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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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I have to say, I really enjoy Charlie's position as Midden's designated 'Guy to smack people in the face'.


Anyone who read the Philly Pro diary knows I have a real soft spot for Charlie Thatcher. Realistically, though, he's most use to me as an over piece of Menace in TCW. And it's a fun addition to Midden's character, so it stays...

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Friday 12th March 2009

Backstage at Badge of Honor, and I've got to smile. I'm watching the dynamics in the locker room – it's always my job, after all – and I heard Johnny Bloodstone inviting Davis to ride with him. Johnny himself rides with Art Reed and the Keith boys – Sam Keith having worked out a deal when they first came in to make sure that they didn't get seen as daddy's boys – which means the young Canadian has four exceptional wrestlers to spend time around, to talk to and to learn from, though from what I've seen of Davis' work prior to coming here he'll be offering his own advice around soon enough.


Probably more significant to his career, however, is that it's the World Heavyweight Champion who's taking him under his wing, recognising his worth. It may be some savvy work from Johnny – we clearly have plans for Davis and his stablemates, and creating an alliance could keep Johnny a major player involved in spotlight matches even if I didn't plan on using him heavily. I'd like to think it's not, however; Johnny was Stone-trained, and he and Art have been happy to pass on tricks they've learned to other workers whenever they've had a good opportunity.


Art calls it “paying it forward” and tells the story of how Sam Keith taught him the Dread Lock. To be honest, he may be telling that story too often – I've asked Sam to have a word with him about backstage politics; he's a giving kid, considerate, generous, and talented, just the kind of person people lobby to face – and lobby to beat. It wouldn't occur to him to consider exactly what that's doing to his career, despite the fact this isn't the first time it's happened – there's an old story about what kept him down in DaVE early on, and the simple answer is that he'd always had short stints in companies as a jobber.


Working a match where the goal is purely to make the other guy look good is a completely different skill set to working a match designed to make you look good. Both are easier than a match designed to make both people look good, but that's beside the point. Art had only been taught one skill set, and it took some time and prodding from Nemesis before he started to put together spots designed to get the crowd interested in him, and even longer before he tried to insert them.


Art has no one lobbying for him bar Sam and Johnny – he doesn't even have himself lobbying – and that has a lot to do with how badly he's been treading water. The same thing was happening, in early-to-mid 2008, with Joey Minnesota – it was only once Aaron Andrews' star began to shine that Joey was pulled along with it.


And the hell of it is that I keep meaning to get behind Art – and Edd, and Acid, and John Pathlow (who plays Hell Monkey/Thunder Snake) – but because they're willing to take it, or in Acid's case because he's more expendable than some of his stable in terms of wins – I never quite do.


Will have to change that. Hopefully now I've written it down, it'll happen; if not, well, when this book comes out, they'll at least take the advice to heart.

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Just two weeks away from Fight to the Feedback, and we're told that the final voting stipulation will be announced this Tuesday on Total Wrestling. But more important, arguably, is the matches that will be taking place - so let's take a look at them.


The Machines make a brief return to tag action, throwing down with Global Tradition. Anderson has had plenty of run-ins with the School of Tradition, and there have been plenty of suggestions that it should be one of the Machines who challenges for the International Championship. This could be looked at as a warm-up contest of sorts.


Generation Omega's least-known member, Davis Wayne Newton, put on a stellar display one week ago against World Heavyweight Champion Johnny Bloodstone. This Tuesday he faces another technician with a dangerous reputation, albeit one who's had less TCW success - Art Reed. Can Newton chalk up his second TCW win, or can Reed get back on the right track?


Womens tag action will follow that one; Amber Allen and Kate Dangerous pair up against Lauren Easter and Tamara McFly. There's no question that the action will be excellent - here at TCW.com, we recommend you become one of the first to keep up with these contests. Get ahead of the pack!


Another Generation Omega man faces a wrestler with a lot of courage. American Eagle may have more heart than anyone else under TCW contract - he may have more heart than any other wrestler - but Marc DuBois may well be more challenge than he can cope with. Can the Eagle shock us all and derail Generation Omega's rush to stake a claim?


Russian giant Marat Khoklov faces, once again, the first man he wrestled when he arrived in TCW. Long-term viewers will recall that Khoklov was brought in by Eric Tyler without a contract to assault Rick Law - the Total Lawman has been showing for some time that he's feeling much better. Mayhem Midden has OKed the rematch. Could Law end up on the injured list once again?


