulls Liger up by the mask and nails him with three snap suplexes.


Tenay: Eddie Guerrero refers to that as the Three Amigos.


Guerrero goes for the pinfall and gets a two count. He then lifts Liger up to his feet and whips him to the ropes. He tries for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, but Liger reverses it into a spinning head scissors that flips Guerrero across the ring.


Tenay: I love that move!


Guerrero gets to his feet and Liger jumps off the middle turnbuckle with a moonsault, but Guerrero catches him!


Tenay: Guerrero catches Liger! He sets him up for a Tombstone Piledriver!


Guerrero tries for a Tombstone, but Liger uses his legs to flip Guerrero over into a pinfall attempt.


Tenay: 1…2..


Guerrero reverses the roll up into one of his own!


Tenay: Guerrero has the tights! 1..2..3! Eddie Guerrero wins with a handful of tights!


Winner: Eddie Guerrero via pinfall to retain the Cruiserweight Championship

Time: 15:01

Match Grade: B


Tony: Wow! What a fantastic match here on Nitro! You won’t see that on Raw folks, only here on WCW where we bring you the best high flying action in the world!


Tenay: So Eddie Guerrero will go to Halloween Havoc to defend his title in a three way dance against Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio, Jr. and wow, what a matchup that should be!


{WCW goes to commercial}




{When WCW returns, Raven is in the ring by himself for his upcoming matchup}


Tony: Well, now it looks like we are going to here from Raven and guys, it’s become to clear to me that he is an outcaste from society. Nobody wants him around.


Brain: But he seems to have some sort of mystical effect on people. Saturn and Kidman follow him around and do whatever he says, it’s almost creepy!


Larry: Almost?


Raven: Darkness falls, and darkness reigns. Throughout the world, the privileged few eat from their silver spoons and enjoy the world they live in. But what about me? What about Raven? I am shunned by a society that doesn’t understand me. Spit on by people like Tony Schiavone and the like. They mock me, they despise me. But they don’t know me! I know that my plight is not my own. There are many like me, brothers in shame and despair. I offer you a place, a place to belong. Follow me into the darkness, and there you will see the light. Quoth the Raven, Nevermore.


Tony: What in the world is he talking about guys?


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/RavenCW3.jpg vs.http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd233/StevenRichardsRules/Scotty_Riggs.jpg

Raven vs Scott Riggs


Scotty Riggs music plays and he makes his way to the ring to meet Raven.


Tony: Fans remember, every match Raven fights in WCW is fought under “Raven’s Rules” meaning there are no count outs and no disqualifications.


The match is pretty much dominated by Raven from the start, with Riggs getting in very little offense. Not surprising since he’s pretty much a jobber in WCW. The fans have no reaction when Riggs does get in a move or two. At the 5 minute mark, Raven has taken Riggs down with a piledriver and slides out of the ring. He gets the chair from David Penzer and throws it over the top rope. He gets back into the ring and sets the chair up in the middle. Riggs is getting to his feet at this point. Raven whips him off the ropes and drops him, face first onto the chair with a vicious drop toe hold!


Tony: Oh my! That was brutal!


Riggs is writing in pain on the mat and Raven makes the cover for the 1..2..3.


Winner: Raven via pinfall following a drop toe hold onto a steel chair

Time: 6:47

Match Grade: C+


After the match, Raven circles the fallen Scotty Riggs who appears to be in incredible pain. As medical trainers come to ringside, Raven wards them off and motions to the back. Saturn, Kidman and a large man make their way to ringside. Raven and Saturn slide Riggs out of the ring onto the shoulder of the large man and the group make their way to the back.


{WCW goes to commercial break}


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/RVDCW6.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/KanyonCW.jpg w/ http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/SinisterMinisterCW.jpg

Rob Van Dam vs Mortis w/Sinister Minister


Tony: We are back ladies and gentlemen, and in the ring is Mortis along with his manager Sinister Minister. We’ve seen the Minister and his other protégé Wrath in recent weeks, but this is the first time Mortis has been on Nitro in nearly a month.


