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WCW 1999: We Three Kings

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The Bluebloods vs The Icemen - At the moment, I feel the need for Icemen. You see, yesterday it was 43 degrees celcius here (which I think is about 110 farenheit for those who are still using dot matrix printers and the old measurement systems), so an Icemen moment would go down rather well down under....


Randy Savage vs Chris Kanyon - I feel an upset. KANYON KUTTER! KANYON KUTTER!


Sting vs El Dandy and Norman Smiley for the WCW Heavyweight Championship - El Slim Shady and Norman Smiley eh? The only way El Slim Shady gets the win tonight is if the real Slim Shady please stands up, comes to the ring with Kim Kardashian and... well. She pulls off the bronco buster that flattens Stinger's face in...


Rey Mysterio Jnr. vs Psychosis - Rey is cool, Psychosis is a fool. If I didn't tip Rey I'd be a tool...


Berlyn vs Chris Benoit - I like Berlyn. Berlyn likes me. We are so gay and happy. With a knick knack paddy whack give the dog a bone, I'd love to tip Berlyn but I won't.


Bret Hart and DDP vs Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett - I'll go Page. I think Page will reinherit K.I.T.T and put it into hyper drive. K.I.T.T will go one on one with Jarrett's forklift, but Jarrett's forklift will spring a flat tyre, and K.I.T.T will go over. Bret Hart and Page will pash to celebrate.


The Steiner Brothers and Booker T vs Sid Vicious and The Tequila Slammers - You know my feelings on the Tequila Slammers. If there's one thing I like more than throwing the leg over it's a Tequila Slammer. But sadly I can't pick them here, not when my reputation is at stake!


I feel I'll lose at least two of these matches. But what have I got to lose? My reputation? My sanity? Will I become addicted to booze to compensate for losing my first place?

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thought I had posted my picks already, but guess not.


The Bluebloods vs The Icemen



Randy Savage vs Chris Kanyon



Sting vs El Dandy and Norman Smiley for the WCW Heavyweight Championship

Sting overcomes the odds


Rey Mysterio Jnr. vs Psychosis


Berlyn vs Chris Benoit

everyone picks Benoit, so I'll go another direction. maybe by COR (or schoolboy roll-up when Eddy gets involved) - then Benoit's partner shows up. they brawl, and Alex scores a huge win/ my upset pick of the week


Bret Hart and DDP vs Scott Hall and Jeff Jarrett


The Steiner Brothers and Booker T vs Sid Vicious and The Tequila Slammers Sid should rule T's world

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WCW presents, in association with Fruitofthemonth.com, proudly presents...

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name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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WCW Thunder starts with a video package highlighting the number one contender tournament and Goldberg's protracted course to his title shot. The video ends with the words that ended Nitro;






TONY- Welcome one and all to WCW Thunder! Live, once again, from The Trump Taj Mahal in the heart of Atlantic City! For those of you without the benefit of 56k dial up, Ric Flair and Donald Trump have collaberated to come up with a special 'Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal,' edition of Thunder!


BOBBY- That's right Tony! Stipulations for all of tonights matchups will be decided by a single spin of this very wheel!

The wheel is shown spinning in the ring with Torrie Wilson and Miss Elizabeth on each side.


TONY- And what a wide array of 'interesting' stipulations there are on the wheel, Bobby! We could see everything from falls count anywhere to flag matches to pillow fights right here in the ring tonight!



Their chit-chat is interupted by the familiar strains of Governor Flairs entrance theme. The Governor makes his way down the ramp with a broad smile across his face, clearly he is pleased with himself.


Does Atlantic City have the stamina to go two nights a week baby or what?!

The crowd cheer the obvious cheap plug


Forgive me if I appear a little smug tonight, but The Nature Boy...whoooo....just loves it when a plan comes together! I know, I know, I should be impartial, but in my eyes Bill Goldberg earned the honour of facing Sting at Halloween Havoc...and not only that...he's going to DEFEAT Sting at Halloween Havoc!


Now, on to tonight, Atlantic City! As you've no doubt heard by now, it's the show everybody's been talking about, the special 'Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal' edition of Thunder! My two, whooo, glamorous assistants Torrie and Elizabeth will be the official spinners this evening...and what better way to start than with tonights main event...I'm talking about Bret Hart and DDP vs Jeff Jarrett and Scott Hall! So ladies, without further ado, will you please spin the wheel...and make the deal!

Liz and Torrie grab the wheel and give it a big old spin....around and round and round it goes, where it stops, nobody kno....oh wait.


Alright! Tonights main event...will be a submission match!



Whoa! A submission match!




Is that wheel rigged? What a crock! Ric Flair weighted the wheel to favour Bret Hart and his Sharpshooter!


TONY- Don't forget that Jeff Jarrett is ver proficient with The Figure Four, a manouvre made famous by Ric Flair himself!




WCW Champion Sting casually walks down the ramp as the crowd boo him mercilessly. He slowly enters the ring, stonyfaced.


FLAIR- Well if it isn't the soon to be ex WCW Champion! I'm actually glad you came out here, champ, because I was just about to spin the wheel for your match tonight. Ladies?


Sting jumps in front of Torrie and Liz, stopping them from spinning the wheel.


