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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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Greetings and salutations. I'm Jack Savage, and this is "The Truth", in which I will discuss recent goings on in the world of Professional Wrestling. Hirings, firings, news and rumours will all be discussed right here. And what better place to start than Wrestlemania 22. This will just be a quick review of the event. The good and the bad. This critic pulls no punches. So, without further ado, let's get to it.


-The Money in the Bank match was a perfect way to kick off the show. I'm a fan of all six of these men, and they all played their part to perfection. RVD clearly shone in his environment, and I'm pleased that he picked up the win in this one. Hopefully they book RVD's title quest well, as I think he definitely deserves to be at the top of the card. They also teased a split between Burchill and Regal in this match. I hope this doesn't happen, as I think their segments in the past month or so have been extremely entertaining.


The Savage Truth: A good opening bout for the biggest PPV of the year. I rate this a C+


-I never really expected much from the World Tag Team Championship match, and I wasn't disappointed. It was fine for what it was, but It was certainly nothing special. The Big Show turn was a little surprising as the tag team ranks on RAW are very thin already, but I can understand it, as Big Show is a much better "Monster Heel" than he is a "Ass-kissing Babyface". I do like the team of Cade and Murdoch though, so it's good to see the straps around their waists once again.


The Savage Truth: An average tag match at best. Perfectly fine considering who was involved. I rate this a C


-The Edge promo did its job, hyping up his match later on with Foley. I hope that now this feud is over (hopefully), we will see Edge going for the title. He deserves it. I rate the promo a B+


- The build-up to the Booker T/Lashley match has been pretty decent. Unfortunately the match itself was a bit of a disappointment. I think Booker's best days are behind him, and I really can't see him getting much higher up the card any time soon. As for Lashley, he COULD be a Main Event star in the future, but he is still new to the business, and has a long way to go. The Sharmell turn was pretty obvious to me, but it worked. I expected more from this one.


The Savage Truth: A pretty disappointing match between these two, but I get the feeling this feud isn't over just yet. I rate this match a C


- A nice little promo involving John Cena and Kurt Angle. It's always good to see two Superstars from different brands bought together, especially when they are the World Champions of their respective brands. The interuption by RVD was very well done. Like I said, I hope they keep RVD strong and give him a decnt run with one of the belts in the near future. I rate this segment a B+


- I really enjoyed the match between Orton and Benoit. They really seem to gel in the ring. I still believe that these two should be in the World Heavyweight Title picture, but with men like Angle, Mysterio, Undertaker and JBL there, it seems like they don't want to overcrowd it. Orton winning was a little bit surprising to me, as was the injury angle they went with at the end involving Benoit. Where this is leading, I have no idea.


The Savage Truth: A very entertaining bout between these two. Hopefully these two will clash again soon. I rate this match a B


- I'm a Gregory Helms mark. I admit it. I think given time, he could be a big star for the company. His promos as of late have been some of the best in the company, and the hype job he did for the Triple Threat Match in this segment was no different. I rate this promo a C+


- Triple H also gave a pretty good promo to promote the WWE Championship match. Love him or hate him, Triple H remains one of the most consistent all-rounders in the WWE. A good promo here, and I rate it a B+


- The Triple Threat match could have been better. There was nothing bad about the match, but considering the three men that were involved, I think it could have been much better than it was. I think many were surprised to see Super Crazy win the title, but I'm actually glad, as I think Helms is ready to take the next step. Putting him in the U.S title picture would make more sense to me, as I believe he has outgrown the Cruiserweight Division.


The Savage Truth: An average Crusierweight that seemed to be missing something, but nothing too bad. I rate this match a C


- The Kane segment where he was trashing the backstage area was a little odd seeing as he was being helped to the back earlier in the night. A little inconsistency there? Still, a decent segment. Much like with Big Show, I prefer to see Kane as the Monster character. This segment gets a B- from me.


- The simple fact that Piper showed up in this segment makes it a winner in my eyes. I would LOVE to see "Hot Rod" on T.V on a weekly basis. The fans still love him, and as shown here, his promos are still some of the best. I didn't see the JBL beat down coming, but it was very nicely done. I give this segment a B+


- The Undertaker/JBL match, surprisingly, was one of the best matches of the night. Undertaker, even at his age, can still go. He has obviously slowed down a hell of a lot, but he has managed to change with the times, and as his body has slowed down, he has adapted his style to match. As for JBL, although still not in great shape at the moment, proved that given the right opponent, he can put on a great match, which these two did.


The Savage Truth: A fantastic match between two people that some believe to be over the hill. As far as I'm conserned, they still got it. I give this match an A


- The McMahon/Benjamin pairing is an odd one to say the least, but Shelton has really stepped up his game since joining Vince and being put in a programme with HBK. The backstage promo with the two served it's purpose, and gets a B- rating from me.


- HBK and Shelton Benjamin get's the match of the night for me. It has been said that Shelton can be a little inconsistent at times, and I was unsure of whether or not he would step up when put in such a high profile match. But boy did he step up. I would go so far as to say that he actually outshone Michaels in this match. Michaels clearly enjoyed working with Benjamin, and I'm hoping that there is at least one more match between the two.


The Savage Truth: Match of the night. They were both on top form, and they just seemed to click. Tremendous display by both men. This gets an A from me.


- I'm not a huge fan of Women's wrestling, but the feud between Mickie and Trish has been done brilliantly. This match was a very good match, if a little short. I'm not quite sure whether Mickie getting busted open was planned or whether it was a genuine cut. Either way, it certainly added to the match. Mickie plays the Psycho character to perfection, and it will be interesting to see where they go with the Women's division from here.


The Savage Truth: As far as Women's matches go, this was the best in quite some time. This gets a C-


- Adding Joey Styles to the announce table for the Hardcore match was a good move in my eyes. With rumours of another ECW show in June, this was a good way to reintroduce the fans to Joey. As for the match... I expected more. They definitely did all they could, and the ending was epic, one of those true Wrestlemania Moments. But it is clear that Foley really is past it. He was very slow and sluggish at times. With a weapon in his hand, he is fine, but without one he just looks lost. But I have to give him credit for taking that bump off the ladder and through the flaming table. He's still got guts. But Edge deserves better. And hopefully now he will get better.


The Savage Truth: Some epic moments, but this wasn't one of Foleys best. But in Foley's condition, I don't think we could have expected much more. This match gets a C


- Cena and Triple H was awesome purely for the atmosphere. The crowd HATED Cena. For the first time it seemed to actually affect his performance in the early going. It seemed that Triple H had a few words with him during the match, and he seemed to compose himself after that. They put on a good display, definitely one of the better matches of the night. Cena isn't nearly as bad as many make him out to be. He's nor Ricky Steamboat, but he's certainly no Giant Gonzales either. I must also add I'm glad that they have put Tomko and Hunter together. I'm actually a big fan of his, and any new blood being inserted into the Main Event scene can only be a good thing.


The Savage Truth: A good match, made even better by the rabid Chicago fans. I rate this one an A


- MNM vs Londrick being put before the main event was a bold move by the bookers. They obviously had alot of faith that the two teams could deliver. And the fact is, given the pressure they were under, they both put on a very good display. I would have liked to have seen Londrick win the straps. The remind me alot of The Rockers back in the day. MNM is also a very good partnership, but I can see a split sometime in the future, as I see Johnny Nitro being a Breakout star in the next few years. He has everything going for him. His promos need a little work, but he is so talented, it would be a crime not to make him a priority.


The Savage Truth: A very good match to get us ready for the main event. This one gets a C+


- I had a sneaking suspicion that Batista would turn up at Wrestlemania after the phone calls that Teddy Long seemed to be having on a weekly basis over on Smackdown. He looks a little skinnier, but that can be expected given his injury. The main event was...disappointing. It was still a very good match, but the two just didn't seem to click, which is a shame since they have had some tremendous battles in the past. The fan reaction more than made up for it though, with the majority really willing Mysterio to win. I'm not sure I liked the interference of Batista, as I think it tainted the victory somewhat, but still, the second Mysterio got the win, the roof came off the building. I'm so happy that he finally got the belt. Even with all the injuries, he's still one of the best in the world, and it's good to see that finally recognised.


The Savage Truth: I wanted more from these two, but still a great match that the fans really seemed to get into. This match gets a B from me.


So, overall I solid PPV. Nothing majorly bad, some epic moments and, in my view, the making of Shelton Benjamin, who stole the show. I give Wrestlemania a B rating.



***In other news, there are rumors floating around that the WWE are planning a Draft within the next couple of weeks. Good idea in my opinion. The rosters could use a good shake up. The tag ranks on RAW REALLY need some new blood inserted into it.


***It has also been confirmed that WWE have signed two Independent stars and assigned them to OVW. One of them is Trent Acid, one half of the Indy tag team The Backseat Boyz. The other is Davey Richards who has been working in ROH for the past few months. When and where they will end up is yet to be determined. I haven't seen much of Davey's work, but I hear good things about him. As for Trent, I'm a HUGE fan, although he has been known to get himself into trouble on a number of occasions. Lets hope they both work out.


