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The Curious Case of WCW

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I wouldn't label Mongo that bad. There's Dale Torborg the DEMON, Robo Cop, Zodiac, Yeti, Shockmaster, Big Josh, PN News, Oz (yes, Kevin Nash), Erik Watts, El Gigante... yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck.


I think Mongo potentially had a role to play, as a heel body guard enforcer type or as a voicepiece to a younger wrestler, because the guy looked like a rough and tough athlete who could definitely entertain. Mongo though was not what was needed as the Fourth Horsemen. You look at a Booker T, or a Bill Goldberg, or even make a star out of someone like Chris Kanyon... the wrestler can't be over-gimmicked as thats not the Horsemen way, it can't be Bret Hart because there's the natural Flair/Hart feud to play out, but it certainly shouldn't be Mongo. Arn Anderson said on a chat piece one night that he'd preferred the Fourth Horsemen to have been Goldberg, he said he typified what they needed at the time.




I thought PN News had potential actually. saw one of the matches on WWE Classics with him and I think the gimmick had potential......

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WCW Monday Nitro Week 2 November


Just two weeks away from Mayhem, WCW rolls into Atlanta, Georgia and the Georgia Dome for a supershow!


Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs La Parka WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Konnan vs Syxx vs Vincent "nWo shirt on a pole a match"

Buff Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page

Chris Candido © vs Wrath WCW Television Championship

Curt Hennig © vs Lex Luger WCW United States Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Plus!: With the shocking retirement of JJ Dillon, who will be calling the shots in World Championship Wrestling?


Predictions on who will be in charge from now on are welcome.

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Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs La Parka WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Konnan vs Syxx vs Vincent "nWo shirt on a pole a match"

Buff Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page

Chris Candido © vs Wrath WCW Television Championship

Curt Hennig © vs Lex Luger WCW United States Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Well with the horsemen "dead" I am thinking Flair.

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Just two weeks away from Mayhem, WCW rolls into Atlanta, Georgia and the Georgia Dome for a supershow!


Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs La Parka WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Konnan vs Syxx vs Vincent "nWo shirt on a pole a match"

Buff Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page

Chris Candido © vs Wrath WCW Television Championship

Curt Hennig © vs Lex Luger WCW United States Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Plus!: With the shocking retirement of JJ Dillon, who will be calling the shots in World Championship Wrestling?


The man who likes Nature, and the man who likes boys.. Ric Flair, or Bobby Hennen

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Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho


Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs La Parka WCW Cruiserweight Championship


Konnan vs Syxx vs Vincent "nWo shirt on a pole a match"

Do not keep Syxx in the NWO!!


Buff Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page


Chris Candido © vs Wrath WCW Television Championship


Curt Hennig © vs Lex Luger WCW United States Championship

by dq or something so Hennig retains


Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs La Parka WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Konnan vs Syxx vs Vincent "nWo shirt on a pole a match"

Buff Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page

Chris Candido © vs Wrath WCW Television Championship

This is a toss up b/c of the way your are pushing Wrath


Curt Hennig © vs Lex Luger WCW United States Championship



Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Interference or No Contest


Plus!: With the shocking retirement of JJ Dillon, who will be calling the shots in World Championship Wrestling? Ric Flair/Roddy Piper/Larry Zybysko

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Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs La Parka WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Konnan vs Syxx vs Vincent "nWo shirt on a pole a match"

Buff Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page

Chris Candido © vs Wrath WCW Television Championship

Curt Hennig © vs Lex Luger WCW United States Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship - DQ finish when the nWo run in.


Plus!: With the shocking retirement of JJ Dillon, who will be calling the shots in World Championship Wrestling? EDIT: I'm actually thinking Larry Zbysko.

