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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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TCW Presents Badge of Honor


Friday Week 1 March 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 1.27)


Held at the President's Hall (Puerto Rico)


Attendance: 3,567





Jason Azaria – Sara Silver – Autumn Gleeson


  • Two new announcers as of this season; Sara Silver, introduced by Azaria as “having built up a body of work with a Nevada promotion” and Autumn Gleeson, adding an Australian accent and a professed fascination with tag team wrestling.
  • Champagne Lover defeats Hidekazu in the opening match, with both men wowing the crowd (Rating: B-)
  • Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez overcame Team VIPER with assistance from Phil Vibert and a belt-assisted hook kick to Fumihiro Ota (Rating: B)
  • All three Team Kobra members receive bokken shots in the ring center from Baroness Emily, with Koshiro Ino and two new arrivals present:


  • Texas Pete defeats Sean Deeley in a close-run thing after Jeremy Stone gets involved, snagging Deeley's ankle from ringside. Pete looks unhappy to have won in this manner. (Rating: B)
  • The Machines once again showcase Marc Speed's submission techniques with a demonstration they call the Speed Trap, this time with Speed forcing Sayeed Ali to submit.
  • While Amber Allen puts up a strong challenge, Lauren Easter puts her away handily with the Solstice Bomb. (Rating: B
  • Fan favourites the Rising Stars tangle against Acid Dragon in a spectacular display, Joey Minnesota putting away UK Dragon with the Empire Spiral. (Rating: B+
  • Rick Law is shown psyching up Rocky Golden and Chris Rockwell, encouraging them both to remember the successes of the past, put the failures and doubts from their mind, and get ready for the main event.
  • Chris Rockwell, Rick Law & Rocky Golden beat the motley crew of American Buffalo, Freddy Huggins and Nathan Priest when Law clotheslines Huggins out of his boots with the Long Arm Of The Law. (Rating: B-)
  • Overall show rating: B+

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Yeah I agree. It's a nice summarised form, since you're going to be doing BoH in brief, this works really well, in my opinion. Also... my word that Monkey alt is epic.


Credit where it's due; the Suzanne and Hell Monkey alts are both courtesy of jhd1. Hell Monkey will, I'm sure you'll be unsurprised to know, not going to be calling himself a monkey at this point.

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Saturday 6th March 2009

Ah, Generation Omega, as named by Wolf Hawkins – no one expected him to come out with that, but it easily outdid 'The Future' as a stable name and one quick note later my colleagues on the announce desk were rolling with it. It looks like it's going to be the major, overarching angle of 2009 and into 2010; the plan at present is for Davis' promise to come true, but we'll see if he can handle it. This is his first time in the big leagues, and he's only really hiding his nerves when the adrenaline's flowing and he's in front of a crowd.


I find myself with a day where I can spare some time to talk about the decision making process that goes into booking, or at least into my booking, and I think it's time, so let's talk about how the Syndicate came apart; in particular, let's talk about the divide between Tommy and Wolf, and how it worked out. I've read a lot of speculation about it in the dirtsheets and I'm told it's the top topic on our official forums; it's on people's minds.


And that's reasonable; handled right, this is the dream feud to fuel a year's worth of high-profile programming. Just as setting Sam Keith against Cornell while Keith was still at the top of his game was a priority in my first year – partly as a way to build up the destruction of the Syndicate – allowing Wolf to come to the fore was something I initially planned for 2009. Quite simply, Wolf can't do that under Tommy's wing, and that meant a feud between the two was essential. It was always the case that Wolf and Tommy would break down, and that that would destroy the Syndicate. But who came out the wronged party, with face credentials, was tougher.


I went round and round and round on which way this angle was going to go over the months I've been building to it. If you go back and watch the shows, it took a couple of months for Sam Keith to be treated as a face by the other faces, and Tommy Cornell... well, he should take longer. And I don't see the fans getting behind him immediately. So turning Wolf was tempting...


But as time went by... well, I leaned more and more to wanting to overhaul Cornell's character. And as time went by, Remo's contract came up. I wanted him to come in with a mouthpiece, and I finally gave in to signing Vibert. And a heel stable became more and more something I wanted to do; and Cornell will always be the leader in a stable he's in. It would just be more Syndicate.


By this stage, Wolf was getting angrier and angrier in storyline. We had to pull that in a little, actually, to make the bust-up happen at the right time; at the same time, I and Phil Vibert were both looking for ways to hammer home that his return didn't mean a DaVE reformation.


