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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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Non-Title Match:

Aaron Stevens vs. John Cena

-Losing this would hurt Cena, while merely hanging with the champ and putting on a competitive match will be a huge boost for Stevens.


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Val Venis



Number One Contendership for Women's Championship:

Lita vs. Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria

-I really have no idea; I'm just picking Victoria because I don't see Trish getting another shot right now, and the pitfalls of heel/heel matchups would seemingly rule out Lita & McTaker.


The Big Show vs. ???

-Either Kane is ???, or he provides a distraction/interference for ???. Either way, ??? is in good shape.


Tyson Tomko vs. ???

-Hard to pick against ???, but Tomko could use the win if you're planning to keep him in the upper tier on Raw.

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Apologise for the wait. Enjoy.




Location: Mobile Civic Centre (South East)

Attendance: 9,510


Announce Team:


Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler




Dark Match:

Charlie Haas defeats Eugene by Submission after locking in The Haas Of Pain.




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Ross: 9,500 plus fans have jam packed the Mobile Civic Centre tonight as we come off a monumental Pay Per View last night at Judgment Day. Jim Ross here alongside Jerry Lawler, and tonight we have a packed show for you.


Lawler: Absolutely, JR. Carlito will make his very first Intercontinental Championship defence after claiming the title last night against HBK. Plus, Edge returns with The Cutting Edge with his Special Guest, and opponent at The Great American Bash, John Cena.


Ross: Speaking of Cena, tonight he has a tough task as he takes on a man who is quickly rising up the ladder on Monday Nights, Aaron Stevens. And Eric Bischoff has announced that he will make a big announcement regarding ECW here tonight.


Lawler: It’s gonna be on hell of a...


The signal then cuts out as a video begins to play...


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name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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The signal returns to normal, where Lawler sounds a little annoyed at the constant interruptions, but the two men compose themselves as we head straight for the first contest.




WWE Intercontinental Championship Match:




Carlito © vs. Val Venis


Despite his total domination of The Big Valbowski last week, Carlito had a little more difficulty in controlling the match, Venis obviously learning from his mistakes last week, and almost upsetting Carlito after a nasty looking Fisherman Buster gained him a two count. But Carlito eventually took control of the match, picking Venis apart and showing his dominance. The fans responded extremely negatively towards Carlito after his actions at Judgment Day, showering the champ with abuse. Carlito finally put an end to the match, striking with The Backstabber and gaining the three count, making his first successful defence of the Intercontinental Championship.


Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Carlito


Lawler: Love him or hate him, you cannot deny that Carlito may very well be a dominant Intercontinental Champion.


Ross: I don’t doubt the man’s talent, King. I just question some of his tactics. But nevertheless, he walks away with the win AND the gold here tonight.




The cameras head backstage, where we enter the office of Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff, who is deep in conversation on his cell phone with WWE Chairman Mr McMahon.


Bischoff: Mr McMahon, let me assure you, I have it under control. Heyman wanted anyone from the roster to face his guys at One Night Stand, and trust me, I have found the perfect guys......Yes sir, I promise everything will run smoothly.... OK, I’ll see you later on tonight.


Bischoff hangs up, sighing heavily before attempting to get back to work. But he is interrupted when I man walks into his office that neither he nor the fans watching recognized...




Bischoff: Excuse me, can I help you, or do you just have a habit of walking into people offices without knocking first?


Snuka: Let me introduce myself. I’m Snuka. Jimmy Snuka Jr.


Bischoff:.....what’s your point?


Snuka: My father is Jimmy Snuka? You know, “The Superfly”? WWE Hall of Famer?


Bischoff: I know who he is. What’s your point?


Snuka: My point is, I’m looking to continue the family’s legacy here in the WWE. So I wanted to ask for a try out, to show you what I can do, maybe give me a job...


Bischoff: Hold up. You barged into my office, interrupted me when I was in the middle of something extremely important just to ask for a try out match?


Snuka: I’m sorry. It’s just...


Bischoff: Save it, junior. Don’t you think I have enough on my plate without you crashing through my door? I got Paul Heyman and ECW breathing down my neck, interrupting my show, cutting out the signal so they can play stupid little videos proclaiming their superiority. I don’t need any more problems. But seeing as you want a try out so much, I’m gonna give you one. Right here tonight, you will get a try out when you go one on one with TYSON TOMKO.


Snuka’s jaw hit the floor as Bischoff ordered him out of his office, clearly annoyed by the interruption.


Lawler: I don’t think this is the kind of try out Snuka had in mind, JR.


Ross: Absolutely not. Especially not with the mood Tomko will be in after what went down last night.




Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time; they are the NEW World Tag Team Champions, JTG and Elijah Burke, The Brooklyn Soldiers. Gentlemen, I have to ask, how does it feel to win the titles after less than a month in the company?


Burke: Coach, brother, you have no idea how exhilarating it was to hold the gold high in the air last night. I mean, not only did we win the World Tag Team Titles after just three short weeks, but what made it all that much sweeter was the fact that we took them from those buck toothed hillbillies Cade and Murdoch. But, as is their right, they get a rematch next week on Raw. But that’s ok with us. Because we’ll just keep doing what we do, and when the smoke settles, this bling will STILL be around the waist of The Brooklyn Soldiers.


JTG: Three weeks, three short weeks is all it took for these two soldiers to show their dominance. Now, Cade and Murdoch ain’t no slouches, but when it comes to throwin’ hands with us, those playboys are always gonna’ come out second best. So next week...


The two men were quickly cut off after a sneak attack by Cade and Murdoch, who pound them to the ground. Cade throws JTG into the wall, the sound of his back hitting concrete eliciting a groan from the audience. The two continued to bring the champs to their knees until officials quickly came to pull them away. In the background, Matt Striker was seen watching intently.


Ross: What is Strikers fascination with these four men?


Lawler: I don’t know JR. He did the same thing last night. I’m sure he knows what he’s doing. He’s a smart man, Ross.




The roof of the Mobile Civic Centre almost blew off as “Sexy Boy” hit the speakers, and out walked Shawn Michaels. Actually, limped would be more appropriate, as it was clear that Michaels was still in quite some pain. Michaels still managed to play to the fans, who absolutely loved it. Michaels gingerly got into the ring and grabbed a microphone, “HBK” chants echoing through the arena.


Michaels: You know, a lot of people told me I was a fool to even show up last night at Judgment Day. Some people don’t even agree that I should be here tonight. But they have to see this from my point of view. In 1998, when Stone Cold Steve Austin beat me in what I thought was my very last match, I was heartbroken. I had to sit home and watch as this business, this company, skyrocketed to new heights never seen before. I wanted to be a part of it. I missed this business more than anything. So we fast forward 4 years later, when I return to the WWE. It’s like I never left. I fell in love all over again. And there was nothing and there was nobody who was going to stop me. So Carlito, you can try to injure me. You can try to end my career. But I’ll always keep coming back. I’m not at 100%, but I will be. And when I am, I assure you that I will get my hands on you. And when I do, forgive me lord, but I will BURY you. I had my livelihood taken away from me once. I won’t have it taken from me again.


HBK was cut off by Carlito, who walked out with a smug smile across his face, the fans once again giving him abuse. He stood atop the entrance ramp as he addressed Michaels.


Carlito: Stop, please. You’re bringing a tear to my eyes. So touching, Shawn. But it doesn’t change the fact that last night, because of your “pride”, because of your “guts”, you lost the Intercontinental Championship to yours truly. And if it wasn’t for your little masked saviour coming to help you, I would have finished you off last night. Oh, don’t looked so surprised, Shawn. You knew exactly who he was. You planted him in the crowd so he could help you because you knew that I would have annihilated you. But none of that even matters. Because, as you well know, you are entitled to a rematch. So how about you face me right here, right now? Show these people just how gutsy you really are.


Michaels: Nice try, Carlito. But it’s not gonna happen. You can see I’m hurt. But if you think that means I won’t take you up on the offer of a rematch, you’re sorely mistaken. I WILL face you, Carlito. But we will do it at The Great American Bash. Maybe by then I’ll be at 100%. But even if I’m not, you can be sure that I will be there. And you can be sure that HBK will steal the show as only you WISH you could.


Carlito: I had a feeling you would be too gutless to face me here tonight. But McMahon has given me full permission to find an opponent for you here tonight. And after tonight, I doubt there will be anything left of you come The Great American Bash. So allow me to introduce your opponent for this evening...THE BIG SHOW.


The crowd were irate as The Big Show slowly made his way to the ring. Michaels was clearly still nowhere near 100%, he wasn’t even dressed to wrestle. But that wasn’t going to stop him from competing. Big Show entered the ring, the bell was rung and the match was on.



Shawn Michaels vs. The Big Show


The crowd were praying for Michaels to pull off a miracle here, as Carlito watched on from the entrance. Michaels spent the entire match just trying to avoid the grasp of The World’s Largest Athlete. But Show eventually got hold of him and tossed him across the ring, Michaels looking in absolute agony. Show tore the shirt off of Michaels back before his hand came crashing down on his chest, leaving a hand print. Big Show continued to chop at him for several minutes, making Michaels chest BLEED from the impact. Big Show then signalled for the Chokeslam. But, as in previous weeks, flames erupted from the ring posts before the same eerie video played...


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name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
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Big Show was spooked once again. So spooked in fact that he decided he wasn’t going to stick around and headed back up the ramp. Carlito was screaming for him to return to the ring, but he was pushed out of the way. The referee made the ten count, awarding the win to Shawn Michaels to the delight of the fans.


Winner (Via Count Out): Shawn Michaels


Carlito was incensed at what just occurred, and decided to take matters into his own hands, sliding into the ring and mounting HBK, hitting him with rights and lefts. But Michaels was saved when the same masked man who helped him at Judgment Day came through the crowd and into the ring. He pulled Carlito off of Michaels before delivering a Super Kick similar to that of HBK’s Sweet Chin Music, sending Carlito to the outside. Carlito backed his way up the ramp as Michaels looked up at his saviour before he once again hightailed it out of the arena through the crowd.


Ross: What in the world is going on around here? Who was that?


Lawler: I have no idea, but he has just saved HBK’s career twice in two nights.




Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a quick update concerning what happened last night with “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair, who was brutally beaten by Aaron Stevens in their Street Fight at Judgment Day just 24 hours ago. Flair was today released from the hospital after suffering several lacerations as well as serious bruising to his throat after being choked with a steel chain. Flair is said to be in a stable condition and should make a full recovery, but he has been advised to take some time off to fully heal. Thank god it wasn’t anything worse.


Lawler: Like I said last night, I don’t think I have ever seen Flair take the beating he took at the hands of Stevens last night. It was disturbing to watch, but thankfully he will be...


The feed once again cuts out as another video plays...


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Lawler: You know what, I’m getting sick and tired of this. Every week I’m told to try and keep quiet about ECW, to not give them the attention they crave. But this is ridiculous. We are trying to make a very important statement regarding the well being of one of the greats of this business like Ric Flair, just to be interrupted by a bunch of second rate, no, third rate “wrestlers” trying to make a name for themselves at our expense. You can’t cut it on your own so you interrupt OUR show to get yourselves over. You take a few of our stars to make yourselves look legit, and then fill the rest of your roster with a bunch of misfits who are better suited wrestling in a rundown school gym in some piss poor part of Philadelphia. You think stealing our stars and OUR titles makes you a threat? ECW is a joke. It was a joke back in 97 when they tried to invade, and it’s still a joke now. Who do you have as an announce team, Joey Styles and Tazz? It’s pathetic. Your biggest star is RVD, a man who became a star HERE. So screw ECW. I’ve stayed silent long enough, JR. It’s beyond a joke.


