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SWF 1975: New Golden Age or Death of The Territories?

Guest cmdrsam

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Guest cmdrsam

In 1972, young visionary businessman and prospective wrestling promoter Richard Eisen- with help from several people already involved in the wrestling industry- created the Supreme Wrestling Federation. The promotion opened with a bang, signing the hottest act in America, Mickey Starr, to an exclusive contract (which was unheard of in North America at the time) and promoting their shows all across the United States.


Taking lessons learned from other mediums of entertainment, Eisen devised a product that appealed to the most broad audience possible. While others scoffed at the lack of a clearly defined style of wrestling and heavy use of angles, the SWF has succeeded brilliantly to this point, reaching levels of popularity previously unseen in the U.S.


Everything is not yet hunky dory for SWF, though. The regional promotions which previously dominated the landscape have seen the SWF invade their "turf" and steal their wrestlers, and are uniformly opposed to SWF's existence.


Rocky Streets is another big name to join SWF, he is one of wrestling's most prominent figures, having been around longer than organized promotions themselves in America. He was the second owner of TWL, but after only two years at the helm he got a very enticing offer from young businessman Richard Eisen to help him organize and book what has become the largest promotion in the U.S., SWF. While this alone probably ensures Rocky a place in wrestling lore, his in-ring abilities are not to be overlooked- though he's never held a singles title, he's been one of the best performers of his generation.


But the down side of Rocky's tenure as head booker, it became apparent, at no fault of his own, he did not have the skill to guide this large of an organization. Nobody really did to be honest as nothing like this had ever been done previously. After a few mediocre events in the summer Eisen and Rocky decided it would be best to bring in someone with the foresight to grow a company to national prestige, even if they had no wrestling knowledge what so ever.


Enter me, Jack Classic. You see I have had some knowledge of the business. I was present when Clint Wayne sold to Rocky and held the head booker position as Rocky learned what it was like to be an owner of his own business. I also held booking and road agent positions in the APWF and AAFW. But after getting burned one too many times sticking up for supposed friends in the business I decided to leave wrestling.


So what does a fired booker who is also an out of shape wrestler do when he leaves wrestling? Why he fries chicken of course. Yes yours truly went to work for the colonial in one of his KFC restaurants. I became manager, then district manager, and eventually went on to big office and sat in on the board of directors. But the hunger grew. I was content, but not happy.


I still had several contacts in the wrestling world who I kept contact with on a regular basis. Word went around that Richard Eisen wanted to bring in a new booker. So one day after a particular bad day I made the call to Rocky Streets and asked If I could be interviewed.


A meeting was set up between myself, Eisen, and Streets. I noticed a glowing hole in the booking and storyline development. They just performed a great heel turn for Powerhouse Patterson, then had no immediate plans for him afterward. But again one can not blame Eisen for this. He is new to the business. Rocky on the other hand should have known better.


So here we are on the cusp of something huge. We have a TV show that is shown nationally, we have workers who are known on a national level, if not internationally. We are a draw almost where ever we go in the country. And Rocky has them booked doing shows in the North East, and then occasionally steps out for a show or two outside the territory.


I was asked what would I do differently? Well since your looking to pick a fight anyway, lets go ahead and push some more buttons. One, I would tour the country where we are strongest, tape our shows on the road. 2, Sign more nationally known wrestlers, not all at once, but a few here and there. 3. When it feels right, we declare war. When that happens it should put a major crimp into the other territories. They will be forced to fend for themselves, if not die during the process. 4. Since we are in the entertainment business, not necessarily the wrestling business. We start promoting bands, in the music world, perhaps even building our workers where they can do full feature films.


Needless to be said, I was hired. Even Rocky Streets was impressed. We worked out details to my contract, and we included language to have Streets still have some say in the booking process. Eisen wanted Rocky to be booked so he still had a place in the main event. Also he wanted Tyson Lang to be advanced where it looked like he would be a strong player in the future. I was not to hire anybody who was considered an unsafe worker. And this is where we start.


September 1975.


We started out the month with a dud. My first show was rated a C and it caused many in the industry to scratch their heads. But we rebounded for the rest of the month putting on B rated shows. We signed Crippler Ray Kingman, Identity Black, The Masked Patriot, and Chief Two Eagles to name a few. Carried on the momentum of the Patterson feud and him battle Mickey Starr. But Hagar Erickson and Baron Von Rambis interfered in the match which caused Patterson to be disqualified. We also had The Allstars, consisting off Coach Pangrazzio, his son Richie, Frank Rock, and Iron Mike Milligan, start to mess with Rick Rumble. The Allstars eventually injured on screen pal Burt Selleck.


Our Big card for the month called Fall Brawl landed a B rating and drew well over 9,000 fans. The man event saw the before mentioned match between Starr and Patterson which ended in a DQ finish with Starr retaining due to Hagar Erickson and Baron Von Rambis interfering costing Patterson the match.



October 1975


Signed a few more wrestlers, the biggest name perhaps is Kenzo Isozaki. This month featured Starr VS Patterson and Baron Von Rambis. Patterson by mid month proved to much for The Baron to handle. Thus ended the Patterson and Rambis conflict. But it did shift into full swing for the continuation of the Patterson and Rambis feud. We also had The Allstars still messing with Rick Rumble. Rumble has had enough and started to take down some of the Allstars himself by injuring Iron Mike Milligan. Baron Von Rambis and Hagar Erickson turned their attention to Rocky Street.


For the month all of our shows were rated B except the big event at the end. This card was called Golden Dreams and was rated a B+. The main event featured Micky Starr retaining cleanly over Patterson to retain his world championship. I was torn over this leading to event. Even sitting down with both workers discussing possible ending of the match. Starr was will to put over Patterson. And of course Patterson was more than willing to become the new champion. But as the event drew closer I pulled Patterson to the side and told him if I had another month to work with I would probably put the strap on him. I was proud of his work. And he is an eye lash away of perhaps being the new champ, but as of right now the decision was to keep the world title on Starr. Patterson took it well, he was of course disappointed, but overall he took it well.


November 1975


Card results varied a bit but average wise we maintained a B Rating. Had one show a B- and one a B+.

RJ Danzig's contract is coming up for renewal, He does not want to commit to a long contract so I decided I would job him out.


For all the news I have heard about Danzig being a trouble maker I have yet to see any of it. Yeah he gets a little temperamental if he find out he is losing on the card. But he performs to his best day in and out. If he decides to start settling down I may look to him in the future. Mayhem Midden and Walleye Conklin's contracts are due to expire in December as well. The decision was made to not renew their contracts. Walleye will be used to help train some people before he leaves but Midden will be sent home till his contract expires.


Had no big event this month. Yes I took a financial hit. But as much as I've been on the road I want to settle the fans down a month. But December is another thing. We decided on the name to be Supreme Lockdown. Every match will be a cage match.


As far as storyline are concerned Rumble struck again and took out another Allstar. This time it was Frank Rock. The Masked Patriot and Baron Von Rambis became bitter enemy due to their different perspectives on life. Hagar Erickson and Micky Starr once again locked horns. On one event after a match between Micky and Hagar, Hagar used his old pal Baron Von Rambis to sneak attack Micky. The Masked Patriot tried to intervene but it was to no avail. Hagar walked off with the title but Micky is still the recognized champion. Antonio Moretti who is the SWF president on screen announced an immediate rematch at Supreme Lockdown. And Tyson Lang along with Powerhouse Patterson are still embroiled in their war.







