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DOTT - MIDSOUTH (the Watts Way)

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Welcome to Atlanta GA for the next Mid-South on tour show:


871 fans fill out the WTBS studios and are treated to an outstanding show

opened with Terry Taylor vs Koko B Ware

Koko strutted around the ring and worked the crowd into a frenzy playing into his old PYT Express personna, jawing with several at ringside. In the ring, he didn't want to hook up with Taylor whose frustrations mounted. Terry finally threw caution to the wind and charged in - only to be caught by a chop to the throat. Koko pointed to his head to let everyone know he had just outsmarted Taylor. However, while he played to the crowd Terry grabs him from behind and takes him to the mat with a hiptoss then applies an arm bar. Taylor's game plan was to keep the Birdman grounded, while Ware tried to speed things up. Taylor looked to have things going his way when out of nowhere, Koko nails him with the Missile Dropkick and gets the 3 count! Slight upset in the eyes of many - D+ rating


Jim Ross hypes up the main event. "JYD is here for Mr. Wrestling II. He wants to avenge his long time ally against the hated Mr. Olympia. The Tv Title will be on the line in this match. And speaking of Mr Wrestling II allies, We'll have Wildfire Tommy Rich out here shortly. but first, a few words with the manager of Olympia and the Secret Society - Mr James J Dillion":


JJ lets everyone know that he is the brains behind the brawn. "I masterminded the attack on Mr. Wrestling II, I crafted the plan that allowed Mr Olympia to end Magnum TA's long run as TV champion. Tonight, I get a chance at a trifecta of sorts by helping Landell defeat that blabbering idiot Tommy Rich, then putting an end to another great career when Olympia takes on JYD. That's right Jim Ross, you heard it here first. Tonight you will see the end of JYD's career."

(Ross hype rates a C while JJ's rant garners a D rating)



JJ beats a hasty retreat and the shrill of the Atlanta fans tells you who is on the way to the announce table: "somebody say sump'in about Getting FARRRED UP!!!! I can't wait to get my hands on that dirty low down snake in the grass Mr. Olympia, but you know somethin Jim Ross - JJ Dillion is sneaky....he says I have to go thru Buddy Landell before I can get Olympia. So be it. Tonight's my night. Dillion was out here saying how he was going to put me and the Dog out of business, well that just aint gonna happen!!! Ain't no Nature Boy gonna whup WildFAR here in HOT'Lanta!! (cheap pop, and the crowd responds with cheers). Olympia, I'm coming for ya boy. Shine up that pretty TV title if you still got it after tonight. And by the way, I'm gonna get Mr. Wrestling II's mask back before we're thru too."

C- rating



Chavo Guerrero vs Bobby Fulton: Chavo wins with a Moonsault in 5:57, after Akbar tripped Fulton.



Wildfire Tommy Rich vs Nature Boy Buddy Landell: too bad these two didn't click. Otherwise, they put on a good show and the fans were really into it. Rich kept one eye on Dillion and one on Landell - that dual focus worked to help Landell during the match and he has Rich bleeding by the 5 minute mark. The crowd tries to urge him on with chants..."Tommy, Tommy" and "Let's go Wildfire, let's go"..clap clap clap-clap-clap. Tommy fires up a couple times with a barrage of punches, but each time Landell weathers the storm and knocks Rich back down. Jim Ross comments that the bloodloss may be too much for Rich to overcome. WIth Rich laying on the mat, Landell scores with the Corkscrew Elbow. He then grabs a leg and waves his arm in the air as a signal to the fans that he was about to end the match with the Figure 4 Leglock. As he spins around and bends over to grab the other leg, Rich reaches up, grabs the hair, and pulls Buddy over into a small package cradle. the referee quickly counts to 3 and the crowd cheers Tommy's comeback win at 11:52 (C rated!)



These two have quite a history in Mid-South but this is the first time they've met in my rings. if this was any indication, there is no doubt we will see them again!

JYD was off his game and started to tire toward the end of this 22 minute brawl. Olympia's rumble skills improved as he battled the double tough Junkyard Dog (whose performance skills also improved). The men trade punches, clotheslines, and chops. Mr. Olympia did not back down from the legendary JYD. As JYD started to take over the match with his power advantage, JJ Dillion waved down Buddy Landell. Landell whacks Dog with a chair and it looked like Olympia would steal the win, but wait....Here comes Tommy Rich!! He stops the count and informs the referee that Landell used the chair - so the ref waves the match to continue (he did not see the chair, so he could not call for the DQ). Landell did not take kindly to Rich's involvement and attacks Tommy. Olympia helps Landell double-team Rich. Then JYD recovers and joins the fray to aid Rich. All 4 men battle on the floor and are counted out as the referee rules it a no contest - excellent match and earns a B rating!!!!



