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The Curious Case of WCW

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Goldberg vs Riggs

Great Sasuke, Jushin Liger, and El Samurai vs La Parka, El Hijo Del Santo and Psicosis

Syxx vs Chris Jericho

Chris Candido © vs Magnum Tokyo WCW Television Championship

Lex Luger & The Giant © vs Vicious & Delicious WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Randy Savage vs 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper when Hogan and the NWO get involved

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Goldberg vs Riggs

Great Sasuke, Jushin Liger, and El Samurai vs La Parka, El Hijo Del Santo and Psicosis

Syxx vs Chris Jericho

Chris Candido © vs Magnum Tokyo WCW Television Championship

Lex Luger & The Giant © vs Vicious & Delicious WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Randy Savage vs 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper

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Goldberg vs Riggs

Great Sasuke, Jushin Liger, and El Samurai vs La Parka, El Hijo Del Santo and Psicosis

Syxx vs Chris Jericho By dq

Chris Candido © vs Magnum Tokyo WCW Television Championship

Lex Luger & The Giant © vs Vicious & Delicious WCW Tag Team Championship To play out giant's injury

Main Event: Randy Savage vs 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper

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OOC: Because of the great response I've gotten in terms of predictions, I'm going to give a reward to the poster with the most correct picks at the end of each month. I'm tabulating now and will contact the winner once I have it. This month's prize will be minor, but next month's prize will be huge, as it will directly impact Starrcade!


Thanks again to everyone who has been posting in here. I'm blown away by the response thus far. I love all the predictions, but I really REALLY appreciate the people who are leaving thoughts and suggestions.


WCW.com Reporting...


-Bobby Heenan has officially retired from the business. He has left World Championship Wrestling to pursue other interests.

-Ray Traylor's contract has expired. WCW made no attempt to resign the veteran.

-WCW has released the following workers from their contracts: Super Calo, Bobby Eaton, and Prince Iaukea. We wish these workers the best of luck in any future endeavors.

-WCW has reached contract agreements with several new workers. Among them are Brad Armstrong (PPA) and Tracy Smothers (PPA) who are expected to reform their tag team in WCW. Several other contracts were reached in preparation for the 60 man battle royal at this month's Mayhem ppv.

-Debra McMichael has returned to WCW via a pay-per-appearance agreement. Debra left WCW last month, but management has made the decision to bring her back into the fold.

-WCW's Halloween Havoc drew a massive 17.80 buy-rate, the highest in company history.

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Doh! Bobby Eaton would be great in developmental to train some guys... oh well... Take care "Beautiful" one



Goldberg vs Riggs

No questions


Great Sasuke, Jushin Liger, and El Samurai vs La Parka, El Hijo Del Santo and Psicosis

Nice team here, Sasuke, Lyger & Samurai will work well together


Syxx vs Chris Jericho

I just still don't like Waltman, no matter what role he is in


Chris Candido © vs Magnum Tokyo WCW Television Championship

Candido can't lose the strap already!


Lex Luger & The Giant © vs Vicious & Delicious WCW Tag Team Championship

Ditto - I don't like them as tag champs, but they can't drop the straps already... especially not to Buff


Main Event: Randy Savage vs 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper

I detect some nWo heelery to take place here and build towards a PPV match

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Goldberg vs Riggs

Great Sasuke, Jushin Liger, and El Samurai vs La Parka, El Hijo Del Santo and Psicosis

Syxx vs Chris Jericho

Chris Candido © vs Magnum Tokyo WCW Television Championship

Lex Luger & The Giant © vs Vicious & Delicious WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Randy Savage 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper

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Goldberg vs Riggs

Great Sasuke, Jushin Liger, and El Samurai vs La Parka, El Hijo Del Santo and Psicosis

Syxx vs Chris Jericho

Chris Candido © vs Magnum Tokyo WCW Television Championship

Lex Luger & The Giant © vs Vicious & Delicious WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Randy Savage 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper DRAW. NWO attacks them both.

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Just wanted to say this is extremely entertaining and one of the dynasties that makes me want to play TEW when I read it, keep up the good work!


Goldberg vs Riggs

Great Sasuke, Jushin Liger, and El Samurai vs La Parka, El Hijo Del Santo and Psicosis

Syxx vs Chris Jericho

Chris Candido © vs Magnum Tokyo WCW Television Championship

Lex Luger & The Giant © vs Vicious & Delicious WCW Tag Team Championship

Main Event: Randy Savage vs. 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper

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Just a quick one, did TEW retire Bobby, or should we wait for a storyline? I just....totally....dig.... Bobby Heenan. :D Please, please, please don't find yourself replacing him with 'Stagger' Lee Marshall!!!!


