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BHOTWG: "The Era of Immortals" (C-Verse '75)

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Monday, Week 3, October







"Meeting with someone special"










Jin had invited me to visit someone.. Some kind of a family friend, Jin said his dad and this man's dad are really good friends and that's how he knows this guy. When I asked Jin who this guy was, he didn't answer to my question. We arrived to this huge house in a nice neighbourhood. Jin knocked on the door and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this huge guy open it.










He looked familiar. I immediatly knew who he was.



The BHOTWG Main Eventer, "The Giant Slayer"
Tasuku Nanbada
. Reading Jin's memos I had learned that this guy was the first guy to ever graduate from the BHOTWG Dojo and the only protege of the late Dayu Ichihara, one of the greatest Japanese wrestlers of the era who died this summer.



Jin! Glad you could come. And this is.. Keiji, right? Nice to meet you.
, Tasuku shook my hand and bowed. This guy was a class act towards his quests. “
Come in, come in!



As we stepped into the apartment I was amazed of how big and vast it really was. This guy had money. There were big photos on the wall from the times he was a baseball player and other photos of different wrestling legends, mostly Dayu Ichihara. While I stared at the photos, Jin and Tasuku were talking on the other side of the room. After glaring trough the photos I joined them in the conversation.



So, Keiji.. I've heard that you don't like wrestling.. That you think that it's fake?
", he asked me, smiling. And mind you, this guy was huge, compared to me. Sure I was quite tall but this guy was ripped and probably weighted two, three times what I did.








I was embarrased to answer the question. I stuttered when I opened my mouth. “
I.. I.. Thought. That. A long time ago. I really do like wrestling nowadays and I admire the work that you do.. I..



Tasuku laughed, and told me with a calm voice, “
I know. I was just kidding with you. It's always nice to hear that we are getting new fans out of people who at first have not had any interest in our promotion. I hope that I will see you at the upcoming shows here in Kanto tomorrow, on the regular tour show, and on Friday at the Night Of The Burning Hammer


I've heard that the NOTBH will be held at the Kanagawa Stadium which has an attendance capacity of 30,000 people so it will be really interesting to see how many will come to the show. We sold out the Tokyo Civil Stadium last time with the Quest Of Honor event last month.








It was a great show.. And the first one Keiji here ever attended
, Jin told him. I couldn't find words as I was a bit nervous. An awkvard silence ensued, until a small girl came to the room and grabbed Tasuku by the hand.


Ah, Hideyo-chan. Say hello to our guests!









, the little girl shouted and hugged Jin, as if he was a family member to her. Tasuku introduced me to Hideyo and she greeted me politely. The little girl looked bigger and stronger than other girls of her age. She was eight, maybe ten years old.



The little girl grabbed Tasuku by the hand and asked us to come and play with her at the gym. A gym that was fully equipped with everything you could need for training. Hideyo showed Jin how many pushups she could do while I talked to Tasuku, intriqued by the little girl.



So this is your.. Daughter?
, I asked, pondering about what would be the answer.



No and yes.. I mean, not my biological daughter atleast. She's the daughter of my mentor.. I adopted her when Dayu died this summer. Her mother died when she was two years old and now that his father passed away.. I was the closest family member so to speak, even though we don't share any blood relationship. She's like a daughter to me and I'm.. .. I'm the best she's got, you know. She doesn't have any relatives here so I thought this would be the best for her.


Oh.. I see. How old is she by the way?


She's eight. Can you believe it? She's the tallest of her class. She has her father's physique, that's for sure.. Go on, play with her for a while and see it for yourself, just how strong she really is.


Are you kidding?


Not this time, no. Go on.



Tasuku hinted at Hideyo that I had doubted his strenght. As I got to the mat I got onto my knees, just to even up the size advantage, but she was having none of it as she ordered me to stand up. Jin and Tasuku were laughing as I looked over my shoulder. I didn't know what to do.. I wondered just how much power should I use when playing with her like this. I didn't want to hurt her.



Suddenly the little girl took my hand, wrenched it backwards and pushed me to the ground. I panicked and tried to fight back but she had me in an armlock so tight that I couldn't get around it. There I was, laying on my belly on the mat, with an eight-year-old on top me, wrenching my arm in positions it shouldn't be twisted. She let go and I quickly stood up, embarrased of how easy she took me to the ground. I wasn't going to get surprised like that this time, as we engaged in a normal collar and elbow tie-up.



In a few seconds I was staring at the ceiling of the gym. She had tripped me to the mat with a single leg trip or a sweep of somekind. I couldn't believe just how strong this kid was. She was smiling as she helped me get up.



. Ehh. Guess I .. Underestimated her.
, I muttered to myself. I laughed along with everyone else because I felt so embarrased that I didn't have any other option than to laugh at myself. I can admit it, I was outwrestler by a eight-year-old little girl.







We had a nice evening with Tasuku and Hideyo as we dined together and talked about wrestling. As we left their home, Tasuku and Hideyo were waving at us at the door. Even though Hideyo's father has died this summer she seemed quite happy and joyful living with Tasuku. I guess they were just making the most out of the tragic situation. And with friends like Jin and his family.. They certainly weren't alone in this world.



As we were driving back home (Jin gave me a lift) I recapped the whole day in my mind.



So. That girl.. .. Is really the daughter of Dayu Ichihara?


Yes.. Hideyo Ichihara. I really didn't want to tell you about my connection to the Ichihara's when you started talking about .. Kayfabe and such. You know. It's what they do. Wrestling is a lifestyle. Tasuku would still be playing baseball without wrestling. Dayu would have never become an icon that he's now. There would be no Kitozon's or Jimbo's, nor Furusawa's without wrestling.


I hope that now you wouldn't degrade wrestling or or.. Overlook it.


I won't. I promise. Tasuku was so hospitable and Hideyo was a lovely little girl. I would like to visit them again sometime.


Sure. It's never bad to make new friends.



Jin laughed to himself and asked me, “
You want to know what Hideyo calls herself?



Haha, she has her own wrestling nickname of some kind?



Yes. She calls herself "Crusher Ichihara".. Isn't that cute or what?



Crusher Ichihara? Nice.. That sounds quite good actually.





Crusher Ichihara.. I sure hope that she can live up to his father's legacy. With that kind of strenght and size compared to her age.. I'm sure she will. But it'll be another ten years even before she will debut if she stays focused and interested enough..






.. We'll see.








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Night Of Destiny Tour

Night Thirteen

Tuesday, Week 3, October

Tokyo Civil Stadium, Kanto



Just one show before the highly regarded "Night Of The Burning Hammer" event!

Featuring six matches on the main card, Night Thirteen show features a lot of singles actions between tag team specialists and a great main event between the gaijin team of Gordon & BSC as they take on the fan favourites Kitozon, Nanbada and Thompson.

Plus a special promo from Robbie Gordon!




Remember to get your tickets for Night Of The Burning Hammer this Friday, right here at Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto.









Hitoshi Higa vs. Edo Phoenix

"The Oginawa Tiger" Hitoshi Higa, one half of the experienced Higa & Nanbada tag team who will take on the Burning Japanese Tag Team champions Izumi & Takani this Friday, will be squaring off against the opponent of Elemental this Friday, Edo Phoenix in this class of styles.


Two weight classes in between them, these two posses completely different wrestling styles: Higa is all-out heavy puroresu striker whereas Phoenix is a Super Junior by it's definition, relying on the aerial skills along with technical skills. Which one will get their momentum going for this Friday's Night Of The Burning Hammer?









Kiba Izumi vs. Derek Barnes

Izumi vs. Barnes will lock horns in our first "Izumi & Takani vs. Barnes & Kingsley" singles match challenge. Seven years older than Barnes, "The Hound Of Hiroshima" Izumi will have the experience and technical supremacy behind him whereas the young New Englander clearly has the size, power and brawling skills backing him in this match.