C+ rated show, quite a success - and we made $400 dollars profit in the process. NOTE: This is the highest rated tour show ever. I'm sure having Rich and JYD in the southeast had to help

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Nice little show... Love your Wildfire impersonation....


thanks, glad you enjoy.


And now on to Mid-South Television:


Tommy Rich brings DOWN the mood of the crowd when he kicks things off hyping his match against Kendo Nagasaki. "Olympia, you keep putting your roadblocks and hitmen between us...I'll just keep knockin em down until there is no one left but us boy....and that's when the mask returns to its rightful owner" (D-)


Kamala wins a squash over Perry Jackson



Ted Dibiase points out that he has a match at the September Showdown against his nemesis Junkyard Dog. "This is the match that is going to elevate the Rat Pack back to main event status. This is the match that will convince everyone that I should be the # 1 contender for the North American title



JJ Dillion agrees with Ted's assessment - he wonders why the Rat Pack has been so quiet of late. He thinks if Dibiase is going after the NA title, then maybe Borne and Duggan should gear up for a run for the tag titles.



Chavo Guerrero defeats Dr Death Steve Williams when Kamala attacks Doc, and gives his stable mate the opening he needs



Tommy Rich vs Kendo Nagasaki - Kendo was not as fortunate as Chavo as Kamala was stopped by Williams when he tried to interfere/ Rich gets the pin at 10:22.



music video of the tag champs JYD and Butch Reed as they will face Iron Sheik and Nicolai Volkolff this week for the titles. Someone's career could be on the line!




BATTLE ROYAL: I left all booker notes off to see how it would end up:

The entrants were Dr. Death Steve Williams, Chavo Guerrero, Buddy Landell, Tommy RIch, TRON, Matt Borne, Art Crews, Iron Mike Sharpe, Magnum TA, and Kendo Nagasaki. Skandar AKbar ordered his charges Kendo and Chavo to focus on TRON first. He convinced Dibiase to have Borne ally with his boys and the 3 of them were successful in eliminating TRON first. Dr Death took out some frustrations he was a dominant force and sends Kendo flying over one side, then he turns and sends Chavo flying over the other side. As he celebrates, Iron Mike Sharpe is able to club him and drop him over the top rope. Magnum spent the entire match chasing after his nemesis Buddy Landell who kept running and staying out of the way. Crews and Sharpe then hooked up - As they got close to the ropes, Tommy Rich helped them to eliminate each other.


The final four came down to Buddy Landell, Matt Borne, Magnum TA, and Tommy Rich.



Magnum and Rich ganged up on Landell - their hatred and quest for vengence blinded their ambitions of winning the battle royal and they completely forgot about the Rat Packer Matt Borne. JJ Dillion plotted with Ted Dibiase to join up their forces - so while Magnum and Rich pounded on Landell, Borne snuck up behind them and was able to push both of them over the top rope!!!!! He celebrates as JJ and Dibiase shake hands a discuss a split of the money....Landell gets up and leans over the ropes shouting at magnum and Rich. "You guys stink!!! You thought you had me.....yet you could not get the job done as usual!!! Furthermore....HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!".......While he was yelling at the heros on the floor, Borne ran over and pushed him over the top rope too!!! Matt Borne represents the Rat Pack very well as he scores the win and the check for $10,000.


C- rated show which should help our popularity.

on the down side, we drew a 0.00 rating for the 2nd week in a row. and we lost $3,000. May need to rethink some of the TV strategies - but if we lose money on TV and make it back on the tour shows that would seem to be realistic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

no plans to upgrade yet. I like the idea of the "dirt sheet" to find out what makes the match better. But since I've only had the game a couple months, it's hard to justify buying another one already. Some of the bugs I've encountered - like losing all the prior match results and wrestler profiles - worry me too. At least the game kept playing at my current stage (not sure how it will affect the year end top 100)


With most everyone on 2010, I may just muddle away in obscurity until the time is right to join the crowd.

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I just had time to come over to the TEW forums for a read and you are doing a great job with this and with MSW.


MSW had some great talent, which I saw while doing my journal in the WS2 forum. I ended up going there too early in the career as MSW let the future "Undertaker" go due to not being popular enough.

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no plans to upgrade yet. I like the idea of the "dirt sheet" to find out what makes the match better. But since I've only had the game a couple months, it's hard to justify buying another one already. Some of the bugs I've encountered - like losing all the prior match results and wrestler profiles - worry me too. At least the game kept playing at my current stage (not sure how it will affect the year end top 100)


With most everyone on 2010, I may just muddle away in obscurity until the time is right to join the crowd.


