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WWE 2006: New Year, New Stars, New Beginnings

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WWE returns to the home of Wrestlemania 22, Chicago, for another action packed Friday Night Smackdown. And with just over a week to go before Judgment Day, business is sure to pick up. And, as announced on RAW, World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam will take on John Bradshaw Layfield in a non title bout. Plus, after weeks of turmoil culminating in a brutal attack last week, Psicosis and Super Crazy go one on one for the Cruiserweight Championship. And Melina has DEMANDED that Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro take advantage of their rematch clause, and they will face off with new Tag Team Champions Paul Burchill and William Regal for the coveted belts.


Plus, Chicago's own CM Punk will make his long awaited debut on Smackdown, Hamada will be in action and Vince McMahon will be in attendence with news on the Number One Contender situation for the World Heavyweight Championship. All this and alot more this week on Friday Night Smackdown on The CW.


Quick Picks:


Non-Title Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rob Van Dam


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Paul Burchill & William Regal © vs. MNM


WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Super Crazy © vs. Psicosis


Bobby Lashley vs. Kurt Angle


CM Punk vs. Kid Kash


Hamada vs. Melina

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Non-Title Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rob Van Dam


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Paul Burchill & William Regal © vs. MNM


WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Super Crazy © vs. Psicosis


Bobby Lashley vs. Kurt Angle


CM Punk vs. Kid Kash


Hamada vs. Melina

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<p>Non-Title Match:</p><p>

John Bradshaw Layfield vs.<strong> Rob Van Dam</strong></p><p><strong>


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Paul Burchill & William Regal</strong> © vs. MNM</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:</p><p>

Super Crazy © vs. <strong>Psicosis</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Bobby Lashley vs. <strong>Kurt Angle</strong></p><p><strong>


<strong>CM Punk</strong> vs. Kid Kash</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hamada</strong> vs. Melina</p>

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<p>Non-Title Match:</p><p>

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. <strong>Rob Van Dam</strong></p><p> </p><p>

WWE Tag Team Championship Match:</p><p>

Paul Burchill & William Regal © vs. <strong>MNM</strong></p><p> </p><p>

WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:</p><p>

<strong>Super Crazy © </strong>vs. Psicosis</p><p> </p><p>

Bobby Lashley vs. <strong>Kurt Angle</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>CM Punk </strong>vs. Kid Kash</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hamada </strong>vs. Melina</p>

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Non-Title Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rob Van Dam

-Since it is non-title, I could see JBL winning in underhanded fashion. But I'm going with RVD to remain hot heading into ONS.


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Paul Burchill & William Regal © vs. MNM

-I love the Burchill/Regal pairing. I hope they have a nice little reign as champions.


WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Super Crazy © vs. Psicosis

-Complete toss-up.


Bobby Lashley vs. Kurt Angle

-Another one that could go either way. Maybe Lashley gets DQ'd?


CM Punk vs. Kid Kash

-All hail the Straight Edge Superstar! You've done a really good job of hyping up his debut, and I look forward to seeing where you go with him. It looks as if he'll be starting as a face, but I do hope you turn him heel eventually. Punk can pull both off, but he's at his best when he's acting like a prick. :)


Hamada vs. Melina

-Quite simply, Ayako is the best "worker" you've got in that division.

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Non-Title Match:

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rob Van Dam

I'm not certain on this one. On one hand RVD is THEE face of ECW. I mean think about how significant that is; Cena is THEE face of WWE. In other words, RVD has going to have a lot of pinfalls in his win column. On the otherhand, this is the WWE. Do we really believe the ECW guy is going run roughshod over the WWE completely? I'm thinking RVD wins to keep him strong, but JBL (and the WWE through him) get one back via a brutal post match beatdown...possibly with the help of someone we think on the ECW side... /I]


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Paul Burchill & William Regal © vs. MNM

It was a surprise title change, but I doubt we'll be shocked like that again. Title changes need to mean something, so Team England retain.


WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Super Crazy © vs. Psicosis

Could be a chance that the Cruiserweight is carried over to ECW along with Crazy, so I backing Super.


Bobby Lashley vs. Kurt Angle

I remember thinking in 2006 that Lashley needed to be booked the way you're booking him now, as this monster of a man. I actually thought Lashley in ECW could have worked had they made him empraise the hardcore style, swinging chairs and all that. Then when he was transferred to RAW he'd have been unique as the hardcore monster rather than bland old big Bobby Lashley. Also, sidenote: His ECW attire should have been black jeans and a belt with those studs in them.


Um, back on track: I agree with Countdown, a DQ loss makes sense. I'm thinking Lashley, after really, REALLY getting in the referee's face, fails to break a choke on the ropes or something very aggressive after the 5 count and gets DQ'd. Probably kills the zebra then.


CM Punk vs. Kid Kash

My My My, wouldn't do to lose on your debut now would it Punk? Punk's actual debut was pretty amazing; in the Hammerstein with a smark crowd chanting his name, and Justin Credible making him look great (JC was, is and will always be under-rated IMO). Kash should be up to the task...along to be honest the atmosphere just won't be the same.


Hamada vs. Melina

I'm hesitant to go Hamada here. She's two and zero so far, and making a bee line straight for the woman's title/Being Queen bee of the Smackdown divas. If she got that straight away it'd be a simplistic, and since she's going to be on TV every week you've got to stretch things out a bit. Melina is a tough woman to step over; not only is she HIGHLY under-rated by smarks as an in ring competitor (she's by far the most innovative woman in the WWE right now), she'll almost mega popular as the sulty manager of MNM.


I've gone with Melina to be Hamada's first real road block to success. Melina is never one to share the spotlight and I can imagine she's none too impressed with this import taking up her attention.

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Tuesday, Week 2, May 2006




Location: Allstate Arena (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 8,546


Announce Team:


Michael Cole & Mr. Kennedy




Dark Match:

The F.B.I get an upset victory over the team of Mark Henry and Orlando Jordan




The pyro explodes inside the Allstate Arena as over 8,500 people rise to their feet in anticipation for tonight’s festivities. Michael Cole and Mr. Kennedy are at ringside as always.


Cole: Friday Night Smackdown returns to the home of Wrestlemania 22 as we come to you tonight from The Allstate Arena in Chicago, Illinois. I’m Michael Cole as always joined by...




Cole: Seriously, you need to stop...


Kennedy: KENNEDYYYYYYYYYYY. How’s it hanging, Cole?


Cole: Somebody shoot me. Anyway, tonight we have a blockbuster Main Event, as The World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam will take on John Bradshaw Layfield in non title action. And Mr. McMahon will be here tonight to address the Heavyweight Title situation. But we are gonna kick things off with the debut of “The Straight Edge Superstar” CM Punk.


Kennedy: Oh, goody.





