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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 4 January 2010


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 17.14)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.59)


Held at the Manhattan National Center (Tri State)


Attendance: 20,874




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Sara Silver




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Sean Deeley © w/ Laura Huggins 2 – 3 Freddy Huggins

There isn't a great deal of unpredictability for this match, but what there is, Sean and Freddy wring out of it, with both men making it look like Huggins could win at any moment. Deeley counters the HugginDriver, only to get nailed with the Huggins Kiss; he kicks out, though, and evades a second Kiss.


At that point, Freddy locks into his usual routine in these things, focusing on nailing the Kiss to the exception of all else – and he very, very nearly does it, only to be caught and taken down into the Front Choke Lock, tying the series.

Sean Deeley defeated Freddy Huggins

Rating: B+






Backstage go the cameras at this point, and Koshiro Ino and the remainder of Team KOBRA are gathered around, seated correctly on their knees, with Ino offering the openings of sentences and the rest of the team responding by rote.


“The phrase 'Win First, Fight Later?”


“Can be summed up in the two words 'Win Beforehand',” comes the swift response. It certainly looks like, while we haven't seen this before, this is a regular part of their training regimen.



The door into their locker room opens. Mayhem Midden steps in, then stops short, apparently confused.


Ino opens his mouth, but the Baroness, seeing Midden, coughs. Ino rises to his feet and bows to the Board's Representative.


“How you doing?” Midden asks formally. “I can see Charlie and me are interrupting, but we wanted to ask a favour.


“You guys pretty much aren't active at Malice, but that's a good thing for me right now. Makes you unbiased, and with some of the tempers we're gonna have there, I'm looking to make sure we have an independent set of enforcers around.


“I'd like to hire you guys. Not many people are going to want to tangle with all of you.”


Ino turns to face Emily. Expressionlessly, he says simply “Win beforehand.”


The Baroness nods, turning to Midden. “We have a price.”


Midden nods. “Thought you might. Teacher, student or students?”


Again, she turns to face Ino.


“In confronting a matter,” he begins, “however, if at first you leave it alone...”


“...Fix the Four Vows in your heart, exclude self-interest, and make an effort, you will not go far from your mark,” his students chorus. The Baroness nods in understanding.


“Shingen Miyazaki.”


Midden nods. “I'll clear a space in the cruiserweight open,” he says. “Should give him a chance to earn another title bid.” With that, he leaves, apparently coming to grips with Team KOBRA's current methodology.


The same cannot be said for Azaria. “Anyone but me remember when Ino talked normally?” he asks.




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Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen


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New Wave w/ Blonde Bombshell

It's a good, solid, entertaining match, but while the Kings are given time to show that they have a few more tricks every time they get in the ring – there's a lovely wheelbarrow facebuster/running elbow drop combo in there that Scout takes – the ending is never really in doubt.


The Bombshell stays watchful at ringside, keeping track of her clients. At one point – just after Scout knocks Kingman silly with a punch and tags out – she makes a big thing, out of the ref's sight, of demanding something from Scout. Replay will dwell a few times on the shot of him surrendering his brass knucks.


Barry Kingman tries to tag out, but he's woozy and Guide is calculating. At a tremendous rate, Guide hits all four sides of the ring, the second being a detour on his path in which he nails Alexander through the ropes with a Guided Missile, keeping on going and hitting two more ropes before smashing into Kingman in the centre of the ring – with sufficient force that he's able to flip forward and land on his feet from the momentum.


The pin is academic.

New Wave defeated Conquering Kings

Rating: B





On a monitor backstage a dejected Danny Fonzarelli watches the match. He runs his hand over his shaved scalp and sighs, shaking his head.


“What's wrong?” comes a female voice from out of shot. Fonzie's shoulders hunch, and he slowly turns. The camera pans, revealing the woman.


“Who are you?”



“Call me Katie,” she says. “I'm new here. You like getting beat up?”


Fonzie frowns. “What do you think? And what do you want?”


“I don't know. I thought I'd manage you a while.”


He stares. “Lady, are you crazy?”


She shrugs. After a moment, Fonzie musters more comments. “You want to manage me?”