Yep, he really retired and "left the wrestling business." I gave REALLY strong consideration to editing him in the editor to just bring him back. Lee Marshall? HA! He's not even on the payroll!

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Yep, he really retired and "left the wrestling business." I gave REALLY strong consideration to editing him in the editor to just bring him back. Lee Marshall? HA! He's not even on the payroll!



But he's GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREAT! Awesome ending to the PPV.

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With real world mods I don't mind using the editor to keep people active when they still where in the real world at al or the other way by making people semi active or retire earlier. That said it really is a matter of opinion/taste and judgement, as you are already changing history by playing the historical mod. In this case you could reason bringing Joey Styles in indirectly or directly made Heenen quit.
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I am more under the impression that Bobby Hennan was on his way out and informed management months in advance, thus bringing in Joey was in direct response to Heenen leaving. =(


I just wish for that last month that maybe he would of trash talked Hulk Hogan over and over again, and in his final appearance manage DDP to the victory (a victory I didn't want to happen... )

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I remember in DOWCW, I was setting out to turn around the recent years of outhouse booking for Ric Flair, bring back that 'enjoyment' factor of the Nature Boy, and then ... WHAM! He announces he's retiring. Very quickly had to change the entire tact of the diary... the only advantage was having an excuse to book a long Sting/Flair match similar at least in my mind to some of their earlier classics.


You know, you could always move Stevie Ray to the commentary table... :D "Suckas gots to know....... Fruit booty...." Interesting times they were, anytime Stevie Ray was on the microphone for WCW at the end there.

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WCW Monday Night Nitro goes live from the Target Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan in front of a capacity crowd of 15,000. At the announce table are Tony Schiavone, Joey Styles, and Larry “the Living Legend” Zybyszko who has just taken his seat after a bow for the crowd.




Tony: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to WCW MONDAY night Nitro, I am Tony Schiavone alongside Larry Zybyszko and our new broadcast partner, Joey Styles. Gentlemen, we are coming off a HUGE night last night at Halloween Havoc, among many amazing things that took place, Diamond Dallas Page won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, defeating Hollywood Hogan for the 1…2…3, but guys…it was not without controversy.


Larry: That’s right Ton, it looked to me like the match was over, but The Hot Rod made the save and he..


{Larry is cut off by “Self High Five” which blares over the PA. The camera searches the crowd and then finds Diamond Dallas Page working his way to the crowd with the world title around his waist. He makes his way to the ring wear Gene Okerlund is standing by.}




Gene: Guys, I am joined now by the new heavyweight champion of the world, none other than DDP, Diamond Dallas Page, and DDP I’m sure there is an awful lot you want to say right about now, so take it away.


DDP: Thanks Gene. BANG!


Page walks away from the mic doing the Diamond Cutter sign into the Bang and the crowd is eating up. He gets back on the microphone.


DDP: So let me tell you guys a story. It begins with a piece of trash named Randy Savage assaulting my wife. Then, I defend my wife and ask for a match. Just one little match to end this thing once and for all, but he cries injury and ducks me. I’ll admit it; I was pissed. Thankfully though, my fury was set aside when I got a match instead with none other than Hollywood Hogan. Hey Hogan…BANG!


The crowd again erupts. Page is loving every moment of this.


Styles: Well guys, this is DDP’s moment and he’s loving it!


DDP: So now the story must continue. Savage, tonight you’ve got a match. That means your medically cleared to wrestle. Well guess what? I want you one on one nex…


DDP is cut off by the blaring of nWo music. Eric Bischoff and Hollywood Hogan walk out of the rampway, with Easy E grinning ear to ear. They make their way to the ring. Page is ready to fight but both Hogan pulls out a white handkerchief to calm him down.




Hogan: We come in peace brother, we come in peace!


Bischoff: That’s right DDP, we aren’t here for a fight, we are here for a resolution. You see, I know you put up a hell of a fight last night, and I know that tonight is supposed to be ‘DDP celebration’ night, but there’s one little problem.


DDP: What’s that?


Hogan: You didn’t beat me brother!


The crowd begins to boo as Nick Patrick runs down to the ring and gets in.


Eric: You see Page, to just put it all out there, you lost that match. Nick Patrick here hit the mat and counted the 1…2…3. Since he counted to three, the match was over and nothing that happened afterwards is official, despite Roddy Piper getting you a second chance. Let’s watch the tape!


Tony: 1…2…wait! Piper has drug Patrick out of the ring!


Brain: But did he count to three?


Piper drags Patrick out of the ring and begins yelling at Nick Patrick. Patrick begins yelling right back.


Tony: Did Hogan get the pinfall or not?


Hogan is celebrating in the ring and climbs out to get his title. On the other side of the ring, Patrick turns to call for the hell but Piper decks Nick Patrick! Patrick is down! Hogan is going back up the ramp-way with his title, believing he has won the match, but the bell has not rung. From behind, Piper grabs Hogan by the hair and drags him back to the ring, sliding him in!


