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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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Non-Title Match:

Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam


Number One Contendership for WWE Tag Team Championship:

Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. MNM


Psicosis vs. Rey Mysterio

Number One Contendership for Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash vs. Tony Mamaluke


Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


CM Punk vs. Jamie Noble

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Non-Title Match:

Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam


Number One Contendership for WWE Tag Team Championship:

Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. MNM


Psicosis vs. Rey Mysterio


Number One Contendership for Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash vs. Tony Mamaluke


Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


CM Punk vs. Jamie Noble

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Location: Louisiana Auditorium (South East)


Attendance: 9,993


Announce Team:


Michael Cole & Mr. Kennedy




Dark Match:

Hamada defeated Jillian Hall with a devastating Hamada Driver in the evenings Dark Match.




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The usual opening video and pyrotechnic display hit as a jam packed Louisiana Auditorium rise to their feet for the night’s action. The crowd seem pumped up for the evening, as Michael Cole and Mr. Kennedy welcome us to the show.


Cole: We are just three short days away from Judgment Day live on Pay Per View as we welcome you to The Louisiana Auditorium for Friday Night Smackdown. I’m Michael Cole alongside...


Kennedy: Misterrrrrrrrrr Kennedyyyyyyyyyyy.


Cole: I don’t know how much more of this I can take. Do you have to...


Kennedy: Kennedyyyyyyyy. Come on, Cole. You know you love it.


Cole: Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. Anyway, we have a packed line up for you this evening. And no match is bigger than our Main Event, when World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam goes one on one with the United States Champion, “The Legend Killer” Randy Orton.


Kennedy: Looking forward to that one, Cole. But it looks like we’re about to be joined by JBL.




The mood in the audience plummeted as the familiar white limousine pulled into the arena, and out stepped JBL, who was closely followed by his associates Orlando Jordan and Jillian Hall. The fans gave JBL a cold reception. Orlando held the ropes open for Bradshaw as Jillian grabbed a microphone from ringside. The chants of “You Suck” were deafening, and after what seemed a lifetime, the crowd had quietened down enough for JBL to begin.


JBL: This past Monday night on Raw, John Bradshaw Layfield did what everybody else seems to have failed in doing; I took out Mr. ECW himself Rob Van Dam. You see, all I ever hear is people talking about how they will destroy Rob Van Dam, how they will destroy ECW. But that’s all it is, just talk. Nobody has the guts to take action. Well I did it. I told Mr. McMahon all along that I was the man who could bring the World Heavyweight Title back where it belongs. But unlike others, I backed up my words. I am the cure for the cancer that is ECW, and I proved it on Raw, and I will prove it again this Sunday at Judgment Day. And just to prove that it wasn’t just a one off, I say we go for round two right here tonight. RVD, I know you’re in the back. So why don’t you come out here and show me exactly what you’ve got. Show me what makes ECW so special, because all I’ve seen is a bunch of misfits who jump the barrier and don’t have the guts to fight face to face like men. I’m right here, Rob. So come and show me what you got. Show me what makes you a worthy champion.


Bradshaw stood confidently in the ring. The presence of Orlando Jordan obviously helped to boost his confidence. But he was caught off guard when Kurt Angle’s music hit. Kurt marched to the ring purposefully. JBL was on his guard the whole time as Angle stepped through the ropes and went toe to toe with Bradshaw.


Angle: Sorry, I thought I was hearing things. I could have swore you just said that you were the man who would take Van Dam out. Now, my memory is a little hazy, but I’m pretty sure that you got BEAT by RVD last week. So just what makes you think that you are the man to bring the World Heavyweight Championship back to Smackdown?


JBL: Hey that was different. I was screwed last week by that freak Sabu. If it wasn’t for him I would have got the win, and you know it.


Angle: Is that all you do, John, make excuses? You lost, it’s that simple. You proved your worth, John. And you’re not worth a damn. You failed. And that leaves only one man who can head to One Night Stand and bring that title belt back to Friday Nights. And you’re looking at him. At Judgment Day, I’m going to wipe the floor with three other men, and that includes you. And when I’m finished with that, Rob Van Dam becomes another victim. I should never have lost my title in the first place. You know it, I know, Mysterio sure as hell knows it, and even these morons in the audience know it. And at Judgment Day...


Angle was quickly cut off by the theme music of former World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio, who got a standing ovation from the Louisiana crowd. Mysterio high fived the front row of the audience as he made his way to the ring, with Angle and JBL both looking annoyed at the disruption. Mysterio grabs a microphone and enters the ring to “619” chants.


Mysterio: Kurt, for once you actually make sense. Last week, JBL DID lose to Rob Van Dam. But if I remember correctly, it was you who lost The World Heavyweight Championship... to me. So I don’t think you’re in any position to lecture somebody about failure. We can all stand and complain about who deserves what. And we can go ahead and jump people from behind if you really think that proves anything. But the simple truth is that none of it even matters. The only thing that matters is this Sunday, Judgment Day. A Four-Way Elimination Match. Kurt Angle versus JBL versus The Undertaker versus Rey Mysterio. That is the ONLY thing that matter. THAT will prove just who deserves to be a champion.


JBL: And you think it’s going to be you? Listen to me you little border jumping midget, I’ll be damned if I’m going to let a reject like you take my spot at One Night Stand.


Angle: Whoa, who said it was your spot, hot shot? If anybody deserves it, it’s me.


Mysterio: Listen to the two of you; you’re like big kids fighting over a candy bar. This Sunday...


The three men, as well as the entire arena, were plunged into darkness, the fans buzzing at the expected arrival of The Phenom. When the lights returned, the fans were on their feet as The Deadman himself was stood in the centre of the ring. The three men fled the ring as soon as they spotted The Undertaker. Unfortunately, Orlando Jordan wasn’t quite as quick to react as everybody else, and he suffered the consequences, being driven into the canvas by a vicious Chokeslam. JBL, Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio looked in the ring from the outside at the dominating force of The Undertaker.


Cole: What a way to kick off Smackdown, Ken.


Kennedy: You’re telling me. We still have just under two hours left. What else is gonna happen?




Number One Contendership for Cruiserweight Championship:


Kid Kash vs. Tony Mamaluke


After his loss to newcomer CM Punk last week, Kash was looking to get himself back on track with a victory here. But Mamaluke was no pushover. Mamaluke was much more mat based than Kash, and Kid Kash struggled on a number of occasions to escape Mamaluke’s offence. But Kash did manage to gain the upper hand, and eventually put Mamaluke away with the Money Maker, picking up the win and earning himself a Cruiserweight Championship Match on next week’s edition of Smackdown.


Winner: Kid Kash


Jamie Noble was quickly through the curtain and in the ring to congratulate his tag partner on his victory, the fans jeers ringing in the ears of Kid Kash. But the crowd soon came alive when Super Crazy appeared on the entrance way, his Cruiserweight Championship draped over his shoulder. Crazy held the title high in the sky as Kash and Noble looked on. But from the back came Psicosis, who laid Crazy out with a brutal Chair shot to the back, sending him to the steel beneath him. Kash and Noble simply looked on from the ring, boos ringing out loudly for the devious Psicosis. He then lifted Crazy to his feet and, hooking his head in his arm, dropped him with a DDT on the steel. Psicosis grabbed the Cruiserweight Title and stared at it for long moments before dropping it on the prone body of Super Crazy. Noble and Kash continued to look on as the jeers continued to ring out.




The cameras get a shot of a black Hummer pulling up outside the arena. The driver’s side door opens, and out steps “The Innovator of Violence” Tommy Dreamer. The passenger doors soon open, and from the vehicle come Paul Heyman, Mick Foley and World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam. The three joint owners of ECW hug Van Dam as he goes to enter the arena.


Heyman: Listen, I’m sorry about what happened on Monday with JBL. Trust me, we have your back tonight.


Dreamer: Just give the signal and me and the boys will be there, ok?


RVD: Listen guys, don’t sweat it. What happened, happened. You can’t be there to watch my back 24/7. I’m not the World Heavyweight Champion for nothing. I can handle myself.


Foley: We don’t doubt that, Rob. We just need to be careful. One Night Stand is just around the corner. We need to make sure our plan comes together perfectly. We can’t afford to screw up.


RVD: You think I’m gonna screw up?


Foley: You know I don’t mean it like that. It’s just...


Heyman: We just don’t want to take any chances, ok? Vince is going to do everything in his power to put the advantage in HIS favour at One Night Stand. The boys are here just to make sure he doesn’t try to screw you over. Judgment Day is this Sunday. We need to make sure our plan comes into action without a hitch. It’s nothing personal, Rob, you have to believe us.


RVD: Alright, man. I trust you. If I need you, I’ll give the signal. But please, until then just keep the boys back, ok?


Dreamer: You got it, man. Go do your thing.


Van Dam then headed into the Louisiana Auditorium alone, as Dreamer, Foley and Heyman began a discussion amongst them.


Cole: What did he mean when he said “We need to make sure our plan comes together” exactly?


Kennedy: I have no idea, Mikey. But it can’t be good news for us.





CM Punk vs. Jamie Noble


Noble was looking for a little payback after Punk defeated his partner Kid Kash in his debut last week. The two managed to put on a tremendous display, and the fans really seemed to get behind The Straight Edge Superstar as the match progressed. The two superstars styles seemed to blend very well together, and stayed pretty much even for the majority. But Nobles attempt at a Missile Dropkick from the top was thwarted when Punk sidestepped it and immediately went to the mat, locking in the Anaconda Vice. Noble held on as long as possible but, with no way to break the hold, he had no choice but to tap, giving Punk his second victory on Smackdown.


Winner: CM Punk


The fans were surprisingly vocal in support of Punk as his hand was raised by the official. Punk locked eyes with Mr. Kennedy at the announce desk, who was completely emotionless as he watched on.


Cole: What do you think, Ken?


Kennedy: Meh, not bad. I’ve seen better though.


Cole: I must say I was impressed.


Kennedy: You could be impressed by a monkey swinging on a tyre, Cole. He’s got a long way to go.




We head backstage, where we get a shot of Bobby Lashley and Finlay being pulled apart once again by officials and Road Agents, who are struggling to keep the two rugged individuals apart. Lashley manages to break through the security and goes for Finlay, who is ready with some heavy shots of his own. The two continue to brawl before officials once again split the two.


Cole: This has been heating up for several weeks. Maybe tonight we can put an end to this battle between these two.




Breaking away from the brawl, we head to the private locker room of Mercury, Nitro and Melina, otherwise known as MNM. Nitro and Mercury seem pensive as Melina barks instructions at her team.


Melina: This is it, one last chance. I told you before; I associate myself with winners, with champions. I expect gold around your waist. I’m an A-Lister, and right now I’m looking at a couple of wannabe superstars. You better not screw up again or I swear to god we are through.


Mercury: Hey, you were the one that cost us last week. If you didn’t stick your nose in where it wasn’t needed we would be champions right now.


Melina: What did you say? You’re blaming me? I wasn’t the one in the ring. I wasn’t the one that screwed up.


Mercury: Oh, come on. Ever since this whole thing with Hamada started, you’ve been dropping the ball. You’ve been thinking about yourself.


Melina: Don’t you dare mention her name in my presence.


Nitro: Will you two shut up? Seriously, just be quiet. We have a chance of getting back what belongs to us by beating London and Kendrick. We need to concentrate on that. Now please, just shut up and focus.


