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America's on Fire

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Why yes, I do have the attention span of a newt...


Ring of Fire: USA








Charles Avatar

Eric Tyler

Frankie Perez

JD Morgan

Remmy Skye

Shooter Sean Deeley




Brandon Smith

Joey Poison

Lobo Blanco

Henry Bennett

Insane Machine

Rafeal Ruiz

UK Dragon




Cal Sanders

Kashmir Singh

Kirk Jameson

Marc Speed

Nathan Black

Zeus Maxmillion





JAN Ignition

FEB Back at It!

MAR King of Fire

APR Indestructible

MAY Our Time

JUN Tournament of the Sun

JUL Rising Sun

AUG Shatterstorm

SEP U! S! A!

OCT They Came in the Darkness

NOV Eclipse

DEC Tournament of the Moon






ROFUSA American




Tournament of the Sun


Tournament of the Mon

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Charles Avatar was pretty down around the end of 2007. DaVE was dead. How was Avatar supposed to get a steady cashflow with wrestling? He knew he had the talent. He knew he had the charisma. Why would no one take that chance! Not even FCW!


That's why when he got a voice message from a mentor of his, JD Morgan, he listened as soon as possible. He had the utmost respect for the man, and he hoped Morgan felt the same way. The message itself, was kind of funny.


"Chucky! Tyler's bat**** insane. The book is yours."


It looked as if the start of 2008 was going to be at least more eventful than 2007.


Avatar called back and left a message of his own.


"Jeff, where can I sign?"




The coffee house was packed, and there was the occasonal point and "that's JD Morgan" from a stranger, but all in all it was a good place to have a meeting. The barista, Lindsay, actually delivered the drinks to JD and Charles. Charles had gone here a lot recently, so she knew he was a regular, and a good tipper.


JD smirked at his friend. "You getting that?"


Charles shook his head regretfully. No, he wasn't getting that at all.


"Too bad. Anyway, I'm sittin' there, working for Mitchy Powertrip in Pittsburgh, when I get a call from Robert Brown. You know, Brit Sam. Aparantly ROF's been hot over in the motherland. Pardon the pun."


They shared a laugh and took sips from there coffees. Charles kicked the story back up, "So, Samurai's making money in England, why am I here with you?"


"Chucky, Sam wants to open up a bigger market. He wants to get a foothold in the US. He called me to offer me money. A lot. Some settlement from a lawsuit he won versus Nova. Jeff Nova. You probably don't know him, but he's kind of a big deal. Anyway, he wants me to mirror ROF, but in America."


He sips slow. "Even gave me Eric Tyler to run the book."


The two sit in silence for a while. They had both been there while Tyler was fracturing the backstage of DaVE, saying how Phil V had lost it. How Tyler and Caulfield could run this place better, even though Caulfield himself just wanted to wrestle.


JD sighed after a few moments. "He's trying to make this DaVE 2.0. I told Sam and he removed him from his post. He's still with the company, but is pretty damn disgruntled."


Morgan shrugs visibly, and a twenty something asks for an autograph from JD. He obliges, and thanks the fan, telling him to look out for ROFUSA.


"Anyway, Chucky, jobs yours. I've got full control of ROFUSA now, and I want you by my side. Me and you, we'll make Sam proud."

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ROFUSA Ignition


Lobo Blanco vs. Henry Bennett

Joey Poison vs. UK Dragon - American Title

Kirk Jameson vs. Nathan Black

Marc Speed vs. Rafeal Ruiz

American Wrecking Machines (Brandon Smith and Insane Machine) vs. Beautiful Blonds (Kashmir Singh and Insane Machine) - Tag Title

Charles Avatar vs. JD Morgan

Remmy Skye vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Eric Tyler vs. Frankie Perez

(Skye/Deeley) vs. (Tyler/Perez) - World Title

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Lobo Blanco vs. Henry Bennett

Bennett's the only one I'm aware of..


Joey Poison vs. UK Dragon - American Title

UK winning it would kinda be an oxymoron, wouldn't it? :p Plus, Poison's surely the bigger name in the states, so that's better for the belt.


Kirk Jameson vs. Nathan Black

I don't beleive I've heard of Black. But Jameson looks to have a bright future.


Marc Speed vs. Rafeal Ruiz

Again, picking the one I'm aware of. Speed's a pretty good find for a smaller company, and would probably fit in with the UK style well.


American Wrecking Machines (Brandon Smith and Insane Machine) vs. Beautiful Blonds (Kashmir Singh and Insane Machine) - Tag Title

So I guess it's a definate that Insane Machine's walking out with a Tag Title, but with which partner? Hmm.. :p


Charles Avatar vs. JD Morgan

A booker probably shouldn't be pushing themselves very hard at the beggining of their tenure. Wait until you earn everyone's respect as a performer before you pull the trigger on yourself.


