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WWE: The Times They Are A Changing

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Hello Wrestling fans, we have all the latest news and rumour straight from the WWE.


Major news out of this week’s TV tapings is the new Raw GM announcement on Monday, rumour had it initially as being Stephanie McMahon but there have also been other rumours such as Rowdy Roddy Piper and even Matt Striker, so the current status is unknown.


Rey Mysterio picked up a shoulder injury in his match with CM Punk, he isn’t expected to miss any TV Tapings, though he may miss some house shows.


Word has it CM Punk’s recent push is due to his straight edge lifestyle, Vince’s belief at the moment is they don’t need any negative publicity involving drink or drugs and Punk would obviously not provide any, his belief is also that Punk’s way of life could also mean he is more viable as a long term prospect, unlikely to fall apart due to any addictions.


This week’s Raw saw Chavo Guerrero brutalize Hornswoggle, this is supposedly a way of not only writing Hornswoggle out of the WWE, but also to begin a new push for Chavo.


While nothing is definite rumour has it that Bryan Danielson will be starting on the Raw brand.


Finally there has been rumblings that WWE has made some signings as of late, while it is unknown exactly who, one is apparently a former ROH wrestler, while another is a former Spirit Squad member, more on this as we get it.


That's all for now, fans, see you real soon.



(O.O.C: This will be a somewhat regular segment, but this "website" pretty much most wrestling news websites are, will not neccessarily be entirely truthful or reliable, just a hopefully, interesting addition)

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On tonight's Raw, we roll into Chicago,with a show that will change the face of Monday Night Raw forever!


Mr McMahon will appoint a new General Manager, some four months since Vickie Guerrero stepped down from her post, the rumours have been swirling, but who exactly will be our new Raw GM?


Also we will see The Unified Tag Team Champions,Big Show and Chris Jericho take on the legendary D-X, who will come out on top in this huge match?


Randy Orton is in career limbo here on Raw, he is unable to challenge for the World title while Cena is champion, tonight he will take on MVP, will Orton's problems get the best of him or will MVP fall victim to the RKO?


Meanwhile fresh off a big countout win over Mark Henry last week,The Miz takes on Evan Bourne, but will the Worlds Strongest Man put in an appearance?


Last week Chavo Guerrero brutally assaulted Hornswoggle, putting him out of action indefinately, tonight he will team with Chris Masters to take on the pairing of Primo and Santino Marella.


In diva's action, Jillian Hall takes on Kelly Kelly and the All-American American Jack Swagger will also be in action.


All this and much more, tonight on Raw!


Prediction Key


D-X Versus Jericho and Big Show

Randy Orton Versus MVP

Primo and Santino Versus Masters and Chavo

The Miz Versus Evan Bourne

Kelly Kelly Versus Jillian

Jack Swagger Versus Jim Duggan


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D-X Versus Jericho and Big Show

Jerishow in the upset!


Randy Orton Versus MVP

I may be one of the only people out there who really likes Randy Orton's character.


Primo and Santino Versus Masters and Chavo

The Masterpiece and Chavito!


The Miz Versus Evan Bourne

Don't care for The Miz


Kelly Kelly Versus Jillian

Kelly Kelly is hotter IMO.


Jack Swagger Versus Jim Duggan

The All American....American!

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D-X Versus Jericho and Big Show

Jerishow is too awesome to job out. Also, the belts on D-X would be a waste.


Randy Orton Versus MVP

Randy is the man and MVP is an also ran.


Primo and Santino Versus Masters and Chavo

Masters and Chavo have a little bit more upside.


The Miz Versus Evan Bourne

I like Matt Sydal, what can I say?


Kelly Kelly Versus Jillian

Jillian is fantastic!


Jack Swagger Versus Jim Duggan

Can I wish for mutual oblivian? Duggan was great before he joined the Fed, though...