CM Punk vs. Kid Kash


CM Punk got a great reception from his hometown fans as he went head to head with Kid Kash. The two were pretty evenly matched throughout the contest. Kash seemed to take the newcomer lightly, which cost him on a number of occasions. Punk’s style was very unique, and gave Kash plenty of problems to contend with. But Kash’s attempt at a Diving Hurricanrana from the top was reversed into a Powerbomb into the turn buckle. Punk followed up with a Running Knee followed by a Bulldog for a close two. CM Punk waited for Kash to rise before hitting an Uranage and locking in an Anaconda Vice submission manoeuvre. Kash held on as long as he could, but eventually he was left with no choice but to tap out, rewarding CM Punk with a victory on his debut on Friday Night Smackdown.


Winner: CM Punk


Cole: A very impressive victory here for CM Punk. I see nothing but good things in this kids future........you have nothing to say, Ken?


Kennedy stayed silent as the official raised the hand of CM Punk, the crowd showing their appreciation for the hometown hero. Punk caught eye contact with Kennedy, who showed no emotion whatsoever. Eventually Kennedy let his feelings be known.


Kennedy: Impressive. I’ll give him that. Let’s see if he can keep it up.




Backstage, announcer Todd Grisham stands by, ready to conduct an interview.


Grisham: Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce my special guest at this time, he is the current WWE United States Champion, Randy Orton. And Randy, last week Bobby Lashley earned the right to face you for your United States Championship at Judgment Day. Now, after witnessing the carnage that has been created over the past few weeks thanks to Lashley, are you at all worried about stepping into the ring with him in just over a weeks’ time?


Orton: Are you serious, Todd? You think I’m intimidated by Lashley? I don’t know if you noticed, but at the last two Pay Per Views, I took out Chris Benoit AND Matt Hardy. I didn’t just beat them, I took them OUT. And you think I’m concerned with Lashley? Not a chance, Todd. Who has Lashley taken out? Booker T? He was a has-been anyway. Lashley did him a favour. Finlay? The F.B.I? They’re not even in my league. He preys on men weaker than himself. I take out the very elite in this business. And at Judgment Day, I’ll put Lashley on the shelf along with all the others. I’m going to kill his legend before it begins. I guarantee you that. Teddy Long thinks this is going to put me in my place? He is sorely mistaken.


Cole: Strong words by “The Legend Killer” there. But I wouldn’t be so sure of myself after the destruction that Lashley has created over the past few weeks.




Unfamiliar music hits the P.A system, and out through the curtain comes Psicosis, who receives a cold reception from the crowd. Michael Cole and Kennedy give the viewers a recap of last week’s brutal assault on Super Crazy at the hands of Psicosis. Psicosis steps in the ring and calls for Michael Cole to get into the ring with a microphone. Cole reluctantly does as he is asked. Psicosis hands Cole a note and asks him to read it to the fans in attendance.


Cole: Ladies and gentlemen, Psicosis has asked that I read out the following statement:


My name is Psicosis. For years, I was one of the most feared competitors in Mexican wrestling. I won numerous championships around the world. And when I came to the WWE, I looked to earn more gold to add to my collection. And I believed that I could achieve that goal by teaming with Super Crazy, a good friend, somebody I would consider family. But the more I teamed with him, the further he dragged me down, and the more he held me back. When Super Crazy won the Cruiserweight Championship at Wrestlemania, I was the first man to congratulate him. Yet when it came to defending his title, not once was I offered a shot at the championship. Not once did he consider me worthy enough of facing him. He went out for himself, and he left me in the shadows. Well, those days are long gone. Tonight, I prove to the world that I am the superior member of the Mexicools. I prove that I am STILL the most feared competitor in Mexican wrestling. And tonight, I am going to become the WWE Cruiserweight Champion, and in the process, I will eradicate Super Crazy from the WWE once and for all.


The crowd jeered at this new attitude shift in Psicosis. Cole exited the ring and took is regular position behind the announce desk. The crowd came alive as Super Crazy’s music hit. Crazy sprinted to the ring, and the match was on.


WWE Cruiserweight Championship Match:




Super Crazy © vs. Psicosis


Super Crazy came into this match all guns blazing, intent on exacting revenge on his former tag partner and friend. The contest was a fast paced bout, with Crazy out-pacing Psicosis regularly. But Psicosis’ new mean streak came to the surface during the contest, beating Crazy down in the corner before delivering a sickening Dropkick to the head as Crazy was sat in the corner for a close two count. Psicosis took control from there, keeping Crazy grounded as he stomped on the spine of the Cruiserweight Champion. Psicosis could have crippled Crazy as he propped him on the top rope before delivering a Neck Breaker for another close pinfall attempt. Crazy did manage to fight his way to his feet on a number of occasions, but Psicosis would put him back on the mat. But the end came when Psicosis lifted Crazy from the mat. But he took too long, and from nowhere Crazy rolled Psicosis up with a School Boy Pin for the three count. Psicosis was shocked, but the fans were ecstatic as Crazy successfully defeated Psicosis, retaining his championship belt.


Winner, and STILL WWE Cruiserweight Champion: Super Crazy


Crazy quickly bailed from the ring and grabbed his title belt before heading up the ramp. Psicosis was having a full blown fit in the ring, screaming unintelligibly at everyone around him. Crazy posed on the ramp with his title belt, infuriating Psicosis further.




The cameras head backstage, where World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam is sat in an empty section of the arena, away from any WWE Superstars. Van Dam is speaking to somebody on his cell phone.


RVD: Paul, just rest up, ok? You took a beating on Monday. I can handle myself, don’t worry dude......I know you want everything to go smoothly for our return in June, but come on, who else do you know as smooth as RVD?.....Alright, man. I’ll talk later.


RVD put his cell phone back in his bag and began his rigorous stretching exercises when he is approached by the chairman of the board.


RVD: What do you want, man?


McMahon: I think you will find that the sentence you are looking for is “What do you want ‘BOSS’. I’d hate for you to forget that until One Night Stand, you are still MY property.


RVD: Whatever, man. Just say what you gotta say and split, ok? I got a match to prepare for.


McMahon: You’re right; you DO have a match to prepare for. And I will sit in the comfort of my office and watch as JBL wipes the floor with you. By the way, how’s Heyman feeling? Took quite a beating on Monday, didn’t he?


RVD: You’re an ***hole.


McMahon: Thanks, you’re too kind. And just so you know, tonight I will be making a statement regarding your opponent at One Night Stand. So try not to take too bad a beating from JBL. I’d like you to be conscious enough to actually hear it.


RVD: Don’t worry, I’ll be listening. You, Teddy Long, Eric Bischoff, you can throw whatever you want at us. The fact is, come June 4th, ECW is going to take this company to the limits. And whether you like it or not, I’m still going to be WWE World Heavyweight Champion....sorry, scratch that. I’m still going to throw this title in the trash as I become ECW WORLD CHAMPION. You wanna know why....because I’m the Whole F’n Show.


Van Dam walks away, leaving McMahon fuming at RVD’s threats towards him and his company.




The cameras head to the Locker Room, where Melina is hyping up Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro prior to their bout with the Tag Team Champions Regal and Burchill.


