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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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The word going around is that Carlito may be given his marching orders in the very near future if his attitude doesn't change. Carlito has rubbed many people the wrong way in the past couple of months, in particular "The Rated R Superstar" Edge, who has had more than one run in with Carlito, including an argument several months back that almost ended in a full on fist fight between the two. Word has it that many within the company wouldn't exactly be upset to see him go.


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Inside reports have stated that McMahon has been impressed with Rhino since his return to the company. Many may recall that Rhino was fired in 2005 after an argument with his wife that took place at the Wrestlemania 21 After party. Rhino headed to TNA for a while before the decision was made to bring Rhino back for the launch of ECW. It is said that the differences have been resolved, and McMahon is said to be pleased with how well he has handled such a high profile feud with RVD.


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Despite the fact that WWE have been pushing Chavo Guerrero hard, management are still extremely shocked with the reaction Guerrero has been getting from fans across the country. McMahon and co have been looking to push Chavo slowly into a Main Event position. But it is thought that it is only a matter of time before "The Mexican Warrior" is competing for the WWE Championship, with some suggesting he may even be holding the title by the time Wrestlemania rolls around in April.


---Other News---


Stevens and McCool an item?

Great Khali set to return to WWE?

WWE sign ROH star?

Gene Snitsky in court for a DUI; claims it wasn't his fault?

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Match Line-Up





It started at The Royal Rumble. It ends at The Great American Bash. After the wars that have taken place between these two men, John Cena and Edge face off one more time. But the stakes couldn't be higher in there final encounter. If Edge wins, John Cena NEVER gets a shot at the gold so long as Edge has it. But if Cena is victorious, Edge has vowed to walk away from the WWE for good. It's a gamble for both men, but they seem to be willing to put it all on the line to finally rid themselves of their opposition. Will "The Rated R Era" reign supreme for a second time? Or will John Cena put Edge's WWE career to rest once and for all?





And so it comes down to this. After months of bad blood between these two individuals, one man will be laid to rest inside the confines of a casket. Despite this kind of bout being in The Undertaker's territory, for some time it may have seemed that JBL would have the advantage with his running buddy Orlando Jordan by his side. But with Jordan walking away from his long-time friend, JBL is all alone. Will this spell the end for John Bradshaw Layfield? Or does he have a few tricks up his sleeve for "The Phenom"?





Vince McMahon's obsession with ridding the WWE of Shawn Michaels seemed to have paid off when he hired Carlito, who took the Intercontinental Championship away from Michaels at Judgment Day. But Carlito's attempts at taking "The Heartbreak Kid" out for good have been thwarted by the arrival of a mysterious masked man, who seems to have been appearing from nowhere and protecting a still injured HBK. Michaels claims he knows nothing about this man and that he never asked for his help. Could Michaels be telling the truth? Or has he developed a plan of his own to combat McMahon and his henchman?





Since losing the United States Championship at Judgment Day, "The Legend Killer" has been in a war with the two men he put on the shelf for several months, Chris Benoit and Matt Hardy. Both men have been intent on paying Orton back for trying to end their careers, and this Sunday they get an opportunity to do just that. But Orton may have been handed a lifeline, as it seems Hardy and Benoit's friendship has broken down dramatically over the past several weeks. With a shot at Bobby Lashley's United States Championship at next months Vengeance Pay Per View up for grabs, all three men need to be on their game if they want to walk away with a victory.




The hatred between these two former allies has reached a boiling point, to the point where WWE Management had to step in and say that neither man could lay a finger on the other until this Sunday at The Great American Bash. When "The Game" cost Tomko the WWE Championship last month, it was a turning point that can now never be erased, and after everything that these two men have been through, both together and against each other, it seems that the squared circle may not be enough to contain the two. Will Tomko continue to prove that he is a Main Event player? Or willl "The Cerebral Assassin" finally drop Tomko once and for all?




The rise of "The Idol" Aaron Stevens has been nothing short of phenomenal. From his début, to his wars with "The Nature Boy", to his incredible match on Raw a while back with John Cena, which almost saw him defeat the WWE Champion. And now he has set his focus on "The Mexican Warrior" Chavo Guerrero, who has been gaining huge momentum himself since returning to the WWE back in March. Chavo has certainly had a difficult 7 months, but despite that has worked harder than ever to keep the Guerrero name alive. But Steven's feels that Guerrero is being handed everything on a silver platter. Something has to give as two young, hungry competitors go to war this Sunday.





The British Uprising, despite there "better-than-you" attitude, have proven time and again that they deserve to be WWE Tag Team Champi... sorry, GREAT BRITISH Tag Team Champions. But they will need to be on top form when they defend their titles against TWO stellar Tag Teams in London & Kendrick and Nitro & Mercury. Nitro & Mercury are desperate to get their gold back, but there constant run-ins with former manager Melina could be their downfall. Whereas London & Kendrick feel it is their time to hold the gold for the very first time, and will stop at nothing to get what they want. Can london & Kendrick OR Nitro & Mercury walk away with the gold? Or will Regal and Burchill once again prove that Britain reigns supreme?





After everything that took place with Trish Stratus, it seemed Mickie James couldn't get any more deranged. But she seems to have taken her war with Victoria WAY too far, threatening Victoria's family and mentally torturing her. But Victoria has a history of being a little unstable herself, and it seems Mickie may have bought out the "inner-psycho" in her. These two ladies will be looking for blood when they finally square off for the Woman's Championship this Sunday.





The Cruiserweight Division seems to be heating up recently, and there are many combustible elements going into this one. With Psicosis and Super Crazy butting heads on a seemingly weekly basis, CM Punk's problems with a certain Smackdown Broadcaster and Kid Kash's problems with, well... everybody, it seems that anything could happen in this one. And ANYONE could walk away as Cruiserweight Champion.


Quick Picks:


WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge


Casket Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Undertaker


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Shawn Michaels


Number One Contendership for the WWE United States Championship:

Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton


Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko


Aaron Stevens vs. Chavo Guerrero


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. London & Kendrick vs Nitro & Mercury


WWE Woman's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. CM Punk vs Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

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WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge


Casket Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Undertaker


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Shawn Michaels

Number One Contendership for the WWE United States Championship:

Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton


Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko

Aaron Stevens vs. Chavo Guerrero


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. London & Kendrick vs Nitro & Mercury


WWE Woman's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. CM Punk vs Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

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WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge


Casket Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Undertaker


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Shawn Michaels


Number One Contendership for the WWE United States Championship:

Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton


Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko


Aaron Stevens vs. Chavo Guerrero


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. London & Kendrick vs Nitro & Mercury


WWE Woman's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. CM Punk vs Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

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WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge - Time for a change of scene. Wouldn't be shocked if Cena retained though.


Casket Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Undertaker - with a heel winning in the main event, you're going to need face challengers. Taker will do nicely.


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Shawn Michaels - Tainted - masked man/McMahon style. HBK is so far above this belt it's unreal- that's why you just took the belt off him. A good win to build Carlito's credentials.


Number One Contendership for the WWE United States Championship:

Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton - complete with Benoit heel turn.


Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko - Tomko's got some good stuff out of this fued. Now make the management happy and kill his momentum dead.


Aaron Stevens vs. Chavo Guerrero - You've been pushing Chavo hard, and the rumour site states a title opportunity in the near future. I'mma gonna pick him, then.


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. London & Kendrick vs Nitro & Mercury - THEY HAVE THEIR OWN BELTS, MAN!


WWE Woman's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria - *shrug*


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. CM Punk vs Psicosis vs. Super Crazy - Super schmoz finish sees the champ retain and sets up a proper one on one fued vs. Punk, (maybe with some KENNNEDDY!11!) while Crazy and Psicosis keep beating each other.


Good Smackdown, mate, looking forward to the PPV!

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WWE Championship Match:John Cena © vs. Edge

Casket Match: John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Undertaker

WWE Intercontinental Championship: Carlito © vs. Shawn Michaels

Number One Contendership for the WWE United States Championship: Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton

Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko

Aaron Stevens vs. Chavo Guerrero

WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:The British Uprising © vs. London & Kendrick vs Nitro & Mercury

WWE Woman's Championship:Mickie James © vs. Victoria

WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Kid Kash © vs. CM Punk vs Psicosis vs. Super Crazy -

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WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge


Casket Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Undertaker


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Shawn Michaels


Number One Contendership for the WWE United States Championship:

Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton


Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko


Aaron Stevens vs. Chavo Guerrero


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. London & Kendrick vs Nitro & Mercury


WWE Woman's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. CM Punk vs Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

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WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge


Casket Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Undertaker


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Shawn Michaels


Number One Contendership for the WWE United States Championship:

Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton


Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko


Aaron Stevens vs. Chavo Guerrero


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. London & Kendrick vs Nitro & Mercury


WWE Woman's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. CM Punk vs Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

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WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge

-Without the stipulation, I'd be picking Cena to retain. I suppose he could, and Edge could "leave" WWE for ECW, but I just don't see it. You've already got Kurt Angle on ECW against his will, so I don't see Edge doing something similar.


Casket Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Undertaker

-I guess it's possible that JBL could organize some kind of massive beat-down, ala the Taker/Yokuzuna casket match. But my feeling is that Taker will reign supreme.


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Shawn Michaels

-With Carlito apparently causing problems backstage, I can't see you giving him another win over a top guy like HBK. I wouldn't be surprised to see Shawn win by DQ, though, because I still say he's above the IC title.


Number One Contendership for the WWE United States Championship:

Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton

-Really, any of the three could take it. Benoit vs. Lashley sounds like the most intriguing match to me, so I picked him.


Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko

-I don't see this feud ending yet, and if it's going to continue, I think Tomko needs to win here.


Aaron Stevens vs. Chavo Guerrero

-Chavito to win and continue his push towards the main event.


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. London & Kendrick vs Nitro & Mercury

-I'm really digging Regal & Burchill as champs, and hope their reign continues for some time to come.


WWE Woman's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria

-Mickie's too great in her psychotic heel persona to be knocked off yet.


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. CM Punk vs Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

-Punk would seem like the odds-on favorite, but with a feud with Kennedy building, I think he's destined to fight with the big boys. I'll go with Kash stealing the pin after someone else does the dirty work.

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WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge


Casket Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Undertaker

WWE Intercontinental Championship:


Carlito © vs. Shawn Michaels DQ Win


Number One Contendership for the WWE United States Championship:

Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton


Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko


Aaron Stevens vs. Chavo Guerrero


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. London & Kendrick vs Nitro & Mercury


WWE Woman's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. CM Punk vs Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

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WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge


Casket Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Undertaker

WWE Intercontinental Championship:


Carlito © vs. Shawn Michaels


Number One Contendership for the WWE United States Championship:

Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton


Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko


Aaron Stevens vs. Chavo Guerrero


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. London & Kendrick vs Nitro & Mercury


WWE Woman's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. CM Punk vs Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

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WWE Championship Match:

John Cena © vs. Edge

Cean wins and Edge goes to ECW


Casket Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. The Undertaker

Whatever tricks JBL has up his sleeve will not be enough


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. Shawn Michaels

HBK is above the title and Carlito won't be winning considering his backstage problems. DQ.


Number One Contendership for the WWE United States Championship:

Chris Benoit vs. Matt Hardy vs. Randy Orton

The most over face in the match goes against Lashley fully completing his heel turn.


Triple H vs. Tyson Tomko

His push is going well and the fued can continue. Tainted win.


Aaron Stevens vs. Chavo Guerrero

Chavo moves onwards and upwards. Stevens pays his dues in midcard for a while.


WWE Great British Tag Team Championships:

The British Uprising © vs. London & Kendrick vs Nitro & Mercury

Good strong victory for the champs.


WWE Woman's Championship:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria

Tainted win so fued can continue.


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash © vs. CM Punk vs Psicosis vs. Super Crazy

Punk is above this title, and should look very strong in the match.

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Sorry for the delay. It's a long show, but hopefully you enjoy regardless.


The New Hampshire Garden hosts The Great American Bash

The Official attendance is 30,000 (Sell-Out)


The Great American Bash Official Theme is ”Shout 2000” by Disturbed.




In the evenings Dark Match, WWE World Tag Team Champions The Brooklyn Soldiers defeated Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch after Elijah Burke got the pin on Murdoch when he hit the Elijah Express.




And now, Subway proudly presents...