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Raw #2




Vince McMahon comes out to the ring as Raw begins, he takes a microphone


“Last week, I informed you all that there would be no more guest hosts here on Raw, I also informed you that I would be appointing a new General Manager for Raw, now the man who I have chosen is very well known to you all, he has held numerous titles here in the WWE and is in fact a former World champion, I appointed him as he has shown he can deal with both the business side of wrestling and the backstage side, this is a man who I believe may well bring Raw into it’s finest ever period, ladies and gentleman, your new General Manager of Raw.............






John Bradshaw Layfield.

With this , JBL’s theme hit and out he came in his limousine, he came to the ring and took the microphone from Vince


“Thank you very much, Vince, I am honoured to be the new GM of Raw, and I will be making several changes to ensure Raw’s performance as the dominant brand of WWE, I will keep this brief, because my first act as Raw GM is to call a brand meeting for the end of tonight’s show, where I will amongst other things, discuss exactly who will face John Cena for his title at Survivor Series, thank you all.




Jack Swagger versus Jim Duggan




This match begins as it would continue, with Swagger straight away assaulting Duggan, he used some power moves to dominate the veteran Duggan, it barely takes three minutes for Swagger to hit the gutwrench powerbomb and the easy win.


Winner: Jack Swagger



After the match, he grabbed a microphone


“You see, this is exactly why the world should be taking note of me, the All-American American, I dominated that old timer, I won’t be overlooked any more, JBL, me and you we’re made of the same stuff, we’re both World Champion material, I am the future of this brand and the sooner everyone realizes it, the better”



Backstage MVP is being interviewed by Eve Torres


Eve: Hi,i’m standing by here, with MVP, MVP you have a big match with the former WWE Heavyweight champion, Randy Orton, are you ready for tonight?


MVP: Baby,i’m always ready to fight, but I won’t lie, tonight is a big match, Orton is a big time superstar, but so is MVP and I’m not gonna be beaten easily, so Orton you can bring your lackeys and you can try to cheat your way to a victory, but it isn’t gonna happen, tonight is my time.



Chavo and Masters Versus Primo and Santino


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The match started with Masters and Primo, Masters dominated the younger Colon brother, throwing him around like a rag doll, but Primo did manage to rally back with a bit of a comeback, hitting a few dropkicks and getting the crowd behind him, but after dropping Masters with a dropkick, he stopped to play to the crowd, when Chavo Guerrero attacked him from behind, the referee forces him out, but Masters tags Chavo in, Chavo with his new ruthless attitude, really begins to beat on Primo, he keeps him in the corner and hits at him with some stiff strikes, Santino tried to rally Primo, but to little avail, Chavo tags Masters back in, but Primo hits Masters with a quick neckbreaker, before managing to make it to the corner to tag in Santino, Santino comes in and tries to perform the perfect hot tag and take on Masters,and has some success, but after getting the upper hand, he celebrates his perceived success, Chavo runs into the ring and hits a gory bomb on the Milan Miracle and Masters crawls over to make the pin and pick up the win.


Winners:Chavo Guerrero and Chris Masters




Jericho and Big Show are seen arriving at the arena, as they get to their locker room, they find a WWE Runner outside it, Jericho asks what’s going on, the runner tells them that their locker room had been vandalized, the door is opened to reveal that D-X has spraypainted their logo all over the room, Jericho and Big Show look furious.



Jillian Hall Versus Kelly Kelly



The match begins with Jillian attempting to dominate, but Kelly manages to avoid Jillian, and instead takes an early advantage, she utilises some fairly weak looking forearms, Jillian soon picks up the slack and begins to dominate the match, the former Diva’s champion hits a DDT on Kelly, before picking her up and hitting a facebuster before pinning Kelly for the victory.


Winner:Jillian Hall




Backstage JBL is in his new office, when John Cena walks in


Cena: Hey JBL, back in the WWE, huh?, I mean hell, last time I saw you, you lost in front of thousands of people, at the biggest stage of the world, in what?, ten seconds?