Thats all for this edition of The Truth. I'm Jack Savage. Until next time, stay safe....and stay true.

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BREAKING NEWS: Major WWE Star Suspended for 30 Days for Drugs Violation

Former United States Champion Chris Benoit was suspended following his United States Championship match with Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 22. It is believed that he will be suspended for 30 days for violating WWE's newly implemented "Welness Policy". How serious the violation was is unknown, but it is believed to be a steroid related violation. This would explain the injury angle they went with at the end of his Wrestlemania title match. When we have more information on this story, you will be sure to hear it here first.


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Nice Wrestlemania buddy, really enjoyed it. I hope you can handle Mickie properly now, becuase the E kinda dropped the ball with her IMO, she was red hot at this point. I'd love to see Burrchill get a decent push because I really think the fella deserves it, and I think he'd be awesome in a Ladder Match because he's got the agility but also the size for the "Holy ****!" moments. Imagine a C-4 off a Ladder... Christ...


I wasn't sure why you had Benoit taken out on a Stretcher but it makes perfect sense now, and is the right way to go about it. Orton now looks vicious, and I really hope he doesn't just toss the title aside because the belt is looking pretty important right about now.


Overall, a really good show and I'm looking forward to what you can offer from now on!

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How the heck was I missing this? It's well presented, it's well defined, the stories went together well... and I ... I... I don't know, I think because of your log in I figured it must have been another one of those "I have 2485855 people on my roster" or "I will put together a show that is rubbish but look at my fancy graphics" types. Heh, how wrong was I.


So, what I'm meaning to say is, you've got the doyen of WWE really commending you on what you've achieved, and frankly, that to me is worth 40 replies on it's own. I'd also like to say I think everything looks extremely good, and I'm going to take the time to look back through and really begin to enjoy this one. You've picked a good little time period here, you've still got my favourite wrassler in Angle, so... I'm grabbing some pop corn to do some reading.


One thing I really want to credit you on, "The Truth" report. It's clear you put a lot of time into it and it really helps bring the wrasslin world you're simming in to life. I like how you've booked Rey as well, the classic underdog, but with heart and talent.


All the best, and keep up the great work

(And as a consolation, I think your Wrestlemania is way more deserving of a crowd than 15,000).

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Nice Wrestlemania buddy, really enjoyed it. I hope you can handle Mickie properly now, becuase the E kinda dropped the ball with her IMO, she was red hot at this point. I'd love to see Burrchill get a decent push because I really think the fella deserves it, and I think he'd be awesome in a Ladder Match because he's got the agility but also the size for the "Holy ****!" moments. Imagine a C-4 off a Ladder... Christ...


I wasn't sure why you had Benoit taken out on a Stretcher but it makes perfect sense now, and is the right way to go about it. Orton now looks vicious, and I really hope he doesn't just toss the title aside because the belt is looking pretty important right about now.


Overall, a really good show and I'm looking forward to what you can offer from now on!


Thanks very much for your comments throughout this diary, keef. They have been extremely encouraging to me. It sometimes gets a little discouraging when you put alot of hard work into something and it seems to go unnoticed. But the fact that people such as yourself are enjoying it really encourages me to continue. I'll quit brown nosing now :). But seriously, thank you. I will try my very best to keep Mickie looking strong. The women's division needs a little strenghening, as does the Tag division, but now with Wrestlemania out of the way, I'm looking to start moulding the company into my own image. Hopefully it works out.


How the heck was I missing this? It's well presented, it's well defined, the stories went together well... and I ... I... I don't know, I think because of your log in I figured it must have been another one of those "I have 2485855 people on my roster" or "I will put together a show that is rubbish but look at my fancy graphics" types. Heh, how wrong was I.


So, what I'm meaning to say is, you've got the doyen of WWE really commending you on what you've achieved, and frankly, that to me is worth 40 replies on it's own. I'd also like to say I think everything looks extremely good, and I'm going to take the time to look back through and really begin to enjoy this one. You've picked a good little time period here, you've still got my favourite wrassler in Angle, so... I'm grabbing some pop corn to do some reading.


One thing I really want to credit you on, "The Truth" report. It's clear you put a lot of time into it and it really helps bring the wrasslin world you're simming in to life. I like how you've booked Rey as well, the classic underdog, but with heart and talent.


All the best, and keep up the great work

(And as a consolation, I think your Wrestlemania is way more deserving of a crowd than 15,000).


Wow, thanks very much mate. To get these kind of compliments from two great writers such as yourself and keef is very much apreciated. I agree that this was a good time period, with Angle as well as the hype and build-up to ECW's "Re-birth". But I'm glad that I have you on board for this. And thanks for your compliments on "The Truth". It's nothing that hasn't really been done before, but as you say, it just brings the game world to life a little.


And thanks to everyone who has read, commented and predicted. Very much apreciated. Things are certainly going to heat up in the coming months. So keep reading. And tell your friends! :D

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Just 24 hours removed from the biggest Pay Per View of the year, WWE rolls in to the Phillips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia for another exciting instalment of Monday Night Raw. And with Backlash just 3 weeks away, there will be no rest for the wicked. In the Main Event of the evening, Triple H will try to console himself after his loss to John Cena at Wrestlemania by taking on "Mr. Money in the Bank" Rob Van Dam. Also, after agreeing to help Shelton Benjamin and Mr. McMahon last week, Matt Striker, as promised, will get his shot at the Intercontinental Championship when he takes on Benjamin in one on one action. And Mickie James will make her first defence of her newly won Women's Championship when she collides with Victoria.


Plus, Cade & Murdoch will be in action, "The Idol" Aaron Stevens makes his Raw debut, and Mr. McMahon has a very special announcement concerning the future of the WWE. With all this action and so much more, be sure to tune in to Monday Night Raw on USA.


Quick Picks:


Rob Van Dam vs. Triple H


Intercontinental Title Match:

Matt Striker vs. Shelton Benjamin ©


Hardcore Match:

Kane vs. The Big Show


WWE Women's Title Match:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Ric Flair vs. ???


Non-Title Match:

Cade & Murdoch vs. Val Venis and Viscera



(Congratulations to Jingo on winning the predictions competition. Unfortunately there will not be a prize this time around, but if I can get a few more predictions in the coming months I will try to give out a unique prize to the winner)

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I really don't make enough comments about the shows i read. But i've got to say that Wrestlemania is 1 of the best shows i've ever read! I had to read it in stages and then keep going back in re-reading a couple of times but it was a truely awesome show.


Rob Van Dam vs. Triple H


Intercontinental Title Match:

Matt Striker vs. Shelton Benjamin ©


Hardcore Match:

Kane vs. The Big Show


WWE Women's Title Match:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Ric Flair vs. ???


Non-Title Match:

Cade & Murdoch vs. Val Venis and Viscera

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Hey--sorry I've never posted before. This is a really good diary, and I don't think it gets anywhere near the recognition it deserves. So I'm going to make an effort to post in here regularly. Starting now.


Rob Van Dam vs. Triple H

-Mr Money in the Bank keeps his hot streak going.


Intercontinental Title Match:

Matt Striker vs. Shelton Benjamin ©

-A win over Mr. Wrestlemania at Wrestlemania? Shelton should be poised for big things.


Hardcore Match:

Kane vs. The Big Show

-I'm calling a no contest, leading to a gimmick rematch between the two at Backlash.


WWE Women's Title Match:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria

-Like keef said, I hope you can keep Mickie strong after her win over Trish, something WWE was unable to do in real life.


Ric Flair vs. ???


Non-Title Match:

Cade & Murdoch vs. Val Venis and Viscera

-Title or non title, I see no reason for the new champs to lose to the likes of Val and Big Vis.


Great Wrestlemania, by the way. My (extremely early) pick for show of the year.

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Quick Picks:


Rob Van Dam vs. Triple H


Intercontinental Title Match:

Matt Striker vs. Shelton Benjamin ©

Hardcore Match:

Kane vs. The Big Show


WWE Women's Title Match:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Ric Flair vs. ???


Non-Title Match:

Cade & Murdoch vs. Val Venis and Viscera

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Rob Van Dam vs. Triple H


Intercontinental Title Match:

Matt Striker vs. Shelton Benjamin ©


Hardcore Match:

Kane vs. The Big Show


WWE Women's Title Match:

Mickie James © vs. Victoria


Ric Flair vs. ???


Non-Title Match:

Cade & Murdoch vs. Val Venis and Viscera

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  • 2 weeks later...



Location: Philips Arena (South East)

Attendance: 9,680


Announce Team:


Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler




Raw opens with a backstage shot as a Limousine pulls into the parking lot of the arena. The camera tries to get a shot of who is inside, but the blacked out windows prevent them from looking in. The driver exits the vehicle to open the door. We get a shot of two well polished shoes stepping out of the vehicle before we cut to Raw’s opening video.




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The pyro explodes as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome us to Monday Night Raw live from The Philips Arena in Atlanta, Georgia.


Ross: Just 24 hours have passed since the Biggest Pay Per View of the year, And what a night it was, King.


Lawler: You’re not kidding, JR. Some shocking moments to say the least. But what I want to know is who was in that Limousine at the start of the show?


