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Diary Of Despair; Tommy Cornell, TCW and Me.

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Driving a tough bargain


If you follow the independant wrestling scene in America, chances are you know me. My name is Matthew Aiden Lazzara, but I'm more commonly known as Matt Despair. Why Matt Despair? Well, because I've always been a heel that plays a moody, whiny, brooding emo kid or a sociopathic wrestling machine with little or no morales. It just seemed to work, especially at the time. The time being when I lied to Cliff Anderson about my age to get some dark show time at CZCW events, back in 2001 when I had just turned 17. Since then, I've worked mainly independant shows because they often want to pay me big bucks and main event exposure, and I do a bit of work for bigger companies every now and then. Just before DAVE went under, I even got on TV for them, wrestling Acid, Art Reed and, not as impressively, Tank Bradley.


None of that strikes me as particularly important though, as now, just shy of my 23rd birthday, the big leagues finally came calling. Years after being heralded as one of the finest talents in North Americas borders, including praise by TEW.com as the 'future' of wrestling, some tapes of my work in DAVE and 4C must've got into the hands of some important people. I believe Joel Bryant was scouting in the last days of DAVE, hence the mass pick up of Danger and Violence talent such as Joey Minnesota, The New Wave and the big coup of former Unified champion Eddie Peak. It may have taken a bit more time, but Joel Bryant must've paid some attention to me and that was why today I met with one of the most legendary talents in professional wrestling; Tommy Cornell.




Sat across the desk in the offices of TCW, which are modest at best, despite being located in Hollywood, Cornell reviewed my performance and it didn't take long before and offer was made.


"Well kid,"
he started optimistically,
"I like what I see. I really do, you seem to have all the possibilities to succeed in my company. That bodes well for you, and if your making me money, that bodes well for me too. Your run around in the ring was extremely impressive, much better than I'd expect from a competitor of your age, and the mock interview was good too. I'm going to make an offer to you, Mr. Lazzara, an offer that believe me, I'm not inclined to make that often ..."
He shot me a look, one that was to say 'well done', 'congratulations' but underlying it was 'don't get ahead of yourself, kid.' I kept my emotions under check, trying not to give anything away.
"A written contract, $6500 a month, more than I offered Edd Stone sunshine. No TCW boot camp, straight onto TV, straight onto the main roster. That's my offer, but let me tell you sunshine, I'm not one for waiting so I'll need a desicion by the end of this meeting."
I don't know what it was, but something in my head at that moment must have just snapped into place, and I just said something I didn't expect myself, in this meeting at least, to ever be saying.


"Mr. Cornell, that offer is extremely tempting, but I'd like to make a request that I be kept off screen for awhile in order to get a spot on the creative team."
Cornell, who had been picking himself off his chair to extend for the handshake, sat back down hard and raised an eyebrow.


"A spot on creative? And what the bloody hell makes you think you'd get a spot on creative?"


I swallowed, not too hard, and silently cleared my throat.
"My role in creative is well documented, you can ask any of my former employers, notably Phil Vibert. Being part of the creative process is part of what drives my passion for professional wrestling and to be honest, and I don't want any offence taken from this, but Joel seems to be running out of ideas these days. The Syndicate was hot, sure, but a lot of people are getting the 'where does it go from here' feeling. I think I could contribute a lot to the company, if I was given the chance."
Cornell still seemed stunned I'd even asked.


"Mr. Lazzara, I respect your abilities like hell, but I don't think it would be logical to give you a spot on creative from the off."


"Well then Mr. Cornell,"
I said, standing from my chair.
"It's been a pleasure, but I've got another meeting scheduled with Richard Eisen later on today. After that Election angle bombed I'm sure he's in a more open minded mood considering his team. I better get going if I'm going to get anywhere near New England on time ..."


"Wait ...just wait."
This seemed uncharacteristic of the usual calm confidence that the 2007 wrestler of the year carried. I continued standing as Cornell himself rose from his chair.
"The spot on creative is really a point you'd walk away from this offer for?"


"Yes it is."


"Well kid, what you've done could be seen as incredibly stupid. I, though, see it as having guts, the same kind of guts I had back when I was a young guy going out for Eisen and wrestling that match against Nemesis. The kind of balls you need to get somewhere in this business. Now, I'm going to be taking a big chance in doing this, but I sure as hell don't want to see you on Supreme TV making ol' Eisen a tonne of money you could be making for me. So ...you've got your creative spot, kid. Just don't make me regret it."
This time, he fully extended his hand, and without delay, I shook it.


"Tommy, this you won't regret, that I can promise."

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Total Wrestling Preview


2008, a new year and a clean slate ...well, almost. Unfortunately for many Total Championship Wrestling fans, The Syndicate again found a way to escape an event with their championship belts intact. At Psycho Circus 2007, The Machines defeated The Tag Team Specialists, Wolf Hawkins defeated Billy Jack Shearer and Tommy Cornell bested Genghis Rahn with a little help from Sam Keith. So, we know for now at least we're stuck with Tommy Cornell's power trip. Still, that shouldn't put a bad spin on the first Total Wrestling of the new year!


Wolf Hawkins, Cornell's young protege, will be putting the International Championship he holds so dear on the line against TCW's resident 'Love Doctor' Danny Fonzarelli. Fonzarelli is certainly loved by the fans, but will it be enough to wrestle away the title from Wolf's grasp?


All Action champion Sammy Bach will also be defending his title against Aaron Andrews. Andrews hasn't had much of a chance to prove himself thus far in his TCW career, but a win here would catapault him up the card. However, with the devious Karen Killer in Bach's corner, it won't be that easy from Double A to get a W on his record.


One half of the Tag Team Champions John Anderson will face one half of the Young Guns Harry Allen. Allen has been seen by some as an unsung hero of TCW, somebody who always provides excitement. By beating Anderson, one of the finest technical wrestlers on the roster, he could cement himself as one to watch in the near future. Being part of The Syndicate though, Anderson isn't going to go down without a fight to anyone.


A huge TCW moment will take place on Total Wrestling as the 'Japanese Kobra' Koshiro Ino makes his long awaited debut for the company. A former World Tag Team Champion in Burning Hammer of the Wrestling Gods, he will take on the last DAVE Brass Knuckles Champion Joey Minnesota. Ino will be looking to prove himself and will doubtless bring the fight, but being that Total Wrestling will broadcast from the Minnesota Colliseum, Joey is on home turf. Could that grant him some advantage?


In Main Event competition, tag team sensations Scout and Guide, collectively the New Wave, will be competing against Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith of The Syndicate. The Syndicate have been working as a well oiled machine since their formation last year despite the egos in the group, but The New Wave have over a decade of experience teaming together under their belts. It's going to be a highly competitive, unpredictable contest, one that you certainly don't want to miss when TCW Presents Total Wrestling comes to your home live on GNN Total Sports!