Melina: You two better listen to me right now. Last week, you screwed up big time. You lost the Tag Team Titles. I don’t associate myself with LOSERS. I’m an honest to god A-List goddess, and I want to be seen with the elite. Tonight, you take back the titles from those limey rejects. And if you don’t, so help me god I will make you wish you never set eyes on me. I mean, I have enough to worry about having to face that trash bag Hamada. I don’t want to have to worry about you two as well.


Mercury: You were the one who jumped on the apron and screwed things up for us last week.


Melina:.....excuse me?


Nitro: He didn’t say anything, DID you?


Mercury: Actually, I did. I said...


Nitro: Look, don’t worry. We have it all figured out. Trust us.


Melina: I wish I could. Just get it done.


Melina storms out, leaving Nitro and Mercury alone to let her words sink in.


Cole: MNM have been read the riot act. They have to win tonight.


Kennedy: I’m not sure who I would be more afraid of; Burchill and Regal or that hell cat Melina.





Hamada vs. Melina


After suffering a loss last time they met, Hamada seemed to have Melina scouted al ot better in this contest. Much like their last bout, Melina struggled with Hamada’s unique style, and saw herself retreating to the outside on a number of occasions to regroup and rethink her strategy. But Hamada seemed to get the upper hand at every turn. Melina, once again, had to resort to dirty tactics, putting her feet on the ropes to make the cover. But Hamada was able to kick out. Melina was furious, and it almost cost her when Hamada was able to scoop her up and drill her with a Hamada Driver (Sit out Scoop Slam Piledriver). But Melina was too close to the ropes. Eventually, Melina rolled Hamada up and grabbing the tights, gained the three count, stealing another victory over The Japanese Sensation.


Winner: Melina


Melina quickly exited the ring, but Hamada was soon on her tail. Hamada caught up with her up on the entrance way and took her down, mounting her and delivering brutal rights and lefts as officials came out to try to get her off of Melina. Hamada would not relent however, and continued to take the fight to Melina as the Chicago faithful cheered her on. Eventually it took Nitro and Mercury to drag Melina away from her and escort her to the back as officials tried to contain the surprisingly vicious Hamada.


Cole: I don’t think Melina was prepared for anything like that.


Kennedy: I don’t think anybody was. Man, you can’t beat a good cat fight.




The cameras head backstage into the office of General Manager Teddy Long. He is joined by Mr. McMahon. The two seem to be going through paperwork together.


Long: Are you sure about this? You really think this will work?


McMahon: Right now it’s all we have, Teddy. I’m not going to let Heyman pull the wool over my eyes again, trust me....excuse me, do you not know how to knock before you enter a room?


The two men were interrupted by The Olympic Hero Kurt Angle. McMahon looked less than thrilled that he had been interrupted.


Angle: Listen, you saw what happened last week. Mysterio screwed up, as we knew he would. When are you going to admit that Mysterio isn’t championship material? He should never have been champion in the first place.


McMahon: If I remember correctly Kurt, it was you that Mysterio beat to win the title.


Angle: That was a fluke and you know it. The point is, you need somebody to take back the World Heavyweight Championship. You need somebody reliable. You need ME. You know how much I hate ECW. You only have to go back and look at last year’s One Night Stand. I would be more than willing to go into the Hammerstein Ballroom, in front of those rabid ECW morons and embarrass their saviour. I’m the best that you have, Vince. You know I can do it.


Long: Listen, playa...


Angle: I was talking to the boss, not you.


McMahon: Listen, I am going to head out to that ring tonight and make my decision regarding RVD and One Night Stand. You will find out when the rest of the world does what my decision is. Now if you will excuse us.


Angle: Look, I can...


McMahon: GET OUT.


Angle decided to live to fight another day, leaving McMahon and Long to discuss their plans.


Cole: Angle trying his best to stake his claim to the World Heavyweight Championship. What plans do Teddy Long and Mr McMahon have regarding Rob Van Dam?


Kennedy: How the freaking hell should I know, Cole? Am I a mind reader all of a sudden?


Cole: It was rhetorical.


Kennedy: Excuse me?


Cole: Never mind.




The cameras are in the hallways of The Allstate Arena, where the NEW WWE Tag Team Champions, William Regal and Paul Burchill, are seen talking to one another before their title defence.


Regal: Listen, I just want to apologise for the way I’ve been. I just never expected anything like what you pulled last week. That was pure genius, sunshine.


Burchill: I was taught by the best, mate.


Regal: Listen, tonight I want to see the same fire and passion I saw last week. I don’t know what’s happened these past few weeks since you have been away, but I love it. I should never have doubted you, Paul. Tonight, we make Britain proud. Let’s show these yanks what we can really do.


Burchill: I’m right behind you. Oh, and thanks Billy.


Regal: For what?


Burchill: For everything. For making me who I am.


Regal: Don’t start going all mushy on me now, son. Let’s go. You soppy sod.


The two give each other a manly hug before heading off for their showdown with MNM.


Cole: Who will walk away with the Tag Team Titles around there waists? We will find out next.


Kennedy: Was that another “rhetorical” question?




WWE Tag Team Championship Match:




Paul Burchill & William Regal © vs. MNM


Melina was not at ringside for this match, obviously still getting over the brawl with The Japanese Sensation. Prior to this bout, Paul London and Brian Kendrick headed to ringside and took a seat next to Michael Cole and Mr. Kennedy. Although they did not provide commentary, they watched intently at the action in the ring. And what a match it was. Although not the most well liked team in the WWE, the fans seemed to be more in the corner on MNM than their British opponents. This was a very exciting contest with very contrasting styles. Regal started things with Nitro, and kept him grounded as much as possible. But Nitro’s speed soon gave him the advantage, and a Springboard Leg Lariat caught Regal Square on the jaw, but only managed to earn him a two count from the official. When Regal made the tag to Burchill, carnage ensued. Burchill’s raw power caught MNM completely off guard, and Mercury was the victim of an Inverted Death Valley Driver which almost gained the victory for Paul and Regal, but Nitro was there to break things up. The match swayed back and forth for the majority, until Burchill threw Mercury over the top rope. That’s when all hell broke loose. Burchill went for an Irish Whip on the outside, but Mercury reversed it and sent Burchill sailing into an oblivious Paul London. Sensing that there may be trouble brewing, the official headed outside to hold London back, who was looking to get his hands on anyone it seemed. Back in the ring, Nitro was about to become the unlucky recipient of a pair of Brass Knuckles by Regal. But Nitro ducked the move and hit a perfect Hurricanrana, sending Regal to the outside. But Nitro turned around, and walked straight into Paul Burchill and a vicious C-4. Mercury attempted to make the save, but was met with a boot to the jaw. Burchill made the cover, and the official dove back into the ring to make the three count and award the victory to Burchill and Regal.


Winners, and STILL WWE Tag Team Champions: Paul Burchill & William Regal.