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Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs La Parka WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Konnan vs Syxx vs Vincent "nWo shirt on a pole a match"

Buff Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page

Chris Candido © vs Wrath WCW Television Championship

Curt Hennig © vs Lex Luger WCW United States Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs La Parka WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Konnan vs Syxx vs Vincent "nWo shirt on a pole a match"

Buff Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page

Chris Candido © vs Wrath WCW Television Championship

Curt Hennig © vs Lex Luger WCW United States Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship


with 4 title matches I'm going to say one changes hands... I'll go with Luger... Syxx has to win nwo shirt on pole, because he might be the only one of the 3,that can climb the pole

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Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs La Parka WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Konnan vs Syxx vs Vincent "nWo shirt on a pole a match"

Buff Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page

Chris Candido © vs Wrath WCW Television Championship

Curt Hennig © vs Lex Luger WCW United States Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Plus!: With the shocking retirement of JJ Dillon, who will be calling the shots in World Championship Wrestling? Ric Flair

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Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs La Parka WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Konnan vs Syxx vs Vincent "nWo shirt on a pole a match"

Buff Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page

Chris Candido © vs Wrath WCW Television Championship

Curt Hennig © vs Lex Luger WCW United States Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship



Who's in charge? Flair or Piper

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Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs La Parka WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Konnan vs Syxx vs Vincent "nWo shirt on a pole a match"

Buff Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page

Chris Candido © vs Wrath WCW Television Championship

Curt Hennig © vs Lex Luger WCW United States Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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The Styles Report


-Uh oh. WCW just lost the ratings war for the first time in over a year! Ted Turner is said to be furious with WCW management and heads are likely to roll if the trend continues. A lot is being pinned on next week's "Supershow" from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta.


-For those wondering, Rob Van Dam has been nursing a sore ankle he sustained at an ECW show. He should be back full time in a week or so.


-A lot of people were impressed by the strong showing Rick Martel gave in his US title match with Curt Hennig. Martel probably earned himself a spot on the roster with that work.


-Special tribute here to The Original Sheik, who officially left the wrestling business over the weekend. The man was innovator and gave the business a lasting legacy. He wasn't everyone's cup of tea, but the man was special.


-What oh what is to become of the Horsemen? I'm told that the contract ordering them to disband WILL be enforced. Ric Flair has been impossible to reach since his loss to Hennig at Halloween Havoc. One has to wonder if we'll ever see the Nature Boy again.


-No word yet on when The Giant will return to action, if ever. He's still recuperating from neck surgery on that broken neck he sustained at the hands of Kevin Nash.


-Stevie Ray is seriously injured after the vicious attack he suffered from the Outsiders a few weeks back. Booker T is pissed and is out for blood.


-Is anyone hotter at this point than Curt Hennig? I don't think so.


-Some suspensions were handed out recently due to massive drug test failures in the company. No word yet on who.


-Did Sting really drop Eric Bischoff? You bet your life. Easy E is furious and there is a good chance that he will take it out on someone on Nitro. Whoever is going to be appointed WCW's new commissioner will have a tough job.


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Juventud Guerrera vs Chris Jericho

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs La Parka WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Konnan vs Syxx vs Vincent "nWo shirt on a pole a match"

Buff Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page

Chris Candido © vs Wrath WCW Television Championship

Curt Hennig © vs Lex Luger WCW United States Championship

Hollywood Hogan © vs Diamond Dallas Page WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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The intro video finishes and the crowd explodes as WCW goes live from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia. The Larry chanters have just gotten their fill as the Legend takes his seat behind the announce booth.




Tony: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to WCW’s Monday Night Nitro, live from Atlanta. They are literally hanging from the rafters here tonight, not a single seat available ANYWHERE! I am joined by my esteemed colleagues Joey Styles and of course, the living legend himself, Larry Zbyszko. Guys, a big night tonight here in Atlanta.


Styles: That’s right Tony, a BIG night. Four title matches here tonight, including the big one in the main event! Plus for the first time ever, members of the New World Order will fight amongst themselves to determine who will get to continue to be in the group! I have a feeling the nWo is starting to fall apart guys!


Larry: Well you won’t see me crying over it that’s for sure guys.


{Back in Black begins to play and Chris Candido makes his way to the ring accompanied by Tammy Lynn Sytch for the opening contest.}


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/Candido3.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/SunnyCW16j.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/WrathCW.jpg w/http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/SinisterMinisterCW.jpg

WCW Television Championship

Chris Candido © w/Tammy Lynn Sytch vs. Wrath w/Sinister Minister


Candido and Tammy did their usual sex laden entrance. Candido was not able to get a word in on the microphone however as Wrath’s music blared before he could open his mouth. Candido was stunned to see Wrath and began an argument with Tammy who also appeared stunned. The screen lit up and flashed backstage where Rick Martel was counting some money, apparently bought off for this match!