Only changes I have done with the data as far as I can remember is I added real life venues. And I changed the product allowing me to have more matches. I will posting shows on a scedule, Sundays will be the most active as Sunday Slamfest is held on that day. Some other big events are going to be held on a tuesday or thursday and will be posted on those days as well.
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Guest cmdrsam

Reserved for SWF Roster and SWF news



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Last 10 TV shows with grades and Ratings


Last Show: 1.77 B

2 shows ago: 1.78 B+

3 shows ago: 1.67 C+

4 shows ago: 1.71 C+

5 shows ago: 1.50 C

6 shows ago: 1.51 C-

7 shows ago: 1.77 B+

8 shows ago: 1.75 B-

9 shows ago: 1.79 B-

10 shows ago: 1.89 B






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SWF World Heavyweight Champion


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Hagar Erickson X2

Title Defences:1


Previous: Vacant

Title Defence Previous:0






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SWF North American Champion


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Rick Rumble

Title Defences:11


Previous: Vacant

Title Defence Previous:0






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SWF World Tag Team Champions


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Joey and Teddy Flame= Blazn' Flames 2X winners

Title Defenses:1


Previous Champions: Ace McQueen and Black Jack= Deadly Gamble

Previous Title Defenses:6




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SWF King of the Squared Circle


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Rocky Streets

Won at SWF King of the Squared Circle January 1976







Main Event


Baron Von Rambis: Heel managed by Ares Aegaleus

Hagar Erickson: Heel managed by Ares Aegaleus

Micky Starr: Face

Powerhouse Patterson: Heel

Rocky Streets: Face

Tyson Lang: Face

The Maked Patriot Face

Chief Two Eagles Face



Upper Midcard


Ace McQueen: Heel managed by Ares Aegaleus

Black Jack: Heel managed by Ares Aegaleus

Crippler Ray Kingman: Heel

Dusty Streets: Face

Edmund Jackson: Face

Teddy Flame: Face

Sid Streets: Face

Identy Black: Heel manged by the High Chief

Rick Rumble: Face managed by Beautiful Babette



Cherokee Hawk: Face

Papa Voodoo: Heel

Crippler Ray Kingman: Heel

Kenzo Isozaki: Heel

Burt Selleck: Face

Corporal Doom: Heel

Enforcer McBride: Heel managed by The Coach

Frank Rock: Heel managed by The Coach

Identity Black: Heel

Iron Mike Milligan: Heel managed by The Coach

Mitch Haggans: Heel manged by The Coach

Richie Pangrazzio Jr.: Heel managed by The Coach

Michael Mitchell Heel

Joey Flame Face



Lower Midcard


The Stomper: Heel

Cheatn' Mike Barstow: Heel

Flyn Ryan Brian: Face

Luis Montero: Face

Bobby Linquist: Face

Romeo Hearthrob: Face

The Stomper: Heel



Staff Members


Antonio Moretti= SWF President

Beautiful Babette= Manager for Team Supreme

Bob Johnson= Announcer and Broadcaster

Chaim Silverman= Color, has done manager work in past.

Coach Dick Pangrazzio= Manager for The Allstars

Hank Jacobs= Ref

Richard Eisen= Announcer and Broadcaster

Sam Sparrow= Ref

High Chief: Manager



Will not report on openers or enhancement talents for the time being but this may change in the future.





Tag Teams


The Allstars= Mitch Haggens and Enforcer McBride

Blazin' Flames= Joey and Teddy Flame

Deadly Gamble= Ace McQueen and Black Jack

Heavy Hitters= Frank Rock and Iron Mike Milligan

Team Doom= Baron Von Rambis and Hagar Erickson




Ares' Titans= Ace McQueen, Ares Aegaleus, Baron Von Rambis, Black Jack, and Hagar Erickson.


Team Supreme= Beautiful Babette, Joey Flame, Micky Starr, Rick Rumble, and Teddy Flame.


The Allstars= The Coach Dick Pangrazzio, Enforcer McBride, Frank Rock, Iron Mike Milligan, Mitch Haggens, and Richie Pangrazzio.

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Guest cmdrsam

Reserved for top organizations





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Did not have a January show.




#2 GCG


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Been running very good shows ratings are low end B to a B+.



#3 SWF


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Ollie have been running a very solid cards. Show ratings vary between B- to B rating on events. No title changes.




#5 CWF


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Ran one event in January. Solid show rated a B-. Main Event saw Dan Stone defend and retain his title against Dark Demon. Ray Stinger was let go, while resigning Red Falcon and Seth Storm.

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Guest cmdrsam

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SWF Sunday Slamfest


Coming to you from Tulsa Oklahoma.





We are just a few weeks before SWF Supreme Lockdown. Anything can happen. SWF President Antonio Moretti has moved up a match that was scheduled for Supreme Lockdown. We will see Micky Starr defend the belt against Hagar Erickson. Other matched scheduled to take place include.



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Baron Von Rambis...VS...The Masked Patriot






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Burt Selleck and Walleye Conklins...VS...Streets of Rage...VS...The Blazn' Flames





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Chief Two Eagles...VS...RJ Danzig






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Identity Black...VS...Luis Montero Jr.





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Crippler Ray Kingman...VS...Edmund Jackson






SWF World Heavyweight Title


Specially ordered by SWF President Antonio Moretti



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Hagar Erickson...VS...Micky Starr ©



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Guest cmdrsam
Well mate, in my eyes you are a bit of a legend on these boards so I will be following your take on an epic era in C-Verse very fondly.


All the best mate!



Thank you sir. I would humbly disagree on the legend part you and many other writers have way more talent than I could ever muster. But I do thank you for the compliment.



Definitely looking forward to this one. I've said a few times that the SWF in '75 has a ton of potential in diary terms. Glad to see you taking it on. Good luck with this, and you definitely have a reader here.


Thank you sir. You set the bar pretty high with your rendition of SWF. I only hope I can be somewhat entertaining. But I sure as heck am gonna give it a try. I have spent the last few years trying not to be WWE/SWF or sports entertainment. Well thats how I aways book then I get myself all fubared up inside my head. Well I'm just gonna embrace what I am and gonna run with it.

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Hi.. Had a read through, and liking it so far. Gotta love the seventies setting.


Only thing i dont like is your versus logos.. a little jaring..


So i made you this




Fits a little better in my opinion



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You got a reader here. I absolutely love that mod even though I can't find enough time to write about it as seen in my last diary attempts.


One question regarding your story : what's up with Ares ? I find it hard to believe he's a quiet manager, especially since his archnemesis is the on-screen president.

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Guest cmdrsam
Hi.. Had a read through, and liking it so far. Gotta love the seventies setting.


Only thing i dont like is your versus logos.. a little jaring..


So i made you this




Fits a little better in my opinion





Thank you Clarity. Those do look alot better. I will try and switch over later tonight. Many Thanks.


You got a reader here. I absolutely love that mod even though I can't find enough time to write about it as seen in my last diary attempts.


One question regarding your story : what's up with Ares ? I find it hard to believe he's a quiet manager, especially since his archnemesis is the on-screen president.


Ares quiet? Guess you'll have to tune in on sunday :p



You know I'll be reading, cmdrsam. I always love to see what people do with the 1975 data. Liked the summary of what you've done so far and that you are jumping on a bit past the starting point.


Thank you Mr T for your work with the 75 mod. I can only hope to do it justice that it deserves.

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Well, I know very little about the history of the Cverse, truth be known, so my tips are probably going to be outrageously bad. In some cases I will be using the tipping strategy my wife uses at the races - which colours/names she likes best. Heh, if it works for her, surely it can work for me? I'm sure within a few weeks cm that your writing and booking will be such that my history of CVerse will have exponentiated many times over.


Baron Von Rambis - love the facial look, niiiice

Burt Selleck and Walleye Conklins - Burt Selleck, heh. Very good.

Chief Two Eagles - if a man is good enough to have two eagles, he is good enough to go into the wins column

Luis Montero Jr - my strategy here is I'm not sure if his opponent can see through the red eye coverings, if he can't see 'em he can't hit 'em

Crippler Ray Kingman - this character I do know, so I feel happy giving him the W

Micky Starr - got to build up the big mega event coming up, it makes sense to me that Starr should go over and cause the chase

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Guest cmdrsam
Well, I know very little about the history of the Cverse, truth be known, so my tips are probably going to be outrageously bad. In some cases I will be using the tipping strategy my wife uses at the races - which colours/names she likes best. Heh, if it works for her, surely it can work for me? I'm sure within a few weeks cm that your writing and booking will be such that my history of CVerse will have exponentiated many times over.


Baron Von Rambis - love the facial look, niiiice

Burt Selleck and Walleye Conklins - Burt Selleck, heh. Very good.

Chief Two Eagles - if a man is good enough to have two eagles, he is good enough to go into the wins column

Luis Montero Jr - my strategy here is I'm not sure if his opponent can see through the red eye coverings, if he can't see 'em he can't hit 'em

Crippler Ray Kingman - this character I do know, so I feel happy giving him the W

Micky Starr - got to build up the big mega event coming up, it makes sense to me that Starr should go over and cause the chase



I once dated some once who did better than me on a NCAA Basketball tourny because she liked the uniforms colors more than the other teams. Sad part was she killed me in picks. So I had to dump her. :D (JK)



So did you hold a tournament or something for the North American Title its not supposed to debut until 96 so I was just wondering if its in game already or if you added it. Either way good lookin out so far.