We round the night off with a pair of big-name tag matches; in the first, RDJ and perennial ally Danny Fonzarelli go head to head with the Stone Brothers.


In the second, the main event, Generation Omega pair Wolf Hawkins and Remo Richardson will collide with the Rising Stars in a match we quite frankly cannot wait for.


All this and more this Tuesday on TCW Presents Total Wrestling!


Prediction Key:

Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. The Machines


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Amber Allen & Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter & Tamara McFly


American Eagle vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert


Marat Khoklov vs. Rick Law


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Stone Brothers


Rising Stars vs. Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

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Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. The Machines

Machines aren´t losing all that many tag matches on a first place and Global Tradition just isn´t important enough team to go over them.

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

Not really sure about this one but Reed deserves the win more and DWN still has time to lose before his eventual push starts.

Amber Allen & Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter & Tamara McFly

When I doubt I go with the champ.


American Eagle vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert



Marat Khoklov vs. Rick Law

Smells like a DQ win to me, I doubt Khoklov loses cleanly but Law have done quite well lately and Khoklov haven´t really made that big impact yet.


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Stone Brothers

Another hard one but maybe one of RDJ´s possible opponents make a statemant here? Either that of Fonzarelli just eats the pin since he has done least from these four so far.


Rising Stars vs. Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

I don´t see Remo & Wolf losing this one but Rising Star´s are getting pushed too so draw since this particular feud might continue for years.

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Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. The Machines



Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

Considering Horatio's last diary entry, guilt may get Reed his next win.


Amber Allen & Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter & Tamara McFly

Kate has been quite dominant of late. Why stop now?


American Eagle vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert



Marat Khoklov vs. Rick Law

Because the Giant does not lose on free TV.


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Stone Brothers

Fonzie takes the pin.


Rising Stars vs. Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

They may need shenanigans to do it, but they do it.

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Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. The Machines

Machines aren´t losing all that many tag matches on a first place and Global Tradition just isn´t important enough team to go over them.

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

Not really sure about this one but Reed deserves the win more and DWN still has time to lose before his eventual push starts.

Amber Allen & Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter & Tamara McFly

When I doubt I go with the champ.


American Eagle vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert



Marat Khoklov vs. Rick Law

Smells like a DQ win to me, I doubt Khoklov loses cleanly but Law have done quite well lately and Khoklov haven´t really made that big impact yet.


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Stone Brothers

Another hard one but maybe one of RDJ´s possible opponents make a statemant here? Either that of Fonzarelli just eats the pin since he has done least from these four so far.


Rising Stars vs. Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

I don´t see Remo & Wolf losing this one but Rising Star´s are getting pushed too so draw since this particular feud might continue for years.


I agree with Zerg

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I seem to recall some discussion of Freddy Huggins here recently, and as something relevant just happened in another game I've got playing - a 0/0/0/0 game, although as you come near to National that descriptor seems weird - I thought I'd link it:




For what it's worth, TCW is currently the biggest company in the world...

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Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. The Machines


Right now Global Tradition just do not have the overness or momentum to go over The Machines.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Does seem like you have a guilt complex over taking advantage of Reed being one of the 'good guys' who doesn't bitch and moan about doing the JOB. DWN will become a star one day but for now he is Generation Omega's designated job boy.


Amber Allen & Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter & Tamara McFly


The champ isn't all conquering and Allen seems the most likely to take the fall here.


American Eagle vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert


American Eagle will do a good job here.


Marat Khoklov vs. Rick Law


I'll go for the DQ win for this one, Khoklov gets to look like the monster that he is without actually jobbing Law.


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Stone Brothers


Fonzarelli may as well have sticked with the goofy Doctor Love gimmick, at least he was in kind of entertaining in a 'wrestlecrap' comedy jobber type of way, now he's just a directionless boring lower end midcard fall guy.


Rising Stars vs. Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


Rising Stars are established upper tier talents now, but Generation Omega need to look strong at the start and with DWN losing earlier in the night, and DuBois only beating up on a hapless jobber, the stable's big guns get the job done in the main event.