Remmy Skye vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

You know, I was going to pick Skye for sure, but when I thought about my other pick, I thought the finals seemed like a more natural match-up.


Eric Tyler vs. Frankie Perez

Hence. I just can't see Perez taking down Tyler here. He's VERY popular, man, he hasn't won a single match yet in my TCW diary, and he still Auto-pushes to Main Eventer.


Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Eric Tyler - World Title

Same reason as above, I don't think he'd take this loss very well. Plus, Eric Tyler's a good fit for first champion, he gives it some prestige. A strong first World Champion is very important.



Wow, think you booked enough matches? What size is this event? I'm pretty sure Small and Medium don't allow for four hour shows.. :p

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Two hours. No angles. 10-20 minute matches. It's kind of how all my events are (simmed through September).


Also, please know that the Insane Machine in the Blonds is Zeus Maxmillion. Perhaps he'll wear a Machine mask to the ring? No, probably not...

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Two hours. No angles. 10-20 minute matches. It's kind of how all my events are (simmed through September).


Also, please know that the Insane Machine in the Blonds is Zeus Maxmillion. Perhaps he'll wear a Machine mask to the ring? No, probably not...


Maybe Zeus wins the match, and then pulls a WCW Jericho, wearing Machine's mask as a necklace for the next few weeks?

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ROFUSA Ignition


JD Morgan defeated Charles Avatar


Chuck's Notes: JD absolutely would not take a loss in the first show, so I took the bullet for the locker room. We went out and almost stole the show to start with, getting all 11 people on there feet. Yep, 11. I fired the advertising department after the show.




UK Dragon defeated Joey Poison for the ROF USA American title


Chuck's Notes: Boy I was expecting better from Poison. Wasn't terrible, but ... boy I was expecting better. Dragon getting a title belt was a sort of 'thank you' to British Samurai. Plus he's dependable.




Kirk Jameson defeated Nathan Black


Chuck's Notes: This is where the difference in watching someone train and watching the match is. In training, Jameson looked golden. In the match, he looked sluggish and botch-tastic. I think I booked the wrong person to win...




Rafael Ruiz vs. Marc Speed


Chuck's Notes: I have plans for both these guys, and they rewarded me with the best match of the midcard. Better than an uppercard match to. The Mexican and Californian technicians both impress, but Ruiz gets the win.




American Wrecking Machines defeated Beautiful Blonds for the ROF USA Tag titles.


Chuck's Notes: I hate tag matches. There I said it. I didn't get to put my finger on exactly who slowed this match down. Both Singh and Zeus underperformed in my opinion, and I can't see why FCW's so high on them...




Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Remmy Skye


Chuck's Notes: It's about now when I'm thinking 'I'm gonna get fired'. I sold JD on Skye. I pushed big plans for Deeley. My return investment: this crap...




Eric Tyler defeated Frankie Perez


Chuck's Notes: Say what you will (and I will) Tyler can perform. It helps that Perez is a natural talent, and the two lift the crowd back up. Maybe I can give Perez Deeley's push...




Eric Tyler defeated Shooter Sean Deeley for the ROF USA World title


Chuck's Notes: Holy renewing faith! Deeley can wrestle! Tyler outdoes his last match, and the two put on a classic, one fitting to be the main event of ROFUSA's first show. Probably saved my job too.




Henry Bennett defeated Lobo Blanco


Chuck's Notes: Wait, why's Bennett coming to the ring? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-




Show Overall: D


Chuck's Notes: -uuuuuuuuuuuck!

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Accidental bad match placement is bad.. :p



I did pretty well on predictions. UK Dragon's title win surprised me, but I did get the tournament right completely. Good first choice for champ. Reminds me of Steve Flash being the world champ of NYCW - he may be one of the oldest on the roster, but he's also the only one on it who can wrestle at a main event calibre, so really, who else do you go with..? :p

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Accidental Bad Match placement is bad.. :p



I did pretty well on predictions. UK Dragon's title win surprised me, but I did get the tournament right completely. Good first choice for champ. Reminds me of Steve Flash being the world champ of NYCW - he may be one of the oldest on the roster, but he's also the only one on it who can wrestle at a main event calibre, so really, who else do you go with..? :p


Plus it leads to Tyler being "untouchable" and nearly unbeatable, due to beating two better Uppercarders in one night.


Who's going to be able to take the belt off Tyler?

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Speaking of useless wreslters, SPOILER


Bear Bekowski wrestles in a C- match at Supreme Challange 28.


Who managed that out of him? Faith? Money? McFly?


But Tana, useless? C'mon..Tana may very well be the most under-rated man of the C-Verse. His rumble is as good as Ricky Dale Johnson's, and his Entertainment is at "B". The Rikishi stereotyping hurts him so badly, it's not even funny..


