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"Moolah McMahon" a WWF Story

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Friday, 12 April 2002


Sitting at the airport waiting to board the plane at the moment. Off to San Diego for this weeks show, the first RAW since the brand splt. Dad voiced his concern that Taker is on Nitro, he's close with him and he was considered a lockeroom leader. I still think Dad has the better roster on RAW for talent but Eric has convinced me to make some big signings for his show. Eric is a convinving dude, he has a charismatic smugness that I don't mind. He gets the job done that's all that's important. Some notes from this week....


I called up Jami Noble to Nitro, he was getting rid of some ring rust in HWA.


Signed CM Punk, a young indy wrestler from Chicago. From what I've seen and heard about this guy he's one to watch for the future. Hopefuly he can learn alot in OVW.



RAW on Spike 4.72

RAW on TSN 1.82

RAW on Sky Sports 1.49

Nitro on UPN 3.58

Nitro on Sky Sports 1.19

Nitro on The Score 1.11


RAW on all networks were down slightly this week, Nitro on the otherhand was up around the same amount over all channels. This won't please Dad.


Matches planned for RAW Monday night are...

Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle vs Steve Austin vs The Rock #1 Contenders Match World Title

Christian vs Kane #1 Contenders Match IC Title

D'Lo Brown vs Ken Shamrock

Albert vs Brock Lesnar

Chris Candido vs Funaki

RVD© vs Tommy Dreamer - IC Title

Ron Killings vs K-1


And for Nitro.....

Hogan vs Scott Hall #Round 1 WCW World Title Tournament

***Rest TBA***

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Signed CM Punk, a young indy wrestler from Chicago. From what I've seen and heard about this guy he's one to watch for the future. Hopefuly he can learn alot in OVW.

I hope you sign Colt Cabana to go along with him. The SCS could be a great addition to your tag division.


I like having Nitro instead of Smackdown. I think it creates a bigger distinction between the two shows.

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Monday Week 3, April 2002

RAW Live Cox Arena, CA

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler




Dark Match

K-1 vs Ron Killings

Solid match for these two in their debut matches. Killings wins with a Truth Or Consequences.


Killings via pinfall 5:56 D







Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome the TV audience and the capacity crowd to the first RAW show since the WWF draft and brand split. JR puts over the fact Smackdown! is now called Nitro and the fact that Bischoff

has resurrected the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Lawler questions the future of the WWF World Heavyweight Title, he's interupted by Chris Jericho's theme music. Y2J goes on a rant about being cheated

out of his rematch with HHH. He demands another match citing the fact the rematch they had two weeks ago on RAW ended in a Double DQ.



Stone Cold Steve Austin's music interupts Jericho just as he's starting to go nuts. Austin tells Jericho to stop wining and get a haircut, he gives him the number of a good barber he knows. Austin tells Jericho if he wants anither title shot he'll have to get in line. Angle's

music now hits and he joins the two in the ring. Angle tells Jericho he should break his ankle right now for costing him his match with The Rock last week on Smackdown! Jericho tells them both they need

to stay out of his business and let him have the title shot he's owed. Jericho complains that the two are jealous of his fame and keep meddling in his affairs along with that other wannabe "Rock Jock"...



The Rock's music hits and the three way cross promo now becomes four. Rock reminds them all who defeated the legendary Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania X8, he asserts he should be next in line for a shot at HHH

and the title. The four start to get out of control and talk over the top of one another...



Vince's music hits and he struts to the ring looking angry. McMahon growls, asking them if they think he isn't

in charge anymore. Reminds them he is and tells them all to shut up and listen. He stresses that Eric is starting a war with the WWF and resurrected the WCW World Title is just the start of it. He shows his anger

over the fact Bischoff drafted The Undertaker and claims he was trying to come to an agreement to trade him to RAW all week but Eric wouldn't even return his phone calls. Vince announces if it's a war Eric

wants it's a war he'll get. He asks Austin, Kurt, Jericho and The Rock to respect eachother and remember they're WWF guys. In an attempt to appease all four men, Vince announces a Four Way Match for tonight

to determine the #1 Contender for the WWF World Heavyweight Championship. He adds the match will take place this Sunday, April 21 on PPV at WWF Backlash and that he won't tolerate any interference like

the past few weeks have seen. He orders for the match to take place in a Steel Cage to ensure this, the only way to victory though will be "Via Pinfall or Submission". Vince reminds the men to focus all

their energy on the real enemy, Eric Bischoff and Nitro. McMahon then shouts at them to start preparing for tonights main event.


Rating: A





WWF Intercontinental Championship

RVD© vs Tommy Dreamer

Dreamer attacks Van Dam before the bell to take the early advantage. A decent brawl before RVD gets on a roll and finishes with a Five Star Frog Splash.


RVD via pinfall 8:42 to retain the WWF IC Title





Vince is seated behind his desk in his office with Pat Patterson, Geral Briscoe and a few others. Big Show bursts into the room and turns over Vince's desk, he asks why he was left out of tonight's main

event. Vince responds by telling the giant he has bigger better plans for him. McMahon thinking on his feet, tells Big Show he will get his own #1 Contender's match but not in a "silly 4 way match".

Vince informs Big Show he will get his #1 Contenders match on PPV like a real superstar, this coming Sunday at Backlash! McMahon asks him who he'd like to face and Big Show replies with a smirk..."I've got

someone in mind". Show looks pleased with Vince and pats him on the back. He appologises for the mess before walking out, as he closes the door a few pictures fall from the walls and shatter.


Rating: B+




Chris Candido vs Funaki

JR and King put Candido over as best they can but the Californian crowd let their disinterst be known. Candido dominates the match and finishes with a Blonde Bombshell for the convincing debut win.


Candido via pinfall 6:45

Rating: D




Albert vs Brock Lesnar w/Paul Heyman

A stiff trade of punches opens the match, Lesnar wins the battle of strength and dominates. Brock hits a nasty looking powerbomb before an F-5 for the very convincing win.


Lesnar via pinfall 5:44

Rating: C-




Lesnar is still in the ring and Heyman joins him with a mic. He hypes Lesnar as the most powerful monster the WWF has ever seen and challenges anyone to face him at Backlash. No one answers and Heyman begins

to brag...



The Hardy Boys music hits and Jeff and Matt appear at the top of the entrance ramp. They let Heyman know either one of them are willing to fight Lesnar at Backlash this Sunday and to take his pick.

After a moment of consideration Heyman offers them both a match, one right after the other. Heyman mentions he would ask for a 2vs1 match but he doesn't want to humiliate Matt and Jeff. He tells them either

one can fight first but as soon as "Lesnar is finished destroying one of you, the other can't run away". Heyman lets out an evil laugh and tells Jeff and Matt to bring their doctors to Backlash this Sunday.


Rating: B




D'Lo Brown vs Ken Shamrock

D'Lo does well early on using his speed and knowledge of the ring to evade Shamrock. Brown goes for a crossbody but Shamrock counters with a mid-air spear, he mounts D'Lo and unleashes a fury of punches.

Referee Mike Chioda has no choice but to call the match off with D'Lo Brown knocked out cold as we cut to break.


Shamrock via Knock Out 7:52

Rating: C-





Back from commercial and Shamrock is backstage with Howard Finkel. Finkel asks Shamrock about his brutal knock out win over D'Lo Brown that just took place. Shamrock hypes himself as the biggest MMA star in

the World and the greatest shootfighter the WWF has ever seen. He's nailed from behind by a steel chair...



it's Mr. Perfect! Perfect unloads on Shamrock and beats him all over the backstage area. He has him

in a hallway and slams Shamrock into a door, the door busts open and Goldust runs out clutching a rubber chicken and a blow-up doll. Shamrock is laid out in the doorway, Perfect positions his leg and slams

the door on his ankle. Shamrock screams in pain as Perfect repeats his attack on the left ankle. Security arrive on the scene and pull Perfect off but the damage is done. Shamrock is left writhing and screams

at Shamrock "This Sunday! Backlash! I'll fight you with one leg dammit!


Rating: C




#1 Contender WWF Intercontinental Championship

Christian vs Kane

JR and King do a great job of putting over the history of the IC Title and the match for the strap at Backlash. Kane dominates most of the match but Christian makes a late comeback. He hits an Unprettier

on the Big Red Machine and goes for the cover. Christian is tripped before he can make the pin, Goldust is out from under the ring and trips him from the outside. Christian turns around and goes for Goldust

but Kane has sat up. Goldust runs back in the ring, Christian follows in pursuit and is met with a Chokeslam. Kane makes the cover, 1,2,3. Kane is going to Backlash to face RVD for the WWF IC Title.


Kane via Pinfall 11:50

Rating: B-




Austin comes to the ring and cuts a promo reminding all of the guys in the upcoming match of times he's beaten them. He warns HHH that he'll be taking his title this Sunday at Backlash.


Rating: A*




#1 Contender WWF World Heavyweight Championship

Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle vs Steve Austin vs The Rock

All out chaos from the get go as all men go at it, Angle clashes with Austin as Jericho and The Rock trade blows. Angle is the first to gain an advantage delivering an Olympic Slam to Jericho. He

goes for the quick cover but Austin breaks it up and nails Kurt with a Stunner. Rock goes for a Rock Bottom on Austin but he reverses, Jericho is back up and connects with a Lionsault on Angle who's

still out from The Stunner. Jericho goes to the top rope now and prepares for a moonsault on Angle, Rock irish whips Austin to Jericho's corner though. Y2J goes crashing to the outside bouncing off the guard

rail and to the floor. Rock and Austin now left alone go back and forth, Rock with another Rock Bottom... but it's reversed, Austin with a Stunner... but Rock counters now. Both men take a step back and

assess eachother showing great respect and garnering a roar from the crowd. Just as they look to go at it again Angle staggers to his feet. Austin and Rock pause to look at eachother then look back at Angle.

Austin delivers another Stunner on Angle sending him bouncing off the ropes this time... he bounces back into The Rock for a Rock Bottom! Angle rolls out of the ring reeling, Earl Hebner follows to check on him.