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Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. The Machines


I don't see the School of Tradition B-team beating anyone important... they're a step above jobbers, but not two steps.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert


Even DWN said he'd be jobbing early in Gen Omega's introduction promo.


Amber Allen & Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter & Tamara McFly


Keeps Easter and McFly looking strong without having to give the loss to Kate.


American Eagle vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert


Am I seeing this?


Marat Khoklov vs. Rick Law


I don't like this match... Law's a big power guy, and having him get out-powered by the heel kind of puts a cap on him.


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Stone Brothers


What are the ongoing storylines here? RDJ is building up to a match at Fight to the Feedback, so he wants to win. J Stone's feuding with Deeley, who he already beat, so it won't hurt to knock him down a peg. And Edd is kind of slumping. So I say Edd loses here to further that. (See, Danny Fonzarelli? Not having a program CAN be good for you!)


Rising Stars vs. Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


I'm sure we're winding up for more of this.

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Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. The Machines

- Until Marc Speed is officially a Machine and is jobbi... er competing in matches it's hard to go against Hill and Arsenal.


Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

- Art willingly lays down before the match begins because he's too damn giving.


Amber Allen & Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter & Tamara McFly

- The champ can drop this tag match to round out the volatility and ability of the women's division.


American Eagle vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

- Oh... an Eagle on the BBQ tonight. Delicious. I'll take mine crispified please.


Marat Khoklov vs. Rick Law

- Law's been on such a roll, I think having the Longarm of the Law overcome the Moscow Lariat is the right call.


RDJ & Danny Fonzarelli vs. Stone Brothers

- Because the Fonz is more jobtastic than Edd.


Rising Stars vs. Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

- No contest. Double DQ. Great big Schmooz of a finish.

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TCW Presents Total Wrestling


Tuesday Week 3 March 2009


Live on GNN Total Sports (Rating 16.32)

Rebroadcast on Continental Sports X1 (Rating 0.02)


Held at the Kettley Arena (Mid South)


Attendance: 23,240




Jason Azaria – Horatio Dangerous – Shawn Doakes


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Global Tradition w/ Laura Huggins vs. The Machines

A lovely throwback match to open the show, with fifteen minutes of very old-school technical wrestling. Both sides seem to be habing fun breaking out the heelish tricks, though the Machines still seem to be getting plenty of support – of course, heel tactics for tag teams have always included slick double-teams, and pure and simple, that helps the crowd reaction.


It's just excellent wrestling, and the crowd in the Kettley Arena are loving it all the way up to the final King of the Hill on JD Morgan.

The Machines defeated Global Tradition

Rating: B+





Guide and Scout appear on the ramp, heading down to the ring, and they come in, face to face with the Machines. The four men talk in low, hushed tones, no microphone near. The Wave still look uncertain, and they seem to be asking for advice – but it's difficult to say.



And then the British Lions hit the ring. They're just there for the Machines, it seems – they shove the Wave away and target the shoulders of the Machines, then bail before the Wave can respond.



At the top of the ramp, Eric Tyler smiles, watching and nodding, as Azaria reminds the fans that when Eric announced his stipulation, the Machines were some of the people that Mayhem Midden suggested might try to take his title if voted in.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ArtReed.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/DavisWayneNewton.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Art Reed w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Davis Wayne Newton w/ Phil Vibert

Not the kind of standard of Davis' match last week, but still a very, very good match, and with Davis having shown himself able to hang with the World Heavyweight Champion, this match is more of an athletic contest than a technical one. Both men pick up speed early on, and this fight ends up as much about high-flying as it does matwork.


Reed seems to have Newton's number, actually, as time goes on, and he does start to get the upper hand after a while – maybe with a ghost of Bloodstone's style as he does so, but nevertheless, he gets the advantage.



And then he gets blasted with the All Action Championship. Frankie Perez is already rolling out of the ring again as Ray Johnson calls for the DQ.

Art Reed won by DQ

Rating: B-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AmberAllen.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/KateDangerous.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LaurenEaster.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/TamaraMcFly.jpg

Amber Allen & Kate Dangerous vs. Lauren Easter & Tamara McFly

Once again, the women put on a great match here but not too many of the crowd are watching – though the number of empty seats seems to be dwindling slowly.


Lauren Easter seems motivated, and dominates, forcing Allen to submit to the figure-four at the end.

