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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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Just thought I should update you fine folk to let you know there will be a short hiatus for this diary. It certainly is not dead, however my computer has decided to die on me, so it has been sent to be fixed. So this diary may be gone for a few weeks or even a few months, but I guarentee it will be back at some point. I have too many plans and ideas to let it slip now. SO if there are no updates for a while, you know why. Thanks for all your support. See you on the other side.
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It was a great run when it's lasted jw

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  • 4 weeks later...
As a slightly unstable former WWE Superstar once said "I WILL NOT DIE". My PC is up and running once again and so updates should begin once again within the next week or two :D. Looking forward to getting this thing up and running again, and I hope that you folks will stick with me.
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Location: Minnesota Coliseum (Mid West)

Attendance: 10,000 (SELL OUT)


Announce Team:


Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler




In the Dark Match of the evening, Snuka Jr. defeated Eugene in a good contest after hitting the Snuka Splash for the pinfall victory.




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Ross: We are just 6 days away from what is sure to be an explosive Pay Per View in The Great

American Bash, but tonight we come to you from the Minnesota Coliseum. I’m Jim Ross alongside Jerry “The King” Lawler, and King, what a blockbuster night we have in store.


Lawler: Absolutely, JR. We have Aaron Stevens taking on “The Game” Triple H. We have John Cena stepping up against The Big Show. We have Lita facing Trish Stratus. But the one I’m looking forward to the most is our Main Event; “The Rated R Superstar” Edge going one on one with “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels.


Ross: That one is sure to be a slobber knocker. But we are going to kick things off with the Brooklyn Street Fight for the World Tag Team Championships.




Brooklyn Street Fight for the WWE World Tag Team Championships:



The Brooklyn Soldiers © vs. Charlie Haas and Matt Striker


After weeks of trash talking and sneak attacks, these two teams finally looked to settle their problems in this contest. And the rules were certainly an advantage for the champions, who used every weapon at their disposal. The crowd were actually very much into the contest, and the atmosphere grew when Elijah Burke and Matt Striker began brawling through the jam packed crowd. Meanwhile at ringside, JTG had control of Haas, that is until a Drop Toe Hold sent JTG sailing into the ring steps face first. Haas took the advantage, reaching under the ring and grabbing a trash can, which he crushed into the skull of JTG. Haas rolled JTG into the ring before reaching under the ring again and producing a Stop Sign (just quite how that ended up under there remains a mystery). Haas swung hard at JTG, but he managed to duck before kicking Haas in the gut, taking the weapon and levelling him with the sign. However he only managed a two count. Burke and Striker had finally made their way back to ringside, with Burke busted open from a chair shot from Striker. All four men were finally in the ring, the fans fully behind the Soldiers. The end came when it seemed Haas and Striker were looking to hit JTG with a Double Brainbuster. But Burke managed to save his partner before sending Haas to the outside. This gave JTG enough time to recover and lift Striker onto his shoulders. He was then sent crashing into the mat with a brutal Electric Chair/Cutter Combination. Striker was knocked out cold, and JTG made the easy cover, picking up a well earned victory.


Winners and STILL World Tag Team Champions: The Brooklyn Soldiers


Ross: What a huge win for these two up and comers. They certainly proved that, even at this early stage in their careers, they deserve to be World Tag Team Champions.


Lawler: I agree 100%, they really impressed tonight, and I really look forward to where these two youngsters go next.




Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time; he is “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair. And Ric, despite coming up short in your return last week against Tyson Tomko, you certainly impressed in your match. Now, you asked for this time, so the stage is yours Ric.


Flair: Thank you, Coach. You know there comes a time in a man’s life when he has to come to terms with the fact that maybe, just maybe, he isn’t the man he once was. Last week, I took on an animal in Tyson Tomko. And in all honesty, he beat be from pillar to post. And just a few short months ago, I was put on the shelf by a newcomer in Aaron Stevens. A lot of people have asked me if maybe I wanna get my hands on Stevens, to beat some respect into him. But the honest truth is I don’t. Because that is exactly the kind of confidence and determination you need to make it in this business, and in all honestly that’s exactly the kind of thing I would have done back in the day. So after getting the snot kicked out of me by two young, hungry athletes, maybe it’s time I said that maybe it’s time to slow things down. So at The Great American Bash, I’m going to make an announcement concerning my life, my career. At The Great American Bash, I set the record straight once and for all. Thanks for this time, Coach. Appreciate it.


Ross: I hope to god he isn’t thinking of doing what I think he is.


Lawler: That didn’t sound too good to me, JR. I really hope he’s not honestly thinking of calling it quits.




We cut back to the ring, where Victoria is stood in the centre of the ring, her face contorted with anger as she addressed the Women’s Champion.


Victoria: Mickie, last week you crossed a line that should NEVER be crossed. Last week you stood outside my parents home, matches in hand, and threatened to burn it down to the ground. My parents were inside that house, Mickie. You almost put my family’s life in danger. You crossed the line. You crossed it, and you can never go back. You pissed off the wrong woman. Mickie, I say screw the Great American Bash. Get your ass out here you little bitch, and let’s do this right here, right now.


The fans in attendance were right behind the Number One Contender to the Women’s Championship. Victoria waited impatiently for Mickie to show her face, but she got no reply. Victoria was frustrated to say the least.


Victoria: Mickie, you don’t do what you did and just walk away. So if you’re not gonna come to me, it looks like I’m gonna have to find you myself.


With that, Victoria stomped to the back, looking for retribution on the Women’s Champion.


Ross: Victoria is on the warpath, and who can blame her?


Lawler: Mickie deserves everything that Victoria dishes out to her after what happened last week.





Chavo Guerrero vs. Lance Cade


With Trevor Murdoch at ringside, it seemed that the odds were stacked in Lance Cades favour. But Guerrero’s recent performances, which have been consistently good, countered that and the two men had a tremendous match. Cade’s obvious size advantage gave him the edge in the early going, but “The Latino Warrior” gave as good as he got, making for a fairly even match, and the Three Amigos Suplex was almost enough to put Cade away. Murdoch’s presence at ringside may have actually done more harm than good in the end however, when he attempted to get involved in the contest when he jumped on the apron, looking to distract Guerrero. But as Cade looked to hit Guerrero from behind, Chavo moved sending Cade crashing into his own partner. This gave Guerrero the chance to hit a beautiful Tornado DDT before heading to the top and, pointing to the heavens, came crashing down onto Cade with the Frog Splash. Chavo hooked the leg and picked up the win to the delight of the Minnesota crowd.


Winner: Chavo Guerrero


Ross: Another emphatic victory for “The Latino Warrior”. And that was certainly a message sent directly to “The Idol” Aaron Stevens.


Lawler: Speaking of which, look who’s here.


The crowd showed their disapproval at the arrival of Aaron Stevens’ personal assistant Michelle McCool, who made her way slowly down the ramp, microphone in hand.


McCool: Congratulations, Mr Guerrero. A very impressive victory. But that does not change the fact that in six days, you will become the latest victim of the fastest rising star in the industry today, “The Idol” Aaron Stevens. Mr Stevens would like me to inform you that your quest to become WWE Champion will be shot down when Mr Stevens annihilates you at The Great American Bash. He proved his superiority last week when we beat you and that skank Trish Stratus. And on Sunday, he proves his dominance one more time. And seeing as Mr Stevens is such a giving individual, he would like to share with you just a taste of what you can expect on Sunday.


Chavo looked on at McCool, completely oblivious to the arrival of “The Idol” Aaron Stevens, who had entered the ring from the crowd. Chavo soon became aware when a steel chair was slammed into his spine by “The A-Lister”. The crowd were booing relentlessly at the cowardly Stevens, but he ignored them completely as he beat him down with rights and lefts, Chavo trying his best to cover the blows. With a slightly twisted smile spread across his face, Stevens lifted Guerrero up and set him up for The Hollywood Star (Muscle Buster). But Chavo managed to escape the move and began trading blows with “The Idol”. Chavo whipped him into the ropes, but McCool was there to pull her man out of the ring and up the ramp to safety, much to the disappointment of the Minnesota fans. The crowd were firmly behind “The Latino Warrior” with “Chavo” chants ringing out as he stared down his Great American Bash opponent.


Ross: This one has gotten extremely personal these past couple of weeks, and you can only imagine the carnage that will take place in six days time at The Bash.




We head backstage, where Carlito is sat in the catering area, a concerned look on his face. And he soon had every right to be concerned, as WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon pulled up a chair and sat next to him. McMahon looked far from pleased as he looked at Carlito.


McMahon: So, what do you know?


Carlito: Sorry, I don’t know anything.


McMahon: .... So you are telling me that Shawn Michaels has some masked lunatic everywhere he goes, saving his ass, and you know absolutely nothing about him?


Carlito: I’m sorry...


McMahon: SHUT UP! I picked you for this job because I thought you had the drive, you had the guts. But you’re just like Benjamin. One simple little job, and you screw it up.


Carlito: Look, when I get the chance, I’ll take Michaels out once and for all. But this guy, he just appears from nowhere. What am I supposed to do?


McMahon: I’ll tell you what you’re supposed to do; you DESTROY Shawn Michaels at The Great American Bash. You make sure he never steps foot in a WWE ring again. Because if you don’t, I will make your life a living hell on earth. When I ask someone to do something, I expect it to be done, do you understand me?


Carlito: I understand.


McMahon: Let’s hope so.


With that, McMahon left the area, leaving Carlito to contemplate what was just said.


Ross: Carlito just got read the riot act there by The Chairman of the board.


Lawler: Yeah, but perhaps this may be the motivation Carlito needs to take out The Heartbreak Kid at The Great American Bash.





Lita vs. Trish Stratus

This was one of the better Women’s contests in a while, with both Divas looking to build some momentum on their quest to become Women’s Champion. But after last week’s actions involving Trish, Aaron Stevens and McCool, Stratus seemed the more determined. That determination paid off in the end, and she picked up a hard earned victory after levelling Lita with the Chick Kick for the pinfall.


Winner: Trish Stratus


Lillian Garcia barely got a chance to announce Trish as the victor before Stratus jumped to the outside and grabbed the microphone.


Stratus: McCool, I hope you were watching just now, because your skinny ass is next.


Trish then dropped the mic and stomped up the ramp as the crowd stood and applauded the Canadian Bombshell.