Big Show is running out... Austin and The Rock are oblivious though and look to go one on one once again. Just as they begin exchanging punches Show is in the ring and charges. Big Show picks up The Rock and throws

him to the outside. Jericho is back up now and sees what's taking place in the ring. Y2J hobbles to Kurt Angle being tended to by Hebner and keeps the referee distracted as Big Show goes to work on Stone Cold.

Show hits Austin with an Alley-Oop and a second rope leg drop to the neck. The big man steps over the ropes and leaves the carnage in his wake looking like he's made his point. Jericho times his recovery

with Show's exit and drags Hebner back into the ring with him. Jericho makes the cover on Austin, 1,2.... Stone Cold kicks out and JR sells it like China just dropped the next A Bomb! Jericho is in disbelief,

he grabs Austin and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Rock is back to his feet on the outside and jumps back in the ring, Jericho spots him and releases his hold on Austin. Y2J goes for a clothesline on The

Rock but it's ducked, Rock Bottom! Rock with the cover, 1,2,3.. Rock is going to Backlash to face HHH for the WWF World Title!


The Rock via Pinfall 18:49

Rating: B+



Quick Results


Ron Killings def K-1 D

RVD def Dreamer C

Candido def Funaki D

Lesnar def Albert C-

Shamrock def D'Lo C-

Kane def Christian B-

The Rock def Angle, Austin & Jericho B+



Overall Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_bplus-1.jpg



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Monday 15 April, 2002


RAW was a great show tonight, I might give Ron Killings a new name before his TV debut. I'll have to bounce it off creative.


Chris Candido's debut didn't go too bad considering he's not popular at all right now.


Paul Heyman is doing wonders for Brock Lesnar, he's really helping his monster gimmick get over. Their great chemistry together is really showing.


Their was an incident tonight involving Christian and Stone Cold, alot of people have told me Austin's been in a strange mood lately and not the happiest person to be around. I know there's tension between him and Dad because of the nWo being brought in but I put those guys on another show so they wouldn't be a problem. He didn't seemed to pleased when I told him he wasn't facing HHH at Backlash but I assured him he's in my title plans. Anyways back to the incident with Christian, it was nothing really. Enough that I'm sure Meltzer and the rest will run it as headline newz though. I wasn't there but Hennig told me Austin was ribbing on Christian about his current feud with Goldust. Stone Cold somehow got ahold of the rubber chicken Goldust had as a prop tonight and was taunting him. Christian didn't take it too badly I think he's just a little on his toes at the moment like alot of other guys because of the big shake-ups of late. I took the fatherly approach with Steve and he replied "Yeah, OK, won't happen again". I didn't really know how to take it but it seemed remorse enough. I gave the guys a lil pep speech afterwards to let them know all of their jobs are safe and we value all of them. I hate to lie but Dad is right, in this business it's not an option.

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Monday 15 April, 2002


RAW was a great show tonight, I might give Ron Killings a new name before his TV debut. I'll have to bounce it off creative.



I was wondering if you guys where hiring? I'd like to become a member of this creative team you speak of... hell I can even help set up the ring.


Where do I get an application?

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Tuesday Week 3, April 2002

Nitro Taped for TV Bank Of America Arena, Seattle WA

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes & Taz






The show opens with Bischoff in the Nitro ring. Eric makes it clear he isn't happy about The Undertaker's interference in last weeks main event between Booker T and Flair. Bischoff tells Taker his motorbike

may have been allowed in a RAW building but unlike Vince he treats safety seriously. He bans The Undertaker's bike and tells him if he interfers in anymore Nitro matches there'll be dire consequences.

Bischoff again goes on a WCW rant and claims the only time Taker beat any of his "WCW guys" was on WWF turf, Eric adds.... "This is where the big boys play Undertaker!"...



"Rollin" by Limp Bizkit hits and

Undertaker rides down the entrance ramp on his motorbike, he pulls up outside the ring and revs the clutch at Bischoff. Bischoff calls for security to get Taker and the bike out of the building. Ten or so

security guys come out and grab Undertaker, he fights back and has the upperhand before the overwhelming numbers get the best of him. Security takes the bike and escort Undertaker out of the building in







Eddie Guerrero vs The Hurricane

A very open match with both men taking to the air late to show their skills. The Hurricane hits a big crossbody but Eddie reverses it into a pin. Using the ropes for leverage Eddie gets the tainted win

over The Hurricane.


Eddie Guerrero via pinfall 11:35

Rating: B-




The nWo music hits and Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and X-Pac enter the ring. Nash and Hall hold up their newly won WWF World Tag Team Titles.


Hall: Heyo! You like our new bling?


Nash throws his toothpick into the crowd and passes Nash his mic


Nash: First we brought back the nWo. I told you we'd get stronger. last week we brought back the most dominate tag team this business has ever seen, The outsiders! We beat the best the WWF had to offer in

less then ten minutes last week. There isn't a team that can beat us....


Nash is interupted by Eric Bischoff who's out on the entrance ramp.


Eric: Kevin, I hope that's true. I know The Outsiders are the greatest tag team in history to but you're going to have to prove it.


Bischoff holds up a large envelope with a WWF letterhead on it


Eric: The WWF Board of Directors received an appeal from Vince McMahon. Vince has requested that a Tournament consisting of 16 Tag Teams, 8 being nominated from each brand to determine the champions

and the Board of Directors has agreed. The tournament will commence next week on RAW and all of the teams competing must be nominated by their respective brands by this Monday.


Bischoff scrunches up the paper and throws it to the ground


Eric: Pfft, it's nothing right guys. We've got the best tag teams right here on Nitro and you two destroyed one of them just last week. I can't wait to see what tag teams Vince can put together, he can't

even keep his guys from killing eachother right now. I'm sure at the end of this tournament The Outsiders... Kevin Nash and Scott Hall will still be the WWF World Tag Team Champions!


The nWo music hits, Eric smirks and disappears behind the curtain.


Rating: B-




Billy Kidman vs Chavo Guerrero

Chavo dominates early, Kidman makes a late comeback and goes for a Shooting Star Press but Chavo rolls out of the way. Chavo delivers a snap suplex followed by a Gory Bomb for the decisive win.


Chavo Guerrero via Pinfall 6:37

Rating: D+




Nash and X-Pac are backstage and walk into the the nWo lockeroom. Hall is laid out unconscious, Nash yells for help. He tells the camera man to get out of the room and tries to wake Hall asking him who took him out.


Rating: B+




Perry Saturn vs Test

Sloppy brawl to start out, the match doesn't really go anywhere from there. Test takes over and finsihes with a Big Boot for the win.


Test via Pinfall 7:17

Rating: C-




Jamie Noble vs Rey Mysterio

Both start slow and gradualy take the match to the air. Rey impresses again in only his second outing winning clean with a Springboard Hurricanrana.


Rey Mysterio via Pinfall 10:29

Rating: D+




Flair is backstage with Stacy and cuts a promo on The Undertaker. The Nature Boy swears vengeance for Taker costing him his chance at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship last week. Flair lets him know he's

in "The Nature Boy's Backyard now baby Wooooooooooo". He lets Taker know he's lucky he was booted out of the arena tonight and to watch his back next time he shows his face in a Nitro building.


Rating: B-




Diamond Dallas Page vs Rico

DDP dominates the match, Rico uses every chance possible to run away but gets caught on the outside. DDP delivers a Diamond Cutter and rolls Rico back into the ring for the pin.


DDP via Pinfall 7:18

Rating: C




Hogans theme music hits and The Hulkster makes his entrance for the main event. While he's still hulking up the nWo music starts and catches his attention. Nash walks out looking back behind the curtain, Hall

follows him but is staggering. He's clearly still in bad condition from his mystery attack earlier in the evening. He makes his way to the ring pushing Nash off when Big Sexy tries to help him walk in a

straight line. Hogan tells Nash to take Hall to the back and throw in the towel. Nash shrugs his shoulders as Hall jumps in the ring.


Rating: B+




First Round Tournament for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hulk Hogan vs Scott Hall

The bell rings and Hall goes straight for Hogan catching him by suprise and clothelsining him. Tenay

starts to question the authenticity of Hall's alleged concussion when Hall stops mid-ring, turn to Nash and starts waving. Dusty Rhodes scorns Tenay for doubting Halls integrity after it's obvious the injury

is real. Nash yells at Hall to turn back around and he does to a Hogan return clothesline sending Hall over the top rope. Hall is on the outside and Nash is trying to get him to leave again, the harder Nash

tries though the more determined a dazed Hall is to get back in the fight. Hogan now looks to referee Nick Patrick to throw it out. As Hulk and the ref are talking Hall is back and nails Hogan from behind.

He goes to work now looking more concentrated with the job at hand. Hall holds the advantage for a good while keeping the match on the mat. He hits a fallaway slam on Hogan and again instead of making the

cover he seems to forget where he is and starts posing for a photo some girl is taking in the front row. Nash jumps up onto the apron and turns him around but it's right into Hogan who is Hulking up. Hall

throws a right but it's blocked, Hogan unloads with a barage of his own rights. He irish whips Hall off the ropes, Big Boot. Hogan with a Leg Drop, he doesn't make the cover though. Instead The Hulkster

shoots Nash a look. Tenay points out the fact that working all of those years with the nWo Hogan knows how the Wolfpac operates and is expecting a run in. Nash tells Hogan to make the cover though having seen

enough and knowing Hall is in no state to wrestle. Hogan hooks Halls leg and makes the pin for the tainted win.


Hogan via pinfall 16:22

Rating: B-



The Nitro Announcers hype the WCW World Title Tournament as it appears on the Titantron. Hogans name advances in the bracket.....





All of a sudden the power goes out. The arena is pitch black but the Titantrons slowly turn back on giving some light. The big screens play a vignette hyping what looks to be a debut of a wrestler. The

screen flashes with footage of savage bears, wolves and other beasts. A deep voice begins....."By nature animals are wild, free from control or restraint. Some animals are tamer than others, some are wilder.

Some so fearful no man dare brave their presence. However, no matter how savage the animal, no matter how untamed, they all share one characteristic...... they never forget their territory!".