Mercury and Melina were stunned into silence by Nitro, but did as they were asked. Nitro and Mercury continued to change for their match, but the tension between the three was evident for all to see.


Cole: Well, Nitro seems to have calmed things down, but there is certainly tension in the MNM camp.





Psicosis vs. Rey Mysterio


Michael Cole and Mr. Kennedy ran down the history of these two luchadores, highlighting their many wars in Mexico, ECW and WCW. And, although being considerably older, the two men still managed to pull off a tremendous match up. Psicosis was extremely aggressive in this contest, his new, violent persona shining through. Mysterio struggled in the early going, and almost fell early to a brutal Tornado DDT by Psicosis, but Rey was able to kick out at two. After a failed Top Rope Leg Drop by Psicosis, Mysterio took advantage AND took control of the match. Mysterio finally managed to put Psicosis away with a 619 and followed it up with a Springboard Frog Splash for the three count and the victory.


Winner: Rey Mysterio


The fans were on their feet for Mysterio as he celebrated in the ring. Psicosis rolled to the outside, in obvious discomfort. As Rey was celebrating, the crowd were soon up in arms as Kurt Angle quietly rolled into the ring. Mysterio turned, and Angle lifted him up for the Angle Slam. But Mysterio was too quick for the Olympic Gold Medallist, and reversed the move into an Arm Drag, sending Angle across the ring. Mysterio followed it up with a big Drop Kick, sending Angle to the outside. Angle contemplated returning to the ring, but thought better of it and backed his way up the ramp, the 619 chants deafening in the arena.


Cole: Angle’s plan just backfired spectacularly.


Kennedy: This is Kurt Angle we’re talking about. He’s sure to have a backup plan, Cole.




Matthews: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time; he is the United States Champion, Randy Orton. And Randy, this Sunday on Pay Per View you will have your hands full against Bobby Lashley. But here tonight, you go head to head with World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam. Your thoughts, Randy?


Orton: You know, people keep trying to make me fear for my well being because of what Lashley has done over the past month. Yet they fail to acknowledge what I have achieved since becoming United States Champion. Chris Benoit? He’s gone. Matt Hardy? He’s history. Bobby Lashley should fear ME. But I’ll deal with him on Sunday. Tonight, Rob Van Dam becomes another statistic. All I have heard is how Kurt Angle is going to take the gold from Rob Van Dam. All I’ve heard is how JBL will stop the beating heart of ECW. How Mysterio will take back what is rightfully his. But none of them have what it takes to back up their words. So I’m going to throw them a bone. Tonight, I will kill the legend of ECW. I will kill the legend of Rob Van Dam. And when I’ve weakened him, when I’ve destroyed him, and when I’ve softened him up enough for one of those four men to take back the gold at One Night Stand, they can thank me by giving me the World Title match I deserve. Because one belt just isn’t enough for The Legend Killer. Teddy Long’s worst nightmare will be realised when I stand in the centre of that ring, the United States Championship in one hand, and MY World Heavyweight Championship in the other. That is a promise.


Cole: Strong words by The Legend Killer. But can he back them up tonight against The Whole F’n Show, Rob Van Dam?





Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


This was a rematch from a hard hitting contest that took place several weeks ago, and this one lived up to the last, with both men brutalizing the other. Lashley was clearly the most dominant of the two however, and Finlay was almost folded in half with a brutal Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex by Lashley for a close two count. Lashley continued to wear down The Fighting Irishman, and Finlay was fading fast. Despite all his efforts, Finlay could not handle the brute strength of Lashley. Bobby caught Finlay in a Bear Hug, and began wearing Finlay down further. In fact, Lashley was squeezing so tight on the veteran, he actually passed out. The official checked the vital signs and, with no response, the official had no choice but to stop the match. Finlay was in no state to continue, and so Lashley was awarded the victory.


Winner: Bobby Lashley


The match may have been over, but the destruction was not, as Lashley refused to break the hold on Finlay. The official, seeing the damage being done, tries to pry Lashley away from the Irishman. But Lashley was much too powerful. The referee had no choice but to call for backup, and a throng of officials emptied from the locker room and attempted to make Lashley release the hold. But Lashley was intent on causing serious damage to Finlay. It finally took Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long to make him stop, announcing from the ramp that he would strip Lashley of his Number One Contendership if he refused to release the hold. Lashley finally let go and left the ring, leaving the fans slightly uneasy at his actions. Long begged to know what was wrong with Lashley as he made his way to the back, but Bobby simply barged past him, almost knocking him off his feet.


Cole: I’m a big fan of Lashley, but some of his actions lately have been more than questionable.


Kennedy: Hey, he does what he has to do. Whatever has gotten into Lashley, its doing wonders for him.




The cameras catch up with World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam backstage, preparing for his one on one confrontation with Randy Orton, when he is approached by Rey Mysterio. Van Dam actually looks happy to see him. Mysterio doesn’t look as upbeat.


RVD: Rey, I’m glad I saw you. Listen, I just wanna say that what I did, it was nothing personal, man. I just...


Mysterio: Nothing personal? Just save it, Rob. I used to respect you, man. You and me used to be tight. What happened? You didn’t just stab me in the back. You stabbed this entire company in the back. You turned your back on the people who made you a star.


RVD: Whoa, hold up Super Man. Don’t believe all you hear. Sure, I had a good run in the WWE. But don’t ever think that Vince McMahon “made” RVD. RVD became a star in a rundown Bingo hall in South Philly. He got his name out there because of Paul Heyman. He put on his greatest displays in ECW. But the one person that can and WILL take the credit for making Rob Van Dam, IS Rob Van Dam. You know, I think you could be a perfect fit for ECW. I mean, if it wasn’t for Paul bringing you over from Mexico, nobody would even know who the hell you are. Maybe if I put in a good word for you, you could come and work for us.


Mysterio: Nice try, champ. I wouldn’t join ECW for all the money in the world. But here’s what I will do; I’m going to head to Judgment Day, I’m gonna defeat three other men, I’m gonna step in the ring with you at One Night Stand and I’m going to take back my World Heavyweight Championship. THAT’S what I’m gonna do. Oh, and tell your buddy Rhino that if he interferes in another of my matches, I’m gonna send him back into obscurity, where he belongs.


Mysterio stormed away, happy with his words. Van Dam simply shrugs his shoulders and continues to get ready for his match with Orton in the Main Event.




Number One Contendership for WWE Tag Team Championship:


MNM vs. London & Kendrick


Prior to the bout, Tag Team Champions Paul Burchill and William Regal made their way to ringside and joined Cole & Kennedy on commentary, and the two completely ran down their opposition, claiming that neither team were worthy of facing them. But both teams proved them wrong, putting on one of the best tag team contests in quite some time. Nitro and Mercury seemed intent on proving a point to Melina, and meticulously picked apart Brian Kendrick, keeping him in their corner and singling him out. Nitro in particular seemed overly aggressive towards his opponent, working on the legs of the high flier, taking out a majority of his arsenal. Kendrick fought his way back and, after several failed attempts, finally got the tag to London, who cleaned house. After several minutes of back and forth action, London decided to give himself the advantage, knocking Mercury off the apron. But as he fell from the ring, he landed directly onto Melina. Nitro looked on from the ring, confused at what had happened. London and Kendrick took full advantage, with Kendrick hitting the Sliced Bread #2, before London headed up top and came crashing down with a crunching Shooting Star Press. London hooked the leg and the official counted the three, declaring London and Kendrick the winners, and Number One Contenders to Burchill and Regal’s Tag Team Championships at Judgment Day.


Winners: London & Kendrick


Burchill and Regal stood from their position and immediately headed to the back, not even acknowledging their Judgment Day opponents who were celebrating in the ring. London and Kendrick finally left the ring, and in crawled Joey Mercury, who was quickly followed by Melina. Melina was screaming at Mercury, furious at what happened. Mercury and Melina were bickering back and forth between themselves when Melina slapped Mercury hard around the face. Mercury was stunned, but not as stunned as Melina or the fans when Mercury pushed Melina down to the mat. The fans went wild as Melina looked up in shock and disgust. Melina ordered Johnny Nitro to do something, but he just looked down at her, an equally disgusted look on his face. But things were about to get worse for Melina as Hamada slowly made her way to the ring. Melina was terrified as Mercury and Nitro walked out on their manager, Melina screaming for them to return to the ring to protect her, but the two walked away without a backward glance. Hamada stepped through the ropes, and before Melina had a chance to beg for mercy, she was kicked in the gut and dropped with a deadly Hamada Driver. The fans were ecstatic with what went down as Hamada looked down over her fallen foe.


Cole: Is this the end for MNM?


Kennedy: What do you think, Cole? Mercury and Nitro just left Melina to get crushed by The Japanese Sensation. What more do you need to know? MNM are dead.




Randy Orton is seen heading down the hallway, his United States Championship draped over his shoulder as he heads towards the curtain for his Main Event contest against RVD. But as he makes his way through the hall, he is blindsided by a figure wearing black. It is unclear who is pounding away on him, but as several Road Agents split things up, it is clear to see that the man is none other than MATT HARDY, who is struggling to get free from the grips of the agents. Orton berates Hardy before storming away from the scene, Hardy still being restrained by staff.


Cole: Matt Hardy is back, Ken.


Kennedy: I can see that. You think I’m freakin’ blind. But none the less, it looks like he’s ready to get his payback on The Legend Killer.




Non-Title Match:


Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam


Despite the assault from Hardy just seconds earlier, Orton was able to compose himself for his match with RVD. And what a match it was, as the two put on a classic contest which is a serious contender for the Match of the Year award. Both men went all out, desperate to prove their worth. Orton’s slow, methodical method held him in good stead in the early going, keeping the more aerial Van Dam grounded. The fans were extremely vocal in support of Van Dam, willing him to fight his way back into the contest, which he did with great enthusiasm. A Springboard Side Kick was close to taking Orton’s head clean off, and almost gave RVD the victory, but Orton was able to kick out at two. The two went back and forth for around 10 minutes, until Van Dam had Orton on the ground, and headed up top for the Five Star Frog Splash. But Orton was quick to his feet, knocking Van Dam off his perch, sending him into the barrier on the outside. Randy began distracting the official, perplexing the audience. But the plan soon became evident, as Kurt Angle headed to ringside and, grabbing a steel chair, cracked Van Dam in the head, steel connecting with skull. Angle rolled Van Dam in the ring and Orton made the cover, but he only managed a two count, much to the relief of the fans in attendance. Orton got extremely frustrated, and it cost him when Van Dam dropped Orton with a DDT, setting him up for the Rolling Thunder. Van Dam hit the ropes, but he was tripped by Angle. RVD turned his attention to the Gold Medallist. But as he turned around, he fell victim to the RKO. Orton made the cover, and the official counted the three, giving the victory to Orton.


Winner: Randy Orton


With the victory in the bag, Orton went to retreat, but he was quickly pulled back in the ring by Angle. The two seemed to be discussing something between them before they turned their attention to the World Heavyweight Champion. The two began beating down on Van Dam with vicious boots to the body and head. But things were about to get a whole lot worse for The Whole F’n Show as JBL headed to the ring. Angle and Orton were unsure of what JBL was planning to do, but they soon relaxed as he too began putting the boots to Van Dam. RVD was in serious trouble, but the music of Rey Mysterio bought the fans to their feet in unison. Mysterio sprinted to the ring, where Orton, Angle and JBL were stood, waiting for Rey to make his move. Mysterio looked down at Van Dam, and then at his three attackers before finally helping Van Dam to his feet, obviously having a change of heart. But upon realising who was helping him, Van Dam quickly pushed Mysterio away. Van Dam was now surrounded. But the lights in the arena quickly faded to black, the Louisiana fans going into a frenzy. When the lights returned, Van Dam was nowhere to be seen. But in his place was The Undertaker, who began cleaning house, dropping his Judgment Day opponents with right hands, and even landing a Big Boot to Orton for good measure. All four men had the sense to retreat from the ring following Takers outburst.