The crowd show their disdain for the champs as they quickly grab their title belts and make their way to the back, happy with their first title defence. The official tried to get London and Kendrick to the back and, after much persuasion by Brian Kendrick, he finally got London to calm down and make his way to the backstage area. One person who wasn’t so calm was Melina, who came stomping to the ring, the fury etched on her face. She got into the ring and immediately began to verbally tear Johnny Nitro apart. Nitro was trying to plead his case, but Melina would not allow him to get off so lightly, and almost ripped the skin off his face with a vicious slap. Mercury stepped in and tried to calm both Melina and now Nitro, who was now shouting at Melina. But Mercury suffered the same fate as Melina reared back and slapped him before leaving the ring, furious at both men. Nitro and Mercury stood in the ring, wondering just what the future held for the two of them.


Cole: I think there may be a storm brewing within the MNM camp.


Kennedy: Gee, you think? You could hear those slaps from Wrigley Field.




We return to the office of General Manager Teddy Long, who is still in discussions with Mr McMahon. A knock at the door interrupts their discussion, and in walks former World Heavyweight Champion Rey Mysterio. Long is happy to greet Mysterio. McMahon, not so much.


Long: Rey, what can we do for you, playa?


Mysterio: I’m gonna cut to the chase. I want at shot at Van Dam at One Night Stand. I don’t care what I have to do. You want to put me in a Number One Contenders Match, I’ll do it. Anything you want me to do to prove I deserve that shot, I’ll do it. Just let me prove it.


Long: Listen; I know how much you want this. But I just...


McMahon: What is it with everyone barging their way in here and thinking they can make demands of me? The fact is, you had a shot last week and you blew it. Now, as I have said to everybody else who has the nerve to march in here and demand something from me, I will be making a statement later tonight concerning One Night Stand and the Number One Contender situation. Until then, you will just have to wait.


Mysterio: Fine. But you know as well as I do that, given the opportunity, I can bring the World Heavyweight Championship back where it belongs.


Mysterio stormed out of the office, leaving Long looking stressed at the entire situation, and leaving McMahon with a migraine he just couldn’t shake off.


Cole: This whole thing is clearly taking its toll on McMahon.


Kennedy: This is his creation Cole. And it’s being threatened by a bunch of ragtag misfits. I’d be upset too.




Backstage, Josh Matthews is standing by with the unpredictable Bobby Lashley.


Matthews: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here with the Number One Contender for Randy Orton’s United States Championship, Bobby Lashley. And Bobby, in just over a week, you will get a shot at become United States Champion. But before that, you have a tough task ahead as you take on Kurt Angle. What are your thoughts going into this...


Lashley never uttered a word before the interview was abruptly interrupted by Finlay, who started throwing fists with Lashley, clearly still angered by Lashleys brutal assault last week. The two tore each other apart, throwing each other into walls and over catering tables. Road Agents swarmed into the area as they tried to split the two apart. But the sheer power of Lashley made it almost impossible.


Cole: Lashley versus Angle is up next.


Kennedy: That’s if they can pull him away from Finlay. This is a straight up fight between these two rugged animals.





Bobby Lashley vs. Kurt Angle


Lashley finally managed to drag himself away from his brawl with Finlay to concentrate on his contest with Angle. Kurt was surprised at how accomplished a wrestler Lashley was, and in the early going the big man actually managed to out wrestle the Olympic Gold Medallist. With every hold Angle applied, Lashley had a way of somehow escaping it. This infuriated Angle, and caused him to make the mistake of charging straight towards Lashley. Bobby was prepared, and delivered a crisp overhead Belly to Belly Suplex for a two count. The two put on an entertaining WRESTLING match. Angle’s German Suplex was somehow averted when Lashley landed on his feet and as Angle rose, he was hit with a release Northern Lights Suplex for another close two count. Angle finally managed to battle his way back into the match, and another German Suplex attempt was successful this time. Three more followed, and it seemed Angle finally had the beast under control. But Angle made the mistake of heading to the top rope. Angle came flying through the air and completely MISSED Lashley with an attempted Moonsault when Lashley rolled out of the way. The back and forth action continued between the two. But business was about to pick up as United States Champion Randy Orton strolled down towards the ring. Angle attempted an Angle Slam, but Lashley managed to escape the move and spun him around to nail an Arm Trap Suplex for the two. Lashley lifted Angle to his feet, but Angle shoved Bobby into the official, knocking him to the floor. With the official dazed, Orton decided to strike, entering the ring and hitting Lashley in the back of the head with the United States Title belt. Angle made the most of what Orton had handed him and, lifting Lashley up, delivered a beautiful Angle Slam. The official slowly came around and counted the pinfall. But Angle was shocked at only gaining a two count. Lashley got to his feet, and as Angle hit the ropes, he was drilled with a Spine Buster. Many believed that Lashley would look for the victory, but after spotting Orton still lurking on the outside, Bobby gave chase, exiting the ring and chasing Randy all the way to the back. The official was given no choice but to count Lashley out, awarding the match to Kurt Angle.


Winner (via Count Out): Kurt Angle


Angle raised his hand in victory, although the look on his face conveyed that even HE knows he was lucky to get the win against Lashley. But Angle’s night wasn’t over as, much like last week, the lights went out in the arena. The Allstate Arena was buzzing with excitement, knowing what was coming next. When the lights returned, The Undertaker was stood in the centre of the ring with Angle. But once again Angle was able to escape before he could do any serious damage to the Olympic Gold Medallist. Angle looked down at the ring as The Undertaker made the cut throat gesture to Angle. But Taker was about to have an unwanted intruder, as Orlando Jordan jumped The Undertaker from behind, clearly sent by JBL to do his bidding once again. And once again, Undertaker annihilated Jordan, dropping him with the Tombstone, sending a message to JBL AND Angle, who was looking on from the relative safety of the entrance ramp.


Cole: A message signed, sealed and delivered by The Undertaker.


Kennedy: The Undertaker is indiscriminate. He hates everybody equally. That’s how it should be, Cole.




Backstage, Todd Grisham is stood with John Bradshaw Layfield.


Grisham: Ladies and gentle...


JBL: Gimme that mic, Grisham. Rob Van Dam, you honestly think that you are going to devalue the World Heavyweight Championship by defiling it with the letters ECW? Hell will freeze over before I allow you to take OUR title to a cesspool like ECW, a wrestling company that has NO business even calling itself a wrestling company. Tonight, I’m gonna kick your ass so hard and so bad, you’re gonna have to be wheeled into The Hammerstein Ballroom on June 4th in a god damn wheelchair. Tonight, I stake my claim to the World Heavyweight Title. And Rob, someway and somehow, I WILL be your opponent at One Night Stand. And just like last year, there will be blood flowing in that ballroom thanks to me. By the way, say hi to Meanie for me, Rob. Because I’m going to embarrass you just like I did to him, and I’m going to send you and your pissant little company into obscurity where it belongs. I hope McMahon and Teddy are watching closely, because I’m about to prove why I am the ONLY choice to take Van Dam out. Permanently.