Tony: Something tells me that Wrath isn’t who Tammy originally lined up for this one guys!


This match was sloppy, and the crowd wasn’t sure who to cheer for quite frankly. Candido’s work shined though. His strategy was obvious; run. Candido attempted to stay out of the ring, sliding in and out to stay away from Wrath. After dodging Wrath for about 45 seconds, Sinister Minister finally held his leg on the outside and Wrath took him down. They got in the ring and Candido cowered from the monster as he got pummeled. Wrath dropped Candido with a gorilla press slam at the 2:00 minute mark. Candido climbed back to his feet and then dropped to the mat, face first. After another minute or so of domination, Candido finally got back into the match by dodging a big boot from Wrath that got the big man tied up on the ropes. Candido made Wrath ride the ropes for a few seconds before slingshotting him back in and going for the cover.


Tony: 1…2…near fall!


Wrath took control of the match again after this and dominated for the remainder of the match. At the 5:10 mark, Wrath setup Candido for the Meltdown and nailed it.


Styles: Bobby Heenan’s favorite move!


Tammy then distracted the referee and an argument broke out between Tammy and Minister. Tammy slapped Minister as the referee started lecturing them. From out of nowhere, an unmasked Mortis charged the ring and dropped Wrath in the center with a Flatliner! The ref never saw it as Mortis then ran back up the ramp way. The referee turned around to see a dazed Candido stumble to his feet and jump back in shock at the downed Wrath. He pointed at himself as if to say “Did I do that?” Candido then climbed the top rope and nailed the Flying Headbutt for the win.


Winner: Chris Candido via the Diving Headbutt to retain the Television Championship

Time: 6:01

Match Grade: D+


The screen jumps backstage where an nWo emblazoned Hummer has just pulled up. Out of it step Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Syxx. Hall and Nash pat Syxx on the back who looks distressed as the screen goes to commercial.



http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/BuffBagwellCW2.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/DDPCW4.jpg

Buff Bagwell vs. Diamond Dallas Page


Tony: This is the first of two matches for DDP tonight guys, and this one is no pushover. One half of the world tag team champions, though there isn’t much bragging rights involved with the way they won those belts, Buff Bagwell.


The crowd chewed Buff up and spit him out when he came to the ring, booing him mercilessly. When he held up the World Tag Team title they booed him even worse. He laughed about it all and danced around the ring doing his “I’m Buff and I’m the Stuff” routine. The crowd then went crazy for DDP who made his way through the crowd.


Styles: Well here’s the man of the hour, DDP! You all heard what he said earlier, he may not be the World Champion, but he sure as hell is the People’s Champion!


The match was evenly fought at first with both men exchanging right hands, but Page is the better worker and took over pretty quickly with a belly to belly suplex. The crowd ate up everything Page did in the ring and he really shined in the match. It was pretty clear that Buff has been improving in his performance skills though as he did a better job playing to the crowd and selling the moves. At the 6:00 minute mark, DDP did his trademark shoulder block trifecta before knocking Buff down with a discus lariat.


Tony: The crowd loves DDP here in Atlanta!


Buff begins to gain some more momentum at around the 7:20 mark and eventually put Page in an abdominal stretch. DDP escaped it though and dropped Buff with a jawbreaker. Buff bounced off the ropes and right into a Diamond Cutter!


Tony: There it is! The Diamond Cutter!


Styles: Wait just a minute!


Scott Norton rushed the ring and took DDP out from behind, forcing the referee to call for the bell.



Winner: Diamond Dallas Page via disqualification

Time: 9:49

Match Grade: A




After the match is over, Scott Norton and Buff Bagwell continue to assault Diamond Dallas Page. Page tries to fight back, even knocking Norton down at one point, but is quickly taken out again when Buff wallops him with the tag team title belt.


Tony: More nWo thuggery Joey. This is the worst assault I’ve ever seen!


Norton is stomping away on Page when Bagwell slides out of the ring and gets a table. He slides it back into the ring and sets it up.


Styles: Is that…a table? Who says you can never go home again!


