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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Newcastle United?


I guess I've not thought about it, IS there a canonical reference to where in England Tommy's from? I know Bolthino references Eddie (and by implication, Tommy) as being from Blackpool. I always kind of pictured him as a Liverpool guy, don't know why exactly.

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Awesome show and epic Bloodstone promo at the end there. I'm quite surprised that Chandler & Dalay pulled an A*, didn't think they'd have the overness for it yet.


Yeah, I was figuring Aaron and Tommy could drag them to an A. The actual result shocked me.


Glad you liked the Bloodstone promo - I really, really loved writing it. (Despite having to check ages and reread the Art Reed profile and work stuff out).


Newcastle United?


I guess I've not thought about it, IS there a canonical reference to where in England Tommy's from? I know Bolthino references Eddie (and by implication, Tommy) as being from Blackpool. I always kind of pictured him as a Liverpool guy, don't know why exactly.


I made Tommy a Geordie in PPPW, for no particular reason beyond not wanting him to be another Londoner. So he's a Geordie still here, but you could go all manner of ways.


Liverpool and Manchester are the two biggest cities in the catchment area of Traditional English Wrestling History, though smaller places (Wigan and Bolton, notably) are more directly pivotal. A family friend runs a mid-20th-century English wrestling history site, but I can never remember the address.

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I always figured Tommy as being from northern England, pretty much for the same reasons you've said, but never specifically where. I wonder what he thinks of Geordie Shore?


I understand TOWIE; my brother lives down there, and there's a genuine strand of that attitude in the population, enough so it wouldn't be weird.


Geordie Shore and Desperate Scousewives... I don't understand how these people aren't lynched when they get to the city centre at nightfall. I can only assume the fine folk of Newcastle and Liverpool haven't reached the stage where they believe this is actually happening yet.


As for Tommy, he's likely only aware of it second-hand. Remember, we're coming up full barrel on a triumphant return to England.


Epic Bloodstone promo, PS.


I'm really chuffed people like that one; just because the diary's coming to an end doesn't mean the game stops, and that promo is planned to resonate into Bloodstone's whole 2010.


For people who really like it... well, I guess, when the May DOTM rolls around, remember it came out in May. ;):D

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http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/One-Offs/SamKeith.jpgThursday 11th January 2010

Never been much of the type for quiet contemplation. Not my style. Yet on long, late-night drives between cities, it tends to happen regardless.


The drive is only a few hours, but we don't leave until nearly midnight, so it's the wee hours of the morning. The highway is empty and the van is dark. Art Reed is driving. Art always drives because Art never gets tired and starts weaving across the lanes. Greg is up at the front beside his tag team partner, awake and keeping an eye on Art. I'm stuck in the very back, far enough that I can't hear their hushed conversations. In between them and me are Joey Minnesota, Marc DuBois, and Davey Newton.


There are two more cars full of wrestlers on the highway somewhere behind us, far enough back that the headlights cannot be seen. We should reach our destination not much before dawn, check into our hotel, and be able to sleep for a few hours. The young guys will be up after just a bit of sleep to get a workout in. Me, I'll take my rest.


But that's hours away. In the meantime, there are endless dark miles to watch fly past. Miles I've seen before, many times. Too many times to count. Damn near any decent-sized road in America, I have traveled at some point. They all become the same road in the end.


In the dark, the mind wanders and I find myself thinking about an interview I did many years ago.


I never enjoyed doing outside interviews with “journalists” but Richard would insist every so often. This one happened in the late 90s, when all the fans were getting “smart” cuz of the Internet. And this writer thought he understood the business. He figured that he “got it”. He used insider terms and talked about all the stuff he read in some dirt sheet like it was gospel. I don't get that mentality - who reads about baseball or football and then thinks they know as much as every player and coach? No one but an idiot.


This writer asked me what the single most important aspect of the business was. I told him legacies. He refused to accept that, trying to get me to give him an answer like “drawing money” or “selling” or whatever. He was wrong. Like most “smart” fans, he just didn't get it.


When I say “legacies”, most people think about the wrestling families. The Stones. The DeColts. The Monteros. The Eisens, even. Me and the boys. But in truth, it means more than that. Everyone who has dedicated their life to this business has left some legacy, by who they worked with and what they accomplished, and by what they managed to pass on.


Many of us have gone a step further by taking on a protege. Tommy did that with Hawkins and now the kid is capable of carrying the company. That is leaving a legacy. Art seems to've decided Frankie Dee could be a big name in a couple years. I think he's got a point.


Without the legacies that the men before us have left, there ain't no business for us to carry before we pass it on. That matters more than “drawing money” or “selling” or knowing how to “work”.




PARTY ANIMALS: Sam Keith, his student, his girlfriend, his son, his protege, two of his rivals' sons, one of their students, and his TCW drinking partner, midway through painting Memphis red in February 2010. From Sam Keith's private collection.


The men with me in that van tell a story of legacies. Greg is my kid, obviously. Art Reed got one of the best starts possible in this business when he came through the Stone's camp. Well, second to the training Greg and Matty got from me. Minnesota has a legacy few know about – his uncle wrestled back in the late 80s and early 90s. Never did much but Joey has told me he loved going to watch his uncle work in front of a few dozen fans in some greasy bingo hall every weekend, and that experience pushed him into the business.


That same uncle gave Minnesota basic training when he was still basically a kid and that's why he was so damn good when he started out. DuBois and Newton don't have direct family connections, but DuBois got some great basics with Supreme, and Newton got trained by Rip Chord.


