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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 2 November 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 16.58)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.20)


Held at the Canadian Air Centre (Ontario)


Attendance: 14,268




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Sara Silver




The big screen is active as the pyro dies away, and its view is a fairly familiar one; the Three Amigos are sat around one of the tables in the arena's catering area. Chris Rockwell has his feet up on the table; Rocky Golden has Stephanie Wade sat on his lap, and Rick Law is idly toying with a Game Boy, the tinny sounds of TCW Pocket Mayhem just about audible.


Rockwell knocks back another swig from his beer bottle. “Hey, Rick,” he says. “You know we've got your back, right?”


“Of course,” Law says idly; then he looks up. “Why? What about?”




“Ah.” Law nods. “Appreciate it, Chris, but I've been thinking. I rode shotgun for Badge of Honor for a year and a half. Think it's time to get serious about some other things.


“Rocky and me are going for gold.”


“Sweet,” Rockwell grins, as Golden nods – and as Wade smiles approval. “The Lions are tough, though.”


“Oh, any gold,” Golden says. “Whatever we get the chance at – Rick and me are going to race. If it ends up being the tag belts, all that means is we both win.”


“Make that three of us racing,” Stephanie Wade says softly. “I'm kind of sick of the new girls throwing their weight around. Let's make this a thing – let's get us all some gold.”



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Canadian Elemental & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins vs. Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins

An epic encounter, alternating between bursts of fast-paced action and exciting, well-executed technical wrestling, with Huggins and Stone both bringing mat skills in the style of their mentors to go with their adrenaline-fuelled airborne activity, Deeley controlling as best he can, and CanEl hurtling with the same level of spectacle as Stone.


There's a real sense of fun to the match, too – Sean Deeley may be a no-nonsense kind of guy, but that effectively leaves him playing strait-laced straight man to three ring comedians.


Particularly notable is a three-way exchange, with Stone and Huggins both using their speed to tag in and out via ring exit, in which all three daredevils repeatedly come close to taking out the ref with a superkick before, finally, Edd takes advantage; a feint sees Ray Johnson flinch, looking away, and Edd promptly boots Deeley in the groin while nobody's looking.


A Party's Over attempt is blocked, and Edd finds his momentum cut off as Canadian Elemental re-enters the match with a Thrill Seeking Missile from the top rope.


The masked marvel mounts a solid comeback, but again, Huggins and Stone utilise quick tags to take over and wear him down. CanEl fights them off and crawls for his own corner – tags Deeley -


Edd Stone superkicks Sean over the rope and to the floor right after he enters the ring! With CanEl still inside the ring and Deeley technically having left, the beaten-down inheritor of the icon eats another Party's Over to give Stone and Huggins the victory while the announce team debate that interesting use of the new tag rules.

Edd Stone & Freddy Huggins defeated Canadian Elemental & Sean Deeley

Rating: A



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Adam Matravers vs. Eric Tyler

Just the prior match, Freddy Huggins showed some Tyler-style matwork as part of his expanding moveset – but it was still a different flavour of match to this contest.


Tyler controls most of the match, though Matravers impresses with a couple of rallies, most notably scoring with a flying superkick from the top rope after countering a stalling suplex with a neckbreaker.


At the end, though, it's not enough; Tyler gets him locked into a double chickenwing and powers him into the air for the Tradition Lift submission hold. Adam writhes briefly, then braces his boots against Tyler, looking to roll forward, down Eric, and into a pinning predicament – but the School of Tradition leader is ready for that, taking one step forward and, having changed his bracing, effectively countered the move.


He hoists Matravers back into position to suffer the worst effects of the Lift and Adam submits shortly afterward. “He came up with a counter that would've beaten most wrestlers,” Azaria says. “But there's no shame in being out-thought by Eric Tyler – the man knows as much about wrestling as pretty much anyone else alive.”

Eric Tyler defeated Adam Matravers

Rating: B-




Once again the cameras go backstage, to the interview area, but Autumn Gleeson is nowhere to be seen.



The Blonde Bombshell occupies that place instead. She paces a little from side to side, and a voice from behind the camera confirms, “...yeah, we're live, now.”


She nods. “Thanks.” Looking up at the camera, she smiles; not the brilliant, sultry, dazzling thing we're used to, but instead, almost an image of mourning. “I really wasn't sure I wanted to stay,” she says. “I love wrestling... I've said that a lot... but I came to love wrestling with... well, with Johnny.


“But... well. Every time you break up, you go through your life together, and you ask yourself: Can I keep this? Can I keep that? Will he – or she – want this? What do I have to lose, and what can't I bring myself to lose?


“I'm taking back my life, not running away. And I love wrestling... so here we go. I'm issuing a challenge to the British Lions on behalf of my clients. Boys?”



From either side of shot, the New Wave step into view. Bombshell smiles a little more sharply. “It's time we got back to glory.”



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Elimination Protocol vs. Young Guns

Fast and furious, this is a weaker contest than prior matches both in terms of the actual in-ring performances and the out-of-ring crowd response as many of them take this opportunity to refresh their beers.


Nonetheless, in comparison with tag team matches of even a year ago, it's not bad at all. Between them, the Young Guns trial a few new big moves – including a remarkably risky one by Harry Allen that sees him run up Jameson's chest while the Protocol man is braced against the turnbuckle, backflip to his feet, and meet Jameson coming out with a lariat.


It's far from the only new move, and that's part of the match's weakness – a swanton aimed to coincide with Technique being brought to ground by a suplex, for example, has timing issues on its first trial, and other such things lend the contest's pacing a slightly ragged affair, as well as leaving both teams a little nervous about the rest of it.


The Guns thus return to established moves, putting Warren down for the pin with a Blitzkrieg Bop.

Young Guns defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: C




Walk This Way starts to play as the teams vacate the ring, and a few moments later, Chris Rockwell heads down to the ring, Hard-Hitting Championship wrapped securely around his waist, microphone already in hand.


He climbs into the ring, pacing around in a circle for a few moments with a smile. “Don't really know why I'm doing this out here,” he says. “But I figure you guys might get a kick outta this. Maybe not. We'll see.


“OK, so – if you've got a title in TCW, I'd like to see you out here. C'mon, guys – if you hold gold, step forward.”



A few moments later, One Girl Revolution starts to play; the Womens champion is to be the first out to the ring. JeriLynn is quickly followed, however, by Freddy Huggins, who seems to have quite the swagger now he's showered and victorious.



By the time those two are in the ring, Wolf Hawkins has been spotted by an eagle-eyed cameraman coming through the crowd to the ring in traditional Generation Omega style.


Last of all comes Laura Huggins' merry band, the International and Tag Team Champions, Sean Deeley and the British Lions.


With all the gold in TCW gathered in the ring, Rockwell looks around them and nods again.


“I've been thinking about doing this for a while,” he says. “But this is the time.


“We're into November now. Three months – less than – from Malice in Wonderland. Less than three months from the big one.


“Well, I've held my belt a while now. Not saying you haven't, Wolf – or JeriLynn, for that matter. But we're coming close to the big one.


“And I look around, and I just wonder... I wonder how many of you have what it takes.


“Not what it takes to be a champion – we can all see that. I'm talking about what it takes to be Chris Rockwell.


“Well, I don't have a tag partner and I'm not a woman. I just about fit in the All Action weight limits. But even without that, we've all got our own belts to defend. We're not going to be getting in the ring with our belts on the line against each other. You can't hold two belts.


“So I thought about things... and I thought about what else it takes to be Chris Rockwell. I thought about the idea of standing here and showing people what they can be, giving them something to strive for.


“And to make sure all of us do... I've got a challenge. A goal for you guys.


“I've set up a high-interest account, and I've put twenty thousand in it. What I want is for the rest of you to do the same. The moneymen'll get it growing, and when Malice in Wonderland is done and in the record books, any of us who still have our belts get to split it between us.


“No shame in worrying you can't measure up, guys – but I think you can. And in either case, I think you should try.


“So who's in?”


Hawkins steps forward, sneering disdainfully. “Chickenfeed,” he tells the mic. “But a hundred and twenty profit, when the rest of you wash out? Sure – I'm in.”


The Lions confer among themselves; as they do, however, JeriLynn is leaning forward. “You bet I'm in,” she says. “Hard work beats talent, if talent don't work hard – but talent brings in the big bucks.”