It's still one of the most well thought out and written diaries around,regardless of version.


Take your time,man....enjoy TEW2008 if that's what you like.

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no plans to upgrade yet. I like the idea of the "dirt sheet" to find out what makes the match better. But since I've only had the game a couple months, it's hard to justify buying another one already. Some of the bugs I've encountered - like losing all the prior match results and wrestler profiles - worry me too. At least the game kept playing at my current stage (not sure how it will affect the year end top 100)


With most everyone on 2010, I may just muddle away in obscurity until the time is right to join the crowd.


Say it aint so!!! I just moved over to 2010, because it seemed like the cool thing to do...Plan on playing 2008 until at least some of the glitches are worked out , then it will probably take me forever to convert the data, so I'll probably be playing 2008 for quite some time...


I think you should bring it over to 2010, because there are alot of new writers who might like the history lesson ;-)

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thanks guys.

didn't seem right moving an 08 diary to the '10 section., and wouldn't know how to go about doing it.


It's been fun reliving some of the Mid-South history, and of course putting a whole new spin to it (with the entrance of Wildfire Tommy Rich for example). I have 3 seasons of the football legacy played out (it went fast - guess since it can be put on auto-pilot) and need to build up another lengthy library of matches here to keep the flow going.

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thanks guys.

didn't seem right moving an 08 diary to the '10 section., and wouldn't know how to go about doing it.


It's been fun reliving some of the Mid-South history, and of course putting a whole new spin to it (with the entrance of Wildfire Tommy Rich for example). I have 3 seasons of the football legacy played out (it went fast - guess since it can be put on auto-pilot) and need to build up another lengthy library of matches here to keep the flow going.


Kind of interesting in that it seems your changes have MSW in slightly better shape than it was historically near the end of '83....by this time gates had begun to decline and JYD was starting to get a little stale;though they hung around for a few more years you could tell they had already "peaked" and were on the downside.

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thanks guys.

didn't seem right moving an 08 diary to the '10 section., and wouldn't know how to go about doing it.


You just have to fire a PM over to Adam and he can move it if you want. And I don't see the problem of moving it over to 10, there are people over there that are still running 08 games. So there really should not be a problem. Plus, you may get more readers over there which is always great!

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You just have to fire a PM over to Adam and he can move it if you want. And I don't see the problem of moving it over to 10, there are people over there that are still running 08 games. So there really should not be a problem. Plus, you may get more readers over there which is always great!


Yes, What BHK said!

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  • 4 months later...

good news to some!!

Mid South Wrestling is gearing back up. The next card to be posted will be a tour show with

Dr Death teaming with magnum TA against the Brat pack (Duggan and Borne)

Ted Dibiase vs TRON

Loser of the fall leaves Mid-South - street fight for the tag titles

JYD & Butch Reed © vs Iron Sheik & Nicolai Volkolff (w/ Skandar Akbar)


bad news to some is since I'm still using 2008, I guess I keep posting over here. Just an excuse to come over and check it out once a week or so

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<strong>AWESOME! </strong> But, I really think you should, move it over to 2010, so more people will actually see it... I dont really think it matters that your still playing 2008.. All you have to do is send Adam a request to move the diary, with your link.... Needless to say, I'll follow wherever
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MidSouth on Tour


We come to you today from Norman Oklahoma, in front of a sold out crowd at the Norman Field House. We have an exciting card planned for you and in the main event - one of our top stars here in Mid-South will say goodbye. Will it be Junkyard Dog, Butch Reed, Iron Sheik, or Nicolai Volkolff?


As the crowd is filing to their seats for the first matches, a video is shown highlighting the feud between Wildfire Tommy Rich and Mr. Olympia. (D)


dark match: Bobby Jaggers destroy Art Crews. Does nothing more than give both guys a chance to wrestle in front of a live crowd (E)


Ted Dibiase trys to get the crowd back into the show as he wants a shot at Junkyard Dog - he says the Rat Pack will be regaining the tag titles. And one more mistake by Hickerson will result in him getting some extreme discipline ©


Rat Pack (Duggan and Borne) vs Dr. Death Steve Williams and a mystery partner

The crowd in Norman is pumped up to see one of the favorite sons return to campus, Dr. Death was an All-American football player for the Sooners and also finished second in the NCAA wrestling finals.

