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TCW: A Quiet Retirement

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<p>Champagne Lover vs. <strong>Chris Rockwell</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. <strong>Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>British Lions w/ Laura Huggins </strong>vs. Natural Talent</p><p> </p><p>

Amber Allen vs. <strong>Stephanie Wade</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Bobby Thomas vs. <strong>Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Rising Stars vs. <strong>Marc DuBois & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell </strong>vs. Stone Brothers</p>

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Champagne Lover vs. Chris Rockwell

- CL seems to have more direction and Rockwell gets angry easily.


Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily

- Acid Dragon seem to be doing the TCW tradition of jobbing up the card.


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent

- The Lions are rewarded for their recent run of very good matches.


Amber Allen vs. Stephanie Wade

- Coin flip.


Bobby Thomas vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

- Keith tries to invent a new variation of the Proton Lock!


Rising Stars vs. Marc DuBois & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

- Possibly a draw, but I think DuBois sneaks in a win here. Omega needs to keep looking dominant.


Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Stone Brothers

- I think Jeremy might regret the primal monster he's unleashed in Bloodstone.

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Champagne Lover vs. Chris Rockwell


Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily


British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


Amber Allen vs. Stephanie Wade


Bobby Thomas vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


Rising Stars vs. Marc DuBois & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Stone Brothers

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Champagne Lover vs. Chris Rockwell


Some tit for tat on the part of Rocky? Wouldn't put it past him.


Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins vs. Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily


Ino's bunch are in ascent in general, particularly Shingen, and since he's part of this team (iirc) and Acid Dragon are treading water...

British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent


One of these teams is in line for a tag title shot. Natural Talent is not this team.


Amber Allen vs. Stephanie Wade


Allen is the fall girl of the women's division.


Bobby Thomas vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell


The Express have lately impressed... just not in singles.


Rising Stars vs. Marc DuBois & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert


I don't think the Stars can credibly go over these two at this stage.


Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Stone Brothers


I can't see Edd winning... however I can't see there being no repercussions for Bloodstone FINALLY starting to lose his cool. There are far too many people willing and able to interfere in this for me not to see a schmozz.

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TCW Presents Saturday Night Showcase


Saturday Week 3 April 2009


Live on CBA (Rating 14.97)


Held at the Alabama Field Row (South East)


Attendance: 21,544





Duane Fry – Jasmine Saunders – Alanis Springsteen


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/ChampagneLover.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/LobsterWarrior_PS.jpg

Champagne Lover vs. Chris Rockwell

This is one of the closest matches TCW has hosted in some months. Lover and Rockwell go back and forth, hitting so much, having to reign themselves in – Rockwell to control his escalating temper, Lover to minimise risk from his fastest offence.


That... is the problem, in the end; he has to push it a little further, going for the Champagne Sunrise. Rockwell dodges the impact by a microsecond, as close as it gets, and meets his jaw on the way past with a gloved fist. Lover is dazed and Rockwell delivers a series of knee strikes to the head before covering for the pin.

Chris Rockwell defeated Champagne Lover

Rating: B




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Acid Dragon w/ Laura Huggins


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Team VIPER w/ Baroness Emily

Good strong stuff here, with Acid Dragon setting a blistering pace and forcing the more grounded, technical duo to step into their turf to compete. Laura Huggins seems more... driven... than usual outside her pairing with Sean Deeley, exhorting them to greater and greater efforts, and Acid in particular seems to thrive on it.


VIPER, by contrast, are united but entirely silent, their expressions almost entirely hidden. Miyazaki and Ota do their best to play damage limitation and control, with Ota blocking the Dragon Drop early, then isolate UK Dragon and begin to work him over. In the end, Miyazaki grapevines the Ankle Lock to force Acid's ally to submit.


The crowd are saluting the rest of Team KOBRA as they come out to salute when the broadcast feed cuts away backstage...