JBL laughs


JBL: You know, Cena, I don’t know if you are fully aware of how much power I now possess over you, I can make or break you, Cena, if I wanted to, I could strip you of the title right now, but I’m a bigger man than that, Cena, so to let you know, from now on, John, you can play by my rules or I can make your life very very difficult


Cena and JBL stare at each other for a while, before Cena smiles and leaves



A video shows Bryan Danielson in training, Danielson tells the WWE that he’s coming soon and that he intends on taking Raw by storm.




Evan Bourne Versus The Miz



The match started with The Miz trying to fight down Bourne, but Bourne reverses whatever Miz comes at him with, the Miz charges at him, but Bourne amazingly manages to hit an hurricanrana on Miz and stuns the US champion, he then uses some fast high impact moves to keep Miz down and out, The Miz rolls to the outside, but Bourne launches himself over the top rope to take the Miz out again, rolling in before the ten count is made, The Miz attempts to get the control back in the match, beginning with a stiff clothesline and then continuing by using his clever offense to get an advantage, he however gets a little too arrogant and Bourne rolls the Miz into a small package, but The Miz kicks out of the pin attempt, The Miz again re-takes control of the match, whipping him into a corner and hitting his signature corner clothesline, Bourne slumps to the ground and Miz waits for him to get up, before hitting him with The Mizard Of Oz, he then covers Bourne, for the win.


Winner: The Miz


After the match as The Miz is celebrating, Mark Henry comes out, The Miz tries to attack Henry, but Henry fights him off and hits the Worlds Strongest Slam on him, he picks up the US title belt and looks at it, before dropping it onto Miz



Randy Orton Versus MVP



Orton and MVP lock up in ring, but Orton manages to gain an upper hand in the early stages,Orton uses his classic signatures moves to keep MVP down and to keep the momentum fully within his grasp, Orton continues to keep the upper hand for a portion of the match, but eventually, with the fans fully behind him, MVP manages to rally a comeback, fighting like someone who completely did belong in the upper echelons of Raw, he took Orton on strike for strike, and for a good time in the match, he was very much in control, he looked like he nearly had Orton’s number and went for his signature Drive By, only for Cody Rhodes to attempt to interfere in the match,MVP attacked him,but this lead to Orton attacking him and regaining control of the match, after a short battle, Orton hit the RKO and pinned Porter for the victory.


Winner: Randy Orton


When the match ends, Orton summons Legacy into the ring, he orders them to beat down MVP, Rhodes does so, but DiBiase asks him why, saying there’s no need, Orton orders him to do so and DiBiase begans to stomp away at MVP, as the crowd explodes in a chorus of boos



Before the match started, JBL came out to the ring, he announced that due to D-X’s childish behaviour and vandilism of people’s personal property, this next match would now be non-title.




D-X Versus Chris Jericho and Big Show


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The match kicked off with Triple H and The Big Show facing off with one another,the giant of a man immediately taking an advantage over The Game with his huge advantage of strength, the Titan threw Triple H into the corner, and began hitting him with huge blows to the chest, this continued for a good part of the early going, with the huge Big Show dominating the Thirteen time world champion, eventually Big Show tagged in Jericho and Jericho continued to beat down on Triple H, Jericho attacked Triple H in an arrogant way, smacking the champion like he was a rookie, however his arrogance cost him as he lifted Triple H from the mat, only for Hunter to turn around and rally up against Jericho, hitting him with all he had, before tagging in HBK, Michaels continued D-X's dominance with his hot tag, attacking Jericho with great vengeance and superkicking Big Show off the apron, HBK continued to fight with Jericho, however Big Show attacked Michaels, as the match descended into chaos, Triple H attacked Big Show, in the melee, Jericho grabbed a chair and struck both members of D-X in full view of the referee, the referee awarded the match to D-X but it was the Unified Tag champs who were celebrating in ring.