Tony: What in the world?


Brain: I guess this match is going to continue Schiavone!


DDP begins wailing away on Hogan with a flurry of right hands and then drops him with a discus lariat. Referee Charles Robinson runs up the ramp-way and checks on Nick Patrick. Hogan nails Page with a low blow in the ring and goes back gets his chair. He tries to swing it at Page, but Piper grabs the chair from behind and pulls it from Hogan. Savage pulls Piper out of the ring and decks him. Hogan turns around…BANG!




Tony Schiavone is literally having an orgasm as Charles Robinson slides in the ring. Piper and Savage are brawling on the outside as Robinson hits the mat.






DDP: Listen…


He is cut off when WCW Nitro’s music plays and JJ Dillon comes to the ring.




DDP: Clear this up for these bozos JJ.


JJ: DDP, I…I hate to do this, really I do. Unfortunately, after reviewing the tape of last night’s main event, there is no other way to see it. Head referee Nick Patrick absolutely counted to three and was prevented from calling for the bell by Roddy Piper. Therefore, and believe me I take no pleasure in doing this, I am forced to vacate the decision, strip you of the title, and award it back to Hollywood Hogan.


The crowd begins booing like crazy as Bischoff and Hogan laugh in the ring. Hogan puts his hand out for the title. DDP unclasps the belt and throws it to the ground at Hogan’s feet.


DDP: You know what JJ, you’ve got no guts!


JJ: I know you feel…


DDP: Whatever.


Page starts to storm off as Hogan picks his belt up.


JJ: I wasn’t finished yet. Because of how awful I feel about this whole thing, I am ordering a rematch next week on Nitro!


Page turns back around from the rampway and flashes a half smile, but it’s clear he is very upset still. Hogan loses his mind in the ring as the crowd cheers.


Tony: Well…well I don’t quite know what to say guys. If only for a few hours, DDP was king of the world. To have that taken away, I can’t even imagine.


Styles: But at the same time we now know what next week’s main event will be, a rematch from Halloween Havoc, Hollywood Hogan puts the title on the line again, against DDP!


Tony: We’ll be right back fans!


{WCW goes to commercial}


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/GoldbergCW.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/RiggsCW.jpg

Goldberg vs Riggs


Goldberg’s music begins to play and he makes his way to the ring while the announcers continue to harp on the dramatic changes that have come about thus far on Nitro. While Goldberg makes his way to the ring, Riggs jumps the guardrail, leaving his seat at ringside where he was with Raven and Saturn.


The match got started with Riggs jumping Goldberg as he tried to get into the ring. He dominated for a minute or so, punching and kicking the larger Goldberg. The announcers put over the fact that Goldberg had an incredibly trying match with Yuji Nagata. At about the three minute mark, Goldberg blocked a DDT attempt from Riggs and took control. After a flurry of power moves, Goldberg brings the sloppy match to an end after a vicious spear, followed by a Jackhammer for the pinfall.


Winner: Goldberg via pinfall following the Jackhammer

Time: 5:15

Match Grade: C


Tony: Goldberg continues his winning ways guys, and now I’m told that Gene Okerlund is standing by with The Total Package Lex Luger. Gene?




Gene: Thanks guys. Alright, Lex Luger you have a tag title match tonight against the nWo’s Vicious & Delicious, and the obvious question is…where is your partner?


Lex: Well Gene, my partner is laying in a hospital bed in Las Vegas. The doctors say he has a broken neck. What do you think about that Gene? A broken neck! That scumbag Kevin Nash broke his neck with that Jackknife


Gene: Wait a minute? A broken neck? Obviously he won’t be able to compete tonight…


Lex: Well, look at the big brains on Gene! That’s right, he won’t be able to compete tonight. Thanks to Big Dummy, I’m not sure he’ll ever be able to compete again!


Gene: Well, what are you going to do tonight? Will you find a replacement partner?


Lex: You know I thought about it Gene, but Easy E has decided I have to defend the titles alone. So Norton, Buff…it’s me against you two, by myself. One of you is going to get racked!


Luger storms off the set


Tony: Wow! Guys, it looks like we’ve got a handicap match tonight!


Larry: This night just gets worse and worse Ton!


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Great Sasuke, Jushin Liger & El Samurai vs La Parka, Psicosis & El Hijo del Santo


Joey Styles managed the commentary for this match as he is obviously the most familiar with the international competitors. This match pits three Japanese superstars against three from South of the Border. The fans give warm responses to both teams, but nothing over the top as they make their way to the ring. Jushin Liger and La Parka are the obvious crowd favorites in this.