While Izumi & Takani will defend their belts at the NOTBH against the challengers Higa & Nanbada, Barnes & Kinsgley will have their hands full as they will take on the former three time tag champs, Mibu Ronin.








Bishimi & Kinki Demons vs. Noriyoshi Sanada & Yakuza Riot

In the night's first six man tag action Bishimi will pair up with the Kinki Demons as they take on the team of Sanada & Yakuza Riot. Both teams are evenly balanced in the wrestling styles as everyone brings something to the match for their team, whether it's brawling (DEMON Kiriyama & Shigeta Takahasi), flying (Bishimi, Kenzo Isozaki) or technical skills (DEMON Yukata & Noriyoshi Sanada).


It'll be interesting to see how frequently the tags will be made in this rock-paper-scissors contest. Who will reign supreme, who will score the pinfall or submission for their team!?









Paul Kingsley vs. Shogo Takani

In the night's second
"Izumi & Takani vs. Barnes & Kingsley" singles match challenge the veterans will locks horns. On a funny note, this will be one of the few matches where Kingsley is the better conditioned man as he probably has little more stamina than his 46 year old opponent. Just like in the night's first match between the two teams, it'll be a brawler going against a technician. The biggest question heading into this match is whether Paul Kingsley believes in himself enough in order to win this match, or will he be fired up going against a wrestler eight years older than him?


If anything, seeing Takani wrestling and even defending the tag team titles even at the age of 46, it should give Kingsley something to think about.









Toshiro Saito vs. Seison Yamanaka

In a night full of contrasting wrestling styles, this match-up is no different. Big heavyweight brawler going against the middleweight Yamanaka, a technician. However, on the previous show at Chubu, Yamanaka defeated Onishiki and Tsunanohana as he paired with Edo Phoenix. This time he will be all alone going against the colossal 6'9, 340lbs Saito, who is as intense and tenacious as Master Kitozon, and even more powerful.


Will the ghost of the Kitozon match at Quest Of Honor still haunt in Yamanaka's mind, or has Yamanaka got an ace up his sleeve?








Robbie Gordon & Black Serpent Cult vs. Master Kitozon, Tasuku Nanbada & Connor Thompson

For the second time in a row, "Womanizer" Robbie Gordon will pair up with the gaijin team of the Black Serpent Cult as they take on a dream team of Kitozon, Nanbada and Thompson in a six man tag main event. Having destroyed the Kinki Demons and Anzai last Sunday, the gaijins must feel condifent going against the elite of the Burning Hammer: The Burning World Heavyweight champion Kitozon, "Protege of Ichihara" "The Giant Slayer" Tasuku Nanbada and the Australian #1 Contender, Connor Thompson.



This six man tag match will be the last match heading to the Night Of The Burning Hammer this Friday. Will the respect last between Kitozon and Thompson?
Who will emerge victorious?





Don't miss the last show before Night Of The Burning Hammer!






Predictions List:


Hitoshi Higa vs. Edo Phoenix


Kiba Izumi vs. Derek Barnes


Bishimi & Kinki Demons vs. Noriyoshi Sanada & Yakuza Riot


Paul Kingsley vs. Shogo Takani


Toshiro Saito vs. Seison Yamanaka


Robbie Gordon & Black Serpent Cult vs. Master Kitozon, Tasuku Nanbada & Connor Thompson

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OOC: Am I doing something wrong here? Even though I'm writing this for myself it seems I've never had a diary with such a low interest than this one.. I know it's been a slow start and weird one with a lot of backstory stuff and other things .. I just looked at the first page and thought "wow, so many people commented".. Did I go the wrong way in this diary, did I let everyone down or or is it the '75 mod or am I not focusing on the matches enough.. Lack of storylines maybe. I don't know. It just feels really weird with all these new popular diaries going on and etc.. And I've been liking this one so much and this is one of the few diaries that I have loved doing.. I guess it's the product and the backstory.. *sigh*.


Suggestions, tips.. Anything? :(

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I just think its because of how in the last few you've done (BBW and CGC mainly) you had great characters and it was more focused on that, people could really get into the stories. This diary has a lot going for it, it might just take people longer to get into it or longer for you to find your niche with the company and then it'll take off. Either way, don't do the diary purely based on comment numbers etc., do it for the reason (I assume) you started the diary; your entertainment.


Hitoshi Higa vs. Edo Phoenix


Kiba Izumi vs. Derek Barnes


Bishimi & Kinki Demons vs. Noriyoshi Sanada & Yakuza Riot


Paul Kingsley vs. Shogo Takani


Toshiro Saito vs. Seison Yamanaka


Robbie Gordon & Black Serpent Cult vs. Master Kitozon, Tasuku Nanbada & Connor Thompson

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I think its the mod. So many aren't familiar with C-verse '75 diaries but I'm liking where this is going. Especially the segment with Crusher Ichihara. I've been working on a C-verse '75 myself however. Just trying to piece all of the backstory.


When was the last time the we all had a C-verse '75 diary?


My suggestion: Just keep going.


Hitoshi Higa vs. Edo Phoenix


Kiba Izumi vs. Derek Barnes


Bishimi & Kinki Demons vs. Noriyoshi Sanada & Yakuza Riot


Paul Kingsley vs. Shogo Takani


Toshiro Saito vs. Seison Yamanaka


Robbie Gordon & Black Serpent Cult vs. Master Kitozon, Tasuku Nanbada & Connor Thompson

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Hitoshi Higa vs. Edo Phoenix


Kiba Izumi vs. Derek Barnes


Bishimi & Kinki Demons vs. Noriyoshi Sanada & Yakuza Riot

Paul Kingsley vs. Shogo Takani


Toshiro Saito vs. Seison Yamanaka

Robbie Gordon & Black Serpent Cult vs. Master Kitozon, Tasuku Nanbada & Connor Thompson


You know I love all your diaries, but I haven't had much time to read it lately, as good as it is. While I do love the layout, I don't find it as good as some of your earlier work, because, while the match reports are solid, it doesn't seem to have that personal "FINisher" Feel that your BBW and DaVE, ones had. While I haven't read the WEXXV one that people seem to say got you started, I think that that one was probably different as well.


While this one is different, I think you should continue it, and don't let the Newer diaries getting some more comments put you down, because in the end, it should be about the fun.


Oh, and, You asked for it with the predictions, be prepared for some horrible stuff :p

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OOC: Thanks guys. Just what I needed I guess.. And come to think of it, someone said when I started CGC/GCG that "Japanese garbage promotions are still your niche" or something like that. I guess that person was right as I still have lots and lots of creative ideas for characters, storylines and gimmicks for a hardcore entertainment promotion. Funny. But yeah, still, thanks to all of you.. Cheered me up.


The "big change" in this diary will come sooner than later :) Soon this diary will really start. And it's going to be one hell of a ride.

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I can only speak for myself, but I am most definitedly interested. This one has my interest more than any other newer diary, to be honest. I've enjoyed the shows and character segments. Love the match write ups and I very much enjoy that its Burning Hammer in the '75 mod. I've liked all your work so far, but I do think this is my favorite so far.


Why the lack of response? Couldn't tell ya. I do know its not the only really well-done diary from a respected writer suffering the same issue lately. I can only hope you stick with it.


Hitoshi Higa vs. Edo Phoenix


Kiba Izumi vs. Derek Barnes

Bishimi & Kinki Demons vs. Noriyoshi Sanada & Yakuza Riot


Paul Kingsley vs. Shogo Takani


Toshiro Saito vs. Seison Yamanaka


Robbie Gordon & Black Serpent Cult vs. Master Kitozon, Tasuku Nanbada & Connor Thompson

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I haven't commented in here yet, which seems wrong, because I do open this thread up each time I see it's updated. In my opinion, you haven't done any wrong with this diary. You've put a roster breakdown up to familiarize us with the talent, given us a good backstory and I enjoy the match updates and show previews as they don't run too long but they give us the important info. It could be that in general 1975 isn't as well read, for whatever reason, and on top of that it's Japan which is rarely used even in the modern Cornellverse data...so it could just be all of us with a lack of personal experience relating to the diary.


