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TCW The race for greatness.

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Tommy: Happy New Year!


Hawkins: Well boss cheers to a hell of a new year.


Tommy: Yes yes my good buddy. Cheers also to TCW for going Global this year.


RDJ: Cheers, Tommy how’s the kids?


Tommy: Good, good Jr. is already wanting to be like dad.


RDJ: If he does he has some big shoes to fill.


Hawkins: That’s for sure, but I know better then anyone this guy is a hell of a trainer.


Tommy: Thanks chap. speaking of training I’m opening my place for more kids to train.


RDJ: That’s great the future of TCW will train there!


Tommy: Speaking of the future, I just got the deal done with Sean Mcfly and Jeremy Stone.


RDJ: Well I gotta go. Should I take Tyson home?


Hawkins: I’d say so he looks like his had one to many.


Tommy: Yea make sure he leaves that lampshade here.


RDJ: Ha ok.

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I see I have a bit more competition. Good luck with this, ECW 2.0!


Rick Law V. Eddie Peak

I prefer Peak, but Law's the slightly bigger name, so I think he'll take this.


Sam Keith/with Tommy in his corner V. RDJ

RDJ's the obvious first challenger, and Keith is on immediate retirement-watch, soo..


Painful Procedure V. The New Wave

PP getting a push is rarely a good thing. THE GREATEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY take this win.


Wolf Hawkins V. Aaron Andrews

Hawkins shows how long ago his All-Action Title reign really was, by destroying the man who held it a month ago..



I suspect a few surprise matches, as that's a very light number..

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I see I have a bit more competition. Good luck with this, ECW 2.0!


Rick Law V. Eddie Peak

I prefer Peak, but Law's the slightly bigger name, so I think he'll take this.


Sam Keith/with Tommy in his corner V. RDJ

RDJ's the obvious first challenger, and Keith is on immediate retirement-watch, soo..


Painful Procedure V. The New Wave

PP getting a push is rarely a good thing. THE GREATEST TAG TEAM IN THE WORLD TODAY take this win.


Wolf Hawkins V. Aaron Andrews

Hawkins shows how long ago his All-Action Title reign really was, by destroying the man who held it a month ago..



I suspect a few surprise matches, as that's a very light number..

Thanks, and yes I have some surprise matchs. And thanks for the support.

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Thanks, and yes I have some surprise matchs. And thanks for the support.


I might want to start using the prediction method of only listing ever other match as well, putting them all down makes giving out what people don't expect a little harder. And plus, in real life, they usually only announce the Main Events before the show, if even that..


Always good to support the diary writers. ;) Dunno if I'm tenured enough for it to be tempting, but if you need any help, feel free to ask me.

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Rick Law V. Eddie Peak - I actually think it'll be Law, but picking by preference instead of by logic here.

Sam Keith/with Tommy in his corner V. RDJ - via DQ, I think.

Painful Procedure V. The New Wave - Yeah, can't see PP winning this.

Wolf Hawkins V. Aaron Andrews - If Keith losses, Wolf has to win, yes?

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JA: Welcome to TCW.


SD: yes we do and the main event we have Sam Keith V. RDJ


JA: But right now we have Wolf Hawkins going up against Aaron Andrews



Wolf Hawkins V. Aaron Andrews


The match starts off slow with Wolf and Aaron circling each other finally Wolf chop blocks Aaron and takes him down, he follows that up with an Elbow drop. Aaron tries to roll out of the ring but Hawkins stops him and whips him into the corner. He runs and hits him with a monster boot to the mid section.


Wolf lifts Aaron up and hits him with a Full Moon Rising and covers Andrews, one two three.


JA: It’s done short and sweet for Wolf.


SD: Yes it was my homie, and he made Aaron look like a deer in the head lights.


JA: I would agree Shawn.



Freddy Huggins is in the ring with a mic.


Huggins: Hello you good for nothing people, as you know I’m “The Great One” Freddy Huggins. And tonight I have decided to give my self a challenge and invite anyone in the locker room a match with The Great One.



The room goes salient…The lights go off and the crowd goes crazy it’s Tyson Baine. The look on Huggins face is priceless.


Baine: I accept! (Rating: C-)


JA: I think Huggins has just peed him self.


SD: Haha, I do to Jason lets see what happens here.



Freddy Huggins V. Tyson Baine


Huggins goes running towards Bain but he stands there and doesn’t budge. Baine lifts Huggins up throws him over the top ropes. Freddy starts running to the back but Tyson catches up and takes him back to the ring. He sets Freddy up for the Hades Bomb and hits it. Three count and it’s done. (Rating: C+)


JA: Well Shawn I think Freddy gave him self some a challenge all right.


SD: Yes it really didn’t go his why.


JA: Here comes The New Wave down for their match lets go down and watch it.



The New Wane V. Painful Procedure


Guide and Hopkirk start the match off, Guide tries to whip Hopkirk to the corner but he reverses and whips Guide into the corner. Randall hit a running Elbow to Guide, Guide falls to the mat and Hopkirk goes for a leg drop but Guide rolls out of the way. Guide gets up and tags in Scout. Scout grabs Hopkirk and hit’s a neck breaker.


