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(C-Verse) The worst promotion to ever grace the world just got a new face lift

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On January 1, 2008 John Campbell, better known around the wrestling world as Nemesis did something that would change the shape of professional wrestling forever. What you are about to read is a detailed report of that happening and get insider interviews never before seen by the wrestlers themselves.


On January 1, 2008 John Campbell awoke from his New York bed feeling different, he felt rejuvenated. He had told himself before that if he ever felt this way again he would consider getting back into the ring. After a quick shower and a breakfast that consisted of expired milk and lucky charms Campbell took his morning jog of 4 miles, then made a very interesting phone call.


Phil Vibert: “John called me that day around 10:30 in the morning. I remember hearing excitement in his voice from the minute he answered the phone. We exchanged pleasantries asking about each others family and the like when John delivered the news. He was ready to get back in the ring. My first response was that of joy, I told John I could call Mitch and get him a spot in PSW easy. Hell, I said, PSW would probably double in size over night, but then John said he had a different idea. John wanted me to be a part of something big, he wanted to open up his own company. My first was concern neither of us had the funds to reopen DAVE, and why should we it had already been a failure and I told him I couldn’t go through that again. But John, he’s a crafty one, see he had already thought of that. Not DAVE, he said I want to reopen Harlem Wrestling Alliance.”



For those of you who don’t know, Harlem Wrestling Alliance was founded in the 70’s by a young college man by the name of Warren Young. The company itself was an utter disaster, and just 5 years into the life span of the promotion Warren Young sold the company to an even worse buyer, a man who simply called himself Mr. G. Mr. G was not only a wrestler of HWA but also owned a local wing joint, who as luck may have it, served worse wings than HWA served wrestling. There was one minor success story behind HWA however, the character development and over the top personalities really hit home with the fans. Not enough to keep the doors open mind you, and by 1980 HWA was completely forgotten about, or so we thought.

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Vibert: “After John told me about his vision to bring back HWA I was quick to decline. Forget about all the obvious flaws in the plan; DAVE had failed and they not only had a better following but also a better product than HWA. HWA had virtually no fan base what so ever, hell most fans today unless die hard couldn’t even tell you what HWA stood for. Then there was the fact that he would receive virtually no sponsorship money and no television slot. Putting all that aside however, I was quick to decline John for one reason and one reason only, image. HWA was known for its racism and most extremely violence, something that back in its day was socially acceptable, now a man will quickly lose everything he stood for starting up such a company.”


Despite the disapproval of his long time good friend Phil Vibert, John Campbell knew of the risks and he knew that if he could make it work he would go down as a visionary. After getting off the phone with Vibert he made some phone calls and soon found out he could get all the rights to HWA for a mere $5,000, an offer Campbell was quick to accept. The rest of the day was spent getting everything in order, all the legal paperwork, the budget etc. and by the second week of January John “Nemesis” Campbell was the new proud owner of Harlem Wrestling Association, and his next order of business was to find men desperate enough to work for him.

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It took the rest of the month for John to find a group of men willing to take part in perhaps the most controversial organization to ever take shape. He thought about calling in a favor to some of the old DAVE loyalist, but decided against it.


Campbell: “I thought about calling guys like Art Reed, Acid, hell even the McWade brothers. But then I told myself that isn’t fair to them. I know they would drop anything and come running to help out another DAVE loyalist, but it just wasn’t fair for me to ask them to put their careers on hold just to take part in some half ass dream of mine. Instead I had decided on a few old school vets. Guys line Vinny Tanner who a lot of people thought died when DAVE went under. A few established vets like Vin and mostly a lot of new blood to try and shape the business how I wanted to. It was rough, and a lot of work, but it was also a whole hell of a lot of fun.”