Ross: Your guess is as good as mine, King. But I’m sure all will be revealed before the night is over.




The crowd rise to their feet (the majority of them, anyway) as John Cena makes his way to the ring, his WWE Championship still draped across his shoulder. The crowd give him a warm reception, with a small group shouting abuse at the champ. Cena steps through the ropes and grabs a mike from Lillian Garcia. The majority of the crowd shower the champ with “Cena” chants. He waits for the crowd to settle down before he began.


Cena: To all the people who have supported me no matter what, who have had my back from the day I stepped foot into this company; Thank you. And to all the haters and non-believers who ever doubted me; The Champ is STILL HERE! Last Night was possibly the biggest test of my career. I stood toe to toe with one of the best in the business. I’ve never doubted your ability, Triple H. I consider you one of the very best. But last night, I proved that I can hang with the best. And guess what? I didn’t just hang with the best, I BEAT the best. I did what everybody said I couldn’t. After everything you threw at me, including your little “Problem Solver” Tyson Tomko, I took everything you had and I came out on top. You know, some of you people may not like me. Some of you may not like my style. But nobody can ever sit there and tell me that I don’t deserve it. I’ve busted my ass to get where I’m at. And I deserve this belt more than anybody. And I’ll be damned if I’m gonna lay down for anyone. The only way anybody will take this belt from me is if...


Cena’s words are cut off when “Metalingus” hits the PA system and out steps “The Rated R Superstar” Edge, with Lita following closely behind. Edge is handed a mike by his partner in crime, a big grin on his face.


Edge: That’s very....touching. A little corny, but touching none the less. I’m mean; it’s sweet that you actually believe the crap that comes out of your mouth. What is it you just said? You deserve that belt more than ANYBODY? Really? You honestly believe that?


Cena: You’re damn right I believe it.


Edge: Your deluded, John. The fact is, if it wasn’t for that fat, bumbling moron Mick Foley, I would have been facing you last night at Wrestlemania. And trust me; this scene would be a whole lot different. Last night, I took care of Mick Foley. Foley is gone, and he isn’t coming back. Not if he knows what’s good for him. And now he’s out of the picture, I can finally concentrate on reclaiming MY WWE Championship. You keep talking about Triple H being the best in the business. Maybe at one point he was. But those days are long gone. Because right now, “champ”, you are looking at THE best in the business. I’ve proved it time and time again. And if anybody deserves that belt, I do. So I got a little proposition for you. You talk about how you’re a “Fighting Champion”. How you don’t back down from a challenge? Well, in three weeks time, we have a little Pay per View coming up, Backlash. And by the looks of it, you don’t have an opponent for it. So I say...


Edge is quickly cut off when “Play the Game” by Motorhead hits and Triple H storms to the ring, with his trusty sledgehammer in hand. His face is red with anger after his loss to Cena at Wrestlemania. He slides under the bottom rope and swings the weapon at Cena. Cena manages to duck under it and nail “The Game” with lefts and rights as Edge watched from the corner. Cena sent Hunter to the mat with a hard right hand. He turned around... and ran straight into the boot of Tyson Tomko, who had snuck into the ring somehow. Triple H took advantage, mounting Cena and laying into him with hard rights. Edge and Lita stood in the corner with huge smiles spread across their faces. Triple H lifted Cena up and drilled him with The Pedigree. He looks down at his fallen foe. He then looks at Tomko and nods. Tomko then struck, hitting EDGE with a Big Boot. Lita quickly scurried out of the ring as Hunter lifted Edge up and planted HIM with a Pedigree. Hunter was seething as Tomko dragged him out of the ring and up the ramp.


Ross: Triple H is like a man possessed. God only knows what he would have done if Tomko wasn’t there to pull him away.




The cameras head backstage, where Jonathan Coachman is stood with The Big Show.


Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, I am here with the 7 Foot, 489 pound Big Show. And Big Show, last night, in a shocking moment, you cost both yourself AND your partner the World Tag Team Titles when you brutally attacked your own partner Kane. The question on everyone’s mind is why?


Show: It’s real simple, Coach. I did what I did because I CAN. I’m a giant. The largest athlete in the world. And Kane has done nothing but hold me back. I should be WWE Champion. There’s nothing stopping me from taking that belt. But Kane has held me back. He’s been holding me back for months. But it was only last week that I truly realised what a weight on my shoulders he really was. You see, he was in trouble last week. And me, being his tag team partner, decided to help him out. Yet when I was in trouble, when I needed him to return the favour, he was nowhere to be seen. He left me to fight for myself. I didn’t need him, but the least I expected was for him to return the favour. That’s why I “turned my back” on him, if that’s what you wanna call it. And tonight, I got him in a Hardcore Match. Kane, this is where it ends. Tonight, I finish the job I stated at Wrestlemania. You will regret the day you ever laid eyes on me.


Ross: Strong words from the Big Show there.


Lawler: As big and strong as Kane is, I really wouldn’t wanna be in his shoes right now.




Hardcore Match:


The Big Show vs. Kane


This match didn’t last long, but the brutality was absolutely astonishing, as The Big Show absolutely destroyed The Big Red Monster. Kane was going on instinct, trying to fight back as Show dominated him from start to finish. Kane was busted open towards the end after Big Show swung a steel chair at Kane, cracking his skull open like a coconut. The blood poured from his head as Big Show lifted him up and delivered a Chokeslam. Big show wasn’t happy with simply getting the victory, as he delivered two more devastating Chokeslams before placing his boot on Kane’s chest as the official made the three count.


Winner: The Big Show


Ross: I have never in my life seen Kane dominated the way The Big Show just dominated him. That was disturbing to watch.


Lawler: You better cover your eyes then, because it doesn’t look like he’s finished.


Big Show WASN'T finished, as he delivered another Chokeslam to the defenceless Kane. Show lifted Kane off the mat by the neck. He wiped the blood from Kane’s face before smearing it on his own face as EMT’s and officials ran to the ring to end the carnage. Big Show finally left as the EMT’s put Kane in a neck brace and placed him on a stretcher.




“The Coach” is once again backstage on interview duty.


Coachman: Please welcome my guest at this time, “Mr. Money in the Bank” Rob Van Dam. Van Dam, first of all congratulations on winning the Money in the Bank Match at Wrestlemania. I guess the question we all want answered is when are you going to cash it in?


RVD: Relax, Coach. One step at a time. I got other things to deal with before I cash this thing in. All in good time. I gotta concentrate on tonight’s match with Triple H. I’m mean come on, dude. You saw him earlier tonight. He’s not exactly in his happy place at the moment. But that’s cool. I’ve faced some mean, nasty dudes in my time. I’ve met the biggest, the baddest, the most insane....the most EXTREME wrestlers in the world. It’s all good. The fact is, it doesn’t matter who I face. Because win, lose or draw, I am STILL Mr. Money in the Bank. And when I cash it in, you can guarantee a new champion. And there’s nothing........


RVD was caught off guard as he saw somebody out of camera shot. A huge smile broke out across his face as quickly wrapped the interview up. Coachman also saw the mystery guest. His face was one of shock and bemusement as he quietly uttered “It can’t be”.


Lawler: It looks like Coach and RVD just got a glimpse of the Mystery Man in the Limousine. But who is it?


Ross: I have no idea, King. But Van Dam sure looked pleased to see him.




The cameras are in the men’s locker room, where “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair is sitting in a chair as the crowd give a huge “Wooooooooo”. But the Woooo’s turn to boo’s when Vince McMahon enters the Locker Room. Vince’s face is far from jovial as Flair stands up to greet Vince.


Flair: I didn’t expect to see you...


McMahon: Shut up. I don’t want to hear another word out of you. You could have cost me and Shelton big time last night. You think I was just going to let things lie? You knocked me on my ass last night and locked the Figure Four on me. You think that’s going to go unpunished? I hope you bought your boot’s tonight, because you are gonna be in action. I’ve already picked your opponent, and you will find out who he is later on tonight. I’ve got a busy night tonight. If things weren’t so hectic here tonight I’d slap the taste out of your mouth myself. Just get dressed and be ready.


Vince was just about to leave, but Flair grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back.


Flair: You think that scares me, Vince? I’ve been in this business longer than anybody else in this company. Hell, I was riding in limousines and putting on classics around the world when you were just some snot nosed announcer in a bow tie getting ridiculed by Jesse Ventura on a weekly basis. There’s nothing you can do that hasn’t been done to me before. So whoever it is you have picked, they better bring their A-game. Because I always bring mine. Woooooo.


Vince finally pulled himself out of Flair’s grasp and stormed out of the Locker Room.


Ross: Flair is pumped up tonight.


Lawler: Whoever Flair’s opponent is better be prepared. He may be in his fifties but he’s as tough as they come.




We return from commercial where the new World Tag Team Champions, Cade and Murdoch, are stood in the ring. Murdoch has a mike in his hand. As the “You Suck” chants die down, Murdoch begins to speak.