In my data, it shows Rumble as the United States Champion at January 75. I changed the name but may rename it to the US belt. But North American title feels more oldschool to me. Hope that clarifies it.



Thanks for so many responses early guys. I really do appreciate it. I have 3 shows written and 1 partial. I will have 1st show posted this sunday sometime. My wife is out of hospital and all is as well as can be expected.
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Guest cmdrsam

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SWF Sunday Slamfest


Tulsa Oklahoma 4,430 Attendance



WK 1 December 1975





A quick video is played featuring Mickey Starr, Powerhouse Patterson, Baron Von Rambis, Rick Rumble, Hagar Erickson, and Tyson Lang. We come out of the video and go to the announcers table.



Richard Eisen: Hello everyone and welcome to SWF Slamfest, coming to you tonight from Tulsa Oklahoma. I'm Richard Eisen and I'm joined once again for tonights card by my broadcast partners, Bob Johnson and Chaim Silverman.



Bob Johnson: Thank you Richard, and hello out there in Tulsa and the rest of the audience at home. We have a action packed card tonight. We will have a three team tag team match later tonight with the winners going on to face the SWF tag team champions, at SWF Supreme Lockdown. For those who do not know, all of those matches will be in a steel cage.



Chaim Silverman: Will you shut up you blithering idiot. I don't care about that right now. I just want to see tonights main event. That overrated buffoon Micky Starr puts up his title for grabs against a true North American hero, a man from Canada. That man being Hagar Erickson. And I hope he once and for all will end Starr's evil reign.



Richard Eisen: Evil? Starr is a true American patriot.



Chaim Silverman: Tomatoes, tamatoes I still hope Erickson breaks his neck.


(Ares Aegaleus leads down Baron Von Rambis from backstage to a chorus of boos.)


Chaim Silverman: Now here is a man I personally respect.



Ares Aegaleus: Go ahead, boo me. Be true Americans and be rude to someone who is trying to tell you the truth. You don't know any better. Its the way your raised I guess. But I bring you good news. You see later on tonight not only will I be leading Hagar Erickson to victory later tonight and becoming your new World's champion. In just a few minutes I will be leading this man here. The Baron will be dismantling you other pathetic hero, The Masked Patriot. Now Baron I am placing a bounty on that mask. If you retrieve that mask I will pay you 30,000 rubles.



Baron Von Rambis: Mr. Aegaleus, I do not want the rubles, no, I bring you mask comrade just as gift. I bring destruction of this so called Patriot. Then I watch Hagar bring Worlds title to us Titan's. Then there will be only one title left for us to get, no. Patriot, come on down and get reeducated.



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Baron Von Rambis...VS...The Masked Patriot



The Masked Patriot came out carrying the American flag. He gets into the ring and gets the fans to chant USA!, USA! This enrages Baron and Ares. Finally the two hook up. Patriot starts to get the upper hand but Baron Von Rambis rolls out of the ring to consult with his manager. Patriot finally has had enough and goes out to ringside grabs Ares and Rambis and pushes both of their heads together. The Baron eventually has the momentum clearly in his favor but makes a mistake by dropping down to early with a backbody drop attempt. Patriot kicks Baron in the head and rolls up Baron for a two count. Ares calls out for Hagar Erickson.


Hagar comes down to ringside but stays out on the floor. The Patriot notices Hagar there and and calls for the ref to order Hagar to the back. Ares seizes this opportunity and tosses in a chair to Baron Von Rambis. The Baron smacks the mat to make a sound as The Patriot turns around to face him. The Baron falls to the mat after he tosses The Patriot the chair and rolls around acting like he was hit with the chair. Referee Sam Sparrow turns around and sees Patriot with the chair and Baron on the mat. He calls for the bell.


Patriot is pleading with Sparrow that he did not use the chair. Sparrow tells him all he know is he heard the sound and turns around to see Baron on the mat and you holding the chair. The fans boo.

Baron Von Rambis defeated The Masked Patriot in 7:39 by disqualification.



A video plays showcasing the war between Powerhouse Patterson and Tyson Lang. It features the highlights of two previous engagements.



Richard Eisen: I can't believe that. Patriot didn't even use the chair.



Chaim Silverman: Hahaaha, Once again The Baron has out smarted the American's. Brilliant work Team Titans.



Bob Johnson: I'm at a loss for words here. But I hear Tyson Lang is backstage and he has plenty of words for us.



Tyson Lang: Yo, I just wanted to say thank you to all you great fans here in Tulsa, and the rest of the world where ever Tyson Lang goes. But the T Man here hears only one question no matter where The T man goes. When am I gonna get that jive turkey Patterson back in the ring. When that sucka puts his name on the contract to face me again. When I do I'm gonna shut the fools mouth once and for all. Because he has got a whole lota mouth, but thats OK I got a whole lot of fist to shut the pea brain sucka down.



Richard Eisen: I for one cant wait to see that match up again.



Chaim Silverman: What gets me is Patterson should be putting all of his energy towards getting another world title shot. Not at that idiot Lang.



Bob Johnson: Well folks, we are days away from Supreme Lockdown. And it really is shaping up to be a great event. As all three of our titles will be defended that night. One of those titles will be the SWF tag team championship.



Richard Eisen: That right Bob. The winner of this next match will face Ace McQueen and Black Jack for the SWF tag team belts. This next match is new format that has never been done here in the SWF.



Bob Johnson: You are correct Richard. This match is a triple threat tag team match. The match open with one member of its team in the ring at a time. Regular rules apply except for this. You win either by pinfall, submission, or dq. The losing team is then eliminated entirely allowing the other two teams to continue the match. And again those two team continue the match under normal tag team conditions.



Richard Eisen: And now for the three teams. Team number one will be Walleye Conklin and Burt Selleck. Team Two will be The Blazin' Flames. And lastly team three will be the Streets of Rage.



Chaim Silverman: Line em up because the Team of Ace and Black Jack continues to roll and keeps knocking down what ever team you line up in front of them. I think those two are the most dominate team I have ever seen. And I have to admit maybe any team I ever managed before.



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Burt Selleck and Walleye Conklin...VSThe Streets of Rage...VS...The Blazn' Flames



The fans where treated here with a lot of fast paced action. Bodies flying everywhere. All three teams seemed to be evenly matched. Sid Streets was the first to pin Walleye Conklin first to eliminate Team Selleck and Conklin. And the end saw the team of the Blazin' Flames pin the Streets of rage. To secure a title shot. Afterwards a dejected Team of Rage swallow their pride and extend handshakes to the Flames. The Flames hold up both of the Street Brother's hand up in victory.


Blazin' Flames defeated Streets of Rage and Burt Selleck and Walleye Conklin in 8:25; the order of elimination was Burt Selleck and Walleye Conklin first, and finally Streets of Rage.



Chaim Silverman: OK, I have to admit. That was a good match. But I still say Ace McQueen and Black Jack still gonna retain.



Richard Eisen: Wow, Silverman actually with a complement. Chaim you getting soft on us?



Chaim Silverman: Soft? Like your head, or soft like your gut?



Richard Eisen: Your impossible sometimes.



Chaim Silverman: And your still dumb all the time.



Bob Johnson: Well thats one title folks for Supreme Lockdown. We will be treated to the match up of The Blazin' Flames VS Ace McQueen and Black Jack for the SWF World Tag Team Championship.




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Chief Two Eagles...VS...RJ Danzig



R.J. Danzig is already in the ring when Chief Two Eagles name is called out. We are treated to sound of the Indian war cry along with the drums banging. As soon as Two Eagles enters the ring RJ attacked him. Clubbing Two Eagles mercilessly with stiff shots to the neck and spine of Two Eagles. RJ whips Eagles into the ropes and takes his man down with a clothesline. RJ Danzig picks up Two Eagle and plant a stiff right hand into Two Eagles face. Two Eagles starts to get fired up and begins to no sell the shots by Danzig. Finally Two Eagles puts RJ into the corner and delivers a series of knife edge chops that resonate throughout the stadium. Two Eagles eventually does put his man down for the three count with his Tomahawk Chop.