“Sure. Why not?”


“I... don't have the best of records right now.”


“Sounds like you need a manager, right?”


He shakes his head slowly. “Are you gonna keep on at this until I give in?”


“Thought maybe you'd be smart and agree.”


Danny Fonzarelli runs his hand over his shaved scalp again. “You're one crazy lady.”


“Which of us got kicked around by a big bald half-naked dude last week?”


His shoulders slump. “I guess you got a point there.”




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Eternal Party vs. International Air

High-octane airborne action, and the Party clearly want to get a notch in the win column ahead of their matches on Malice Night One.


Matravers tries running riot early on, but while he has a lot of innovative tricks, it's still impossible for him to keep pace with someone like the Master of Edd Fu. He tags out after losing out on a couple of exchanges and the contest instantly transforms into serious mat action.


Mr. Lucha III gets Azaria excited by busting out a crossface hold very similar in execution to Jack DeColt's End of Days, locking it in place around Edd, providing something of foreshadowing for the upcoming DeColt/Stone conflict.


However, Edd goes almost instantly from his usual half-organised anarchy to what looks like a counter drilled to the point it's become reflex, countering out and scoring with a Party's Over. Only Matravers coming in prevents the match from being over there and then.


Adam does his best, but Champagne Lover takes over for his side, locks him down, and smashes him into the turnbuckles, catching him on the rebound with a Lover Stunner to score the victory.

Eternal Party defeated International Air

Rating: B-





Set to the tune of Malice in Wonderland's theme song, Halestorm's Tell Me Where It Hurts, a greatest-hits video begins to play running through the Tornado/Bruce feud, the formation of Darkwave, Painful Procedure's battle with them as a whole, up to the recent abduction, cage match, and reconciliation.









The video maker segues smoothly; a mashup of Everlast's Stone In My Hand and Garbage's Enough is Never Enough chronicling side by side the arrival, challenge to Gorgon, reconciliation with her father and championship victory of JeriLynn Stone as she honoured her mother, Simone Aube-Stone, and the arrival and subsequent undefeated streak of the Leading Lights, dwelling on their championship matches and the announcement that Gina Carano will act as an enforcer during the one-fall-to-a-finish match at Malice.








http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JackBruce_alt10a.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/NichirenAmagawa.jpg

Jack Bruce vs. Nichiren Amagawa

Bruce looks absolutely delighted to be there with the slight support of the fans. He looks the rookie and his apparently characteristic confident smirk over with a broad grin.


It's hard to say which man is more confident in their victory from this, but Amagawa nonetheless seems determined to take the big name down, working over his knee in preparation for another of his outlandish locks – but Bruce manages to rally, sinking the rookie with a New York Minute.

Jack Bruce defeated Nichiren Amagawa

Rating: B




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Leading Lights vs. Melody & Raven

There's an entertaining match here, and the crowd are really starting to warm up to even these smaller names, so it gets a pretty warm reception throughout.


Melody and Raven function pretty well, but arguably not well enough, as the Lights systematically cheat their way through outbreaks of resistance, ultimately paving the way for Michelle Cox to nail the Pretty Fly.


A count of three later, the Lights remain undefeated.

Leading Lights defeated Melody & Raven

Rating: B-





Greg Keith sits on what appears to be the arena rooftop, his feet dangling off the edge, looking out through the night sky at the car park.


“All those people, come to see us,” he says softly. “All these people who've bought tickets to see TCW. Maybe chasing their favourite wrestlers, maybe wanting to see what's going on before Malice... maybe just wanting to see wrestling.


“I've been wrestling for less than two years, and I already can't even guess how many people have seen me wrestle. Have come up to me, asked for an autograph, or just told me they enjoyed the card.


“They tell me I'm one of the lucky ones. That there's only five wrestlers who've only ever fought in TCW. That if you include the other biggest companies out there, the number doesn't get up past twenty.


“This is how wrestling has always been for me, because of my dad. By the time I was old enough to know about wrestling, this was the world my dad moved in. The biggest companies out there, in front of the biggest crowds, fighting the biggest names.