Ross: Trish with very few words, but her message was loud and clear.


Lawler: I think Michelle McCool may have bitten off more than she can chew.




We head backstage, where Victoria is still looking for Women’s Champion Mickie James, searching high and low for her. As she heads towards the Ladies Locker Room, she spots something on the floor that appears to have been torn up. It is only when she picks up the pieces that she realises it is a picture of Victoria standing with her parents, Victoria’s face crossed out with a Sharpie. Victoria’s face was one of pure hatred as she stormed away, continuing her search for the Women’s Champion.


Ross: Mickie is taking this thing way too far.


Lawler: I just feel sorry for Victoria, being put through this torture all because she wants to become Women’s Champion.




Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, I am here backstage with my guest, none other than the WWE Champion John Cena. And John, in just six days you face “The Rated R Superstar” Edge for the title. But Edge has also stated that tonight, he is going to make you an offer you simply cannot refuse. What are your thoughts on what Edge had to say?


Cena: If I’m honest Coach, I don’t have any thoughts on Edge right now. You see, Edge is too wrapped up in this whole thing with Batista over on Smackdown, and that’s going to be his downfall. This thing between me and Edge has gone on for way too long, and it’s time we truly found out who the better man is. But he needs to be 100% focused, and right now he isn’t. But that’s in six days. Tonight my major concern is The Big Show; a seven foot tall, 450 plus pound giant ready to crush me the second I step through those ropes. But once again, he seems too concerned with a certain big red monster, and tonight, that will be HIS downfall. No matter what people think of me, they know that I’m gonna give it 100% inside that ring, and I expect my opponent to give the same. So it starts with The Big Show tonight, and it ends with me walking away from The Great American Bash STILL WWE Champion. Now if you’ll excuse me Coach, I got a match to prepare for.


Ross: Cena looking very confident here tonight.


Lawler: Maybe a little overconfident JR. Trust me, Edge’s major goal is to become WWE Champion for a second time. I guarantee he is 100% focused on John Cena and The Great American Bash in six days.


After Cena stormed away, Coachman spotted JTG and Elijah Burke, The Brooklyn Soldiers, heading for the parking lot, their titles draped across their shoulders.


Coachman: Gentlemen, could I just get a moment of your time?


Burke: No problem, brother. But make it quick, me and JTG have some celebrating to do with some of Minnesota’s finest, if you catch my drift.


Coachman: Well first of all congratulations on retaining your titles tonight. I guess I have to ask; what’s next for The Brooklyn Soldiers?


JTG: You know how we do, playboy. We just gonna keep on rollin’, taking on all comers and making sure these fine belts stay wrapped around these fine waists.


Burke: Nobody expected The Soldiers to do what we’ve done in such a short period of time. Just two punk kids from Brooklyn, walking into the biggest Sports Entertainment Company in the world, acting like big shots, like they deserve their spot. But we have proved that we belong, and we will continue to earn our place in the jungle that is World Wrestling Entertainment. We have a long...


The mood was soured almost instantly when the World Tag Team Champions were jumped by Charlie Haas and Matt Striker, and the two put a severe beating on The Soldiers. Burke was thrown into a solid wall head first, knocking him out cold. This gave Haas a chance to lock JTG in the Haas of Pain on the concrete, JTG screaming in pain as Striker yelled in his face. Finally, officials rushed the scene to break things up, but the damage had already been done.


Ross: What a cowardly attack by Haas and Striker. They lost the damn match, it’s over for them.


Lawler: Well by the looks of things, this thing has only just begun.





Aaron Stevens vs. Triple H


If Stevens hadn’t convinced people he was the real deal before, this match went some way to proving that Stevens is one of the hottest young stars in the WWE as he gave “The Game” one hell of a fight. However, a lot of that was down to some very cheap tactics on the part of “The Idol”. But, with his huge match against Tomko just around the corner, Triple H was as focused as ever, and he took the fight right back to Stevens. Stevens came very close to picking up a HUGE upset after drilling “The Game” with a big Superplex from the top rope, but Hunter managed to get his shoulder up after a LONG two count. But after several more minutes of back and forth action, Triple H finally managed to connect with a kick to the gut before dropping Stevens with a Pedigree. Hunter made the cover and went for the pinfall, but the count was thwarted when Michelle McCool put her mans foot on the rope at two and a half. “The Game” was livid, and his anger cost him as Stevens delivered a low blow and dropped Triple H with an Implant DDT. Stevens signalled for The Hollywood Star, but he was soon distracted when he saw Chavo Guerrero, with Michelle McCool over his shoulder, heading back up the ramp. Stevens was yelling for Guerrero to return, but the distraction was enough for Triple H to spin his opponent around and deliver yet another Pedigree, this time hooking the leg and finally getting the pinfall victory.


Winner: Triple H


Ross: What a match we just witnessed, but where in god’s name has Chavo taken “The Idol’s” P.A?


Lawler: I have no idea, but still, let’s not take away the fact that” The Game” just pulled off an impressive victory... hold on a second.


JR and “The King” were cut off when they saw none other than Tyson Tomko stroll down the ramp, a smile spread across his face. Triple H had spotted him instantly, his face turning a bright shade of red as Tomko stepped through the ropes. “The Problem Solver” wasted no time in getting right in Hunter’s face, knowing full well that “The Game” couldn’t touch him until their battle at The Bash. Tomko was taunting Hunter, asking him to take his best shot. It was clear that it was taking Hunter all his strength not to lash out, but he managed to compose himself. That’s when, in a total lack of respect, Tomko spat right in the face of “The Cerebral Assassin”. The crowd were shocked by this blatant slap in the face of Triple H, and Hunter was close to boiling point, getting nose to nose with Tomko. Tyson was literally laughing in his face, but Hunter wasn’t going to play his games and eventually left the ring, Tomko chuckling to himself the entire time.


Ross: What a disgrace, a total lack of respect shown by Tyson Tomko.


Lawler: He may be made to pay for that in six days at The Bash.




We come back from a quick commercial break, where we see The Big Show walking through the corridors, heading towards the ring for his showdown with WWE Champion John Cena. Suddenly the lights went out completely before a dark red light illuminated the corridor. The Big Show was unsure whether to scream or run, the panic etched on his face as he continued his walk towards the ring.




Non-Title Match:


John Cena vs. The Big Show


Cena’s declaration that The Big Show wasn’t focused earlier in the evening was right on the money as it seemed “The Largest Athlete in The World” had his mind on other things, and the WWE Champion took advantage of this, picking apart The Big Show. That’s not to say that Show didn’t get some offence in, and he almost had Cena beat at one point after looking for the Chokeslam. But Cena somehow battled out of it before using every ounce of strength he had to get the giant on his shoulders and drive him to the mat with an F-U. Cena made the cover and gained the convincing victory over his much larger opponent.


Winner: John Cena


Ross: Will this be the scene in six days time at The Great American Bash, or will Edge be the man to finally end Cena’s title reign?


The camera cuts backstage to see “The Rated R Superstar” Edge, who was watching the contest on a monitor in the locker room, a smug look on his face. Edge left the room, but was immediately confronted by Jonathan Coachman, microphone in hand.


Edge: What the hell is wrong with you, you trying to give me a heart attack?


Coachman: My apologies, Edge. I just wanted to get a quick word with you concerning your words for John Cena last week, in which you stated that you were going to make him an offer tonight. Would you care to elaborate on that?


Edge: No, no I wouldn’t care to elaborate. Who do you think you are, Larry King? You’ll find out when the rest of the world finds out.


Coachman: Well, could you at least tell us if it concerns your match at The Great American Bash for the WWE Championship?


Edge: Here’s some advice; if you ever want J.R’s job when he retires, you’re gonna have to do a hell of a lot better than this. Now you’re starting to get on my last nerve, so I suggest you get that microphone out of my face before it’s stuck permanently up your ass.


Edge then stormed away, leaving Coach alone to contemplate his words. But he wasn’t alone for long as he spotted Chavo Guerrero and decided to attempt to get a few words.


Coachman: Chavo, could I just ask; where is Michelle McCool?


Guerrero: Don’t worry, Coach. Unlike the so called “Idol”, I would never dream of striking a woman like he did to Trish last week. McCool is safe, don’t worry. But you Stevens, you’re FAR from safe. You talk about crushing my chances of becoming WWE Champion, but you need to realise something; NOTHING is going to stop me from becoming WWE Champion. You’re just a slight bump in the road, a minor blip. My quest, my goal is to become WWE Champion by any means necessary. Lie, cheat and steal Coach, whatever it takes. And if that means taking out the so called “Brightest young star in the business” then so be it. Stevens, this Sunday your star gets snuffed out, permanently.





Edge vs. Shawn Michaels


Awesome; possibly the only way to describe this Raw Main Event between two of the very best the WWE has to offer. If Edge’s mind was elsewhere as Cena suggested, he was hiding it well, and he was in control of the contest in the early stages, at times OUTWRESTLING “The Heartbreak Kid”. Michaels was kept grounded by “The Rated R Superstar” in the early going, targeting the legs of Michaels. But HBK’s experience shone through, and he fought back valiantly, almost connecting with Sweet Chin Music early on, but Edge bailed to the outside. But he wasn’t alone on the outside for long, as Michaels came hurtling towards him with a Slingshot Cross Body over the top and landing hard on Edge. The two continued to brawl on the outside for a while, and Edge looked to nail a Spear on HBK, but he side stepped the move, sending Edge crashing into the security barrier. The two eventually made it back into the ring, where the match was even throughout. Edge did eventually hit Michaels with a brutal Spear, but HBK somehow managed to get his foot on the rope, infuriating Edge. The crowd were on their feet as the action continued, and another attempted Spear was reversed into a Flying Forearm by HBK. Michaels then headed up top and dropped a picture perfect Elbow onto Edge. The crowd were now whipped into a frenzy as Michaels tuned up the band, looking for Sweet Chin Music. But he stopped in his tracks as he watched Carlito run down towards the ring. But Michaels had no reason to worry, as from seemingly nowhere came the masked man who has been saving HBK at every turn. Carlito quickly put on the brakes and headed back up the ramp, the masked man looking at the retreating Intercontinental champion. Michaels watched what was unfolding on the outside, and he was completely unaware of Edge, who hit another sickening Spear as HBK turned around. Edge made the cover and the official counted to three, awarding the victory to “The Rated R Superstar”.