I know when I am choosing diaries to follow, the first thing that catches my eye is Cornellverse/Real World/Fantasy, then Writer, then Promotion/Time Period(Modern, Historical, etc). I think we are all spoiled as readers because we have so much diversity in what we want to spend our time reading that if it doesn't fit a scenerio we can relate to we aren't as interested in the diary, regardless of quality. So maybe there just isn't a big readership for Japan in 1975? I don't know for sure about that, but I do know that this is one of your finest efforts I've read and I am enjoying it.

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I suspect that your issue here, ultimately, is that you're consistently very good.


I know I'm enjoying this. I know I'm reading every time. But as your shows and behind-the-scenes pieces are of a consistent level of quality, I can either comment every time or not ever quite find a reason to - and the latter is, sadly, more common (because people are lazy).


So we wait for a particularly standout moment to comment...

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I suspect that your issue here, ultimately, is that you're consistently very good.


I know I'm enjoying this. I know I'm reading every time. But as your shows and behind-the-scenes pieces are of a consistent level of quality, I can either comment every time or not ever quite find a reason to - and the latter is, sadly, more common (because people are lazy).


So we wait for a particularly standout moment to comment...


This could definitley be part of it. I know that I've tried to become more frequent with my comments, because I have often complained about it in my own diary (though not of late). But I find that with writers who are consistent in their quality and relatively frequent with their shows - such as FIN here, PS, JC, TK, and a few others - I find myself leaving what seems like the same comment over and over. I usually don't have a big question or comment, just a little "liked the show, such and such a segment was good, still reading". So while its honest, genuine, and heart-felt when I levae those... it does feel repititive.

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Thanks, everyone, for all your kind comments. Had a weak moment there, haha. :D


Ps. Show's gonna be up tomorrow (Saturday) :)


Eh, I don't know if I really consider a "weak moment". I think its a natural concern for most diary writers. We all go through. No matter how much we write for ourselves and our entertainment first and foremost, the readers are still part of it. Otherwise why go through the effort of posting the work here? We want people to see. We want people to enjoy. And we want to know about it, dammit!


I can't even big to list how many different writers I have discussed this with, often through PM. We all face it. No one likes it, but it happens. But rest assured, your work here is most certainly being read and enjoyed.

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  • 2 weeks later...











Night Of Destiny Tour

Night Thirteen

Tuesday, Week 3, October

Tokyo Civil Stadium, Kanto












Hitoshi Higa vs. Edo Phoenix



The match started with a fast pace as Edo Phoenix took control with his athletic supremacy, throwing "The Okinawa Tiger" around with his patented japanese arm drags, and keeping going for a nice dropkick which send Higa out of the ring to the ringside. Phoenix bounced off the ropes and dived trough the ropes in a spectacular fashion, pulling a suicide dive that stunned the audience and completely surprised Higa.




Higa got the upper hand when he slammed Phoenix against the guardrails and then hit a stiff chop which send Phoenix over the rails and into the crowd where he landed on a man's lap. Phoenix hopped onto a chair and leaped over the rail but Higa had him scouted as he leveled the high flyer with another stiff strike, this time a lariat. The ref's count was already on fifteen and thus Higa rolled Phoenix back into the ring.




Higa begun working tenaciously on Phoenix's hands which didn't seem as logical than attacking the high flyer's legs. Still, Higa hit few elbows to the left arm of Phoenix and tried to lock an armbar but Phoenix reversed it by nipping up and hitting a dropkick! Phoenix ran to the ropes and hit a twisting headscissors, then went for the pin!









Higa gets his shoulders up! Higa gets up and hits a diving lariat!









Phoenix kicks out! Phoenix goes for another japanese arm drag but his hand is sore and thus Higa blocks the move! Higa grabs the left arm of Phoenix and twists it behind his back in a hammerlock, then lifts Phoenix into the air and drives him down onto his back, the arm taking all of the impact, the Higa Hammerlock suplex!! Phoenix is hurting!!




Higa hits few elbow smashes on the disabled Phoenix, then lifts him up into his shoulders, a shoulder breaker!! No, Phoenix spins around, reverses the move into a .. Twisting headscissors, NO, Phoenix stays on the back, on the shoulders of Higa with his legs wrapped around one arm and hands wrapped around the other as he tries to pull Higa to the canvas.. And he does!










Phoenix gets a flash pinfall victory over Hitoshi Higa with a unique, never before seen pinning predicament!! As if Higa was in an imaginary crucifix of somesort. What a finish!!


Result: Edo Phoenix defeated Hitoshi Higa in 16:38 by pinfall with a Crucifix Pin.


Sugiura's Grade:







__________________________________________________ __________










Kiba Izumi vs. Derek Barnes



The '64 Graduate of Golden Canvas Grappling dojo, "Hound Of Hiroshima" Kiba Izumi takes the control right from the start with a simple takedown, grounding Barnes and keeping him on the mat for the first few minutes, pinpointing the brawler's legs. Barnes however is having none of it as he is able to get up and slam Izumi with a scoop slam, followed by a big elbow drop. Barnes locks Izumi into a headlock but gets countered into an armbar attempt but Barnes breaks the hold again.




The match continued with a lot of countering and the classis power vs. technical wrestling aspect. Finally, after a series of whips in the ropes, out of nowhere Derek Barnes unleashed a huge Running Tackle, knocking Izumi hard on the mat with brute force and immediatly going for the pin, which got him a shocking upset victory of his entire career.




Izumi, one half of the reigning tag champions, looked shocked when he finally realised that he was just pinned by the younger American in this great match. Izumi will have some serious thinking to do come Night Of The Burning Hammer when he and Takani will defend the tag titles against Higa & Nanbada, as especially Nanbada is a menacing power house and a lot powerful than Barnes.




The loss to Barnes could also indicate that the Izumi has accustomed too well into tag matches with Takani where he always has someone to tag for. A win from Izumi guarantees Barnes really good momentum heading for his and Paul Kingsley's match against Mibu Roning at NOTBH.



Result: Derek Barnes defeated Kiba Izumi in 15:52 by pinfall with a Running Tackle.


Sugiura's Grade:







__________________________________________________ __________











Bishimi & Kinki Demons vs. Noriyoshi Sanada & Yakuza Riot



Bishimi and Kinki Demons continue their losing streak while Yakuza Riot continue their winning streak, now with Sanada by their side in the quite standard six man tag match. A throw-away match seemed to just highlight the best characteristics of Yakuza Riot and Sanada who seemed to be in total control thoughtout the match. The old school super junior Sanada put the new school super junior Bishimi away with the Sanada Pyramid to end the lackluster of a match.



Result: Yakuza Riot and Noriyoshi Sanada defeated Bishimi and Kinki Demons in 17:22 when Noriyoshi Sanada defeated Bishimi by pin with a Sanada Pyramid.


Sugiura's Grade:







__________________________________________________ __________










Paul Kingsley vs. Shogo Takani



In tonight's second Barnes & Kingsley versus Izumi & Takani match, things didn't go the way the did in the first match where Barnes pulled an upset victory over Izumi. In this class of veterans Takani kept Kingsley on the mat for ages, finally finishing Kingsley with a tight Judo Arm Lock. This loss to Takani could effect Kingsley's bad selfesteem even more as he obviously feels to be out of shape and too old compared to his tag partner Barnes. Night Of The Burning Hammer will certainly be very interesting for these two teams.



Result: Shogo Takani defeated Paul Kingsley in 17:05 by submission with a Judo Arm Lock.


Sugiura's Grade:







__________________________________________________ __________










Toshiro Saito vs. Seison Yamanaka


For a first time in a long time Saito seemed to be the underdog heading into this match because of Yamanaka's new attitude and the recent winning streak. This proved to be true as, while Saito had his moments and got few big strikes in, this match was all about Yamanaka and his submission skills as he was more than succesful in keeping Saito on the canvas.



