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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon

It's the safe choice, but this would be one hell of a way to go against the obvious and give the Dragon a chance to shine at the top.


Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law



TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Zoe Ammis

Not a chance in merry hell.


Double J w/ Adrian Garcia vs. the Kreed

The Kreed can put over the ELITE to show how legit they are.


BEST OF SEVEN SERIES - TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins 1 ---- 2 Freddy Huggins

To even things out, then another one each way, then the final match to decide it all.


Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly vs. Joey Minnesota & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

Joey's all well and good, but DuBois? Nah, he's not had a consistent push.

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Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon

Could go either way but I still see Elemental as more of a singles guy so I give him the win.


Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law

Not much question here.


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Zoe Ammis

Ammis haven´t been build enough.


Double J w/ Adrian Garcia vs. the Kreed

Tough one, I go with Kreed winning via DQ.


BEST OF SEVEN SERIES - TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins 1 ---- 2 Freddy Huggins

Deeley ties the series.


Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly vs. Joey Minnesota & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

Another could go either way, I go with draw this time.

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Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon


Probably going too far here, but Dragon is at least as good in the ring -- and does CanEl need overness? You just said yourself AmEl is an opener in the US. If anything, it's okay to knock CanEl down a bit so the tag's not so mismatched. And yeah, I see them as a full-time tag team for the near future... AmEl is the better worker, so it makes more sense to push him up via association and give him the singles run than it does to have CanEl keep running away from him.


Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law


I miss the days when a Rick Law singles push seemed around the corner.


TCW Womens Championship

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Zoe Ammis


Normally I'd say this is going to devolve into Stone/DeColt feud chaos -- but the DeColts don't seem like the type to employ those tactics. Neither do most of the Stones at this point. (I mean, Edd... but interfering with a match isn't Edd's style either.)


Double J w/ Adrian Garcia vs. the Kreed


Via stable shenanigans. Tough luck for Art Reed here, losing to a plotline two shows in a row.


BEST OF SEVEN SERIES - TCW International Championship

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins 1 ---- 2 Freddy Huggins


To raise the drama of matches 5-7. Well, I guess just match 5. Still.


Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly vs. Joey Minnesota & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

Stone and McFly are legit top-billing guys. You could argue that Joey and Marc are within weeks of being no. 4 and 5 in their own stable. (Depending on where you see Remo.) If they have anything going on, it's by association with Gen-O, not because of anything they're doing individually. DWN over McFly was enough... Canada gets one back here.

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Hey, guys.


The hard-working volunteers who run the Diary of the Month contests are trying something new this month, and it's a big something new; five whole additional categories.


(Storyline of the Month; Character of the Month; Match of the Month, Angle of the Month, Gimmick Match Of The Month)


You have to run past a page of debate on this, some of it mine, before you get to any nominations.


I'm asking you guys to reward their hard work and get out there and nominate - WHOEVER you feel deserves a nod. As always, I'm asking that you support the diary community as a whole rather than begging votes for myself.


Let's make this happen!

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Wolf Hawkins getting injured? *crosses fingers*


You know how I've already rewritten the final month and a half of this diary to incorporate the buyout, and how Horatio mentions risking Aaron on the crazy bump in the main event of the last PPV despite plans?


Wolf getting injured would probably suck for me, but it wouldn't make me do anything I'm not comfortable doing.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 1 January 2010


Live on CBA (Rating 14.78)

Rebroadcast on Euro Cable Sports 1 (Rating 0.84)


Held at the Kamloops Royal Athletic Park (British Columbia)


Attendance: 11,663





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen


The show package has rolled, the pyro is dying away, and Fury of the Storm begins to play. As the crowd seem surprised that Troy Tornado's apparent self-imposed vanishing act has now fully blown over – returning to talk as well as to wrestle – the music flickers slightly, and it becomes apparent someone's mashed up Tornado's theme with Jack Bruce's iThink.



Both men emerge, heading to the ring together. Bruce collects a microphone, rolling into the rign and raising the mic to his lips.


“It's SHOWTIME!” he calls proudly.


The two men high-five, Troy circling the ring as Bruce goes on.


“I need to tell you guys a story. It's a true story. It happened to me... and it started maybe two years ago.” He looks around. “And already I can see some of you thinking, wait a minute, what the hell – I've only been back a year.


“And that's right. But wrestlers mingle, man. We mingle. And I used to hang out a lot with a girl – you've seen her on TV, mind of an asshole, face of an angel, body of freakin' Aphrodite – who has way-back relationships through wrestling.


“A guy I used to wrestle a lot over there – I can't say his name, or hers, the suits tell me, but you know who SHE is and you can maybe guess who HE is if you've been watching long enough – warned me. We had knock-down drag-out fights and I won more than him, WAY more than him, but he still warned me. He said she's poison, he said she's out for number one, and no matter how I'm doing in the charts I'm not gonna be her number one.


“He told me her number one was over here. And I – hell, I knew she was seeing someone. I don't go where I'm not invited, and there was plenty of girls around. But she was fun to be around – so I hung out with her.


“Little by little that meant hanging out with her boyfriend. And he's a persuasive kind of a guy. He persuaded me to come back here, for a start. He got me the contract.


“And he had a real problem with the man there.” He points at Tornado.


“I guess I was easy to sucker in to hating him, too. I mean, he'd pretty much replaced me here, and how he was champion here and more people were talking about his title reign than mine.


“So back I came and to war we went. And Sammy was always there, always with suggestions, tricks... short cuts. And he could make them sound like a good thing. When he said we needed backup, it was him who suggested the band – he found them. It felt like my idea... but it wasn't.


“Last weekend was the first time I spent more than a couple days not talking to him in something like a year and a half. I was stuck in a room – with a DVD player and a stack of my matches, everything I'd done before I came back to TCW.


“It put things in perspective. We're here now for two things.


“First off, Sammy – you and Zimmy have gotten to the point where you're practically brothers, and I owe you big time, and so does Troy. Malice in Wonderland, tag team action, we're going to settle this.


“The more I think about this... I lost a year and a half to your crap. I need to take my life back. I need to move on. And that means pinning your shoulders to the mat. Leaving you in the past. Getting ready for the next tour.


“So this is happening. I'm not asking you. I'm not even challenging you. I'm telling you.”


He passes the microphone to Troy, who takes it with a nod. “This here's the other thing. Tommy, you ain't the only ones sick of Generation Omega. Last month, in that ladder match, if Phil Vibert hadn't been there, I would've become champion again... and that.