Chief Two Eagles defeated R.J. Danzig in 8:26 by pinfall with a Tomahawk Chop.



Richard Eisen: A good win for Chief Two Eagles tonight.



Chaim Silverman: All I see is wasted talent. Two Eagles cares way to much for these idiot fans out here. Can you imagine if under the right tutelage and the correct guidance where he could be?



Richard Eisen: You mean somebody like you?



Chaim Silverman: No you idiot, I'm retired. Surely Ares Aegaleus or the Coach could make some room for him on their roster.



Richard Eisen: Thats truly a scary thought.


(Rick Rumble comes out from the backstage area carrying the SWF United States title over his shoulder)


Bob Johnson: Hold that thought. I see Rick Rumble is coming this way.



Rick Rumble: Sorry to interrupt, but I have something that has been burning me up. You see Richie Pangrazzio, I told ya for weeks, you were gonna pay for that attack on myself. You were up against a real man. What have you done? You shucked and jived ducking me in the process. But you see, I caught up to Iron Mike Milligan. And I laid him out. I caught up to Frank Rock. And I laid him out as well. That only leaves you now. You see with Supreme Lockdown, I still don't have an opponent yet. I'll put this here belt on the line, just to get my hands on your scrawny little neck.


(Annoying whistles are now heard as Coach Dick Pangrazzio and Richie make their way down.)


Coach Dick Pangrazzio: Hold on, hold on, Time out. Did I hear that right? Did I hear you say you would put the title up for grabs?



Rick Rumble: To get my hands on your kid, you betcha.



Coach Dick Pangrazzio: Well then put your name on the dotted line. We've been in the gym training for this day for sometime now. If you wanted Richie all you had to do was put that shiny belt on the line you pencil necked igit.



Rick Rumble: Take your family pictures before that match Coach. Because let me remind you, it is in a cage. And I'm gonna make your kid face look like hamburger meat. Then I'm gonna break some bones. Then maybe I'll pin him, if he's lucky.



Bob Johnson: Well there you have folks. I presume this is official, we will see for the United States title. Rick Rumble defending against Richie Pangrazzi.



Chaim Silverman: Coach will have his kid ready. Richie will be a finely oiled machine and I think he will be the one making Rick's face hamburger.



Richard Eisen: Up next folks its Luis Montero battling Identity Black.




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Identity Black...VS...Luis Montero



Black walks down after being introduced. He climbs up on the mat, steps over the ropes, and just marches up to Luis. Luis Montero is gonna have his hands full tonight. But he doesn't back down, but clearly you can see some apprehension in his eyes. The ref calls for the bell, and THAWK! Identity Black lands a shot on top of Montero's head which drops him immediately. Black could have put this away at anytime shortly after that but chose to issue out more punishment.


Identity Black defeated Luis Montero in 5:42 by pinfall with a Finisher X.



Chaim Silverman: Wow, that man is gonna be a champion. Have you seen a man that big move so fast?



Richard Eisen: For once I'm gonna have to agree. Has he even lost yet does anybody know?



Bob Johnson: Don't forget folks, tonights Main Event will have Micky Starr defend the SWF World Title against Hagar Erickson.





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Crippler Ray Kingman...VS...Edmund Jackson



The two men lock up and jockey for leverage. Eventually Edmund Jackson muscles Kingman into the corner. The ref calls for a break and Edmund so cleanly. Kingman looks impressed and motions to Jackson good job. They tie up again and again the two begin the leverage battle. This time its Kingman who gets his man into the corner. This does not end cleanly however as Kingman drives a knee into the gut of Edmund Jackson. The momentum is fully behind Kingman. Eventually Crippler locks in the Cloverleaf on it forces Jackson to tap out.


Crippler Ray Kingman defeated Edmond Jackson in 6:19 by submission with a Crippler Cloverleaf.



Richard Eisen: What a great match. Edmund gave it is all but just came up short.



Chaim Silverman: Shut up Eisen. Edmund is not even in the same league as the Crippler.



Richard Eisen: Edmund did have Kingman pinned but only got a two count.



Chaim Silverman: Cat and mouse Eisen. But enough of that, the Main Event is up next.





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SWF World Heavyweight Title



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Hagar Erickson...VS...Micky Starr



The two men stand nose to nose with one another and begin to jaw jack with each other. Hagar slaps Starr that really gets under his skin. Hagar tries for a second slap, but Starr blocks it and counters with a right jab, then another, then a left hook that crumbles Hagar to the mat. Starr goes to pick up Hagar but he was playing possum and rolls Star up in a small package. Oh so close to a quick three but Starr powers out at the last second. Ares Aegaleus climbs onto the ring apron which distracts the ref as he tries to get him back down. Hagar low blows Starr and imediantly sets to systematically pick apart Starr.


Hagar starts to resort to choke holds, using the ropes to choke out Starr. Sam Sparrow gets close to getting to the 5 count on quite a few of these holds but Hagar lets go each and every time. Hagar picks up Starr and whips him into the ropes, and sets up for a clothesline. Starr ducks and comes across the other side and takes Hagar off of his feet with a shoulder block.


From there you get the sense that Starr was gonna put Hagar away. Baron Von Rambis comes running down and slips something into Hagar's hand while Ares distracts the ref again. Hagar turns around and clocks Starr. Wait there is something on the floor. But Sam Sparrow doesn't see it. Hagar goes to cover, 1,,,,,,2,,,,,no not like this! Sparrow's hand lands for the final three.


Hagar Erikson defeated Micky Starr in 10:16 by pinfall. Hagar Erikson wins the SWF World Heavyweight title.



Afterwards Hagar kicks the mysterious item out of the ring for Ares to retrieve. The crowd is going ballistic. Richard Eisen is crying for some intervention from anybody. Baron Von Rambis climbs into the ring. As Hagar Erickson is handed the SWF World Title. But wait, The Baron and Hagar have other intentions here. They start to manhandle on Starr. Here comes The Masked Patriot. O boy we got a full donnybrook here. Baron tries to remove the mask of The Patriot. But he fights back, keeping his mask on. The four men continue to brawl spilling over into the crowd.



Richard Eisen: We will try and get more information on this. See you at Supreme Lockdown!







Quick recap



Baron Von Rambis beat The Masked Patriot Rated: B

Blazn' Flames beat Streets of Rage and Burt Selleck and Walleye Conklin Rated: C-

Chief Two Eagles beat RJ Danzig Rated: B

Identity Black beat Luis Montero Rated: D+

Crippler Ray Kingman beat Edmund Jackson Rated: C

Hagar Erickson beat Micky Starr Rated: A

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What in the hell did you do Eisen? I yelled at my boss. Maybe not the smartest move to make but I clearly remember having this end as a draw. Eisen told me to calm down and he would explain. I was livid, how could he do this to me? I am suppose to be the one in charge of booking. Yes he was the boss, yes he could give me directives as far as the direction he wanted to go. But I was in charge of executing the plans. And now he goes does what ever the hell he wanted to do, and with out even consulting me. Rocky could see it in my eyes as I was about to do something really stupid and stepped in front of me. Calm down kid, this is his company.



I wanted to rip his spine out of his body. But OK, just for the sense of curiosity I'll listen. If this does not make sense. Then I am gonna get fired because I am gonna shove my fist so far down his throat. Richard explains the reason why he changed the finish was so that we could have a great set up for the main event at Lockdown. It just made more sense to him and Rocky to have Hagar go over on Starr tonight. Ticket sales should increase 10-15 percent more to see Starr get his revenge.



Great, I still want to kill somebody. But as much as I hate to admit it, it did make sense. He is right, makes the villain more powerful going into the event. Eisen told me to work with it and mold it however I see fit. He also apologized for not telling me but it was a last minute decision. No one else knew but himself and Rocky. I hate to admit it but he is learning. How could I have not seen that? Yep one thing is for sure. I am going to have to step my game up because these little things could end up to bite me in the ass.



Just then Antonio Moretti comes in. Hey guys did you hear? Austin McCoy was found dead. Rocky Streets and myself looked at each other. Rocky said he was gonna make some calls to find out what happened.

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SWF Supreme Lockdown Preview

From the Shrine Auditorium




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SWF Tag Team Championship



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Blazn' Flames...VS...Deadly Gamble©







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SWF North American Title



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Rick Rumble©...VS...Richie Pangrazzio Jr.





