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(C-Verse) The worst promotion to ever grace the world just got a new face lift

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HWA Summer Blood

Live from Hellz Arena in Harlem, NY

Attendance: 145

Friday Week 2 June, 2008

Announce Team: Remmington Remus, Joker the Pimp and Hustler D



Segment 1:

Murderous Mikey Vs. Fearless Blue



Murderous Mikey defeated Fearless Blue in 4:52 by pinfall with a Debt Collection.

Rating: F

Notes: The crowd hated both of these men and was very vocal about letting them know it.



Segment 2:

Nemesis comes out next to a chorus of boos.



Nemesis: “As expected I have put only the best athletes in my corner. I mean we just saw Murderous Mikey completely destroy his opponent. We saw Pyromaniac beat the hell out of his so much he caught on fire.”


The crowd starts too chant Ass hole making it hard for Nemesis to continue.


“Hold on let me finish. And last out not least we saw Danny Patterson dismantle everyone’s favorite jobber. Therefore, it gives me great pleasure to announce that at the next HWA card we will have our first ever tag team title match and in it the team of Danny Patterson and Murderous Mikey will be taking home the gold in record time after defeating Fearless Blue and Xavier Reckless. Two men who are clearly not in the same league as them.”


The crowd boos the announcement as they don’t really care for any of the four men.

Rating: B+



Segment 3:

Dirty Frank is backstage next with fellow gang member Jesus Chavez.



Frank: “With up putas. At Battle Grounds I found my long lost family. See I have know my whole life that Mexican blood has flowed through my veins and I was just never able to figure out who I was. Now thanks to my brothers, the Mexican heritage in me can be free. I’m proud to be Hispanic!”


Jesus who was standing behind his stable mate looking tough now gives him an inquisitive look.


Frank: “You see my great uncle Manny Ramirez once said “Son, take this shovel and get rid of all the ****. I think what he was trying to tell me was take my heritage and with it take out everyone who stands in your way. And that’s what I’m going to do starting with you Air Attack Weasel!”


Frank walks off fired up, but Jesus just stares at him not knowing what to think.

Rating: E



Segment 4:

Dirty Frank Vs. Air Attack Weasel



Dirty Frank defeated Air Attack Weasel in 7:46 by pinfall following interference from Jesus Chavez.

Rating: E-

Notes: Frank is a good wrestler, I’m hoping to slowly work him up my card to be a bigger factor in the rating.



Segment 5:

Sgt Bubba Lee West Vs. Super Sonic


Special Guest Referee: JD Morgan



Super Sonic defeated Sgt. Bubba Lee West in 9:52 by a fast-counted pinfall

Rating: E

Notes: I’m hoping the lose doesn’t completely kill the momentum and overness of West. JD Morgan is on loan to us for 3 shows by PSW.



Segment 8:

After the match Morgan and Sonic continued to put the boots to West then after beating him senseless they draped a confederate flag over his bloody body.

Rating: E



Segment 7:

HWA King of New York Title Match:

Grandmaster Phunk Vs. Vin Tanner



Vin Tanner drew with Grandmaster Phunk in 8:35 after each man knocked the other out cold following simultaneous chair shots and the referee counted to 10 with neither person moving.

Rating: D

Notes: Well this should drag out the main event feud a little longer, meanwhile we are still left without a champion.



Final Rating: D-

Notes: Still a solid show, even though we used a lot of lesser talent. Let’s hope the numbers reflect that.

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Grandmaster Phunk Vs. Vin Tanner


Sgt Bubba Lee West Vs. Super Sonic


Dirty Frank Vs. Air Attack Weasel


Fearless Blue Vs. Muderous Mikey


You seem happy enough with Tanner and Phunk chasing the gold might be more entertaining than him holding it at this point ... West should have too much for Super Sonic ... I Like AAW, and have never ever used Frank ... I'm thinking Mikey's disciplinary action may come in the ring.


0/4 but your logic really did make sense. If Mikey wasn't already involved in a program then he would have lost, but as you can see now that would have messed up some plans. Thabks for the predictions though man...better luck next time :D

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0/4 but your logic really did make sense. If Mikey wasn't already involved in a program then he would have lost, but as you can see now that would have messed up some plans. Thabks for the predictions though man...better luck next time :D


Yeah, that's probably the worst predictions I've ever done on these boards! But hey ho - this is Harlem Wrestling. If things were predictable, it just wouldn't seem right, would it?! :D

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“After that third show the boys in the back got this aura of confidence in them. Suddenly they knew we were going to succeed, and while we were never going to be number 1 we weren’t going to go bankrupt either. I remember sitting back at a distance watching them, half of which were unemployed at the start of the year. I knew we weren’t nearly as successful as they thought, and failure was still a high probability, but who was I to burst their fantasy?”


-John Campbell after learning his company was a sinking ship.



* 1 day earlier*


John stood alone in his five bedroom lake house over looking the pond that he had restocked just last year. In his hands clutched tightly was a copy of USA today, the headline a sinking industry. In the years prior John Campbell would never even dream of reading the paper, he was much to busy for politics and foreign crap, but now he was a business owner and the news mattered, especially this particular article. The article talked about the golden era of wrestling in the early 90’s and how sells have decreased over the years. SWF, for example, has seen their ticket sales decreased some 15 percent since 1995, a fact that Richard Eison seems to be hiding nicely. None of this was startling news for John who lived through those times, however what was startling was the talk of the Tri-State region. It seems that in just 1 year time the wrestling industry has tanked, going from what expert’s considered to be a B+ one year ago to it’s currently state of a C and falling fast. Top this with all the companies currently influencing the Tri-State area and it’s a world of disaster. The Tri-State area currently hosts shows from NYCW, PSW, Freedom, and the newly opened HWA. A sort of region battle has emerged as a result of this, and as expected NYCW is reaping the rewards while HWA is stuck wondering what they did wrong.


Nemesis took a sip of his coffee, the article was wrong he wasn’t wondering what he did wrong he already knew. While his bank balance was slightly higher than when the company first opened his door, his popularity was not. It seems all the popularity his company was earning with their shows they were just losing right back due to this “Regional Battle” nonsense. John thought about what his options really were. He could kill the other owners, after all they were only about have his size anyway, but what good would that do? Someone else would just move in and take their place. He could try to befriend them, but The Stomper already made it clear he had no intensions on being friends. This left him with only one option really, do nothing. Hope that the locker room stays motivated, lie to the guys about their success and hope that as the years go by his roster gets better, and thus people turn in to watch them instead of NYCW. Maybe he should have just stuck with fishing this year.

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HWA Anguish

Live from Hellz Arena in Harlem, NY

Friday Week 2 August, 2008


First Blood Match:

Madman Boone Vs. Hector Galindo



Ted Brady Vs. Marc Speed



Hardcore Match:

Gareth Wayne Vs. Ben Williams



HWA Tag Team Title Match:

The Mixed Breed Vs. The Hitmen




Quick Picks:


Madman Boone Vs. Hector Galindo


Ted Brady Vs. Marc Speed


Gareth Wayne Vs. Ben Williams


The Mixed Breed Vs. The Hitmen

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