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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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Prediction Key:

The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Art Reed & the Young Guns w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone & The Enforcers


Chris Rockwell vs. Joey Minnesota


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Frankie Perez


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Jeremy Stone & Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith & Eddie Peak w/ Blonde Bombshell

Ladder Match (Entry into Destructive Energy's World Heavyweight Championship match)

Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

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Prediction Key:

The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

No chance.


Art Reed & the Young Guns w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone & The Enforcers

The lesser lights of The Syndicate keep the faces strong.


Chris Rockwell vs. Joey Minnesota

Minnesota's directionless, while Rockwell is going places.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Frankie Perez

Sorry, P-Dawg. Your record continues poor.


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Ah-ha. No chance.


Jeremy Stone & Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith & Eddie Peak w/ Blonde Bombshell



Ladder Match (Entry into Destructive Energy's World Heavyweight Championship match)

Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

I want to say yes, but what about Powell? Can you job out the champ? I'll take a gamble.

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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins


Art Reed & the Young Guns w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone & The Enforcers


Chris Rockwell vs. Joey Minnesota


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Frankie Perez


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins


Jeremy Stone & Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith & Eddie Peak w/ Blonde Bombshell


Ladder Match (Entry into Destructive Energy's World Heavyweight Championship match)

Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

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Prediction Key:

The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Maybe in a couple years...


Art Reed & the Young Guns w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone & The Enforcers

It's Art Reed.


Chris Rockwell vs. Joey Minnesota

Rockwell's more important right now.


TCW International Championship

John Anderson © vs. Frankie Perez

Maybe in a couple years...


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Maybe in a couple years...


Jeremy Stone & Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith & Eddie Peak w/ Blonde Bombshell

Have to build up Jeremy's (American) popularity to match his skill.


Ladder Match (Entry into Destructive Energy's World Heavyweight Championship match)

Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

I don't see Bach being in the World title match.

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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

Art Reed & the Young Guns w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone & The Enforcers

Chris Rockwell vs. Joey Minnesota

TCW International Championship: John Anderson © vs. Frankie Perez

Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Jeremy Stone & Tyson Baine vs. Sam Keith & Eddie Peak w/ Blonde Bombshell

Ladder Match: Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 3 September 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 4.38)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.00)


Held at the Isaak Road Arena (Mid Atlantic)


Attendance: 15000 (Sold Out)




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins

An extremely good opening contest here, and somewhat stunningly for two such young lads, the twins give as good as they get against the effective Syndicate leadership.


That said, Tommy Cornell is still Tommy Cornell, and the Keiths are still inexperienced. Around nine minutes in, Tommy catches Greg Keith with the Rough Ride and promptly transitions to the Guilt Trip. Matthew Keith steps between the ropes, as does Wolf Hawkins, and the Full Moon Rising lands just in time to prevent him breaking the hold.

Tommy Cornell & Wolf Hawkins defeated The Keith Brothers

Rating: B+





Wolf Hawkins rolls out of the ring, snatching a microphone and tossing it, underhand, into the ring. Cornell snatches it out of the air. “Alright,” he begins.


“First off, Sam, you still have yours coming to you. Don't forget that.


“Now... Destructive Energy.


“Me. Troy. Bloodstone. Maybe Bach. For the title I've held so many times. The title I've held so long.


“Troy, believe me, I understand so much better than you could how important that championship is. You say I'm hurting it? I say – you're the champion. Outclass me, Troy – it's the only way you can make your championship reign mean anything.


“And it's not something you can do. Painful Procedure is a joke. Half of it hasn't been seen in weeks. The Syndicate, now...”


A chuckle, and Cornell locks eyes with the hard camera.


“I lost Sam. I lost Brent. I lost John. And the Syndicate is still more powerful than any other group in wrestling.


“I replaced the Machines with the Enforcers. I replaced Sam Keith with Tyson Baine. If I have to, I have replacements ready for everyone. You can't kill the Syndicate, Troy. None of you useless w**kers can.”


Hawkins looks at Tommy a little oddly for a moment, but shakes his head. Cornell, meanwhile, continues. “In July 2007, we announced ourselves to the world. We were champions. In July this past year, we were undergoing a change.