The contest is highly competitive and features a wide range of high impact, high risk maneuvers. At one point it was Liger vs Psicosis and this drew some awesome ovations from the crowd as the two exchanged some crazy spots. At the 6:00 minute mark, Psicosis missed on a moonsault that Jushin Liger converted into a reverse DDT. He almost scored the pinfall but was prevented by El Hijo del Santo.


In the final few moments, La Parka was pitted against El Samurai. After taking Samurai out with a neckbreaker, he then connected with the Sky-Twister Press for the pinfall.


Winner: La Parka via pinfall after a Sky-Twister Press

Time: 8:10

Match Grade: D+




nWo music blares and the crowd begins to boo miserably as Curt Hennig makes his way to the ring, accompanied by Steve McMichael. The crowd is chanting “You sold out, you sold out” over and over, booing the duo with all their energy. Hennig spins and struts in the ring, obviously mocking Flair.


Mongo: I know everyone is mad at me, hell I know everyone here wants to kick my ass, but let me just say, this wasn’t personal. It was business. I didn’t join the New World Order and this wasn’t about me betraying Ric Flair. This was a business transaction. The nWo offered me a substantial amount of money to do what I did…and let’s be honest…this shouldn’t surprise anyone. Heck, it was money that got me into the Horsemen to begin with. And when Flair offered to put the Horsemen on the line, put MY meal ticket on the line, I knew I had to jump at the offer.


Hennig: And I can tell you, the New World Order is glad you did. Now, you’ve served your purpose and you’ve got your money, so get out of my ring.


Mongo looks a little annoyed but he heads out.


Hennig: Last night something amazing happened. Something that has been long overdue. Last night, the Horsemen died. And I killed them! I did what men have been trying to do for a decade now, and I did it one night. I put down Ric Flair in the middle of that cage and with three slaps of the hand on the mat I mercifully brought to an end the tragedy that has been the Four Horsemen. You see, there was a time when the Horsemen were a beacon of greatness in this business, a time when the name Ric Flair brought forth respect and admiration. But frankly, that time passed a long time ago. Nobody cares about the limousine ridin anymore Nature Boy. Your time was over, but you refused to get out of the way. You refused to stand aside when the nWo came into town, and now it’s cost you dearly.


The crowd is booing beyond belief at this point, chanting “A$$hole, A$$hole.”


Hennig: So what. Call me what you will, it doesn’t change anything. I’m standing right here. I’m the survivor. I won that match last night! Hell, I’m told that Ric Flair was so emotional after that loss that he went home to Charlotte and cried himself to sleep. The word in the back is that Ric is so devastated, so embarrassed by what transpired that the little old man is retiring! All that’s left of Ric Flair’s legacy is this robe. This embarrassing robe. But it isn’t for me. No, I took this robe as a trophy, but not for myself. I took it as a trophy for the man who has been dealing with the Ric Flair thorn in his side his entire career. I took it for the undisputed World Champion, the REAL legend of this business, the one man that Ric Flair never could quite measure up to. And now, let me call down my hero, my idol, my leader…Hollywood…Hulk…Hogan!


Voodoo Child plays and the crowd boos. Hogan comes to the ring with Bischoff and his newly awarded World Heavyweight Championship. Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Konnan, Syxx, and Vincent accompany him.





Hennig: Hollywood, I’ve called you out here tonight to present you with something. Something I know will mean a lot to you. Something that you can put on your wall like the head of a dead deer. I give you the Robe of the Nature Boy Ric Flair! WOOOOOOOOO!


The crowd boos as Hennig removes the robe and hands it Hogan. Hogan holds it up and then stomps on it.


Hogan: You know what dude. Watching you win that match last night brother made me realize just how important you are. Curt Hennig is the MVP of the New World Order!


Nash and Hall suddenly look stunned to hear that.


Hogan: You are the cream of the crop brother, you are the greatest! The way you took care of business last night was just PERFECT brother! But it’s also made realize something else brother; there are members of this group that aren’t carrying their weight, aren’t contributing to the bigger prize. Hell, over in Japan our NWO brothers are fighting the good fight, but over here, some of our guys are just passing through.


The whole nWo begins acting stunned…


Hogan: So what do we do about it? I’ll tell you what we’ll do. Next week on Nitro, were going to have ourselves a little “nWo shirt on a pole” match between the three slackers in this organization, the three weak links. Whichever one of you guys can climb the turnbuckle and grab the shirt will get to keep their spot, the other two are out!


The nWo members all look stunned.


Hogan: So, the three members are Vincent, Syxx, and Konnan.


The three named members look shocked beyond belief, and Nash and Hall begin yelling at Hogan to defend Syxx. As they are arguing, the crowd erupts as the famous Horsemen music plays. Arn Anderson and Chris Benoit walk out, in Horsemen shirts. They begin making their way to the ring. The nWo allows them to enter.