Total Wrestling line-up


International Championship - Wolf Hawkins © vs. Danny Fonzarelli


All Action Championship - Aaron Andrews vs. Sammy Bach © w/Karren Killer


John Anderson vs. Harry Allen


Debut Showcase - Koshiro Ino vs. Joey Minnesota


The New Wave vs. Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell


*OOC: I'd like to thank Phantom Stranger, Self, BigPapa42, FINisher, Zeel1, Comradebot, NoNeck, Tigerkinney, James Casey, Marcel Fromage and Eisen-Verse for giving me the inspiration to start writing a dynasty again, one with compelling stories to tell. I know it's probably hard to want to read another TCW diary, but if you're giving this one the time of day just to read, I thank you.

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International Championship - Wolf Hawkins © vs. Danny Fonzarelli

All Action Championship - Aaron Andrews vs. Sammy Bach © w/Karren Killer

John Anderson vs. Harry Allen

Debut Showcase - Koshiro Ino vs. Joey Minnesota

The New Wave vs. Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell


Thanks for the namedrop there :) And yeah, the situation right now at the Dynasty section is just ridicolous with so many good diaries out there. Just keep on writing and doing the diary, the readers will come.

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International Championship - Wolf Hawkins © vs. Danny Fonzarelli


All Action Championship - Aaron Andrews vs. Sammy Bach © w/Karren Killer


John Anderson vs. Harry Allen


Debut Showcase - Koshiro Ino vs. Joey Minnesota


The New Wave vs. Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell


Always room for more TCW goodness in my book especially after the long absence of any at all. Plus you can go so many different ways with TCW and it is more challanging then SWF at the same time.

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International Championship - Wolf Hawkins © vs. Danny Fonzarelli


Can't see Fonzarelli being the one to end Hawkins reign with the International belt


All Action Championship - Aaron Andrews vs. Sammy Bach © w/Karren Killer


Andrews starts as a jobber with no momentum, zero chance of him winning this


John Anderson vs. Harry Allen


Anderson's higher up the card and is a better wrestler be it singles or Tag.


Debut Showcase - Koshiro Ino vs. Joey Minnesota


Ino to get up and running straight away on his debut


The New Wave vs. Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell


New Wave are a great team but I don't see them going over the co-leaders of the Syndicate.

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International Championship - Wolf Hawkins © vs. Danny Fonzarelli


All Action Championship - Aaron Andrews vs. Sammy Bach © w/Karren Killer


John Anderson vs. Harry Allen


Debut Showcase - Koshiro Ino vs. Joey Minnesota


The New Wave vs. Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell

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Total Wrestling - Tuesday Week 1, January 2008




TCW Total Wrestling

Live from the Minnesota Colliseum; 10,000 sell out


Announce Team:


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'Beautiful Lies' by B Complex, the new theme tune of TCW Total Wrestling for 2008 hits, and the rudimentary pyrotechnics start going off, getting the packed out crowd in the Minnesota Colliseum riled up and ready for action! Before long we settle on the familiar faces of resident TCW announcers Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes!


Jason Azaria: Welcome to 2008! Wrestling fans, and I do emphasize the wrestling, this is TCW presents Total Wrestling! I'm Jason Azaria, as always broadcasting with Kyle Rhodes ...


Kyle Rhodes: Been here since 1996 and I still haven't got rid of you ...


Azaria: It's a pleasure as always for me too, partner, and we've got one hell of a way to kick off the new year with you tonight!


Rhodes: As always, we have the best athletes in the world looking to take each other to the limits to make a name for themselves, and of course, for your entertainment.


Azaria: You said it Kyle, not only do we have two championships on the line tonight, but we also have the debut of Koshiro Ino and a huge tag team main event! Before we get down to the wrestling though, I believe we have some sort of presentation from -


But before Azaria can finish, the massive clustered opening of Shinedown's 'Sin with a Grin' hits, accompanied by strobe lights taking up the whole arena that stop dead when the man everybody is expecting steps out on the stage -




TCW's World Champion and figurehead Tommy Cornell garners himself immediate hatred as he strolls down to the ring, unaccompanied by his Syndicate team mates for the first time in months. Dapper in his designer suit, Cornell has the gold over his shoulder as he slowly gets into the ring. His music dies out as Shawn Doakes hands him a microphone ...


Tommy Cornell: Total Championship Wrestling fans, I'm out here for a single reason tonight; to welcome you all to the Tommy Cornell One Year Anniversary party! Two nights ago at Psycho Circus, when I defended my coveted title against Rahn, that freakin' moron, I completed a whole year holding this championship. A whole year ...which makes me the best of the best. It means all the cretins like Genghis, like Rocky Golden, like ...Ricky Dale Johnson, this whole year, have been playing catch-up with me.


Tommy pauses for a second to allow that to sink in ...something that the fans don't appreciate a whole lot. Nevertheless, he lifts the microphone back up to his mouth.


Cornell: You see, it's occured to me recently that I've beaten everyone put in front of me simply because I am the superior wrestler, hell, I'm the best wrestler in the world! In this company, where we supposedly have the best talent in the world, I've defeated all of the 'best'. But tonight is not about that, tonight is about me rubbing it in all your faces, and celebrating my continued dominance in TCW!


Cornell raises the hand he has the microphone in, still caressing his cherished title with the other, allowing the jeers to flood in. The boos quickly turn to cheers though when the creepy synth melody floods through the Minnesota Colliseum, replaced by the heavy riff of 'Pig' by Seether. Flames shoot up from the entrance as Cornell looks on in disbelief,




To the fans delight, the monsterous Tyson Baine comes stomping out from behind the curtain and through the flames. He makes a b-line for the ring, his glowing orange eyes glued on Cornell who is stood in the ring, looking uneasy but not backing down.


Cornell: Baine, what the hell is so important that you'd need to interupt my celebrations here? Do you not know who I am? Because last time I checked the last time you held this championship was when you were actually relevent.


Baine looks at Cornell like he's just spoken in Chinese.


Tyson Baine: Tommy Cornell ...I'm through living under your tyranny. Your ego suffocates everyone that exists around you. You disrespect every other competitor you come across, even though you come closer to losing your belt every time. You want to know what was so important?


Baine's voice is deep, booming and has an edge in it that signals only a slight mental unhinging. Cornell lifts the mic to answer Baine, but Baine drops his microphone and blasts Cornell with a huge right hand! Cornell drops his microphone and stumbles backwards, but Baine stalks over after him, unloading a few more big right hands! The fans go absolutely wild as Cornell covers up in the corner with Baine wailing away on him before he signals for the Hades Bomb! The fans go wild once more but gives Tommy a bit too much space as he bails out of the ring as fast as he can. He backs up the ramp, staring back at Tyson Baine, the monster staring right back at Tommy and slowly nodding.





Rhodes: A huge statement made by the big demon Tyson Baine there, but I can't help wonder if that's the smartest desicion by Baine. After all, in The Syndicate the World Champion has some very powerful friends.