Team VIPER defeated Acid Dragon

Rating: B-





Phil Vibert emerges from a door backstage and starts walking down a corridor, halting after a couple of paces. Mayhem Midden appears in shot, followed by Charlie Thatcher.


“What were you doing in there?” Midden demands angrily, pointing at the closed door. Vibert half-smiles and shrugs.


“I'm a businessman,” he says. “I have a lot of business to conduct here at the moment. Did you want anything?”


“Mostly, this is a warning,” Midden says. “I know you've got some kind of leverage with the Board of Investors. I'm damned if I know what it is, but I know you've got it. Hell, you managed to arrange a match for one of the company's owners at Total Mayhem – that's not just a simple proposal.


“I'm not interested in how you got it. I don't really care what it is.


“But I was hired by that Board to keep this company profitable and promote professional wrestling to that end,” he says, his face twisting slightly in disgust as he dips into the corporatese. “That's my job, and you come right out and say you aim to bleed this place dry.


“I won't stand for you using that leverage any more. I suggest you forget you have it.”


Vibert smirks. “Let me do you a favour, Ken,” he says. “Let me just go about my business, and you don't have to end up with no power around here. Charlie there is good, but he can't stop Generation Omega.


“And really, when you get down to it, he's all you have.”


“Not for long,” Midden says sourly. “You've had your warning now. The gloves are off.”




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British Lions w/ Laura Huggins vs. Natural Talent

The British Lions look confident as they come out, whereas Natural Talent pause on the ramp to look at their opponents. A deep breath, then they turn to each other, touch fists, and head down to the ring with a purpose.


And they give the Lions a surprising amount of trouble; Merle and Walter have come to specialise, these past few months, in never falling for the same trick twice. And they just haven't had a chance to see many of the Talent's tricks yet. Particularly nasty looking is a second-rope assisted powerbomb delivered by Natural #1 to Walter Morgan – had it not been for O'Curle's speed in crossing the ring, there could have been a serious upset.


But after a while, the Talent's armoury begins to look a little barer, and O'Curle is still firing on all cylinders. Natural #1 eventually finds himself brought down and slapped into the Celtic Wreath. And that, ultimately, turns out to be enough; Natural #2 goes to try and break it up with a flying legdrop, but O'Curle actually rolls himself and #1 out of the way while maintaining the hold. #2 crashes and burns.

British Lions defeated Natural Talent

Rating: B





Back from commercial, and Rocky Golden is backstage with Stephanie Wade again. They seem a little... friendlier than before, but there's still some distance.


“...not saying stop having fun, big guy. Fun's what we're in this sport for, right? But you need to... I don't know how to say it. You had a six-man last week, with the Rising Stars. They stopped Andrews breaking the pin, but they didn't bother blocking you. And you didn't make the save anyway, did you?


“It's about killer instinct, big guy. And my man has to have it.”


U + Ur Hand begins to play, and she grins. “That's me. Look – I can't tell you what it is. But I can try and show you. That idiot on the other end of this match is going to get exactly what I'm talking about. Find a monitor and see what I mean...”


She turns around and heads off.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/AmberAllen.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/StephanieWade.jpg

Amber Allen vs. Stephanie Wade

AA tries to make this a technical showcase, but Wade's having none of it. She concentrates on her strong suit, a striking game, and punishes Allen with a series of brutal kicks and forearms, smiling throughout.


Amber gets a double-leg takedown and goes for a figure four; Wade boots her off, kips up, and as Amber ricochets off the rope she finds Wade's patented superkick waiting. The pinfall is academic, the performances better than the lukewarm crowd might indicate.

Stephanie Wade defeated Amber Allen

Rating: C-




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BobbyThomas_jhd.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/SamKeith.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/TCW/BlondeBombshell.jpg

Bobby Thomas vs. Sam Keith w/ Blonde Bombshell

The Bombshell gets almost as big a pop as Sam as she emerges, but she still looks wary – and she's not the only one; Sam Keith keeps glancing her way during the match.


