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I've a problem to order World of Mixed Martial Arts 1. I don't have a credit card, but I send you a e-mail with the informations i must fill in at the point phone or money order. I'm waiting 5 days now, and there was no reaction on my mail. Can somebody help me, to order world of mixed martial arts 1? I'm from Germany, is it a problem to sell products to europe?


I send the E-Mail to pr@greydogsoftware.com

Was it the wrong adress?

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According to the instructions here: https://www.elicense.com/greydogsoftware/store/phoneorder.html


Phone or Money Orders should be sent to Via Tech, so it was the wrong address.


That said, you can purchase the game through Pay Pal. To do this send an email to Arlie Rahn: arlie@greydogsoftware.com with the same details you sent to the PR address.

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