Brain: Yeah, and his opponent tonight is the new comer to WCW, Rob Van Dam.


“Walk” by Pantera plays through the PA system and Rob Van makes his way out to the ring. He high fives some fans who recognize him, and a mild “EC-Dub, EC-Dub” chant breaks out, but nothing overly noticeable. RVD gets in the ring to be introduced.


Penzer: And his opponent, from Battle Creek, Michigan, Rob…Van…Dam!


While Penzer introduced him, RVD pointed at himself and then did a spinning kick afterwards to the delight of the crowd. The ringbell sound and RVD turns around to get leveled by a dropkick from Mortis.


Larry: You can’t do that stuff here in WCW young man.


RVD quickly gets back to his feet though, dodges another clothesline attempt and drops Mortis with a spinning heel kick. Sinister Minister looks angry on the outside as RVD hops to the middle turnbuckle and connects with a sidekick to the chest of Mortis as he gets to his feet. Mortis is back on the ground now. RVD jumps and spins to drop a leg across the throat of Mortis. He makes a cover.


Tony: 1…kickout!


RVD laughs about the one fall and picks Mortis up. He tries to whip Mortis to the ropes but he is reversed and whipped himself. He comes back and jumps over the bending over Mortis. He tries for a spinning heel kick of Mortis catches his leg, and does an impressive lift into a sitout powerbomb for a pinfall!


Tony: 1…2..kickout!


The crowd is starting to buzz a little as Mortis picks RVD up into a firemen’s carry. He tries to spin him out into a makeshift Diamond Cutter, but RVD blocks the attempt and drops Mortis with a reverse DDT. RVD is stunned so it takes him a few moments to go for a pinfall, and Mortis kicks out at 2. Van Dam lifts Mortis to his feet and whips him into the turnbuckle. He follows behind him and hits him with a handstand dropkick to the face, followed by a hurricarana!


Tony: Wow! What athleticism and what powerful legs!


RVD gives the crowd his usual “R…V…D” hand motion and then hops up to the top turnbuckle. He appears to want to go for the Five Star Frogsplash, but his leg is hit out from under him by The Sinister Minister. RVD falls and straddles the top rope in main. Mortis gets to his feet, bounces off the ropes and drops RVD over the top rope with a dropkick. Mortis follows him to the outside where RVD is holding his back in pain. Mortis picks RVD up and whips him into the steel steps, but is reversed and thrown into them himself. He climbs back into the ring, still holding his back. Sinister Minister is yelling at Mortis on the outside. Mortis climbs to his feet…


Tony: Oh wow!


Rob Van Dam bounced off the opposite ropes and then did a diving somersault to the outside connecting on both Mortis and Sinister Minister!


Brain: What an idiot!


Tony: It’s high risk, high reward Brain!


RVD again motions to himself to say RVD and the crowd sort of responds appropriately. They are cheering the action none the less. RVD rolls Mortis into the ring and slides in after him. He makes a pinfall attempt.


Tony: 1…2…I can’t believe he kicked out again!


RVD is annoyed at the kickout, but shrugs his shoulders. He lifts Mortis back to his feet, jumps off the middle turnbuckle for a spinning heel kick, but Mortis pulls the referee in front of him and RVD takes out the ref! RVD is checking on the referee, turns around and gets dropped with the Flatliner!


Tony: That will do it right there!


Mortis makes the cover, but obviously the referee is in no position to get up. He starts shaking the groggy Charles Robinson who slowly comes to. Sinister Minister tosses Mortis a chair to finish things off. Mortis turns around with the chair held up and BANG!


Tony: Wow! A spinning kick into the chair! And the chair nailed Mortis in the face!


RVD tosses the chair out of the ring and makes the cover as Sinister Minister goes insane on the outside.


Tony: 1…2…3! It’s over!


Winner: Rob Van Dam via pinfall after the Van Damninator

Time: 12:00

Match Grade: B+


Larry: Wow! What a match! These athletes today are amazing!


