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"Moolah McMahon" a WWF Story

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Tuesday Week 3, June 2002

Nitro Taped for TV @ Civic Center Coliseum, Charleston

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes & Taz





Dark Match

The Dudley Boyz vs Meng & The Barbarian

Meng seemed off his game tonight starting the match with Bubbah Ray Dudley and missing his first few spots. Meng is ejected from the bout late and the Dudley Boyz hit a Dudleyville Device for the tainted win. Jerry Lawler on colour commentary gave the match a boost.


Dudley Boyz via Pinfall 5:36

Rating: D




Nitro fades onto the screen with the brands trademark theme music, the tune is cut short though as a vignette takes over the airwaves...





The video package recaps the creation of the new Nitro brand under the WWF umbrella and the returns of many former WCW stars to the show. The video then hypes the nWo's reformation and it's dominance since including Hollywood Hulk Hogan's WCW World Heavyweight Title win. The vignette then turns to a slow somber tone as it starts to hype the Hogan vs Undertaker title match at the Bash at the Beach PPV next week. The video package ends showing the curious finish to the DDP vs Undertaker main event on Nitro last week and Hogan's hasty exit from the arena for reasons still unexplained.


Rating: B+




Big Show vs Johannes Toupu

Johannes Toupu comes out like a wild man to start the match, Big Show stops him in his tracks early with a stiff right. Toupu manages to recover and land some impressive offense before being nailed by a clothesline to sap his momentum before Big Show goes to work again. Johannes makes a comeback and locks on a rear facelock but Big Show gets too his feet with Toupu still holding on and drops on his back crushing the rookie competitor. Show delivers a Show Stopper for good measure and picks up the convincing win to open Nitro.


Big Show via Pinfall 6:30

Rating: C





Eric Bischoff is seen backstage walking through the corridors of the building backstage. Bischoff arrives to his office door which reads "Nitro GM - Eric Bischoff", he enters the room and finds a note on his desk. Eric reads the note and crunches it up shoving it into his pocket, the Nitro announcers speculate what the note reads as the Bischoff leaves the room.


Rating: B




Davey Boy Smith vs Rico

A classic cat and mouse comedy match early Rico does everything he can to escape any contact with "The British Bulldog". Davey Boy makes takes the advantage eventually and dominates until hitting a

Powerslam for the win.


Davey Boy via Pinfall 8:11

Rating: D





The Hurricane is backstage and cuts a superhero promo on X-Pac promising him that in their 4th and final match at the Bash at the Beach PPV next week "Good will prevail evil".


Rating: C-




Chuck vs Raven

Chuck comes to the ring with his tag partner Billy and bounces into the ring. Raven makes his entrance followed by his Flock comrades and they waste no time in harrassing Billy on the outside. An open match early Raven takes the advantage late and finishes in impressive style landing a Raven Effect for the 1,2,3.


Raven via Pinfall 7:05

Rating: D





Raven is in the ring holding a microphone and flanked by his Flock stable members Johannes Toupu, Saturn and Vlad Tepes Vampore



I stood before the dawn, Started new brood for season

Summoned creatures of spawn, For now I have reason

Yet still we are partial, Still we are near

Reckoning comes closer, Restrained by our peer

One more chosen will, Entire will we be

Seen this soul of past, Mortis I plea with yee


Tenay: Well that's the same poem Raven read out last week on Nitro and after we did a little deciphering we've concluded it's a call to Kanyon. Raven has been recruiting members for his reformed Flock

stable lately and Kanyon seems to be his newest target.


Dusty: If the recruitment process is anything like the last guys who joined we should be seein a Charleston showdown Tenay, or a West Virginia beatdown if you will.


Taz: It's an interesting way to recruit guys to your stable but Raven has always been an interesting character, anyone who's seen this guy in action before can will tell you that.





Kanyon's music hits and he makes his way out from behind the curtain. Kanyon challenges Raven to settle it in the ring at the Bash at the Beach PPV next week. Raven agrees but only if its a Raven's Rules Match! Kanyon accepts and drops his mic leaving Raven with a sly grin on his face in the ring.


Rating: C-




Edge vs Justin Credible

Justin Credible takes it to Edge early and the bout stays an open one until out of nowhere Edge lands a devastating Spear! Edge turns full fledged heel and pulls up Credible at the two count! The announcers do a great job putting over the fact that Edge could have won the match but chose to go on with it making a statement to Goldberg for their anticipated Last Man Standing Match at next weeks PPV. Edge nails another Spear and delivers a Jackhammer sticking out his tounge in another taunt to Goldberg. Credible looked strong early but he's almost lifeless as referee Charles Robinson makes the 3 count awarding Edge the convincing win.


Edge via Pinfall 7:48

Rating: C





A video package is aired of last weeks Nitro showing Stacy and Torrie arguing about who the better interviewer and the two divas deciding to have a "Pose off" on this weeks show to decide their differences.



Torrie Wilson comes out first and gets a big applause for her bikini routine, Stacy Keibler comes out and receives an even bigger applause sending Torrie into a tantrum. Wilson leaves the ring in almost tears

as Stacy continues to pose thanking the fans.


Rating: C+





The nWo music hits as Kevin Nash and Scott Hall make their way to the ring joined by X-Pac. Nash cuts a promo hyping the nWo and The Outsiders dominance and tells the Legion of Doom their a speed hump on their way to destroying the Hardy Boyz.


Kevin Nash came across well. Scott Hall performed poorly in this segment.


Rating: B-




Legion of Doom vs The Outsiders

WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Semi Final

Scott Hall starts out with Road Warrior Animal, the two lock up and Animal sends Hall flying into his corner. Hall quickly tags out to Kevin Nash taken back by Road Warrior Animal's power. "Big Sexy" enters the ring and goes to work on Animal taking advantage of the match. Animal makes a late comeback and makes a hot tag to Hawk and the veteran brawler unloads on Nash sending him over the top rope and crashing to the outside. Hawk follows but X-Pac hits him from behind with his WCW Cruiserweight Title, Nash recovers and rolls an unconscious Road Warrior Hawk back into the ring. He makes the cover...1... 2... Hawk kicks out! Nash is in disbelief and sets up for a Jacknife Powerbomb, Hawks counters and just makes it to his corner to make a hot tag to Road Warrior Animal. Animal goes to work on Nash but Nash backs into his corner allowing Hall to make the outside tag. Road Warrior Animal didn't see Scott Hall tag in and is still attacking Kevin Nash, Hall climbs to the top rope and connects with a dropkick to the head.

Hall stays on the attack and delivers an Outsiders Edge, Hawk goes to enter the ring to make the save but X-Pac trips him off the canvas after sneaking up behind him. Hall tags back out to Nash who delivers a Jacknife Powerbomb on Road Warrior Animal for the win.


The match suffered because there was not enough selling shown.


Outsiders via Pinfall 10:47

The Outsiders advance to WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Final

Rating: C






Eric Bischoff is backstage in his office again this time with Nitro staff Dean Malenko and Arn Anderson.


Bischoff: Okay guys I really need your help on this one. Now I think I've been fair since the return of Nitro, I hope I've earned some respect from you guys by now especially considering I'm your boss... again. Now I'm just as outraged at what The Undertaker did to Ric Flair as you guys are believe me. It doesn't look like Ric is getting out of hospital anytime soon, what The Undertaker did too him was unforgivable. I tried to punish him last week but I underestimated him, did you see what he did to Diamond Dallas Page. The Undertaker's gone off the deep end and after next weeks PPV he could be our new World Heavyweight Champion, on a one man mission to take out every WCW star he can get his hands on... who's to say you guys won't be next?


Eric reaches into his pocket and pulls out the scrumpled note he discovered on his desk earlier in the night. He passes the former 4 Horsemen members the now tattered piece of paper


Bischoff: What do you guys think that means?


Malenko and Arn both read the note at the same time, they look up with a worried look at Eric


Bischoff: What?


Arn: Ah, Mr Bischoff I think you know what it means... I think we all know what it means.


Malenko: I wouldn't worry about it boss, doesn't look like it concerns you anyway.


Bischoff: Doesn't concern me? Doesn't concern me! That's your advice?


Arn: He means it's going to happen whether you like it or not we all know that. You should just stay out of the way, what will be, will be.


Bischoff: I need to think about this, as crazy as it sounds you coule be right.


Dusty Rhodes, Mike Tenay and Taz speculate on what the mysterious note says as Nitro goes to break


Rating: B





Booker T's music hits and the five time champion enters the ring taking up a mic.


Booker T: You know I can't say how happy I am to be in a ring that says Nitro! You know how happy I am to be competing for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! Only a few years ago the PPV everyone's

talking about right now, the Bash at the Beach was my time to shine! It was Booker T's time to show the World I was the best. It was signed on paper, Booker T vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! You know what happened that night? You know what happened when the time came to find out once and for all who the greatest champion WCW had ever seen was? Hollywood Hulk Hogan walked away that's what! People still ask me about that night Hogan and I tell them what I know, I would've kicked your ass all over Daytona Beach! But people keep askin, they still wonder. Well tonight we find out sucka! Tonight we find out who the greatest champion WCW ever had was... now can you dig that.... sucka!!!


Rating: B+





Booker T vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan©

WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Booker T snaps his neck from side to side warming up in the ring in anticipation for his chance to recapture the WCW World Heavyweight Title. Hollywood Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring surrounded by his nWo buddys Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, X-Pac and Big Show. Hogan slowly enters the squared circle and he Booker T lock up as the bell rings to signal the start of the bout. Hogan cheats in a feat of strength and goes to work on Booker T taking him to the mat and applying an armbar.Booker T eventually makes a comeback and lands a spinebuster on Hogan for a two count. Big Show distracts Booker from the outside and Hogan takes back the momentum of the match nailing him from behing with a running knee to the back.


Hogan stays on the attack landing a superplex and he makes the cover but Booker kicks out at two. Hogan connects with an atomic drop and Booker kicks out again at two. Hollywood picks up Booker T and whipes him to the ropes, he connects with a Big Boot! Hogan bounces off the ropes and launches with a Leg Drop.... Booker T rolls out of the way and Hulk looks like he injured his though in the process. Booker T uses the ropes to get to his feet and quickly explodes with a superkick to Hogan as he staggers to stand! Booker goes for the pin... 1... 2... Big Show pulls of Booker T from the outside breaking the pin attempt at 2!


Booker T pleads with referee Nick Patrick to eject the nWo from ringside but Patrick didn't see Big Shows interference and tells Booker to get on with the match. Booker T becomes enraged and decides to take matters into his own hands launching over the top rope in a suicide dive taking out the entire New World Order! Booker T singles out Big Show and unleashes on the giant with some savage kicks to the mid section before setting him up on the Spanish announcers table. Booker T puts Big Show through the table at ringside with a Book End and the announcers put over the trainwreck that follows!


Hogan recovers and makes his way for Booker T, he rolls Booker back into the ring and makes a quick cover... 1... 2... Booker kicks out! Hogan can't believe it and jumps to his feet in anger, he quickly bounces off the ropes and lands a Leg Drop! Hogan doesn't make the pin, he bounces off the opposite ropes and hits another! The announcers do a great job of putting over Hulks finisher reminding the fans it only took one to defeat Andre The Giant as Hogan delivers a third! Hulk taunts the crowd winding up his hand cupping his ear in contrast to his babyface persona, he signals for a fourth Leg Drop and bounces off the ropes to deliver his finisher...


The lights go off for the second week in a row in the Nitro arena! A few flashes of light start to flow through the arena while the same mysterious tune that interupted the DDP vs Undertaker match last week is played. The lights come back on and Hogan is already halfway out of the ring! Hollywood pushes past his nWo stable members and makes a beeline for the exit ramp. Confusion reigns in the Civic Center Coliseum as Nash, Hall and X-Pac follow their stable leader to the back in a hurry. Booker T shakes off his wounds and staggers to his feet, Nick Patrick signals for the bell and awards Booker the match disqualifying Hogan via count out.



Booker T via Count Out 15:24

Hogan makes the 1st defence of his WCW World Heavyweight Title

Rating: B





Nick Patrick tries to raise the hand of Booker T in victory but Booker is furious at the result of the bout and stops the refs attempt. Booker T spots a groggy Big Show still enbodied in the pieces of what's left of the announce table. Booker T jumps to the outside and arms himself with a steel chair, he meets Big Show getting to his feet with a vicious head shot opening up the big man! Booker T stand over Big Show's lifeless body talking trash as the announcers ponder what again set Hollywood Hulk Hogan and the nWo running...