Main Event:


Grandmaster Phunk (C-)

Jesus Chavez (D-)

Madman Boone (C-)

Vin Tanner (D+)



Upper Midcard:


Gareth Wayne (E)

Hector Galindo (D-)

Sgt. Bubba Lee West (E)

Ted Brady (E)





Air Attack Weasel (E)

Dirty Frank (E-)

Fearless Blue (F)

Marc Speed (F+)

Nomad (F)

Xavier Reckless (F)



Lower Midcard:


Ben Williams (F-)

Murderous Mikey (F-)

Pyromaniac (F-)

Super Sonic (F-)





Danny Patterson (F-)

Evil Spirit (F-)





Brains McGhee

Ernest Forthdyke-Hume





Remmingtom Remus



Color Commentator:


Hustler D

Joker the Pimp





Chad Brent



Authority Figure:







Agent 69

Kali Fornia


Power Girl






Latino Kings (Hector Galindo and Jesus Chavez)

New Old School (Vin Tanner and Marc Speed)

The Hitmen (Danny Patterson and Murderous Mikey)

The Mixed Breed (Fearless Blue and Xavier Reckless)





The Latino Kings (Hector Galindo and Jesus Chavez)





HWA King of New York:



HWA Tag Team Champions:


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When I read the title i was praying it would be this!


LOL what else could it be? It's just sad Bulletproof isn't around to see this.


Ben Williams!!!


Yes Ben Williams. He is the Bump Machine after all. What kind of hardcore promotion doesn't bring in a guy with a name like that.


By the way, I mark out for hos!


I'll be commentating your every move.


Thanks for the support man. I to mark out for Hos:p


I cant wait for this!


Thanks everyone for the feedback. I think this has been the most love any of my diaries have seen before the first card. Of course that just puts more pressure on me to make it good, so here's hoping I guess :D

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It took Campbell the rest of the month to finalize contracts and set things up to make HWA a truly operational company. All that was left for him to do was set up the first event, and put out some flyers to see who would come to the show. He also spent this time to make friends with the other New York based companies. He sent out working agreements to both Pittsburg Steel Wrestling and New York City Wrestling. He was then given a small surprised when he learned that as expected Mitch Naess and PSW agreed to the relationship, however Derek “The Stomper” Bradford wanted no part.


Stomper: “It’s not that I had any bad blood with John, hell I admired him for what he was trying to do, but the bottom line was here we were a group of over aged men who believed in the traditional aspects of wrestling. Then you have this hot new Hardcore company that literally wants to hit there guys with everything under the sun and I knew our guys couldn’t handle that. Think about if Whistler was to get thrown off the top rope and onto let’s say a burning table covered by barbed wire do you really think he would be ready to go for me the next week?”


While logical, Campbell took this as a slap in the face and vowed to declare war on the New York based company in a few months after he got his feet under him. His relationship with Bradford was also strained as a result and they would never speak to each other again.


With the roster in place and the promotion pacts set, Campbell decided on a date and event name. HWA would officially reopen it’s doors the second Friday of February with the event being titles HWA: New Beginnings, with Grandmaster Phunk headlining against Vin Tanner.

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How can Phunk possibly be the heel in HWA?


Yeah I said that to myself as well. Honestly his Face stats just aren't that great and well I needed another Heel in the Main Event scene. I figure it's going to be hard to make his heel character work, but hopefully I can come through. If not I can always turn him right? :D


First show should be up in about an hour or so... I'm really anxious to see how people feel about it. There's a lot HWA had in the 70's I couldn't replicate

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Alright this is my last post before the show goes up...which will be immediatly follwing. Just realized I never shared the product with you guys...so here it is.


Old Product:


Traditional: None

Mainstream: Very Low

Comedy: Medium

Cult Heavy

Risque: Heavy

Modern: Low

Realism: Very Low

Hyper Realism: None

Hardcore: Key Feature

Lucha Libre: None

Pure : None

Dare Devil: Medium

Match Intensity: 40%

Match Danger: 90%

Women’s Wrestling: Division

T&A Levels: High

Face Heel Divide: Medium




New Product:


Traditional: None

Mainstream: Medium

Comedy: Medium

Cult Heavy

Risque: Heavy

Modern: Medium

Realism: Very Low

Hyper Realism: None

Hardcore: Key Feature

Lucha Libre: None

Pure : None

Dare Devil: Medium

Match Intensity: 45%

Match Danger: 70%

Women’s Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: High

Face Heel Divide: Medium

Match Ratio: 70%

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HWA New Beginnings

Live from The Weston Gymnasium in Englewood, NJ

Attendance: 74

Announce Team: Remmington Remus, Joker the Pimp and Hustler D



Remus: “Hello ladies and gentleman and welcome to…”


Hustler: “Dude, who the **** are you talking to?”


Remus: “Um, the camera. You guys do realize we are making a DVD right?”