Murdoch: They all said it was impossible. They said it couldn’t be done. But last night, me and Lance here took what was rightfully ours. We became World Tag Team Champions. We beat those two overgrown misfits Big Show and Kane. And we did it all by ourselves. Man, this gold looks good around my waist. And now we are champions, we’re giving notice to every Superstar in the back. These belts are gonna stay around our waists. And we don’t give a rat’s ass how we do it. So anybody who wants to step up to the plate and prove themselves, step right up. I ain’t never backed down from nobody. And I ain’t gonna start now.


Their call was answered by Val Venis and Viscera as they slowly made their way to the ring.


Ross: Trevor Murdoch should be careful what he wishes for. He now has to deal with the mammoth Viscera and Val Venis.







Cade & Murdoch vs. Val Venis and Viscera


Lance Cade looked extremely impressive in this match as he handled Val Venis with relative ease. Viscera gave the champs a few problems, using his size to his advantage and almost causing an upset when he landed on Murdoch with a Samoan Drop. But the champs regained their composure and finally finished the match with a Sweet and Sour on Val Venis for a pretty routine victory.


Winners: Cade & Murdoch




The music of Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin hits as he makes his way to the ring. The fans in attendance give him a less than warm reception, with some even going so far as to throw trash at him. Mr McMahon wasn’t far behind him. Benjamin didn’t let the reception dampen his mood as he stepped through the ropes, the smile evident on his face. McMahon didn’t look as pleased as Benjamin took the mike.


Benjamin: Say hello to The REAL Showstopper, Shelton Benjamin. Wrestlemania was my crowning moment. Wrestlemania was the night I proved to the world that not only could I beat “Mr. Wrestlemania”, but that I WAS Mr. Wrestlemania. I beat Shawn Michaels on the grandest stage of them all. I pinned his shoulders to the mat and I walked out of Chicago STILL Intercontinental. You people said it couldn’t be done. You laughed at me when I said I would beat him. My “buddy” Charlie Haas made jokes about it. Well who’s laughing now? I proved every single one of you wrong. I said I would beat you Shawn. I said I could do it, and when the final bell came....


Vince McMahon had heard enough as he snatched the microphone from Shelton’s grasp. Benjamin looked confused as McMahon ripped into Benjamin.


McMahon: Who the hell do you think you are? You were lucky to even walk out of there with your belt last night. What did I tell you, Shelton? What did I specifically say to you? I told you that Wrestlemania wasn’t about winning or losing. It was about making sure that Shawn Michaels never stepped foot in a WWE ring again. I asked you to cripple him. I asked you to end his career. You may have kept your belt last night, but who was the one standing tall in the centre of the ring last night? That’s right; Shawn Michaels. I asked you to do one simple thing and you still screwed it up. I put my faith in you because I thought you could get the job done. But clearly I was wrong. Well you know what? I’m giving you one last chance to rectify your mistake. Because in three weeks time at Backlash, providing you get past Matt Striker tonight, you will defend your Intercontinental Championship against Shawn Michaels one more time. Only this time, it will be inside a steel cage. And Shelton, if you lose.....YOU’RE FIRED.


The crowd explode at this news as Shelton’s jaw hits the floor in utter shock. McMahon leaves the ring and heads to the back as we head to commercial.




WWE Intercontinental Championship Match:




Shelton Benjamin © vs. Matt Striker


As per the agreement last week, the Intercontinental title was on the line in this one. And it seemed Shelton’s mind was elsewhere after the big announcement by Vince McMahon. With Shelton clearly distracted, Striker took advantage and had the upper hand for the majority of the match. Despite being distracted, the two men put on a great contest which the fans actually seemed to get behind, which was a surprise considering that neither man was really a fan favourite. Striker had Benjamin on the ropes after hitting a Jaw Breaker before landing a vicious Uppercut which rocked Benjamin. Striker hit Benjamin with a devastating Brainbuster, and it seemed that a new champion was about to be crowned. But the fans came to their feet as Chavo Guerrero slid into the ring and attacked Striker in retaliation for Strikers actions in the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania. The official called the bell, awarding the match to Matt Striker via DQ, which means Benjamin is STILL Intercontinental Champion.


Winner: Matt Striker via DQ


Ross: Chavo is laying waste to Matt Striker. He doesn’t know where he is.


Lawler: I’ve never seen Chavo so fired up.


Guerrero continued to brawl with Striker, sending him to the outside with a Clothesline. He threw Striker out into the crowd in Atlanta, who surrounded the two men as they brawled in the Aisles. Shelton looked on from the ring at the two men, and apparently never heard the roar of the crowd as Shawn Michaels came from the other side of the crowd. He climbed into the ring and waited for Shelton to turn around before nailing him with Sweet Chin Music. The crowd went nuts as Michaels simply looked down at Benjamin. HBK picked up Benjamin’s Intercontinental Title, staring at it before draping it across the prone body of Shelton Benjamin.




The camera is backstage, and is zoomed in on the face of the new Women’s Champion Mickie James, a plaster covering the stitches over her eye as it appears she is talking to somebody, a crazed look in her eyes.


Mickie: I can trust you, can’t I? You’re not like the others. You’re not like that skank, Trish. You would never leave me, would you? I know you wouldn’t. Were gonna be together forever. Until I draw my last breath. You’ll never leave me. I won’t let you....never leave me...never.


The camera zooms out to reveal that Mickie was in fact talking to her Women’s Championship belt, cradling it in her arms as she sat on the floor, rocking back and forth.


Ross: She’s lost it. She’s truly lost it.


Lawler: I’m praying that Victoria makes it out of her match in one piece.




WWE Women’s Championship Match:




Mickie James © vs. Victoria


This match was only ever going to go one way, and despite Victoria’s experience, she just couldn’t get to grips with Mickie’s new, vicious mean streak. Mickie pummelled Victoria from pillar to post, never letting her get to her feet. Victoria did manage to get a few weak shots in, but it was never going to be enough, and before long Mickie decided to finish her foe off, hitting the Mickie-DT and hooking the leg for the three count.


Winner, and STILL Women’s Champion: Mickie James


The official handed Mickie her title, and Mickie grabbed it and cradled it before driving it into the head of Victoria as she got to her feet. Mickie snapped, grabbing Victoria by the hair and drilling her head into the canvas over and over again. The official pleaded with Mickie to stop, but it only seemed to encourage her. It was only when Trish Stratus sprinted to the ring that Mickie seemed to snap out of it, grabbing her belt and high tailing it out of the ring. Trish helped Victoria up to her feet as Mickie held her title high above her head. Victoria seemed confused as to why Trish would help her, but shook her hand none the less as Mickie continued to stare at her nemesis from the comfort of the entrance way.




The cameras head backstage where Carlito and Chris Masters are both sat in the Locker Room together. Carlito looks dejected, clearly upset over not winning the Money in the Bank match the previous night. Masters is trying his hardest to console his tag team partner, but it seems to be no use.


Masters: Come on, snap out of it. Your time will come. You gotta get out of this funk. So you lost. You just gotta pick yourself up and try again. You’re always telling me to never give up. To keep going forward no matter what. You still have me by your side. We could be Tag Team Champions if we just focus. Just try to...


Those were the last words Masters uttered before Carlito kicked him in the face, knocking him out of his chair. Carlito picked the chair up and rained shots down on The Masterpiece. Masters didn’t seem to be moving as Carlito finally stopped, clearly out of breath. He threw the chair down on top of Masters before storming out.


Ross: What the hell was that all about?


Lawler: I’m no fan of The Masterpiece, but even he didn’t deserve that. What has gotten into Carlito?




A large “Wooooooo” echoed through the Philips Arena as “The Nature Boy” strutted his way towards the ring, the crowd giving him a standing ovation. He stepped through the ropes and removed his expensive robe, taking in the adulation from the Atlanta crowd. Lillian Garcia was just about to introduce his opponent when an unfamiliar face appeared at the top of the ramp, mike in hand...




McCool: Hold on a second, Lillian. I’ll take it from here. My name is Michelle McCool. And at this time I would like to introduce you all to tonight’s star attraction. A true work of art. A true star. An A-Lister the likes of which you have never seen. Flair, you better be ready. Because I introduce to you your opponent for tonight. From Hollywood, California. Making his Raw debut, I present to you “The Idol” Aaron Stevens.


by Andrew W.K blasts through the speackers as “The Idol” stepps onto the ramp...




Idol is wearing a Blue and black robe, similar the Flairs. He takes off his shades and takes the mike from Michelle.


Stevens: Thank you for that fine introduction, Michelle. Ric, tonight you have the distinct pleasure of facing “The Idol” in his very first match on Raw. And I have to say, it will be a pleasure....a pleasure for YOU, to step in the ring with somebody like me. Your time in the spotlight is coming to an end. And mine...mine is set to shine for a long time. And it starts tonight. Quiet on set. And....ACTION.


With that, Stevens charged towards the ring and slid into the ring, signalling the start of the match.





Aaron Stevens vs. Ric Flair


Stevens was very impressive in his debut match, managing to keep up with Flair. But he clearly underestimated “The Nature Boy” on several occasions. Flair was able to take control, working on the legs of Stevens, softening them up ready to lock him in the Figure Four. At one point during the match, Flair went for the Figure Four, but was pushed into the turnbuckle. Stevens took advantage and rolled Flair up, putting his feet on the ropes for extra leverage. The official spotted “The Idols” blatantly cheap tactic and stopped the count. Flair began to get himself back into the match. Stevens had to resort to drastic actions, asking Michelle McCool to hand him something. He turned around and blasted Flair in the face with a large steel chain that he had wrapped around his fist, causing the referee to call for the bell and award the match to Flair.