“We've pooled our resources. We can offer you another ten million. My math is right, you just need ten more – so good luck with that.


“Peace out.”





http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CanadianElemental.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/UKDragon.jpg

Canadian Elemental vs. UK Dragon

An excellent aerial display between these two men, while on commentary Fry hypes up how much that improves the winner of this match's chances at winning the Shot at the Top ladder match.



This one could go either way, and it does seem like UK Dragon might get it. He nails a death valley driver, then goes to the top rope for a 450 splash. It seems like the match is won – but the ref isn't concentrating, because Dan DaLay is ringside!



Eugene Williams tries to eject DaLay – and Jacob Jett drags UK Dragon off the cover! Jett Take-Off! He powerbombs Elemental onto the prone Dragon!


ELITE bail, and Williams turns around - to count the pinfall victory for Canadian Elemental.

Canadian Elemental defeated UK Dragon

Rating: B




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KirkJameson.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WarrenTechnique.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RockyGolden_PS2.jpg

Elimination Protocol vs. Golden Law

A great match here, with the Protocol starting to show how easily they could transition into tag team dominance. By now they're starting to develop double-team moves and quick-tag tactics.


When Rocky Golden crashes to the mat off a Warren Technique drop toe-hold, for example, he holds on to the hold on hands and knees – and Jameson uses his partner as a step-up to deliver a running elbow drop to the back of Golden's head.


There comes a time, however, when the Protocol can't quite put their opponents away, and the sheer strength of Golden Law naturally begins to take its toll; Golden's twisting overhead powerslam knocks Technique silly.


From there, it's a simple enough matter for Rick Law to land the Long Arm of the Law and pin Technique for the win.

Golden Law defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B+





Law is already rolling out of the ring as the victory announcement is made. He collects his microphone, shoots imaginary cuffs, and turns to the ring with a smile.


“What's up, Kirk? Warren? Was something missing?” A wider grin as the pair, realising what's happened, glare at him.


“Yeah... we noticed you'd gotten the Enforcers involved a time or two. So tonight we outbid you.


“You need to learn to win on your own merits. Believe me, you're now under surveillance by the Law.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeriLynnStone.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZoeAmmis_jhd-2.jpg

JeriLynn Stone © vs. Zoe Ammis

Zoe Ammis has pretty close to no fanbase whatsoever, but she can put up a heck of a fight, and while few of the fans stick around for this match, those that do seem to enjoy it.


Ammis leads in the early going, putting on some very DeColt attitudes and almost connecting with the straitjacket backbreaker she calls the Double Cross – but JeriLynn counters free, sets her sights, and runs rampant, eventually connecting with the From Canada With Love to make the pin.

JeriLynn Stone defeated Zoe Ammis

Rating: C





Halestorm's Tell Me Where It Hurts begins to play again as clips of Matthew Keith and Greg Keith's very different years begin to play, culminating in Matthew's defeat of every other member of his former stable, leading up toward the collision they're due to have at Malice in Wonderland.


It cuts out to a title card:








http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeSexy_alt1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnMaverick-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AdrianGarcia.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge-1.jpg

Double J w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Kreed

This thing starts hot and gets hotter. The Kreed are ready for Double J, but Double J are a powerful tag team. Joe has a size advantage on his opponents, applying leverage and power to the problem, while Keith and Maverick try to out-submission one another in a remarkable effort and Art Reed demonstrates his astonishing athleticism.


There's a fair amount of debate among the announce team, even after the replay, whether the Joe Money punch that lays out Ray Johnson is intended for the ref or for the fast-moving Reed. Regardless, it seems inevitable.



Eddie Chandler and Matthew Keith both take immediate advantage, as does Dan DaLay. Matt targets his brother, and that leaves Art Reed trying to duck DaLay and eliminate the first man to qualify for the Shot At the Top, Eddie Chandler.



It's an impossible situation, but they don't have to endure for long. Rhino Umaga arrives fast; Golden Law are a hair behind him.



At that point, with forces even, the battle continues. But Christian Faith arrives moments later, going one on one with DaLay, the two powerhouses unleashing hard punches on one another.


Somewhere in the brawl Johnson revives – and naturally, the match is thrown out.

Double J versus the Kreed was ruled a no contest

Rating: A





As the zebra herd arrives with further security to divide the sides, Christian Faith uses his incredible reputation to be left behind whie everyone else is ushered from the ring. He calls for a microphone and one is passed to him swiftly.


He circles the ring a little while the crowd noise subsides and the remainder of the melee is cleared away, then lifts the microphone to his mouth again.


“Two points of business,” he begins. “Which I guess is a theme, today.


“ELITE, listen up. You make out like you're untouchable, but no gang ever has been. You're tough, you're cunning, you're dangerous. I came here to be part of the Texas Outlaws. There were four of us, three weeks ago. Now... there's me and Floyd.


“I'm not going to pretend like Pete, Ricky and me have been buddies for decades. We met last year. But I knew they had my back. I knew I could drink a beer with them. I knew they were worth respect, worth my time, worth the name Outlaw – and believe me, I've been in this business, been in this sport long enough to know what the Outlaw name is worth.


“They had my back, and I hoped to have yours, but you came for them when I wasn't in the arena. And it falls to me to look for payback.


“So I will be – and believe me, I know how to deal with gangs. I know what it means to face off with bullies.


“Second... Generation Omega. This isn't personal the way my issue with ELITE is. But it's pretty personal, because my partner, my ally, my brother Outlaw, he had enough of a problem with you he dug down deep, dug up his savings, and he gave them to Tommy Cornell, gave them to his rival and his ally, to fight you.


“And with that came a responsibility to step up and face you. Well, Ricky is out at the moment, we ain't sure how long for. But Ricky's out – and that spot still needs to be faced.


“Pick me a man to fight. I'll put him flat on his back and count three for my brother Outlaw at Malice in Wonderland.


“How do I know this? Same way I know TCW has men who'll stand up and fight alongside me against ELITE. I know this, see, because...”


He raises the microphone, and the crowd answer for him in a roar.






http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FreddyHuggins.jpg

Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins 1 --- 2 Freddy Huggins

Another good, strong match in these two's series.


This is already moving into 'greatest hits' territory when it comes to its structure relative to the earlier matches; Deeley and Huggins are getting to know one another's moves comfortably, but the variations and spins on them they're trying are getting more and more creative.