“But here's a promise. Here's a cast-iron guarantee from the only man good enough to make them.


“By July 2009, every championship in TCW will belong to the Syndicate.


“This month, Troy, I take yours from you. Then, I'm going to destroy Sam Keith's little band of credibility-drained rebels. I'm going to break that group wide open.


“And after that, Troy, I will eradicate Painful Procedure. Shout all you like about how you're musicians as well as wrestlers – it has disgusted me for years that a bunch of rock poseurs claim to be big shots in the only company who can boast real wrestlers.


“Running you all out of my company will be an absolute pleasure.”




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Art Reed & the Young Guns w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Edd Stone & the Enforcers

If TCW were elsewhere, they'd call this a rice and beans match. Goodish work by those involved, but not great; the Young Guns continue to get back to winning ways, though, catching Jack Marlowe with the Blitzkrieg Bop to score the pinfall.

Art Reed & the Young Guns defeated Edd Stone & the Enforcers

Rating: D+




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg

Chris Rockwell vs. Joey Minnesota

Much better work here. Minnesota finally seems to be growing confident in his role in TCW, starting to play to the fans more than he had been, and he gives Rockwell a heck of a fight.


Both men stick closely to the rules in a grounded, fast-paced contest reminscent of the best non-hardcore matches DaVE ever put on – that same speed, that same violence, that same intensity.


Through the contest, however, it begins to shift in pace, in style. For a while it's the kind of fight GAMMA make their money from; and there, Chris Rockwell excels, shedding the last remnants of his old, jokey character, nailing Minnesota with something halfway between a DDT and a chokehold before pinning him in place and slamming knee after knee into him, rattling him hard before turning him over to make the pin.

Chris Rockwell defeated Joey Minnesota

Rating: B





Sam Keith, shown backstage, holds a microphone, seated, considering. He doesn't look at the camera. He lifts the microphone to his lips, lowers it, then raises it again to speak.


“I seem to be, from some angles,” he begins, “a lucky man, in my old age.


“I've been privileged to help my sons find employment with what, despite issues with its owner, I consider the best wrestling federation active today.


“I became the first person to hold a new championship in that same federation.


“I've headlined a pay-per-view to defend it – the biggest selling pay-per-view in that federation's history. And while there, I defeated a man... A man who I saw come into another company, nearly fifteen years ago, full of promise.


“A man whose ego got him fired. His promise has been fulfilled; they call him the best wrestler alive today...” He smiles, reminiscent, his eyes still not on the camera, not paying attention. A shake of the head.


“I remember when that was what they called me,” he says. “But I beat him. A one-of-a-kind match. Tens of thousands bought their first pay-per-view to see it, as well as the tens of thousands who buy our pay-per-views every month.


“And now... just a month later...”


He breaks off, considering.


“I've known Dan Stone, on and off, for nearly thirty years,” he says, starting again. “But I never worked for him. I worked for George DeColt – I wrestled for him, I won his biggest championship. I talked to Dan... I nearly went there.


“But there was the chance to prove myself in Japan, or to return to Mexico... or to make a statement with the SWF.


“I never got to wrestle Dan Stone, and aside from training sessions with Edd when I first got here, and training camps I stopped by... I've never wrestled his sons.


“They tell me that Jeremy Stone is the very best on the mat. The Canadian Wrestling Machine.


“I've seen his matches.


“They're right.


“And I know... in less than two weeks, at Destructive Energy...


“The man who leaves the ring after our match holding that title belt will have wrestled like a true champion.


“So I'm a lucky man, it seems.”


He turns, finally, to the camera. His eyes are wet, welling with unshed tears.


“But wrestling like a true champion isn't all there is. I intend to beat you, Jeremy, for two reasons.


“First, to prove something to myself. To wrestle, two months running, two of the world's greatest wrestlers, and to win...” A smile. “It would be worth it.


“And second, Jeremy, because I've talked to Art, and to Johnny. Boys they were when we taught them, weren't we?


“It sickens them to see the pillar of his father's legacy go over to Cornell like this. To agree to the Syndicate's terms. To limit himself for Cornell's glory.


“So, Jeremy... for them... for the fans, for my sons, for all the worry the Syndicate has given my wife this past year...