“It wasn't until I got here I understood that this was the fairytale. Art Reed, Johnny Bloodstone – my running mates, my new friends – had to travel all over. They've wrestled in front of crowds smaller than it takes to put on a Cage Wars match in TCW.


“And I had that fairytale for my first year... but my brother's gone, now.


“He turned on the family, abandoned us, set his sights on me. At first I felt like I'd lost an arm – my twin brother, my tag partner, gone abruptly and I felt like half who I'd been.


“And now, in front of the very biggest crowd, my brother and I are both going to be fighting a big name – each other.


“It's going to be like wrestling myself. That arm I lost is going to be across the ring from me. He knows me better than I do; I know him better than he does.”


Greg falls silent then, looking over the car park. “So young, and this could be our crowning glory... but it's going to do something else for sure.


“It's going to break Mom's heart.”





Abruptly the big screen comes to life, with Tell Me Where It Hurts playing loudly again. This time the video is a new one; it's clips of John Pathlow post-transformation, focusing on both the American Dojo and on his winning the All Action Championship, intercut with clips of Kashmir Singh's few matches – all victorious – and his video broadcasts, allied with Zeus.








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Elimination Protocol vs. Duane & Jeremy Stone

This one is completely different to the prior matches; this is all technical with a side of super junior on both sides. A blindingly fast mat game is something Azaria has, over time, gotten very, very used to dealing with.


The Protocol continue to combine well, with Jameson serving as a lynchpin to allow Technique a number of double teams. The drop toe hold/step up running elbow drop returns, and they add in a simultaneous STO/Russian legsweep takedown which could have won it for them had Duane Stone not broken the hold.


The Stone brothers have a fight on their hands that they'd never expected to be tough, and it's clear that this surprises them – you can see the gears turning as they realise they need to puck up some slack and go to town.


Eventually they get into the right position, and things explode; Technique eats a Party's Over from Duane, then a Stone's Throw from Jeremy sends him out of the ring. As Jameson comes in, Duane monkey flips him over, hops to the top, and soars with a From Canada With Love – and Jeremy locks in a Stone Ankle Stretch to prove a point and pick up the victory.

Duane & Jeremy Stone defeated Elimination Protocol

Rating: B





Kings of Wrestling



Aaron Andrews, Steve DeColt & Tommy Cornell

There's a visible anticipation for this in the crowd. After some discussion, Andrews starts for his team, Johnson for his.


They circle, Johnson looking to close for a lock-up. Andrews throws a punch but Nate dances back out of reach, closes in again, evades the next jab, and dances back grinning. He comes back again – and Aaron lariats him down hard to the mat. On the apron, DeColt approves vocally.


Johnson picks himself up and the pair circle again. This time it's Andrews who wants the lockup – and he overpowers Johnson – turns it into a headlock – shoots him off the ropes, sets for a backdrop -


Johnson recovers in time, nailing the unsuspecting Andrews with a twisting neckbreaker at speed. He continues out of the ring, and Bobby Thomas is already ready to take advantage, soaring from the top rope to deliver a double-stomp to Andrews' gut.


The Express look pretty confident so far, and Thomas lifts Aaron back to his feet, locks up, and leaps to nail a dropkick and tag him back down. He whips Andrews across to the Kings' corner, where Matthew Keith backhands him across the face.


Needless to say, Sam Sparrow objects, and Keith moves slightly to argue with him while Johnson loops the tag rope around Andrews' neck, leaning backward to really put some weight on his improvised garotte.


Furious, Cornell comes in, baited across the ring. Keith drops from the apron to the floor and the Express combine, looking to nail Cornell with a stereo superkick – they miss, but as Cornell smirks at the camera having evaded it, they nail him with a leg sweep/lariat combo.


Thomas looks to lock Cornell into a crab – and this is about as big a mistake as you might expect.


He counters smoothly, rising out of it with Thomas locked in something very like a choke. With a smirk, Cornell shifts position and releases the choke – doing so by simultaneously biel-tossing Thomas into Keith.


Sparrow rules it a tag, much to Keith's fury, but after some brief stalling, he comes in.


Lock-up and Cornell outthinks Keith, shifting out to apply a standing wristlock. Abruptly, he puts pressure on the shoulder and shifts, slamming Matt back-first into the canvas – and Matt immediately kips back up.


