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World Wrestling Federation 2008 - Staying On Top

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The World Wrestling Federation is the current #1 wrestling promotion in the world. McMahon was originally susposed to buy out rival competitiors WCW and ECW but a deal was never reached and instead WCW was bought by Eric Bischoff and Fusient Media (Who would replace Bischoff with Dusty Rhodes.) and ECW was saved by Paul Heyman and HBO. Despite not able to buy out his competitiors, his company was argubly untouchable. That is until, in the summer of 2001 when the company was hit with two lawsuits. One by the World Wildlife Fund in which McMahon won and the Wildlife was forced to change their names to the WWLF and a sexual harrassment lawsuit by former WWF Diva, Rena Mero. These lawsuits crippled the WWF and forced them to release several stars such as The Big Show and The Hardy Boyz. Meanwhile WCW was gaining on the compititon, with rising stars such as WCW Champion ' The Champange Lover' Chris Kanyon, Booker T, and Lance Storn. The WWF would get their saving grace in 2006 in the form of 2004 Olympic Gold Medalist, Brock Lesnar. Lesnar would win the WWF Championship just two months after debuting, defeating Shawn Michaels and would go on undefeated for nearly 2 years. He also had, argubly, the greatest WWF Title Match of all time at WrestleMania 23 with Kurt Angle after hitting a pitcure perfect moonsault to finish the match. Fast foward a year later and here is the results of WrestleMaina 24:




WWF Tag Team Champions: The New Wild Samoans defeated The Dudley Boyz©

If you ask a WWF fan who's the best WWF Tag Team of the 21st Century, they'll tell you its The Dudley Boyz who has won the WWF Tag Team Titles 12 times. After regainin the WWF Tag Titles at The Royal Rumble from Evolution (John Hennigan and Chris Mordetsky) The Dudleyz would come out the next night and stated that they've beaten every team worth beating. Armando Estrada would interrupt them and say that the Dudleyz haven't beaten his clients The Wild Samoans (Umaga Anoai and Phfatu Anoai). After months of brawling and backstage assaults the match came and to the shock of everyone, The Wild Samoans came out on top.


WWF Hardcore Championship: Dink The Clown wins 20 Man Battle Royal

This idea was booked by Vince McMahon after many stars were complaining about missing WrestleMania. McMahon made the announcement on a March episode of Raw Is War and said that he would suspend the title until WrestleMania. The Battle Royal saw the return of Tantaka and The Great Khali seemingly destroying everyone in sight. The last two were Dink (Hornswoggle) and Khali. However, Kan would return from injury and eliminate Khali which left Dink to become the NEW Hardcore Champion.


Maven defeated Elijah Burke w/ Faarooq

At King Of The Ring 2007 The Nation of Domination was reformed by Faarooq in an atempt to "rise against the racism that is the WWF". The Nation of Domination would rampage through the midcard division with its members being Elijah Burke, Big Mabel (Big Daddy V), Orlando Jordan, Monty Brown, and Maven. However, The Nation kicked out Maven at Survivor Series and "injured" him. Maven however made his return at St. Valentine's Day Massacre and wanted revenge. The two put on a decent enconter that saw Maven get the victory via school boy rool up. But it looks as if things are far from over.


WWF European Champion: Rene Dupree© defeated Rob Hollywood

The former La Resistance has had a rough time ever since losing the WWF Tag Team Titles at No Way Out of Texas 2007. The duo split up and fueded after Conway decided that he was a born movie star, meanwhile Rene Dupree joined Evolution. Things got personal at Clash Of The Titans when Rene Dupree hit a Piledriver on Hollywood's wife. Hollywood swore revenge and the lonbg awaited match saw Rene Dupree gain the victory by holding the tights.


Money In The Bank: Razor Ramon defeated Chris Benoit, Sean Morley, Samoa Joe 'Playboy' John Hennigan, MVP, Test, and Chris Mordetsky

The 2nd annual MITB was a great contest although it was pretty obivious that this match was only created to give the some of the top stars something to do. However there was a couple fueds heading into this match. For starters, Sean Morley and John Hennigan were involed in a vicious war before the MITB as was Chris Benoit and MVP. This match was better then last year's and had the spot of the night when John Hennigan did a moonsault off of the ladder onto Sean Morley and the announcer's table. However, Ramon pushed Mordetsky off of the ladder to win the MITB.


The Undertaker defeated Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho snapped at The Royal Rumble when The Undertaker eliminated him. So he took it upon himself to re enter the match and deck The Undertaker with a chair, thus eliminating Taker. He would show up the next night and say that Taker is an old hack and that he was going to end his streak. After weeks of mysterious videos Taker showed up at St. VDM and destroyed Jericho's Highlight Reel set and Choke Slammed Jericho. The match was an awesome match that saw Jericho come so close to ending the streak but Taker ended the match with a Tombstone and extend his streak to 16-0 in what many people are calling Match of The Night.


Steel Cage Match: Shawn Michaels defeated Triple H

Shawn Michaels and Triple H. One of the greatest rivalries the WWF has ever had. It had to end tonight. Thats what HBK proposed. After years of trying to battle the corrupted Evolution he was so frustated that he wanted to put it all on the line. If Triple H won then Shawn Michaels would be forced to retire. However should Michaels win, Evolution must disband permanetly. Triple H accepted and the weeks leading up played mind games with HBK. He even did a 'home invasion' that saw Hunter pedigree his poor nephew Michael Shane, and almost messed with his wife until Michaels showed upand threw HHH out the window. The match was another great match that saw Michaels hit a bloddied HHH with a SCM. However Michaels, climbed up the cage and hit a huge Elbow Drop to HHH to get the pin and end Evolution once, and for all.


Triple Threat Match: WWF Women's:Nora Holly© defeated Trish Stratus and Lita

This match was made after Holly won the WWF Women's Championship at New Year's Revolution and screwed over Trish Stratus. However during a #1 Contender's Match between Trish and Lita, Nora would blast the two with a chair shot resulting the match to be a draw. WWF President Shane McMahon decided to make a Triple Threat Match for the belt. The match saw Holly cheat again to retain her championship.