Rating: A



Quick Results


E.Guerrero def Hurrican B-

C.Guerrero def Kidman D+

Test def Saturn C-

Mysterio def Noble D+

DDP def Rico C

Hogan def Hall B-



Overall Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_b-.jpg



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Tuesday 16 April, 2002


My worst show yet tonight, it was only a B- overall but still with all the talent at my disposal that's still pretty lame. I need to build these storylines properly though, I don't want to rush it at the expense of a short ratings boost. I have long term plans all the way to Wrestlemania and it doesn't involve giving away all of our dream matches every other week on Nitro.


Mike Tenay and Taz have great chemistry together. They're combination on Nitro could help Taz develop alot.


Lance Storm has gone from C- popularity in the States to C+ in three weeks! His superstar quality is rated at D and he's only been involved in two tag team wins. He must just be clicking all of a sudden with the fans. Whatever it is it'll be interesting to watch how he goes over the next few months.


I signed Colt Cabana after surfing on some credible internet wrestling forums. The forum I found a guy was raving about him, he reminded me he has been taeaming with CM Punk lately. The two will have some time in OVW to prepare for a debut together.


I'm exhausted, excited and nervous all at once, my first PPV this Sunday! Most of the matches are booked for Backlash, all of the main ones at least. PR has made a poster advertising the show so I'll paste it in here as a scrapbook like I've been doing when I get a copy.

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Live on PPV this Sunday WWF RAW Presents Backlash 2002



HHH© vs The Rock - Steel Cage Match (No Escape) WWF World Heavyweight Title

Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle

Big Show vs Steve Austin - #1 Contenders Match

Kane vs RVD© - WWF Intercontinental Title

Ken Shamrock vs Mr. Perfect (Shoot Match)

Brock Lesnar vs Matt Hardy

Brock Lesnar vs Jeff Hardy

Christian vs Goldust

APA vs ??? ??? (Round 1 WWF Tag Title Tournament)

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I signed Colt Cabana after surfing on some credible internet wrestling forums. The forum I found a guy was raving about him, he reminded me he has been taeaming with CM Punk lately. The two will have some time in OVW to prepare for a debut together.

*Pats self on back*


Was Hall concussed...or was he just wasted? Well, at least he didn't pull up the referee's shirt and start playing with his belly :confused:

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*Pats self on back*


Was Hall concussed...or was he just wasted? Well, at least he didn't pull up the referee's shirt and start playing with his belly :confused:


:D That will be adressed in a journal entry shortly, I wanted it to come of as it not being clear if he was kayfabe injured, drunk or what? You'll see why soon, hopefully it will play out well. Thanks again for the Cabana reminder. :)

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Saturday19 April, 2002


Well I just came from Dads hotel room, we watched a Nitro replay together and I wanted to see his reaction to the Hall vs Hogan match. He thought for sure Hall was drunk but I assured him it was part of an angle and he was just acting great. Scott hasn't caused one problem backstage yet, apart from our night out that got a little out of hand. Dad seems happy enough with my booking so far but he keeps hinting to make sure I emphasise RAW as being the dominant brand. I think it's hard not to due to the fans perception at the moment. The ratings for this week again show that to.....



RAW on Spike 4.77

RAW on TSN 1.92

RAW on Sky Sports 1.52

Nitro on UPN 3.47

Nitro on Sky Sports 1.16

Nitro on The Score 1.09

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Sunday, Week 3 April 2002

Backlash live PPV

Fleet Center, Boston MA

Attendance: 28,911

Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler






Dark Match

Al Snow vs Mike Awesome

Awesome dominates most of the match getting in some powerfull offense before Snow makes the comeback and secures the win with a Snow Plow


Snow via Pinfall 6:44

Rating: D+



Dark Match

The Godfather vs William Regal

The Godfather played up his gimmick the whole match trying to get Regal to look at his hoes. Regal isn't distracted in the slightest and takes Godfather apart on the mat. He locks in a Regal Stretch for

the convincing win.


Regal via Submission 8:10

Rating: C+



Vince McMahon opens the Pay Per View in the ring, he announces the Board of Directors have had all of the submissions from both RAW and Nitro concerning the WWF Tag Title Tournament. The Board are about to

show the tournament brackets, the only stipulation in the draw is that each brand face off in the first round. The left brackets of the tournament will be revealed tonight and the rest on RAW tommorow

evening. As the left side of the tournament appears on the Titantron Vince announces some of the tag teams he's nominated... Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs, The Nasty Boys. Meng and The Barbarian, The

Faces of Fear and The Legion of Doom, Road Warrior Hawk and Road Warrior Animal. The camera focuses on the tournament brackets as JR and Lawler hype the recent debuts.....






Rating: B+




Chrisitan vs Goldust

Comedy match to begin with, Goldust tries to lock Christian up a little to frienly like and Christian complains to referee Mike Chioada. "This match sux chants" send it home a little early, Chrisitan takes

the decisive win with an Unprettier.


Christian vs Pinfall 9:21

Rating: D+




The APA vs The Impact Players

Credile and Bradshaw start with Credible not backing down and taking it straight to Bradshaw. It's his undoing though as his offense lasts about ten secnonds before Bradshaw connects with a stiff clothesline.

Bradshaw takes control and dominates, Credible manages to make a tag to Storm who turns the tides for The Impact Players. Storm outmoves Bradshaw, he delivers a suplex and follows up with an Inverted clover

leaf. Bradhsaw recovers but Storm dodges a shoulder charge and send him crashing into the ringpost. Storm makes the tag to Credible but Bradshaw has stumbled to his corner and does the same to Farooq.

Farooq runs in and delivers a few savage back elbows followed by a Half nelson slam. He punces up and charges at Storm knocking him off the apron. Farooq hits a Farooq Dominator for the pin and The APA

advance to the quarter finals.


APA via Pinfall 7:15 Round 1 WWF Tag Team Title Tournament

Rating: C




Paul Heyman cuts a promo on Lesnar and his menacing power. He taunts The Hardy Boys and lets them know he isn't responsible for what "The Monster" does to them once they step in the ring with him.


Rating: B




Brock Lesnar vs Jeff Hardy

It's obvious these two just don't click, the first two minutes are just a botchfest with Lesnar nailing Jeff with a knee lift. Lesnar toys with Hardy delivering power moves at leisure, Heyman screams at him

to finish it. Brock picks up Hardy and delivers three standing power bombs. He doesn't make the cover though, he picks up Jeff again and delivers a powerbomb onto the ropes this time. This is just turning

brutal, Lesnar taunts Jeffs lifeless body. Matt Hardy is running out, Heyman alerts Lesnar and he meets Matt with a spinning spinebuster landing on top of his brother. Heyman goes purple demanding

Lesnar make the pin on Jeff, Brock follows his orders and Jeff is pinned. Medics come to the ring and roll Jeff out who's bleeding from the mouth now.


Lesnar via Pinfall 5:07

Rating: C-




Brock Lesnar vs Matt Hardy

Lesnar turns his attention back to Matt, he connects with a knee to the head as Hardy tries to get to his feet. Heyman starts to scream at Brock again to finish the match, Lesnar picks up Matt and delivers

an F-5 for the win. Heyman jumps in the ring after the count and continues to yell at Lesnar, he pushes him to the back scolding him for not obeying orders straight away.


Lesnar via pinfall 8:09

Rating: C




Shoot Match

Ken Shamrock vs Mr. Perfect

JR and King hype the fact that Ken Shamrock is a legit MMA Superstar and detail his accomplishments in the sport. Mr. Perfect comes out with new ring gear for the match, he has MMA looking gloves and only short

tights. A special UFC referee has been brought in for the fight and he goes over the rules for the match with the wrestlers. The match will consist of 5 X 3 minute rounds. If no winner has been decided in

5 rounds three appointed judges will determine the winner. The match will take place in the usual WWF ring but the "rope break" rule does not apply. The UFC ref goes onto explain a few more minor MMA rules

as Shamrock and Mr. Perfect stare eachother down. The bell sounds and both attempt take downs early, Perfect is the first to get the upperhand. JR explains that Shamrock is used to fighting in his weight

class and that Perfect is using that to his advantage. The end of round 1 and Perfect seems to be on top. Round 2 goes very much the same with Shamrock struggling to counter Perfects weight advantage and

conservative approach. Round 3 looks to be headed the same when out of nowhere Shamrock lands a huge right! It leaves Perfect dazed and on the ropes as Shamrock unleashes, Perfect covers up but has no

answer as the bell sounds saving him from the round. Round four opens up very evenly with both going toe to toe now and Perfect visibly still rattled from the right hook. Shamrock goes low and takes him down,

he mounts and unloads with lefts and rights. Perfect manages to turn him and mounts Shamrock, he locks in a rear naked choke. Shamrock reverses though and turns Perfect into a Guillotine Choke, he taps

and the UFC ref calls for the bell.


Shamrock via Submission 11:26 (Round 4)

Rating: C+




A Kane vs Rob Van Dam Vignette is played hyping their current storyline and upcoming match.


Rating: B-




WWF Intercontinental Championship

Kane vs RVD©

Kane dominates early but can't put RVD away, he gets frustrated at several near fall attempts and goes to the outside and grabs a steel charir. He gets back into the ring but referee Tim White is blocking

him from getting to RVD. He pushes White to the side but Van Dam pounces. RVD gives Kane a big spinning heel kick. Van Dam puts the steel chair on Kanes face and hits the Rolling Thunder. Kane somehow sits

up but RVD fights back with a dropkick to Kane's face with the chair. Time White warns RVD he'll throw the match out if he continues with a weapon as he throws the chair out of the ring. RVD jumps to the

top rope and launches into a Five Star Frog Splash. Kane sits up again though and RVD misses the Splash. Kane goes on the attack and sets up Van Dam for a Tombstone Piledriver. RVD slips out and bounces off

the ropes, he rolls Kane up for a flash pinfall out of nowehere. Kane kicks out right after three, it's just enough for RVD to retain. He slides out of the ring and looks at Kane like he's inhuman having

sat up after the punishment he endured.


RVD via Pinfall 13:37

Rating: B-




The Rock is backstage with Howard Finkel, he hypes tonights match between himeslf and Triple H.


Rating: A*




A vignette is played hyping the Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle storyline and upcoming match. It shows their meddling in affairs over the past few weeks on RAW and the shot they both cost eachother at the

WWF Undisputed Title.