Winner: Edge


Michaels rolled out of the ring, clearly in pain. However, his masked saviour was nowhere to be seen, disappearing into the crowd once again. Edge grabbed the mic from Lillian Garcia at ringside.


Edge: Well, it seems everybody wants to know what my big announcement is. Everyone has been stopping me on the street, calling, e-mailing, wanting to know what my offer is to John Cena. Well, maybe now is as good a time as any. So Cena, I’m calling you out right now.


Several seconds passed before finally “My Time is Now” hit, and out stepped the WWE Champion John Cena, microphone in hand. Cena stayed on the entrance ramp as he addressed his opponent for The Bash.


Cena: You got something to say, spit it out.


Edge: Yeah, I got something to say, because this thing has gone on long enough. I’m tired of it, Cena. I beat you for that title in January, and we both know that I was SCREWED out of that belt at The Royal Rumble. If it wasn’t for that fat piece of trash Mick Foley, I’d be wearing the gold right now. Six months is a long time in this business, Cena. So I think it’s time we settled it once and for all.


Cena: I agree, and in six days, we’re...


Edge: SHUT UP. I’m not finished. I’m almost at breaking point, John. You need to understand that I NEED to beat you, Cena. I NEED that title around my waist. I tasted it once, and it tasted good. And if I don’t have it around my waist, I feel empty inside. So I have a proposition for you. And if you’re a smart man, you’ll take it.


Cena: I’m listening.


Edge: Cena, here’s what I’m proposing; in six days at The Great American Bash, me and you battle for The WWE Championship. But if I lose, I will officially retire from the WWE. No more Raw, no more Smackdown, nothing. I’m gone, finished.


The crowd explode at the thought of finally seeing the back of “The Rated R Superstar”. Cena’s smile seemed to show that he saw it as a good idea as well.


Cena: You know what, that sounds good to me, Edge. But I’ve known you long enough to know you’ve got something up your sleeve. So what about if you win, what then?


Edge: If I win at The Great American, you waive your right to a rematch and you never, EVER get a shot at this title as long as I am champion.


The crowd (the majority of them anyway) were less receptive to this part of the deal. Cena looked out into the Minnesota fans before finally giving Edge his answer.


Cena: I don’t know what games you’re playing Edge, and quite frankly I don’t care. But if there’s one thing you need to know, it’s that I will stop at NOTHING to keep a hold of this belt, so if that’s what you want then I ACCEPT. Enjoy this moment, Edge. Enjoy it because this will be the very LAST time that “The Rated R Superstar” is on Monday Night Raw.


The crowd exploded as Cena’s music hit once again and the two exchanged glances, Cena holding his title high in the air.


Ross: Who will walk away with the WWE Championship this Sunday at The Great American Bash? Is this the last time we see John Cena as WWE Champion, or will this be the very last time we see Edge on Monday Night Raw?


The show faded to black with both men still staring a hole through each other, both clearly ready for their showdown in just six days.








Dark Match:

Snuka Jr. over Eugene C+


Main Show:

Brooklyn Soldiers over Charlie Haas & Matt Striker to retain World Tag Team Titles D+

Chavo Guerrero over Lance Cade B

Trish Stratus over Lita C

Triple H over Aaron Stevens B

John Cena over The Big Show B-

Edge over Shawn Michaels A


Show Rating: B-



The Final Countdown - 6/6 (Total Score= 30)

pauls07 - 5/6 (Total Score= 29)

Jingo - 4/6 (Total Score= 20)

Gouge - 5/6 (Total Score= 5)

Mattitude90 - 5/6 (Total Score= 5)

mobbdeep455 - 6/6 (Total Score= 6)


Doe-Bomb - N/A (Total Score= 11)

^{-kelly-kelly-}^ - N/A (Total Score: 11)

totti - N/A (Total Score= 10)

Scotland - N/A (Total Score: 8)

Kijar - N/A (Total Score= 4)

Hartattack - N/A (Total Score: 4)

The Celt - N/A (Total Score= 4)

Mattitude V2 - N/A (Total Score= 3)

TracyBrooksFan - N/A (Total Score: 3)

BoomKing - N/A (Total Score= 2)

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<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/Kane2.jpg" ALIGN="left">



The news filtering in to us here at wrestlexperts.com is that Kane's return to the WWE is imminent. According to sources close to the company, "The Big Red Monster" could return as soon as this Sunday at The Great American Bash. It is believed that he will return with a slightly altered look to try and freshen his character up, which had become quite stale over the past 12 months.


<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/BryanDanielson.jpg"ALIGN="left">



It seems that management are looking to make a big deal of new signing Bryan Danielson. The plan as it stands is for Danielson to début on ECW, as they look to make "The Land of Extreme" a true alternative to Raw and Smackdown. The announcement of his début could be revealed as early as this Thursday night on ECW on F/X. It seems that WWE are trying to draw in the so called "Smart Marks" to the ECW product with the signing of Danielson, and it seems as if they are looking to push "The American Dragon" hard. How long this push will last remains to be seen.


<IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/JTG2.jpg"ALIGN="left"><IMG SRC="http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/ElijahBurke7.jpg"ALIGN="left">



It seems that the team of JTG and Elijah Burke, The Brooklyn Soldiers, have impressed many folks within management since their début back in April, including the chairman himself, Vince McMahon. Vince is said to be especially impressed with not only their in ring work, but their promo work as well. The only problem management see is that their is an obvious lack of competition on the Raw brand compared to Smackdown. But this problem is being worked on, and they hope that the Tag Team Division will flourish on Raw within the next six months.


---Other News---


McMahon/Raven backstage confrontation?

Booker T blasts McMahon and company?

ECW TV Title Tournament hits another roadblock?

Jim Neidhart wins annual "Beard of the Year" Award?

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Once again The Hammerstein Ballroom in New York plays host to ECW on F/X. And what a Main Event we have in store, as two best friends collide in Non-Title action when Rob Van Dam takes on Sabu. But will Rhino make his presence felt once again? Also, The Television Title Tournament rolls on with two more First Round matches. Ken Doane will look to advance as he takes on Yoshihiro Tajiri. And, despite numerous warnings by Paul Heyman, ECW Co-Owner Tommy Dreamer has entered himself into the tournament as he takes on newcomer Brent Albright. And in what many would call a dream match-up, "The Gold Standard" Shelton Benjamin squares off against former ECW Champion Jerry Lynn, but with Benjamin hungry for ECW gold, and Lynn tied up with his own problems in the form of Steve Corino and his new henchman Luther, will it all be too much for Lynn?


Also, The Impact Players will be in action against Richards and Nova, and so will Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle, who is sure to take out all his frustration on Balls Mahoney as he continues his hunt for Raven. Plus we will have more news on the recently announced Heatwave Pay Per View in August. All this and much more this Thursday, tune in to ECW on F/X.


Quick Picks:


Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu


Television Title Tournament First Round:

Brent Albright vs. Tommy Dreamer


Television Title Tournament First Round:

Ken Doane vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


Balls Mahoney vs. Kurt Angle


Jerry Lynn vs. Shelton Benjamin


The Originals vs. The Impact Players

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Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu


Television Title Tournament First Round:

Brent Albright vs. Tommy Dreamer


Television Title Tournament First Round:

Ken Doane vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


Balls Mahoney vs. Kurt Angle


Jerry Lynn vs. Shelton Benjamin


The Originals vs. The Impact Players

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Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu


Television Title Tournament First Round:

Brent Albright vs. Tommy Dreamer


Television Title Tournament First Round:

Ken Doane vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


Balls Mahoney vs. Kurt Angle


Jerry Lynn vs. Shelton Benjamin


The Originals vs. The Impact Players

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Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu


Television Title Tournament First Round:

Brent Albright vs. Tommy Dreamer


Television Title Tournament First Round:

Ken Doane vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


Balls Mahoney vs. Kurt Angle


Jerry Lynn vs. Shelton Benjamin


The Originals vs. The Impact Players

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Non-Title Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu


Television Title Tournament First Round:

Brent Albright vs. Tommy Dreamer


Television Title Tournament First Round:

Ken Doane vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


Balls Mahoney vs. Kurt Angle


Jerry Lynn vs. Shelton Benjamin


The Originals vs. The Impact Players

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Location: Hammerstein Ballroom (Tri State)

Attendance: 5,000 (SELL OUT)

Announce Team:


Joey Styles and Taz




In the dark match of the evening, Gregory Helms pulled out a hard fought victory over Masato Tanaka after hitting a Shining Wizard for the pinfall.




<object width="300" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRDQBVebQ4Y?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRDQBVebQ4Y?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="250"></embed></object>


Styles: The Hammerstein Ballroom in New York plays host once again to ECW on F/X. I’m Joey Styles, alongside my good friend and colleague, former TWO TIME ECW Champion Taz. And tonight looks like it’s going to be a night of total nonstop action.


Taz: Are you trying to get us sued, Joey? Anyhow I gotta agree with you, with two more Television Title Tournament matches, as well as our Main Event pitting ECW World Champion Rob Van Dam against his good friend Sabu, tonight is going to be off the hook.


Styles: Indeed it is, and I’m just getting word that somebody has just arrived in the building. Can we get a camera backstage?


The cameras do go to the back, and the crowd come alive as ECW Co-Owner MICK FOLEY has arrived in the building, his first appearance since his violent brawl at One Night Stand. Several staff members shake his hand as he makes his way into the building.




ECW Television Title Tournament Match Round 1:



Ken Doane vs. Yoshihiro Tajiri


The brash Doane was looking extremely confident going into this contest, and his confidence shone through in the early going, keeping The Japanese Buzzsaw grounded. But the experience of Tajiri soon surfaced, and he made a brave comeback, getting back to a vertical base before decimating Doane with a flurry of strikes and kicks, following up with a Handspring Elbow for a close two count. Tajiri was feeding off the crowd, and he looked to lock Doane in the Tarantula, but Doane managed to escape the hold and hit a stiff, brutal kick to the head of Tajiri, almost knocking him out. Doane dragged him to the centre of the ring before heading to the top rope. Doane looked out into the crowd before coming off the top with the Top Rope Legdrop...but Tajiri rolled out of the way. Doane was in considerable pain, and was completely unprepared for the vicious Buzzsaw Kick delivered by Tajiri. Tajiri hooked the leg and the official counted the three, awarding the victory, and a slot in the Quarter Finals of the tournament, to “The Japanese Buzzsaw”.