Yamanaka finally locked the Red Sun Rising near the twenty minute mark and while Saito struggled and tried to escape the hold, he had no option but to tap out in the end.



Result: Seison Yamanaka defeated Toshiro Saito in 22:38 by submission with a Red Sun Rising.


Sugiura's Grade:







__________________________________________________ __________










Robbie Gordon and Black Serpent Cult enter the ring, each wrestler with a huge snake with them on their shoulders. To everyone's surprise, Gordon asks for a mic and starts a promo.. In English.



You are probably wondering what I am doing here.. You are probably wondering what I am saying as I believe not many of you speak nor understand English.



So I'm gonna make this very short and simple.



I've watched Black Serpent Cult for weeks now during our tours and we have come into an agreement of forming an alliance.



From this day forward, you can call me.. Rattlesnake.



And from this day forward, you can call us..








The three americans pose in the ring with the snakes for a while until the entrances of the opposing team members start. The promo didn't get a good response from the crowd since it wasn't in Japanese and thus most of the fans didn't quite understand what Gordon said.


Sugiura's Grade:







__________________________________________________ __________











V.E.N.O.M (Rattlesnake & Black Serpent Cult) vs. Master Kitozon, Tasuku Nanbada & Connor Thompson



The match starts and they go through some pretty routine trade-offs at the beginning with Cobra matching up with Nanbada. Through-out the 'dream team' is a step ahead, but just as it looks like Nanbada is going to put away Cobra with the Ichihara Crush, the VENOM leader Rattlesnake sneaks in and hits a powerful lariat right into the back of the head of Nanbada. Cobra quickly tags in Rattlesnake, turning the match a full 180 as Rattlesnake keeps pummeling Nanbada into oblivion with his brawling.



Nanbada then plays 'face' in peril, which was sort of a good thing as the crowd starts to really hate Rattlesnake and BSC even more as they take turns, distract the referee and take cheap shots which frustrate Kitozon and Thompson, but their protests only seem to be making things worse for Nanbada.



With Nanbada worn down, Viper tries to finish things with the Snakebite Roundhouse Kick but Nanbada counters with a devastating released german suplex, Cobra and Rattlesnake then come in but Nanbada manages to fend them off with a double lariat before slumping to the mat.



Nanbada then crawls over to make the tag but Viper catches up with him, but Nanbada manages to kick him off and he gets the tag into Master Kitozon. As expected the fresh World Heavyweight champion cleans house and all three members of V.E.N.O.M are soon scrambling out of the ring.



The 'dream team' give them no time to rest though, as both Nanbada and Thompson drop tp ringside and attack the Black Serpent Cult. Not to be outdone though Kitozon suddenly comes to the apron and jumps right into Rattlesnake, hitting a flying Kitozon chop!



With the 'dream team' fully in control, they bring all three members of V.E.N.O.M into the ring as the crowd begins a huge chant for Kitozon. Nanbada whips Cobra across the ring right into Thompson's arms who dumps Cobra to the canvas with the Thunder From Down under, then Nanbada himself drills Viper with the Ichihara Crush and Master Kitozon unleashes a huge Kitozon chop barrage, finishing Rattlesnake with a Full Nelson Suplex!!









Three! Kitozon pins Rattlesnake! The force of the 'dream team' was just too much for V.E.N.O.M in their first encounter, V.E.N.O.M did their part as the bastardly heels and the crowd were fully behind the 'dream-team' trio.



The triple finisher sequence was also something a little different from the usual traditional tag match win formula, and it really helped established that here was three of the very best in Burning Hammer. Altough defeated this time, V.E.N.O.M will be seen as a major threat for the rest of the roster as the trio is so well balanced when it comes to wrestling styles.



Result: Master Kitozon, Connor Thompson and Tasuku Nandaba defeated V.E.N.O.M (Rattlesnake & Black Serpent Cult in 30:06 when Master Kitozon defeated Rattlesnake by pinfall with a Full Nelson Suplex.


Sugiura's Grade:






The last show before Night Of The Burning Hammer offered a lot more of storyline type of elements than actual great wrestling as we saw the upset win of Barnes over Izumi and Kingsley losing to Takani and the emergence of V.E.N.O.M.





Overall Grade:








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Friday, Week 3, October

Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto












Onishiki & Tsunanohana vs. Black Serpent Cult

30 Minute Time Limit Tag



The opening match on the main card starts with tag team action as Onishiki and Tsunanohana take on the Americans Cobra and Viper, together known as Black Serpent Cult. Now with 'Rattlesnake' Robbie Gordon at their corner BSC seem to have found a missing piece in their game. However, the sumo wrestlers Onishiki and Tsunohana have been training even harder after the embarrasing loss to Seison Yamanaka and Edo Phoenix earlier on the tour. Will BSC's wrestling style clash against the bigger and more powerful sumo's in a bad way or will the V.E.N.O.M members have a snake up their sleeve?














Nagamichi & Fukamura & Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Yakuza Riot & Toshiro Saito

30 Minute Time Limit Six Man Tag



In our six man tag match of the night two incredible talented teams meet in what is certainly going to be an all-out intense match. Nagamichi and Fukamura haven't been on the spotlight as much as Yakuza Riot recently but they have been getting constant wins over the rookies and occasional tag teams and as always they are dangerous opponents to any tag team on the roster. In a weird twist Noriyoshi Sanada teamed up with Yakuza Riot on the last show before Night Of The Burning Hammer; Will this provide an upperhand for the trio of Nagamichi, Fukamura and Sanada? What role will the veteran big man Saito play? Can the trios wrestle as a unit or will things fall apart when the bell rings?




Who will emerge victorius?














Barnes & Kingsley vs. Mibu Ronin

30 Minute Time Limit Tag

#1 Contender's Match For Burning Japanese Tag Team Championship



Mibu Ronin got offended by the words of Paul Kingsley earlier in the tour when Kingsley compared Shikimara Mibu to himself, saying that Shikimara himself is also too old and rusty compared to his younger team mate, Tatsumaki Mibu. A match was signed for Night Of The Burning Hammer just to see who's right and who's wrong. Derek Barnes has been trying to light a fire back into Paul Kingsley but to no avail as still Kingsley's greatest enemy seems to be himself. While Barnes got a huge surprise victory over one half of the reigning tag champs Kiba Izumi, Kingsley lost decisively to Shogo Takani, the other half of the Burning Japanese Tag Team champs, during the same night last Tuesday.




Will the old folks find a new passion for wrestling or will this be a showcase of the new breed? Will the tag teams only get stronger, or is it time to say goodbye?














Elemental vs. Edo Phoenix

30 Minute Time Limit Singles

Super Junior Supremacy



Last Tuesday Edo Phoenix showed the world that he can invent moves out of nowhere aswell as he defeated Hitoshi Higa with a never before seen move, a crucifix pin. Elemental seems to be having his hands full this Friday as the superstar from Tokyo seems to have all the momentum behind him. Even though Elemental hasn't lost in two years to a fellow Super Junior, or to anyone else for that matter, has he become too confident of his own success? Clearly the momentum has stalled for the living Super Junior legend, could this dream match be the wake up call he's been waiting for?




The long anticipation is finally coming to an end as the two biggest, most popular high flyers in wrestling today will meet for the very first time at the Night Of The Burning Hammer in Edo Phoenix's hometown of Tokyo, Japan. Will Kanagawa Stadium live in history as the place where Elemental was finally defeated by their hometown hero? Will Elemental live up to his legendary status?




Will legends be made?
















Izumi & Takani vs. Higa & Nandaba

30 Minute Time Limit Tag Match

BHOTWG Burning Japanese Tag Team Championship



The last tag match of the night is reserved for the Burning Japanese Tag Team championship match. The prestigious titles will be put on the line for the 4th time during this tour as Izumi and Takani are set to face the challengers Higa and Nanbada in what will surely be a tough match for both teams. The two biggest question marks heading into the match are of course the mental condition of the two wrestlers that lost on Tuesday: Kiba Izumi and Hitoshi Higa. Izumi got surprised by Barnes and Higa was pinned by Edo Phoenix with a move he didn't have a counter for.