Legacies. This van is living proof.


That's what drives this business. That's what allows us to make a good living and draw thousands of fans to watch us do our thing.


Tommy understands legacies - better than most in the business, even. In many ways, he's built Total around those legacies over the past few years. Bringing in the Stone boys and the DeColts. Now we got the latest American Patriot here too, one of the oldest gimmicks around. A great mask and a great legacy.


Eisen understood legacies, but he wanted less to do with them. I would bring up an idea like having a DeColt-Stone feud and he would say you can't get stuck in the past, that one always has to be looking forward or they'll get left behind. When he finally decided to do something with legacies, it was that awful Election storyline and I got stuck with the blame.


Professional wrestling is one business where the past has to be more than simply respected. It has to be lived and carried forward. It's the only way forward. Much like driving on this dark highway toward another city to work another show. There is only one way you can head. The only way.


Sunday 14th January 2010

I'm not a big fan of the booking we're doing at the moment.


Not so much the matches – I'm happy with those, even if persuading chunks of the TCW staff that Chandler and DaLay couldn't be beaten right out of the gate even by Tommy Cornell wasn't easy – but what we fit around him. It's all video packages – and it's all video packages to disguise the fact that on any given night half our wrestlers aren't in attendance.


They're all over the goddamn world instead, doing interviews and publicity. Wolf Hawkins just spent a week travelling around the UK; he says some of the radio shows were fun, that a guy called Jonathan Ross is game to take just about any bump if it'll get a laugh out of his audience, and that he never again wants to be in the same building as something called The One Show.



FROM SPORT TO ENTERTAINMENT: After putting 'Wossy' through a rigged table on Friday Night With Jonathan Ross, Wolf stands tall with the title. Image © the BBC


Frankie Perez has been over in Japan, as has Edd Stone. It seems like we've mostly sent our heels out, but then our faces have been preoccupied with ELITE. Schedules have been thrown out.


In the middle of all this, we're dealing with the advent of a man we've taken to calling, in our conference calls, Number Five. That man's Eric Lee – who, if you're reading this, and unless some injury utterly screws his career, you know as Masked Patriot.



THE SPIRIT OF '76: Horatio Dangerous is pinned by the 1974-79 Masked Patriot. From the author's own collection.


(Going through this book in the editing process and looking at the pictures we've chosen, it becomes clear I've buried myself putting people over harder than I ever did when I was active. Ah, well.)


We signed Eric Lee off a tip-off from Pete Hall. Pete used to have one sports bar, about thirteen years ago; now he has a whole chain, and one of his co-owners is a guy called Joel Kovach.



"Screw my country, screw Miami, Florida, and SCREW YOU!": the 1993-96 Patriot unmasks as Joel Kovach, turning on Steve Flash to kickstart one of CZCW's earliest big non-championship feuds. Image © Pro Wrestling Almanac


For a while there, Joel had a chance at being one of the biggest wrestlers ever under his real name, but before that, he was the Masked Patriot. He bought the gimmick from the previous owner, sold it to another for a while, and eventually bought it back when he was contemplating abandoning his real name in 2001.


Nothing came of that, but Eric Lee did his homework, tracked him down, and demonstrated enough in a practice ring that Kovach was willing to sell him the gimmick – and he mentioned it to Pete Hall, who put in a call to us.


The result is that Eric Lee's first ever professional wrestling match took place in a TCW ring. Even if you expand it back to HGC, there are only five men you can say that about – Wolf Hawkins, Aaron Andrews, the Keith twins, and now Eric.


Eric doesn't quite have the raw talent of the others, but that's still something we can use. The Patriot mask has always been a strong face gimmick, and aligning him with TCW at a time when TCW can be seen as a faction under siege should give him a strong start.


It's going to be interesting...

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What a golden night Tuesday looks set to be in the Canadian Air Centre. The best of CGC steps up and two of its titles will be on the line against the cream of TCW. Without further ado, then:


The Canadian Golden Boys - the team of Ricky DeColt and Ryan Powell - have held their titles now for only a couple of months, but that means they certainly won't be looking to let go any time soon. As TCW has become the place to be for tag team competition, the lure of a challenge here has proven too great... and so they'll be kicking us off, defending against Sammy Bach and Zimmy - Darkwave.


Without a title on the line the next match is about pride - and power. Alex and Jack DeColt will team up, as they have so often recently, to face the Easy Riders. But Carl Batch's boys are not easily overawed, and they have championship gold in their sights - and a win Tuesday night would put them a lot closer.


The CGC World Championship is a prestigious piece of gold indeed. For the first time it will be defended outside CGC, as titleholder and champion Steve DeColt will take on Art Reed, one of TCW's best wrestlers - indeed, thought by some to be the best wrestler through 2009.


In tag team competition to follow, the Stones want to show they're also Canadian icons, and so Edd and Jeremy reunite for the first time in months - taking on the Elite Express in what should be another spectacular match. Can eldest and youngest brother return to coexistence?


And in the main event, the final space in the Shot At The Top match will be filled - by the victor of a 10-man battle royal. Taking part are Champagne Lover, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe, Joey Minnesota, John Pathlow, Koshiro Ino, Remo Richardson, and last but decidedly not least Troy Tornado. The winner may well leave Malice in Wonderland with a World Heavyweight Championship shot in hand - but who will that winner be?