Norton sets DDP up and powerbombs him through the table. Buff gets out of the ring again and gets a chair, sliding it into the ring.


Tony: Enough is enough! The man is broken in half!


DDP is in fact holding his ribs, rolling in pain as Buff sets up the chair. Norton signals for another powerbomb, but he and Buff flee the ring as the cavalry arrive!




Tony: The Steiner Brothers are here!


The Steiners chase off Buff and Norton, but the tag team champions are laughing as they head back to the dressing rooms.


Styles: Sure, but has the damage been done Tony? How is DDP supposed to compete tonight at this point?


The Steiners tend to DDP as WCW goes to commercial.


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/JuviCW4.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ChrisJerichoCW5.jpg

Juventud Guerrera vs. Chris Jericho


Styles: This match is between two of the top cruiserweights in the business guys. Jericho lost last week to Syxx in what might have been a #1 contender’s match, but he gets a golden opportunity here tonight to redeem himself!


The crowd was positive for both men, more so for Jericho though. The two had a hotly contested battle with some fantastic displays of aerial prowess from Juventud Guerrera. The crowd ate up his high flying attack which included a suicide somersault over the top rope to the floor that connected on Jericho on the outside.


Styles: OH MY GOD!


When the two men got back into the ring, Jericho took control of the match with a variety of technical moves. When he put Juventud in a chin lock on the mat, the crowd began chanting “Let’s go Juvi, Let’s go Juvi” which seemed to stun Jericho. He let Juventud up, whipped him off the ropes and dropped him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Jericho tries to lock in the Liontamer but Juventud escaped. Jericho tried to pick Juvi up for a powerbomb but he got reversed into a Hurricarana pin fall attempt!




Jericho got up outraged by the reversal and went for a clothesline, only to miss. Juvi bounced off the ropes and then took Jericho down with a flying headscissors.


Tony: Where’s Mike Tenay! Where’s Mike Tenay!


Juvi motioned for the 450 Splash and climbed to the top. The crowd went wild as he did the dive, but Jericho was playing opossum and caught Juventud in the air, dropped him with a powerbomb and then locked in the Liontamer, forcing Juventud to submit.


Winner: Chris Jericho via submission following the Liontamer

Time: 10:03

Match Grade: C+




Gene: Guys I’m standing by with The Macho Man Randy Savage, and Macho Man, a lot of people want to know, just where do you stand?


Savage: UH HUH OH YEAH! Everybody wants to know what MATTTTTTTTTCHO Man is going to do uh huh, but you know what Geeeeeeeeene? I’m not gonna tell you. You know why? BECAUSE ONLY THE MACHO MAN NEEDS TO KNOW! I’ll decide where I stand, and when I decide it’s time to tell the world, THAT’S when they’ll know.


Gene: Just a little bit of information though Randy Savage, are you New World Order or not?


Savage: NOT!


Gene: WOW!


Savage: NOOOOOOOOOT gonna tell you little man.


Gene: Now Randy…


Savage: DDP and Hogan better keep their eye on the prize tonight though man, because the Macho Man is in the house, and the Macho Man has a plan. FREAK OUT FREAK OUT OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAH!


Savage storms off the set as WCW goes to commercial.





When WCW returns from commercial break, nWo music is playing, and Hollywood Hogan is making his way to the ring with Eric Bischoff. As they come to the ring, Hogan grabs a sign that says “Hogan fears Sting” and tears it up.




The crowd is chanting “You Suck”


Hollywood: Hello all you nWoites, and welcome to Hollywood’s show! I regret to inform you that there will be NO World Title match tonight. You see, when JJ Dillon resigned last week, he made a mistake. Now that he’s gone, all the power rests with Easy E here brothers, and since HE’S the boss around here, he’s decided that I get the night off.


Bischoff: That’s right! Instead, in the main event, Diamond Dallas Page WILL wrestle, but instead of Hollywood, he’ll wrestle Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton in a handicap match! But wait, there’s more!


Bischoff is cut off when WCW Nitro’s theme begins to play. He looks up the ramp way confused and then the crowd pops and Bischoff looks stunned…






Ted Turner: Listen here ya’ll, you’ve been terrorizin my wrastlin company for a long time now, and I’ve sat back and watched it happen. Shame on me for that. But after what I witnessed at Halloween Havoc, and then last week on Nitro…well…well I decided that enough is enough!