That's where Phil's issue with Chris Rockwell came in, as a catalyst both to help rescue Rockwell's character after I dropped the ball and to hammer home that being a DaVE wrestler cut no water with Phil; and that did two things. First, it became a sensible point to have Perez join Phil, and second, the implication came in that Rockwell was past his prime.


Which, with Frankie and Remo so young, pointed to a faction built around youth. Which anchored Wolf's motivations and gave him a space to come into his own as an apex heel within a stable.


I don't see Tommy remaining face long – he's the boss, and he's not a comfortable face – but it gives everything a chance to change. And it gives us a chance we'll probably never have again, somewhere along the way, for a marquee match up that would otherwise never happen; one that fans have probably not waited for, but have nonetheless thought about – more importantly, one that will sell.


But I'm getting ahead of myself, and my plane's just landed...

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BoH works in that format, it's your third tier show now, it's Heat, it's Superstars, It's (WCW) Saturday Night. It shouldn't be given more weight than it merits. Although it might have to be changed to Stars of Honor if Andrews and Minnesota out perform Law much more. :D


I'm not going to tell you how to book, or write PS, but I've got some... ideas swirling around my head for Cornell that if you want I'll happily shoot off to you in PM.


Suffice to say the emergence from the shadows of Generation Omega has revitalized this dynasty... and it really didn't need to be revitalized.



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BoH works in that format, it's your third tier show now, it's Heat, it's Superstars, It's (WCW) Saturday Night. It shouldn't be given more weight than it merits. Although it might have to be changed to Stars of Honor if Andrews and Minnesota out perform Law much more. :D


I'm not going to tell you how to book, or write PS, but I've got some... ideas swirling around my head for Cornell that if you want I'll happily shoot off to you in PM.


Suffice to say the emergence from the shadows of Generation Omega has revitalized this dynasty... and it really didn't need to be revitalized.




I certainly don't promise to use them, but I'd love to hear them, so please do.


As for the ratings... Honestly, a lot of those matches I expected to grade out worse than they actually did, and with UK Dragon's American overness being so low in comparison, that match was one of them. Not that I'm complaining, but I can probably afford to throw in a few weaker matchups on BoH in future...

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As TCW makes its CBA debut, all indications are that this will be a show not to be missed. Absolutely every title in TCW will be contested over the course of the program.


So who's defending against who?


Saturday Night Showcase kicks off as Eric Tyler's International belt goes on the line against Joey Minnesota. The less-spotlighted half of the Rising Stars, Minnesota is still an exceptional talent, and Tyler could well see his belt vanish as the night opens.


All Action Champion Frankie Perez has made much of having no challengers within TCW. While we don't think that's true, it's certainly the case that he'll be crowing the same old song this Saturday - his challenger is another man who submitted a tape during Mayhem Midden's invitational, a former world champion with two Mexican promotions, the luchador known as Ultimate Phoenix.


The Easy Riders do battle once again with the Keith Brothers. Word has it that this is the last time the Keiths will be permitted a title shot against the Riders; if they lose here, they'll have to wait for some other team to dethrone them.


Following her loss on Tuesday, Kate Dangerous' challenger was clear; the Womens Championship is on the line against the mistress of the Swanton Bomb, Raku Makuda.


Hard-Hitting Champion Sammy Bach faces a new challenger in Rocky Golden. After the pep talk he received on Friday, Golden seems eager to prove a point with a title victory. Bach will, naturally, have other plans...


And then there's the World Heavyweight Championship. After the close-run thing last Sunday, Midden has OKed a rematch between Bloodstone and DuBois. Will DuBois find that little bit extra, or can Bloodstone put a decisive end to his challenge?



Prediction Key:

TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ultimate Phoenix


TCW Tag Team Championships

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Raku Makuda



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Rocky Golden


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

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Can you say stacked?


TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota


Can still see the old man clinging on. This does seem to smack of his last big run with a belt and to have somebody take it from him without a build doesn't seem right to me.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ultimate Phoenix


I don't think anybody could debut strong enough to unseat Perez right now. I mean, c'mon, he's part of the new stable on the block and looking strong. I can't see THIS much of an upset.


TCW Tag Team Championships

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


I will continue to back them until I'm right, dammit!


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Raku Makuda


Not quite yet...