The Opening video package plays, highlighting some of the matches set to take place, before finally the pyro in the arena explodes. The arena is packed to the rafters as the camera pans around the arena, the fans on their feet, holding their signs high in the air and generally going nuts in anticipation for the night’s proceedings.


Ross: The New Hampshire Gardens is packed to the rafters for what is sure to be a night that will change the fate of many, and possibly the career of one. Welcome to The Great American Bash. I’m Jim Ross, joined as always by Jerry “The King” Lawler. And King, the stakes couldn’t be higher in tonight’s Main Event.


Lawler: Both men NEED to win tonight, JR. Cena has to win tonight or he will NEVER get a shot at the title as long as Edge is champion. But if Edge loses tonight, he is gone for good from World Wrestling Entertainment.


Ross: But we’re certainly not alone tonight. Let’s throw it over to our Smackdown colleagues Michael Cole and Ken Kennedy.


Kennedy: That’s MISTER Kennedy to you, cowboy. Anyway, welcome to the Great American Bash LIVE on Pay Per View. I’m Mr. Kennedy, and I’m joined by Mr. Personality himself Michael Cole. Michael, it’s a pleasure as always for you to have me here.


Cole: Please stop already. Anyway we have an action packed night here in New Hampshire. Let’s get straight to the action.








The rivalry between these two men has gotten very personal VERY quickly, and both men seemed as focused as ever as they both look to cement their spot among the elite in World Wrestling Entertainment. The fans of New Hampshire were solidly behind “The Mexican Warrior”, with “Chavo” chants echoing throughout the New Hampshire Garden. “The Idol” on the other hand was less than welcomed, and his P.A Michelle McCool was there to comfort him as the crowd got under the skin of “The A-Lister”.


Aaron Stevens took control in the early going of the contest, a stiff kick to the knee of Guerrero taking him to the mat. Stevens’s aggressive streak soon came to the surface as he used every move in his arsenal to incapacitate Guerrero. Stevens was looking to snap Guerrero’s leg as he headed to the outside of the ring, dragging Chavo to the edge before slamming the knee onto the ring apron, the screams of Guerrero audible to everyone. Stevens continued the attack inside the ring, dropping elbows and knees to the injured body part, but Guerrero managed to kick out of Steven’s attempts at a pin, infuriating “The Idol”. Stevens attempted to wrap Guerrero’s leg in the ring ropes, but Chavo managed to use his upper body strength to lift himself and kick Stevens square in the jaw with his other leg. Chavo began to mount a comeback, striking “The Idol” with clubbing blows before whipping him to the ropes and connecting with a perfectly placed Drop Kick to the face. The move caused some damage to Guerrero too, but he had just enough strength to make the cover, but he could only manage a two count. Guerrero continued the assault on Stevens, nailing “The A-Lister” with stiff fists to the skull before chopping away at the chest of Stevens, causing him to roll to the outside to relative safety. But Guerrero wasn’t going to allow him to rest, and he came crashing down on top of Stevens with a Slingshot Cross Body to the outside. The crowd were red hot in support of Guerrero as “The Mexican Warrior” slammed the head of Stevens into the ring steps several times before whipping “The Idol” into the security barrier. Chavo was on fire as he hit a Clothesline on Stevens, sending him into the red hot New Hampshire crowd. Before Stevens even had a chance to recover, he was Suplexed over the barricade and onto the hard mats surrounding the ring.


With the final moments of the contest closing in, Chavo looked to put an end to the contest, hitting Stevens with the Three Amigos Suplex, the crowd roaring every time “The Idol’s” spine hit the canvas. Chavo looked up to the sky before heading to the top turnbuckle, ready to deliver the dreaded Frog Splash. But he wasn’t prepared for Stevens’ assistant Michelle McCool to interfere, grabbing the foot of Guerrero as he was perched on the top. The official tried desperately to pry McCool away from Guerrero, and he finally managed to stop her. But the distraction was enough for “The Idol” to recover before lifting Guerrero off the top rope and dropping him with a Muscle Buster, the move he calls The Hollywood Star. Stevens covered Chavo as the official made the count... but Chavo SOMEHOW got his foot on the rope at two and three quarters. Stevens was livid, slamming his hands on the mat. “The Idol” signalled for McCool to grab him a steel chair. McCool went to grab the item, but she was stopped in her tracks by TRISH STRATUS, who had made her way to ringside, looking to gain a measure of revenge after weeks of bad blood between the two. Stevens was distracted, as was the official, which gave Guerrero the perfect opportunity to lie, cheat and steal, delivering a low blow to Stevens. Guerrero finally went up top one more time before finally crashing down onto “The Idol” with the Frog Splash. Chavo hooked the leg and the official made the three count, awarding the victory to “The Mexican Warrior”.


Winner: Chavo Guerrero


The fans came alive following the contest as Guerrero was announced the victor. Stevens rolled slowly to the outside, where Trish Stratus was still swinging lefts and rights at Michelle McCool. But the crowd were shocked when Aaron Stevens grabbed a chair and began to slowly sneak behind Stratus, chair held high ready to bring it down onto the former Women’s Champion. Luckily for Stratus, Chavo noticed this and immediately headed to the outside, grabbing the chair away from “The Idol” and chasing him off, Stevens eventually backing his way up the ramp. Guerrero finally managed to get Trish off of McCool, who quickly scurried away into the arms of Stevens. Stratus looked up at Chavo before a smile spread across her face.


Ross: Well, Guerrero gets the victory here tonight and maybe now he can finally concentrate on his goal of becoming WWE Champion.


Lawler: Well, I don’t know JR. Something tells me Aaron Stevens isn’t finished just yet with Chavo Guerrero.







Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, what a start we have had at The Great American Bash, and at this time I’d like to welcome my guest; he is the Number One Contender to the Intercontinental Championship, “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels. And Shawn, your problems with Mr. McMahon have escalated dramatically since he appointed Carlito to be the man to attempt to end your career. Tonight is your opportunity to not only thwart his attempt, but to also regain the Intercontinental Championship.


HBK: You’re right, Coach. My problems with McMahon do seem to have been turned up a notch or two since Carlito was bought into the picture. You see, tonight is about more than just the Intercontinental Championship. It’s about more than pride. It’s about more than respect. The fact of the matter is that time after time, Vinny Mac has tried to force me out of this company and all because I wouldn’t do things his way. Because I wouldn’t bring back “The OLD HBK”. Well Vince, I’m making a promise to you now; if you want the old HBK, tonight you’re going to GET the old HBK. But don’t get too excited. I know what you want from me; you want to see the controversy, you want to see the screw you attitude, you want the HBK who rubbed every single Superstar in that locker room the wrong way and who didn’t give a damn what they thought of me. But that isn’t going to happen. I’m a changed man, Vince. No, the old HBK you’re going to get is the one who, when he steps through those ropes, is absolutely RUTHLESS, the HBK who doesn’t care if you’re five foot two or if you’re 12 foot 9. The HBK who WILL NOT hesitate to kick Carlito’s teeth straight down his throat. You two have pushed and prodded for far too long. So tonight I put an end to it, courtesy of a little Sweet Chin Music.


Coachman: Shawn, just one more question, and a question that many people are dying to know; do you have any idea who the mystery man is who has been somewhat of a saviour to you over the past month or two?


HBK: Coach, all I will say is HBK has never and WILL never ask for any help from anyone. I haven’t asked him for his help and if I’m perfectly honest, I don’t NEED his help. Just like Shelton Benjamin before him, tonight I put Carlito out of his misery. And Coach, I’m gonna do it alone.




WWE Cruiserweight Championship:






Despite only being with the company for a few months, there seemed to be a groundswell of support for “The Straight Edge Superstar” CM Punk, who seemed to have connected well with the fans since his debut. And he immediately went at it with the Cruiserweight Champion Kid Kash, whose tag team partner Jamie Noble had been banned from ringside for this contest. Whilst Punk and Kash were slugging it out in the ring, Psicosis and Super Crazy had spilled to the outside, neither man seemingly concerned with getting counted out. Luckily the official seemed very lenient and allowed the brawl to continue uninterrupted. Psicosis did attempt to whip Super Crazy into the security barrier, but Crazy managed to leap onto the barrier and land on Psicosis with a perfect Moonsault, the crowd on their feet in support of “The Insane Luchadore”.


Whilst the carnage was taking place on the outside, CM Punk was taking control of the Cruiserweight Champion inside the ring with hard kicks to the chest of Kash before whipping him into the ropes and connecting with a Leg Lariat for a two count. The “CM Punk” chants echoed throughout the arena as Punk continued to keep the momentum going against Kash, however an attempted Springboard Clothesline attempt by Punk was thwarted when Kash connected with a vicious Dropkick to the jaw. Kash looked to make the cover, but it was broken up by a Top Rope Leg Drop by Psicosis. Psicosis then went for the pin on Kash, but that too was cut short by a Super Crazy Moonsault. Crazy looked to get the pin on Psicosis, but he was pulled away by CM Punk, who quickly wrestled Crazy onto his back before locking in the Anaconda Vice on “The Insane Luchadore”. Crazy looked close to tapping, but he did manage to get his foot on the rope, breaking the hold.


The match continued on, with all four men spilling to the outside, laying fists and kicks into their opponents. As Punk, Kash and Psicosis brawled at ringside, Crazy was climbing up to the tope rope before crashing down on all three men with a sensational Moonsault to the outside, eliciting a roar from the fans in The New Hampshire Garden. Crazy threw Psicosis back into the ring, where he set him up for the Trifecta Moonsault. However Psicosis was able to move out of the way on the first attempt before landing a violent Dropkick to the face of a kneeling Super Crazy. Psicosis then headed up top, looking to hit the Top Rope Leg Drop onto his opponent. But he was stopped in his tracks when Kid Kash jumped on the apron and pushed Psicosis all the way to the outside, his jaw connecting with the security barrier. Kash then entered the ring and hooked the arms of Super Crazy, looking to hit him with the Money Maker. But as he lifted him, Crazy’s foot connected with the jaw of the official, knocking him down and temporarily knocking him out. That didn’t stop Kash from connecting with the move, dropping “The Insane Luchadore” on his head. Kash hooked the leg for the pinfall, but obviously the official wasn’t able to make the count. This was the window of opportunity that was needed, and CM Punk entered the ring, turning Kash around and lifting him onto his shoulders before connecting his knee with Kash’s jaw, a move he calls the Go to Sleep. But Punk wouldn’t even get a chance to make a cover, as he felt a steel chair connect with his spine, sending him to the canvas. Punk was on his knees as his assailant stood before him. The crowd were furious as none other than MR. KENNEDY stood before him, chair in hand. Kennedy then swung again, connecting with Punk’s skull, immediately busting him open. Kennedy then dragged Kash onto the lifeless body of CM Punk before reviving the official. The referee slowly but surely made the three count, and Kid Kash once again escaped with his Cruiserweight Championship.


Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Kid Kash


Jamie Noble was the first to the scene as he dragged his partner to his feet and handed him his Cruiserweight Championship before dragging him to the back. Super Crazy and Psicosis soon followed, but the real story was happening inside the ring, where Mr. Kennedy had re-entered the ring, chair in hand. Kennedy was looking down at the limp body of CM Punk, the look of disdain on his face clear for everyone to see. Punk was on his hands and knees, blood dripping from his head. That’s when Kennedy struck again, the chair connecting once again with his spine. Kennedy was almost stalking Punk around the ring as he slammed the chair down onto him. That’s when Kennedy finally seemed to snap, throwing the chair to the outside before mounting “The Straight Edge Superstar” and slamming his fist into the skull of Punk. Kennedy was a man possessed as he threw Punk to the outside before throwing him head first into the ring steps. The crowd were giving Kennedy a torrent of abuse, but he seemed oblivious to it as he threw Punk into the security barrier before throwing right hands into his head once more. After what seemed a lifetime, Officials finally rushed to ringside and pulled Kennedy away from Punk, but the damage had clearly been done, the blood flowing from the head of Punk. Kennedy was violently shouting towards Punk, and it seemed to be yelling out the words “Not so special now” over and over as officials finally dragged him away from the scene.


Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot condone what my broadcast partner just did here. This was a completely unprovoked attack on this young kid CM Punk, and I apologize to anybody who may have been disturbed by the scene we just witnessed.


EMT’s were on the scene as they tried to load CM Punk onto a stretcher, but Punk refused, instead pushing the EMT’s away and slowly crawling his way to the back, refusing medical attention as the capacity crowd stood in unison to applaud “The Second City Saint”.