Winners: D-X



After the match, D-X, Chris Jericho and Big Show remained by the ring, the rest of the raw roster came out to the ring, all standing, waiting to see exactly what JBL wanted to say and who he would name the #1 contender to John Cena’s title at Survivor Series.


JBL’s music hits and he came out from the back



“Well this was a great first show to be in charge of,if i don’t say so myself, but next week, it’s going to be even bigger, you see, we do have an issue of exactly who John Cena will face at Survivor Series and my plan is that next week, 8 men will meet in 4 qualifying matches, the winners of the four matches, will then meet in our main event, a fatal four way match, with the winner going to Survivor Series, next week’s Raw, will be one of the biggest in recent history, all thanks to me, John Bradshaw Layfield, thank you very much”


With that JBL leaves as the wrestlers discuss what just transpired, and we go off the air.


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ECW Preview #2



Following Last Week’s ECW, we know that William Regal will be facing off against Christian at Survivor Series, last week Tiffany announced both men would pick each other’s poison, Regal chose Ezekiel Jackson last week for Christian, and this week Christian has chosen the ECW Original, Tommy Dreamer to face Regal tonight.


Two big rivalries on ECW in recent weeks have been between Sheamus and Shelton Benjamin and Paul Burchill and The Hurricane, tonight Sheamus will team with Burchill to take on Benjamin and Hurricane, who will get the victory?


Tyler Reks will face the challenge of a lifetime tonight, when he takes on Vladimir Koslov, will Rek’s get the underdog win or Koslov dominate Reks?


Finally Zack Ryder will go up against The Bizzare One, Goldust, will experience edge out the upstart from Long Island, or will Goldust fall prey to the Woo Woo Superstar?


All this and more, on ECW On SyFy


Prediction Key

William Regal Versus Tommy Dreamer

Vladimir Koslov Versus Tyler Reks

Sheamus and Burchill Versus The Hurricane and Shelton Benjamin

Zack Ryder Versus Goldust



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Ecw #2



As Matt Striker and Josh Matthews welcome us to the show, Christian’s music plays and our ECW champion comes out to the ring. He has a microphone in hand


“ So last week, William Regal sent one of his musclemen to the ring to face me and you know what,i took down Ezekiel Jackson and there were no problems at all, and as our general manager, Tiffany, said last week, i now get to choose William Regal’s opponent tonight and i have chosen wisely, tonight Regal will go one on one, with the extreme innavotar, Tommy Dreamer”




Vladimir Koslov Versus Tyler Reks



Koslov came out to the ring and Reks jumped him in an attempt to try to gain some kind of upper hand over the huge Russian, however it is to no avail, Koslov very quickly turns the tide and uses some of his limited moveset to dominate the Californian native, Koslov soon sets him up for the Iron Curtain, he hits the move and pins Reks for the win.


Winner: Vladimir Koslov



A short hype video for Yoshi Tatsu plays




Goldust Verus Zack Ryder



Zack Ryder from the start looked suprisingly focused and kept Goldust on the defense for the most of the match, at one point hitting a big dropkick, before shouting at Goldust “You Know It,Woo Woo Woo”, pretty soon after, Ryder lifted Goldust up and hit the Zack Attack, getting the win in the process.


Winner:Zack Ryder


After the match Zack Ryder gets on the microphone


“You know what, i just beat a former WWE IC Champion and you know what it seems like i’ve been forgotten from the ECW title scene, that will not happen, Zack Ryder is getting back in the title scene, starting now”




Shelton Benjamin and Hurricane Versus Sheamus and Paul Burchill


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Burchill and Sheamus seemed to be working very well as a team from the very beginning, utilising their strength over their opponents and proving quite a formidable team, The Hurricane began to fall prey to a lot of their power moves and was seemingly quickly weakened by the big men, Burchill was particularly vicious when it came to Hurricane, dominating the poor Superhero, Hurricane tried to get a roll up pinfall, but Burchill easily kicked out, but Hurricane managed to tag out to Shelton Benjamin, and whilst Sheamus tried to get involved, Hurricane dived back into the ring from the top rope taking out the big Irishman, Burchill was so suprised, he turned right into The Paydirt from Benjamin, who then pinned Burchill for the victory.