Tony: Wait, wait folks…I just received word from the back and this is huge. Sit down folks wherever you are. I have just received word that The Outsiders will defend the WCW World Tag Team Championships at Halloween Havoc against…brace yourself…The Giant and Lex Luger! Can you believe that!


Brain: Wow! An enormous match! That might be the main event!


Tony: It’s certainly big enough for it Brain! Fans, go crazy and get excited and call your pay-per-view provider now to order Halloween Havoc, next Sunday, only on pay-per-view!


{WCW goes to commercial}



http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/LexLugerCW5.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/SeanWaltmanCW4.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ScottHallCW5.jpg

Lex Luger vs Syxx w/Scott Hall


WCW returns from commercial break and the crowd is booing mercilessly as nWo music is playing. They HATE the nWo in Chapel Hill. Syxx makes his way out to the ring accompanied by Scott Hall.


Larry: You know, just once I’d like to see one of these guys come to the ring BY HIMSELF!


Tony: Well, if you believe the paperwork, Ric Flair will get Curt Hennig by himself at Halloween Havoc!


The crowd then pops as Luger’s music plays and he makes his way out to ringside. The crowd’s cheers grow even louder when The Giant walks out behind him.


Tony: Oh wow! That’ll even things out pretty nicely!


As Luger gets into the ring, the referee sees Hall and The Giant jawing at each other and orders both men away from ringside. Hall starts throwing a temper tantrum but the Giant just laughs. Hall heads out and The Giant stalks behind him.


Tony: I don’t believe my eyes, a one on one match?


The match starts off with Syxx running as quick as he can around the ring to stay away from Lex Luger. He can’t get far though as Luger grabs him by the hair and spins him around and drops him with an inverted atomic drop. Syxx screams out in pain and Luger drops him with a clothesline. The match stays pretty one sided for the first 4 minutes, with Luger using his strength to dominate Syxx with clotheslines and a gorilla press slam. Luger flexes for the crowd after the slam.


Tony: Luger is the Total Package guys, and he is dominating this matchup with the smaller Syxx.


Out of the crowd sneaks Konnan!


Larry: Well look who it is!


Konnan slides something to Syxx on the mat! Syxx gets up and decks Luger with the object while the ref yells at Konnan!


Tony: Oh my! Wait, fans, Larry Zbyszko has just left for ringside!


Larry runs down to the ring and chases Konnan from ringside. Syxx is making a pinfall attempt in the ring but Larry yells to the ref to check his boot. The ref does and finds the object. He tosses it out of the ring and begins admonishing Syxx.


Tony: WOW! He can’t necessarily disqualify him, but he’s taking order!


Syxx and Luger then have a back and forth battle for a few minutes as Luger is too groggy from the foreign object to fight at 100%. At the 12 minute mark though he starts to get his second wind and levels Syxx with two clotheslines followed by a flying forearm smash! The crowd is going crazy as Luger starts to signal for the Torture Rack. Syxx gets to his feet and Luger picks him up!


Tony: There it is folks, the rack! He’s racking him!


Syxx taps out pretty quickly and the bell rings.


Winner: Lex Luger via submission with Torture Rack

Time: 13:20

Match Grade:A


Tony: Oh what a win for Lex Luger, what a win for WCW!


Brain: With a big assist to Larry Zybszko of course!


Tony: Well, if the nWo isn’t going to fight fair, it’s nice to have someone on our side!


{WCW goes to commercial break}




{When WCW returns from commercial, Gene Okerlund is standing in the ring and the crowd erupts when “Self High Five” plays over the PA system. DDP fights his way through the crowd and joins Okerlund in the ring}


Gene Okerlund: Alright ladies and gentlemen, I am here, joined by Diamond Dallas Page! DDP, I know you have something you want to say. So go for it…


DDP: Well I rolled into Chapel Hill, North Carolina tonight expecting to unload a mouthful about a match with Randy Savage at Halloween Havoc. I was planning to detail EXACTLY what I was going to do to hurt that snake. But of course, in typical nWo fashion, he’s found a way to weasel his way out of it.