Winner: Ric Flair (Via DQ)


Ross: What a cheap shot by Aaron Stevens. How can anybody be proud to make a debut like that? And now it looks like his lady friend is getting in the ring.


McCool did indeed enter the ring and ordered Stevens to continue the beat down. It seemed that what McCool wants, McCool gets as Stevens put the boots to Ric, blasting him with the heel of his boot right into his skull. Stevens finished off by lifting Flair from the mat and delivering a brutal Muscle Buster, leaving Flair motionless. McCool gave her man a kiss on the cheek as she raised his hand. Aaron Stevens has made an impact on his debut on Raw.





Rob Van Dam vs. Triple H


Triple H was alone in this one, with no Problem Solver to watch his back. Hunter was still livid over the result at Wrestlemania, and decided to take his frustration out on Van Dam. But “Mr. Money in the Bank” was intent on keeping his momentum going after his Wrestlemania victory, and managed to take control, using his obvious speed advantage to take “The Game” off his feet. Van Dam almost pulled off an early win after hitting a Rolling Thunder, but Triple H was able to get his shoulder up. The match continued to go back and forth between the two, until Hunter nailed a huge Spinning Spinebuster which almost ended the contest. Triple H then went to work, pounding Van Dam with hard rights, taking RVD off balance. Hunter finally hooked Van Dam’s arms and hit The Pedigree, hooking the leg...and only managing a two count. Hunter was livid as the fans in attendance rose to their feet. Triple H lifted him and again went for the Pedigree. But Van Dam was able to free his arms, pushing Hunter backwards and sending him into the official, knocking him to the mat. With the official struggling to his feet, Triple H hit a low blow and hooked Van Dam once more for the Pedigree, but he was pulled to the outside by EDGE, who threw “The Game” into the steel steps. The official finally got to his feet and began the count. Triple H wasn’t able to make it to his feet, meaning that RVD picks up the win.


Winner: Rob Van Dam (Via Count Out)


Van Dam quickly made his way to the back as Egde continued to put the boots to Triple H. He tossed him into the ring and got ready to hit him with a Spear. As Hunter got to his feet, Edge charged, but was sent crashing into the ring post. “The Game” went to hit the Pedigree, but he clearly didn’t hear the roar of the crowd as John Cena charged the ring, attacking Hunter from behind. He then went to work on Edge as the crowd went wild. All three men continued to brawl until the music of Eric Bischoff hit.


Bischoff: Enough, enough! Stop this right now. You think this is the way to get what you want? You three wanna tear each other apart, that’s fine. You can tear each other to pieces, but it will be in an officially sanctioned match. And it will happen in three weeks time. At Backlash, John Cena will defend his WWE Championship against both Triple H AND Edge. But here’s the twist. If any of you so much as touch each other before that match, then not only will that match not happen, but you will ALL be suspended. So if you want to go at it right now, go for it. But remember, it’s your job on the line, not mine.


The three men looked at each other, the hatred clearly evident between all three men as we head to our final commercial.




We return from commercial as Eric Bischoff is in the ring alone, mike in hand.


Bischoff: Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. McMahon has requested that I remain in the ring, as he has a huge announcement to make. Therefore, please welcome the owner of World Wrestling Entertainment, Mr. McMahon.


“No Chance in Hell” boomed through the arena as Mr. McMahon strutted his way to the ring, the fans bombarding him with “you Suck” chants. McMahon entered the ring and Bischoff sucked up to the boss, handing him his mike. Vince waited for the crowd to quiet down so he could speak.


McMahon: Tonight will be a historic night for this company. A night when the entire foundation of the WWE is shaken to it’s very core. Being the number one sports entertainment company in the world, we are always looking at ways to keep things fresh, to entertain the masses and to keep the fans tuning in. So tonight, I have a huge announcement. But in order for me to make the announcement, I need to bring out my special guest. So ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest.....Paul Heyman!


The ECW theme kicks in as the fans give Heyman a very warm reception. Eric Bischoff looks absolutely disgusted as the evil genius makes his way to ringside. He grabs a mike and climbs into the ring. The music dies down as scattered “ECW” chants ring out.


McMahon: The reason I have bought you out here, Mr. Bischoff, is because this concerns you as well as Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long who, unfortunately, cannot be here tonight. As I was saying, it is my responsibility to give the fans the best show possible. To give them what they want. Last year, June 2005, we held a Pay Per View entitled “ECW One Night Stand”. And, much to my surprise, it was one of the highest grossing Pay Per Views of the year. The fans wanted to see it. The fans demanded to see ECW return. So I’m here to announce that this June, ECW One Night Stand will return to the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City.


The fans were pleased with the announcement, but Bischoff had a “couldn’t care less” smirk on his face as he grabbed a mike for himself.


Bischoff: Mr. McMahon, that’s fine by me. Because you’re right. It was a success. But that’s all it was, a One Night Stand. A One hit wonder. And this year will be no exception. So Paul, you can take that stupid grin off your face, because just like last year, I’m gonna spoil your little party and send your rag tag bunch of misfits back to the unemployment line for another year.


Heyman was grinning like a Cheshire cat as McMahon continued.


McMahon: Eric, never interrupt me again. Because I wasn’t finished with my announcement. And you know what; I think I’ll let Mr. Heyman give you the news.


Heyman: You always did have a tendency to run your mouth didn’t you, Eric? One Night Stand was one of the biggest nights in professional wrestling. A chance for ECW to show the fans what we were all about. And you mocked it. And you berated it. And you did everything you could to undermine us. And it was still a success. And this year will be another rousing success. But Eric, if you would have let Vince finish, he would have told you that One Night Stand is just the beginning. Because I can now formally announce that starting in June, ECW will be back on a full time basis.


The crowd go wild as Eric Bischoff’s jaw hits the ground.


Heyman: And I will be it’s figurehead, it’s leader, it’s General Manager. And Mr McMahon has put me in charge. That means I can hire and fire anybody I choose. And he has given me permission to scout talent from Raw and Smackdown as well as from outside of the company. And Eric, I can now announce the first member of the ECW roster. In fact, maybe it’s time he came and introduced himself to you.


The crowd were on their feet as Eric Bischoff turned around and caught a chair that was thrown at him. He was then nailed with a Van Daminator, as ROB VAN DAM stood tall above Bischoff. Heyman raised RVD’s hand in the air as the fans went absolutely wild.


Ross: I can’t believe it. Rob Van Dam has defected to ECW.


Lawler: Never mind that. Is McMahon out of his mind resurrecting ECW?


The show closed with Van Dam celebrating with his Money in the Bank briefcase as Heyman had his usual evil grin spread across his face.






Big Show over Kane C+

Cade & Murdoch over Val Venis & Viscera C-

Matt Striker over Shelton Benjamin via DQ B-

Mickie James over Victoria C-

Ric Flair over Aaron Stevens via DQ C-

Rob Van Dam over Triple H via Count Out B-


Show Rating: B-



Jingo - 5/6

The Final Countdown - 5/6

Huntman - 3/6

nick21985 - 4/6

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Really enjoyed the show again mate. You built up the ECW announcement really well and I'm really looking forward to how you personally take on the ECW brand. Great stuff.


Particular highlight of that show for me was the Mickie James promo, I like how you're handling her. Mmmm.... handling Mickie James.

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World Wrestling Entertainment Management have come to terms on the release of Chrostopher Mordetzky (Chris Masters) as of April 11 2006. WWE would like to wish Chris all the best in his future endevours.



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Update on the release of Chris Masters


-News has filtered in to us here at wrestlexperts.com that Chris Masters was released as a result of failing a drugs test that was taken on Wrestlemania weekend. The general feeling among upper management is that Masters was not a vital member to the roster, which is why he was fired immediately rather than be given a 30 day suspension like Chris Benoit has been given. It was also reported that he wasn't particularly liked by many of the supestars, and so it was decided that he would be released. He was however told that he was welcome back into the company somewhere down the line if he cleaned up his act. More on this stoy when we get it.



(O.O.C) This will be my last post for a while as I am currently in the process of moving house. But once everything is up and running again I will be sure to continue this diary. Many thanks to everybody who has read and commented on this diary so far. It really is appreciated. Hopefully it wont be too long before I start posting again hopefully a few weeks.

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  • 3 weeks later...





The Hartford Civic Centre is preparing itself for another night of red hot action as Friday Night Smackdown rolls into Hartford, Connecticut. And new World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio plans to prove that he is a fighting Champion as he will make his very first World Title defense on Smackdown. Also, Bobby Lashley will be looking to regain his dignity after his humiliating defeat to Booker T at Wrestlemania when he goes head to head with "The Fighting Irishman" Finlay. Plus, Gregory Helms will invoke his rematch clause when he goes one on one with the new Cruiserweight Champion, Super Crazy. And, as agreed last week, The Bashams will take on The F.B.I with the winners facing MNM for the Tag Team Titles on next weeks edition of Smackdown.