Freddy Huggins shrugs. “I'm not in this for the money,” he offers at last. “But I'll enter, and I'll win, and I'll take your respect.”


All eyes now settle on the three men under Laura Huggins' charge.


“Yeah,” Sean Deeley says at last. “It's my whole win bonus and half my savings from the last year – but I'm in. Boys?”


O'Curle shakes his head marginally, but Laura Huggins whispers in his ear. He grins.


“Oi wuz gonna say we dayn't 'ave th' readies,” he says. “But if Laura's gonna t'row in for us, we'll keep 'er munnay safe.


“Wuir in.”



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Christian Faith w/ Floyd Bowman vs. UK Dragon

UK Dragon has a definite speed advantage over Faith, and he uses it to its full extent from the off. Hurtling around the ring at a breakneck pace, it's hard for Christian to catch him, though the big Texan veteran scrambles and mostly keeps up.


Still, and nonetheless, the School of Tradition man finds his ways to keep the advantage, and Azaria slowly comes round in surprise to the idea that UK Dragon might pull out a career-best win – but then one risk too much kicks in, and Faith catches a crossbody.


A big slam follows, then a huge hip toss – Dragon must be a clear seven feet above the ground at the highest point – and a whip to the turnbuckle. It's an accelerated version of Faith's traditional rally, and he launches for the Leap of Faith – but UK Dragon shows astonishing athleticism, diving clear and leaving Christian to smash into the turnbuckles himself.


Dragon spins him around and looks for the Dragon Drop – but Faith counters smoothly into the Test of Faith! Dragon struggles – struggles hard – but he has to tap out!


“And that, folks, is another reminder,” Azaria says. “Christian Faith has resilience and ring smarts to spare. He can outlast you, and it won't take much for him to turn things around... no matter how good you are!”

Christian Faith defeated UK Dragon

Rating: B-




Wolf Hawkins climbs over the guardrail again, snatching the mic from the ring announcer before he's had a chance to finish announcing the victor.


Pacing around the outside of the ring – not fool enough to get in the Texas Outlaw's way – he holds the mic to his lips. “A great performance there,” he begins. “Your winner – YESTERDAY'S NEWS!


“And let me tell you, Yesterday's News is a name a lot of people round here have. Sam Keith – yesterday's news. RDJ – yesterday's news. Jeremy Stone – for all that he's supposed to be my 'challenger' this month – yesterday's news. Eric Tyler – yesterday's news.


“Tommy Cornell – yesterday's news. Strictly speaking, Tommy Cornell – 1997's news.


“And let's face it, I can see people in the arena tonight, watching, who weren't born when he was news. When he was new.


“The thing about yesterday's news is I was alive yesterday. I was glued to my TV yesterday. I dreamed of becoming a professional wrestler yesterday.


“And between now and then, I found a way to make my dream real. I stopped dreaming – didn't need it anymore – and I started to know instead.


“I knew I was better than what I'd seen as a kid. I knew I'd be World Champion one day. I knew I could take on the greatest of yesterday's news, and win – and I've proved it.


“Yesterday's news inspires. But sooner or later, yesterday is over.


“Last week I looked at Tommy Cornell's yesterday. Last week I wrestled the kind of match that Tommy Cornell grew up watching in England. Last week I won.


“Last week, Tommy Cornell couldn't beat me at his own game.


“Tommy, I don't know how long you'll duck my challenge for. Sooner or later you're going to have to give in, I promise you that. Sooner or later you'll face me in today's ring. In my ring, wrestling by my rules.


“You couldn't beat me by yours. You'll never have a chance with mine.”



Breakin' The Law begins to play, and Tommy Cornell appears at the top of the entry ramp.


He glowers down at Hawkins for a long moment.


“Wrestling has a lot of history, Wolf,” he says. “I tried to teach you to respect it, way back when.


“It's not just knowing about the American rules we see every week, or the British rules I saw as a kid.


“Mexico. Australia. Japan. Europe – they all have their own styles.


“I got your message last week, Wolf. Got it loud and clear. So listen up, sunbeam, while I explain my own.


“You want to show you know how to win, you go ahead. But we'll see just how much we can do on both sides. Tonight, I show what I can do with Mexican rules. Saturday – I think you should.”


Hawkins sneers. “Bring it on, boss. You're just postponing the inevitable – and I've gotten too good at waiting.”



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Machines vs. Davis Wayne Newton & Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

It's Remo who starts for Generation Omega, and after a brief moment of eye contact, of wordless discussion, John Anderson climbs between the ropes to face him.


The supreme specimen surges forward at the bell, and Anderson evades, dropping into a roll to duck the clothesline. Popping back to his feet, he meets the next charge with a dropkick; it catches Remo squarely on the jaw, but barely seems to slow him down.


A whip from Remo to Anderson sends him flying off the ropes at speed. Caught, he's whirled into the air in a huge belly to belly suplex, crashing painfully to the mat. Rather than cover, however, he pulls Anderson back to his feet and sets up a more traditional suplex; whipping Anderson into the air fast, he sends him crashing down again and tags out.


In comes Davis, who takes a moment to survey the fallen Anderson (“like a veteran might,” Dangerous comments,) before hitting the ropes and trying a running boot to the head – but Brent Hill is there to save his partner, meeting Newton en route with a textbook missile dropkick. He bails out of the ring again as John gets slowly back to his feet.


Newton picks himself up too, and the duo circle, close, lock up – Newton with a wristlock – Anderson counters to an armbar – hammerlock from Newton – crossface chickenwing from Anderson! Anderson takes Davis down for additional leverage!


Newton shows great savvy – and agility – by bracing his feet firmly against the mat and kicking off, essentially backflipping over the hold – and into a pinning position! ONE, TWO – Anderson gets a shoulder up, then pulls the 'Triple Threat' bodily across and down, snagging his arm and head, looking for the Crossface Armbreaker beloved of fellow Machine Marc Speed.


Remo breaks that up with a running kick and Davis scrambles out of the ring. The big man of Generation Omega promptly hoists John Anderson for the Destroyer – and once again, Brent Hill is there to rescue his colleague, delivering a superkick to the jaw of the supreme specimen with pinpoint precision.


Anderson is able to roll clear of the ring, and Brent hits another superkick, looking to topple Remo. It doesn't work, but he ducks Remo's big swing, grabs him around the waist, and nails a beautiful release German suplex.


Wisely, he doesn't go directly for the cover; hitting the ropes, he delivers a baseball slide to Remo's face, then goes to the top turnbuckle, calling for the King of the Hill in a rare display of enthusiastically connecting with the audience.



He doesn't quite get there, though; Marc DuBois is suddenly in the way, beckoning Hill down, with Eugene Williams' attention caught by an apparently irate Phil Vibert on the other side of the ring.


Davis Wayne Newton runs up and leaps, aiming for a superplex on Hill. He has a struggle, but wins out, bringing them both to the mat. DuBois nods approval, eyes gleaming, and his own gestures tell the crowd he's about to apply his famous Model Solution -



- Marc Speed is suddenly in the ring! Single-leg takedown! DEADLY HEEL HOOK!


John Anderson helps Speed force DuBois from the ring as Hill slowly picks himself up. The three Machines turn as one – and find themselves facing an upright and furious Remo.


In the centre, Speed leaps for a dropkick; simultaneously, on either side, Hill and Anderson connect with superkicks. Between the three Machines, they manage to put Remo down. Speed rolls from the ring and Anderson sends Newton flying over the top rope as Hill climbs the turnbuckles, soaring off with a King of the Hill.


Williams turns around just in time to count the cover – ONE, TWO, THRE-


By the barest of margins, Remo gets his shoulder up. He separates from Hill, then exits the ring cautiously. In, again, comes Newton – this time from behind Hill, coming in fast with a bulldog! He moves position, looking for his signature STF, but Hill's still aware enough to kick him loose – Davis rebounds from the ropes – low dropkick by Newton! Hill rolls from the ring!


Anderson comes in fast, and Newton meets him with a volley of chops. John stands his ground, however, and an exchange begins.


There's a commotion from the entrance aisle, as Aaron Andrews is sprinting hell for leather down the ramp. This is explained soon enough, however, as he manages to spear Joey Minnesota before the Generation Omega man even hops the crowd barrier, thus cutting off his likely intervention.


