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Spurs 2-1 Liverpool and you start hearing "Spurs for the title, Will this finally be the glory year for Spurs?"


Unfortunately i have heard this one for the last 25 years (yeah i am old) but seriously, i think that Redknapp was right in his interview, he mentioned that Spurs today is not the one that he took over last year, Bassong (or whatever his name is) Palacios, Crouch and the return of Defoe and Keane have all strengthened the team significantly.


I think that if we could get a damn Left Winger with quality and move Modric to the playmaker role, Spurs could probably match the top in the league, depth could be an issue, but considering we do not have any European football this year we probably can get by for this year.


Any views?

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<p>Spurs now have a decent team and, more importantly, a decent manager in place. I think they'll have a good season - top 6 definitely.</p><p> </p><p>

You've got 4 centre backs and 4 strikers, so definitely strength in depth in those 2 key areas even if you have centre backs that are almost permanently injured. I can see what you mean about Modric, but where does the 'playmaker role' fit in to the Spurs team? Would you drop one of the strikers, meaning only 1 of the 4 would be playing? Or would you take out a central midfielder, meaning Palacios would have a hell of a lot of work to do in there on his own, especially against teams that string 5 across the middle of the park.</p><p> </p><p>

Left winger? It's a pity Bentley can't get his act together as he has plenty of talent to play on either wing but he seems to want to self-destruct. And on the other side, you need Lennon to mature a little in his game. It showed again against the Scousers on Sunday - he's got tons of pace and skill, but doesn't get his head up enough.</p>

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<p>I've been pitching Spurs for a top 6 finish ever since Redknapp took over last season.</p><p> </p><p>

Its a quality manager in charge of a big club.</p><p> </p><p>

Their main competition for 5th/6th place is Everton, Aston Villa and Man City. Although I think Man City should now have the resources to oust Arsenal from 4th this season, if Hughes can get them to play together as a team and not a bunch of quality individuals.</p>

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Spurs 2-1 Liverpool and you start hearing "Spurs for the title"


I have not heard anyone, or at least nobody worth their salt, claim Spurs are going to go anywhere near the title.


Right now, it is impossible for anyone outside of the Big 4 to win it. Man City are the only threat to that, but I just think it's too soon for them. In 2 years time, they should have the squad to go for it, but not yet.


Martin Jol was Tottenham's best chance for 4th (He finished 5th two seasons running, the second only scuppered by food poisoning), and we all know what happened there. I just can't see Redknapp doing it this season, I'm saying 6th at best.


Also, it's all very well people saying they've got depth in central defence, but King literally can't play 2 games in a row and Woodgate is made of fine china. And the second they snap, 'Arry gets to drag out the old "we're down to the barebones, it's not my fault" story.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Nedew" data-cite="Nedew" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24228" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Also, it's all very well people saying they've got depth in central defence, but King literally can't play 2 games in a row and Woodgate is made of fine china. And the second they snap, 'Arry gets to drag out the old "we're down to the barebones, it's not my fault" story.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Exactly - but that's what I was saying. Last year they didn't have adequate cover given that two of the centre backs are so fragile. At least now with Bassong on board, they should manage 2 out of 4 fit at any one time. Likely Bassong with whichever one of the crocks is available.</p><p> </p><p> But they definitely have a good chance of top 6. Everton need shut of Lescott so they can move on and certainly made an inauspicious start. They've made no signings at all. I look at Villa's squad, particularly in defence, and wonder how they're going to match last season? Losing Barry and Laursen will hit them hard as they haven't replaced them at all yet. In fact, the vast majority of the bigger clubs actually look weaker on paper this year than last. United look weaker without Ronaldo. Liverpool look weaker without Alonso. Arsenal don't look to be any stronger than last year. It remains to be seen how Chelsea adapt to Ancelotti's new tactics. Villa weaker. Everton will be weaker without Lescott unless they re-invest the money well. Tottenham (apart from Man City, obviously) are the one team of the top 8 or so in the league who actually look like they've strengthened. This season, to me, is a real chance for a lesser team to move up into the Villa, Everton, Tottenham, Man City area. But it looks a fairly weak Premier League to me this year. That might make it more interesting though.</p>
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<p>Tottenham will reach 6th place at most. Yes, they're stronger - but still not quite strong enough for the classic top 4 teams, who have now even been added a 5th team in Man C. They could perhaps have a small hope of ousting Arsenal from 4th position, due to them being severely weakened on paper this year, but looks like City will be the team to do that instead... I know the City team needs to gell, but even still they just have too much quality to fail getting into top 4.</p><p> </p><p>