It takes a good ten minutes before the first chinks in the armour begin to show. Deeley has shifted tactics slightly this match; he's entirely focused on setting up for the Front Choke Lock, one of his most deadly holds. And that does leave Freddy a little more limber around the knees than last time...


...which doesn't seem, initially, to matter, as Sean ducks the Huggins Kiss first time around...


...but the second time, Freddy connects, making sure of it and making sure of his third victory!

Freddy Huggins defeated Sean Deeley

Rating: A




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SeanMcFly.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MarcDuBois-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly vs. Joey Minnesota & Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

Stone starts this one out for his side, flexing before the match, testing himself – and incidentally showing that he's still as fit as he ever has been. Minnesota is his opponent to begin with; they circle a couple of times, cautiously, then lock up.


Joey shifts to a go-behind quickly but Jeremy is just as fast, stooping slightly to pick up the leg and send Joey to the mat. An immediate transition is attempted to a stepover toehold facelock, but Joey twists clear, never allowing the hold to lock in and eventually kicking himself free of it, meeting Stone on the rebound with a big overhead hip toss.


Jeremy rolls neatly to a standing position to a certain amount of support from the audience, turns, and faces Joey with a slight smile on his face, beckoning him on.


Joey smirks, takes three steps toward him – and then dives past him, out of the ropes. Jeremy turns in confusion – and meets Marc DuBois, the master of mind games, coming the other way with slingshot double-knees.


DuBois kips up with a broad smirk. He stomps down on Stone, then pulls the veteran up, looking for a suplex – or seeming to; instead, he drives a knee into Jeremy's midsection, shifting to a DDT just seconds later. He covers early, but Stone is out before one, rolling clear to his feet.


DuBois is still grinning, and Stone, with a light shrug, tags out.


Sean McFly comes in quick, and DuBois bails. “I guess sometimes you bait and switch, and sometimes it isn't worth it,” Fry snarks.


Joey Minnesota doesn't quite blindside McFly, though; the American Tiger's instincts are a little too sharp for that, and he's already turning as Phil Vibert's picked man comes in. Sean nails a boot to the gut, but on its own, that's not enough; Joey drives a forearm into his jaw, slips behind, and nails a Russian legsweep to take them both down.


He immediately looks to transition to the Minnesota Cloverleaf; it's not a hold one can easily kick off but Sean displays power and agility, popping his hips and sending Joey flipping through the air. Minnesota demonstrates his own ability, twisting to land on his feet. He braces for a bare half-second before dropkicking Sean in the face.


Generation Omega are holding their own; Joey pulls Sean back up, keeping him in a front facelock, controlling his positioning, then abruptly shoves the American Tiger backward.


McFly crashes spine-first into the knees of DuBois, who's perched on the turnbuckle – and who immediately nails a bulldog as Minnesota exits the ring.


DuBois rolls Sean over into the old standby of the Dubious DuBois pin – ONE, TWO, TH- NO! Marc shifts fast, looking for the Model Solution – but it's not happening! Sean counters – DELOREAN DRIVER – NO! DuBois fights free! Neckbreaker by DuBois! Another Model Solution attempt, and Sean McFly kicks loose.


Sean gets a smooth running lariat in response, then exits the ring once again. In comes Jeremy Stone, cracking his knuckles with enthusiasm. He closes fast and DuBois backs off – and backs off – and backs off – and then abruptly unleashes a superkick. The thing is, it's a trick that's been done before, and Stone does his homework. He catches DuBois' foot, spins him around, steps in closer and hits a beautiful German suplex – Bridged! ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


Undaunted, Jeremy holds on, rolls up, and nails another, keeping the bridge. ONE, TWO, THR- NO!


Stone pulls it out again – ONE, TWO, THRE-


It seems that Joey Minnesota has finally relented. Coming into the ring, he breaks the bridge by the simple expedient of kicking Stone's legs out from under him. Marc's exit seems to have a grateful edge to it; Minnesota, however, starts off by stomping the hell out of Jeremy's midsection. Dragging him up, he hits a spinebuster, then up again, scooping Stone onto his shoulders, looking for it – he gets it! The EMPIRE SPIRAL! Cover! ONE, TWO -


Sean McFly breaks it up in his turn. Both of these teams are clearly willing to rescue their partners, the House of Stone perhaps a little more swiftly. As Jeremy exits the ring, McFly unleashes a volley of chops – a whip to the ropes – a beautiful, crisp dropkick! The American Tiger has control!


Joey counters the next chop rush with punches and the two trade blows for a second before Minnesota judo flips McFly over into the turnbuckles with a tremendous impact; Sean crashes down onto his head, and Joey promptly nails a second Empire Spiral!


McFly looks out of it, but Jeremy Stone is halfway into the ring for the rescue already-



DuBois gets his attention, pointing out beyond the ring. Davis Wayne Newton is near the ring and Stone turns to watch for his attack. In the background, Minnesota rolls up McFly – handful of tights – ONE, TWO, THREE!

Joey Minnesota & Marc DuBois defeated Jeremy Stone & Sean McFly

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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Sunday 7th January 2010]


Well, things seem to be going well at the moment. Had to adjust match number plans upward slightly, as while Burning Hammer weren't prepared to loan us Duane, his contract with them is coming up.



The Black Cobra: On his way back to North America at last?


And I'll admit that ELITE's position still looks rather a lot like an afterthought. I can do something to correct that by having them be integral to the build – see the Shot at the Top angle – and by fitting them in elsewhere, but the big consolidation of their position will have to wait.


But all this is traditional just-before-the-big-event jitters.


I go into most months with a good idea of one, maybe two, of the main matches on the PPV. If I've got ongoing PPV series, I know more. Even then, I haven't chosen the outcome of those matches yet. I know what I want to happen, usually at least, but there's always the question of performance over the month.


Malice isn't like that. From the moment Jack Bruce's contract came free over a year ago, the plan was to get to him allied with Troy at this Malice. I didn't know who against yet; after the Bruce/Troy feud started to flounder, a lot of the inspiration came from Sammy, who pitched the manipulator idea out of whole cloth to explain away his brief for-favors alliance with Wolf in 2008.



The seeds are sewn; Wolf Hawkins looks on with suspicion as Cornell courts Aaron Andrews


The plan was always for Wolf and Tommy here; early on we weren't sure how to approach this or even who to turn – notes from one of the booking meetings this time last year discuss a heel faction led by RDJ, Remo and Tommy, with Wolf, Rick Law, and Frankie Perez as the likely top defenders against them. Instead, Generation Omega fit perfectly when we looked at available talent and potential turns. Once Generation Omega happened, the road was set; Tommy would feud with other folks, we'd keep interest alive with promos, and Wolf would spend the championship reign proving himself with a number of victories over major players.