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Rocky Golden


Bach via Bruchanigans. ...Actually wait. Bruce and Bach, Peak and Tornado. Hm... does that feud need a belt? I'll bias it off my love of Rocky's gimmick.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert


Draw. This feud has some legs, but I still think it's too early for DuBois to win the title, especially on a TV show. If he loses though, that would ding his credibility as a challenger. This'll keep both strong.

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TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ultimate Phoenix


TCW Tag Team Championships

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Raku Makuda



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Rocky Golden


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

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TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota

I actually hope that Tyler will re-tain but knowing how far Minnosota have got in TEW2010 I find predicting against him harder than I should.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Perez isn´t losing his title against a new guy with no built-up


TCW Tag Team Championships

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

Brothers are good enough for the titles so I just have to go with them here with these being their last change and all.


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Raku Makuda

Too early for a change



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Rocky Golden

Change is possible but with Rocky not being anywhere near his top form it´s more likely that he´s fall will continue here.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

Too early for DuBois to get the belt and I really don´t see the main belt changing hands outside of PPV unless it´s really spesial occasion.

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TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ultimate Phoenix


TCW Tag Team Championships

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Raku Makuda



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Rocky Golden


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

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TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota

Interference carries the day here.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Not when P-Dawg's in a new, awesome stable.


TCW Tag Team Championships

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

Nah. With this stip... nah. But I could easily be wrong.


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Raku Makuda

Kate continues dominant.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Rocky Golden

I want to give it to Rocky, but Sammy's not really had much of a chance to show his stuff yet.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

Draw. Johnny squeaked out a win before, but this time? Marc has him more scouted.

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TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota

Minnesota should be pushing close to the Main event by now


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ultimate Phoenix

Perez is a better fit as champion


TCW Tag Team Championships

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

Time for the Keith's to step up


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Raku Makuda




TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach (c) vs. Rocky Golden

Sammy cheats better


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

DuBois isn't ready to be world champion

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TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota


Titles will change hands on this show and this could well be one of them, Tyler's had his little run with this belt and it's time for him to transition the title to one of the rising stars of the next generation.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ultimate Phoenix


I like Phoenix, he was after all one of the lynchpins of my FCW diary for TEW08, but I don't see him being over enough to come in straight away and dethrone Perez, never mind the fact Perez is part of the not new stable in TCW.


TCW Tag Team Championships

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Last chance for the Keiths and with that stip in mind and with the stakes this high, I think they come through and finally get their hands on the Tag Titles...they're ready for some gold.


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Raku Makuda


Makuda may have won the non title match but Dangerous will win when it truly matters.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Rocky Golden


If Bach was going to be some kind of transitional champion, he would have dropped this to Peak.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert


I'll go for the draw here too, its too early for Bloodstone to drop the title but for this feud to continue and for DuBois to actually look a threat he can't really lose to Bloodstone cleanly twice in a row.

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- I agree with TK, titles will change hands on this night. There's only one chance to make a memorable debut and this is it. How many change hands, well that's up to PS.


TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota

- It's tempting to give Minnesota the title here, it would make for a fun rivalry between Andrews and Minnesota, with Joey able to say "I got some gold first." while Andrews goes "Sure... some interNA-TION-AL gold." But I think the old man's run continues a bit longer.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ultimate Phoenix

- I love Phoenix but no way is Generation Omega dropping gold to a newcomer this quickly.


TCW Tag Team Championships

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

- The Keith Boys finally get some gold. The riders have done well with the belts but this gives the crowd a feel good win and I fairly certain sooner rather than later the Keiths will outgrow the tag division. Although a series of matches against the New Wave must happen!


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Raku Makuda

- Kate's still the face of the division, I love me some heels but Makuda isn't quite ready to rule the roost.



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Rocky Golden

- Yup, he of the Golden Ballshot picks up the win when Texas Pete gets involved. I don't know why I'm backing Rocky but it just seems right to me.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

- There are God pushes, Brock pushes and Orton pushes (Orton pushes are pushing someone to the main event with no discernible talent or ability) but a DuBois push of winning the title in match two seems too implausible and would demean the Unified title. DuBois might well lose by DQ when the Omega Men decide... let's see if a Bloodstone can bleed. But DuBois won't walk out a champion, he may well steal the title though.

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TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ultimate Phoenix


TCW Tag Team Championships

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Raku Makuda



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Rocky Golden


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert - draw

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Prediction Key:

TCW International Championship

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota


Tyler's probably a transitional champion... but not THIS transitional. Wouldn't be surprised for Minnesota to be the one who eventually takes this belt, though.