Winner: Yoshihiro Tajiri


The fans were on their feet as Tajiri’s hand was raised in victory. Ken Doane had a look of bewilderment on his face as he came to, surprised that he was defeated. The shock soon turned to anger as he attacked Tajiri from behind, putting the boots to The Japanese Buzzsaw. But Tajiri was saved when his tag team partner Mikey Whipwreck came out to the ring. Doane quickly bailed and headed to the back, kicking the guardrails as he left. The crowd once again showed their support as Whipwreck raised Tajiri’s hand high in the air.


Styles: Congratulations to Tajiri here tonight, but you have to wonder about the mindset that has put the young Ken Doane in.


Taz: Well, Doane says that he is the future of ECW, but he just got schooled by the old guard of Extreme Championship Wrestling.




The cameras quickly cut backstage, where once again Sabu is being held back by a wall of security, as well as his manager Bill Alfonso, as he tries to get his hands on “The Gold Standard” Shelton Benjamin. Benjamin can clearly be heard yelling at security to “keep that maniac away from me”. Francine is cowering behind her man as security struggle to restrain the Homicidal, Suicidal Maniac.


Taz: Just what is it gonna take for Sabu to leave Benjamin alone? Sabu is like a man possessed.


Styles: Benjamin has beaten Sabu twice already here in ECW, but Sabu clearly feels he can beat “The Gold Standard”.




The cameras cut to the Locker Rooms of The Hammerstein Ballroom, where we see Kurt Angle sat lacing his boots as he prepares to cut a promo.


Angle: I had it all. I had everything a man could dream of. I had money. I had fame. I had the comfort of knowing that I was the biggest star for the greatest professional wrestling company in the world. I had EVERYTHING. I wanted for nothing, whatever I wanted, I GOT. Life was good. But you took it away from me, Raven. You took everything from me and now, now I’m wrestling for a lying scumbag in some run down building in New York, in front of a bunch of drunk no hopers whose only pleasure in life is chanting the initials “ECW”. These people, this company, wouldn’t know talent if you shoved it up their ass. They cheer for you, Raven. They idolize you. They treat you like the second coming. But I know what you are, Raven; you’re a coward. For weeks, WEEKS, I have called you out, begged you to step in the ring with me. And every time, you hide behind those people in the crowd, your arms stretched wide, trying to play mind games with me. I beat the hell out of that punk Brent Albright, I slapped the pi$$ out of Tommy Dreamer, and tonight, I’m going to destroy the fat piece of crap Balls Mahoney. And Raven, if I have to cripple every single member of this “roster” to get to you, I’ll do it. You can’t get into my head, Raven. You CAN NOT intimidate me. Raven, you can’t hide behind those people forever. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to look me dead in the eye. And when you do, as God as my witness, the legend of Raven will be buried in the centre of the ring at the hands of Kurt Angle. It’s true...it’s DAMN true.


Styles: Kurt Angle, quite frankly, scares the hell out of me. And I still have to question whether or not it was a good idea to bring him to ECW in the first place.


Taz: I don’t know, Joey. But what I do know is that, despite what Angle says, I think Raven has already gotten into Angle’s head. Angle seems a little..... unstable.




We cut back to the ring, where Lance Storm and Justin Credible, The Impact Players, are stood as they get set for their match with The Originals, Stevie Richards and Nova. But before they begin, Justin Credible grabs a microphone and addresses the audience.


Credible: You know, for the past several weeks, The Impact Players have been doing pretty damn good in ECW, but there’s been something missing. I really couldn’t put my finger on it. I kept racking my brain, trying to think which part of the puzzle was missing. And then my buddy Lance here pointed it out to me, and in the end it was obvious what was missing. Or better yet, it was obvious WHO was missing. So what I suggest all you pieces of crap do is shut up, get on your feet and welcome back....Dawn Marie!




Despite not exactly being fan favourites, the crowd came to their feet at the mention of Dawn Marie as she made her way to the ring, hoping that the camera would catch her good side. Dawn stepped through the ropes and immediately embraced Storm, who had a smile from ear to ear.


Taz: That lucky son of a.... how the hell can I find a chick like that?


Styles: I think they may be few and far between in Brooklyn. Anyhow, I think every male heart just skipped a beat after witnessing the return of Dawn Marie to ECW.




The Impact Players vs. The Originals


This was a decent tag team contest, with both teams getting a decent amount of offense in. The Originals were clearly the favourites, but simply the presence of Dawn Marie gave the Impact Players a more focused, vicious edge. During the contest, the team of Doug and Danny Basham came out and stood at the entrance, watching the action. After several minutes, Lance Storm picked up the win after making Nova tap to the Single Leg Boston Crab.


Winners: The Impact Players


Styles: Well, another victory for Lance Storm and Justin Credible, and it looks like once again, their biggest fans are there to congratulate them.


The crowd showed their displeasure as Doug and Danny Basham mockingly applauded the Impact Players as Storm and Credible looked on. Dawn however was much too busy fixing her make up in the lens of a camera.




A video is played for the fans in the Hammerstein, as well as to the millions watching at home...


<object width="300" height="250"><param name="movie" value="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEuVyu7hLWI?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEuVyu7hLWI?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" height="250"></embed></object>




We get a shot backstage, where “The Innovator of Violence” Tommy Dreamer is preparing for his Television Title Tournament Match with Brent Albright. Tommy quickly gets to his feet however when Mick Foley walks through the door. The two men embrace, the respect between the two clearly visible.


Dreamer: How’s it going, you feeling any better?


Foley: Well, I don’t think I could have felt any worse after One Night Stand, but I’m feeling as well as can be expected.


Dreamer: That’s good, man. So, what’s up?


Foley: Well..... You know, we’ve been friends for a long time, Tommy. And you know that I would only look out for your best interests....


Dreamer: Let me stop you there, Mick. I know what you’re gonna say. Paul gave me the same lecture last week. So I’ll tell you what I told him. I’m still going to enter this tournament whether I’m an Owner of this company or not. I’m a wrestler first, an owner second. That’s just the way it is. If some people see it as ‘abuse of power’ then it’s their right to feel that way. But that’s their problem, not mine. This is what I do, Mick. I can’t do anything else. I can’t sit behind a desk, shuffling papers in a bad suit, throwing orders around. I’ll help out where I need to, but I’ll leave that kind of thing to you and Paul. I’m a professional wrestler. And that’s what I do. I realise your concern, Mick. But really, you don’t need to worry. I can handle it.


Foley: Tommy, you know this will only end one way. You can’t be an owner AND an in ring competitor. Sooner or later you’re going to have to choose. I just don’t want you to do something you will regret.


Dreamer: Mick, I won’t regret it. Just have a little faith. Look, I gotta go. We’ll catch up later.


Foley: Sure thing.


The two embraced once more before Dreamer left, but the look on Foley’s face was one of sorrow and concern.


Styles: Well, like it or not, Tommy Dreamer will compete in the Television Title Tournament later on tonight, much to the chagrin of Mick Foley and Paul Heyman.


Taz: Well, I can understand Foley’s concern, but as Tommy has stated, wrestling is in his blood. It’s what he does. I don’t think anyone is going to change his mind.





Jerry Lynn vs. Shelton Benjamin


Benjamin has spent his time on ECW trying to convince the world he was next in line to become ECW Champion. But since his arrival, he has had Sabu breathing down his neck. And this clearly had him on edge, as he was dominated in the early going by the veteran Lynn, who even at the age of 47 was still flying around the ring, holding his own with the younger Benjamin. Benjamin was unable to fight his way into the match, and he was almost handed a shock defeat when Lynn nailed a Hurricanrana from the top rope for a VERY close two count. Benjamin was quick to capitalize on a mistake however when he side stepped an attempted Springboard Drop Kick by Lynn. Benjamin then took control, and came close to victory with a violent Superkick to the jaw, but Jerry somehow got his foot on the ropes. Benjamin was looking to fish Lynn off, but he was distracted when he saw Sabu heading to the ring, surrounded by security, who were trying to hold him back. The distraction was enough to allow Lynn to get to his feet and deliver the Cradle Piledriver. But Lynn had problems of his own, as through the crowd came “The King of Old School” Steve Corino, who jumped on the apron, distracting the official. Lynn was so fixated on Corino, he didn’t notice the monster Luther, who entered the ring and nailed a Rolling Cutter on Lynn. Both Corino and Luther exited the ring and stood on the outside, allowing Benjamin to go for the cover and gain the victory to the annoyance of the fans in the Hammerstein Ballroom.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin


Styles: A cheap victory for “The Gold Standard” here tonight, and he has Corino and his henchman to thank for that.


Taz: A wins a win in ECW, but I fear for Jerry Lynn more than anything. It looks like he might be in trouble.


Taz was right to be worried, as Corino and Luther entered the ring. With Corino directing traffic, Luther began to pound on Jerry Lynn, throwing him across the ring like a rag doll. Luther held Lynn up, and Corino charged, laying him out with an Old School Lariat. Corino grabbed a chair from the outside and bought it back into the ring. Luther once again held Lynn up for Corino. But before “The King of Old School” could take a swing, Lynn was saved when Masato Tanaka, Steve Corino’s opponent in the Quarter Finals of the TV Title Tournament, charged for the ring. Corino quickly bailed, leaving Luther staring down the huge Luther. Luther picked up the chair and slammed it HARD across the skull of Tanaka, but he would not go down. He swung again, but still Tanaka shrugged it off. The crowd were electric, but Luther decided to quit whilst he could, and he headed to the back with Corino, leaving Tanaka to check on the fallen Jerry Lynn.




We get a shot backstage of “The Man Beast” Rhino walking through the corridors, still dressed in his street gear, when he is approached by ECW Co-Owner Paul Heyman. The two have an intense stare down before Heyman finally speaks.


Heyman: So what the hell is your problem?


Rhino: You know exactly what my problem is.


Heyman: No actually I don’t...


Rhino: DON’T BULL**** ME, PAUL. Don’t you DARE bull**** me. You know what my problem is. That ECW Championship is mine. I never lost it. And now you don’t even have the common decency to give me a title shot. It’s MY title, Paul. MINE.