Cole: Could this be the scene this Sunday at Judgment Day? This very well could be our next Number One Contender.


Kennedy: Hey, it ain’t over till it’s over, Cole.


The show fades to black with The Deadman stood in the centre of the ring as his Judgment Day opponents look on intently.






Dark Match:

Hamada over Jillian Hall C-


Main Show:

Kid Kash over Tony Mamaluke C

CM Punk over Jamie Noble C+

Rey Mysterio over Psicosis B

Bobby Lashley over Finlay C+

London & Kendrick over MNM B

Randy Orton over Rob Van Dam A


Show Rating: B




The Final Countdown - 6/6

Destiny - 4/6

Jingo - 6/6

The Celt - 6/6

(A pretty predictable show by the looks of it, but all necessary to build up to Judgment Day I feel)

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Another Match Announced for ECW One Night Stand


ECW.com is pleased to announce another bout to take place on June 4th at The Hammerstein Ballroom.


An old feud picks up where it left off when Justin Credible will face off against "The NEW F'n Show" Jerry Lynn. The battles that these two men have had are legendary, and the two former ECW World Champions will look to get themselves back into the spotlight with a victory.


Keep checking on ECW.com for more updates as we get ever so closer to One Night Stand on June 4th.


Matches Confirmed for One Night Stand:


Balls Mahoney vs. Masato Tanaka


Gregory Helms vs. The Sandman


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin


Jerry Lynn vs. Justin Credible

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Many were surprised at Tomko's shock victory to receive a shot at the WWE Championship, but his dominance these past few moths have laid to rest any thoughts that he doesn't deserve his spot, running through the competition on Monday Nights. Will Cena finally be the road block that stops this destructive force of nature, or will Tomko capture the title? And if he does, just who could take it from him?




The formation of Extreme Championship Wrestling was a perfect money making plan for Vince McMahon, but it has soon turned into his worst nightmare. With both ECW AND the World Heavyweight Championship stolen from under his nose, Vince has had to take action. Which brings us to this Four Way Elimination Match, with the winner heading to One Night Stand to face Rob Van Dam for the title. All four men are former World Champions, and all four have staked their claim to being worthy of heading to the Hammerstein Ballroom to face the champ. But which one of them has the will and the heart to succeed?




Ever since losing the WWE Championship at The Royal Rumble, Edge has been intent on taking back what he sees as HIS property. Many road blocks have gotten in his way, but Edge is now completely focused and getting his shot at the gold. But in his path is "The Latino Warrior" Chavo Guerrero, who has been slowly working his way up the ladder since his return to the WWE. Looking to keep the Guerrero name alive, Chavo is sure to put it all on the line to get his shot at greatness.




These two men have a lot more in common than you might think. Both men have run roughshod over their competition within the past couple of months; Orton putting both Chris Benoit and Matt Hardy on the shelf and Bobby Lashley wiping out Booker T and, more recently, Finlay. Orton has managed to dominate opponents smaller than himself, but how will he cope with the much larger, much stronger Bobby Lashley? And will Lashley be able to keep his temper in check, or will Orton become another victim to the brutal dominance of Lashley?




It would appear that this one will be over before it truly begins, with HBK seriously injured. Many have questioned just how wise it is for him to get into the ring in his condition, especially with somebody like Carlito. But Michaels is a fighting champion. Will he be able to shock the world and hold on to his title, or will it be too much for his body to take. We will find out this Sunday.




Ever since his début the night following Wrestlemania, Aaron Stevens has been intent on making a name for himself. Unfortunately he has done so at the expense of The Nature Boy Ric Flair. Flair has been begging to get his hands on the rookie Stevens. In fact, this one has gotten so heated that Eric Bischoff has made it a Street Fight. Who, if anybody, will walk away from this brawl in one piece?




Regal and Burchill's shock victory over MNM for the titles several weeks ago shook up the Tag Team scene on Smackdown, and the two look to dominate Friday Nights. But stood in their way are Paul London and Brian Kendrick, two men who have yet to wear the gold, but two men that many feel deserve it. Can they stop the freight train that is Burchill & Regal this Sunday?




Although new to the world of Monday Night Raw, JTG and Elijah Burke have certainly been a force, taking it to the tag team champions at every turn. But Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch aren't World Tag Team Champions by chance, and will look to stamp their authority on proceedings at Judgment Day with a victory over The Brooklyn Soldiers.




The extremely unstable Mickie James has been a force in the Women's Division since winning the title belt at Wrestlemania. But the constant thorn in her side has been her former idol Trish Stratus. Add the dangerous Victoria into the mix, and you have a recipe for what is sure to be an exciting contest for the Women's Championship.


Quick Picks:


WWE Championship:

John Cena © vs. Tyson Tomko


Number One Contendership for World Heavyweight Championship:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Undertaker


Number One Contendership for WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Edge


United States Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs, Bobby Lashley


Intercontinental Championship Match:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Carlito


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Paul Burchill & William Regal © vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick


World Tag Team Championship Match:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch © vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers


Women's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria


Street Fight:

Aaron Stevens vs. Ric Flair

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<p>WWE Championship:</p><p>

<strong>John Cena</strong> © vs. Tyson Tomko</p><p>

<em>Cena is more over, and Tomko's focus is on the HHH fued.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contendership for World Heavyweight Championship:</p><p>

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. <strong>Kurt Angle</strong> vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Undertaker</p><p>

<em>Very hard to predict this one, which is credit to you making all 4 seem like worthy challengers.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contendership for WWE Championship:</p><p>

<strong>Chavo Guerrero</strong> vs. Edge</p><p>

<em>Classic Guerrero cheating gets him a shot at the title.</em></p><p> </p><p>

United States Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Randy Orton</strong> © vs, Bobby Lashley</p><p>

<em>Tainted win here I think.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels</strong> © vs. Carlito</p><p>

<em>Underdog victory for HBK.</em></p><p> </p><p>

WWE Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Paul Burchill & William Regal </strong>© vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick</p><p>

<em>Burchill & Regal deserve a solid run with the belts.</em></p><p> </p><p>

World Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch © vs. <strong>The Brooklyn Soldiers</strong></p><p>

<em>Cade & Murdoch's reign comes to an end.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Women's Championship:</p><p>

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus vs. <strong>Victoria</strong></p><p>

<em>Was always a Victoria fan when she was in the WWE.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Street Fight:</p><p>

Aaron Stevens vs. <strong>Ric Flair</strong></p><p>

<em>Think there will be blood, and a tap out from the figure-four.</em></p>

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<p>WWE Championship:</p><p>

<strong>John Cena © </strong>vs. Tyson Tomko</p><p>

-You've done a marvelous job of building Tomko into a legit threat, to the point that I completely buy this match headlining the PPV, which I'm assuming it will since the World title isn't being defended. But ultimately, I just don't see him taking the title from Cena. Cena wins, with HHH probably showing up either during or after the match to continue his feud with Tomko.</p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contendership for World Heavyweight Championship:</p><p>

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. <strong>Kurt Angle</strong> vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Undertaker</p><p>

-As the first guy said, you've made all four seem like they have a shot in this one, so it's pretty hard to predict. Here's my thought process:</p><p> </p><p>

-First, I eliminated Undertaker. An Undertaker/RVD title match does sound intriguing...but not in the Hammerstein Ballroom, and not at One Night Stand. I think it would just be odd to see Taker on an ECW show. Plus, with this being a 4-way match, you can give the win to somebody else without Taker having to suffer a loss.</p><p> </p><p>

-Next to go was JBL. From a smark perspective, RVD/JBL sounds like the worst match. The idea of JBL walking into the Hammerstein Ballroom and cutting an anti-ECW promo before the match is awesome, though. I think he'd get MASSIVE heat in that situation. But, still...RVD's title defense needs to headline ONS, and I don't see RVD/JBL as a suitable PPV main event.</p><p> </p><p>

-This left me with Mysterio & Angle. Both guys should be capable of putting on a killer match with RVD, and would make for a compelling match. It would be kind of cool to see Rey get the crack at Van Dam, since RVD did kinda screw him out of the title with the MITB stuff. He has his ties to ECW as well, so there's that. But I went with Angle. Whoever challenges RVD in the Ballroom will be treated as a complete and utter heel. I don't think that would fit Rey's character and match style all that well. Angle, on the other hand, is a natural heel--but is also so good in the ring that the smarky ECW fans will give him the RIGHT kind of heat. That is, they'll be rooting for RVD to kick his ass, rather than telling Angle he can't wrestle and crapping all over the match.</p><p> </p><p>

And that is my drawn out reasoning for picking Kurt Angle to challenge for the gold at ONS. <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contendership for WWE Championship:</p><p>

<strong>Chavo Guerrero </strong>vs. Edge</p><p>

-I like Chavito in this one. His quest to become champion in the wake of Eddie's death is one of the most compelling things you've got going, so I'd really like to see him get through Edge here and solidify himself as a worthy challenger.</p><p> </p><p>

United States Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Randy Orton © </strong>vs, Bobby Lashley</p><p>

-Really unsure about this one. I could definitely see Lashley taking the belt--and the possible presence of Matt Hardy could be an x factor in this match, one way or the other.</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Championship Match:</p><p>

Shawn Michaels © vs. <strong>Carlito</strong></p><p>

-Another one I'm second guessing myself on. But if you're trying to turn Carlito into a serious top level heel, I think he has to win this match. Because unless HBK is exaggerating the severity of his injury, a loss would make Carlito look pretty weak.</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Paul Burchill & William Regal © </strong>vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick</p><p>

-As much as I like Londrick, I want to see Burchill & Regal put a nice title reign together.</p><p> </p><p>

World Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch © vs. <strong>The Brooklyn Soldiers</strong></p><p>

-I have little to no interest in Cade & Murdoch. I think a title switch would be the best thing for the division.</p><p> </p><p>

Women's Championship:</p><p>

<strong>Mickie James ©</strong> vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria</p><p>

-Too soon for Mickie to lose the belt.</p><p> </p><p>

Street Fight:</p><p>

<strong>Aaron Stevens</strong> vs. Ric Flair</p><p>

-Naitch is bulletproof. If WCW couldn't kill him off, there's nothing you can do to hurt him. Stevens, on the other hand, needs to establish himself. And a win here would work wonders.</p>

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<p>WWE Championship:</p><p>

John Cena © vs. <strong>Tyson Tomko</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contendership for World Heavyweight Championship:</p><p>

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. <strong>Undertaker</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contendership for WWE Championship:</p><p>

Chavo Guerrero vs. <strong>Edge</strong></p><p> </p><p>

United States Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Randy Orton ©</strong> vs, Bobby Lashley</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels ©</strong> vs. Carlito</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Paul Burchill & William Regal ©</strong> vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick</p><p> </p><p>

World Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch © vs. <strong>The Brooklyn Soldiers</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Women's Championship:</p><p>

<strong>Mickie James ©</strong> vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria</p><p> </p><p>

Street Fight:</p><p>

<strong>Aaron Stevens</strong> vs. Ric Flair</p>

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Show will hopefully be posted tomorrow, so get any last predictions in should you wish to do so. And, in a separate note, may I also thank the people who voted for me in the DOTM Awards. Although I didn't win it, I never expected to get the support that I did, so thank you very much. I'll stop brown nosing now :D.
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WWE Championship:

John Cena © vs. Tyson Tomko


Number One Contendership for World Heavyweight Championship:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Undertaker


Number One Contendership for WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Edge


United States Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs, Bobby Lashley


Intercontinental Championship Match:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Carlito


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Paul Burchill & William Regal © vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick


World Tag Team Championship Match:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch © vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers


Women's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria


Street Fight:

Aaron Stevens vs. Ric Flair

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WWE Championship:

John Cena © vs. Tyson Tomko


Number One Contendership for World Heavyweight Championship:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Undertaker


Number One Contendership for WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Edge


United States Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs, Bobby Lashley


Intercontinental Championship Match:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Carlito


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Paul Burchill & William Regal © vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick


World Tag Team Championship Match:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch © vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers


Women's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria


Street Fight:

Aaron Stevens vs. Ric Flair

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WWE Championship:

John Cena © vs. Tyson Tomko


Okay, the build for Tomko has been great, but now it's crunch time, and the question is Tyson Tomko ready to be the centrepiece of the flagship show of the top promotion in the world? Not quite yet. I agree with Countdown, HHH involved is high likely here, and a feud between those two should work wonders for Tomko's credabilty, as the fans will perceive him as a guy who can hang with the top players of the WWE.