Azaria: I can't wait to see how that develops, but speaking of Tommy Cornell's powerful friends, next up we have the first match of the night, his protege and the International Champion puts the belt on the line against Danny Fonzarelli.


Rhodes: Danny Fonzarelli ...what a joke. For TCW's sake I hope he doesn't win here tonight.




http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/WolfHawkins.jpg vs. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/DannyFonzarelli.jpg

TCW International Championship

Wolf Hawkins © vs. Danny Fonzarelli


Hawkins, the picture of young arrogance, comes out not dressed in his suit but ready for action. Fonzarelli is dressed as always; ready to party. He takes off his oversized glasses and it's underway. What follows is actually a pretty good showcase, and Fonzarelli puts up more of a challenge than perhaps anyone expected, even having Wolf reeling with big swinging neckbreaker. Still, Wolf rallies each time and proves he does have the skill to back up his position when he nails Danny with the Full Moon Rising and gets the one, two, three to retain his title.


Winner: Wolf Hawkins in 10.36 to retain the International championship.







After a short commercial break, we're backstage with Wolf Hawkins who is just cleaning up after his title defence. He still looks smug, fresh of a win, and he turns around to pick something up. Suddenly, his expression changes. The camera pans down to see what he's reaching for, and it's a tiny note, selotaped to a locker. The message "soon" is written on it. Wolf looks slightly un-nerved, before he screws the note up and leaves the room.





Azaria: Well that was certainly strange, I wonder who left that note and more important, what it means?


Rhodes: Does anyone ever wonder how strange it is cameras always catch things like that?


Azaria: Nope. Regardless, next up is our second championship bout of the evening, Sammy Bach with his devious manager Karen Killer, defending against the young blue chipper Aaron Andrews, who wants to prove something here tonight, and could you imagine if he won?


Rhodes: No I can't, because he won't. Bach has far too much going for him right now to lose to somebody like Aaron Andrews. Just like The Syndicate has to much going to lose to those punks Scout and Guide in the main event.


Azaria: Well we'll just see partner!




http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/AaronAndrews.jpg vs. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/SammyBach_alt1.jpg w/ http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/KarenKiller_alt.jpg

TCW All Action Championship

Aaron Andrews vs. Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer


Aaron Andrews doesn't get much of a reaction when his in house music hits, but he still looks comfortable in front of the cameras. The piano melody of Taking Back Sunday's 'The Blue Channel' hits the speakers and the fans rise to jeer the All Action champion. The guitars and drums kick in to coincide with Bach pushing his way through a wall of dry ice, his All Action title cradled in one hand and The First Lady of Darkness slinking down to the ring beside him. Before long this thing is off to a quick start, with Andrews trading arm drags with Bach, Bach eventually gets the better and chops Andrews back up into the corner. Bach runs in but Andrews reverses it into a sunset flip for a two count. This is the last time Bach looks in anyway vulnerable as he lights up the youngster with dropkicks, flying headscissors and a springboard bulldog. Bach sets him up for the Bach on your Back, but Andrews slips out of the predicament and stuns Bach with a DDT! Killer shrieks at ringside as Andrews goes up top and waits for Sammy to get to his feet, but we'll never find out what Andrews would hit as he gets caught as he lands with a thunerous Adrenaline Shot! Bach covers for the three count.


Winner: Sammy Bach in 8.36 to retain the All Action title.





Rhodes: Some great high flying action in that match there, you can always count on Sammy Bach to provide.


Azaria: Andrews more than held his own in that match though, and I think before long he'll start making some noise for himself.


Rhodes: Well ...whatever you think Jason, although you don't really have a great track record with things like this.


Azaria: Oh yeah Kyle, I suppose predicting Tommy Cornell would be a big deal back in 1998 was a huge miscalculation.


Rhodes: That was one time.


Azaria: ...Moving on. I believe we're heading backstage now, and Bryant and Oxford, the Tag Team Specialists who wrestled at Psycho Circus have some sort of announcement they want to make.




Joel Bryant: As most people know, myself and Robert ...we're not big fans of talking because actions speak louder than words. This though we need to say and put out there right now.


Robert Oxford: I'll get straight to the point: The New Wave. We've heard a lot about these new kids from that filth promotion down in the Tri State, how they're the best tag team in the world ...well, we ain't the Tag Team Specialists from nothing, and we want to prove that competing for years in some backwater company isn't worth jack against the former twice reigning TCW Tag Team champions.


Bryant: Guide, Scout ...we, the Tag Team Specialists challenge you to a best of three tag team series, with the first match a few weeks from now at Malice In Wonderland. The winners of this series will also get the chance at the TCW Tag Team titles.


Oxford: And we can't wait to beat you so we can get our hands on that gold again, so hurry up and give us a response. We'll be waiting.





http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/HumanArsenal.jpg vs. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/HarryAllen.jpg

John Anderson vs. Harry Allen


Unfortunately I expected this one to be better. I'm a big fan of both guys, and it didn't seem to be any sort of chemistry problem, the feeling just wasn't right. Due to just being connected with the Syndicate Anderson got a fare amount of heat, and seemed to revel in it. Allen on the other hand played the plucky underdog role well. Anderson would work over Harry with impact moves and holds, but each time Harry would fire off a calf kick or fire up some big punches to keep Anderson at bay. The Human Arsenal had the opportunity for the Ammo Dump, but Harry pulled the tights and sent Anderson through the second rope, followed by a spectacular somersault heelo. Allen went for a cover but only got two. Allen went up top and scored a crossbody, but it was rolled through by Anderson for a two count of his own. Straight off that, Harry went for to capitilise with the Gunslingers Revenge cutter, but Anderson pushed Allen off to the ropes, and on the return got the Ammo Dump for the victory.


Winner John Anderson in 10.56 via an Ammo Dump





Azaria: Well the Tag Team Champion John Anderson walks out with a win, but Harry Allen definitely impressed by keeping up with him at every turn.


Rhodes: You call getting Ammo Dumped down into the mat 'keeping up?' You and I, Jason ...we have very different interpretations of things.


The big video screen lights up as all the fans in atendance look towards it -


"Years of battles in Japan ...


Taught by an icon ...


Traversing the globe for competition ...












Azaria: Remember to stick with Total Championship Wrestling for the main event, Tommy Cornell and the legendary Sam Keith against The New Wave, it's something you do not wanna miss. We'll be back after this!






http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/TexasPete.jpg vs. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/RickyDaleJohnson.jpg

Texas Pete vs. Ricky Dale Johnson


Unfortunately, there were noticeable problems with these two communication, or so said Archie Judge. A special, unannounced match pretty much designed to let the fans watch their favourite RDJ in action. The tough street fighter comes up against his fellow Texas native brawler Pete, and what follows is a straight forward brawl match that admittedly is years behind the times, but Ricky's involvement drags it back from the edge. It's all over in 9 and a half minutes after a Southern Justice.