Heyman: And you think beating up wrestlers, beating on Dreamer, you think that’s gonna help your cause? If you had a problem then you bring it to management and we try to come to some sort of compromise. Against my better judgement, I’ve already entered you into the Television Title Tournament next week. Right now that’s the best I can do. But I’ll talk with Mick and Tommy, and if they agree, then you’ll get your title shot at a later date. But you have to be patient.


Rhino: I ran out of patience a long time ago, Paul.


Heyman: Well, you don’t have much of a choice, Rhino. You have to do things by the book. But I’m asking you tonight, stay away from ringside during RVD’s match tonight. We don’t need any more upset. I need your word that you won’t get involved tonight.


Rhino: My word? You want my word? When has YOUR word ever meant ****? You want to keep me away from ringside? Then you try and stop me Paul.


With that, Rhino stormed out of shot, leaving Heyman more than a little frustrated.


Styles: I think it’s going to be hard to tame “The Man Beast” Rhino tonight.


Taz: Rhino is ****ed off to say the least, and I can’t say I blame him.




ECW Television Title Tournament Match Round 1:



Brent Albright vs. Tommy Dreamer


Both men shook hands prior to this bout, a real show of respect from Albright towards Dreamer. But that’s where the niceties ended as the two tore into each other in a very physical contest. The match soon spilled to the outside, where the two used everything at their disposal. Dreamer swung hard with a steel chair, but Albright ducked and the chair slammed into the ring post. Albright capitalized on the mistake and hit a Flapjack onto the steel steps, dazing “The Innovator of Violence”. The two finally got themselves back into the ring, where Albright displayed his impressive mat skills, keeping Dreamer grounded with a number of submission manoeuvres, aimed in particular at the left arm of Dreamer. Dreamer was clearly in pain with his arm, but Albright kept on him. Albright was close to gaining victory after a superb Bridging German Suplex, but Dreamer got his shoulder up at two. The finish came when Albright went to hit a Half Nelson Suplex onto a steel chair that had been bought in earlier in the match, but Dreamer managed to fight out of it with elbows to the face before dropping Albright with a DDT onto the chair. Dreamer made the cover and the official started to count the fall, but he was pulled out at two and a half before being knocked out with a right hand. The crowd were in shock, as was Dreamer, at the actions of MICK FOLEY! Dreamer was asking Foley just what he was thinking of, but Foley couldn’t even look him in the eye, looking down at the floor, clearly ashamed of what he had just done. Albright wasn’t going to let the opportunity slip however, and he quickly locked Dreamer in the Fujiwara Arm Bar, which he calls the Crowbar. Dreamer was in agony as Foley entered the ring. Dreamer finally had no choice but to tap, and Foley called for the bell, handing the shocking victory to Brent Albright.


Winner: Brent Albright


Styles:.....what did we just witness?


Taz: I don’t know, Joey. I’m in shock. Why would Mick do that?


Foley immediately left the ring and headed to the back, the boos ringing out as the fans directed their anger towards Foley. Albright was clearly happy, but also very confused as he tried to help Dreamer to his feet, trying to explain that he didn’t have any part in what happened. But Dreamer wasn’t interested, and a right hand sent Albright down. Dreamer left the ring and headed to the back, the rage in his eyes evident for all to see.




Following a commercial break, we get a shot backstage, where Dreamer is turning the building upside down on his search for Foley. He is quickly approached by Paul Heyman, who has a number of officials and Road Agents on hand to help calm “The Innovator of Violence”.


Dreamer: Where is he, Paul?


Heyman: He left a few seconds ago. He just stormed right past me, jumped in his car and left.


Dreamer: Where you in on it?


Heyman: Excuse me?


Dreamer: Don’t play dumb with me, Paul. I know you too well for this crap. You were always against me being in that tournament. So what happened, did you get in Mick’s ear, get him to cost me the match?


Heyman: Tommy, there is no way I had anything to do with this. Sure, I didn’t approve, but I wasn’t going to sell you out. It was your choice, and I had no option but to respect it. This is Mick’s work, not mine. I promise you.


Dreamer: I wish I could believe you, Paul. But I’ve known you for 15 years. Your promises don’t really mean much anymore. I’ll get to the bottom of this. And if I find out you have anything to do with this, I swear to god I will kick the **** out of you.


Dreamer stormed away as the officials and Road Agents looked quizzically at each other, Heyman with a face filled with sorrow at what he just witnessed.


Styles: Well, Heyman has been known to stretch the truth on occasion...


Taz: That’s an understatement.


Styles:.....but I have to say I genuinely believe that he had nothing to do with what just happened.




“We Gave It Hell” by 36 Crazyfists blasts over the P.A, and to the jeers of the fans, out steps “God’s Gift to Wrestling” Gregory Helms. Helms marched his way to the ring, a swagger in his step, before grabbing a microphone and entering the squared circle, the boos still surrounding him.


Helms: That’s it, let it all out folks. Give me everything you got, because none of it even matters. Last week, I busted up your “Hardcore Icon” The Sandman. I left him lying in his own blood. You see, I’m not one to deny somebody there time in the spotlight. I’ll always give credit where it’s due. And the truth is The Sandman beat me at One Night Stand. His hand was raised and I was left looking up at the lights. But he should have left it at that. He had his moment; he should have just enjoyed it. But he stuck his nose in where it wasn’t wanted. So I took matters into my own hands. I played him at his own game and I wrapped that Singapore Cane around his skull and I made him taste his own blood. He found out that “God’s Gift to Wrestling” isn’t just a pretty catchphrase, it’s the truth. And now that his drunken ass is out of the picture, I can concentrate on the future. In two weeks time, I show the world what the future holds when I beat that snot nosed runt Mikey Whipwreck and advance in the Television Title Tournament. I mean think about it; that nobody was once the holder of the ECW World Championship. If that’s the kind of competition you have to beat around here to become a champion, then I’ll be holding every title in this company before you know it. I am going to prove to the world...


Helms was abruptly stopped in his tracks when the opening chords of “Enter Sandman” by Metallica hit, and the roof almost blew off The Hammerstein Ballroom. The fans went crazy as Sandman came through the crowd, Singapore Cane in hand. He didn’t even take his usual beer stop on the way as he headed straight for the ring. Helms was clearly nervous, but he was prepared as Sandman jumped into the ring, and Helms immediately met him with boots to the head and back. But Sandman quickly fought himself to his feet before whipping Helms into the ropes. Sandman then swung wildly at Helms, looking to knock his head clean off his shoulders with the cane, but “God’s Gift to Wrestling” quickly bailed and ran to the back. But Sandman was hot on his tail and gave chase, the crowd firmly behind “The Hardcore Icon”.





Balls Mahoney vs. Kurt Angle


Balls Mahoney is as tough as they come, and can hang with just about anyone. But on this night, Kurt Angle was simply too much for him. Mahoney did get a few shots in on the Olympic Gold Medallist, but with Angle in the foul mood he has been in since coming to ECW, he was more than capable of handling the “Chair Swinging Freak”. Angle picked up the submission victory after locking Mahoney in the Ankle Lock, forcing him to tap out.


Winner: Kurt Angle


Angle didn’t really get a chance to hear the jeers that were ringing out before he grabbed a microphone from ringside.


Angle: So when are you gonna be a man, Raven? When are you gonna grow a set and get in this ring? Stop hiding behind these idiots in the crowd. Be a man...


Angle stopped in his tracks when he saw one section of the crowd up on their feet. And there, stood behind them, was Raven, his arms outstretched in his signature pose as the crowd went wild. Angle saw his opportunity and jumped out of the ring and into the crowd. Several members of the audience stood firm in front of Angle, but they were quickly moved by security. By the time Angle had got through the crowd, Raven was nowhere to be seen. Angle was beginning to get more and more unstable as he headed through to the lobby of the arena, looking for Raven, but try as he might, he couldn’t find him. Angle finally snapped, throwing trash cans and smashing up merchandise tables, the anger clear for all to see.


Taz: Angle is losing it, Joey. Raven isn’t gonna be able to hide forever. And the way he’s getting under the skin of Angle, he’s playing a very dangerous game.




Styles: Well ladies and gentlemen; we have a surprise in store for you right now. On the phone from Amarillo, Texas is the one and only “Living Legend” Terry Funk.


Taz: You’re kidding?


Styles: Terry, thank you very much for joining us on the phone. But I guess I have to ask, why exactly are you calling?


Funk: Well Joey, I’ve been watching the show since its return a few weeks ago. And whilst I’m very happy with the way most of the show has progressed, there are some parts, or to be more precise some people, who I’m less than impressed with. And quite frankly I think I need to address it in person. So, seeing as next week will be the final week that ECW on F/X is held in the Hammerstein Ballroom for a while, I think it would be as good a time as ever to show my face and get some answers.


Taz: You’re kidding me? You’re gonna be here next week?


Funk: That I am, Taz. So roll out the red carpet boys.


Styles: Well thank you very much for talking to us, Terry. We look forward to seeing you next week.


Funk: Thank you boys. It’s been a pleasure.




Non-Title Match:



Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu


Despite being the best of friends, there was certainly no holding back from either of these two performers, and the crowd were on their feet for the entire match as they saw two tremendous athletes throw everything at each other. The early going was very evenly matched, with some excellent chain wrestling between the two. But Van Dam quickly took the advantage after Sabu missed an attempted Springboard Leg Lariat and Van Dam immediately hit the Rolling Thunder for a close two count. Van Dam was in control from then on, using his educated feet to keep Sabu on the ground. Van Dam’s attempts almost paid off when he looked to hit a Monkey Flip in the corner, but Sabu managed to sweep the legs of RVD and sent him into the corner with a Slingshot before finally hitting a Springboard Leg Lariat, but he only managed to gain a two count. Bill Alfonso was there to give a helping hand as he handed Sabu a steel chair, and he used the weapon with great expertise, launching the chair into the skull of the ECW World Champion for another close two count. The fight continued back and forth, with both men coming close to gaining the victory, the fans loving every second. The finish finally came when Van Dam was hit with Air Sabu in the corner. Sabu then headed up top, steel chair in hand, and came off the top with an Arabian Facebuster. Unfortunately Van Dam had managed to roll out of the way. With Sabu dazed, Van Dam sat Sabu in the corner and placed the chair over his face before heading to the tope rope in the opposite corner and, pointing his thumbs at himself, leapt across the ring and drilled the chair into Sabu’s face with the Van Terminator. Alfonso urged Sabu to kick out, but he was knocked out cold, and RVD made the easy cover for the hard fought victory.