Rating: B+






Tenay: Well for the second consecutive week that rather strange but familiar interuption shall we call it has sent Hollywood Hulk Hogan and the New World Order running scared in their boots!


Taz: I don't know if it's running scared or running smarts Tenay, Hollywood Hulk Hogan has a history making match against The Undertaker at the Bash at the Beach PPV next week and he obviously saw something

he didn't like in there...


Dusty: Somethin he didn't like alright, Hollywood Hulk Hogan was runnin like a woman from Georgia in the...


Tenay: I'm sorry to interupt you Dusty but it seems our Nitro cameramen have picked something up and we're crossing to it now.



The camera pans up to the dark rafters of the Civic Center Coliseum



Dusty: The cameras saw somethin up there Tenay?


Tenay: That's what we were being told yes...






Mike Tenay pushes his earpiece into his ear while using his other hand to block the other



Tenay: Well I'm just getting word now folks that our camera man did see something in the... or... I'm sorry I'm being corrected... thought he saw something up there in the rafters.


The camera pans back up and zooms into the dimly lit rafters again revealing nothing but the scaffolding



Rating: A



Quick Results


Dudley Boyz def Meng & Barbarian D

Big Show def Johannes Toupu C

Davey Boy def Rico D

Raven def Chuck D

Edge def Justin Credible C

The Outsiders def Legion of Doom to advance to the WWF Tag Title Tournament Final C

Booker T def Hollywood Hulk Hogan via Count Out B



Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_b-2.jpg





Prediction Results


Pate 5/6

FinalCountdown 5/6


Overall Rankings

Pate 28/24 86%

FinalCountdown 17/21 81%

Astyn 5/7 71%

Sean Thomas Jolly 5/8 63%

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Sunday, 23 June 2002



Well I met Vinces wife Linda after RAW Monday night and to say she was little icy towards me is would be an understatement. She told Dad she believed him that me being his lovechild with Moolah was a storyline in the pipeworks gone wrong but I have a sneaking suspicion she doesn't totally trust him. She gave us both a short lecture about the fact that RAWs ratings have been slowly but steadily dropping while Nitros are on the rise. I tried to explain to her that that's not necessarily a bad thing considering Smackdown was always considered a B show and reminded her that the PPV's were up across the board. She shot me down pretty quick claiming until the financials come in for the quarter at the end of this month nothing's certain. She makes a good point I've spent a lot of money bringing new guys in and paid a bunch of money out the first few months in severance pay to the workers I sacked. The WWF board meeting is the first Monday of July, both Vince and I have our fingers crossed and are quietly confident the past 3 months have been profitable. Linda finished the meeting asking me if I would excuse her and her "husband" so they could catch up on some alone time, I left them to it with yet another image I can't believe has been etched in my mind since arriving in this country.



The Japanese tour was a complete success including the NOAH crossover and especially the FIFA World Cup particpation. Scoring David Beckham was a coup, money talks and with Becks trying to gain a name for himself in the US it cost us alot less to bring him in then expected. Still the 2 million dollar, one time appearance fee will put a little dent in our expenditure come the board meeting I'm sure. (2 Million dollars subtracted from money in editor to replicate)



In entirely unrelated news, England went down 2-1 to Brazil exiting out of the 2002 FIFA World Cup.



The new relationship struck with Pro Wrestling NOAH worked great for both of us. Misawa and Angle put on a match of the year candidate and Lesnar gained instant notoriety dominating Akira Taue in his first appearance in the country. While in NOAH, Misawa defeated Edge in a B+ match and Yoshinari Ogawa bested Chris Jericho in a B+ bout in the best two matches on the NOAH PPV card. All of the workers involved in the talent exchange have now fulfilled their duties and returned to their own rosters, I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of the puro guys in a WWF ring however.



Chuck Palumbo could use something to freshen his character up, the gender bender gimmick has run its course and he and Billy have been lost in the shuffle on Nitro. After what happened after the show on Tuesday I'm thinking a tag team split for them...



Rico Constantino was caught in the possession of hard drugs after the Nitro tapings. I had to fire him, we can't tolerate that sought of negative media attention being brought up on us by anyone at this point. His response, much to my amazement was "Thanks, I was angry at first but now I think this is the wake up call I needed. I'm going to try my best to deal with my problems and get my career back on track." I was impressed and nearly gave him his job back on the spot but my mind won out over my heart. Luckily enough to because the media picked up on the story and the WWF was referenced extensively! As a result we've taken a big prestige hit, from A* to just barely an A overnight. We talked about it with our lawyers and few other veteran guys and decided we have no other choice but to implement a "Low Level Drug Testing Policy". We've named it "The Well Being Program" to snazz it up a bit for the media to show them we're acting on what happened with Rico. Alot of guys are already in panic mode over the tests which worries me more then them I think, the first results should be interesting.



Just when the ratings seemed to be settling into a predictable pattern RAW saw a major turnaround scoring it's highest rating since I took over the booking role. The World's most famous soccer player combined with one of Japan's most well known wrestlers may have contributed. Nitro stayed very steady but still hangs around 1.5 behind RAW on their main networks...



RAW on Spike 4.93 (.39+)

RAW on TSN 1.29 (.04+)

RAW on Sky Sports 1.62 (.19+)

RAW on Telemundo 0.40 (.02+)

Nitro on UPN 3.53

Nitro on Sky Sports 1.47 (.03-)

Nitro on The Score 1.01



In news that's sure to raise a few eyebrows Triple H made it official this afternoon and signed with TNA. He and Jeff Jarrett are somehow good buddies now and every internet site around is going crazy over the

announcement. They held a press conference in Nashville and taunted Hunters contract signing as a blow to the WWF, for such a little company Jarrett sure does blow a big trumpet...








The Bash at the Beach PPV set to take place next Sunday is looking stronger then the last Nitro event of this size. The card is being heavily advertised as follows...



Bash at the Beach Preview




WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hulk Hogan© vs The Undertaker


Last Man Standing Match

Edge vs Goldberg


WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Final

The Hardy Boyz vs The Outsiders


Big Show vs Booker T


Dog Collar Match

R.Steiner vs S.Steiner


Diamond Dallas Page vs Eddie Guerrero


Ravens Rules Match (Soul Stipulation)

Kanyon vs Raven


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

The Hurricane vs X-Pac©



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WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs The Undertaker©



Last Man Standing Match

Edge vs Goldberg


WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Final

The Hardy Boyz vs The Outsiders


Big Show vs Booker T


Dog Collar Match

R.Steiner vs S.Steiner


Diamond Dallas Page vs Eddie Guerrero


Ravens Rules Match (Sole Stipulation)

Kanyon vs Raven


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

The Hurricane vs X-Pac©

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Monday Week 4, June 2002

RAW live @ Conte Forum, Boston

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler





Dark Match

The APA vs Goldust & K-1

Goldust in fear, forcers K-1 to start the match with a pumped up Farooq. Goldust spends the entire match trying to not be tagged in and prevails when Bradshaw catches K-1 with a Clothesline From Hell for the

convincing win.


APA via Pinfall 6:50

Rating: C-



Dark Match

D'Lo Brown vs RP Gee

An open match building to a slow finish, D'Lo goes for a Lo Down but RP Gee escapes and hits a Bunker Buster for the clean 1, 2, 3.


RP Gee via Pinfall 7:23

Rating: D






The pyro explodes as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler introduce the sold out Boston crowd to Monday night RAW. JR and King recap last weeks show informing the crowd that despite his best efforts Davis Beckham's England team went down 2-1 to Brazil in the 2002 FIFA World Cup and exited the competition. Just as the RAW announcers start to discuss Linda McMahon's return Vince's music hits and the RAW GM makes his way to the ring with a microphone in hand. McMahon cuts a promo certifying his power and authority on RAW as it's GM, claiming the WWF Board of Directors should be happy with his performance considering RAW spanks Nitro in the ratings week after week since the brand split. McMahon again reminds the viewers he is in control of RAW and he alone when he's interupted by...


Rating: B+





Kurt Angle's music hits and he makes his way down the ramp to join his boss in the ring. Angle tells McMahon that surely as the WWF World Heavyweight Champion he also has some control on RAW and authority. Kurt is oblivious to the fact that his self hpying rant is enraging Vince and continues to explain why he should be considered at least second in charge of RAW. The Olympic Champion proceeds to cut a promo about integrity and the newfound respect he found in Japan telling the fans they have alot to learn from their Pacific neighbours. Vince cuts off Angle and tells him if he wants to be second in charge he can be! He informs Kurt as his first order of business he is to decide what type of match he will face The Rock in tonight defending his WWF World Title. Angle immediately excited over his new "Number 2" title before realising the opponent Vince just named for him slowly sapping the smile of his face.


Vince: It's your call "Number 2". If I were you I wouldn't choose a match involving weapons, they don't call him the "Brahma Bull" for nothing...

Rating: A





The sounds of shattering glass fill the Conte Forum as Stone Colds music kicks in and the Texas Rattlesnake enters the ring


Stone Cold: I'm sorry, am I interupting?


Vince: Well actually you ar...


Stone Cold: What?


Vince shakes his head in anger knowing the game he's just been duped into once again playing


Stone Cold: Am I interupting your lil love in here?


Kurt: Hey! This isn't a love in, we're discussing business Steve. Mr McMahon just named me the new number 2.


Angle once again is overcome with pride and his cheesy grin reappears. Stone Cold turns his neck slowly before shifting his whole body to face the current WWF World Champion eye to eye


Stone Cold: You're discussing business? With Vince here? He named you the new number 2?


Kurt: That's right.


Stone Cold: The new number 2 of what?


Kurt: Of RAW Steve, I'm the heavyweight champ...


Stone Cold: You're only the heavyweight champ there because you brought your lil shiny medalions along to our match at the KOTR. Now every camera saw it, every person saw it, hell every goddamn referee saw it except for the blind sack a lima beans calling our match! Now Vince over here or Mr McOh-my-man whatever you like to call him saw it to, he just likes you better then me Kurt.


Angle looks at Vince slightly confused but Vince gives him a nod confirming Austin's claims


Stone Cold: He should like you better then me, I whooped his ass more times then I can remember. The only reason I'm not whoopin it now along with yours is because I want that belt you've gor draped over your shoulder there.


Vince: You want a title shot Austin, you want a title shot? You like everybody else back there wants the same thing! You had your shot if you want another you have to prove yourself again just like everybody else. Next week you'll go one on one with Kane, if you can defeat the Big Red Machine I'll consider you a contender again. Now we've got a show to get on with both of you get the hell out of my ring!


Angle tells Stone Cold to leave first which he does laughing at Kurt who stays in the ring trying to suck up to Vince


Rating: B+




Brock Lesnar vs Val Venis

Val Venis tries to match Lesnar's power early on and pays the consequence nearly being decapitated by a running lariat. Lesnar stays on the attack the whole match displaying his usual dominant offense on one of his biggest opponents size wise to date. Val makes a big late comeback knocking Lesnar off his feet then connecting with a DDT. Venis climbs to the top rope and launches into his signature move but Lesnar is off the mat with blinding speed and catches Val just as he's leaving the turnbuckles and turns him straight into a Double Powerbomb pin.


Lesnar via Pinfall 6:25

Rating: C+




Paul Heyman is in the ring and demands the crowd's attention. He reminds us that for the last three weeks he's been putting an open challenge to anyone who think they can last even 10:00 with Brok Lesnar and no one on RAW has answered the call.


Rating: A




Hardcore Holly vs Mike Awesome

Holly takes it to Awesome from the bell but is nailed in return with some even stiffer shots. The bout stays open until eventually spilling to the outside. Referee Time White demands both Hardcore Holly and Mike AWesome back into the ring but they continue the brawl. Just as Time White starts to lose his temper both guys pick up chairs and start to swing wildly at eachother, White calls the match off.


Draw via Double DQ 8:06

Rating: D




Mike Awesome gets the better of the chair shot exchange connecting to the head of Holly knocking him out cold. Awesome slaps an uncoscious Hardcore Holly before leaving to the back.


Rating: C-





Backstage, Candido sneaks into William Regal's locker room where Regal is waiting for him


Candido: I can't let Mr Perfect know I'm here he'll kill me!


Regal: It's all good son, just calm down. Now I'm happy to give you a few tips here and there in fact I think you've got more promise then he gives you credit for. I tell you what, you go out there and prove yourself tonight in your match against that wretched commoner The Godfather and I'll grant you a shot at my WWF European Championship how does that sound?


Candido: Well gee I...


Mr Perfect: I've got a match for the title next week against your so called mentor next week in fact. It will be a minor speed bump on the way to our match I'm sure.