Non-Title Match:



John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Rob Van Dam


Van Dam, as usual, looked calm and relaxed, despite the fact that he was alone in a building filled with superstars who wanted his head on a silver platter. But the fans were still behind The Whole F’n Show, with RVD chants ringing in the ears of Bradshaw. JBL looked to punish RVD from the get go, landing heavy blows to the spine of Van Dam. Layfield’s size and power was an obvious obstacle to overcome, but Van Dam was more than capable, and a Springboard Side Kick to the head of JBL dazed the big man. A second sent him to the mat, where RVD was able to gain a two count. JBL was once again able to take control though, and a Fall Away Slam did more damage to the back of RVD. The fans were rooting for the Heavyweight Champion throughout the contest, and an ECW chant broke out in sections of the audience, frustrating Layfield. The two continued to wage war, but things were about to get difficult for RVD, as Kurt Angle made his way to the ring, looking to stake HIS claim to being Number One Contender. Angle slide into the ring and looked to nail RVD with a Clothesline. But Van Dam ducked, and Angle ALMOST nailed JBL with the move, but he was able to apply the brakes at the last second. Angle turned into a Spin Kick by Van Dam, sending him crashing down to the mat. But that allowed JBL to come charging towards Van Dam, levelling him with the Clothesline From Hell. JBL made the cover...but Van Dam was able to put his foot on the rope at the very last second, eliciting a large gasp of relief from the crowd. Things were about to take another turn for the worse as Rey Mysterio ran towards the ring, jumping on the apron and distracting the official. But Van Dam was inadvertently saved by Angle, who pulled Mysterio from the apron and sending him crashing into the steel steps. With the official distracted, JBL was crouched down, ready to deliver another Clothesline from Hell. But he was sent to the mat when a steel chair was thrown directly at his skull by the Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal Sabu, who had made it through the crowd and to the ringside area. Just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone. Van Dam took advantage, heading up top and hitting the Five Star Frog Splash. The official finally returned to the action, making the three count and awarding the victory to The Whole F’n Show.


Winner: Rob Van Dam


Van Dam quickly retreated through the crowd after his victory, the fans cheering for the World Champion. Meanwhile, things were picking up at ringside, as Angle and Mysterio were going at it, brawling around the announce table as Cole and Kennedy bailed from the scene, not wanting to get caught up in the action. Soon enough, JBL joined the fracas, laying waste to anything that moved. Eventually, they were cut off by the sound of “No Chance in Hell” playing over the sound system. WWE Chairman Vince McMahon stood on the ramp way, microphone in hand.


McMahon: Enough. Break it up NOW. Is this what Heyman has done to us? It’s at this point we need to stick together, to act as a team. But if you want to fight, you are going to get the opportunity. Teddy Long and I have finally come to an agreement regarding the World Heavyweight Championship. We need to find ourselves a Number One Contender. And we will determine that Number One Contender on May 21st at Judgment Day. We have decided on the most worthy contenders for the World Heavyweight Championship. And they will compete at Judgment Day. So, I am happy to announce that at Judgment Day, we will have a Fatal Four Way match. And that match will determine who will face Rob Van Dam at One Night Stand on June 4th. And the participants in that match will be John Bradshaw Layfield, Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio.... and The Undertaker.


The crowd came unglued at the announcement as three of the four men in the match looked at one another around ringside. But the arena was soon plunged into darkness once again, sending the crowd into a frenzy. When they returned, Undertaker was in the centre of the ring, and locked eyes with all three men.


Cole: What an announcement made by Mr McMahon. Which one of these men will save the WWE from the invasion of Extreme Championship Wrestling?


The show ended with all four men staring each other down as the rabid Chicago fans were left buzzing with McMahon’s huge announcement.






Dark Match:


The F.B.I over Mark Henry and Orlando Jordan C+


Main Show:


CM Punk over Kid Kash C

Super Crazy over Psicosis to retain Cruiserweight Championship C-

Melina over Hamada D+

William Regal & Paul Burchill over MNM to retain Tag Team Championships B

Kurt Angle over Bobby Lashley via Count Out B

Rob Van Dam over John Bradshaw Layfield B


Show Rating B-



MichiganHero - 5/6

Jingo - 4/6

MartinC - 4/6

The Final Countdown - 4/6

The Celt - 6/6

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ECW Website Up and Running, More Big Names Coming To ECW, Update On Bryan Danielson, Mr. Kennedy News


- ECW.com has finally been completed, and is now online. Although the site is pretty bare at the moment, they have announced that in the coming days they will announce several of the matches taking place at One Night Stand on June 4th. The plan is to have several WWE vs. ECW match-ups, with the remaineder of the card to be filled with classic ECW contests. The first match is reported to be announced within the next 24 hours.


- Rumours are circulating that WWE have been in contact with several big names from ECW's past to try to bring them into the fold. One of the names being thrown around is former ECW World Champion Raven, although how true this rumour is remains uncertain considering the heat he has had in the past with Vince McMahon.


- Yet more evidence that Bryan Danielson has signed a contract with WWE came this Saturday when he dropped the ROH World Title at the 'How We Roll' event to Jay Lethal in a fantastic bout. Several "Please Don't Go" chants were heard, but again, there has been no confirmation thus far that Danielson is on his way out of ROH.


- WWE management have apparently been pleasantly surprised by the chemistry between Michael Cole and Mr. Kennedy on commentary. Many are talking about Kennedy perhaps staying on commentary for a while longer until they can find a replacement, but with Kennedy's injury all but healed, it's unlikely that he will want to stay behind the announce desk for much longer.


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First Match Announced for ECW One Night Stand


ECW.com is proud to announce the first match for ECW One Night Stand has been confirmed. On June 4th 2006 at The Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, "The Chair Swinging Freak" Balls Mahoney will go one on one against former ECW World Champion Masato Tanaka. Both men could stake their claim to being possibly the most brutal, violent, hard-hitting competitors in ECW history, and the ECW faithful are sure to enjoy the action these two men provide at One Night Stand.


Check back here on ECW.com for regular updates as we get closer and closer to One Night Stand, Live on Pay Per View.


Matches Confirmed for One Night Stand:


Balls Mahoney vs. Masato Tanaka

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Just 6 days remain before WWE's next blockbuster Pay Per View, Judgment Day. And this week on Raw, four men look to build momentum going into their respective matches when WWE Champion John Cena teams with "The Latino Warrior" Chavo Guerrero to take on Edge and Tyson Tomko. Also, World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam will once again be forced into competition when he faces one half of the World Tag Team Champions, Lance Cade. And Victoria looks to prove a point and build momentum going into her Triple Threat Match at Judgment Day when she faces Lita.


Also, Triple H will be in the building, and is sure to have plenty to say concerning Tyson Tomko. Both Aaron Stevens AND Ric Flair will be in the building, and after everything that has happened between the two, something is sure to blow between these two individuals. Also, we will have an exclusive interview with Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels from his home in San Antonio, Texas. And who knows whether ECW will be in the building this Monday Night. Always unpredictable but never dull, you won't want to miss this weeks explosive edition of Monday Night Raw on USA.