Number One Contendership for World Heavyweight Championship:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Undertaker


Okay, here's my thought process: It's not going to be Taker. He's WAAYY too respected by ECW fans to get boo'd out properly at the Hammerstein. Also the tower striker versus the hardcore all-rounder is an...odd dynamic. Also if Taker is sent in there WWE fans are going to go with him over RVD, period. We don't want to split the audience, at least not too greatly, so it's not Taker.


It's not JBL. Yes, he could ECW's Satan to RVD as ECW's God. But the match would never live up to what it needs to be. JBL might should up anyways to do some mic work, hell he might even have a match lower down the card, but he's not the Main Event.


So it comes down to Mysterio and Angle, and realistically it could be either one. With Mysterio RVD could have an amazing high flying match punctuated by moves done off of weapons or through them (a la the Real Mysterio Vs Sabu match...which was awesome.) With Angle, it's going to be an odd affair, with the match going along the lines of RVD dominating at first via High Flying before Angle comes back by going to the mat, before the two go to war brawlin' with each other.


I've gone with Mysterio. I think you'll get the best match from him. I think the story fits because he's the former champion. He's going to get heat anyways (as was evident in reality), but he could REALLY push things against the audience by heeling it up for one night by accusing RVD of stealing his championship and then insulting him.


Number One Contendership for WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Edge

Mhhh...I think Chavito pulls a classic Eddie to win, goes on to get his title shot only for a vengeful Edge to interfer and mess it up leading to more drama, possibly a three way.


United States Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs. Bobby Lashley

This Matt Hardy guy could send things either way. Both Orton and Lashley are both lethal in the ring right now, so this is on a knife-edge. I'm going to honest; I'm a bit disappointed that Hardy hasn't returned to kill Edge and instead for some reason is gunning down Orton. But I hope this story goes somewhere.


Intercontinental Championship Match:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Carlito

I like the sound of "The Assassin" Carlito Colos, or "McMahon's Assassin", or even "The Puerto Rican Assassin". I think Carlito could be turned baddass by becoming VKM's hired gun and really putting the boots to the hurt HBK.


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Paul Burchill & William Regal © vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick

Could be a change...but considering the rest of the card I want to keep my title change predictions low.


World Tag Team Championship Match:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch © vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers

DQ, a no-contest, a count-out...something is going to prolong this brooding clash.



Women's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria

Too soon.


Street Fight:

Aaron Stevens vs. Ric Flair

Countdown is correct, Flair's overness in concrete, in reality it just doesn't go away because he's just done too much over the years to lose it. So beating this young punk is going to add much to Flair, but a win over 16 TIME WORLD CHAMPION Ric Flair will do wonders for the Idol.

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WWE Championship:

John Cena © vs. Tyson Tomko


Number One Contendership for World Heavyweight Championship:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Undertaker


Number One Contendership for WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Edge


United States Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs, Bobby Lashley


Intercontinental Championship Match:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Carlito


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Paul Burchill & William Regal (c) vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick


World Tag Team Championship Match:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch © vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers


Women's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria


Street Fight:

Aaron Stevens vs. Ric Flair

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WWE Championship:

John Cena © vs. Tyson Tomko


Number One Contendership for World Heavyweight Championship:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Kurt Angle vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Undertaker


Number One Contendership for WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Edge


United States Championship Match:

Randy Orton © vs, Bobby Lashley


Intercontinental Championship Match:

Shawn Michaels © vs. Carlito


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Paul Burchill & William Regal © vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick


World Tag Team Championship Match:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch © vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers


Women's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria


Street Fight:

Aaron Stevens vs. Ric Flair

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Managed to finish the show sooner than expected, so here it is. Enjoy!


The Staples Centre hosts Judgment Day 2006

The Official attendance is 15,000 (Sell-Out)


The Judgment Day Official Theme is





In the evening’s dark match, CM Punk defeated Tony Mamaluke in a decent contest after making him tap to the Anaconda Vice. The two shook hands following the bout.




And now Raw, Smackdown and 7/11 Presents...





The pyro in the Staples Centre was red hot, as were the 15,000 fans in attendance for the evening’s festivities. There was a genuine air of excitement in the arena as the cameras pan in to the announce desks.


Cole: The atmosphere is electrifying in the sold out Staples Centre in Los Angeles, California for what is certain to be a night that many will remember for a long time to come. Michael Cole and Mr. Kennedy here at ringside, and tonight, the fate of the World Heavyweight Championship will be one step closer to being decided.


Kennedy: Four men who have proved how much the World Heavyweight Championship means to them will do battle in a Four Way Elimination Match. Only one man will make it to One Night Stand in just a few weeks time, it’ll be interesting to see who will conquer. But that’s not all we have for you tonight. Let’s send it over to the B-Team, Jim Ross and Henry the Eighth.


Lawler: What did he just call me?


Ross: Ignore it, King. Ladies and gentlemen, both brands have put together a hell of a line up, but the one I’m looking forward to is the WWE Championship Match between John Cena and Tyson Tomko.


Lawler: Absolutely, JR. Tomko has really made his presence felt these past few months, and I just wonder if he may be too much for even a man like Cena to handle.









The show opened with the two brits, Burchill and Regal, defending their newly acquired Tag Team Championships against Paul London and Brian Kendrick. The red hot Los Angeles crowd was firmly behind the underdogs London & Kendrick. The two started out very impressively in this contest, with London running circles around the more mat based William Regal. Regal’s attempts to catch London were futile, and Regal eventually got tired, and was easy pickings for a Springboard Tornado DDT for a close two count. London was no stranger to mat wrestling either, and a Short Arm Scissors on the mat kept Regal grounded. Regal did eventually fight his way out of the hold and as the two got to their feet, Regal hit a beautiful Release Northern Lights Suplex, but again, only managed a two count.


Regal then tagged in the much larger Paul Burchill, and things soon turned ugly, with the powerful Manchester native man handling London. A huge Sidewalk Slam almost put a hole through the ring, such was the force. The fans were rooting for London and, following a failed Press Slam by Burchill, London connected with a Dropsault before diving across the ring and tagging Kendrick in. Brian went to town with rights and lefts on Burchill. Kendrick hit the ropes, ducking a Clothesline on the way back and connecting with a Cross Body for two. A Springboard Dropkick on Burchill sent him down to one knee. A Shining Wizard from there sent him to his back. Kendrick made the cover, but Regal managed to break it up. The crowd were really getting into the contest, praying for an upset victory for “Londrick”.


The high flying duo continued to control the match for a good while, until Burchill stopped Kendrick in his tracks with a Head and Arm Suplex, a move clearly taught to him by his mentor Regal, who was now begging for a tag. Burchill agreed, tagging Regal in. Kendrick almost got the hot tag to London, but was pulled into the centre of the ring and locked into the Regal Stretch. London attempted to make the save, but the official stopped him from entering the ring. This gave Burchill the chance to enter the ring and, as Regal continued to lock the hold on Kendrick, Burchill kicked Brian full force in the face, knocking him out cold. Burchill sent London to the outside with a boot to the skull. With the official now concentrating on the match at hand, he checked the vital signs on Brian Kendrick. With the hold locked in tightly, and the effects of the vicious kick to the head by Burchill, Kendrick was completely knocked out, and the official called for the bell, awarding the victory to Burchill and Regal.


Winners and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: Paul Burchill & William Regal


Cole: What a disturbing ending to this contest.


Kennedy: Disturbing but effective, Cole. They got the job done. What more do you want?


The beating wasn’t done though, as Regal continued to stretch Kendrick, who was still passed out. London made his way into the ring to try to stop the utter destruction of his partner, but he was met with a brutal C-4 by Burchill, who then proceeded to put the boots to London. The beating looked to continue, but an unexpected saviour headed to the ring, as Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro sprinted down the ramp. They jumped in the ring and were met by Regal and Burchill, and before they knew it the two teams began brawling in the ring, the fans going wild. Burchill was soon sent to the outside following a Johnny Nitro Drop Kick. Regal soon followed when Mercury hit a Clothesline, sending him over the ropes. Burchill and Regal were handed their title belts, Regal trying to control Burchill who wanted to get back in the ring. The two finally backed away as Nitro and Mercury looked on. The two then looked down at the fallen London and Kendrick and, in a shocking moment, actually attempted to help the two to their feet. But Kendrick was still out cold.


Cole: Who saw this one coming?


Kennedy: I sure as hell didn’t.




Game Over!



The cameras are in the backstage area of The Staples Centre, where security is surrounding Triple H, who was not scheduled to be on the show. Hunter is berating security, asking to be let in the building. Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff soon enters the scene, trying his best to calm the situation.


Triple H: Eric, let me in.


Bischoff: Look, I can’t do that. I know how much you want to get your hands on Tyson right now.


Triple H: You’re damn right. I’m gonna slap the piss out of that son of a bitch.


Bischoff: Look, I realise you’re angry, but I have to think about our Main Event tonight. I have an obligation to the fans to give them what is advertised. I can’t do that if Tomko is lying in a pool of blood in the locker room. The fact is, you’re not advertised to be here, so I think it’s best if you go home.


Triple H: Screw that, I want Tomko NOW. LET ME IN.


Bischoff: Jesus, somebody get rid of him already.


Eric left the scene, leaving Hunter still desperately trying to break through security.