On the other hand Shogo Takani got a dominating win over Paul Kingsley and Tasuku Nanbada was in the main event of the last show, tagging along with the legendary Master Kitozon and the current #1 Contender, Connor Thompson as they defeated V.E.N.O.M.




Is the level of experience between the teams too much for Higa and Nanbada? Or will the match be contested under singles experience and skill? It'll be the technicians versus the brawlers in what is surely going to be a classic tag team match that will live up to the expectations.














Seison Yamanaka vs. 'Rattlesnake' Robbie Gordon

60 Minute Time Limit Singles

#1 Contender's Match For BHOTWG Burning World Heavyweight Championship



Even though defeated by Kitozon in the six man tag match at Tuesday, 'Rattlesnake' Robbie Gordon has been on a singles winning streak for a long time, only losing to Connor Thompson in the previous #1 Contender match month ago. Seison Yamanaka has been disecting his opponents with technical accuracy and ruthless agression in a way never seen before, plowing himself trough the rankings on the Burning Hammer roster.




Will the fans accept Yamanaka back into their arms after the Kitozon incident just because he's going against the hated Gordon or will the crowd boo both wrestlers out of the arena? What role will Black Serpent Cult play in this #1 Contender's match?




Who will become the new #1 Contender for the Burning World Heavyweight title?
















Master Kitozon vs. Connor Thompson

60 Minute Time Limit Singles

BHOTWG Burning World Heavyweight Championship




Our main event of the evening will be an instant classic. Seven years ago these two wrestlers met for the first time, and Kitozon has defeated the Australian everytime ever since. Seven years in the making, Connor Thompson held a special promo earlier in the tour, celebrating his career in BHOTWG, thanking the fans and the wrestlers for everything. Thompson told the fans that win, lose or draw, he will shake Kitozon's hand just like the way he did back in '68.




From the start of the promotion in '66 to this day, Connor Thompson has been one of the few priviledged gaijins who have gained the trust, respect and admiration of all Japan and the Burning Hammer fans. No matter how the match at Night Of The Burning Hammer this Friday will end, no matter who will win it, the fans will cheer for both men, regardless of who's going to win and who's going to lose.







One thing is for sure: A packed Kanagawa Stadium will witness a very special Night Of The Burning Hammer '75.









Prediction's list:


Onishiki & Tsunanohana vs. Black Serpent Cult


Nagamichi & Fukamura & Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Yakuza Riot & Toshiro Saito


Barnes & Kingsley vs. Mibu Ronin


Elemental vs. Edo Phoenix


Izumi & Takani vs. Higa & Nandaba


Seison Yamanaka vs. 'Rattlesnake' Robbie Gordon


Master Kitozon vs. Connor Thompson




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Good work on the last show, FIN. Finally had a chance to read through it properly. Well done.


Onishiki & Tsunanohana vs. Black Serpent Cult


Nagamichi & Fukamura & Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Yakuza Riot & Toshiro Saito


Barnes & Kingsley vs. Mibu Ronin


Elemental vs. Edo Phoenix


Izumi & Takani vs. Higa & Nandaba


Seison Yamanaka vs. 'Rattlesnake' Robbie Gordon


Master Kitozon vs. Connor Thompson

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Good work on the last show, FIN. Finally had a chance to read through it properly. Well done.


OOC: Thanks! I've been spending more and more time reading Tigerkinney's Burning Hammer diary shows and actually the main event was somewhat inspired by one match on the diary. I'm shooting for a more Tigerkinney stylish writeup in the matches.. Learning from the best, ehh. A week's break from this diary did good for me as I finally found the new fire and the new project with mistaken has really helped me to balance between traditional and modern, so to speak. Charged my batteries.


I have to say that it's been a long, long time since I've been this hyped to write an event, for my own diary. Night Of The Burning Hammer of that era.. You can't get any bigger than that! It's going to be a blast and I just can't wait to publish it and live it myself. The matches are great and there's a lot of stuff going on in every match and it's really hard to choose the winners.. I'm looking at it like I don't know the winners. Seriously. Feels awesome.

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Monday, Week 4, October








All Japan Sports

Magazine HQ

Back at the office, writing the Night Of The Burning Hammer report with Jin.. What a show it was. I was just about to finish the six man tag match when Boss came in with somebody he wanted us to meet.





Boss had his arm across the shoulders of this brash, arrogant little punk in a suit. Obviously from a rich family, just looking at him made me want to puke. He was the complete opposite of me.. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Jin who looked back at me, looking as puzzled as I was.








Jin, Keiji.. I want you to meet my nephew who's going to start here at AJS as an assistant, an errand boy.. I promised my sister a long time ago that I would offer his son, my nephew, a chance to work at here when he's sixteen.





The kid just stood there, didn't even greet us.. Nothing. Emotionless. Boss said something to Jin that I ignored, something about deadlines while I just stared at the kid.





Boss tapped the kid on his shoulders and said that they should go see others. Just as they turned their backs on us, I opened my mouth.








Hey, kid.






Didn't catch your name.













The kid turned sideways, almost looking over his shoulder, as if I wasn't even worth of the complete turn.















































Kaneie Komine.




.. But you can call me Komine-San.




































Jin almost choked on his tea.











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Show will be up later today, I don't usually bump my diary like this but hey, I've got just _one_ prediction and it's Night Of The Burning Hammer '75 people. Quality over quantity I guess, hehe. Thanks Bigpapa42 :p I noticed that this diary's star rating has dropped significantly during these few days, I wonder why.. :o
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Onishiki & Tsunanohana vs. Black Serpent Cult


Nagamichi & Fukamura & Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Yakuza Riot & Toshiro Saito


Barnes & Kingsley vs. Mibu Ronin


Elemental vs. Edo Phoenix


Izumi & Takani vs. Higa & Nandaba


Seison Yamanaka vs. 'Rattlesnake' Robbie Gordon


Master Kitozon vs. Connor Thompson

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Onishiki & Tsunanohana vs. Black Serpent Cult


Nagamichi & Fukamura & Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Yakuza Riot & Toshiro Saito


Barnes & Kingsley vs. Mibu Ronin


Elemental vs. Edo Phoenix


Izumi & Takani vs. Higa & Nandaba


Seison Yamanaka vs. 'Rattlesnake' Robbie Gordon


Master Kitozon vs. Connor Thompson




I wouldn't sweat the non response, FIN. I've been at the SOTR series awhile and sometimes there's a lot of interaction and predicting and other times there's not. It's up and down.


What can you do other than try to produce better shows and grab the attention of the readers, right?


Keep at it.



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Friday, Week 3, October

Kanagawa Stadium, Kanto.

Attendance: ~20,000





















In our first pre-show match Akahashi Kuno and Byron Valmont defeated Kinki Demons in 8:04 when Akahashi Kuno defeated DEMON Kiriyama by pinfall with the Magistral Cradle. Nothing special here as Kinki Demons continue their losing streak as this was their 10th loss in a row, this time against the two uprising Super Juniors.














The second match featured three young lions with Crippler Kingman in the mix who looked extremely good amonst the Japanese talent. In the end the gaijin Crippler Ray Kingman and the "Third Mibu" Nobuaki Anzai defeated Kazuo Mitsushi and Mitsuo Kato in 7:50 when Crippler Ray Kingman defeated Mitsuo Kato by submission with the Crippler Cloverleaf.




























Onishiki & Tsunanohana vs. Black Serpent Cult

30 Minute Time Limit Tag



In our opening contest on the main card the much modern Black Serpent Cult made an impact by defeating the big sumo wrestlers. With the help and training from 'Rattlesnake' Robbie Gordon the Cult have taken their game into a whole new level as they dominated in this match against Onishiki and Tsunanohana.