The cameras are backstage, where WWE Great British Tag Team Champions Paul Burchill and William Regal, The British Uprising, are talking strategy before their big title defence coming up in just moments.


Regal: Now remember, what happened on Smackdown was just a minor blip, OK? You had that match won, and had it not been for that little slapper Melina and all her shenanigans, you would have beaten the snot out of those two little toe rags. But that doesn’t even matter tonight, it’s irrelevant. Tonight, there will be no slip ups, no excuses. We’ve worked too bloody hard to let this slip, mate.... are you actually listening to me?


Burchill: What? Oh, sorry Billy, what were you saying?


Regal: Are you having a laugh? Paul, get your head in the game. What the bloody hell is wrong with you?


Burchill: Sorry, I had a phone call earlier, family problem...


Regal: Oi, you listen to me; what happens at home STAYS at home, do you understand? You don’t bring it to work. Now come on, get your head sorted. We’ve got a match, and I’m not gonna lose these belts because you have problems at home.


The two finally leave the locker room, Burchill still wearing a look of concern.




WWE Great British Tag Team Championship:






Michael Cole was joined by Todd Grisham after the shocking actions of Mr. Kennedy earlier in the evening. Despite his apparent lack of concentration moments earlier, it seemed Paul Burchill was fully focused as he started the match for the Uprising, with Joey Mercury starting things off for his team and Paul London being the representative for his team. Both Mercury and London attempted to work as a team against the larger Burchill, but “The London Ripper” seemed to have learnt his lesson from his match on Smackdown, and he quickly picked apart both men, a Jackhammer Suplex Slam on Mercury almost gaining his team the quick victory, but London broke the count at two. Burchill was practically unstoppable in the early going and, realising that one opponent would be much easier to handle than two, he sent London over the top rope with a boot to the skull. From there, Burchill looked to go to work on Mercury, but he was stunned with a Drop Kick to the jaw before Mercury got the tag to his partner. Nitro immediately made an impact, quickly jumping to the top rope before connecting with a Hurricanrana on Burchill for a close two count.


Nitro continued to use his speed advantage against Burchill, and a Spinning Wheel Kick to Burchill’s jaw took him down once again for a close two. But Nitro was stopped in his tracks when an attempted Springboard Roundhouse Kick was avoided when Burchill caught him in mid air and drilled him into the canvas with a vicious Powerbomb, the crowd seemingly impressed with Paul’s show of strength. Burchill looked to get the cover, but it was broken up by a returning Paul London. It was now London’s turn to make an impact in the match, and he looked to deliver a Cross Body from the top rope onto the Englishman, but Burchill once again caught his opponent and delivered a brutal Powerslam for yet another two count. Burchill then tagged in his partner, and Regal picked up where his partner left off; hitting London with a Double Underhook Suplex and dropping Nitro on the back of his head with a devastating Exploder Suplex. But London was quick onto his feet and delivered a Drop Sault to Regal for a two count. The match was very open between all three teams, with frequent tags taking place. But of all three teams, the presence of Paul Burchill was by far the most impressive, and he continued to dominate whenever he got into the ring. At one point he almost got the win for The British Uprising after hitting a C-4 on Brian Kendrick, but it was broken up at two after a Standing Star Press by Nitro.


Things soon began to break down, and the official struggled to keep control of the match as all SIX individuals entered the ring and began to slug it out, the referee completely clueless as to who the legal men in the contest were. London and Regal went flying to the outside after a Cross Body by London. Soon Mercury and Kendrick went over the top on the other side of the ring. This left Paul Burchill in the ring with Johnny Nitro, who was dazed and on his knees. Burchill looked to take advantage of the situation and, grabbing Nitro by the hair, he looked to put him away with the Curb Stomp. But the flexible Nitro somehow managed to break himself free and, jumping to his feet, delivered a bone shattering STO Back Breaker, following it up with a Russian Leg Sweep. Nitro hooked the leg, but he could only manage a two. Meanwhile on the outside, London had been completely wiped out when Regal delivered a Belly to Belly Suplex over the security barrier, sending him flying into the crowd. Mercury and Kendrick were also going at it at ringside, and Kendrick took Mercury down after a Hurricanrana from the ring apron, which sent both men crashing into the barrier.


Back on the inside, it seemed as though Johnny Nitro had finally tamed the monstrous Burchill, a Superkick to the jaw sending the big man crumbling to the canvas. Nitro followed it up with a Springboard Elbow Drop to the chest of Burchill, but once again he was able to kick out of the move. The fans were solidly behind Nitro, and the energy of the crowd seemed to spur him on as he climbed the ropes. But he stopped in his tracks when he spotted MELINA rush towards ringside and jump onto the apron. The official pleaded with Melina to leave immediately, but she didn’t seem to budge. But the distraction was more than enough, and it allowed Burchill to rise to his feet before leaping to the top rope, grabbing Johnny Nitro and crash down to the canvas with an astonishing C-4 from the top rope. The impact sent both men crashing down, and the force was such that it sent Burchill rolling to the outside. Nitro was laid out on the canvas, and it seemed that everyone around ringside had been taken out too. All except one: William Regal. Regal slowly crawled into the ring and draped his arm over Nitro’s lifeless body and the official, who still had no idea who the legal men were, had no choice but to count the pinfall and award the match to William Regal and Paul Burchill. The British Uprising somehow walks away with their Tag Team Championship belts intact.


Winners and STILL Great British Tag Team Champions: The British Uprising


The crowd were irate as The British Uprising were announced the winners. Burchill grabbed hold of their custom made championship belts before dragging Regal from the ring and handing him his belt. The two held their titles in the air before heading to the back to the jeers of the New Hampshire fans. Soon London and Kendrick also made their way to the back, both looking dejected at having the titles so close to their grasp only to be snatched away once again. But the tension was building inside the ring, where Melina was practically screaming at Nitro, yelling “I TOLD YOU SO” at the top of her lungs. Nitro was now on his feet, and the constant screeching of Melina finally tipped him over the edge and he grabbed Melina firmly by the hair, his eyes filled with hatred. The crowd were roaring their approval, but Joey Mercury was quickly in the ring to talk sense into his partner, finally convincing him to let go. Both Mercury and Nitro were getting very frustrated with Melina, and they were completely unprepared when two unfamiliar figures jumped the security barrier and entered the ring...




The two unknown men immediately attacked Nitro and Mercury, beating them to the ground as Melina laughed hysterically at the beating that was being delivered to her former clients. After what seemed a lifetime, the two men lifted Mercury to his feet before hitting him with a devastating Powerbomb/Neck Breaker Combination, sending him hard into the mat. They then lifted Nitro up before hitting him with the same manoeuvre. The crowd were furious as Melina continued to laugh manically, the two men stood tall over their victims.







The cameras have headed backstage, where they are desperately trying to get a shot inside the trainer’s room, where CM Punk is being stitched up. Unfortunately one of the trainers refuses access to the camera crew. That is until Punk appears at the doorway to confront the trainer.


Punk: LET THEM IN. Let them in, I want the camera to get a good shot of this. Zoom that camera in here? You see that? Get a good look at that, Ken. I want you to see this Ken, and I want you to know what you did. And I want you to know that what you have coming to you, you bought it all on yourself. For MONTHS, you’ve sat behind that announce desk, acting like the voice of the people, and you have done nothing but judge me Ken, you’ve had a problem with me since the moment I stepped through the doors here. And after all the stories I had heard about you, I guess I should have known that you wouldn’t have the balls to step up mano y mano, man to man, and tell me what your problem was. Instead you do what you did tonight. I don’t know what your problem is; maybe it’s the fact that I’m Straight Edge. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m working hard to make my way to the top of this company rather than having it handed to me like you. Or maybe it’s the fact that deep down you realize I’m better than you. But you know what; whatever your problem is with me, it’s irrelevant. Because you crossed a line tonight and you can’t turn back. You wanna throw stones Ken? I’m gonna start throwing bricks. I’ve busted my ass for 7 years to get an opportunity to work here. And if you think I’m gonna just wither and die because of you, well you really don’t know me at all. You’ve dug your own grave, your will has been written. Ken, this can only end one way. You started this, but I make this vow to you right here and now; I’M gonna to end it.




WWE Intercontinental Championship:






Many knew that this one was going to get physical, but Carlito had no idea just how physical. Carlito didn’t even make it into the ring before Michaels came diving over the top rope and landing on the Intercontinental Champion, fists flying into Carlito. The crowd were absolutely electric as Michaels whipped Carlito into the security barrier and sent him flying into the crowd, where Michaels soon followed. The match hadn’t even officially started and yet it already seemed Carlito was set to lose this battle, a stiff chair shot by Michaels across the spine of Carlito sending him to the concrete, the fans surrounding them roaring their approval. For several minutes Michaels dragged Carlito through the crowd, throwing him against any hard surface he came across. A Body Slam on the concrete elicited a large groan from the audience as they heard Carlito’s flesh hit the cold concrete floor below. Michaels finally dragged him back to the security barrier where he delivered a Clothesline over the rail, sending him crashing back to ringside. Michaels soon followed and threw Carlito HARD into the ring steps. Carlito was in agony, but Michaels’ face was emotionless as he put a beating on the Intercontinental Champion. Michaels finally threw Carlito into the ring and the official finally called for the bell to begin the contest, which already looked to be over.


Inside the ring, the beatdown continued, and it was clear to all that the “OLD” HBK was back, although not in the way McMahon had planned. Michaels beat Carlito down, stomping Carlito’s skull before laying more fists into the Intercontinental Champion. The “HBK” chants were deafening as Michaels pounded on Carlito. But the tide turned quickly when the champ nailed Michaels with a low blow, sending “The Heartbreak Kid” to his knees. Carlito was still dazed, but he did manage to do some damage to Michaels, even in his condition. Carlito delivered a skull crushing Running Knee Lift to the head of Michaels, and followed up with a Drop Kick to the head, but he only managed to gain a two count to the relief of the fans in attendance. Carlito was impressive as he got himself back into the contest, keeping Michaels down on the mat, preventing him from using his high risk arsenal against him. Michaels attempted to mount a comeback, nailing Elbows to the ribs of Carlito as he attempted to break out of a Headlock, but Carlito pulled him back down to the mat before hitting a Springboard Senton from the middle rope for another two count. The fans were still firmly behind HBK as Carlito resorted to more physical measures, dropping Michaels with a Stalling Vertical Suplex for yet another two count. The frustration was slowly starting to build as Carlito whipped Michaels into the ropes. Carlito swung for a Clothesline, but Michaels ducked and stunned Carlito when he nailed him with Sweet Chin Music, the crowd jumping to their feet at the unexpected turn of events. Michaels made the cover, but Carlito landed too close to the ropes and managed to grab hold of them to break up the VERY close pinfall.


From then on, it was a flat out fight, with both men slugging it out in the middle of the ring. Michaels dropped Carlito with an Inverted Atomic Drop and looked to deliver a Flying Forearm, but Carlito ducked the move and looked to hit a Springboard Moonsault on the fallen Michaels. But HBK got his knees up and Carlito landed on HBK’s knees with his ribs, taking the wind out of him. Michaels connected with a second Inverted Atomic Drop before finally connecting with the Forearm, knocking Carlito down to the canvas. Michaels sprang to his feet as the crowd went wild for “The Show Stopper”. Michaels made his way up to the top rope, the crowd on the edge of their seat, before delivering an Elbow Drop to the chest of Carlito. Michaels was soon back on his feet, the crowd rumbling in anticipation as HBK tuned up the band. Carlito groggily got to his feet, and he slowly turned around as Michaels looked to hit Sweet Chin Music. But Carlito managed to grab the foot before spinning HBK around and delivering a sickening Back Stabber. The match was surely over as Carlito hooked the leg. The official made the count...but Michaels kicked out at two! Carlito was in shock, as were the New Hampshire faithful, who flooded the arena with “HBK” chants as Carlito began to lose it in the ring.