And speaking of not even funny, I think I'll just get this out of the way early,



OCT They Came in the Darkness





..Maturity is for the weak! :p

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Who managed that out of him? Faith? Money? McFly?


But Tana, useless? C'mon..Tana may very well be the most under-rated man of the C-Verse. His rumble is as good as Ricky Dale Johnson's, and his Entertainment is at "B". The Rikishi stereotyping hurts him so badly, it's not even funny..


And speaking of not even funny, I think I'll just get this out of the way early,








..Maturity is for the weak! :p


Elmo Benson.

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Shooter Sean Deeley vs. Remmy Skye


Chuck's Notes: It's about now when I'm thinking 'I'm gonna get fired'. I sold JD on Skye. I pushed big plans for Deeley. My return investment: this crap...




You realize both these guys are like E or less popularity in the US. A D match is actually really good for them. As a matter of fact half your undercard put on great matches in comparison to how over they are. Yes you are probably using a product that is more performance than overness but even so this is a good match.


Other than that good show. I'll be trying to keep up now that I'm back on the boards more.

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But Tana, useless? C'mon..Tana may very well be the most under-rated man of the C-Verse. His rumble is as good as Ricky Dale Johnson's, and his Entertainment is at "B". The Rikishi stereotyping hurts him so badly, it's not even funny.


Tana is actually pretty good. His only drawback is his inability to wrestle longer than 7 minutes. If you keep him under that he can wrestle C and C+ matches with halfway decent guys and B- with guys better than him. Have him wrestle long enough and his stamina goes up to something respectable.

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You realize both these guys are like E or less popularity in the US. A D match is actually really good for them. As a matter of fact half your undercard put on great matches in comparison to how over they are. Yes you are probably using a product that is more performance than overness but even so this is a good match.


Other than that good show. I'll be trying to keep up now that I'm back on the boards more.


I know that, but to Chucky it would seem like two people in his "Uppercard" just had a match less than two Midcarders at best (Ruiz v. Speed). Not to mention I'm paying Deeley and Skye close to a grand, with Ruiz and Speed getting around 500, and he was disappointing.


I, however, know it's going to be a bit of time before either one of these can be where I want them.

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ROFUSA Back At It!


Cal Sanders vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Nathan Black

Joey Poison vs. Marc Speed

UK Dragon © vs. Zues Maximillion - ROFUSA American Title

American Wrecking Machines © vs. Technico Trouble (Henry Bennett and Rafael Ruiz) - ROFUSA Tag Title

Charles Avatar vs. Remmy Skye

Frankie Perez vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Eric Tyler © vs. JD Morgan ROFUSA World

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Cal Sanders vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Nathan Black

Biggest name in the match, as far as I know..


Joey Poison vs. Marc Speed

Speed did better for you on the last show then Poison did, so I see him being awarded this match.


UK Dragon © vs. Zues Maximillion - ROFUSA American Title

Not losing it that fast..


American Wrecking Machines © vs. Technico Trouble (Henry Bennett and Rafael Ruiz) - ROFUSA Tag Title

Same as above.


Charles Avatar vs. Remmy Skye

Skye's a tad too big to be the first one Avatar beats.


Frankie Perez vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Deeley made it to the finals last show, so that means he currently out-ranks Perez on the push scale. Plus, this could help set up for a potential rematch.


Eric Tyler © vs. JD Morgan ROFUSA World

This one should be pretty good. But again, definately don't see the reigns ending immediately.

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Cal Sanders vs. Lobo Blanco vs. Nathan Black

I love this guy I can't say enough good things about Cal Sanders. Although the other two guys in the match are way more over than he is I'd slipp the ref some cash jsut to see him win.


Joey Poison vs. Marc Speed

I used to be really big on Joey as 4C was one of my favorite promotions but I really think Speed has what it takes to excel in the RoF environment.


UK Dragon © vs. Zues Maximillion - ROFUSA American Title

Not a big Maxmillion fan and UK Dragon is by far the better worker.


American Wrecking Machines © vs. Technico Trouble (Henry Bennett and Rafael Ruiz) - ROFUSA Tag Title

Not gonna lose the titles right off plus I like both guys on AWM, although more as singles wrestlers.


Charles Avatar vs. Remmy Skye

Right now you're a better more over worker than Skye so he'll take the loss and like it.


Frankie Perez vs. Shooter Sean Deeley

Draw these guys are both great and this may lead to a tag match with Tyler and Morgan in some form a three way against Tyler or a four way with both Tyler and Morgan.


Eric Tyler © vs. JD Morgan ROFUSA World

This match should be good on paper but so should have my Morgan vs Steve Flash match and well that tanked.

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