Bischoff: Wait just a minute Ted…you can’t fire me…you can’t fire any of us! We’re New World Order, not WCW!


Ted Turner: Fire ya? Who said anything about firin ya? Not me! I’m here tonight to make things right though. With JJ Dillon resigin, we’re left without a commissioner round these parts, and I am to fix it. I went back and asked myself, who is the perfect man to lead WCW into the next generation while fightin the nWo at the same time? Who’s got the brains, the guts, and the good ol’ fashion Georgia bulldog mentality to pull it off? I thought about names like Terry funk (pop) Ricky Steamboat (pop) Dusty Rhodes (pop)…but I settled on the man I knew felt EXACTLY the way I feel about you and your kind Easy E…so, give it up for your new commissioner of WCW!


Nitro music hits and Turner starts to leave the arena as none other than Larry Zbyszko leaves his announcer’s booth and walks up the ramp way. Eric Bischoff and Hollywood Hogan look furious as Zbyszko takes the microphone from Ted Turner who leaves.





Larry: Thank you Mr. Turner. MY MY MY MY how the tables have turned huh fellas? Time for some ground rules. I’m in charge of WCW Monday Night Nitro, and I make the rules. Hogan, your little match tonight that Bischoff cancelled, its back on! You WILL defend your title tonight against Diamond Dallas Page, and there will be no count outs. If you fail to show up for that match you will be stripped of the title!


The crowd begins to cheer as Hogan starts crying a river in the ring.


Larry: And furthermore, we’ve got ourselves a little pay-per-view in a few weeks called Mayhem. Because you and Savage seems to have such an issue with DDP and Roddy Piper, the two of you will be in tag team action against the two of them!


Hogan rolls his eyes and shakes his head, clearly not interested in teaming with Piper.


Larry: And then finally, we WILL have the World War 3 Battle Royal that night, and the winner, whoever it is, will get to challenge YOU for that title anytime they want! Now, have a good night!


The crowd cheers as Larry drops the microphone and makes his way up the ramp way and WCW goes to commercial.




http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/ReyMysterioCW4.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/LaParkaCW.jpg

WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs. La Parka


The crowd was solidly behind Rey Mysterio, Jr. throughout the bout as he has become quite the fan favorite in WCW. He and La Parka demonstrated awful chemistry in the ring and they struggled to sell the fact that La Parka was the bigger of the two but wasn’t getting much offense in. La Parka hit a big power slam at the 4:00 minute mark, but instead of going for a pin fall, he began to dance in the ring which delighted the crowd.


After dominating physically after Rey’s initial surge, Parka tried to put Rey on the top turnbuckle for a superplex, but Rey pushed Parka off the top and then dropped him with the Flying Bulldog when he got back to his feet, scoring the pin fall.


Winner: Rey Mysterio, Jr. via pin fall following the Flying Bulldog to retain the Cruiserweight Championship

Time: 6:40

Match Grade: C+


As Rey Mysterio is celebrating and La Parka makes his way back up the ramp way, Chris Jericho walks out onto the ramp…


Jericho: Cut the music. Rey, you are a fantastic athlete and a great champion. I can only hope to become what you are. But …I want a chance to prove to myself and to the world, that I’m as good as you. I need to test myself! So I’m challenging you, next Monday, right here on Nitro, to a friendly competition. You put the title on the line Rey and let me prove to myself, to the world, to all these fans, let me prove, let me SEE, just how good I am…


Rey stands for a second and then nods his head in approval.


Tony: WOW! Rey Mysterio, Jr. vs. Chris Jericho next week on Nitro! I don’t believe it!


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/KonnanCW.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/SeanWaltmanCW4.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/VincentCW.jpg

nWo shirt on a pole match

Konnan vs. Syxx vs. Vincent


Syxx came out to nWo “A” team music and Konnan & Vincent were already in the ring. The crowd was booing all three men, and all three razzed the crowd back.


Tony: Well, it appears that the crowd doesn’t like any of these guys! Surprise surprise!


While Konnan and Syxx yelled at some crowd members, Vincent immediately began to climb the turnbuckle!