TCW All Action Championship

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ultimate Phoenix


Perez already outlined his gimmick -- I see him holding onto this belt for a long time. And Phoenix has no reason not to job.


TCW Tag Team Championships

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch vs. Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell


Someone has to get a new belt on this show.


TCW Women's Championship

Kate Dangerous © vs. Raku Makuda


No reason to believe otherwise, right?



TCW Hard-Hitting Championship

Sammy Bach © vs. Rocky Golden


Rocky's not hot.


TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert - DRAW/NO CONTEST


Still too soon -- giving the SWF guy the belt already makes it look like SWF > TCW. At the same time, DuBois is damn good, and will clearly get something soon enough. So I say this is where you break things down, and introduce some other stars to the CBA audience via a show-ending brawl.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 1 March 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 13.84)


Held at the Alabama Field Row (South East)


Attendance: 23,520





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/EricTyler.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LauraCatherineHuggins.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg

Eric Tyler © w/ Laura Huggins vs. Joey Minnesota

As ever with Eric's title defences, this bout is solid, packed with excellent fundamentals, and clearly entertains the fans, though it'd be difficult to call it anything particularly special. Tyler and Minnesota revert to a very old-school style of match here, snaring the Alabama fans in easily enough, and when Tyler wins, it's with a handful of tights off a surprising sunset flip.

Eric Tyler defeated Joey Minnesota

Rating: B





Mayhem Midden applauds as he walks out into the entranceway. “Congratulations, Eric,” he says. “You go down in history. First win, first championship defence, of any TCW competitor on CBA.



“But I've just been talking to the man you wrestled's friend.” Aaron Andrews emerges a second later, smiling. “In fact,” Midden continues. “I've just OKed his request for Fight to the Feedback. Aaron, you care to tell him?”


Aaron Andrews smiles. “I want a championship,” he says. “And I think you fans know I've earned it. I've got two pinfalls over Tommy Cornell, I helped break the back of the Syndicate... I've come a long way. And at twenty-two, I've got a long time to get better.


“But I think I have a chance, a real chance, right now.


“So here goes... I decided to let you fans decide which championship I go after. Do I take Eric Tyler's International Championship?


“Do I team with Joey and go for the Tag Team Championships?


“Or do I put myself in the Hard-Hitting Championship match at Fight to the Feedback?”


Midden takes the microphone. “There are going to be separate votes concerning each of those championship matches,” he says. “But this vote is about one thing; which match do we add Aaron Andrews into?


“I've watched you all get behind him. I've seen you come to respect and support him. This month, you have a chance to decide where his career is going.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/FrankiePerez.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/UltimatePhoenix.jpg

Frankie Perez © w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ultimate Phoenix

A scintillating ten minutes of back-and-forth, fast action ensues here. Phoenix plays to the crowd well, but he also comes across as very confident in his own abilities, a real veteran presence. His assaults are calculated, and crisp, and Perez looks more than a little irritated that he's having to work at this – but a couple of good crisp kicks at the right time go a long way to redressing the balance, and when Vibert catches Eugene Williams' attention, the belt hook kick seals the deal.

Frankie Perez defeated Ultimate Phoenix

Rating: B





A video package begins, in a space within a busy gymnasium that has essentially been cleared off. While others work out in the background, Baroness Emily sits lotus-position, facing Team VIPER, Hidekazu, Suzanne Brazzle, and the man formerly known as Hell Monkey, who maintain a similar position, clearly meditating. In the foreground, Koshiro Ino seats himself before the camera. “Team KOBRA is an attempt to amplify the training techniques I first learned under,” he begins. “We were given a certain simple, ascetic... pure... philosophy, and this was... taught, no, ingrained... first, before training could... begin, could truly take hold.


“Of course, the members of Team KOBRA are already trained, highly trained in fact; they are all former champions... formidable athletes. But the body is only half of... half of the question.


“We teach our students the philosophy, the attitude, the... my English is not so... the psyche, the mind that is no mind... that is needed, by discipline and by example. The Western 'carrot and stick' method. It is the other half of the question.” He nods, and the screen fades to black, displaying the red icon of the Hagakure and one of the analects within:



To die without achieving one's aim is a dog's death and fanaticism. But there is no shame in this. This is the substance of the Way of the Samurai. If by setting one's heart right every morning and evening, one is able to live as though his body were already dead, he gains freedom in the Way. His whole life will be without blame, and he will succeed in his calling.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KateDangerous.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RakuMakuda.jpg

Kate Dangerous © vs. Raku Makuda

Another good solid contest between this pair; more meat-and-potatoes action to expose the womens division a little further.