Kenn Morrision defeated The Rock

THe Rock has had one of the most storied careers in the history of the WWF. However, The Rock announced at St. VDM, that WrestleMania 24 would be his last match as he would be reitiring from wrestling to foucus on his acting career. Kenn Morrision, everyone's favorite rock star, came out and said that it was a shame that his hero was retiring and that he wanted to face The Rock in his last match as a token of respect. Rocky agreed and the fans were split between the two. However Kenn Morrision hit the Vegas Bomb to pin The Rock 1-2-3. After the two embraced, Morrison turned heel and attacked The Rock to huge heel heat from the fans before leaving The Rock in a pool of his own blood.


WWF Championship: Edge defeated Brock Lesnar© w/Bob Backlund

It seemed that Lesnar was never going to lose the championship. After successfully going undeafted since 2006, he would just simply destroy anyone that dared challenged him. Stars like Kurt Angle, HBK, and The Undertaker stood no chance angainst the modern day titan and coming into this event everyone thought that Edge would just become another victim. Edge was a man who was beloved by the fans but never could seem to win the big one. However, when Edge won The Royal Rumbe, he promised to his fans that he would not let them down and would end the streak on Lesnar. The match was a good encounter that had the fans on the edge of their seats. Edge defeated Brock Lesnar after reversing a F-5 into a spear. Afterwards Edge broke down in tears as he finally won the WWF Heavyweight Championship and celebrated with his wife as confetti falls down from the ceiling and Wrestlemania 24 comes to a close.

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{It was just another Monday. I was damn well near asleep after the WrestleMania 24 after party. Damn I never knew how hard Irvine and Copeland could party. I remember taking shots and everything but everything after that was a blur. I hear my phone ringing. Damn who could this be? Didn't they know it was seven in the morning?}


Me: What?


???: Where the hell are you? Do you know how many times people have been trying to get a hold of you damnit!


Me: Oh hey Vince. What are you doing calling me so early? Do you know what time it is?


Vince: It's four ****ing thrithy in the goddamn afternoon!


{I shot up and looked at the grungy looking alarm clock which read 4:37PM.}


Me:I guess I lost track of time? Hehe..


Vince: If you weren't such a good booker I would hve fired your sorry lazy ass on the spot. Now I was trying to call you to tell you that we're having a meeting. So hurry your ass up and meet me at the suite in an hour.


Me: I love you too Vinny Mac.


{After that statement Vince just hung up. I slowy start to get out of bed when I relized that this isn't my hotel room at all. I look around and 'm in a dinky looking apartment. I turn to see a Mexican woman lying in the bed next to me. She looked old enough to be my grandmother. I thought to myself what the hell happend last night. I quickly put on my pants and shirt andgot the hell up out of there. Hey I guess what happends in Vegas stays in Vegas. After scurring out of the filthy apartment I hoped in my jag and started to go, McMahon Meeting, here I come.}

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{I pulled up to the curb of the hotel and hop out of my jag. I look and see this fancy pants hotel. Damn, this must be expensive. I see some pimpled face geek, who must be one of those people who get paid to park the cars. I got out off the car and tossed him the keys but it hit him in the face instead.}


Me: Hey scrawny, don't scratch up the jag or I'll get Mabel to crush you.


{The geek after holding his face turns to me with a look of awe in his eye.}


Nerd: Heyyy! Yo-Your Andrew Crabgrass, the Head Booker of the WWF?


{I was kinda suprised that he knew who I was then I probally figured that he was one of those "HHH IS DHA EVILZ~!HIRE (Name random indy talent) AND PUSH DH3M10101!!!!!" fans or as I coined the phrase smarks. Okay so I didn't come up with the phrase. Sue me. Anyways I looked at him suprised as he picked up my keys.}


Nerd: But of course, I just loved your booking! The build up with Edge and Lesnar. Pure genius I say genius!


{This kid was stroking my ego and I loved it. I started to get a little ****y}


Me:Genius you say? I-


{Oh **** I remebered I was late for the meeting.}


Me: I have an important meeting to go to. I'm going to be late but park my car, don't get it scratched, and hey I might even give Vince a good word about you.


{I didn't know why I told such a blantant lie to the kid but he bought it, like a fat kid in a candy shop.}


Nerd: Oh thank you Mr. Crabgrass sir! Wait till I tell my friends over at ProWrestling.com!


{After giving the nerd false hope, I quickly entered the main lobby of this fancy pants, 6 star hotel. I immediately went to the elevator and it seemed as if today wasn't my lucky day because I saw a sign that read: DIS ELAVAT0R BROKEN. I sighed to myself and rushed up the stairs. I remembered the room was 103. It says so on the key that was in my pocket that I dont remember having. Anyways I finally found Room 103 Suite and unlocked the door. There I see Vince, Shane, Levesque, Slaughter, Patterson, and Brisco all finishing up the finnacial portion of the meeting which I was kinda happy because I hated hearing bland old Sarge bore me to death with his "fancy pants money lingo".}


McMahon: Alright so we've covered the finnancial part of the meeting an-


{Vince spots me trying to sneak in as does everyone else. I give a polite wave at everyone.}


McMahon:(In a sarcastic tone) Hello Mr. Crabgrass, how delightful of you to take time out of your busy schedule to come and join our meeting.


{I was somewhat annoyed by McMahon's smart ass comments but hey he's the boss and I'm pretty sure he can kick my ass.}


McMahon: Just in time too, I was just about to start with the creative side of the company. Why dont you begin.


{Phew, this I could remember.}


Me: Well Mr. McMahon, our top scout Benton Fraser have had his eyes on these 5 men who wrestling anaylists are dubbing as 'Future Headliners'. They are: John Cena from MCCW, Bryan Danielson from the AWF, Mark Magnus from MCCW, Chris Hero from ECW, and D'Lo Brown from MLW.