STING- I don't care what you say, Flair, I do not and will not recognise that joke Bill Goldberg as number one contender to my WCW title! Tonight, I put this sexy, shiny slice of one hundred percent, grade A, deep fried, obscene, twenty four and a half carat world heavyweight championship gold around my perfectly formed waist on the line...against not one, but two opponents each more deserving than Bill Goldberg. Tonight, El Dandy and Norman Smiley get their opportunity of a lifetime! Given the seriousness of the situation, I demand that you allow me, the current, reigning and defending champion, the opportunity to spin the wheel myself.

Flair nods and the two women step aside. Sting lines up the wheel and spins it slowly. It clicks its way round and round, before stopping on...


FLAIR- Be careful what you wish for, bucko, because coming up next you will defend your title against Norman Smiley and El Dandy...in a blindfold match!




The announcers point out that this is a handicap match, and that El Dandy or Norman Smiley must pin Sting to win the championship, they cannot pin each other. What a dangerous match for Sting to be involved in so close to Halloween Havoc! A match that has a larger slice of luck attached than most giving it's unique stipulation. With some trepidation, Sting pulls the blindfold over his face, as do his opponents. The bell rings and Smiley and Dandy charge towards the center or the ring whilst Sting backs up and takes a breather. Smiley and Dandy proceed to attack each other, not knowing that Sting has now left the ring and is standing on the apron! Smiley and Dandy feel their way around the ring as the crowd try to clue them in on whats going on, but to no avail. Smiley grabs hold of El Dandy now...and whips him into the ropes, knocking Sting clean off the apron!


Sting gets to his feet and rips off the blindfold, leaving the referee no choice but to call for the DQ. Unsure what is going on, Dandy and Smiley stumble around the ring...until Sting enters and dismantles them both! Stinger splash to both men! Sting puts Dandy in the scorpion deathlock and cinches it way back as the time keeper furiously rings the bell! Finally, after becoming satisfied with the carnage he has caused, Sting releases the hold.


Here are your winners by disqualification: Norman Smiley and El Dandy

After the match, Sting grabs a microphone from ringside.


Once again, Ric Flair, you show these people the limitations of your power! Nobody can make me participate in such a shallow ratings ploy such as the show you have put together tonight! Let the records show that my DQ loss tonight was in protest to the inept, shambolic governorship of WCW! Your admitted bias, Flair, is just another bullet in the loaded gun I have pointed at your head. What you did on monday, bringing your WCW army to ringside, was nothing short of embarrassing and inappropriate. How can you expect a world class athelete such as Jeff Jarrett to compete to the best of his abilities in such a hostile environment?


But alas, whats done is done. Allow me to fast forward to tonight, and your comments to open the show, Flair. You, and all these morally and financially bankrupt idiots in Atlantic City have already wrote my death warrant. You morons realy believe that the reprehensible Bill Goldberg only has to turn up at Halloween Havoc to claim MY title! Well allow me to give you a reality check. You see, the fun and games end tonight! Bill Goldberg and Ric Flair are going to find out first hand that when I say I'm untouchable, it isn't an empty promise. At Halloween Havoc, with the greatest prize in professional wrestling on the line, Goldberg and Sting go to war!


Sting replaces the blindfold over his head.


Have you ever heard the term 'fog of war,' Bill? It's a term used to describe the level of ambiguity in situational awareness...sorry if I'm going to fast for you. On Sunday night, Bill, you're going to be blinded. Blinded by your own hype, blinded by the level of expectation these sycophants have for you, living their own miserable lives vicariously through you. You're blind to the true level of my talents, and blind to the weapons I have in my arsenal. You will see the light at Halloween Havoc, Bill, but it will be too late! You'll see the light, when you're staring up at the ceiling, listening to the referee count...one....two....thr.........



All of a sudden, Golderg rushes to the ring as the crowd go wild! The blindfolded Sting is oblivious as Goldberg jumps into the ring and....SPEAR TO STING! Goldberg just speared Sting out of his boot and is motioning to the crowd that come sunday, there's going to be a NEW world champion!




Oh my god! Sting never saw it coming! Goldberg just drilled a hole right through the champs abdomen!




What a cheap shot from that coward! Sting was wearing a blindfold! I hope Sting takes that over grown gorilla down to size on sunday!


Meanwhile, the wheel has been moved backstage to Flairs office, where he is joined by Sid and The Tequila Slammers. We join with the wheel in motion, and the three men watch it spin around and around. It finally comes to a stop...




SID- Who the hell is Luca Libra??


KONNAN- Hold up, esse, that's 'lucha libre!'


SID- Lucha Libre?


BAM BAM- You know, like what they do down Mexico way...


SID- Wait...you mean...I gotta wrestle like one of those flippy floppy immigrants!?


KONNAN- Hey, not cool, dawg! Look, all it means is that we dont gotta tag in and out. If anybody gets knocked out of the ring, somebody else just takes their place esse! Just follow my lead, ok?


SID- As long as I get my hands Booker and The Steiners, I don't give a rats ass what kind of match it is! Come...tell me more about this Lucas Leeway...




After a short break, Chris Kanyon and Randy Savage make the way to the ring for their match. With both men in the ring, the big screen shows Flair in his office next to the wheel. He gives it a big spin, and it lands on...