Candido: Well I'm gonna stay out of that one, thanks again Mr Regal...


Regal: It's Sir Regal, I've been knighted you know.


Candido: Err sorry, Sir Regal.



Rating: C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Candido vs The Godfather

The Godfather unloads early on Candido catching him on the backfoot before Candido eventually takes control of the match using underhanded tactics. Candido hits a Blonde Bombshell late with Mr Perfect screaming on from the outside to make the pin and pick up the clean win.


Candido via Pinfall 5:28

Rating: D





Kane is walking backstage when he stops, almost as if he feels someone watching him. He looks around, doesn't see anyone, and so continues walking. Seconds later, a shadowy figure emerges from hiding


Rating: B+





Rob Van Dam vs Stevie Richards

WWF Intercontinental Championship

RVD takes on yet another former ECW star in Stevie Richards and they more then impress exchanging some brutal kicks early on in the piece. Sabu comes to ringside and takes up a chair around the 6:00 mark and distracts Van Dam from his opponent. Richards hits a late flurry of offense and looks to finish Van Dam with a superkick but RVD ducks the move and lands a spinning heel kick of his own. Van Dam bounces to the top rope without taking an eye of Sabu on the outside, he launches into a Five Star Frog Splash nailing Richards and quickly making the cover for the 1, 2, 3!


RVD via Pinfall 10:11

Rob Van Dam makes the 6th defence of his WWF Intercontinental Title.

Rating: C+





Van Dam takes up a microphone and cuts a promo on Sabu and few of the ECW alumni on the RAW roster. He challenges Sabu to match next week on RAW for his WWF Intercontinental Championship and Sabu accepts.


Rating: C-




Al Snow vs Kane

In the WWF's post attitude direction of more clear cut faces and heels Kane looked to solidify his bad guy status by going at Al Snow relentlessy from before the sound of the bell. Kane makes an example of Snow taunting him early in the match when a pinfall looks already inevitable. Snow makes a comeback and the bout becomes and open one with back and forth attack moves being traded before Kane takes over via a big boot from nowhere. Kane toys with Snow for a little while before finally making a cover after two Chokeslams and a Tombstone for good measure.


Kane via Pinfall 10:45

Rating: C





Stone Cold Steve Austin comes to the ring to confront Kane. He gets in Kane's face and tells The Big Red Machine that Vince has booked them in a match against eachother next week on RAW and he just wants to get a look at him up close and personal before the big encounter. Austin calls for some beers and hands one to Kane asking him to crack one with him...





Vince McMahon's music hits and the RAW GM makes his way to the ring escorted by around 10 security guys. Vince tells Kane not to open the beer knowing what Austin has planned, he tells Stone Cold to take his bruskies and go home. He claims he shouldn't be anywhere near Kane before their match next week and is only in the ring because Angle vs The Rock is next up and he probably wants to spoil another RAW main event. McMahon tells the RAW viewers tonight we'll have a no interuptions clear cut winner in our main event and tells security to escort Stone Cold out of the building. Austin fakes to go Stunner Kane before leaving by his own will joking with the security guys as they follow him to the parking lot.


Rating: B+





Kurt Angle is backstage with "Mean Gene" Okerlund


Gene Okerlund: I'm here with WWF World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle and Kurt I have to ask you, you've been handed the number 2 position by Vince McMahon. Now whatever that means, Mr McMahon did entrust in you the power tonight to decide what type of match you will face The Rock in to defend your World Heavyweight Title. Have you decided yet what match you will face The Rock in?


Kurt: I have Mene Gene. I thought I'd give The Rock a fighting chance , I did some research as I like to do on my opponents and discovered one of Rocks favourite moves is the Sharpshooter. So why not let him

challenge me for my WWF World Heavyweight Title in a Submission Match!


Gene Okerlund: Well I know The Rock likes to use that move as a tribute to the late great Owen Hart but I'm not sure a submission match will give him so much of a fighting chance against an Olympic Gold Medal

winning grappler like yourself.


Kurt: Well thank you Gene, I did win an Olympic gold medal... with a broken freakin' neck!


Gene Okerlund: Yes you did Kurt but that wasn't my point...


Kurt: Well what was your point Mene Gene?


Gene Okerlund: Well that if anything The Rock is at a disadvantage tonight...


Kurt: Well that's a stupid point!


Kurt drops his microphone and leaves a confused Mene Gene to contemplate his logic


Rating: B+





Kurt Angle vs The Rock

Submission Match

WWF World Heavyweight Championship

The Rock makes his entrance first to a standing ovation before Angle slowly makes his way into the squared circle. The two lock up to start the match and the RAW announcers emphasise the finish of the match can only come through a submission not any kind of pinning predicament. Angle shows his expertise and out maneuvers "The Great One" early to take control on the mat and going to work on the right ankle. Rock makes a small comeback but Angle uses referee Earl Hebner as a human shield to save himself before taking the advantage back via a belly to belly suplex.


The match goes back and forth from inside to outside and back in again before Angle connects with an Angle Slam on Rock in the middle of the ring! Angle takes down his tights strap and signals for his Ankle Lock, he goes to lock it in but The Rock counters and sends him flying into the turnbuckles. Angle turns around dazed and Rock delivers a Rock Bottom! Rock locks in a Sharpshooter and Angle claws desperately for the ropes... he clutches the bottom one just before any real damage can be done. Rock stays on the attack and lands a fall away slam, he sets up for another Rock Bottom but Angle reverses taking him down into a crossface! Angle slips out of the crossface and into an Ankle Lock in a matter of a few seconds! Rock now reaches for a rope... he stretches out and manages to grab ahold of the middle rope but Angle drags him back into the center of the ring! Rock writhes in pain as Ankle twists the whole upper half of his body leveraging his finisher... JR and Lawler applaud Rock's fortitude just to last this long but Rock shows even more fight stetching out again and reaching the bottom rope! Hebner calls for Angle to break the hold and makes a five count, Earl pulls off Angle who falls over on top of him causing a ref bump.


Rock clutches his ankle in agony and Kurt jumps to the outside, with Earl Hebner still knocked out the WWF Champ grabs a chair and slides it back into the ring. Angle lines up The Rock's right ankle with the steel chair but Rock rolls out of the way and mounts an electric comeback, unloading with numerous rights and a spinebuster! Rock locks on the Sharpshooter again and clamps on the hold hard... Anle taps out but Earl Hebner is still out cold. Rock releases the hold to try and wake the referee and the lights go out!


JR: Well this is the same eery thing that's been happening on Nitro the past few weeks for anyone who doesn't follow that show...


Lawler: That's alot of people JR.


JR: It's been occuring mainly during matches or segments involving The Undertaker but has never happened here on RAW. Who or what is behind this all is still a mystery King.


Lawler: Well the lights are back on now, that was strange.


When the lights come back on Earl Hebner is getting to his feet and Rock is tending to him, Angle is up on his feet stalking Rock from behind. Kurt delivers an Angle Slam and quickly locks on another Ankle Lock... Rock stretches for the ropes for another time in the bout and is inches away but Angle drags him back again. Angle screams as he puts his whole force behind the submission... The Rock has no choice and taps out!


Angle via Submission 18:04

Kurt Angle makes the 2nd defence of his WWF World Heavyweight Title.

Rating: B+





Kurt Angle grabs his WWF World Title and makes his way to the back, just as he's at the curtain his theme music stops playing and the Titantrons flicker with the mysterious vignette that has haunted Nitro of late. When the video package ends Angle leaves and disappears behind the curtain leaving the focus on The Rock getting to his feet in the ring as RAW goes off the air.


Rating: B+



Quick Results


The APA def Goldust & K-1 C-

RP Gee def D'Lo Brown D

Brock Lesnar def Val Venis C+

Hardcore Holly drew with Mike Awesome D

Candido def The Godfather D

RVD def Stevie Richards to retain the WWF IC Title C+

Kane def Al Snow C

Kurt Angle def The Rock to retain the WWF World Title B+



Overall Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_b-2.jpg




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Nitro Preview

Week 4 June 2002


Kevin Nash vs The Undertaker


Kanyon vs Scott Steiner


New Hart Foundation vs The Dudley Boyz


Jamie Noble vs The Hurricane


Buff Bagwell vs Elix Skipper


Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio



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Good work, yet again.




Kevin Nash vs The Undertaker


Kanyon vs Scott Steiner


New Hart Foundation vs The Dudley Boyz


Jamie Noble vs The Hurricane


Buff Bagwell vs Elix Skipper


Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio

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Tuesday Week 4, June 2002

Nitro Taped for TV @ Moody Coliseum

Attendance: 10,000 (Sell-Out)

Announcers: Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes & Taz





Dark Match

Billy Kidman vs Vlad Tepes Vampore

An exciting dark match Vampore has Kidman on the ropes and looks to finish him off with a second rope DDT but Kidman escapes and hits a perfect looking sunset flip. Billy Kidman scales the ropes and connects with his signature Shooting Star Press for the win.


Kidman via Pinfall 8:21

Rating: C-



Dark Match

AJ Styles vs Chavo Guerrero

The second encounter between these two cruiserweights in the past few months, the chemistry between them making it an easy booking choice. Chavo steals a win again this time hitting a low blow followed by a Gory Bomb for the pin.


Chavo via Pinfall 4:38

Rating: D+





Eric Bischoff stand in the ring kicking of Nitro to a chorus of boos in the sold out arena. Eric starts to cut a promo hyping the Bash at the Beach PPV this Sunday when he's interupted by Booker T's music. The five time World Champion makes his way to the ring. Bischoff stops Booker before he can speaks and tells him he knows why he's in the ring reminding the viewers of his attempt to win the WCW World Title on last weeks Nitro. Bischoff tells Booker he knows he wants another rematch against Hogan but Hulk is facing The Undertaker this Sunday and it's out of the question. Booker screams at Eric telling him he doesn't want Hogan... for now anyways. He wants Big Show at the Bash at the Beach PPV one on one. Booker says he's going to make Big Show pay for costing him the match he waited 2 years for. Bischoff agrees to the match leaving Booker T to walk to the back with a grin from ear to ear.


Rating: B+




Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio

The first match these two real life close friends have had in years didn't dissapoint early with both going move for move in rapid succession. Eddie has control of the bout late and Mysterio makes a spirited comeback connecting with a 619! Rey goes for a West Coast Pop but Eddie turns it into a devastating powerbomb and goes straight into a pin... Guerrero lifts his legs into the second rope for leverage and steals the win in a fast paced opener. The Nitro announcers hype the fact that Eddie Guerrero has moved up to the heavyweight division since arriving to the WWF and displayed that in his finishing of Rey Mysterio.


Eddie via Pinfall 12:31

Rating: C+





Stacy Keibler tries to interview Eddie Guerrero as he's walking to his lockeroom backstage. Eddie grabs the microphone from Stacy's hands and cuts a quick promo telling Diamond Dallas Page that at the Bash at the Beach he's going to prove he belongs... "Where the big boys play".


Rating: B-




Buff Bagwell vs Elix Skipper

The Nitro announce team do a great job of lifting this match by detailing Elix Skipper's loosing streak since arriving in the WWF. Skipper has gone 0-5 before tonight and just as he makes a comeback and Taz

claims he can beat Buff... Bagwell counters a top rope crossbody and hits a Buff Blockbuster for the win. Skipper's bad luck continues and he now stands at 0-6 in the WWF.


Bagwell via Pinfall 6:36

Rating: C-






Raven is backstage flanked by his Flock stable members, he cuts a promo on Kanyon continually calling him Mortis and hyping their upcoming match at the Bash at the Beach PPV this Sunday.


Rating: C




Jamie Noble vs The Hurricane

The third cruiserweight style match of the night shows a clear new focus on the division and Noble and Hurricane put on another solid performance. Noble takes control late after distracting the ref and nailing Hurricane in the back of the head with a kick. Noble follows up with a big sitout double underhook powerbomb and makes the cover for a close two count. Noble connects with a diving leg drop and goes to lock on his Guillotine Choke. Hurricane counters though and makes a comeback nailing Jamie Noble with an enzaguri before delivering a Hurrichokelsam from nowhere for the clean win. Mike Tenay hypes The Hurricane as a great chance in taking the WCW Cruiserweight title away from X-Pac this Sunday at the Bash at the Beach.


Hurricane via Pinfall 8:43

Rating: C+





A video package is played hyping the Edge vs Goldberg feud, showing the two bitter foes previous matches and encounters leading to the PPV this Sunday.