This contest may not have been the longest, but the sheer brutality more than made up for it. Stevens immediately grabbed a steel chain from underneath the ring, the same one he has used over the past several months to bludgeon Flair, but Ric was ready with a steel chair, and swung viciously at the head of Stevens, knocking him down and busting him open from the start. Stevens got to his feet and was met with another chair shot, sending him to the mat once again. Flair then dropped the chair and looked to lock the Figure Four on Stevens, but The Idol somehow managed to push him away from him. As they both rose to their feet, Flair became the victim of a fist to the skull. Unfortunately for him, the fist was wrapped with a steel chain. Stevens began throwing right hands to the head of Flair, opening up The Nature Boy. The Idol was relentless in his attack, and the official tried his best to calm Stevens down, but with this being a Street Fight, he was powerless to do anything. Stevens lifted Flair to his feet and, lifting him up, he drilled Flair with The Hollywood Star (Muscle Buster) on the steel chair that was still lying on the mat. Stevens made the cover. One...two... no, Stevens lifts Flair up from the mat. He lifts him to his feet and looks to continue the beatdown, but Flair rolled him up with a Small Package, but Stevens escaped at the last second. Stevens immediately rose to his feet and put the boots to the head of Flair.


Stevens headed to the outside and, searching under the ring, he found another steel chair. He bought the chair in the ring, unfolding it and placing it next to the second chair, which was also unfolded, creating a table like surface. Stevens lifted Flair up and screamed at him before lifting him up and hitting The Hollywood Star through the two chairs. Flair writhed around in agony as Stevens made the cover once more. One...two...STEVENS LIFTS HIM UP AGAIN. The crowd were starting to get a little uncomfortable with the violence that was being dished out to Flair, who was struggling to stand. But he wouldn’t have to, as Stevens wrapped the steel chain around Flairs throat, choking him out. Flair was fighting through instinct, lashing out, trying to escape. But eventually, Flair passed out. Stevens then rolled Flair over and, placing a foot on his chest, made the cover. One...two...three. Mercifully, this one was over.


Winner: Aaron Stevens


Ross: Thankfully, MERCIFULLY, this match is over.


Lawler: I’ve had the pleasure of watching many Flair matches, but this one was certainly the most uncomfortable. But, Stevens set out to make a name for himself, and he did it.


Ross: But at what cost, King? I don’t think Flair will ever recover from this.


EMT’s rush to the ring to check on the condition of Flair as Stevens looked on from the corner of the ring, the blood dripping down his face. Michelle McCool eventually took Stevens away as the doctors checked on The Nature Boy.




HBK’s Demise



Carlito is seen getting ready for his “match” later in the evening against HBK in the Locker rooms when he is joined by the Chairman, Vince McMahon.


Carlito: Mr. McMahon. Good, to see you, sir.


McMahon: Good to see you too. So, you know what you have to do tonight?


Carlito: Yes, sir. Don’t worry about it.


McMahon: Listen, I’ve had a lot on my plate recently, what with Paul Heyman and his band of brothers trying to ruin me, so I apologise that I haven’t been around to help you. But I trust you to get the job done.


Carlito: Don’t worry, sir. HBK’s legacy dies tonight. And in the process, I become Intercontinental Champion.


McMahon: THAT’s cool.


Carlito: That is cool.


The two exchange an menacing grin before McMahon leaves, allowing Carlito to prepare for his confrontation with Michaels later in the evening.









The start of the match started badly for Mickie, who was double teamed by Trish and Victoria, both looking to weaken the champ before turning their attention on each other. But a Clothesline attempt by Trish on Mickie was averted when Mickie ducked, and Victoria took the hit. Mickie tried to take advantage of the situation, rolling Trish up, but she only managed to get two. Mickie was certainly the most vicious of the three, looking to pick apart her opponents, and a brutal Backbreaker on Trish was almost enough, but Victoria managed to break it up. Victoria then took control of the contest, woman handling Mickie and throwing her to the outside. Victoria followed her out and, showing HER mean streak, threw Mickie into the steel steps. Victoria re-entered the ring, but was hit with a Drop Toe Hold and a Leg Drop to the back of the head by Trish, who went for the cover but could only get a two count.


The match went back and forth, with all three divas getting in plenty of offense. The finish came when Victoria looked to hit The Widows Peak on Trish. But Trish managed to escape it and kicked Victoria in the gut. Trish hooked her head in her arm and sprang on the second rope, looking to hit the Stratusfaction Bulldog. But as she sprang from the rope and came crashing down with the move, she was hit half way down with a brutal Mick Kick. Although Victoria avoided the majority of the manoeuvre, she still hit the mat pretty hard. As she stumbled to her feet, she walked straight into the Mickie-D-T. Mickie made the cover, and the official counted the one, two, and three. Mickie James successfully retains her Women’s Championship.


Winner and STILL Women’s Champion: Mickie James.


Ross: Mickie once again scrapes by to retain her title.


Lawler: I’ll be honest; I don’t think anybody can take the title from Mickie, JR. She has just dominated the Women’s Division recently.




Tomko’ Warning To The Champ



Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, at this time may I introduce to you the Number One Contender for the WWE Championship later on tonight, Tyson Tomko. And Tomko, you have really run roughshod over the Raw roster since you’re association with Triple H. Do you think...


Tomko: Hold up, Coach. Are you suggesting that Triple H carried me? Are you suggesting he made me? I was a violent bastard before I ever joined him. The fact is, he paid me for my services, to protect him. And I did what was required of me. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have aspirations of my own. You know, I look at the Raw roster, hell even the Smackdown roster, and as I look at the Superstars we have here, there isn’t one name on that list who I can honestly say I don’t believe that I can hang with. I feel I could dominate every last one of them. And there is no reason I shouldn’t be headlining this Pay Per View, or any other Pay Per View for that matter. So I took “Triple H’s Spot”. Big deal. If he has such a big problem with it, I’ll be more than happy to confront him, man to man. But tonight, my focus is on you, John Cena. Tonight, I do the world a favour by taking the WWE Championship away from you. I’ve knocked you on your ass more times than anybody else on the roster, and tonight, I’m gonna do it all over again. Only this time, I’m walking away with the biggest prize in the game. I’ve worked my way to the top. I’ve proved that I belong here. And after all the hard work, I get my reward, at YOUR expense.









Carlito was grinning like a Cheshire Cat as Michaels limped his way to the ring, his back obviously causing him major problems. The bell rang, and Carlito was mocking Michaels, dancing around the ring, asking him to take a swing. Michaels did try to hit a right hand, but Carlito simply moved out the way and pushed him to the mat. Carlito was looking to completely humiliate The Heartbreak Kid, and did so, continually pushing him to the mat whenever he managed to get to his feet. But Carlito was stunned, as was the rest of the crowd, when Michaels sprang up and hit Sweet Chin Music on Carlito. The fans were going nuts, but Michaels was clearly still in pain. He slowly crawled over to Carlito and made the cover. One...two...th-NO. Carlito managed to get his shoulder up. Michaels took too long to make the cover. The two both got up from the mat, but Michaels was sent down quickly with a brutal Clothesline. The games were over, as Carlito put the boots to Michaels. Carlito lifted him up and hit him with a Back Breaker across his knee. He followed it up with a second one, and then a third. Michaels looked in absolute agony as Carlito circled him, almost salivating. Michaels slowly rose to his feet, and Carlito struck with The Back Stabber. The crowd went silent as Carlito made the cover. One...two...thre-MICHAELS KICKS OUT. Carlito is enraged as the fans go into a frenzy. Michaels back may be injured, but there is nothing wrong with his heart, which would not let him quit. Carlito lifted him up again, but Michaels pushed him away before looking for Sweet Chin Music again, but Carlito caught his foot and spun him around before dropping him with another Back Stabber. Carlito made the cover once more. One...two...three. Michaels may have put up a good fight, but it was just too much for him to take.


Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion: Carlito


Ross: Michaels has the biggest heart of anybody I know, but I don’t blame him one bit for not kicking out at three.


Lawler: You can see the pain he is in. But, nevertheless, Carlito is our new Intercontinental Champion.


The fans were irate at the outcome of the match, but things were about to get even worse as Carlito began beating Michaels with rights and lefts as he struggled to defend himself. Carlito grabbed his championship belt and waited for Michaels to rise to his feet. But Michaels was saved when a figure dressed head to toe in black jumped the barrier and, sliding into the ring, began beating down on Carlito before sending him to the outside with a clothesline. The masked figure began helping Michaels to his feet. HBK was still in enormous pain, but had a puzzled expression on his face as he looked at the masked man. The mystery man then headed back where he came from, going through the crowd and into the streets of LA, leaving Michaels as well as the fans in attendance confused.




Extreme Interruption


Ross: Well, coming up next we have the World Tag Team Championship Match, with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch defending against JTG and Elijah Burke, The Brooklyn Soldiers.


Lawler: This one has been brewing ever since Backlash, when The Brooklyn Soldiers shocked the champs when...


The signal quickly cut out before a video began to play...


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The screen soon returned to a shot of the arena as JR and Lawler sound flustered before continuing on to the next match.









Although they were new comers to the WWE, JTG and Elijah Burke were still the clear fan favourites going into this match, the crowd begging to see the titles change hands. Cade looked strong throughout, and made things extremely difficult for The Soldiers, overpowering JTG and cutting him off as he tried to make the tag to Burke. Cade and Murdoch began trading quick tags, wearing down JTG, and almost putting him away when Cade dropped him with a Powerbomb, but it only managed a two count. JTG finally got the tag to Burke, who began to clean house landing Dropkicks on both men before hitting a beautiful Hurricanrana on Cade, sending him towards JTG on the apron, who snapped his neck on the top rope. Cade the backed into an Inverted DDT for a two count.


The two traded blows for several minutes, until Cade went to hit a boot to the face of Burke in the corner, but Burke moved, sending Cade into the corner, where JTG was waiting with a big right hand. As Cade stumbled around, he was hit by the charging Burke with The Elijah Express. Murdoch attempted to help his partner, but he was met with a dropkick by JTG. Burke made the cover on Cade and the official made the count for the one, two, three. And Just like that, we had NEW World Tag Team Champions.


Winners and NEW World Tag Team Champions: The Brooklyn Soldiers


Ross: JTG and Elijah Burke, after less than a month in the company, have become World Tag Team Champions.


Lawler: What an achievement. But look out, it’s not over.


Indeed it wasn’t over, as Cade and Murdoch tried to jump the new champs from behind. But JTG and Burke had it covered, going toe to toe with the former champs before sending them to the outside with duelling Drop Kicks. Murdoch and Cade were irate as they headed to the back. Up on the stage, a familiar face had returned, and was watching intently...





La Familia



Backstage, Chavo Guerrero is seen pacing the halls of The Staples Centre, mentally preparing for his showdown with Edge. The crowd come to their feet as he is joined by Rey Mysterio. The two hug, exchanging pleasantries.


Mysterio: How are you feeling, man?


Chavo: This is the best I’ve felt in a long time, Rey.


Mysterio: Good, glad to hear it man. Just don’t let the tension get to you. This is your moment, this is your time in the spotlight. You can do it, I know you can. Just do what you do best and you’ll be fine.


Chavo: Thanks, man. And good luck to you too. You got it tough tonight. But you’re Rey Mysterio, man. If anybody can overcome the odds it’s you.


Mysterio: Gracias, Chavito. You know he’s gotta be so proud of you, man. You really have kept the Guerrero name alive. He’ll be looking down on you tonight. Just remember that. Go out there and take what’s yours. For Eddie.


Chavo: Para La Raza.


The two hug once more before Mysterio heads off, leaving Chavo to continue to psyche himself up for his match with The Rated R Superstar.









