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WEXXV: Sage's Maze

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I think I just pee'd a little... :eek:


Holy Sh*t, FIN.


All I can say is that I, like many on these boards, have been waiting for this diary for quite some time now. The videos you've posted give a great feel for what your version of WEXXV is all about. In a way, while I'm sure you'll cheat more toward the "Garbage Wrestling style" that the company carries as its default, I think our vision of Hardcore Wrestling is much alike... Less about random blood and weapons and more about a story of survival. A place where you have to be physically, mentally, and emotionally off-balance in which to literally survive with your life.


Love it. Love it. Love it.

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Sorry if people thought that this was an update! I am really excited also but I've having sort of 'hard time' right now, it's not like a writers block I guess. But this diary will start and when it does and when I get my groove on I'll write several episodes (Of course I have started and have everything set, don't worry) beforehand and then it's all about mistaken's part :p But right now he's doing really long workdays right now and thus won't be able to do this right now. :)
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OOC: This diary is active and I have written lots and lots of stuff for this one. Right now it's mistaken's part to do his thing but he's really swamped with work and other things right now.. I'm positive that when this finally gets going the pace will fasten :) The other diary will get updated whenever I have finished my part on this diary for the moment (next few shows, etc.)
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OOC: I'm so glad that finally, finally we published the first show. I hurried the thread start even though we weren't that ready and I apologize for that one.. Thank you everyone of your feedback and continued interest and I hope that we don't disappoint you! The first show was just a small premier and I'm sure that we will pick up the pace now that we have finally got the main elements together. :)


Props to mistaken for the site and layout and all the future stuff that we have planned for our readers, I honestly can't wait for you guys to see what's in store for you in terms of reader interaction, etc., stuff like that. :cool:


Nice stuff Fin although segment grades would be nice.


Thanks man, and I did think about adding the segment grades but ended up just leaving them out for the sake of the story because some of the major angles and their importance doesn't really match up with the segment grades, especially in last episodes of this season I'd presume. ;) You'll have to wait to see what I mean.. This diary will be about the story and there won't be much of the actual mechanics and stuff like that, or the rest of the gameworld for that matter. Let's just say that this is not going to be your average wrestling diary :p


Psst, the first show is on page 1!

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