Ross: We have a show to call, King. You think we can get on with it?




Coachman: I’m backstage here at the Mobile Civic Centre with my guest Tyson Tomko. And Tyson...


Tomko: Shut the hell up. Triple H, you cost me my shot at greatness last night. The WWE Championship should be around my waist as we speak. But your ego and your jealousy towards me ripped it all away from me. You couldn’t stand the fact that I was finally getting the recognition I deserve without you. You can’t stand the fact that, no matter what you like to think, I am BETTER than you. So I have some sound advice for you, Hunter; don’t turn up to the arena tonight. Because if you do, I will finish you. Your career will die inside the Mobile Civic Centre. And that’s a fact.


Ross: Wow, strong words by Tyson Tomko. Things have certainly gotten personal between these two former allies.




Number One Contendership for Women’s Championship:


Lita vs. Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus vs. Victoria


After the battle that Trish and Victoria had with Mickie James at Judgment Day, they both looked a little slower than their opponents, but still managed to make their mark in the contest. McCool was a revelation in the bout, hanging well with the three much more experienced divas. The closing moments saw Lita go to hit the Moonsault on Trish. But Stratus managed to move out of the way, sending Lita crashing into the canvas. Trish lifted Lita up and planted her with the Stratusfaction Bulldog. But as Trish rose to her feet, she was sent out of the ring by McCool, who sent her over with a Clothesline, the momentum taking both Divas over the top. This left Victoria to pick up the pieces, hooking the leg of Lita and picking up a pinfall victory, earning a shot at the Women’s title at Great American Bash.


Winner: Victoria


The crowd were happy to see Victoria get her shot at the gold, giving her rapturous applause as she celebrated in the ring. Trish wasn’t as pleased as she began staring a hole through Michelle McCool, believing that she cost her one more shot at Mickie James.


Ross: Victoria with a much deserved victory here, but Trish seems to be more than a little upset with the part McCool played in her downfall.




A limousine pulls into the Mobile Civic Centre, and from the back comes the Chairman of the WWE, Vince McMahon. Vince adjusts his suit before heading into the arena, but he was stopped by the Intercontinental Champion Carlito.


Carlito: Mr. McMahon, we need to talk.


McMahon: What’s wrong? Did everything go to plan in Michaels “match” tonight?


Carlito: Not exactly. But we have bigger problems. That hooded guy who helped Shawn out last night? He was here again. Every time I get close to him, this guy just appears from nowhere. I don’t know who the hell he is, but we have to find out.


McMahon: What’s all this “we”? I have other things to take care of tonight concerning One Night Stand. I don’t have time for this.


Carlito: Mr McMahon, we have to do...


McMahon: Listen; I hired you to take Michaels out because I had confidence that you could take care of business. Don’t make me regret it.


With that, McMahon headed into the arena, leaving Carlito more than a little frustrated.




The ring is set up for “The Cutting Edge” as Metalingus by Alter Bridge hits, and out steps The Rated R Superstar Edge, the fans less than happy to see him. Lita accompanied him to the ring, but was clearly wearing the wounds of war from her battle earlier in the evening. Edge took a microphone as the fans let him know how they felt about him.


Edge: Say hello to your NEXT WWE Champion. Last night, I opened everybody’s eyes to the fact that Chavo Guerrero is not in my league. I pinned his shoulders to the mat one, two, three and I became Number One Contender to the WWE Championship. You see, all I’ve been hearing these past few weeks is how it’s Chavo’s dream to follow in his uncles footsteps, to climb the mountain and do the impossible. Well I stomped on his dream, I destroyed his little moment and I put him in his place. You all wanted that fairytale ending, and I destroyed it. So now that brings me to my guest tonight. May I introduce to you the man who, in just over a month at The Great American Bash, will meet the same fate as Guerrero did last night, the man who should spend every waking moment clinging on to his title before it is ripped from his grasp, ladies and gentlemen, I give to you the WWE Champion, John Cena.


The majority of the crowd came alive as Cena’s music hit and he came through the curtain, his belt held high in the air. Cena stepped into the ring and grabbed a microphone.


Edge: So, I guess my first question is...


Cena: How about I ask you a question. Despite the fact that you came away with a win last night, how did it feel to be taken to the absolute limit by a man who you think is below you in Chavo Guerrero? How did it feel to know that you had to pull out everything you had against, in your words, a lesser man?


Edge: Hey, you clearly weren’t watching the same match as everybody else. I didn’t even break a sweat. And besides, I ask the questions here, not you. Anyway, I don’t think you’re in any position to talk. If it wasn’t for Triple H, Tomko probably would have walked away with the title last night. So as I was saying, my first question...


Cena: Hey, I’ve got another one. Despite all your talk and posturing, how will it feel when it all comes to nothing? How does it feel that it will all be in vain when I BEAT you at The Great American Bash?


Edge: You must be high on something, Cena. Because at The Great American Bash, your chances of walking away with that belt are practically zero. I beat you before for that belt, and you can bet your bottom dollar I will do it again.


Cena: Well, if you’re really so confident, why wait until The Bash? Let’s do it right now. You want some, come get some.


With that, Cena landed the first blow, rocking Edge as his fist connects with his jaw. The crowd were behind the champ (the majority of them anyway) as he threw fists at The Rated R Superstar, knocking him to the mat. Lita tried to intervene on her man's behalf, but she was thrown to the mat. But the distraction was enough for Edge to grab one of the wooden chairs that was set up in the ring, busting it across the back of Cena, wood splintering across the ring and sending the champ to the mat. Edge then took control, mounting Cena and driving his fist into his skull repeatedly. The beating continued until finally General Manager Eric Bischoff rushed to the entrance, sending security swarming to the ring to stop the carnage. As the two men were being separated by security, Bischoff was joined on the entrance way by WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, microphone in hand.


McMahon: That’s enough. I SAID THAT’S ENOUGH, DAMN IT. Stand up, both of you and pay attention. Now, myself and Mr. Bischoff here have been talking for several days concerning the future of the WWE, concerning the future of this business. Now, several weeks ago Paul Heyman stood in that ring and told us to find anybody we could to head to The Hammerstein Ballroom on June 4th to face any of his ECW “Superstars”. And we talked long and hard about it, and we agreed that we had to send the very best that we have to ECW One Night Stand, to prove that WWE truly is the superior brand. And after watching Judgment Day last night, myself and Eric decided that the very best we have are stood inside that ring right now; The Rated R Superstar Edge, and the WWE Champion John Cena. Now, at The Great American Bash, the two of you will compete for the WWE Championship. I want the two of you to tear the house down. You two have a lot of history between you, so on that night, you can do whatever the hell you want to do, because I have decided that your match at The Bash will be a Last Man Standing Match. But that is then. Right now, I need you to do what’s right for business, what’s right for this company. Because I have decided that at ECW One Night Stand, Edge AND John Cena will be competing....as Tag Team partners. At One Night Stand, you will team up. And I expect you to rip out the very heart, the very soul of ECW, because your opponents will be none other than Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley.


The fans roared their approval as the two men looked at each other, both puzzled by McMahon’s announcement. That’s when Edge struck, diving towards Cena and drilling him with a brutal Spear. Security once again dragged him away from the champ as the fan’s jeers echoed through the Mobile Civic Centre.


Ross: What an announcement by Mr. McMahon here tonight, but I really have to question this decision.


Lawler: I find it hard to believe that the two of them can coexist at One Night Stand.





Jimmy Snuka Jr vs. Tyson Tomko


Snuka is clearly a talented individual, and could be an exciting edition to the WWE, but on this night, he didn’t stand a chance as Tomko completely dominated the newcomer. All of Tomko’s frustrations were taken out on Snuka. Tomko seemed to want to send a clear message to The Game, throwing Snuka around like a rag doll. Tomko finally ended the carnage with a sickening Big Boot for the pinfall victory.


Winner: Tyson Tomko


The crowd were firmly against Tomko as Lillian Garcia announced him the victor. But it seemed the carnage wasn’t over, as Tomko lifted the prone body of Snuka from the mat and hit a sickening Clothesline, almost taking the rookie out of his boots. Tomko once again dragged Snuka to his feet, and it looked like he was about to send a clear message as he hooked his arms, setting him up for The Pedigree. But he was quickly cut off by the sounds of “The Game” by Motorhead, and down the ramp stormed an enraged Triple H, who was surprisingly warmly welcomed by the fans in attendance. Hunter got into the ring, and was immediately greeted by boots to the back and head by Tomko. Tyson was intent on beating Triple H down. But The Game fought to his feet and delivered some hard hits of his own, rocking Tomko with rights and lefts. Hunter kicked Tomko in the gut and set him up for the Pedigree, but Tomko quickly escaped the move and bailed from the ring, quickly heading for the back as Hunter seethed in the ring. Snuka was now on his feet, and looked to thank Triple H for helping him, but he was met with a Pedigree for his troubles as the fans actually got behind The Game.


Lawler: Welcome to Raw, Snuka.


Ross: He was really thrown into the deep end here tonight, but the story here is this simmering rivalry between two former friends in Tyson Tomko and Triple H. And by the looks of things, this one is far, FAR from over.




We catch a glimpse of Chavo Guerrero sitting solemnly in the backstage area when he is approached by Jonathan Coachman.


Coachman: Chavo, could I just get a few seconds of your time? I just wanted to ask; after coming so close to gaining a title shot at Judgment Day, only to lose out by such a short margin, what are your thoughts on what you could have done differently, and where does this leave your career at this stage?


Chavo: Coach, you’re one question away from getting knocked out, do you understand me? I’ll raise my hand and I’ll admit defeat. Last night, Edge was the better man, I’m happy to admit that. But as for where it leaves me and my career? It was a minor blip. You think one little upset is going to stop me from reaching my goal? You do realise that I’m a Guerrero, right? A warrior, a man who never quits. After all the adversity that came along in his life, do you think Eddie just sat back and did nothing about it? No, he dusted himself off and he started again. Coach, I WILL become WWE Champion. I don’t care how long it takes, as long as I draw breath I will continue to fight for what I deserve. Edge earned his shot last night at my expense. Tonight, I will show the world why I deserve to be champion.


With that, Chavo stood up and left, leaving Coachman and the rest of us to wonder just what Chavo had planned.




Non-Title Match:


Aaron Stevens vs. John Cena


Stevens continued to impress in this contest, showing the world just why he belongs in the big leagues. Stevens clearly still had a little left over aggression from his Street Fight with Flair at Judgment Day, taking the fight to the champion and even causing Cena some major problems. The two gelled very well together and the crowd really seemed to get into the contest, the majority obviously backing the champion. Stevens almost got himself disqualified when he grabbed a steel chain from underneath the ring, but the official quickly took it away, and the distraction was enough for Cena to take advantage, hitting a Spinebuster for a close two count. Cena was looking to hit the F-U, and lifted Stevens to his shoulders as he stood from the mat. But Stevens fought his way out and dropped Cena with a picture perfect Neck Breaker for another close two. The fight went back and forth between the two, until Stevens looked to hit the Hollywood Star. Cena managed to get free of the move and lifted Stevens to his shoulders and nailed the F-U. Cena went to make the cover, but was quickly stopped when Edge ran out and attacked the WWE Champion, causing the official to call for the bell and award the match to John Cena as a result of a DQ.