“I'll beat you. I'll retain this championship. And I hope to God that when you lose, you'll see sense.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HumanArsenal.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg

John Anderson © vs. Frankie Perez

Not the greatest of contests; Perez too new-school Japan, Anderson a traditional American wrestler. Sometimes, you can get past that gap.


Sometimes, you can't. Anderson's offence looks good, as does Frankie's, but there's something just not there in this fight. Nonetheless, the champion manages to keep Perez on the back foot, but as he gets ready to end things, Perez thumbs the eye – not really practical to go for his hair.



Anderson retaliates with a standing dropkick. Perez hits the mat as Fonzarelli arrives at ringside; Anderson picks him back up and promptly hits the Ammo Dump. As he covers, Fonzie grabs a handful of hair, keeping Perez rooted to the mat.

John Anderson defeated Frankie Perez

Rating: C




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Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Sean Deeley w/ Laura Huggins

Sean Deeley's coming-out party continues.


For the past year or more, these two men were shining lights on the mat for different Canadian promotions. Now, in TCW, each one has the chance to measure themself against the other.


Feeling out is virtually nonexistent. For that matter, the traditional notion of a wrestling match appears to go out of the window; this is a one-upmanship contest that must end by pinfall or submission.


It takes nearly ten minutes before the end is found, as Bloodstone turns the Sure Shot into an armdrag into an armbreaker into the Bloodstone Mutilation.


Deeley struggles, and Laura Huggins waits... and waits...


It's around twenty, thirty seconds, and Laura Huggins once again calls a submission.

Johnny Bloodstone defeated Sean Deeley

Rating: B+





Eddie Peak appears on the video screen. Behind him, on continuous loop, Baine smashes Peak to the mat with the Hades Bomb, then grabs a handful of tights for leverage – over and over and over again.


“Someone said you were scared, Tyson,” he says, his voice that of a purring tiger. “Scared of me. Must have been to break the rules to pin me.


“Must have been, they say.


“I don't think you're any kind of coward.” He grins. “I can't think that, Tyson. If you're a coward, you won't lock yourself in with me...


“...which is how I want to settle this.


“Don't be a coward. Show the world the caged lion inside you.


“Come on, Tyson. I want a good fight...”




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Jeremy Stone & Tyson Baine vs. Eddie Peak & Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

You could, in many ways, argue that this match is the epitome of what the Hard Hitting Championship stands for.








Dirty tricks.


Submission holds.


Bone-jarring impact.






Bodies on the line. Risks taken.


It's hard to say which pair is more energised in fighting which pair, but around twelve minutes in all cohesion breaks down. It's a four-man fight from that point on, and Ray Johnson lets it ride, and lets it ride...


And, as Jeremy Stone sends Sam Keith out of the ring with a Stone's Throw, as Eddie Peak ploughs through Tyson Baine with a spear that seems capable of snapping a lesser man in half, Ray Johnson has let it ride as far as it can.


The timekeeper rings the bell, for twenty minutes have passed.

Eddie Peak & Sam Keith drew with Jeremy Stone & Tyson Baine

Rating: B+





Backstage, Troy Tornado holds a microphone. His other hand holds the World Heavyweight Championship, which he raises to eye level, contemplating it, and then he smiles, setting it aside to turn back to the camera.


“Three men fight for that belt,” he says, “in less than two weeks. At Destructive Energy.


“That's what I asked the Board for. Tonight, that's what I'm defending.” A laugh.


“Seems crazy to be trying to keep the number of contenders down when I'm the one who asked for more than one this month, but...


“Sammy Bach could do it, you know. He could go all the way. Sneak in past Johnny's issues with Tommy and Tommy's issues with... the civilized world... and pin one of us.


“He can definitely stand and fight. He can take the pain. And he's fast, and inventive.


“He deserves a shot. And, after I'm done teaching Tommy a lesson, I'd like to give him that shot – next month.


“So this month... I fight to get the match I asked for. The match I planned for.


“I fight because the champion should.” A smile. “Brace yourself, Sammy...”



If Sammy reaches the contract, he can add himself to the Destructive Energy title match

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TroyTornado_nacht6.jpg

Sammy Bach vs. Troy Tornado

People are already forgetting that Tornado was once an All Action Championship staple. But, much as these two men have outgrown their roots... They can still put on that style of match.