{I looked at their reacton. Shane seemed to nod in agreement as did Slaughter. Meanwhile Vince, Patterson, and Briscoe had a puzzled looked on their faces. Stephanie paid no attention towards what I had to say, and Levesque looked at me like he was about to say something smart. I had a feeling he was going to do it my spider senses were tingling. Before I could finish my next sentence he interuppted me.}


Levesque: Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. Your telling me that we send this fat piece of crap who is suspose to be our "top scout" to look for stars who could be the next Hulk Hogan or Triple H and he comes back with Cena, Mangus, and D'Lo who were already fired from this company, an idiot who thinks he's a superhero, and a vanilla midget who makes up the AWF Cruiserweight Division? I'm suprise we dont just fire all of you idiots and put me as the booker.


{I was completely heated with Levesque, who always was a problem with his politicing. How dare he just insult my intellegence and Benny who was my best friend since I was 4 years old. Even if he is a little chubby.}


Vince: I have no idea who he just named besides D'Lo. He's the black guy who injured one of my wrestlers. Anyways continue.


{I simply sighed at Vince's ignorance towards the wrestling buisness but hey, if you owned a company as prestigus as the WWF, I guess you dont have time worrying about indy wrestlers.}


Me: Also, these are the stars that are most popular with the fans or who's hot right now. Edge, Lesnar, HBK, Morrision, and Undertaker. Also these are the stars that aren't so hot right now. Bob Holly, Doink, Tatanka, Waterman, and Khali aren'tinteresting towards the fans.


{Vince looked at me suprised when I said Khali}


Vince: Khali? Isn't he the tall and chiseled guy that we signed for 5 years last year?


{Ughh The Great Khali. Vince and I were known to butt heads on the creative side of things but no person could tell him that signing this guy, who reportedly killed a guy doing a wrestling move, was a bad move. Vince was in love with his monster look and thought that Khali was the next Brock Lesnar for the company. After signing him for 5 years and seemingly pushed Khali to the top, the crowd didn't like him and he was a flop. However Vince had his heart set that Khali would draw. Anyways I just sighed and just looked a Vince.}


Me: Yes, it's that talentless giant.


Vince: Well I think we need to push him harder.


Me: Anyways on to the creative side of things, I have plans for the Edge vs Lesnar program which we can evolve the storyline with this star.


{I told him the name of the star and Shane immediately smiled as did everyone besides Levesque. After telling him the rest of the plans for most of the roster and talking about devolpment Levesque had to blurt out something smart.}


Levesque: Well what about me huh? I'm the star of the show!


{I just felt like punching him but was not in the mood to get into one of our famous arguements. I told him the plans for his character which he got a little pissy but thank god Vinny Mac called him on his ****. I discussed about the roster and who needed to be terminated. We had to end the meeting abruptly however as we had to be at the arena by 5:00 PM and it was quarter to five now. On my way out the door Hunter approached me and said something I'll never forget.}


Levesque: Dont forget one thing.....


{He grabbed me by the collar and pinned me against the wall. He got directly in my face.}


Levesque: If I'm not happy, then your not getting paid.


{And with that he let me go and walked out of the door. I sat there upset and just thinking to myself. A year with this place and I still get no respect.After that thought I brushed myself off and headed out the door with an agenda in mind.}

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Main Eventers:

'The Enigma' Edge - WWF Heavyweight Champion

'HBK" Shawn Michaels

The Undertaker

'Samoan Pride' Samoa Joe




'The Iron Man' Brock Lesnar

Triple H

'Y2J' Chris Jericho

'The Billion Dollar Man' John Layfield {On Hiatus}


Upper Midcarders:

Upper Midcarders:

'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit

Bubba Ray Dudley

D'Von Dudley

'The Legitamite Athelte' Sean Morley

'Da Cool Guy' Razor Ramon - Mr. Money In The Bank


'The Sin City Superstar' Kenn Morrison (Kenny Dykstra)

Montel Vontavious Porter

Ron 'H20' Waterman{Injured around 6 months}

'Playboy' John Hennigan

'The Unbreakable' Test



Al Snow

Bulldog Smith (Harry Smith)


'The Tough Bastard' Finlay{Injured should be back anytime now}


Doink The Clown (Eric Young)


Deuce (Colt Cabana)

'The Pain' Don Frye

Shad Gaspard

Christy Hemme

Trish Stratus

'The World's Largest Love Machine' Mark Henry


'Mr. Red Carpet' Rob Hollywood (Rob Conway)


Theo J. Hart (TJ Wilson)

The Godfather


Hardcore Holly

Billy Gunn

Mordecai (Kevin Thorn)


'The Heavy Hitter' Big Mabel (Big Daddy V)

Boris Alexiev (Santino Marella)

Brian Knobs

'The Masterpiece' Chirs Mordetsky (Chris Masters) - WWF Intercontinental Champion

Sir. Dave Taylor

'The Prodigy' Elijah Burke

Izzy Ivory (Ivory)

'The Alpha Male' Monty Brown

'No Nonsense' Nora Holly (Molly Holly) - WWF Women's

'OJ' Orlando Jordan

Phfatu Anoai (Rikishi) - WWF World Tag Team

'The French Sensation' Rene Dupree - WWF European Champion

The Great Khali

Umaga Anoai (Umaga) - WWF World Tag Team

Vladimir Koslov

Sir William Regal


Lower Midcarders:

Ashley Massaro

Candice Michelle

Jim Duggan

Nattie Neidhart


Queen Kong (Amazing Kong)

The Miz

Joe E. Legend{Injured around 9 months to a year}





Kizarny (Frankie Kazarian)




Non Wrestlers:

'Rowdy' Roddy Piper - WWF Color Commontator


Shane McMahon

Stephanie McMahon


Vince McMahon



Dink The Clown (Hornswoggle) - Doink The Clown - WWF Hardcore Champion

'The Mouth of The South' Jimmy Hart - Bulldog Smith, Nattie Neidhart, and Theo J. Hart