Bobby Thomas is more than willing to take advantage of that, and the end result is a good solid back-and-forth that runs and runs, showing just what the Express man is capable of.


In the end, however, Keith is able to find the counters he needs, and a Proton Lock wraps up the match.

Sam Keith defeated Bobby Thomas

Rating: B+





Backstage in the interview area, Eric Tyler paces, clearly more than a little pissed off, before turning to face the camera.


“Sean Deeley came to me when I needed a new man,” he says. “He showed me respect. He understood, it looked like, what it means to be a professional wrestler. What this life leads to.


“That's why you have respect. Hell, why do I even have to say this? You have a Code, and you have Respect, and those two things keep the life possible. They let you coexist, train, live, thrive. They help you win. It's about discipline. This should be frickin' obvious.


“But most people don't get it. Sean seemed to.


“The thing with Freddy's sister was unprofessional. I didn't like that. It showed disrespect to Freddy, not only his fellow professional but one of his fellow students. Someone he ran with. Someone who it was unwise to break with. But! They were both young, and though it hurt the School, I felt Sean at least had shown respect. A single violation of the Code, and that's enough that I had to cut him loose. But not enough for me to make an example of him.


“But that's slowly changed, hasn't it? Sean, you've shown you have no real respect for the business, for your elders, for your mentors, for the School that gave you an opportunity here.


“I guess it's time you started.”




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Rising Stars vs. Marc DuBois & Wolf Hawkins w/ Phil Vibert

Once again the youth movement of TCW pays massive dividends. The Rising Stars and Generation Omega effectively go to war here, delivering a PPV-quality showdown that will join TCW's growing list of brilliant 2009 matches.


The two egotists go up against the Stars but show, if anything, a better understanding of how to work together than Aaron and Joey are currently capable of.


And then it gets messy; Andrews hoists DuBois onto his shoulders, turning to the corner, and Minnesota climbs the top rope. He pauses for a moment, savouring the crowd's reaction, and sails off – but DuBois twists clear, and Minnesota wipes out Eugene Williams instead.


DuBois DDTs Andrews, pauses, and then rolls out of the ring.



Which turns out to be a good thing, as Edd Stone and Gorgon simultaneously slide under the bottom rope. Gorgon scoops Andrews up and Edd measures for the Edd-Renaline Shot, before realising Minnesota's back on his feet. He pauses, then shrugs and shifts, hitting the Party's Over on Andrews while Gorgon and Minnesota trade blows.



Kate Dangerous hits the ring a second later, jumping Gorgon from behind. The bigger woman shrugs off her blows, however, whips her to the turnbuckle, and splashes her before dragging her between the ropes. Standing on the apron, she locks one hand around Dangerous' throat -


And she delivers the Hydra Bomb from the apron to the floor.


Minnesota bundles Edd Stone over the top rope, turns around, and gets a Marc of Excellence. He kicks out, nonetheless, just barely, while Duane Fry speculates aloud on whether Aaron Andrews would have broken up the pin if he could.


The Stars are on the back foot now, but as Silver points out, there's less than a minute to go before they've achieved a time limit draw.


And then Generation Omega turn up the pace. Even as Williams recovers, it's impossible to say who the legal men are. The whole thing is a chaotic mess of action, and while Marc DuBois gets the Model Solution onto Aaron Andrews, the crowd pop thunderously as he fights his way back onto his feet and hits the Game Breaker to break the hold.


His problem comes a second later; Wolf Hawkins breaks his grapple with Minnesota, throwing him bodily back into the corner, spins, and blasts Andrews full in the face with the Full Moon Rising.


There's thirty seconds on the clock remaining when Eugene Williams counts three.