It's fast. It's furious. It sees Tornado springboard off the ropes to splash Bach against the ladder as he climbs it. It sees Bach borrow from Teddy Powell's repertoire with the Motion Censor to knock Troy off the ladder in response.


Bach even superplexes the ladder onto Tornado. With the champion down, he wraps the prone ladder around Tornado's ankle and climbs to the second rope.


“If he jumps now,” Azaria mutters, “our champion is going to be lame...”



Teddy Powell vaults out of the crowd onto the guardrail, and from there, to the apron, flipping himself over from there into the ring, grabbing a bulldog headlock on Bach as he does it. Tornado twists clear of the ladder exactly as Bach eats it facefirst; Powell's own landing seems to injure him, though, and as Troy sets up the ladder he climbs slowly, almost regretfully, watching both men as they lie there, clutching their injuries.


With a sad shake of the head, he takes the clipboard down, effectively winning the match.

Troy Tornado defeated Sammy Bach

Rating: B+


Show Rating: B+

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Thursday 18th September 2008

So, as we prepare to launch the month's other big debut – and the last 'big splash' signing I plan on unveiling any time in the near future – I figure I should answer a question a lot of the armchair quarterbacks are going to be asking.


Badge of Honor is decidedly the 'lesser' of our two broadcasts. It's designed to be, as I mentioned when it was brought in.


So why did Jeremy Stone, a big name taking his place in the company's biggest stable, debut on the B-show? And why am I doing the same with someone else?


There are a number of considerations here. First of all, we do still want fans to tune into Badge of Honor; we want to make it a comparatively important part of the schedule – so things happen on Badge of Honor that tie in with Total Wrestling and vice versa.


We figure we can do this without hurting the understandability of Total Wrestling for a very simple reason:




Since 2006, Tommy Cornell has been cracking down on a number of short TCW videos while allowing others to stand; the intent is for them to serve us as a free 'highlight reel' which we can use to try to win SWF fans over. (Which is about to get radically easier; after Farrah's second show, Supreme TV has been yanked off the air for the rest of the season. A shame, as they've been producing good TV again finally.)


We use the same thing to ensure any establishing information from Badge of Honor is available to Total Wrestling fans who want it.


And recently, we've been experimenting with the idea of using Badge of Honor and that YouTube channel to build for TV and PPV. The fact that all the voting-clips for the All Action contendership in August were on Badge of Honor is part of that; Jeremy debuting on Badge of Honor is part of that, as is the new guy.


A big component of the interest in the East Coast Wars was the value of a shock debut; we've continued to use this a lot. Bloodstone's pay-per-view debut, unadvertised and unidentified, didn't exactly do much to boost buyrate, but fitted into a story, so we made the sacrifice.


Badge of Honor means we can keep up that surprise, let the dedicated fans who watch the show freak and spread the news, and then the follow-up gets the hype for the big show. We don't have to make a sacrifice anymore – so why should we?

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The freshly-renamed duo of Aaron Andrews and Joey Minnesota, now calling themselves the Rising Stars, grace the first match of Badge of Honor this week - putting the British Lions to a real test.


After that, we'll see Edd Stone in action against another of the All-Action division's shining lights, Hell Monkey. Edd's Syndicate standing has seemed a virtual afterthought in recent weeks - with his brother's arrival in the company and the faction, is that all about to change?


Alanis Springsteen has rechristened her team, Kingman & Alexander. Telling them to draw courage and inspiration from their namesakes, the Conquering Kings return to a pledge made late last month - the pledge to find a way to topple the American Buffalo, who teams against them with the talented Fumihiro Ota. Buffalo's rage against manager Goldworthy for his continued absence from the World Heavyweight Championship contenders list appears to have subsided of late, much to Goldworthy's relief - but what will the big man do now?


In the semi-main event, Sam Keith's camp collides with Eric Tyler's acolytes as the Keith Brothers will do battle with the School of Tradition. Three young men with a world of potential and one veteran who's done it all - what's going to tip the scales?


Lastly, Rick Law has not revealed his choice for the main event except to say that the match will be no-disqualification. The expectation is that he will square off with Eric Tyler one last time, but Law was heard to say recently that he was through giving Tyler the opportunity to get to him - so what's to come, we've no idea.


Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. Rising Stars (Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota)


Edd Stone vs. Hell Monkey (non-title)


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins



Rick Law vs. ????

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British Lions vs. Rising Stars (Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota)


Edd Stone vs. Hell Monkey (non-title)


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins



Rick Law vs. ????

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British Lions vs. Rising Stars (Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota)

Minnesota needs to rebound


Edd Stone vs. Hell Monkey (non-title)

Can't see Monkey going over here


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Ota tips the scales here


Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

Tough one, nut I have to take the Keiths, since I like them so much :)



Rick Law vs. ????

Have a feeling Law might be in for a surprise

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Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. Rising Stars (Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota)

The Lions are jobbing their way upwards right now.


Edd Stone vs. Hell Monkey (non-title)

Hell Monkey's not guaranteed to deliver yet - not worth hurting Edd by giving him the win.


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Ota takes the fall, but The Kings fail to topple the Buffalo. How will he take his revenge?


Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

The Keiths have beaten jobbers, but I think that for now they'll lose out to cheating and sneaky tactics.



Rick Law vs. ????

His show.

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Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. Rising Stars (Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota)


Edd Stone vs. Hell Monkey (non-title)


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins



Rick Law vs. ????

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Guest cmdrsam

British Lions vs. Rising Stars (Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota)


Edd Stone vs. Hell Monkey (non-title)


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota w/ Floyd Goldworthy


Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins



Rick Law vs. ????



Been a bit since Ive posted. Still digging what you are doing here. Shows are well written and like your Take it home boys.

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Prediction Key:

British Lions vs. Rising Stars (Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota)


They're clearly the bigger team.


Edd Stone vs. Hell Monkey (non-title)


I feel like Monkey's role at this point is to add some quality to matches while getting pretty consistently beaten by anyone important. Edd Stone is important.


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota w/ Floyd Goldworthy


To be honest, I don't quite recall who Conquering Kings are. (EDIT: Oh, also, I didn't read the thing. Yeah, those guys aren't good.)


Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

I don't know how this is happening, but I'm marking for Freddie and Laura Huggins. What the hell?



Rick Law vs. ????


I'm up for this... I like Law, but Law getting beaten in a no-DQ fashion by a mystery contender on his own show would set up some pretty interesting storylines.

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British Lions vs. Rising Stars (Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota)

I think Walter and Merle will make it one day. Just not this day.


Edd Stone vs. Hell Monkey (non-title)

The non-title match gives Hell Monkey a chance; and I see some good storyline potential, given that Edd's been neglected lately in favor of his big brother.


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Kingman and Alexander aren't going anywhere. Meanwhile, Buffalo's a good gatekeeper, and Ota may be going places after pulling a B+ match out of the one-dimensional Jeremy.


Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

This is a match that the Keith's can afford to win. Plus, it'll give Eric Tyler a new feud, which he'll need, given how lame the Procedure is.



Rick Law vs. ????

Eric Tyler is going to get involved.

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British Lions vs. Rising Stars (Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota)


Andrews & Minnesota are getting the stronger push right now


Edd Stone vs. Hell Monkey (non-title)


Given the non title stip, I see the Monkey man winning here to force his way into title contention.


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota w/ Floyd Goldworthy


I see the gradually rising, gradually becoming established duo using their tag experience to win through here. Buffalo is just a directionless monster (who's aura as a monster heel has long passed) and Ota isn't really much more than a jobber.


Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins


The Keith's are going to be a force sooner, rather than later...so I see them pulling the win out here.




Rick Law vs. ????


Rick Law in the main event, I see that as a win win situation for the law man.

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British Lions vs. Rising Stars (Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota)

Lions continue to job others


Edd Stone vs. Hell Monkey (non-title)

Non-title so why not?


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Real tag team over random team


Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

This one is close but I go with team that has more experience



Rick Law vs. ????

No DQ likely means that Tyler will interference

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British Lions vs. Rising Stars (Aaron Andrews & Joey Minnesota)

Lions continue the job to relevancy program.


Edd Stone vs. Hell Monkey (non-title)

Edd needs a challenger, so why not?


Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota w/ Floyd Goldworthy

Nice name btw. But yeah, Buffalo & Ota are JTTS. Kings actually have a name.


Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

Syndi-ference maybe?



Rick Law vs. ????

I'm going to guess that Tyler tries to interfere, other faces get involved, Law sneaks in a win in the chaos.

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 3 September 2008


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 0.43)


Held at the Sunrise Sunset (Hawaii)


Attendance: 1642




Jason Azaria – Jasmine Saunders – Kyle Rhodes


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British Lions vs. Rising Stars

A fairly straightforward, by-the-numbers opening contest, largely without crowd reaction as Andrews and Minnesota are so far established above the Lions. There's definite signs of both sides becoming better wrestlers as they go, and there are some pretty good sequences – including one on which the Lions attempt the Rising Star's own finishers on them.


Unfortuntely for them, Minnesota slips out of Morgan's grasp and drops him with the Minnesota Salute. An Empire Spiral lays out O'Curle and Joey pins Morgan to wrap up.

Rising Stars defeated the British Lions

Rating: D+




Backstage, the School of Tradition are prepping in their dressing room. Eric Tyler appears to be giving something of a pep talk...


“...when he was getting started their poppa was really, really conscious that he wasn't ambidextrous,” he says. “He worked so damn hard on being able to fight like a southpaw, just in case it'd give an advantage, that he was easy to tackle on the right. I'm betting he's drilled the same problem into his kids, so-”



There's a knock at the door, and Tyler breaks off. Laura Huggins steps across and opens the door. The New Wave stand there.


“Want to talk to the kid,” Scout says quietly.


Laura takes a step back, glancing over her shoulder uncertainly, looking a little worried. Deeley rises, stepping across. “What's up?”


Scout exchanges a quick glance with Guide. “Was wondering why you really did what you did last week,” he says. “We talked it over a few different ways, didn't we?” Guide nods.


“What do you mean, why I really-”


“Worked it out, though,” Scout said, smirking. “Alright, you made your case. You want the shot at Destructive Energy?”


“...A title shot?”


“You made your case,” Guide clarifies. “Maybe you coulda got out the hold. And you didn't tap.” Scout grins.


“So you got the match,” he says. “We'll see you boys there.”


“But,” Deeley says. “I wasn't-”


Laura Huggins elbows him.


“Mind you,” Scout adds cheerfully, “this time I'll make good and sure you'll tap out.” A shrug. “Be warned.”


The New Wave leave, and the door closes behind them. Huggins and Deeley look at each other again, and Sean is about to say something when Eric Tyler claps a supportive arm on his shoulder. “Good work, son,” he says. “Don't know how you sold 'em on it, but it's time we gout ourselves a match...”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EddStone_alt13.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/HellMonkey.jpg

Edd Stone vs. Hell Monkey

Hell Monkey's greatest asset, in many ways, is the sheer range of options open to him at any point; an astonishing array of high-flying, rapid fire solutions, and an almost equally daunting selection of big throws, suplexes, slams, and other high-impact assaults.


Edd, by contrast, has as his biggest asset the fact he probably doesn't know what he's going to do next. As a consequence, no one can predict him.


The result is that the somewhat variable quality of Edd's matches spikes back up with this one, as he really has to pull out all the stops. A handspring, for example, is an unusual counter to a backdrop driver – but it's an effective one, and Edd follows through into something which is either a breakdancing move or a capoeira leg sweep to bring Hell Monkey to the deck.


What follows, somewhat stunningly, is thirty seconds with a loosely-applied Stone Ankle Stretch before the Monkey makes it to the ropes, clambering up them and flipping backward to score with a Tumbling Monkey – but Edd kicks out!


A few moments later he blocks a suplex, drops to his knees in a jawbreaker, then leaps right back up to land the Party's Over. And that brings the match to a close.

Edd Stone defeated Hell Monkey

Rating: C+




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Conquering Kings w/ Alanis Springsteen vs. American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota w/ Floyd Goldworthy

It's a heck of an underdog contest here, but the Kings seem fired up. They concentrate their assault primarily on the Buffalo, trying everything they can to get the huge figure off his feet.


It's still not happening, but whenever he tries to really hurt one of them, the other is present, cutting off the assault, blocking things. After a while, Buffalo tags out and Ota does his best, but despite the pain already inflicted on the duo, they have teamwork on their side.