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Burt Selleck...VS...Iron Mike Milligan





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Powerhouse Patterson...VS...RJ Danzig






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Tyson Lang...VS...Crippler Ray Kingman





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Micky Starr and The Masked Patriot...VS...Baron Von Rambis and Hagar Erickson



Will be posted most likley late Tuesday night
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I see my tipping strategy of looking at colours and all that didn't quite come off. Heh, the strategy must endure!


Deadly Ghouls - I nearly went against them looking at the sick chain one of the other dudes wears. But I remembered this was 1975 and that it was probably a bash-a-ble offence back then for a young buck to wear a chain like that... I don't think Rocky had come out at the time to allow such dramatic chain wearing and this is the reason I will go for Deadly Ghouls.


Rick Rumble - It's a tough name for a tough game. If his name was Rick Handshake or something less powerful than Rumble I would go the other way (tip-wise, that is)


Burt Selleck - If Magnum doesn't go over, I riot...


RJ Danzig - Powerhouse looks, well... like a Powerhouse. But I just wonder if he can last longer than it takes to say fe-fi-fo-fum, and for this reason I go for RJ Danzig.


Crippler Ray Kingman - I want to desperately go Tyson Lang. I pity the fool.. He looks the type who could give even Rocky a fearful bashing, but I know of Ray Kingman which says to me he was probably a fairly large piece of the personality pie back in the day.


the European Klondikes - I take them because they are ideal heels, they look like they've come fresh off a Viking boat, have run out of bubblegum and are ready to smack anyone up who looks at them the wrong way. Plus, the top faces have to go down somewhere, and it sort of builds things up for credible semi and main events.

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Blazn' Flames...VS...Deadly Gamble©


Blazn' Flames have slightly less facial hair and nothing in the way of a mustache between them. Everybody knows that Mustaches get pushtaches!


Rick Rumble©...VS...Richie Pangrazzio Jr.


The battle of the richards. I don't think Jnr's got recognition until well into the nineties, whilst the royal rumble was created in 88 and and the rumble in the jungle was in 74, so Rick has to win.


Burt Selleck...VS...Iron Mike Milligan


He has a mustache!


Powerhouse Patterson...VS...RJ Danzig


Aliteration always wins...Hulk Hogan, Rick Rude, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jeff Jarrett. Do we even know what RJ stands for? I guess Real Jerk!


Tyson Lang...VS...Crippler Ray Kingman


Hmmm, mustache vs Mr T? tough to call but I'll go for Mr T.


Micky Starr and The Masked Patriot...VS...Baron Von Rambis and Hagar Erickson


Micky Starr has a mustache AND Sunglasses! Granted, his partner has a mask, but come on...mustache AND sunglasses!

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Guest cmdrsam

SWF presents Supreme Lockdown

Los Angeles CA Shrine Auditorium

Tuesday Week 2 1975


As this is not a televised event, we had to bring in a band to get the crowd going. John Paul Jones was brought in as he was on his American tour. In an effort to get some excitement out of the crowd and for him to promote himself. Also keep in mind with this not being a televised event I will be down playing the announcers and color commentary during these big events. We have to keep in mind that this is a different era. So nothing fancy. But lets see how this plays out and if it dont feel right, we will make a change.



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Richie Pangrazzio Jr.: Look, I don't know why he Rumble doesn't just give me the title now. I mean come on now people. I'm younger than him. I faster than him. I sure as heck am better looking than him. Now I run the risk of bruising this face.





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SWF Tag Team Championship



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Blazn' Flames...VS...Deadly Gamble©



Joey Flame and Ace McQueen start things off. Ace begins to club Joey on the back. Joey gets rammed head first into the cage. Ace sends Joey into the corner and Teddy comes in. Joey and Teddy connect with a double dropkick. Joey tags back in with Teddy. Joey now has a arm wrench on Ace. Teddy tags in and climbs up on the top turnbuckle and connects with a double axe handle to the arm of Ace McQueen. Ace sends Teddy into the ropes and connects with a side slam. Black Jack gets the tag and places Teddy in a side headlock. Black Jack takes Teddy into the cage. Teddy staggers from the unyielding steel mesh and gets taken down with a shoulder block. Black Jack with a cover and gets a two count.


Black Jack with a body slam on Teddy. Black Jack comes off of the ropes and misses a leg drop. Teddy rushes into his corner and tags in Joey who begins to hammer away on Black Jack. Joey makes a mistake and gets to close to Ace McQueen gets drilled in the back with a kick. Black Jack with a scoop slam and he tags in Ace McQueen. Black Jack whips Joey into the ropes and Ace connects with a clothesline. Ace begins to choke Joey.


Black Jack gets tagged back in and connects with an massive big boot to the face of Joey. Black Jack goes for the cover... 2 count. He along with the rest of the crowd cant believe it.


Joey gets dragged into the champion's corner and Ace tags back in. Ace with a scoop slam on Joey who now appears pretty worn out. Ace tags back in. Black Jack misses a off the rope splash attempt. Joey musters all the energy he has left and tags in Teddy. A drop kick on Black Jack. Another one on Ace who comes rushing in. One more for Black Jack. Ace however clubs Teddy causing him to crumple to the mat. Ref Sam Sparrow gets order restored and Ace back into his corner. Black Jack signals that this is it. He sets up for a Jack of Spades, but wait, Teddy with a kick to the gut. A small package by Teddy,.....1,,,,,,,,2,,,,,,,3! We have new Champions.


Blazin' Flames defeated Deadly Gamble in 7:45 when Teddy Flame defeated Ace McQueen by pinfall. Blazin' Flames win the SWF Tag Team titles.



The match is over, and Blazin' Flames are celebrating. Ace McQueen and Black Jack look very angry, Ares looks at his team like are you just gonna stand there and take that. McQueen and Black Jack jump the Flames from behind, beating them down. Even using the titles to gash in both of the Flame's heads. Order is restored as the former champions and their manager storm out. They vow vengence will be theirs.





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SWF North American Title



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Rick Rumble©...VS...Richie Pangrazzio Jr.



Rumble and Richie tie up and its Richie who gets his man to the mat first with a fireman’s carry. He gloats to the fans, Rumble, and his dad The Coach. Rumble and Richie tie up again, once again Richie takes Rumble down with a fireman's carry. Again he gloats turns his back to Rumble. Rumble gets up spins around Richie and fires off a

few right hands and then places Richie into a headlock. Rumble with a hip toss and then follows up with two clotheslines. Rumble with a cover but gets a 1 count.


Rumble whips Richie into the corner and he goes hard back first into the corner. Rumble goes rushing in but its Richie who grabs Rumble's tights and uses Rumble's own momentum and sends him face first into the cage. Richie rams Rumble's head a few more times into the cage. Richie with a side Russian legsweep. A cover by Richie gets a 2 count.


Both men get to their feet at the same time but its Rumble with a roll up for a 2 count. Rumble rams Richie a few times into the ring padding then picks him up and slings him into the cage. Rumble waits for Richie to stagger to his fight then lands a running clothesline. Rumble signals for his finisher. BOOM! Rumble connects with a Crushing Running Axehandle.



Rick Rumble defeated Richie Pangrazzio Jr. in 8:08 by pinfall with a Crushing Running Axehandle. Rick Rumble makes defense number 8 of his SWF United States title.



Rick Rumble: I am still the SWF North American Champion! But its you the fans out there that make this worth while. Putting body and mind in peril everywhere I go. Thank you. But the year aint over yet. Although I am North American champion, I look to be world champion someday as well. Hopefully before the year is over I can get my chance. But until then, I am proud to be your North American Champion.



Richard Eisen: What a champion Rumble is. We need more like him.



Chaim Silverman: We need more Rumbles? You need you head examined.



Bob Johnson: Dont forget folks tonights main event. Baron Von Rambis and Hagar Erickson take on Micky Starr and The Masked Patriot.



Chaim Silverman: The real SWF Champion is gonna showcase that match.





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Burt Selleck...VS...Iron Mike Milligan


Milligan quickly kicks Burt in the left knee and begins to deliver a few boots to the gut. Milligan then chokes Burt in the corner. Milligan begins to get angry with referee Hank Jacobs as Hank tries to get Milligan to break the chokehold. Burt gets to his feet and hip tosses Milligan. Burt follows it up with a bodyslam. Burt goes to the second turnbuckle, goes for a elbow drop but Milligan rolls out of the way. Burt lands with a thud, Milligan picks his man up and throws Burt hard head first into the cage. Milligan again picks his man up and begins to grind Burt's face into the cage.