Rating: B+




New Hart Foundation vs The Dudley Boyz

Teddy Hart continues his rise up the WWF ladder now reguarly teaming with Lance Storm in his creation of the New Hart Foundation. All of Teddy's flash and sparkle couldn't save him late in this match though as Lance Storm is laid out on the outside and The Dudley Boyz double teaming him hitting a Whassup? D-Von makes the cover but Teddy manages to kick out much to the Dudley Boyz amazement. D-Von picks up Teddy and delivers his signature Piledriver, he makes the cover but Teddy kicks out at two! D-Von can't believe it and tags in Bubbah Ray, Lance Storm recovers on the outside and rushes the ring nailing Bubbah from behind before he can get to Hart. Referee Charles Robinson calls for the bell and throws out the match disqualifying The New Hart Foundation.


Dudley Boyz via DQ 10:22

Rating: D+






The New Hart Foundation get the better of a post match brawl and isolate D-Von Dudley on the outside. Lance Storm picks D-Von as if to powerbomb him but keeps him suspended up on his shoulders... Teddy Hart quickly climbs to the top rope and launches into the air spinning and connecting with D-Von's upperhalf sending him crashing through the announce table! D-Von looks in bad shape as Lance Storm helps a wounded Hart to the back patting the young suicidal high flyer on the back.


Rating: C-





Scott Steiner takes up a microphone in the ring before his match and cuts a stinging promo on his brother Rick. Big Poppa Pump tells his older sibling he's had to carry him during their whole career as a tag team and it's the reason he broke them up in the first place. He tells Rick that this Sunday will be the final chapter in the Steiner Brothers book.


Rating: B-




Kanyon vs Scott Steiner

An open brawl opens the bout which Steiner eventually gets the better of. Raven makes his way out from behind the curtain around the 5:00 mark and joins Tenay, Dusty and Taz at the Nitro announce table taking up a headset. Raven promises that this Sunday will see the Flock grow in strength and Kanyon finally except his real self. Kanyon makes a late comeback and looks to be on a roll delivering a backbreaker rack dropped into a neckbreaker followed by an inverted boston crab. Raven leaves the Nitro announce table and makes his way to ringside with Kanyon still applying his hold to Steiner. Kanyon notices Raven and releases his lock, he walks to the ropes and tells Raven to bring it. Raven stays calm with no expression and turns away walking back up the ramp... Steiner is up and slides up to Kanyon unoticed. Big Poppa Pump delivers a Steiner Flatliner and makes the quick cover picking up the tainted win.


S.Steiner via Pinfall 12:19

Rating: B-





The Undertaker is walking backstage when Eric Bischoff comes into the scene running to catch up with the Deadman


Bischoff: Hey, Undertaker... b... buddie


Undertaker shoots a cold stare at Eric not saying a word


Bischoff: I just wanted to ahh... Well you see I thought I'd try to help you out.


Undertaker doesn't blink and fixes the stare even harder on Eric who jerks on his tie under the pressure


Bischoff: After last weeks main event I was barraged by Nitro fans complaining about the nWo. I want Nitro to be the most exciting wrestling show in the World! I don't want any interuptions in big matches

creating a sour taste for our loyal fans. It brings up bad memories for one...


Undertaker still doesn't blink or move a muscle


Bischoff: Ahh... My point is... If you don't want the New World Order at ringside tonight for your match you just say the word and I can ban them from stepping a foot anywhere you. I ahh... I just need you

to say you want them banned from ringside and I can make it happen okay?


Undertaker leans in leaving only inches between he and Eric's nose


Bischoff: Umm... Just a yes then? A yes will do...


Undertaker inches even further into Eric's face almost nose to nose


Bischoff: Okay I think I'll just leave you then you look busy I'm sure you've got lots on your mind what with tonight and this Sunday's PPV and the crazy thing that seems to be stalking you lately... I'm

just gonna leave you now you definitely look busy... lots on your plate...


Eric makes haste for any random door he can find to escape the awkward situation



Rating: B





A Vignette is played hyping the Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs The Undertaker feud and the recent mysterious events that have taken place over Nitro. The package ends showing the Hogan vs Taker match from Survivor Series 1991 slowly transitioning into their current feud.


Rating: B+




Kevin Nash vs The Undertaker

The Undertaker rides out on his beast of a motorbike to his Limpizkit theme music and enters the ring. Nash is out last and struts down the ramp with his nWo buddies Scott Hall and X-Pac. The Undertaker doesn't even acknowledge Hall and X-Pac on the outside never stopping his gaze on "Big Sexy" before the sound of the bell. Nitro head referee Nick Patrick calls for the start of the match and both big heavyweights exchange a flurry of punches. Nash takes advantage early hitting a knee to the gut of Taker before going to work backing him into a corner and using his size 15 boot to choke him out. Taker makes a few comebacks but is foiled both times first by X-Pac then Scott Hall interfering from the outside to swing the match back into the favour of Nash.


Nash hits a sideway slam and sets up The Undertaker for a Jacknife Powerbomb... Taker reverses the finisher into a Tombstone Piledriver... but Nash slips out! Big Sexy bounces off the ropes and charges Taker but he ducks and delivers his patented Chokeslam! Hall hits the ring but Undertaker anticipates him and catches him in his grasp quickly nailing him with another Chokeslam! X-Pac is in and Taker meets him with a big boot before sending him up then crashing into the mat in a Last Ride! The Undertaker goes to make the cover on Nash who is still down... the lights go off!!!



Dusty: Here we go again!


Tenay: Well this is just getting beyond a joke now! It's pretty clear that this enygma has to do with The Undertaker, it's been during his matches that it's happened.


Taz: Not true Tenay, this weeks episode of RAW The Rock was stalked by the same thing.


Dusty: You watch that sissy slapping show... disgraceful!


Tenay: That's true Taz, on RAW the same thing was reported... after the show went off the air more reports came through of sitings in the rafters like we had last week to.


Taz: This just gets stranger and stranger man...


Tenay: And here come the lights back on after that eery sound again. We were only without those lights for seconds folks but it can change a match...



The Undertaker is still on top of Kevin Nash making the cover with Hall and Pac still laid out. Nick Patrick starts the count, 1... 2... Nash kicks out! Taker picks up Big Sexy and sets him up for a Last Ride, before he lifts him up he spots Hogan and Big Show making their way to the ring down the entrance ramp. Undertaker pushes Nash to the side and starts making his way to Hogan and Big Show... a lightning bolt cracks loudly throughout the arena! The lights go off again this time the eery sound that has been played week after week on Nitro can be heard clearly over the titantrons.


Tenay: Well whatever that is, it definitely looks like it's directed at The Undertaker tonight!


Dusty: This is seriously just gettin a lil scary for my likin now.



After only 3 or 4 seconds the lights flash back on and Hogan once again is running faster then he has in years! Big Show confused follows his nWo stable leader to the back leaving Taker to turn his attention back to Nash in the ring. Taker sets him up once again for a Last Ride but Hall makes another run in saving his tag partner for the second time. Patrick is distracted by X-Pac on the apron and Hall and Nash begin to double team Taker when what looks to be two fans jump the guard rail and slide into the ring! They take their baseball caps off to reveal it's... Jeff and Matt Hardy! The Hardy Boyz unload a barrage on The Outsiders before being ejected by Nick Patrick. Jeff and Matt battle Scott Hall and X-Pac on the outside as Nash goes for another Jacknife Powerbomb on Taker. The Undertaker counters and connects with another Chokeslam on Big Sexy, he makes the cover, 1... 2... 3!


The Undertaker and Kevin Nash have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. The match also suffered because of the lack of selling on display.


The Undertaker via Pinfall 14:33

Rating: B





The Nitro cameras cross backstage to show Hollywood Hulk Hogan once again fleeing the building spooked out of his wits by the mysterious interference. Big Show is running after him as always humorously out of breath. Hogan reaches the nWo limo and rides out of the building with Big Show just making it in the door in time.


Rating: A*





The Undertaker is in the ring with his hand raised in victory by Nick Patrick. The brawl on the outside involving the New World Order and Hardy Boyz has continued and security makes it's way to ringside. Security escort the nWo and Hardy Boyz to the back leaving The Undertaker by himself. Taker leaves the ring and jumps on his bike... the lights go off for the third time tonight!!!


The same mysterious vignette plays over the titantrons and suddenly Paul Bearer appears through the smoke at the top of entrance ramp while the lights fade back on






Paul Bearer: Undertaker! My son! Do you see what you have you done? Do you see what you have awoken? Never have you seen the likes of what you have welcomed into your World! I served as the guardian to your

soul in your rise to power, you discarded me once but still I come in compassion. You have forgotten your past, branded with this new persona you think you can escape the demons which will forever command you! Not motorbikes, nor even a war tank can help you in this battle you will see how useless these materialistic accessories are.


My son! I told you to run from the fire and instead you enraged it's flames! I came here to bid sorrow and farewell for you my dark son, the light has come for you and the day will pass with you laid to rest. At the end of your pointless quest for glory and gold you will find the beginning of your end!



Rating: B+



Quick Results


Kidman def Vampore C-

Chavo def AJ Styles D+

Eddie def Mysterio C+

Bagwell def Skipper C-

Hurricane def Noble C+

Dudley Boyz def New Hart Foundation D+

S.Steiner def Kanyon B-

Undertaker def Nash B


Overall Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_bplus-1.jpg




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Saturday, 29 June 2002


* Contract negotiations with Steve Cornio broke down again after he refused to sign anything longer then a short term contract. He's currently already working for promotions Pro Wrestling ZERO-ONE, XPW, ROH, TNA and fits in tours of Japan on top of that. The guy is a workhorse and I was tempted to sign him to 3 months anyways but I'll hold off a bit longer and hope he drops a few contracts.



* We signed former 3 time WCW World Heavyweight Champion Vader to a short term contract for 3 months. That should be a perfect amount of time to see what kind of shape he's in and decide if he should become a mainstay. He's also contracted to Pro Wrestling NOAH at the moment which prevents me from signing him to a written full time contract anyway.



* Nitro's second PPV Bash at the Beach is tomorrow and the hype is through the roof for the event. We've been hyping the debut of a massive superstar everywhere and the early indications are it's going to do an impressive buyrate...





WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hulk Hogan© vs The Undertaker


Last Man Standing Match

Edge vs Goldberg


WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Final

The Hardy Boyz vs The Outsiders


Big Show vs Booker T


Dog Collar Match

R.Steiner vs S.Steiner


Diamond Dallas Page vs Eddie Guerrero


Ravens Rules Match (Soul Stipulation)

Kanyon vs Raven


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

The Hurricane vs X-Pac©


*Also the mysterious worker who has been stalking Nitro and recently RAW will appear and be revealed!

(Extra bonus point for anyone who predicts the superstar)




TV Ratings for Week 4, June 2002


RAW on Spike 4.77(.16-)

RAW on TSN 1.25 (.04-)

RAW on Sky Sports 1.52 (.10-)

RAW on Telemundo 0.39 (.01-)

Nitro on UPN 3.54 (.01+)

Nitro on Sky Sports 1.4 (.02+)

Nitro on The Score 1.00 (.01-)

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Good work, yet again.


Thanks again pate, your following of this diary from the start has been encouraging :)


Really liked the Submission match.


Thanks FC, I have to stretch out the Angle/Rock feud so I wanted the first to be one that Kurt stole. Submission fit that one perfect and their characters wrote the rest.


I posted the Bash at the Beach card again for last day predictions, hopefully I'll have the show posted by this time tomorrow.

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This is one of the few real world diaries I've got sucked into. I just got caught up and have to say that show that took place in Japan was one of the most creative shows I've seen posted on here, it was a lot of fun to read. Here are my picks.


WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hollywood Hulk Hogan© vs The Undertaker


Last Man Standing Match

Edge vs Goldberg


WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Final

The Hardy Boyz vs The Outsiders


Big Show vs Booker T


Dog Collar Match

R.Steiner vs S.Steiner


Diamond Dallas Page vs Eddie Guerrero


Ravens Rules Match (Soul Stipulation)

Kanyon vs Raven


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

The Hurricane vs X-Pac©

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Great stuff. I love reading this when I can.


Last Man Standing Match

Edge vs Goldberg


WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Final

The Hardy Boyz vs The Outsiders


Big Show vs Booker T


Dog Collar Match

R.Steiner vs S.Steiner


Diamond Dallas Page vs Eddie Guerrero


Ravens Rules Match (Soul Stipulation)

Kanyon vs Raven


WCW Cruiserweight Championship

The Hurricane vs X-Pac©

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Sunday Week 4, June 2002

Bash at the Beach Live on PPV @ Tropicana Field, Florida

Attendance: 21,812

Announcers: Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes & Taz





Dark Match

Billy & Chuck vs The Dudley Boyz


Billy & Chuck make their way to the ring looking unhappy with eachother over their recent losing streak and early exit form the WWF Tag Title Tournament. Billy starts the bout with Bubbah Ray but after one lockup tags out to Chuck forcing him into the ring. Billy & Chuck continue to argue throughout the match climaxing with Chuck tagging out and making his way to the back. Billy is left in a two on one situation and the Dudley Boyz waste no time finishing him off with a Dudleyville Device to take the win.