A longer shot was the Keiths. You can see the seeds of it coming up as far back as March, when Matthew was 'injured', bringing Art Reed in. But at the time, that was purely a way to keep from having to decide a Keith Brothers/Easy Riders feud, with the intent of helping the Riders thus become perennial threats whenever a Keith faced them – tag teamers who could function as championship challengers in the right circumstances.




Long shot: Art Reed in 2008 had the backstage nickname of 'the failed gamble'. PWA would vote him their 2009 Wrestler of the year.


My plan was to restore the Keiths after a couple of months and move Art on to win the All Action Championship. After his 2008, that seemed about his level. The match with the British Lions changed everything. The Kreed became a permanent fixture – they'll probably have another title reign before too long – and that meant Matt feuding over it, which turned him heel, and after a run of stellar TV matches around those turns, the decision was made not to have him join Generation Omega but keep him separate. And when he kept generating heat, the path was set for Matt and Greg to collide at Malice.


Those feuds have been the guidelines of my year. Knowing what I would have to both make happen and make people keen to see at the end has given the year structure. And everything else has come from watching the fans. Who'd have thought, in January 2009, that Art Reed would be one of our biggest players?


Things will change. But I thought I'd take this opportunity to sketch out where I CURRENTLY see Malice 2011 going, in the main part.


One of our top feuds will be over the tag team titles. I aim to have them main event one of the nights, assuming double-header numbers are good enough that we continue with it. Currently pencilled in for that main event is the Machines against defending champions Elimination Protocol.


Tommy Cornell and Wolf Hawkins will be reconciled, to some degree. Alongside Aaron and Eddie Peak, they'll be facing off against Eddie Chandler, Maverick, Joe Money and Jacob Jett – or some ELITE combination, but that's the one I see coming.



Rage in the cage: The DeColts give Edd Stone a Welcome To DeColt Country at The War To Settle The Score 2011


The world championship picture is a bit sketchier, but at present I suspect it'll be Joey Minnesota, who will have dethroned Jeremy Stone two months before. The match will involve Steve DeColt trying to outdo Jeremy (which itself will be part of a Cage Wars build to War to Settle the Score) by winning the title, but with a third factor – which if we do go with Davis winning the Ticket to the Top, will be the final part of his promise, cashing in a year later at Malice.


Other than Joey and Davis, Generation Omega will be on the card wreaking havoc in various positions; I want to see if Remo can make the Hard-Hitting Championship mean something serious over the year, and somewhere along the year Gen Om will pick up a new addition, likely Matthew Keith – who will get HIS big Malice win when he drives his father to put his career on the line. (Sam will likely then take Mayhem's role, as Mayhem is due retirement sometime soon. If not that, Eric Tyler will step up as a heel.)



Triumph in 2010: The Three Amigos hoist the Three Kings Trophy aloft after defeating the Fighting Samoans, the Kings of Wrestling, and ultimately the Texas Outlaws in the final)


Elsewhere, I see Rick Law picking up the 2011 Ticket to the Top – that boy needs the championship sometime soon, and 2011 would be a good year for him to finally shine, especially after a 2010 Three Kings victory – and our last meeting notes have pencilled in “Jack DeColt w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. JeriLynn Stone w/ Ricky DeColt – Love Him or Leave Him Match”. It looks like RDJ's handwriting, so I won't speculate too far on that one.

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I assume (or can't remember you saying) that Tornado went on vacation for awhile?




And I used to hang out a lot with a girl – you've seen her on TV, mind of an asshole, face of an angel, body of freakin' Aphrodite


Before I realized he was talking about Bach and Chase (duh I'm a moron), I thought this was Queen Emily. Or Jessie, because she's canon-hot. And because then Angry Gilmore would debut, squashing The Bruce Storm.


Wait a second, Bruce is talking. And he wasn't wrestling Bach (again, duh, Bach is here, he's the boyfriend). So that's...Rich Money? Huh...or Eric Eisen, but lolEisen.




Ricky doesn't know why ELITE want a Canadian in the Shot at the Top match? Lolricky




Zoe Ammis is hotter than JeriLynn.




Somewhere in the brawl Johnson revives – and naturally, the match is thrown out.


Yay continuity!




I hate Huggins #signI'llholdatMalice

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Wait a second, Bruce is talking. And he wasn't wrestling Bach (again, duh, Bach is here, he's the boyfriend). So that's...Rich Money? Huh...or Eric Eisen, but lolEisen.


The hilarity here is that you finally missed an Angry Gilmore reference that actually existed.


(For the root of Angry's issues with Emma Chase, consult the final stages of PPPW: Dangerous Dreams, continuity-fans!)


Bear in mind that this is early 2010. The Man Under Pressure storyline wouls only just have wrapped up, and would have somehow started a year after Bruce left.


As for what Ricky was puzzled about, he actually spelled it out in the next paragraph from the one you laughed at. In fact, that was most of the sentence.

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What a show we've got lined up for you! The TCW wrestlers are all jockeying for leverage and position aiming to appear at Malice in Wonderland - and earn that prestige.


In the opening tag match, Jack Marlowe's underlings the Bulldozer and the Dragon unite against a pair of expert luchadores - the stunning team of El Leon and Ultimate Phoenix. Which will win out - power or grace?


Frankie Perez will provide a warm welcome next to the latest addition to the TCW roster - an unknown, but an unknown tied to a powerful legacy. They call him the Masked Patriot.


The tag action continues with two low-level teams next; Elemental Energy unite against Elimination Protocol in what's sure to be an excellent bout.


Danny Fonzarelli's lobbying has earned him another shot on the show - but this one will be a tough one; he faces ELITE's Giant among Giants, Dan DaLay, a man thus far undefeated in TCW.


More tag team action to follow; International champion Sean Deeley teams up with CGC Canadian Champion Ryan Powell against Floyd Goldworthy's ever-improving Fly Boys. With the pride of their belts on the line, can they pull something special out of the bag?



The semi-main event sees a qualifying match for the Shot at the Top - and it's an indie dream come round again, as Acid of the School of Tradition will face off against former Bombshell's Boy Art Reed. Who'll make it through for the chance at a World Heavyweight Championship match in the coming year?