Hustler: “Oh well then in that case let me take this time to say, that bitch told me she was 18. Had I known she was only 14 I would have nev…”


Remus: “Um guys can we focus?”


Joker: “Yeah dumbass, besides you’ll **** anything that walks she could have been 10 you still would have…”


Remus: OK! Tonight folks is the first ever broadcast for Harlem Wrestling Alliance and we are very pleased to announce the main event of former DAVE champion Vin Tanner taking on the biggest pimp of New York…”


Joker: “What the **** was that man?”


Remus: “What was what?”


Joker: “That was a ****ing short joke wasn’t it? I’ll have you know that what I lack in height I make up in size, if you know what I mean.”


Remus: “No I don’t know actually.”


Joker: “Then maybe you should ask your mom…BITCH!


Remus: “How dare you speak about…”


The bantering is finally cut short when perhaps the biggest name to ever grace the state of New York makes his way to the ring to a huge ovation.


Remus: “Here comes the boss and he looks like he has something to say.”


Joker: “He’s probably going to say your mom is a filthy whore to.”


As the crowd cheers Nemesis climbs into the ring and asks for a mic.


Segment 1:


It’s good to finally be back in New Jeresey!”


The crowd pops at the cheap plug of there state.


Nemesis: “You know I told myself I never got to properly thank you guys for following me throughout my career.”


The crowd begins to chant we love Nemesis.


Nemesis: “Really, you love me? Well like I said I would like to stand here tonight to personally say…**** YOU JERSEY!!!”


There is a gasp as the chanting turns to boos.


Nemesis: “That’s right what the hell have you pieces of **** ever done for me? Let me tell you something I came out here every night and put my body, hell my life on the line for you people because for some reason I thought you would appreciate it. Then as injuries began to slowly end my career I watched as the great Nemesis fans slowly forgot just who the **** he was. I stayed with DAVE through thick and thin because I believed we could make a change. But you guys didn’t care you turned DAVE off for the flashy lights of SWF. You people killed DAVE!


As the boos begin to subside they are replaced with the chant of *******.


Nemesis: “Oh I’m an *******? Me? You people better take a real good look in the mirror before you start throwing that name out. See I gave my all for the fans and in return got nothing. So I decided I was going to look out for me. That’s why I brought back Harlem Wrestling, not because of worthless pieces of **** like you. No, because I knew there was money to be made and damn it I’m going to get mine.”


The fans begin chanting Sell Out now making this one segment a parody for every chant imaginable.


Nemesis: “See, I thought you guys would say that. I knew you people would turn your back on the greatest wrestler this ****ty little state has ever seen. That’s why I brought in backup. Ladies and gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to introduce the muscle of HWA… Danny “The Baby Killer” Patterson and Murderous Mikey.


At the introduction of their name Patterson and Mikey make their way to the ring also to a chorus of boos. Patterson is actually carrying a baby doll. As they near the ring Patterson actually bites the head of the doll clear off and spits it at the crowd.


Nemesis: “Good Evening gentlemen, I trust you know why you are here.”


Patterson and Mikey: “Yes Sir.”


Nemesis: “Good, you see tonight I have decided to put you Mr. Patterson in a match. Tonight you will be facing…Ben Williams.”


A small smirk emerges from the face of Patterson.


Nemesis: “I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what I expect of you.”


Patterson: No sir.”


Nemesis: “Good, see that it gets done.”


Nemesis exit’s the ring and the fans begin to throw drinks and food at him.

Rating: B+



Remus: “I can’t believe it. Nemesis just turned on everyone who loved him.”


Hustler: Everyone who loved him? What are you some kind of faggot or something?”


Remus: “What! I…”


Hustler: “What, huh, you made me? Oh damn now what? Shut have you faggot. No one cares about your gay love for your boss.”



Segment 2:


Ben Williams Vs. Danny Patterson


Danny Patterson defeated Ben Williams in 4:56 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.

Rating: F

Notes: Looks like Williams sucks even worse than I thought and the fans didn’t like seeing him at all. I suspect I’m going to be getting the note a lot foe awhile.




Segment 3:


After the match Murderous Mikey climbed into the ring and together him and Danny Patterson continued the assault on Patterson. Mikey set 3 tables on top on each other on the outside and Patterson lifted the much smaller Ben Williams over his head and tossed him through the tables with ease. The two walked off laughing as medical crews rushed to ensure Ben Williams was alright.