Winner (By Disqualification): John Cena


The match was over, but the beatdown had just begun as Edge went to work on the champ with boots and fists, leaving many to wonder just how the two could possibly coexist at One Night Stand. Edge perched himself in the corner of the ring, looking to hit the Spear on Cena. But the champ was saved when Edge was dragged to the outside by Chavo Guerrero, who had made his way to the ring to a great reaction from the crowd. Chavo and Edge brawled around the ringside area until Edge rolled into the ring and was immediately met with right hands by Cena, rocking The Rated R Superstar. But Edge was the one to be saved next, as Cena was hit in the back of the head by a steel chain courtesy of Aaron Stevens. Chavo met the same fate, a chain to the skull knocking him to the ground. Stevens wrapped the chain around the neck of Guerrero, choking the life out of him much like he did to The Nature Boy the previous night. Edge mounted Cena and beat him to a pulp as security finally ran down to stop the chaos in the ring. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler were stunned into silence as they, along with the rest of the world, looked at the vile attack of two of WWE’s most beloved Superstars as the show went off the air.






Dark Match:

Charlie Haas over Eugene C+


Main Show:

Carlito over Val Venis to retain Intercontinental Championship B

Shawn Michaels over The Big Show via Count Out C

Victoria over Lita, Michelle McCool and Trish Stratus C

Tyson Tomko over Jimmy Snuka Jr D

John Cena over Aaron Stevens via Disqualification B-


Show Rating B-




MichiganHero - 4/5

Jingo - 2/5

smurphy1014 - 3/5

The Final Countdown - 5/5

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/wrestlexperts.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:24px;">More WWE Realeases, Aaron Stevens Continues To Impress, More ECW Matches To Be Announced</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>- WWE announced that four individuals were today released from their contracts. Those names were confirmed as Michael Hayes, Viscera, Tatanka and Rene Dupree. The Dupree release was almost inevitable after his recent Wellness Policy failure, plus the fact that he had caused quite a few problems backstage with many of the higher ups.</strong><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> - WWE Management continue to be impressed with just how well Aaron Stevens has performed since his debut in April. His stock rose considerably this week on Raw, as many felt that he and John Cena had great chemistry together, and really seemed to bring the best out of each other. WWE are being cautious not to try to over expose him too soon, but it is being said that he is set for a huge push in the future if he continues.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> - ECW.com will announce two more matches to take place at One Night Stand. One of those matches is rumoured to be just a confirmation of the Cena/Edge vs. Dreamer/Foley match that was announced on Raw this past Monday.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><a href="http://images.paraorkut.com/img/funnypics/images/o/owned_wrestler-12235.jpg" rel="external nofollow"><strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">---Rene Dupree Fired For Assaulting A Diva? Click Here For More---</span></strong></a></div><p></p></div></blockquote>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/ecwwebsite.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:Georgia;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Another THREE Matches Announced for ECW One Night Stand</span></span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> ECW.com today confirms THREE more matches for ECW One Night Stand on June 4th.</p><p> </p><p> It's official; Rob Van Dam will defend the World Heavyweight Championship against Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle. There is no questioning that Angle is one of the very best in the world. But will he be able to handle the unique offence of The Whole F'n Show? And how will he handle being placed in the middle of a rabid ECW crowd inside the Hammerstein Ballroom?</p><p> </p><p> As seen on this weeks edition of Monday Night Raw, John Cena and Edge have been announced to be at One Night Stand to face Mick Foley and "The Innovator of Violence" Tommy Dreamer. We can now confirm that the challenge has been ACCEPTED by the two co-owners and, as with all ECW matches, it will be fought under Hardcore Rules.</p><p> </p><p> Also, the match that put ECW on the map will return in the form of the Three Way Dance. And we will witness old versus new as the team of Doug and Danny Basham take on Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri as well as former b.W.o members Stevie Richards and Nova. How will the ECW faithful react to Doug and Danny? And how will they cope against two of ECW's very best tag team competitors?</p><p> </p><p> Keep checking on ECW.com for more updates as we get ever so closer to One Night Stand on June 4th.</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Matches Confirmed for One Night Stand:</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>Balls Mahoney vs. Masato Tanaka</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Gregory Helms vs. The Sandman</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Jerry Lynn vs. Justin Credible</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Kurt Angle vs. Rob Van Dam</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Edge & John Cena vs. Mick Foley & Tommy Dreamer</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> The Bashams vs. Whipwreck & Tajiri vs. Richards & Nova</em></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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<p><span style="font-family:Georgia;">Dear WWE.com</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Georgia;">

Can you give us some further insight into what Gregory Helms and The Sandman are thinking going into ONS? Perhaps a WWE.com exclusive interview with each on why their match is important to them? PS Sorry for missing the online prediction contest last time...</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Georgia;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Georgia;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:right;"><p><span style="font-family:Georgia;">Signed The Celt</span></p></div><p></p>

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<p><strong>Balls Mahoney</strong> vs. Masato Tanaka</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gregory Helms</strong> vs. The Sandman</p><p> </p><p>

Sabu vs. <strong>Shelton Benjamin</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jerry Lynn</strong> vs. Justin Credible</p><p> </p><p>

Kurt Angle vs. <strong>Rob Van Dam</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Edge & John Cena</strong> vs. Mick Foley & Tommy Dreamer</p><p> </p><p>

The Bashams vs. Whipwreck & Tajiri vs. <strong>Richards & Nova</strong></p>

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<p><span style="font-family:Georgia;">Dear The Celt,</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Georgia;">

Thank you for your continued interest and support. You may be in luck, as we will be holding several quick interviews with several ECW wrestlers old and new to get their thoughts on One Night Stand, as well as their thoughts on where they see the new ECW going in the future. You are a valued member of our fan base and we do aim to please, so you can look forward to your request being fulfilled in the near future. And their is no need to apologise for not predicting for the previous show....just don't let it happen again!</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Georgia;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Georgia;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:right;"><p><span style="font-family:Georgia;">Best Wishes,</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Georgia;">

WWE.com Admin</span></p></div><p></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/smackdownbanner.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">PREVIEW</span></span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> The battle lines have been drawn between two companies on the brink of war as we head into this weeks edition of Friday Night Smackdown. And in the nights Main Event, John Bradshaw Layfield will take on Rey Mysterio. Both men will be less than pleased with proceedings at Judgment Day and will be looking to get back on track. Also, Chris Benoit returns to action after being put on the shelf at Wrestlemania when he takes on Orlando Jordan. And, after his victory on last weeks Smackdown, Kid Kash gets a shot at the Cruiserweight Championship when he takes on Super Crazy for the title.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';"><span style="font-size:12px;"> Plus, CM Punk will also be in action, as will new United States Champion Bobby Lashley. And it has been announced that the contract signing for the World Heavyweight Championship match at One Night Stand will take place with Rob Van Dam and Kurt Angle. This is one show you will NOT want to miss, so tune in to Friday Night Smackdown on The CW.</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Quick Picks:</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Non-Title Match:</strong></p><p><strong> Bobby Lashley vs. Paul Burchill</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Johnny Nitro vs. William Regal</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Chris Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:</strong></p><p><strong> Super Crazy © vs. Kid Kash</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> CM Punk vs. Tony Mamaluke</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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<p><strong>John Bradshaw Layfield</strong> vs. Rey Mysterio</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Bobby Lashley</strong> vs. Paul Burchill</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Johnny Nitro</strong> vs. William Regal</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Benoit</strong> vs. Orlando Jordan</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Super Crazy</strong> © vs. Kid Kash</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. Tony Mamaluke</p>

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John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio


Non-Title Match:

Bobby Lashley vs.
Paul Burchill


Johnny Nitro vs. William Regal


Chris Benoit vs.
Orlando Jordan


WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Super Crazy © vs.
Kid Kash


CM Punk vs. Tony Mamaluke

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<p>John Bradshaw Layfield vs. <strong>Rey Mysterio</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Bobby Lashley</strong> vs. Paul Burchill</p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Nitro vs. <strong>William Regal</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Benoit</strong> vs. Orlando Jordan</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Super Crazy ©</strong> vs. Kid Kash</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. Tony Mamaluke</p>

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<p>John Bradshaw Layfield vs. <strong>Rey Mysterio</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Bobby Lashley</strong> vs. Paul Burchill</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Johnny Nitro</strong> vs. William Regal</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Benoit</strong> vs. Orlando Jordan</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:</p><p>

Super Crazy © vs. <strong>Kid Kash</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. Tony Mamaluke</p>

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<p><strong>John Bradshaw Layfield</strong> vs. Rey Mysterio</p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match:</p><p>

Bobby Lashley vs. <strong>Paul Burchill</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Johnny Nitro</strong> vs. William Regal</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Benoit</strong> vs. Orlando Jordan</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Super Crazy ©</strong> vs. Kid Kash</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. Tony Mamaluke</p>

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<p>John Bradshaw Layfield vs. <strong>Rey Mysterio</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Non-Title Match:</p><p>

<strong>Bobby Lashley</strong> vs. Paul Burchill</p><p> </p><p>

Johnny Nitro vs. <strong>William Regal</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Benoit</strong> vs. Orlando Jordan</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Super Crazy ©</strong> vs. Kid Kash</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. Tony Mamaluke</p>

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John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio

Non-Title Match:

Bobby Lashley vs. Paul Burchill


Johnny Nitro vs. William Regal


Chris Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan


WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Super Crazy © vs. Kid Kash


CM Punk vs. Tony Mamaluke

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Location: Bayfront Centre (South East)


Attendance: 8,590


Announce Team:


Michael Cole & Mr. Kennedy




Dark Match:

Jamie Noble was defeated by F.B.I’s Nunzio in the evenings Dark Match after being hit with the Arrivederci.




Cole: The Bayfront Centre is close to a sell out as we welcome you to what may be the most important night in Smackdown history. I’m Michael Cole along with Mr. Kennedy, and tonight Rob Van Dam and Kurt Angle will put pen to paper and sign the contract for their title match to take place in a little over a week at ECW One Night Stand.


Kennedy: That match will determine the very fate of our World Heavyweight Championship, and it will be interesting to see what the two will have to say to each other as they sign those contracts tonight.


Cole: That’s right, Ken. But I have to interrupt you because I believe there is some kind of commotion going on backstage. Can we get a camera back there to see what’s going on?


The cameras headed backstage in time to see Paul Heyman trying to lead his ECW extremists into the arena. But the group were stopped by security, as well as several WWE Superstars who tried to thwart the intrusion. Heyman was adamant that he had to be in the building. Eventually, Teddy Long and WWE Chairman Vince McMahon joined the party.


McMahon: What the hell is going on here? I thought I told you that you and your band of misfits were not welcome at my show.


Heyman: What, you think I’m going to let Van Dam in to sign this contract on his own? You seem to forget Vince that I know EXACTLY how your mind works. And I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Rob sign that contract alone. I won’t let you screw him over.


McMahon: Well Paul, you’re just going to have to take my word that I won’t screw him over. Besides, it was Rob who had to draw up the contract since he is the champion, much to my dismay, so if anybody should be worried about being screwed, it’s me. There is no way in hell you or your men are getting in here tonight. You don’t have a choice.


Heyman: Oh, I think I do Vince. I think you are forgetting one very important thing; Rob Van Dam is the champ. He is in possession of YOUR World Heavyweight Championship. So you have two choices Vince. You can either let me in, allow me to be present at the contract signing, or me and Rob can head out the door, find the nearest trash can and dump this belt in the streets. It’s your choice.