The nWo allows Arn and Benoit to have a moment. They get on mics.


Arn: You guys think you’ve won something don’t you? Well guess what? We’re still standing. Chris may be a little bruised up, but we’ve still got some fight left in us and…


Eric: Wait just a minute now. You two seem to be making a mistake. You’re wearing…well…you’re wearing Horsemen shirts! There are no Horsemen!


Arn: The Horsemen are more than a group Bischoff, we’re an idea. You can’t kill us off that easy. Ric may be in a bad place right now as he contemplates his future, but Chris and I are here, and we’re ready to fight! You guys may want to destroy everything that means something, you may want to destroy tradition and legacy, but no matter what that contract said, the Horsemen will ALWAYS be standing in your way, on the other side of the line in the sand, ready to fight!


Eric: I have an enforceable contract…


Easy E stops talking as JJ Dillon makes his way to the ring.


Eric: JJ you’re the boss of “WCW” do your job. Ric Flair lost that match last night, and no stipulations on our side were violated. Enforce the contract. DISBAND THE HORSEMEN!


JJ: Arn, Chris…I…I…as commissioner of WCW I have no choice but to enforce the contract and order you to disband. Therefore, effective immediately…I quit!


JJ drops the microphone and climbs out of the ring. A stunned Bischoff looks as he walks away and Benoit and Anderson jump members of the Horsemen, though they are quickly overwhelmed and beaten down. As the assault goes on the crowd begins to cheer as DDP hits the ring!




DDP and the Horsemen work over a few members of the nWo before they finally clear out of the ring. The nWo didn’t really lose the battle, they just left to get out of the conflict.


Tony: What do you make of this guys? JJ Dillon has…well he has quit as the commissioner of WCW, the nWo seems to be coming apart at the seems, and the Horsemen…well who knows at this point about the Horsemen.


Styles: It’s going to be a long night Tony I can tell you that much! Are the Horsemen going to disband or not?


Larry: Did you guys notice who was missing from that little circle jerk? Where was Randy Savage?


Tony: Problems in the nWo obviously guys!


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Syxx vs Chris Jericho


The crowd booed Syxx as he came out to nWo music. The announcers harped heavily on the fact that Syxx would be fighting for his job next week on Nitro. Chris Jericho got a good reception from the crowd and Joey Styles went on about the triple threat for the Cruiserweight Championship at Halloween Havoc. He pointed out that Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio, Jr. worked pretty well in the triple threat last night.


The match was back and forth the entire way. Syxx attempted to get the pinfall by cheating multiple times, nailing Jericho with an enziguri and then a pinfall attempt with his feet on the ropes. The ref broke up the pinfall and admonished Syxx. Jericho took the match back over at about the 6:00 minute mark with a running bulldog. He tried for the Liontamer but Syxx escaped.


The two had more back and forth action for the next few minutes, with Syxx hitting the worst move in sports, the “Bronco Buster” in the corner on Jericho. Jericho took back over though at the 10:00 minute mark and went on a run, gaining all the momentum. He locked in the Liontamer again. Scott Hall and Kevin Nash came to ringside. Nash distracted the referee while Scott Hall slid in the ring and took out Jericho. He left the ring. Syxx lifted Jericho up and dropped him with a Facebuster for the pinfall.


Winner: Syxx via pinfall following a facebuster

Time: 12:00

Match Grade: B




Cameras “happen” to catch Sinister Minister speaking with Wrath backstage.


Minister: You’ve finally removed your mask my apprentice. You are no longer just a pupil, you are my shining achievement, my greatest student! Before long, you will rule the world. But first, you will be the World Champion. To accomplish that, you will go into the Mayhem Battle Royal and you will destroy your competition. Now that the idiot Mortis, my failed student, is gone…nothing can foil our plans!



{WCW goes to commercial. When we return, Chris Candido and Tammy are making their way to the ring for their upcoming match.}


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/Candido3.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/SunnyCW12.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/Tokyo.jpg

WCW Television Championship

Chris Candido © w/Tammy Lynn Sytch vs Magnum Tokyo


Chris Candido: Thank you ladies and gentlemen for such a WARM reception! I want you all to know that from now on, you are going to be getting an incredibly special treat every Monday night. A treat indeed! You will be privileged to see the best looking person in professional wrestling! And I’ll be accompanied by Tammy as well!


The crowd cheers for Tammy who does a little vixen strut around the ring.


Candido: So tune your sets to Monday Night Nitro every week and watch YOUR Television Champion!