Milligan taunts Burt, he plays to the crowd and says its over. Milligan goes for a big splash but Burt gets his knees up causing Milligan to crash them chest first.

Both men are writhing on the mat. They are struggling to get to their feet but finally do. Burt and Milligan trade punches. Milligan looks to be getting the advantage, no, Burt begins to fire back with a few hard lefts.


Burt eventually does drop Milligan with a thunderous right. Burt goes for piledriver, but Milligan blocks it and converts the piledriver attempt a backdrop. Burt hangs on looking for a sunset flip. Milligan simply drops down to his knees holding Burt's shoulders on the mat. Milligan then starts to pummel Burt with his Fists of Iron.


Iron Michael Milligan defeated Burt Selleck in 6:29 by pinfall with a Fists of Iron.





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Powerhouse Patterson...VS...RJ Danzig


Powerhouse Patterson and RJ Danzig fight for seven to eight minutes. Each bouncing their opponents head on the cage opening each other up. They go through some nice sequences until RJ Danzig gained the advantage after hitting a powerslam. Danzig goes for a cover but Patterson kicks out with authority at 1.


Patterson ended up fighting back though, blocking a DDT attempt later on in the match, reversing it into an inverted atomic drop. After picking up momentum with several knockdowns to Danzig, Patterson finished Danzig off with his Crushing Shoudlersmash.


Powerhouse Patterson defeated R.J. Danzig in 10:15 by pinfall with a Crushing Shouldersmash.





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Tyson Lang...VS...Crippler Ray Kingman



Tyson Lang dominated early in the match, but Kingman ended up gaining control with a low blow and rake of the eyes. Kingman almost had the match won with a Crippler Clutch attempt, but Lang powers out of the attempt and fought back. Kingman kept trying to put Lang away, but Tyson always fought back, and finally got some momentum of his own after reversing a DDT into a suplex. From there, Lang gathered some momentum before finishing Kingman off with his T-Storm of Fists. During the match we had a mystery man come through from the backstage area and was watching the match up. The announce crew deduct and announce the man to be High Chief Malietoa. But he leaves just as soon as the match is over.


Tyson Lang defeated Crippler Ray Kingman in 8:23 by pinfall with a T-Storm of Fists.




Bob Johnson: What could the High Chief want here in SWF?



Richard Eisen: Whatever it is it wont be good.



Chaim Silverman: Bet I find out why and who he is scouting.



Richard Eisen: Will you share that info when you find out?



Chaim Silverman: If the price is right.



Tyson Lang is heading back down the aisle after his match. As he reaches the stage he gets attacked by Powerhouse Patterson, who came out of nowhere. Powerhouse proceeds to beat down Lang. Powerhouse Patterson picks up Lang and slams him through a table. As Powerhouse Patterson looks on smiling, Tyson Lang is stretchered out with a neck brace.



Richard Eisen: What a heinous act by Patterson. That was totally uncalled for.



Chaim Silverman: Lang had it coming.



Bob Johnson: Folks if I could please. I would like to have a moment with Baron Von Rambis and Hagar Erickson and their manager Ares Aegaleus.



Ares Aegalus: Yeah boo. Boo some more you idiots. Antonio you have been a thorn in my side for some time now. I don't even want to talk right now.



Hagar Erickson: UPH UPH Calm down there Mr Aegalus. We dont need to feed anymore gaga to these idiots. They should pay better respect to their new World's champion. UPH UPH Micky Starr, we meet again in another chapter in our lifes. You remind me of one of those punching bag toys. You beat it, and you beat it some more. But it keeps coming back up. So you beat it some more. Finally it falls apart, and you take out with the rest of the trash. Thats what we are gonna do to you tonight. Take out the trash. Tell em Baron. UPH UPH UPH.


(Hagar storms back and forth still yelling)


Baron Von Rambis: That is right comrade Erickson. This time Patriot cant hit me with a chair. Haha. You think we are terrified because you come from second best country in world. You see I come from best country, The USSR. And tonight we get you in our very own steel curtain. Tonight, myself and my comrade here picks apart the dreams and hopes of America.





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Micky Starr and The Masked Patriot...VS...Baron Von Rambis and Hagar Erickson



Micky Starr and Hagar Erickson start things off. Erickson with a knee in the corner. Starr reverses a whip into the corner and connects with a clothesline. Drop toe hold by Erickson and a quick elbow drop. Starr moves out of the way causing Erickson to miss. Booker puts Hagar into an arm wrench. Patriot gets the tag. Patriot scoop slams Erickson down. Patriot with an elbow drop. Goes for the cover... 2 count.


Patriot whips Erickson into the corner and delivers a few clubbing blows in the corner. Patriot places Erickson into a side headlock and Starr tags in. Starr comes in and kicks Erickson in the side. Hagar fights back and drives Starr into his corner and Hagar and Baron Von Rambis double team. Baron has Starr in an arm wrench. Starr looks to reverse. Baron Von Rambis kicks Starr a few times and places him in a front face lock. Starr backs Baron into his corner and both Starr and Patriot men double team Baron with knees.


Patriot hammers away on The Baron and places him in a reverse chin lock in the middle of the ring. Starr gets the tag and connects with a big boot to the face, Starr covers... 2 count. Starr goes back to the rear chin lock. Baron gets to his feet goes off the ropes and connects with a shoulder block. Starr comes back with a hip toss and a knee drop... 2 count.


Patriot gets the tag and he punches Baron in the ribs. Baron with a rack of the eyes. Hagar gets tagged in and begins to hammer away on Patriot. Patriot backs Hagar into the corner and delivers a few punches but Hagar comes back with an atomic knee drop. Hagar goes off the ropes and connects with a knee and then a swinging neck breaker. Hagar covers but Starr breaks it up at the two count.


Patriot gets to his feet as Starr and Hagar start yelling at one another. Patriot kicks Hagar in the gut. Starr comes in and Patriot sends Hagar into the ropes where Hagar comes of the ropes and spears Patriot so hard Patriot slams his back into the cage. Baron Von Rambis begins to attack Patriot as Hagar and Starr jockey around the ring.


Hagar and Starr start to tear into one another with rights and lefts. Starr is staggering a bit. Hagar with a big kick to the gut. Now Hagar puts Starr into a piledrive attempt and lands it. He covers and Starr kicks out at two.


Ares Aegaleus yells at Hagar to leave Starr on the mat and climb out of the ring. Hagar looks apprehensive but complies. He begins the trek up the cage. Baron and Patriot are fighting with one another slamming each other into the cage walls on the other side of where Hagar is. The crowd is on its feet yelling for Starr to get up. Starr sees Hagar up about three quarters up the wall. So he begins his own trek up the wall.


Starr is climbing at a faster rate than the bulky Erickson is so by the time Hagar is about to begin his downward scale Starr is almost at the top himself. They both jump at the exact same time. Ref Sam Sparrow calls for the bell. He walks over to Hagar Erickson and lifts his arm in victory. Ares, Baron Von Rambis, and Hagar are estatic. The crowd is going nuts and begin to full the stadium with boos. Sparrow goes over to the exhausted Starr and raises his hand as well. We have a draw.


Team Doom drew with Micky Starr and The Masked Patriot at 9:48.



The four men are exhausted but neither are willing to except a draw are wanting to fight more. That when Antonio Morretti and a group of SWF officials make their way down. Antonio has a upset look on his face. He calls for a mic.



Antonio Moretti: I've been watching this for the last couple of weeks. I also have studied the film from Sunday's Slamfest. So here we head into this match and I along with everyone here was hoping for a clear cut decision. We didn't get it. So I am declaring the SWF World's heavyweight title vacant as of right now. Hagar I am ordering you to relinquish the title right now. If you do not, your contract will be terminated, along with Baron Von Rambis's and Ares Aegaleus's. We will be making a decision on how to fill the vacancy in the near future.



Hagar is upset, and yells out violently. Ares is pleading with him to let the title go. Baron Von Rambis is pleading with Hagar to let the title go. Micky Starr is mad as a hornets nest because he feels Hagar stole the title and he never lost it to begin with.