Rating: B




Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle

The first one on one matchup in their feud, both men show respect for eachothers ability hesitating on a lock up before going at it. The grapple turns in Angles favour is they usually do. Kurt hits a german suplex

and follows up with four more. Jericho makes a small comeback hitting an enziuri but Angle takes over again with an overhead belly to belly.Jericho makes another comeback landing a Lionsault, he goes to the

top rope and sets up for a moonsault. Angle is up and runs and jumps up onto the turnbuckle with Y2J. Angle delivers a german off the top rope, he makes the cover but Jericho kicks out. He goes for the

Ankle Lock but Jericho reverses a sharpshooter. Angle reverses back into an ankle lock, Jericho breaks the hold turning over. Jericho now with a running bulldog, Angle reverses into an Angle Slam. He makes the

cover and a wraps Jericho up into a tight pin for the victory.


Angle via pinfall 20:39

Rating: B




A vignette is played hyping the Big Show and Stone Cold Steve Austin feud. The video shows their first chance encounter on RAW and Big Show costing Austin a title shot at Backlash.


Rating: B




#1 Contenders Match

Big Show vs Steve Austin

Big Show picks up Austins "Smokin' Skull" jacket and tries to put it on. He laughs at its small size in his hands. Austin flips the bird at Show and signals too him to bring it. The crowd is on their feet

before the two RAW superstars even lock up. Big Show looks at the crowd soaking up the jeers, Austin doesn't waste anytime and rushes the big man unloading with some right and lefts. They have no effect on Big

Show and he palms Austin sending him rolling back into his corner. Austin looks at the crowd and smiles, he points to his texas brain indicating he has to play this one smart. Big Show runs at Austin but Stone

Cold ducks and rolls out of the ring, again showing he's going to try to outwit Show. The game of cat and mouse continues for a good while before Austin has the giant tired. Austin waits for him to get back

into the ring after chasing him in circles. Show staggers in the ring puffing and out of breath. Stone Cold with a Stunner, Big Show stumbles back but stays on his feet. Austin jumps onto the middle turnbuckle

and delivers another Stunner! This time it's enough as Hebner makes the cover for the decisive win.


Austin via Pinfall 14:15





A Hype Package involving HHH vs The Rock airs promoting their WWF Undisputed Championship Match. The video begins at Wrestlemania X8, showing both mens paths to tonights main event.


Rating: B+





WWF Undisputed Championship

Steel Cage (No Escape)

The Rock vs Triple H©

The steel cage is lowered, the bell rings and these two waste no time going at it. Triple H gets the upperhand early using underhanded tactics and taking up the heel role. The match goes back and forth with

both men incorporating the steel cage into their attacks. Triple H hits a suplex of the steel mesh and goes for the cover, a two count. The Game goes for The Pedigree but Rock flips him over and makes a comeback.

Rock goes for The Rock Bottom but Triple H breaks free and hits a low blow, JR reminds everyone low blows are legal in this match, the only way to victory being pinfall or submission. Triple H picks Rock up and

sets him up for The Pedigree, Rock flips him again. Rock goes for a clothesline but Triple H has the same idea, they both connect and are laid out.... The Titantrons are going haywire, they begin to erupt

with fireworks. Triple H and The Rock get to their feet and look on as a video begins.....





<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


As the video finishes Rock and Triple H waste no time resuming their battle and begin to exchange punches. The Rock hits a Rock Bottom and connects! He follows with a People's Elbow and makes the cover but he and referee Earl Hebner are distracted by someone running down the entrance ramp.....It's Goldberg! Goldberg rips the cage door off its hinges and throws it to the side. He peers inside the steel strcuture, The Rock and Earl Hebner look on with their mouths agape. Goldberg jumps onto the apron in one leap and then steps into the ring. He circles The Rock who is slowly getting to his feet, still in astonishment. Goldberg explodes and nails Rock with a Spear, he turns and stares at Hebner who trips over backwards with fear. Goldberg goes into predator mode and hoists Rock up into the air and delivers a Jackhammer. Golderg growls and snarls bursting with his signature "Animal Rage", he starts to make his way out of the ring, Vince runs down with security in fornt of him. Golderg runs and disappears into a space just near the back curtain and evades McMahons security. Back in the ring Triple H is getting to his feet with The Rock left laid out from the Goldberg attack. Triple H is unaware of the Goldberg run in and begins his stalking of The Rock. Rock eventualy gets to his feet and Triple H attempts yet another Pedigree. Triple H nails it this time and makes the cover, 1,2.... The Rock kicks out!. JR goes nuts and sells Rocks chin, hyping the fact that he has withstood the match, Goldergs attacks and The Pedigree. Triple H pulls The Rock to his feet and goes for another Pedigree, Rock hits a low blow of his own this time! He slides in and lands a second Rock Bottom! Rock throws off his remaining elbow pad and nails Triple H with another People's Elbow. Rock isn't finished

though, he pulls Triple H to his knees and hits his own version of The Pedigree! Rock collapses on Triple H making the cover, Hebner makes the 3 count still looking shaken from the Goldberg confrontation.


Rock via 24:22 Pinfall to win the WWF Undisputed Championship

Rating: A




The Rocks Music hits and the cage is pulled back up to the roof, Rock celebrates from ringpost to ringpost.


Rating: B+



Quick Results


Snow def Awesome D+

Regal def Godfather C+

Christian def Goldust D+

APA def Impact Players C

Lesnar def J.Hardy C-

Lesnar def M.Hardy C

Shamrock def Perfect - Shoot Match C+

RVD def Kane - WWF IC Title B-

Angle def Jericho B

Austin def Big Show B+

Rock def HHH - WWF Undisputed Title A



Overall Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_a-2.jpg


Buy Rate 8.72 (436,000 Buys)



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Sunday 20 April, 2002


My first PPV and it was a success on all accounts. The buyrates that are in look strong for our first RAW brand only event this big.


Regal had one of the best matches on the show and it was in a dark match with The Godfather. The guy might be getting on but I think he deserves a solid spot for the future given his ability.


Shamrock and Lesnar both continued their unbeaten streaks. Lesnar has shot up to C+ in popularity in the States after tonight his merch was selling like hotcakes. I have to be careful who I book him against, he's ready for stardom it looks but he's still so sketchy in the ring. He needs to improve his C- safety before I can trust him handling the money players.


Triple H's slow heel turn is going well, he took the heel role in the main event tonight and he and The Rock were great. Goldbergs debut went great I think it may have added to the match rating. He's going to be working on Nitro but I wanted him to debut at Backlash to push the start of the new big storyline a little further ahead. The storyline is rating at an A the moment and I'm sure will help to keep viewers tuned into RAW and Nitro.


I've brought in some old names for the Tag Team Tournament also, I want it to be a tournament to remember and one that's taken seriously. It will definitely have strong credentials when the other 8 teams are announced on RAW.


After the show Hunter was at it again. It was just us and Dad backstage and he suggested we bring back the WWF Women's Title. He went on to say we should push a female like we did Moolah and Mae Young back in the day. Dad shot him down and did a good job of not creating and awkward situation. Still Hunter was looking at me the whole time to see my reaction as he mentioned my Mother's name. I don't know if he knows anything but he's still snooping and prodding.


The RAW card for tomorrow night is......

Chris Jericho vs Ron Kingston (This is the only name I've come up with for Ron Killings. Creative has had nothing, they spend most their time playing foosball and making Steph coffee)

Chris Candido & Mr Perfect vs The Hardy Boyz

Al Snow vs Christian

Albert vs William Regal

Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold


Oh yeah Hall has been missing since Friday, just when he was looking good to. He sent me a text late tonight saying he was safe and sound in Canada. He's there for something called 4/20 day? I'll have to ask around to see what he's talking about. I thought his birthday was in October.

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Monday Week 4, April 2002

RAW live UNI-Dome, Iowa Mid West

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler




Dark Match

D'Lo Brown vs Spike Dudley

D'lo wins with a Low Down in his first victory in months.


D'Lo via Pinfall 6:37

Rating: D



Dark Match

K-1 vs Val Venis

K-1 debuts his new "Rapper" giimick to a good live reaction. His new gimmick isn't enough to see of Val though the Venis wins with a flash pinfall reversing an Enziguri.


Val Venis via Pinfall 6:17

Rating: D+



The RAW pyro lights up the arena as JR and King open the show



JR: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to WWF RAW! If you were one of the few unfortunate WWF fans who didn't witness history being made at Backlash last night let us take you for a quick recap.


King: History is right JR. Last night at Backlash I couldn't believe my eyes watching Goldberg step into a WWF ring. It was surreal!


JR: Step into a WWF ring he did King, and more!


Stills from the previous nights PPV appear on the Titantron showing Goldberg's debut in several pictures including his spear on The Rock.


King: Well he certainly made his debut one to remember, I don't think HHH or The Rock will forget it anytime soon.


JR: The Rock came out on top last night but the bigger question now is what happens from here King? The WWF brand split doesn't seem to be working, these Nitro guys can't keep their noses out of our business.

What Goldberg did last night can't be considered acceptable, I hope it'll be addressed soon or we could see chaos here on RAW...



Vince McMahons music hits and he power struts into the ring


King: I think we're going to see it addressed sooner rather then later JR. Vince does not look happy tonight.


Vince: Last night was an abomination. Last night one of Eric Bischoff's men again interefed in a RAW match. I've met with the WWF Board of Directors and received a court order concerning this. I won't have

Bischoff's wannabes trying to steal my superstars thunder again! Bischoff! This court order states that if any contracted Nitro worker steps foot in a RAW arena their WWF contract will be terminated. That includes you Eric,

and believe me I'd like nothing else then to be the one to tell you...... You're FIRED!!!


Rating: B+




Triple H interupts McMahons promo and demands his title rematch with The Rock pointing out Goldbergs interference last night. Vince reminds Hunter that it was Rock who received the Spear but does admit the Goldberg run in

was a major distraction. Vince grants HHH his rematch and announces it will take place next week on RAW for the WWF Undisputed Title. Vince takes the oppurtunity to hype the RAW title and claims even with "That other silly shiny belt Nitro thinks is a real title" the WWF Undisputed Title is the only legitimate crown in the WWF. Vince finishes by adding HHH and The Rock both deserve a night off tonight and that the other two most impressive superstars from last night were Kurt Angle and Stone Cold Steve Austin who will face off one on one in tonights main event.