Winners:Hurricane and Shelton Benjamin




Tommy Dreamer is backstage preparing, Christian walked into the room


“Tommy, man, i want you to know, i’ve got your back, if the Roundtable try to interfere, i’ll be there to fight them off”


“Thanks man, i’m gonna soften Regal up for you,tonight he’s gonna learn the extreme way”


Dreamer walked off to his match.




William Regal Versus Tommy Dreamer



The match started with the two men brawling heavily, Dreamer looked like he was gaining the early advantage, but Regal managed to use his superior technical skills to ground Dreamer and placed him in some painful holds, Dreamer eventually got to the ropes, but it seemed like the damage may well have been done, Regal then took control of the match, using cleverly placed blows and holds to accentuate the damage on Dreamer, however at one point, Dreamer managed to roll out to the ringside, as the referee began to count out Dreamer, he sneakily got a chair from under the ring, Regal went to pull him back into the ring and got a chair in the face from Dreamer, the referee didn’t see this and Dreamer went for the pin,..1....2...Regal kicks out!, Dreamer couldn’t believe it and tried to continue his domination, but Regal soon took control again, he dragged Dreamer to the middle of the ring and applied the Regal Stretch, Dreamer survived in it for a few minutes, but eventually relented and tapped to Regal.


Winner: William Regal


After the match,Christian blindsides Regal with a chair, but as Zeke and Koslov run down to help their mentor, Christian escapes through the crowd


After the match, Regal attempted to attack Dreamer, but Christian came out with a chair, he struck Regal, but Ezekiel and Koslov ran out, Christian and Dreamer escaped through the crowd, leaving a furious Regal in the ring.



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Smackdown #2 Preview



Last Week's Smackdown was a night to remember with CM Punk recieving a message from the Animal, Batista that he wants a title match, we will see this rivalry continued tonight as Vince McMahon has over-ruled Theodore Long's authority and the World Heavyweight Champion will team with The Hart Dynasty to take on Batista and his tag partner, Rey Mysterio.


Also last week, we saw Kane violently assault John Morrison only moments after Morrison was named one of the captains for the Smackdown Survivor Series match, not only will the teams be announced on Smackdown, but Kane and Morrison will face off in a one-on-one encounter.


As the unified tag team champions, Chris Jericho and Big Show accepted a challenge from Cryme Tyme for their titles at Survivor Series, we will see a preview this week, as Chris Jericho takes on JTG


In mixed tag action, Matt Hardy will team with Mickie James to take on Eric Escobar and our Womens champion, Michelle McCool.


All this plus much more, this friday on Smackdown!



Prediction Key

CM Punk, DH Smith and Tyson Kidd Versus Batista and Rey Mysterio

John Morrison Versus Kane

Chris Jericho Versus JTG

Matt Hardy and Mickie James Versus Michelle McCool and Eric Escobar

Dolph Ziggler Versus Jimmy Wang Yang

Charlie Haas Versus Kung Fu Naki

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A little OOC update, after the votes were made, there will indeed be a Divas Survivor Series match, i tried to fit an ECW one on also, but due to time restrictions it just didn't happen, also although they are still, about 2 game week's away, there will be some form of reward for whoever predicts the most winners at Survivor Series.


Also any comments on shows, events, wrestlers you'd like to see pushed or anything else are always very welcome.

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CM Punk, DH Smith and Tyson Kidd Versus Batista and Rey Mysterio

You can't have the future lose 3 on 2, can you?

John Morrison Versus Kane


Chris Jericho Versus JTG


Matt Hardy and Mickie James Versus Michelle McCool and Eric Escobar

I see no reason to push Escobar, unless it's off a cliff.