Rating: F+



Remus: “Oh come on that was uncalled for.”


Joker: “No, I’ll tell you what’s uncalled for Herpes. What kind of sick **** is that? I mean all you try to do is get your nut off then next thing you know BAM your stuck with some disease.”


Remus: “You guys do realize this is a wrestling show right?”


Hustler: “Of course we realize it numb nuts, however your mom had no clue she was making a porn last night.”



Segment 4:


Hardcore Match:

Evil Spirit Vs. Air Attack Weasel


Air Attack Weasel defeated Evil Spirit in 5:02 by pinfall with an Air Attack Ace.

Rating: F+

Notes: These two had pretty good chemistry and I tried to hide the flaws of Evil Spirit. However the crowd still treated him with utter contempt. Maybe HWA is just cursed.



Segment 5:


Sgt. Bubba Lee West is walking backstage when he runs into Super Sonic holding a confederate flag.


West: “What in the hell do you think you are doing?”


Sonic: “Are you talking to me?”


West proceeds to bump his chest into Sonic pointing his finger only inches from his face.


West: “You’re God Damn right I’m talking to you. Haven’t you heard dip ****. The war is over…you lost.”


Sonic: “Oh I get it. You’re one of those ****** loving Yanks huh. Well look here Yank. This here is my flag and I don’t reckon there is anything you’re going to do about it.”


This prompts West to take matters into his own hands and he attacks Sonic. Then out of nowhere Chad Brent appears and a match is underway.

Rating: D-



Segment 6:


Sgt Bubba Lee West Vs. Super Sonic


Sgt. Bubba Lee West defeated Super Sonic in 6:12 by pinfall with a Recon Wrench.

Rating: E

Notes: The utter contempt continues with time with Super Sonic. Still I enjoy Sonic’s character and as of right now this is the match of the night so what can you do.



Remus: “Well that was interesting, I don’t think that match was suppose to take place.”


Joker: “Yo, who does that freak Bubba think he is? I mean Sonic was minding his own business and West came out of nowhere talking about a war. Yo, **** that guy.”


Remus: “You guys didn’t do very well in English class did you?”


Joker: **** you homo, your momma loves my English.”



Segment 7:


Latino Kings Vs. The Mixed Breed


Latino Kings defeated The Mixed Breed in 10:09 when Hector Galindo defeated Fearless Blue by pinfall with a Salsa Plunge.

Rating: E-

Notes: Well this match was even worse than I thought. The crowd hated Galindo, and Fearless. Then to top things off Fearless and Xavier don’t mess as a team. Time to spice things up a bit.



Segment 8:


After the match Fearless Blue and Xavier Reckless made their way backstage where they were attacked by Super Sonic. Sonic broke his flag over the head of Reckless then after pummeling them both into the ground he tossed a noose onto the chest of Reckless then walked off grabbing a beer and laughing.

Rating: F



Remus: “Oh come on! Ladies and gentlemen I apologize for what you just witnessed.”


Hustler: “What! Why, that was the funniest **** I’ve seen all night. That coon Reckless never saw it coming, it was priceless.”


Remus: “What! I can’t believe you two? You can’t talk about people like that, they are humans too damn it.”



Segment 9:


First Blood Match:

Madman Boone Vs. Ted Brady


Madman Boone defeated Ted Brady in a 1 Vs. 1 First Blood match in 10:21 when Ted Brady was busted open following a chair shot to the face and being thrown head first through a car window.

Rating: D

Notes: That was the match I was hoping for let’s see if we can end this thing on a high note and maybe, just maybe increase our popularity.



Backstage now Vin Tanner is preparing for his match when Grandmaster Phunk walks in with Agent 69.


Phunk: “What up playa.”


Tanner barely even acknowledges him and continues to train.


Phunk: “Relax pimp I’m here in good spirits. You see it turns out New Jersey it basically the **** hole of the US and my pimpin’ skills are needed elsewhere tonight. So I was thinking, how about you take my Russian friend here and show here a good time instead of just getting your ass kicked tonight.”


Tanner stops training and looks at Phunk then to Agent 69 who bites her lip and slowly and very provocatively slides her shirt up to just under her chest.


Tanner: “What’s your name sweetheart.”


Agent 69 looks at her boss then back at Tanner and softly speaks.