Rating: A




Back from the break and JR and King are hyping the debut of a young wrestler who dubs himself "RP Gee".



RP Gee dances to the ring to his entrance music "Country Garammar" by Nelly and takes up a mic. He

cuts a short improv rap hyping his arrival to the WWF.


Rating: C+




Chris Jericho vs RP Gee

Jericho taunts RP Gee from the start, he turns his back while mocking the newcomer and laughs to the crowd. Gee explodes into action and hits Y2J with a corkscrew scissors kick. RP Gee takes over and keeps his momentum landing some impressive offense in his first match. Jericho recovers around the 7:00 mark and locks in the Walls of Jericho, it looks to be over but Gee turns him over and makes an electric comeback. RP Gee hits a Hurricanrana followed by a sitout hip toss and has Jericho on the backfoot. Gee still on the attack nails Jericho with an elevated cradle neckbreaker, JR and King put the move over calling it a "Bunker Buster". Gee makes the cover but Jericho kicks out at a close two count. Jericho reverses a dragon suplex and hits a nasty looking russian legsweep on Gee. Y2J hits a running bulldog and follows with a Lionsault. He goes for another Lionsault on the opposite ropes and nails it. He makes the cover 1,2... RP Gee kicks out! Jericho shoves referee Tim White calling his two count slow. RP Gee rolls up Jericho from behind, 1,2... Jericho kicks out! Both men are back on their feet and Jericho has his hands pulled up in guard position. JR points out Jericho's new found respect for the debuting RP Gee and his change in wrestling stance from the start of the matchup. Both men lock up again and Jericho takes it to the mat, he turns RP Gee and locks in a figure four leglock. Y2J grabs the bottom rope for leverage and Gee looks like he has to tap! JR again does a great job on commentary pointing out Jericho's experience in positioning himself so that the referee can't see his clutching of the bottom rope. RP Gee struggles but has no choice but to tap or risk injury to the leg. Tim White calls for the bell while JR and King put over RP Gee's debut on RAW dispite his loss.


Jericho via Submission 10:30

Rating: B-




Steve Austin is backstage in a loceroom unpacking his bag. Angle appears behind him and greets Stone Cold. Kurt asks Austin if he saw his win over Jericho last night at Backlash. Austin replies he was too

busy getting ready to hand the Big Show a can of whoop ass. Kurt tells Austin they both know Angle deserves a title shot before anyone else and that he's the best in the WWF. Stone Cold gives Kurt a chance

to prove it tonight and puts his #1 Contendership for the WWF Undisputed Title on the line in their upcoming match.


Rating: A




Ken Shamrock is in the ring and makes hypes his win over Mr Perfect last night in their shoot match. Shamrock makes another open challenge to any wrestler willing to fight him. Tommy Dreamer's music hits and

the former ECW star makes his way to the ring to take up the challenge.


Rating: B-




Ken Shamrock vs Tommy Dreamer

Shamrock dominates from start to finish. Dreamer takes an absolute beating before Shamrock hits him with a Superkick for the win.


Shamrock via Pinfall 1:52 C-




Vince is back in the ring and announces the WWF Tag Team Tournament has been finalised. He names his remaining for entrants as.... The Hollys, The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley Boyz and Demolition, Axe and Smash!

McMahon states he has no idea who Eric has picked with his remaining selections but is confident they won't be able to compete with his WWF teams. Linda appears via Titantron and announces Bischoff's entrants

and the Tournament becomes clear. Bischoff has selected KroniK, Los Guerreros, The Hart Foundation and The Steiner Brothers!





Rating: B+





Albert vs William Regal©

WWF European Championship

A soid brawl to start an open match. Albert takes the advantage late but Regal connects with the brass knuckles for a tainted win.


Regal via Pinfall 7:55 to retain the WWF European Title

Rating: B-




Mr Perfect and Candido are backstage in a lockeroom talking, they are discussin their upcoming match tonight against the Hardy Boyz. Hennig is coaching Candido on the ins and outs of tag team wrestling when

Regal walks in returning from his match. Regal tells Candido he's better off reading a "How To Manual" than learning tips from "Mr Imperfect". Hennig tells Regal it's lucky he has a match coming up or he'd

show him how imperfect he is. Regal encourages hi to prove his words wrong in their match tonight.


Rating: B-




Al Snow vs Christian

Christian with an Unprettier to pick up a clean victory.


Christian vai Pinfall 8:25

Rating: C




Christian and Jericho are backstage in Vince's office. They are both asking McMahon for more recognition on RAW, Jericho for his accomplishments over the past year and Christian for his recent string of wins.

Vince gets angry and tells them if they want recognition and his attention they need to earn it. Jericho and Chrisitan look at eachother before Vince screams at them to get the hell out of his office.


Rating: B




Candido & Mr Perfect vs The Hardy Boyz

Candido and Perfect work well for a first time combination. The Hardy Boyz experience shines through as they take over with some quick tags. Matt Hardy has Hennig tied up on the outside as Jeff hits a Swanton

Bomb on Candido for the decisive win.


Hardy Boyz 10:55

Rating: C




Stone Cold is in the ring and cuts a promo on Kurt Angle. He warns the Olympic gold medalist he's about to step into the ring with the Texas Rattlesnake. Stone Cold taunts Angle to come out and get his ass

handed to him.


Rating: B+




Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold Steve Austin

#1 Contender Match

The matchup starts with Angle trying to take Austin to the mat. Stone Cold keeps the match standing with some impressive chain wrestling of his own. The two go back and forth in a slow open match building to the finish. Angle takes the late advantage damaging Austin's knee with some savage kicks and elbow drops. Angle locks in a Sharpshooter, Stone Cold reaches the ropes. Angle pulls him off though and Austin is in the middle of the ring. He turns himself and breaks the hold, Angle goes straight back in for the knee but Austin hits a Stunner from nowhere. Stone Cold is late making the cover though hobbling to Angle with his damaged knee and Angle kicks out at 2. Both are back to their feet now as Austin sets up for a Stunner, Angle reverses into an Angle Slam! Kurt rips off his right shoulder strap and screams

setting up for his Ankle Lock. Austin has ended up on the outside from the force of that Angle Slam and Kurt goes after him. Angle attacks the right knee again, he picks Austin up heads for takes him on top of the Mexican announcers table. Angle goes for an Angle Slam on Austin but Austin reverses, Austin with a Stunner but Angle reverses again and lands the Angle Slam! Angle crashes jsut as hard as Stone Cold through the annoucers table to the floor. Both men are laid out as Earl Hebner starts the ten count, the Angle Slam through the announcers table is played over and over as the ten count is made. JR and King speculate on what the result means for the #1 Contender status.


Austin drew with Angle 19:30

Rating: A




Quick Results


D'Lo def Spike D

Val Venis def K-1 D+

Jericho def RP Gee B-

Shamrock def Dreamer C-

Regal def Albert B-

Christian def Snow C

Hardy Boyz def Candido & Mr Perfect C

Angle drew with Austin A


Overall: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_bplus-1.jpg


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Monday 21 April, 2002


Another solid RAW, it's really thanks to the roster. There is alot of talent at my disposal my biggest problem I've been finding week to week is to squeeze them all on to get air time.


Spike Dudley needs a new character, by the reactions he had tonight it's obvious the fans are over his Underdog schtick.


William Regal and Albert had pretty good chemistry which was suprising but welcomed.


I'm happy with the way the Tag Team Tournament segment went also, this is a tournament that has to be respected. Alot of guys were suprised to see a few of those names up there.


Ron Killings debut went better than I expected. His name was decided about ten minutes before he ran out after he suggested it. He got the gimmick over well and I've already got a storyline for him I think will be perfect. It should help a few other young guys at the same time. There's another young guy with loads of potential in OVW called The Prototype who has been pushing to use a Rapper gimmick like Killings has for his debut. Cena is his real name but he still looks a little green, Killings seems like a safer bet for now but we'll have to see who catches on once they've both established themselves a little. This John Cena is set to be called up any week now, I'm eagerly awaiting Dusty Rhode's training report on him and a few others who should be ready for the main roster sooner rather than later.

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Tuesday Week 4, April 2002

Nitro Taped for TV Patriot Centre, VA Mid-Atlantic

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes & Taz





Dark Match

Billy Kidman vs Juventud Guerrera

Juvi debuts with a tainted roll up victory.


Juvi via Pinfall 6:25

Rating: D



Dark Match

Raven vs Samoa Joe

Joe looks good in his first match with the WWF. He hits a few big power moves on Raven but is outexperienced in the end, Raven lands a Raven Effect for the clean win.


Raven via Pinfall 5:36

Rating: D-




Eric Bischoff opens Nitro standing in the ring with the WCW World Heavyweight Title on a wooden podium seated in red suede. Bischoff again names some of the previous champions and WCW stars to a cheap pop.

He announces two matches from the Tournament to take place tonight, Edge vs Eddie Guerrero and Diamond Dallas Page vs Kevin Nash. Bischoff addresses the court order Vince McMahon has put on Nitro wrestlers preventing them from entering RAW arenas. He taunts Vince telling him RAW wrestlers are welcomed in Nitro buildings, if they can handle it. Eric lets Vince know that Goldberg wasn't a Nitro star at Backlash despite what McMahon may think. He announces Golderg will be a Nitro contracted wrestler starting at their first brand only PPV on May 19 The Great American Bash. He encourages all of the Nitro superstars to volunteer to fight Goldberg in his first WWF match, adding "Beating The Animal will make you a star!"


Rating: B




Ric Flair vs Lance Storm

A technical clinic these two veterans go back and forth in an open match. Flair shows his value late though taking over control and working Storm's left leg. The Nature Boy wins decisively with a Figure Four



Flair via Submssion 14:40

Rating: B-




Edge is backstage unpacking his bag when Hulk Hogan enters the lockeroom. Hogan wishes Edge luck for his match in the WCW Tilte Tournament tonight. Edge tells Hulk he hopes it's an easy of a match as Hogan had last week against Hall. He reminds Hogan when he beats Eddie tonight it'll mean Hogan vs Edge in the semi-final round of the tournament. Hogan tells Edge it'll be an honour to face him and that he's been watching him for years now and is a big fan. Edge looks suspicious of Hulk's intentions as he thanks him again and leaves the lockeroom.