Prediction Key:

CGC World Tag Team Championship

Canadian Golden Boys (Ricky DeColt & Ryan Powell) © w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Darkwave


Alex & Jack DeColt w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


CGC World Championship

Steve DeColt © w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Art Reed


Elite Express vs. Stone Brothers (Edd & Jeremy Stone)



Champagne Lover, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe, Joey Minnesota, John Pathlow, Koshiro Ino, Remo Richardson, Troy Tornado

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LOVED the blog posts, loved the Sam Keith segment. Love the whole thing.



CGC World Tag Team Championship

Canadian Golden Boys (Ricky DeColt & Ryan Powell) © w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Darkwave

No switch of champs.


Alex & Jack DeColt w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

It's gonna be a DeColt Sweep.


CGC World Championship

Steve DeColt © w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Art Reed

Nope, it's DeColt time.


Elite Express vs. Stone Brothers (Edd & Jeremy Stone)

It's all about Canada, baby!



Champagne Lover, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe, Joey Minnesota, John Pathlow, Koshiro Ino, Remo Richardson, Troy Tornado

Just a hunch.

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CGC World Tag Team Championship

Canadian Golden Boys (Ricky DeColt & Ryan Powell) © w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Darkwave


Alex & Jack DeColt w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch


CGC World Championship

Steve DeColt © w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Art Reed


Elite Express vs. Stone Brothers (Edd & Jeremy Stone)


Yeah... not much to say here, except that one of these will probably devolve into an ELITE-related brawl. But which one?



Champagne Lover, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe, Joey Minnesota, John Pathlow, Koshiro Ino, Remo Richardson, Troy Tornado


These are some serious names. I'm going to leave the Omega guys out because they have their Omega storyline, and Bruce and Tornado are getting revenge on Bach and Zimmy. I'm going to eliminate Tyler, Pathlow and Ino because they're undercard stable leaders. Marlowe is like Rick Law last year -- too tied to the B show to really make a push. CL hasn't really established himself. Which leaves... Eddie Peak? Yeah, I guess Eddie Peak.

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CGC World Tag Team Championship

Canadian Golden Boys (Ricky DeColt & Ryan Powell) © w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Darkwave

I don´t see Golden Boys loosing their first tag title defense in TCW.


Alex & Jack DeColt w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

DeColt´s are doing more at the moment.


CGC World Championship

Steve DeColt © w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Art Reed

Again no title change here.


Elite Express vs. Stone Brothers (Edd & Jeremy Stone)

Like DeColt´s, Stones will also stay strong.



Champagne Lover, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe, Joey Minnesota, John Pathlow, Koshiro Ino, Remo Richardson, Troy Tornado

Tough one here. I think it´s between Bruce, Minnesota, Remo and Tornado as other´s just haven´t done enough lately. I go with Minnesota but I won´t be suprised if I´m wrong here.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 3 January 2010


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 17.14)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.59)


Held at the Canadian Air Centre (Ontario)


Attendance: 14,408




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Sara Silver



Mayhem Midden is in the ring as the show begins. He looks around with a broad grin. “I'd like to say hello to ELITE if they're watching this,” he says, “And I'd like to tell you, buys, I didn't lie to you – but I may have gotten my dates muddled up.


“It's Friday we're in Puerto Rico.” He smiles smugly at the camera for a moment, then continues.


“Now, I'll be honest, I don't like doing that sort of thing. You've seen how I operate for about a year and a half now. I pretty much figure that if someone wants to play games, they can take the consequences. But tonight's a special night.


“CGC have been good enough to loan us the DeColts – and their tag partner, Ryan Powell – for Malice in Wonderland. But more than that – and I hear this part of the world goes by DeColt Country – they've been good enough to come in early, to wrestle in front of their fans and our fans.


“Malice in Wonderland is broadcast globally, after all, and you've probably only seen DeColts wrestle if you've tuned in to a Canadian channel. We're excited, as wrestlers and as fans, to bring in the DeColts, but we know that a lot of you watching me in Japan or France or England only know them by reputation.


“Well, we invited them to come in tonight and wrestle, and the DeColts are fighters. They put their titles on the line. And under the circumstances... I will not have these fights interrupted.” He glowers into the camera. “I don't trust ELITE to pay attention to a warning like that, so they're not here.


“Anyone else who tries it – well, you understand the cost now. I hope.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickyDeColt.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RyanPowell_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HotstuffMaria.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ZimmyBumfhole_alt1.jpg

Canadian Golden Boys © w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Darkwave

A fast, mostly airborne match this. The Golden Boys find perfect complements in Darkwave; Bach and Zimmy are charismatic evil; the Boys, on the other hand, are hard-working high flyin' heroes.


Ricky nor Ryan play to the crowd particularly. They're focused, and they keep to the match, as Azaria plays up, over and over, the history of the DeColt family and the CGC tag belts, finding analogues for each CGC championship team in TCW's own history.


And the local crowd know all about the DeColts. With that combination, the fans at home can't help but respect this duo, and when Ricky DeColt doubles Bach over, hops onto his back and, assisted by a running superkick at the right moment by Ryan Powell, nails the finishing combination the Golden Boys call Code Gold for the victory, the crowd explode.

Canadian Golden Boys defeated Darkwave

Rating: B+





To the back go the cameras. Mayhem Midden is there again, casting a casual eye at the camera. To his left is a whiteboard with seven rows and two columns; to the left of that is Phil Vibert. Loitering behind them are a motley collection of wrestlers.