McMahon:.....OK, you can come in. But the rest of your boys stay where they are.


Heyman: That’s fine by me. Boys, stay here, relax, light a fire or something. This won’t take long.


Heyman and RVD march through security, and RVD stands toe to toe with McMahon before heading into the arena, leaving Teddy Long to try to calm down a seething Vince McMahon. Security stayed on guard in the parking lot to ensure the ECW contingent didn’t infiltrate the building.




WWE Cruiserweight Championship:



Super Crazy © vs. Kid Kash


Kid Kash and Super Crazy kicked off the in ring action with a decent Cruiserweight match. Kash was extremely focused as he looked to begin a second Cruiserweight Championship reign. Jamie Noble was at ringside to cheer on his Tag Team partner, but he was quickly sent to the back when he was caught trying to hand Kash a set of Brass Knuckles. From then on it was an even contest between the two, with Kash almost claiming the title as his own when he hit the Dead Level Brain Buster, but Crazy managed to get his shoulder up at two. The two continued to do battle when Crazy sent Kash to the outside before hitting a Springboard Moonsault to the outside. As the official looked out at the prone body of Kash, he didn’t see the fan in the crowd wearing a Rey Mysterio mask, who slammed a steel chair across Crazy’s skull. The man removed the mask to reveal himself as Psicosis, who quickly bailed through the crowd. Kid Kash finally got to his feet before taking advantage, rolling Crazy into the ring and delivering the Money Maker of the champ. Kash made the cover, the official made the three count, and just like that, we had a NEW Cruiserweight Champion.


Winner and NEW Cruiserweight Champion: Kid Kash


Cole: I...I don’t believe it.


Kennedy: Believe it, Mikey. Kid Kash took advantage of the situation and because of that he is now a Two Time Cruiserweight Champion.


Kid Kash headed up the ramp, where he was met by Jamie Noble, who raised his hand high to the displeasure of the audience. Super Crazy stirred on the mat, still not quite aware of what just happened.




Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guests at this time, Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury. And gentlemen, this past Sunday at Judgment Day we saw something fairly shocking when you came to the aid of Paul London and Brian Kendrick. Now, after the battles that the four of you have had, what made you go out to save them from Burchill and Regal?


Nitro: Let’s not get things confused, Todd. We didn’t go out there for them. We wasn’t trying to save them from a beatdown. You see, Burchill and Regal took what belongs to us. The practically stole our Tag Team Titles. And, despite what London and Kendrick have done to us in the past, despite the wars that we have had, we hold a LITTLE bit of respect for them. They were man enough to fight us straight up, face to face. Burchill and Regal basically STOLE a title shot for the belts and caught us off guard. But I promise you, it won’t happen again. I can promise you...


Nitro was cut off when their former manager Melina walked into shot and looked at her two former clients with disgust.


Melina: You want to know why I think you helped London and Kendrick?


Mercury: Actually, no we don’t but I’m pretty sure you’re going to tell us.


Melina: Very cute, Joey. The reason you went to the aid of London and Kendrick is because you are WEAK. You show COMPASSION to your opponents. If you were real men, you would have gone out there and taken both teams out, proved your dominance. But you just don’t have it in you. I’ve tried so hard this past week to think I’ve one good reason I associated myself with two LOSERS like you. But you know something, I’m going to make sure you pay for what you have done to me.


Nitro: What WE’VE done to YOU? I think you’re a little confused, toots.


Melina: I’m not confused, Johnny. You two left me in the middle of the ring last week whilst that psycho bitch Hamada dropped me on my head. You think I’m going to let you get away with that?. Watch your backs, boys. Because revenge is sweet. Just like me.


Melina strolled away from the scene, leaving Mercury and Nitro shaking their heads.




The cameras pan around the arena as the fans cheer wildly, holding their signs up in the air. Suddenly, the feed cuts out and a video begins to play...


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

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Cole: Oh, great. Now there trying to interrupt this show. Isn’t it bad enough that they’re all hanging out in the damn parking lot?


Kennedy: Ignore it, Cole. Let’s just call the show.





CM Punk vs. Tony Mamaluke


There was certainly a certain amount of respect between these two as they shook hands before the contest. Both men looked very impressive in this contest, but the fans seemed to get behind the newcomer CM Punk. But he was almost caught out when Mamaluke locked in a Sicilian Crab (Over the Shoulder Single Leg Boston Crab), bringing Punk close to tapping, but he managed to muster up enough strength to reach the ropes and break the hold. From there, The Straight Edge Superstar managed to make a comeback, and after delivering an Uranage to Mamaluke, he finished him off by locking in the Anaconda Vice, causing Mamaluke to tap out to the hold. CM Punk remains undefeated in the WWE.


Winner: CM Punk


The fans were firmly supporting CM Punk as he was announced as the winner. The official raised his hand as he looked around at the appreciative fans. He then looked down at the announce desk, where Mr Kennedy sat with an almost bored look on his face. CM Punk decided enough was enough as he stepped through the ropes and, grabbing a microphone, he addressed Kennedy from the ring apron.


Punk: What is your problem, Ken? I’m not sure what I’m supposed to have done, but week after week you sit behind that desk and you bad mouth me, you talk down to me like I’m beneath you, like I don’t belong here. Let me tell you something, Ken. Before I got to the WWE, I was a star on the Independent wrestling scene. I was travelling the globe, busting my ass so that I would get noticed. Japan, Europe, you name it. I broke my back to make it to the WWE. And now I’m here, I want to make an impression on everybody in the back and everyone in this crowd. Yet you sit there and talk trash about me. Ken, I’m only doing what you have been doing since you walked through the doors of the WWE; trying to make a name for myself. I don’t know what your problem is, but maybe you wanna get in this ring right now and we settle this.


The crowd were certainly receptive to Punk’s suggestion. Kennedy rose to his feet, removing his headset as the fans rumbled in anticipation. But Kennedy thought better of it and returned to his seat, placing the headset back on his head as the jeers rang out. Punk was berating Kennedy from the apron as the official tried to convince The Second City Saint to leave.


Cole: I have to ask, what IS your problem with Punk?


Kennedy never replied, instead watching as the official convinced Punk to head to the back.




The cameras head backstage, where the camera is zoomed into the face of John Bradshaw Layfield.


JBL: My name is John Bradshaw Layfield. I am a former WWE Champion, a title that I held for almost 10 months. I held onto that title because I am the absolute best at what I do. That isn’t just an opinion, that is cold, hard FACT. I gave credibility to a title that had been devalued by men who never should have been champion in the first place. And this past Sunday at Judgment Day, I had the opportunity to bring prestige back to the World Heavyweight Championship by becoming Number One Contender and beating Rob Van Dam in that cesspool they call Extreme Championship Wrestling. But I was screwed out of my opportunity. I was screwed by “The Phenom”, The Undertaker. Undertaker, you have been a constant thorn in my side for months now. You have been the one thing standing between me and greatness. And quite frankly, I’m getting tired of it. So my proposal is that we finally end this thing. At the Great American Bash, I challenge you to one more match, one on one. But I don’t want there to be any excuses, Undertaker. So I propose we face each other in YOUR environment, to prove that you do not intimidate me. Undertaker, I challenge you to a Casket Match at Great American Bash. We finish this once and for all. I expect to hear your reply by next week, Deadman. Because this is the end of the road, and when the smoke settles, I WILL be standing tall, proving to the world that I am what I say that I am, and I am a WRESTLING.....GOD. And Rey Mysterio, tonight I make an example of you. What I do to Rey tonight will just be a small taste of what I do to you, Undertaker, at The Great American Bash.


Cole: Can you believe that? JBL has just challenged The Undertaker to a Casket Match. Does he have a death wish?


Kennedy: He must have a plan. You don’t challenge Undertaker to that kind of match without having a...


The feed suddenly cuts out as a video begins to play...


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>





The fans quickly rise to their feet as “Booyaka” hits the P.A System, and out walks Rey Mysterio, looking a little less jovial than usual. In fact, one could say he was just plain pissed off as he headed to the ring, grabbing a microphone from ringside. “619” chants echoed throughout the building as Mysterio began to talk.


Mysterio: RHINO. I know you’re in the parking lot with the rest of your cronies. So I know you can hear me. Rhino, you have stuck your nose in my business for the last time. Everything has fallen to pieces for me Rhino, and you were the man who started it all. You were the man who interfered and cost me the World Heavyweight Championship against RVD. And you were the man who cost me a shot at the title on Sunday at Judgment Day. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let you do it again. You wanna jump me from behind? How about you be a man and fight me face to face, man to man. I know Teddy Long and Mr McMahon have banned you from coming in here tonight. So how about we do this on your home turf, at ECW One Night Stand. A man can only take so much. And I have reached my limit with you, Rhino.


The fans go wild at Mysterio’s challenge to The Man Beast. The Titantron goes to static before a camera shot of the parking lot is shown, where Rhino is surrounded by his ECW family. Rhino looks right into the camera as he addresses Mysterio.


Rhino: Rey, you just made the single biggest mistake of your life. Because I accept your challenge. At One Night Stand, in front of MY people, in MY house, I will break you in half. In case you forgot, I was the very last ECW World Champion AND Television Champion. I am the elite of ECW. I’m the top dog. And at One Night Stand, the ultimate underdog because the latest victim of the Gore, Gore, GORE. I’ll see you on June 4th Rey.


Cole: Wow, it’s official, Rey Mysterio and Rhino will go to war on June 4th at One Night Stand.


Kennedy: I’m not sure Rey has thought this through. Rhino is built like a freakin’ tank. I don’t hold out much hope for little Rey.




Prior to the next contest, Michael Cole and Mr Kennedy are joined by former United States Champion Randy Orton, who is set to provide commentary.


Cole: I have to ask why you are out here Randy?


Orton: And I don’t have to tell you squat, Cole. But since you ask, I’m simply here to scout my opponent for next week, when I get my rematch for MY United States Championship.


Kennedy: See, a perfectly reasonable explanation, Cole. Get off his back.


Non-Title Match:


Bobby Lashley vs. Paul Burchill


These two young, hungry athletes complimented each other pretty well in the ring, and proved why they both deserved their spot in the company. But Lashley was clearly the more powerful of the two, catching Burchill off guard with a HUGE Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex for a close two count. But Burchill fought back, or more accurately he landed a low blow behind the refs back, to take control of the contest, applying a more mat based strategy, clearly taught to him by his mentor William Regal. The two traded control of the match until a Release Northern Lights Suplex put Lashley in the drivers seat. Lashley looked to finish things with The Dominator. But a low blow by Randy Orton put a stop to it, and the official had no choice but to call for the bell.


Winner (Via Disqualification): Bobby Lashley


Burchill quickly rolled to the outside and headed for the back as Orton continued the assault of Bobby Lashley. Orton stalked Lashley, waiting for him to rise so he could connect with the RKO. But that all changed when Chris Benoit came through the crowd and into the ring. Orton didn’t have a chance to react before Benoit took him down and locked in the Crippler Crossface to the delight of the fans. Benoit was relentless as he synched the hold in, refusing to let go. But things took another turn when Matt Hardy ran to the ring. He then surprisingly threw Benoit to the outside so he could get his hands on Orton himself, laying into him with rights and lefts. But he was caught off guard when Lashley nailed Hardy with a huge Lariat. Benoit stepped back through the ropes, but he was surprised to become the recipient of a Spear by Lashley. Orton finally got to his feet, where he was planted with The Dominator by the United States Champion. Lashley grabbed his title belt and headed to the back to a mixed response.