Rating: A




Jamie Knoble vs The Hurricane

Both work the crowd with only one top rope move the entire match. The Hurricane hits a Hurrichokeslam on Knoble for the win.


Hurricane via Pinfall 6:40

Rating: D+




Eddie Guerrero is backstage flirting with Stacy Keibler, Stacy is clearly unimpressed by Eddie's charm. Diamond Dallas Page walks by and intervenes telling Eddie to concern himself with his match tonight in the WCW Title Tournament and not with hitting on women clearly out of his league. Guerrero makes a snide remark about Kimberly Page and the former Nitro girls, he gives Stacy a card with his number on it and leaves. Stacy thanks DDP, she throws the card Guerrero gave her on the ground and walks off. Page picks up the card and smirks devilishly before laughing and putting it in his pocket.


Rating: B




Mike Tenay,Dusty Rhodes AND Taz are hyping the upcoming WWF Tag Team Tournament match involving Demolition and The Hart Foundation. Tenay emphasises it's been 10 years since Demolition has stood foot in a WWF ring

and for The Hart Foundation over 4. Tenay runs down both teams lists of accomplishments, making special mention of Deomolition holding the titles longest reign in their history.


Rating: C-




Round 1 WWF Tag Team Titles Tournament

Demolition vs The Hart Foundation

A nostalgia match with each team getting their signature spots. Demolition Ax lands a Powerslam on Neidhart for the win.


Demolition via Pinfall 8:16

Rating: D




AJ Styles vs X-Pac

Another debut on WWF Nitro Styles takes control of the match using his pace to stay one step ahead of X-Pac. Just as Tenay and Dusty are hyping AJ and his chances of winning and causing an upset X-Pac catches him with an X-Factor and the pin.


X-Pac via Pinfall 5:38

Rating: D-




The cameras are running to something backstage. They arrive on the scene to find The Undertaker laid out and unconscious, trainers and Nitro staff surround him tryng to wake him. Arn Anderson is one of the Nitro staff present and calls for an ambulence.


Rating: A




Round 1 WCW World Heavyweight Title Tournament

Edge vs Eddie Guerrero

Guerrero distracts the referee before the match even starts and jumps Edge as he's entering. Keeping the advantage for the early part Eddie slows down the pace and takes Edge to the mat. Edge counters a sleeperhold into an Edge–O–Matic, he goes for the pin but Eddie kicks out at a late 2. Edge goes for an Edgecution but Eddie counters and hits a low blow out of referee Nick Patricks view. Guerrero hits a Brainbuster and climbs to the top rope. Guerrero lands a Frogsplash and makes the quick cover, 1,2.... Edge kicks out. Eddie argues with Nick Patrick, he turns around and Edge nails him with a Spear. Edge follows up with an Edgecution and makes the cover for the win.


Edge via Pinfall 15:45

Rating: B-




Kevin Nash is in the ring with his other nWo members X-Pac and Scott Hall. Nash hypes the nWo's return and again promises their new member will be revealed sooner rather than later.


Rating: B-




Round 1 WCW World Heavyweight Title Tournament

Diamond Dallas Page vs Kevin Nash

Nash takes control early using his size and strength to back DDP into a corner. DDP makes a comeback after kicking out of a big boot and clotheslines Nash over the top rope. The two former WCW stars brawl

on the outside spilling over into the crowd at stages. Once back in the ring Nash is back in control. He rips a turnbuckle covering off exposing the metal beneath, DDP reverses an irish whip into the buckle and sends Nash head first into the steel. Nash is opened up and bleeding from the forehead, DDP goes for the pin, 1,2... Nash kicks out. DDP waits for Nash to get too his feet, Diaomnd Cutter! Page makes another cover, 1,2....Referee Nick Patrick waves off the count sighting Nash's foot is on the bottom rope. A replay shows Hall placed Nash's foot there as Tenay points out the match could've been over with that Diamond Cutter. X-Pac gains DDP's attention via an attempted trip from the outside, Page turns back around and is met with Nash's right boot. Nash follows with a Jacknife Powerbomb and makes a cover, 1, 2....3!


Nash via Pinfall 14:40

Rating: B-



Nash has his hand raised in victory in the ring, X-Pac and Hall join him in celebrating his advancement in the title tournament. Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes and Taz hype the remaining participants as the updated

brackets appear on the Titantrons...






Rating: B



Quick Results


Juventud def Kidman D

Raven def Joe D-

Flair def L.Storm B-

Hurricane def Knoble D+

Demolition def Hart Foundation D

X-Pac def AJ Styles D-

Edge def E.Guerrero B-

Nash def DDP B-



Overall: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_b-.jpg



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Tuesday 22 April, 2002


Another lackluster Nitro tonight, the roster just doesn't seem to be clicking at the moment. I'll have to address this and soon it seems to hurting the company a little bit having the show rate below a B.


Raven and Samoa Joe don't click at all. It's lucky I tested them in a dark match because I had plans to debut Joe in a storyline with Raven. I'm not sure the name"Samoa Joe" will catch on either, seriously considering a name change before his TV debut. I heard there's a cousin combination tag team of pacific heritage making a name for themselves in the independent scene. I'll send some scouts to have a look at them if they're any good a stable involving all 3 could be an option.


Right now is the perfect time to get young guys over, or at least mildly known. We've got a lot of older guys who are still popular that are at the ends of their careers. Our developmental territories, HWA and OVW are full of potential at the moment. The best trainer we have down there is Fit Finlay, a veteran we signed in the WCW takeover. I asked him to do me up a report at the end of each month with notes on guys who have stood out in development and he was all too happy to. He made me a quick report for this month which has me weighing up who I should call up...



Finlay's Green Report




Alex Wright: Brawling & Hardcore E+ to D-, Consistency B- to B


Charlie Haas: Brawling & Psychology D to D+, Hardcore & Mic E to E+, Consistency B- to B. Charisma & Flashiness E+ to D-


Chris Nowinksi: Brawling D to D+, Ariel & Flashiness E- to E, Chain & Mat E+ to D-, Mic D+ to C-, Charisma C- to C, Selling C to C+, Intensity D to D+


CM Punk: Brawling D to D+, Mic C to C+, Charisma C- to C, Toughness C to C+, Consistency B to B+


John Cena: Mat E+ to D-, Submissions E to E+, Basics & Mic C+ to B-


Lesnar: Brawling C to C+, Toughness B+ to A, Respect E- to E


Randy Orton: Charisma C+ to B-, Acting B- to B, Athleticism C+ to B-, Consistency B- to B


Renee Dupree: Brawling D to D+, Mat & Chain E+ to D-, Charisma C- to C


Samoa Joe: Toughness & Stamina B to B+, Selling C to C+


Sean O'Haire: Brawling & Puroresu D to D+, Mic D to D+, Basics C to C+


Shelton Benjamin: Brawling & Acting D- to D, Submissions D to D+


After a month of major changes to rosters we've finally posted both brands stars on the website. The rosters now look like this....



Face / Heel




WWF Undisputed - The Rock

WWF Intercontinental - Rob Van Dam

WWF European - William Regal


Main Event

The Rock

Stone Cold



Kurt Angle

Chris Jericho

Big Show



Upper Midcard


Ken Shamrock

Jeff Hardy

Matt Hardy

Brock Lesnar

William Regal

Mr Perfect






Al Snow



The Godfather

Val Venis


Mark Henry

Hardcore Holly



Lower Midcard

Crash Holly

Scotty Too Hotty

Spike Dudley

Tommy Dreamer

Stevie Richards

D'Lo Brown




RP Gee


Mike Awesome






Demolition Ax

Demolition Smash

Road Warrrior Hawk

Road Warrior Animal

Brooklyn Brawler

Big Boss Man








WCW World Heavyweight - Vacant (Tournament)

WWF Tag Team - Vacant (Tournament)

WWF Cruiserweight - Tajiri


Main Event

Hulk Hogan


Booker T

Ric Flair

The Undertaker

Kevin Nash

Scott Hall

Scott Steiner


Upper Midcard



Eddie Guerrero





Bubbah Ray Dudley

D-Von Dudley



Rey Mysterio

The Hurricane


Davey Boy Smith

Buff Bagwell

Lance Storm

Rick Steiner




Lower Midcard

Perry Saturn

Billy Kidman


Chavo Guerrero

Justin Credible

Hugh Morrus




Elix Skipper

Juventud Guerrero

Jamie Knoble





Teddy Hart

AJ Styles

Samoa Joe





The Barbarian

Jim Neidhart




Last but definitely not least. To add to my work and the craziness this business seems to bring, this week I've been informed that the World Wildlife Fund has sued us and we have one month to change our name or stop using the WWF initials. Dad was expecting this for a while though it seems, he already showed me a new name and logo he's had made. From next month it looks like we'll be known as World Wrestling Entertainment, or WWE. Sounds wierd now but it should catch on after time and people will get used to it.

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April 2002 Monthly Roundup




A new head booker was named, "Genadi GooniGoohoo". Many insiders are already pointing out the similarities between Genadi's rise to power within the WWF and ex-emplyee Vince Russo. Reports are coming from the WWF that McMahon is forming a "Russo type bond" with the young virtualy unknown Aussie and has given him almost complete control over creative.


The WWF had their first brand split and draft splitting the roster in two with half appearing exclusively on RAW and the other half on Nitro. With an influx of ex-WCW stars the Nitro roster looks to be getting stronger but was obviously not the quality of RAW from the get go.


The Rock defeated HHH in only his second defense of the WWF World Heavyweight Title at Backlash becoming a 7 time Champion in the process. The PPV main event also saw the debut of Goldberg, although signed to appear on only Nitro Goldberg interfered before his contract had begun with the WWF Spearing The Rock.


A new star seems to have been born in the WWF this month with Brock Lesnar seeing his popularity soar pushing him into the uppermidcard only months after his debut.