Nidia - Sean Morley


Armando Estrada - Umaga and Phfatu Anoai

Bob Backlund - Brock Lesnar

Faarooq - Monty Brown, Elijah Burke, Orlando Jordon, and Big Mabel

Jim Cornette - Ron Waterman, Boris Alexiev and Vladimir Koslov

Melina Perez - John Hennigan


Tag Teams:

Cryme Time - Shad and JTG

Dink and Doink

Pimp Train - The Godfather and Mark Henry

The Dudley Boyz

The Stampede Bulldogs - Theo J. Hart and Bulldog Smith


Hardcore Gunns - Billy Gunn and Hardcore Holly


Enforcers Of The Nation - Monty Brown and Big Mabel

Nasty Boys - Jerry Sags and Brian Knobs

The New Wild Samoans - Umaga and Phfatu

The Red Army - Vladimir Kolsov and Boris Alexiev



The Hart Foundation - Jimmy Hart, Theo J. Hart, and Bulldog Smith


Evolution - Triple H, John Hennigan, Chris Mordetsky, and Rene Dupree

Camp Cornette - Jim Cornette, Ron Waterman, Vladimir Kolsov and Boris Alexiev

The Wild Samoans - Armando, Umaga, and Phfatu

Nation Of Domination - Faarooq, Elijah Burke, Orlando Jordan, Monty Brown and Big Mabel


TV Shows

Raw Is War - Monday - Prime Time - USA Network - J.R. and Roddy Piper

SmackDown! - Friday - Prime Time - USA Network - Michael Cole and Jim Cornette

HeaT - Sunday - Early Evening - USA Network - Michael Cole and Jim Cornette



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From ProWrestling.com

- It seems as if the World Wrestling Federation is going to continue the traditional "spring cleaning" and release servral stars. It's reported that McMahon is not happy with the roster number and wants to release "anyone that doesn't have a purpose in the company." One WWF sourse who is suspose to be one of McMahon's friends told a reporter that he's even fearing for his job.


-Expect Robert Roode to get called up any day now. The talented canadian, who's been with OVW since the winter on 2007, has been praised highly by insiders in the company who think that he's playing the 'Rich Snob' role with perfection. Details are skecthy but many feel that if he's called up he'll probally be paired up with a partner.


-Rumours are circlating that a certain main event star is unhappy with his position in the AWF. While he is yet to be named, rumours are cirlating that he is in talks with WCW.


- Speaking of WCW, Diamond Dallas Page has announced that he will be retiring by the end of this year. He said that he will be on a DDP Farewell Tour. It is said that there would be a postition as a Road Agent open for hium if Page choses to have a backstage role.


- Kenn Morrision (Ken Doane) is rumoured to recieve a huge push after the reaction he got last night. It's been said that the crowd gave Morrision the most heat of the night. Expect him to fued with The Rock's kayfabe cousin Samoa Joe.


- In news concerning the Indi scene, LAX has been rumored of sending tapes to bigger TV statitions to get them to air their show, However most likey they would have to tone down their image iof they want anymore views.


- Also, the AWF, held it's WrestleFest show last night whcih got a 1.26 buyrate compared to WrestleMania 24 which recieved a 1.96 rating. Their main event saw Kurt Angle retain his AWF Championship against Paul Burchill, Paul Wight, Hulk Hogan, and Jeff Jarrett in a King Of The Hill Match


Here is the offical preview of WWF Raw Is War! from WWF.com:



WWF presents Raw Is War live from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, home to WrestleMania 24. With the fallout from last night's huge WrestleMania show, you do not want to miss this show!


At WrestleMania, Rene Dupree had an impressive showing by defending his WWF European Championship against Rob Hollywood. Tonight he will defend his championship gold yet again against the man who defeated Elijah Burke last night in Maven. Can Rene Dupree keep up his winning ways? Or will Maven win the gold for a 3rd time?


It was announced last month that the bi-annual Tough Enough was returning for another season. Al Snow will be here live to present the 8 Tough Enough stars. Who will they be?


The Wild Samoans suprised everyone when the won the Tag Team champions from The Dudley Boyz. Tonight will be an opportunity for a new challenge as Cryme Tyme will face The Enforcers of The Nation, The Nasty Boyz and The Stampede Bulldog in a 4 Way elimination match with the winner getting a shot at the gold at No Way Out of Texas. Which team will walk out #1 Contender's to the gold?


At WrestleMania Razor Ramon grabbed the Money In The Bank briefcase to win a shot at the gold anytime within the calendar year. However, Intercontinental Champion, Chris Mordetsky claimed that Ramon "cheated" and has called him out tonight. Will Mr. Money In The Bnk accept the challenge?


In the Double Main Event of RAW Is War, we will see two Elimination Chamber Qualifying matches for the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out of Texas. The first match will pit Triple H against Sean Morley. The second qualifying match will contest of 'The Iron Man' Brock Lesnar and 'The Rabid Wolverine. Who will qualify and get a shot at the WWF Championship?


For the answer to all these questions, and more, tune into Monday Night Raw Is War live on the USA Network at 9PM!


Scheduled Matches:


WWF Womens Title

Nora Holly© vs Christy Hemme


William Regal vs Don Frye


WWF European Title

Rene Dupree © vs Maven


Number One Contendership For The WWF World Tag Team Titles

Cryme Tyme vs The Nasty Boyz vs The Stampede Bulldogs vs The Enforcers of The Nation


EC Qualifying Match

Triple H vs Sean Morley


EC Qualifying Match

Brock Lesnar vs Chris Benoit


PLUS: A In-Depth Interview with Kenn Morrision: Al Snow announces contestants to Tough Enough IV


BONUS: Name any contestants that you think will be in Tough Enough IV

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  • 3 weeks later...



'Several snapshots are shown from the previous night at WWF WrestleMaina 24, with color commentary, showing various moments in the Money In The Bank match, Razor Ramon retrieving the MITB Briefcase, Shawn Michaels defeating Triple H in a hellacious Steel Cage Match, Kenn Morrison defeating The Rock and turning on The Rock, and Edge reversing Brock Lesnar‘s F-5 into a spear and getting the victory, The last shot of the clip shows Edge celebrating with the title and Jim Ross’s voice saying, “ Edge has finally done it!”