Gene: Well DDP, you were the one who hit him with the pipe.


DDP: Gene, after what he put me through, you think I didn’t deserve a little retribution?




{The crowd begins to boo as Randy Savage’s version of the nWo theme music plays over the PA system. Savage and Elizabeth walk onto the rampway with the crowd booing. They make their way about halfway up the ramp, Elizabeth helping Savage the whole way.}


Savage: Listen up Page. If it weren’t for this injury, I’d love nothing more, oh NOTHING MORE, than to climb into the ring with you once again and put you down for a ten count. But brother…


DDP: The way I remember it Savage, I beat you in this ring already.


Savage: Freak of the odds brother, freak of the odds. The truth is, Diamond Dallas Page isn’t even in the same LEAGUE as the Macho Man. OOOOOOHHH YEAH! I’ll tell you one thing though, Kimberly and that nice little rear end of hers sure is!


{DDP’s eyes flare up and he prepares to jump out of the ring}


JJ Dillon: Wait, wait just a minute Mr. Page. I know right now that nothing would make you happier than to take Savage out. But, if you’ll wait just a minute, I have an alternative set of news that will make your day. I checked the medical report from the Macho Man’s doctors, and unfortunately for you, they checked out. He’s not fit to wrestle at Halloween Havoc.


{The crowd boos and Savage nods his head.}


JJ: However, you are healthy enough to wrestle at Halloween Havoc, and so to appease your anger, I’ve set up a match for you with someone ELSE in the New World Order that I think you’ll find equally appealing.


DDP: I don’t want another member of the nWo, I want Randy Savage!


JJ: I know you feel that way now, but once you hear this news, I think you’ll smile. At Halloween Havoc, Diamond Dallas Page will step into the ring to go one on with none other than Hollywood…Hulk…Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship!


{The crowd erupts, Page smiles and Dillon drops his microphone. Savage looks stunned}


Tony: Would you look at the face of Randy Savage! He looks as though someone just stepped on his grave!


Larry: Something tells me that Hollywood Hogan isn’t going to be very happy with the Macho Man!


{WCW goes to commercial}



Main Event


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/RicFlairCW.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ScottHallCW8.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/KevinNashCW5.jpg

Ric Flair vs Scott Hall w/Kevin Nash


Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your main event of the evening. Are you ready?

{Crowd cheers}


Buffer: Are...you...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeady!


{Crowd erupts}


Buffer: Then for the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world, ladies and gentlemen, llllllllllleeeet's get ready to rrrrrrrrrrumble!


Tony: Brain, can you believe we are seeing this match on Monday Night Nitro? This match could easily headline the biggest pay-per-view event of the year for our competition, but here at WCW our fans see matches like this every week on Monday nights.


The crowd begins to boo mercilessly as The Outsider’s slightly tweaked version of the nWo theme music blares and the Outsiders stalk their way to the ring.


Michael Buffer: Coming to the ring at this time, accompanied by his nWo brother and tag team partner, Kevin Nash, wearing black with red and weight 287 pounds, the master of the Outsider’s Edge, he is one half of the WCW World Tag Team Champions…Scott Hall!


The crowd is booing as Hall works his way to the ring. He stops about halfway and tells Nash to go to the back. Nash laughs and points at Larry Zbyszko as he makes back to the backstage area. Hall climbs in the ring and does his “razor” stomp.


Tony: Well, Nash is gone from the ring, guys that should even things up a little in this match, but you have to wonder what’s up their sleeves.


Michael Buffer: And introducing his opponent…


Tony: I think we’ll just shut up folks and let the reaction tell you everything.


The crowd explodes, the proverbial roof comes off as Ric Flair’s music hits the PA system.