As the match began to near its conclusion, Carlito looked to finish Michaels off once and for all, and he placed HBK on the top rope before heading up with him, looking to hit a Back Suplex from the top. But Michaels managed to get free from the IC Champ, nailing elbows to the champs jaw, knocking him from his perch and sending him to the mat. The crowd came to their feet as Michaels sailed through the air and connected with a Cross Body from the top. However, the momentum sent both men rolling over, and Carlito ended up on top of Michaels, grabbing the tights as the official made the count, but HBK somehow got a shoulder up at two. Both men instantly got to their feet, where HBK went for Sweet Chin Music. But Carlito ducked under the move and connected with a Sweet Chin Music of his own, seemingly knocking HBK out. Carlito made the cover, but Michaels got his foot on the rope at two. The crowd were buzzing as both men were doing everything they possibly could to get a victory. But the mood changed dramatically as WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon slowly walked down the ramp towards the ring, looking to get a closer look at the action. Carlito was mocking HBK as he headed up top before coming down HARD with an Elbow Drop. The fans jeers were deafening as Carlito lifted Michaels off the canvas, looking to hit him with the Back Stabber. But as Carlito leapt up, Michaels threw him over his shoulder onto the canvas. Carlito slowly got to his feet, but he was soon sent down again when Michaels hit him with his own Back Stabber manoeuvre to the roar of the New Hampshire crowd. Michaels finally made the cover, and the official began the count...but the ref was pulled out of the ring by a furious Mr. McMahon, who nailed the official with a right hand. The crowd was livid, as was Michaels, who was staring a hole through a now petrified McMahon. Michaels then began to give chase, running after the Chairman around ringside. McMahon rolled into the ring, where Michaels followed. But he was soon taken almost out of his boots by a brutal Lariat by Carlito. McMahon’s confidence soon returned after seeing Michaels on the mat, and he ordered Carlito to grab a chair from ringside. Carlito obliged, grabbing the chair from ringside before rolling back into the ring. It was obvious what was about to take place, as McMahon held Michaels up, ready for Carlito to swing the chair at HBK. But the fans came alive as there was a commotion in the crowd, and the cameras panned around to see the mysterious masked man run through the audience before jumping the barrier and diving into the ring. McMahon quickly bailed from the ring, leaving Carlito face to face with the mystery man. Carlito swung the chair, but the man ducked the move before sending the steel crashing into Carlito’s skull with Sweet Chin Music. The crowd were whipped into a frenzy as Michaels slowly got to his feet and realised who was stood in the ring with him. Michaels looked puzzled, but the look was soon wiped off his face when, in a shocking moment, the mystery man levelled Michaels with Sweet Chin Music! The crowd fell silent as he then dragged Carlito onto the lifeless body of Michaels before rolling the official back into the ring. The referee groggily made the three count, and Carlito escapes with the Intercontinental Championship, the crowd more than a little upset with the outcome.


Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Carlito


Ross: What the hell was that? Shawn Michaels just got screwed by this masked man. We don’t even know who he is, and already he’s caused upset.


Lawler: Well, we always assumed he was here to help HBK, but tonight that proved not to be the case. I’m confused, JR.


Carlito slowly crawled from the ring before grabbing his title belt and heading to the back. That’s when the masked man entered the ring. The fans in attendance were up in arms, the jeers echoing through the building, but the mystery man simply looked down at HBK before slipping back through the crowd and out of the building, the crowd completely confused as to what just took place.







Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time; “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair. And Ric, this past Monday Night, you said you would have a big announcement concerning your career. The stage is yours Ric, take it away.


Flair: Thank you, Coach. Last Monday night, I made some comments that caused a lot of speculation regarding me and regarding my career. I stated that it may be time to step back and let the younger generation have their moment in the spotlight. And so people naturally assumed that I was going to retire. And the truth is I have thought about retirement for a long time now. I realise that times are changing and sooner or later my time will be up. So I have thought long and hard about my future, and the reality is that I can’t see “The Nature Boy” being able to compete this time next year. So right now I feel is a good time to announce....that “The Nature Boy” isn’t going anywhere. The way I see it, if I’ve only got a year left, then I’m gonna go out the only way “The Nature Boy” knows how: with style, baby. Woooooo! But what I will say is I’ve been watching some of the new talent filtering into this company, and I must admit I’ve been impressed. So impressed in fact that I have decided that if I can’t pass my knowledge on to the next generation, then I’ve wasted my time all these years getting in that ring and busting my ass. So I’m going to be watching, and I’m going to be observing. And when the time is right, I’m going to hand pick a Superstar to mentor, to teach, to mould. God knows there ain’t a man alive today who will EVER replace Naitch, but there are a couple of Superstars in this company who at least deserve my knowledge. But as for me, I’m gonna be around as long as there is breath in my body, baby. Woooooo!


Ross: What an announcement by “The Nature Boy”. I couldn’t give a damn what the critics say; if you can still go like Ric Flair can in between those ropes, then I say keep going till you can’t go no more.


Lawler: It’s great to hear that “The Nature Boy” will be sticking around, but I’m intrigued by his second announcement; he is going to HAND PICK a superstar to mentor. I gotta say whoever he chooses, they are going to learn from the absolute best.




WWE Women’s Championship:





This contest was a short one, but the brutality was astonishing, especially considering it was two Divas involved. The second Mickie stepped through the ropes Victoria was all over her, violently kicking at the head of the Women’s champion in an attempt to get a measure of revenge for what Mickie has put her through the past several weeks. The official tries to calm Victoria down, but she could not be stopped as she continued to beat down on her opponent, quickly sending her to the outside as she continues to stomp on her. Victoria soon follows her out, where Mickie then begins throwing fists and the two slug it out, the official trying to get the two ladies back into the ring. But Victoria completely ignored him as she smashed Mickie’s skull into the barrier time and time again, dazing the Women’s Champion. The official was now given no choice but to begin counting out both competitors, who were still oblivious to the count, Mickie fought her way away from Victoria before slamming her head into the ring post. Mickie followed up by attempting to hit her head on the announce desk, but Victoria reversed it and it was Mickie who ended up going head first into the wood. The official was now half way through his count, but still the two ladies could care less, swinging hard for each other. Victoria charged towards the Women’s Champion at one point, but she was sent sailing into the ring steps after a Flapjack by James. The move appeared to cut Victoria above her eye, and Mickie began to reign down on her opponent with right hands, trying desperately to deepen the cut. But the two were completely unaware that the official had counted to ten, and he had no choice but to call for the bell, ending the contest.


Result: No Contest (Mickie James retains Women’s Championship


The official may have called for the bell, but Mickie was far from done with the beatdown as she began slamming the head of Victoria into the steel steps, her blood staining the steel and the crowd squirming uncomfortably at the sheer violence on display by Mickie James. James decided to punish her opponent further, heading under the ring and producing a table! The crowd were in awe at just what lengths Mickie would go to in order to prove her dominance. Mickie set the table up before dragging a groggy Victoria onto the ring apron. The official desperately pleaded with Mickie to stop, but she completely ignored him as she lifted Victoria up and drilled her with a Powerbomb through the table, the crowd exploding at the sight. Officials immediately rushed towards the ring to check on Mickie, who had a sick, twisted smile on her face as she looked down at the broken body of Victoria.


Ross: In all my years in this business, I have never seen a Diva as sick and as evil as Mickie James. That was completely uncalled for. Victoria needs medical attention.


Lawler: Mickie proved a long time ago that she was a little unstable. Tonight she proved that she has completely lost her mind. That was tough to watch.


EMT’s soon arrived to the scene as Mickie was handed her title belt, which she cradled in her arms, rocking back and forth in the corner of the ring, the fans silent as EMT’s checked on Victoria.







Coachman: I’m stood here with none other than Tyson Tomko. And Tyson...


Tomko: Shut up, gimme the mike. This is it, Hunter. Tonight, all of this ends. Do you know what I should be doing right now? I should be lacing my boots and preparing to defend MY WWE Championship. Last month I was set to make history. I was inches away from beating John Cena and becoming the new WWE Champion, but your jealousy got the better of you Hunter, and you cost me my belt. Now management have kept us apart because they are afraid of what we will do to each other. But we both know the truth, don’t we Hunter? Management are afraid of what I will do to their golden child. They’re afraid that I won’t play by their rules, that I really couldn’t give a damn who you are or who you know. Hunter, I stuck by you for one reason; business. You paid me money, I did the work. But you didn’t own me. NOBODY owns Tyson Tomko. I’m the future of this business. And tonight, I cement my name in this business when I become known as the man who retired “The Game”. Last month you cost me my title. Tonight... I cost you your LIFE. Hunter, “The Problem Solver” just became “The Problem”.







The cameras head to the Locker Room, where John Bradshaw Layfield is pacing backwards and forwards, the nerves clearly showing ahead of his Casket Match later in the evening with The Undertaker. Jillian Hall is trying her best to reassure JBL, but it seems like she is fighting a losing battle.


Hall: John, you can do this. This is your night. You don’t need Orlando, he was only keeping you down. You don’t need anybody. You’re the best Superstar on Smackdown...


JBL: YOU THINK I DON’T KNOW THIS? I am a LEGEND, Jillian. I do NOT need help from anyone, especially that little punk Orlando Jordan. He won’t last five minutes without me. I MADE him. And as for tonight, I’m going to BURY The Undertaker. I don’t need help from anybody, do you understand?


Hall: Sorry John...


JBL: “Sorry John”. You’re just like everybody else, you’re happy to take my money, but when it comes down to it you don’t think I have what it takes.


Hall: That’s not true...


JBL: Shut your mouth you little skank. You’re lucky I don’t fire you on the spot. You watch my match tonight, and then maybe you’ll see what I’m capable of.


With that, JBL stormed out of the room, leaving Jillian Hall shocked at his words.


Cole: A little paranoia creeping in maybe?


Grisham: Well you really can’t blame him; he has a HUGE task ahead of him tonight against The Deadman.







The tension that had built between these two men was unbelievable as the two stood nose to nose, unable to strike until the official called for the bell. The rage in both mens eyes was evident as the referee finally signalled to the time keeper to ring the bell. From then on, it was an all out brawl between “The Game” and his former friend Tomko, beating the holy hell out of each other from beginning to end. Tomko obviously had the size advantage, but that didn’t stop Hunter from going blow for blow with “The Problem”. Tomko was rocked in the early going by several right hands by Triple H, and he whipped the big man into the ropes. But he almost regretted his decision when Tomko was inches away from connecting with the Big Boot, but luckily Hunter ducked the move and delivered a Spinning Spine Buster before mounting the big man and peppering him with rights and lefts, the fans loving every second of it.


“The Game” was showing his experience as he slowly began to wear down Tyson Tomko, particularly working on the tree trunk legs of the big man, keeping him grounded. Tomko struggled to get back to a vertical base as Hunter delivered vicious boots to the knees, even attempting to lock him up with a Figure Four Leg Lock. Tomko was able to power out of the attempted hold, but Hunter was right back to work with elbows and boots to the leg, even dropping his patented Knee Drop onto the weakened limb for a two count. The crowd were solidly behind “The Cerebral Assassin” as he continued the assault, but the tide quickly turned when Hunter hit the ropes and Tomko quickly got to his feet before delivering a violent Powerslam, almost sending “The Game” through the canvas, but this only gained him a two count from the official. Although his leg was weakened, Tomko managed to fight through the pain as he took control of Triple H, a Leg Drop across the throat causing another close two count. The fans were urging Triple H to get to his feet as Tomko began to stomp away at the arm before putting him in a Cross Arm Breaker, a move not usually seen by the big man. It was obvious that Tomko was digging deep into his repertoire in order to defeat Triple H, and “The Game” was in considerable pain but did manage to reach the ropes to break the hold. Tomko was relentless however, driving his knee into the arm before locking in an Arm Bar. The crowd were rallying behind Triple H, willing him to get to his feet and take the fight to Tomko. And Hunter did just that, battling to his feet before breaking the hold and running to the ropes. Triple H bounced back and went to deliver a Running High Knee Strike, but Tomko side stepped the manoeuvre before hooking the arms of “The Game” and drilling him with a Full Nelson Slam for yet another close two count. The fans were somewhat surprised that Tomko was almost dominating the veteran in Triple H, seemingly countering his every move and keeping the momentum. Tyson whipped Hunter into the ropes, looking for a Back Body Drop, but Hunter reversed it into his Facebreaker Knee Smash before following up with the High Knee to the jaw, sending “The Problem” tumbling to the outside.