In the ring, meanwhile, Davis nails a DDT on Anderson and, once again, goes for the STF, only to be kicked off again. Anderson promptly kips up – Ammo Dump attempt – countered! Davis hooks the leg – Fisherman's Suplex! ONE, TWO, THR-


Brent Hill drops an elbow to make the save for his tag partner. On the outside there's a thunderous impact as Andrews is whipped into the steel steps by Minnesota, who now seems focused on his former partner rather than the match.


Anderson rises back to one knee, hammering Newton with punches. He rises – Northern Lights suplex! Once again he drags Newton to his feet – AMMO DUMP!




The timekeeper rings the bell. Twenty minutes have elapsed.

Machines drew with Davis Wayne Newton & Remo Richardson

Rating: A*


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Matthew Keith vs. Tommy Cornell

The expression on both these men's faces says it all; this one may not have a title at stake, but it's still not just about getting a single win. With Cornell's war with Hawkins, and Matthew Keith's claim to be the uncrowned King of Wrestling, the bragging rights are all resting on this match.


Small wonder, then, how explosively this starts out; Keith prevents a fast lockup with a roaring elbow, then immediately transitions – Russian leg sweep, grounded armbar – from the armbar being held in position, he shifts to start raining down elbows to the side of Cornell's head.


Tommy has a hard job keeping clear of the elbows, but eventually manages to twist out of the armbar; from there, to his feet, and a big whip shoots Keith across the ring. Cornell meets him with a boot to the gut – double handful of hair – slams Matt back-first to the mat from that leverage. Two stomps later, Tommy is once again picking him up.


A hard forearm staggers Keith, and another whip sends him flying – but this time, Matt comes back with a high-velocity shining wizard. Cover! ONE, TWO -


Cornell gets his foot to the ropes. Matt, looking to press the advantage, starts setting up the Proton Lock, but the company owner shifts suddenly. With momentum behind him, he pinions Matt's shoulders to the floor – ONE, TWO – Matt gets his shoulder up and the pair roll clear again, both rising to one knee to stare the other down.


Cornell abruptly grins. From a kneeling start, he takes three paces and slams shoulder-first into Keith's thighs, arms around the legs, taking the guy down. “I don't know what to call that,” Azaria confesses. “It's a rugby tackle, you cretin,” Dangerous retorts. “Like football, but there's no padding.”


From the ground, on his terms, Cornell moves fast, grabbing Keith's leg and hyper-extending it, driving three or four kicks home to really work it over, before dropping an elbow across the chest. It's becoming clearer and clearer that the Guilt Trip is part of his game plan for this contest, but ahead of that he locks in the figure-four!


Keith is in position to fight it, however. He struggles a while, and eventually turns the hold over. Tommy breaks it swiftly – but Matt is back to his feet, holding onto the ropes for support, and nails Cornell coming in with a straight left, then another. He tries for a right, but Tommy ducks it, moving in close, and uses Matt's release of the ropes to plant him with a spinebuster, before rolling him up into a cradle to put some emphasis on the pin. ONE, TWO, THREE!


Matthew Keith 0, Tommy Cornell 1


As Tommy recovers his breath, Keith acts, chop blocking him down in turn. A legdrop across the throat follows before Matt drags his opponent back up. Big scoop slam – another legdrop. With Cornell dazed, Keith takes the time to shake his leg out some more, before dropping to one knee to control with a chancery.


Despite the hold, Cornell slowly rises back to his feet. Rising with him, Matt makes a visible snap decision, turning the chancery into a high-speed twist and planting Cornell with something probably best described as a variant neckbreaker.


Rather than go for a cover, however, he continues the assault; a kneedrop to the back of the head is used purely to slow Cornell down, allowing Matt to position himself – stump piledriver! Cover! ONE, TWO, THR- once again, Tommy Cornell makes the ropes, albeit barely.


In frustration, Matt climbs to the second rope, waiting. It takes Tommy a few moments to regain his feet, and when he does he eats a flying shoulderblock from his opponent. A snap DDT soon follows. With all Keith's attention on Cornell's neck, he senses the blood in the water, and looks to apply the Proton Lock. Somehow, Tommy evades, rising to his feet with the two-handed Blade Chop.


Looking to turn the tide, Cornell unleashes punch after punch, driving Matt back into the corner.


Eventually, the young Keith manages to block a punch. He drives a kick into Cornell's gut, then another, then -


Then Cornell snags the leg and walks backward, repeating some of the strain Matthew had shaken off, forcing him hopping out of the corner. It looks like the Guilt Trip will be coming soon-




There's a moment of stunned silence from the crowd, especially as both men lie there unmoving, but after a long, long moment, Keith stirs, shifts – and applies the Proton Lock. On the third attempt, he gets it locked in, able to wrench back on the seriously weakened neck of Cornell – the undamaged shoulder isn't able to resist too much, either, and soon enough Cornell has to tap.


Matthew Keith 1, Tommy Cornell 1


With both men having undergone some serious punishment, the third fall starts more slowly. Keith rolls to the outside, nursing some feeling back into his legs, while Tommy, seated in the centre of the ring, gingerly tests his neck, knowing a vulnerability has been exposed for this match.


Once Keith returns to the ring, however, things begin in earnest. A dropkick by Cornell takes out Keith's knee, and he goes back to the leg with a single-leg crab, sitting back into it to put ever more pressure on. Matt slowly manages to turn himself over and worm his way into a different position, before kicking free with his good leg.


In answer, Tommy comes back with a lariat. He stomps the injured knee, then goes to the second turnbuckle. Looking down at Keith, he smiles slowly, and glances around the crowd for their approval as he lowers his kneepad, exposing the knee to do more damage.


Changing his mind slightly, he ascends to the top rope, once again looking around a crowd that's slowly growing louder.


By the time he looks back, Keith is on his feet and staggering to the corner. He drives a punch into Cornell's gut, leaving the company owner teetering on the top rope – and Matt scrambles up after him, looking for a superplex. Cornell blocks him, firing off punches, and the two stay on the top rope for a few moments.


Keith tries to fire back with his fists, but it's not enough – he lifts his leg for a kick – Cornell catches it – and in desperation, Matt tries something different. He leaps, and what happens next is somewhere close to a huracanrana – but the two men don't go crashing into the ring, but rather to the outside, Cornell landing on his worn-down neck and shoulders, Matt on his knee.


Sam Sparrow gives the full count of ten, but nobody really expects either man to recover enough to re-enter the ring.

Matthew Keith drew with Tommy Cornell

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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Show notes:


  • Apologies for the longer-than-usual delay. As a result, look for Badge of Honour to be up inside of 12 hours, and followed immediately by Saturday Night Showcase predictions. I'd like to pick my pace back up, at least a little.
  • Yep, two draws in one show. More than usual, I'll freely concede, but it seemed appropriate.
  • I'm actually really digging the new direction for the Bombshell, though that's probably just me. It's interesting to push wrestling to comment on things it normally doesn't, and seeing a breakup's aftereffects through the medium of pro wrestling without it boiling down to a match should be interesting.
  • Once again with the build for Malice... but A Little South of Sanity should still be a strong show, have no fear.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 2 November 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.33)


Held at Ellison's (Hawaii)


Attendance: 1,953





Steve Smith – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson


  • In the opening contest, the British Lions defeated the makeshift team of Ian Harris and Sayeed Ali in non-title action, Merle O'Curle forcing Harris to submit. (Rating: B)
  • Horatio Dangerous then hosted a quick video short showcasing his two picks for breakout teams in 2010: Elimination Protocol and Acid Dragon, in both cases showing footage of decisive wins and big moments from house shows.
  • JD Morgan defeated Hidekazu after some pretty good grappling, forcing him to tap to the Cross Atlantic Stretch. (Rating: B-)
  • Koshiro Ino then reclaimed Team KOBRA's honour by pinning Nathan Priest in a dizzyingly good match that saw the crowd hurry back from the merchandise stands in surprise. (Rating: B+)
  • Team KOBRA came out for their ritual. Thunder Snake emerged, unmasked, to mock Hidekazu, and to thank Koshiro Ino for his teachings in the past before declaring that he'd show them how to do it at A Little South Of Sanity.
  • Darkwave defeated Tooth & Claw, but in a match that was much closer than they would perhaps have liked. Bach pinned Lobo Blanco off an Adrenaline Shot and a hand on the ropes. (Rating: B)
  • Frankie Perez then defeated Mr. Lucha III after a spirited bout, downing him with a big hook kick. (Rating: C)
  • JeriLynn Stone emerged to announce next week's main event; Stone & Dangerous against the Leading Lights, with the Enforcers engaged not just to buy the main event, but to stand by and make sure the contest reaches completion. Stephanie Wade came out to say she'd help herself, if need be – and for free.
  • In six-man action, the Kings of Wrestling took on Sam Keith and the Kreed; Sam Keith was able to get the victory, but over Bobby Thomas, leaving nothing decided. (Rating: B+)


Show Rating: B+

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The month continues to heat up after an action-packed Badge of Honor. On tonight's Showcase, things are sure to hit the big time - let's take a look at just how big.