The show opens up with a new opening video with a new theme song the classic ‘Fuel‘ by Metallica, followed by a huge fireworks display in the arena. We then go up to JR and the Hot Rod up in the tech area.


JR, "Welcome to WWF Raw Is War, live from Las Vegas, Nevada, which was home of WrestleMaina 24. I’m Jim Ross with my broadcast partner, ’Rowdy’ Roddy Piper and Piper what a show WrestleMania was!”


Piper,” Your finally right for a change Jimbo. I mean it was a helluva night. Except for the fact that greasy Cuban stole The Money In The Bank Briefcase from Chris Mordetsky.


JR, “ I’m not going to comment on that statement. But more importantly we have a new WWF Champion and his name is Edge. Edge finally achieved his dream last night and broke the 2 year streak of Brock Lesnar and won the WWF Championship.”


Piper, ” For once I’ll give Edge his due he did what no man could do and that’s beat that meat head punk, Brock Lesnar.”


‘Never Gonna Stop’ by Rob Zombie hits the P.A. as Edge comes out to a tremendous ovation. Edge comes out with a ’To The Edge’ T-Shirt, a pair of jeans and a black and white pair of converses. Edge high fives some of the fans in the front row before sliding into the ring. He slowly climbs each turnbuckle and holds up the WWF Championship before getting a mic from Lillian Garcia.




The fans roar in approval as Edge soaks in the cheers.


Edge, “Twenty-Four hours ago I achieved a dream that I was working for since I was a kid. I slayed the dragon of Brock Lesnar and won THE WWF HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP OF THE World.”


The fans pop as Edge jus walks back and forth pacing eating p the reaction.


Edge, “ Ever since I was a kid and seeing Hogan and Warrior wrestle each other at WrestleMania 6, I knew that I wanted to become a wrestler. I knew that I wanted to someday be right here where I am as the WWF Champion.”


The fans continue to cheer.


Edge, “I’ve had to deal with a lot of bull**** from people like Brock “No ****” Lesnar or Bob “I go to the back room with Lesnar” Backlund telling me that I couldn’t beat that meathe-”


Before Edge could continue a remixed instrumental of ‘Iron Man’ by Black Sabbath hit’s the P.A. as the fans boo relentlessly. The former champion Brock Lesnar comes out in his F-5 sweat suit with his manager, WWF Hall Of Famer, Bob Backlund. The two are smiling and clapping as they enter the ring. Backlund snatches the mic from Lillian . Before he could talk the fans started a huge ‘Lesnar Sucks’ chant. Backlund waits for the noise to die down before he started talking.


Backlund, “ Really just a round of applause for Edge over here, just awesome. I mean congratulations champ you really have earned a hard earn victory!”


The fans give the duo a mixed reaction as Lesnar and Backlund are all smiles as Backlund hands Lesnar the mic. Suddenly the smiles is replaced with an angry expression.


Lesnar, “Alright lets cut the crap. Edge, you stole MY DAMN CHAMPIONSHIP! THAT TITLE BELONGS TO ME! I’m not gonna let some FLUKE of a victory ruin my streak!”


Lesnar gets real upset as the fans give him huge heel heat.


Lesnar, “ You people can go to hell for all I care! Do you know who I am? Do you know my accomplishments? Let me remind you that I won a Gold Medal in the 2004 Olympics for amateur wrestling which I was doing since high school. I was a national celebrity! I was on the likes of Jay Leno, Saturday Night Live, hell I was on Oprah. Then due to my superior skills and charisma Vince was dying to sign me to a deal. So I come to the WWF under Backlund’s wing and I make my debut at WrestleMania 22 by beating the **** out of that old bastard in that booth!


Lesnar points at Piper who stands up and raises his two fists and yells to Lesnar “Anytime meat head. I’ll whoop your ass!”


Lesnar, “ Sit down old man! Anyways two months after debuting at WrestleMania 22, I single handily defeated ’HBK’ for the WWF Championship and went on an undefeated streak which no one could break. Angle, Hunter, Taker, Hogan, and Rocky are just a few of the names that I DESTROYED! Then came you.


The fans cheer at the mention of Edge who stares at Lesnar, ready to strike at any time. Lesnar hands the mic to his scrawny and cowardly manger, Bob Backlund who tells the fans like it is.


Backlund, “ WrestleMania was an absolute 150%, certified FLUKE! THESE PEOPLE THINK MY CLIENT, THE IRON MAN IS A SOFTIE! Well Edge you better hope that tonight by some god’s chance that Chris Benoit beats my client, the longest reigning WWF Champion of the 21 Century, Brock Lesnar. Hell you better PRAY that Lesnar gets injured or even dies. Because if Brock Lesnar is 100% healthy and is locked inside that chamber with you….


Backlund looks down and chuckles at little bit.




The fans boo at that statement as Lesnar’s theme hit’s the P.A. Backlund and Lesnar leave laughing at the champion as Raw is War goes on its first break. When Raw is War returns from commercial break, ‘God Save The Queen’ hit’s the P.A. as William Regal makes his entrants to mild heel from the crowd. Beside him is ‘The Bruiser of Britain’ Dave Taylor who is Regal’s security guard. As Regal walks down the ramp he doesn’t acknowledge any of the fans. He enters the ring and waits for his opponent. Suddenly a remake of Alice In Chains ‘Grind’ hit’s the P.A. as the fans give a nice pop for ‘The Pain’ Don Frye. He comes out with his ‘coach’ and in his usual MMA Gear.


J.R., “ Well this is no doubt going to be a hard hitting contest. A brawl if you will.”


Piper, “ I just want to see Regal embarrass this roid monkey, and show him how a true wrestler is suppose to wrestle.”


Frye enters the ring and poses for the fans before getting in corner while his coach peps him up.