Dolph Ziggler Versus Jimmy Wang Yang

Gotta push the Zig!

Charlie Haas Versus Kung Fu Naki

I know you are a Haas mark...

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CM Punk, DH Smith and Tyson Kidd Versus Batista and Rey Mysterio

John Morrison Versus Kane

Chris Jericho Versus JTG

Matt Hardy and Mickie James Versus Michelle McCool and Eric Escobar

Dolph Ziggler Versus Jimmy Wang Yang

Charlie Haas Versus Kung Fu Naki

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CM Punk, DH Smith and Tyson Kidd Versus Batista and Rey Mysterio

John Morrison Versus Kane

Chris Jericho Versus JTG

Matt Hardy and Mickie James Versus Michelle McCool and Eric Escobar

Dolph Ziggler Versus Jimmy Wang Yang

Charlie Haas Versus Kung Fu Naki

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Prediction Key

CM Punk, DH Smith and Tyson Kidd Versus Batista and Rey Mysterio

John Morrison Versus Kane

Chris Jericho Versus JTG

Matt Hardy and Mickie James Versus Michelle McCool and Eric Escobar

Dolph Ziggler Versus Jimmy Wang Yang

Charlie Haas Versus Kung Fu Naki

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Smackdown #2



As Jim Ross and Todd Grisham welcome us to the show, our World Heavyweight Champion, CM Punk came out to a resoundingly loud amount of booing, he grabs a microphone



“ You know, it seems that Theodore Long seems to have a personal vendetta against his World champion, putting me in matches, that he fully expects me to lose, well tonight, Vince McMahon gave me the opportunity to make my own match, so i did, Tonight i team with DH Smith and Tyson Kidd, to take on Batista and Rey Mysterio, and you know what, at the end of tonight, i am going to be standing tall, because Batista and Mysterio are both nothing short of cheaters, they are abusers, like everyone else,everyone except me, i am here, through pure strength of will and tonight everyone’s going to see, exactly how good i am”




Jimmy Wang Yang Versus Dolph Ziggler



Dolph Ziggler came down to the ring, with Yang already standing in it, Ziggler attacked Yang as soon as the bell rang and beat him into a corner,only stopping when the referee made him, Yang seized his opportunity and went to the top rope, he hit an insane moonsault onto Ziggler, but couldn’t get the pinfall, almost as soon as the pinfall attempt was over, Ziggler grabbed ahold of Yang and hit the Zig Zag, he pinned him for the quick victory, and afterwards hit a second Zig Zag on the cowboy.


Winner: Dolph Ziggler




Drew McIntyre came out to ringside


“I am Drew McIntyre, i have come to the WWE and I have made an immediate impact, Vince McMahon said i had unlimited potiential and I know the entire WWE roster thinks the same, i am putting the entire WWE on notice, i intend to go to the very top of this promotion and frankly, i don’t think anyone can stop me, the Party’s over, Drew McIntyre is here to stay”




Matt Hardy and Mickie James Versus Eric Escobar and Michelle McCool


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Matt Hardy and Eric Escobar start off in the ring, but after Hardy outwrestled Escobar, he quickly tagged out to McCool and her and Mickie James continued the match, James initially was on fire, hitting everything she had on McCool and showing some real fire, but after she got to close to Eric Escobar, he held her in place,giving McCool the opportunity to gain the upper hand and she dominated the match for some time,McCool was vicious in her assault of Mickie, using chokes and the ropes to her advantage, Hardy was willing Mickie on, but as Mickie did begin to rally back and get toward her corner, Escobar ran in and knocked Hardy off the apron, once again keeping the advantage on McCool’s side, however as Escobar tried to distract the referee for McCool to gain the upper hand, Mickie managed out of nowhere to hit the Mick Kick on McCool, completely knocking her down, the referee turned around just in time to see Hardy get tagged in and Escobar be forced into the ring, he ran straight toward Hardy, who ducked the offense thrown at him and hit the side effect on Escobar, Hardy then lifted him up for the twist of fate, before pinning him,giving his team the win.