SWF Supreme Lockdown quick results


Blazn Flames beat Deadly Gamble to become new tag team champions Rated: C

Rick Rumble beat Richie Pangrazzi JR. to retain SWF North American title Rated:B-

Iron Mike Milligan beat Burt Selleck Rated: D+

Powerhouse Patterson beat RJ Danzig Rated: B-

Tyson Lang beat Crippler Ray Kingman Rated: B-

Baron Von rambis and Hagar Erickson drew with Micky Starr and The Masked Patriot Rated: B


Overall Grade : B

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Guest cmdrsam
I see my tipping strategy of looking at colours and all that didn't quite come off. Heh, the strategy must endure!


Deadly Ghouls - I nearly went against them looking at the sick chain one of the other dudes wears. But I remembered this was 1975 and that it was probably a bash-a-ble offence back then for a young buck to wear a chain like that... I don't think Rocky had come out at the time to allow such dramatic chain wearing and this is the reason I will go for Deadly Ghouls.


Rick Rumble - It's a tough name for a tough game. If his name was Rick Handshake or something less powerful than Rumble I would go the other way (tip-wise, that is)


Burt Selleck - If Magnum doesn't go over, I riot...


RJ Danzig - Powerhouse looks, well... like a Powerhouse. But I just wonder if he can last longer than it takes to say fe-fi-fo-fum, and for this reason I go for RJ Danzig.


Crippler Ray Kingman - I want to desperately go Tyson Lang. I pity the fool.. He looks the type who could give even Rocky a fearful bashing, but I know of Ray Kingman which says to me he was probably a fairly large piece of the personality pie back in the day.


the European Klondikes - I take them because they are ideal heels, they look like they've come fresh off a Viking boat, have run out of bubblegum and are ready to smack anyone up who looks at them the wrong way. Plus, the top faces have to go down somewhere, and it sort of builds things up for credible semi and main events.


Let the rioting commence.:p

That one I'll admit I almost had Burt going over before you posted that. But not to give away anything I have some plans for both of those workers in the coming year. But I guess your just gonna have to read and find out.


Thanks for reading and I always enjoy your responces.



Blazn' Flames...VS...Deadly Gamble©


Blazn' Flames have slightly less facial hair and nothing in the way of a mustache between them. Everybody knows that Mustaches get pushtaches!


Rick Rumble©...VS...Richie Pangrazzio Jr.


The battle of the richards. I don't think Jnr's got recognition until well into the nineties, whilst the royal rumble was created in 88 and and the rumble in the jungle was in 74, so Rick has to win.


Burt Selleck...VS...Iron Mike Milligan


He has a mustache!


Powerhouse Patterson...VS...RJ Danzig


Aliteration always wins...Hulk Hogan, Rick Rude, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Jeff Jarrett. Do we even know what RJ stands for? I guess Real Jerk!


Tyson Lang...VS...Crippler Ray Kingman


Hmmm, mustache vs Mr T? tough to call but I'll go for Mr T.


Micky Starr and The Masked Patriot...VS...Baron Von Rambis and Hagar Erickson


Micky Starr has a mustache AND Sunglasses! Granted, his partner has a mask, but come on...mustache AND sunglasses!


Guess I better grow a mustache as well. Maybe Ill push myself to the moon. Your bell bottom jeans have been sent. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.


Thanks for reading and participating. Hope everyone enjoyed. Also dont hate me for adding the cheesy song. :p

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Guest cmdrsam


SWF Sunday Slamfest Preview

being held at Peoria IL.



First show since Supreme Lockdown and there will be plenty to answer for. Has there been any decision on how to fill the vacant SWF World Heavyweight title? How will Deadly Gamble react to losing their belts? Powerhouse Patterson attacked Tyson Lang at Supreme Lockdown, how bad is he hurt? And will Patterson explain why he did it? All this and more. Scheduled matches.




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Micky Starr...VS...RJ Danzig





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Walleye Conklin...VS...Frank Rock




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Identity Black...VS...Jimmy Power




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Chief Two Eagles...VS...Baron Von Rambis




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Sid and Dusty Streets...VS...Mike Barstow and Kenzo Isozaki




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SWF North American title


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Rick Rumble©...VS...Corporal Doom




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Rocky Streets...VS...Hagar Erickson



Show will be posted Sunday sometime.


Wow no one torched me for using the bad video. Might have to turn up the heat. MUAHAHAHA.:eek:

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The riot will commence in approximately 23 hours and 59 seconds.


Micky Starr - because he looks like my Dad, ok, not really, but I thought it'd be cool if he did


Walleye Conklin - if a man has a powerful sediment like a brick wall as an eye, chances are the rest of the man are fairly impressive too


Identity Black - He must have a sixth sense like a cobra, can't see through the red mesh but man what a wrestler


Chief Too Eagles - Unfortunately his opponent will be held up at a McDonalds. The particular McDonalds his opponent has gone to does not have a drive through yet, and sadly, the Burger or as you blokes say... sandwich... gives him the runs, and thus he does not make the event, and Chief Too Eagles wins by count out.


Sid and Dusty Streets - If you weeeeeel


Corporal Doom - Because I leave the title of Corporal is higher than the title of Rick in the military


Hagar Erickson - Because Scandanavia needs love too

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Micky Starr...VS...RJ Danzig


Walleye Conklin...VS...Frank Rock


Identity Black...VS...Jimmy Power


Chief Two Eagles...VS...Baron Von Rambis


Sid and Dusty Streets...VS...Mike Barstow and Kenzo Isozaki


Rick Rumble©...VS...Corporal Doom


Rocky Streets...VS...Hagar Erickson

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Guest cmdrsam

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SWF Sunday Slamfest


Peoria Illinois 5,986 Attendance



WK 2 December 1975




Richard Eisen: Hello everybody and let me say something now. If you missed Supreme Lockdown, you missed a lot.



Chaim Silverman: Can I tell them now?



Richard Eisen: In a moment, we have new SWF tag team champions as the Blazn' Flames won them from Deadly Gamble.



Chaim Silverman: And we have a tricky situation developing with the world's title.



Richard Eisen: That is correct Chaim, the tainted win by one Hagar Erickson does not give him the World's title.



Chaim Silverman: Nor does it give Starr the title back either.



Bob Johnson: While these two argue folks, we welcome you to Peoria IL. And what a great night we have in store for you. But I am getting word that the President of the SWF, Antonio Moretti has an important message for us and the world's title.



( Antonio Morretti make his way from the back)



Antonio Moretti: Good evening. After a long and considered debate on how to fill the vacancy of the SWF World's Heavyweight Title. The SWF Board of Directors and myself have determined that vacancy will be fill at King of the Squared Circle in January. The final match of the evening will be a 10 man over the top rope battle royal.



(Ares Aegaleus stroms out)



Ares Aegaleus: You've got to be kidding! Did I hit you one too many times when we were wrestling Antonio? I mean come on, Did the last match between one Micky Starr and the true champion Hagar Erickson, did it not end with Sam Sparrows hand hitting a three count?



Antonio Moretti: Only after blatant interference on your part Ares. What and where is that item that you passed on to Erickson at anyway?



Ares Aegaleus: I don't have a clue what you are talking about. The real story is not me but how do we right the wrong you did to my man Hagar Erickson.



(Micky Starr makes his way out but is cut off my SWF security officials.)



Antonio Moretti: Micky, stop it brutha. I know your upset. But attacking Ares, or anybody else isn't going to solve the problem. Take your frustration out in the ring. Because your up next. Ares, my decision is final.




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Micky Starr...VS...RJ Danzig



Danzig and Starr tie up but Danzig with a quick rack of the eyes gets the early advantage. Danzig bites Starr. Starr pokes Danzig in the eyes and proceeds to bite him back. Back and forth with all power moves, with Starr getting the advantage until Danzig moved out of the way on a corner charge. Starr hits his shoulder hard on the ring post.


Kicking, biting...and some power moves and arm locks here and there. The action spills outside and its Danzig slamming Starr's head onto the ring post and then tossing Starr back in. Danzig goes to work on the arm. Starr hits a power slam out of nowhere, but Danzig gets a leg on the bottom rope to break the count. Big suplex by Starr, but again Danzig gets a leg on the rope. Belly-to-belly by Starr, and Danzig kicks out at one.