Scout climbs up the ropes and hit’s a dropkick. Scout tags in Guide; Guide goes on the offense and is throwing right hands and connecting on Hopkirk’s face. He then hits a piledriver and goes for the pin one two kick out by Hopkirk. Guide then whips him into the ropes and hit’s a monster Spinebuster. One Two Three. (Rating C)



A Video comes on hyping the upcoming RDJ Sam Keith match. (Rating B-)




Rick Law V. Eddie Peak


Law starts off fast with a clothesline on the bigger Eddie Peak. Peak recovers fast though and hits Law with a right hand and puts his foot on laws neck and chokes him. The ref warns Peak. Peak picks Law up and drops him with a forearm and follows up with an elbow drop.


Law picks him self off the mat and pokes Peak in the eye, Peaks not happy, but Law doesn’t care and hit’s a dropkick on Peaks knees. Peak on one knee know and grabs Laws leg and drags him down. Peak locks in a choke on Law but he gets to the ropes. Peak picks Laws right leg and starts tearing it apart. After about five minutes of leg locks Peak picks Law up and hit’s a Peak of Perfection. One Two Three. (Rating C+)


JA: Wow, what a match those two guys clicked pretty good.


SD: Yea, awesome indeed Jason, but I here we have Jasmine back stage with Rocky Golden.



Jasmine: Thanks Shawn, Rocky you face the monster American Buffalo next, thoughts?


Rocky: Dude that mans a big man. But I can take him.


Jasmine: What’s your strategy?


Rocky: Use my speed, and um…let’s see what did a say the first time?


Jasmine: Speed.


Rocky: Yea Speed and smartness.


Jasmine: Ok good luck. (Rating: B)



American Buffalo V. Rocky Golden


Rocky starts off running laps around Buffalo; Buffalo catches him with a big clothesline knocking him down. Rocky stumbles up a dropkicks Buffalo but no affect. Buffalo send Rocky to the ropes and big boot right to his face. Rocky’s laid out Buffalo goes to pick him up but Rocky rolls him up. One Two Three.

JA: Rocky just upsets American Buffalo!


SD: Wow, I would have never seen that coming.


JA: Next is our main event.



The camera cuts to the back as we see RDJ walk to the ring out of no where comes Cornell, Keith, and Hawkins and attack him.


Cornell: Keith Wolf holds em up.

Keith and Wolf left him up as Tommy looks him in his face.


Cornell: You will never be able to beat me you little peasant. I’m Tommy Cornell but you can call me King Cornell. (Rating: B)


JA: RDJ still has his match up next.


SD: He doesn’t have a chance Jason he just beat down.


JA: Never underestimate Ricky.



RDJ V. Sam Keith


RDJ limps to lock up with Keith; they lock up Keith kicks him right in his knee. RDJ drops to a knee Keith knees RDJ in the face knocking him down. RDJ gets up and hits Sam Keith with a monster right hand. RDJ still having trouble walking picks Keith up and hit’s a Neckbrecker. He hit’s an Elbow drop and covers him one kick out.


Keith pokes him in the eye rolls him up one kick out. Tommy gets on the apron distracting the ref and Keith hit’s a Low Blow Cradle one two three. Keith Cornell and Hawkins stand in the ring hands raised as the show goes off the air. ( Rating: B)


(Show Rating: C+)

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TCW Total Wrestling recap

By: John Jackson


TCW had a solid show this week they stuck to what they do best mixed with a little comedy. The best part of the show for me was The Syndicate attack on RDJ, the reason? Tommy Cornell of course and Sam Keith looks as good as he did fifteen years ago in my opinion. Another thing the young kid Wolf Hawkins, good at everything it seems like, really reminds me of a young Larry Vessey. The Rocky Golden interview was awesome he has some awesome mic work. As for the whole show as a B. The TV rating was a 3.03. As for next weeks show here is what matches have been announced, Tommy Cornell V. Tyson Baine with RDJ as special Enforcer , Guide V. Brent Hill, and Wolf Hawkins V. Koshiro Ino plus a sit down interview with Edd Stone.


Quick Picks


Cornell V. Baine

Guide V. Brent Hill

Wolf Hawkins V. Ino

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Don't force it.. :p


Cornell V. Baine

RDJ is the challenger, so Baine doesn't need to be pinning Cornell.


Guide V. Brent Hill

New Wave are the default challengers for the Machines, they need to be built strongly.


Wolf Hawkins V. Ino

Ino's a pretty good challenger for the International Title, a non-title win over Hawkins would be good for a future challenge.

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With most characters you have pretty free reign on their backgrounds. RDJ actually has a profile written up, however:


A high-school drop out, Ricky's first taste of employment came as a bouncer, working the clubs in and around his hometown of Victoria. Naturally big and strong, he enhanced his muscle-mass by spending large amounts of time in the local gym with his fellow bouncers. One of those men was Sean Martyn, the man better known today as SWF's Skull DeBones, and he had become interested in the local wrestling scene, realising that a guy his size could make some money in that business. With the lure of relatively easy money, Johnson joined Martyn in completing some basic training with their local promotion, the Texas Wrestling League.


I only mention this because to me, at least, it jumped out reading the interview you did that this wasn't the case - and if it jumps out to me, chances are it also does to others.

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