“The Game” took control on the outside, slamming the skull of Tomko on the ring apron before charging at him, sending him spine first into the security barrier. Hunter was using every surface he could as a weapon, looking to wear down the monstrous Tyson Tomko. But things soon turned ugly when Triple H looked to hit a Clothesline on the outside, however Tomko moved and “The Game” ended up hitting the ring post with his already injured arm. Tomko was almost like a shark smelling blood as he began to wrap the arm around the ring post, causing even more damage. Triple H was in clear pain as Tomko rolled him back into the ring. From there, Tomko began to brutally stomp away at the arm, “The Game” screaming out in agony. Hunter was in serious trouble as Tomko was intent on breaking his arm completely, and a Shoulder Breaker by Tomko didn’t help matters. Hunter tried to get to his feet, but he was immediately sent shoulder first into the turnbuckle, and Tyson followed up with a Back Stabber type manoeuvre on the elbow of Triple H for another two. Tyson began to get irritated, and the “Triple H” chants from the packed crowd didn’t help matters. Tomko lifted Hunter to his feet, but was immediately dropped with a swift kick to the gut followed by a DDT from Hunter for two.


As the match drew to a close, Helmsley was now battling like a wounded animal, which is essentially what he was. A High Knee to the face took Tomko down to the canvas, as did a second one. Tomko tried charging towards “The Game”, but a Back Body Drop sent the big man to the outside. Triple H looked to hit a Baseball Slide to Tyson on the outside, but he side stepped it and sent Hunter shoulder first into the ring steps, the guttural screams of Triple H echoing through the building. Tomko rolled Helmsley into the ring and, in an utter show of disrespect, set Hunter up for his own move, The Pedigree. “The Game” was able to break the hold however when he swept the legs from underneath Tomko and Sling-shotted him into the turnbuckle. Now it was Hunter’s turn to attempt a Pedigree, hooking the arms of Tomko. But in an amazing show of strength, Tomko lifted “The Cerebral Assassin” off his feet and planted him with an Alabama Slam. Tomko made the cover, but the crowd were relieved to see Triple H get his shoulder up at two. Tomko waited patiently in the corner as Hunter slowly got to his feet, looking to hit a Big Boot. Helmsley turned around as Tomko looked to connect with the move, but he stunned Tyson when he delivered yet another Spinning Spinebuster for an EXTREMELY close two count. Hunter lifted Tomko up and hooked the arms yet again for a Pedigree, but Tomko pushed “The Game” away before stunning everyone when he connected with the brutal Big Boot, a move that has managed to knock out some of the biggest names in the sport. Tomko made the cover...but Triple H kicked out at two! The crowd were frantically behind Triple H, but Tomko was set to deliver another Big Boot as Hunter got to his feet. Tomko charged as Helmsley turned around. But Hunter managed to roll the big man up with an Inside Cradle. The official made the cover....and made the three count! The crowd were stunned yet elated at the pinfall from out of nowhere, Tyson holding his head in shock.


Winner: Triple H


To say Tyson was angry would be an understatement, and as Lillian Garcia announced Triple H as the victor, the red mist engulfed “The Problem” and he attacked, trying to break the arm of “The Game”, stomping on the injured limb. The crowd were livid as Tomko grabbed a steel chair from ringside before re-entering the ring. But he was stunned to see “The Cerebral Assassin” on his feet, begging Tomko to take a swing. Tomko thought long and hard before dropping the chair and leaving the ring, the fans jeers booming through the New Hampshire Garden. Tomko could clearly be seen mouthing the words “This isn’t over” as he backed up the ramp, Triple H staring a hole through him as he clutches his arm, clearly in some discomfort.


Ross: This was a war between these two men, and Triple H is wearing the wounds of war right now.


Lawler: I don’t say this often, but I think “The Game” was lucky to pull off a win here. Tyson Tomko looked extremely dangerous, and I honestly believe this is FAR from over between these two.








The camera crew cut backstage, where we see JTG and Elijah Burke, The Brooklyn Soldiers, throwing fists with the men they defeated in a Brooklyn Street Fight, Charlie Haas and Matt Striker. The two men were still clearly obsessed with Tag Team Gold as they brawled with the soldiers, and it was only a matter of time before officials came along to break up the fracas.


Ross: What will it take for these two men to get the hint; they lost, they had their chance and they blew it, King.


Lawler: Well in their minds, it was a minor slip up. They are determined to become the next World Tag Team Champions.








To say JBL looked absolutely terrified going into this match would be an understatement, and his fear only grew when “The Deadman” made his legendary entrance into the New Hampshire Garden, the druids lined up along the entrance for this special occasion. But JBL wanted to send a message, and as The Undertaker climbed through the ropes, JBL landed a vicious boot to the skull, sending The Phenom to the floor on the outside. It was here that JBL planned to dominate. On the outside, JBL used the casket as a weapon, slamming Undertaker’s head into the wooden coffin over and over, a gash opening up slowly over The Undertakers eye. Bradshaw was hell bent on defeating The Phenom, stomping on the head and spine of “The Deadman” on the outside. JBL grabbed himself a steel chair from underneath the ring and swung hard, connecting with the spine of The Undertaker. The fans were venomous in their dislike for John Bradshaw Layfield, but he was completely oblivious as he continued to beat down on his opponent before throwing him into the ring.


Bradshaw didn’t slow down for a second, punishing “The Deadman” inside the ring as well as outside. JBL was slowly wearing down The Undertaker, dropping several elbows to the chest of his opponent. Bradshaw looked to hit a Running Big Boot on The Deadman, but Taker ducked it before striking JBL with stiff right hands, and followed it up with a boot to the jaw, sending JBL to the apron and hovering above the open casket. Another boot to the face sent him crashing into the coffin, the crowd exploding. But JBL instantly jumped out of the box, the fear evident in his eyes. Undertaker was quickly on his tail however, and he whipped the big Texan into the security barrier. He then whipped him HARD into the side of the casket, JBL holding his back in pain. The fans of New Hampshire were on their feet for every offensive move The Phenom hit, and they came unglued when, back inside the ring, The Undertaker grabbed JBL by the throat, looking to hit a Chokeslam. But Bradshaw hit a low blow with the tip of his boot, sending The Deadman down to his knees. He followed up with a boot to the face, buying himself some time.


JBL pulled a table from underneath the ring and placed it in the ring, the crowd rumbling in anticipation. But as JBL slid into the ring, he was immediately grabbed around the throat and drilled into the canvas with a Chokeslam to the delight of the fans in attendance. The casket lid was lifted and JBL was slowly rolled towards it, but Bradshaw had just enough energy to stop himself from being placed in the wooden container by landing hard rights to the mid section of The Deadman. JBL escaped yet again, and continued to do so throughout the contest, thwarting Undertakers attempts at placing him in the casket. Things soon turned around dramatically however when Undertaker dropped JBL face first into the turnbuckle before running to the ropes and looking to hit the Snake Eyes. But Undertaker wasn’t prepared for the Clothesline from Hell that almost took him out of his boots. Once again JBL had bought himself some time, and he made the most of it, once again putting the boots to The Phenom. A Fall Away Slam almost dented the ring with the impact, the crowd solidly behind The Undertaker with “Rest in Peace” chants.


Both men were so close throughout the contest to stuffing their opponent into the Casket, but neither man could get it done. But out of the two, The Undertaker was looking the most likely when he delivered ANOTHER Chokeslam to JBL. The crowd erupted as The Phenom signalled for a Tombstone Piledriver. Undertaker lifted him up, but was surprised when Bradshaw reversed the move, and in one quick motion he had The Deadman set up for the very same move. JBL was almost smiling as he dropped The Undertaker with a Tombstone. The jeers were deafening as JBL slowly but surely rolled The Undertaker into the Casket. The crowd were in an uproar as JBL began to close the lid. But they soon came alive once more when Taker held the lid open with one hand before forcing it open and hitting JBL with huge rights and lefts. JBL crawled back into the ring, and as Taker entered the squared circle he delivered another boot to the groin and followed up with a Clothesline from Hell. The crowd were livid as JBL set up the table that was bought into play earlier on, and JBL was looking to finish things off with a Powerbomb through the table, but he struggled as Undertaker began to try to fight out of it. Bradshaw rained down with clubbing forearms to the back and finally lifted Undertaker up. But Taker soon escaped after several HARD right hands to JBL’s skull before landing behind him. JBL turned around and was grabbed around the throat once again, Undertaker looking to Chokeslam him through the wood. But Bradshaw broke out of it and hit the ropes before swinging for a Clothesline from Hell. But Undertaker ducked it and, as JBL turned around, he was kicked in the gut before Undertaker lifted him up and delivered an amazing Last Ride through the table. The crowd were whipped into a frenzy as Undertaker dragged the limp body of John Bradshaw Layfield into the casket. Undertaker looked down at JBL’s lifeless body before closing the lid. The match was over, and finally, this heated rivalry was laid to rest.


Winner: The Undertaker


Cole: The Undertaker did it! The Undertaker, after 5 months, has finally put JBL to rest.


Grisham: All the credit in the world has to go to JBL, who put up an amazing fight, but he could not get the job done. The Undertaker reigns supreme here tonight.


The lights dimmed in the arena as Undertaker dropped to his knee and saluted the casket, flames erupting from the stage as the crowd stand in unison for “The Demon of Death Valley”.







Prior to the following bout, the United States Champion Bobby Lashley headed to the ring to a somewhat mixed reaction, the fans not quite sure how to react towards him after the past several months. Lashley took a seat at the Smackdown announce desk, although he never asked for a head set, instead choosing to sit in silence, preparing to scout his potential opponents for next month’s Vengeance Pay Per View.







In normal circumstances, it would be a certainty that Benoit and Hardy would join forces to take Orton out of the contest, but with everything that has gone on between all three men over the past several weeks, this really was every man for himself. Still, Orton did seem to get off to a bad start after a violent chop by Benoit in the opening moments actually caused him to bleed, and he sat it out in the corner for several moments whilst Benoit and Hardy waged war. And what a war it was, with chops and Uppercuts being exchanged between both men. Benoit looked to hit a German Suplex early, but Hardy was able to escape the move and deliver a Belly to Back Suplex for a two count. The crowd were split between both men, clearly fans of both individuals spread out throughout the arena.


After several minutes of frantic back and forth action between Hardy and Benoit, “The Legend Killer” was able to return to the match, and he immediately went to work on the necks of both men, the same body parts that were almost snapped in two courtesy of Randy Orton several months before. Orton connected with an Inverted Headlock Back Breaker on Hardy for a close two. Orton decided to go for the same manoeuvre on Benoit, but “The Rabid Wolverine” was prepared and, grabbing Orton’s arm, he took Randy to the mat and locked in the Crippler Crossface. The crowd were screaming for Orton to tap, but Hardy was Orton’s saviour, a stomp to the head of Benoit breaking up the submission. Hardy temporarily took Benoit out of the picture, hitting a Drop Kick to the chest that sent Benoit to the outside. This gave Hardy an opportunity to do some damage to the man who put him on the shelf all those months ago. But Orton was ready for him and almost took him out of his boots with a Clothesline for a two count. With Hardy on the mat, Orton locked in a Chin Lock, attempting to wear Hardy down and make him easy prey for an RKO. The crowd were screaming their lungs out, “Hardy” chants reverberating throughout the building as Hardy got to his feet and managed to fight out of the hold. But as he hit the ropes to make a comeback, he was drilled into the canvas once again with a Snap Scoop Powerslam. Orton made the cover, but Benoit returned to break the count. The match continued on like this for quite some time, with nobody truly gaining an advantage. That is until Benoit was dropped with a Side Effect by Hardy. He made the cover, and Orton looked to break the fall. But Hardy moved, and Orton’s knee came crashing into the skull of Benoit. Hardy then quickly laid Orton out with a Twist of Fate, the crowd exploding. Hardy made the cover, but unluckily for him Orton’s leg was underneath the rope, giving the official no choice but to stop the count.