The top row of the whiteboard has already been neatly lettered; HAWKINS on one side, CORNELL on the other.


Midden smiles slightly. “Something I think you fans should see,” he says. “But I don't want you cut off from wrestling for too long at a stretch, so we'll cut this in two.


“If you've been following along, you already know that over Malice in Wonderland, TCW and Generation Omega are having... kind of a seven match bet. Whichever side wins the most matches gets control of Phil Vibert here's shares in the company – and if it's us, Vibert walks away with some money, but considering what he's been pulling and what he's threatening, that's OK by us.


“Phil's in a position here where he can seriously mess with TCW. We're willing to pay him off – but he won't sell unless he loses this bet.


“So it's time to work out who's facing who.”


Vibert grins. “Where did Aaron get that last ten million bucks, by the way?”


Midden glowers. “Don't sidetrack me,” he says. “You don't want to butt heads with me, Phil. Let's just get this done. Davis is doing the Shot at the Top, right?”



“Whoa, now,” Vibert holds up his hands in apparent distaste. “You're not palming me off with some one-in-six crap.” Davis Wayne Newton, behind him, looks absolutely affronted for a moment, but shrugs. “Two matches to win in two days? Not a problem.”


Vibert glances back over his shoulder, edgily. “You're sure?”


“Phil, I'm a man of my word.”


“There's a lot resting on this, Davis, and they'll be sending you top men -”



“If anyone wrestles the kid for this, it'll be me.” Jeremy Stone smiles thinly. “Perhaps that way we'll see how you cope with House of Stone methods, hmm?”


Vibert, anxious, opens his mouth. “I-”




With a smirk, Midden writes it in. “You wanted Minnesota for that, huh?” he asks Vibert, who is savvy enough not to answer – but his eyes betray him. Midden grins. “Well, Joey, guess that's a big compliment. Not sure how Davis should feel about it, though.”


Neither Newton nor Minnesota seem angry with each other, but their stare at the back of Vibert's head is pretty notable.


“OK, let's go for the next one. Alicia Strong.”


“I want her against JeriLynn.”


“Because JeriLynn would be pulling three matches in two nights that way?” Midden shakes his head. “My turn to veto. Alicia?”



“Who's next on the list?” She shrugs. “I can't get at the champion. The House that Stone Built, and I can't get at the champion. Give me a former champion.”


“Well, we haven't run this by Gorgon. Kate's father invested – let's go with Kate, shall we?” And STRONG-DANGEROUS is written in. Midden tilts his head, looking. “Hrm.”




“Wasn't that a big match at a major show about twenty-some years ago?”


Alicia grins. “Strong won that one, too.”


Midden shrugs. “OK, who's next?”



“Let me know who I'm fighting,” DuBois chimes in, bored. “I've got three girls and a hot tub waiting.”


There's a beat. Then everyone looks at him with expressions ranging from surprise to disbelief, passing through incomprehension.



“Just for that,” Eddie Peak grins, “you get me.” A pause. “And here I'd been holding out for Joey...”


He rises to his feet. “I gotta go. I got a whisky waiting, and now I've gotta find four girls to prove a point.” With that, the Bloody-Handed God heads off.


DuBois looks almost as pale as Peak, but nods. “I can beat him,” he declares, and it doesn't even sound like false bravado. He slips out.


“Four down,” Midden notes. “Three to go.” He looks at the camera. “Let's get the next match on the way.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AlexDeColt.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JackDeColt.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HotstuffMaria.jpg

Alex & Jack DeColt w/ Hotstuff Marie


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LeadBelly.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CarlBatch.jpg

Easy Riders w/ Carl Batch

There's a hell of a brawl in here. It's not entirely rare that the DeColts be outmatched, power-wise; but nevertheless, seeing them outmatched by both men, and by two men who think like one man, combining effortlessly, is something unusual.


Alex and Jack, it should be noted, are almost as seamless. The family spirit combines with experience and training to battle back, and when that fails, Jack DeColt has a chance to change gear.


He applies his locks. He wears the Riders down. And, sooner or later, Billy Fonda is woozy enough that Alex DeColt can get him up in an electric chair lift, allowing Jack to score from the top rope with the Doomsday DeColt. One DeColt Driver from Alex to interrupt Hopper later, and victory is assured.

Alex & Jack DeColt defeated the Easy Riders

Rating: B+





Back go the cameras to the whiteboard. The remaining wrestlers are a much smaller group. Midden looks across at Vibert. “You know,” he begins. “One of your boys is going to have to pull double duty. Davis already is – think he'd be cocky enough to try three in two nights?”


Vibert's face sours. “You think I'd let him?”


Grinning, Midden lets the matter drop. “OK, well... I have a request from Aaron Andrews to wrestle Remo. Big fella – you up for that?”



Remo shrugs. “Put any name you want down. It don't matter to Remo. You just set 'em up so I can knock 'em down.”


Midden looks hard at Remo. “This whole thing with Vibert wanting to completely change TCW, run it his way – you really want that?”


The supreme specimen shrugs again.


“I don't see the kind of competition coming here that we've been having, under Phil...”


“Then I'll beat everyone who amounted to anything who came here, and then I'll go find where the others are livin'.” He shrugs. “It. Don't. Matter. How hard is that?”


“Don't suppose we could persuade you to throw the fight? Might make your life easier.”


The glare Remo gives is answer enough.


Midden shrugs. “Alright. So next up, we've got Christian Faith and Sam Keith on my side. Let's deal with Faith first; this'll probably be the first night.”