Eric Tyler and Freddy Huggins have both been dominant as late, but they've also taken a steady departure from their irregular tag team. Will that uncertainty give the Conquering Kings the opening they need to make a major splash with a victory over the School of Tradition's current biggest names?


Either way, it won't be the last we see of the Tradition tonight, as Jaime Quine goes head to head with former champion Kate Dangerous in what's sure to be a swift-paced match featuring two of the world's best women wrestlers.


Rhino Umaga has made a name for himself in the past couple of months, but he'll be looking to take another step forward - and any win can help with that. Meanwhile, Julian Watson is seeking for the win to establish himself -just as Umaga was only three months ago. Maybe the Samoan's rise will come to an end as Watson also looks to prove his potential?


Tag team action on tap next, albeit non-title. The British Lions have received a challenge from the New Wave, but their opponents tonight are Acid Dragon - and a win over the champs would surely be a big step forward as Acid Dragon continue their quest for the top of the ladder.


The Elimination Protocol continue to set their sights high, as they're scheduled to face the Texas Outlaws. While the precise combo that'll represent the Outlaws is uncertain, one thing we can count on - they'll be a tough challenge for anyone they face.


In the main event, Wolf Hawkins will look to gain a clear advantage over his mentor with a victory in Lucha Libre rules, as opposed to a draw. Of course, his opponent is Jeremy Stone, one of the men challenging for Hawkins' title this month, and you consider a Stone an easy challenge at your peril. Will Wolf or Tommy move ahead in their contest?


Prediction Key:

Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins


Jaime Quine vs. Kate Dangerous


Julian Watson vs. Rhino Umaga


Acid Dragon vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)


Elimination Protocol vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman



Jeremy Stone vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

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Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins

Tyler and Huggins are doing more and though they aren´t a named team they have still tagged together often enough.


Jaime Quine vs. Kate Dangerous

Kate is doing more since she´s involved in the Leading Lights feud.


Julian Watson vs. Rhino Umaga

Watson has been lost into shuffle ever since the Synticate broke.


Acid Dragon vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)

Acid Dragon might have been named as break away team but they need to get some wins from lesser opponents before they have a shot against tag champs.


Elimination Protocol vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

Same thing here than on previous match. Protocol needs to get some wins under they belt before I could see them going over guys like Faith or RDJ.



Jeremy Stone vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

Non-title and Stone is challenging Wolf for the title soon so win for Stone looks like a good option. However you seem to be building up more on Wolf vs. Cornell so I go with draw instead as that allows Wolf to stay on a same line than Cornell but still have Stone coming out strong.

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Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins


Jaime Quine vs. Kate Dangerous


Julian Watson vs. Rhino Umaga


Acid Dragon vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)


Elimination Protocol vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman



Jeremy Stone vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

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She's still around, ditto Lauren Easter. Both are doing a surprising amount in the dark, and showing up very intermittently.


I do have plans for both of them to resurge, soon. The problem is that at the moment, the priority is to expand the division...


Uh... sounds kinky...

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I have another question then. Is there a reason why Brazzle joined Ino's faction and Raku didn't?


Brazzle was a face, and I wanted to get over her dedication to learning; Makuda was one of our most accomplished debuts, and feuding her with Dangerous looked like the thing to do once she was over enough (though by that stage she'd taken enough losses she needed rebuilding) so she debuted heel.


And Team KOBRA is nominally face.


So, that. Essentially.


Oh, yes, and I didn't want Team KOBRA to be 'Japanese wrestlers are weird', which is why it has an American manager, an American female grappler and - theoretically - an American male wrestler.


It's also why it doesn't have all my Japanese workers.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 2 November 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 14.80)

Rebroadcast on Euro Cable Sports 1 (Rating 0.25)


Held at Maryland Wood (Mid Atlantic)


Attendance: 22,907





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen


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Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins

A very, very technical showcase between these four men; Duane Fry has a great time pointing out the speed and slickness of the various mat exchanges, singling out the people who trained each wrestler for praise and tracing their skills back to those roots.


While the Kings certainly give a great show, aided by Springsteen – her words of encouragement broadcast on headphone mic – the School of Tradition men have been on a roll lately. Eric Tyler lands the Weight of Tradition on Clark Alexander to score the pin.

Eric Tyler & Freddy Huggins defeated the Conquering Kings

Rating: B+



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JaimeQuine.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KateDangerous.jpg

Jaime Quine vs. Kate Dangerous

Hectic stuff here – mostly hard throws and suplexes, with little hesitation and little in the way of mercy. Quine throws hard kicks, too, with Dangerous retaliating by going to the air.


The announce team are getting steadily more excited as Quine kicks out of a superplex – looking at the potential emergence of another top-flight womens' wrestler – before the match is, inevitably, interrupted.



A Strong Arm Tactic fells Kate, causing a DQ, with both women clearly drained.

Kate Dangerous won by DQ

Rating: B+





The crowd voice their displeasure and Alicia hoists Dangerous again, looking for the Angel Driver -



- and smack! Stephanie Wade, abruptly in the ring, connects with a superkick, taking Alicia Strong off her feet and saving Kate Dangerous.


The Generation Omega woman is back on her feet fast, but Wade fires off another three kicks into the torso, then lines up for another superkick – feints -


Alicia bails from the ring. Wade watches her go. Slowly, behind her, Dangerous picks herself up – staring upward at Wade, who turns at length to help her to her feet.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JulianWatson_FIN.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RhinoUmaga.jpg

Julian Watson vs. Rhino Umaga

Watson starts strong, looking to outwrestle Umaga, and it becomes clear quickly that his skill on the mat is greater than that of the Samoan – but the Samoan has strength and to spare.


Despite Julian's attempts to make a mark, Rhino takes over and, from the moment he has the upper hand, the result is never in doubt. A big powerslam finishes.

Rhino Umaga defeated Julian Watson

Rating: B-



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Acid Dragon vs. British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

Speed and tactical skill are both fully in evidence during this match, making it very much a combination of the first two matches – but with more high-flying spectacle courtesy of Acid Dragon. UK Dragon, in particular, seizes the opportunity to showboat, using his knowledge of both members of British Lions to play off them to full effect.


Nonetheless, this doesn't seem to be the team to overcome the current champions. While an Acid Rain Bomb connects with Merle O'Curle, Walter Morgan is able to break up the pin – albeit barely.


A little later, Morgan nearly eats a Dragon Drop, but – like Christian Faith earlier in the week – he slips clear, riding Dragon down to the mat and the Wigan Wrench. Ultimately, the masked Briton taps out – but he and his partner give the champs a run for their money first.

British Lions defeated Acid Dragon

Rating: B+





The caption MOMENTS EARLIER appears on the bottom left of the screen as video footage from backstage appears, very near the entranceway. The New Wave walk with a purpose, slipping brass knuckles onto their hands.





In moments, the Blonde Bombshell is between her clients and the entranceway. They halt, just for a moment, looking oddly at her.


“We do NOT do this,” she says firmly. “We are BETTER than that.”


They simply look at her.


“What you do in the ring, in a match, is your business. Getting you those matches is mine, and you won't take matters into your own hands that way.”


They frown.


“If you want Mayhem Midden to give you a match that isn't biased against you, you don't need to piss him off. We do our fighting where he makes money out of it – and that means he'll give us title shots.”




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Elimination Protocol vs. Texas Outlaws w/ Floyd Bowman

The Protocol really do seem to be warming up to performing on the big stage, but against the sheer experience they face, they're having trouble.


With a good display of back-and-forth early on, they nonetheless get overwhelmed with time, and a Southern Justice to Warren Technique gives RDJ the pinfall.

Texas Outlaws defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B




And then iThink hits. Jack Bruce emerges, Sammy Bach close behind him as the two make their way down to the ring.