Marc DuBois & Wolf Hawkins defeated the Rising Stars

Rating: A*





“Rick,” Cornell's voice sounds, and we see him catching up with Rick Law as Law settles in with a pizza to watch the main event. The Total Lawman turns his head toward him, lazily, and raises an eyebrow.


Cornell stops, and pauses. “...Yeah. Mind if I sit down?”


Law gestures easily to a chair, and the company owner sits. “I think I've been going about this all wrong,” he begins. “I know what I need, hell, everyone does. But... skipping actually saying it is coming off kinda arrogant, isn't it?


“I... Actually, screw it. I've been arrogant enough to know my problem right now is I don't care about that.


“But other people do.”


Law says nothing, and Cornell looks at him. “I need to beat Wolf, Rick. I need to prove him and Vibert are full of ****. This Generation Omega stuff could seriously hurt the company, and neither of us want that.


“And... I know you can help. And I know you're willing to – you help everyone.”


Law remains silent.


“So... how about it?”


“You don't need to beat Wolf.”




“You don't need to beat Wolf. You want to.” Law shakes his head. “You're right, is the hell of it. Generation Omega are a threat to most of the good wrestlers here. The kind of crap Frankie pulled with the belt is a good example; he injured people with that. Didn't just beat them, injured them.


“But he's not the only one who's been doing that recently. And it's not just Generation Omega who want to shut down competition, who want to crush people, squeeze the life out of TCW. The School of Tradition's been doing it for a while. Jeremy Stone – who you brought in – did some real damage to Sean Deeley, and he damn well knew he was doing it.


“And then, this week, him and his brother – two of your Syndicate – threatened a woman who doesn't even compete, just to get what they wanted.”


Law turns back to the screen. “You haven't done a damn thing about that. And that being the case, as much as you're right, and as much as your name is the one that signed my contract... I'm not going to help you. Not yet – maybe not ever. If you want my help, you'll take a look at the culture around here, and you'll remember that your name carries a lot of responsibility for it.”




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Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Stone Brothers

“Well,” Duane Fry begins this match, “Whether you like technical excellence, hard-hitting Southern-style, or some of the most innovative aerial offence I've ever seen, this one has you covered. This is going to be a barnstormer!”


And he's not wrong. Bloodstone paces back and forth at the start, with Edd Stone being offered as an opening opponent. RDJ has to talk to his partner for some time to rein him in, starting in his place.


Edd and Ricky play a less... intense game, this match, with RDJ taking his time and Edd gamely trying one stunt after another designed to unsettle him, rattle him, create an opening.


Edd's responsible, therefore, for an increasing pace as the early minutes rattle by; at one point, he blocks RDJ's suplex attempt by dropping into the splits, bounces straight back up to a standing position and simultaneously delivers a European uppercut with collossal momentum, then bounces toward the opposition corner, foot raising; it's a manoeuvre we've seen from Edd countless times, taking out his opponent's ally, but this time he skids to a halt, foot halfway to an Edd-Renaline Shot, frozen by the look on Johnny's face.


That gives RDJ the chance to take over, which he does for a while, unfortunately making the mistake of forgetting that YOU CAN'T POWERBOMB EDD STONE! Edd looks at him for a second, presumably weighing the pros and cons of a pin attempt, then backflips away, tagging his brother in.


Jeremy takes three paces toward RDJ before Johnny Bloodstone steamrollers into him. The impact sends Jeremy crashing backward into his brother, who tumbles to the ground.


On reflex, not really thinking about it, Edd bounces up, off the guardrail, and back into the ring, grabbing Bloodstone, getting halfway across the ring for a bulldog -


Bloodstone shoves him off. Edd goes flying into Ray Johnson. Jeremy low blows Bloodstone from behind. RDJ boots Jeremy in the face. Edd jumps on RDJ's back. Bloodstone attempts to break Jeremy's arm and Edd leaps off RDJ, using his position to springboard over him for a high elbow drop.