Winner: Rob Van Dam


Styles: Two friends just put everything they had on the line for the entertainment of these fans, and you can tell by the reaction that they appreciate everything they gave here tonight.


Taz: Absolutely. There may be a new breed here in ECW, but the old school have proven that they still have plenty left in the tank....hold up. WATCH OUT ROB.


Van Dam was so caught up in the moment he didn’t spot Shelton Benjamin enter the ring and swing a steel chair at him, sending him crashing to the canvas. With Van Dam down, Benjamin began to put the boots to Sabu, stomping on the head of “The Houdini of Hardcore”. Bill Alfonso attempted to jump on the apron, but he was quickly knocked off by Benjamin. “The Gold Standard” set Sabu up for the Exploder Suplex, but he was stopped in his tracks by Van Dam, who began trading lefts and rights before hitting a Standing Side Kick to Benjamin. Sabu finally shook the cobwebs loose and both Sabu and Van Dam began unloading on Benjamin, the crowd roaring their approval. But the two men were in for a shock when, from out of nowhere, Rhino entered the ring and drilled Sabu with a Gore. Van Dam swung to hit a Clothesline on “The Man Beast”, but he ducked the move and delivered another Gore to the champ. The crowd showered Rhino with abuse as he stood in the centre of the ring. Benjamin finally got to his feet but, for seemingly no reason at all, Rhino charged and Gored Benjamin out of his boots before raising his arms high in the air.


Taz: Rhino doesn’t give a damn who you are, if you get in the way of him and HIS World Title, you’re gonna get your ass handed to you.


Styles: We’re out of time, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining us. My god it’s like a car wreck out here.


The show fades to black with Rhino perched on the ropes, his hands high in the air as he looks at the destruction he has caused.








Dark Match:

Gregory Helms over Masato Tanaka C+


Main Show:

Yoshihiro Tajiri over Ken Doane C

Impact Players over The Originals C-

Shelton Benjamin over Jerry Lynn C+

Brent Albright over Tommy Dreamer C-

Kurt Angle over Balls Mahoney C

Rob Van Dam over Sabu B-


Show Rating: C+



The Final Countdown - 4/6 (Total Score= 34)

pauls07 - 4/6 (Total Score= 33)

Jingo - 4/6 (Total Score= 24)

Doe-Bomb - 5/6 (Total Score= 16)

Kijar - 5/6 (Total Score= 9)



^{-kelly-kelly-}^ - N/A (Total Score: 11)

totti - N/A (Total Score= 10)

Scotland - N/A (Total Score: 8)

mobbdeep455 - N/A (Total Score= 6)

Gouge - N/A (Total Score= 5)

Mattitude90 - N/A (Total Score= 5)

Hartattack - N/A (Total Score: 4)

The Celt - N/A (Total Score= 4)

Mattitude V2 - N/A (Total Score= 3)

TracyBrooksFan - N/A (Total Score: 3)

BoomKing - N/A (Total Score= 2)

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We're just a few short days away from The Great American Bash Live on Pay Per View as we bring you another action packed edition of Friday Night Smackdown. And what an explosive episode it will be. United States Champion Bobby Lashley will be in Non-Title action when he faces John Bradshaw Layfield, who will be looking to gain some momentum going into his Casket match against The Undertaker this Sunday. But how will he cope without his former running buddy Orlando Jordan? Speaking of Jordan, last week he attacked and injured Rey Mysterio, who said his final farewell to the WWE. But this week, his good friend Batista will be looking for revenge as the two men clash. Plus, we get a preview of what we may see in the Triple Threat Tag Team Match at The Bash when Paul Burchill, Johnny Nitro and Brian Kendrick square off. And Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit, two of the three men to compete for the Number One Contendership to the US Title this Sunday, will also do battle.


Also, "The Straight Edge Superstar" CM Punk will be in action, as will Cruiserweight Champion Kid Kash and Jamie Noble, The Pitbulls. And rumours are floating around that WWE Champion JOHN CENA may be in the building too. With all this and more, make sure you don't miss Friday Night Smackdown on The CW.


Quick Picks:


Non-Title Match:

Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


Batista vs. Orlando Jordan


Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy


Triple Threat Match:

Brian Kendrick vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Paul Burchill


CM Punk vs. Psicosis


The F.B.I vs. The Pitbulls

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Non-Title Match:

Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Layfield - Cheaply. Nothing hypes a PPV like making the champ lose before it :D


Batista vs. Orlando Jordan - Batista is main event, Jordan is midcard. Nuff said.


Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy - Coinflip. Could be a DQ if the third man gets involved.


Triple Threat Match:

Brian Kendrick vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Paul Burchill - A challenger's got to win by pinning the other challenger... Londrick's a better team so Kendrick'll be my pick.


CM Punk vs. Psicosis - Punk is a great worker and needs building. Psicosis is a solid talent but not spectacular.


The F.B.I vs. The Pitbulls - Jobbers!


First time predictor, long time lurker. Thrilled to see this back JW! :)

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Non-Title Match:

Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


Batista vs. Orlando Jordan


Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy


Triple Threat Match:

Brian Kendrick vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Paul Burchill


CM Punk vs. Psicosis


The F.B.I vs. The Pitbulls

Very few Italians left in America like myself, so I'm a vivid FBI supporter.

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Non-Title Match:

Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


Batista vs. Orlando Jordan


Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy


Triple Threat Match:

Brian Kendrick vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Paul Burchill


CM Punk vs. Psicosis


The F.B.I vs. The Pitbulls


Just recently began reading this dynasty (starting with your most recent ECW show) and I'll be going back through to read from the start. If it's even half as good as that ECW show, I know I'll be highly entertained!

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Just recently began reading this dynasty (starting with your most recent ECW show) and I'll be going back through to read from the start. If it's even half as good as that ECW show, I know I'll be highly entertained!


Glad to have you on board. I'd like to think my write ups have improved from when I first started this dynasty, but hopefully you enjoy my older showes and that they still hold up. Thanks for the support.

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Location: Long Beach Arena (North West)


Attendance: 10,000 (SOLD OUT)


Announce Team:


Michael Cole & Mr. Kennedy




In the Dark Matches of the evening, Hamada pulled off the victory over Jillian Hall, and Super Crazy took a shock win over “The Fighting Irishman” Finlay.




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Cole: The Long Beach Arena in California is electric as we welcome you to Friday Night Smackdown. I’m Michael Cole, joined as always by Mr. Kennedy. And Ken, we are just a few short days away from The Great American Bash.


Kennedy: Thanks for reminding me. What would we do without you, Cole? But in any case, The Bash is just around the corner and tonight we will get a little taste of what to expect this Sunday.


Cole: That’s true, but apparently we have the cameras set backstage as it seems someone has entered the building.


The cameras then cut to a shot of a White Stretch Limousine, which obviously signals the arrival of one John Bradshaw Layfield. Bradshaw steps out of the vehicle, and the boos in the arena are fierce in their hatred towards him. John looks almost naked without his former protégé Orlando Jordan by his side, and his face looks drawn and haggard, clearly worried about his match coming up Sunday. Bradshaw fixes his suit before entering the building.





Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy


Both men were looking to build momentum for themselves going into their Triple Threat match on Sunday to determine a new Number One Contender to Bobby Lashley’s US Title, and both men threw everything they had each other. The crowd were clearly fans of both men, the fans somewhat split between the two. Benoit began the match on top, chopping away at the chest of Hardy, turning “V1” a bright shade of red. A violent Snap Suplex took Hardy down, but only gained Benoit a two count. Benoit’s barrage of offence continued, until a Clothesline attempt was avoided and turned into the Side Effect from Hardy. Matt then began to work away at the head and neck of “The Rabid Wolverine”, hoping to wear him down for a Twist of Fate. Hardy came close to victory with a Leg Drop from the middle rope, but Benoit was able to kick out at two. The match continued like this for the majority, with neither man really keeping the advantage for too long. Hardy looked for victory when he went for a Dropkick from the middle rope, but Benoit avoided it and attempted to lock in the Sharp Shooter. But Hardy was able to kick Benoit away before getting to his feet and swinging wildly with a Clothesline. Benoit was able to reverse it however and lock in the Crippler Crossface. Hardy looked close to tapping, with the fans on their feet, but Hardy got his foot on the rope just in time. Benoit was frustrated as he lifted Hardy up and whipped him into the ropes. He came charging at Hardy, but he side stepped him and Benoit crashed into the turnbuckle full force with his chest, knocking the wind out of him. Benoit staggered around the ring, right into the Twist of Fate. Hardy made the cover and got the pinfall, taking a somewhat surprising victory over the former World Champion.


Winner: Matt Hardy


Cole: An amazing way to kick things off here on Smackdown, and with that win, Matt Hardy firmly stakes his claim to being the next Number One Contender for the United States Championship.


Kennedy: It’s not all cut and dry yet, Cole. He still has both Benoit AND Randy Orton to contend with this Sunday. Speaking of which, Benoit looks less than thrilled with the outcome of tonight’s match.


Benoit was up on his feet, clearly angered. Despite usually being such a good sport, Benoit was obviously annoyed with this loss as he got nose to nose with Hardy. The two exchanged words before Benoit lost it and drilled Hardy with a right hand. The two began trading blows with each other, the fans of Long Beach eating it up. The two were rolling around tearing chunks out of each other before officials finally came to break them up. Up on the entrance way, Randy Orton was stood watching the action, a smug look across his face. But that look was quickly wiped away when he felt a presence behind him. He turned around and was shocked to find Bobby Lashley stood behind him. Orton jumped out of his boots before hightailing it into the crowd, Lashley laughing dementedly the entire time, Benoit and Hardy still attempting to destroy each other.




Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, last week we said goodbye to one of the most beloved athletes to step foot in a WWE ring, Rey Mysterio. Mysterio was set to leave on a high as he took on Finlay in what was supposed to be his swan song when he was viciously and brutally attacked by Orlando Jordan. Now this all stemmed from Jordan’s attempts to step out of JBL’s shadow and prove that he could make an impact on his own, and he sure did that. Now, reports are still sketchy but from what we know, Mysterio has some knee ligament damage as well as a fractured ankle. We here at WWE wish him a speedy recovery, and next week on Smackdown I will attempt to conduct an interview with Mysterio from his home in San Diego. I know as broadcasters we should really remain impartial, but I hope to god Jordan gets what’s coming to him tonight in his match with Batista.