Annoyed, Cornell repeats the move, and Matt repeats the response, staring back at his boss with cold, confident eyes. Tommy shrugs, twists himself into the arm – it's a judo throw, but again, Keith lands on his feet.


And Cornell kicks his legs out from under him.


So far so good – but then the Express come to the rescue. Thomas slides himself in under the bottom rope, and Johnson springboards off the top. Nate comes down with a blockbuster just as Bobby sweeps the legs.


It's a smooth double-team, but there's now three on one in there and Andrews rushes in, full of thunder, to even the score. Johnson eats a spinebuster and Thomas gets planted in the centre of the ring with the Game Breaker.


Andrews turns to face Matt – Keith, clearly ready for him, boots him in the gut and nails a DDT as Cornell rolls to the outside to recover.


Matt pulls Aaron up and tries for the Neutron Plex – but it's blocked. In comes Johnson and the duo whip Aaron across the ring, meeting him on the way back with a tag clothesline. Andrews is on the mat and Keith starts looking for the Proton Lock while Johnson stomps Aaron's head...


Steve DeColt, standing on the second rope, can just lean over far enough to slap his outstretched hand against Andrews' boot. The tag is made!


Steve hurdles the ropes – much easier from where he is – and lands in the ring, Johnson tries to intercept – Steve promptly boosts him up into the air in a military press, then presses him up and down four or five times, turning to face each section of the crowd, grinning broadly, before boosting him even higher and walking out from under him.


“DeCOLT DROP!” Azaria yells. Johnson sort of manages to regain his feet, and Steve punches him back against the ropes and nails a big boot to see him stumble over the top rope and down to the outside.


He turns to face Keith, and Matt releases the Proton Lock, rising to face him.


It doesn't help hugely. He eats a lariat, picks himself up, and walks into a powerbomb by DeColt before being tossed over the rope and out of the ring.


With great theatre, Steve turns to face Bobby Thomas who, in a testament to the impact of the Game Breaker, is barely stirring.


DeColt turns to face the crowd for a second with a broad grin. They all know what's coming.


Steve stomps his foot twice then claps, then repeats the sequence, and the arena picks it up, drumming out the beat of DeColt's theme We Will Rock You.


To that rhythm, DeColt snags Thomas into a headlock, pulling him in tight and marching a circle around the ring, free fist pumping with a grin. He shoves Thomas back-first into the turnbuckles.


Left hook. Right cross. Boot to the gut. He grabs Thomas again, drawing him two paces forward. Uranage into a backbreaker! DeColt holds Thomas there a long second then straightens up again, at the same time shoving Thomas behind him.


The dazed and staggered Bobby stumbles forward into the centre of the ring as, with the crowd's beat reaching a peak, Steve races forward. DeCOLT STAMPEDE! ONE, TWO, THREE!

Aaron Andrews, Steve DeColt & Tommy Cornell defeated the Kings of Wrestling

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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  • Replies 3.7k
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“How you doing?” Midden asks formally.


That's formal?


Guide hits all four sides of the ring,


Chess Maniac!


That Cameron/Fonzarelli exchange got weirdly flirtacious. Which is funny because you have Jett.


Greg Keith sits on what appears to be the arena rooftop, his feet dangling off the edge, looking out through the night sky at the car park.


And then Matt shoves him off?


A blindingly fast mat game is something Azaria has, over time, gotten very, very used to dealing with.


Come to think of it, I haven't heard you mention Jason being unable ot keep up with the action in awhile.


Stones are surprised etc.


The Stones are morons. Jeremy's been in this business longer than EP have had teeth, and he's still not treating every match seriously? And Duane, god among men, the savior to the Stone name, the man who has to prove himself, just plays along and nails a Party's Over? You ruined my favorite debut thus far, Phantom Stranger.


...Although this could lead to an Elemental IV debut, wherein he challenges Duane to a best of super juniors thing. Which would be ****ing amazing.


Well played, PS. Well played.