Lauren Easter & Tamara McFly defeated Amber Allen & Kate Dangerous

Rating: C+





At this point, another hype video airs. It shows Easter's dominance, Makuda's pinfall victory over Dangerous, and Stephanie Wade's DQ concession with a steel chair, culminating in a single simple graphic:






http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AguilaAmericana_jhd2.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MarcDuBois-1.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

American Eagle vs. Marc DuBois w/ Phil Vibert

A better-received match here, American Eagle actually gets a couple of cheers early on as he launches into DuBois. But he is, ultimately, easily overmatched and the Generation Omega man puts him away with relative ease, choosing the Model Solution submission to make his statement with.

Marc DuBois defeated American Eagle

Rating: B-





Rocky Golden comes down to the ring next, microphone in hand. “I want to talk to all of you about the votes this month,” he says.


“This isn't me making an appeal on my behalf. I could still ask you to vote for me in the Intercontinental Championship stakes, sure. But let's face it, all that'd happen is Champagne Lover would get involved. I have to get that sorted before I've room for any other priorities.


“But I have friends. Talented friends, deserving friends, and friends who absolutely merit a championship shot.


“Rick Law. Chris Rockwell. I'm not asking you to vote for either of them – I'm asking you to think about it, think about who you want in there. And when you've done that, I'm sure you'll make a good choice – because it's not like those two don't deserve a title around their waists.”



Breakin The Law hits next, and Tommy Cornell comes down to the ring. “Rocky,” he says. “Look, this is a bit late, but... you helped me out against Champagne Lover. I didn't need it then, but I get the feelin' I'm gonna need help soon, so-”


“I didn't help YOU,” Golden snaps. “I got in the way of someone with a problem with me. But I'm not helping you, Tommy. I've got no reason to like you. Hell, I've got every reason not to.


“If you need help, you can go look somewhere else. I'm out.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/MaratKhoklov.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/RickLaw.jpg

Marat Khoklov vs. Rick Law

Hands up anyone who expects a mat masterclass?


Didn't think so. This one is nothing but brawl, nothing but pain, and both men bleed early – though Khoklov barely seems to notice.


It gets worse. It gets a lot worse, and the fight spills to the outside. It seems only a matter of time before the competitors notice available weapons.


They notice them alright. Khoklov notices Law upside the head with the ring steps, and Law notices a steel chair into the giant's gut before jamming the edge into his throat and kicking it, and even as Ray Johnson calls a double DQ the two notice each other over the barrier and into the crowd. The zebra herd descend to break it up as the show goes to commercial.

Marat Khoklov and Rick Law were both disqualified

Rating: B-




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Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli vs. the Stone Brothers

Danny Fonzarelli gives what will probably go down as the best performance of his career here, but he's still easily the weakest link in the contest. It's tough to say who's doing best, and certainly there are times when either side could win it.


Eventually, however, the Stones succeed in isolating Fonzarelli and begin to destroy him – most notably, as RDJ comes to his friend's defence, Edd gets between them and unleashes a display of something between breakdancing and capoeira, downing both men.


He tags his brother in, and Jeremy gets the Stone Hold on Fonzarelli immediately.



The crowd are willing RDJ to make the save but, with Eugene Williams' attention riveted to the submission, RDJ feels a belt land on his neck a second before Frankie Perez blindsides him with another hook kick. Fonzie taps out shortly afterward.

The Stone Brothers defeated Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli

Rating: A





Phil Vibert appears atop the ramp. “Let me do you a favour, Ricky,” he begins. “Let me explain what my young client just did.


“He took action for what is his.


“The last Sunday of this month, my client is one of the three men you want to face. Now, that's a forced match. His belt would not be on the line.


“But my client is part of Generation Omega. He's here to make money. He's here to live the good life. And title matches are worth more money.” Vibert smirks. “Plus, at the moment, he's not guaranteed a match.


“So here's the thing, Ricky... if you draw Frankie as your opponent, expect us to give you hell. Expect to lose, because we want that winner's share.


“But if you don't... and you may not... if you don't, then you're out of the picture and I'm just talking to the people in the cheap seats.


“I cleared this with the Board last night. If Frankie is not drawn as your opponent, Frankie will have an All Action Championship defence. And, since there are no limits to the AA belt, he'll defend against the runner-up in Eric Tyler's little poll.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AaronAndrews-1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/JoeyMinnesota_alt.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/Remo.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/WolfHawkins.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/PhilVibert.jpg

Rising Stars vs. Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

Another absolutely stellar outing from both sides, this one just got everyone in the audience on their feet as all four men hit the others with everything they had.