Kennedy: Well I can see it from both sides. On the one hand, it’s a shame that such a talented performer had to end his career on such a low note. But on the other hand, Orlando Jordan vowed to make an impact, and he did just that; he became the man that retired Rey Mysterio. How much more of an impact can you make?





Brian Kendrick vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Paul Burchill


From the very start of this contest, Burchill was in trouble as Kendrick and Nitro worked as a team, trying to weaken one half of the “Great British” Tag Team Champions. Burchill was struggling to hold both men off, but he wouldn’t have to worry for too long, as a Springboard Roundhouse Kick by Nitro missed Burchill and hit Kendrick in the jaw. Burchill took advantage, knocking Nitro to the outside with a boot to the face before making the cover on Kendrick for a close two count. Burchill used this opportunity to put his obvious size and strength advantage to good use, beating down on the vulnerable Kendrick. Kendrick was almost put to sleep after a sick Inverted Death Valley Driver, but Nitro was able to break up the pin at two. For the remainder of the match, Burchill looked to have everything under control, and he almost took Nitro’s head off with a brutal Clothesline for two. However Burchill’s attempt at finishing Nitro off with the C-4 was thwarted when Nitro broke his way out before hitting a Super Kick. Nitro looked to end the contest with a Standing Star Press, but he was caught off guard when MELINA came from nowhere and grabbed his ankle to distract him. With Nitro’s focus on Melina, Burchill made the most of it and looked to have things wrapped up when he locked Nitro in the Royal Mutilation (High Angle Fujiwara Arm Bar), but it was broken up after Kendrick came off the top rope and landed on both men with a Moonsault. Kendrick saw an opening right there, hooking the head of Burchill, hitting the Sliced Bread #2 on the brit, whilst at the same time landing hard on Nitro. Kendrick hooked the leg of Burchill and picked up the victory when the official made the three count.


Winner: Brian Kendrick


Cole: Melina was a huge deciding factor in this contest; however that is to take nothing away from Brian Kendrick, who has given himself and Paul London a HUGE boost going into their Triple Threat Title Match at The Great American Bash.


Kennedy: Well, if it wasn’t for that distraction by Melina, I think anyone of these three men could have won this match, but hats off to Kendrick for taking advantage of the situation and walking away victorious.




The cameras head backstage, where Todd Grisham is stood outside the male locker rooms, clearly awaiting the arrival of someone.


Grisham: I’m stood outside the Locker Room area here in the Long Beach Arena as I look to get a word with United States Champion Bobby Lashley, and I will attempt to get his thoughts on the three men who will all be competing for a shot at his United States Championship at The Great American Bash this Sunday on Pay Per View...here he is now. Mr. Lashley, I just wondered if I could get a few words regarding the three...



Grisham was stopped abruptly when Lashley’s hand covered his face and pushed him down to the concrete floor before walking away calmly, leaving Grisham dazed and confused.


Kennedy: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; I absolutely LOVE this new attitude of Bobby Lashley.


Cole: I’d like to know just what has triggered this change in attitude from the United States Champion.




The familiar theme of one John Bradshaw Layfield rang out, the boos ringing out venomously as the white limo rolled into the arena. Jillian Hall was the first to exit the vehicle, soon followed by a dejected JBL. The two finally entered the ring, where Hall handed Bradshaw a microphone, the jeers continuing to echo throughout the arena.


JBL: Last week, in what I can only describe as a moment of madness, I made a mistake. I said some things that I shouldn’t have to a man I consider a good friend, Orlando Jordan. Orlando, I pushed you and prodded you. I said that you would amount to nothing without me. And you came out to this ring, and you proved me wrong when you annihilated Rey Mysterio. The man was saying his final farewell to all these morons out here, tears in his eyes, and you came out and completely destroyed him. And that’s when I realised that I was wrong. You do have what it takes, Orlando. And the truth is; I need you. In just a few days time, I have to step into the ring against the devil himself, The Undertaker. Not only that, I have to face him in a Casket Match. Orlando, whatever I may have said last week, please believe me when I say I’m sorry. I was stupid, I was wrong and above all else, you’re my friend. I need a friends help. So I’m asking you to please, come down here so I can apologise to you in person and straighten this mess out.


The fans couldn’t care less about either mans problems, and the jeers continued to fill the arena. JBL waited patiently, but Orlando was nowhere to be seen.


JBL: Orlando, please come out here. This is ridiculous. Look, it was a stupid mistake. I know that now. I just want to make it up to you. Let’s not throw away a good friendship over this. Please come out here and accept my apology.


JBL once again waited for Jordan’s appearance, and once again he was ignored. Jillian Hall was looking around nervously as JBL’s true colours finally revealed themselves.


JBL: You listen to me you sorry son of a bitch; I’m not going to ask you again. I’ve tried being nice, Orlando. The truth is without me, you wouldn’t even have a job in this company. So don’t try to make it seem like you’ve got this far without me. You would be cleaning McMahons toilets if it wasn’t for me. Now I need your help, and you’re going to give it to me. Now get your ass out here and...

JBL was suddenly shaken when a huge bolt of lightning hit the stage, and the lights in the arena went out, with just an eerie purple glow lighting up the ring. Bradshaw was spooked, and he immediately headed out of the ring and through the crowd. Jillian Hall was scared out of her mind as she bolted to the back, the fans on their feet as the mind games continued.


Cole: The mind games continue between The Undertaker and John Bradshaw Layfield.


Kennedy: The Undertaker can get into your head like no one else, but I will say this; Orlando Jordan made a big mistake walking away from JBL.




We return from a short commercial break, where The Pitbulls, Kid Kash and Jamie Noble, are stood in the ring ready for their match with The F.B.I. Kash has a microphone in hand and an agitated look on his face.


Kash: So it seems that the powers that be here in the WWE have decided that Kid Kash is not the man they want to represent the Cruiserweight Division. After weeks of trying to force my hand, I finally had to defend my title against Super Crazy last week. And I didn’t even break a sweat when I beat him one, two, three. But apparently Teddy Long doesn’t think that is enough, because now I have to defend my title in a Fatal Four way against Super Crazy, Psicosis and CM Punk? It’s a damn conspiracy...


Noble: A conspiracy!


Kash:.... Thanks. Everyone knows that Kid Kash is the absolute BEST Cruiserweight in the WWE...


Noble: The ABSOLUTE best!


Kash:... Thank you, Jamie. If anybody has earned the right to be Cruiserweight Champion, it’s ME.


Noble: It’s HIM. He earned it, baby.


Kash: Jesus Christ, what the hell is wrong with you? Anyway, tonight, I make an example of the F.B.I, and I prove that when it comes to being the best, Kid Kash is money.


Noble: Money!





The Pitbulls vs. The F.B.I


This bout was better than anyone anticipated, and the crowd were certainly into it. The F.B.I, Nunzio in particular, looked extremely impressive, using his expertise in Technical ability to keep his opponents grounded for long periods. The F.B.I made quick and effective tags to try to keep the momentum in their favour, and they looked impressive throughout. But in the end it wasn’t to be for the Full Blooded Italians, who were finally beaten when Kash nailed Mamaluke with the Money Maker. Nunzio tried to make the save, but Noble was there to stop him. The official made the three count, and The Pitbulls walked away victorious.


Winners: The Pitbulls


Cole: A fantastic contest, and an important win for The Pitbulls, but you have to hand it to Tony Mamaluke and Nunzio, they really did put up a hell of a fight.


Kennedy: Sure they did, but this match was about one thing and one thing only; to send a message to Kash’s three “opponents” at The Great American Bash.




The cameras head backstage where Johnny Nitro is storming through the area, searching for Melina, who cost him his match earlier in the evening. Nitro was destroying the place until he was approached by his partner Joey Mercury, who attempted to calm the situation.


Mercury: Johnny, calm down.


Nitro: Calm down? You saw what that skank just did. Where the hell is she?


Mercury: Yeah I saw what she did. Trust me; she’ll get what’s owed to her. Come on, let’s get out of here.


The two men leave, Nitro still clearly angered by the nights proceedings.




Matthews: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time; “The Animal” Batista. Now Batista, tonight you look to gain a measure of revenge for your good friend Rey Mysterio, who was brutally assaulted by Orlando Jordan last week on Smackdown. But it seems you have had your own problems since returning to Friday Night’s in the form of Raw Superstar Edge.


Batista: Yeah, I’ve had a few run-ins with “The Rated R Superstar” since I came back. And sooner or later our paths are gonna cross again. And when they do, payback is gonna be a bitch. But tonight; it’s not about Edge, it’s not about me, it’s not about the WWE Championship. Tonight is about revenge. It’s about payback. It’s about teaching that punk Orlando Jordan a lesson. Rey Mysterio left this company, he was going to go out on a high. And Jordan took that from him. He stole the spotlight and he put it on himself. Well Orlando, if you wanted the spotlight then congratulations; you got it. Because tonight...


Batista’s words were cut short when he was attacked, feeling a lead pipe crash into his knee courtesy of Orlando Jordan. Jordan began putting the boots to the now injured knee of Batista. Officials rushed to the scene to pry Jordan away from “The Animal”, but the damage had been done.


Cole: What a cowardly attack by Orlando Jordan. I guess he learned a few things from JBL after all.


Kennedy: How can you call him a coward? That is absolute genius. You do whatever you have to in order to give yourself the advantage. Jordan just did that right there, Cole.


The show heads for commercial as Batista is still clutching at the knee in clear agony.




We return from commercial, where there is another commotion in the arena where Chris Benoit and Matt Hardy are once again trading blows, this time in the locker room. Officials and Road Agents are struggling to keep the two men apart as they tear chunks out of each other.


Cole: Those officials don’t get paid enough with the amount they have had to deal with tonight.


Kennedy: Somewhere in the arena, Randy Orton has a HUGE smile on his face watching this.