The match ended when Cobra had his Viper Vice locked in on Tsunanohana for almost thirty seconds until Tsunanohana passed out and the ref declared the Cult the winners of the match. A nice opening bout which could have been more flashier but give the type of wrestlers it wasn't, especially in the case of the big sumos.




Result: Black Serpent Cult defeated Onishiki & Tsunanohana in 16:54 when Cobra defeated Tsunanohana by submission with the Viper Vice.


Sugiura's Grade:


















Nagamichi & Fukamura & Noriyoshi Sanada vs. Yakuza Riot & Toshiro Saito

30 Minute Time Limit Six Man Tag


The biggest surprise of the show was this amazing six man tag match which didn't even go for twenty minutes. The match had it all like we had predicted: Brawling, high flying and technical wrestling as each wrestler brought a lot into the game in the end.





A chaotic match broke loose right when it started and there were only about six legimate tags in the match as the referee Yamagato couldn't keep up with the wrestelers. In the end every wrestler hit their finishing manuevers on each other but everytime someone came and interrupted the count. Finally the two legimate tag teams in the match clashed while Saito and Sanada were outside. The legal man Takahasi reversed Nagamichi's belly to belly suplex attempt by breaking the attempt, then hitting a roaring elbow and continuing with his Takahasi Powerbomb for the three count while Kenzo kept Kenji away.




Result: Toshiro Saito and Yakuza Riot defeated Atsushi Nagamichi, Kenji Fukamura and Noriyoshi Sanada in 17:25 when Takahasi defeated Nagamichi by pinfall with the Takahasi Powerbomb.


Sugiura's Grade:

















Barnes & Kingsley vs. Mibu Ronin

30 Minute Time Limit Tag

#1 Contender's Match For Burning Japanese Tag Team Championship



The former three time Burning Japanese Tag Team champs Mibu Ronin started the match in control, using frequent tags and isolating Derek Barnes effectivily for the first ten minutes. Barnes, playing a gaijin in peril, finally got a hot tag made to Paul Kingsley who bursted into flames as he cleared the ring from Tatsumaki Mibu with ease, then going after Shikimara on the apron, buying Derek some time to recooperate in their corner. Tatsumaki, the legal man, came back with fury as he nailed Kingsley with a hard knee lift, then locking in his front face lock but Paul just threw Tatsumaki away.





Barnes was finally able to get up and be on the corner standing, waiting for a tag if Kingsley needed one. Mibu Ronin continued the frequent tags as Kingsley became more and more fatiqued, having to carry their team by himself for the rest of the match until he made a hot tag to Barnes who had rested for almost ten minutes on his corner.





In the end Barnes and Shikimara locked horns in the ring while Kingsley and Tatsumaki fought outside, and to everyone's surprise the youngster Barnes was finally able to get a pinfall victory over the heavyweight "Alpha Wolf" Shikimara Mibu with the Full Turbo Powerslam which stunned the crowd and showcased just how strong Barnes really is.





With the prestigious victory over Mibu Ronin, Barnes & Kingsley became the new contenders for the Burning Japanese Tag Team champions, whoever they might be when the night has ended.




Result: Barnes & Kingsley defeated Mibu Ronin in 22:50 when Barnes defeated Shikimara Mibu by pinfall with the Full Turbo Powerslam.

Barnes & Kingsley are now the new contenders for the Burning Japanese Tag Team champions


Sugiura's Grade:


















Elemental vs. Edo Phoenix

30 Minute Time Limit Singles

Super Junior Supremacy


In terms of build and anticipation this was arguably the biggest Junior Division match ever and it soon became clear that these two would go extra lengths to be the one coming out on top. The bell rings and the masked super juniors just stand there, staring each other down nose to nose, the intensity building in both men, almost a minute passes with neither of them laying a hand on one another, then all of sudden both of them explode into action at the exact same time while the crowd roars troughout the Kanagawa stadium.





They then proceed to lay in a flurry of strikes on one another, neither one of them backs down. After a moment they stall and go face to face, until Phoenix pushed Elemental away. They then circle for a second, slowly approaching each other, throwing out kicks but this time missing their target, eventually Elemental hits Edo Phoenix with a series of low kicks, making the underdog ran away from Elemental, dropping all the way to the ringside.





Just as Phoenix was about to come back to the ring Elemental was already on the air with a suicide dive off the ring and in spectacular Elemental style, he landed on his feet. Elemental wasn't finished as he quickly leaped on top of Phoenix with a senton splash, then jumped on the guard rail and moonsaulted himself over Phoenix who rolled out of the way but Elemental had him scouted and thus, landed again on his feet which got a huge pop from the crowd.





Phoenix regained vertical base and hit a lightning was flying kneel kick that Elemental couldn't block and thus he took every bit of the impact. The referee Yamagato was almost counting them out before the two rolled back into the ring.





Phoenix hit a flying headscissors on Elemental and went for a cover but didn't even get a two count as Elemental was quickly getting up. Elemental began schooling Phoenix with different arm drags and finally taking him to the canvas with a nice DDT, then going for a boston crab but Phoenix got to the ropes. Elemental headed for the turnbuckle but wasn't quick enough to leap off as Phoenix caught him. Phoenix lifted him up and superplexed him off the turnbuckle!










Two, Elemental kicks out. Edo Phoenix continues the assault with few roundhouse kicks to the back of Elemental before Elemental regains some momentum with a shift dropkick that sends Phoenix to the ropes. As he comes back, Elemental goes for the Earth Breaker, his Tiger Bomb finishing maneuver! And gets Phoenix up..



But Phoenix reverses it into a hurricanrana!!













Two!! Elemental sits up and pushes Phoenix down and turns the position into a pinfall of his own!!












Two!! Phoenix kicks out! Elemental quickly nips up and sends Phoenix to the corner and goes for the Wind Spirit attack, but as he has kicked Phoenix and dropped back to his feet from the somersault kick, Phoenix levels Elemental with a rolling wheel kick!












Two!! Elemental kicks out yet again and the match for Super Junior supremacy continues! Edo Phoenix whips Elemental into the ropes but Elemental jumps over the ropes to the apron! Phoenix runs towards the masked legend but gets a spinning kick to the gut as a reward. Elemental leaps over the ropes and hits a sunset flip!












Two and a half!! Phoenix kicks out and grabs the closing Elemental by the tights, sending him out of the ring. Phoenix rushes to the other side of the ring and jumps off the ring over the top rope without even touching the highest rope as he performs a dive of his own, pushing Elemental across to the other side of ringside. Phoenix jumps back at the apron and dives off it with a somersault dive but Elemental catches him and dumps him down with a powerbomb to the ringside floor!



Elemental quickly rolls Phoenix back into the ring .. Cover!!




















Two and a half!! Phoenix gets his shoulders up out of instinct but Elemental keeps pressing on he tries to get a hold of Phoenix's hands, going for the Earth Breaker..






Phoenix reverses it into a snapmare and dropkicks Elemental into a corner! Edo Phoenix comes running towards the corner and... Performs a Wind Spirit Attack of his own, ripping a page out of Elemental's book by doing a somersault kick and then doing his move, a flying kneel kick after it! Elemental crashes down on his chest while Phoenix rushes to the top rope, could this be it!!






TOP ROPE SPLASH!! Doesn't connect as Elemental moves out of the way and Phoenix crash and burns! Elemental goes for a magistral cradle!!














Phoenix kicks out!! Elemental goes for the Earth Breaker once again but Phoenix fights back with a back body drop! Phoenix goes for a brainbuster, lifting Elemental up!




Elemental fights back, reversing the move into a small package!!















Elemental defeats Edo Phoenix with small package, Phoenix can't believe it as he just kicked after the three count. The split second difference was enough and Elemental wins the match in 23 minutes. While it wasn't a classic super junior showdown of the decade people expected it to be, the match delivered and fans were aching to see more.