Dudley Boyz via Pinfall 6:47

Rating: D+



Dark Match

WCW Cruiserweight Title #1 Contender

Billy Kidman vs Chavo Guerrero vs Jamie Noble vs Juventud Guerrera vs Rey Mysterio vs Tajiri


A high flying 6 way as expected warms up the crowd well. A hectic finish sees Jamie Noble hit a diving leg drop on Juventud before being nailed from behind by Tajiri landing a Buzzsaw Kick. Tajiri goes for

the pin on Guerrera but Chavo breaks the count and delivers a Gory Bomb. Kidman takes out Chavo and Mysterio connects with a West Coast Pop on Juventud for the win.


Rey Mysterio via Pinfall 6:26

Rating: C-




Bash at the Beach hits the air live as the pyro lights up the "Thunderdome". The PPV's theme song begins and the titantrons hype tonight's event...


"Outtathaway" - The Vines



The pyro finishes and the lights hit revealing an extensive beach theme. The entrance ramp has a column of palm trees trailing it and the top stage has a section filled with sand along with other little extras like 4 or 5 beach balls being bounced around in the crowd. Even the Nitro camera and crew guys are dressed in hawaiian shirts and khaki shorts to fit in with the set. Mike Tenay, Dusty Rhodes and Taz are at their announcers table at the top stage...





Tenay: Welcome ladies and gentlemen from all over the World watching us on pay per view... to WWF, Nitro's Bash at the Beach!


Dusty: I never thought I'd here those words again Tenay. It's a pleasure to be here in Florida where the sun has been shinin ohhh bebe..


Taz: The sun sure has been shining but you wouldn't know it by lookin at this guy.


Taz points to Tenay and he and Dusty laugh at the lead callers pale complexion, exposed by his short hawaiian shirt


Tenay: I'm getting in the spirit of the pay per view Taz gimme a break.


Dusty: Talkin of spirits I'm pretty sure that spooky thing that's been haunting The Undertaker and Nitro lately will be rearin his... ugly head, if you will.


Tenay: Well that any many more things we have to look forward to tonight, it's going to be an action packed evening that's for sure.



Rating: B






WCW Cruiserweight Championship

The Hurricane vs X-Pac©


The fourth match-up between these two top cruiserweights in recent months the expectations are high before the sound of the bell. X-Pac is escorted as usual by Nash and Hall to the ring, Hurricane tells referee Mike Chioda to keep an eye on them in the bout. Both go all out and spend the first few minutes exchanging kicks and countering holds. X-Pac distracts Mike Chioda and delivers a low blow, he follows with an X–Factor! X-Pac taunts the crowd for a few seconds before making the ****y pin, 1, 2, Hurricane kicks out and mounts a comeback. Hurrricane lands a shining wizard and a somersault plancha, he makes the cover but X-Pac kicks out at a close two this time.


Hurricane stays on the attack setting up X-Pac for a Hurrichokeslam, Scott Hall jumps up onto the apron distracting Chioda. Hurricane delivers his finisher and makes the cover, the crowd chant to three but the referee is still distracted by Hall on the apron. Hurricane winds up and nails Scott Hall with a missile dropkick sending him crashing into the mat below. In the meantime Kevin Nash has slipped into the ring and woken up X-Pac. Just as Hurricane and referee Mike Chioda turn around X-Pac delivers another X-Factor to his WCW Cruiserweight Title challenger. Pac climbs the top rope and launches into a moonsault, he connects and makes the cover for the 1, 2, 3!


Not the greatest match to open the show, the crowd really did dump on this a little considering they'd seen the match 3 times already on TV over the past few months.


X-Pac via Pinfall 14:49

X-Pac makes the 2nd defence of his WCW Cruiserweight title.

Rating: C-





Hollywood Hulk Hogan is backstage with Stacy Keibler, Hogan is flanked by his whole nWo crew including a sweaty X-Pac still jubilated with his WCW Cruiserweight Title defence. Hulk cuts a promo on The Undertaker warning him that tonight the nWo are going to reign supreme and show him where his place on Nitro is.



Rating: B+




Raven's Rules Match

(Soul Stipulation)

Kanyon vs Raven


Kanyon makes his entrance, Raven then follows with his Flock entourage in tow. The Flock take up places surrounding the ring each taking up a ringpost. Mike Tenay runs down the recent feud between the two while hyping the soul stipulation in the hardcore rules, anything goes match. Charles Robinson calls for the bell and they waste no time delivering stiff right and lefts, Kanyon gets the better of the exchange sending Raven over the top rope to the outside. Johannes Toupu, Vlad Tepes Vampore and Saturn tend to Raven, Kanyon launches over the top rope in a suicide dive landing on the Flock!


Raven is the first to recover from the carnage and looks under the ring pulling out an array of weapons. He sets up a table on the outside before grabbing a trashcan to meet a groggy Kanyon with. Raven swings the can at Kanyon but he ducks and delivers a swinging neckbreaker. Kanyon picks up Raven and rolls him onto the table he set up earlier, Vlad Tepes Vampore has recovered and nails Kanyon from behind with a stopsign.


The Flock help Raven to his feet, Charles Robinson jumps to the outside and pushes off the Flock members trying to keep the match even. He threatens them with calling security to eject them and Raven orders them back to their positions surrounding the ring each on a ringpost. Kanyon is still knocked out from the vicious headshot from Vampore as Raven drags him to his feet looking to finsih setting up for a Raven Effect... Kanyon counters and connects with a Flatliner but he's still too groggy to make a cover and falls over.


Kanyon manages to recover and rolls Raven onto the table, he sets him up for another Flatliner but Raven reverses into a Raven Effect through the table! Raven lands on top of Kanyon in the trainwreck with both guys knocked out. Charles Robinson makes the 3 count with the Flock looking on looking agrivated that they are helpless to do anything after being ordered not to leave their positions.



Raven via Pinfall 15:11

Rating: B-





At the sound of the bell the Flock charge off their posts and tend to Raven, he gets to his feet and shakes off his wounds. He orders Johannes, Saturn and Vampore to carry Kanyon to the back smiling like a

psychopath as the Flock take their new blood off to be initiated into their stable.



Rating: C




Diamond Dallas Page vs Eddie Guerrero


The third and final blow off match between these two ex-WCW stars, DDP makes his way to the ring first giving high fives to fans before making his Diamond hand signal. Eddie makes his entrance and the announcers

comment on the bandage he has wrapped around his ribs. Mike Tenay informs the viewers that Eddie has been cleared to wrestle tonight by WWF doctors and that his ribs were injured during his match with Rey Mysterio which aired on Thursday night's Nitro.


Referee Charles Robinson calls for the start of the match and Eddie plays possum asking for a few seconds to fix his bandaged ribs before nailing DDP with a dropkick to his right knee. Page goes down hard, the announcers sell the suprise attack as a match changer while Eddie follows up with several stomps before being pulled of by Charles Robinson. Eddie pushes the ref out of the way and goes straight after the same knee locking on a figure four leglock. DDP counters the hold but Guerrero delivers a leg sweep and takes it back to the mat again.


Diamond Dallas Page eventually makes the comeback rolling out of the way from a Frog Splash and connects with a shoulder jawbreaker. Page takes control of the bout and goes on the attack hitting an inverted atomic drop and setting up for a Diamond Cutter... Guerrero counters and slides out of the ring grabbing his ribs in pain calling for a time out. Eddie starts fiddling with his bandages and Page follows him looking to throw him back into the ring. Guerrero pulls out a set of brass knucks from his bandaging and just as Page grabs him from behind he delivers a knock out right!



Mike Tenay: Well how referee Charles Robinson didn't see that I don't know!


Taz: It's called street smarts Tenay, and Eddie Guerrero has plenty of em.


Mike Tenay: Eddie Guerrero had those brass knucks in his bandages the entire match, cunning to say the least. It wouldn't suprise me if his ribs are perfectly fine either!


Dusty Rhodes: Oh I'd bet you there isn't Tenay, it's one of the oldest tricks in the book and it looks like DDP just fell for it...



Guerrero rolls DDP into the ring and climbs the top rope, he launches into a Frog Splash and connects! Eddie makes the cover 1, 2, 3! Guerrero takes the tainted victory to end the feud and certify his claim as a main event player.



Eddie Guerrero via Pinfall 16:22

Rating: B-





A vignette is played hyping the Rick vs Scott Steiner "Brother vs Brother" storyline and upcoming match. The package shows the brothers decorated tag team history, WCW/nWo break up, reunion and most recent final split. The clip ends with Rick Steiner barking madly in a promo hyping the Dog Collar stipulations


Rating: B-




Dog Collar Match

Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner


Mike Tenay goes over the rules for the viewers unfamiliar with a Dog Collar Match, the only way to win is via pinfall or submission and no DQ's are in effect. Scott Steiner makes his entrance first doing his signature push ups in the ring and kissing his pecs playing up to the crowds jeers. Rick Steiner comes out like a lunatic with his big studded collar swinging the chain from it. Charles Robinson places a collar on Scott and hooks the chain onto it connecting the two brothers via steel.


Mike Tenay: This is truly a special match, these two have been through hell and back together and tonight there can only be one winner.


Dusty Rhodes: Oh my this brings back memories of Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine brutalising eachothers bodies at Starcade 1983!


Mike Tenay: That match nearly ended both mens careers, neither was the same after it and if it's any indication what we're about to witness is going to be ugly.


Charles Robinson keeps both men seperate and communicates the rules before singalling for the bell. A test of strength begins after Scott dodges Ricks attempts at a takedown. Big Poppa Pump gets the better of the tug of war yanking on the chain when Rick isn't expecting it and sending him into the canvas. Scott Steiner goes on the attack and whips his older brother then wraps the chain around his neck raking his eyes in the process.


Rick Steiner makes a late comeback and hits a few headbutss then connects with a release german suplex. Rick goes to make the cover but Scott kicks out at two, Rick sets him up for a Steiner Driver but Scott Steiner counters and delivers a Steiner Driver of his own! Big Poppa Pump doesn't make the cover and drags his brother to the corner and sets him up on the top turnbuckle. Rick Steiner makes a comeback and the two brothers exchange punches in unison with the crowds chants lingering on the top rope. Scott gets the upperhand and goes for a Frankensteiner... he connects and makes the cover, 1, 2, 3! Scott Steiner defeats his older brother and settles the blood feud once and for all with a clean decisive win.


Rick Steiner and Scott Steiner don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. Considering the build and hype that went into this it should've have been a little better.


Scott Steiner via Pinfall 13:05

Rating: C-





A video package is played hyping the upcoming Big Show vs Booker T match and their recent feud showing Big Show interfering on behalf of Hollywood Hulk Hogan and costing Booker his second chance to beat the wrestling legend and claim the WCW World Title.


Rating: B+




Big Show vs Booker T


A grudge match which is evident from the get go as Booker T rushes Big Show fool hardidly and gets overpowered thrown into the turnbuckles with force. Big Show unloads with some loud chops to the chest and whips Booker into the opposite turnbuckles the force sending him crashing into the mat. Big Show goes to work and dominates the early part of the bout punding Booker T into the mat whenever the five time champion makes a comeback.


Big Show climbs to the second rope and jumps in a splash but Booker T rolls out of the way and mounts a comeback getting to his feet for one of the first times in the match. Booker delivers a spinning crescent kick and nails Show hard with a running clothesline sending both men over the top rope crashing to the outside. Big Show recovers first and picks up Booker, the giant walks over to the steel stairs and lifts up Booker T... Booker wriggles free and pushes Big Show from behind sending him tripping into the stairs and smashing head first into the ringpost... Big Show bounces headfirst off the corner ringpost then falls into the steel stairs receiving another hard head shot! Booker T rolls Show back into the ring and scales the ropes, he connects with a Harlem Hangover! Referee Nick Patrick starts the count 1, 2,

3! Booker T pulls off the upset.


This match lifted the crowd.


Booker T via Pinfall 15:06

Rating: B



A vignette is played hyping the climax to the WWF Tag Team Title Tournament in the upcoming final match between legendary tag teams The Hardy Boyz and the Outsiders. The package shows the history of the

championship followed by the tournament created to decide the fate of the titles, the brackets advance to the final round showing highlights from each matchup culminating to tonights bout.