Things began to heat up as the match got closer and closer to its conclusion, and of all three men, it seemed Benoit was the more likely to take the victory. Both Orton and Hardy were dropped to the canvas time and time again after Benoit nailed stiff chops to the chests of both men, Orton’s chest beginning to bleed even more. Benoit drilled Orton with a German Suplex and then delivered another one to Hardy. A Bridging Northern Lights Suplex on Hardy only picked up a two count. Benoit attempted the same move on Orton, but he stunned Benoit when he dropped him with a DDT. He made the cover but could only get a two count. The fans were electric as all three men put everything on the line to pick up a victory. Bobby Lashley remained emotionless from ringside as he watched the action. Hardy was going to work with right hands on Orton, but he was wiped out with an unexpected RKO from literally nowhere. Orton hooked the leg, the official began the count, but Benoit was there to break the count. Benoit quickly took Orton to the mat with the Triple Snap Suplex, Orton’s whole body in pain. Benoit looked around him, the fans in attendance going wild as he headed up top. Benoit had targeted Hardy, and he was about to come down hard with a Diving Headbutt. But Benoit was crushed when in a moment that will surely replayed for years to come, Benoit came off the top and was caught with a sickening RKO, landing hard onto Matt Hardy. The crowd were in shock, “Holy ****” chants ringing out as all three men lay motionless in the ring. Even Bobby Lashley had a smile spread across his face as the crowd continued to stand in unison.


There had to be a winner, but all three men were in a daze after what had happened. Orton was the one to take advantage, as he took the fight to Hardy, Benoit still out on the canvas. Orton delivered a vicious Spinebuster to the mat, but he only gained a two count. Orton then stalked Hardy, looking to finish him with an RKO, but as he hooked the head Hardy pushed him away, and he was pushed straight into a Crippler Crossface by Benoit, who had somehow got himself back into the contest. Orton was in clear agony, but things took a twist as Hardy took Benoit’s legs and locked in a figure four, Benoit still with his hands clamped across the face of Orton. It seemed that someone had to tap, but nobody had their holds on fully and they were simple enough to escape from. But the end finally came after Benoit delivered a German Suplex to Matt Hardy. Benoit got to his feet and was immediately hit with an RKO by Randy Orton. Orton made the cover, the official made the count...and Benoit got his shoulder up at two. Orton was livid, and he stalked Benoit. But he was completely oblivious to the now vertical Matt Hardy, who spun Orton around and hit the Twist of Fate. Hardy hooked the leg and the official finally made the three count, awarding the match to Matt Hardy, the fans euphoric in their support. Matt Hardy is now the Number One Contender to the United States Championship.


Winner: Matt Hardy


Cole: Hardy did it! After an uphill battle with two of the best in this industry, Matt Hardy has earned himself a title shot against Bobby Lashley.


Grisham: This match could have been won by any one of these individuals, but congratulations to Matt Hardy, he deserves this win here tonight.


Hardy began to stare down Bobby Lashley, who had his title draped across his shoulder, his face still emotionless. That’s when Hardy felt the force of an RKO by Randy Orton, who was livid at being defeated. Chris Benoit was soon on his feet, but he too was dropped with an RKO by “The Legend Killer” The fans jeers directed at Orton didn’t seem to phase him. But NOTHING seemed to phase Lashley as he simply walked to the back as if nothing had happened.







Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest; “The Rated R Superstar” Edge. And Edge, in just a few minutes you are going to walk to that ring, possibly for the very last time, as you take on WWE Champion John Cena for the title. I gotta ask; what is going through your mind?


Edge: What’s going through my mind? You wanna know what’s going through my mind? Right now, the only thoughts I have are of me walking out of New Hampshire as a TWO TIME WWE Champion. I’m not even going to entertain the thought of me never stepping in that ring again. I don’t think about it because it isn’t going to happen, Coach. Tonight, I finally end the reign of quite possibly the WORST WWE Champion in the history of this sport, John Cena. I put my career on the line for a reason; because I KNOW that I can beat Cena. I KNOW that Cena is a flash in the pan, Flavour of the Month. But Me... I’m The Rated R Superstar. I’m a legend in the making. And tonight, I AM the man that shows up John Cena for the fraud he is.


Coachman: But Edge, you have to realise that there is the slight possibility that John Cena will beat you here tonight.


Edge: Really? You think Cena will beat me tonight, Coach? You really think that? Well I’m telling you now; I GUARENTEE that tonight, I WILL become WWE Champion. And if you don’t believe me, just watch my match tonight.





WWE Championship:






As always, the fans were extremely mixed for John Cena, but it seemed the majority (or at least the most vocal) were against him, even a few “Edge” chants ringing out. And those Edge fans were ecstatic when Edge took the early advantage, stomping Cena in the corner of the ring. Edge had everything to lose in this contest, and he was determined and focused in this contest, intent on leaving as a champion rather than leaving without a job. Cena was trying to cover up, but Edge’s boot was connecting hard with the skull of Cena, dazing the champ. Edge dragged Cena to the centre of the ring and laded a Leg Drop for a two count.


Every fan was on their feet for this contest, intrigued as to how it would play out. And Edge continued to dominate in the early going, not giving Cena a chance to mount any offence. Cena did swing wildly at one point in the match, looking for a Clothesline, but Edge ducked it and delivered a Edge-O-Matic from behind for another two count. Edge decided to work on the ribs of Cena, driving his knees and elbows into the ribs, trying to wear him down and weaken the champ for a Spear. Edge had Cena in the corner and began delivering stiff boots to the ribs, and he followed up with several Shoulder Tackles into the corner, followed by a Russian Legsweep into the turnbuckle. Cena grabbed his neck in pain as Edge made the cover and gained another two count. Edge now had a new point to attack, as Cena was clearly in pain with his neck. Edge sat on the back of Cena and locked in a Camel Clutch, wrenching on the neck of the champ. Many in the crowd were urging Cena to tap, but he was a lot tougher than anybody gave him credit for and he managed to get himself to the ropes to break the hold, much to the disappointment of many. Edge lifted Cena to his feet and peppered him with right hands, but as he swung for another one, Cena ducked in and hit a Belly to Back Suplex. Cena finally began to get himself into the contest, and Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler almost had a heart attack when Cena managed to land a Drop Kick on “The Rated R Superstar” for a close two count. Cena mounted a comeback after taking Edge down with a Shoulder Tackle, followed by another and then following up with a Belly to Back converted into a Side Slam. The crowd were on their feet (some at least) as Cena waved his hand in his face and delivered a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena was laying in wait, the crowd getting restless, when Cena lifted Edge up for the F-U. Edge fought his way out however, and an Edgecution soon planted Cena into the canvas. Edge made the cover, but could only manage a two count.


Edge was getting restless, and it was now time for “The Rated R Superstar” Edge to resort to his usual dirty tricks. Edge called for Lita on the outside to grab a steel chair for him, which she did. This obviously got the attention of the official, which was clearly the plan as Edge produced a pair of brass knuckles from his tights. Edge placed the weapon on his hand and swung for Cena. But Edge didn’t plan on Cena avoiding the move and planting his boot into the groin of Edge, a low blow sending Edge to his knees. Cena took the brass Knuckles from Edge and, placing them on his hand, cracked Edge in the jaw, laying him out. Fans were livid as Cena got the attention of the official before hooking the leg of Edge. The referee made the count... but Edge somehow managed to get his shoulder up at two, much to the exuberance of the capacity crowd. There were near falls galore between the two, both men hell bent on walking away with the gold around their waist. But it seemed that Edge wanted it that little bit more, as clearly there was more at stake for “The Rated R Superstar”.


The match was about to take a huge turn when, as Edge prepared to hit a Spear on Cena, the WWE Champion moved, and Edge ended up taking out the official with the deadly move. With no official present, the match descended into chaos, the rule book completely thrown out of the window. After battling for several minutes, Cena finally managed to get Edge on his shoulders and send him crashing down with an F-U. But his advantage didn’t last long as a Steel Chair was swung, connecting with the spine of the champ. Cena turned around to see Lita holding the offending weapon. Lita begged and pleaded with Cena, but he was having none of it and he lifted her onto his shoulders. The crowd were rumbling with anticipation until Cena was dropped with a deadly Spear by Edge. Cena was out, but so too was the official. Edge made a cover, and luckily for him a second official came sprinting to the ring. The official slid into the ring and made the count... but Cena kicked out. Edge was furious, hitting the mat, wondering what he had to do to win. Edge was enraged, and he showed his fury when he Speared the second official, the crowd shocked at the pure aggression of “The Rated R Superstar”. Edge had made a promise to walk out as champion, and he intended to keep that promise as he grabbed the steel chair and began to drill the chair into the ribs of Cena over and over again, the hatred in his eyes visible for all to see. Edge threw the chair down and crouched down in the corner, the fans erupting at the prospect of what was about to happen. Cena got to his feet and Edge charged towards him for a Spear. But Cena shocked him by lifting him up and drilling him with another F-U, the crowd coming unglued at the action they were witnessing.


Cena slowly crawled over to Edge and made a cover. The first official who had been taken out of the match was slowly regaining consciousness, and he began to crawl towards both men. The official made a count. One, two...but the official was stopped when he felt a GIANT foot connect with the back of his skull. The crowd were stunned to see THE BIG SHOW in the ring. Much like he had been in the past, Show had clearly been paid off by “The Rated R Superstar” to help him win the match, which was obviously why Edge seemed so confident coming into the contest. The Big Show lifted Cena to his feet and, wrapping his large hand around the throat of Cena, he delivered an earth shattering Chokeslam, almost sending him straight through the mat. Edge was still out, but Show had a job to do and he lifted Cena up again and delivered a second Chokeslam. The fans were actually jeering The Big Show as they were enjoying the battle that Edge and Cena had put on. But The Big Show could not care less what the people thought as he lifted the lifeless body of the WWE Champion to his feet one more time. But as he wrapped his hands around his throat, the entire arena was engulfed in darkness before some eerie music began to play...


<object width="350" height="221"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8HC0THV3m4?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8HC0THV3m4?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0&color1=0x5d1719&color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="350" height="221"></embed></object>


The explosion which followed was deafening, as was the roar of the crowd as, through Hell, Fire and Brimstone stepped a monster...




Although covered with paint, the face was recognizable to all as KANE made his return, the crowd uncontrollable as he ran to the ring and began to throw hands with The Big Show, the fans eating up every second of it. Big Show was rocking, and a boot to the skull sent him sailing to the outside. Kane soon followed and the two began to brawl into the crowd, finally heading through the exit. This left Cena and Edge inside the ring, Cena clearly not 100% after the attack by The Big Show. Edge slowly got to his feet, not quite sure what had happened. But he was going to make the most of it as he couched in the corner once again, ready to spear his way to another title victory. John Cena got to his feet, spun around and was sent crashing down with a bone-crunching Spear. Edge almost shook the life out of the original official to revive him before hooking the leg of Cena. The referee slowly made the count... and Cena once again kicked out! The crowd were now buzzing as Edge’s face turned to absolute disgust, sickened that he STILL could not keep the champ down. Edge was not to be deterred however, and he crouched down for one final Spear that would catapult him to a victory. Edge charged as Cena stood up, but Cena lifted “The Rated R Superstar” to his shoulders for an F-U! Edge struggled and squirmed before finally breaking out of the hold, hitting the ropes and dropping Cena with another brutal Spear, almost shattering the ribs. Edge hooked the leg once again, holding on tightly as the official made the all important count. One....two....THREE! Finally, after six months, Edge had once again climbed the mountain to become a TWO TIME WWE Champion.


Winner and NEW WWE Champion: Edge


Ross: It began in January at New Years Revolution when Edge cashed in his Money in the Bank briefcase. And now after moths of turmoil, the John Cena/Edge saga is laid to rest, and EDGE is our NEW WWE Champion. But you have to give a big assist to the The Largest Athlete in the World.


Lawler: Absolutely, but he was quickly sent packing by the new look, new attitude Kane. But interference or not, the fact remains that “The Rated R Superstar” is on top of the mountain once again.


Edge was handed his title belt by Lita, who strapped the gold around the waist of her man. Edge raised his arms in the air, the majority of the crowd on their feet, before kissing Lita over the limp body of the former champ. The Pay Per View faded to black with the image of “The Rated R Superstar” standing tall above Cena, looking down at the strap around his waist. John Cena’s dominance was over, and The Rated R Era had truly begun.