Agent 69: “It’s Zoe.”


Phunk looks beside himself and smacks Agent 69 hard knocking her to the floor.


Phunk: “Bitch what did I say huh? Your ****ing name is what I say it is, now get up and apologize to this man.”


Agent 69 slowly makes her way to her feet with a dash of blood trickling down her lip.


Agent 69: I..I’m sorry sir. My name is Agent 69, can you guess what my favorite position is?”


Tanner shakes his head staring at Phunk.


Tanner: “No Thanks.”


Phunk: “Oh right, I get it player.”


Phunk digs into his pocket and pulls out two small blue pills.


Phunk: “This should help…you know with the advanced age and all.”


Tanner: “I said get the hell out of my locker room, before I kick you out.”


Phunk: “Easy playa easy. You know this isn’t going to end well for you right.?”


Phunk grabs Agent 69 by the hair and tosses her out the door screaming it’s all her fault and he to exits.

Rating: D



Joker: “What the ****? Is Tanner a faggot to Remmington? Do you two **** each other every night or something?”


Remus: “What are you talking about now?”


Joker: Yo, that was a hot piece of ass. And I know Tanner can’t get anything close to that kind of tail. He must be a peter puffer to turn it down.


Hustler: “Yeah I agree bro. Plus two Viagra that’s easily 50 bucks on the black market man, it was a win win for him.



Segment 10:

Vin Tanner Vs. Grandmaster Phunk


Vin Tanner defeated Grandmaster Phunk in 11:41 by pinfall with a V For Victory.

Rating: D-

Notes: This match went a bit longer than Tanner could handle or the ratings could have been even higher. Still a solid match to end the show with.



Segment 11:


After the match Tanner gave the boot to Grandmaster for good measure then grabbed up Agent 69 tossed her over his shoulder and rushed to the back.

Rating: E+



Remus: “And there you have it folks, Tanner gets the win and the girl.”


Joker: “Yeah, maybe he isn’t a faggot after all. So that still leaves one mystery unsolved.”


Remus: “And what mystery would that be?”


Joker: “Who’s dick are you suckin if it’s not Tanner?”


Hustler: “Yeah, and why the hell didn’t Tanner get those pills. He’s going to need them.”


Remus: “I’m not….oh never mind. Good night ladies and gentlemen.”


Final Rating: D

Notes: A solid first show, although I would have liked the crowd to like more of my people. Another thing that didn’t really fit was the fact that we are not in Harlem due to there not being an arena there. I plan on making one for the upcoming shows…it just seems right.

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Interesting write up for sure. I like Phunks character.


Thanks for the comment man, glad there is a character you like. If you don't mind me asking, because I'm one of those who believes every comment helps, bu interesting did you mean good or bad? I'm just curious to see if I need to tone some things down, add some different flavor that sort of thing. I'm planning on really bringing the Latino Kings characters out into the open with the next show. Anyway, like I said thatnks for the feedback

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“After all the smoke had settled after the first month and we began to really crunch the numbers I wanted to quit. Everyone had told me we were going to take a lose early on, I mean we were only a small company nothing more than I would say an F+ in the Tri-State region. But I was not prepared for what I was looking at.”


-John Campbell after realizing his companies first month totals were in the red some 8,800 dollars.


HWA didn’t die after the match however, in fact it grew stronger. There was already a buzz around the internet that many smarks were calling “hilarious comedy” while others were calling for Campbell’s head. “This is not the 70’s I don’t care if it’s real or not no one should be allowed to say those things in public.” But. John knew any media good or bad was good for the company, and this was no different. Due to the overwhelming loss of money however, things quickly changed in HWA. For starters they decided to only work on a bi-monthly basis taking the extra month off would not only conserve money, but it would also help the roster lick their wounds. Campbell also decided to cut the show to just 60 minutes instead of the 90 it was in February. This was going to be a long hull for the men of HWA, but with John Campbell at the helm, they just might pull it off.

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It was good man. Only suggestion I have is add visual flavor. Even if it is just a picture of the next two dudes who are battling next, it helps seperate each segment. I liked it but the different colors and constant dialogue without "breaks" had me losing focus and re-reading lines and such. Just a suggestion.
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First C-Verse diary I've read really. Liked the write up, but I also think you should add some sort of imagery to break up the segments. Doesn't have to be wrestler pics, but something would be helpful. I have bad vision so it was difficult for me to keep my place.