Despite Lashley’s recent actions, the fans were certainly in his corner as he took on “The Legend Killer”. Despite Orton’s claims that it should be Lashley in fear of HIM, Orton spent a large portion of the contest trying to avoid Lashley, backing into the ropes whenever he got close, causing the official to intervene. Orton eventually stuck his thumb in the eye of Lashley, allowing him to take advantage with a Standing Dropkick for a close two count. Orton was intent on making sure Lashley didn’t get to a vertical base, keeping him on the mat with Chin Locks and Head Locks. As Lashley rose to his feet, Orton would take him over with a Headlock take down, once again keeping him horizontal on the mat. But Lashley soon powered his way to his feet and, lifting Orton up for a Back Suplex, he simply tossed him across the ring with all his might. As Orton groggily got to his feet, Lashley charged with a Clothesline in the corner and followed up with an Exploder Suplex, which almost managed to gain a three count, but Orton was able to kick out.


Lashley picked Orton apart for several minutes, with several Suplex variations, including a brutal Wheelbarrow Suplex that folds Orton in half. Randy decided to retreat to the outside to regain his composure. But Lashley was soon on the outside to continue the offence. But Orton landed a Drop Toe Hold, sending Lashley head first into the steel steps. Orton then threw the large frame of Lashley into the security barrier before rolling him back into the ring. From there, Orton lifted him up before drilling him with a DDT for a close two. Orton continued to focus his attention on the head and neck of Lashley, with boots raining down on him. But Lashley once again managed to get to his feet. Orton hit the ropes, looking to hit a Clothesline, but Lashley ducked, and when he came back off the ropes, he was lifted high in the air with a Press Slam before Lashley dropped him into his arms and hit a Fall Away Slam for a VERY close two count.


As the match began to come to its conclusion, Orton was trying to take out the massive legs of Lashley, and a dropkick to the knee took him down, where Orton attempted an RKO, but Lashley pushed him away before hitting a vicious Spear. He made the cover, but Orton managed to get his foot on the rope. Things were about to take a turn, as security were piling out of the back, trying to hold back an irate Matt Hardy, who was looking to get his hands on Orton. But it was Lashley who was distracted by the commotion, and as he turned around, he was planted with the RKO. Orton made the fatal mistake of not going for the cover, instead taunting Hardy from the ring. Hardy almost managed to break through security, but the official in the ring headed outside to aid them in keeping Hardy out. But another commotion was about to arise, and the commotion soon turned into a frenzy as a familiar figure entered the ring through the crowd. Orton turned around, and was in complete shock as stood before him was CHRIS BENOIT, returning from injury, and returning for payback. Orton charged with a Clothesline, but Benoit ducked and hit a Triple German Suplex. Benoit then headed up top and landed on Orton with the Diving Headbutt, the crowd ecstatic with the returning Benoit. But as he got to his feet, Lashley was there to throw Benoit from the ring. He looked down at the prone body of Orton and, lifting him up, delivered The Dominator. Lashley called for the official to get back in the ring, who was still trying to hold Hardy back. The ref finally acknowledged Lashley as Bobby made the cover. One...two...three. The fans went wild, more so for the fact that Orton was no longer champion.


Winner and NEW United States Champion: Bobby Lashley


Cole: Lashley did it. Bobby Lashley is our new United States Champion.


Kennedy: I can see that Cole. But let’s not forget, it took both a distraction from Hardy AND interference from Benoit to end the reign of The Legend Killer.


Lashley held his title high in the air before retreating to the back. Back in the ring, Orton was beginning to stir, and about to come to the realisation of what just happened. But he was soon flat on the mat again as Chris Benoit came back from behind and locked in The Crippler Crossface. The security was too busy holding Hardy back to stop the carnage as Benoit wrenched on the neck of Orton, The Legend Killer tapping furiously on the mat as the fans went wild.


Kennedy: Somebody should stop this, seriously.


Cole: He had it coming. He put both men on the shelf. He’s getting his just desserts.




The Fire still burns


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Guerrero got an amazing reception from the Los Angeles crowd, Chavo chants echoing through the building. Edge got considerably less support from the fans. Lita, as always, was at ringside to support her man. And support him she did, she had to, as Chavo DOMINATED The Rated R Superstar in the early going, outwrestling him at every turn. Edge was getting increasingly frustrated as Chavo reversed his every move, and a quick Head Scissors by Chavo sent Edge packing to the outside. Edge tried to compose himself, but a Cross Body to the outside by Guerrero scuppered that plan. Chavo rolled Edge back into the ring before hitting a Slingshot Senton, shades of his late uncle. But he only managed a two count.


The fan support for Chavo was unbelievable, but Edge was determined not to let it affect him. Chavo’s attempt at a Hurricanrana was thwarted by Edge as he hit a Powerbomb onto the top turnbuckle, the pain shooting through the spine of Guerrero. Edge was brutal in his assault, stomping HARD on the back of Chavo. Edge lifted him onto the top turnbuckle and attempted a Superplex from the top, but Chavo fought him off, sending him back to the mat. Chavo came off the top with what looked to be an attempted Double Axe Handle, but Edge was quick to counter the move, hitting a Dropkick as Chavo was in mid air, knocking the wind out of The Latino Warrior. Edge made the cover, but only managed a two count. Edge tried everything he could to keep Guerrero down, but Chavo continued to fight back. An Edgecution to Chavo still wasn’t enough to get the pin for Edge, who was becoming increasingly unstable. Edge called out to Lita, who handed a steel chair to the frustrated Edge. The Rated R Superstar was set to swing the chair at Guerrero, but the official was quick to take the weapon away and throw it back to the outside. Edge was hit with a Dropkick, sending him crashing into the official. Although not out cold, the referee was certainly still dazed enough not to notice Lita handing the chair back to Edge, who quickly turned and planted it on the skull of Chavo, the fans irate. Edge made the cover, and the ref groggily made the count. One...two...thr-KICKOUT BY CHAVO. Edge was furious, and started berating the official, Lita and anybody else but himself.


Chavo was still on the back foot, but the fans were rooting for him every step of the way. Edge perched himself in the corner, looking to hit the Spear. Edge charged as Chavo turned around, but Guerrero rolled under it and grabbed the steel chair that was still in the ring. The official immediately grabbed it and, as the referee placed the chair back to the outside, Chavo landed his boot into the crotch of Edge, vintage Guerrero cheating. Edge was down on the mat, and Guerrero quickly headed up top. Chavo pointed to the heavens before landing on Edge with the Frog Splash. The crowd came unglued as Chavo made the cover. One...two...thre-NO. Lita had placed Edges foot on the rope, preventing the count. Now Chavo was the one who was frustrated, as were the fans. But things were about to get worse as Lita jumped on the apron, distracting the ref and allowing Edge to hit Chavo with a low blow of his own. He followed it up with the Spear, the crowd almost ready to riot. Edge made the cover. One...two...thr-CHAVO KICKED OUT. Edge was in shock, as was Lita and the rest of the Staple Centre audience. Edge perched in the corner once again and waited for Chavo to rise. Edge charged again, but Chavo side stepped it, sending Edge into the turnbuckle before rolling him up with a School Boy. One...two...th-Edge kicks out. The two get to their feet and Edge immediately drops Chavo with the Spear before hooking the leg. One...two...three. Edge becomes Number One Contender for the WWE Championship.


Winner: Edge


Ross: Oh, what a match. Guerrero can be damn proud of what he did here tonight. He put up one hell of a fight, but in the end Edge managed to sneak away with a victory.


Lawler: Chavo Guerrero has nothing to be ashamed of. He did himself and his family proud. But sometimes it just isn’t your night, and unfortunately for Chavo, it wasn’t his.


Edge was helped to the back by Lita, the contest obviously taking its toll on him as well as Guerrero. Chavo finally began to get to his feet, and as he did the crowd rose to their feet, giving Guerrero a standing ovation. Tears seemed to well up in the eyes of Guerrero as Chavo chants rang out. Guerrero pointed to the heavens once more before heading to the back, the fans showing their appreciation to The Latino Warrior.








Mysterio got as big a pop as Guerrero did in the earlier bout, mainly due to being just a stone’s throw away from San Diego. The match started with JBL, Angle and Mysterio surprisingly working together to try to take out The Undertaker, a tough challenge despite the fact that it was three on one. Undertaker fought them off one by one, a boot to the face of JBL sending him scuppering to the outside. Angle and Rey continued to try to wear down The Deadman, but Angle was also sent to the outside with a Clothesline. That left Rey Mysterio to fend for himself, and he tried to use his obvious speed advantage to tire The Undertaker out. But Taker was able to keep up with him, and an attempted Springboard Cross Body was reversed into the Snake Eyes on the turnbuckle before Taker landed a boot to the face of Mysterio for a two count. JBL soon returned to the fray, and a chop to the back of the knee soon had Undertaker off his feet. JBL began putting the boots to The Deadman, until a Springboard Dropkick by Mysterio sent him to the outside once again, but as Mysterio rose to his feet, he was immediately hit with a Bridging German Suplex, but Angle only managed to get a two count.


Nobody wanted to be the first man to be eliminated, and all four were doing all they could to remain in the contest. Angle was working tirelessly on the legs of The Undertaker, hoping to weaken Taker’s legs in preparation for the Ankle Lock. JBL had Mysterio in trouble and looked to hit a Clothesline from Hell, but Mysterio ducked and hit a Dropkick to the back of Bradshaw. Mysterio went to follow it up with the 619, but JBL moved, and as Rey came back into the ring, Angle caught him with The Angle Slam. Angle got to his feet, and was quickly met with a Clothesline from Hell. Angle looked to be the first man to go, but JBL turned around and walked right into the arms of The Undertaker, who delivered a sickening Tombstone Piledriver. Taker made the cover. One...two...three.


John Bradshaw Layfield is eliminated.


Three men remained, but only one was on a vertical base, that man being The Undertaker. Taker immediately locked a Triangle Choke on Angle, looking to make the gold medallist tap. Angle looked close to giving up, but a Springboard Legdrop from a rejuvenated Mysterio soon broke it up. Mysterio went for the cover on Angle himself, but only managed to get a two. Mysterio went back and forth, placing the boots into both men. Mysterio went to put the boot into Angle, but Kurt grabbed the leg and bought him down, applying The Ankle Lock. Rey was screaming in agony, the crowd praying for Rey to hold on. Undertaker hit the ropes and looked to hit a boot to the face of Angle, but Angle ducked and, sweeping the feet from underneath The Deadman, locked him in the Ankle Lock. Taker was trying to crawl towards the ropes, the pain etched on his face. Taker got close to the ropes but was quickly dragged back to the centre of the ring. Angle was desperate to make Undertaker tap, but a pair of boots to the back of Angle by Mysterio sent him into the ropes. Rey dialled it up and connected with the 619. He then nailed a Springboard Leg Drop and made the cover. One...two...th-Taker breaks the fall. For some unknown reason, Undertaker actually saved Angle from being eliminated.


Nonetheless, Taker wrapped his hand around Mysterio’s neck and lifted him up for a Chokeslam, but Mysterio somehow sprang onto his shoulders and hit a Hurricanrana, sending Undertaker into the ropes. Mysterio dialled it up once again, but as he went to connect, Taker caught his legs and, lifting him into position, dropped Mysterio with a Tombstone. Taker made the cover. One...two...th-NO. The OFFICIAL was struck with a boot to the head by a returning JBL. Confused at the interruption, Undertaker got to his feet, and was dropped with a Clothesline from Hell. JBL lifted Taker up again and hit ANOTHER Clothesline from hell before trying to revive the official. Kurt Angle was the first to the scene to take advantage, hooking the leg as the ref groggily counted. One...two...three.