Quick Picks:


Chavo Guerrero & John Cena vs. Edge & Tyson Tomko


Ric Flair vs. The Big Show


Lance Cade vs. Rob Van Dam


Aaron Stevens vs. Charlie Haas


Carlito vs. Val Venis


Lita vs. Victoria

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Chavo Guerrero & John Cena vs. Edge & Tyson Tomko

I think Tomko being given a strong rub, but now it's Chavo's turn, following up that brush with HHH.


Also, I dare you to bring in LAX into the WWE and make Chavo their leader. If one thing could send Chavo super-nova, it'd be LAX.


Ric Flair vs. The Big Show

I don't really think Flair going over here would really do much for either man, I mean where would a push like that take Flair? So I'm going to with the big man.


Lance Cade vs. Rob Van Dam

Cade is going to get SMOKED here, I mean seriously he has NO chance in my view. RVD is about to carry the new ECW so a midcard like Cade must die at RVD' heroic feet like the good little grunt he is.


Aaron Stevens vs. Charlie Haas

You're pushing the Idol as the hot new thing on RAW so I'm guessing Haas takes one for the team here in order to make a star.


Carlito vs. Val Venis

McMahon's Gun shoots to kill.


Lita vs. Victoria

Purely because Victoria is the better worker

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Chavo Guerrero & John Cena vs. Edge & Tyson Tomko

-I see Tomko scoring the pin, furthering his build heading into his title shot.


Ric Flair vs. The Big Show

-Naitch via count-out when Kane causes some sort of distraction that spooks Big Show again.


Lance Cade vs. Rob Van Dam

-I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility for RVD to drop a match before ONS, with liberal interference from pro-WWE guys, to give him some sympathy in his battle with the big, bad E. But against Lance Cade? No way.


Aaron Stevens vs. Charlie Haas

-The Idol's someone of importance, while Haas seems to be there to make others look good. Not a hard choice.


Carlito vs. Val Venis

-The Big Valbowski's about to get stabbed in the back.


Lita vs. Victoria

-Victoria could use the win just before her title match.

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Location: Everett Event Centre (North West)

Attendance: 7,223

Announce Team:


Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler




Dark Match:

Jimmy Snuka Jr. Defeats Rob Conway with a Snuka Splash.




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The usual pyrotechnic display ignited following the opening video, and the crowd came alive as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler welcome us to the Everett Event Centre in Everett, Washington.


Ross: We are live from the nation’s capital for what is sure to be another explosive edition of Monday Night Raw. I’m Jim Ross, joined as always by Jerry “The King” Lawler. And King, with just 6 days remaining until Judgment Day, you have to believe that things are gonna heat up here tonight.


Lawler: Absolutely, JR. But I’m especially looking forward to tonight’s Main Event, in which WWE Champion John Cena and Chavo Guerrero will team up to face Edge and the Number One Contender for Cena’s title, Tyson Tomko. But one has to ask what the relationship between Tomko and Triple H is after the events of last week.


Ross: And let’s not forget that we will be showing footage of my exclusive interview from earlier in the week with Shawn Michaels at his home in San Antonio.... But I’m being told that something is going on backstage. Do we have a camera back there?


The camera was indeed back there, and the scene unfolding was one of carnage as Aaron Stevens and Ric Flair are once again tearing into each other as officials attempt to split the two apart. Flair breaks through the security and takes Stevens down, pounding him with rights and lefts before the officials split them once again. Eventually the brawl is controlled when Raw General Manager Eric Bischoff rushes to the scene and stands between the two, officials still holding the two back.


Bischoff: That’s it; break it up, both of you. This has been going on for way too long, and quite frankly I’m sick of it. I’ve got enough on my plate at the moment. The future of this entire company is being threatened and yet I still have to deal with crap like this. So here’s what I’m gonna do. You two guys wanna rip each other apart? Fine. I’m going to allow you the opportunity to finish this once and for all. At Judgment Day, the two of you will go one on one. And since you want to hurt each other so badly, I’m going to make it a Street Fight. But here’s the catch; that match will only go ahead so long as you don’t touch each other until Judgment Day. If you guys can keep your hands off each other until Sunday, then the match will go ahead. Are we agreed? I said are we AGREED?


The two men were almost foaming at the mouth, wanting to wrap their hands around the neck of their adversary. But eventually the two agreed to Bischoff’s proposal before storming off in separate directions.


Ross: It’s official; Aaron Stevens faces Ric Flair in a Street Fight this Sunday at Judgment Day.


Lawler: That’s if they can manage to keep their hands off each other until then. This has been months in the making, JR. I can’t wait.





Lita vs. Victoria


Considering the fact that Lita has been out of competition for some time, she still managed to put in a decent performance against Victoria, taking her to her limits and giving her a run for her money. But Victoria was intent on building momentum going into her Triple Threat Match at Judgment Day, and looked to make an example out of Lita. After several minutes of intense back and forth action, Victoria managed to hit The Widows Peak on Lita, picking up the win.


Winner: Victoria


The fans applauded the efforts of Victoria as the official raised her hand in victory. But she was abruptly interrupted by Trish Stratus, who marched her way to the ring. She rolled into the ring and got face to face with Victoria, who didn’t move an inch, staring right into the eyes of Stratus. Lita had managed to make it to her feet, but she was quickly sent to the outside with a double Clothesline. Trish and Victoria looked at each other once more, a slight smirk on the face of Trish. But it was soon wiped off when Trish was nailed from behind with the Women’s Title by Mickie James, who had somehow made it into the ring without the two divas noticing. Victoria was dealt a deadly blow with the belt too as the crowd roundly booed the Women’s Champion, who once again began talking to the title belt, almost as if it were a living being.


Ross: Well, Mickie James is goofier than a pet ‘coon, and it’s hard to bet against her at the moment.


Lawler: She is a complete whack job. But let’s keep our fingers crossed that she will be intent on just winning a match this Sunday.




We head backstage at the Everett Event Centre where Jonathan Coachman is standing by.


Coachman: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here in the parking lot of the Everett Event Centre where in just a few moments, Triple H is scheduled to arrive. I’m going to attempt to get a few words with him regarding what happened last week with Tyson Tomko. Hold on, here he comes. Triple H, I wanted to get your reaction to what went down with you and Tyson Tomko on last week’s edition of Raw?.....Triple H, do you have any thoughts on the matter?....Hunter I just want...


Coachman was cut off by Triple H’s hand wrapping around his throat and pushing him HARD against the wall, his eyes almost bursting out of his skull as Hunter squeezed tighter.


Triple H: You want my reaction to what happened last week? Tonight you, Tomko and the rest of the world are going to see EXACTLY what my reaction is.


Not another word was spoken as The Game stormed into the arena as Coach held his neck, gasping for air.


Ross: Well, there’s your answer Coach. Hunter is on the rampage.


Lawler: I never thought I would say it, but Tomko better watch his back tonight.




Meanwhile, in an entirely different section of the arena, World Tag Team Champions Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch are discussing Cade’s match later in the evening with Rob Van Dam.


Cade: If Van Dam thinks what we did to his life partner Paul Heyman last week was bad, wait until he sees what I have planned for him tonight.


Murdoch: You’re damn right boy. But I need to talk to you about somethin’.