Like the write up though. I'll be following, but my commentary won't be as good as I'm not familiar with C-Verse characters. Hope to get into them though!

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It was good man. Only suggestion I have is add visual flavor. Even if it is just a picture of the next two dudes who are battling next, it helps seperate each segment. I liked it but the different colors and constant dialogue without "breaks" had me losing focus and re-reading lines and such. Just a suggestion.


Swesome, thatbks for the suggestion man. I honestly had no idea it was so bad until you said something then I went back to read it. I'm finishing up the write up for the next show now and it will include some pics for ya


First C-Verse diary I've read really. Liked the write up, but I also think you should add some sort of imagery to break up the segments. Doesn't have to be wrestler pics, but something would be helpful. I have bad vision so it was difficult for me to keep my place.


Like the write up though. I'll be following, but my commentary won't be as good as I'm not familiar with C-Verse characters. Hope to get into them though!


Thanks for the reply man, I hope I find a way to suck you into the C-Verse, even if it is with the worst promotion of all time :p

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HWA Battle Zones

Live from Hellz Arena in Harlem, NY

Attendance: 81

Friday Week 2 April, 2008

Announce Team: Remmington Remus, Joker the Pimp and Hustler D





Remus: “Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another broadcast of HWA where tonight four men will fight to be given a shot at being the HWA King of New York.”


Hustler: “That’s right Remmington, and that means your title is still safe.”


Remus: “Should I even ask what that title is?”


Hustler: Why, the Queen of New York of course.”


Remus: “Unbelievable…Folks tonight we will see two grizzly vets square of as Vin Tanner takes on Ted Brady. Then if that isn’t enough for you we have the pimp himself Grandmaster Phunk in competition taking on Madman Boone.


Joker: “Yo, why do you think they call him madman?”


Hustler: “Who the hell cares, pass me some weed will ya?”



Segment 1:


Pyromaniac Vs. Xavier Reckless



Pyromaniac defeated Xavier Reckless in 6:27 by pinfall.

Rating: F+

Notes: As expected the fans hate Pyromaniac, but like everyone else all he can do is improve…right?



Segment 2:



After the match Pyromaniac grabbed a small can from the bag he brought from the back and poured the contents onto the leg of Reckless. He then looked to the crowd, mumbled something under his breath and tossed a match onto the leg of Reckless. Flames shot up instantly and Pyromaniac sat in a daze staring at the huge flame until medics rushed to the scene and put out the fire before any real damage could be done.

Rating: E-



Remus: “Oh my God! That man should be arrested, he could have killed Xavier Reckless.”


Joker: “Dude, will you chill? That was funny ****.”


Remus: “There’s nothing funny about catching another man on fire.”


Hustler: “Yo, you really need to hit this man, it will calm your nerves.”


Remus: “You two are despicable human beings.”



Segment 3:

Hardcore Match:


Ben Williams Vs. Nomad



Nomad defeated Ben Williams in 5:25 by pinfall with a Drift Shift.

Rating: F+

Notes: The fans still hate Ben Williams, even if he is a good guy. Nomad seems to have some potential, expect some better opponents for him in the coming months.



Segment 4:



We go backstage where Super Sonic is in his dressing room raving.


Sonic: “Listen up West! You think you’re a big man cause you sucker punched me last time we met? Well let me tell you something punk you’re not. In fact I had you beat cleanly and everyone saw, but that spook ref couldn’t count to 3. I want a rematch at the next event and this time I pick the ref.”


Sonic then takes a gulp of his beer only to spit it at the cameraman laughing.

Rating: E-



Segment 5:



Still backstage this time we go to the locker room of The Latino Kings where Dirty Frank is pleading with them.


Frank: “Hola Amigo’s.”


Hector and Jesus look at one another clearly not amused.


Frank: “I want in my hermanos.”


Hector: “You want in?”


Frank: “Si”


Jesus: “Do you have any Latino in you at all essa?”


Frank: “Yeah lots, my mom’s dad was a quarter Mexican.”


Jesus: “Your mom’s dad?”


Frank: “Si”


Jesus: “usted gatito, usted entra aquí e imita nuestra familia y tradiciones que debo rajar su gargantuan”


Jesus then charges at Frank, but Hector stops his hot headed brother.