This match was a hard hitting contest that mainly saw Regal carry Frye to a good match. The beginning saw Frye dominate Regal with some stiff punches until Regal reversed a move and got on the offence. However, Regal missed a clothesline and it was the beginning of the end. After a successful takedown Frye applied the Ground Sleeper in which Regal quickly tapped out giving Frye the win.


The cameras cut to the backstage area where WWF Hardcore Champion Dink The Clown and Doink The Clown are. They are walking when suddenly Doink is ambushed by Hardcore Holly. Dink tries to run but Holly grabs Dink ad throws him to the wall. Holly then gets the 3 count to be the new WWF Hardcore Champion. Holly runs off, happy to have the championship.


The cameras switch to where local loser Mike Mizanan who is with Kelly Kelly. Mizanan is talking to Kelly who seems uninterested in what Miz is saying.


Miz, “… So little lady, how would you like to have your reality checked…exclusively by The Miz.


Kelly gets annoyed.


Kelly, “ Mike, your annoying, I mean who cares about The Real World? That show is nothing but fake reality TV that not even you could win. Besides I actually have a boyfriend.”


Miz, “Who?!”


Kelly, “ He’s coming soon to the WWF.”


Miz, “I bet you I’m twice the man your loser boyfriend is. How about this? I’ll face your “boyfriend” at No Way Out of Texas. If I win you have to dump that loser and go out with “The Chick Magnet”. If he wins, which he isn’t, then I’ll leave you alone.”


Mizanan goes to put his hand out to shake on it. Kelly looks at the hand.


Kelly, “ Deal.”


Kelly goes to shake the hand but “The Miz” pulls it back at the last second and rubs his head which gets heat from the crowd. He laughs and walks off leaving Kelly Kelly with an annoyed look on her face.


J.R., “Well ever since Mike Mizanan started to refer to himself as The Miz, he’s been acting like a complete jackass. I personally hope that Kelly’s boyfriend kicks The Miz’s ass!


Piper, “In the words of Michael Cole, are you kidding me? The Miz is one of the most promising talents in the WWF. It’s just idiots like you who believe that because you cant look, wrestle, or be like him, he’s your worst enemy.


Before J.R. could respond, ‘No Nonsense’ hit’s the P.A. as the Women’s Champion “No Nonsense” Nora Holly comes out to mild boos from the crowd. She enters the ring and taunts with her title. The fans pop when ‘Diva’ hit’s the P.A. Christy Hemme comes out energetic as usual and high fives some of the fans in the front row. As she enters the ring she is ambushed by Nora as the bell rings.


Again your normal standard women’s match. Nora basically dominated the whole match despite the token offence Christy would receive. Nora ends this match with a Nora-Go-Round for the three.


After the match she grabs a mic.


Nora, “ You see! I’m so sick of “Divas” trying to challenge my title. All of these bimbos who only got hired because they slept with Mr. McMahon sicken me. They are bringing a bad name to the WWF. So it is my personal mission to destroy these bimbos….


She leaves the ring and goes towards the time keeper and tells him to get up. He gets up and grabs the chair and slides it in the ring.


J.R., “Awww come on! Don’t do it Nora!”


She looks over Christy with a sadistic look in her eyes and is about to crack her over the head with a Steel Chair when unfamiliar music hit’s the P.A. but the fans immediately pop when they see that its GINA CARANO! She runs to the ring but as she enters Nora exits to the displeasure from the crowd. She points at the title and makes a motion around her waist.

The camera pans to the parking lot area where an expensive limo pulls up. The driver gets out and slowly walks to the passenger side where he opens up the door. The fans give HUGE heel heat when its revealed that the people are Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Hunter has his shades, his custom suit, and his Rolex watch. He doesn’t look in a very good mood as he shouldn’t be and holding Stephanie’s hand. Matthews attempts to interview him but he just put his hand up in Matthews’ face before walking away.



*An ad for No Way Out of Texas is shown featuring clips of the Elimination Chamber matches at NWOT from 2002 to last year. An unrecognizable voice says, “The most dangerous event of the year. Where the weak can‘t survive and the cowards are at mercy. Can Edge walk out of the Chamber even if there’s No Way Out?” WWF No Way Out of Texas, Live on pay-per-view from Houston, Texas on April, Week 4, 2008.*


The cameras pan to the backstage area where Marc Lloyd is standing next to “Mr. Legitimate” Sean Morley. The fans give Morley a massive pop (mostly from the ladies) He smirks as he’s in wrestling gear with his signature towel ala Samoa Joe style.


Marc, “ I am here with “Mr. Legitimate” Sean Morley and Morley tonight, you will go one on one with “The King of Kings” Triple H and if you win you’ll go on to the Elimination Chamber Match. My question is what are your thoughts going into this match.


Morley, “My thought are simple, Marc. You see I’ve been in the Elimination Chamber Match before and I came out short. This time, I wont let anyone stand in my way of finally becoming the WWF Heavyweight Champion.


Marc, “Also the WWF Universe knows that there’s still bad blood between you and one of Triple H’s protégés ‘Playboy’ John Henn-


Morley, “Don’t finish that statement. Hennigan is nothing but a punk. I just put his ass in the hospital where he belongs. If he has at least half a brain, he’ll know to stay his little egotistical ass at home. Because I Sean Morley and I’ll always leave the ladies craving for…..


The fans finish off his statement by yelling MORE! Morley smirks and then walks off preparing for his match.


The cameras cut to the ring. Suddenly ‘Line In The Sand’ by Motorhead hit’s the P.A. The fans boo The European Champion, Rene Dupree who comes out looking at the crowd with disgust. He flips off one of the fans as they shout abuse at him. He enters the ring and taunts with his championship. Those boos turn into cheers when ‘Around The Stars’ hits the P.A. and Maven comes out. He wastes little time quickly running into the ring and starting the match.


This match was fairly even. Maven rushed in the beginning and legitimately looked like he was going to win the title tonight. A good showing between two men who are dubbed as future WWF headliners. However, things came to a screaming halt when The Nation comes out and attacks Maven giving him the DQ win much to the crowds disapproval. Faarooq grabs a mic.