North America


Two promotions are being rumoured to open tomorrow and press conferences have are taking place in the morning. Mike Quackenbush is set to open CHIKARA and Jeff Jarrett Total Nonstop Action.


A group of new workers debuted, Hallowicked, Grim Reefer, Kafu, Melina Perez and Don West a colour commentator.


The Ring Of Honor promotion continued to turn heads. Only running one show all month the company drew 278 fans to the event and few walked away unimpressed. Christopher Daniels & American Dragon def CW Anderson & Steve Corino in what many are calling the best indy match this year. The main event saw Super Dragon def The Amazing Red to claim the ROH World Title.





Pro Wrestling NOAH have risen to Cult size following their recent string of great shows.


In NJPW Shinya Hashimoto became the IWGP World Heavyweight Champion defeating Tadao Yasuda to start his 4th reign with the Title.


Kaz Hayashi became the AJPW World Junior Heavyweight Champion defeating Gran Naniwa in front of a sold out Kashima Sports Center in an opening match.



Rest of the World


AAA Lucha Libre lost their TV deal due too low ratings.


The WWA promotion continued to bleed money, with their biggest star Jeff Jarrett looking to start his own company back in the U.S the future doesn't look good for this new company.

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Super Dragon? The first ROH Champion? *Gag*


I'm interested to see how your game world develops in comparison to mine, considering we're using the same data.


I always think of the way my game World is shaping when reading your Diary. Your ROH is looking much better then the one unfolding in mine, mind you I'd pay to see Danielson & Daniels vs Anderson & Corino rated a C the highest rated indy match by far I've seen so far.

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I always think of the way my game World is shaping when reading your Diary. Your ROH is looking much better then the one unfolding in mine, mind you I'd pay to see Danielson & Daniels vs Anderson & Corino rated a C the highest rated indy match by far I've seen so far.

Really? In my game, those jerks JAPW routinely crank out C+ matches. Though I'm not sure if they've ever broken past C and into B range, which I've managed to do a couple of times.

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Monday Week 1, May 2002

RAW live Boardwalk Hall, New Jersey

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler





Dark Match

Crash Holly vs K-1

K-1 picks up his first victory in the WWF with a flashpinfall over Crash Holly. Crash is fuming after the roll up and attacks K-1 after the match has finished.


K-1 via Pinfall 4:38

Rating: D



Dark Match

D'Lo Brown vs RP Gee

A comedy match to start both guys put over their street cred displaying their dance moves. D'Lo uses the ropes for a tainted pin and RP Gee suffers another loss.


D'Lo via Pinfall 7:17

Rating: D+




JR and King welcome the live audience at home to RAW, before they can finish putting over last weeks events involving Austin and Angle, Stone

Cold's music hits and The Texas Rattlesnake enters the ring. Austin demands Vince McMahon make a ruling on last weeks main event draw with Kurt Angle. Vince comes out and tells Austin no man won and no man proved he was worth a title shot. Angle's music hits and the Olympic champion joins Vince and Stone Cold in the ring. Kurt asks Vince what more he needs to prove he's the number one contender. He reminds McMahon that last Monday night he nearly broke his freakin' neck again delivering an Angle Slam on Austin through the announcers table. The bump is replayed on the Titantrons as JR and Lawler describe the carnage. Vince agrees with Kurt that he showed great determination trying to become the #1 Contender but adds so did Stone Cold. McMahon tells both men he needs more time to decide who get the title shot. He lets them both know he'll be watching them very closely and will make his decision by next Monday's RAW.


Rating: A




Big Show vs William Regal

A stiff brawl to open the show Regal uses the ring and is constantly on the run from Show until he catches the big man with the brass knucks while the referee is distracted on the outside. Regal makes the cover or the tainted pin but Big Show kicks out! Show goes on a rampage and starts to dominate, he hits a Chokeslam on Regal for the decisive win.


Big Show via Pinfall 13:18

Rating: C+




Ken Shamrock is in the ring and makes another open challenge to any wrestler who thinks they can beat him. No one answers the challenge and Shamrock taunts the lockeroom asking for someone to respond. Still no reply and Ken hypes himself before leaving the ring.


Rating: B-




Mike Awesome vs Scotty Too Hotty

Too Hotty takes the early advantage using his speed and agility to avoid Awesome's strength. Too Hotty is caught in an Awesome Bomb for the convincing win before he can get any momentum though and Awesome

has his hand raised in victory.


Awesome via Pinfall 4:46

Rating: D




Paul Heyman is backstage with his client Brock Lesnar and interviewer Howard Finkel. Finkel asks Heyman what is next for the "Monster" Brock Lesnar. Heyman replies that he brought Lesnar to the WWF with a plan and so far the plan has gone perfectly to script. Heyman puts over Brock's unbeaten streak in the WWF and tells Finkel the only way for Brock Lesnar is up. Heyman puts all of the WWF stars on notice and warns them that the "Monster has been unleashed". Lesnar flexes his freakish upper body and breathes down on a shaken Howard Finkel as we go to break.


Rating: B




Brock Lesnar vs Stevie Richards

Another Brock squash, Richards sells very well given the time they've got to work with. Lesnar with an F-5 for the pin, JR and King put the move over now calling it the F-5.


Lesnar via Pinfall 1:58

Rating: C-




Mr Perfect is in the lockeroom with his new found friend and protege Candido. The two are discussing match tactics and going over a few holds when William Regal enters battered and bruised still from his earlier encounter with Big Show. He asks Candido if he's still taking tips from that "has been" and asks Mr Perfect answers for Candido telling Regal to mind his own business. Regal and Perfect get into a heated debate over who the better wrestler is but Candido puts a stop to it reminding the two he has to face The Big Red Machine Kane next. Mr Perfect takes Candido into another room and continues his coaching leaving Regal alone to lick his wounds.


Rating: C+




Candido vs Kane

Kane dominates early using his power to take control. Candido makes a few comebacks using Mr Perfect's advice from ringside and his assistance from time to time. Kane attempts a Chokeslam but Candido slips out and hits a shoulder block to Kane's knee. Perfect instructs him to rush Kane and attempt a pin, Candido hesitates but follows the instructions which send him right into Kanes grasp. Candido receives a Chokelsam, 1,2....3! Candido was holding his own against Kane until he listened to Mr Perfect at the finish. He looks concerningly at his mentor as Kane celebrates with explosions of fire from the ringposts.


Kane via Pinfall 8:08

Rating: C-




Tommy Dreamer is in the ring and tells RVD he's forgotten his ECW roots and he's brought someone in to remind him. Dreamer introduces Sabu as RVD's next challenger.


Rating: D





WWF Intercontinental Championship

Rob Van Dam© vs Sabu

An intense brawl straight from the start as these two old rivals waste no time in resuming their storied feud. A very open contest Sabu has the advantage late but RVD makes a strong comeback. Van Dam climbs the top rope and signals for a Five Star Frog Splash but Tommy Dreamer is out and pushes him off sending RVD crashing to the outside. Sabu pursues him and attacks RVD with a chair, referee Earl Hebner has seen enough and calls for the bell declaring Van Dam the winner.


RVD via DQ 10:12 to retain the IC Title

Rating: C+




Chris Jericho is in the ring which has been transformed into a talkshow set.


Jericho: It's the hottest new show on television. It's the razzle dazzle of RAW! It's Chris Jericho's Higlight Reel! Comin' at you live in my brand new set, featuring this very expensive plasma tv screen the Jeritron 5000. People this little unit cost more than your houses did and it's all mine! But hey this show isn't about me, I don't like talking about myself. What I want to talk about is my very first guest on The Highlight Reel... Christian! Christian why don't you come out here and introduce yourself to these people. Come on buddy, I know you're shy but they won't bite.... well maybe this chick here

in the front row will she looks wily.


Christian's new music hits, "Sweet oblivion" by Screaming Trees and he makes his way to the Highlight Reel set.


Christian: What is it with you and glitter? This set is very pretty Chris I can see what Vince has been doing with the Diva's since Wrestlemania now.


Jericho: Hey! You're a guest on my show! That means I ask the questions and make the humourous observations not you! Now I asked you to be my first guest because last week you said you wanted the same thing

I do.... recognition around here! Now granted I obviously deserve much more then you I can still see where you're coming from. Vince told us to earn our recognition, dammit just 2 months ago I was the first WWF Undisputed Champion! I beat Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock on the same night!


Christian: And now here you are competing with Geraldo and Maury.


Jericho: What did I say before? I told you the rules, this is my show! What have you done lately Christian? You beat some freak with a crush on you at Backlash and you think you can play with the big boys now? You're the Marty Jannety of Edge & Christian, you're the spare wheel, that anchor that weighs a team down. Why don't you go back to Canada before you embarrass us any further.


Christian unloads on Jericho with left and rights, he sends Jericho off the ropes and sets up for a crossbody but Jericho slips out of the ring and retreats up the ramp.


Rating: B




The Rock is backstage with Howard Finkel. He cuts a promo hyping his upcoming match with HHH for the WWF Undisputed Championship.


Rating: A*





WWF Undisputed Championship

The Rock© vs Triple H

A slow paced start these two lock up for the second time in less then 3 weeks in a rematch from their controversial Backlash bout. Hunter takes control early and keeps The Rock grounded working his left knee. Hunter hits a spinebuster and sets up for a Pedigree... Rock reverses and sends HHH crashing to the outside. Kurt Angle is running out, he grabs Hunter on the outside and delivers an Angle Slam to the exposed concrete. Hebner tries to retake control of the match and marches Angle but Stone Cold is out now on his way to ringside. Austin nails Angle with a Stunner, Hebner tries to stop Stone Cold from continuing with the assault but Austin gives him a Stunner for his troubles as well. Austin now enters the ring but Rock is back up, the two look eachother up and down and prepare to go at it. Vince McMahon

is out though and is furious standing at the top of the ramp as Hebner calls for the bell throwing the match out.