Rating: B





WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Final

The Hardy Boyz vs The Outsiders


Mike Tenay: As you'll notice folks there are two referess in the ring at the moment. One is Nick Patrick our very own Nitro official and the other Earl Hebner, most of you will probably know him from WWF television screens.



Dusty Rhodes: Im sure most Canadians know exactly who he is Mike Tenay.


Mike Tenay: Well whatever the case maybe, Earl Hebner is here tonight to co-referee this match on behalf of RAW. The winner of this bout will not only claim the tiles for themselves but for their respective brands. I can tell you we at Nitro would love to see the WWF Tag Titles hosted on our show...


Dusty Rhodes: We may have to do something about that name though Tenay, I don't like the sound of that first part.


Taz: (Laughs) Yeah, it sounds like your an animal rights fund or something!


Mike Tenay: Either Nick Patrick or Earl Hebner can make the pin or submission call to decide this match but both have to approve of the decision afterwards.


Taz: Both of these guys have been known as two of the shadiest referees of our time Tenay! This should be a wild match come the finish!



Jeff Hardy and Scott Hall start the match and Hall taunts Jeff throwing a toothpick at him and laughing at his get up. Jeff Hardy explodes with a flying clothesline and sends Hall reeling back into his corner. He quickly tags out to Nash and Big Sexy steps over the top rope instantly turning the momentum of the match. Jeff backs up and talks with his brother Matt, he tags out and Nash laughs at him. The Hardy Boyz again show their tenacity and both launch connecting with a Poetry in Motion leaving Nash groggy in the corner. Nick Patrick escorts Jeff back to his corner and out of the ring while RAW's Earl Hebner looks on at the action. Matt Hardy starts unloading left and rights ending with a discus punch. Matt stays on the attack and connects with a corner clothesline followed by a running bulldog... he climbs to the top rope and sets up for a moonsault. Scott Hall pushes Matt Hardy off from the outside and hands Nash control of the match back. Big Sexy goes to work on Matt returning the punishment delivered earlier.


Nash and Hall work perfectly as a team making tags every few minutes until Matt Hardy looks ready for the taking. Hall sets him up for an Outsider's Edge but Matt counters and hits a Twist Of Fate out of nowhere! Nick Patrick goes in to make the cover but Nash runs in and breaks the pin, Earl Hebner tries to kick him out and Nash knocks the RAW referee out cold! Nick Patrick sees whats just happened but is caught in a killer stare from Nash and turns his back returning to the action. Jeff Hardy is incensed on the apron and can't maintain his rage jumping into the ring and turning Nick Patrick around. Jeff points to Earl Hebner laid out from the Kevin Nash right hand and Patrick shrugs his shoulders in apparent confusion. Jeff Hardy nails Nitro's referee Nick Patrick and both refs are out cold now!


Kevin Nash and Jeff Hardy both enter the ring and help their partner to their feet. The Hardy Boyz slowly slide out of the ring and The Outsiders laugh hysterically waving goodbye to them...



Dusty Rhodes: Would you look at that, I mean obviously The Hardy Boyz know that with both officials unconscious here they will be overwhelmed by The Outsiders.


Mike Tenay: I would hate to see that Dusty but that unfortunately looks like what's happening here The Hardy Boyz are retreating from the ring


Taz: I don't think you guys have seen enough of these boys, they don't run away from much.



Matt and Jeff stand outside the ring and look up at the entrance ramp to the back curtain as if to leave with The Outsiders still waving goodbye and taunting them. The Hardy Boyz turn back around and reach under the ring... they both pull out chairs and hype Nash and Hall to bring it to the outside! The Outsiders facial expressions slowly change to one of slight concern before they reassure eachother they're the far superior team and charge The Hardy Boyz diving to the outside! Jeff and Matt meet Hall and Nash with stiff chair shots respectively, Matt slides his chair into the ring and reaches under it for another waepon pulling out a table this time. Jeff reaches under the ring again and pulls out a ladder! Matt Hardy rolls Scott Hall into the ring and slides his table in looking to finish this with a bang.


Jeff Hardy tries to pull Nash to his feet on the outside but Big Sexy recovers and connects with a big boot. Matt Hardy has Scott Hall set up on the table in the ring and looks to deliver a Twist Of Fate... Matt connects and he and Hall collapse into the table! Hardy looks worse for wear but makes the cover Nick Patrick and Earl Hebner are both back on their feet and start the count... Nash breaks the count at two again in a near certain winning predicament. Earl Hebner gets in Nash's face again and Nash fakes to punch him for the second time, Hebner threatens Nash with a DQ if he touches him and Big Sexy finally retreats to the outside apron. Hall and Matt Hardy are both still dazed trying to get to their feet in the ring, they both reach for their corners to make a tag. Hebner watches Matt closely as Patrick watches

Hall while they both struggle to their partners... Hall is a mile away (at least a good foot) from Kevin Nash on the apron when Nash runs into the ring claiming he received the tag! Hebner looks at Patrick and the Nitro referee confirms Nash's claims making him the legal man!


Nash goes straight to work on Matt Hardy stopping him inches away from tagging in to his brother. Nash sets him straight up for a Jacknife Powerbomb but Matt counters and delivers a DDT. Matt Hardy stumbles for his corner and finally makes the hot tag to Jeff! Jeff Hardy has set the ladder up on the outside less then a foot away from the ring... he climbs the fifteen foot ladder to the very top and launches into a Swanton Bomb and connects! Scott Hall runs in to make the cover but Matt Hardy cuts him off catching him in the ropes and entangling him in them. Hebner makes Nick Patrick make the count with him... 1... 2... 3! The Hardy Boyz win the WWF Tag Team Title Tournament in what will go down as a historic finale.


The commentary from the Nitro announce team really helped this match giving it that big time feel.



Hardy Boyz via Pinfall 14:59

Hardy Boyz win the WWF Tag Team Championship

Rating: B-





A video package is played hyping the Edge vs Goldberg feud, showing the two bitter foes previous matches and encounters leading to the PPV this Sunday.


The vignette shows Edge telling Eric Bischoff on Nitro that in both losses to Goldberg he was robbed. The first time by the people of Charlotte who were so stupidly excited to see their hero Goldberg return and the second most recent match by Big Show who stole his thunder by debuting during his rematch with Goldberg and costing him the bout via DQ. The package finshes with Bischoff granting Edge a third and final match with Goldberg under Last Man Standing stipulations.



Rating: B+




Last Man Standing Match

Edge vs Goldberg


Edge makes his entrance first with new theme music, in an apparent bew push to use major licensed content his new song is "More Human Than Human" by White Zombie. The cameras cross to the former WCW World

Heavyweight Champion waking out of his lockeroom following him closely until he hits the curtain. Goldberg hits the top stage and his pyro explodes, he walks through the smoke kicking and throwing punches in the air. Mike Tenay runs down the recent feud between the two and explains the stipulations of a Last Man Standing Match hyping the fact that only when a competitor can't answer a ten count will the match end and a no DQ rule applies.


The bell sounds to start the bout and Edge rolls straight out of the ring and points to his head indicating he's smarts...



Mike Tenay: It looks like Edge is taking a page of The Hardy Boyz playbook here...


Dusty Rhodes: Except this time it's legal Mike Tenay. The last match wasn't a no DQ and those weapons never should've been allowed that was an outrage... Nitro was robbed!


Mike Tenay: Well what's done is done Dusty, I only mentioned the previous tag title match because it looks like Edge are emplying the same tactics as The Hardy Boyz just did to beat The Outsiders...


Taz: What tactic's that? If ya can't beat em... hit em with a steel chair!


Dusty Rhodes: That's not a bad tactic to undertake in... or incorporate into your style... if you will


Mike Tenay: Well after what Jeff and Matt Hardy did to Kevin Nash and Scott Hall I'm not sure how much stuff Edge is going to find under that ring... there can't be much left!



Edge reaches around under the ring for a while before pulling out a table. Goldberg watches in the ring snapping his neck from side to side waiting to attack anything Edge throws at him. Edge leans the table against the steel ring steps and corner ring post. He walks over and pushes a Nitro crew guy off his chair and takes it as a weapon sliding back into the ring. Edge stands in the ring and taps his newly acquired steel chair on the canvas encouraging Goldberg to Spear him... He does and Edge swings the chair but Goldberg ducks and bounces off the ropes. Goldberg launches into a Spear... Edge is still holding the chair and out of instinct shields his mid section with it... Goldberg connects but with the steel chair in between his head and Edges body!


The Spear into the chair and Edge is replayed three or four times as Nick Patrick starts the ten count on both men knocked out from the impact. Patrick gives both guys the classic slow ten count, Edge gets to his feet at 7 and Goldberg follows closely behind at 8 but both are still groggy. Edge delivers a running bulldog and quickly scales the top ropes launching into a diving crossbody... Goldberg catches him and snaps him straight into a fallaway slam. Edge sells well for Goldberg for the next good portion of the match, while not a burial he sees very little offense.


Edge looks to be gone as Goldberg sets up for a Jackhammer late in the bout, Edge slips to his knees in desperation and nails Goldberg with a low blow! Edge goes on the attack now and hits a flurry of mounted punches before rolling off to the outside in search of more weapons. Edge finds another steel chair and slips it into the ring, he also grabs the table he pulled out from under the ring earlier and sets it up in the ring leaning against a corners turnbuckles. Goldberg clutches to the ropes getting to his feet in the ring but Edge nails him with a chair shot to the head sending him straight back into the canvas!


Edge stands over an unconscious Goldberg taunting him while setting up his feared one man con–chair–to. Edge swings the chair looking to finish the match in savage style but Goldberg rolls out of the way. Edge clutches his arm and sets up for a Spear on Goldberg looking to hit him as he gets to his feet, Edge launches into his finisher but Goldberg moves out of the way and Edge goes smashing through the table he set up in the corner!



Mike Tenay: Spear! Through the table that Edge himself setup!


Taz: Wow that was some impact into that table!



Edge is laid out cold and referee Nick Patrick starts the ten count, the Nitro announcers hype the previous move looks to have finished this match as Edge lifts himself to his feet holding the ropes answering the count at 9! Goldberg shakes his head and stalks Edge from behind looking to deliver a Spear, Edge turns around and Goldberg launches into his finisher... Edge dodges it and bounces off the opposite ropes. Both men charge eachother at full speed launching into their signature Spears at the same time mid ring... they collide head first and crash to the canvas!



Mike Tenay: Spears at the same time!


Taz: Wow just wow!


Dusty Rhodes: If you've ever seen one of those airshows gone wrong you'll have seen that before otherwise where else but Nitro's Bash at the Beach would you see that!


Mike Tenay: Both men hit eachother head on in mid air...


Taz: And in mid Spear Tenay! That was incredible!



Nick Patrick reaches a 7 count on both men and neither look like answering it. At the 8 count both make an amazing recovery and stumble to their feet just beating the 10 count at 9. They exchange punches in the center of the ring, Edge connects with an Edgecution just missing the steel chair by inches. Goldberg beats the ten count at 7 and Edge stalks him pulling out his hair as he waits in his corner to spring into attack... He launches into a Spear but Goldberg avoids it and both square off again. Edge gets the better of short chain wrestle and sends Goldberg into the ropes... He goes for a diving crossbody but Goldberg ducks it and bounces off the opposite ropes... Edge turns around into a Spear! Goldberg lands his finisher on the chair sending Edge into the steel back first. Nick Patrick starts the ten count but Goldberg picks up Edge at 2... he delivers a Jackhammer on the same chair bent badly out of shape now nailing Edge's back again! Patrick starts the ten count and Goldberg stands in his corner snarling and twitching his muscles in aggression... Patrick reaches 8... 9... 10! Goldberg takes the clean win to finish his brutal feud with Edge.


Edge and Goldberg have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances.



Goldberg via Ten Count 17:30

Rating: B+





A video plays hyping the upcoming Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs The Undertaker match for the WCW World Heavyweight Title to the Bash at the Beach theme song...





Rating: B+






Eric Bischoff is backstage in his office with Arn Anderson and Dean Malenko, Eric has a new haircut and has grown some stubble. The three are discussing tonights matches and settling in for the main event behind a big screen monitor when a Nitro staff member walks into the room...



Nitro Crew Guy: Ahh excuse me Mr Bischoff, I'm sorry to interupt but I was just wondering if you wanted me to anywhere else on the floor?


Eric Bischoff: What ahh... no just sit backstage and wait for the end of the show to pack up if you aren't needed anywhere.