Styles: Vincent is going to win it right here!


Konnan knocked Vincent off the turnbuckle and then he and Syxx double teamed Vincent, beating the hell out of him. Vincent fought back, but he was sloppy that he really looked dreadful in the ring. After a faceplant by Syxx and an Implant DDT by Konnan, they threw him over the top rope and to the ground and focused on each other. Konnan dominated Syxx earlier on with his power but Syxx fought back with his speed pretty quickly. Neither man seemed to be getting an advantage for the first 5:00 minutes, when they took each other out with a dropkick.


Styles: Both these guys want this bad! Can you imagine what it would be like to be kicked out of the New World Order?


Vincent slid back in the ring and laughed at both men. He tried to get up on the turnbuckle and then was caught from behind by…Scott Hall! Hall dropped Vincent from the top turnbuckle with the Outsider’s Edge and then kicked his limp body out of the ring. He woke Syxx up and told him to get the shirt. Syxx tries but Konnan knocked him down. Hall then begins a brawl with Konnan that saw Konnan nail Hall with a low blow and clothesline him over the top rope!


Styles: Oh my god? nWo vs. nWo vs. nWo vs.…my head is hurting!


Konnan tried to get the shirt but jumped down when he heard the sound of a big heavy man stepping into the ring. He turned around and saw Big Sexy. He ran at Nash and got dropped by the Big Boot. Nash set him up and then Jacknifed him over the top rope and out of the ring. Syxx then got up and climbed to get the shirt, uncontested.


Winner: Syxx

Time: 7:58

Match Grade: C


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/CurtHennigNWO.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/LexLugerCW6.jpg

WCW United States Championship

Curt Hennig © vs. Lex Luger


Curt Hennig came out and the crowd absolutely trashed him, booing him, chanting obscenities, you name it he got it. He didn’t seem phased however, smirking the whole way to the ring. He did his gum spitting routine and then handed the US belt to the referee. Lex Luger then came to the ring to a pretty big pop.


Tony: Lex Luger was a champion in his own right as of one week ago, holding the Tag Team Championship with The Giant, only to be robbed and forced to defend those titles in a handicap match last week on Nitro.


Styles: That’s right Tony, and we still have yet to hear anything about The Giant’s neck injury. I am starting to think he may never make it back!


The match was solid, but unspectacular. Lex Luger didn’t look bad, but Hennig looked good as always, carrying yet another lug to a solid performance. Hennig was dominated early on by the sheer power of Luger, being hip tossed, powers lamed, and back body dropped into oblivion. At the 5:00 minute mark he even got Lex Luger’s favorite move, the inverted atomic drop to send him out of the ring through the middle rope for a breather.


Tony: This isn’t going how Hennig expected!


Styles: And no nWo interference means Hennig is going to have to do this on his own for once!


Hennig got back on the apron. As Luger tried to get him back in the ring, Hennig dropped him jaw first on the top rope sending Luger stumbling backward. This allowed Hennig to control the match for the next several minutes. At the 10:00 minute mark, Luger got another surge of energy and tackled Hennig with a series of flying forearms. He began to motion for the Torture Rack but was thwarted by a shot to the face from a foreign object. After a few minutes of rest holds and exchanges punches, Hennig put Luger in the Figure Four!


Tony: Luger’s going to tap!


Arn Anderson rushed the ring and distracted the referee. Hennig let go of Luger and got this feet only to be dropped by Chris Benoit who took him out with the United States title belt! Benoit slid out of the ring and ran through the crowd as Arn dropped to the floor and raised his hands. Hennig stumbles to his feet and Luger, totally unaware of what has happened, picks him up from behind…


Tony: He’s got the Rack! He’s got the Rack!


Styles: Hennig is tapping! We’ve got a new United States Champion!


Winner: Lex Luger via submission following the Torture Rack to win the United States Championship

Time: 15:03

Match Grade: B-


When WCW returns from commercial break, Harlem Heat’s music is playing. The crowd pops good as Booker T makes his way out of the entrance ramp, but he’s not in his usual attire.