Vibert licks suddenly-dry lips, nervous. “Wolf, you want to take this?”



The champion's head snaps around from his prior position of total disinterest. “No,” he growls out. “I got you the belt and the contracts for the others. You got me the match with Cornell. That was our deal.


Vibert has taken an involuntary step back. He looks more than a little edgy, and Midden grins. “Remo-”


“Faith got beat already. Don't matter.”


“Would you mind taking on-”


“Beat Keith's wrinkled ass round the ring too. Really don't matter.”


Midden's grin threatens to split his head. Vibert looks edgy. “I can bring in-”



“I'll do it.” Joey Minnesota rolls his neck with an audible click. “Give me Faith one night, Keith the other.”


“...You're sure?”


“Yeah, I'm sure. Shot at the Top won't be a problem with Davey-boy in too. I'll just watch his back. I beat two world legends in two nights, I figure I can write my own ticket to a title shot.”


“Be glad to give you one,” Hawkins says. Joey turns to face him, smiles, holds up a hand, and the two clasp for a moment, nodding respect.


“We got it, then,” Remo says, standing. “I'm gonna go steal two of Peak's girls off him.”




Remo grins. “Because any time Marc beats Peak is a funny time.”


The wrestlers drift off, leaving Midden standing opposite a deflated Vibert.


“You have the weirdest damn stable I ever saw,” Midden says. “They all want to fight each other, but they've got each other's backs. How d'you do it?”


Vibert straightens a little again and a gleam comes into his eye. “Trade secret, Ken.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SteveDeColt_Self1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HotstuffMaria.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg

Steve DeColt © w/ Hotstuff Marie vs. Art Reed

Art Reed is, at this point, used to playing the hero, and in Canada that's always been easy for him – but for the first time he finds himself in DeColt Country.


It's a testament to how well Art Reed has done and how much support he's developed that the crowd is even relatively split – but Steve is the clear favourite, and he plays to it here, with Art taking the opportunity to concentrate more on his game.


Reed doesn't focus on his technical here – he tries early on, but Steve simply powers out and plays to the crowd. With a rueful grin, Art goes to the air, striking hard and fast, ducking lariats and retaliating with superkicks, and while it takes a lot to put Steve DeColt down, he makes that intensely believable.


The first time Steve goes for the DeColt Stampede, it isn't just blocked but Reed comes within an ace of hitting the Dark Matter in return. He learns from this, realising fast that Reed isn't so easily beaten, and busts out what he has to on the way, in particular nailing the DeColt Drop – a repeated-lift delayed press slam – on his way to a second Stampede.


This one connects perfectly. DeColt scrambles for the cover, and it's this which will lead to controversy; Steve doesn't do anything wrong, but Eugene Williams misses Reed's foot on the bottom rope. DeColt picks up the victory, but Reed has a case that he shouldn't have.

Steve DeColt defeated Art Reed

Rating: B+





The big screen comes alive. To the tune of Halestorm's Tell Me Where It Hurts, the screen fills with images of the British Lions, showing how they were when they came into TCW, their slow build to turn around and start winning, their show-stealing match at Total Mayhem 2009, up to winning the titles from GenOme and through – to the challenge Laura Huggins laid out recently.


To the idea of facing the New Wave on Malice Night One, and whoever held the belts at Night Two facing the Machines in what would, if they retain, be the Lions' homecoming in England.


The video fades out into four pictures; Merle O'Curle holding the 21CW Strong Style championship, Walter Morgan clutching the Ring of Fire #1 Contender trophy, and one each of the two men wearing their TCW Tag Championship belts with pride.








http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BobbyThomas_jhd.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/NateJohnson_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt6.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JeremyStone.jpg

Elite Express vs. Stone Brothers

A respectful opening here as Bobby Thomas – who got his big break, just as Johnny Bloodstone did, through Jeremy Stone's training, as Jason Azaria is only too willing to remind us – faces off with Edd Stone.


Edd bounces on the balls of his feet, then closes in. The two go for a lockup – or so it seems as, instead, Edd ducks under Bobby's lock-up and dances back, bouncing up and down.


Bobby closes again, and this time Edd meets him with a boot to the gut. As Bobby ducks his head in response, just a smidgen, Edd leaps, and that gives him the height he needs to turn this into a DDT – except that Bobby catches him in midair, boosts him nimbly up and turns it into a neckbreaker out of almost nothing.


The Express man then kips up and strikes a pose, grinning broadly for just a second. He immediately transitions to an Indian deathlock, looking to work over Edd's knee, but the youngest Stone boy twists over and kicks free. Bobby picks himself up – and eats a dropkick. He picks himself up again, and takes another. Up again, Edd launches him across the ring with a big hip toss.


Bobby lands rolling and slides under the bottom rope. Edd, undaunted, waits half a beat and leaps up, grabbing behind him in a three-quarter-facelock – which, with almost perfect timing, leaves him crashing to the mat with Nate Johnson in a cutter!


“We saw what the DeColts can do just minutes ago,” Azaria comments excitedly. “And this might just be the response. Edd Stone has never been such an innovator.”


Johnson ducks Edd's jumping spinkick, whirling to catch the prodigal Stone with a punch to the jaw.


Johnson immediately grabs the same targeted leg and turns into a single-leg crab on it. Edd crawls, Edd twists, Edd flails, Edd starts reciting – at high volume and in apparent pain – a review of a presumably fictional date with Johnson's mother.