Batista vs. Orlando Jordan


Jordan was in control for most of the contest, which was no surprise after what had taken place earlier in the evening. Batista’s leg was clearly bothering him as Jordan went to work on the injured limb, using every tactic he could think of to defeat “The Animal”. It looked for all to see like Jordan was going to make Batista tap when he locked in a Single Leg Boston Crab, but Batista’s brute upper body strength allowed him to crawl to the ropes to break the hold. Jordan continued to do damage to the leg, but he may have made a mistake when he tried to lock in a Texas Cloverleaf on him. Batista’s legs seemed much too large to put the hold on, and “The Animal” powered out. Jordan was now in trouble, as Batista began going to town with right hands, rocking Jordan before whipping him into the ropes and delivering a huge Spinebuster. Batista was pumped, as were the crowd, and he looked to lift Jordan up for the Batista Bomb. But his leg gave way and he crumbled to the mat. Jordan saw the opportunity and began working on the leg again. But Jordan’s next mistake would cost him dearly when he went up top and looked to land on Batista with a Seated Senton, much like the move used by Rey Mysterio. But “The Animal” caught him in mid air and drilled him down with a Batista Bomb. Batista made the cover and got the three count, picking up the victory on behalf of his fallen friend.


Winner: Batista


The crowd were on their feet as the official raised Batista’s hand in victory. “The Animal” played to the crowd, but the crowd lost it when none other than “The Rated R Superstar” Edge entered the ring. Before Batista was able to do anything about it, he was drilled with a Spear by Edge. Edge then began to finish the job that Orlando had started, attacking the knee with sickening aggression. Edge looked down at Jordan, who had a slight smile on his face before leaving the ring, allowing Edge to dish out more damage. Edge headed to the outside and grabbed himself a steel chair. Officials rushed down to the ring and surrounded Batista to protect him, but they parted like the Red Sea when Edge came towards them swinging the steel. He swung the chair hard and came crashing down on Batista’s knee, Batista crying out like a wounded animal. Edge then placed Batista’s leg between the chair, folding it on his knee before stomping down hard. The jeers were deafening as Edge raised his hands in the air before leaving the area. EMT’s quickly rushed down to the ring and loaded Batista on a stretcher, looking to get him some medical help as quickly as possible.


Cole: I have no words to describe what just happened. That was sickening.


Kennedy: Are you kidding, that was freakin’ awesome. Edge once again put the spotlight squarely on himself. And at the same time he sent a direct message to John Cena ahead of his match at The Bash this Sunday.




We return from another commercial, where we see Batista being wheeled through the backstage area on a stretcher. Suddenly, Road Agents are surrounding the area as Edge returns to throw abuse at Batista. Officials are desperately trying to keep Edge away, but he continues to hurl abuse at “The Animal” as he is loaded into a waiting ambulance in the parking lot. But Edge was shocked, as were the fans in attendance, when JOHN CENA arrived at the scene, and he began to beat down on his Great American Bash opponent. The officials focus was now on Cena and Edge, and Cena threw Edge onto the hood of a nearby car and began beating on him. Cena found a tire iron lying around and attempted to swing for Edge, but he managed to move out of the way before fleeing to his car across the parking lot. Edge started the engine and screeched out of the Long Beach Arena, but not before Cena took out several of his windows with the tire iron. Officials surrounded the WWE Champion, trying to calm him down as the crowd in the Long Beach Arena went nuts.





CM Punk vs. Psicosis


Psicosis displayed his new violent streak in this match, punishing Punk throughout. But the fans were firmly behind the young upstart, and the support of the Long Beach fans gave CM Punk a burst of energy, and he fought back, rocking Psicosis with various kicks to the body and head. An attempted Drop Kick by the Mexican was avoided, and Punk countered it with a Shining Wizard for a close two count. Mr. Kennedy was sat at the announce desk, burying Punk at every opportunity, but Punk’s in ring ability overshadowed anything Kennedy had to say, and Punk picked up a hard earned victory after delivering an Uranage to Psicosis and following up with an Anaconda Vice, giving Psicosis no choice but to tap out.


Winner: CM Punk


Cole: Well, what do you say to that, Ken? Even you have to admit CM Punk has been impressive.


Kennedy: I don’t have to admit anything, Cole. He’s proved nothing.


CM Punk’s hand was raised in victory as the crowd showed there approval. But Kennedy wasn’t prepared for what happened next, as Punk exited the ring, headed straight for the announce desk and slapped the taste out of Kennedy’s mouth, knocking him off his chair. The crowd were going nuts as Punk calmly walked back up the ramp and to the back, Kennedy’s eyes wide with shock and anger as Michael Cole attempted to help him up. Finally, Kennedy composed himself and placed his headset back on.


Cole: Are you OK, Ken?


Kennedy: Cole, we have a job to do. Let’s do it.


Cole: Well, you have kind of been asking for that for several weeks...


KENNEDY: COLE! Let’s do our freakin’ job.




Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen, I am now joined by the WWE Tag Team Champions...


Regal: That’s GREAT BRITISH Tag Team champions, sunshine.


Grisham: I apologize; the Great British Tag Team Champions, The British Uprising. And gentlemen, this Sunday you defend your titles against not one, but TWO different Tag Teams. But tonight Paul, you were defeated by Brian Kendrick...


Regal: Oi, watch it sunshine. We really aren’t in the bloody mood for this tonight. Tonight was just a blip. Paul had those two little toe-rags beat tonight, and he was screwed out of a victory. Well, I guarantee that won’t be happening this Sunday at The Great American Bash. Paul and I have worked too bloody hard to have those snot nosed gits take the gold from us. Nitro and Mercury, they have their own problems with that trollop Melina. And as for London and Kendrick, they have tried becoming champions time and time again, and they have failed EVERY time. So why they think it will be any different now we hold the straps, I really don’t know.


Burchill: But I’ll tell you one thing Grisham; they would be fools to take us lightly. Those puffs are going to take the most brutal, violent beating of their lives at the hands of The British Uprising. Me and Billy are done playing games. If they aren’t going to take the uprising seriously, then we will MAKE them take us seriously. And as for all these Yankee wankers in the audience, they will know once and for all that Britain.... reigns supreme.


Cole: Strong words from Paul Burchill and William Regal. But it’s going to take more than words to keep their grip on the Tag Team Titles this Sunday.


Kennedy: That’s GREAT BRITISH Tag Team Champions, Cole. Get it right, you puff.


Cole: Do you even know what that means?


Kennedy: Well....no.




Non-Title Match:



Bobby Lashley vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


This was a knockdown, drag out brawl between these two tough as nails athletes, with Bradshaw trying to prove he could cope without the backup of Orlando Jordan, and Lashley looking to prove his dominance as United States Champion. The ring wasn’t big enough to contain the two, and the brawl soon spilled out to the ringside area, where JBL rung Lashley’s bell by driving him face first into the ring steps. Lashley gained a measure of revenge for that when he whipped Bradshaw into the security barrier, JBL’s spine taking the punishment. Lashley was on the offensive, laying into JBL with right hands before dropping him on his chin across the barrier before tossing him back in the ring. However a low blow by Layfield behind the officials back soon shifted the momentum back in JBL’s favour. Bradshaw slowed the pace down slightly as he began to do damage to the arms of Lashley, stomping away on them in order to prevent him from hitting the Dominator. JBL used all his strength to lift Lashley up and land a perfectly executed Fall Away Slam for a close two count. Despite the change in attitude, the crowd were still firmly behind Lashley, and the big man came back to life, hitting a series of Clotheslines on Bradshaw, which seemed to take a toll on Lashley after the stomping they received just minutes earlier. An overhead Belly to Belly Suplex took Bradshaw out of his boots. JBL got to his feet and was hit with ANOTHER Belly to Belly. Lashley attempted a third, but Bradshaw fought out of it and looked to hit the Clothesline from Hell, but Lashley ducked it and drilled JBL with a German Suplex for another close two count. Lashley was pumped up, and he signalled that the end was near, looking to drop Bradshaw with the Dominator. But things were about to horribly wrong for Lashley when he spotted “The Legend Killer” Randy Orton slowly making his way towards the ring. Lashley was fixated on Orton, and the distraction was enough. Lashley turned around and walked straight into the Clothesline from Hell by JBL. Orton slowly walked away, his job for the evening done. Bradshaw made the cover and made the count. But at the count of two, the lights in the arena blacked out, plunging the building into darkness. When they returned, Lashley was on the floor on the outside of the ring, and stood behind JBL was The Undertaker. Bradshaw turned around and walked straight into a brutal Chokeslam, causing the official to call for the bell.


Winner via Disqualification: John Bradshaw Layfield


The arena was shaking as the fans went wild at the mere presence of The Phenom. Undertaker looked down at JBL and slowly made the cut throat sign, signalling the Tombstone Piledriver. But before he could finally put Bradshaw to rest, Jillian Hall was there to roll JBL out of the ring and help him to his feet. Undertaker dropped to his knee and gave his signature pose, the lights in the arena dropping and the crowd electric with excitement.


Cole: Has the fate of John Bradshaw Layfield been sealed? We will find out this Sunday on Pay Per View at The Great American Bash. Goodnight, folks.


The show faded to black with a clearly petrified John Bradshaw Layfield looking into the cold eyes of “The Dead Man”, the fear in his eyes clear for all to see.








Dark Matches:

Hamada over Jillian Hall D+

Super Crazy over Finlay B-


Main Show:

Matt Hardy over Chris Benoit B-

Brian Kendrick over Johnny Nitro and Paul Burchill C

The Pitbulls over The F.B.I B-

Batista over Orlando Jordan C

CM Punk over Psicosis C+

John Bradshaw Layfield over Bobby Lashley via DQ B-


Show Rating: B-



The Final Countdown - 5/6 (Total Score= 39)

pauls07 - 4/6 (Total Score= 37)

Jingo - 4/6 (Total Score= 28)

Kijar -2/6 (Total Score= 11)

TheKenwyne - 5/6 (Total Score= 5)

Rob5KC - 3/6 (Total Score= 3)


Doe-Bomb - N/A (Total Score= 16)

^{-kelly-kelly-}^ - N/A (Total Score: 11)

totti - N/A (Total Score= 10)

Scotland - N/A (Total Score: 8)

mobbdeep455 - N/A (Total Score= 6)

Gouge - N/A (Total Score= 5)

Mattitude90 - N/A (Total Score= 5)

Hartattack - N/A (Total Score: 4)

The Celt - N/A (Total Score= 4)

Mattitude V2 - N/A (Total Score= 3)

TracyBrooksFan - N/A (Total Score: 3)

BoomKing - N/A (Total Score= 2)

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