Winners: Matt Hardy and Mickie James




We cut to backstage where Tyson Kidd and David Hart Smith are viciously assaulting Rey Mysterio, Natayla is screaming at the luchador as Kidd and Smith walk away, a bloodied Mysterio crawling on the floor, attempting to catch his breath.




Charlie Haas Versus Kung Fu Naki



This match barely even began, Fu Naki ran towards Haas, only for Haas to drop toehold the martial artist and lock on the Haas Of Pain,Fu Naki tapped out almost instantly and Haas locked truly dominant in the short match.


Winner: Charlie Haas




Backstage Justin Roberts is interviewing Finlay and R-Truth


Justin: Hello, i am here with the odd pairing of R-Truth and Finlay. Guys you have had some issues with the Hart Dynasty lately, what exactly is going on between you.


Finlay: Those two upstarts seem to think because they come from a family of great repute, that they deserve to be main event players from the beginning, i had to pay my dues, i had to wrestle for near twenty years before i made it to WCW, and they think they can disrespect us


R-Truth: Ain’t no doubt about it, they will learn, and they will learn the hard way about paying their dues, boys, get ready, cos’ revenge is too sweet.




JTG Versus Chris Jericho



The match began as Jericho jumped JTG before the bell rang, beating him into a corner and choking him with his boot until the referee forced him to stop, from this he continued to beat the plucky youngster around the ring, JTG did eventually manage to rally back and hung his own with the wiley veteran, using some of his unique offense and trickery to gain an advantage on several occasions, Jericho tried to pull out a codebreaker, but JTG was way ahead of him and reversed the manuevere, taking advantage of the match, he seeked to capitilise but Big Show began to walk down to the ring,to turn the tide, Shad ran out from backstage and attacked the Big Show, which JTG took great delight in yelling words of support to his team mate, unfortunately for the Brooklyn native, he turned around straight into Jericho and this time, the Code Breaker was hit and Jericho pinned JTG for the somewhat cheap victory.


Winner: Chris Jericho




A hype video for Mike Knox plays




The Announcers say that John Morrison has chosen his Survivor Series Team, as has his Opponent Kane. Morrison’s team will consist of himself, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio,Finlay and R-Truth, while Kane’s will be him, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre and The Hart Dynasty.


John Morrison Versus Kane



The two men had very different styles and at first both spent time seeing how best to change their own styles to mount a good offense against the other, Morrison struck first hitting dropkicks in an attempt to knock Kane off his feet, it didn’t quite work out and Kane decided to use his strength game and hit a massive big boot on Morrison, Morrison came back with a flurry of quick kicks and forearm shots, Kane was slightly taken aback by the offense that The Shaman of Sexy threw at him, Kane and Morrison continued to brawl, with Kane using his strength and Morrison using his speed, eventually Kane came to be very frustrated at his inability to dominate Morrison and he threw Morrison over the top rope at the first chance he got before Irish whipping him into the stairs, with Morrison in a prone position, he lifted up the young superstar and shockingly chokeslammed him straight through the announce table, the announcers were shocked as Morrison was left broken in between the debris of the table, the referee stopped the match awarding it to Morrison.


Winner: John Morrison


After the match,Kane refuses to stop attacking Morrison, he is only stopped when Agents and Referee’s come to save Morrison.