“I've got plans for this month,” Bruce begins. “And frankly, Troy, I beat you. I beat you in the ring and in the charts. I'm done, I want my shot at gold, and I don't want you making challenges just to keep me from victory. It's over, get me?


“Seriously – butt out.”



Fury of the Storm begins to play. There's a few moments of consternation from the Darkwave men, but Troy Tornado comes out and halts halfway down the ramp rather than coming in range.


“You challenge for that belt, Jack,” he says. “You go after it with my blessing. You're done with me, and I'm done with you, as far as getting in the ring goes.”


Bruce stares.


“You're giving up?”


“Nope,” he says simply. “This isn't about you, Jack. Thing is... I've spent the last month and a half figuring this out. But it never was.”


Jack Bruce glances across to Bach. “Are you hearing this?”


“Zimmy gave it away,” Tornado continues. “He had this idea to come to TCW, that he got from a co-worker over there where you both were.


“Who whispered in your ear, Jack?


“The same beautiful woman? You ask Randall or the others, they'll swear you're a sucker for a pretty face, always was...


“And that woman is tied to TCW by one man.” He points directly at Sammy Bach.


Tornado grins. “Same guy who teamed up with Wolf Hawkins, sold him two favours that got you where you wanted to be when it was time to face me down. Same guy who got the openings all over the place.


“Same guy you're a lot more likely to take cheap shots when you've been hanging out near... and you aren't the only one. Zimmy was always an honourable wrestler before he came here. You were a real rock star before you came back – you were above the pettiness. You'd see me rock out and all it'd do would be make you want to rock out harder.


“Now, though, you take the short cuts. More important, you go crazy over anyone doing better, anyone you might be in the shadow of.


“That's not how a world champion acts. You and me, we're better than that... but only one of us has been listening to the poison king.


“So Jack, seriously, take on Rockwell, if you get to the front of the queue. Rock his world. Take a title.


“It's you I'm after, Sammy. What d'you have to say for yourself, anyway?”


Bach hesitates, but slowly – oh so slowly – he grins. “No,” he says. “You don't get a confession, you don't get an explanation.


“You want those things... you can try to beat them out of me.”


Tornado grins. “Any time, any place.”


Bruce, his expression troubled, raises the microphone to his lips. “Let's make that right now,” he says. “Troy, you do not mess with the band without messing with me. Bring out a buddy, and we'll dance – because you've got to understand me, sooner or later.”


He seems to falter, there, nervous. “You know what it is to see your friend targeted. You didn't expect me to stand by, did you?”


Even as the Vitamin String Quartet begins to play, Tornado grins. “I hoped you would,” he says. “But I was ready for this, yeah.


“You think about what I said, though, Jack. Think real hard.”



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Jack Bruce & Sammy Bach vs. Sean McFly & Troy Tornado

Raw emotion flows through this whole thing. Darkwave are furious, with Bruce agitated in particular. Tornado seems to be relishing the battle whenever he collides with Bach, and Bruce...


...Bruce is centre stage and loving it.


Ordinarily, this matchup would prompt TCW fans to predict McFly and Tornado the win. But this is no ordinary contest – the sheer fury of Darkwave seems to be an equaliser. Big move after big move comes up, most of them countered.


Out of nowhere, the Adrenaline Shot catches Sean McFly unawares. It wouldn't be enough, but Sammy Bach's pin is accompanied by a hand on the second rope – all the leverage Bach needs to secure the pinfall.

Jack Bruce & Sammy Bach defeated Sean McFly & Troy Tornado

Rating: A


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Jeremy Stone vs. Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

Jeremy Stone looks stoically at Wolf Hawkins as the Generation Omega leader smirks confidently.


Stone moves to the left as the bell rings, obviously looking to circle, but Hawkins instead takes two steps straight toward him and leaps forward into a spinkick; Stone is surprised, but does manage to get his arm up early, blocking at least some of the kick's impact.


Wolf looks to press his advantage with a whirlwind back elbow – but with Stone not as staggered by the kick as Hawkins had hoped, it too is blocked with an experienced hand. A back suplex attempt by Stone is foiled when Wolf twists free; this time, his dropkick connects beautifully.


With Stone down, Hawkins follows up quickly, going for a ground and pound style approach, mounted on Stone as he fires rights and lefts; the older man is clearly rocked by each impact, but he snakes his legs up, grabbing a headlock variant to wrench Hawkins clear. Back to his feet, he stares the younger man down...


...and he grins.


Hawkins closes in again. A lockup is easily won by Stone, twisting clear to apply a headlock; Hawkins looks to get clear, but to no avail – and Stone surprises the announce team, the audience, and his opponent by suddenly surging forth to connect with a bulldog.


Stone moves fast, going not for the Stone Hold or the Stone Ankle Stretch but for something very like a camel clutch, emphasising work on the head this time. Hawkins struggles, then gets his feet braced and powers through, planting Jeremy face-first on the mat as he does so. A jumping elbow drop keeps Jezza down, then Wolf hits the ropes and comes off with a sliding dropkick.


Going to the top rope, Hawkins waits, looking to taunt, and as Stone regains his footing he soars off in a cross body – which Stone catches; he doesn't have the size or the strength not to be knocked over by it, but his command of momentum is such that he can turn into it and plant Hawkins with a belly-to-belly before hitting the mat himself.


A quick cover – one, two – transition to a grounded headlock – the champion rises to his feet, Russian legsweep from Hawkins. A slam follows, and Wolf starts measuring for the Full Moon Rising; Jeremy ducks it, then grabs a Stone's Throw out of nowhere. He covers – ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


Wolf scrambles back to his feet, shaking off the cobwebs, and looks at Stone with new eyes. Stone tries for a lariat; Hawkins ducks it, nails a dropkick. Jeremy comes back off the ropes and Wolf is waiting with an armdrag, then hangs on for an armbar.


Jeremy braces on his shoulders, then rolls back to his knees, easing the pressure on his arm – and instead of rising fully to his feet, he takes Hawkins down with a single-leg, then steps through to begin the Stone Hold!


This time, Hawkins doesn't have a good escape. He tries – he tries pretty hard – but he can't make it to the ropes, nor can he twist free, and in the end, he has to tap.


Jeremy Stone 1 – Wolf Hawkins 0


Wolf spends a few seconds shaking out his legs, making sure they still work, and closes fast. Stone was expecting the lariat and ducks it, but the spinebuster takes him by surprise. Hawkins again ground-and-pounds, but rolls clear before Jeremy can collect himself enough to counter.


As Stone regains his footing, Wolf catches him with a boot to the gut, then a punch to the head. Four chops later, he whips Jeremy into the corner turnbuckles and hits a fast dropkick to the gut.


The pace of the match has completely changed.


Hawkins closes back in, looking for a snap suplex, but Jeremy hooks the leg, blocking it. He promptly shifts position, almost dancing around Wolf, and nails a snap suplex of his own. A quick cover – looking to end this match quickly, decisively – but Wolf kicks out. Spear-style takedown by Wolf.


Hawkins measures again for the Full Moon Rising. This time, he gets it – but he's not satisfied. He drags Stone back to the turnbuckles, then boosts him to the top, climbing up after him. “That solo Spanish Fly?” Fry asks on commentary.


Atop the ropes, Stone rallies. He fires off three chops, then a straight right. With both of them teetering on the edge, Stone gets the upper hand. He doubles Hawkins over, then drags him up for a powerbomb from the top – but with both men in midair, Hawkins manages to gain momentum, turning it an extra half-revolution so that it's Stone who crashes hardest.


Both men collapse apart for a long moment, both of them needing to recover.


Wolf is the first back to his feet, using the ropes to pull himself upright. He glowers at Stone for a long moment.


“There stands a man who knows, even if he wins this fall, he has to do it all over again,” Jasmine Saunders says. The remark hangs there for a few moments, because there's precious little else that needs to be said.


Hawkins makes his decision. He goes to his knees, driving them repeatedly into Stone's back, then drags him to his feet. He sets for the Wolf's Call – nails it! He rolls over to make the cover – ONE, TWO, THREE!


Jeremy Stone 1 – Wolf Hawkins 1


Once again, the two lock up. With honours even, the pace slows down; both men have taken some punishment, and both men are just one fall away from victory – or defeat. Stone tries for a suplex, but gets blocked; Hawkins turns it into a fast neckbreaker.