Michael Buffer: standing six feet tall, and weighing in at 230 pounds, he is one of the most recognizable and most decorated names in the history of the business. He is the master of figure four leglock and the former FOURTEEN TIME, HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD! He is, the one, the only…THE NATUUUUUUUUUURE BOY…RIC…FLAIR!


The crowd is going absolutely bananas in the Dean Smith Center as Flair struts to the ring, a very somber look on his face. A “We’re not worthy” chant breaks out in the arena. Flair steps into the ring and removes his robe, handing it to the official, Randy Anderson. The bell rings.


Tony: Guys, I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe we are seeing this match, I mean I just can’t believe it. Did you hear the ovation for the Nature Boy?


Bobby: They love him like nobody else has ever been loved in any city in the history of the world if you ask me.


Larry: He’s earned it guys, he’s walked the walk for a long time.


Tony: That he has Larry, that he has. And here we go! Flair vs Hall, live on Nitro! And folks, if you were planning to change the channel, let me urge you not to. Here you are seeing two of the best in the business. On the other channel, our competition is giving you HHH, who once wrestled here with limited success, taking on Jeff Jarrett. Ha! Hardly a main event!


The other two announcers don’t react, but the action in the ring begins. Flair smacks both of his shoulders and begins to dance around the ring a little, but stops cold after Scott Hall throws his toothpick into the eyes. Flair stops and stares at a laughing Scott Hall who is, as always, incredibly impressed with himself.


Tony: The arrogance. Does he realize who Ric Flair is?


On cue, Flair slaps the taste out of Hall’s mouth to a huge reaction from the crowd. Hall stumbles away and gets knocked to the ground by an elbow to the back of the knee by Ric Flair. Hall flips onto his back and Flair yells “Woo!” at him as Scott Hall rolls out of the ring. Hall takes a moment to gather himself as the crowd at ringside razz him. He gets into a little altercation with a young fan wearing a “IV Horsemen” shirt.


Larry: Leavea that fan alone!


Hall turns around and slides back into the ring. As he does, Flair does a little strut to show off. Hall calls for a strength test and Flair agrees. They lock up left hands and Flair jabs Hall in the eyes with his right! The crowd pops.


Tony: They don’t call him the dirtiest player in the game for nothing!


Hall pleads his case to the referee and Flair gives the crowd another “Wooo!” which they return in kind. Flair and Hall start circling each other for a moment. Flair charges at Hall and he drops him with a drop toe hold. Hall slaps the back of his head his head as he gets to his feet. Flair gets up and stares at him, clearly bothered by the disrespect.


Brain: Man his arrogance is over the top!


Flair barks something at Hall and Hall responds by spitting at him and laughing. Not the smartest idea. An enraged Flair charges Hall again and a brawl erupts between the two, each man throwing a stiff right, back and forth. After about four exchanges, Flair blocks Hall’s punch and then nails him with a brutal knife edge chop. The crowd gives the obligatory “Wooo” as Flair lands three more. He then whips Hall into the rope and drops him with a back body drop, followed by a strut and a hair flip.


Tony: He does look good doesn’t he guys?


Larry: Oh no, look who it is!


Curt Hennig makes his way out of the entrance tunnel, walking slowly towards the ring. He’s got a smile on his face and the United States Championship around his waist. Inside the ring, Flair has picked up Scott Hall and sets him up…


Tony: A perfectly executed vertical suplex by the Nature Boy!


Brain: But Hennig is here. Ric Flair has to make sure he doesn’t get distracted!


Hennig just stands at ringside and Flair looks at him, hatred clearly in his eyes. Not wanting to lose this match though, Flair manages to turn his attention back to Hall before Hall can get up. He measures Hall up and then drops a running knee drop across the forehead. Hall rolls around holding his head and Flair turns his attention back to Hennig. He starts barking at him and then topples over after Hall hits him with the uppercut lowblow.


Tony: And there’s the great equalizer!


Flair drops to his knees and Hall slowly gets to his feet and acknowledges Hennig’s presence at ringside. He paces Flair who does his beg for mercy routine as Hall laughs at him. Hall then starts kicking him in the chest and Flair drops to his back. Hall bends down to pick up Flair, and Flair nails HIM with the lowblow!