Cole: Lashley didn’t discriminate there. He took out all three men in quick succession.


Kennedy: I just love this new attitude of Bobby Lashley.




We head into the office of Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long, who is joined by Vince McMahon and Number One Contender Kurt Angle. They are all sat down ready to read through the contract that is to be signed later tonight.


Angle: I want you to make sure there is nothing in that contract that is going to screw me over. I don’t understand why you didn’t write the contract.


McMahon: I didn’t have a choice. RVD is the champ. I wrote the majority of it, but there’s a good chance they may have added something to it. Just don’t panic. Teddy will check it and double check it. ECW aren’t going to screw us over again.


Angle: You’re damn right they won’t. You search that contract, Teddy. Because if there is anything that is going to screw me over in that contract, I’m going to hold you personally responsible.


Long: Don’t worry, playa. I will handle it.


The three men are suddenly disrupted by a loud knock on the door followed by a Security Guard charging through the door.


Security: Sir, we need you out here now.


McMahon: What’s the problem. We’re busy.


Security: Sir, ECW have gotten into the building. They just charged right through.


McMahon: You were supposed to be keeping guard. Dammit.


The three men follow the guard out of the office and down the hallways. The camera then shows Paul Heyman head into the General Managers office. Heyman roots around the desk until he finally finds what he is looking for, the contract for the World Heavyweight Title match at One Night Stand. Heyman puts the contract in his pocket, an evil smile spread across his face before heading out the office.


Cole: He can’t do that, surely.


Kennedy: He just did. But never mind that, ECW is in the building.





Johnny Nitro vs. William Regal


Both men were accompanied by their tag team partners, Burchill clearly looking a little worse for wear after his battle with Lashley. Nitro had the upper hand for a majority of the contest, his high flying offense taking regal off his game slightly. But an Exploder Suplex by the veteran Regal soon put a stop to it. Regal had control from then on, grinding Nitro down and keeping the aerial based Nitro on the ground. Regal attempted a Regal Stretch, but Nitro managed to fight out of it before quickly getting to his feet and hitting a Standing Star Press on Regal. But as he went for the cover, Burchill got onto the apron to distract the official. But Joey Mercury was soon around to stop Burchill, pulling him down and brawling with the brit. But the distraction was enough for Regal, who nailed a low blow on Nitro before rolling him up, grabbing a handful of tights in the process. The official then made the three count, giving the somewhat tainted victory to Regal.


Winner: William Regal


Regal got the win, but he was soon eating the sole of Joey Mercury’s boot, who began beating on one half of the tag team champions. But Regal was quickly saved by Burchill who attacked Mercury from behind. Regal and Burchill then began laying the boots to the former champs. That is until the roar of the crowd alerted them to the presence of Paul London and Brian Kendrick, who slid into the ring, causing the champs to bail, grabbing their Tag Team Titles and heading up the ramp. London and Kendrick make eye contact with Nitro and Mercury, and the four men stare each other down.


Cole: Well, this time London and Kendrick have come to the aid of Nitro and Mercury. I never thought I would see the day.




The cameras are backstage, where Paul Heyman and Rob Van Dam are seen chatting with each other when suddenly they are joined by WWE Chairman Vince McMahon.


McMahon: Did you plan this?


Heyman: I’m sorry?


McMahon: Don’t play dumb with me, Heyman. What, it’s just a coincidence that your men storm through the building, pretty much trash the place and then leave. We all know that your boys don’t do anything without your say so. So don’t sit there and lie to me, damn it.


RVD: Vince, chill out. You’re gonna give yourself a heart attack, dude. Paul’s been here with me the whole time. You’re getting paranoid. Just chillax, bro.


McMahon: I’m not your “bro”, I’m your boss.


RVD: Not for long, Vinny. Not for long.


Heyman: Look, I’ll talk to my boys, tell them to stay away. But it had nothing to do with me, OK?


McMahon: You know what, you have your fun. Because when that contract is signed tonight, there is no turning back. Kurt Angle will walk into the Hammerstein Ballroom and he will walk out as SMACKDOWN’S World Heavyweight Champion. I guarantee it.


McMahon stormed away as RVD and Heyman had a slight chuckle to themselves before continuing with their conversation.





Chris Benoit vs. Orlando Jordan


Benoit was still a little shaken up after the assault of Bobby Lashley, but that wasn’t going to stop him as he tried to send a message to the entire locker room in his first bout since returning from injury. And what a comeback it was, as Benoit laid waste to JBL’s Chief of Staff, throwing him around the ring. Orlando tried to fight his way back into the match, but Benoit was on fire, and after a Trifecta of German Suplex’s, Benoit finally locked in The Crippler Crossface, causing Jordan to tap out furiously, giving Benoit the win in his return to Friday Nights.


Winner: Chris Benoit




We get a shot of Vince McMahon and Teddy Long walking towards Teddy’s office. Long is trying his best to calm down an incensed Vince McMahon. The two finally stepped into the office and closed the door behind them. But the crowd came alive as, several seconds later, Gregory Helms, Shelton Benjamin, RVD and Sabu, lead by Paul Heyman, wheeled a Dumpster in front of the door to the office, trapping McMahon and Long inside the room. The four men smiled at their handy work before Heyman lead the tribe away.


Cole: What the hell is this about? Somebody needs to do something here.





John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rey Mysterio


Both men seemed extremely focused in this contest, the two of them clearly wanting to build their momentum back up after their losses at Judgment Day. But, being the much larger, much stronger of the two, JBL took control, keeping Rey grounded with stiff, heavy shots to the smaller Mysterio. The fans, as always, were firmly behind Mysterio as JBL tried to shut out the “619” chants that were ringing in his ears. The support was enough to urge Rey on, and a Sprinboard Cross Body almost did the job, but JBL got a shoulder up at two. Mysterio then used his speed to his advantage, running circles around Layfield and wearing him out before hitting a Drop Kick to the back, followed by an attempted 619, but JBL moved, and as Rey returned into the ring, he was nailed with the Clothesline From Hell. JBL made the cover, but Mysterio got his foot on the rope to stop the count. JBL continued to beat on Rey, until a Powerbomb attempt by Bradshaw was reversed into a Huricanrana for another close two. Mysterio finally managed to gain some momentum before hitting JBL with a 619. But as Mysterio went up top for the Springboard Frog Splash, he immediately leapt back down, where Rhino had entered the ring. But he wasn’t alone, as a majority of ECW stars had entered the ring. Mysterio charged straight for Rhino. But the ECW contingent began beating both Rey AND JBL to the mat, causing the official to throw the match out.


Result: No Contest


ECW continued the attack, beating on both individuals. But the war was about to get heated as the Smackdown Locker Room emptied out, and the fight was on as ECW and Smackdown traded blows, the fans whipped into a frenzy. Security attempted to split the two brands apart, but there was no chance of that happening. Eventually, ECW decided to bail, heading through the crowd as stars such as London and Kendrick, Chris Benoit, CM Punk and others drove them from the ring. Smackdown stood united against the invasion as we headed for commercial.




As if enough hadn’t happened on this edition of Smackdown, it was now time for the contract signing. The red carpet was spread across the ring and the table and chairs were set up in the ring. First out was ECW Co-Owner Paul Heyman, who got a fairly warm reception from the crowd. He was soon followed by the Number One Contender to the World Heavyweight Championship, Kurt Angle. The crowd responded to him with thunderous “You Suck” chants as he headed to the ring. But the biggest ovation came when “One of a Kind” hit the speakers, and out stepped World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam. The crowd were going nuts, pointing their thumbs and chanting “RVD” as loud as possible. Angle and RVD both took a seat as Heyman produced the contract from his pocket.


Heyman: Ladies and gentlemen, in my hand is a copy of the official contract that will be signed...


Angle: Hold on, Heyman. Where’s McMahon? Where’s Teddy?


Heyman: I’m not sure. I expected them to be out here by...


Angle: No, screw this. I don’t sign a damn thing until one or both of them are out here. I’m not playing your little games, Heyman.


RVD: Woah, I knew you were a lot of things, but I didn’t have you down as a scared little bitch.


That comment elicited a loud “ohhhh” from the fans. Angle was enraged, but eventually composed himself and sat back down.


Angle: Fine, let’s do this.


Heyman: Thank you. Now as I was saying, ladies and gentlemen, in my hand is a copy of the official contract that will be signed here tonight, confirming the World Heavyweight Championship match that will take place June 4th, 2006 at The Hammerstein Ball Room in New York. And on that night, World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam will defend his World Heavyweight Championship against Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle. If Angle is victorious, he will become World Heavyweight Champion and the belt will return to Friday Night Smackdown. But if RVD can retain the belt, the title will become ECW property and will be rechristened the ECW World Championship. Now Rob, as champion, you will sign the contract first.


RVD: Sure thing. But before I do, I want you to take a real good look into my eyes, Kurt. Because I want you to know that at One Night Stand, I’m holding nothing back. I’m going to fight you every step of the way. And you may be an Olympic Gold Medallist. But I’m The Whole F’n Show. And I’m going to be defending this title not in any old ring. I’m defending it in an ECW ring, in front of an ECW crowd who are gonna be chanting my name louder than ever, and who are gonna be there ready to boo you right out the building. ECW is my home, my family. And I’ll fight til my last breath if I have to. But I guarantee that this belt is coming to ECW.

Van Dam then signs the contract before throwing it at Angle. Angle looks it over quickly before signing on the dotted line and getting on the microphone.


Angle: Remember last year at One Night Stand, Rob? I stood inside that pit known as the Hammerstein Ballroom and I told the world that ECW sucked. I meant it then, and I mean it now. ECW is the land of misfits and rejects who can’t cut it in the big leagues. So if you want to lower yourself and associate yourself with a bunch of morons, that’s your choice. But I’ll be DAMNED if you’re going to take the World Heavyweight Championship, MY championship, and degrade it by renaming it the ECW World Championship. I don’t give a damn if it’s in front of YOUR fans. I’ll embarrass you and show you up for the piece of crap you really are. You suck, ECW sucks and the fans of ECW can kiss my ass.


Heyman: Well, I’d be careful what you say. Kurt, if I may, I’d like to show you a little footage. I want you to take a good look at it. Roll it.


The Titantron turns to static once again as a video plays...


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


Heyman: Do you remember that night, Kurt? Because I sure as hell remember it. It’s engrained on my memory. I never could quite shake that night from my head. Because that was the night, 10 years ago, that Kurt Angle was going to join ECW. That was the night that we were about to sign a contract with an Olympic Gold Medallist. I was going to make you a star, Kurt. I had so many plans for you. ECW was always looked down on as nothing more than a hardcore promotion. But here we had an honest to god Olympic athlete. You were going to skyrocket ECW into the big time. But what happened, Kurt? What happened to you taking us to the very top? You didn’t sign the contract, did you? Instead, you called Vince McMahon and decided to come and work here for the WWE. And that ate me up inside for years as I watched you grow into a world class professional wrestler. And it ate me up, because I knew I had it in the palm of my hands, only to have it snatched away from me. One of the few regrets I ever had about ECW was the fact that I let you slip through my fingers. So Kurt, would you be so kind as to read through the contract one more time.

Kurt looked a little confused, but he read through the contract. But his eyes almost burst out of his skull as he came across a section of the contract that he wasn’t at all pleased about. Heyman’s smile was spread wide across his face before Angle snapped.