By this stage, all four men's tempers and emotions are up. RDJ bundles Edd to the outside, and another charge by Bloodstone sees Jeremy and Johnny join him. As RDJ tries for a Leaping Lariat to the outside, only to be met by an Edd-Renaline Shot as he comes down, things get frantic.


After eighteen minutes since the match began, Ray Johnson is forced to call a double count out, with no one at all interested in returning the fight to the ring.

Johnny Bloodstone & Ricky Dale Johnson went to a double count out with the Stone Brothers

Rating: A*


Show Rating: A

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My word.


Now that is awesome. :D



I really liked the bit with Law and Cornell as it happens. As I said before, I'm enjoying that angle a whole lot and that really spoke a lot about why Cornell is having such a hell of finding anyone.


Also... woohoo! Clean sweep! Awesome show either way.

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90% of your show rating was A*.


You got an A for the show.






I've been lucky with ratings a lot of the time - browse through the show results and you'll see quite a few shows where the overall beat the main, sometimes (particularly with Badge of Honor) beat any match on the card via angle.


I'm used to the main show pulling As and A*s in most angles between overness and skill, but it doesn't always work like that. Eric's promo graded out a little weak, and Rocky/Wade is always a little iffy - we're trying to get Steph over and she's talking, so her end isn't carried on the grade quite yet.


Between that and the C- match, I dipped the threshold. Checking in numbers for a second, the show pulled a 95, and I believe that for shows though not for matches, 96 is an A*. So we had a slight dip due to lower angles and a weak womens' outing.


I really can't complain.




Thanks to those of you who've singled out Law/Cornell. That one just felt right as I was typing it out, and hopefully puts a bit more into Cornell as a character...


Cornell's frustrating to write at times, because he seems to resist a personality other than "great heel who owns the company" which isn't, actually, enough on its own. But these past few pleas, I've loved writing, because you see Cornell's character appear through the ways people react to him...


And hey - next week, if he manages to get a partner, you'll find out who it'll be! Any guesses?

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Wednesday 17th April 2009

One of the real benefits to using CZCW as our primary development territory is that a fair number of our current younger competitors have roots there, and drop by from time to time; this not only gives the gang working there a little more big-league insight, but it means that every once in a while Cliff Anderson can tell me something interesting about the current roster.


In this case, I've just had a phone call about James Prudence – Jimmy P, as we currently market him, of the Fly Boys. James has a good, strong record with CZCW, including multiple titles, and quite often stops by the training facilities to catch up with his friends who're still there – and to visit Rita, his girlfriend, who they currently have paired with Frankie Dee, a young Canadian with a slick kung fu gimmick.


In this case, Cliff was talking to me about James' use of the tape library; last time he was down there he spent the morning in the gym and the afternoon in the tape room with Mikey James watching Burning Hammer – the inaugural Best of the Super Juniors tournament, to be specific. He's working with Bairei Yasujiro on incorporating a couple of the more technically-tricky moves into his repertoire.


Cliff suggested a Fly Boys/Team KOBRA thing. It's interesting... I'll have to think on it. I do reget the fact they don't get much of a push.


Sunday 21st April 2009

So I should probably, at this point, talk about RDJ and his booking of the womens' division, particularly after a hectic week where it started to spill into the mens.


Overall, I like that; there was some concern last week over whether Rick would be willing to take the Hydra Bomb from a woman, but he was a stand-up guy about it – and at this point, Gorgon's finish is pretty well established as something to be feared.


The womens division started out with, pretty much, no real characters and no real fan support; he's had to build both, and what we've had during that build has been fairly generic. Now, with the prospect of Dangerous/Gorgon unspoken on the horizon, it looks like we should finally rack up some forward momentum.


I'm working closer with Ricky's booking than I'd expected, due to the crossover with some of the mens storylines, but so far it hasn't been a problem, and the result is that Ricky is Jennifer Cornell's golden boy now. It's no secret among the booking committee that the womens division is entirely Jennifer's baby, though Tommy is fielding most of the complaints and comments from the men.