He measures for the Full Moon Rising, looking to nail it a second time, but Jeremy moves forward as he comes back up to his feet, stepping inside the strike's radius, catching Wolf in a belly-to-belly and immediately looking to transition to the Stone Hold.


Hawkins promptly kicks him off, meeting him as he rebounds with a hip toss – Jeremy lands squarely and tries a hip toss of his own; when that doesn't work, he segues to a hammerlock, then moves out at speed to set up a DDT.


A quick cover sees Wolf get a foot to the ropes to escape. He fires off knees to stagger his opponent and attempts another neckbreaker – countered – suplex attempt – Hawkins twists clear – German suplex by Wolf, bridged – ONE, TWO, THRE- NO!


Stone takes his time getting back to his feet after that, and seems to be holding his head oddly. Hawkins grins broadly – there's blood in the water here.


A lariat opens up his offence, and before Jeremy can get back up, Hawkins is there to slam his head against the mat hard. He drops a knee across the back of Stone's head, then goes down, looking for a crossface hold – he has it locked in – Stone's fighting – Stone rolls onto his back, planting Hawkins' shoulders to the mat – ONE, TWO, THRE- STONE'S TAPPING -E!


The third fall is ruled split by Eugene Williams

Jeremy Stone drew with Wolf Hawkins

Rating: A*




Hawkins leaves the ring alongside Vibert, obviously frustrated, obviously angry. Sitting up after he's left, Jeremy Stone gestures for the microphone, and it's tossed into him. He rises to his feet.


“Hey, Wolf?”


The camera picks up the champion halting in place, halfway through the crowd, though he doesn't turn back to face the man addressing him.


“You have a problem with the boss. We all know that.


“But this month, he's not looking to take your title. Joey Minnesota is. I am.


“Belt on the line, one fall to the finish, and right now, you would not be the champion. And this month, it's one fall to the finish, belt on the line...


“Let me give you some advice, son, one wrestler to another. I've held a belt like that one a whole bunch of times. And I've lost it, a time or two, because I was looking at what came next, not the man in front of me.


“I remember what you said about Tommy when this started. You want to build a legend bigger than his? You don't do that by beating him once. You do it little by little, piece by piece, over your whole career.


“Think about it, son. When I take the title from you – and mark my words, I will hold the World Heavyweight Championship – I don't want anyone to say you didn't bring your A game.”


Show Rating: A

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Sunday 14th November 2009


Expansion is the name of the game at the moment – and this time, I'm not saying that in the context of the company as a whole.


The thing that occasionally leaves me feeling guilty is just how much the last two and a half years' imports have started to eclipse most of the long-term TCW stars. From Sam Keith and the DaVE invasion onward, the old guard have had difficulty staying relevant – with some strong exceptions; Wolf, Aaron, Tommy (obviously), the core Machines, Troy Tornado, and Rick Law.


I'm happy with things like the rebirth of the Texas Outlaws, bringing RDJ back to relevance and helping Pete to reinvent himself. Equally, Giant Tana's doing no worse in today's TCW than he was before I took over the book.


However, there's been a significant dropoff in the fortunes of a number of other competitors – the Young Guns, Chance Fortune, Freddy Huggins, and others.


Over the last three months, we've started an initiative to change that. Using Freddy as its spearhead, the current goal is to add new moves to each of the long-running crew's repertoire.


It's not about these moves being 'as good' as what the newcomers can do. Steve Gumble has a veteran's air already, and whatever he hits will be hit well. But there's been a trend toward the showy in independent wrestling in the past few years, and the result is that there's less flash and flare to the old guard's moves.


I was complaining – alright, I was bitching – about all this, back at home, and as always, Maggie made the breakthrough.


“Do these moves impress people more because they're showy, or because they're new?”


My guess, honestly, is that it's the second. In years to come, Fox Mask's big showy finishes are going to be something everyone knows, just like the Gunslinger's Revenge and the Stroke of Luck.


In the meantime, though, the old guard need a way to keep the fans' interest. We've chosen to help them add more options, more moves, and freshen up what they do – which also serves to reinforce TCW's unspoken branding as a place where the very best wrestlers come; these guys have range, which spices up their matches and pops something new. Someone like Gumble will quite happily make sure that the moves fit.


The boys have been told what they can do to push themselves forward by incorporating these moves, by grabbing the crowd's interest, and one of the forerunners – Freddy – already has the All Action championship as a result.


(And Freddy has it because of Eric Tyler; always angling for more screen time and wins, Eric's got 100% behind the School of Tradition. I'm told that whenever he and two other members have the same day off, he rents a ring nearby and goes into teaching mode. Acid Dragon's matches on house shows run long these days, and they're getting stunning write-ups in the dirtsheets.)

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As we come into the second half of the month, TCW starts to pick the pace up even further. A lot of people are going to be tested this week... and here's how.


In non-title action, the British Lions embark on another match in their quest to close all the holes in their defence. This time, it's against rare competitors - and thus unknown quantities - Julian Watson and Nathan Priest.


Eddie Peak made headlines with nothing more than a new hairstyle recently; the latest Freedom Fighter, however, means business, stepping up to take on Tyson Baine after being informed Generation Omega would refuse matches until he proved himself.


Tag team action continues; the #1 Contenders are the New Wave, and they look to gain momentum with a victory over Tooth & Claw soon enough.


The womens' division gets to strut its stuff next, as the Leading Lights take on Melody and Shiori Jippensha - which should give us a further measure of our potential contenders ahead of their Badge of Honor match.


Adam Matravers of International Air has hopes to be a big name in the future, and he's looking to start that soon. His target is Mikey 'The Dragon' James - a decision that could yet bring the wrath of the Enforcers down Matravers if he's successful.


The semi-main and main events are both scheduled to showcase the top of TCW's tag division, but before that, other contenders get a chance. Here at TCW.com, all we know of Global Tradition's opposition is two things; they both already hold TCW contracts, and they call themselves the American Dojo.


In the semi-main, the Kreed take on the Elite Express, in what can probably be considered more of the Keith family's feud overspilling. Neither team should be taken lightly, however.


And lastly, an old rivalry looks likely to rekindle - the Easy Riders and the Machines will collide in a surefire doozy of a main event.


Prediction Key:

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Julian Watson & Nathan Priest (non-title)


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tooth & Claw


Leading Lights vs. Melody & Shiori Jippensha


Adam Matravers vs. Mikey 'The Dragon' James


Global Tradition vs. American Dojo (???? & ????)


Elite Express vs. Kreed


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Machines

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Julian Watson & Nathan Priest (non-title)


Barely-there thrown togethers knocking off the champs? Yeah no.


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


Eddie's better.


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tooth & Claw


Not gonna happen.


Leading Lights vs. Melody & Shiori Jippensha


One of these teams has had screen time.


Adam Matravers vs. Mikey 'The Dragon' James


Difficult call, but I can't imagine Matravers being that over yet, and James has had at least some exposure.


Global Tradition vs. American Dojo (???? & ????)


Too tired to make a guess, but I feel this is meant as a new team showcase.


Elite Express vs. Kreed


I named them, I am by definition biased.


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Machines


Think I'll go with a good ol' fashioned draw here.

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Julian Watson & Nathan Priest (non-title)

REal team over random jobber pairing.


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine

Peak is doing more.


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tooth & Claw

Tooth & Claw have been jobber so far and I don´t see that changing here.


Leading Lights vs. Melody & Shiori Jippensha

Lights are doing lot more.


Adam Matravers vs. Mikey 'The Dragon' James

Matravers is just a jobber.


Global Tradition vs. American Dojo (???? & ????)

New team could well take the win here but I go other way around and give Global Tradition a rare win.


Elite Express vs. Kreed

Kreed is better team but since this is part of the Keith family feud having Express won here looks like better option to me.


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Machines

No idea what to expect here but when I doubt I go with Machines.

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Isn't Global Tradition...uh...JD Morgan and...






American Dojo is obviously Mikey James and American Patriot. Wait, James is already wrestling...




Fox 'Patriot' Mask and...uh...Hell Monkey?


Hell Monkey and...Frankie Perez? Yeah, he quit GenOme, right?

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Julian Watson & Nathan Priest (non-title)



Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine



New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tooth & Claw



Leading Lights vs. Melody & Shiori Jippensha

One has a push, the other does not.


