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SWF: Under A New Hand

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Monday, Week 2,

December, 2007


Courtesy of thewrestlingrumour.com






Reports coming out of SWF headquarters are that SWF owner Richard Eisen was yesterday outed as to having a personal affair with secretary Marie DelFonte, at this time thewrestlingrumour.com is sketchy on the details but a supposed statement is being issued by SWF this afternoon regarding the allegations....


Tuesday, Week 2,

December, 2007


Courtesy of swf.com


Formal Statement




It is with great sadness and forgiveness on my part that I today admit the truth behind the rumours of my affair with one Marie DelFonte stemming back to the start of this year......


....I apoligize to my family, especially my wife and children and to all of you who believed me to be a trusting and caring human being.....


....The amount of emotional distress I've caused leaves me to consider my future with the SWF and all its sub divisions. A decision will be made later this week as to the future of the company.....


Richard Eisen


Friday, Week 2,

December, 2007


Courtesy of USA Today


A Possible End To The Scandal?




It was yesterday reported that Richard Eisen, the multi millionaire businessman and owner of wrestling company the Supreme Wrestling Federation would sell all shares he owns in the company by the end of the year.....


....His decision comes just days after his affair with secretary Marie DelFonte was revealed.....


....A host of big names including software industry legend J.K. Stallings Jr who previously owned a wrestling company, Actor Floyd Jones and former GNN owner Theo Kingston are interested in taking over the largest wrestling company in the world.....


....with stock prices dropping rapidly due to the negative press, the sooner the sale for the company the better if it is to stand any chance of surviving.....



Friday, Week 3,

December, 2007


Courtesy of The Wall Street Journal


Peace At Last?





What has been one of the most talked about events in business, sports and general everyday culture this month appears to have finally found an end to the talk.....


....Today it was revealed the new owner of SWF was one Theo Kingston, the multi millionaire former owner of the Sports Network GNN.....


....With Kingston in full effect from January 1st the real question is can one man with no legitimate background in wrestling really run a company of its global size or could this spell the end of the biggest wrestling company in the world today?






And with that it was mine...since last July I'd been sat at home, nothing more than wasting away my hours since selling on the company I had bought years previously. A man that started in property development, moved onto various other projects and then owning GNN, it made me the money I have today and now most of that is sat in my new project.


Its a shame about Richard, I'd known him for many a year. At one time we had tried to negotiate a deal for SWF on the network but it just didn't work out, now however it probably could. I know deep down he didn't mean to hurt anybody...even further down he didn't mean to get caught.


It was what I offered him that sold the deal for me, his boys could stay on the roster (bar the creative control they once possesed) and I wouldn't stray away from the type of wrestling the SWF had been known to give.


Things bugged me though, the past few months I'd been watching SWF and it just seemed stale for me, no new stars, a considerably small roster for its size and how nothing seemed to change...it was about time we changed all that....


[OOC NOTE: I'll ask that nobody posts until I'm done if thats at all possible?]

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Supreme Wrestling Federation


Basic Information


Location: Providence, Rhode Island

Nation: United States

Founded: January 1972

Owner: Theo Kingston

Popularity: International

Schedule: Full Time

Style: Sports Entertainment




World Rank: #1

National Rank: #1


United States: B

Canada: C+

Mexico: D-

Japan: E+

UK: D+

Europe: E-

Australia: E-

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SWF Titles




SWF World Heavyweight Championship





Jack Bruce

Reign: 21 Weeks

Level: Main Event


SWF North American Championship





Rich Money

Reign: 5 Weeks

Level: Mid Level


SWF World Tag Team Championships






The Amazing Bumfholes

Reign: 9 Weeks

Level: Mid Level



SWF Shooting Star Championship





Marc DuBois

Reign: 21 Weeks

Level: Low Level

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SWF Tag Teams And Stables


Tag Teams



  • Death Row- Knuckles + Shady K: Experience C
  • High Concept- Elmo Benson + Groucho Bling: Experience B
  • The Amazing Bumfholes- Randy + Zimmy Bumfhole: Experience A*
  • The Biggz Boys- Bart + Brett Biggz: Experience A*
  • The Samoan Wildboyz- Akima Brave + Kid Toma: Experience C


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SWF Shows


TV Shows



Supreme TV

A Show








  • Week 1 February 2008
  • Week 2 February 2008


Pay Per Views



  • When Hell Freezes Over- January 2008
  • Nothing To Lose- January 2008

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Monday, Week 1

January, 2008



Well...I can't really remember my last first day at a new job. Its almost like running GNN again in the sense that its a sport, people like it...and theres some winy idiots that don't realize there about to be canned.