Man U have been weakened somewhat by the sale of Ronaldo, yes - but I think it's only for a short time, untill they learn to just play more like a team and not rely too much on individual performances. While certainly not on par with Ronaldo, Valencia is still a very talented player - and they also got a young and promising guy in Obertan. Owen instead of Tevez can prove to be worth more goals, if he can stay injure-free... Tevez is clearly a better overall player than Owen, but did not bag a lot of goals last year. United should definately be in the title race again this year.</p><p> </p><p>

Liverpool sold a very good player in Xabi Alonso - but they got an at least as good replacement (imo) in Aquilani, who is even younger and cheaper. And at the same time, they got a much better right back than they had last year. So I think that, their absymal debut aside, they'll be either 2 or 3 again this year.</p><p> </p><p>

Chelsea didn't do much of anything. But I don't think they needed to, either. With a bit more continuity and stability, they should prove to be a very good team. They have bags of quality. They could perhaps have used a new striker, since they refuse to use Shevchenko and/or Pizarro, but there's still time... they'll be challenging for the title this season.</p><p> </p><p>

Arsenal... well, they look to have been severely weakened on paper. I think they'll have to struggle immensely to keep a CL spot, unnless they get their act together and sign a few big names. They no doubt still have a very strong team, but they will be missing Adebayor for sure. Who do they have who can bag as many as him? Noone. They can perhaps replace Kolo Toure with someone from their own bench, but not Adebayor.</p><p> </p><p>

Man City has done some outright scary signings and should prove to be a very interesting team this year. They did not have a stellar debut against Blackburn, but once they're given a bit of time, they'll be fearsome... Adebayor, Tevez, Santa Cruz, Barry, Kolo Toure - on top of quality players already in their squad such as Micah Richards, Robinho, De Jong, Bridge, Given, Ireland, Bellamy, Wright-Phillips.... we're talking a pretty much complete squad with plenty of backup in case of injuries. They just need to gell... but even if they don't gell properly this season, I still think we'll see them burst into top 4.</p><p> </p><p>

...and then the rest. Villa got a few really good players, but also lost a few... and as for the rest of the teams, nothing big really comes to mind.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hive" data-cite="Hive" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24228" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> Chelsea didn't do much of anything. But I don't think they needed to, either. With a bit more continuity and stability, they should prove to be a very good team. They have bags of quality. They could perhaps have used a new striker, since they refuse to use Shevchenko and/or Pizarro, but there's still time... they'll be challenging for the title this season.</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Pizzarro's just left Chelsea today - of course, they were linked with Pato last week. Another attacking midfielder is just what they need <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> But yes, Spurs looked great on Sunday. I had my usual pessimistic streak in place, but the pangs were a lot better than usual becuase we were <em>so</em> in control. Carragher and Skrtel took each other out of the game, and had Keane had his shooting boots (hair?) on, we could have been two or three up at half-time.</p><p> </p><p> (Incidentally, that's a saying I hate - had Keane scored any of his, the game wouldn't have played out as it did. Even so, it has a nice ring to it on this occasion) </p><p> </p><p> Spurs look decent across the pitch. I desperately want Hutton and Bale to come good this season in terms of fitness and performance, and I wouldn't be too sad if we brought in another centre back with Rocha and Gardner gone - we're light there. A left winger would be great, but Modric does a lot of damage there and I can't see Palacios or Hudd dropped on Sunday's performance. Having pace and a left foot out wide would be a nice alternative, though... Signing either Sneijder or Van der Vaart would be nice, but VDV seems to favour Italy, iirc, and Sneijder is probably too big a name. </p><p> </p><p> (How the Real reserves haven't been raided yet is beyond me - but maybe clubs are waiting for deadline day to try and snap up some bargains...)</p><p> </p><p> Otherwise, there's a genuine squad in place at WHL, and even if the continuing presence of Jenas on the books confounds me, you can never have everything <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Even so, a top six finish would be fantastic this year - I'd take that in a heartbeat. Liverpool won't play that badly again this season, nor will Everton. Arsenal won't have the stamina to last the whole season - they never do. They'll do enough to finish high up, though. I don't think you can look beyond Man Utd for the title, though.</p><p> </p><p> As for Man City... I though Saturday would be a struggling draw, but they were comfortable in winning away against a team that can best be described as tough. They <em>should</em> be good after spending all that money - but it was impressive how quickly it all seemed to click. I can see them being outplayed by the very best teams, but finishing in the top four or five is very much theirs to lose.</p>
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I can see what you mean about Modric, but where does the 'playmaker role' fit in to the Spurs team? Would you drop one of the strikers, meaning only 1 of the 4 would be playing? Or would you take out a central midfielder, meaning Palacios would have a hell of a lot of work to do in there on his own, especially against teams that string 5 across the middle of the park.