In the main event there'll be six-man tag action, as the Kings of Wrestling take on Sam Keith and unlikely allies the British Lions. This one should be, as Duane's fond of informing us, a barnstormer. Let's see if he's right...


Prediction Key:

The Bulldozer & the Dragon vs. El Leon & Ultimate Phoenix


Frankie Perez vs. Masked Patriot


Elemental Energy vs. Elimination Protocol


Dan DaLay w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Danny Fonzarelli


Fly Boyd w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Ryan Powell & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Shot at the Top qualifier

Acid vs. Art Reed


Kings of Wrestling vs. Sam Keith & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

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The Bulldozer & the Dragon vs. El Leon & Ultimate Phoenix

Doing more.


Frankie Perez vs. Masked Patriot

Perez is too established guy to lose against newcomer.


Elemental Energy vs. Elimination Protocol

If you plan Protocol to be your tag champs at Malice 2011 then they need to start picking wins sooner or later and this looks like a good spot to start.


Dan DaLay w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Danny Fonzarelli

I´m surprised that Danny is still in the company and I would be lot more surprised if he would win here.


Fly Boyd w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Ryan Powell & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Deeley seems like big enough name to overcome Fly Boys tag team experience.


Shot at the Top qualifier

Acid vs. Art Reed

Reed is doing way more.


Kings of Wrestling vs. Sam Keith & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

Matthew is kept strong.

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The Bulldozer & the Dragon vs. El Leon & Ultimate Phoenix



Frankie Perez vs. Masked Patriot



Elemental Energy vs. Elimination Protocol



Dan DaLay w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Danny Fonzarelli



Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Ryan Powell & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins



Shot at the Top qualifier

Acid vs. Art Reed

Less of a jobber, but still.


Kings of Wrestling vs. Sam Keith & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

Betting against Matt Keith isn't a great idea.

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Hey, guys.


Despite disruptions, the DOTM is back up and running this month. There's 24 hours left to get nominations in if anyone wants to - we've got a lot of crowded fields so far, but it's always good to get as many in as possible. Consider this a last call from me after the chaos the thread descended into earlier.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 2 January 2010


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 16.93)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.53)


Held at Maryland Wood (Mid Atlantic)


Attendance: 23,572




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Sara Silver


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BulldozerBrandonSmith_alt3.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MikeyJames.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ElLeon.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/UltimatePhoenix.jpg

The Bulldozer & the Dragon vs. El Leon & Ultimate Phoenix

A great opening display from the luchadores. They know they're up against a power advantage and it's clear that they don't want to allow the two Enforcers the chance to leverage what they can do – but sooner or later, a gambit like that shows cracks.


It's Mikey James who opens the first crack, kicking Ultimate Phoenix out of the air. And with that, the tables turn fast as both of Marlowe's men unite in a whirl of destruction. Once the luchadores are grounded, they can fight back – there's an excellent example of a crucifix submission from El Leon – but they will be worn down over time, and indeed they are.


Brandon Smith finishes this one by dumping El Leon via Inverted Piledriver, picking up the win very shortly after.

The Bulldozer & the Dragon defeated El Leon & Ultimate Phoenix

Rating: B




We Will Rock You fills the arena, and the big screen comes to life with a shot in the DeColt Powerhouse.



Steve DeColt lifts a hugely muscled, blatantly steroidal bald giant onto his shoulders and Alex DeColt flies off the turnbuckle from behind him, hitting the massive double-team neckbreaker known to hundreds of thousands of Canadian fans as the Doomsday DeColt.


Steve rises from a kneeling position, turns to the camera, and fires off two 'guns' of his fingers. “Malice in Wonderland,” he says. “and these are the moves that will end the argument. These are the moves that will make! The World! DeCOLT COUNTRY!”


Another unlucky wrestler – looking a lot like former SWF prospect Brendan Idol – eats Ricky DeColt's precision Rickyrana – the Frankensteiner straight into a pin. Rising up immediately, Ricky catches Dazzling Dave Diamond with the DeColt 45, before rolling out of the ring.


The bald giant is back up, but waiting for him is Alex DeColt – who scoops him up to nail the



Jack promptly rolls into the ring to lock in the crossface armbreaker known as the End of Days – for how long Jack claims he can keep another wrestler locked into it if need be.


The gargantuan wrestler taps, and for an encore Steve and Alex scoop him up, delivering a dual powerbomb – with Ricky flying in at the last moment to add a lungblower in the famed Welcome To DeColt Country.









The music changes, and over the tones of George Michael's Flawless we see the scene shift. Kashmir Singh is working out in a stainless steel, high-tech gym, while Zeus spells him. After a few moments, he rests the barbells again, nodding. “How much was that?” he asks.


“Three fifty,” a petite young blonde says, stepping into shot and offering Singh a silver tray with a sports bottle on it. Kashmir takes the bottle and drinks from it, replacing it. “Alright,” he nods. “Compensating for the struggling that a wrestler tends to do, that still leaves me press slamming anyone who might try for the All Action Championship.”


Another nod. “We'll work up from there. For now, it's time to make my challenge.”


Zeus nods. “I'll give Pathlow a working over,” he says. Singh laughs, but shakes his head.


“Thank you, Zeus, but no – the Board's Representative is getting annoyed with that strategy.” He turns to the big man and lifts him above his head in a press, clearly exerting himself but equally clearly comfortable with that. He glances at the camera. “You boys can go now,” he says. “Paige, take a letter-”


The video feed fades out.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez-1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MaskedPatriot.jpg

Frankie Perez vs. Masked Patriot

This is, Azaria points out, the first ever professional match for the man under that mask. The announce team make a deal out of how many have worn the mask by indulging in some confusion regarding how many that actually is.


They finally settle on “between eighteen and twenty-three,” by which stage the match has started in earnest.


And they have to admit that... this is not a bad wrestler. This man perhaps deserves the identity he's assumed, the legacy he's been gifted.


He staggers Frankie early, taking the fight to him with big shoulderblocks and biels derivbed from surprising strength. Along the way he even tries for the famed and feared Patriot Slam – but Perez rakes the eyes, slips out, and starts to turn the tables. His first couple of tries don't keep the Patriot pinned for three, but a brutal hook kick makes it in the end.

Frankie Perez defeated the Masked Patriot

Rating: B





Autumn Gleeson flashes her smile at the cameras. “Good evening, all,” she begins. “With me tonight is a man I don't usually have much cause to interview. He is a contracted TCW wrestler, but he doesn't often wrestle – in fact, the two men aligned with him who wrestle as a tag team take to the ring much more often.