Winner: Ricky Dale Johnson in 9.36 with a Southern Justice





Ricky Dale Johnson, fresh of his victory, has his hand raised by Eugene Williams and starts to do a lap of the ring to give his adoring fans some quality time. The cheers quickly turn to jeers though, an RDJ looks confused.


Azaria: Oh God! What is he doing out here?


Rhodes: He's jumping the fan barricade, turn around Ricky!


CRACK! Too late. Steel meets the small of RDJ's back as he winces in pain, and spins around to meet this arrogant young face;




Freddy Huggins slams the chair into RDJ's ribs, and RDJ hits the mat. Huggins looks up, the jeers pouring down on him from the cheap seats, but he simply smiles and drops the chair next to RDJ who is holding his chest and leaves the ring.





Rhodes: What the hell was that all about? Freddy Huggins just crushed Johnson's sternum with that chair shot!


Azaria: A completely unprovoked attack on the company's figurehead of good? I'm sure that Ricky Dale Johnson will have something to say about this, but more importantly, what will Huggins have to say in his defence?


We cut to the back again, with a locker room door slightly on tilt and strange noises coming from inside it. The camera goes up closer so that the noise is actually audible, sounding like a conversation.


"Aha ...ahahahaha ...no. No. I SAID NO! - Okay, calm down. It's not time just yet, not ...quite. But one day, one day before they might think ...aha ...ahahaha, yes. Yes then, then it will be time ..."


The camera man manages to fit through the door only slightly, and sitting on a bench, with nary a cell phone or another human being in sight sits Eddie Peak -




Talking to himself, proving beyond all doubt that he is an absolute nutjob. TCW these days ...it's a madhouse, or so they say ...





Azaria: I have to say, I respect Eddie Peak's abilities in the ring no end, but everytime I see something like that, he worries me a little more each time.


Rhodes: TCW is a place for the best wrestling action on the planet, not for guys that should be locked up in a psycho ward running around the place.


Azaria: Well next week we will see that man Eddie Peak in action, but we've still got two great matches lined up for you tonight!


'Struck A Nerve' by Bad Religion hits and the fans get on their feet for Rocky Golden who comes rocking down the ramp, his good looks charming the woman in attendance and the guys ...well, he's not in The Syndicate so he's alright.




Rocky Golden: I've been in TCW for quite some time now, and now it seems like you guys are finally accepting me as who I am and getting behind me, and I appreciate every damn bit of suppor you guys give me, so thank you.


Cheap pop ahoyyyyyy.


Golden: But there's one thing I've never really done, and that's beat any of the big names, one on one. And to truly be a player in this company, that's what you have to do; you have to prove your one of the best. Then again, as some say, I'm not good ...I'm GOLDEN!


Rocky has the fans eating out of his hand right about now.


Golden: So, lemme stop all this suspense. Tonight I'm going to issue a challenge, a challenge which could make my name, or my whole career! To make Rocky Golden, if you will. And that's why I'm making a challenge to ...




Golden: SAM ...KEITH.


Rhodes: Is he nuts? What the hell is he doing?


The fans pop huge for it, but they don't have much time to revel as 'Drive' by Black Stone Cherry hits, signalling the arrival of the multi-time world champion Sam Keith.




Sam Keith: Alright kid, back up. You're making a challenge to me ...so that you can make a name for yourself through me?


Golden: I want a chance to prove that I can hang with some of the best in the world. One on one at Malice In Wonderland!




Keith: Oh no, see now Golden lying won't help your cause. You said you wanted to make your name, "make Rocky Golden", just a few minutes ago. That's fine, many men have tried, I understand. But I can't remember the last time one of those men succeeded. Are you sure this is how you want to go about this?


Rocky, still in the ring looks around the Minnesota Colliseum who go nuts for the classic pause technique.


Golden: One ...hundred ...per cent.


He cracks a grin. A sort of twitch turns Keith's face into a snarl, not over the top but the smallest hint of a burning anger.


Keith: Have it your way. I'll see you in the ring at Malice. But here's some advice, the only advice I will ever give you kid. You better get the hell ready, because I may be older, but - I'm still Sam Keith.


Golden smiles at the fact he's got his opportunity, but Keith simply turns his back and walks back towards the Crippler Position, not taking a second opportunity to stare down the young powerhouse.





Azaria: A huge match set up for the end of this month then, with Sam Keith accepting the challenge of Rocky Golden!


Rhodes: Something tells me Sam wasn't too happy with Golden wanting to use him to simply climb higher up the ladder.


Azaria: I don't think that's what Golden was implying he wants to do either, I think he just wants to prove he can be one of the best. Speaking of the best, we've got two of them going at it next, hometown boy Joey Minnesota will be going up against the 'Kobra' Koshiro Ino, in his first, much hyped, TCW appearence!


Rhodes: I can't wait, this should be awesome.


http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/KoshiroIno.jpg vs. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/JoeyMinnesota.jpg

Koshiro Ino vs. Joey Minnesota


The entrance of Joey Minnesota gets the fans riled up, as Joey looks really happy to be in his hometown arena. Slapping a few hands, posing on the second rope. Still, when green lazers start flashing all around the entrance and a spotlight gets focused, fans hold their breath. The anticipation continues to build up with 'O Fortuna' music until the crescendo turns to silence. Then, in the silence. Out he steps. Face painted, ceremonial robes and of course, his wrestling gear. Koshiro Ino steps into the spotlight and there's a brief moment of silence. Ino pauses too, before one of his hands shoots up in the air, and seemingly thousands of dollars worth of pyro is sent flying up toward the roof! 'True Nature' by Jane's Addiction is Ino's theme as the fans go suitably ape s*** for the arrival of the BHOTWG superstar. The match finally gets underway, and despite the fanfare over Ino, Minnesota keeps his focus well, working Ino with an American style he is maybe not to used too. Minnesota keeps Ino on his toes with double leg take downs, jaw breakers and a huge superplex of the top for a near three count. Ino fights back with all he's got though, showing a huge amount of tenacity by ducking an attempt at the Minnesota Salute, and smashes into Minnesota with a lariat that gets a two count. Minnesota looks dazed from the offense of Ino, but keeps fighting the Kobra. Unfortunately his groginess makes a big difference when he can't quite lift the Kobra for a northern lights suplex, allowing Ino to flip him up into a powerbomb position! Minnesota falls off the shoulders to his feet, but it doesn't save him as he turns right into a Kobra's Bite! Ino collapses on top for a one, two, three and a hard fought first victory in Total Championship Wrestling!


Winner: Koshiro Ino in 14.13 with a Kobra's Bite





Ino has his hand raised in celebration while Minnesota picks himself off the mat, looking dissapointed he couldn't get a win here in Minnesota itself. Dejected, he still walks up to Ino, and slowly extends a hand. Ino gladly accepts it, and then Joey leaves him to his moment.