I like Nate Johnson. I like the word garotte. :D


I is unhappy @ DeColt winning, but...eh. That and it seems like DeColts tends to be characterized as a fairly simplistic brawler. I'll expand on that later if I still feel it's the case.

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That and it seems like DeColts tends to be characterized as a fairly simplistic brawler. I'll expand on that later if I still feel it's the case.


First off... Sorry, who's this Cameron person you mentioned? ;)


Second off...


Jack DeColt is a technician who can go to power. Alex is a beefcake who loves to fight giants. Ricky DeColt is a high flyer. Steve DeColt is a powerhouse.


But what they ALL have in common is that they're arrived freshly from a promotion where surname, not workrate, is king.


This is the first time I've really had to spell that out when importing an SWFer or CGCer, as it's the first time that they've pulled an A*. (Yes, Eddie and Dan DaLay. Eddie IS an all-rounder with a wide enough moveset to pass for workrate in a main event tag. Dan DaLay WAS written, I'd hope, as a competent but limited giant.)


If you read that match and compare it to a typical A* writeup by me, I hope it comes across as far more sports entertainment than usual, with less of a cohesive story and lower workrate by just about everybody except, perhaps, the Express. Cornell's barely active - we're in a period where the DeColts need establishing before a big match, and to some degree that means catering to them, and I wrote the match with that in mind.


I mention this and defend what I did because the diary's ending in four shows. Over time, if it continued, I'd be looking to expand the DeColts' psychologies and stories and all-round moveset to cater for workrate, while also fading down the secondary finishers everyone's collected to more minor things.


As it stands, Steve, Alex, Jack and Ricky are looking to totally shift gears to fit a new product, and that doesn't happen overnight.


Ricky has a head start. If you've been paying attention, you may know why.


EDIT: Oh, and no, Duane didn't pick up the pieces, Jezza did that. Duane saved his brother, turned the tide, and then took out the other tag member. Jeremy just picked up the scraps on both men - and I wrote it that way for a reason. It's Duane who changes that match.

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The main event did have a drastically different feel to it. Sports entertainment...yeah, I guess that's a solid term for it. I think you succeeded in that.


If I mentioned that Duane picked up the pieces, I meant more in terms of me hating Edd Stone and Jeremy becoming...just kinda bland to me. I was excited for Duane, and now he's just...I dunno. I wanted crazy Cobra strikes on random cast members and...um...




I guess I wanted a movie. A Black Cobra movie. Huh.

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The main event did have a drastically different feel to it. Sports entertainment...yeah, I guess that's a solid term for it. I think you succeeded in that.


If I mentioned that Duane picked up the pieces, I meant more in terms of me hating Edd Stone and Jeremy becoming...just kinda bland to me. I was excited for Duane, and now he's just...I dunno. I wanted crazy Cobra strikes on random cast members and...um...




I guess I wanted a movie. A Black Cobra movie. Huh.


This makes some sense.


...But, y'know, he comes in with less than a fortnight of diary to go, and that hurts what I can do immediately. Duane has a lot of solo story to come - but there's the big match he was scouted for to go first...

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Actually, this has me in the mood to ramble more broadly.


There's a lot of stuff in these writeups that I really am not doing for anyone else to catch. I'm not talking about the intra-diary references - those come fast and furious. And I certainly don't mind if people do catch them, as I think they add to the ambience - but they add to the ambience as much because they're on my mind and influence structure and language choice as for anything else.


Sometimes I call attention to signature but non-finisher spots - Golden's twisting overhead powerslam, Bach's coast-to-coast bulldog. Sometimes I don't - Stephanie Wade's ended three or four matches by throwing a steel chair into someone's face, something nobody else has done even once, and Mayhem Midden still uses the 'butt heads' line regularly though he seldom, if ever, breaks out the steel-plate headbutt (the gag's kind of been spent on that gimmick, but the threat remains).


Sometimes it's just to play up an aspect of a character. Sometimes it's in the hope it'll just stick in the mind. If you've registered that Generation Omega always come through the crowd and wrestle in street clothes, then that's cool; if someone with no affiliation starts coming through the crowd, that might be foreshadowing. Or it might not.