Brain: A tit for tat as they say!


Flair then gets to his feet and drops Hall with a stiff chop. He “woo”s with the crowd and then lifts Hall to his feet, his back to Flair’s belly. Flair then drops him with a belly-to-back suplex.


Tony: And a devastating backdrop right there.


Flair turns his attention to Hennig once again and motions to his waist to tell him that his title will be his at Halloween Havoc. Flair then walks to the turnbuckle and climbs up. He sets up for a double-ax handle and jumps but is caught in mid-air and flipped over Hall’s head for the fallaway slam.


Larry: Has that move ever worked?


Flair holds his back in pain as Hall gets to his feet and motions for the Outsider’s Edge. He picks Flair up and tries to set him up for it, but Flair trips him and tries for the Figure Four.


Tony: He’s going for it! He’s going for it!


Hall squirms away though and gets to the ropes, the ref ordering Flair to back off. Flair takes the moment to catch his breath as Hall gets to his feet. While the referee is talking to Flair, Hennig tosses Hall a pair of brass knucks. The referee turns around and Hennig starts barking at him. The ref goes to shut up Hennig and Flair charges Hall and gets drilled with the knucks!


Tony: Oh my! Not like this!


Hennig tells the referee to turn around for the pinfall, and after a few seconds he does…


Tony: 1..2..kickout!


The crowd in Chapel Hill goes wild as Flair gets the shoulder up. Hall has tossed the knucks out of the ring at this point and can’t believe that Flair kicked out of the pinfall attempt. He is barking at the official about the pace of the count when Flair rolls him up from behind!


Tony: 1…2…nearfall again!


Hall kicks out of the rollup and he and Flair both get to their feet, Flair with blood pouring down his forehead.


Brain: He’s busted open guys!


Hall mocks the blood on the face of Flair and the crowd starts to cheer as the Horsemen make their way to ringside. Hennig gets cornered by Mongo and Benoit, but manages to escape when Mongo misses with a haymaker. Hennig makes his way back up the rampway while Hall and Flair brawl in the ring. As Hennig is walking up the rampway backwards, he bumps into someone…he turns around and sighs a sigh of relief to see Nash accompanied by Syxx. They tell him to go back to the ring, and he now confidently does. A brawl erupts at ringside between the nWo and the Horsemen.


Tony: Man, I’d love to see these guys all get in the ring together!


Inside the ring, Flair is wailing away with a series of chops on Hall in the corner. Hall stumbles out of the corner and Flair kicks his leg out of from under him. He then sets him and locks in the Figure Four!


Tony: He’s got it in locked in! He’s got it locked in! Hall’s got to tap!


Nash tries to grab the referee but is hit from behind by a surprise appearance by The Giant! Lex Luger and the Giant have made their way to ringside and have joined the fray.


Tony: Oh we’ve got mayhem here in Chapel Hill!


Inside the ring, Scott Hall desperately tries to break the hold when Hennig slides into the ring. He starts running towards the two in the middle of the ring, but is caught by Arn Anderson who nails him with a spinebuster!


Larry: Listen to this crowd! They are going crazy for The Enforcer!


The crowd is indeed going nuts, but more importantly, no one has managed to break up the hold.


Tony: Hall is tapping! Hall is tapping!


The bell rings as Scott Hall does indeed tapout.


Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner via submission, “The Nature Boy”…Ric…Flair!


The crowd explodes as chaos ensues.


Winners: Ric Flair via submission to the Figure Four Leglock

Time: 20:05

Match Grade: A


Tony: I don’t believe what is happening! Ric Flair has won it! Ric Flair has won it!


Brain: But look what’s happening now!


The rest of the nWo has rushed the ring at this point and a massive brawl has erupted. The Horsemen and Luger and the Giant have clearly been outmatched at this point. Hogan is whipping Flair with his belt when the crowd goes wild once again.