Hector: “Ok essa, you want in, but first you have to pass an initiation.”


Frank: “Sure no problem, what do I have to do Whack a guy, off a guy, whack off a guy, cause I’m married.”


Hector: “You must enter a match against me and my brother right now. For at least 6 minutes…and you can’t fight back.”


For the first time Frank has a look of concern on his face, and Jesus looks all to happy. Finally Frank swallows hard and nods in agreement.

Rating: D-



Segment 6:


Dirty Frank Vs. The Latino Kings



Latino Kings defeated Dirty Frank in 6:01 when Jesus Chavez defeated Dirty Frank by pinfall with The 187 Neckbreaker.

Rating: E-

Notes: Not a horrible match, and with it The Kings become one member stronger.



Remus: “I can’t believe it, in all my years watching the sport I have never seen anyone get their ass kicked as bad as Dirty Frank just did and do nothing about it.”


Joker: “That’s because you’re a snob nosed rich kid who doesn’t know what it’s like to be part of something special.”


Remus: “I’ll have you know I grew up in a rough part of my neighborhood thank you.”


Hustler: “Oh yeah, what neighborhood is that? Compton, Detroit?”


Remus: “Um…Beverly Hills.”



Segment 7:



Nemesis is in his office talking on the phone to someone.


Nemesis: “Yeah that was beautiful, but listen if you want to be part of this family you have to really hit people where it hurts. Next time you get an opportunity like that burn his face not just his ****ing leg.”Rating: B+



Remus: “I..I can’t believe what I just heard!”


Joker: “That’s why you shouldn’t be a nosey little bitch! If the boss wanted you to hear that conversation he would have told you.”


Remus: “On any note folks, it seems Pyromaniac has aligned himself with Nemesis and his group of thugs.”



Segment 8:


Vin Tanner Vs. Ted Brady



Vin Tanner defeated Ted Brady in 9:34 by pinfall with a V For Victory.

Rating: D-

Notes: Tanner continues to put up solid ratings making me really happy I took a chance on the man I thought was well past his prime.



Segment 9:



As Tanner heads back to the locker room he runs into Grandmaster Phunk and Gareth Wayne as Phunk makes his way out for his match.


Phunk: “I believe you have something that belongs to me playa.”


Tanner: “She’s a God Damned person, not some object you can just use and toss aside whenever you want.”


Phunk laughing: “Please, she is my pet and I will do with her as I see fit. And while I’m on the subject you owe me for 1 night with one of my finest hoes.


Tanner: “I don’t owe you nothing.”


Phunk: “I was hoping you would say that, see no one gets my girls for free.”


Phunk then snaps his fingers and Wayne pounces on the tired old man. Once he has Tanner on the ground, Phunk begins to assault his ribs with vicious kicks.


Phunk: “You have until the next show to give me back what’s mine playa, otherwise this will look like the nicest encounter we’ve ever had.”


Phunk gets one more good kick in for good measure then walks to the ring for his match.

Rating: D-



Segment 10:



Once both men were in the ring Grandmaster Phunk grabbed the mic.


Phunk: “Alright playa listen up, I have a once in a life time opportunity for you. By judging your physical attributes I’m willing to bet you’re not very good with the ladies. That’s why I’m willing to give you your pick of the litter here tonight. Would you like the certified porn star Kali, guaranteed to keep you going all night long?”


Madman Boone looks on expressionless.


Phunk: “Ok, ok, so the freaks aren’t your thing. Well damn you could have fooled me playa. How about some supernatural ***** with my girl Power Girl. The word is she has magical powers between her legs if you know what I mean.”


Phunk gives Boone a little nudge, but again he stands expressionless.


Phunk: “Hmm, alright you drive a hard bargain playa. How about young and innocent? We have Willow here the youngest of my fine hoes and she would love to make your acquaintance.”


Still nothing from the big man.


Phunk: “Say your not one of those fellas who like the meat are you? I mean I know we are deep in homo country, but please say your not actually looking forward to getting all hot and bothered then rubbing against me? This is my last offer pimp, my personal favorite Osiris. She may look like the girl next door, but believe me playa she’s way more freaky than that.”


To this Madman Boone actually gives a small smirk.