Result: Elemental defeated Edo Phoenix in 23:13 by pinfall with a Small Package.


Sugiura's Grade:
























Izumi & Takani vs. Higa & Nandaba

30 Minute Time Limit Tag Match

BHOTWG Burning Japanese Tag Team Championship


Probably the match of the night where the four people in the match had so different momentum heading into the match. Izumi and Higa had lost the night before while Takani and Nanbada had picked up victories over their opponents earlier in the tour.





The match starts with Izumi and Higa and right from the start Higa seems to be in trouble against the veteran 'Hound Of Hiroshima', Kiba Izumi, who schools Higa with his supreme technical wrestling. Higa makes the tag quickly when he gets the chance and Tasuku Nanbada comes into the ring and starts a beverbial tornado inside the ring as he takes the control using his power aganst Izumi who is reeling at the hands of the 'Giant Slayer' Nanbada.





After Nandaba nails Izumi with a release german suplex he lets Izumi tag in Shogo Takani who turns the tables quickly with his Takani Takedown as it becomes clear that Nanbada made a rookie mistake when he let Izumi tag in Takani as Nanbada himself is in trouble now.





Nanbada keeps Takani away succesfully for a while until Takani hits a judo sweep and Nanbada finds himself staring at the ceiling again. The match continues even between these two as neither man is getting the best possible pinfall predicaments nor submission attempts. When Nanbada is in control he tags in Higa who can't keep the pressure on as good as Nanbada and thus Takani tags in Izumi who once again proves to be a much better wrestler than Higa.





After nearly twenty minutes of punishment on Higa his tag partner Nanbada had to interfere in the match as he kicked Takani when he had a choke sleeper locked in on Higa which caused Izumi to go trough the ropes and tackle Nanbada and the two fell out of the ring. This enabled Takani all the time to inflict even more damage to Higa who didn't have anyoone to tag in for and thus he was forced to submit near the 24 minute mark when Takani had a judo arm lock locked in tight.





The match was somewhat of a disappointment and clearly showed how suberb the reigning Burning Japanese Tag Team champions are in their division, or atleast against Higa & Nanbada. On top of that, the match made Hitoshi Higa look extremely bad when compared to the main event calibre wrestler like Tasuku Nanbada.




Result: Izumi & Takani defeated Higa & Nandaba in 23:20 when Shogo Takani defeated Hitoshi Higa by submission with a Judo Arm Lock.

Izumi & Takani make defence number 4 of their Burning Japanese Tag Team titles during "Night Of Destiny" tour.


Sugiura's Grade:






















Seison Yamanaka vs. 'Rattlesnake' Robbie Gordon

60 Minute Time Limit Singles

#1 Contender's Match For BHOTWG Burning World Heavyweight Championship



The match starts with a huge pace as Rattlesnake sends the much smaller and weaker Yamanaka flying out of the ring and uses dirty tactis to get the advantage over the protege of Kitozon. Rattlesnake slams Yamanaka into the guard rails and even chokes him with a cable lying on the ringside until the referee warns him about it. Rattlesnake starts talking to a young female at the ringside, doing some inapprotiate hip movements towards her which gets a huge heat from the crowd. Yamanaka interrupts the mesmerizing showcase from Gordon as he dumps Gordon right on his back with a german suplex!





Yamanaka rolls Gordon back into the ring but only get a two count. Yamanaka remains in control for several minutes until Rattlesnake hits a thum to the eye and continues it a move he learned from Cobra, the Solid Snake Stunner!!











Yamamaka kicks out but is clearly daized from the move. Not nearly as well done by Gordon than when it's done by Cobra, the move is still effective considering the power Gordon puts behind his moves. Gordon stays in control, working on the neck and back of Yamanaka, driving his elbows and knees into them time and time again.





After nearly twenty minutes Yamanaka gets an opening when Gordon starts to play with the crowd again and Yamanaka locks in the Red Sun Rising, but Gordon struggles his way out of the move by hitting few back elbow shots across the face of Yamanaka, who's nose starts to bleed. Gordon starts doing primitive school bully stuff by yanking the nose of Yamanaka with his fingers, making him bleed even harder. The crowd is clearly behind Yamanaka in this match as Gordon's dirty heel tactics are just too much for the traditional crowd at the Kanagawa Stadium.




Finally Yamanaka regains some of his momentum and dumps Gordon with a gut-wrench suplex!











No, Gordon kicks out to the distain of the crowd. Yamanaka grabs Gordon by the waist and tries taking him down but Gordon backs do the corner, crushing Yamanaka in between. Gordon stays in the position and hits another set of nasty back elbows right into the face of Yamanaka. The referee Warada comes closer and drags Gordon away from the corner but doesn't see that Rattlesnake kicks Yamanaka into the groin at the same time! The battle for the #1 Contender's spot has been full of shenannigans from Gordon. Rattlesnake starts taunting the crowd by saying "Ref didn't see it, I didn't do it!", the fans are irate and some younger fans are almost jumping into the ring.





Just as Gordon turns around Yamanaka trips him to the canvas and locks in a Japanese figure four leg lock! Gordon is in trouble!!





Seconds pass by as Gordon tries to power himself out of the submission move, trying to break the move but he can't. Finally Gordon sits up and grabs Yamanaka by the hair and punches him to the face! Yamanaka releases the hold as he falls back while Gordon keeps attacking him.




Gordon waits and waits for Yamanaka to stand up... ONE NIGHT STAND!!




The roaring lariat hits and Yamanaka turns inside out in the air!!















Two and a half!! Yamanaka barely gets up!!





Gordon whips Yamanaka into the corner and lifts him on top of it, back first into the ring. Yamanaka never goes to the turnbuckle and has trouble doing anything while Gordon is in total control as he grabs Yamanaka by the head and driver him to the canvas with the Hip Swivel Neckbreaker off the second rope!!





Gordon covers Yamanaka, Warada jumps in for the count!!














The fans are shocked to see 'Rattlesnake' Robbie Gordon pin Yamanaka and become the new #1 Contender. Some fans are even throwing their drinks into the ring, demonstrating their hatred agains the c0cky gaijin.




Result: Robbie Gordon defeated Seison Yamanaka in 32:37 by pinfall with the Hip Swivel Neckbreaker.

'Rattlesnake' Robbie Gordon is the new #1 Contender for the Burning World championship.


Sugiura's Grade:





























The special entrance ceremonies and pomp start, first for Thompson and then for Kitozon. The ramp is long and wide as the wrestlers slowly walk into the ring where the BHOTWG announcer Ando Musashi introduces the wrestlers and the rules and finally the referee of the match, Nobuhiro Warada, who has served as the official for every Burning World title match since '71. The biggest match of the biggest event of the year is about to start. I'm psyched and so is Jin, sitting next to me.









The bell rings.






Sugiura's Grade:






































Master Kitozon vs. Connor Thompson

60 Minute Time Limit Singles
BHOTWG Burning World Heavyweight Championship




The first five minutes pass slowly with the two veterans warming up, testing their strenghts against each other. Thompson is clearly winning when it comes to power, however Kitozon got the big Australian down on the canvas several times with sweeps and leg trips. Kitozon is clearly pinpointing the right arm of Thompson as we reach the ten minute mark.






Finally the pace picks up when Thompson whips Kitozon into the corner and hits a powerful lariat, following that with a sidewalk slam as Kitozon wobbles towards the center of the ring. Thompson pins Kitozon but only for a mere two count. Thompson stalks Kitozon, waiting for him to get up, but misses another lariat as the World champ grabs the same right arm and twists it hard as he takes Thompson down again with an armbar.