The Undertaker is eliminated.


That left us with Angle and Mysterio. Both men were on their feet, a little out of breath, but both prepared to fight to the death. Angles attempt at a German Suplex was thwarted when Mysterio reversed it into a Wheelbarrow Bulldog for a two count. The fans were urging Mysterio on, and Mysterio responded, taking the fight to Angle and out pacing the Gold medallist. Both men were going tooth and nail, until the cavalry arrived in the form of ECW, as Shelton Benjamin, Justin Credible, Lance Storm and The Basham Brothers made their way through the crowd, proudly wearing ECW T-Shirts. Security was there to stop them, but that didn’t stop them from trying. Mysterio reversed an Angle Slam attempt into an Inverted DDT for a VERY close two count. Mysterio headed up top and nailed a Missile Dropkick for another close call, Rey trying everything to get the win. Somehow, Shelton Benjamin of ECW had broken through security, and was on the apron, being pulled back by security. The official was distracted, and didn’t spot The Man Beast Rhino in the ring. He perched himself in the corner before charging towards Mysterio, looking for The Gore. But Mysterio side stepped the move before sending him into the ropes and hitting a 619. Rey re-entered the ring, but was caught off guard by Angle, who drilled Mysterio with the Angle Slam. Angle called on the referee before making the cover. One...two...thre-REY KICKS OUT. Rey had to dig deep to kick out, but Angle was intent on winning by any means. The straps came down, and Kurt locked in The Ankle Lock on Mysterio. Rey was once again fighting for his life, scrambling to the ropes before being dragged back to the centre every time. Angle eventually wrapped his legs around Mysterio’s in a grapevine, keeping the hold tightly locked. Mysterio tried to hold on, but after what seemed a lifetime, Rey finally tapped out to The Ankle Lock, giving Angle the victory, and the World Title shot at One Night Stand.


Winner: Kurt Angle


Cole: Angle did it, thanks to a little help from Shelton Benjamin and Company. And that means Kurt Angle will head to The Hammerstein Ballroom on June 4th to face Rob Van Dam for The World Heavyweight Championship.


Angle celebrated in the ring as the ECW contingent headed back through the crowd. The crowd were showering Angle with abuse as he made the signal with his waist, claiming that the title would soon be his.











The majority of the fans inside The Staples Centre were rooting for the WWE Champion, but there was a very vocal minority who wanted Cena’s head on a silver platter. Tomko looked calm and relaxed, the moment clearly not flustering him in the least. The two men locked up, and Tomko completely overpowered Cena, throwing him down to the mat with force. Cena looked on slightly concerned, Tomko smirking the entire time. The two locked up again, and again Tomko’s raw power took Cena down. Tomko was toying with the champ, trying to get in his head. But a Dropkick to the knee of Tomko soon took the wind out of his sails.


Both men traded control of the match for the majority, each man looking for the victory. Cena was almost a veteran when it came to the pressures of being in the Main Event, and looked to use that experience against Tomko. But Tyson was not easily flustered, and seemed to take it all in stride. Tomko went for a Big Boot early, but Cena spun Tomko around and hit a Back Suplex for a two count. Cena went to lock in an STFU quickly on the man mountain Tomko, but managed to get to the ropes double quick. Cena let Tomko know that he had his number, telling him that “You Can’t See Me”. But Cena didn’t see the Double Leg Take Down from Tomko, who began wailing on Cena with lefts and rights, Knee Strikes, anything to cause as much damage to the champ as possible. A Knee to the face busted Cena’s lip, but Tomko only seemed to increase the violence at the sight of Cena’s blood. The official eventually got Tomko to stop, but Cena had been visibly dazed by the attack. Cena was now on the back foot as Tomko man handled the champ, and Tomko dropped Cena hard with a Pump Handle Slam, but only managed to pick up a two count from the official. Cena was trying to defend himself, but Tomko’s boots were connecting with Cena’s skull, sending him dizzy. Tomko lifted him off the mat before taking him down with a Short Arm Clothesline for another two count.


The majority of the fans were really starting to get behind Cena as he began to fight back with right hands before running to the ropes, but as he bounced back he was lifted with a Press Slam before being dropped into a devastating Spine Buster for an EXTREMELY close two count. The Cena chants were increasing in volume as Tomko crouched in the corner, preparing for The Big Boot that would send him to the top of the mountain. But as he came charging, he was lifted up into position for the F-U. Tomko managed to escape and looked to hit a Clothesline, but was instead hit with a Spine Buster by Cena. Cena followed it up with a Five Knuckle Shuffle for a two count. Tomko got to his feet, and was knocked down with a Shoulder Tackle, followed by a second one, and finally a third. Tomko got to his feet and was hit with a Powerslam by Cena, but again, he only managed a two count.


As Tomko got to his feet, Cena was there to greet him by lifting him to his shoulders, but as he lifted him Tomko’s feet inadvertently hit the referee in the head, knocking him to the mat. Cena connected with the F-U and made the cover, but there was no official to count it. Cena got to his feet to check on the ref, who was moving, but extremely dazed. But Cena was oblivious to the commotion surrounding him, and as he turned around, he was laid out with a Spear by The Rated R Superstar Edge. The majority of the fans were in an uproar (whilst the minority were singing the praises of Edge) as Edge looked over Cena. Tomko rose to his feet, but Edge shocked everybody by Spearing Tomko as well, before rolling Cena on top of him and rolling to the outside. It was clear that Edge would much rather face Cena for the title than the monstrous Tyson Tomko. The official, dazed as he was, made the slow count. One......two.......thr-NO. Tomko somehow managed to get his shoulder up. The fans couldn’t believe it, and neither could Edge. Cena saw Edge on the outside and decided to give chase, running after him around the ring. As he came around the ring, he hit Cena with a Clothesline on the outside, taking him down out of view of the still dazed Official. But help would arrive in the form of Chavo Guerrero, who chased Edge into the ring where the two began to trade blows. The official was trying to get the two men out of the ring, but they were too busy tearing chunks out of each other. Tomko eventually got to his feet, wondering what was going on. But he was soon sent back down when Triple H entered the ring, turning him around and dropping him with The Pedigree before fleeing through the crowd, the fans cheering wildly. Edge and Chavo finally spilled to the outside as Cena rolled into the ring and, seeing the body of Tomko laid out on the mat, lifted him up and drilled him with the F-U. Cena finally made the all important cover. One...two...three.


Winner and STILL WWE Champion: John Cena


Ross: By god, what a war. What else could have happened in that one? But somehow, Cena has retained the WWE Championship.


Lawler: That he did. But, like him or not, you have to give credit to Tyson Tomko. He really took it to the champ.


Cena stood tall, his WWE Championship held high in the air as Triple H watched on from the entrance way, and Chavo and Edge brawling through the crowd.


Ross: Things are certainly going to pick up as we head on the road to The Great American Bash. Good night ladies and gentlemen.






Dark Match:

CM Punk over Tony Mamaluke C+


Main Show:

Regal & Burchill over London & Kendrick to retain Tag Team Championships C+

Aaron Stevens over Ric Flair C

Mickie James over Trish Stratus and Victoria to retain Women’s Championship C+

Carlito over Shawn Michaels to WIN Intercontinental Championship C

Brooklyn Soldiers over Cade & Murdoch to WIN World Tag Team Championships C-

Bobby Lashley over Randy Orton to WIN United States Championship C+

Edge over Chavo Guerrero B

Kurt Angle over John Bradshaw Layfield, Rey Mysterio and The Undertaker B-

John Cena over Tyson Tomko to retain WWE Championship C+


Show Rating: C+




Doe-Bomb - 4/9

The Final Countdown - 7/9

TracyBrooksFan - 5/9

Destiny - 5/9

Jingo - 6/9

The Celt - 5/9

MattitudeV2 - 6/9

mobbdeep455 - 3/9

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Greetings, and welcome to another instalment of "The Truth" with me, Jack Savage. As usual, I will be delving into the big stories surrounding the wrestling world. On todays edition, we look at World Wrestling Entertainments most recent Pay Per View Event, Judgment Day. Lets not waste any more time. Lets get to it...


- The show opened with the WWE Tag Team Title match. I thought this would be a little higher up the card, but I think it ended up being the right decision, as the four men in question but on a great contest to get the crowd hot. I'm a HUGE mark for both these teams. This was an entertaining match between two of the best Tag Teams WWE has at the moment. That isn't saying much considering how thin the Tag Team ranks are at the moment, but these teams certainly stand out.


The Savage Truth: A great opening contest with a great finish. I expect a long title reign for the brits. I give this match a C+


- The segment following the match was a little surprising, but it could conjure up many different scenarios, as MNM came out and saved Londrick from a beatdown. It looks like after ditching Melina on Smackdown, MNM may be turning face and really set their sights on the gold. Plus, with rumours of another team being bought into the company within the next few weeks, that could be another reason for it. Only time will tell. This segment gets a C rating.


- The next segment saw Triple H trying to enter the arena, only for Bischoff to order that he be removed. I've really enjoyed watching Tomko's rise in the WWE. He has all the tools to be a major player, and a feud with The Game can only improve on this. A B+ for this segment.


- This was a pretty short match between Aaron Stevens and Ric Flair, but it actually turned out to be a pretty good contest between the two. Flair and Stevens seem to gel pretty well. As always in this kind of contest, Flair bled a bucket full. How he can still manage to do these things at his age is beyond me. Anyway, they really got Stevens over as a ruthless individual. I wasn't sure about Stevens to begin with, but I think with the right booking, he could go far.


The Savage Truth: A good contest here, although fairly short. It looks like this feud may be over, but nothing is certain. Where Stevens goes from here should be interesting to watch. This match gets a C.


- The Vince McMahon/Carlito promo was decent enough. McMahon seems to have taken a back seat in the whole HBK feud recently to concentrate on the whole ECW Relaunch, so it was nice to see that he hadn't forgotten about the feud. The segment gets a B+


- The Triple Threat for the Women's Championship was another good showing from the Women's Division. Victoria certainly added another eliment to proceedings, and it would be nice to see her have a run with the belt, but not quite yet, as Mickie is doing a fine job as Champion.


The Savage Truth:Another good match from Trish and Mickie, and with Victoria added to the mix, it turned out better than expected. I especially liked the ending of this match, a nice end to a nice match. A C+ for this one.


- Promo time next, as Tomko hyped his feud with Hunter as well as his match later on with Cena. I think Tomko is a very underated Promo guy. He's by no means the best, but he can pull them out of the bag when he needs to. This was a good promo that got his points across just fine. This segment gets a B rating.


- The Carlito/HBK match can be considered more of an angle than a match, but it certainly got the point across that they were trying to make. I'm not usually a fan of quick title changes like this, but it helps the storline along in this case. Plus, I think most people can agree that HBK is above the Intercontinental Championship. He doesn't need it.


The Savage Truth: This "Match" did what it was designed to do. I think, given enough time, these two could actually pull out a great match. As great as the HBK/Shelton matches? Probably not. But they are both certainly capable of it. C rating for this match from me.


- The segment following this was a highlight for me. As Carlito was ready to beat down Michaels, a hooded figure came through the crowd and saved HBK, sending Carlito packing before heading back through the crowd. Now, I don't want to spoil the surprise, but if the man under the hood is the person that is rumoured to be under there, we could be in for a VERY exciting feud for Michaels. I wont say any more, but I pray to god the rumours are true. A B+ for this segment.