Faarooq, “All of you ignorant crackas need to shut the hell up and let me speak.”


Huge heat from the crowd. Faarooq keeps his pissed off mood as Maven is on the canvas still hurting from the beating that The Nation just gave him. Faarooq notices that Rene Dupree is still in the ring and Faarooq turns to Dupree ad tells him to “get his Christopher Columbus ass out of his ring”. Dupree without hesitation obliges and quickly leaves as Faarooq continues to speak.


Faarooq, “Maven, you a disgrace to all that is the black community. You side with these fans, you listen to these idiots. You are nothing more than a slave to these people.”


The fans continue to boo as Orlando Jordan and Elijah Burke hold Maven by his arms and Big Mabel and Monty Brown are by Faarooq’s side making sure nobody tries anything stupid.


Faarooq, “You are just a slave and these people are your master. You listen to them and give into their greedy needs and after the travesty that was WrestleMania, I am forced to have to simply end you once and for all!”


The fans continue to boo.


Faarooq, “ That is why I’m proposing a 4 on 4 Survivor Series style match at No Way Out of Texas. If you win we’ll leave your sellout ass alone, but if you lose you have to leave the WWF. I’ll give you one week to respond.”


The fans boo as The Nation leaves as WWF. Raw goes on its third commercial break. When we come back Al Snow is in the middle of the ring. He has a brown button up shirt and a pair of khakis.


Al Snow, “ Ladies and Gentlemen Tough Enough is back and I would like to introduce to you the 8 participants for this years Tough Enough. Come on out boys!”


The 8 participants come out to a small pop as they are unknown to the fans. They enter the ring and stand in a horizontal line.


Snow, “Well I’m going to let them introduce themselves.”


He hands the mic to the first person.


#1, “My name is Robert Roode. I hail from the greatest country on Earth, Canada and I’m planning to win this stupid tournament and going on to bigger and better things.”


The fans boo Roode as he passes the mic down to #2, who looks happy to have the microphone.


#2, “My name is Chris Guy. I’m happy to get a chance to finally make it to the big league after touring in the independent circuit. After this experience hopefully, I can go on to achieve my dream of entertaining each and everyone of you WWF fans!”


The fans cheer as Guy gives the microphone to #3, who is a big muscular looking man. He grabs the mic.


#3, “Well, I’m Dan “The Man Your Lady Loves, But You Cant Stand” Rodman. I come from, Los Angeles, CA and ever since I was born I was a stud while fat slobs like you..”


He points at a rather obese looking man in the front row.


#3, “..Hate me for it. I cant help that I am so naturally gifted with my looks and talent. After I beat these losers, I’m coming for the WWF Championship!”


He hands the mic to competitor #4, who doesn’t look too pleased with what Rodman had to say.


#4, “My name is Jaden Jeter. I’m not here because I won some stupid, little beauty contest. I’m here because I work hard for this opportunity and I wont let my ego get in the way of achieving my goals. I absolutely guarantee that I will work twice as hard to make it as the Tough Enough winner.”


He hands the mic down to #5 who simply smirks.


#5, “My name is Jake Hager. I’m an All-American guy. I think it’s a travesty that the WWF Championship is on a Canadian! Do you know that the likes of Hulk Hogan, Bob Backlund, and Shawn Michaels bled and fought to make sure that filthy immigrants like Bret Hart, Edge, and Chris Benoit keep their filthy Canadian paws off of an AMERICAN Championship. I promise, no, GUARENTEE you when I win, I will represent this company and my country with pride and honor! Thank you!”


The fans boo Hager as he gives the mic to competitor #6 while Robert Roode and competitor #8 look on at Hager not to pleased at the statements that Hager has said.


#6, “My name is Jon Heidenreich. Yeah! I’m always hyped for a fight. Yeah! I like to get in the ZONE! YEAH! I AM BAD TO THE BONE! OH YEAH! YEAH! YEAHHH!”


Heidenreich punches his head and hypes himself up while the others just look at him like he’s crazy. He hands the mic to #7. He utters the words that in another universe gave him a fan following that will be remembered forever.


7, “Hi, I’m Dolph Ziggler.”


Dolph hands the mic to the last contestant.


8, “Aye mon. Me name be Kofi Kingston! I come from da islands of Jam-Rock mon. Me here for me family and at prove once n for all dhat me could make it in dha Dubbya Dubbya Eff!”


Al Snow takes the microphone.


Snow, “Oh I can tell that this Tough Enough season is going to be definitely dynamic. Well those are the contestants. Their first challenge will be on SmackDown! This Friday, only on the USA Network! Thank you!”


The fans give a mixed reaction as the Tough Enough competitors leave and RAW goes on its fourth commercial break. When Raw comes back on the air ‘Simply Nasty’ hit’s the P.A. as The Nasty Boyz come out to a chorus of boos from the crowd. They shout abuse at the fans before rolling into the ring. Suddenly the fans give a huge pop when ‘Brining Da Hood To You’ it’s the P.A. Cryme Tyme comes out and poses for the fans. They high five the fans in the front row before entering the ring and dancing again for the crowd. Those cheer turn into huge heat when ‘Nation’s Anthem’ hit’s the P.A. Out comes Monty Brown and Big Mabel looking very angry and pissed off. They enter the ring. The crowd gives a huge pop when ‘Hart of A Champion’ hit’s the P.A. Bulldog Smith and Theo J. Hart come out along side manager ‘The Mouth of The South’ Jimmy Hart. The team enters the ring and gets the match under way.


This mach was okay. It saw Theo J. Hart and Jerry Sags start off. The first team to be eliminated was the Nasty Boyz after a Pounce by Monty Brown. The second team was Cryme Tyme after Big Mabel hit a choke slam on JTG. The final elimination was between The Bulldogs and The Nation which saw the Bulldogs win after Brown goes for the Pounce on Theo, who ducks. Brown accidentally Pounces Big Mabel causing the big man to fall to the outside. Theo then rolls up Brown to get the three count and the win.