A capture the midget match!




Kanyon and Savage just look at each other dumbfounded. Flair tells them that the object of the match is simply to capture the midget. Both men clearly think the situation ridiculous...until Kanyon races from the ring in hot pursuit....followed hot on his heels by Savage!



As Kanyon and Savage continue their chase for the midget, Chris Daniels comes to the ring in a sharp suit and shades, with a head microphone attached to himself.


Alright Atlantic City! How are we all doing tonight...wait, don't answer that. I know all about your pathetic little existence, but don't despair, because Chris Daniels is here to help! What better place than the seminar capital of America to start my own series of lectures, ' Don't Get Done, Get Daniels!' That's right, Atlantic City! You lucky people have the distinguished honour to be in the audience for my first motivational session. Please do not rush to the ring to pay me, the price is included in your ticket.


Now...let me take you back to the start of my WCW career and my first ever match against Norman Smiley. A back and fourth encounter that had a somewhat controversial ending. Some, such as Dusty Rhodes, said I had cheated my way to victory. Let me ask you something, Atlantic City, is it really cheating to grasp an opportunity that's yours for the taking? If you had the...'tools' to get what you wanted, wouldn't you use them to their fullest?


You see, all of you in the audience tonight, and all the people behind that curtain...well, you're all sheep. You follow the herd, never straying for fear of being ostracized from the group. You people may think you are in control of your destinies but nothing could be further from the truth. Only a true wolf, such as myself, has the power and the desire to make a life worth living.


At this point, I'd like to offer one of you an opportunity. One of you bleating, braindead sheep is going to get the opportunity to become a wolf! Do I have any volunteers.

A young man in an nWo t-shirt is pulled from the audience and taken to the ring.


Wow...this, ladies and gentlemen, is a classic example of a sheep! Just look at him! Did you buy that t-shirt because all your friends had one? Anyway, all is not lost, because tonight you can become a wolf.


Daniels pulls out a wad of cash from his pocket


I have in my hand one thousand US dollars. You can take this money home with you tonight, and all you have to do to get it is something that no sheep would ever dare. You have to break the status quo, my friend, and raise a little hell! I want you...to punch me square in the face for one thousand dollars!


The man looks confused. The crowd plead with him to do it! Daniels closes his eyes and sticks out his chin, but the man cannot bring himself to do it.


See! Even though I literally offered myself up on a plate, the sheep will never attack a wolf for their own personal gain! You, sir, will never succeed in life until you break free from the herd and blaze your own trail, and luckily for you it is not too late! For the low, low price of $59.99, you can be a proud member of the 'Dont Get Done, Get Daniels,' scheme, where we teach people like you how to become more like me...Please, give a warm round of applause to my volunteer...I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?


Daniels leans in and the man begins to tell him his name...but Daniels hits him with a clothesline! Daniels stomps on the fallen man, before kicking him out of the ring and raising his own hands high!


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you're all pathetic sheep...and I'm a born wolf! Thankyou...thankyou very much!



Meanwhile, Savage and Kanyon have followed the midget outside the arena!


SAVAGE- Come out, come out, where ever you are.....Uncle Savage has got a slim jim for ya, diggit!

The Midget runs out from under an upturned trashcan and back through the sidedoor, closing it behind him, leaving Savage and Kanyon banging on the door to come back in!



After a short break, we return to the ring, where Rey and Psychosis are ready for action. The ladies spin the wheel...and we have ourselves a first blood match!


The usual cruiserweight style is interspersed by brawling all the way around the ringside area as each man tries to make their opponent bleed! This makes for an awkward bout that the fans unfortunately failed to get into. As the matched reaches its climax, the arena lights dimmed, and a red spotlight settled over the battered bodies of Psychosis and Rey. Another message began to play over the big screen as eerie music filled the arena


All will be seen


When fires burn bright


On this Halloween


Prepare for the sight


Be your heart black


Be your soul good


Be warned the attack


Flow rivers of blood!


Suddenly, a bloodbath rains down on the two cruiserweights, covering them from head to toe in crimson! The lights return to normal and the ref has no choice but to throw the match out!

This contest has been ruled a double disqualification




What in the world just happened Brain! I'm in total shock...




As long as that...stuff...stays away from me, I don't care what those immigrants want to swim around in! Maybe thats what makes them so flexible?





As the match begins, Sid still seems somewhat confused by the concept of the match, but is ready to get his hands on his opponents. Rick Steiner starts the match and wants Sid to join him, but he gets Bam Bam instead. Rick gets the better of him and tosses him from the ring and tells Sid to get his ass in the ring, but Sid sends Konnan. Rick does the same to Konnan and now Sid has no choice! Ricks emotions get the better of him however, and he falls prey to a low kick!


The heels take control of the match, keeping Rick Steiner isolated as much as they can, until Rick gets a desperation tag to Scott! Scott lights up all three men with thunderous chops and punches! He belly to belly suplexes Konnan, and attempts the same on Sid...but Bam Bam cuts him off! They regain some control, now keeping Scott in the their corner, and the match falls into a simular pattern.