Tammy: Now let’s explain the rules to them Chris. Every Monday night, Chris is obligated by contract to defend his title on this show. Therefore, I approached WCW management earlier this evening and told them that I wanted to be the one responsible for picking his opponents every week. And what Tammy wants…Tammy gets. So please welcome your opponent for tonight…one of the best wrestlers in the world….MAGNUM TOKYO!


Magnum Tokyo came to the ring after the dialogue and got in the ring. The crowd wasn’t in to Tokyo at all. The two had a good back and forth however with Tokyo even putting down Candido and locking him into a sleeper hold on the ground. Candido managed to get away from the sleeper though and spit in Tokyo’s eye to stun him. While Tokyo is wiping his eyes, Candido dances around the ring a little and then blows a kiss to Tammy.


The match then resumed with the two men exchanging some technical moves. Tokyo then dropped Candido with a stiff superkick. He’s about to go for a pinfall when Tammy hops up onto the ring apron and begins trying to seduce Tokyo. He gets a little excited and goes to the ropes to talk to Tammy and is quickly rolled up by Chris Candido for the 1…2…3!


After the match is over, Candido and Tammy celebrate in the ring and Tokyo storms out, furious.


Winner: Chris Candido via pinfall following a rollup

Time: 6:12

Match Grade: D




Backstage, Diamond Dallas Page is turning a corner and bumps into Eric Bischoff…


Bischoff: Aw, DDP, just the man I was looking for. Felt the need to butt into our business tonight did you? Well, take the rest of the night off. We wouldn’t want something to happen to you prior to your match next week. Oh, and you might want to rest up a little extra this week. Because not only will you be facing Hollywood Hogan in next week’s main event, but you’ll also be taking on one half of the world tag team champions prior to that. Buff Bagwell.


DDP: You know what Easy E? The time is going to come where someone is going to take you out. You’ll be standing there, praising yourself, flashing that ****y little smile, and then out of nowhere…BA…well…you get the picture.


Bischoff: We’ll see about that Page. Now get the hell out of my building.


Page walks off and Easy E laughs.


{WCW goes to commercial}




Gene: Tough loss out there tonight Chris, and there are a lot of people speculating that the winner of that match would get the next shot at the Cruiserweight title. How disappointed are you?


Jericho: Listen to me Green Gene, of course I’m disappointed. The nWo is out of control. If I ever…EEEEEEEVER…get my hands on them again I’ll take care of business! But, since I’ve got you here Meanie Genie, I just want to send some praise to the greatest Cruiserweight champion of all time, Rey Myesterio, Jr.! That guy is so amazing don’t you think Geno? I bet he won’t lose another match, ever…AGAIN!


Jericho flashes a smile and walks off. Gene Okerlund looks confused.


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WCW World Tag Team Championship

Lex Luger © vs Vicious & Delicious


Lex Luger came to the ring to a big pop, carrying both Tag Titles with him. The crowd is definitely into Luger as the announcers pontificate on the status of The Giant. Tony Schiavone says it might be the worst injury he’s ever seen. The crowd boos as Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton come out to the ring to the nWo “B” team music. As they do, the announcers wonder what the status of Randy Savage is in the nWo.


As it was a handicap match, the flow of this one was fairly predictable, and the work wasn’t top notch either. Norton and Luger began the match with Luger getting some big offense to begin with, but a cheap shot from Buff allowed Norton to begin to dominate. Norton and Bagwell then began tagging in and out, keeping each other fresh at all times. They worked together to dominate Luger for several minutes.


At the 7:00 minute mark, Luger managed to dodge a clothesline from Bagwell, knock Norton off the apron and then begin to dominate Bagwell with a rush of energy. He landed several flying forearms before going for the Torture Rack. He had Buff up before Norton got in the ring and took him out. Bagwell then dominated for a moment or two before Luger again tried for a flurry of offense and was again taken down by Norton. Then Bagwell hit the Blockbuster and got the pinfall for the victory and the straps.


Winner: Vicious & Delicious following the Blockbuster to win the WCW World Tag Team Championship

Time: 9:14

Match Grade: C+


Tony: Well guys he put a valiant fight, but in the end, two on one is just too much for anyone to overcome.


Larry: Yeah and you know these nWo scums just love it, never playing by the rules, never playing fair. And you know what? I’m sick of it! This is ridiculous.


Styles: Well guys we’ve got new tag team champions! I for one just think we need to be careful what we say, we don’t want those guys coming over here do we?


Larry: You little pencil necked dweeb. You’re scared of them? You just need to keep your mouth shut the rest of the night as far as I’m concerned. These guys broke The Giant’s neck and now they’ve taken the tag straps off Luger. WCW can’t catch a break these days! We win the titles back last night and then tonight we’re robbed of them the very next night!


Tony: Well I for one am eager to see what happens in our main event tonight. Randy Savage and Roddy Piper to collide for the first time! Two legends, two of the greatest names in the history of sport guys! Perhaps the greatest main event in the history of Monday Night Nitro! And he…what in the world?