Rhodes: What a show of class from Joey, it's that kind of thing that makes TCW the best ...and the better, federation in the world.


Azaria: Yes indeed, and you've got to be believe down the line Joey will want to avenge that loss, but for right now, welcome to TCW Koshiro Ino, what a win! Next is that big tag team main event!


The fans give hell as Tommy Cornell and Sam Keith appear on the big screen, sitting around in the lavish Syndicate locker room, Cornell pulling up and adjusting a last knee pad, and Keith stretching out.


Sam Keith: So what you think, Tommy? These New Wave boys going to give us some trouble tonight?


Tommy Cornell: Truth be told, Sam ...I'm worried.


There's a brief silence, and then both men just crack up.


Keith: Almost had me, almost.


Cornell: New Wave? These guys aren't even on the map. Sam, we're going to go out there tonight and do the same thing we always do; be the best in the world.


Keith: Let's do it.


Keith and Cornell bump fists, and exit the locker room heading for the ring.





http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/Guide.jpghttp://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/Scout.jpg vs. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/SamKeith.jpghttp://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/TommyCornell.jpg

The New Wave vs. Sam Keith & Tommy Cornell


Both teams find their way to the ring, The New Wave looking pumped up as hell and ready for a fight, the Syndicate are ice box as always, the two elite members in Keith and Cornell with an air of importance surrounding them, with Cornell having the World Heavyweight Championship strapped round his waist as always. When he unbuckles it, he makes a point to hold it a few seconds longer in front of the faces of both Guide and Scout, who stare right through it at their opponents. The match is on, and Cornell starts against Guide. Guide surprises Cornell in the lock up by slipping round into a hammerlock and hitting a back suplex! Cornell gets blasted with a few hard punches and kicks but gets back into the game with an eye rake and an innovative neckbreaker. Scout gets in on the action, his technique blending well with Cornell's, but Cornell needs a breather and tags to Keith. Keith uses his experience to get one up on Scout, using slightly dirty tactics to keep Scout using his dangerous technical skills. Keith and Cornell use frequent tags and have obviously developed their team work well enough to survive against the precision of The New Wave. The New Wave though get back on this by using their years of tag cohesion to isolate the legendary Keith. The New Wave set up the Wave of Mutilation on Keith, but Cornell makes the blind tag and pulls Keith out of the move. Keith blasts Guide over the top with a clothesline and ducks out of the ring, leaving Scout prime for the Rough Ride.


Winners: Tommy Cornell & Sam Keith at 21.57





Azaria: Wow, the Syndicate actually won kind of clean this week. I wonder what'll happen next in TCW?


Rhodes: Don't be so sarcastic, Azaria. That's my job and I do it way better than you.


Azaria: You have been watching Total Wrestling on GNN, I'm Jason Azaria alongside Kyle Rhodes, and make sure you come back next week!







TV Rating: 3.19

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Great show mate, loved the balance and size of the descriptions, good layout, small but effective jokes and a true TCW feel, all I can say is keep up the good work. ( And no more jobbing out Joey "Freaking" Minnesota! lol)


Thanks for the feedback Hyde. I noticed with a lot of my previous diaries I was doing pretty big shows for just regular TV shows, which in turn was burning me out. So I thought I'd take a page out of Phantom Strangers book and write smaller descriptions. For PPV though, I might do bigger shows, to give it that feel. Either way, I appreciate your feedback man, and I'll try to give JFM some wins in the near future! :p

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In the predictions, Sean McFly and Tigerkinney scored perfect points, and so are joint winners. I'd love to say some merchandise was on its way to you, but I can't make that so just have some first row tickets to Malice in Wonderland. I'll come up with some real prizes at some point in the diary, that I promise.




Total Wrestling Preview


Total Championship Wrestling is coming to Conneticut Symphony Hall for a Total Wrestling event that features not one, not two, but THREE championship matches! The Machines put their belts up for grabs for the first time in 2008 against hungry challengers Painful Procedure. It has been a long time since Hopkirk and Shearer held the titles so you can bet they'll do their best, but The Machines have proven to be the dominant tag force in TCW.


In non-title action, we have both Joey Minnesota trying to regain some momentum after last weeks loss taking on the big, tough brawler Texas Pete, and TCW's resident 'Love Doctor' Danny Fonzarelli stepping up to take on Rocky Golden.


Back with the championships, Sammy Bach will again defend his All Action title this week, this time against Young Gun Steve Gumble. Sammy Bach has been on fire since his transformation into the degenerate he is now, but Steve Gumble is always capable of surprises, and it would certainly be a big one to take Bach's championship away!


Ricky Dale Johnson will be taking on the big nasty punk Ronnie V. Pain, in what is sure to be a big ol' fashioned brawl to the end. What is more interesting though, is what will RDJ have to say about last week's attack by Freddy Huggins?


In the main event of the evening, Tommy Cornell will be defending his championship against the man he defeated at Psycho Circus to retain, Genghis Rahn. Rahn believes that he needs another try and can finally beat Tommy, something he's never done in his career. Cornell has been the king of TCW for just over a year, and doesn't want to relinquish the crown, but if Genghis turns the match into a signature wild brawl, he could capture his first TCW World Championship.


Total Wrestling line-up


All Action Championship - Sammy Bach © vs. Steve Gumble


Joey Minnesota vs. Texas Pete


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Rocky Golden


Tag Team Championship - Painful Procedure vs. The Machines ©


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Ronnie V. Pain


World Heavyweight Championship - Tommy Cornell © vs. Genghis Rahn

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All Action Championship - Sammy Bach © vs. Steve Gumble


Joey Minnesota vs. Texas Pete


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Rocky Golden


Tag Team Championship - Painful Procedure vs. The Machines ©


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Ronnie V. Pain


World Heavyweight Championship - Tommy Cornell © vs. Genghis Rahn

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All Action Championship - Sammy Bach © vs. Steve Gumble


Gumble's a tag wrestler, always has been a tag wrestler, always will be a tag wrestler.


Joey Minnesota vs. Texas Pete


On one side you have one of the most promising young talents on the roster and a possible future World Champion, on the other side you have a big not particularly talented hoss.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Rocky Golden


Golden's enjoying the bigger push at the start of the game, so I'd expect him to win here.


Tag Team Championship - Painful Procedure vs. The Machines ©


Painful Procedure get their mandatory title shot whilst they still have some overness and unless the booker has gone mad, they will fail with that title shot.


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Ronnie V. Pain


Ronnie Very Painful to watch


World Heavyweight Championship - Tommy Cornell © vs. Genghis Rahn


Similar to PP this feels like a sort of one last chance deal for Rahn and like PP he'll fail to dethrone Tommy.