Also, Kurt Angle will be in the building, and is certain to vent his frustration with losing HIS World Heavyweight Title. JBL will also be present, as will new United States Champion Randy Orton. And rumors are circulating that ECW General Manager Paul Heyman will be in Hartford to confront Teddy Long and perhaps scout for new talent. With all this and more, be sure to tune in to Friday Night Smackdown on The CW.


Quick Picks:


World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rey Mysterio © vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Super Crazy © vs. Gregory Helms


Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


London & Kendrick vs. The Pitbulls


Paul Burchill vs. Tatanka


Number One Contendership for Tag Team Titles:

The Basham Brothers vs. The F.B.I


(O.O.C Hopefully this will be back for the long run now as I have officially moved into my new home. Looking forward to getting back into this. Hopefully you enjoy)

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World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rey Mysterio © vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Super Crazy © vs. Gregory Helms


Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


London & Kendrick vs. The Pitbulls


Paul Burchill vs. Tatanka


Number One Contendership for Tag Team Titles:

The Basham Brothers vs. The F.B.I


Good luck with the new house bud. Glad to see this back too, I've read it all and I'm a big fan. Looking forward to the new shows and all that jazz :D

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Good to see this back ..


World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rey Mysterio © vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Super Crazy © vs. Gregory Helms


Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


London & Kendrick vs. The Pitbulls


Paul Burchill vs. Tatanka


Number One Contendership for Tag Team Titles:

The Basham Brothers vs. The F.B.I

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World Heavyweight Championship Match:

Rey Mysterio © vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


WWE Cruiserweight Championship:

Super Crazy © vs. Gregory Helms


Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


London & Kendrick vs. The Pitbulls


Paul Burchill vs. Tatanka


Number One Contendership for Tag Team Titles:

The Basham Brothers vs. The F.B.I

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Tuesday, Week 2, April 2006




Location: Hartford Civic Centre (New England)

Attendance: 10,000 (SELL OUT)


Announce Team:


Michael Cole & Tazz




The show opens in a similar fashion to Monday’s edition of RAW, as a limousine pulls into the parking lot of the Hartford Civic Centre. The driver exits the vehicle and opens the back door, allowing ECW’s head honcho, Paul Heyman, to step out. Heyman looks around him, a smile spread across his lips as he adjusts his tie before entering the arena.


Cole: Paul Heyman is here on Smackdown, and you have to wonder what he has in store tonight.


Tazz:The boss is back, Cole. What a night this is gonna be.




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The Smackdown opening video plays before the pyro is set off in the sold out Hartford Civic Center for what is sure to be an explosive episode of Friday Night Smackdown.


Cole: 10,000 fans have jam packed the Civic Centre here in Hartford, Connecticut. And Tazz, we’re gonna kick things off with our new World Champion.


Tazz: Strap yourselves in, kids. It’s gonna be a hell of a ride tonight.




Tony Chimel announces the arrival of our NEW World Heavyweight Champion, Rey Mysterio. Rey steps out onto the entrance way to a thunderous ovation. Rey seems genuinely choked up as he heads towards the ring, his newly won championship belt sitting on his shoulder. Rey grabs a microphone and holds his title high in the air to another huge roar from the crowd.


Mysterio: When I first stepped foot into the wrestling business at 14 years old, I knew the odds would be stacked against me. I was a small guy in a big man’s business. And from day one, I was looked at as nothing more than a special attraction, somebody who put on a hell of a show but would never be able to climb the mountain to the very top. And from day one, I vowed to prove them all wrong. I vowed to make it to the very top of this business. And I’ve had some bumps in the road. But last Sunday at Wrestlemania, I proved the doubters wrong and I became the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.


The fans in attendance applaud Mysterio as a huge “619” chant echoes through the arena.


Mysterio: Last Sunday in Chicago, I stepped into the ring with quite possibly the greatest wrestler of our times, Kurt Angle. Now, love him or hate him, you can’t take away the fact that he is as great as he says he is. But at Wrestlemania, I was that much better than him. He was another man who looked down on me, who didn’t believe that I could be the champ. But I proved him wrong. I beat him in the centre of the ring and I won the one thing that every wrestler in the back is gunning for. You see, the easy part is over. I beat Kurt and I became the top dog. And I realise now that the difficult part will be holding onto it. But I’m not gonna back down. In fact, I look forward to proving to the world that I belong on top of the mountain. And it starts here tonight. Because I’m making a challenge to anyone in the back to face me in the Main Event tonight for this World Heavyweight Championship. I’m a fighting champion, so I don’t care who comes out to face me. This is my chance to...


Mysterio was cut short by the entrance of John Bradshaw Layfield, who entered the arena in his white Stretch Limo. He was accompanied by Jillian Hall who handed him a mic as he entered the ring. The crowd serenaded Bradshaw with a huge “Rest in Peace” chant.


JBL: So, Little Rey Mysterio has done the impossible. What a truly touching story. You climbed the ladder to the very top. Well, Rey. Don’t get used to it, because I am going to bring you crashing back down to reality. And the reality is that at Wrestlemania, much like The Undertaker, you got lucky. And, much like The Undertaker, you have managed to convince these people that your skill, your courage and your will to win are the reason that you were victorious in Chicago. Well, you can tell yourself any fairytale you wish if it helps you sleep at night. But whether it was luck or not is irrelevant. Because all you need to know is that tonight, it all comes to a screeching halt. Because I accept your challenge. And tonight, that World Heavyweight Championship belt comes home to its rightful owner. I’m gonna spoil your little party before it even begins, Rey. Tonight...


JBL is cut off when the lights in the arena begin to flicker in the arena, causing Bradshaw to panic, dropping the mic and looking around for The Undertaker’s arrival. It never happened, as the distraction gave Mysterio the chance to dropkick JBL from behind, sending him to the outside. Jillian Hall was left to comfort her fallen employer as Mysterio held his title high in the air to the delight of the 10,000 fans in attendance.


Cole: Rey just made a statement right here, Tazz. JBL would be foolish to take Mysterio lightly tonight.


Tazz: No doubt, Cole. But it can’t be easy with The Undertaker constantly in the head of Layfield.






Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. The Pitbulls


The crowd were fully behind London and Kendrick. Brian Kendrick in particular looked very impressive as he went to work on The Pitbulls. Jamie Noble also looked dangerous in this match, clearly showing his frustration of not leaving Wrestlemania with the Cruiserweight Championship. In the end, London and Kendrick’s speed was the deciding factor, and Paul London picked up the win after hitting the London Calling on a prone Kid Kash.


Winners: Brian Kendrick & Paul London


The cameras immediately head backstage, where the Tag Team Champions MNM have just watched the London & Kendrick/Pitbulls contest. Both men shrug their shoulders before Melina leads them away, the tag titles draped over her shoulders.


Tazz: The champs clearly not impressed with what they just witnessed.


Cole: Well, they have more pressing issues, as next week they will be putting their titles on the line against the winners of tonight’s Bashams/F.B.I match.




The cameras are in the back, and have just arrived in the middle of a argument involving Paul Burchil and his mentor, William Regal.


Regal: All we had to do was make sure one of us left with that Money in the Bank briefcase. We both had the chance. But you were too bloody spiteful, thinking of yourself. We were supposed to work as a team, Paul. If you wanna do things on your own, then you look me in the eye and you tell me.


Burchill: Don’t question my loyalty, Bill.


Regal: We’ll don’t give me a reason to, Paul. You have a match tonight against Tatanka. You want to prove to me that I didn’t make a mistake when I took you under my wing? Go out there and beat the snot out of that toe rag.


Burchill: I’ll prove it, Regal. Just you watch. I’ll prove it.


With that, Burchill storms away from Regal, who still has a sour look on his face.


Cole: Looks like trouble in paradise between these two, Tazz.


Tazz: I don’t know, Cole. After that little speech, Burchill looks fired up. Tatanka may be in for a world of hurt.




The cameras are backstage once again as Tony Mamaluke and Nunzio make their way through the halls of the arena on their way to the ring for their Number One Contenders match with The Basham Brothers. The two are surprised however when ECW General Manager Paul Heyman stops them in their tracks. The two seem pleased to see their former boss as they shake hands with him.


Heyman: Good to see you boys again. I just wanted to say good luck in your match tonight.


Mamaluke: Thanks, Paul.


Heyman: You know, the first time I saw you two perform, I knew you were gonna make it to the top of this business. When I hired you, I knew I’d made the right decision. I gave you a chance to shine when so many others turned you away. And I couldn’t be more proud of you for what you have accomplished. And that’s why I want to offer you a spot in ECW when we return in June.


Nunzio: Listen, Paul. We appreciate everything you’ve done for us, we really do. But we’re finally making a name for ourselves. We’re finally getting the recognition we deserve. I’m not sure if we can throw that all away.


Heyman: I understand that. Listen, Guido. Don’t make a decision just yet. Think it through. Discuss it with Tony and get in touch with me. At least give me that much.


Nunzio: OK, Paul. We’ll do that.