The result, ultimately, sees Fumihiro Ota once again receive a Crippler Bomb. As Barry Kingman makes the cover, the Buffalo looks across to Goldworthy and shakes his head once, lip curled in a snarl.

Conquering Kings defeated American Buffalo & Fumihiro Ota

Rating: D+





The Kings celebrate for a brief moment as the announce team speculate on what Buffalo's headshake might mean, and then the big man steps over the top rope.



Kingman and Alexander freeze, getting ready to square off – and they're blindsided suddenly, as the Fly Boys crash into them, laying them out with violence, acting as a team, before stacking them in one corner – and the Buffalo smashes into them with the Stampede.



Goldworthy's face is caught on camera as the Boys join in with gusto - he looks absolutely horrified.



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The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. School of Tradition w/ Laura Huggins

A much better match, all told, despite no directly fostered rivalry. Simply put, it's two very strong, very dynamic teams, working as hard as they can. Even Bryant seems to be upping his game, just to make sure he's not left behind by the other three, and the result is a good, strong, entertaining match.


Toward the finish Matthew Keith and Sean Deeley trade submission holds – quite literally, as they counter between the Proton Lock and the Sure Shot with some regularity. And, in the end -


It's not decided. Twenty minutes have elapsed.

The Keith Brothers drew with the School of Tradition

Rating: B-





My Hero starts to play as the commercial break finishes, and Rick Law takes up position in the ring, raising the microphone to his lips.


“You already heard,” he said, “that tonight is going to be a hardcore match for the main event. What you don't know is who's in it.


“I've heard a lot of people say that it'll be me and Eric, but you know what?


“Eric Tyler's quest for respect... it's all about being put on a pedestal. Held up. Exhibited. And I realised, a few days ago, that all I'm doing... All I'm doing by fighting him is helping him do it, keeping him in place where he'll be seen.


“So from now on, Eric, you aren't getting that attention. You aren't getting the main events. Anyway - “



Eric Tyler cracks a chair over his head, having slid into the ring from the crowd.


He does it again, grabbing the fallen microphone, and turns to smirk. “Aw,” he grins. “What a shame, little Ricky isn't feeling awake enough to announce the main event.


“Hardcore it is, Rick... and you need to remember, the School of Tradition has friends in Japan.


“Meet one of them.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MaratKhoklov.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpg

Marat Khoklov vs. Rick Law

Few of the fans in attendance recognise the giant Russian, but they hardly need to – even without Jason Azaria's rapid-fire recap of his history, his size tells the story.


Law is already staggered and dazed as the big man hits the ring and the match begins. What follows is a whitewash, as Khoklov systematically assaults Law, allowing him virtually no chance to rally.


No, he gets that chance from an unexpected arrival.



Rocky Golden hits the ring, steel chair in hand, a look of pent-up aggression on his face. The Russian turns lazily to regard him. Golden brings the chair down on Khoklov's head, and Khoklov doesn't move in the slightest.


Another chairshot – and another, and another, and another. Khoklov falls back a step – then roars back with a Moscow Lariat. Golden tumbles out of the ring. Rick Law jumps onto the giant from behind, attempting a sleeper hold; Khoklov slowly turns until his back is to the chair Golden had used, then falls backward.


Law is virtually crushed, and the pinfall is academic.


Marat Khoklov cheerfully walks out of the ring and up the aisle as the show comes to an end.

Marat Khoklov defeated Rick Law.

Rating: C+


Show Rating: C+

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Oh, Marat arrives. Nice. Wasn't expecting that. Interested to see what you do with the monster.


Consider him the trade-up for Buffalo, in some ways...




He needs to learn to talk soonish, though I'm sure that'll happen with time. He needs some rounding out. But he fits quite nicely into my vague plans for a post-Syndicate TCW timeline, and it's time, really, that the groundwork for that starts getting laid. I know the Syndicate will roll into 2009 and be a major presence for a while yet; I equally don't want them to outstay their welcome a la the nWo.


(As will probably be becoming apparent, I tend to lay groundwork for long-term plans waaaay in advance, and even try to tease shorter arcs with time to spare.)

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