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All Action Championship - Sammy Bach © vs. Steve Gumble


Joey Minnesota vs. Texas Pete


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Rocky Golden


Tag Team Championship - Painful Procedure vs. The Machines ©


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Ronnie V. Pain


World Heavyweight Championship - Tommy Cornell © vs. Genghis Rahn

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Some nice segments on that show, especially like Keith and Cornell cracking up after Cornell's remark, and "I may be older...but I'm still Sam Keith," nice xD


Huggins vs. RDJ is a pretty random feud and big step up for Huggins but interested to see where it goes.

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All Action Championship - Sammy Bach © vs. Steve Gumble

Gumble is one of those perennial no hopers


Joey Minnesota vs. Texas Pete

Tough one this. I want to like Joey Minnesota. I don't.


Danny Fonzarelli vs. Rocky Golden

Possibly some sort of Sam Keith involvement?


Tag Team Championship - Painful Procedure vs. The Machines ©

Too good for the aging rockers


Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Ronnie V. Pain

RDJ > Pain.


World Heavyweight Championship - Tommy Cornell © vs. Genghis Rahn

Tommy simply wouldn't do a job to Rahn. No chance.

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Total Wrestling - Tuesday Week 2, January 2008




TCW Total Wrestling

Live from the Conneticut Symphony Hall; 9,137 in attendance


Announce Team:


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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Pyro, pyro and more pyro go off to get the fans in the mood for some more Total Wrestling! We're here in Conneticut, the homeland of the 'enemy' but the fans look prepared for Tommy Cornell's troupe as, instead of cutting to the announce desk we get straight into the show -


As flames shoot up from the stage and out marches Tyson Baine, looking like a complete demon as always. The fans pop for the former BLZ Bubb as he climbs over the top rope.




Tyson Baine: Tommy ...Cornelllllllllllll!


Pop! Thank god for being able to create menace based angles.


Baine: Last week ...I made a statement. Tonight I make another ...I want a shot ...at the heavyweight ...championship! Malice in Wonderland ...ahahaha, Tommy ...I want my shot. And I want it now.





Baine paces in the ring slowly, hulking as Tommy Cornell comes out from the back, pristine suit intact and World Heavyweight Championship over the shoulder.




Tommy Cornell: Tyson, Tyson, Tyson ...who the hell do you think you are? I don't care if you're a former champion, you think that you can come out here and demand a shot at the title, at MY title? Well Baine, your head must be more screwed up than I thought.


Baine's face changes from a grin to a growl.


Cornell: And you certainly didn't help your cause by attacking me last week, sneak attacking me like the snake that you are. So no, Baine, you can't have your title shot at Malice in Wonderland. Why? Because Tommy Cornell said so, that's why.


Cornell turns his back and walks behind the curtain once more as Baine exits the ring, seemingly stalking him up the ramp.





Jason Azaria: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to TCW Total Wrestling, I'm Jason Azaria -


Kyle Rhodes: and I'm his unfortunate long time broadcast partner Kyle Rhodes -


Azaria: And what a showdown to start the show, although is Tommy Cornell ducking Tyson Baine?


Rhodes: You heard his reasons for not giving him a title shot, Jason. First of all that malicious sneak attack last week and at the end of the day, Baine just isn't good enough to beat Tommy.


Azaria: That's debateable, but either way we have great wrestling lined up as always tonight, and we're kicking things of with Joey Minnesota trying to rebuild some momentum against the young hoss Texas Pete!



Texas Pete vs. Joey Minnesota


Pete is a mysterious character. I know he's young and he has the potential but he can just never seem to find "it". Joey on the other hand kicks some serious A. Pete uses his power to overwhelm Joey in the early going, picking up a two count with an earth shattering powerslam. Minnesota shows his resilience though, fighting back through the power with his technique and eventually locking Pete in and driving him down with the Empire Spiral to end a mediocre match.


Winner: Joey Minnesota in 9.27 after the Empire Spiral







Nobody is particularly happy to see 'Fast Buck' Floyd Goldworthy coming down to the ring, because let's face it that is one ugly face, and stepping through the ropes.


Floyd Goldworthy: Now, as it pertains to be, the 'Gold Standard' is speaking right now, so all of you should be respectful.


Naturally, the fans are not.


Goldworthy: I'm out here for one purpose, so Koshiro Ino! Get out here!




Koshiro Ino makes his second TCW appearence to a massive pop and comes down to the ring.


Goldworthy: Now, Koshiro Ino it has struck me and my client recently that you've been getting a lot of fanfare, most of it unwarranted. And why? Because of your mentor? Your previous employment? Your nationality?


Ino starts to stare intently at Goldworthy, obviously wondering where this is going?


Goldworthy: My client, American Buffalo is tired of getting passed over for opportunities when you can just waltz in here from the far east and take everything. That is why my client issues a challenge to you at Malice in Wonderland. Prove you belong here, 'Kobra'.


There's a few moments silence as Goldworthy passes the mic and Ino takes it.


Koshiro Ino: You tell Buffalo ...that I will see him in the ring. And I will prove I belong.


A segment that got a far better reception than I anticipated.





Azaria: A big match now on the card for Malice in Wonderland as it will be a Kobra versus a Buffalo!


Rhodes: Cute. Can we get on with the show now?



Danny Fonzarelli vs. Rocky Golden


Two faces going at it here. Golden gets a good reception after last week's showdown with Sam Keith. Fonzarelli as always just looks like he's having fun, but at the end of the day, these two are hosses, and that's what it is. A brawl, but a fairly entertaining one at least. Fonzarelli plays to the crowd with some dance moves as Golden just smiles on. Heavy punches, clotheslines, scoop slams and a particularly nasty looking headbutt from Golden to Fonzarelli follow in the next few minutes. Eventually though, Fonzarelli faces the Rocky Road.


Winner: Rocky Golden in 10.27 via pinfall after a Rocky Road.





Azaria: An entertaining match there, as Golden comes through again in preperation for his big match at Malice in Wonderland at the end of January.


Rhodes: Say what you want, but I just do not get this Danny Fonzarelli. You're right, Jason, he is entertaining ...when I'm watching him get his ass kicked.




Rocky Golden is backstage, cooling off after his match with a bottle of water, walking down one of the large backstage areas in the Conneticut Symphony Arena. He takes a swig from his water bottle and -




A body slams into Golden, sending him flying backwards into a wall filled with spare scaffolding poles and the like, the regular backstage stuff at a wrestling show. Golden goes down as the camera finally settles -




Sam Keith! The legend starts to put the boots in to Golden whilst Golden is still on the floor, trying to cover up, but Keith is relentless, he picks up one of the scaffolding poles and slams it down as hard as he can on Golden's leg. Golden screams in pain as Keith stands over him.


Sam Keith: Is this what you wanted, Rocky? Huh? You think that you can lay such disrespect on me, Sam Keith, and walk away unscathed? Oh, no Rocky, that's not how it works. If you disrespect me, there are consequences, the first of which you've just experienced. At Malice, boy, it's going to get a whole lot worse.