Makuda once again goes to the top rope for her swanton bomb, but this time Dangerous is able to get to her feet in time, cutting her off with a forearm and dragging her off the turnbuckle in something like a suplex lift. As she steps back, Makuda rolls down her back into a roll-up pin; Dangerous kicks out, hits the ropes, and goes for a Shining Wizard – Makuda flexes under it, springs up, and dropkicks Dangerous as she rises.


She turns for the turnbuckle, but Dangerous catches her with a schoolgirl pin to keep her shoulders down for the three.

Kate Dangerous defeated Raku Makuda

Rating: B-





Shown backstage, Ricky Dale Johnson looks at the camera and takes a deep breath. “Little worried about this one,” he says. “I've got a choice for you fans, but if DuBois wins tonight, the whole thing shifts.


“But anyway. A lot of new folks have been coming in lately, and others have been making a name for themselves. And I seem to've been painted as the man to take down if you want TCW to take you seriously. Not that that ain't flattering, but it's time I got this bull by the horns. I've other things I want to be doing – I want the World Heavyweight Championship for myself, for a start.


“So I figure let's get this out the way. Marc DuBois, you want to make an impact, you want to measure yourself against TCW, well, apparently I'm the guy.


“Marat Khoklov, you've had a hell of a time running through here so far. But you started without a contract and you got one by agreeing to play thug. Can't say as I'm impressed. Time to prove yourself, son.


“And last, Frankie Perez, you've gotten too big for your boots. A man who needs a belt to win his matches ain't a man can say he's an uncontested champion, he's just a cheat. Time you proved yourself, too.


“So those three are the choices, ladies and gentlemen. I'll fight whoever you set me against.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SammyBach_alt1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RockyGolden_PS2.jpg

Sammy Bach © vs. Rocky Golden

Not a bad contest, all in all, but Rocky's comparative lack of skill does show a little.



He puts up a good fight, stressing Bach a lot, shrugging off damage, and even nailing him with the Rocky Road – but immediately after that, Champagne Lover pops up from out of nowhere, blasting Golden with the Champagne Sunrise and rolling out of the ring.


Unable to capitalise on his big move, Golden is up just in time to eat a superkick, a Russian legsweep, and the Bach on your Back to end this.

Sammy Bach defeated Rocky Golden

Rating: B-



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GreaseHogg.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LeadBelly.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/CarlBatch.jpg

Easy Riders © w/ Carl Batch


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/GregGauge-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MatthewKeith.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell

Once again, the two teams blow the fans away with this one, a lengthy brawl of a match interspersed with creative high spots.


It's clear that the crowd is beginning to really buy into a smouldering rivalry between these two teams, and for the viewer at home, Duane Fry hammers home that the Keiths may not get another shot at the belts after this, and the brothers do seem motivated by that.


The Riders keep fighting, and keep fighting hard, but the Keiths have finally figured out how to counter the Emergency Stop – the free man chop blocks one of the Riders while the trapped man turns his momentum into a DDT on the other – and that allows them to set up the Photon Breaker on Peter Hopper.


Moments later, Matthew Keith clamps down the Proton Lock on Billy Hopper. “Vengeance for a damaged knee,” Saunders observes. Springsteen has a few comments of her own to make, mostly about what this will mean for her own team, as Hopper taps out in the nineteenth minute.

The Keith Brothers defeated the Easy Riders

Rating: A





Furious, Carl Batch once again clips Matthew's knee with the baseball bat. As Greg goes for him, Hopper nails him from behind, and it rapidly turns into a beatdown by the furious Riders.



Sam Keith and Johnny Bloodstone hit the ring to save Keith's sons, forcing the Riders to bail – but as they recover, they turn around -



Remo spears Keith so hard the pair fly four feet before either hits the mat. Marc DuBois is promptly on Bloodstone, nailing him with something that looks a lot like the Full Moon Rising.


Remo slides one of the tag belts across the ring and into DuBois' reach. Draping it across Bloodstone's shoulder, DuBois blasts him with something very like Perez' hook kick, dropping the World Heavyweight Champion.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JohnnyBloodstone_alt2.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MarcDuBois-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Johnny Bloodstone © w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

A stellar performance in the main event, which begins with only eighteen minutes of TV time remaining. Bloodstone and DuBois both mount a serious assault on the other, with Vibert and DuBois also continuing to play on all of the rage triggers they can find for Bloodstone.