Phunk: “And we have a winner! I’ll tell you this pimp, I never thought of you as one who enjoys the dark meat, but I have to say I like your taste.”



Osiris makes her way over to Boone rubbing up and down his enormous body. And much to the surprise of the fans, Boone takes her by the hand and exit’s the ring.


Phunk: “That’s what I’m talking about another satisfied customer. She ladies and gentlemen it pays to be a pimp!”


As Boone heads to the back with his “prize” the bell rings and the ref begins his count disqualifying Madman Boone.

Rating: D



Segment 11:

Grandmaster Phunk Vs. Madman Boone



Grandmaster Phunk defeated Madman Boone in 10 seconds after a count out.

Rating: D-

Notes: For those who are interested, I had to make the match last at least 3 minutes, but hey that’s the beauty of the imagination right.



Remus: “Well ladies and gentlemen we saw Vin Tanner fight his ass off to earn a chance at fighting for the title, and Grandmaster Phunk just bought his way into the match.


Joker: “That’s right, Phunk is a genius. As most us pimps are I’ll have you know.”


Hustler: “I told you before, pimping out your sister to your brother doesn’t count as being a pimp.”


Joker: “**** you, faggot, at least I’m not a virgin.”


Remus: “As always I’m Remmington Remus saying so long from Harlem.”



Final Rating: D-

Notes: Well it’s a lower rating than last time, but I think (hope) it was also a cheaper show across the board. And the important thing is we increased our popularity again.



Let me know if the pictures helped. If not I can either cut out the commentary all together, or maybe try to quote it...I don't know any suggestions are always welcome

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The first real backstage problem for Campbell came shortly after their second show. Most of the roster had already showered and gone home when from his corner office John began to hear screaming from the locker room. The screams eventually turned into cries of pain and John leapt from his chair and shot out the door. When he got into the locker room he saw Mike Williams, better know at this point as Murderous Mikey, bashing Konosuke Hama, better known as Evil Spirit, over the head repeatedly with an old 2X4. Mikey had tears in his eyes and looked ready to kill spirit.


Nemesis: “What the hell are you doing Mike?”


Mikey: “I ****ing told him, I told him we are backstage now he can take off the mask and talk like a regular ****ing person. But we wouldn’t do it he kept talking in that stupid made up language of his. And I…I just couldn’t take it anymore.”


Nemesis: “Have you gone completing ****ing insane Mike! He was speaking Japanese, because he’s from Japan. He doesn’t ****ing know English.


Fear immediately filled Mikey and he dropped the 2X4 racing out of the room. Nemesis quickly made his way to Evil Spirit, only to discover he was out cold. They would spend the rest of the night in the hospital and later the following day Evil Spirit was released with only minor injuries. Nemesis decided not to push disciplinary actions, figuring Mikey was freaked out enough to where he wouldn’t do something like that again. But if Nemesis knew one thing it was that he wasn’t putting these two in the ring together any time soon.


*Murderous Mikey and Evil Spirit have a strong dislike for one another.*

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O.O.C. So with work kicking my ass and my family taken the other part of my time, the majority of updates will be done on the weekends. With that being said I have gotten through a couple more shows. And while I haven't got the writeup done yet, I have got the cards finalized...which means we can kill time with predictions....yay :D


Expect the show to be posted Friday or Saturday.



HWA Summer Blood

Live from Hellz Arena in Harlem, NY

Friday Week 2 June, 2008


HWA King of New York Title Match:

Grandmaster Phunk


Vin Tanner


Sgt. Bubba Lee West


Super Sonic

With a special Guest referee of Sonic's choosing


Dirty Frank


Air Attack Weasel


Fearless Blue


Murderous Mikey



Quick Picks:


Grandmaster Phunk Vs. Vin Tanner


Sgt Bubba Lee West Vs. Super Sonic


Dirty Frank Vs. Air Attack Weasel


Fearless Blue Vs. Muderous Mikey

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Grandmaster Phunk Vs. Vin Tanner


Sgt Bubba Lee West Vs. Super Sonic


Dirty Frank Vs. Air Attack Weasel


Fearless Blue Vs. Muderous Mikey


You seem happy enough with Tanner and Phunk chasing the gold might be more entertaining than him holding it at this point ... West should have too much for Super Sonic ... I Like AAW, and have never ever used Frank ... I'm thinking Mikey's disciplinary action may come in the ring.

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