Tony: Here comes DDP!


The crowd erupts as Page slides into the ring and levels Buff Bagwell. He takes out Syxx as well before getting caught by a Big Boot from Kevin Nash. The crowd’s cheers turn back to boos as the nWo has taken total dominance of the fight. A Larry chant is breaking out in the arena and Zbyszko obliges the fans, dropping his headset and rushes to the ring. As he slides in though he is quickly beaten down by Buff Bagwell.


Tony: This isn’t good Brain, this is not good. What’s that…


The crowd erupts AGAIN as the camera goes to the rafters to see Sting standing in the rafters again. He merely watches though, his trusty bat at his side. The New World Order members seem stunned by his appearance, not knowing quite how to react.


Tony: Come on Stinger! Come get some nWo! Wait…what’s this?




The mat tears open in one corner and the real Sting crawls out with a baseball bat! The nWo are all watching the rafters and Sting starts to wail away with the bat! He gets a shot in on everyone except Hollywood Hogan who slid out in time. As Hogan and the nWo regroup, Sting points his bat slowly at Hollywood Hogan as Nitro fades to black.


Final Results

Show Grade: B+

Attendance: 15,000


Disco Inferno © defeated Prince Iaukea to retain the WCW Television Championship ©

Rey Mysterio, Jr. and Chris Jericho defeated Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis (C+)

Eddie Guerrero © defeated Jushin Liger to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship (B)

Raven defeated Scott Riggs (C+)

Rob Van Dam defeated Mortis (B+)

Lex Luger defeated Syxx (A)

Ric Flair defeated Scott Hall (A)

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I really like the surprise ending with Sting man. It feels just like the days of old. Theinterview segments were alos nice I could actually hear them talking as I read it, that obviously means you actually remeber this era as well
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Lol just agree misataken love the work so far but just fair warning that I hope you don't burn out with so many long writups. Save the bigger stuff for ppv and main events and you should be fine. Something liek the first 2 and the Raven match as normal and the Lugar/Eddie one as ME writups leaving the Flair vs Hall for ppv size would save you and us time and prevent burn out. Great stuff overall as you are really capturing the time which is personally my fav ever in wrestling.
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Haha! Sorry my writing is too long!


I'm churning out shows right now because I had a lot of this material ready to go for awhile. I've been considering doing this diary for so long that right now I've got so much pent up "diary energy." lol


I'll cut the match write-ups down. Once I get past Halloween Havoc I'll be moving at a much slower pace probably. :)


Glad I'm getting feedback though!

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The Ratings are in!


WCW Monday Night Nitro (B+) scored a 4.51 rating on TNT (Improved)

WWF Raw is War (B+) drew a 4.16 rating on the USA Network (Declined)


Raw is War Results

Tiger Ali Singh d. Miguel Perez (D+)

Flash Funk d. Scott Taylor and 8-Ball (C+)

Leif Cassidy d. Skull ©

Ron Simmons d. Mosh (B-)

Stone Cold Steve Austin d. Chainz to retain the IC Championship (B+)

Triple H d. Jeff Jarrett (A)




The Styles Report


-Bobby Heenan's retirement has sent shockwaves through the company. There are major debates going on internally about who should comprise the announce team after Halloween Havoc. The obvious choice of Tony Schiavone and Larry Zbyszko doesn't have a lot of support beyond Eric Bischoff. Some sort of cosmic force seems to be pushing management to adding me to the lineup. Stay tuned to find out!


-The Halloween Havoc card is shaping up very up nicely. DDP won't get his hands on Randy Savage, but Hollywood Hogan seems to be a pretty good consolation prize. This will be the first time DDP has gotten a shot at the world title on a main event, pay-per-view basis. I can tell you that nobody works harder than DDP, and nobody wants that title more than he does. Hogan better watch out next Sunday, or he'll be title less.


-It will be interesting to see what happens with the Steiner Brothers now that manager Ted DiBiase is $1 million poorer.