Angle: This is BULL****. YOU CAN’T DO THIS.


Heyman: Oh, I can Kurt. I can and I have. At ECW One Night Stand, Rob Van Dam defends The World Heavyweight Championship against Kurt Angle. If Kurt wins, the title returns to Smackdown. But if RVD wins, not only do we own the World Heavyweight Championship....but we also own YOU, Kurt. We gain possession of your contract for 12 months, which means you will be MY bitch, and I will make you pay for walking out on me. Kurt, this war has only just begun.


Angle was irate as the fans were going absolutely crazy at Heyman’s shocking announcement. But Angle’s face turned from pure anger to pain as RVD threw his steel chair hard into the face of Angle. He then placed Angle onto the table as Heyman directed traffic, sending Van Dam to the top. RVD did just that and, pointing his thumbs, came crashing down onto Angle and through the table with the Five Star Frog Splash. From the entrance way, McMahon and Long headed to the ring, clearly freed from their office, followed by several more Smackdown Superstars, causing Van Dam and Heyman to bail through the crowd. The final scenes of Friday Night Smackdown were Vince and Teddy seething in the ring as RVD celebrated with Heyman and the rest of the red hot crowd as Smackdown went off the air.






Dark Match:

Nunzio over Jamie Noble B-


Main Show:

Kid Kash over Super Crazy to WIN Cruiserweight Championship C

CM Punk over Tony Mamaluke D+

Bobby Lashley over Paul Burchill via Disqualification C

William Regal over Johnny Nitro B

Chris Benoit over Orlando Jordan C

No Contest between John Bradshaw Layfield and Rey Mysterio B


Show Rating: B




Jingo - 3/6

MichiganHero - 4/6

tristram - 4/6

PWFOwner - 4/6

The Celt - 2/6

The Final Countdown - 4/6

rhyseboi - 4/6

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Loved the Psicosis attack


Love the idea of Mysterio-Rhino


Love the idea of Kurt Angle trapped in ECW against his will


Thanks for the feedback, as always. I must say I am very proud of that show. I had a lot of fun writing it out. Hopefully I can keep the quality up as we head to ONS, as I think that was one of the best shows I've put out in a while. I will be attempting to get the shows out as quickly as possible, but I don't want to rush things and ruin something good. I'm extremely proud of my work so far, and it's nice to know that is enjoyed and appreciated as much as it is. Thanks once again for your input.

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Quick Hits: Originals


This week, ECW.com sat down with several ECW Originals to get their thoughts on One Night Stand as well as the future of ECW. Here are just a few excerpts from our interviews with ECW's Originals:


The Sandman


I'm really looking forward to seeing what the future holds for ECW. ECW has been such a big part of my life, it's where I really made a name for myself. ECW is like a family. No matter what happens between those ropes, when you're in the back with the boys, you look out for each other, you make sure that everybody is happy. I don't think I have ever been in an environment like it.


One Night Stand is going to be so much fun, just to be back in front of that crowd again is just so exciting for me. And I also get a chance to fight the new blood of the company, Gregory Helms. I'll admit, he's a talented son of a ****. But he's never stepped into a ring with The Hardcore Icon. If that rabid crowd don't tear him apart, I will.


Balls Mahoney


I never thought I would get a second shot in ECW. I honestly thought that part of my life was over. I was really in two minds whether to come back or not. But the thought of being in an ECW ring infront of those crazy fans, I just couldn't say no.


I face Masato Tanaka at One Night Stand. I honestly can't wait. This will be a hell of a treat for all the old school ECW fans, and I'm really looking forward to showing the new fans what we're made of. Tanaka is my kind of opponent, someone who hits hard and isn't afraid to take a beating. And trust me, if I have it my way, Masato Tanaka WILL take a beating.


Jerry Lynn


This is going to be an exciting adventure to see if there is still a place for ECW in the wrestling world, I think there is. You know, I've been thinking of maybe slowing things down. I mean, I'm 42 years old. People have started calling me the next Terry Funk, which I guess is a compliment. But I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to get in there with some of the younger talent such as Gregory Helms and Shelton Benjamin. That would be such a buzz for me.


I go up against Justin Credible at One Night Stand. Me and him have had so many wars against each other, we pretty much no what the other is going to do, so it's going to be tough. But I think we will put on a match the fans will enjoy, and when all is said and done, my hand WILL be raised in victory.


Tommy Dreamer


I'm still trying to come to terms with the fact that I'm now Co-Owner of ECW. It's still difficult for me to explain just how much ECW means to me. With the exception of Paul. E (Heyman), I honestly believe nobody loved ECW like I did. It was my life, my passion. And to know that the fans are still clamouring for it, are still supporting us after all these years, it's just unbelievable.


Teaming with Mick is going to be awesome. Edge, in my view, is a punk who thinks he's better than he really is. He's stepping into OUR house. And I'm going to enjoy ripping him a new one. And as for John Cena? Well, the less said about him the better. Let's just say that if I don't rip him apart, those rabid ECW fans will be more than happy to verbally tear him to shreds. ECW is our house. They don't call me The Innovator of Violence for nothing. And at One Night Stand, we show them just what we can do.


Stay logged on to ECW.com in the next few days as Quick Hits turns to the "New Breed" of ECW who will share their thoughts on The Land of Extreme.

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The war between WWE and ECW has been taken up a notch, and this week on Monday Night Raw, WWE Chairman Vince McMahon has called for EVERY WWE Superstar from both Raw AND Smackdown to be present in The Cox Arena in San Diego as he wishes to address them after the shocking turn of events that took place on Smackdown. And, as both brands will be in the building, Eric Bischoff and Teddy Long have both decided to put differences aside as they put on a jam packed show with several Raw vs. Smackdown matches for the fans enjoyment.


WWE Champion John Cena will be in the nights Main Event as he takes on a man he knows only too well in John Bradshaw Layfield. Plus, we will see Intercontinental Champion Carlito face off against United States Champion Bobby Lashley in one on one action. And, in a match which is sure to tear the house down, two close friends, some would say even family, will do battle as Chavo Guerrero takes on Rey Mysterio in Rey's home town. With all this and SO much more, you will NOT want to miss this weeks edition of Monday Night Raw on USA.


Quick Picks:


Non-Title Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. John Cena


Non-Title Match:

Bobby Lashley vs. Carlito


Non-Title Match:

The Brooklyn Soldiers vs. Paul Burchill & William Regal


Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio


Edge vs. Jimmy Snuka Jr.


Aaron Stevens vs. Matt Hardy

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Non-Title Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. John Cena

It's Cena. It's 2006. Do the maths.

Non-Title Match:

Bobby Lashley vs. Carlito

Mr.McMahon's personal assistant cheats to win. Or by DQ. Damn masked men.

Non-Title Match:

The Brooklyn Soldiers vs. Paul Burchill & William Regal

Team Britain takes another one. CURB STOMP THE MUTHAF**KERS!

Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio

The Warrior of Mexico versus A midget on steroids. I'll take a Gory Bomb to go, por favor.


Edge vs. Jimmy Snuka Jr.

He is Rated-R and Jimmy Snuka Jr. is jobber at this point.


Aaron Stevens vs. Matt Hardy

HOLLYWOOD BABY! The Star beats the other Hardy.

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Quick Picks:


Non-Title Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. John Cena


Non-Title Match:

Bobby Lashley vs. Carlito


Non-Title Match:

The Brooklyn Soldiers vs. Paul Burchill & William Regal


Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio

Edge vs. Jimmy Snuka Jr.


Aaron Stevens vs. Matt Hardy

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Non-Title Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. John Cena

No Contest


Non-Title Match:

Bobby Lashley vs. Carlito

-Shawn Michaels will play a role in the finish of this match.


Non-Title Match:

The Brooklyn Soldiers vs. Paul Burchill & William Regal


Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio


Edge vs. Jimmy Snuka Jr.


Aaron Stevens vs. Matt Hardy

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Location: Cox Arena (South West)

Attendance: 8,839


Announce Team:


Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler




Dark Match:

Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch got the pinfall victory against the makeshift team of Eugene and Val Venis in convincing fashion.




The usual opening video and pyro were not present on this edition of Raw, as we open with a shot of EVERY Raw and Smackdown Superstar stood inside and around the ring, the crowd buzzing with anticipation as to just what is going on. Suddenly, “No Chance In Hell” hits, and out steps Vince McMahon, followed closely by BOTH Raw and Smackdown General Managers, Eric Bischoff and Teddy Long.


McMahon: Gentlemen, I have called you all out here tonight not as your boss, but as a man who is desperate, as a man who needs help. And I need help from each and every person in that ring. This past Friday on Smackdown, Paul Heyman and ECW once again screwed us over. Not just me, but this entire company. ECW has threatened the future of not just our World Heavyweight Championship, but one of our top stars, Kurt Angle. You need to realise in 1982, I purchased this company from my father. That’s almost 25 years of hard work, blood, sweat and tears to build this company, to make it the global phenomenon that it is today. I’ve worked much too hard for much too long to have it taken from me by a group of rebels looking to make a name for themselves. That’s why I need your help. There’s a lot of men in that ring, some of you like each other, some of you don’t. But I need to ask that you stand united against a common enemy. ECW isn’t just threatening my livelihood, they are threatening yours. They are trying to burn this company to the ground, and everybody who inhabits it. Whether you like each other or you don’t, I need to ask for solidarity until June 4th, when we can finally put it all behind us and continue business as usual. I can’t stress enough how important...


McMahon was then cut off by The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels who had grabbed a microphone.


Michaels: Spare me your tears, Vince. After the way you have treated me, as well as several others in this ring, you want us to help you? Vince, I will stand up and defend WWE if needs be. But I won’t be doing it for you. I’ll be doing it for myself and I’ll be doing it for every fan that watches and supports what we do. And as for working alongside men like Carlito, you can forget it. You and he have been trying to drag me down...


The Mic was quickly grabbed from his hands by a seething Tyson Tomko.


Tomko: This Company is my home, and I’ll protect it when the time comes, but Triple H, you can be sure that YOU are my priority. And since we’re out here now, how about we settle things right here, right now?


The crowd roared their approval as McMahon tried to calm the situation. But it was too late, as Triple H took Tomko down with a double leg takedown and the two rolled around, peppering each other with heavy rights and lefts. Before long, the entire ring was a battle field as rivals began beating on each other, John Cena and Edge tearing into each other, Chavo Guerrero looking for revenge after what “The Idol” Aaron Stevens did to him last week, HBK trying to get shots in on Carlito despite him still being injured. McMahon almost had a fit on the entrance way, but if the fans were rowdy before, they came unglued as Paul Heyman and his ECW entourage walked through the crowd. Security was soon surrounding the ringside area as the superstars battling in the ring stopped what they were doing for a moment to turn their attention to the immanent invasion.


Heyman: Hey Vince, looks like you need to get your men under control. Nice to see you can keep your talent in check. Hey boys, if any of you want to come and join a REAL company, just give me a call, I would be more than happy to accommodate you.


McMahon: Heyman, if you know what’s good for you, you’d turn around and walk out of here right now.