Moments later Jasmine Saunders finds herself in the unenviable position of apologising for TCW's unusual decision to briefly cut audio feed from the ring.


Jeremy makes the save, for Edd and for viewers' listening pleasure, and as Edd rolls out of the ring we get Jeremy and Nate, the one person in the ring other than Jeremy himself that the eldest Stone didn't train.


They lock up and Johnson starts powering forward, looking to trap Jeremy in the corner and constrain him. Jeremy, ever the wily veteran, changes the direction of movement with a couple of deft sidesteps and uses Johnson's momentum to snapmare him over. An elbow drop follows.


The pair circle again, Jeremy – at least – smiling broadly at the way the match is going. Johnson closes in again, and this time he's not taking no for an answer. He clamps down a side headlock, wrenches Jeremy lower than usual, then brings his knee up sharply into the veteran's face.


Stone crashes back, and with a grin Nate grabs the top rope, stepping up onto and off the second rope to bring both knees down across the veteran's chest. He does it again, this time drawing an admonishment from Ray Johnson.


Nate backs off, but as he does so Bobby moves in and rakes Jeremy's eyes from outside, then steps back and kicks him in the side of the head.


With that, Nate Johnson returns, looking for a German suplex – but it's countered! Jeremy with the elbows – reverses – STONE'S THROW – NO! Johnson manages to hook his foot and prevent the lift – and Jeremy follows up by turning it into a wheelbarrow facebuster, before rolling out of the ring.


Edd vaults in one fluid motion to the top rope then soars out in a shooting star press, crashing down on Johnson's spine. Johnson rolls over onto his back and Edd promptly (and inexplicably) hits a standing shooting star press before moving to cover. ONE, TWO – NO!


In comes Bobby Thomas at that, dropkicking Edd in the head before locking up – DDT! Transition to the single-leg crap – both men still clearly looking to weaken Edd's leg, preventing the Edd-Renaline Shot and limiting his airborne shenanigans severely.


Edd struggles for a bit, then looks across to his brother, who mouths something. Slowly, clearly in pain, Edd works both of his hands further back – and grabs Bobby by the ankles.


The next movements are pretty hard to follow, but they end with Edd upright, Thomas on his belly, legs wrapped around Edd's in the Stone Hold. On the apron, Jeremy simply smiles and nods as the crowd roars its approval.


Thomas struggles – fights – and Nate Johnson is in the ring. He looks to nail Edd with a superkick, but Edd ducks it.


As Johnson turns to face him, the Master of Edd-Fu pantomimes punching himself in the gut and doubles over, then lunges forward, steadying his head for a moment between Nate's legs before launching himself upward, front-rolling up Johnson's body -


PARTY'S OVER! COVER! - And Ray Johnson breaks this one up; Bobby Thomas hasn't left the ring and Nate Johnson accordingly isn't the legal man.


Edd rises in disappointment and turns, and Bobby Thomas damn near kicks his head off. The younger Stone topples, making no attempt to break his fall.


Thomas grins, checking on his partner and directing him up to the top turnbuckle before picking an unresisting Edd up. It's clear that the Elite Express are lining up for the Precision Driller, and eager to save his brother, in comes Jeremy Stone.


He rips Edd from Bobby's hands and lets Edd roll under the bottom rope to the outside – and then, suddenly, he's on his own.


Thomas eats a series of chops and a DDT, and he rolls to the apron as Nate springs off the top rope to hit a tornado DDT. He covers, but by the count of two Jeremy has him in the STONE ANKLE STRETCH! Johnson fights – Bobby Thomas breaks him up.


The Express go for a double clothesline – Jeremy ducks it, nailing Thomas with a punch as he turns. A Stone's Throw for Johnson? No – Nate elbows free, then collapses at his namesake Ray's feet, clutching the striped shirt.



And Matthew Keith spins Jeremy around and lets rip with the Asian Mist. Bobby Thomas follows that up with a low blow from behind as Nate fakes a miraculous recovery, going to the top turnbuckle, posing for a moment. Could this be the Precision Driller -


All of the arena's lights die at once. Jasmine Saunders actively screams with frustration. They stay out for twenty seconds.



When they come back up, Thomas and Johnson are prone and unconscious in the ring. Halfway between the ring and the entry ramp, Matthew Keith screams in agony in the Stone Hold, as applied by a mysterious, black-masked man in a trenchcoat made from black leather 'scales'.


Jeremy Stone, recovering, scrambles over and applies the Stone Ankle Stretch to Bobby Thomas, who rapidly finds himself forced to tap out.


Jeremy and Edd turn to face the figure on the ramp, who smiles, reaching up, and removes the Black Cobra mask.




Elite Express defeated the Stone Brothers

Rating: A*





Champagne Lover, Eddie Peak, Eric Tyler, Jack Bruce, Jack Marlowe

Joey Minnesota, John Pathlow, Koshiro Ino, Remo Richardson, Troy Tornado

After the initial brawl in the centre, things start to shift pace. Pathlow and Ino pair off, throwing fists and kicks with apparent genuine fury. Eddie Peak collides with Joey Minnesota.


Eric Tyler jumps Ino from behind. Pathlow nails Ino with the 1st Dan, then falls back, switching position. Tyler wedges Ino against the ropes, trying to lift – and Champagne Lover comes out of nowhere, slamming into them both with a crossbody. Both Tyler and Ino tumble to the floor while Lover, hands never far from the ropes, pulls himself back to safety.