Example A- Big Smack Scott. I always thought the reputation he had amassed for himself was way out of proportion and almost unfair on him...However after meeting him this morning let me be the first to say...he's looking for a new job as of tomorrow. Never in my life have I met such a disrespectful, arrogant, self serving punk like him in my life. I'll be glad to get him out of the ring too, while Richard looked for that 'it' factor giving Scott a job...I on the other hand will be looking for talent too...and Scott does not have that in the slightest.


Example B- Peter Michaels. This may suprise a lot of you, but let it be known that Peter Michaels is one of the most manipulative men I've ever nearly worked with. Now firing Michaels would be a huge mistake, financially and ethically as 'the other' major promotion in the US would pick him up in a heartbeat. However I feel sending him down to Rhode Island Pro may be the best option. At least there he may be able to pass on some words of wisdom and teach the future announcers what he knows.


So with Peter gone I asked myself how could I fill the void? Looking at recent broadcasts his partner Duane Fry seemed the most competant man out there, I had Jerry Eisen as a option but I couldn't put someone with his skill out there just yet...so I stuck him next to Peter on the way to Rhode Island too.


For this week we have Ana Garcia and Duane Fry in the commentary booth but trust me soon enough...the big names will start rolling in. Lets just say I've had a few phone calls now Richard isn't around.


Another man that needed a new job of sorts is known to you as The Guru. Again I wanted a SWF where skill could be shown off and not shown up. So its with that he will move backstage and work with our creative team back there. For such a positive influence I can't lose him for the sake of the locker room; lets hope this move doesn't affect him to much.


Storylines are set for When Hell Freezes Over. I wasn't given too much time to go over plans with Pat, Chief, Guru and Phillip (Enforcer Roberts to you. He will also begin to help out with a view at a permanent move when the time comes). Two major announcements will come from me tomorrow night that will shape the new SWF in my eyes...I hope you tune in to watch it.


Theo Kingston




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Simo's Podcast



Week 1, January, 2008


So new management has reigned into the Supreme Gate as we have the opening week of Theo Kingston's takeover of the SWF.


The SWF has undergone major changes with many more apparent to come. The news out of the back is that Big Smack Scott is gone from the company and free for anyone else to take, so the question there is where will he end up? The answer....none of us really care.


Onto this week's Supreme TV; Its 2 weeks until Hell Freezes Over and in all the confusion over the company nothing is yet set in stone. Mr Kingston has promised to come out and make 2 large announcements about the company and how it is moving forward and has the whole locker room speculating on what that may be.


Jack Bruce will be in action on Suoreme TV when he takes on the brash and arrogant Fredrique Antonio Garcia in singles action. Without an opponent known for the PPV yet will Bruce's mind really be on the match here or could F.A.G pull off the biggest upset of his career yet.


Speaking of Bruce challengers there will be 2 singles matches with the winners going on to face off next week for the chance at the world title at When Hell Freezes Over. Remo Richardson will take on Steve Frehley in what is expected to be a hard hitting match and in our main event Christian Faith will face off with 'Big Money' Brandon James in what is expected to be one hell of a match.


Tag champions The Amazing Bumfholes will be in action when they take on the fun loving team of Elmo Benson and Groucho Bling; High Concept.


And to make the night even better, Marc DuBois has issued a open challenge to any member of the roster to face him one on one in the middle of the ring.


All this and much, much more...Only on Supreme TV.





Marc DuBois vs ???? [Open Challenge Match]- Extra point for guessing the challenger on the current roster.

The Amazing Bumfholes vs High Concept- SWF World Tag Team Titles

Jack Bruce vs F.A.G [Non Title Match]

Remo vs Steve Frehley

Christian Faith vs 'Big Money' Brandon James w/Emma Chase

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OOC: SORRY! Didn't Realize I had essays and stuff in :mad: so yeh I really really apoligize this is late :(


Also a little thing too. I am in fact a user called Sean Thomas Jolly but I posted under the SWF Fan name because I know a lot of people here didn't like how my diaries failed quite fast....anyway show...






Connecticut Symphony Hall

10,000 Sell Out

Tuesday, Week 1, January, 2008

Rating: 3.05 on C.A.N.N.