Heyman: Now where would be the fun in that, Vince? Don’t get your panties in a bunch, we’re not going to jump the rail. I may be insane, but I’m not stupid. But since you and your boys are all here tonight, I have a little proposition for you. You see, our good friends over on F/X have granted us a two hour special to air this Saturday night to promote One Night Stand, as well as our brand new show starting the Thursday following the Pay Per View, tune in folks. So I thought to myself; how can I make an impact? How can I prove ECW’s dominance? How can I stick it to Vincent Kennedy McMahon one more time? So I sat down with Dreamer and Foley, and we decided that this Prime Time special this Saturday shouldn’t just be an ECW showcase. So how about we make the event special, something that these fans will remember for years to come. You round up as many men as you can, you bring them on Saturday night, and we have a ourselves a true showdown; WWE vs. ECW Head to Head. Every match up and down the card see’s your “Superstars” face off against my “Extremists”, and we finally cement our place as the most dominant wrestling company in the world. Vince, you love to brag about having balls the size of grapefruits. Prove it, meet us this Saturday night and find out once and for all who rules the jungle.


The crowd were screaming encouragement, begging for McMahon to say yes. McMahon looked out at the rabid crowd before making his decision.


McMahon: You know what Paul..... my answer is no. I’m not walking into another one of your traps, Heyman. I’m not going to let you screw over this company anymore than you have already. Now I suggest you get out of my building before I send security to throw you out.


Heyman: OK, Vince. We’re out of here. But we’ll be back, whether you like it or not. And Vince, you’ll do the right thing. I know you will.


With that, Heyman led his men back through the crowd and out of the building as the WWE Superstars continue to look on from the ring whilst Bischoff and Long try to calm down a very unstable Mr. McMahon.


Ross: Well, what a way to kick off Monday Night Raw, but something tells me that we haven’t seen the last of..


Ross was quickly cut off when from behind, Jerry Lawler was locked into a Tazmission by The Human Suplex Machine, Tazz. Ross saw the incident but was powerless to do anything. Tazz was finally chased off, but the damage had been done as Tazz fled into the night as Ross and several other Superstars tended to The King.




Non-Title Match:


Paul Burchill & William Regal vs. The Brooklyn Soldiers


Jerry Lawler was replaced with Smackdown’s Mr. Kennedy for the remainder of the night as Lawler was treated in the back. And he took his seat just in time for a fantastic bout between the Tag Team Champions of both brands as they looked to prove their dominance. Burchill, as ever, looked impressive in there, using his obvious strength advantage to overpower Raw’s World Tag Team Champions. But Burke and JTG had a little something up their sleeves also, and a Top Rope Bulldog by JTG almost had Burchill on the mat for the three count, but Regal was there for the save. It almost looked like Burke and JTG were going to pick up the victory but, similar to previous weeks, Matt Striker appeared, slowly walking towards ringside. Burke was thrown to the outside by Regal and, as JTG was distracted by Strikers presence, he was spun around and drilled into the canvas with a C-4 by Burchill. He made the cover and got the three count, giving himself and Regal the victory and bragging rights.


Winners: Paul Burchill & William Regal


The fans were less than happy to see Regal and Burchill get the win, but the brits rubbed it in their face, holding their title belts high in the air as they headed to the back. Meanwhile, Matt Striker had climbed into the ring, looking down at the fallen Soldiers. JTG and Burke finally got to their feet and had plenty of questions for Striker, who tried talking to the two men. But JTG shoved Striker, demanding answers. Striker had a smile spread across his face as there was a commotion in the crowd when they saw somebody climb into the ring behind the champs. Burke was the first to feel the solid steel chair hit his spine. JTG turned around and was met with a steel chair to the head. Staring down at the bodies of the Brooklyn Soldiers was none other than CHARLIE HAAS. Striker looked at Haas before ordering him to strike. And strike he did, landing another chair shot to the back of Burke before locking JTG in the Haas of Pain. Striker got in JTG’s face as Haas synched the hold in tightly, causing JTG to scream out in agony. Striker finally told Haas to release the hold. Striker grabbed hold of the World Tag Team Championships and both men held the title belts high to the loud jeers of the crowd.


Ross: I can’t believe this. Charlie Haas and Matt Striker teaming up to take out the champs? How long have they been planning this?


Kennedy: Who knows, Ross? But they just fired the first shot against the champs.




We head backstage, where a camera is zoomed in on the face of The Big Show, who is looking slightly nervous.


Show: Kane.....Kane, you do NOT scare me. You do NOT intimidate me. You need to remember Kane that it was ME who put you on the shelf. So all these little magic tricks and videos you keep playing to get into my head will NOT work. So Kane, I’m begging you to show up on Raw next week. I want you to step into that ring with me, one on one, so you can get a glimpse of the man who took you out. But more importantly, you will get a look at the man who is going to finish you once and for all. You are going to...


Show was quickly cut off when a huge explosion went off on the set behind him, causing Big Show to almost jump out of his larger than average boots. Show was clearly shaken, but he continued.


Show: IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE, KANE? I AM NOT INTIMIDATED BY YOU. I want you to show up next week, because I’m going to bury you. You say that what does not kill you makes you stronger? Well I decide your fate, ME. And next week, I guarantee that your fate is sealed. Take a good look into the eyes of your executioner. Because these eyes will be the last thing you see before I end your very existence.


Ross: The challenge has been made. Will Kane accept it next week on Raw?




A camera shot of the rabid San Diego crowd is soon cut off by a video that begins to play...


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Non-Title Match:


Bobby Lashley vs. Carlito


Carlito looked slightly nervous as he prepared to hook up with the monstrous Bobby Lashley. Lashley looked to use his large frame to intimidate Carlito, and it certainly worked. But Carlito was much quicker than the United States Champion, and evaded him at every turn before working on the big man’s legs, taking him down and trying his best to keep him grounded. His strategy worked for a while, until Lashley powered out of an attempted Figure Four before quickly getting to his feet and almost dropping Carlito on his head with an Overhead Belly to Belly for a two. Lashley took control, overpowering Carlito and throwing him from pillar to post. Carlito looked in genuine trouble, but he shoved the official into the path of Lashley as he came charging with a Lariat. With the ref down, Carlito took advantage by hitting a low blow followed by a Back Stabber. Carlito looked to wake the official from his slumber, but he didn’t hear the roar of the crowd as Shawn Michaels gingerly entered the ring. Carlito got to his feet and HBK cracked Carlito in the jaw with Sweet Chin Music, sending him to the mat before exiting to the outside of the ring. Shawn watched on as Lashley got to his feet before lifting Carlito up and planting him with The Dominator. Lashley woke the official, who made a very slow three count, giving the win to the United States Champion.


Winner: Bobby Lashley


Despite his recent actions, the fans still cheered for Lashley as he was announced the winner. Lashley grabbed his title belt and headed straight for the back, pushing his way past Michaels on the entrance way. Carlito finally got himself up to his feet and, upon seeing Michaels, lost it in the centre of the ring, screaming for Michaels to step in the ring. Michaels stayed exactly where he was as he wore a smile on his face, infuriating Carlito further. Out in the crowd, the masked man watched on, observing proceedings from the comfort of the crowd.


Kennedy: That’s 2-0 for Smackdown. Who’s the number one brand now? Sure as hell isn’t ECW.


Ross: Well, he may have had a helping hand from Michaels there.


Kennedy: Don’t make excuses, Jimmy. Your boys are dropping like flies.




We head backstage, where Mr. McMahon, Teddy Long and Eric Bischoff are discussing tonight’s events when they are suddenly interrupted. Much like last week, Jimmy Snuka Jr. bursts into the office.


McMahon: May we help you?


Bischoff: Hold up, have I seen you before?


Snuka: Yes, sir. I had a try out match against Tomko last week?


Bischoff: .... Oh, I remember. You were the punk kid who stormed into my office and interrupted me when I was in the middle of something important.


Snuka: Sir, I am so sorry for that. I just...


McMahon: What do you want?


Snuka: I think I was really thrown into the deep end last week, I wasn’t given a fair shot. I just wondered if maybe I could get a second chance here tonight to show what I can do.


Bischoff: You blew it last week. Why the hell would I give you...


McMahon: You want another shot, you’ve got it.


Snuka: Thank you sir. I promise I won’t let you down. I will prove that I belong in the WWE.


McMahon: Well, good luck, because your opponent will be the Number One Contender for the WWE Championship, “The Rated R Superstar” Edge.


Snuka: But sir...


McMahon: Your match is next. Now get out.


Snuka wanted to protest, but he knew there was no use in trying, and walks out of the office dejected, leaving the three men to continue their discussion.


Ross: Snuka once again has been thrown to the lions.


Kennedy: Hey, if you want to work for the WWE, you better be prepared to beat the best. Good luck, Snuka. You’re gonna need it.




Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, I am joined by “The Idol” Aaron Stevens, along with his Personal Assistant, Michelle McCool. And Aaron, tonight you have a tough task ahead of you as you face Smackdown’s Matt Hardy. But I have to ask, why did you do what you did to Chavo Guerrero last week, attacking him with a chain?


Stevens: First of all, in future I suggest you address me correctly as “The Five Star Superstar”, the man Too Good for Hollywood, “The Double A Lister”, “The Idol” Aaron Stevens. Second of all, Matt Hardy is a man who has been in this business for god knows how long, and doesn’t have a damn thing to show for it. He’s been walking in the shadow of his brother all his life. And even with that jumped up junkie kicked to the curb, he STILL can’t get out of his shadow. Tonight, I do him and the whole wrestling world a favour when I send V1 into obscurity, where he can stew in his own self loathing for the rest of his life. And finally, you want to know why I did what I did to Chavo. It’s nothing personal Chavo....screw that, it is personal. I’m the fastest rising star in this company. I put Ric Flair in the hospital, and I would bet my EXTREMELY vast amount of money that he won’t be showing up on this show anytime soon. But the fact is I’m working my way up the ladder. Yet you think that you can be handed everything on a silver platter. You’ve had it tough these past few months, I don’t deny that. But that doesn’t make you a special case. That doesn’t give you the right to push your way to the top of the ladder at MY expense. Chavo, I wrapped that chain around your neck because you are at the top of the mountain, and that is exactly where I want to be, where I NEED to be. I’m a future World Champion, and I’m going straight to the top. And I don’t care whether your name is Ric Flair, or whether your name is Chavo Guerrero. If you become a roadblock on MY road to superstardom, I’m going to crash right through. The spotlight is firmly on me, “The Idol” Aaron Stevens. Now if you will excuse me, I have business to attend to. Come on, Michelle.


Kennedy: I’m gonna come right out and say it; I LOVE this kid. Reminds me a little of myself.


Ross: Good lord, that’s all we need.





Edge vs. Jimmy Snuka Jr.


Snuka managed to put up a little more of a fight than in his previous bout with Tomko, and he and Edge managed to have a fairly competitive match. But it was clear who the favourite was. Edge took a few knocks, but he was never in any serious danger, and he finally finished things off after surely cracking a few of Snuka’s ribs with a bone crunching Spear, picking up the victory.


Winner: Edge


Snuka was quick to roll to the outside, clutching his ribs in pain. Edge was stood on the turnbuckle, celebrating his win, when the crowd came to life as John Cena marched his way to ringside. Cena was quickly surrounded by Road Agents and officials who tried to keep him from tearing Edge apart. Edge was begging Cena to step into the ring, but Cena was blocked. Finally, Cena reared back and decked Road Agent Dean Malenko in the face before sliding into the ring and taking Edge down, the fans whipped into a frenzy. The officials quickly entered the ring to separate the two. But Edge broke free from their grasp and took Cena down, the two rolling on the mat, the San Diego fans loving every second.