Elimination#1 & #2: Eric Tyler & Koshiro Ino (simultaneous)


Tornado and Bruce are in the centre of the ring, watching each other's backs. At the moment, they're mostly facing Remo and Marlowe, switching opponents occasionally to keep from being too worn down by Remo's power.


Sensing opportunity, Pathlow tries to rush Peak over the rope while Minnesota has him staggered. Champagne Lover quickly joins him, looking for the leverage – and Peak punches clear, sending Lover staggering first before grabbing Pathlow by the scruff of his neck and chokeslamming him over the top and out.


Elimination #3: John Pathlow


Jack Marlowe goes for Peak, looking to boost him over while his position, still half-leaning over the top, leaves him vulnerable, but Eddie headbutts him, staggering the Enforcer. Jack Bruce rushes Marlowe, seeing opportunity – and Remo surges in from behind, boosting Bruce over the top and ending his run.


Elimination #4: Jack Bruce


Joey Minnesota crashes into Peak again, staggering him with a Minnesota Salute. Remo tries to eliminate Peak off that, but the Bloody-Handed God hangs on somehow.


A charge from Minnesota earns him nothing but pain at first, Peak hanging onto him and firing punch after punch into his head, but eventually Joey finds an opening, driving a knee through the ropes into his gut and scoring with a second Minnesota Salute. By the combined efforts of Generation Omega, Peak is gone, tumbling to the outside.


Elimination #5: Eddie Peak


Without Jack Bruce by his side, things are looking grim for Troy Tornado. At the centre of a circle, he whirls constantly, feeding punch after punch out, but Minnesota is there again, boosting him up for an Empire Spiral.


Tornado twists carefully, countering to an armdrag, sending Joey crashing against the ropes – and Champagne Lover is there with a superkick, notching up his third elimination of the match.


Elimination #6: Joey Minnesota


Jack Marlowe works on eliminating Lover, but to no avail. The two get into a wild brawl, fists flying everywhere, as Tornado and Remo measure one another up. Remo has the power advantage, but Troy finds ways to neutralise that, moving almost as fast as Lover, staying out of the way.


In due course, the oppositions split and reform. Marlowe finds himself up against the supreme specimen, and takes it to him with hard lefts and rights, shooting him to the ropes and meeting him on the rebound with a tremendous back elbow.


He drags Remo back to his feet, looking for the Jackhammer, only for Remo Richardson to show his athleticism as well as his power, slipping free and then sending Marlowe over the top and out with an almighty uppercut.


Elimination #7: Jack Marlowe


Remo takes a moment to himself at that to recuperate, smiling – only for Troy to nail him with a Star Maker. The huge springboard lariat knocks most men flat, but not Remo, who finds himself instead leaning against the ropes – and Champagne Lover, once again, finds opportunity, scoring with the Lover Stunner, sending Remo over the top rope and to the outside.


Elimination #8: Remo Richardson


With just Troy and Champagne Lover left it seems everything to play for. Both men are clearly drained by what they've endured over the prior twenty minutes, but they rise to the challenge, and the battle goes back and forth.


Both men are nearly eliminated on several occasions, and both men have to recover from huge impacts. But for the remaining five minutes of the contest, it looks like either man might do it – and in the end, with both men atop the turnbuckle, it comes down to Lover having just a little more left in the tank as he hip tosses Tornado out of the ring and the match.


Elimination #9: Troy Tornado

Champagne Lover won a Battle Royale

Rating: B+


Show Rating: B+

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 3 January 2010


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.19)


Held at the President's Hall (Puerto Rico)


Attendance: 2,885





Steve Smith – Charlie Thatcher – Autumn Gleeson


  • Elimination Protocol took on Tooth & Claw in the first contest of the night, with Kirk Jameson picking up the win when Lobo Blanco fell to The Bullseye. (Rating: B)
  • Jack DeColt faced newcomer Nichiren Amagawa in a submission battle. While the crowd had little interest in the newcomer, those who stuck around took an interest quickly before DeColt locked in the End of Days. (Rating: C)
  • Backstage after his match, DeColt caught the Fly Boys going the other way. Acting the tourist, he got a photo of his fiancee stood next to Donnie J, quipping “Always wanted to see Donnie and Marie”. The Boys challenged him to a match the following night at Saturday Night Showcase, and he cheerfully agreed.
  • Duane Stone united with elder brother Jeremy to take on Global Tradition – and won it for his team, forcing Joel Bryant to tap to the Alabaster Agony. (Rating: B)
  • Danny Fonzarelli's losing streak continued as he took on a huge bald man referred to as Gargantuan on commentary. Gargantuan mauled Fonzie before decisively pinning him. (Rating: C-)
  • Backstage, a blonde bespectacled woman was seen watching Fonzie pick himself up thoughtfully.
  • A video then aired with Alicia Strong and Kate Dangerous talking about their upcoming match. Well, Kate talked about the upcoming match. Alicia discussed in non-copyright-infringing terms the Supreme Challenge where her father defeated Kate's in the main event, referring to her father only as Strong, then reminded us that this was the House that Strong Built.
  • Masked Patriot picked up his first win in the company next, pinning Sayeed Ali following a Patriot Slam. (Rating: C-)
  • Aaron Andrews took on Kashmir Singh, who put up a surprisingly good fight, but when it became clear Aaron would win Singh's ally Zeus entered the ring, laying out Andrews and drawing the DQ. (Rating: B-)
  • A main event eight-man tag disintegrated as the team of Rick Law, Rocky Golden, Alex DeColt and big brother Steve faced Eddie Chandler, Dan DaLay, and the giant team of M.A.D. Steve slammed Marat in the early going, which was about when all hell broke loose. The contest eventually got ruled double disqualification. (Rating: B)
  • And the brawl continued, with Umaga, McFly, and all of ELITE joining the battle.