Eventually, Booker T gets into the match and manages to hit Bam Bam with an axe kick! Here it comes.....SPINAROONIE! The crowd goes wild...until Sid hits him with a big boot and out of the ring! Rick Steiner takes his place and rushes straight at Sid, taking him down to the mat and continuously pummelling Sid with punches! The ref asks him to stop but Rick is having none of it! The ref begins to count towards a disqualification, and would have got there if Scott hadn't pulled his brother off the battered Sid! Sid rolls out of the ring allowing K-dawg to sneak in and hit a mule kick and the K-factor on Rick! He goes for the pin...1....2...but Scott breaks the pin! Booker T enters the ring as the match descends into chaos. Booker hits the bookend on Konnan! Bam Bam tries to exact revenge but The Steiners cut him off...Steiner Device to Bam Bam! They bundle him out of the ring as booker covers Konnan....1....2......3! Booker wins!


Here are your winners, Booker T and The Steiner Brothers!






What a match! I struggled to keep up with all the action in that one brain!



Yeah, well you'd struggle to keep up with a slow-motion replay of the Siberian mid-winter slow-race championships, dead slug division, Tony! I followed it all perfectly thankyou!


TONY- I didn't hear you calling any of the moves?


BOBBY- That's your job, moron! I'm just here to make you look good!


TONY- In any case, lets kick it to the back, where Mean Gene is standing by with the number one contender!



Thanks guys, as you quite rightly stated, I'm here with the undisputed number one contender for Stings World Title, the one and only Bill Goldberg! You've defeated Hugh Morrus, Scott Steiner, Chris Benoit, and lastly, Jeff Jarrett to get this far, but my question to you is, do you have enough left in the tank to go on and defeat Sting at Halloween Havoc.




Goldberg just stares a hole through Gene before walking off camera.


GENE- Hey, wait a minute, just a few words for your fans Bill...


Gene chases after but clearly Goldberg is not in a talkative mood! His actions tonight speak louder than any words ever could




Before the match begins, we once again cut backstage, where the spin of the wheel comes up with...a table match! Elimination rules apply in this one, so both members of the team have to be put through a table for you to win.


The size advantage of The Bluebloods make them the early favourites, and true to form, they dominate the majority of the matchup. The quickness of feet and mind of The Icemen eventually comes into play, as Malenko sets both Bluebloods up across two tables, and Skipper ascends to the top rope, crashing down through them both with a double jump moonsault!


Here are your winners, The Icemen






What an impressive display from The Icemen in a match that seemed to favour their opponents...wait, I'm getting word from the back...lets cut to the backstage camera's guys!



Savage and Kanyon are back in the arena chasin down the midget! Kanyon corners him and he has nowhere to run!


KANYON- End of the line you slippery little bastard! You're going to regret the day you ever messed with Chris Kanyon!


The Midget slips through the legs of Kanyon, who cracks his head on the stone wall, and jumps into the open arms of Savage! Savage and the midget celebrate like they just won the superbowl!


Here is your winner via capture of the midget: Randy Savage!

As Savage celebrates, the camera feed goes dead, and our old friend CCTV flickers into view.


VOICE- Congratulations to Randy Savage on an impressive victory tonight...and one person who will certainly be celebrating that victory is the lovely Miss Elizabeth! Last time on CCTV, Elizabeth came very close to revealing my true identity. Don't worry, Liz, I'll definitely be revealing myself to you soon enough, but for now, I'm happy to just sit back and watch all the action unfold....


The camera goes through a crack in Governor Flairs office door and focusses of Elizabeth.


VOICE- We've had a lot of fun on CCTV, and we've broke a lot of exclusive stories...but the one I really want...the one I desire...is Mizz Elizabeth...naked! And I'm not going to stop until I get it Liz. Where ever you are, what ever you do...I'll be watching.

The feed dies and the WCW camera's resume full operation. We cut back to Savage who is still celebrating and clearly oblivious to whats just gone on.




That guy gets more and more sickening each week! I'm begging somebody, ANYBODY, to figure out who it is and teach him a lesson!




Yeah! ...just wait until after he films Elizabeth naked will you??


TONY- You're just as sick as he is, Brain!



The final spin of the wheel for the night brings up an old classic...the tuxedo match! Luckily, Berlyn is still dressed in his suite, but what to do about Benoit...? Benoit makes Dave Penzer strip down to his underwear and Benoit wears his suit!


This is an even match, with Berlyn getting in more offence than perhaps many thought he would, but Benoits class and clinical execution puts him in the drivers seat. Benoit chops Berlyn so hard that it rips his shirt! He yanks the rest of the top half of Berlyns clothing away!


With the match seemingly won, Benoit ascends the top rope and looks for the Dynamite headbut......but Eddy has snuck down to ringside and grabs hold of Benoits leg! Benoit tries to shake him off and successfully pushes Eddy away, but the distraction is enough to allow Berlyn time to recover. Berlyn pulls Benoit off the top with his jacket, removing it in the process.


Both men are down to their trousers now. They circle in the ring, neither wanting to make the mistake that allows their opponent to get the victory. Eventually, Benoit gets the better of him, with Berlyn on his back, Benoit picks up his legs and begins to remove the trousers!