Nitro Crew Guy: Ahh okay, yes Sir.


Arn Anderson: What's all this about?


Eric Bischoff: Since our problems with the titantrons being hijacked I took over control of the production crew, I want to know what's going on at all times.


Arn Anderson: Well who's that guy?


Eric Bischoff: I have no idea, there are alot of em and they're constantly asking me stupid questions about where they should be shooting from. My aim is to find out how that mysterious vignette keeps making it to air not to baby these guys over camera angles.


The Nitro staff member goes to leave the room...


Arn Anderson: Hey kid, excuse my ignorance but why did you just ask Mr Bischoff for orders?


The young 20 something Nitro employee looks puzzled


Arn Anderson: It's not a trick question kid.


Nitro Crew Guy: Ahh... because Mr Bischoff just gave me the order to come down for the main event...


Eric Bischoff: Order what order?


Nitro Crew Guy: Ahh, the order... through the headsets.


The Nitro Crew Guy nervously takes off his headset and shows it to Eric


Eric Bischoff: I don't even have one of these! I'm just monitorting you guys to see if we have an infiltrator in our midst. I haven't given one instruction or order over these things. What the hells going on here?


Dean Malenko: Hey kid, why did you ask Mr Bischoff here if he wanted you anywhere else on the floor? where did he need you in the first place?


Nitro Crew Guy: Well from my usual position of course... lighting in the rafters...


A look comes over Eric, Arn and Malenko as a sudden realisation dawns on them



Rating: B+





WCW World Heavyweight Championship

Hulk Hogan© vs The Undertaker


The Undertaker makes his entrance to his theme music "Rollin" by Limp Bizkit riding out on his newest custom bike and circling the ring before parking it at ringside. The New World Order music takes over the airwaves and Hollywood Hulk Hogan makes his way to the ring flanked by Big Show. Hogan takes his time entering the ring and preparing for the bout, he hands his WCW World Heavyweight Championship to referee Nick Patrick hesitantly. Patrick holds up the unmistakable World Title and goes over the rules for the regluar singles match as Hogan and Taker lean further into eachother almost nose to nose in anticipation for their historic clash.


Patrick signals for the bell and both legends circle eachother in the ring showing respect for one anothers abilities before locking up into a feats of strength. Neither man gets the better of the grapple and after a short struggle they release and begin their assessment of one another again. Undertaker throws a straight right and connects, Hogan replies with a right of his own. Taker gets the better of the exchange but Hogan delivers an eye poke incapacitating him. Hogan dishes out his usual heel offense of a few back rakes and a sleeper to take the advantage and slow the match to a pace these to can keep up with.


The Undertaker makes a comeback and unloads lefts and rights in rapid succession sending Hogan reeling back onto the ropes. Taker bounces off the opposite ropes and launces into a flying clothesline taking himself and Hogan over the top to the outside in the process. Big Show wastes no time coming to the aid of Hulk nailing Undertaker from behind with a double axe handle. Hogan takes back control of the bout and goes to work on Taker on the outside choking him with a camera chord and whipping him shoulder first into the ringpost.


Undertaker makes another comeback and swarms Hulk with punches forcing him to the corner, Taker scales the ropes and goes for an old school but Big Show gives him a nudge from the outside and crotches Taker on the ropes. Hogan climbs to the second turnbuckle and lifts Taker delivering a superplex from the top rope! Hollywood makes the cover but Taker kicks out at a close two, Hogan slides off his nWo belt and unleashes with some savage whips in a rage.


The Undertaker eventually makes another comeback clipping Hogan's knee and goes to work on the same knee ramming it into the ringpost. Taker stays on the attack and takes out Big Show on the outside with a suicide dive before delivering a guillotine leg drop onto the chest of Hogan hanging on the apron. Taker goes for a Tombstone but Hulk counters and hits a Big Boot! Hogan goes for a Leg Drop but The Undertaker counters into a half boston crab. Hulk clutches for the ropes but The Undertaker drags him back into the middle of the ring... Hulk fights desperately and finally reaches the ropes breaking the hold.


Undertaker lines up Hogan getting to his feet and connects with a big boot, he grabs Hogan by the neck and lifts him into the air... Chokeslam! Referee Nick Patrick slides in and starts the count... 1... 2... Hogan kicks out and Hulks up! Taker is in disbelief as Hollywood Hulk Hogan shows signs of his babyface persona shaking of one of his most powerful moves. The Undertaker winds up and nails Hogan with a stiff right... Hollywood shakes it off and Hulks up even more! Taker with a left, Hogan is impervious to pain and takes two more hard shots before he blocks Undertaker's fourth punch and whips him off the ropes connecting with a Big Boot! Hulk goes up for a Leg Drop and nails it! He makes the cover on The Undertaker... 1... 2... Taker kicks out and the crowd are on their feet!


Hogan goes for a backdrop but Taker reverses the move and lands a DDT, he makes the cover but Hogan kicks out at 2. Big Show is back up on the apron and distracting Nick Patrick, Undertaker nails the giant with a hard right knocking him back to the outside. He turns to Hogan who has him lined up for another Big Boot but Taker ducks and connects with another Chokeslam! Undertaker makes the cover... 1... 2... The lights go off in the arena! The mysterious music that's been haunting Nitro and The Undertaker of late begins to play.



Mike Tenay: Here we go again! Folks we were expecting this tonight and what a time for it to come...


Dusty Rhodes: I've got chills up my spine Tenay, did it just get colder in here?


Mike Tenay: This is the longest I think we've ever seen the lights stay down though. In the handful of occasions we've witnessed this it only lasts a few seconds as an almost preview.


Taz: Well maybe this is the main show! Somethin's goin on in that ring!



After around 12 seconds the lights come back on in the arena and only The Undertaker is in the ring... laid out! Hollywood Hulk Hogan is at the top of the entrance ramp in an obvious retreat at the interuption that's spooked him for the past few weeks. He and Big Show notice Taker is out cold in the ring and run back down the ramp... Hogan slides into the ring and covers The Undertaker... 1... 2... 3! Hollywood Hulk Hogan takes the win retaining his title in a very odd tainted finish.


The match suffered because of the lack of selling on display.


Hulk Hogan via Pinfall 15:47

Hollywood Hulk Hogan makes the 2nd defence of his WCW World Heavyweight title.

Rating: B+





Hogan doesn't even let Nick Patrick raise his hand in victory he's in that much of a rush to get out of the ring. He signals to Big Show to grab the WCW World Heavyweight Championship and they make a quick exit to the back.



The Undertaker wakes up in the ring and does a "Deadman sit-up", he gets to his feet and stand in the middle of the ring. Taker stares eerily around before slowly lifting his head to look up... the lights start to flash on and off before a lightnig bolt goes thundering through the building. The Undertaker's eyes grow to the size of saucepans as he spots his mysterious foe standing in the rafters looking down on him... The camera's pans up and zooms in to reveal...

































Sting comes abseiling into the ring and the crowd are going wild! Stinger unclips his harness and he and Undertaker lock eyes from opposite corners of the ring. Sting has a baseball bat strapped to his back and takes it out... he points to Taker. The Undertaker glares back at him and charges with a flying clothesline... Sting nails him mid-air with the bat! Stinger unleashes on The Undertaker connecting with hit after hit with the baseball bat before rolling him to the outside. 6 fat chubby pallbearers all with a striking resemblence to Paul Bearer make their way to the ring rolling a large coffin with them.






Sting continues to lay into a heavily bloodied and unconscious Undertaker, he stops only to pick him up and put him in the coffin the pallbearers have brought him . Sting goes over to The Undertaker's motorbike and latches his harness onto the it. The bike is raised and dropped into the coffin on top of The Undertaker! The pallbearers quickly rush back behind the curtain and come back out wheeling a big cement mixer this time. At Stings instructions they place the pourer of the mixer into the coffin and turn the machine on. The coffin containing The Undertaker and his bike fill with cement as the 20,000+ crowd watch in shock! The pallbearers seal the coffin lid with several huge locks and wheel it up the ramp to the back.


Sting clips his harness back onto his waist and glides back into the rafters as they dim to hide the former WCW stars in the shadows. Just as he disappears Paul Bearer comes out!



Paul Bearer: You all saw it! I tried to warn my son! I tried to save him from his fate! I only hope now that the cement dries before he reaches his crypt... so he may rest in peace!



Rating: A



Quick Results


Dudley Boyz def Billy & Chuck D+

Mysterio def Juvi, Kidman, Noble, Tajiri & Chavo to become the #1 WCW Cruiserweight Title Contender C-

X-Pac def Hurricane to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Title C-

Raven def Kanyon (for his soul) B-

Eddie Guerrero def DDP B-

S.Steiner def R.Steiner C-

Booker T def Big Show B

Hardy Boyz def Outsiders in the WWF Tag Team Title Tournament Final B-

Goldberg def Edge B+

Hogan def Undertaker to retain the WCW World Heavyweight Title B+



Overall Rating: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g55/Costnaza9/grade_bplus-1.jpg




PPV Buyrate: 7.33 (365,500 Buys)



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Monday, 1 July 2002





WWF Board of Directors Quarterly Financial Report

April-June '02



The meeting was a great success considering some in the media were doubting we'd be in the black. Even though we splurged quite a bit signing big stars like Goldberg and Sting, terminating old contracts I didn't want fulfilled and even throwing $2,000,000 at David Beckham to appear at RAW in Japan we still turned a healthy profit. He was staying 7 blocks away from the building and barely spent half an hour in the arena for that payday. It will pay us back in the long run though it looks, we're eager to continue the working relationship with NOAH and after our last show we're red hot in the region.


I was given $50,000,000 to use as a starting balance and I've made over $10,000,000 in the first 3 months here. The figures ended up balancing as follows...






Each PPV was reported with their main events and draws detailed with their PPV numbers...







The Rock vs Triple H© - WWF World Heavyweight Title

Buy Rate 8.72 (436,000 Buys)




The Great American Bash




Hulk Hogan vs Booker T - WCW World Heavyweight Title

(Goldberg's debut match vs Edge)

Buy Rate 9.12 (456,000 Buys)




King Of The Ring




Kurt Angle vs Stone Cold Steve Austin vs The Rock© - WWF World Heavyweight Title

KOTR Final (Lesnar vs RVD)

Buy Rate 9.18 (459,000 Buys)




Bash At The Beach




Hollywood Hulk Hogan© vs The Undertaker - WCW World Heavyweight Title

(Sting's Debut)

Buyrate 7.33 (365,500 Buys)



I have just set the merchandise to Custom Control and assigned different levels to stars I think will move some merch. In the next report I'll detail the stars who sell well and those who don't








Finlay's Green Report


(Fit Finlay gives his monthly report highlighting improvements made by workers in various skills)



Alex Wright

Puroresu D+


Bob Sapp

Microphone D+, Hardcore D, Mat & Chain Wrestling D-, Respect E-,



Flashiness E-


Charlie Haas

Hardcore E+, Aerial D+, Flashiness D,


Chris Nowinksi

Aerial E+, Flashiness D-, Submissions E+, Charisma C+, Basics B-, Consistency B,


CM Punk

Hardcore D+, Stamina A, Respect E-,


Colt Cabana

Charisma C, Microphone C+, Harcore D-, Stamina B


John Cena

Puroresu E+, Mat D,


Randy Orton

Puroresu D,


Renee Dupree

Mat D+, Submissions E+, Stamina B, Selling B-


Sean O'Haire

Puroresu C-, Flashiness D, Selling D+,


Shelton Benjamin

Brawling D+, Hardcore E+, Microphone E+, Acting D+, Consistency C-


Sylvester Terkay

Brawling C-, Mat & Submissions D-, Chain E+, Acting D-, Basics C+, Selling D







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u know I kinda expected the surprise to be Sting but it would've been the ultimate swerve if it was Kane however. anywho I finally got a chance to read your diary and I love it! you truly have a sense of what the 2002 era was. if I make some "developmental" "suggestions" you should try and sign Chris hero Chris Daniels and Low-Ki and quite possibly recreate the Second City Saints/New Church feud!
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That was a lot of fun to read, the Hardyz/Outsiders match is something that I was able to really picture the way you wrote it, so kudos on that and bringing in Sting. I was hoping he'd show up at some point, and that was a great place for him. Hopefully that will help out the Nitro ratings too.


Oh, and also, the clicky video link to YouTube doesn't work for me...it's says it's copyrighted and can't be shown in my country (US), just thought I'd let ya know. Great job again man.