Sometimes it's just for fun. Christian Faith is never in Total control and he'll never Total anybody. I put four or five Ole Anderson quotes in Professor Nero's mouth during Philly Pro, and Jim Cornette's yelled from a couple of mouths in this one. An earlier draft of the Katie vignette this episode drew from an alcoholics' anonymous anecdote I saw on TV and quite like, before a conversation with Regis refocused me on what I want to do with her - which also led to the filter I applied to the J Silver re-render.


As much as anything, this is all me having fun with things, or resonances, the same as the references from diary to diary so many of us make.


(I was amused, on that score, to see James Casey mention the Bumfholes' mother as a wrestler in a recent SWF promo - I made up her brief HWA career out of whole cloth, because it seemed appropriate. I love when this sort of invention becomes a part of a sort of wide canon, the same way I love it when I see more than one diary or about-my-game thread mention the same invented tag team with the same name/finisher/whathaveyou. A few people have said that they forget the Lions aren't a real team, and that makes me very happy. Given time, I'd've hoped to do the same with Elimination Protocol by their last win).


I think in part I'm just rambling here because I know I'm going to talk a lot after the diary as a whole has wrapped - laying out plans, explaining where stuff went weird, or what such-and-such a plot arc was meant to do. I kind of want to get some of it out the way ahead of time.

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I love it when I see more than one diary or about-my-game thread mention the same invented tag team with the same name


Like Shingekazu. Dammit. I know someone made that team...


Anyway, looking forward to your post-stuff talks. :D

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 4 January 2010


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.19)


Held at the Waterloo University Arena (Ontario)


Attendance: 3,036





Steve Smith – Charlie Thatcher – Autumn Gleeson


  • ELITE open the show complaining that they weren't featured Tuesday. They promise that in just one match tonight they'll make up for it, mocking the Masked Patriot.
  • Dan DaLay then defeats Masked Patriot, who fights bravely but goes down in the end to a DaLay Down. (Rating: B-)
  • The Canadian Golden Boys defend their titles against Eric Tyler and Freddy Huggins, the match ending in a double-DQ when everything disintegrates. (Rating: B+)
  • A video then airs recapping the Deeley/Huggins Best of Seven series, designed to get everyone excited for the deciding match at Malice in Wonderland.
  • Another video runs, building up anticipation for Davis Wayne Newton taking on Jeremy Stone.
  • Duane Stone goes one on one with Mikey James, the fight being a close one until Stone finds an opening for the Alabaster Agony. (Rating: B)
  • Christian Faith fights the monster known as Gargantuan, forcing him eventually to tap to the Test of Faith. (Rating: B-)
  • A video airs spotlighting the contestants in the Shot at the Top match.
  • Golden Law put away Global Tradition after a tough match, Law pinning Bryant. (Rating: B)
  • Alex & Jack DeColt face off with former TCW tag champs when Davis Wayne Newton and Frankie Perez reunite for one night only – and hold the line all the way to a draw. (Rating: B+)


Show Rating: A

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Guest codey
So I just noticed that you have Charlie Thatcher pulling color commentary duties. How long has that been going on, and what are his stats like? For that matter, how's he developed as a wrestler. I only throw him into dark match tags occasionally, and he's showing improvement in almost all areas monthly.
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So I just noticed that you have Charlie Thatcher pulling color commentary duties. How long has that been going on, and what are his stats like? For that matter, how's he developed as a wrestler. I only throw him into dark match tags occasionally, and he's showing improvement in almost all areas monthly.


Midden's enforcer moved onto the announce desk on Fridays when ELITE started showing up, keeping him closer to the action.


He is not terribly good as a wrestler because I keep failing to get him opportunities in the dark to improve, but his average is around a B in 8-minute dark tags.

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Steve DeColt is Hogan. Not the politicing and whateverness, but that style. A brawler who plays to the crowd.


Okay, sure, since Hogan is the only one to ever play to the crowd in the match, especially the only brawler to do so, but as I was thinking about crazy 720 piledrivers and crap while washing the dishes, it just hit me that...well...DeColt kinda reminds me of the hand-ear thing and the pumping slam arm motions and whatever.