Ross: Something really needs to be done here. How in god’s name are these two men going to be able to coexist at One Night Stand?


Kennedy: They can’t. It’s as simple as that.




We return to the office of Eric Bischoff, who is still in discussion with McMahon and Long concerning ECW. Suddenly, they are once again interrupted, this time by Tyson Tomko.


Tomko: Bischoff, I want Triple H.


Bischoff: Excuse me?


Tomko: Are you deaf or something? I want Triple H. I’m sick of this crap. He cost me my shot at greatness, and he thinks HE is the one with an axe to grind? I want him in the ring next week.


Bischoff: Who the hell do you think you are? I’m in the middle of something. I don’t care who you are, you don’t burst into my office and...


Tomko: Eric, I’m not asking you. I’m TELLING you, because if you don’t give me Triple H next week, I’m going to tear this place apart myself. I don’t care what...


Things soon took a wild turn when Tomko was taken down from behind by Triple H, who had burst into the office himself. The two began to brawl in the middle of the office as officials came in to try to separate the two. McMahon finally snapped as he addressed the two.


McMahon: Break it up, damn it. You two want to beat the hell out of each other? That’s fine by me. But it will happen in four weeks time at The Great American Bash. You can beat the holy hell out of each other. But until then, I’m making the ruling that neither of you can touch each other until your match. I’m not going to allow you to disrupt this show, and I sure as hell am not going to have you beating the crap out of each other in my office. Now get out of my office and go your separate ways. And if you so much as breathe on each other, I’ll cancel the match and the two of you can spend the next 30 days at home, because I’ll suspend the both of you. Now get the hell out of here.


Tomko and Hunter were clearly angry that they couldn’t get their hands on each other, but the two finally calmed themselves down before leaving the office.


Ross: So much for the roster putting their differences aside to face a common enemy. These guys are beating the tar out of each other.


Kennedy: And now they have to keep their distance for an entire month. Honestly, I don’t think they will be able to do it.





Aaron Stevens vs. Matt Hardy


This was the first ever meeting between these two men, and they put on a very good contest, with Stevens being the aggressor, punishing Hardy, who was still taking it easy after only just returning from injury. But that didn’t bother Stevens in the least, attempting to reinjure the neck of Hardy. Hardy did fight his way back in, and a Twist of Fate should have had the match won for him. But McCool was quickly up on the apron to distract Hardy. The distraction was enough, as Stevens nailed a low blow behind the officials back before lifting Hardy up and dropping him with The Hollywood Star. Stevens should have had the match won, but the roar of the crowd alerted him to the arrival of Chavo Guerrero, who charged the ring. Stevens bailed from the ring and headed through the crowd, where Chavo quickly followed. McCool headed straight for the back. The official was given no choice but to count to ten, awarding the contest to Hardy.


Winner (Via Count Out): Matt Hardy


The fans were delighted to see Hardy get the win. But they were willing him to get out when Randy Orton slid into the ring and stalked Hardy, waiting for him to get to his feet. Hardy was up, and Orton struck with an RKO, or so he thought as Hardy reversed it and hit the Twist of Fate on Orton. Hardy then began laying into Orton with right hands. That is until Chris Benoit headed to the ring to the roar of the crowd. Much like Hardy did to him on Smackdown, Benoit threw Hardy to the outside before locking The Legend Killer in the Crossface, causing him to instantly tap out. Officials finally headed out to stop the carnage.


Ross: These officials should be paid overtime with what they have had to deal with tonight. It’s chaos.


Kennedy: I don’t think they understand McMahon's meaning of a truce, Ross.




We return from commercial, where Kennedy and Ross recap what just happened. They also show what was happening backstage, as Chavo Guerrero chased Aaron Stevens through the building all the way to the outside, where Michelle McCool was waiting in the back of a black Stretch Limousine. Stevens practically jumped through the open window of the vehicle before it sped off into the night. As Ross and Kennedy were showing the footage, it quickly cut out and another video aired...


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The cameras cut backstage, where we see a dejected Kurt Angle in the dressing room. His shoulders are slumped and his head hung low as Vince McMahon walks in.


McMahon: Kurt, you have to snap out of this. I’m just as angry as you that they screwed us over. But it’s not over, Kurt. If you win, you bring that World Title home. If you lose, both you and the title go to ECW. So what do we do? We make sure you win. YOU make sure that you win. And that’s not going to happen if you just sit here feeling sorry for yourself. You’re an Olympic gold medallist, damn it. You’re a former World Heavyweight Champion. You’re a former FOUR TIME WWE Champion. And, at the risk of upsetting anybody else, you are the best wrestler in the world today, bar none. You can beat ANYONE on any given day. So I suggest you stand up, get your head in gear, head to the Hammerstein Ballroom and bring that title back where it belongs. Prove why you are the very best, because if you are just going to sit around and stew in your own misery, then quite frankly you deserve everything you get. THAT’s true, that’s DAMN true.


With that McMahon leaves the office, leaving Angle staring intently at the door. Angle then throws his kit bag at the wall before storming out of the locker room.





Chavo Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio


With Aaron Stevens out of the building, Chavo could concentrate on his match with his “familia”, Rey Mysterio. The two hugged before the match, and then the match was on. Both men went all out in this contest and put on a fantastic display. Mysterio was seen as the fan favourite in this contest, which was no surprise considering he was in front of his hometown of San Diego. But the fans were still behind Chavo as he managed to keep up with the faster Mysterio, and a Springboard Hurricanrana attempt by Rey was reversed into a Powerbomb into the turnbuckle and quickly hit with the Three Amigos Suplex, but it only got a two count from the referee. Both men went back and forth, and it was fast paced throughout. Mysterio’s Top Rope Hurricanrana should have put Chavo away, but Guerrero showed his heart and determination by kicking out. Mysterio then had Chavo set up for the 619. But as he came through the ropes, Chavo moved out of the way before connecting with a DDT. Guerrero immediately went up top for the Frog Splash. He pointed to the heavens before coming crashing down. But Rey had it scouted, rolling out of the way before heading to the apron himself and connecting with the Springboard Frog Splash. Rey hooked the leg and picked up the win to the delight of his hometown fans.


Winner: Rey Mysterio


Ross: Oh, what a match. These two put everything they had into this match. And I can almost guarantee a certain someone is looking down proudly on the two men in the ring right now.


Rey helped lift Chavo from the mat as the audience in attendance gave both men a standing ovation. There were clearly tears in the eyes of both men as they hugged in the centre of the ring, “Eddie” chants ringing out through the arena, a truly fitting tribute to their fallen brother. The two men both left the ring together, arms around each other as the crowd continued to show their respect.




Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, at this time may I introduce the WWE Champion, John Cena. Now John...


Cena: Gimme the mike, Coach. You may as well take a rain check, because I got plenty to say. First of all, I wanna address ECW. I’ll be honest, I was a fan back in the day. You guys were different. You were innovative, and no doubt you changed the landscape of the wrestling business. But now, now you’re trying to threaten MY livelihood. And just like you have to fight for what you stand for, I have to fight for what I stand for. And at One Night Stand, I’m walking right into the lion’s den. I’m gonna get verbally ripped apart by a room full of rabid ECW fans baying for my blood. But I can take it. I’ll take whatever they throw at me if it means fighting for what I believe in. Which brings me to Edge. The Rated R Superstar, call him what you will. But it seems that apparently I have to rely on him to watch my back at One Night Stand. Edge, I don’t trust you and I don’t like you. But at One Night Stand, I’ll put differences aside. Because we are going to be stepping into the ring against two of the craziest bastards walking, Mick Foley and Tommy Dreamer. What I did tonight was a little pay back, but on Sunday night, we’re gonna need eyes in the back of our heads for this. So, as much as I hate to say it, I’ll watch your back if you watch mine. But that’s in the future. I have to concentrate on tonight, on my match with JBL. Bradshaw, we have done battle more times than I can remember. We have beaten each other up in arenas up and down the country, on different continents. And tonight we do it one more time. This isn’t for gold, it’s for pride. We...


Cena was cut off with a brutal Spear by Edge, sending Cena down to the concrete floor. Edge then grabbed a nearby chair before beating Cena with it several times across the spine. Happy with the damage he had caused, Edge simply walked away, leaving Cena down in agony.


Kennedy: I guess that’s a “no” from Edge on Cena’s proposal then.


Ross: I just fail to see how these two will coexist at One Night Stand. I really do.




Non-Title Match:


John Bradshaw Layfield vs. John Cena


Cena almost never made it out for his match with JBL after the assault by Edge, but he did manage to drag his way to the ring, where JBL was more than happy to pick up the pieces. The fans were VERY mixed for Cena in San Diego, and JBL seemed to love it as he punished Cena, working on the clearly injured back. Bradshaw wore a smile on his face as he looked to cripple the WWE Champion. But say what you want about Cena, he has more heart than anybody and made a great comeback, fighting his way to his feet and hitting his patented Shoulder Tackles followed by The Five Knuckle Shuffle for a close two count. But JBL was quickly able to take control once again, once again aiming for the back that Edge had softened up for him earlier in the night. Bradshaw was set to finish things off with the Clothesline From Hell, but Cena ducked before lifting Bradshaw up for the F-U. But his back gave way, leaving JBL to connect with the Clothesline, taking Cena almost out of his boots. JBL looked for the cover when suddenly, the infamous gong of The Undertaker sounded, sending the arena into darkness. When the lights returned, Undertaker was stood in the centre of the ring. JBL was literally shaking in the ring, down on his knees, begging Taker to spare him. But the lights went out once again, and when they returned, Undertaker was nowhere to be seen. JBL was shaken up, and the distraction cost him, as he turned straight into Cena, who lifted JBL up and managed to keep him there long enough to hit the F-U. Cena made the cover and somehow got the three count for the victory.


Winner: John Cena


The fans, once again, were very mixed as Cena was announced as the winner. But Cena had literally no time to celebrate, as he was hit by a Tommy Dreamer chair shot from behind. The fans came alive as ECW jumped the rail and began to trash the ringside area before putting the boots to Cena AND JBL. But things took another turn when the locker room emptied out and headed for the ring. There was a standoff as ECW stood in the ring begging WWE to come and fight. Suddenly, Vince McMahon headed out with a mike in hand.


McMahon: Heyman, I’ve had a long, hard think about your proposal earlier tonight. And since I’m pretty sick and tired of you disrupting my shows and jumping my Superstars, I’ve come to a decision. This coming Saturday night on F/X, we WILL be there to face ECW. We WILL be there to prove our dominance. And we WILL be there to kill ECW before it even begins. But I say let’s give these fans a little taster....RIGHT NOW.


That battle cry was the signal, and the WWE Superstars stormed the ring, and the fight was on. The fans were going insane as ECW and WWE beat the holy hell out of each other.


Ross: Is this a sign of things to come this weekend on F/X and on Pay Per View at One Night Stand? This is a Pier six brawl right here.


The show faded out as WWE and ECW continued to beat on each other mercilessly, the fans eating up the carnage.








Dark Match:

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch over Eugene & Val Venis B


Main Show:

Regal & Burchill over The Brooklyn Soldiers B-

Bobby Lashley over Carlito C

Edge over Jimmy Snuka Jr. B-

Matt Hardy over Aaron Stevens via Count Out C+

Rey Mysterio over Chavo Guerrero B-

John Cena over John Bradshaw Layfield B-


Show Rating: B




MichiganHero - 3/6

Jingo - 4/6

The Final Countdown - 4/6

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