Dark Match:

The Brooklyn Soldiers over Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch C+


Main Show:

Chavo Guerrero over Aaron Stevens C

Kid Kash over CM Punk, Psicosis & Super Crazy to retain Cruiserweight Championship D+

British Uprising over London & Kendrick and Nitro & Mercury to retain Great British Tag Team Championship C

Carlito over Shawn Michaels to retain Intercontinental Championship B

No Contest between Mickie James & Victoria (Mickie retains Women’s Championship) C

Triple H over Tyson Tomko B-

The Undertaker over John Bradshaw Layfield B+

Matt Hardy over Chris Benoit and Randy Orton B+

Edge over John Cena to WIN the WWE Championship B


Overall Show Rating: B-

PPV Buy Rate: 3.62



The Final Countdown - 5/9 (Total Score= 44)

pauls07 - 5/9 (Total Score= 42)

Jingo - 4/9 (Total Score= 32)

Doe-Bomb - 5/9 (Total Score= 21)

Kijar -4/9 (Total Score= 15)

TheKenwyne - 7/9 (Total Score= 12)

Rob5KC - 5/9 (Total Score= 8)

KrisKatana - 7/9 (Total Score= 7)

TracyBrooksFan - 3/9 (Total Score: 6)

Hashasheen - 5/9 (Total Score= 5)


^{-kelly-kelly-}^ - N/A (Total Score: 11)

totti - N/A (Total Score= 10)

Scotland - N/A (Total Score: 8)

mobbdeep455 - N/A (Total Score= 6)

Gouge - N/A (Total Score= 5)

Mattitude90 - N/A (Total Score= 5)

Hartattack - N/A (Total Score: 4)

The Celt - N/A (Total Score= 4)

Mattitude V2 - N/A (Total Score= 3)

BoomKing - N/A (Total Score= 2)


Congratulations to The Final Countdown. Your prize will be PM'd to you within the next few days.

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good show and awesome the way Mickie is turning out

I'll second that. THIS is how Mickie should have been portrayed in real life. Her psycho heel character fizzled after her Mania match with Trish, but here, you've kept her going, and even turned it up a notch. The only potential problem I can see is, what face will be able to knock her off? The only other Diva I perceive as being anywhere near her level is Trish, and I think it'd have sort of a "been there, done that" feel if you put the belt right back on her. I'm sure you'll figure something out though.


I marked out when Kane came out. The amazing theme music and the new look are friggen badass!

That music is indeed cool. I couldn't care less about Kane IRL, but that theme alone has me intrigued. Where did that even come from?


After reading this show, I've had a thought pop into my head about the identity of the masked man--but I'm almost sure it's off-base. I think it'd make for an intriguing story, but I just can't see you using the guy in question in such a high-profile position. I'll keep my thoughts to myself, so I don't embarrass myself. Plus, no matter which way the story goes in the future, I'll be able to pretend I was right all along. :D

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After the Bash

by Cattle_Mutilation_Mark


Hello, my fellow PWInsiders! As I told you all last week, I was the lucky winner of a contest on WWE.com, and as a result, I got an all-expenses-paid trip to tonight’s Great American Bash PPV. My seat was awesome, and I got a great view of all of the matches. But I’m not sitting here writing this at 3 in the morning to recap the show. After all, everybody on this site either watched the PPV, or read the results of what happened. No, the reason I’m sitting here and gulping down Mountain Dew in the middle of the night is so I can tell you what happened after the show, when I got to go backstage!


I had to sit and wait in the hallway for quite awhile, but eventually, my tour guide did show up. And imagine my surprise—and pleasure!—when it turned out to be none other than Dean Malenko! Dean may be just a backstage worker for the WWE these days, but to me, he’ll always be the Man of 1,000 Holds. I followed Dean’s career for years, from his days in New Japan’s Juniors division, to his awesome matches with Eddie Guerrero in ECW, to his greatest mainstream exposure in WCW, where he was an early cornerstone of the excellent Cruiserweight division before joining the Four Horsemen. Simply shaking the hand of this man would have been thrill enough for me, but the night was only just beginning.


Dean led me to the main backstage area before asking me to take a seat, promising he’d be back soon. From my seat, I watched in fascination as some of the men and women I watch on TV every week went about their business. Among them were Jimmy Snuka Jr., who the jury is still out on, Mr. Kennedy, whose upcoming feud with CM Punk should be 10 different kinds of awesome, and The British Uprising, who for my money are fast becoming one of the very best teams in the world, bar none.


The superstars weren’t all I saw, though. On the seat next to me was a slightly crumpled piece of paper, seemingly discarded and forgotten about. My curiosity getting the better of me, I picked up the piece of paper to see what it was. My eyes widened as I saw the writing scribbled across the top: ‘BOOKING SHEET, RAW’.


Yes, in my hands I held what seemed to be the line-up for tomorrow night’s RAW! True to Vince & co’s reputation for frequently changing their minds, almost every single line on the paper was crossed out. But one note remained unblemished, just under the header:



Shawn Michaels vs. Chavo Guerrero


What a discovery! I, for one, have been so happy to see Chavo finally getting the opportunity he’s deserved for years, even if it only came about after the tragic death of his uncle Eddie. He looked very impressive in his win over Aaron Stevens tonight (more on “The Idol” later, BTW), but a headline match on RAW with one of the best ever? Talk about a golden opportunity for Chavito to shine! I hope this match really does take place, because hanging with a guy like HBK would do wonders for furthering Chavo’s ascension to the top.


I quickly put the paper back when I saw Malenko returning. But he hadn’t come back alone. Walking with him was the absolutely HUGE Big Show. Now, we all know that Show is enormous, but you really have no idea how big he actually is until you see him in person. I looked up at this man, and knew he could probably crush me in the palm of his hand if he felt like it. Fortunately, he was an absolute class act. He actually listened to what I was saying as we talked, and I think I genuinely cracked him up when I asked, in my best serious voice, how in the hell he’d survived falling off of a roof in his infamous “Monster Truck Challenge” with Hulk Hogan so many years ago. Show graciously signed autographs and took several pictures before shaking my hand and leaving.


Dean then led me around and introduced me to some of the other talent. He introduced me to Trish Stratus, who, impossibly, is actually far more beautiful in person than she is on TV or in photo shoots. Trish was very kind, polite and engaging. I congratulated her on turning into such a talented wrestler, and she earnestly thanked me. I also told her how much I enjoyed her feud with Mickie James, who had been a favorite of mine for years on the indy circuit, and thanked her for all she’d done in helping Mickie get over. Throughout our conversation, I did my very best to maintain eye contact at all times. Sadly, I am only human, and my eyes drifted down to drink in her…umm…assets more than once. After the second or third time, she met my eyes, gave me a knowing smirk, and winked. I think my face was beet red for the next five or ten minutes, but at least she didn’t seem to take offense. With how beautiful she is, I guess she’s used to it by now.


Matt, the “other” Hardy, has never been a particular favorite of mine, but he seemed like a nice enough guy. I almost asked him whether he’d patched things up with Lita, but stopped myself, not wanting to pry. He did answer my question about Jeff by saying that Jeff was doing well, and when I asked whether he thought Jeff would ever come back to the WWE, he just grinned and said “never say never.”


Next, I had the honor of speaking to the “Nature Boy” himself, Ric Flair! It was obvious that Flair had other places he wanted to be (one of his famous after-parties, maybe?), but the man is such a naturally charismatic person that he was still a blast to talk to. I did find it a bit strange that he charged me $5 for an autograph, on what was supposed to be a “free” tour. I guess I should be honored that I paid for a good 15 seconds of Naitch’s night on the town.


When Dean introduced me to Carlito, he gave me a quick nod and brushed right by, completely blowing me off. I guess all the stories about Carlito being a backstage headache are true. You’d think that being in a high-profile program with a guy like HBK, one of the best ever, would brighten the dude’s mood somewhat, but I guess not. If he behaves this same way around his co-workers, I wouldn’t be surprised to see them cut the guy loose before 2006 is finished.


I wasn’t sure what to expect when Dean introduced me to Aaron Stevens, but “The Idol” was actually very personable and humble. Clearly, the big push he’s gotten from day one since being called up has not given him an inflated ego. He even called over his manager, Michelle McCool, and both of them happily posed for pictures. After my incident with Carlito, it was nice to meet two newcomers who actually seemed like decent human beings. I’ll definitely be following both of their careers with interest from now on.


As Dean led me to the exit, I reflected on what had been an overall great experience. But, to the surprise of both of us, the most memorable moment of the night had yet to occur.


As we walked past, a door swung open, and Triple H stepped out, looking furious. Not spotting us, he turned back and addressed the man inside.


I can’t recite what was said word-for-word, because this site does not tolerate excessive profanity. But suffice to say that Triple H was none too pleased about beating Tomko with a roll-up on the PPV, rather than something decisive like a Pedigree. And he let his father-in-law, Vince McMahon himself, hear about it—with a profanity-laced tirade. He only let up when he spotted me watching on, and his face froze as he realized I’d overheard everything. He left in a hurry, and a mortified Malenko got me out of the building as fast as humanly possible. I guess “The Cerebral Assassin” is still looking out for his own best interests first and foremost, even though he (and Stephanie) will likely be running the entire empire someday. It’s a good thing Vince still has the “grapefruits” to do what he thinks is best for business, and in this case, I think he made the right call. Tomko is on the verge of becoming a bona-fide main event player, but if Triple H makes him look weak, it could do significant damage to his career. Here’s to hoping that Vince will stick to his guns, and Triple H will help bring Tomko up to his level, whether he wants to or not.


All in all, it had been a great night. I got to watch on as Edge became a 2-time World champ, I got to meet several people I’d been entertained by for years, and I even got a glimpse, however accidental, of some behind-the-scenes politics. I’ll be sure to enter any future contests WWE.com might run. Who knows; maybe next time, I’ll be able to go an entire conversation with Trish Stratus without staring at her cleavage like a horny teenager!


Well, probably not. But I’d sure like to give it a shot.