The lights go out in the arena and black and strobe lights flash around the ring. A countdown begins on the screen. When it gets to 4 it returns to black. A video then plays, showing a battle between American revolutionaries and the British Red Coats, dramatized obviously. After it plays for about a minute, the screen dies and the lights come back on.


Tony: What in the world was that guys?


Styles: You’ve got me Tony!


Tony: Well, it’s time for the main event, so let’s turn it over to the legendary ring announcer, Michael Buffer…



Main Event


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/RandySavageCW5.jpg vs.http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/RoddyPiperCW.jpg

Randy Savage vs ‘Rowdy’ Roddy Piper


Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your main event of the evening. Are you ready?

{Crowd cheers}


Buffer: Are...you...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeady!


{Crowd erupts}


Buffer: Then for the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world, ladies and gentlemen, llllllllllleeeet's get ready to rrrrrrrrrrumble!


{The crowd explodes as bagpipes begin to play in the arena.}


Buffer: Introducing first, hailing from Glasgow, Scotland, he is a legend in this business and one of the most recognizable mainstream wrestlers in history. The master of the Sleeper Hold, he stands 6 feet and 2 inches and weighed in this evening at 235 pounds…he is the Hot Rod…RRRRRRRRRowdy…RRRRRRRRRRoddy….PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPiper!


{Piper gets in the ring and removes his kilt, playing to the crowd. Then Macho Man’s old music begins to play, notably NOT the nWo music and the crowd gives a mixed reaction as he comes to the ring.}


Buffer: And his opponent from Sarasota Florida, he stands 6 feet 2 inches and weight in this evening at 237 pounds, he is a former four time World Heavyweight Champion. A member of the New World Order, he is the master of the flying elbow drop…The Macho Man…..Randy….Savage!


Tony: Guys, I don’t know if you noticed this or not, but he came out to his old music, NOT nWo music. What is THAT a sign of guys?


Styles: I hate to speculate, but I think we may be seeing the disintegration of the New World Order! First the announcement that three members of the nWo will have to face each other for the right to stay in the organization and now Savage appears to be…dare I say...standing alone?


The match began as a straight up brawl. Piper isn’t much of a worker at this point, but he sure knows how to play the crowd. Savage carried the match as he did most of the heavy lifting. Piper tried for the Sleeper multiple times in the first few minutes but never managed to get it locked in completely. At the 5:00 minute mark, Savage took control of the match with a discreet low blow that stunned Piper. Savage then put Piper in the corner and landed some of his trademark stiff right hands.


Styles: Savage is one of the hardest hitters in the sport guys.


Tony: Yeah there’s no taking away from what he can do inside that ring.


Savage dropped Piper with a Russian Leg Sweep at the 8:00 minute mark. Hollywood Hogan then made his way to ringside and he and Savage jawed at each other. The distraction of Hogan coming to ringside allowed Piper to get back into the match. He began to attack Savage like a wildman, going as far as to bite him on the nose.


Styles: Oh my god…is he…biting him?


Savage managed to get away from the bite with help from the referee and went to the corner to compose himself. Hogan on the outside was just watching. Piper then went and put the Sleeper on Savage, but Savage used the turnbuckle to bounce Piper off of him and to the ground. When Piper got back to his feet he got dropped by a clothesline. Piper climbed to the top for a Flying Elbow Smash, but Piper got to his feet and knocked Savage’s legs out from under him, causing him to drop and straddle the turnbuckle.


Larry: Not a good position guys!


Piper climbed up and dropped Savage with a Superplex. He made the cover at the 12:00 minute mark and got a two count that almost went to three. Piper then got Savage to his feet and tried an inverted atomic drop, but Savage reversed it and spun Piper around, dropping him with a neckbreaker. He then paused for a few moments, catching his breath. Piper got back to his feet and the two men began brawling again, acting like furious savages. The brawl was a little sloppy and they danced around the ring fighting. Savage used his power to take control of the battle and tossed Piper into the turnbuckle. He took control of Piper and dropped him with a piledriver. He then climbed the turnbuckle and motioned for the Elbow Smash, pointing at Hogan. He dropped the elbow and got the 3 count.


Winner: Randy Savage via pinfall following a Flying Elbow Drop

Time: 17:26

Match Grade: A



After the match has ended, the nWo floods the ring and begins beating down on Piper. Savage leaves the ring, not partaking in the assault as Hogan barks at him from the ring about the nWo being 4 life.


Tony: This is disgusting! Somebody get out here and kick their butts!


The beatdown continues. Lex Luger rushes the ring but is quickly overwhelmed. The nWo begins to spray paint the back of the fallen Luger and Piper when the crowd suddenly erupts!