Rock drew with HHH 17:21

Rating: B




Vince: Don't either of you even think about it! So help me, you'll both be out of a job quicker then I can look at you! What the hell is going on? Austin! I put out a restraining order on ever Nitro wrestler preventing them from causing this kind of crap and you once again defy me! This isn't an Eric Bischoff show, it won't end each week via some screwy run in leaving this audience feeling cheated. This is WWF RAW! I put Hunter and The Rock in a match tonight because I and the WWF fans want to see who comes out on top. By God we're gonna see it, if I have to fire you and your Olympic friend here to do so than so be it. This ends here, Kurt, Austin you two want a title shot so bad you've both got it! I declare you both the #1 Contender and you'll both face the WWF Undisputed Champion at RAW's King of The Ring PPV on June 9th! If however either of you try this crap again you will forfeit your title shot, that means interfering in any matches or jeopardizing any of RAW's matches. Do I make myself clear?


Austin rolls out of the ring and makes his way back up the ramp content with his earnt title shot. Angle does the same a few paces behind.


Vince: Now that still leaves us with an unresolved main event, HHH, Rock, next week on RAW we will determine the WWF Undisputed Champion once and for all. It will be you Triple H vs The Rock for the title in a 3 Stages of Hell match! The first will be a Normal singles bout , the second match will be a Street Fight and the last if needed match, Last Man Standing.


Rating: A




Quick Results


K-1 def C.Holly D

D'Lo def RPGee D+

Big Show def Regal C+

Awesome def Too Hotty D

Lesnar def Richards C-

Kane def Candido C-

RVD def Sabu C+

HHH drew The Rock B


Overall: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_b-2.jpg



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Tuesday Week 1, May 2002

Nitro Taped for TV Evanston, Illinois

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes & Taz




Dark Match

AJ Styles & Elix Skipper vs Kanyon & Test

Kanyon's first match back after time off with injury he gets off to a good start being on the winning end of the dark tag opener. Test takes the win too far though and continues after the match with a beatdown

on Skipper & AJ. Kanyon makes the save laying out Test and turning face in the process.


Kanyon & Test via Pinfall 6:51

Rating: D




Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes and Taz welcome the audience to Nitro, the WCW World Title Tournament as usual is the focus of their discussion. The tournament brackets are shown on the titantrons as Eric Bischoff comes out with the WCW World Title on its pedestal. Bischoff declares his approval of the tournament so far. Eric goes on to hype Nitro's first brand only PPV on May 19, The Great American Bash. He again asks any Nitro Superstar to accept the challenge made to face Goldberg in his debut WWF match on the PPV and make a name for themselves. No one replies and Bischoff gets mad, he says if no one will stand up like a man and fight Goldberg he'll choose someone whether they like it or not. He reminds everone the PPV is less then two weeks away and wishes both Booker T and Nash luck ahead of their match in the tournament



Rating: B+




The Hurricane vs The Undertaker

The Hurricane puts up a valiant effort but the dominance of The Undertaker is too much in the end. Hurrican goes for a Hurrichokeslam but is caught in a Tombstone for the clean pin.


The Undertaker via Pinfall 11:20

Rating: B-




Eddie Guerrero is backstage talking with his nephew Chavo when DDP enters the room.


DDP: Hey Eddie, it's me DDP. You know I just saw Stacy Keibler she was asking me what type of guy you were and I put in a good word for you. I think she's going to call you buddy she sure looked interested.


Eddie: Well of course hombre, she's human isn't she. I haven't met a woman yet who can resist this Latino Heeeeat.


DDP: Well she said she had your number so I'd expect a call you lucky bastard.


DDP slaps Eddie on the back and leaves with a smirk on his face. A replay is shown of last week, it shows Eddie giving Keibler his number but she threw it away and DDP picked it up. Tenay, Dusty and Taz

raise suspicions about what Page is up to leading Eddie on to believe Keibler is interested in him.


Rating: B-




Perry Saturn vs Vampiro

An open match with vampiro taking the decisive win out of nowehere with a Nail in the Coffin.


Vampiro via Pinfall 4:38

Rating: D-




Vampiro continues his assault on Perry Saturn after his hand has been raised. Raven makes the save chasing of Vampiro and turning face to a solid reaction.


Rating: D-




Billy & Chuck vs The Dudley Boyz

The Dudley Boyz take te advantage late in an open encounter. Bubbah has Billy liad out and sets him up for a Whassup? D-Von climbs to the top rope but Kronik are out and Bryan Clark pushes him off the turnbuckle.

Bubbah goes to rescue his partner but he's met with a High Times on the outside. Brian Adams pushes Bubbah back into the ring and Bily & Chuck deliver a Code Red for the tainted win.


Billy & Chuck via pinfall 9:58

Rating: C-





Eddie is backstage with Chavo, his phone begins to ring and he tells Chavo to get out of the room and give him some privacy. He tells Chavo it's Stacy on ringing him and not to wait up because he's feeling

Latino hot! Chavo leaves and Eddie admires himself in the mirror practicing his charming ways before answering the phone. The camera pulls away as Eddie is heard flirting...


Rating: B-




Buff Bagwell is walking backstage and bumps into Rey Mysterio. He taunts Rey telling him he didn't see him all the way down there and pats him on the head. Mysterio is left standing and furious.


Rating: C+





WWF Cruiserweight Championship

Billy Kidman vs Tajiri©

Tajiri takes control early and looks to finish it with a Buzzsaw Kick but Kidman gets a foot on the bottom rope to break the count. Tajiri harasses referee Charles Robinson and gives Kidman the oppurtunity to

make a comeback. Kidman breaks a Tarantula and lands a Frankensteiner from the top rope. Kidman ducks an Asian Mist and hits a BK Bomb, he climbs to the top rope and nails a Shooting Star Press, 1,2....3! Billy

Kidman in a suprise upset has beaten Tajiri to become the WWF Cruiserweight Champion.


Kidman via Pinfall 8:33 for the WWF Cruiserweight Title

Rating: C-




Eric Bischoff comes to the ring and hypes the WWF Tag Team Title Tournament. He explains the lengths he went to, to ensure Nitro would retain the titles. He hypes a tag team that has been so dominant it's been

named at the top of most lists in the past decade. A team that has won the WWF Tag Team Titles twice before, the WCW World Tag Team Titles six times, the IWGP Tag Team Titles on two occasions and one of the

few American tag teams to ever participate in a 5 star rated match! Bischoff introduces The Steiner Brothers!



Rating: B-




Round 1 WWF Tag Team Titles Tournament

The Hollys vs The Steiner Brothers

The Steiner Brothers overwhelm The Hollys in their first WWF match in over 8 years putting on a tag team clinic. Rick dominates Crash before he can make the hot tag to Hardcore Holly. Hardcore only takes control for a short while though as Rick tags to Scott who outpowers the older cousin and hits a belly to belly halfway across the ring. Crash tags Hardcore Holly's back and jumps in the ring but he's met with a Steinerizer for the decisive



The Steiner Brothers via Pinfall 7:24

Rating: C-




Eric Bischoff is backstage in his office when The Undertaker bursts in. He flips Bischoff's desk over and demands his attention. Taker lets Eric know he's had it with his mind games and manipulation. He

demands a title shot against whoever wins the WCW World Heavyweight Title at The Great American Bash. Bischoff tells him he has another Nitro wrestler the fans seem to love hounding him for a title shot and

that the two should face eachother at the PPV to determine the #1 Contender. Bischoff announces The Undertaker to go one on one with Ric Flair at The Great American Bash. Taker accepts Eric's compromise and

leaves the room.


Rating: B+




Kevin Nash is in the ring with his nWo crew Scott Hall and X-Pac. He announces The Outsiders can't be stopped on their path to the WWF Tag Titles as the tournament brackets appear on the Titantron...





Nash goes on to taunt Booker T about his record against the nWo in WCW in anticipation of their matchup tonight. He points out his presence in both tournaments as a testament to his ability and standing in

the business. Big Sexy mimmicks Booker T's "five time" catchphrase and Booker interupts with his entrance music coming out from behind the curtain looking pumped up for the bout.


Rating: B+




WCW World Heavyweight Championship Tournament - Semi-Final

Booker T vs Kevin Nash

Nash takes the early advantage keeping Booker T trapped in the nWo friendly corner. Booker makes several comebacks but is cutoff by either X-Pac or Hall eachtime from the outside. Nash dominates late going

on an extensive attack with the numbers looking too much for Booker T. Nash with a Corner foot choke followed by a Snakes Eyes. Nash follows with a clothesline and a walking sidewalk slam for a close two count.

Nash goes for a Jacknife Powerbomb but Booker T counters into a falling DDT and makes the cover, 1,2... Hall pulls off Booker breaking the count. Referee Nick Patrick doesn't notice the interference and lets the

match continue. Nash goes for another Jacknife but Booker reverses it again, he nails Big Sexy with a Book End. Booker stays on the attack and bounces off the ropes knocking Scott Hall off the apron crashing

to the outside. He goes for X-Pac next and hits a Scissors Kick from inside the ring to Pac on the outside apron sending him to land on top of a recovering Hall. Booker turns with only Nash left of the nWo to

deal with in the ring now but Big Sexy is charging with a Big Boot.... Booker ducks and delivers another Book End but knocks out the ref in the process leaving no one to make the 3 count. Hall recovers on the

outside and grabs a chair, he slides in the ring and lines up Booker T. Hall swings and Booker ducks again leaving Nash to receive the impact of the steel chair. Hall is shell shocked as Patrick wakes up and

ejects him from the ring. Booker T clims the top rope and delivers a Houston Hangover to Nash, he makes the cover, 1,2....3! The chair shot from Hall to Nash is shown on replay as Booker has his hand raised

in the middle of the ring advancing the Final of the WCW World Heavyweight Title Tournament.


Booker T via Pinfall 16:18

Rating: B-





Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes and Taz are sitting behind their Nitro announcers table at the top of the ramp. They hype the WCW World Heavyweight Title Tournament being displayed on the Titatrons. They make

special mention of the Edge vs Hulk Hogan match scheduled for next the Nitro that will determine Booker T's opponent at The Great American Bash.




Rating: B+



Quick Results


Kanyon & Test def AJ Styles & Skipper D

Hurricane def Undertaker B-

Vampiro def Saturn D-

Billy & Chuck def Dudley Boyz C-

Kidman def Tajiri for the WWF Cruiserweight Title C-

Steiner Brothers def The Hollys C-

Booker T def Nash B-



Overall: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_b-.jpg



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