Show Rating: B+

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Nichiren Amagawa


blonde bespectacled woman (Emma Chase?)


Hm... I'm surprised you're bringing in more workers than the Elite/DeColts considering how most huge your roster is already and how many hosses and workers you've got treading water or in development before getting released.


On a side-note, how's the worker: promotion ratio at the moment? Bad enough to need a Promotion Start-Up Initiative*, or decent enough that the guys you release will find work quickly enough?


PSUI is something I do when I'm running a big-time company. Set up a dozen developmental territories across Canada, Mexico, USA, Britain, Australia, Japan, give them fifty thousand each, and then cut 'em loose.

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Nichiren Amagawa


blonde bespectacled woman (Emma Chase?)


Nichiren is here long-term, and was brought up in the immediate incoming to Malice to be a heel jobber who I didn't have to worry about making look weak before Malice while Protocol start to move forward.


The blonde bespectacled woman will be playing a part in the Danny Fonzarelli story, and then others.


Gargantuan is here to kick off that chapter of Danny's life, gain a bit more overness in various ways, and vanish in 21 days at the end of his contract.


Peter Valentine is still USPW champion, and that offends me. Two years of dev have made Garg better than Valentine in every conceivable way.

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Nichiren is here long-term, and was brought up in the immediate incoming to Malice to be a heel jobber who I didn't have to worry about making look weak before Malice while Protocol start to move forward.


The blonde bespectacled woman will be playing a part in the Danny Fonzarelli story, and then others.


Gargantuan is here to kick off that chapter of Danny's life, gain a bit more overness in various ways, and vanish in 21 days at the end of his contract.

Ah. I'm surprised you're actually going with another push for Danny. Figured you'd let him go along with a few others to jump to USPW or SWF and refresh their rosters a bit.


Peter Valentine is still USPW champion, and that offends me. Two years of dev have made Garg better than Valentine in every conceivable way.
Nepotism and cliques, man. It's what counts as currency in pro wrestling. Look at WCW from 1994 to 2000 and see how many times and how long Hogan held the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. Compared to that, Valentine's run is nothing. It could be they just don't have anyone on his overness level (I mean, his entertainent skills are all right, and if you pair him with a menace machine, the duo gets over quickly).


Though I'll admit I'd like to see screenshots of USPW, SWF, NOTBPW and NYCW's rosters. :p

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Fonzie is TCW world champion in my 0/0/0/0 game. In 2018. With 94 psychology.




Glad Gargantuan isn't hanging around for too long. He has menace but he's a bit of a lump and you already have waaaaaay better monsters/people to push as dominant threats (hey Remo!), and that's without even looking at his stats, lol

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We're just eight days from the two biggest shows of the professional wrestling calendar and the momentum feels unstoppable - so let's see what's what.


After one of the stranger disputes to appear on TCW programming last night, Jack DeColt is to take on the Fly Boys in tag team action. It's expected that his partner will be DeColt aerial specialist Ricky, in order to neutralise the Boys' flight advantage.


Nichiren Amagawa debuted last night in a losing effort against - again - Jack DeColt. Tonight he faces arguably a tougher challenge, taking on Tommy Cornell. Can the almost-unknown Amagawa live up to rumours of one of the deadliest submissions on the planet?


Rumours persist that Mayhem Midden wants to have the question of tag team contendership for The War To Settle The Score settled by the end of Malice in Wonderland, and that he'll be putting together a contendership match on the night. That being the case, both Double J and Team VIPER will want not merely to win but to impress in their match tonight.


Womens' tag action follows, as JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous look to send a message to their wide variety of opponents by putting away former 5 Star tag champions in the Monsters of Myth.


Another tag battle is set to follow; Edd Stone and Champagne Lover are united as always. Their opponents include one of the men Lover will face in the Shot At The Top match at Malice - Eddie Chandler, who as always will be flanked by Dan DaLay. Can the Eternal Party find their way past the ELITE?


The main event is sure to get people talking. All four participants are slated for big matches at Malice - two, in one case - as Kreed take on Joey Minnesota and Wolf Hawkins.


Prediction Key:

Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Jack & Ricky DeColt w/ Hotstuff Marie


Nichiren Amagawa vs. Tommy Cornell


Double J w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily


Monsters of Myth (Gorgon & Cherry Bomb) vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous


Eternal Party vs. Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler w/ Adrian Garcia


Kreed vs. Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

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Fly Boys w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Jack & Ricky DeColt w/ Hotstuff Marie

Fly Boys haven´t won many matches in TCW and they won´t start winning here either.


Nichiren Amagawa vs. Tommy Cornell

No way Tommy loses here.


Double J w/ Adrian Garcia vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily

Doing more


Monsters of Myth (Gorgon & Cherry Bomb) vs. JeriLynn Stone & Kate Dangerous

Stone and Dangerous have lot more going on


Eternal Party vs. Dan DaLay & Eddie Chandler w/ Adrian Garcia

Tough one espesially now that Lover won that ten-man elimination match. I go with draw.


Kreed vs. Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

I could see this going either way bit when I doubt I pick the champ.

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