- The next segment was a simple video package that played concerning ECW, interrupting Lawler and Ross as they hyped the next match. I am absolutely LOVING the ECW storyline. They have done a great job of hyping it up as a big deal, and thankfully, McMahon's ego has taken control and he hasn't tried to bury the ECW stars, which is a good sign. A B- for the video package segment.


- I think I'm one of the minority that actually likes Cade and Murdoch. There look and style are very old school, which may be why some fans don't really enjoy them. Nevertheless, I'm also a fan of JTG and Burke. They have both impressed me since their début. I think it was a little too soon to put the titles on them (what has it been, 3 weeks since they début?) but the fans do seem to have become fond of them. The match itself was nothing special. It was decent, but when compared to the previous Tag Match, it pales in comparison.


The Savage Truth:An OK match, but nothing spectacular. Hopefully TBS get a decent run and carve their name into the Tag Division, which will hopefully pick up on Raw soon. This match gets a C-


- Following the match, The two teams brawled as a returning Matt Striker watches from the entrance way. This throws up several questions; Will he be a manager to one of the teams? Was he scouting them as opponents? And WHY THE HELL IS HE BACK? I'm a fan of Striker, but he quit on air three weeks ago. That's one of the things that annoys me about the WWE sometimes, they rush things. Hopefully it's going somewhere, but I wish they would just be patient sometimes and not rush people back. This segment gets a D+.


- Chavo and Mysterio wish each other luck backstage in the next segment. I'm really enjoying the Chavo Title Hunt. It would be fantastic to see him have a run at some point. Whether it will be this year, who knows. But he is certainly capable of carrying the brand in my opinion. As for Mysterio, I was shocked that they took the belt off him so soon, as I hoped for a good little run for him. But I understand why they did it. The segment between these two gets a B+.


- Please excuse me whilst I mark the **** out...BENOIT IS BACK! BENOIT IS BACK! BENOIT...IS...BACK! Um, yeah. Anyway, the match between Bobby Lashley and Orton was actually one of the bettwer matches of the evening. I think it's obvious for everyone to see that Lashley is headed for a heel turn. He has been made out to look like a heartless, ruthless monster, so him winning here suggests that his title reign may be a long one, as I can't really see anybody stopping him at the moment. The only thing holding him back are his promo skills, which are weak to say the least. But I like his in ring style, and this match put them to good use. Oh, and did I mention BENOIT IS BACK!.


The Savage Truth: A very good match between the two. And it looks like a three way feud with Orton/Benoit/Hardy is on the cards, which could be interesting. A C+ for this match from me.


- They played the Kane return video once again. I don't think the world needs another Big Show/Kane feud, but it's understandable considering Show was the one who took Kane out. Plus, rumour has it that Kane may return with a slightly darker side. Yes, Kane aparently isn't sick and twisted enough for Vince's liking. Could be interesting to see. A C+ for this segment.


- Edge and Chavo Guerrero put on the match of the night for me. Both men DESERVE to be in the title picture in my view. They have both worked their way up slowly, but I think they have both reached their peak, and Vince and company should capitalise on it now. I like the fact that they are inserting some new blood into the Main Event scene, with Chavo, Edge and Tomko, without completely pushing out men like Triple H. Either one of these men would have been worthy winners. Although we have seen Edge/Cena before, they always manage to pull off a good match, so their encounter should be fun.


The Savage Truth:Best match of the night between two atheletes who truly deserve their spot. This match gets a B rating.


- Following the match, Chavo recieved a standing ovation from the fans in the Staples Centre, which he certainly deserved. I put money on him being a champion at least once before we get to Wrestlemania next year. B+ for this segment.


-The Four Way Elimination match was a great contest between all four individuals. It was a toss up between Angle and Mysterio to win it for me, but either one would have been fine. An Angle/RVD match has the potential to be a classic, especially in the atmosphere of a rabid ECW crowd. The general consensus is that the World Heavyweight Title will head to ECW should RVD win, which I would assume would mean the WWE Title would be defended on both shows should that happen. I'm not sure if I like that idea or not. It could work (should it happen). But Angle winning was the right way to go for this one I feel. It also looks like, with the interference by Rhino the past few weeks, we could be looking at a Mysterio/Rhino match at ONS.


The Savage Truth: A very good Four Way, plenty of good action and, in my view, the right man came out on top. A B- for this contest.


-Cena and Tomko wasn't quite on the same level as the previous Four Way, but they still put on a great contest. The fans, as always, were split when it came to Cena. He isn't half as bad as some make him out to be. He's not great by any means, but he can put on an entertaining contest depending on his opponent. And he managed to get a good match out of Tomko. Triple H interfering on behalf of Cena gives the impression that Hunter will be turning face. I think everybody knows he is a much better heel than he is a face, but he could do wonders for Tomko in this feud. Hunter is famed for his so called "Backstage Powers", but in the past few months he has hapilly put over the likes of Cena as well as Chavo Guerrero, so he is obviously willing to do it.


The Savage Truth: A good title match, and a decent way to end the show. A C+ rating for this match.


So, overall a pretty good Pay Per View. Some average matches, a couple of great ones, a possible epic feud beginning for HBK, and a fantastic contest between Chavo and Edge. I give Judgment Day 2006 a C+.




WWE have signed a contract to air Raw and Smackdown on Fighting Samuri in Japan. Some say this was necessary considering WWE will be hoping to do a tour of Europe and Japan within the year.


Gregory Helms has had a smile on his face recently, as WWE has hired his current girlfriend and Independent starlet Talia Madison. She has worked alot of the indies in the US, including SHIMMER. I've not seen much of Talia, but I have heard good things about her. Plus, she is SUPER hot. That can never be bad.


FX have apparently given WWE a one off saturday night slot for a show to hype the ECW Pay Per View in June. It is unclear just what will take place, but the rumour surrounding WWE is that it will be a special WWE vs. ECW type event. Could be quite interesting.



So, there we have it. Another instalment of The Truth. I'll be back in a few weeks to review ECW One Night Stand from the Hammerstein Ballroom. Until then, stay safe. And Stay True.


Jack Savage

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It'd interesting to see the role Foley plays on the ECW side as he'll pretty much be doing much of the talking for the extreme side.


Also WWE vs ECW should be excellent as well. A direct Us vs Them event always has electricity about it.

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-MNM turning face? Certainly possible, but part of me expects this to be a red herring.


-The Stevens/Flair match went exactly as it should have. Stevens looks legit after brutalizing one of the best ever--and, like I said in my predictions, you'd have to try really hard to damage Flair in the eyes of the fans.


-Curious to see who it was that came to HBK's rescue. My first thought was the recently signed Bryan Danielson, who obviously has ties to Shawn. But since the average WWE fan has never heard of the guy, that probably wouldn't be the best surprise.


-Angle vs. RVD should be a killer main event for ONS. The idea you put out there of the World title becoming ECW property should RVD retain adds even more drama to the match, too. Personally, I wouldn't mind that happening. Having the WWE champion defend his belt on both Raw and Smackdown would make that belt seem even more important, and it would also allow the ECW title to feel more like a true main event caliber title, rather than the glorified midcard belt it was in WWECW.

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-MNM turning face? Certainly possible, but part of me expects this to be a red herring.


-The Stevens/Flair match went exactly as it should have. Stevens looks legit after brutalizing one of the best ever--and, like I said in my predictions, you'd have to try really hard to damage Flair in the eyes of the fans.


-Curious to see who it was that came to HBK's rescue. My first thought was the recently signed Bryan Danielson, who obviously has ties to Shawn. But since the average WWE fan has never heard of the guy, that probably wouldn't be the best surprise.


-Angle vs. RVD should be a killer main event for ONS. The idea you put out there of the World title becoming ECW property should RVD retain adds even more drama to the match, too. Personally, I wouldn't mind that happening. Having the WWE champion defend his belt on both Raw and Smackdown would make that belt seem even more important, and it would also allow the ECW title to feel more like a true main event caliber title, rather than the glorified midcard belt it was in WWECW.



Thanks as always for the feedback. The plan currently is for MNM to turn face, but that could change. I do have several ideas for them. Just need to decide which direction I go in.


I was happy with how the Stevens/Flair match played out. Stevens has actually surprised me in this game. He seems to be getting good chemistry with a lot of the people he has faced, including Flair. He is kinda my pet project, the one guy I want to make people care about who they really couldn't give a damn about in real life. I really want to push him hard, but I don't want to do too much too soon.


The HBK storyline is something I'm really looking forward to building. It's one of those things that could be an epic feud or it could fall flat. But I like the idea that I have had and I'm gonna run with it and pray that everybody enjoys it.


I thought going with Angle to face RVD at ONS was the right choice. As you pointed out in your predictions, I don't think it would fit Rey's character well to play the heel in the Hammerstein Ballroom. Undertaker would have just been a ridiculous pick to face him in front of an ECW crowd. And JBL, who could easily get major heat with the fans, wouldn't put on the kind of match that is needed with RVD.


Once again thank you to everybody who has read, predicted and enjoyed this diary. I'm really excited to get the ball rolling with ECW. I hope the hype pays off and you enjoy it as much as I have.

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With less than 5 weeks to go before The Great American Bash, and only two weeks to go before ECW One Night Stand, things are set to get interesting on Monday Nights. And this week sees a rematch from last week, only this time there will be gold on the line as Carlito makes his first defence of his newly won Intercontinental Championship against The Big Valbowski, Val Venis. Plus, fresh off his WWE Championship win over Tyson Tomko at Judgment Day, John Cena takes on the man who obliterated "The Nature Boy" on Sunday, "The Idol" Aaron Stevens. Speaking of Stevens, his assistant Michelle McCool gets her big break as she steps in the ring with Lita, Trish Stratus and Victoria, with the winner going on to face Mickie James at The Great American Bash.


Also, after a failed attempt a few weeks back, Edge will return with The Cutting Edge with his special guest John Cena. Also, Triple H and Tyson Tomko will both be in the building, so expect fireworks with that one. Plus, Shawn Michaels is rumoured to be in the building and will address the mystery man who saved him from a beatdown at Judgment Day. And, after Heyman made the offer several weeks ago for McMahon and Bischoff to get anyone they could find to face his men at One Night Stand, Eric Bischoff has a big announcement concerning the Pay Per View in 2 weeks time. All of this and so much more, be sure to tune in to Monday Night Raw on USA.


Quick Picks:


Non-Title Match:

Aaron Stevens vs. John Cena


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Val Venis


Number One Contendership for Women's Championship:

Lita vs. Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria


The Big Show vs. ???


Tyson Tomko vs. ???

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Non-Title Match:

Aaron Stevens vs. John Cena

It is Cena. It is 2006. It is Cena's victory.

WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Val Venis

He just won the title, he ain't losing it now.

Number One Contendership for Women's Championship:

Lita vs. Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria


The Big Show vs. ???

TBS will lose due to Kane. 'Nuff said.

Tyson Tomko vs. ???

I bet for one mystery man. Tomko seems to be getting a sustained push.

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Non-Title Match:

Aaron Stevens vs. John Cena


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Val Venis


Number One Contendership for Women's Championship:

Lita vs. Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria


The Big Show vs. ???

Tyson Tomko vs. ???

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Non-Title Match:

Aaron Stevens vs. John Cena


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Val Venis


Number One Contendership for Women's Championship:

Lita vs. Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria


The Big Show vs. ???


Tyson Tomko vs. ???

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