The Stars looked like future champions both, no question, but Generation Omega had the power advantage – or Remo, as he's also known. And Remo was the decider here, when a Lumbar Puncture on Joey Minnesota saw him hold on, powering him back up and scoring with the Destroyer.


Andrews came in to help, but in his way was Wolf Hawkins, and there was no way past him in time. Remo recorded the pin.

Remo Richardson & Wolf Hawkins defeated Rising Stars

Rating: A


Show Rating: A

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Fan vote is now live, and the link is supplied below.


The vote will not close until the day after Saturday Night Showcase week 4 is posted, probably at midnight GMT - unless I'm busy at midnight, in which case, whenever I get back after that.


You can vote as early as you want, but please don't feel compelled to - if you want to see how the wrestlers try to sway you, feel free.


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An A match from Fonzie!? YES! I knew he could do it!


It's amazing what being teamed with RDJ, even intermittently, can do. He still has a lot of work to go, though - but this is a lot of why I started booking him with RDJ. Anyone can predict that Minnesota, Peak, Andrews et al will become major names - Fonzie needs a little more help.

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Done and done. Who the heck is Thunder Snake?


Oh, and you probably meant International, not Intercontinental earlier...


Yeah, probably, but I doubt there's anyone who hasn't made that mistake with TCW. ;)


Thunder Snake is the rebranded Hell Monkey as part of Team KOBRA, who debuted some time in the last month.

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And now, as I glance through the initial wave of votes (and wow, thanks for the support!) it's apology/explanation time.


To judge by their comment, someone wanted to vote for DWN to have a shot at Eric Tyler's International (thanks James ;) ) championship.


This turns out not to be directly possible, and they rightly asked where he is, given the stip was 'any male member of the roster' who isn't involved elsewhere.


The honest truth of the matter is that my intent was to list the whole male roster, but I ran into trouble with the upper limit of a non-paid surveymonkey account - and, for one show per diary year, when we may well not reach month 27 due to new game (though I kinda hope we do), I'm not willing to pay for the account - so, faced with a need to restrict it, I decided to restrict the list to current faces (as being the simplest split). This restriction, I notice, wasn't perfect - American Buffalo is still on there, as I missed him - but I apologise, nonetheless, and as a direct consequence of your valid complaint, watch for a subplot to kick off as of this coming Badge of Honor.


If I'd split in some other way, I'd probably have left the less over members of the roster off as less likely to get votes - mind you, we've a vote for American Eagle, so whichever way I went, I suspect there'd be complaints.


Just to address the question.

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If I'd split in some other way, I'd probably have left the less over members of the roster off as less likely to get votes - mind you, we've a vote for American Eagle, so whichever way I went, I suspect there'd be complaints.


The Eagle vote was mine, I suspect. It probably wouldn't have occured to me to complain if he wasn't on the list, but I'm glad he is - I believe in showing the jobber-types some love and I always end up watching Fan-Vote-based PPVs hoping for one out-of-left-field fan vote that's obviously against the company expectations :)

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The Eagle vote was mine, I suspect. It probably wouldn't have occured to me to complain if he wasn't on the list, but I'm glad he is - I believe in showing the jobber-types some love and I always end up watching Fan-Vote-based PPVs hoping for one out-of-left-field fan vote that's obviously against the company expectations :)


There are currently a couple of leaders that I hoped for but didn't expect, if that helps any.

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So here's my sell for a few votes:


Vote Tommy Cornell/Tyson Baine! Actually, feel free to ignore this one, because it's my booker's sensibility saying "Give Tommy an easy victory to build momentum, and have him face down with Wolf and/or Remo at Total Mayhem instead." So yeah.


Vote Texas Pete for the Hard-Hitting Championship! We've been watching Pete's improvement over the last little while with awe, but he's been jobbing his way to higher popularity, and seems to be in a holding pattern after a strong start. Show the management that he still has our support!


Vote Hard-Hitting Championship for Aaron Andrews' match! Sammy Bach vs. Texas Pete vs. Aaron Andrews? Let's see the future of TCW right here!

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