Sawyer keeps trying submission holds, and Danzig keeps pounding on Starr's left shoulder. Starr signals for the Starr treatment and nails it to pick up the win.


Micky Starr defeated R.J. Danzig in 7:54 by pinfall with a Starr Treatment.



Richard Eisen: What a big announcement from the SWF president.



Chaim Silverman: Hagar and Team Titan are screwed again by the SWF hierarchy. What kind of malarkey is that? How can you determine a title winner with that much prestige with a battle royal?



Bob Johnson: I for one like it. You dangle a big carrot like that in front of everyone, all friendship will be put the side and it boils down to who wants it more.



Chaim Silverman: Did you come up with that pathetic way of thinking all by yourself?



The Masked Patriot comes out from the back. The crowd starts to chant USA, USA, USA! The Patriot pumps his fist in the air leading them in their chants.



Patriot: Thats right, you hear that Baron Von Rambis? Thats the sound your gonna hear after I beat you the next time I get my hands on you.



Richard Eisen: Any thoughts on the announcement earlier?



Patriot: Yes I do. No offense to my patriotic brother. But if I am given the chance at the title, I am gonna take it. As I know you would as well Micky. If I do win, I will extend the hand of friendship to you again, as I know you would as well.





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Frank Rock...VS...Walleye Conklin



Frank Rock in control early, headlocks, back body drop, shoulder block. Rock is putting on a clinic of basic offensive moves. A big gut wrench suplex could of put it away but Rock picks his man up at the two count. Conklin has taken a lot of punishment. Finally, a Necessary Roughness and cover to win it


Frank Rock defeated Walleye Conklin in 6:30 by pinfall with a Necessary Roughness.





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Identity Black...VS...Jimmy Powers



Identity Black has mowed through everything in his path so far. After taking apart Jimmy Power with some big right hands and a couple of slams. Black sets up Power with a stiff thrust kick that almost took Power's head off. Black whips Power into the ropes and again with a kick to the head. Power is left on the mat twitching. Power gets lifted up by Black finishes the match with his finisher Finisher X.


Identity Black defeated Jimmy Power in 6:22 by pinfall with a Finisher X.



Bob Johnson: That man scares me.



Chaim Silverman: He should, but what is even scarier is this. He is young and he is going to get better.



Richard Eisen: Folks we are just weeks away from a new year, and a new event. King of The Squared Circle is rapidly approaching. And we will have a new World's Champion crowned on that evening. We will be coming home to Connecticut. So make your plans now in January to attend.




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Baron Von Rambis...VS...Chief Two Eagles



The two men battled for a few minutes, and the match saw Baron Von Rambis dominate most of the match after Chief Two Eagles got an early advantage to start things off. Rambis focused on the neck and upper back of Eagles, hitting some vicious forearms to the back of the neck, as well as hitting some nasty-looking belly-to-belly suplexes. Rambis almost got the victory late in the match after going for a second rope fall away slam, but Eagles was able to shove him off the second rope to the ring canvas and hit a flying elbow drop for a near three count. Eagles then gained momentum and hit a Tomahawk Chop, but Ares Aegaleus climbed onto the ring causing Sam Sparrow to stop his count.


Chief is still covering and slapping the mat himself, 1,2,3,4,5. Two Eagles gets off of Rambis and confronts Ares. Rambis is able to recover and hits a low blow while Ares distracted referee Sam Sparrow. With Sparrow distracted, Rambis pulls out something in his trunks and bashes Eagles with it and it appears to knock out Eagles. From there, Ares gets off of the ring and Rambis locked in the Big Russian Bearhug to gain the victory.



Baron Von Rambis defeated Chief Two Eagles in 7:48 by submission with a Big Russian Bearhug.



Richard Eisen: Another tainted win.



Chaim Silverman: Tainted? The Baron clearly was tying his drawstring for his trunks. You need your eyes examined.



Richard Eisen: Are you even looking at the same match?



(Ace McQueen and Black Jack come down.)



Ace McQueen: Bring out them sissy flame sisters out here now.



Black Jack: Get out here now, were gonna make you famous again.



(The Blazn' Flames come out and act like they are wiping away tears.)



Teddy Flame: Oh whats the matter boys. Do you lose your belts?



Joey Flames: For the second time to o golly gee could be US?



Black Jack: Don't tempt us in breaking your necks right here.



Ace McQueen: All we want to know is are you gonna give us our rematch?



Joey Flame: I'll tell you what boys. Me and Teddy been talking. We really like beating you as a tag team.



Teddy Flame: You cant beat us right now brother. We are on a roll. A roll so large we are gonna set the world ablaze.



Joey Flame: So its like this. We accept your challenge.



(Ace McQueen and Black Jack look at one another)



Ace and Black Jack: Deal.



With that said Ace and Black Jack try and attack The Flames. But The Flames saw it coming and bailed out of the ring. Both Joey and Teddy point at the opponents and wave their fingers saying no no no. Not yet boys. Ace and Black Jack throw a fit and start kicking the ropes.



Bob Johnson: I don't know if its a wise thing to irritate Deadly Gamble like that.



Chaim Silverman: I smell a massacre coming. They are looking for a real short reign as champions.




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Mike Barstow and Kenzo Isozaki...VS...The Streets of Rage



Streets of Rage get introduced last and come running down. They run and dive into the ring and Mike Barstow and Kenzo clear out of the ring. Both of the Street brothers fire up the crowd as we get ready to start. The Streets keep the tempo at a fast pace while making quick tags to one another. Kenzo tries to keep pace but is not able to. Eventually Dusty puts it away with his finisher.


Streets of Rage defeated Cheatin' Mike Barstow and Kenzo Isozaki in 5:33 when Dusty Streets defeated Cheatin' Mike Barstow by pinfall with a Paving the Way.




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SWF North American Title


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Corporal Doom...VS...Rick Rumble©



Corporal Doom is introduced first. He marches down while calling out a cadence. He gets into the ring and calls for a mic.


Corporal Doom: Get your sorry fat butts up of them chairs and stand at attention when I address you!


Rick Rumble's music hits as Doom is about to say something else which gets under his skin. Rumble steps into the ring and Doom set to work right away. Clubbing shots to the back stagers Rumble. Doom scratches his nail down the back of Rumble as Rick yells. Doom whips his man into the corner but Rumble moves out at the last second. Bulldog by Rumble and a cover nets him a 1 count. From that point on Rumble was in full control.


Rick Rumble defeated Corporal Doom in 6:06 by pinfall with a Crushing Running Axehandle. Rick Rumble makes defense number 9 of his SWF United States title.



Rocky Streets: You know not too many years ago this use to be professional wrestling. But now a days we got liars, thieves, and cheats. Speaking of cheats I get one tonight. Hagar you wanna wrestle, well wrestle. You wanna brawl, well brawl. But you ain't gonna cheat me big man. Remember that.




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Hagar Erickson...VS...Rocky Streets



Rocky Streets with a few overhand punches in the corner. Hagar reverses and delivers some punches of his own. Streets looks for a dropkick but Hagar hangs onto the ropes. More punches by Hagar, boots and a power slam. Hagar sends Streets through the middle rope to the floor.


Hagar climbs through the ropes and connects with a double axe handle to the outside. Hagar with punches on the outside. Streets starts to fight back and connects with some punches of his own till Hagar retreats back in the ring. Hagar ducks a clothesline and connects with one of his own.


Hagar goes to the top rope but starts to stumble allowing Streets to get to his feet and slam Hagar down to the mat. Streets goes for the cover but only gets a two count. Streets sends Hagar head first into a ring post on the outside.


Both men are fighting outside but Hagar gets the upper hand as Ares Aegelus distracts Streets and Hagar clubs Streets from behind. Hagar picks up Streets and drops him chest first onto the guard rail.


Hagar starts to gloat to the fans. He turns around and Streets rams his shoulder into the midsection of Hagar on the apron. Streets throws his man back into the ring. He sets up on the outside of the apron, leaps off and connects with a sunset flip. Hagar doesn't drop down and he begins to deliver a few hard right hands. The both get to their feet and Streets sends Hagar into the ropes but walks right into a boot. Hagar picks Streets up and whips him into the corner turnbuckle. Hagar follows it up with a running splash into the corner. Viking Back Snapper and its over.



Hagar Erikson defeated Rocky Streets in 9:39 by pinfall with a Viking Back Snapper.

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