After the match, Mabel and Brown argue about the match. The two stare at each other before Raw goes on another commercial break.


*An ad for No Way Out of Texas is shown featuring clips of the Elimination Chamber matches at NWOT from 2002 to last year. An unrecognizable voice says, “The most dangerous event of the year. Where the weak can‘t survive and the cowards are at mercy. Can Edge walk out of the Chamber even if there’s No Way Out?” WWF No Way Out of Texas, Live on pay-per-view from Houston, Texas on April, Week 4, 2008.*


When we come back the cameras show Chris Benoit warming up for his match against Brock Lesnar.


The fans give a huge pop when ‘Fighter’s Pride’ hit’s the P.A. as Morley gets a huge pop. He comes out to his hometown and waves to the crowd before slapping the hands of some front row fans. He enters the ring and taunts even more before waiting. Suddenly ‘The Game’ by Motorhead hit’s the P.A. as Triple H comes out to a TON of heat from the sold out crowd. The fans boo him every step that the man takes. He walks down with a water bottle in hand and Stephanie in the other. Triple H enters the ring and the match stars off.


Solid match from two solid competitors. The pace of this match was a slow old school style of wrestling. The beginning saw Triple H on offence but as the match became longer, Sean Morley started to get the advantage. Really even match, until Morley accidentally knocked out the referee with a clothesline. Morley tried to wake up the ref but it was no use. Hunter tried to hit Morley with a Sledgehammer but Morley ducked and clotheslined Hunter before hitting the Money Shot. However the ref was still knocked out. As Morley tried to wake up the ref again one of the cameramen entered the ring and blasted Morley with the camera. The man reveal himself to be John Hennigan. Hennigan put Hunter’s arm over Morley and left as another referee came and gave Triple H the win.


The cameras switched to the titantron where Kenn Morrison is. Morrison gets the heat of the night as he smirks with a microphone in hand.


Kenn, “For the past 24 hours everyone is asking me why did I do it? Why did I turn my back on perhaps the GREATEST entertainer of all time?


The fans boo.


Kenn, “When I was in junior high, all I ever heard was that wrestling was so cool. So one day I was at my friends house and we were watching Monday Night Raw and I saw a man that would change my life forever. His name? The Rock.


The crowd is silent as Morrison paces back and forth smirking.


Kenn, “His charisma and the way he could get a crowd going, I knew I wanted, no. I HAD to be just like him. So I started to train to become a wrestler. Every night I would tune in to Monday Night Raw and be encouraged when the Rock came on and verbally destroyed someone or when he would physically destroy someone. It motivated me to be the absolute best wrestler to be BETTER than the Rock.


Morrison reaches into one of the pockets in his leather jacket and pulls out a cigarette box. He gets a cigarette lights it and starts to smoke.


Kenn, “I finally got signed by the WWF in a development deal and I trained and trained saying to myself I’m going to be just like him. So I get called up and I turn into everyone’s favorite “rock star” Kenn Morrison.”


Kenn starts to get angry.


Kenn, “One night I saw The Rock in the locker room. I asked him for an autograph and you know what he did? He simply brushed me off like I didn’t matter. But I simply realized that The Rock has been and always will be a corrupt BASTARD!


Kenn is red in the face and explodes into anger.




Kenn starts to smirk a little bit,


Kenn, “But I know you’re watching this alone at your homed because your too embarrassed to watch it with your family. I want you to move up real close to the TV screen and look at me. Look at me, Rock! Look at my smile! It’s just as arrogant as yours! It pisses you off, doesn’t it? It pisses you off to know that your time has passed and my time has come! It pisses you off that in five years, I’ll still be wrestling and have a bigger legacy than yours while in five years, you will have a hard time finding roles in a B star Movie that will just go straight to DVD. It sucks, doesn’t it? It hurts you to know that tonight the official era of Morrison is h-


Before Kenn could finish that statement, Samoa Joe charges in and assaults Kenn Morrison. The two brawl nearly destroying the whole entire set as Raw is War goes on its last commercial break.


When we come back the cameras cut to the backstage area where Maria is along with WWF Intercontinental Champion, ‘The Masterpiece’ Chris Mordetsky who doest look too happy.


Maria, “Hey WWF Universe, I am Maria and I’m wi-”


Chris snatches the microphone out of Maria’s hands.


Chris, “Enough you dumb broad. I’m going to make this short and sweet. Razor Ramon! You STOLE MY Money In The Bank briefcase! So what I’m issuing is a challenge! My Intercontinental Championship against your Briefcase winner takes all. I’ll give you until SmackDown to think about it.


The fans give a huge pop when Ramon comes face to face with Mordetsky and utters two simple words.


Ramon, “I accept.”


Ramon leaves as the cameras cut to the ring. The fans give a deafening ovation when ’Whatever’ by Our Lady Peace hit’s the P.A. Chris Benoit comes out and poses for the fans before entering the ring. Suddenly those cheers turn into outrageous heel heat when the remixed version of ’Iron Man’ hit’s the P.A. Lesnar comes out not looking happy as he runs to the ring and starts the match.


This match was a great main event match. The opening as usual was all Lesnar but Benoit was able to capitalize on an opening and got some offence in. However Lesnar ducked a close line and hit Benoit with the F-5 for the win.


After the match Lesnar celebrates in the ring before yelling into the camera, “THAT’S GONNA BE YOU EDGE!”


J.R., “Impressive victory by Lesnar to qualify himself for the Elimination Chamber. I just hope that Edge is able to handle himself in the Chamber.”


Piper, “Oh most definitely. I don’t give a rats ass who wins, as long as it’s not Brock “Roids R Us” Lesnar.


J.R. ,"Well I’m Jim Ross and we’ll see you next week on Raw Is War!”


Quick Results:

Don Frye defeated William Regal

Nora Holly defeated Christy Hemme

Rene Dupree defeated Maven to Retain WWF European Championship

Stampede Bulldogs defeated The Nasty Boys, Cryme Tyme and The Nation

Triple H defeated Sean Morley

Brock Lesnar defeated Chris Benoit

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