Sting uses his bat to lay out the members of the New World Order. Hogan tries to get Sting from behind but catches the bat to the midsection. The nWo flees the ring, abandoning Hogan in the center. Sting locks Hogan in the Scorpion Deathlock!


Tony: The nWo…has abandoned Hogan?


Styles: OH MY GOD!


Larry: I think the fat lady has sung guys!


Eric Bischoff runs after Sting in the ring and he lets go of Hogan to take Bischoff down. Hogan flees the ring, holding his back and is helped up the rampway, berating his fellow members as they go. Inside the ring, Bischoff stands up and realizes he is surrounded by Roddy Piper, Lex Luger and Sting. He tries to get out but is pulled back by Piper and slapped across the face. Hogan and the nWo are screaming at the ring, where Sting is pointing back at Hogan with the bat.


Tony: All he wants is Hogan guys! If it wasn’t obvious before, it’s obvious now. Sting’s heart burns to get his hands on Hogan!


As Nitro ends, Sting drops Bischoff in the center of the ring with a Scorpion Deathdrop and the crowd explodes.



Final Results

Show Grade: B+

Attendance: 15,000


Goldberg defeated Riggs

La Parka, Psicosis & El Hijo del Santo defeated Great Sasuke, El Samurai & Jushin Liger

Syxx defeated Chris Jericho

Chris Candido © defeated Magnum Tokyo to retain the WCW Television Championship

Vicious & Delicious defeated Lex Luger & The Giant ©to win the WCW Tag Team Championship

Randy Savage defeated Roddy Piper


OOC: I changed the match writing style this time. Is this easier?

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Nice show mate. Only question, was Roddy Piper suffering from fatigue towards the end of that match?


I know its storylined, but I'm real glad Mongo isn't in the Horsemen anymore, whether they be alive or dead. He so was not Horsemen material.

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Nice show mate. Only question, was Roddy Piper suffering from fatigue towards the end of that match?


I know its storylined, but I'm real glad Mongo isn't in the Horsemen anymore, whether they be alive or dead. He so was not Horsemen material.


He was exhausted actually.


To your second point, I hate Mongo. He was the worst thing WCW ever did imo.


Note to all readers: On the six man tag I'm giving everybody credit for the prediction. The winner was supposed to be Liger's team, but El Hijo del Santo asserted his creative control and I had to book them to win.

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He was exhausted actually.


To your second point, I hate Mongo. He was the worst thing WCW ever did imo.


Note to all readers: On the six man tag I'm giving everybody credit for the prediction. The winner was supposed to be Liger's team, but El Hijo del Santo asserted his creative control and I had to book them to win.


I wouldn't label Mongo that bad. There's Dale Torborg the DEMON, Robo Cop, Zodiac, Yeti, Shockmaster, Big Josh, PN News, Oz (yes, Kevin Nash), Erik Watts, El Gigante... yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck.


I think Mongo potentially had a role to play, as a heel body guard enforcer type or as a voicepiece to a younger wrestler, because the guy looked like a rough and tough athlete who could definitely entertain. Mongo though was not what was needed as the Fourth Horsemen. You look at a Booker T, or a Bill Goldberg, or even make a star out of someone like Chris Kanyon... the wrestler can't be over-gimmicked as thats not the Horsemen way, it can't be Bret Hart because there's the natural Flair/Hart feud to play out, but it certainly shouldn't be Mongo. Arn Anderson said on a chat piece one night that he'd preferred the Fourth Horsemen to have been Goldberg, he said he typified what they needed at the time.

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I wouldn't label Mongo that bad. There's Dale Torborg the DEMON, Robo Cop, Zodiac, Yeti, Shockmaster, Big Josh, PN News, Oz (yes, Kevin Nash), Erik Watts, El Gigante... yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck.


Big Josh, PN News and Erik Watts peril in comparison to the worst gimmick WCW ever did... "The Ding Dongs !!!!!!"

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The Ratings are in!


WCW Monday Night Nitro (B+) scored a 4.21 rating on TNT (Declined)

WWF Raw is War (A) drew a 4.29 rating on the USA Network (Improved)


Raw is War Results

Savio Vega d. Doug Furnas (C-)

Shawn Michaels d. Miguel Perez to retain the Euro title(B)

Barry Horowitz and Mark Henry went to a no-contest (D)

The Hart Foundation d. Mankind & Kane (A*)

Hawk d. The Undertaker (B+)




La Parka d. El Samurai (D+)

The Steiner Brothers d. Brad Armstrong & Tracy Smothers©

Wrath d. VK Wallstreet (D+)

Curt Hennig d. Rick Martel to retain the US Title (B)


Show Rating: C+

Attendance: 3,954

TV Rating: 0.16 (Improved)


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