The action mounts and mounts to a fever pitch as the time remaining on the episode ticks down. Duane Fry has to apologise that the contest hasn't been settled as the show goes off the air with both men still fighting.

Johnny Bloodstone drew with Marc DuBois due to broadcast time limitations

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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Established Votes For Fight to the Feedback:











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Once you've settled the card for Fight the Feedback you might want to think about using something like Surveymonkey like Marcel Fromage did during his CZCW dynasty to allow the people to vote on it.


Also great show. You must be especially pleased with the Riders/Keiths tag match.


I probably should have guessed that final match would end in a TV Time Limit Draw. I remember back when NWA used to kick things off with a World Title defense and state that the match would go an hour, but if it ended before then, they had a back-up match or two planned. (Usually involving the Midnight Express for some reason.)

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Once you've settled the card for Fight the Feedback you might want to think about using something like Surveymonkey like Marcel Fromage did during his CZCW dynasty to allow the people to vote on it.


Oh, that's been the plan since the start. The couple of single-vote polls in the diary some ways back were essentially me testing the waters - since one of them racked up 40+ votes, I'm pretty confident it'll work. ;)

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So many titles were retained, but we have new tag team champions and we at TCW.com would like to welcome the Keith Brothers to the storied list of champions both within our company and outside.


The simple fact of the matter, however, is that TCW continues to move forward toward Fight to the Feedback, a fan appreciation PPV that will take place just four short weeks before Malice In Wonderland. Five fan votes have been announced - we hear that two more championship stipulation votes will be announced this Tuesday on Total Wrestling.


But what else will take place?


Eric Tyler wrestles Art Reed in non-title action. For the second TV show in a row, Tyler has faced off with a former DaVE colleague - what could this bode for the future? Tyler is one of those who has a voting stipulation to offer this Tuesday, but Reed has a chance to take the wind out of his sails before he does so.


Eric's stable remains active following that contest; the British Lions lock horns with Tooth & Claw. Having missed out last pay-per-view, are the Lions angling to be on the ballot paper at Fight to the Feedback? And if so, what would the Easy Riders have to say about that?


More tag-team excellence is set to follow, with the Elite Express going head to head with the New Wave. Can the Express finally score that first win against a New Wave who lost last time out to the former champions, or will the New Wave begin their return to strength?


Kate Dangerous also has a non-title match on the show this Tuesday. Her opponent this time is another Canadian import with tremendous talent. Tamara McFly deserves wider recognition, in our opinion, and a win on Tuesday could well cement that for her.


Tommy Cornell has a contest lined up; Mayhem Midden has said that he wants to see what Latino prodigy Champagne Lover can do against arguably the finest all-rounder in TCW. Mr Cornell doesn't appear pleased that this match has been made, stating that he has "other priorities."


Troy Tornado issued a challenge to Jack Bruce following Saturday Night Showcase; he wanted Bruce to find a pair of allies and face Tornado with his friends Harry Allen and Steve Gumble, the Young Guns. Mayhem Midden promptly green-lit the contest pending Bruce obtaining allies; Jack has issued a statement since saying, quote, "Like all great stars, I naturally have security." We at TCW.com have learned that Jack Bruce will wrestle alongside the Enforcers, presumably looking for new allies following the dissolution of the Syndicate.


World Heavyweight Champion Johnny Bloodstone won't have the night off, either; while his contest is non-title, it's also against a member of Generation Omega. Davis Wayne Newton is an almost unknown quantity, though the staff here have seen the audition tape that convinced Mayhem Midden to bring him in for the Invitational and we can entirely see Midden's thinking. Bloodstone may have a tougher fight than he'll be comfortable with...


Generation Omega also have a presence in the main event; Wolf Hawkins and Remo Richardson will wrestle newly-crowned tag team champions the Keith Brothers in non-title action. Frankly, we're stoked for this one...


Prediction Key:

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Eric Tyler w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Tooth & Claw


Elite Express vs. The New Wave


Kate Dangerous vs. Tamara McFly (non-title)


Champagne Lover vs. Tommy Cornell


Jack Bruce & the Enforcers vs. Troy Tornado & the Young Guns


Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert vs. Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell (non-title)


The Keith Brothers w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert (non-title)

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