After a moment of struggle Thompson outpowers Kitozon as he lifts the Burning World champion up and down with another slam. Thompson quickly picks up Kitozon and throws him around the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex and locks a tight sleeper hold. Kitozon manages to get out of the move by throwing Thompson over himself with a snapmare, then kicking Thompson to the gut which send the Australian trough the ropes and to the ringside. Kitozon follows the #1 contender and hits a flying Kitozon chop from the apron! Thompson stumbles onto the guard rails and catches his breath but Kitozon is having none of it as he comes running at full speed, landing a huge lariat on Thompson, sending him even further away from the ring as Thompson falls over the guardrails onto the fans laps while the referee Warada has already passed the ten count!






Kitozon gets back into the ring while Thompson is struggling to get up, but he finally does and drops to the ringside from the crowd who have started to slightly boo Master Kitozon for the unsportsmanship he has shown by leaving Thompson to the crowd.









Thompson is crawling towards the ring, shaking the gobwebs at the same time.











Kitozon drops out of the ring, picks up Thompson and rolls him back into the ring just in time and gets huge pop for doing so. Kitozon hits few knee drops to the back of Thompson and finally grabs Thompson's right arm yet again, this time slamming it against the turnbuckle and wrenching it awkwardly, using the ring ropes to his advantage. Thompson is beginning to favour his right arm, trying to protect it from Kitozon. Thompson starts to fight back with his left hand, connecting several hard punches, finally hitting a kick to gut and a neckbreaker! Thompson crawls for cover.











No! Kitozon is still far too fresh. Thompson waits for Kitozon to get.. Running big boot across the face of Kitozon! Kitozon does a full spin in mid-air, landing on his side on the canvas. Kitozon wisely rolls to the other side of the ropes, eliminating the possibility of a pinfall attempt by Thompson, who follows Kitozon onto the apron.







Thompson hits few clubbing blows to the back of Kitozon, then grabs him by the waist, trying to hit a piledriver or a powerbomb! Thompson lifts Kitozon.. Kitozon fights back by holding onto the legs of Thompson. Thompson hits another set of blows to the back of Kitozon, trying to soft him up and release the hold, Thompson locks the waist of Kitozon again, trying to him up..






Thompson grunts when he finally gets Kitozon up but the World champ fights back again and the two stall dangerously on the apron. Kitozon stands up and hits a devastating Kitozon chop! And another! And Another!! Thompson's head bounces from left to right from the hard impacts! Kitozon hooks up the arm of Thompson and grabs his tights..




Suplex off the apron to the ringside floor!!




The fans gasp as they witness the hard fall of the two veterans. While Thompson took the biggest fall Kitozon is also hurting from the move as he's holding his lower back in agony. Warada has already reached the ten count and neither man is showing any signs of movement untli they both wake up at the same time, leaning on the ring as they try to get up in time..




















Both men roll back into the ring just in time! Warada checks the condition of both veterans, asking if they want to continue. Kitozon is the first to get up while Thompson is leaning on the ringropes.. Kitozon is like a shark smelling blood as he steps closer and grabs Thompsons arm, this time hitting a series of armbreakers on the same hand he's been working on for the whole match. Thompson pushes Kitozon away and levels him with a tackle and takes the control for several minutes, pounding away on Kitozon, finally sending him into the ropes, going for the Thunder From Down Under, high angle powerslam!






No, Thompson's right arm can't handle the weight of Kitozon and Kitozon slips behind of Thompson.. Kitozon hooks Thomson by the waist, german suplex!











Two!! Thompson shakes himself up from the canvas and tries to get some feel back into his right arm. Kitozon relentlessly keeps on coming, dragging Thompson up and dumpin him into the canvas with a brainbuster! Thompson almost sits up from the impact but then falls lifelessly back to the mat! Cover!








Is this it?!







No! Thompson kicks out again! Kitozon lifts up Thompson yet again and drives him down with another brainbuster! But Thompson gets up immediatly, roars wildly, and almost decapitates Kitozon with a thunderous lariat!! Kitozon falls down with authority while Thompson whimpers in pain as he accidentally used his right arm to deliver that lariat. After almost twenty seconds Kitozon still lays on the mat while Thompson drags himself over Kitozon, pinfall predicament!











New champion!?!











Two!! Kitozon gets his shoulders up! Thompson shows signs of frustration as he just sits up, trying to figure what to do next. Thompson stands up, stomping on the Burning World champ, trying to keep him down. Thompson backs down to a corner and rises to the second rope and jumps, hitting a flying elbow which knocks Kitozon down again!














Two! Kitozon kicks out again. Thompson picks up Kitozon and locks him to a full nelson but Kitozon counters the attempt straight into an armbreaker! Thompson falls down to the mat in pain, Kitozon mounts him and locks in an armbar!!






Kitozon has a tight grip of the right arm of Thompson as he wrenches and twists it around. Thompson tries to get up and turn Kitozon's shoulders to the mat but to no avail.. Thompson tries it again and he succeeds in the attemp, cover!













Kitozon rolls Thompson back to the mat, keeping the armbar locked in! Thompson's left hand is in the air as he's just about to tap.. Will he!?!






Thompson shakes his fist, trying to get the crowd going, which it does as a "Thompson" chant breaks out! Thompson crawls backwards and gets his legs under the ring ropes, Kitozon has to let go!! Kitozon kicks Thompson with hard kicks to the ribs while Thompson gets up. Kitozon whips Thompson to the ropes and follows, hitting a knee to the gut! Thompson tumbles to the center of the ring, Kitozon comes bouncing off the ropes...






.. Thompson ducks, Kitozon turns around, Thompson tries to powerslam Kitozon...












Kitozon slips away again as Thompson can't lift him! Kitozon chop rocks Thompson.. Roaring Kitozon chop, Thompson is reeling but doesn't fall down. Kitozon rans to the ropes and bounces back...












Thompson dumps Kitozon to the canvas with a jumping, high angle powerslam!! The referee Warada jumps to the mat and starts to count.




































NO!! Kitozon kicks out just in time!! 2.999 count but still not enough. Thompson breaks down and hit the canvas with his left arm, trying to psyche himself. Kitozon gets back up.. Kitozon chop... No, Thompson blocks it with his left hand! Headbutt from Thompson! Kitozon hits a headbutt of his own and grabs Thompson from behind, trying to take him down with a german suplex! Thompson runs to the ropes and holds on, Kitozon rolls on the ground and gets up...












Thompson falls on top of Kitozon!!





























Kitozon gets up yet again!! Thompson can't believe it as he whips Kitozon to the corner and runs towards him.. But gets a punch to the face! Kitozon jumps up and positions himself on top of Thompson's shoulders, rolls forward and sends both of them rolling into the center of the ring.. And Kitozon has an armbar locked in!!









Thompson trembles on the mat, trying to find a way out but he's right in the middle of the ring!! Kitozon pushes back, tearing the arm ferociously!!













Result: Master Kitozon defeated Connor Thompson in 38:18 by submission with an Armbar.

Master Kitozon makes defence number 2 of his Burning World Heavyweight title during the "Night Of Destiny" Tour.


Sugiura's Grade:





Just under forty minute mark, Connor Thompson tapped out in perhaps the greatest match I or even Jin had even seen. The gruesome attack on Thompsons right arm was just too much and the last armbar was so perfectly executed that Thompson had a snowball's chance in hell getting out of the move. Thompson is clearly in tears, laying on the ground holding his right arm. Kitozon himself immediatly let go of the hold in a true sportsman fashion and he himself lays on the canvas also for several minutes until Warada gives him his Burning World championship.



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Finally Thompson gets up and comes over to Kitozon as the two hug each other like the two living legends they are, finally Thompson shakes Kitozon's hand and lifts it up as they celebrate together as the show ends.



Sugiura's Grade:






"The night offered completely different matches troughout the card which was of course a good thing. There was something new, something old. Singles, tag and a fantastic six man match, it didn't matter, every wrestler put on their best at the Night Of The Burning Hammer. The show ended with a true classic for the Burning World title where Kitozon defended the title against Connor Thompson who left everything in the ring. This show was a perfect example of why BHOTWG is the #1 promotion in the world today."






Overall Grade:




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