-Rob Van Dam has really impressed with his outstanding work in his debut match. his crowd reactions have been off the chart as well for such a relative unknown. Rumor is that Sinister Minister was furious with Mortis for losing that match. Mortis ain't no Wrath, huh Sinister Minister?


-WCW continues to dominate the television ratings, but there's a lot of concern about the momentum being built by the WWF. Their show ratings are consistently pretty strong. It's only a matter of time before they start catching WCW in the ratings if things don't change.

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Haha! Sorry my writing is too long!


I'm churning out shows right now because I had a lot of this material ready to go for awhile. I've been considering doing this diary for so long that right now I've got so much pent up "diary energy." lol


I'll cut the match write-ups down. Once I get past Halloween Havoc I'll be moving at a much slower pace probably. :)


Glad I'm getting feedback though!


or alternatively, give Us a day or two between release. time enough to read one of those quality shows before the next one comes out. :)

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what data are you using


An imported version of Montreal Aftermath 2.0 that I tinkered with since last year. It's not really very good data at this point as I stripped out a lot of the international folks to make it work on my laptop easily.

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The next show won't be up until later this week, but I wanted to get the picks up for my "loyal audience." :)






Goldberg d. El Dandy (C-)

Psicosis d. Taka ©

Rick Steiner d. Dave Taylor (D)

Syxx d. Jim Duggan (D)

Show Rating: D

Attendance: 5,000

TV Rating: 0.15 (Declined)



WCW Monday Nitro Week 4 October


Jushin Liger vs Psicosis

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs Rey Mysterio, Jr.

Disco Invitational: Disco Inferno © vs ???? for the TV championship

Goldberg vs Steven Regal

The Outsiders © vs Harlem Heat WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Ric Flair vs Hollywood Hogan


Plus!: JJ Dillon reveals a special enforcer for Hogan/Page at Halloween Havoc!

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Jushin Liger vs Psicosis

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs Rey Mysterio, Jr.

Disco Invitational: Disco Inferno © vs ???? for the TV championship

Goldberg vs Steven Regal

The Outsiders © vs Harlem Heat WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Ric Flair vs Hollywood Hogan

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Jushin Liger vs Psicosis

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs Rey Mysterio, Jr.

Disco Invitational: Disco Inferno © vs ???? for the TV championship

Goldberg vs Steven Regal

The Outsiders © vs Harlem Heat WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Ric Flair vs Hollywood Hogan

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Jushin Liger vs Psicosis

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs Rey Mysterio, Jr.

Disco Invitational: Disco Inferno © vs ???? for the TV championship

Goldberg vs Steven Regal

The Outsiders © vs Harlem Heat WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Ric Flair vs Hollywood Hogan

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WCW Monday Nitro Week 4 October


Jushin Liger vs Psicosis (Liger doesn't lose 2 in a row)

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs Rey Mysterio, Jr.

Disco Invitational: Disco Inferno © vs ???? for the TV championship

Goldberg vs Steven Regal

The Outsiders © vs Harlem Heat WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Ric Flair vs Hollywood Hogan (No contest or Hogan by interfernece)


Plus!: JJ Dillon reveals a special enforcer for Hogan/Page at Halloween Havoc!

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Jushin Liger vs Psicosis

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs Rey Mysterio, Jr.

Disco Invitational: Disco Inferno © vs ???? for the TV championship

Althugh it's always hard to go against the mystery man


Goldberg vs Steven Regal

The Outsiders © vs Harlem Heat WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Ric Flair vs Hollywood Hogan

A) Because good ol Curt will get involved and B) Because even if u wanted to Hogan would use his creative control to block it

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Jushin Liger vs Psicosis

Chavo Guerrero, Jr. vs Rey Mysterio, Jr.

Disco Invitational: Disco Inferno © vs ???? for the TV championship

unless ??? = RVD in which case i go RVD


Goldberg vs Steven Regal

The Outsiders © vs Harlem Heat

Ric Flair vs Hollywood Hogan

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