I hope this was to your liking, jw. Great prize idea, by the way. I'm eager to win again, if only to see if you'll build off of some of the things that I wrote.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac355/jwforever316a/thetruth.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="24967" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">Welcome once again to another instalment of "The Truth" with Jack Savage, exclusive to wrestlexperts.com. As always, I will be reviewing the latest Pay Per View offering from Vince and company, as well as giving my thoughts on certain rumours floating around the World Wide Web. This week we take a look at The Great American Bash, a show that had MANY talking points. So let's not waste time, lets get straight to it.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - The show opened with Chavo Guerrero defeating Aaron Stevens. I'm a big supporter of both of these individuals. I can honestly see Chavo as WWE Champion before the year is out. And Stevens is a star in the making. He really plays his part to perfection. There has been talk that the only reason he has been getting the push he has received is because of his friendship with Cena, but Stevens has proved he deserves it after fantastic showings against some of the top stars in the company. However, I think this match was a let-down for both men. It wasn't bad by any means, but they are both capable of doing better. The interference by McCool and Stratus cheapened it slightly for me too.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><strong>The Savage Truth:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> Not the greatest match in the world, but nothing too bad about it either. I get a feeling this feud may not be over quite yet however. I give this contest a C.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - Next up is Shawn Michaels, who cuts a promo hyping his match with Carlito. As always, Michaels is solid on the mic, and I'm amazed that he doesn't get nearly enough time on the stick these days. He also put over the storyline with the masked man that has been appearing over the past month or two. I like the intrigue of this story, and if the rumours I've heard are to be believed, we could be in for a very interesting feud. This segment gets a B+</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - The Fatal Four Way for the Cruiserweight strap was decent enough, with everybody doing their part. I've been pleasantly surprised at just how well CM Punk has been received by WWE fans. I've always been a HUGE Punk mark, and he clearly has a cult following from his Independent days. But it seems the casual fans have also taken a shine to "The Straight Edge Superstar". The main story of this contest of course was Mr. Kennedy costing Punk the match, and Kid Kash retaining. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><strong>The Savage Truth:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> A decent enough Cruiserweight contest. I really feel the Division really needs something injected into it, and soon. A D+ is all I can give for this one.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - Following the match, Kennedy brutally beat down CM Punk, busting him open. This segment was very well done, and really got over Kennedy's hatred for Punk, although we still have no idea why he despises him so much. Punk refusing help from the EMT's was a good way to get across how tough he really is. I'm quite intrigued as to where this feud will lead. This segment gets a C+</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - I'm a British Uprising mark! I'm happy to admit it. I love the interactions between the two. Paul Burchill has improved dramatically since joining up with Regal. Their chemistry is fantastic and, in my eyes, they are the best Tag Team in the company right now. Their segment backstage before their match was no different. There is talk of adding a third member to the group, but honestly I'm not really sure if they need it. We shall see what the future holds. The segment gets a C+. As for the match itself involving The Uprising, Nitro & Mercury AND London & Kendrick.... well, it wasn't great. It was good, with Burchill really standing out in the contest, but I don't think they really showed what they were capable of. I'm pleased The British Uprising retained the titles, and I can see them having a pretty lengthy run with the straps. The interference from Melina during the contest was kinda predictable and, in my eyes, unnecessary.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><strong>The Savage Truth:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> Decent enough contest, but I expected more out of it. Burchill stood out, and Nitro did some pretty good work out there, but the rest just seemed a little off to me. A C for this contest from me.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - I enjoyed what transpired after the match with Nitro, Mercury and the two men that hit the ring and attacked the two, forming an alliance with Melina. The two men have been identified as Brett and Brian Major, a team that has been in developmental in OVW for a while. The two now go by the names of Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder, and obviously will be feuding with Mercury and Nitro for the foreseeable future. I like that they are trying to build the tag division again after years of being put on the back burner, but if any show needs new Tag Teams it's Monday Night Raw. Smackdown has done well to bring interest in the division again, especially with the evolution of The British Uprising. But still, this could be a good feud and hopefully gets Hawkins and Ryder over. This segment gets a C.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - The backstage promo with Punk was really one of the first times Punk has really been given any time on the mic, but I think he did a fantastic job, giving an emotional speech as he continued to hype the feud with Kennedy. Punk is a rare talent, and I think he is destined to be a star for the WWE in the future. I think this promo did wonders for Punk, and I can't wait to see what the future holds. A C+ for this promo from yours truly.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - Despite HBK clearly being above the Intercontinental Championship, I was still surprised to see Carlito walk away with the title. After all the talk of backstage problems between Carlito and seemingly every other Superstar (especially Edge) it seemed almost a certainty that McMahon would take the belt from him. But the match itself was a great little back and forth contest. This match went to show that, when he wants to, Carlito can put on a great contest. Of course the fact that Michaels was in the match may be some indication as to why it turned out so well. I have mixed feelings towards the interference from the masked man, who ended up knocking Michaels out and costing him the match. On the one hand, I can see why they did it as they needed to progress the story. But on the other hand, ALL 3 MATCHES beforehand had featured outside interference of some kind, and it just seemed like overkill. Still, a good match between them, but it will be interesting to see what happens next with Carlito.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><strong>The Savage Truth:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> A good match, as you would expect with HBK, with an intriguing finish that has me interested in where this whole "Mystery Man" angle is heading. I rate this match a B.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - Ric Flair was up next, making the announcement that this could indeed be his final year in the ring. Good. I'm a big Flair fan and everything, but I think Stevie Wonder can see he's WAY past his prime these days. He's had a few flickers of what he used to be (I'll admit that some of his matches with Aaron Stevens were somewhat entertaining) but it really is time he hung up his boots. I like the idea that he is on the lookout for somebody to mentor though. Despite what he lacks in the ring these days, he can still cut one of the best promos in the business, and he would make a great mouth piece for one of the young guys looking to rise up the card. This promo gets a B from me.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - It would be difficult to even call the contest for the Women's Championship a 'match' as such, seeing as it lasted all of about a minute. But it told the story they needed to tell superbly, getting Mickie over as a true psychopath. I love the Mickie character, it is one of the most refreshing things we have seen in the Women's Division for some time. And Victoria has done exceptionally well in her role too, and hopefully this feud has a few more twists and turns along the way to keep us on the edge of our seats.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><strong>The Savage Truth:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> Not enough in this to really call it a match, but it did what it was designed to do. This contest gets a C.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - Following the match, Mickie put Victoria through a table, which was one of the cooler sights I've seen recently. These kind of feuds are usually reserved for the males, so it's good to see a grittier feud between two talented 'Divas'. I'll give this segment a C.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - I've enjoyed watching Tyson Tomko's rise into the upper echelons of the WWE, he has really seemed to hold his own quite well, even having a number of well received matches with John Cena. This promo was pretty decent too, proving that he can handle himself on the mic too. I give this a B-.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - Next up was a segment revolving around JBL's paranoid state as he goes into his Casket Match with The Undertaker. I'm glad this feud is finally coming to an end. I do like both JBL AND The Undertaker, and the matches they have had have been pretty good all things considered. But they haven't really done much for each other with this feud, and I'll be pleased to see the two of them move on to new feuds. The segment gets a B+ from me.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - I thoroughly enjoyed the contest between Tyson Tomko and Triple H. But I suppose my only concern is that I though Tomko would have gotten a LOT more out of this match by defeating "The Game". It makes me wonder just where this feud goes from here now Triple H has already defeated Tomko. Plus with rumours circulating that Hunter will be taking some time off in the next few weeks to spend time with his and Stephanie's newborn child, it begs the question as to when Tomko will get his chance at revenge. But all this aside, the two put on a great contest, and the fans in attendance seemed to really get into it.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><strong>The Savage Truth:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> A good match between these two. I think Tomko has truly established himself as a Main Event player recently, although I still believe he should have gone over in this one, and that is the only reason this match gets just a B- from me.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - We head backstage where The Brooklyn Soldiers brawl with Charlie Haas and Matt Striker. Here's a quick note to WWE Creative; PLEASE BUILD THE TAG TEAM DIVISION ON RAW! I like The Soldiers, and I like Haas and Striker, but they are clearly just two singles stars with nothing else to do and who have been put together for the sake of putting them together. It's hard to watch when Smackdown has such a cast of great teams that could challenge for the titles at any time (Londrick, Nitro & Mercury, F.B.I, The Pitbulls etc.). Whereas Raw has Cade & Murdoch. That's it. Draft a team from Smackdown. Call somebody up from developmental. Do something. Because right now the tag team scene on Raw is practically non-existent. Anyway, this segment gets a D from yours truly.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - The Casket Match was actually a lot better than I expected. I've said it before and I'll say it again; when called upon to do so, both men are still capable of putting on a great bout. And they did so in this Casket Match. Now with this feud seemingly over, I would put money on Undertaker being thrown into the title picture in some way or another, which I would have no complaints about.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><strong>The Savage Truth:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> Another great match between these two and a good way to end the feud. One of the best matches of the night, and it gets a rating of B+ from me.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - However good the Casket Match was, the match of the night has to go to the Triple Threat with Orton, Benoit and Hardy. All three men were tremendous in this contest. I was actually shocked to see Hardy get the win, as I was convinced it would be Benoit who would get the shot at the belt. But after a moment of thought, I think I actually prefer Hardy as the Number One Contender. It would give Lashley the perfect opponent to finally complete his slow building heel turn, plus it appears that Orton and Benoit will continue their feud that started at Wrestlemania, and if that match was anything to go by, the two of them should be able to give us something special.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><strong>The Savage Truth:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> Match of the Night for me. All three men did their jobs to perfection, and I'm genuinely excited to see where all three individuals go from here. This match gets a B+</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - Prior to the Main Event, Edge cut a quick promo in which he guaranteed to become WWE Champion. A good promo by Edge to hype the contest. This segment gets a B.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - Excuse me for one moment.....EDGE WINS! EDGE WINS! EDGE WINS!....OK, now that is out of my system, allow me to continue. Seriously, I am SO happy to see Edge become WWE Champion once again. I think it was a crock just how short his first title reign was. He deserved to hold it a lot longer than he did. But since his loss at The Royal Rumble, he has proven that he deserves to be in the Main Event. It's also a bonus that John Cena is no longer a champion, and with the stipulation that was put in place, it seems he will be out of the title picture for the foreseeable future. I've stated before that I think Cena gets a tough time from many people, usually undeservedly. But it will be refreshing to see him out of the title picture for a while. I pray to god we now get to see an Edge/Chavo feud for the title, although all indications are pointing to an Edge/Batista feud (yawn!!!). Can I also add that the return of "The Big Red Monster" Kane was epic. Everything from his theme to his new look was awesome. I just hope they don't drop the ball with him like they did when they unmasked him. Kane deserves a good run with the company.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><strong>The Savage Truth:</strong></span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> A good Main Event, an Epic return for Kane, a new WWE Champion. What more could you want. A good way to end the PPV. This match gets a B.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><strong>THE SAVAGE VERDICT:</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> So, another Pay Per View in the bag. And a good one, too. A few disappointing moments, but the good certainly outweighed the bad. The Great American Bash gets a B- rating overall from me.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><strong><span style="font-size:18px;">***IN OTHER NEWS***</span></strong></span><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - Expect to see a lot less of Carlito in the future. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to see him given his marching orders very soon. As we have reported, Carlito has stirred up plenty of trouble. But the final straw apparently took place when a competition winner was bought backstage following The Great American Bash. Apparently Carlito completely snubbed the winner when he was asked to take some time out for photos and autographs. Management are said to be furious with Carlito's complete lack of respect lately, and his days in the company may be numbered.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - WWE have come to an agreement on the signing of young Irish talent Stephen Farelly, who works on the British Independent scene as Sheamus O'Shaunessy. The two parties have been in talks for several weeks, and the 6 foot 6, 271 lb athlete has reported to OVW in Ohio for training. After heading onto youtube to check this guy out, I must say I'm impressed. He seems to have the look that Vince seems to go for and, with a little more training, he could be a star in the making. I will say this though; the dude needs a tan. Seriously. Look him up. You'll know what I mean.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - The rumour floating around now is that Bryan Danielson is set to make his debut for ECW at their next Pay Per View, Heatwave, in August. I personally can not wait for this one. I pray to god that Vince and co push Danielson hard. And it's not just because he is an 'Indy Darling'. He deserves it. He truly is one of the best in the world, and if given the right push (as well as the right opponents) there is no reason he can't become ECW Champion. And on a personal note, I would literally KILL for a Kurt Angle/Bryan Danielson feud. Make it happen, Vince. Make it happen.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> - CM Punk apparently impressed everybody at The Great American Bash, opening the eyes of many who still had him down as an 'Indy King' that was over-hyped and over-rated. His promo in particular seemed to wake everyone up to the fact that he is the real deal. And it's about time. They seem to have gone with the slow build with Punk, which has worked to an extent, but it is going to be awesome to see him in a much higher profile feud with Mr. Kennedy. There was apparently some genuine heat between the two back in their Independent days, but that seems to be resolved. But it'll be interesting to see if they play off of that. I look forward to seeing how this feud progresses.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> So, that's all for this edition of The Truth. Join me next month when I'll be giving my thoughts on Vengeance, the next offering from World Wrestling Entertainment. Until then stay safe...and stay true.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"> </span></p><div style="text-align:right;"><p><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><em>Jack Savage</em></span></p></div><p></p></div><p></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>***Many thanks for all the comments and praise, very much appreciated. Preview for RAW will hopefully be up tonight or tomorrow***</em></p>
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Just 24 hours removed from The Great American Bash, Monday Night Raw returns with what is sure to be a blockbuster show. And in the nights Main Event, two fan favourites will collide for the first time on Monday Night Raw when "The Latino Warrior" Chavo Guerrero and "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels square off for the Number One Contendership for the WWE Championship. Who will walk away triumphant? And how will Mr. McMahon react to Eric Bischoff giving Michaels a title opportunity? Speaking of the title, we have a brand new champion in "The Rated R Superstar" Edge, who has vowed to throw the celebration party to end all celebration parties. Also, despite defeating Shawn Michaels at The Great American Bash, Intercontinental Champion Carlito has been informed that he will defend his title Live on RAW against a mystery opponent.


Also, we will have the latest update on Victoria after her brutal match with Mickie James on Sunday. Kane will return to action after his stunning return at The Bash. And we will have news on John Cena who, as per the stipulation of his match with Edge, will NOT receive a rematch for the gold. And both Triple H AND Tyson Tomko are scheduled to be in the building. All of this and so much more, be sure not to miss a minute of the action on Monday Night Raw on USA.


Quick Picks:


Number One Contender for the WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels


Non-Title Match:

Edge vs. Triple H


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. ???


Handicap Match:

Kane vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch


Number One Contender for WWE Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus

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Number One Contender for the WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels


Non-Title Match:

Edge vs. Triple H


WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. ???


Handicap Match:

Kane vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch


Number One Contender for WWE Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus

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Number One Contender for the WWE Championship:

Chavo Guerrero vs. Shawn Michaels

Someway, somehow ...

Non-Title Match:

Edge vs. Triple H

Or this could add a title contender!?

WWE Intercontinental Championship:

Carlito © vs. ???

Handicap Match:

Kane vs. Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch

Number One Contender for WWE Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool vs. Trish Stratus

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