Which, incidentally, is sports entertainment. So freaking kudos to you. It doesn't sit quite right with me due to my love for my DeColt in my own game, (ironically due to him getting mega-over through interviews while injured) but I'm pretty sure you've nailed the feeling you want me to get off of him.




And for some reason Alabaster Agony doesn't sound cool to me. I know it's Duane's finisher, (and I looked it up; go go surfboard) but...I can't decide whether it's the Alabaster or the Agony. I think I wanted a Black Cobra Clutch*punches face* or, more likely, a...um...Black...Mamba...Mutilation? Well crap, that's Bloodstone's move. I'm less and less liking the trouble of liking Duane. /shakesfist

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Steve DeColt is Hogan.


When I write Steve, when I attempt to channel him, I am thinking WWF, but I'm thinking Attitude era.


Fast-moving charismatic Attitude era brawlers who play to the crowd... hmmm... with an elaborate finish sequence, you say?


As a side note: I'm not using the traditional Proton Lock*. What makes you think the Alabaster Agony is a surfboard?


* as I believe I've mentioned before, in my head it's a CHIKARA Special.

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When I write Steve, when I attempt to channel him, I am thinking WWF, but I'm thinking Attitude era.


Fast-moving charismatic Attitude era brawlers who play to the crowd... hmmm... with an elaborate finish sequence, you say?


As a side note: I'm not using the traditional Proton Lock*. What makes you think the Alabaster Agony is a surfboard?


* as I believe I've mentioned before, in my head it's a CHIKARA Special.


He's the Rawk? I demand he have his own sock, then. DEMAAAAANNNNDDDDDD


/shrug. It's what it is in WS2; I'm fine with the move, just not the name.

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The action starts the night before Malice in Wonderland with an intergender tag match, as Generation Omega's Alicia Strong and Davis Wayne Newton will face off with upcoming Malice security Team KOBRA's Koshiro Ino & Suzanne Brazzle.


Six-Man action follows, with Duane, Edd and Jeremy Stone uniting as a trios against Eric Tyler, UK Dragon, and Frankie Dee of the School of Tradition. But which trios will come trumps?


More intergender action is next on the agenda. Chris Rockwell pairs with unofficial fourth Amigo Stephanie Wade to take on American Buffalo and Tamara McFly. McFly famously didn't get to act in her last intergender match; will she do any better here?


Next up comes a double-header of old vs. new mat classic action. Johnny Bloodstone, in the run up to his Hard-Hitting Championship bout, takes on newcomer Nichiren Amagawa, a man already being muttered about darkly for his dangerous holds in the hall of TCW - and Sam Keith faces down Kirk Jameson, one of the ever-tenacious Elimination Protocol.


Finally, there's the main event. Following the events of Tuesday, an argument broke out after the main event, with the Lions mocking Phil Vibert - his men wrestling included the World Heavyweight Champion, but they couldn't beat a tag team that weren't champions. The argument escalated, with the British Lions obviously hoping to prove a point, but they may have gone too far. The main event is, we're told, the result of Vibert's influence on the Board of Investors; the Lions' championship is on the line in a half-hour Iron Man match against Wolf Hawkins and Joey Minnesota. Vibert has pledged that if his team wins he'll "bury those damn belts in the trash where they belong."


Prediction Key:

Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Koshiro Ino & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily


Duane, Edd & Jeremy Stone vs. Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & UK Dragon


Chris Rockwell & Stephanie Wade vs. American Buffalo & Tamara McFly


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Nichiren Amagawa


Kirk Jameson vs. Sam Keith



TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

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Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Koshiro Ino & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily

Sorry, Ino, but you're JTTS material these days.


Duane, Edd & Jeremy Stone vs. Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & UK Dragon

Midcard stable vs. potential Main Event material? Yeah.


Chris Rockwell & Stephanie Wade vs. American Buffalo & Tamara McFly

Yeah but no.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Nichiren Amagawa

Good ol' Nichi. But still, no.


Kirk Jameson vs. Sam Keith

Sam has to win once in a while, just to make beating him mean something.



TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

Gonna be a good one, and there's no way Wolf goes to Malice the World Champion.