Left winger? It's a pity Bentley can't get his act together as he has plenty of talent to play on either wing but he seems to want to self-destruct. And on the other side, you need Lennon to mature a little in his game. It showed again against the Scousers on Sunday - he's got tons of pace and skill, but doesn't get his head up enough.


With a good left winger you have options, you can play Modric with 1 attacker or drop a defensive midfielder depending on the scorline or who you are up against. Forget about Bentley, in my eyes he is a flop, i rather give Dos Santos a proper chance, i liked him at Barca and he does well for Mexico when he plays, but if we could get one quality player there i think it would make Spurs allot better.


Lennon could be the best winger in England if he learns to cross the damn ball and pass when he should. He does lack maturity, for example last game, he took off in the second half, past 2 players got to the area and was closed down by 2 players, he had 2 options, one in the area and one just outside of it, so what does Lennon do? try Try to take on the two players:confused:


I personally would be happy if we ended the league 6th, that is decent and an improvement, it is possible to maybee get 5th if one of the top teams stumble. Then again i think Spurs are improved over last year whereas Liverpool, Man U and Arsenal (on paper) are weaker, Chelsea are the same, Man City is seriously improved, but they probably need time to mould. So i think this is the best chance Spurs will ever have in the near future to push forward

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i rather give Dos Santos a proper chance, i liked him at Barca and he does well for Mexico when he plays


Dos Santos has TREMENDOUS potential... he just has to be given a proper chance and used in the right way. He could become one of the best players in the league, and if I were Ferguson, I'd have bought him instead of Valencia.

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We totally whooped ass, 5-1 vs Hull was not what i was expecting, Defoe was a killing machine in this game, took his chances well and was all over them. I liked it that we put the pressure on them even when we was 3-1 ahead, i hate it when teams sit back. We need at least one of our central defenders to come back though, plus Cudicini starting is a scary scenario, so i hope Gomes is not seriously injured
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="James Casey" data-cite="James Casey" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24228" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Cudicini is a very good keeper - or, at least, he was before Cech joined Chelsea and he spent the next three years on the bench...<p> </p><p> How has he looked in his (few) games for Spurs?</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yeah, Cudicini was pretty good for Chelsea back then. But like you said, several years on the bench could have changed him...</p>
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That was a VERY LONG time ago and even then i did not rate him, makes allot of mistakes, he is ok as a backup, but would not like him to be our main starter. Then again Gomes is not exactly the best keeper in the world either, he often punches the ball when he should catch it (in fact his injury he got was during a case when he should of catched the ball but he did not)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Since the last post Spurs has went on to win


Hull City 5-1

West Ham 2-1

Doncaster 5-1

Birmingham City 2-1


We have the biggest test in the next 2 games vs Chelsea and Man U, if we can show quality here and come out of those 2 games with 2 points of more, then Spurs could be the real deal. Problem is that we are packed with injuries :( This has brought up the problem i knew we would have (depth) with Woodgate, King and Dawson out of the center back positions, that means Corluka will need to play Center back. As a cover up in that role against teams like Hull City it is fine, but up against Rooney and Berbatov it won''t be enough. Hutton was looking very wobbly in the last match also, which does not help at all.


With Modric out and with just hours before the deadline, it seems we will not have a left midfielder on the pitch for the match. If it was up to me i would go all out attack in this game, we will be leaking goals anyway, so at least lets try to score more. I would play Crouch, Defoe and Keane together in this game, have Lennon and Keane swap the wings to have them confused and with Huddlestone and Palacios covering in midfield it could be enough. The good news is that we have 12 days rest before the match, so some players which are non international should get a rest.

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