Adam Matravers vs. Mikey 'The Dragon' James



Global Tradition vs. American Dojo (???? & ????)

No idea who they are - potentially Hell Monkey as one, but I've no idea who the other might be.


Elite Express vs. Kreed

Matterference, perhaps.


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Machines

I hate to see the Riders lose, but I love to see the Machines win even more.

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Julian Watson & Nathan Priest (non-title)


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tooth & Claw


Leading Lights vs. Melody & Shiori Jippensha


Adam Matravers vs. Mikey 'The Dragon' James


Global Tradition vs. American Dojo (???? & ????)


Elite Express vs. Kreed


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Machines

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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Julian Watson & Nathan Priest (non-title)


Poor Whippy. Not that TCW has any place for a clown, but they certainly don't have any place for whatever he's doing here.


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine


I can't imagine a more obviously gatekeeper-y gatekeeper than Baine.


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tooth & Claw


The second of several tag squashes.


Leading Lights vs. Melody & Shiori Jippensha


I like Melody, and Shiori is of course great. But the Lights are getting pushed. The good news: first women's match in a long time without a run-in by Poochie.


Adam Matravers vs. Mikey 'The Dragon' James


Not the biggest name on either side, but I literally cannot see how Matravers could've become over enough to win a mid-show match. (Which is frustrating to me -- I feel like in real life, you'd be able to debut a guy and push him immediately on the strength of some wins. "You don't know him? Well, take a look, he's good, and now you know." But that's how TEW works...)


Global Tradition vs. American Dojo (???? & ????)


I'm also guessing Thunder Snake and Fox Mask -- that's an awesome team, especially if they've got chemistry. And the name makes sense for two of the most Japanese-influenced American workers this side of AmEl.


Elite Express vs. Kreed


Not sure I've ever picked against the Kreed, or ever picked in favor of the Canadian Jacket Men (barring squashes).


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Machines


The semi-main is better.

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Finally, I get to predict! I spent months catching up, so this is all new and exciting to me.



British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Julian Watson & Nathan Priest (non-title)

Sports entertainment says the champs lose non-title, but this isn't sports entertainment, and they're facing jobbers


Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine

Baine jobbed to Fox Mask, he's on the way out


New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tooth & Claw

New manager, new win streak


Leading Lights vs. Melody & Shiori Jippensha

They're hotter, so they're better. Right?


Adam Matravers vs. Mikey 'The Dragon' James

James is getting a semi-push by association of Marlowe


Global Tradition vs. American Dojo (???? & ????)

You don't vote against ?, ??, or ???, and certainly not against ????

Elite Express vs. Kreed

Though I sense a Matt appearance


Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Machines

Going with my gut here

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 3 November 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 15.22)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.19)


Held at the Kettley Arena (Mid South)


Attendance: 20,459




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Sara Silver


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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Julian Watson & Nathan Priest

Technically, this is very, very solid, albeit completely without suspense to the majority of the crowd – and while they try to, neither Watson nor Priest actually break through to the crowd as having a believable 'could get the win' moment.


Still... Nathan Priest, in particular, gets a chance to impress, breaking up a full nelson by flying off the ropes and over Watson to nail O'Curle with a dropkick.


It's O'Curle who ends it nonetheless, and as if in vengeance, he ends it by forcing Priest to tap, the Celtic Wreath locked down tight.

British Lions defeated Julian Watson & Nathan Priest

Rating: B



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Eddie Peak vs. Tyson Baine

A brutal, brutal brawl, but while Baine is still a powerhouse, Peak's domination of the big-man scene is becoming more and more evident.


He deviates from tradition, however, sinking Baine with a thunderous Nemesis Arrow rather than either of his own usual big moves.

Eddie Peak defeated Tyson Baine

Rating: B




Peak raises two fingers to his nose, a small amount of blood staining them, and closes his eyes, inhaling the scent of the blood deeply...



...and all of a sudden, Remo Richardson climbs into the ring. Peak opens his eyes a few moments later, noting the difference in crowd reaction all of a sudden. He stands, the two giants at either end of the ring. Without breaking eye contact, Remo holds out a hand to the side and an aide underhands a microphone into it.


“Not bad,” he allows grudgingly. “But you and me, Eddie, we've gone round once, and it seems like I came out on top.


“You want to join this whole gang coming after Generation Omega, Eddie, you feel free. It don't matter... because you ain't getting a match against me.


“That ship sailed, Eddie. I beat you, and fact is, you don't matter to me no more.


“But you're BFFs now with boss man Cornell, right?” He grins. “You can give him a message for me, then, Eddie.


“Tell him, this month, he gets to matter. For five minutes, tops, before I'm done putting him down.”


Eddie hasn't broken eye contact at all. After a long moment, he returns to licking the blood from his fingers, ostentatiously looking away.




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New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tooth & Claw

Good speed, here, with both sides hurtling around the ring. The Wave are surprisingly hard-put-to-it against Tooth & Claw, though it's very clearly the case that their problem is simply a wave (pardon the pun) of inventive assaults.


Simply put, Tooth & Claw are breaking out moves and tactics they've never been seen using before, a fact Azaria is more than ready to hammer home. At the same time, the New Wave are showing their old, traditional crispness and enthusiasm, building ultimately to the Wave of Mutilation which allows them to put Lobo away for the count of three.

New Wave defeated Tooth & Claw

Rating: B-








Canadian Elemental, seated backstage with a laptop open and what appears to be a teleconference with a Japanese reporter running, flashes up onto the big screen.


“Oh, this is interesting,” Azaria says enthusiastically. “Canadian Elemental there, obviously. We knew he was being interviewed for an issue of GONG Magazine in Japan. It looks like it's going down tonight...”


The lights in Elemental's room flicker, then cut out, save for the big screen. CanEl keeps talking in Japanese, reassuring the interviewer that nothing is wrong. A shadow crosses between the camera and Elemental for a few moments, then again perhaps ten seconds later.


Highly-pixellated, barely-legalised pornography explodes across the screen as the light comes up. The reporter's exclamations indicate that they're visible on both sides of the chat, and CanEl's tone gets both confused and worried, his body language tense.



Edd Stone slowly leans back into shot, behind CanEl's back, and, with a wicked grin, gives the camera the thumbs up before leaving.



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Leading Lights vs. Melody & Shiori Jippensha

It was always going to be the night's bathroom break, and that's reflected in the reactions to a match which, while not at all bad, has to struggle for every erg of fan reaction it receives.


Cuthill is good, and there is a clear sense that Jippensha will be a solid, national-TV-level wrestler as she matures. But she's not quite there yet, and the story in this one is all about the Leading Lights.


They're known for cheating to keep their edge. Here, they have the edge to begin with; on the other hand, they're also cheating, for no particularly good reason given their success rate.


Serena Starr nails Jippensha with a diving DDT to pick up the victory.

Leading Lights defeated Melody & Shiori Jippensha

Rating: C-





In the backstage interview area, Autumn Gleeson always has a bright smile for the camera. “That match combining two of my favourite types of wrestling,” she begins. “Tag team wrestling and womens' wrestling.My guest tonight is involved in neither... but you know what? His talent level's strong enough that I love watching him wrestle anyway.


“He is, of course, the current International Champion, Sean Deeley. Sean, you asked for this time – I want to say, first, congratulations on winning the title earlier this month and, second – what is it you want to talk about?”



Deeley's eyes are downcast as he comes into shot. His finger taps a couple of times against the top of the International Championship belt.


“I guess it's simple enough,” he says. “Look at the people who've held this title. Ricky Dale Johnson. Troy Tornado. Wolf Hawkins. Jack Bruce.


“All people who went on to be the number one champion of a promotion.


“I've held this belt now two weeks. We're two weeks from a pay-per-view, where the belt should be on the line. And so far, nobody's come forward for the stepping stone. For one of TCW's biggest honours.


“I took challenging for this belt seriously, and I absolutely took winning it seriously. It's the first step I've taken toward being a hero for some kid watching wrestling today, the way people like the Stones and Christian Faith and the rest were for me.


“I want to wrestle a man who deserves to challenge for it. I want to be able to look back, five years from now, and say to myself that when I won the International Championship, my time with it lived up to the belt's reputation; great matches, worthy challengers, and honourable victories.


“I guess, if no one steps up by the end of the week, I need to find the right guy.


“But I'd hope that I wouldn't have to do that – because I'm holding a hell of a prize, and everyone out there should want their shot.”