Eddy, seeing that the match is almost over, tries to distract the ref in a last gasp desperation move! The ref turns around, allowing Berlyn to grap his cane which is conveniently in reaching distance. He clocks Benoit over the head with the cane and swiftly removes his trousers for the victory!

Here is your winner: Berlyn


Post match, Eddy enters the ring, and The Wayward Sons lay a beating on The Canadian Crippler...





...until Billy Kidman and his manager Arn Anderson rush to the ring to even the numbers! Kidman and Benoit turn the tables and send The Sons packing! Benoit and Kidman stand tall in the ring as The Wayward Sons run away with their tails between legs!




Well I think we just found out who Benoit's partner will be at Halloween Havoc, and I've got to say, I think those two individuals will make a team to reckon with!




Well they're both a couple of sneaky cheats so maybe you're right for once Tony!


TONY- I think me and you watched a different match there, Bobby. In any case, the time has finally come for our main event of the evening, the submission match featuring Bret Hart and DDP against Jarrett and Scott Hall.




Suprisingly, Hall and Jarrett made their way to the ring without the backup of any of The Untouchables. Unsuprisingly, this match focussed mainly on the ability of Jarrett and Hart to apply the Figure Four and The Sharpshooter respectively.


DDP and Hart spend the majority of the match in control, working over Scott Hall and softening him up for a submission. DDP even busts out an STF of his own but it is broke up by Jarrett. Jarrett then takes over on offence, working over the knee's and legs of DDP.


DDP is clearly struggling. His knee's collapse under his own weight as he tries to work to his vertical base. Jarrett smells the blood in the water and looks for the figure four...and he locks it in! Hart bangs on the apron and shouts encouragement to his partner...DDP inches ever closer to the hitman but remains out of reach.


With DDP mere inches away from a tag, Jarrett breaks the hold and drags DDP back to the center of the ring. He goes to reapply the Figure Four...but DDP pushes him off into the corner, banging his head on the turnbuckle. Jarrett tags out to Hall whilst DDP makes a desperation leap to Hart...and he gets the hot tag!


Bret cleans house! Clothesline after clothesline to Hall and Jarrett! Vertical suplex to Jarrett! Russian legsweep to Hall! Backbreaker to Jarrett who finally leaves the ring! Bret ascends to the second rope and hits the elbow on Hall! Here it comes...Sharpshooter! Bret has it locked in tight and Hall has no choice but to tap out!

Here are your winners: Bret Hart and DDP!


After the match, Bret refuses to release the hold as Scott Hall screams in pain! Even DDP tries to get Bret to stop but the anguish he has suffered at the hands of The Untouchables finally comes to the boil! Eventually, perhaps predictably, Kevin Nash and Sting rush the ring and attack Bret and DDP. Jarrett finally gets to his feet and joins in! The three men continue to assault Bret and DDP as various officials try to stop the carnage.


Eventually they leave, satisfied with their handiwork. As they reach the entranceway, DDP struggles to his feet as the crowd roar. He weakly paws for a microphone and holds it to his lips, breathing heavily...



DDP- Hey, yo...NASH! Since me and you aint got nuthin better to do on Sunday night...whaddya say? I hate your guts, Nash, and everything you stand for. I'm going to end your career Nash, or I'm gonna die trying!

The camera fades and DDP drops the mic and Kevin Nash fumes on the ramp....and Thunder fades...to....black

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So not much in the way of actual wrasslin with all the stips and what not but still a fun show to write. In game it was by far my worst performing show due to the hardcore nature of some matches. Looking objectively I think there could have been a bit more hype around the Halloween Havoc matches to say the least! I think that I get too bogged down in making each show unique rather than a continuation of the last. Also, no Bagwell/ Jindrak? WHATSUPWIDAT?Tis something to strive for leading to other PPVs to be sure. I desperately need sum sleep so prediction wont be up till tomorrow. Its going to be close at the top leading into the last show!
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<p>it was an interesting show with each match having special stipuations,</p><p>

Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal was always intriquing. Have to admit "Capture the Midget" would have been amusing to watch. The Sting blindfold angle set up your main event for the next show so I think you have some good continuation going. Also, in the Berlyn Tuxedo match, you continued the story of Benoit's feud with Eddy G - so again kudos. </p><p> </p><p>

As for Bagwell and Jindrak, I'm sure we'll hear ALL about their absence on the next tv show.....I bet they were out delivering more "Fruit of the Month" to unsuspecting people.</p>

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<p>Like I said last time, I won't be doing a full predictions with the professor for Saturday Night, (and this show will really be more of a hype show for Halloween Havoc anyway.) Thunder proved to be a little more upredictable than my usual shows, even if I did cheat a little with a double DQ and Sting losing by DQ. As such, nobody got the clean sweep! Latecomer to the party Olympia got the highest individual score with 5 out of 7 so well done to you! Meanwhile at the tippy top of the league....oh boy! We are back to a two way tie going into the last show! Tristram and Hyde have battled it out til the final round and theres everything to play for, so predict carefully! Unfortunately, I think this might be a hard show to predict as there will be a lot of so far unused and underpushed talent on the card so it really is anybody's to win! I'd also like to say thankyou from the bottom of my heart to all 19 (so far) of you who have taken time out to predict. I appreciate your continued support guys.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">tristram 51/67</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

hyde hill 51/67</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

jingo 40/55</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

totti 26/35</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

pate 24/34</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

zeel 21/30</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

turbinetrigger 19/28</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

olympia 18/26</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

dse 18/24</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Slim Jim 16/20</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