Booker T: Hey Nash, hey Hall, hey all you suckas in the nWo! I just spoke to my brotha Stevie Ray, and his back is messed up good. He’s gonna be out for a long time suckas. You know, I tried to sit back and stay out of your little conflict, I tried to let the nWo have their space…but not anymore! You want a war? YOU GOT A WAR!


Booker T throws down the microphone and storms off.


Styles: Well it’s about damn time SOMEONE in this company took that stance!





Main Event


http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/Hollywood.jpg VS http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b352/justtxyank/Diary/DDPCW5.jpg

WCW World Heavyweight Championship


Hollywood Hogan © vs. Diamond Dallas Page


Michael Buffer: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is your main event of the evening. Are you ready?

{Crowd cheers}


Buffer: Are...you...rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeady!


{Crowd erupts}


Buffer: Then for the thousands in attendance, and the millions watching around the world, ladies and gentlemen, llllllllllleeeet's get ready to rrrrrrrrrrumble!


This match was another solid bout between these two, and their two matches have really helped elevate Hogan in the eyes of many as his work rate has really stepped up with DDP. DDP was wearing a rib brace for the match, and Hogan was keenly aware of the damage that had been done to him earlier, focusing his efforts whenever possible on the rib section. Page spent most of the match trying to protect the ribs, but would burst out with a flurry of offense every time Hogan started to get total control.


At the 8:00 minute mark, nWo members Eric Bischoff, Buff Bagwell and Scott Norton came to the ring and surrounded it. Hogan was in control in the ring and locked Page in an abdominal stretch. Buff Bagwell jumped on the apron to distract the referee and Scott Norton got on the other side, helping Hogan apply extra leverage. As the referee began to turn around, Eric Bischoff jumped to the apron and again kept him distracted. DDP was screaming in pain. The referee finally turned around and Norton let go in time to avoid detection. Suspecting something however, the referee began yelling at Norton. Hogan used this opportunity to let go of Page and nail him with a low blow!


Tony: Good old nWo Joey Styles. I’m sick to my stomach!


Hogan went for the pin fall and the referee turned around after a second or so and counted…


Styles: 1…2…kick out! “The People’s Champion” still has some fight left!


An irate Hogan began screaming at the referee as DDP stumbled to his feet and leaned on the turnbuckle. Buff Bagwell hopped up on the apron and dropped Page throat first over the top rope!


Styles: DDP can’t catch a break! Wait…HERE THEY COME!

The Steiner Brothers rushed the ring again, fighting off Norton and Bagwell. A brawl ensued on the outside. Eric Bischoff, wiser than he looks, started back up the ramp way, wanting no part of the brawl. In the ring, Hogan began choking DDP on the bottom rope as the Steiners chased Norton and Bagwell back to the back. At the 12:00 minute mark, Hogan set Page up for a backdrop suplex, but Page spun his way out of it and dropped Hogan with a belly to belly!


Tony: Oh yeah! Here comes Diamond Dallas!


After a few moments of rest, DDP threw up the Diamond Cutter sign which drew a huge pop from the crowd. He got to his feet as the same time as Hogan, but Hogan dodged his attempt at the Diamond Cutter and threw him to the ropes. Page went head first over the ropes and Hogan turned around, bragging to the crowd about his strength. Page had caught the top rope however…


Tony: Hogan doesn’t realize DDP didn’t go over!


Styles: Wait…here comes Sting!


“Sting” runs down the ramp way, carrying his trusty baseball bat. As DDP tries to skin the cat and get back in the ring, “Sting” wallops him in the ribs. DDP lets go of the ropes and falls to the ground. “Sting” stands over the badly injured Page as Hogan turns around. He sees “Sting” and begins to cower, mockingly. He then laughs and climbs out of the ring, and rolls DDP back in. Page is in massive pain, and Hogan bounces off the ropes and drops the Hollywood Legdrop for the 1…2…3.


Winner: Hollywood Hogan via pin fall following the Hollywood Leg Drop to retain the World Heavyweight Championship

Time: 15:43

Match Grade: A


Tony: I…I don’t know what to say fans, Sting has joined the New World Order? I…I can’t believe this!


Styles: Give me a break Tony, that’s not Sting! That’s a wig!


Tony: I don’t Joey…I…wait…HERE COMES STING!