Heyman pats his former employees on the back and leaves them to once again head for the ring.




Number One Contenders match for the WWE Tag Team Titles:



The Basham Brothers vs. The F.B.I


The Bashams have been on quite a roll since their intimidation of General Manager Theodore Long, and they showed quite a mean streak in this bout, throwing Mamaluke from pillar to post. The F.B.I still put up quite a fight however, and managed to upset the balance somewhat, almost ending the match when Mamaluke had Danny Basham in a Single Leg Boston Crab, only for Doug to break it up. But F.B.I’s luck eventually ran out, and Nunzio was put away after a Double Brain Damage sent him to the mat for the three count.


Winners, and Number One Contenders: The Basham Brothers




We return from commercial as “Burn in my Light” by Mercy Drive hits the P.A system, and onto the stage steps the new United States Champion Randy Orton. Orton has a smug look on his face as he walks to the ring with a certain swagger. The crowd shower the new champion with abuse as he steps into the ring and grabs a microphone to address the crowd.


Orton: Boo me all you want. You morons better get used to the fact that I am YOUR United States Champion. And there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. At Wrestlemania, I almost crippled your hero Chris Benoit. I almost snapped his neck. And Benoit, I know you’re probably at home right now in Edmonton, licking your wounds watching this show. So I want you to look into my eyes and I want you to trust me when I say that you better stay in Canada. Because if you ever decide to step in the ring with me again, I won’t just hurt you. I WILL cripple you. You see, for months Teddy Long has tried and tried and tried again to make sure I never become World Heavyweight Champion. He tried to stop me from becoming the Number One guy in this company. Because he knows that as Long as I hold gold, I hold power. And when I have the power, I will use it to tear this company down from the inside out for holding me back when they know damn well that I’m the best thing going today. But their little plan backfired. Because I now hold the United States title. And while it may not be what I was looking for, it still gives me power. This is a stepping stone to becoming the best wrestler in the world. So Rey Mysterio, maybe you should stop worrying about JBL and Kurt Angle, and maybe you should start worrying about me. Because...


The crowd suddenly rise to their feet at the unexpected arrival of Matt Hardy who stormed to the ring, a furious look of anger in his eyes as he grabs another mic from ringside.


Hardy: Orton, you son of a bitch. Who the hell do you think you are? Chris Benoit is a friend of mine. He’s a good friend. You could have broken his damn neck at Wrestlemania. Even somebody like you should be able to find it in your heart to show just a little compassion. Chris has broken his neck before, and it destroyed him. He doesn’t need to go through that again. And yet you stand here with that smug look on your face as if you’ve done something to be proud of. Well, Chris may not be here to face you, but I am. So how about you grow a set and face me at Backlash for the United States Championship.


The crowd exploded at this challenge, but Orton was having none of it and shot Hardy down with a simple “No”. Hardy sure wasn’t going to take no for an answer though, and slapped Orton hard across the face, eliciting an audible gasp from the crowd before Hardy got right into the face of “The Legend Killer”.


Hardy: What’s the matter, Orton? Are you telling me that YOU of all people are afraid to step in the ring with me? You’re The Legend Killer. You’ve taken out some of the biggest names in the business. So come on Orton. Face me at Backlash and prove to the world that you’re as great as you say you are.


Orton: You want me at Backlash? You got me at Backlash, Hardy. And Matt, the heartache you felt when Edge stole you’re woman will be NOTHING compared to the heartache you will feel when I end your career. See you at Backlash.


The two men go nose to nose as the crowd’s jeers flow through the arena, clearly directed at the champ.


Cole: Wow. This one just got very personal, very quickly.


Tazz: No doubt, Cole. Backlash is shaping up to be a hell of a show.




The cameras are backstage once again as a car pulls into the Hartford Civic Centre, and out steps the former World Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle to boo’s from the crowd in attendance. Angle’s face is red with anger as he storms into the arena.


Tazz: Man, Angle looks P.O’d, Cole. I’d hate to be the man who gets in his way tonight.




WWE Cruiserweight Championship:






Super Crazy © vs. Gregory Helms


Helms was like a man possessed in this match, punishing the new Cruiserweight Champion. Helms proved that he could back up everything he says, and he really put a beating on the Insane Luchadore. Crazy was able to prove that he wasn’t going to go down without a fight, and rallied back with some impressive high flying manoeuvres, including a fantastic Hurricanrana which almost ended the contest. Helms managed to get himself back into it and was moments away from taking back his title when disaster struck. After setting Crazy up for the Shining Wizard, Helms charged across the ring. But Charles Robinson made a rare error, and not realising Helms was charging, almost got hit by the former champ. Helms managed to put the brakes on before he collided with the ref. He then berated Robinson on his screw up, giving Super Crazy the chance to recover and hit a picture perfect Dropkick. He followed it up with the Trifecta Moonsault to pick up the win and retain his Cruiserweight Title.


Winner, and Still WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Super Crazy


Helms was absolutely furious after the match. Crazy didn’t stick around, taking his title and heading up the ramp with his usual crazed look in his eyes. Helms was irate with Robinson, and began to shove him. Robinson made one more mistake as he shoved Helms back. Gregory had enough at that point, and nailed Robinson with a right hand. He followed that up with a Shining Wizard before hammering him with rights and lefts as security came down and dragged him of the official. Helms was literally kicking and screaming as EMT’s checked on Robinson.


Cole: Gregory Helms has crossed the line here tonight. That was totally uncalled for.


Tazz: I hate to say it, but I agree. That wasn’t cool at all. I think we may have seen the last of Helms for a while.




A video is played in the arena, as well as to the fans watching at home...


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


Tazz: It’s getting closer and closer, Cole. Mr. Kennedy back on Friday Night Smackdown. I can’t wait, man.


Cole: Well, like him or not, he’s sure to make things very interesting here on Friday nights.




The Music of the Olympic Gold Medallist Kurt Angle hits, and Kurt heads straight to the ring with a mic in hand. The fans barely get a chance to chant “You Suck” in time with the music before Angle shouts down the mic.


Angle: Teddy, I know you’re listening. So I want you to get your ass down here and explain to me why JBL is getting a title shot here tonight when I haven’t even had my rematch yet. Get out here.


There was a short pause before Smackdown General Manager Teddy Long finally made his way to the ring with his usual strut. He grabbed a mic, but before he could answer, Angle was already there to cut him off.

Angle: You better have a damn good explanation, Teddy.


Long: Let me make one thing perfectly clear. The only person I answer to is Mr. McMahon. So I don’t owe you any explanation, Kurt. But I’ll humour you. You’re right; you still have your rematch with the World Heavyweight Champion. But as far as I’m concerned, Rey is the champion and if he is willing to OFFER to put his belt on the line against anybody, which you obviously never did, then I say let him do it. But you don’t even have to worry, playa. Because I have decided that next week on Smackdown, you will get your rematch. Because it will be Kurt Angle against the winner of tonight’s match between JBL and Rey Mysterio. And it will be for the World Heavyweight Championship.


Angle: You think that’s doing me a favour? I want Rey Mysterio tonight. Not next week, tonight. Which part of that do you not understand?


Long: There’s nothing more I can do about it, Kurt. That’s the deal.


Angle: The deal sucks. Give me Rey tonight or I swear to god I’m gonna do something I regret.


Long: Kurt, I’m sick of people trying to push me around. If it isn’t Orton, its Helms. If it isn’t Helms it’s The Bashams. And If it isn’t the Bashams it’s you. If you don’t like the deal, you can always pack your bags and find somewhere else to work. That’s the deal, that’s the way it is and that’s the way it stays. Holla.


The crowd applaud Teddy’s decision as he leaves the ring, leaving behind a furious Kurt Angle.


Cole: You have to applaud Teddy Long for not backing down to Angle.


Tazz: Applaud him? He’s just signed his own death warrant. This is career suicide, Teddy. Kurt’s gonna be on a damn rampage.






Paul Burchill vs. Tatanka


This match was short and brutal, as Burchill completely destroyed Tatanka. Tatanka managed to get a few weak punches in, but Burchill was intent on proving his loyalty to Regal, and finished his opponent off quickly with the C-4 for the easy victory.


Winner: Paul Burchill


Regal entered the ring and looked his protégé dead in the eyes before a smile spread across his lips as he shook his hand. Neither of them spotted Paul Heyman on the stage looking at the carnage in the ring.


Tazz: What is Heyman doing out here?


Cole: You...you don’t think he could be scouting for talent? That no good snake.


Tazz: Hey, he’s doing his job. Give him a break.


Burchill finally spotted Heyman, who applauded Burchill. Both Regal and Burchill have puzzled looks on their faces as we go to commercial.




A new video is played in the arena and to thousands at home, hyping the debut of Smackdown’s newest superstar...


<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>


Tazz: Wow. I’ve heard a lot of good things about this young kid from Chicago. It’s gonna be interesting to see how he copes here in the WWE. I can’t wait.




“The Japanese Sensation” Hamada is sat in the catering area when she is approached by Melina. She sits down opposite Hamada and looks at her with pure disgust.