KeefMoon10/14</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

cmdrsam 12/13</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Destiny6/13</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

chuck 9/12</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

Nobby_McDonald6/7</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

huntman 3/6</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

jesushat902 3/6</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

daveEFC 2/5</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">

astil 1/5</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

So, onto Saturday Night, the last show before Halloween Havoc! Like I said, a less star studded show and a lot of underutilised wrestlers on the card.</p><p> </p><p>

The BlueBloods vs Team RagTag USA (Knobbs and Duggan)</p><p> </p><p>

Brian Clarke vs Shane Douglas</p><p> </p><p>

Disco Inferno vs Perry Saturn</p><p> </p><p>

The Total Package vs Billy Kidman</p><p> </p><p>

Curt Hennig vs Stevie Ray</p><p> </p><p>

Jamie Knoble and Kaz Hayashi vs Devon Storm and Shane Helms</p><p> </p><p>

Have fun predicting!</p>

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maybe it's because I LOVE your sense of humour, but I thought that show was brilliant. Loved Benoit needed to borrow tux for a tuxedo match, and the Capture the Midget match was fantastic. The picture of the midget cracked me up for some reason and then I loved the idea of these two serious competitors trying to catach a midget. I wasn't a huge WCW fan back in the day, although I did like it, and I think towards the end (in my opinion) it didn't have enough humour. It seemed like everyone took themselves too seriously and everything was ultra-moody and serious, whereas in WWF you had Rock & Mankind arguing, you had Val Venis' videos, the Godfather etc. There has to be entertainment with the sport to keep it enjoyable and you nailed that on the head. Loved it.
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First of all, excellent video to present the show. So many pears. What are you supposed to do with so many pears?!


The spin the wheel dealie made for a fun show but as you said yourself, it didn't have too much focus on getting things hyped for the PPV. I think the ending to Nitro was a bigger moment to lead in with than the blindfold spear.


Before this show, I didn't realise Chris Daniels' gimmick was a short, bald BBC presenter :p He remains one of my favourite parts of the show though.


Macho Man said all the right things to deserve the win. He should guest commentate some time.


If the blood from the rafters was a reference to when that happened in WCW for "real", then that hype has all just clicked.


Benoit taking Penzer's tux was gold... but Berlyn winning was just :eek: Benoit had better make him tap at HH!


The Nash/DDP match has weight to it, obviously, but thrown onto HH on the final Thunder before the PPV seemed a bit "we need another match to sell this thing!". Which it isn't because Sting/Goldberg would put butts in seats, just seemed a little thrown together is all.


All in all, a fun and entertaining show, just maybe not a lead-in-to-a-PPV show, in my opinion.

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<p>Wow, HA! The Capture the Midget match sounds so Russo-ish, but you made it funny none the less. I was digging this diary then, am digging it now, will continue to dig it while I snap into a Slim Jims. I wonder whether Benoit could have asked for some dentures while he was at it?</p><p> </p><p>

Keep up the great work!</p>

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So...I wonder if anybody can help me? I have just booked Saturday Night through TEW which worked fine...then I booked Halloween Havoc whilst I was at it...then when I click to end the show i am greeted with a 'runtime error '6' overflow' screen on which I click ok and the game ends. Has anybody else had this problem before or does anybody know a way to fix it? Thanks in advance
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<p><strong>The BlueBloods</strong> vs Team RagTag USA (Knobbs and Duggan)</p><p>

out for blood after the tables match loss</p><p> </p><p>

Brian Clarke vs <strong>Shane Douglas</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Disco Inferno</strong> vs Perry Saturn</p><p> </p><p>

The Total Package vs <strong>Billy Kidman</strong></p><p>

Kidman came close to beating several big stars (including Hogan), so this could be a break through match for him.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Curt Hennig</strong> vs Stevie Ray</p><p> </p><p>

Jamie Knoble and Kaz Hayashi vs <strong>Devon Storm and Shane Helms</strong></p><p>

nice pairing of two brutal weather patterns.</p>

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The mere thought of this being affected by the Run Time Error makes me a very sad panda <img alt=":(" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/frown.png.e6b571745a30fe6a6f2e918994141a47.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> Maybe if you get your lady friend to rub slightly below its belly repeatedly it would make it feel a lot better and recover itself??? Or I can send some panadol? Sad panda wants this to return ASAP.
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<p>Jeez, that sucks. Have you asked about what you can do in tech support? I hope this bad boy isn't done with because I'm really getting in to it. I'll predict anyway to bump it a little while we wait.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The BlueBloods</strong> vs Team RagTag USA (Knobbs and Duggan)</p><p>

<em>Not really sure what RagTag can really offer you at the moment</em></p><p> </p><p>

Brian Clarke vs <strong>Shane Douglas</strong></p><p>

I think Shane is more valuable</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Disco Inferno</strong> vs Perry Saturn</p><p>

<em>I personally prefer Disco</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Total Package</strong> vs Billy Kidman</p><p>

<em>I think Kidman will do well but not enough to beat someone so established on your B show</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Curt Hennig</strong> vs Stevie Ray</p><p>

<em>Could go either way</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jamie Knoble and Kaz Hayashi</strong> vs Devon Storm and Shane Helms</p><p>

<em>Flip of a coin. Can't wait to see what names you give these teams. And where the hell is Jindrak and Bagwell?</em></p>

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I motion that we all do a 'eliminate the error raindance' around the electric boogaloo to get this bad boy going again.