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Prediction Key:

Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Koshiro Ino & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily


Because the only thing funnier than Phil Vibert getting pwned is seeing security being proved impotent.


Duane, Edd & Jeremy Stone vs. Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & UK Dragon


...Well, on the one hand there's non-magician Duane Stone. On the other hand, there's Edd Stone. Maybe Duane should "turn" on Edd Stone, suplexing him through a table. But then he'd have to lose. I'M SO CONFLICTED


Chris Rockwell & Stephanie Wade vs. American Buffalo & Tamara McFly


Because Tamara don't get no action.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Nichiren Amagawa


:D Best match everz.


Kirk Jameson vs. Sam Keith


If there's chemistry I will cry everywhere. Well, unless it's negative, in which case I will punch everywhere.



TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


I'm only commenting to say this is stupid and Vibert is stupid.

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Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Koshiro Ino & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily

I would love to pick Ino and Brazzle but sadly I don´t see them winning this one.


Duane, Edd & Jeremy Stone vs. Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & UK Dragon

Stone´s have way more going on.


Chris Rockwell & Stephanie Wade vs. American Buffalo & Tamara McFly

Buffalo haven´t won a match in main show for god knows how long, actually to think about it I don´t even remember when he last was in a match.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Nichiren Amagawa

Amagawa continues to gain overness by losing to one of your top guys...


Kirk Jameson vs. Sam Keith

... and so does Jameson.



TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

I go with draw on this one.

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Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Koshiro Ino & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily


Given that Midden just set 90% of KOBRA on the sidelines for Malice, there's no way you're going to push them now. Not that Ino and Brazzle would have been favored to win anyway against Strong II and Mr. Shot at the Top.


Duane, Edd & Jeremy Stone vs. Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & UK Dragon


One more push for the Stones en route to the big DeColt showdown. is this the first time we've seen all three?


Chris Rockwell & Stephanie Wade vs. American Buffalo & Tamara McFly


If only Tamara was better, she'd be right there alongside Apocryphal Stone. (NOTBPW women's auxiliary!) Rockwell, like Bloodstone, is building himself up -- I always thought they were VERY similar characters as written here. Not in a bad way... I like them both. Wade has gotten kind of lost lately, no?


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Nichiren Amagawa


I know he's not winning, but damned if Amagawa isn't amassing a pretty great collection of opponents right off the bat. Might be the first time I've seen a guy DEBUT as a jobber-to-the-stars.


Kirk Jameson vs. Sam Keith


So, Jameson... actually good? I've seen him listed by a few other diaries as one of the top young guys (alongside DWN, Jett, etc.), but he's never amounted to much in my games. I know you've hinted at a push next year for his team, so I don't see him doing much in solo work...



TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert -- draw


Yeah... Joey and Wolf aren't going to lose going into Malice. Your tag champions, and the top full-time tag team in the company, aren't going to drop the belts the night before Malice. The only shocking thing about this match is that you're working these guys so heavily just a night before the most taxing event on your calendar.

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If I de-lurk in my second-favourite diary, might as well do the same here... PS, GREAT story you told so far, can't wait for the end...


(Your link to this from another forum got me to check this one out in the first place... I''ve since become addicted to diaries on here, and holding my breath just a bit for a possible TEW '12 or '13 announcement before just giving in and buying '10.)



Alicia Strong & Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Koshiro Ino & Suzanne Brazzle w/ Baroness Emily

No-brainer, really.


Duane, Edd & Jeremy Stone vs. Eric Tyler, Frankie Dee & UK Dragon

need to keep the Stones strong. Highly interested to see how Edd'll do in this setup.


Chris Rockwell & Stephanie Wade vs. American Buffalo & Tamara McFly

Chris actually has a match at the PPV.


Johnny Bloodstone vs. Nichiren Amagawa

The japanese guy is jobbing his way up the ranks. Him getting his first win against Bloodstone would be REALLY unfair to Bloodstone.


Kirk Jameson vs. Sam Keith

Jameson hopefully picks up a last few points of psychology, and Sam picks up some momentum before the PPV.



TCW Tag Team Championships

British Lions © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


Draw. Can't see the Lions lose it before the PPV, can't see Wolf lose before that either.

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