Keith walks away and leaves Rocky lying in a heap on the floor, clutching at his leg.





This if followed by a short graphic reminding everyone that at Malice in Wonderland, Wolf Hawkins will defend the International championship against Rick Law.





Rhodes: It just shows; do not, under any circumstance, disrespect Sam Keith.


Azaria: What? Rocky never disrespected Sam Keith? The whole reason he put out the challenge was because he knew Sam Keith is a legend.


Rhodes: That's not how I heard it, but each to their own.


Azaria: We've got The Machines defending the Tag Team titles against Painful Procedure next, so don't go anywhere!





TCW World Tag Team Championship

The Machines © vs. Painful Procedure


Brent Hill and John Anderson, as is typical of the two technical wonders, look ice box, not showing much emotion as they come down to the ring. Painful Procedure get the fans riled up to their pumping rock music as Billy Jack and Randall give the fans some high fives. However, Painful Procedure's problem has always been, although they can get fans excited and they're over ...they suck. And so what follows is a pretty mediocre tag match that not even our resident Syndicate lap dogs can pull up. It's passable, but passable is not what I'm looking for and so, unless there is some marketed improvement, these two may just be seeing out the remainder of their contracts. It's all over when Anderson drills Hopkirk with the Ammo Dump.


Winners, and still Tag Team Champions: The Machines in 8.32 when Anderson pinned Randall Hopkirk.





Backstage once more, the big, open spaces backstage at the Conneticut Symphony Hall apparently home to a lot of superstars just walking around. This time, we're lucky enough to catch resident TCW party animal Edd Stone jamming out to his iPod, oblivious to the world and murdering a classic.






Before he can finish his beautifull off key performance off Eddie Murphy's anthem, he does a little dance move spin around the corner and bumps into the chest of -




The All Action Champion Sammy Bach, who is ready for action with the title strapped around his waist and his full length black tights on. He looks disgusted by Stone, who stares blank faced at Bach, who is flanked as always by Karen Killer, who looks furious.


Karen Killer: How dare you touch Sammy! You're not even worthy!


She raises a hand to strike Edd who overtly recoils to the point of a cartoon, where he has both hands raised over his head and one leg in the air. Sammy grabs Karen's hand though, as he looks at her adoringly.


Sammy Bach: It's okay, Karen. This cretin, he doesn't deserve it. We'll just let him get back to his good time tunes as I go out to defend my championship.


Edd finally calms down and straightens out his jacket, trying to look cool again.


Edd Stone: Alright Sammy, way to go keeping your bitch on the leash!


Edd holds his hand up for a high five, but Sammy's head turns on it's axis with a wide eyed stare. He grabs Stone's hands and pulls him in face to face.


Bach: What ...did you just call her?


Stone: Brosicle, come on, I was just making conversation yo.


Killer watches on with a wide eyed grin.


Bach: No, Edward ...what you've just said, that's taken things one step too far.


Stone: Yeah, well you wanna settle this in the ring for that nice little championship of yours?


Bach: Is that what this is all about? A shot at my title? Nobody, and I mean NOBODY ...for no reason, raises their voice, or insults, or puts their hands on this beautiful woman.


Almost on cue, Killer seems to slink her away around Bach.


Bach: At Malice, you can have your match for the All Action Championship ...but what you've said today, it won't go unpunished.


Stone: Oh no, gonna do some crazy goth ritual on me? You go back to cutting yourself in the meanwhile and I'll see you at Malice.


Bach: Pure insolence. Watch my match, Edd. What I'll do to Gumble, that's just a shadow of what I'm going to do to you.


On that note, Bach and Killer, the latter shooting Bach one of those 'if-looks-could-kill' stares, push past the youngest and most unruly of the Stone clan. Edd, nevertheless, looks pleased and he puts his iPod back in and prances off.







http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/SammyBach_alt1.jpg w/ http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/KarenKiller_alt.jpghttp://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Vs.pnghttp://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/SteveGumble.jpg

All Action Championship

Sammy Bach © w/ Karen Killer vs. Steve Gumble


For the second week in a row, Sammy Bach puts his All Action title on the line. And what a pleasent little surprise it is. Steve Gumble, due to his partnership with Harry, is quite often underrated, but he certainly pulls a good little match out with Sammy here. Sammy as always is exciting and simply sublime in the ring, taking to the skies with absolute ease. Bach breaks out the dropsault, which is always beautiful, but Gumble counteracts with his more rough-around-the-edges, cowboy style of offense including a sick rope assisted snap suplex. It doesn't phase Sammy for that long, who starts to make a comeback, but when he aims his Adrenaline Shot superkick, Gumble ducks it and uses Bach's own momentum to lift the champion onto his shoulders, and Gumble drives Sammy down with a sit-out powerbomb! Karen Killer freaks out at ringside as Gumble covers, for one, two, but Killer yanks Gumble off the cover from the outside! Gumble stands up and walks over to the ropes, staring at Killer for possibly costing him the title, but Bach comes up from behind with a school boy and puts his feet on the ropes for leverage, getting the three count.


Winner, and still All Action Champion: Sammy Bach in 7.31 after an underhanded school boy.





Azaria: Well, for a second there I thought Steve Gumble had it but thanks to a bit of help from Ms. Killer, it wasn't to be.


Rhodes: All I saw was the resiliency of Sammy Bach prevailing, I don't know what cheating you talk of. We all know Karen has a heart of gold.


Azaria: Gimme a break.




It's time for the boys of the New Wave to get a little camera time, as they look pumped up, face paint applied as always, ready for battle.


Guide: So, Robert Oxford, Joel Bryant ...


Scout: The Tag Team Specialists.


Guide: Well apparently nobody has introduced you to us. We are The New Wave, and we are the true Tag Team Specialists.


Scout: The best damn team in the world.


Guide: You want a best of 3 series for the number one contendership to the titles? Well Scout and I have never been a pair to back out of a challenge, but a series of 3? That sounds more like ...


Scout: War. And War is our speciality.


Guide: We'll see you at Malice for round one, boys.





Azaria: And the card for Malice in Wonderland is stacking up tonight, as we turned into 2008 the rivalries are booming right now.


Rhodes: Well, normally I'm not such a fan of the New Wave, the face paint and all ...but they are an awesome tag team, and I'd like to see them face The Machines for those championships.


Azaria: You said it partner ...just don't count on The Tag Team Specialists being so easy to beat.




Man Mountain Cahill a.k.a Ronnie V. Pain comes out, the big nasty punk looking none too happy. Not many people care. Ricky Dale Johnson brings the house down as always, with just a grin. Still, not even RDJ can drag Pain's useless hoss ass up to anything better than painstakingly average. Which begs the question, why in a company that promotes wrestling over entertainment, do we have big untalented brawlers occupying many slots whilst an entertainment based company has the Bumfholes, Marc DuBois, and many other much more talented wrestlers. For that matter, so does NOTBPW. I'm way off topic. RDJ puts us out of our misery when he hits the Southern Justice on Pain.