I mean, come on already! I'm so close to getting to name Bagwell and Jindrak the Dean Martin Tribute Band, which would require a wicked gimmick change fo shore.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Howdy do everybody! Hope you all had a great christmas and new year! I've been totally swamped at work, (Excluding christmas day, today is my first day off in about three weeks,) and as such I havent updated this diary in a while...


As you may remember, I have been having trouble with the game, and as such have decided to cut this diary a little shorter than I would have liked. Im going to put the Saturday Night results up soon and then write up Halloween Havoc, but I think that's where I'll end things for now.


I did have a lot of other ideas, but I might save them for the new version of TEW which I'm totally getting on day one! Thanks for everybodies continued support with this diary, it really is a blast to write, and I hope you all enjoy my next project as well as The Community Project we are writing.

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Devon Storm and Shane Helms (The Extreme Weathermen) beat Hayashi and Knoble (Hayseed Hustle)


Perry Saturn defeated Disco Inferno


Brian Clarke defeated Shane Douglas


Curt Hennig defeated Stevie Ray


The BlueBloods defeated Team Rag Tag USA


Billy Kidman defeated Lex Luger


(Sorry for the lack of detail!)

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WCW.COM, in association with eels, proudly presents...





Predictions with The Professor


Hello everybody and welcome to a very special edition of Predictions With The Professor. We are only twenty four hours away from the 1999 edition of Halloween Havoc and what a night it promises to be! We have six confirmed matches as well as a potential clash that may or may not happen, but more on that later. First, lets take a look at the predictions leaderboard...



tristram 51/67

hyde hill 51/67

jingo 40/55

totti 26/35

pate 24/34

olympia 22/32

zeel 21/30

turbinetrigger 19/28

dse 18/24

Slim Jim 16/20


cmdrsam 12/13


chuck 9/12


huntman 3/6

jesushat902 3/6

daveEFC 2/5

astil 1/5


As you can see, we still have a two way tie in the number one position! As such, WCW management have agreed to extend the prediction competition until during the Halloween Havoc broadcast. Thats right, the winner will be declared LIVE this sunday night based on the predictions made on the matches that proceed the contest between The Tequila Slammers and Bagwell and Jindrak!




And now, on to the show itself, the one and only Halloween Havoc! We have six epic matchups announced, and one potential encounter between DDP and Kevin Nash, but more on that later.



The first match on the card could also prove to be the show stealer. These four extremely talented individuals have the potential to tear the house down with their combination of high flying and mat based combat. Chris Benoit has made no bones about the fact that he thinks Eddy in particular has been coasting by in WCW and not living up to his true potential. His strong words seem to have lit a fire underneath both Eddy and Berlyn, but which version of The Wayward Sons will we see on sunday night? Benoits partner for the night, Billy Kidman, is himself undergoing somewhat of a career turnaround under the guidance of The Enforcer Arn Anderson. With four evenly matched competitors, this match may come down to who has the most desire, and in my eyes is just too close to call.



In a match type devised by the twisted soul of La Parka, five of our outstanding masked competitors will compete in the first ever Masquerade Brawl! This barbaric match will be outside the comfort zone of the cruiserweights, but you wont want to miss what happens when tables mix with top ropes and ladders and lucha's combine! The Masquerade Brawl will be contested under elimination rules, meaning that the last man standing will be declared the winner. On top of all the action in the ring, it has been confirmed that the UK's hottest export 'The Prodigy' will play their hit song 'The Firestarter' during the wrestler introductions.





In the first of three title bouts, Rey Mysterio jnr. will make the first defence of his cruiserweight championship against number one contender Chavo Guerrero jnr. Rey defeated former champ Lenny Lane after winning an Internation Exhibiton match on the first Nitro of the month. Chavo was clearly upset about being left out of that match, and demanded Governor Flair give him a shot at the title. In the interest of fair play, Flair allowed Chavo to challenege for the title on condition that he defeated Billy Kidman. After besting the young Kidman, Chavo set his sights on Rey Mysterio. What started as an intense rivalry has become more sporting of late, with Chavo claiming he wants the best man to win at Halloween Havoc, but given Chavito's track record, can Rey Rey really trust his adversary?




The United States Title belonging to Sid Vicious will be contested in this exciting matchup. Whilst there is no denying the talent of both individuals, it remains to be seen whether their focus will be on matters inside or outside the ring. Sid defeated Rick Steiner in a match which unified the US and TV titles earlier this month, whilst Booker T won a battle royale to earn his number one contendership. Over the past month, Sid has found himself dealing more with The Steiner Brothers, injuring Rick and causing the brothers to miss valuable TV time in the process. Booker, on the other hand, has spent much of his preparation time fending off questions regarding the tensions in Harlem Heat. Both Booker and Stevie Ray insist that there are no problems between them, but the camera tells a different story. Booker must put all the gossip out of his head if he is to capture the US title, whilst Sid cannot afford to underestimate his talented opponent if he wishes to retain.