Melina: I guess you think your something pretty special now after our match last week. Let me remind you of one little fact that everybody seems to be forgetting; I BEAT you last week. You were impressive, I’ll give you that. But if you think that makes you a somebody, you’re wrong. You are nothing until you get through me...


That was as far as Melina got before Hamada threw a glass of water into her face before taking her to the ground and laying into her with fists. Officials finally managed to pry the Japanese superstar off of Melina as she screamed at Hamada.


Cole: Melina may have underestimated The Japanese Sensation.


Tazz: She’s feisty, man. But She’s gonna want to sharpen her claws a little more before she tangles with Melina.






Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


This was a very hard hitting affair, as are most matches involving The Fighting Irishman. Lashley was still licking his wounds after his humiliating defeat to Booker T at Wrestlemania, and looked to take it out on Finlay. But Finlay was determined not to become a punch bag for Lashley, and took the fight to Lashley from start to finish. Lashley was certainly the stronger of the two and that proved to be the deciding factor. Towards the end of the contest, Booker T and his wife made their way to ringside to try to distract Lashley. But Bobby was intent on proving a point, and ended the match with the Dominator for the three.


Winner: Bobby Lashley


Before Lashley even had a chance to celebrate his victory, Booker T and his scheming wife Sharmell entered the ring. The two of them look at Lashley from across the ring, the smiles spread across their face before they finally lock lips. Lashley shakes his head before attempting to leave. He was stopped in his tracks by Sharmell, who slapped Lashley HARD across the face as Booker T looked on, clearly enjoying Lashley’s discomfort. Bobby wore a look of pure hatred on his face, but managed to control himself before leaving the ring and slowly walking to the back.


Cole: Lashley can’t believe the way he was played by that harlot Sharmell.


Tazz: Harlot? I thought you said there was nothing going on between the two. Lashley deserves everything he’s getting here.




We head backstage where Teddy Long is sitting in his office. He immediately jumps to his feet when ECW General Manager Paul Heyman walks into his office. Heyman shakes Teddy’s hand as he enters the room.


Heyman: Good to see you again, Teddy.


Long: And you, Paul. And you. So, how can I help you, playa?


Heyman: Listen, I’m gonna cut right to the chase. You know the history between me and Eric Bischoff. He doesn’t like me and I can’t stand him. I can’t do business with somebody like him. But, the truth is I like you, Teddy. You’ve done a great job here on Smackdown. So I’d like to make you an offer. As you know, ECW will be returning full time this June. We’re starting from the very bottom. We’re the underdogs, just like we always were. And I thought we could use a boost. And I think you could be the man to do it.


Long: What are you getting at, Heyman?


Heyman: How would you feel about helping each other out with a Talent Trade?


Long: I don’t understand.


Heyman: Listen, ECW needs new talent. I took RVD from RAW. Bischoff wants a war with me, he can have one. But I thought maybe we could help each other out. You send talent from Smackdown when we need it, and in return you can have talent from ECW appear here on Friday nights. We both get more exposure, the fans get a better product. What is there to lose?


Long: Listen, Paul. I’m excited about ECW returning. I was a big fan back in the day and I’m sure that you can build it into the empire that it was before. But I’m afraid you will have to do it alone. I have enough problems here on Smackdown. I have to concentrate on this show. Maybe in the future we can do business. But right now I’m going to have to say no.


Heyman: I don’t think you quite understand what I’m saying, Teddy. You see, you’re either with ECW or you’re against ECW. And trust me, it would benefit you to be beside us.


Long: Well in that case, it looks like I’m against you, Paul. Now please, get out of my office. And don’t threaten me again.


Heyman: You’re a joke, Teddy. You want to go to war with me? Looks like I’m gonna have to make the first strike. Watch your back. Theodore.


Heyman walked out of the office, leaving Long alone to think about what just went down.


Cole: Who the hell does he think he is? He’s a no good jerk..... You got nothing to say?


Tazz: Just drop it, Cole.




JBL is seen backstage heading towards the entrance, ready for tonights Main Event when he is stopped in his tracks by his running buddy Orlando Jordan.


JBL: What do you want, Orlando? I got a title to win.


Jordan: Look, I just wanted to say good luck.


JBL: That’s it? Orlando, I don’t need luck. I don’t rely on luck. Tonight I will walk out of this pit as the new World Heavyweight Champion. Now get out of my way.


Jordan: But what about The Undertaker, John.


The mere mention of The Undertaker caused JBL to strike his friend hard with his closed fist, sending him to the concrete.




Jordan: Yeah.




Jordan: Yes, John. Yes.


Bradshaw stormed away from Orlando, clearly annoyed at his partner. Orlando was left holding his jaw, the pain shooting through him after his partners attack.




WWE World Heavyweight Championship:





Rey Mysterio © vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


Mysterio really seemed to have a spring in his step after his shocking title victory at Wrestlemania, and for a good while it seemed Mysterio’s pace was going to end the match up very quickly. But JBL managed to stop him in his tracks with a huge boot to the face which turned the tide very quickly. JBL was oblivious to Jillian Hall’s screams from ringside as he focused solely on punishing his smaller opponent. JBL’s loss to The Undertaker seemed to have put him on edge, and as the crowd began “Rest in Peace” chants, the beating began to get more brutal. Bradshaw was looking to end the match with a Clothesline from Hell, but Mysterio managed to duck under and nailed a Spring Board Cross Body for a very close two count. After a dropkick into the back, Mysterio dialled it up and connected with the 619. It looked to be all over for JBL when Mysterio jumped to the top rope looking to “Drop the Dime”. But he was caught in mid air...by KURT ANGLE, who nailed him with a belly to belly Suplex. He then hit an Angle Slam to JBL as the official called for the bell.




Bradshaw was down and hurt in the corner as Angle put the boots to Mysterio before hitting the Angle Slam on Mysterio. Angle went to the outside and grabbed a steel chair into the ring, looking to do more damage to the Heavyweight Champion. Angle placed the chair onto Mysterio’s ankle, and it was clear what his intentions were. However, before he could destroy Rey’s ankle, the lights in the arena went out. When they returned, both Mysterio and Angle were nowhere to be seen. But JBL was groggily on his feet. He had no idea that he was about to stare death in the face. He turned around only to be grabbed around the throat by The Undertaker, who drilled him with a Chokeslam. Orlando Jordan sprinted to the ring to attempt to help his friend, only to meet the same fate, getting a Chokeslam for his trouble. JBL managed to roll out of the ring before Undertaker could finish the job.


Cole: It looks like the Undertaker isn’t through with JBL.


Tazz: The Deadman is on the warpath, Cole. JBL is in serious trouble.


The show fades as the Undertaker drops to one knee in his trademark pose while JBL backs up the ramp with pure fear in his eyes.






London & Kendrick over The Pitbulls C

The Bashams over The F.B.I C-

Super Crazy makes defence number 1 of Cruiserweight Title over Gregory Helms C-

Paul Burchill over Tatanka C-

Bobby Lashley over Finlay B

No Contest between John Bradshaw Layfield and Rey Mysterio B


Show Rating: B




takerlives77 - 3/6

Jingo - 4/6

nick21985 - 4/6

The Final Countdown - 4/6

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Smackdown Rating, Chris Masters shoots on WWE, Triple H Unhappy


- Smackdown drew a 4.13 on The CW this week, and a 0.11 on Sky Sports.


- Recently released WWE Superstar Chris Masters has taken a few shots at the WWE, in particular Vince McMahon and his Head Booker. Although he didn't mention him by name, Masters believes Vince's Booker "doesn't know how to book talent like me". He went on to call the overall product "laughable" and believes Vince McMahon "isn't the man he used to be". Masters was released last week after failing a drugs test as part of WWE's Wellness Programme.


- It seems that Triple H is unhappy with having Edge added to the feud between himself and John Cena. Many backstage sources have claimed that Triple H has been very vocal about the fact that he doesn't believe Edge is ready for the big time. He has also spoken out on Rob Van Dam winning the Money in the Bank.


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RAW Preview






The Cow Palace in San Francisco will play host to this weeks instalment of Monday Night Raw. And with just two weeks until Backlash, tempers will surely flare between several superstars. And what a Main Event San Fran will bare witness to, as WWE Champion John Cena will square off against WWE Intercontinental Champion Shelton Benjamin. Also, Triple H has called upon his "Problem Solver" Tyson Tomko to take care of business, as he will go one on one against one of the three men in the Triple Threat WWE Championship Match at Backlash, "The Rated R Superstar" Edge. Plus, after his shocking beat down of "The Nature Boy" last week, it will be interesting to see what happens with Raw's newest superstar, "The Idol" Aaron Stevens as he takes on Goldust.


Also, both Rob Van Dam and Paul Heyman will be in the building, as will Carlito, who sent Chris Masters packing last week. And what will The Big Show have to say for himself after his brutal attack on Kane? Find out the answer to this and much more on Monday Night Raw on USA!


Quick Picks


John Cena vs. Shelton Benjamin


Rob Van Dam vs. The Big Show


Edge vs. Tyson Tomko


Aaron Stevens vs. Goldust


Carlito vs. Charlie Haas


Ashley Massaro vs. Mickie James

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