The other womens' division news is that I've lost my bet; I didn't see any chance of, five months in, none of the men having got something going. So I owe Eric Tyler twenty bucks and a long talk about the Code, which will be especially fun as we both remember him making the Code up out of whole cloth in 1999 for a DaVE promo against the man who would be Acid.

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Thanks to those of you who've singled out Law/Cornell. That one just felt right as I was typing it out, and hopefully puts a bit more into Cornell as a character...


It was a top-notch promo, PS. I like the way this is evolving for Tommy - to have been so entitled for so long, and now to be brough crashing down to earth and remember that with that entitlement comes responsibilities... It's fairy tale territory, in a way. The arrogant prince and his troubled people.


What we need is a WWE-style promo at a renaissance fair with GenO as the black knights and Tommy leading the white knights into battle. Just look at the new Assassin's Creed trailer and go nuts :p


And hey, at some point, we're going to have Tommy and RDJ teaming, right?


Loving the diary as ever, sorry I don't comment as much just between TFU2 and COD:BlOps my diary-reading's taken a back seat lately.

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It was a top-notch promo, PS. I like the way this is evolving for Tommy - to have been so entitled for so long, and now to be brough crashing down to earth and remember that with that entitlement comes responsibilities... It's fairy tale territory, in a way. The arrogant prince and his troubled people.


What we need is a WWE-style promo at a renaissance fair with GenO as the black knights and Tommy leading the white knights into battle. Just look at the new Assassin's Creed trailer and go nuts :p


And hey, at some point, we're going to have Tommy and RDJ teaming, right?


Loving the diary as ever, sorry I don't comment as much just between TFU2 and COD:BlOps my diary-reading's taken a back seat lately.


I've been thinking for some time about bringing some more sports-entertainmentish stuff in, while not quite going overboard.


And it's cool - I know I comment less than I should. But hey - Eidenhoek, if you want to read a diary that deserves better ratings from its booking, check out JC's SWF.


If you want to see Horatio Dangerous booking Tom Gilmore, check out Philly Power Pro Wrestling: Dangerous Dreams.

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The Tommy Cornell thing kinda reminds me of the Ultramantis Black/BDK situation from earlier this year- Tommy wants to put something together to stop them but nobody trusts him because he's been such a swine. I'm not a fan of Generation Omega as a rule (the NYCW booker in me is more than slightly outraged at the young punks thinking they're better than the veterans, and I just don't like Marc DuBois or Wolf Hawkins), but the storyline's working pretty well. I'm just looking forward to see what kind of face group comes together to stop them- you're one of the few guys out there who can book face stables as something other than whipping boys for the heels.
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I'm just looking forward to see what kind of face group comes together to stop them- you're one of the few guys out there who can book face stables as something other than whipping boys for the heels.


I'm looking forward to seeing who's going to be in it myself, because the question's been on my mind. Obviously, you don't want to frame the old guys as faces, the young guys you're trying to build as heels, exclusively, as sooner or later your money depends on the younger guys* - so whatever group it is is going to have to be a mix of ages, so it becomes a representation of wrestling vs. arrogance rather than old vs. young. I've got 2-3 names in mind at the moment but the overall structure could well shift quite easily.


Thanks for the compliment, though - I like faction warfare, I guess, what can I say?


* - NYCW excepted, obviously.

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After the events of last Tuesday Sammy Bach did not receive his #1 Contendership opportunity; he is, however, in action again on Total Wrestling and he'll be looking to prove that he'd deserved it. His opponent this time is John Anderson, former International Champion and one tough chookie. Will Bach stake a claim for a later title opportunity, or can Anderson pull off a victory and put his own name in that space?