CM Punk and The Hart Dynasty Versus Batista and Rey Mysterio


<a href="

http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/?action=view&current=CMPunk14.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/CMPunk14.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/?action=view&current=DHSmith2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/DHSmith2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/?action=view&current=TysonKidd.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/TysonKidd.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> VS <a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/?action=view&current=Batista5.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/Batista5.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/?action=view&current=ReyMysterio6_ndp.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/ReyMysterio6_ndp.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


The match began with DH Smith and Batista in ring, they locked up and after a few tests of strength and the general opening to a match, it seemed that Smith was going to match up to Batista, the two continued to brawl in the opening of the match, with Smith holding up against the numerous times world champion and proving his calibre, he eventually tagged out to CM Punk, who took advantage on the wear and tear of Batista, by putting in a few good shots on Batista, before tagging in Tyson Kidd, Kidd went straight to the top rope and threw himself at Batista, but unforuntaely for the canadian blue chipper, Batista managed to catch him in mid-air and dispatch him with a devestating fall away slam, Batista tagged in Mysterio and the luchador continued the offensive on Kidd, with his pure speed shocking the youngster. Mysterio threw all his classic moves on Kidd, and was really feeling the match, but as he celebrated briefly in the ring, DH Smith charged in and tackled him to the ground, giving Kidd the time to recover and tag in Smith officially, Smith continued to use the power game to ground Mysterio, he hit some powerslams and tagged in Punk, who once more used his skill to work on the injured luchador, again putting in some powerful moves to inflict punishment upon Mysterio. Punk was however shockingly overwhelmed by Mysterio who used his speed to drop toe hold Punk into the ropes, as he went for his signature 619 however, DH Smith speared the luchador out of nowhere, Batista charged into the ring, however Tyson Kidd came to his partners aid and the two managed to fight Batista to the outside, In the midst of the confusion, Punk was back to his feet and lifted Mysterio up to hit him with his patented Go 2 Sleep, before pinning him for the win.


Winners: CM Punk and The Hart Dynasty


As the match ended and Batista tended to Mysterio, Punk grabbed a chair and smashed it over the back of Batista, then cracking it over his head to add insult to injury, he then grabbed his title and went backstage with The Hart Dynasty.



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<p>WWE Raw #3 Preview</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><a href="</p><a href="http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/?action=view&current=RAW2.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://s691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/?action=view&current=RAW2.jpg"</a> target="_blank"><img src="<a href="http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/RAW2.jpg" rel="external nofollow">http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv271/alexrogue01/WWE/RAW2.jpg"</a> border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a></div><p></p><p></p><p>


This Week's RAW will see a new number one contender named for John Cena's title at Survivor Series</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

There will be 4 qualifying matches and the show will end with a fatal 4 way match, with the winner going on to face Cena at Survivor Series</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

And we can reveal the brackets for the matches on tonight's RAW!</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

In our first match we will see Jack Swagger face Mark Henry, Henry is currently in a rivalry with the US Champion, The Miz while Swagger last week announced his intention to challenge for the World Title, who will win out here?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Triple H will take on Chavo Guerrero, Triple H has lately been teaming with his D-X teammate, Shawn Michaels, while Chavo Guerrero has a newfound ruthless streak, will Chavo pull off the biggest win of his career or will Triple H go on to the fatal 4 way.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

The other half od D-X, Shawn Michaels will take on one half of Legacy, Cody Rhodes, Rhodes has recently been on the form of his life, getting the win for Raw at Bragging Rights and earning the respect of Shawn Michaels, will Rhodes win tonight or will HBK take him to school?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

In the final match Ted DiBiase will take on MVP, DiBiase has lately had some issues with his mentor, Randy Orton,will this affect him in the match against half man-half amazing, MVP?</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

We will also see tag team action tonight, with Chris Masters and Carlito taking on Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

All this plus a big announcement from Randy Orton!</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;">Prediction Key</span></p><p> </p><p>

Jack Swagger Vs Mark Henry</p><p>

Ted DiBiase Vs MVP</p><p>

Triple H Vs Chavo Guerrero</p><p>

Cody Rhodes Vs Shawn Michaels</p><p>

Chris Masters and Carlito Vs Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne</p><p>

The Fatal 4 Way Match:</p>

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