Winner: Ricky Dale Johnson in 8.51 with a Southern Justice.





RDJ remains in the ring to play to the crowd, before jeers. Huggins is here, but this time a different, more attractive Huggins altogether.




Yes, here comes Laura Huggins. RDJ gives her his southern, tip of the imaginary hat, but she looks less than impressed.


Laura Huggins: Now, I guess you're wondering why I'm out here Ricky ...


RDJ: If I were a bettin' man, I'd guess it would have something to do with your little brother blindsiding me last week.


Laura Huggins: How cute, the big Southern monkey worked it out. Yes, it's true my brother, and then I, have become frustrated with this company and it's fans worshipping false idols like you, when there's only one real idol, and that is Freddy Huggins.


The fans boo such a ridiculous statement.


Laura Huggins: So, my brother has decided to make matters into his own hands by attacking you and now he wishes to face you at Malice in Wonderland.


RDJ: Freddy ...wants to fight me? Well bah all means, little darlin', book that match up. Because normally whilst I wouldn't waste my time, last week by attacking me, he made it personal. So tell Freddy I'll see him at MiW. And tell him -


But we shall never find out what to tell Freddy, as he's already hit the ring, and spins the tired from his match RDJ around, and plants him with the Huggins Kiss! The fans jeer as Freddy and his sister stand arm in arm over RDJ once more.





Azaria: I am getting so damn sick of Freddy Huggins. Who does he think he is, attacking people and not just anybody, but Ricky Dale Johnson?!


Rhodes: I think Freddy has a lot of potential, but he'll never get the chance to realise it if he picks on people like RDJ, because he'll get beaten so bad he won't be able to wrestle again. I thought the kid had more smarts than this.


Azaria: Next up, we have two heavy hitters facing off in Eddie Peak and American Buffalo.


http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/AmericanBuffalo.jpg w/http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/FloydGoldworthy.jpghttp://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Vs.pnghttp://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Total/Workers/EddiePeak.jpg

American Buffalo w/ Floyd Goldworthy vs. Eddie Peak


American Buffalo is a big guy, no doubt. He's an intense fighter, who carries a lot of menace with him, and he also has Floyd Goldworthy, the smarmy little rodent, in his corner looking out for him. Eddie Peak is perhaps the singularly most dangerous man to ever step foot in not just a TCW ring, but any ring. Everything from the look in his eye to the glint of his too often beared teeth just tells you something in his head is loose. He comes to the ring for this one actually chewing at his own arm. Nobody knows. American Buffalo comes out swinging with no fancy offense, big shoulder block that doesn't knock Peak down. Peak replies with a strong overhand right that rocks Buffalo, followed by another, and another, and another. Peak goes into a craze, wailing away on Buffalo who covers up and shoves Peak of. Any man smaller would probably be in a coma right now. Buffalo hits a straight suplex on Peak and covers for one, Peak gets up and ducks a clothesline before slamming Buffalo with a headbutt. Buffalo seems dazed as Peak seems to be enjoying it. The match goes for awhile and to be fair, it's not a great match at all. But watching Peak is entrancing. He puts away Buffalo with a devestating Peak of Perfection, but Buffalo had put up one hell of a fight against a psycho.


Winner: Eddie Peak in 12.33 via pinfall.







International Champion Wolf Hawkins is working out in the Syndicate's backstage setting, having himself a little break as well and all looks relaxed but something seems to be troubling him. We won't find out what though as ...


Bazzz ...frsitnisnfs ...kkkkkkKAZUT.


The lights start going haywire! After last weeks note, Wolf looks worried and puts his hands over his head as the lights go up and down over and over, before the fuse finally bursts and plunges Wolf into darkness.


Wolf Hawkins: Who's doing that? Come out and I'll put you on your ass! Who is it?! Do you know who I am?! Who my mentors are?! We'll find you!


But nobody answers.







Tommy Cornell has his TCW World Heavyweight Championship defence coming up next, so makes a point of cutting a promo, just to remind everyone he's Tommy Cornell.


Tommy Cornell: So, some bright spark has me defending my championship against Genghis Rahn tonight. Oh wait, didn't I beat Genghis Rahn for the umpteenth time at Psycho Circus less than two weeks ago? Why yes, that was me wasn't it. Genghis, you don't deserve a shot at this belt. Nobody besides the members of the Syndicate do, because we represent class and skill, two things you obviously lack. Am I annoyed I have to defend my title tonight? Against you, yes. But then I remember, there's absolutely no way I'd lose to you, and everything seems a little better. Tyson Baine, watch as a fellow brute gets put to sleep tonight. Then you'll see why you don't get to face me - you're simply not good enough.





Rhodes: It's main event time once more on Total Wrestling.


Azaria: And what a main event, the 'Arizona Assassin' getting a rematch from Psycho Circus against Tommy Cornell, heavyweight title on the line, let's do it!






TCW World Heavyweight Championship

Genghis Rahn vs. Tommy Cornell ©


This match happened at Psycho Circus. And I wondered why that pay per view sucked. I've gotta remind myself to thank Archie and Westberry for being the road agents who never seemed to tell anyone these two have HORRIBLE CHEMISTRY. This is as close a match to a trainwreck with Tommy Cornell involved I've ever seen, but with Rahn involved I can't say I'm surprised. I'm pretty sure that he sucks. Either way, these two try and find a way to make it work. It mainly involves Rahn doing some brawling, throwing Cornell from the ring and using the ringside barriers to wear him down, but Cornell, true to form counteracts his brawling with technique, never allowing himself to get into too much trouble. This match, as a midcard bout, would have sufficied. As a main event, it's catastrophic. Rahn measures up the Rahn To The Hills, a sort of running Yakuza Kick/Big Boot, but Cornell decides to take him for a Rough Ride instead.


Winner, and still World Heavyweight Champion: Tommy Cornell in 15.36, with a Rough Ride.






Azaria: This has been TCW Total Wrestling on GNN Total Sports, be here next week for some huge matches.


Rhodes: You seriously do not want to miss it, here at TCW, it's where you'll see the best in the world.


(That being Tommy Cornell)







TV Rating: 3.14

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Yeah, not even just 'bad' chemistry. Not a 'don't click'. Oh no, it says plain and clear, AWFUL chemistry :p I've played a few shows ahead, into February, and I've got say ...absolutely everything I've put on match wise seems to be underperforming. Annoying to say the least.
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Great write up and crappy grades ouch man. What match notes are you using? Use open a lot and all out in the opener and main and don't do dominate or burials and only protect on weak wrestlers (Painfull procedure + Ronnie V Pain + Tana + Thatcher + Pete aka the jobbers imho to get the more skilled ones over Also watch the stamina levels with match lenghts.)
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