As Hogan and “Sting” are beating down on Diamond Dallas Page, the real Sting charges the ring with hit baseball bat. Hogan flees instantly, terrified, but “Sting” tries to fight the real Sting. “Sting” swings his bat and misses, and Sting grabs him by the wig, yanking it and the mask off to reveal Randy Savage!


Tony: Randy Savage! I guess we know where his loyalties are after all!


Savage escapes Sting’s grasp and flees the ring. As Hogan and Savage make their way back up the ramp way, they are stopped by the appearance of Larry Zbyszko, who has a microphone.


Larry: Alright Sting, you’ve been hiding in the shadows, running around with that bat long enough! What is you want Sting?


Sting stands motionless in the ring for a moment and then raises his bat slowly, pointing at Hogan. Hogan begins begging and pleading with Larry as the show fades to black…




Final Results

Show Grade: B+

Attendance: 27,580


Chris Candido © defeated Wrath to retain the WCW Television Championship

Diamond Dallas Page defeated Buff Bagwell

Chris Jericho defeated Juventud Guerrera

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © defeated La Parka to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Syxx defeated Konnan & Vincent in an “nWo shirt on a pole” match

Lex Luger defeated Curt Hennig to win the WCW United States Championship

Hollywood Hogan © defeated Diamond Dallas Page to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="mistaken" data-cite="mistaken" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="23282" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>great show and looking forward to more!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'm having the bracket key put back on my keyboard, my dog broke it.</p>
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The Ratings are in!


WCW Monday Night Nitro (B+) scored a 4.20 rating on TNT (Declined)

WWF Raw is War (A) drew a 4.43 rating on the USA Network (Improved)


Raw is War Results

Billy Gunn d. 8-Ball (D+)

Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated Scott Putski to retain the IC title (B-)

D'Lo Brown d. Mark Henry ©

Goldust d. Flash Funk (B+)

The Hart Foundation drew with Kane & Mankind (A+)




Rob Van Dam d. Chris Adams (B)

Boogie Knights d. Public Enemy (C-)

Chris Benoit d. Magnum Tokoyo (B-)

Goldberg d. Rick Martel ©


Show Rating: C+

Attendance: 5,000

TV Rating: 0.16 (No Change)


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WCW Monday Nitro Week 3 November


Mayhem is right around the corner as WCW comes to the Hartford Civic Center!


Goldberg vs Hugh Morrus

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs Chris Jericho WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Steve McMichael vs Chris Benoit

Vicious & Delicious © vs Boogie Knights WCW Tag Team Championship

Syxx vs Booker T

Lex Luger © vs Kevin Nash WCW United States Championship


Show should be up Tuesday at night, give people enough time to make predictions if interested.

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Goldberg vs Hugh Morrus

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs Chris Jericho WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Steve McMichael vs Chris Benoit

Vicious & Delicious © vs Boogie Knights WCW Tag Team Championship

Syxx vs Booker T

Lex Luger © vs Kevin Nash WCW United States Championship

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Goldberg vs Hugh Morrus

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs Chris Jericho WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Steve McMichael vs Chris Benoit

Vicious & Delicious © vs Boogie Knights WCW Tag Team Championship

Syxx vs Booker T

Lex Luger © vs Kevin Nash WCW United States Championship

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Goldberg vs Hugh Morrus

Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs Chris Jericho WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Steve McMichael vs Chris Benoit

Vicious & Delicious © vs Boogie Knights WCW Tag Team Championship

Syxx vs Booker T

Lex Luger © vs Kevin Nash WCW United States Championship

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Goldberg vs Hugh Morrus

no brainer


Rey Mysterio, Jr. © vs Chris Jericho WCW Cruiserweight Championship

New Champ!!! I'm all over a Jericho run as cruiser champ


Steve McMichael vs Chris Benoit

I know this isnt real life, but I refuse to acknowledge ...........


Vicious & Delicious © vs Boogie Knights WCW Tag Team Championship

Because the have the cooler name... and also because I already picked one title change


Syxx vs Booker T

Keep on building Mr. T


Lex Luger © vs Kevin Nash WCW United States Championship

I dont like either guy, but I dislike Lex less



For the record I dont think I'm going to do well this time around ;-)

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