Cade: What’s up?


Murdoch: Them god damn pretty boy Dr Dre wannabes, The Brooklyn Soldiers, that’s what’s up. Every week it’s the same damn thing. Calling us out, jumpin’ us in the back. We gotta do somethin’ ‘bout this.


Cade: Trevor, don’t worry about it. They will get what’s coming to them. They ain’t gonna be making a name for themselves at our expense, I guarantee you that much.


Cade may have spoken too soon, as from out of nowhere came Elijah Burke and JTG, who charged at the World Tag Team Champions. The two were quickly followed by a slew of security, who obviously saw it coming. Murdoch was intent on going toe to toe with the Soldiers, but Cade managed to make him see sense and dragged him away from the scene. The Soldiers continued to attempt to get their hands on the champs.


Lawler: Security has had a busy night. First Stevens and Flair, and now this.


Ross: And the night isn’t over yet. God only knows what else we’re gonna see here tonight.





Carlito vs. Val Venis


Venis gave Carlito quite a run for his money as he...oh, who are we kidding. Carlito completely dominated the match, beating Venis from pillar to post, sending out a clear message to The Heartbreak Kid. Venis tried to fight back, but the new mean streak that seems to have engulfed Carlito over the past month was too much for him to handle, and Carlito quickly ended things after a devastating Back Stabber ended the contest for The Big Valbowski.


Winner: Carlito


The match may have finished, but Carlito certainly hadn’t, putting the boots to Venis before kicking him to the outside. Carlito demanded a microphone from Lillian Garcia, who nervously handed it to him.


Carlito: Shawn, I know you’re sat at home in San Antonio tonight. And I know you are glued to the T.V screen. So I want you to listen carefully. I’ve heard you and JR had a little interview that will air tonight. And a little birdie tells me you might actually be contemplating turning up at Judgment Day to face me. Shawn, you know as well as I do that you are not at 100%. In fact, I know you can barely get out of bed in the mornings. Shawn, if you show up on Sunday, what I just did to Val will be NOTHING compared to what I do to you. I will become Intercontinental Champion one way or another on Sunday. But I actually look forward to getting you in the ring at Judgment Day. Because if I didn’t end your career before, on Sunday I WILL end the legacy of The Heartbreak Kid once and for all. And that....that’s cool.


The crowd’s jeers were deafening as Carlito made his way to the back, as Val Venis continued to writhe around in pain on the outside.




The cameras head backstage, where The Big Show is seen being handed an envelope from “The Idol” Aaron Stevens. Show checks the contents and, with a large smile spread across his face, he shakes hands with Stevens before they both go their separate ways.


Ross: Oh, this can’t be good. What has Stevens paid for here?


Lawler: I’m guessing whatever it is, it’s gotta be bad news for The Nature Boy.




In the Locker Room of the Everett Event Centre, WWE Champion John Cena is preparing for his Main Event Match later in the evening. As he is changing, in walks his partner for the evening, Chavo Guerrero. The two men exchange handshakes.


Cena: How’s it going, buddy?


Chavo: Everything’s good, man. So, you all set for tonight?


Cena: You better believe it. Thanks for being my partner tonight.


Chavo: Are you kidding, esse? I’m more than happy to team with you, especially if it means getting my hands on that no good punk Edge.


Cena: Glad to hear it. I’m just gonna use the bathroom. Back in a second.


Cena left to use the bathroom before continuing to prepare. As he waited for Cena to return, Guerrero saw the WWE Championship lying on the bench. Chavo could not resist the urge, picking the title up and staring at it for long moments. Chavo seemed in awe of the title belt in his hands, and decided to drape it over his shoulder. But Cena’s return soon changed the mood as he looked at Chavo holding his property.


Cena: Don’t get used to that feeling, Chavo. That belt is staying around my waist for a long time to come.


Chavo: With all due respect Cena, after the fight I gave you a couple weeks ago, I wouldn’t be so confident about that. See you in the ring...Champ.


Chavo handed Cena his championship belt back before leaving the room, leaving Cena with a confused smile on his face.


Ross: A little friendly rivalry brewing between these two, perhaps?


Lawler: I wouldn’t be so sure about the “friendly” part, JR. Chavo is a Guerrero after all.





Aaron Stevens vs. Charlie Haas


Stevens seemed confident going into this match with the knowledge that Flair wouldn’t be interfering in this contest. Add that to the deal he seems to have made with The Big Show, and Stevens could put all his focus on his match with Haas. Charlie held his own against The Idol, but Stevens held his nerve and managed to keep control of the former Tag Team Champion for the majority of the contest. Stevens ended the contest fairly quickly, delivering the Hollywood Star (Muscle Buster) for the pinfall victory.


Winner: Aaron Stevens


Ross: A very convincing victory for The Idol here tonight.


Lawler: Absolutely, JR. But don’t count Flair out just yet. He may be a little bit older but he’s ten times as crazy. Never discount The Nature Boy, JR.




We head into the dark recesses of the arena, where World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam is preparing for his match with Lance Cade later in the evening. But, much like last week, he is interrupted by WWE Chairman Vince McMahon.


McMahon: Ready for your match later on?


RVD: You know me, Vinny. I’m always ready.


McMahon: Don’t ever call me Vinny again, you got that?


RVD: Sure thing Vinny. What do you want?


McMahon: You think you have it all worked out, don’t you? You think you’re going to waltz into New York at One Night Stand and take MY World Heavyweight Championship with you. That’s MY property, Rob. You, Heyman, even those two puppets Foley and Dreamer, you all think you can pull the wool over my eyes again? I won’t allow you to disrespect me OR my company by rechristening OUR World Championship as the ECW World Championship. It makes me sick just saying it. I’m going to make sure you suffer at One Night Stand, right in the middle of the ring in front of YOUR people. I’m going to show you up for the failure you are.


RVD: You keep telling yourself that, Vinny. Think whatever you want to think. I don’t care who I face at One Night Stand, whether it be Mysterio, Angle, JBL, even The Undertaker. Because on June 4th, I’m walking in to One Night Stand the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. And when that bell rings at the end of the match, I’m going to be walking out as the ECW World Champion. And, in your own words, I GUARENTEE it. Why? Because I’m the Whole F’n Show.


Van Dam simply breezes past the boss, who is once again left reeling at the words of Mr Pay Per View.





Ric Flair vs. The Big Show


The second Flair saw who his opponent for the evening would be it was obvious what The Idol had paid for. But despite the obvious size disadvantage, Flair managed to prove exactly why they call him “The Dirtiest Player in the Game”, using every underhanded trick in the book to keep the advantage over The Big Show. Flair’s chops echoed through the arena, but when Show turned the tables with some chops of his own, the intake of breath was unbelievable as Flairs chest began to bleed from the vicious shots by The World’s Largest Athlete. Big Show really started to do a number on The Nature Boy as the fans cheered him on, willing him to fight back. Flair tried his best, but Big Shows size and strength advantage became too much for the 16 time World champion. Big Show mercifully ended the beating, dropping Flair with The Show Stopper for the win.


