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Id like to hear some of your guy's products. I'm testing out products trying to figure out what works best for my booking style. So basically post your product and then list the pros and cons of it.


I'm using Remi's 07 product but I'm looking to find something that helps angles out more.



Cant wait to see what you guys post.

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Remi, what do you think of my product tweaks? I rocked the USA with it easily thanks to pulling some indy stars and Eastern Wrestlers to my company, which owned the product. Hell Monkey literally broke out, and he was my first ever wrestler to reach A* that wasn't already at least a C+ (I lose the desire to push certain people).


The original one I posted for 07 was basically 'Cutting Edge' from 05 so it gives you a wide range of options as far as workers and creative directions. You just personalized it to fit your own style, which is the whole point. :)


What I think of the tweaks you made isn't important. What is important is, are you getting the results you want without having to tear your hair out figuring out how to book it? That's basically the key to it all. Finding a product that allows you to book in the way you like best.


Does tag team wrestling do ok in either of those products.Tag teams are my weak point. :o


Remi, your products seems hard to roll with. Is it good to cult and a vocal fanbase?


Tag teams are most often a focus of mine. Having a look at any of my rosters would kinda tell that story. There isn't a particular product that's going to favor tag teams due to the way the game works (tag team experience is VERY important for results, unless you're putting together two HUGELY over workers ala Two Man Power Trip/Rock & Sock). But if you put two fair to good workers together in a team, with neutral or better chemistry, and you let them tag regularly, you'll find their results get better as they earn more experience.


Now, whether vocal fanbases are 'good' or not is a personal thing. Here's one thing you have to keep in mind. Vocal fanbases tell you what's already going on. For example, if your vocal crowd hates a worker, isn't it best to know this rather than have to guess why that worker always gets crappy results? If you don't want the vocal crowd, reduce the mainstream (or cult) to low. I use that as my base product because it allows me to use (and get the most out of) workers who have skill OR overness, since it's fairly rare for women workers to have both. So those workers who are skilled can do well and those who aren't skilled but are over, can also do well. 90% of the time though, I take mainstream down a notch and bring it back up years later (easier to find skilled workers in the C-Verse than over ones). For real world mods, I go with the base products since many mods tend to....inflate WWE diva overness. So when WWE does the day one purge, I can add a few of them and not have to sacrifice anything.


Oh yeah and in 08, your product has little to do with how well angles perform. That's where your match ratio comes in. Turn it to 80% and it allows you to fill up to 30% (or as little as 10%) of your show's time with angles. How those angles do depends on what they're rated on and how your workers rate in those areas. Try to tailor your angles to what your workers are best at.

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