Isn't it great when two guys just...click? Despite being a tag team for just short of a month, I personally cannot remember a time when Bagwell and Jindrak were not together on screen! And now with the legendary Roddy Piper in their corner the only way is up for this dynamic duo...In truth, the only way really IS up, as the yet-unamed tandem have failed to win a single match in their short tag career. Meanwhile, The Tequila Slammers have been more than impressive in victory so far, as they continue on the march for the new tag team incentive. This match could go a long way to deciding who will get the first shot at the tag champs and the bounty on their heads. One thing is for sure...by the end of the night...Bagwell and Jindrak will finally have a name!




Chalk this one up as a big fat maybe. We all heard the challenge issued by DDP, but as of writing, the challenge has neither been officially accepted by Kevin Nash, or officially sanctioned by Governor Flair. Both men will be in attendance on Sunday, and whether the match happens or not, DDP is sure to be looking for blood. There is a long, storied history between these two men, a history which has taken more turns in the past month. DDP, of course, walked out on The Untouchables after having enough of their underhand tactics. Now he is no longer under the wing of Sting, will DDP be able to face the big bad world on his own?



Finally, the match that has given me goosebumps since the moment it was announced, Sting vs Goldberg with the WCW title in the balance! Goldberg has truly earnt his shot at the big gold belt, besting Hugh Morrus, Scott Steiner, Chris Benoit and Jeff Jarrett on his way to winning the number one contender tournament. Sting has tried to throw roadblocks in his way, from the faces of fear to his own Untouchables, but nobody has been able to stop Da Man! Will Goldberg be able to top off a momentus month by wrestling the WCW title away from Sting? Or will Sting be able to back up his claims that the WCW title will NEVER leave The Untouchables? Speaking of Sting's stablemates, what impact, if any, will they have on the championship bout? The only way to find out is by tuning into Halloween Havoc, live, only on PPV this Sunday! I for one cannot wait!


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting © vs Goldberg


DDP vs Kevin Nash (?) Will it happen? (One point for correctly guessing whether the match will or will not take place)


United States Championship Match

Booker T vs Sid Vicious ©


Cruiserweight Title Match

Rey Mysterio Jnr.© vs Chavo Guerrero Jnr.


Bagwell and Jindrak vs The Tequila Slammers

Masquerade Brawl Match

La Parka vs Psychosis vs Blitzkreig vs Juventud Guerrera vs SharkBoy


The Wayward Sons vs Chris Benoit and Billy Kidman

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WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting © vs Goldberg


DDP vs Kevin Nash (?) Will it happen? (One point for correctly guessing whether the match will or will not take place)


United States Championship Match

Booker T vs Sid Vicious ©


Cruiserweight Title Match

Rey Mysterio Jnr.© vs Chavo Guerrero Jnr.


Bagwell and Jindrak vs The Tequila Slammers


Masquerade Brawl Match

La Parka vs Psychosis vs Blitzkreig vs Juventud Guerrera vs SharkBoy


The Wayward Sons vs Chris Benoit and Billy Kidman

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Oops, my bad, forgot to predict. Feel like throwing in what is going on in my WCW 1999 game as I'm enjoying it so much just for the hullavet.


WCW World Heavyweight Title Match

Sting © vs Goldberg

To give him a bit more of a legitimate reign, building up to a more meaningful title win for someone down the road (mine was Benoit, at Starrcade)


DDP vs Kevin Nash (?) Will it happen? (One point for correctly guessing whether the match will or will not take place)

It will happen, but not as we expect it to. Maybe an attack means it only lasts seconds or something along those lines. Or someone subs in


United States Championship Match

Booker T vs Sid Vicious ©

I think Booker had so much upside at this level and at this time. I took the title off Sid early and had him go off the boil, forcing him to accept Hogan's offer of being his bodyguard, leading to him getting disgruntled and turning face on him


Cruiserweight Title Match

Rey Mysterio Jnr.© vs Chavo Guerrero Jnr.

Like you, I gave Rey the title. And he's dropped it at my February PPV to Chavo, as it goes. I think a bit of legitimacy that will come from Rey retaining will do the title the world of good, although Chavo would be a fine champion


Bagwell and Jindrak vs The Tequila Slammers

I've actually nicked your idea for Tequilla Slammers in my game because I love it so much. The motor-mouthed Konnan is perfect to go with the silent muscle of Bam Bam. Can't wait for the new name for Bagwell and Jindrak, though


Masquerade Brawl Match

La Parka vs Psychosis vs Blitzkreig vs Juventud Guerrera vs SharkBoy

Only because I like him better


The Wayward Sons vs Chris Benoit and Billy Kidman

Interesting use of these four. I'm a little bit further on in the game but gone with Benoit as WCW Champion, about to feud with Goldberg having beaten Flair in a respect angle and Eddy US Champion, dealing with Jarrett & Malenko who are trying to get at his belt. I think this could be the best match of the night, and I'm really looking forward to how you take this forward as it's kind of unique to have these 4 paired up, but it works


Should be a great show.

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