Dr Death brings out surprise partner Magnum TA to help him against Rat Packers Matt Borne and Jim Duggan. Rat Pack seemed off their game with the appearance of the former TV champ. Phil Hickerson and Ted Dibiase accomany the Rat Pack at ringside. Hickerson tries to help his teammates, but ends up hitting Duggan by accident. That was opening the good guys needed - Doc powerbombs Duggan at 7:49 while Magnum keeps Borne and Dibiase occupied. (D+)


Duggan looked good while Borne overwhelms. They toss Magnum from the ring and put a beatdown on Dr. Death. A cheer arises from the crowd as Butch Reed charges down and makes the save. Color commentator Buddy Landell is puzzled why Reed would take such a chance....what with the street fight coming up for the tag titles and careers on the line!

"What is this idiot doing!!! If he gets hurt out here trying to be John Wayne and save the day, he can kiss his titles and possibly his career goodbye - or maybe even the career of his partner - I wonder what the Junkyard Dog thinks about Reed riding out here like this?" (Beatdown/save = D+)


Hacksaw Duggan is very upset that Reed stuck his nose where it didn't belong. "Listen up tough guy. You call yourself Hacksaw when everyone knows I'm the real Hacksaw. In fact I should be the only Hacksaw and will be very soon. I want you in the ring!! The sooner the better!!" Bill Watts asks if the next TV taping might be soon enough for him?



Ted Dibiase vs TRON:

Dibiase had a very bad attitude after watching his Rat Pack tag team take a loss. TRON has been impressive in recent weeks and puts on a great show again here in Oklahoma. But Dibiase was a man on a mission and is able to secure the victory when he loads up the glove and KO's TRON, then applies the Cobra Clutch for good measure. Dibiase is the winner at 14:57 and points to Duggan and Borne as if to tell them "That's how it's done boys"


The main event is up next after a short popcorn break - which star will be forced to leave town?

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Main Event:

Mid-South Tag titles on the line

Champs: JYD & Hacksaw Butch Reed vs

Challengers - Devastation Inc, Iron Sheik & Nicolai Volkolff (w/ Skandar Akbar)





The match goes 20 minutes, and the combatants were visibly tired from the brawling. Not a lot of selling in the ring but Akbar makes up for it with his antics at ringside. With careers on the line in addition to the tag titles, no stone was left unturned. Reed was busted open when Iron Sheik dropped one of his Persian Clubs on his head. Volkolff and JYD each grabbed chains and ripped into each other. Iron Sheik then came over to help Nic doubleteam JYD. Landell once again points out that Reed's head was not in the match and had abandonned his partner. Jim Ross disagrees saying Reed did the right thing in helping a friend earlier and that had no impact on the beating he absorbed here in this match. Akbar's team work over the Dog's back, setting him up possibly for the Camel Clutch. They pick up the ringside steps and carry them over and prepare to smash them into the weakened back when Reed crawls over and grabs Sheik's foot and prevent the destruction.


Jim Ross screams how Reed is sacrificing himself to save his friend and tag team partner....."will it cost him his career here in Midsouth?" The steps fall harmlessly to the side thanks to the save, but Sheik now turns his attention back to Reed. Volkolff picks up JYD and rolls him into the ring. He tells the fans to tell their hero goodbye and then hoists JYD up in the Russian Backbreaker. Dog is in dire straits. He back has been worked over during the double team but Jim Ross reminds us that he has never seen the Junkyard Dog quit while Landell says there is a first time for everything. On the floor, Reed catches Iron Sheik with a big shoulder block knocking him to the concrete. He grabs a chair and climbs in the ring.....the referee is checking with JYD to see if he can continue. He picks his arm and watches it fall limply. He tries it again.....and again JYD's arm falls limp. Just in the nick of time, Reed whacks Volkolff in the back with the chair and he crumples to the mat releasing the hold on JYD. The ref motions for the match to continue. Reed picks up Nic for the Gorilla Slam and boom down he goes. Reed plays to the crowd - mistake as Iron Sheik has recovered and returned to the ring. He sends Reed flying with a suplex. Reed falls out of the ring and Iron Sheik gives chase. Sheik sends Reed crashing hard into the guardrail. Meanwhile back in the ring, JYD struggles to his feet. He picks Volkolff up - both men are nearly out on their feet. JYD sends him for a ride into the ropes and as he comes off...boom...BIG THUMP POWERSLAM!!! The ref covers 1..2...3. Defense #3 for the tag champs Akbar and Iron SHeik look on in disbelief from the floor where they have battered Reed. The champs may have won, but they look a lot worse for the wear. Akbar says this war is not over yet and he would dig deep inside Devastation Inc to find a winning combination to put an end to Reed and JYD. He reminds us that Iron Sheik won a match where he could name his dream partner....he did not choose Volkolff, JYD and Reed just took for granted that he would and signed that match. Therefore, we still have a match left with a partner of OUR choice!!!!

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