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Adam Matravers vs. Mikey James

A very fast, one might almost say frantic, match – but a hard-hitting one nonetheless; Matravers' recent Japanese stint with INSPIRE comes up several times in Azaria's commentary, and 'the Dragon' Mikey James has been developing a reputation for stiff, painful-looking shots and kicks in his own right.


The star moment of the match comes when Matravers manages, for the first time, to put James on his back after 'The Dragon' has dominated much of the match. He immediately vaults to the top rope, soaring out with the famed Mile High Moonsault – but James is back to his feet, and as Matravers' head is briefly the lowest part of his body, he nails the Scything Side Kick.


'Mile High' crumples to the mat, allowing James to score the pin.

Mikey James defeated Adam Matravers

Rating: B



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Global Tradition vs. American Dojo

Some anticipation from the announce team as to the identities of American Dojo, and when the two come out, they seem surprised – but intrigued. Fox Mask is tentatively redubbed 'American Fox' as he flies around the ring, and the former Thunder Snake... well, Azaria goes straight for John Pathlow as a name.


Global Tradition have a solid all-round game, and this match shows how well they can wrestle – but the new team has fire, and a certain unpredictability – certainly, Fox Mask has never wrestled in this style before, showing a wild super junior flare.


With Morgan eating the Fox Flip Off DDT, Pathlow has room to nail Bryant with something Azaria half-jokingly dubs the First Dan; a volley of kicks followed by an exploder suplex.

American Dojo defeated Global Tradition

Rating: B





The Kreed emerge down the ramp as their music plays, heading for the ring. They seem to be adjusting, now, to the absence of their former manager, and Art Reed makes some unheard remark that causes Greg Keith to smile – but the audience is already baying for blood, as the Elite Express – and Greg's brother Matthew – have appeared on the ramp behind them.


The beatdown is swift and, with the Kings of Wrestling having got the jump on the Kreed, pretty brutal, and when Matthew Keith sends Greg sailing from the ramp into the crowd, it becomes clear things are going to go badly.


They promptly get even worse for Art Reed, who takes the Precision Driller – but he takes it with a jump from the ramp to the outside.



Matthew Keith takes a moment to celebrate – and turns around into a Long Arm of The Law, with Rick Law finally here.



The Elite Express swarm back up onto the ramp. Law is waiting, and a slugfest ensues – and Sam Keith arrives, backing Law up before his son can attack the Total Lawman again.


It's two on three but, without the benefit of an ambush, a much more even brawl – and then Shout At The Devil hits.



Mayhem Midden glares at the five men, frozen on the entry ramp like kids caught fighting by the teacher. He raises his microphone to his lips.


Get in the damn ring.


The crowd, sensing what's happening, start cheering.


“Golden, you come on out here. We promised these people a match, and they're getting one. If Art and Greg aren't in position to fight, the six of you can do it.”


He turns, looking down at the battered, unconscious forms of the Kreed. “And I already called for medical support for these two,” he says. “I'm not going to ask twice. You get here in thirty seconds or you're fired and we find someone new.”


With that, as Rocky Golden and the EMTs emerge, he stalks back into the hidden bowels of the arena.



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Kings of Wrestling vs. Golden Law & Sam Keith

There's something a little awkward about this; it may just be that people haven't appreciated the bait and switch, but the contest really isn't all it could be.


Still, it's good enough; Golden Law play to the fans well, the Elite Express are one of the very best tag teams on the planet, and the Keiths are two simply wonderful talents.


The battle goes back and forth, control changing hands perhaps seven or eight times, before Rocky Golden falls to the Precision Driller – the kind of impact that guarantees a pinfall, if uninterrupted, and with Matthew Keith and Nate Johnson holding back their other opponents, Bobby Thomas collects the all-important pinfall victory.

Kings of Wrestling defeated Golden Law and Sam Keith

Rating: B



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Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch vs. Machines

Fonda and Hill start the contest, circling one another carefully. There's an awkward moment, then Fonda closes, swinging a huge fist. Hill sidesteps, grabbing his arm and looking for a wristlock – not that it helps, with Fonda powering out a heartbeat later.


A running lariat puts the Machine on his back a second later, but he's still moving, back up to his feet with catlike quickness as the two stand off.


Fonda makes another quarter-circle, putting Hill's back to Hopper while Fonda controls his access to his partner's corner. With a slight smirk, Brent instead bails from the ring; the camera catches a moment's irritation on Fonda's face as he turns to face the incoming Anderson – who's coming in with a big missile dropkick.


The Easy Rider staggers three paces backward, but he doesn't fall – and that's a problem for Anderson, as Fonda unleashes a rushing series of kicks. Anderson manages to block maybe half of them, but he still ends up flat on his back, shaking his head to clear it from the impacts.


He's promptly picked up and sent crashing down to earth with a powerbomb before Fonda tags out; the Riders seem willing to use the exit-the-ring strategy when need be, but for two men of their size, it's a little more difficult to use the rule swiftly.


Still, Hopper's a dangerous proposition. Using the five count, the two big men whip Anderson to the ropes and subject him to a double flapjack, leaving the Machine writhing for a long moment – but he slips clear of a bodyslam attempt, dropkicking Hopper into the Machines' corner, where Hill is waiting, perched on the second rope.


Anderson bails as Hill spikes Hopper with a DDT. Brent promptly buries his knee high on Hopper's spine, cupping his haw with both hands and cranking back on it, working the neck.


Hopper reaches out and grabs the ropes, breaking the hold fast; he's on Hill even before Sam Sparrow's finished admonishing him for holding a hair into the count of five, rocking him with a stiff forearm and shooting him off the ropes.


A big boot follows immediately, with Hopper holding his leg out a few seconds longer before converting it into a legdrop. He shifts lazily into a pin, but Hill gets his shoulder up before two, then scrambles clear. A dropkick, then up quickly for another, and a third finally takes Hopper off his feet; Brent bails out of the ring.


Anderson rolls past Hopper before the big man finishes finding his feet, able therefore to surprise him with a German suplex. He holds on, looking for a second before the Easy Rider elbows clear – then levels him with a lariat.


A quick tag brings Fonda back in as Hopper drops Anderson into a backbreaker, with Fonda hitting the far ropes before delivering a legdrop to Anderson while he's suspended over his partner's knee.


Anderson eats a systematic series of stomps up and down his body, before Fonda pulls him up for a huge overhead release suplex, then tags back out. Hopper picks Anderson up, whipping him to the corner, and closes in for bodywork, delivering a volley of punches.


Whipped back across the ring, Anderson crashes into the turnbuckle a fraction of a second before Hopper splashes him, moving at speed. He whips him into the next corner, following in for another – but it's too close to Hill, and he eats a dropkick coming the other way.


Anderson takes the opportunity to bail as Fonda comes in to back up his partner – and Hill promptly backdrops Fonda as he charges, before dropkicking Hopper's knee out to send him crashing down, head smashing against head as the Easy Riders collide.


Just like that, the tables have turned; Brent goes to the top turnbuckle, soaring off in the King of the Hill on Hopper – still the legal man – covers – ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


Hopper holds on to Hill as he regains his feet, delivering a big slam and taking his time about a legdrop – which turns out to be a mistake, as Hill kips up clear while Sparrow's ushering Fonda out of the ring.


Brent looks down at the winded Rider for a moment, gathering his own breath, but he shakes his head, obviously thinking better of the quick pin. Once again, he goes to the top rope – King of the Hill – this time it's Hopper who gets clear of the impact!


Grinning smugly, Hopper picks Brent up and lawn darts him out of the ring, before bringing the still-recovering Anderson in with a big biel toss. He takes a moment to drop a big elbow – cover – ONE, TWO, TH- NO!


Hopper pulls Anderson back up and sets for the powerbomb – Anderson with the Makuda roll counter – ONE, TWO, NO!


The Machine can tell he's under the gun here and he moves fast, caroming off the ropes to bulldog a kneeling Hopper into the mat. In comes Fonda again – Anderson ducks the lariat – German suplex from Anderson on Fonda! He rolls clear – Hopper's up – charge by Anderson – goozle by Hopper to cut that off – Anderson with a series of punches! Anderson breaks free!


AMMO DUMP! Anderson rolls out of the ring! Hill comes off the top – KING OF THE HILL! Cover! ONE, TWO, THREE!

Machines defeated Easy Riders

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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