“He has no TCW titles to his credit, but he holds one of the more unusual – and potentially powerful – responsibilities within the company, as the man who each week exercises the right to select the Badge of Honor main event.


“Usually, his decisions in this made made entirely for financial gain. He has also hired out himself and his associates for anyone who wishes to employ violence in accomplishing their goals, and there is some speculation that since making that decision he may have started to make more money per month than any TCW wrestler except for the reigning World Heavyweight Champion.


“He is, of course, the Enforcer, Jack Marlowe.”




Marlowe nods. “Yeah, I think that's all true.”


Gleeson grins slightly. “Jack – there's been some speculation regarding the Elimination Protocol-Golden Law match this past Saturday. Rick Law made some comments, and it's certainly true that you and your allies have interfered on both of Elimination Protocol's registered victories to date, so-”


Marlowe holds up a hand to interrupt. “Rick Law paid extra Saturday for us not to interfere. Now if someone wants to pay me to sit tight and do nothing, I'll take the money.


“Law's also said he's watching the Protocol. Until that dies down, I'm raising prices for the Protocol. Which they haven't paid today; but believe me, the Enforcers are still open for business, and we WILL take on Rick Law – but if we know we're gonna have to, we'll jack up the price. This ain't rocket science.”




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Elemental Energy vs. Elimination Protocol

A burst of energy early on sets the tone for this whole match. The Elementals combine well, though without quite the synchronisation the Protocol are beginning to develop.


It's another match where the announcers are concentrating on the idea of a legacy, the idea of a mask as not an identity but a gift; assuming the mask of a previous wrestler is a way for that previous wrestler to approve, to mark the newcomer as one to watch.


Getting into that history leads quickly – with Azaria's usual faintly obsessive breadth of knowledge – to a comparison of the moves and holds the Elementals use as related to the original Elemental in Japan. It's a quick and easy way to make Elemental Energy out as big deals – and the fact the Protocol hold their own against them then stands as its own testimony to that team's potential, although in time Canadian Elemental gets an opening.


He crashes down squarely on Warren Technique with the Phoenix Firebird Splash.

Elemental Energy defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B-





Enough Is Never Enough starts playing and the Leading Lights strut down to the ring. Snatching a microphone from the ring announcer, Cox turns to face the entrance, shifts hips to one side, one hand bunched into a fist to rest on that hip, fixes the entryway with her trademark pout, and lifts the mic to her lips.


“JeriLynn, if you're back there, girl, take five seconds to shuck on a coat so we don't have to waste time on what's wrong with your outfit and get out here, wouldya?”



There's a pause, but after a few moments JeriLynn emerges, wearing baggy combats and a 'Talent Works Hard' House of Stone belly top. She has, however, clearly taken five seconds to fasten her Womens Championship around her belt. A mic rests in one hand; she folds her arms, waiting.


“OK, then,” Michelle shrugs. “I mean, we've got a problem here, but it's not that bad. You could work with that, maybe... I mean, it doesn't help that...” She trails off. “Look, whatever. The belt is the important part of that ensemble and, sorry, honey, but it's just... it's just not you. At all.”


“Ever.” Starr supplements with a smirk.


Stone smiles slightly in response. “I'm still standing,” she says, and pauses as the crowd sounds its approval. She looks around, savouring the support of over twenty thousand fans, as womens' wrestling continues to grow in mainstream popularity. “Now, as far as-”


Starr theatrically holds up one hand, and JeriLynn halts, somewhat amused.


“You haven't beaten us,” Cox continues. “In fact, one of us has beaten you – and that belt is only round your waist because of some dumb rule about the way you gotta beat someone.


“At Malice in Wonderland, we are going to be the champion...”


“...and the champion's BFF.”


“And we're going to be that way because we don't care which way round that is. We make winning look good.”


JeriLynn sighs, and shakes her head. “You two done?”


“For the moment.”


“Alright,” JeriLynn continues. “Now, it's a common saying round the House of Stone that hard work beats talent, if talent don't work hard. So I'll give you this much.


“If I slack off, you can probably beat me.”


The Lights look affronted.


“Come to that,” JeriLynn continues. “Considering how often you two cheat to get ahead... you can maybe do it anyway.


“But if you want this belt, you're going to have to work a lot harder to get it from round my waist.”



Shout at the Devil begins to play, and Mayhem Midden emerges, standing beside JeriLynn.


“I think they just might,” he says. “Alright – JeriLynn, in that ring you're looking at your opponents for Malice in Wonderland.”


Stone looks at the two, and nods slowly.


“Two more things,” Midden continues. “First, this won't be elimination style – you can team up all you want, but on the day, in the ring, you'll have to decide which of you pins who.” He smiles grimly. “Let's see how that works out for you.


“Second... I don't know who yet. But to make sure there's no funny business, I'm going to get in a special enforcer.


“I'll probably have that name for you by Saturday.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DanDaLay_alt3jt-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AdrianGarcia.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DannyFonzarelli_FIN3.jpg

Dan DaLay w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Danny Fonzarelli

There's an air of inevitability to this contest. Fonzie puts up his level best fight, throwing hands and even getting the big man off his feet for a second – before DaLay shifts his weight, planting his feet and turning the tide with a huge slam.


The giant among giants looks down for a moment and starts laughing. Over the next few minutes, he goes out of his way to brutalise Fonzie. A DDT is the least of it; he biels Fonzie around the ring, powerbombs him, and finally lays him out with the DaLay Down.


And then, he doesn't even pin him. One-handed, he drags a dazed and out of it Fonzie to his feet, then chokeslams him over the top rope to the outside.


Leaning on the turnbuckle, he waits for the formality that is Sam Sparrow counting to ten.

Dan DaLay defeated Danny Fonzarelli

Rating: C





Backstage go the cameras. The Three Amigos and Stephanie Wade are, as is so often the case, gathered around a table in the commissary. Rockwell and Golden are drinking beer from the bottle, as is Wade; Law is watching a feed of the show on a small monitor and drinking an isotonic sports drink for the moment.


Rockwell glances across. “How'd Danny do?”


“Not good,” Law says tersely. “Mostly inside the rules. They're checking on him now...”


Golden looks up. All three men seem suddenly more ready to act, poised, just in case. Wade picks up a hitherto-unnoticed nightstick, hefting it carefully.