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u know I kinda expected the surprise to be Sting but it would've been the ultimate swerve if it was Kane however. anywho I finally got a chance to read your diary and I love it! you truly have a sense of what the 2002 era was. if I make some "developmental" "suggestions" you should try and sign Chris hero Chris Daniels and Low-Ki and quite possibly recreate the Second City Saints/New Church feud!


Thanks darthsiddus, 2002 was by far one of my fave eras so I'm glad to know I'm going it justice!


I was thinking seriously about postponing Sting's debut and having a swerve but Nitro really does need him in their new ratings battle with RAW and Taker needs a rest so the timing couldn't be better.


I appreciate your suggestions I am looking to sign a few more development guys and the ones you mentioned will fit in well at ROH my new child fed.



This is one of the few real world diaries I've got sucked into. I just got caught up and have to say that show that took place in Japan was one of the most creative shows I've seen posted on here, it was a lot of fun to read.


Thanks heaps mate, I put alot of effort into that show I'm really stoked with the response it got. :)


That was a lot of fun to read, the Hardyz/Outsiders match is something that I was able to really picture the way you wrote it, so kudos on that and bringing in Sting. I was hoping he'd show up at some point, and that was a great place for him. Hopefully that will help out the Nitro ratings too.


Oh, and also, the clicky video link to YouTube doesn't work for me...it's says it's copyrighted and can't be shown in my country (US), just thought I'd let ya know. Great job again man.


Thanks again! I just read that youtube are having some issues with copyrighted music at the moment but it should be working in a few days.


Once again thank you to everyone who posts feedback as most diary writers on here will tell you it really does encourage us to get even more involved. I should have the June Monthly Roundup Report up in a few hours.

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June 2002 Monthly Roundup






The fallout from the Beantown Screwjob as expected is still just starting to surface as rumours circulate that Scott Hall has reverted back to his old ways in wake of the controversy. Sources have reported that new WWF head booker Michael Melon gave the entire RAW and Nitro lockerooms heart felt speeches about the incident promising them it was nothing like the Bret Hart situation. Moods in the lockeroom are said to be fairly sour on Triple H at the moment due to some unflattering internet articles regarding his power and it seems to have not effected morale in the company at all. Some are even said to be quietly elated Stephanie is gone.


In the wake of the very public Rico Constantino drug abuse scandal, WWF fired the Nitro worker stating they have a "zero tolerance rule for substances of such nature". The statement can be interpreted in many ways and no one is sure what the real meaning behind it is. The company have shown they are at least semi-serious about cleaning up their wrestlers though, having implemented a new "low level drug testing policy named "The Well Being Program".


The promotion not only started a working relationship with Pro Wrestling NOAH but also addopted upstart company Ring Of Honor as a developmental territory. Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin, CM Punk, Colt Cabana, Alex Wright, Mike Sanders and many others mostly from HWA have been sent to ROH already. With all of it's wrestlers out of HWA the WWF ended it's parent relationship with the company and cut all ties.


The brand split became even more apparent with the split now obviously a WWF vs WCW rivalry...





Brock Lesnar won the 2002 King of the Ring Tournament in impressive style to continue his dominant streak in the promotion.


Also at the King of the Ring PPV Kurt Angle defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock to claim the WWF World Heavyweight Title for the third time in his career in a thrilling encounter.


On RAW Kurt Angle started his third reign as World Champion with "Kurt appreciation night". The following week saw the show travel to Japan in a crossover episode of RAW in the Tokyo Dome. David Beckham and Vinnie Jones made special appearances in a card that saw Lesnar go over Akira Taue in his debut match and Kurt Angle defeat Mitsuharu Misawa via submission in a bout many are already hailing a match of the year contender.


Other higlights on the brand have been Stone Cold's evolving storyline with Vince McMahon with the RAW GM bringing Kane into the fold as a lackey for his feud.


RVD has also continued to see his star rise, after defending his WWF Intercontinental Title against ECW alumni back to back weeks Sabu debuted and went straight after his former rival






Nitro has distinguished itself even further from RAW as a seperate brand ending the month with the huge debut of Sting at their monthly PPV Bash at the Beach. Sting was revealed as the mysterious worker stalking The Undertaker and Nitro. The former WCW World Champion interupted Taker's title match with Hollywood Hulk Hogan and locked him in a coffin afterwards. Sting proceeded to lift Undertaker's bike in the coffin and fill it with cement sending Taker off to what Paul Bearer called a crypt. The Undertaker is rumoured to have been asking for time off for quite a while due to some niggling injuries and this angle and storyline seems a perfect fit for the WWF legend to take some time off and come back fresh. A new gimmick may even see his character go to another level... or maybe an old one.


Goldberg ended his two and a half month feud with Edge at the Bash at the Beach PPV going over in a Last Man Standing Match and suprising alot of critics with a **** match.


The brand saw it's PPV hold the final for the WWF Tag Team Title Tournament but their hopes at hosting the titles were dashed when The Hardy Boyz defeated The Outsiders in a historic bout.


Scott Steiner bested his older brother Rick in a Dog Collar also at the Bash at the Beach PPV ending their blood feud and leaving Rick Steiner in limbo as far as direction for his character goes.


Raven defeated Kanyon at the Nitro PPV in a Raven's Rules match and won his soul in the process. The Flock dragged a dazed Kanyon to the back after their match and he hasn't been seen since. Raven did promise to resurect Kanyon's old persona as Mortis and that would complete his recruitment for the Flock.








Jeff Jarrett's new upstart company TNA instantly transformed itself from a regional experiment, no threat to the WWF empire to a legitimate company when they revealed their latest signing Triple H! The promotion which has deep ties with the NWA, using their main title as their own gained more exposure from the HHH signing then they ever could've imagined garnering Worldwide exposure and already setting off talk of another US promotion war.







The move of Triple H to TNA also sparked up the speculation on what went down in the days leading up to the now infamous event.


In TNA's second PPV "Blaze Of Glory" Jeff Jarrett and Homicde defeated Evan Karagias and Paul London, Spanky and Shark Boy went over Steve Corino and Super Dragon for the NWA TNA Tag Titles and Devon Storm continued his NWA TNA World Heavyweight Title reign as "Tempest" defeating X-Division Champ Trent Acid. The show drew another 2,000 sell-out but did horribly on buyrates, having Triple H debut at the next big show should see a marked improvement one would think.


The promotion also went on another small signing spree securing the services of wrestlers such as Steve Corino, Kid Kash, Super Dragon and Paul London and others to fill out their roster.





North America




CZW held it's monthly event "Best of the Best" at the Draddy Gym to a sold out crowd. The best matches of the night saw Zandig go over Ruckus and Johnny Kashmere defeat Nick Gage, Wifebeater and Trent Acid to retain the CZW World Heavyweight Title.


Scoot Andrews continued his busy reign as ECWA Heavyweight Champion and his feud with the S.A.T. The first week of June Scoot defeated Jose, the second and third he beat Xavier and the fourth he overcame

the odds and defeated Jose & Joel Maximo to retain his title. Andrews finished the month defending the strap against Ace Darling successfully at the promotions big event at the Reitz Arena


In Jersey All Pro Wrestling news, the feud between Trent Acid and Slyk Wagner Brown heated up this month with the two battling four times and Acid defending the belt in every occasion. The promotion continues to put on better then expected shows and also added Ace Steel to it's roster for upcoming events.


NWA:Wildside held four shows over the month of June, Homicide continued his feud with Adam Jacobs defending his Title 3 times over 3 shows. Jimmy Rave and Jorge Estrada were the other two stand out

performers for the company working great matches on every card they were booked on.


WWF's development territory OVW had it's roster shaken up by the departures of some of their biggest stars to ROH. John Cena ended his lengthy run as OVW Heavyweight Champion as "The Prototype" losing

the strap to Matt Morgan at OVW's "Road to Ruin" in front of a sold-out Beer Hall (300 in attend). Randy Orton and Mr Black also formed a new tag, starting a feud with The Lords of the Ring but no yet successful in capturing the tag titles the young team looks promising.



WWF's newest development territory, Ring of Honour saw the benefit of the relationship immediately with the influx of some of the best young talent in the country.


Unfortunately for ROH the new workers brought in saw several guys leave, uncluding Spanky, Little Guido and Christopher Daniels the latter two rumoured to be in talks with WWF in regards to signing with them.


Ring Of Honor's monthly event "Road To The Tile" was their best show to date rating at a C. At a solt-out Hammerstein Ballroom Joel Maximo defeated Quiet Storm (**1/2), Super Dragon defended his ROH World Title against Kid Kash (***) and in a match that stole the show American Dragon went over Spanky in both guys last match with the company in a ***1/2 rated bout. Christian York also defeated CW Anderson on the card in a ** rated match.










"Dr Death" Steve Williams continued his reign as AJPW Triple Crown Champion feuding with Brian Adams and Keiji Mutoh. At the promotions PPV "Super Power One Night Special" Williams went over Adams in a disappointing **1/2 main event retaining his title and Genichiro Tenryu defeated Satoshi Kojima in the match of the night (****1/2). Also on the card Kaz Hayashi retained his AJPW Junior Heavyweight Title against Tomoaki Honma (***). The PPV drew a .64 buyrate (32,000 buys) a slight improvement on last months results. The direction the company continues to push in with Steve Williams as Champion and gaijins like Kronik winning the AJPW All Asia Tag Titles have many questioning if they have addopted a "Can't beat 'em join 'em" mentality in their losing battle against longtime rivals NJPW.


In other news in the promotion Taiyo Kea extended his contract signing another short term deal, he has continued to work for both AJPW and NJPW for the past few months and seems to be flourishing in his freelancer role.



NJPW's monthly PPV again kicked off their month in a great showing. The Supercard boasted many highlights including... Jushin Lyger & El Samurai defeating Shinjiro Otani Masayuki Naruse in the opener retaining their IWJP Junior Heavyweight Tag Titles (**3/4). Taiyo Kea went over Kazuyuki Fujita (***) and Masato Tanaka beat Tiger Mask IV to make the fifth defence of his IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title (***1/2). Tadao Yasuda squashed Pat Tanaka in the filler (**), Shinya Hashimoto continued his feud with Giant Singh going over the massive Punjabi native in another suprising memorable match, the title bout was moved to second from the top but still managed to rate a ***1/2 due to a red hot crowd and the title still meaning so much to NJPW fans. In the 3 on 3 main event Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Osamu Nishimura & Masahiro Chono defeated Yuji Nagata, Manabu Nakanishi & Scott Norton in a ****1/2 match that made the show. The buyrate came in at .87 (43,500 buys) improving on their show from last month.









In AAA's only show of the month "Llamada Del Salvaje", Cibernetico retained his AAA Campeón de Campeones Title against La Parka Jr. (***1/2) and Latin Lover, Heavy Metal & Abismo Negro defeated El Dandy, Pero Aguayo Jr. & El Zorro in the main event trios match (***1/2). The event garnered a .32 buyrate (16,000) on Mexican PPV.


CMLL stayed on it's path of incosistent shows starting the month with some subpar TV ratings before holding it's monthly PPV "CMLL Recepción A Mi Infierno". The event was a huges success selling out the Lopez Mateos Arena with 10,000 in attendance. Highlights of the show saw Blue Panther, Fuerza & Dr Wagner Jr. retain the CMLL Trios Titles against Black Warrior, Black Tiger & Violencia (***1/2) and Hijo Del Santo & Negro Casas defeat Satanico & L.A. Park to hold onto their CMLL Tag Titles (***1/2). The show again just pitted CMLL ahead of rivals AAA coming at a a buyrate of .33 (16,500 buys).







Takeshi Morishima sustained a torn rotator cuff and will be out for 5 months


Akitoshi Saito will be working with through with a floating bone chip for 2 months.


Air Paris suffered a major dislocated shoulder and will be out of action for one more month.


Rhino is still recovering from a herniated spinal disc and won't be returning for at least another 6 months.


Ulimto Dragon won't see ringtime for another 4 months as he recovers from a broken arm.




Retirements, New Workers & Deaths



"Sweet Stan" Lane retired this month from active duties but indicated interest in a backstage roll. Best known as one half of The Fabulous Ones, the Midnight Express and the Heavenly Bodies, Stan Lane could be a road agent of great use in the future.


Puroresu veteran Rusher Kimura also hung up his boots this month due to injuries and age.



The only new wrestler to debut this month was Chris Bosh, a young worker out of Southern California who shows some signs of promise.



The sad news was announced early last week that Bam Bam Bigelow had passed away. One of the most agile "big men" in professional wrestling history, he was a main event attraction in virtually every major wrestling promotion in the world at one time over the course of a career that spanned twenty-one years. His presence will be missed by many the World over.



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