Eddie Peak has been looking to get his hands on Remo Richardson, but there hasn't been an opportunity yet as Remo is more interested in Sam Keith. Instead, this Tuesday he'll be taking on JD Morgan of the Global Tradition. Can Morgan survive the Bloody-Handed God and squeak a win in this war of former DaVE talent?


Quite an interesting tag team match is set to follow; Davis Wayne Newton and Frankie Perez face the alliance of Ricky Dale Johnson and Danny Fonzarelli. Perez has faced off with RDJ on many occasions; can he pick up his first victory of that series here, in tag competition?


Six-man action is set to follow that, as Troy Tornado teams with Koshiro Ino and Texas Pete against the School of Tradition trio that is Eric Tyler, Acid and Joel Bryant. It's veteran savvy against young bravery as Tornado, Pete and Tyler focus on their upcoming Total Mayhem matches.


Marc Speed has done excellently since being unveiled as the third Machine, with a series of wins and submission demonstrations. But the question has just become: can he possibly win out this time? Speed faces the power of Generation Omega's biggest man, Remo Richardson.


All three Machines are due in action on Tuesday; Brent Hill's opponent is the ever-dangerous Champagne Lover. Recently, John Anderson fought Lover to a standstill and defeated him in one of TCW's most memorable matches; Hill will be looking to do the same.


In the main event, the World Heavyweight Champion has requested a warm-up match for Total Mayhem. His chosen opponent, like Jeremy Stone, is a master of the mat game with an understanding of a great many little-known holds and techniques. Merle O'Curle of the British Lions will be looking to pull of a major upset and enter his name into contention.



Prediction Key:

John Anderson vs. Sammy Bach


Eddie Peak vs. JD Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli


Acid, Eric Tyler & Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, Texas Pete & Troy Tornado w/ Baroness Emily


Marc Speed vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Champagne Lover


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)

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Prediction Key:

John Anderson vs. Sammy Bach


Eddie Peak vs. JD Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli


Acid, Eric Tyler & Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, Texas Pete & Troy Tornado w/ Baroness Emily


Marc Speed vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Champagne Lover


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)

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John Anderson vs. Sammy Bach

Go Machines!


Eddie Peak vs. JD Morgan w/ Laura Huggins

Didnt happen in DAVE, won't happen here.


Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli

Danny Jobberelli spoils everything.


Acid, Eric Tyler & Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, Texas Pete & Troy Tornado w/ Baroness Emily

They're just a much higher level of talent.


Marc Speed vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert



Brent Hill vs. Champagne Lover

Go Machines!


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)

Champ does not just lose.

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John Anderson vs. Sammy Bach

Anderson have been slighly lost and he is still tag guy so I give this one to Bach


Eddie Peak vs. JD Morgan w/ Laura Huggins



Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli

Fonzarelli looks like the weak link here but I´m not convinced that DWN is yet over enough to go over RDJ


Acid, Eric Tyler & Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, Texas Pete & Troy Tornado w/ Baroness Emily

Too much star power on good guys side for this to go any other way


Marc Speed vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

Uhmm... nope, Speed got a decent push but this is too much too soon.

Brent Hill vs. Champagne Lover

Hill is still higher on ladders at least in my books

Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)

Bloodstone isn´t losing to a tag guy

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As everyone has stated that Cornell/Law interaction just rung true. I think the best part of Cornell's Quest has been the different reasons for being denied, all of them valid, meaning the smug, smarmy b@$tard which is Cornell is going to have to eat a huge helping of humble pie or do something nearly as embarrassing and bring in (another) hired gun to be his tag team partner. (Is Nemesis up for a payday?)


John Anderson vs. Sammy Bach

- The Machines seem to be treading water a bit and since calling Anderson a tough cookie I have to go with Bach. Just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.


Eddie Peak vs. JD Morgan w/ Laura Huggins

- This isn't early DaVE, and certainly not late DaVE, and definitely not Monkeypox's DaVE. No this it TCW and Peak shall topple Morgan. (Incidentally, Morgan would have only had the major advantage in early DaVE.)


Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli

- I think Perez gets his win only... it's Newton pinning Fonz while RDJ nearly beheads Perez with a Leapin' Lariat (I think that's RDJ's finisher.) :D


Acid, Eric Tyler & Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, Texas Pete & Troy Tornado w/ Baroness Emily

- I like Tyler, I dig Acid but think the other three bring more... ha ha... nope... guess what... Pete loses here just so I can see what happens when Ino attempts a bokken strike on him.


Marc Speed vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert

- Run away Speedmachine. Run, run away.


Brent Hill vs. Champagne Lover

- CL... losing his way towards glory.


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)

- Merle, you might want to think about cashing that cheque early and heading back to RoF rather than deal with Bloodstone in his current mental state.


One final thing PS...

The other womens' division news is that I've lost my bet; I didn't see any chance of, five months in, none of the men having got something going.

This really doesn't make sense to me. I don't understand it. The wording confuses me. How did Eric win $20 from Horatio?

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John Anderson vs. Sammy Bach


Eddie Peak vs. JD Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli


Acid, Eric Tyler & Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, Texas Pete & Troy Tornado w/ Baroness Emily


Marc Speed vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Brent Hill vs. Champagne Lover


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)

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Essentially, Horatio's money was on relationships starting to spring up between the women wrestlers and the male competitors in a certain length of time. They haven't.


Ah, see, now it makes sense. The 'got something going' was ambiguous. I thought Eric won because a feud developed out of tensions between two female competitors. Say, how Eric booted Deeley due to Laura becoming more important than the School of Tradition. Or two men coming to feud because they both were chasing the same skirt.


Thanks for clearing that up.

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John Anderson vs. Sammy Bach


He establishes himself even more as a legit contender here.


Eddie Peak vs. JD Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


Haha... hahaha... ha.


Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli


RDJ is sniffing around the title hunt right about now, I don't see him losing, even alongside Fonzie, to the guys that eat more losses than any other part of Gen Omega.


Acid, Eric Tyler & Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, Texas Pete & Troy Tornado w/ Baroness Emily


Old man Tyler might be a speed bump in singles, but there's way too much quality on the other team for him to carry the School here.


Marc Speed vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Speed looks strong in defeat, I can't see a win.


Brent Hill vs. Champagne Lover


Hard to pick... against a lesser opponent, I'd be choosing the Lover to start winning round about now, but Hill is a tall order...


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)


Not a chance, Merle.

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Prediction Key:

John Anderson vs. Sammy Bach


Bach just seems more relevant these days and was going to be part of an aborted contenders match to challenge for the world title- though you didn't pull the trigger on that, that tells me you think Bach is ready to step up to that next level.


Eddie Peak vs. JD Morgan w/ Laura Huggins


I loved Beeker's assessment on this match, how if only this was DaVE back in the late nineties that this would have any possibility of going the other way.


Davis Wayne Newton & Frankie Perez w/ Phil Vibert vs. Ricky Dale Johnson & Danny Fonzarelli


DWN and Perez are at this moment in time the weakest members of Generation OMEGA, so Fonzarelli stays mildly relevant by riding RDJ's coat tails to victory.


Acid, Eric Tyler & Joel Bryant w/ Laura Huggins vs. Koshiro Ino, Texas Pete & Troy Tornado w/ Baroness Emily


Too much star quality on the face side for them to job to Old Man Tyler (Blake Trask- got in their first and nicked my line :p) and his band of glorified jobbers.


Marc Speed vs. Remo Richardson w/ Phil Vibert


Speed isn't going to go over Remo yet, not for a long time.


Brent Hill vs. Champagne Lover


At least one of the Machines will get a win, to ensure that the night is a total disaster for them.


Johnny Bloodstone w/ Blonde Bombshell vs. Merle O'Curle w/ Laura Huggins (non-title)


O'Curle will provide a tought test but one that Bloodstone will come through.

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