After a moment, Law relaxes. “We're clear,” he says. “Eyes are open, looks like he's talking to the EMTs. Might walk out on his own steam.” A beat. “If he does, he's a tougher SOB than I thought.”


Golden grins. “All this time and you still can't bring yourself to say son of a bitch?”


Law rolls his eyes.



And a moment later, someone clears their throat. The Amigos look up and see Johnny Bloodstone standing there, hands clenching and unclenching repeatedly.


“What can we do for you, Johnny?” Law asks.


He shifts position. “This time last year, I was going into a Unification Match. I was a World Heavyweight Champion. A couple weeks from now, I was the World Heavyweight Champion.


“It's... not been a good year.”


“You got the Three Kings,” Rockwell points out mildly. “That was a pretty good month, I'm betting. We couldn't do it.”


Bloodstone concedes with a gesture. “Sure, but... then I lost her.


“Anyway... that's not the point. This time last year...”


Rockwell skips over whatever he was going to say. “You want a shot at my title.”


A beat. Bloodstone nods. “Yes.”


Rockwell grins. “I don't have a challenger yet. Beating a former World Heavyweight Champion... that might get me a few headlines.


“Sure, Johnny. You've got the match at Malice. But understand me when I say that I don't think you've got what it takes.”


Bloodstone's jaw clenches. “And what do you mean by that?”


Law grins. “Come on, man,” he says. “You know what Chris always says.” Golden and Wade, simultaneously, finish this one off. “You don't have what it takes to beat Chris Rockwell.”


Bloodstone glowers. “Bet your ass I do,” he growls, then storms off.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DonnieJ.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JamesPrudence.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FloydGoldworthy.jpg

Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RyanPowell_alt2.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ShooterSeanDeeley.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg

Ryan Powell & Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

There's a real effort here by the Boys to get a major win, but the problem this match has is its focus on CGC Canadian Champion Ryan Powell.


It's not that Powell is a weak wrestler – anything but – but he simply isn't known to the American fans in attendance, and that drags on fan reaction. Masked Patriot can work with that – in essence, the newcomer was relying on an underdog approach to his match which being unknown works with well.


Powell, on the other hand, is used to playing with the crowd before his big moves, and very few of them know the setups to respond to them.


However, all the teamwork of the Fly Boys is ultimately turned around by the two champions, and Ryan Powell showcases what he can do by hitting the Powell Plunge – a top-rope variant on the Blue Thunder Bomb – on Donnie J to score the pin.

Ryan Powell & Sean Deeley defeated the Fly Boys

Rating: B-




Shot At The Top Qualifier

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Acid_alt2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg

Acid vs. Art Reed

Another blistering rendition of this match-up. These two have been going at this on and off now for almost eight years, since the 2002 debut of Reed, and there's a reason so many companies have put them up against one another; they work extremely well together.


With a blinding array of holds, counters, throws, dropkicks, and airborne stunts, these two light up the ring for over ten minutes before a superplex by Reed brings all three men in the ring – including Ray Johnson – down and temporarily out.



ELITE arrive moments later. DaLay, Jett, and Chandler all clearly have reasons to be heavily involved in all this.



The thing is... they don't get far. Rhino Umaga nails Jett from behind as he gets into the ring. Sean McFly and Christian Faith are also right on this.


Sensing the odds shifting, Eddie Chandler busts Christian Faith open with a brass-knucks punch, then gives the command to bail. Jett puts Umaga down, at least for a few seconds, with the Jett Take Off, and ELITE exit as fast as they came.


In the ring, Reed recovers first. Acid goes for him, but Art counters him off the momentum and hits the Dark Matter, covering for the pinfall.

Art Reed defeated Acid

Rating: A





Kings of Wrestling


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Sam Keith & the British Lions w/ Laura Huggins

There was no way this match was going to be as fast-paced as the previous one, but it is, nonetheless, a heck of a match.


Four of these men are legitimate contenders to the title of the best mat technician in TCW – though that honour probably falls at either Jeremy Stone or Tommy Cornell's feet – and the other two are an excellent tag team of all-rounders.


There's a little miscommunication, at times, between Keith and the Lions – and it seems a lot like that's what makes the difference here. The Elite Express against the Lions is an even match; Matthew Keith against his father, likewise.


And Merle O'Curle in particular seems willing to see if he can hold his own against Matt. Regardless of that, though, this one comes down in the end to the fact the Kings of Wrestling function as one tightly-drilled unit, while the transitions between Keith and Morgan, between O'Curle and Keith, are not all they could be.


The Asian Mist catches Merle O'Curle in the fact half a second before he's yanked down into the Proton Lock. Immediately, the Express make their move, and that half a second advantage means that Merle's teammates aren't there in time to rescue him from tapping out.

Kings of Wrestling defeated Sam Keith & the British Lions

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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YES! Aside from her attitude, I loves me somes Croft.




I'm going to get in a special enforcer.


“I'll probably have that name for you by Saturday.”


Dewd, it's either Marlowe or THE ENFORCER ARN-wait. Oh.


Then Angry Gilmore probs and/or Jessie.




And then, he doesn't even pin him. One-handed, he drags a dazed and out of it Fonzie to his feet, then chokeslams him over the top rope to the outside.


Leaning on the turnbuckle, he waits for the formality that is Sam Sparrow counting three.


But...but...HE HAS TILL TEN!


Also, I never liked DaLay's nickname. When Bruce and-more pertinently-Kholov exist, DaLay's not a giant.


Oh, and Giant Tana's a super-heavy.


But eh, I didn't like DaLay anyway, so screw CGC.








Bloodstone glowers. “Bet your ass I do,” he growls, then storms off.


Rockwell: Actually, I bet my ass you don't, but the implied you in that sentence was a nice subject.






da hayle


iz dat Ryan Powell.


You managed to pick a picture that I like less than his default render.


Also, btw, he's a heel. I don't care if he's a face, he's a heel. Which means Sean's a heel. Which means I hate you.




Okay, it's not a bad render, but...I...can't stand it.




Jacob Jett is a robot.




There's a little miscommunication, at times, between Keith and the Lions


Stop kicking out; I'm trying to pin you!




I just made Matthew Keith into Edd Stone.




Excuse me while I kill myself now.


btw, you need to buy out Burning Hammer (or Inspire, I guess) and get the King of Fighters title. Give it to Keith.


Then Tekken everyone. Hell Monkey can be Kuma. El Leon is King. But who is Paul Phoenix? Hrm...


Art Reed can be Eddy Gordo I guess. Or Singh, as Tiger Jackson.