A) Enygma and Jack Giedroyc defeated Death Row, The Biggz Boys and The Samoan Wildboyz in 7:37 when Enygma defeated Akima Brave by submission with an Enygma Variation. RATING= D

Notes: Brett Biggz has changed to a Thrill Seeker gimmick with an initial E rating.


B) Enforcer Roberts defeated Robbie Retro in 5:52 by Pinfall RATING= D+


NOTES: Roberts and Retro didn't click at all.





1) Theo Kingston comes out from the back to start the show. The new SWF owner gets no real reception at all as he makes his way down to the ring carrying two black draw string bags. Once inside the ring Kingston thanks the crowd in attendance and those at home for watching the first show of his reign. He promisies that this is a new day and dawning for SWF and that he will do all it takes to make the SWF the best it can be. He then addresses the two draw string bags. As he places the first on the ground he then takes the second and opens it to show off this...




Kingston announces for the first time in SWF's history that there will be a women's division in place from after When Hell Freezes Over. 8 women will compete in a tournament to determine the first ever SWF Vixxen's Champion. He then passes the belt to the outside of the ring as he picks up the second bag. Unveiling what is...



The new SWF Television Championship which will also be competed for in a tournament from the show after When Hell Freezes Over. Theo also announces that the SWF will be bringing in all new wrestlers for the tournament to crown the champion as a way of showing the future of the company.


Kingston then goes back to talking about When Hell Freezes Over. Tonight he announces that two matches will take place with the winners facing each other next week for the chance to then face Jack Bruce at When Hell Freezes Over. With this Kingston exits and the action begins. RATING= C



2) The Amazing Bumfholes defeated High Concept in 8:52 when Randy scored a fast rollup on Groucho Bling for the pin. The Amazing Bumfholes defend their SWF World Tag Team Championships for the 1st time in 2008. RATING= C-


3) A video is shown promotiong Vengance who will be in action next week. RATING= B+


4) Marc DuBois defeats Valiant in 6:39 by countout after DuBois slammed Valiant into the ring steps and rolled back into the ring before the 10 count. RATING= D+


5) Runaway Train defeated Greg Gayne in 5:36 with a Train Wreck after absolutely destroying Gayne. RATING= C


6) After the match The Guru comes into the ring to raise the hand of his client. As he lifts Train's hand Train pulls him in and lifts The Guru up before slamming him. Train then hit The Guru with the Train Wreck before leaving the ring without saying a word as officials come down to help The Guru. RATING= B-


7) Jack Bruce defeated Frederique Antonio Garcia in 5:42 after hitting the New York Minute RATING= B-


NOTES: Good Chemistry lifted match


8) Remo defeated Frehley in 9:52 with the Destroyer following interferance from Rich Money RATING= B


NOTES= Lack of selling on display, Match drifted a little

9) Post match Money continued his attack on Frehley as Remo left looking visably frustrated, Frehley regains control of the battle getting Money into the corner landing shots on him continuosly. Squeaky McClean and Joe Sexy suddenly rush from the back and begin to beat down on Frehley as Money also joins in the beating. Money grabs a microphone and announces the formation of Dirty, Sexy, Money before hitting Frehley again and leaving him down in a heap. RATING= B+


10) Brandon James claims he will beat Christian Faith next and go on to win the SWF Heavyweight Championship RATING= C+


11) Christian James defeates Brandon James in 13:45 with a Leap Of Faith. RATING= C+


NOTES: James and Chase don't work well, James and Faith don't work well


12) Remo assaults Faith after match and hits him with the Destroyer leaving Faith laid out as the show ends, Remo standing over him. RATING= B




OOC: I promise next week's results will look better than this :)

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Wednesday, Week 1,

January, 2008


Well that didn't go to wrong...


The first show can be put down as a success for a man that had no prior knowledge of wrestling before taking over really. My backstage posions are both elsewhere now, Big Smack Scott got his marching orders yesterday morning (Good riddance to bad rubbish) and Peter is settling quite nicely at RIPW.


Onto other business the TV title situation. I'm already being warned that putting a title on brand new talent could be seen as detremental to the company. However it is in my belief that this tournament is going to take the whole of next months TV tapings and the final on PPV so in reality the winner will have competed in 5 matches (3 Group Matches, 1 Semi and 1 Final) so will have had the best chance at gaining some momentum into the final. Its our main goal in January/February to get as much of this talent over as we can.


My 'contact' rang back again today. He's signing this week...he will be revealed at the show...as will his counterpart.


I could tell you who it is....but that would ruin the suprise. Lets just say they know each other quite well.


Theo Kingston



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