I guess Tamara McFly and JeriLynn Stone are Anna and Nina Williams, since they're related.


Rockwell. Grow out his hair, give him the flat top; (not that stupid haircut he got in...4?) there's Paul Phoenix.


Jin Kazama is...I guess Hawkins, and Hwoarang is Aaron Andrews? Well that sucks, because I don't like Andrews that much...


Acid is, obviously, Mokujin.


Now who is Yoshimitsu? Well, Rick Law has a nightstick I guess. That's like a sword. Sort of. But who is a...so Koshiro Ino is Yoshimitsu. Cool.


Heihachi is Sam Keith, which means Greg Gauge is Jin, then. And Matthew Keith is Hwoarang, obviously.


Mikey James is one of the Laws (I have Tekken 3 only, so I'd go with Forrest I guess, not Marshall?)


Texas Pete is Lei Wulong, because both of them drink.


Ling Xiaoyu is...well, if Kuma is Hell Monkey, then Laura Flame is Ling.


Bryan Vessey is Bryan Fury. Get him.


Marlowe is (Gun) Jack, duh.


And Julia Chang, right, she's in it...uh...give that to...Kate Dangerous, I guess. Because...they're both...women?


And Ogre/True Ogre is Tommy Cornell as a face/heel, respectively.




You need to get Haruki Kudo to bury the hell out of Matthew Keith, never once using the Asian Mist. Have him, in fact, absorb the mist through his skin.


Then give him a 10-year title run, having him retire undefeated.


I'm pretty sure that's all canon (the mist and reign).

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*casually slaps Eidenhoek out of the way on the way in*


I liked the DeColt segment, made them look strong whilst keeping the appropriately arrogant attitude.


In honesty... I really don't like DaLay. He's always annoyed me and I don't like him as a worker. It makes bringing him in interesting, although I guess he's very much a required component for ELITE. It's telling that that C was, I think, one of your lowest grades I've seen in quite some time.

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In honesty... I really don't like DaLay. He's always annoyed me and I don't like him as a worker. It makes bringing him in interesting, although I guess he's very much a required component for ELITE. It's telling that that C was, I think, one of your lowest grades I've seen in quite some time.


Telling is the list of ELITE for next Malice in the latest diary post, I think. More on DaLay in the next diary update.


(I completely agree. I have better. ****, I just released Tyson Baine to the SWF because I wasn't being fair to the guy and when do you ever, as a big guy, have a better chance to make money than when SWF and USPW are both hiring?)


Glad you enjoyed the DeColt bit, though.


...Eidenhoek: I hope you realise that on the longer, more rambly screeds, I zone out and stop reading.


I actually think this is a shame, because while you and I don't book the same way, I do value your more thoughtful input, and if there is some in a post like that, I'm not gonna see it.


(In this instance it doesn't help that I've only played Tekken Tag, and seen the utterly hilarious CGI movie.)

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PS: Unsurprising. Expected, actually.


Oh dude, the movie. I started marking out, then I started wtf-ing out, then I got really really mad at stuff, then confused, then wtf they screwed canon.


And, y'know, no real Hwoarang/Jin feud, because that's the Chord/Strong of Tekken. Or...uh...yeah.


Anyway, I'll parse down what was relevant:


1. I predicted Marlowe as the guest ref, though I'm sure I'm wrong.


2. DaLay somehow got Fonz counted out at 3, not 10. Or he pinned him while against the turnbuckle.


3. Is Joey Poison in CGC (well, TCW)? Because I absolutely love his finisher. As in, I think it's my favorite in the game. Yes, above Gilmore's; Anger Management sucks.


4. DaLay being characterized as a giant, while I understand why you do that (and it's a good character) is funny, especially with Marat Kholov, the legit giant, on your roster.


5. Ryan Powell's render is goofy.


6. Jett's is a robot.


7. Blah Tekken Haruki Kudo me not reading a match right.

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Oh dude, the movie. I started marking out, then I started wtf-ing out, then I got really really mad at stuff, then confused, then wtf they screwed canon.


The movie upset me. More of it should've involved a panda inflicting pain on dumbasses. And the stuff at the end seemed to be part of a completely different movie.


...It should be noted that Regis can confirm that I watch some really, really bad movies. And some good ones; at the moment, Citizen Kane is shelved next to Machete on my DVD shelf.


1. I predicted Marlowe as the guest ref, though I'm sure I'm wrong.


2. DaLay somehow got Fonz counted out at 3, not 10. Or he pinned him while against the turnbuckle.


3. Is Joey Poison in CGC (well, TCW)? Because I absolutely love his finisher. As in, I think it's my favorite in the game. Yes, above Gilmore's; Anger Management sucks.


4. DaLay being characterized as a giant, while I understand why you do that (and it's a good character) is funny, especially with Marat Kholov, the legit giant, on your roster.


5. Ryan Powell's render is goofy.


6. Jett's is a robot.


7. Blah Tekken Haruki Kudo me not reading a match right.


1. See above your reply.


2. My bad; it shoulda been ten. I'll be editing shortly.


3. Nope; Joey also books 4C and won't leave that.


4. Yeah, I know. But it's the tagline from FCK, and frankly, DaLay doesn't deserve TWO diary writers coming up with characters for him.


5. When I bought out CGC, Ricky was tag champion with Ryan. So I picked the extant alt with blonde dye, so they could be the Canadian Golden Boys. Yeah, I know.


6. Jett's has a damn sight more Psych than Jacob does, but OTOH works as a heel, and IMO his regular looks don't.


7. Fair dos.

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Replies to the announcements:


1. Gina Carano is hot. I wonder how famous I'd have to be to have her knock out my dad's tooth (two women have done that so far. I think...maybe just one).


2. YES DUANE STONE I ****ING LOVE HIM! Aside from the fact that this totally means you're going with my Megaman Maverick Hell Monkey idea due to obviously making an animal stable, he's like a Japanese Angry Gilmore except with worse brawling and entertainment skills.


3. Aw man you're making Duane into a Stone. Which means he's either a hurr durr Jeremy Stone man (which, admittedly, I don't recall having seen him in awhile) or a hurr durr i b n college except I want to get punched in the crotch Edd Stone man.


4. Where is Jeremy? Didn't he have a title shot against Wolf maybe a few weeks back? He went from being an evil technician to a family man to a...???


5. Dang it. Antidote Poison has won me an inordinate number of games in WS1.

Edit: Antidote Web. God. I just made the worst-named move of all time.

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