Winner: The Big Show


Flair was out cold on the mat as Lillian Garcia announced The Big Show as the winner of the contest, the fans letting him know exactly what they felt about him. But Big Show’s demeanour soon changed when, much like last week, fire exploded from the ring posts, and the same haunting video that played last week was shown on the Titan Tron...


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As the lights returned to normal, The Big Show was stood in stunned silence, petrified at what he witnessed. But that look turned to one of immense discomfort when Ric Flair delivered a low blow to the big man, sending him to the mat. Then, with great difficulty, Flair somehow managed to wrap Big Shows legs up and lock in the Figure Four Leg Lock. Show was screaming out in agony as the fans cheered their approval. Flair finally released the hold and got to his feet. He may be the last man standing, but his face was still beet red with anger over what Aaron Stevens tried to do.


Lawler: What did I tell you, JR? Never count out The Nature Boy.


Ross: I’ll hold my hands up when I’m wrong, King. If that’s what he will do to a seven foot, almost 500 pound man, I can only imagine what he has planned for The Idol at Judgment Day.




Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, earlier this week I conducted an exclusive interview with Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels at his home in San Antonio. Right now we are going to show just some of the highlights of that interview. Take a look.


Ross: Shawn, thank you very much for inviting us into your home today. I guess my first question has to be how are you feeling?


Michaels: I’ve felt better; I’ll be honest with you. I won’t bore you with the details, but the doctors have told me I’ve done some pretty serious damage to my spine and that I should really rest up for a couple months before I even THINK about starting to rehab. But to answer your question; physically I’m pretty beat up. Emotionally, I’m as good as ever.


Ross: I guess after defeating Shelton Benjamin at Backlash, you thought that things could only get better. What were your thoughts after that brutal assault by Carlito the following night?


Michaels: You know, I didn’t think things could get much worse for me after what McMahon and Shelton put me through. And as much as I despise Shelton Benjamin, at least he had the guts, had the nerve to look me in the eye face to face, man to man, and fight me straight up. But to sneak up from behind and do what Carlito did to me, that’s the sign of a true coward who doesn’t have the balls to look me in the eye and try to take me out. McMahon has tried to finish me for months. He knew he couldn’t get it done. So he hires a COWARD, and that’s exactly what he is, to try to end my career.


Ross: What was your reaction to what Carlito did last week, bringing somebody down to the ring dressed as you, and essentially mocking and humiliating you in front of the world?


Michaels: That didn’t bother me too much, Jim. Let’s face it; I’ve done some pretty derogatory things to mock people before. Remember the midget dressed as Bret? I’ve been there and done that. So if Carlito thinks that jumping a man from behind is an achievement he can be proud of, then I say let him have his moment.


Ross: Now for the big question; Will you be at Judgment Day to defend your title?


Michaels: You’re damn right I’ll be there.


Ross: Is that a wise choice considering the pain you are in?


Michaels: Is it a wise choice? No, absolutely not. But you of all people should know that I’ve built a career on making bad decisions. You remember The Kliq?


Ross: Who could forget it?


Michaels: Exactly. We made a living on making bad decisions, on not looking at the bigger picture. But somehow, we always came out on top. We always found a way to overcome the odds. And at Judgment Day, I don’t give a damn if they have to wheel me out of there; I will face Carlito for this title. You remember when I lost my smile, Jim. That was one of the lowest moments of my life, to hand the WWE Championship back to Vince McMahon because of injury. I felt like I cheated the fans, and I felt like I cheated myself. I’m not going to make that mistake again. I’m the Intercontinental Champion. And I’ll keep defending that title until I can’t stand anymore. I won’t let the fans down like that again. And I won’t let myself down. And in the process, I will kick Carlito’s teeth down his throat. And that’s a promise I intend to keep.


Lawler: Wow, I’m in shock. Shawn Michaels is actually going to defend his title this Sunday?


Ross: I don’t agree with it, King. But who’s going to stop him?




Non-Title Match:


Lance Cade vs. Rob Van Dam


Trevor Murdoch was at ringside to support his partner for this one, but that did little to faze the World Champion as he continued to dominate his foes. Cade had a slight size and power advantage, but not enough to cause too many problems for The Whole F’n Show. A devastating Brain Buster delivered by Cade did slide the advantage in Cade’s favour, but RVD managed to compose himself once more. Murdoch did try to intervene on his partner’s behalf at one point, but a swift kick to the face soon put him in his place. Following a Rolling Thunder, RVD headed up top before crashing down on Cade with the Five Star Frog Splash. RVD hooked the leg and the official made the count, awarding the victory to Mr Money in the Bank, Rob Van Dam.


Winner: Rob Van Dam


Cade was helped to the back by his partner as RVD celebrated in the ring. He headed to the top rope and posed with his World Heavyweight Championship. But as he leapt off the rope and into the ring, he was immediately hit with a crushing Clothesline from Hell. Yes, Smackdown’s JBL had arrived, and following the crushing blow, decided to put the boots to the World Champion. JBL lifted RVD to his feet before delivering another devastating Clothesline, almost taking Van Dam’s head clean off. With sufficient damage done, JBL made his way to the back as the fans of Washington bombarded Bradshaw with abuse. RVD continued to writhe around in pain, the damage clearly done.


Ross: RVD looks hurt. And who knows, if JBL is successful on Sunday, he may very well be facing RVD for the title at One Night Stand.


Lawler: Who cares if he’s hurt, JR.? It’s no more than he deserves.




The cameras are quickly directed to attend a scene backstage, where Triple H is seen being held back by Security as he tries to go at it with Tyson Tomko. Tomko is smiling the entire time, watching as The Game foams at the mouth, eager to wrap his hands around Tomko’s throat. After chuckling to himself, Tomko simply walks away from the scene, with Triple H screaming obscenities at his one time friend.


Ross: Wow. Tomko may have seriously bitten off more than he can chew, pissing off The Game like this.


Lawler: He just essentially laughed in Triple H’s face, JR. Hunter is a dangerous man at the best of times. But in this mood, I wouldn’t want to anger him anymore than he already is.





Chavo Guerrero & John Cena vs. Edge & Tyson Tomko


Despite the fact that neither of these teams had been partners before, they seemed to work pretty well together, especially Cena and Guerrero. Considering Chavo has never really had a shot in the main event scene, he really shone against Edge and Tomko. Edge tried his best not to be put in the ring at the same time as Guerrero, and allowed Tomko to do most of the work. The violent, vicious nature of The Problem Solver was evident for all to see, and despite all his effort, Chavo was beaten down into the mat on a number of occasions. A hot tag to Cena brought the crowd to their feet, with the champ throwing fists left and right, rocking his Judgment Day opponent. The match remained pretty even for the majority. But things were soon about to change. With Edge and Cena both battling it out in the ring, the fans turned their attention to the entrance way, where security were trying their best to hold back The Game, who was still intent on trying to get a hold of Tomko. Tomko was tagged in eventually, and delivered a huge Lariat on Cena for a close two count. Tomko positioned himself in the corner of the ring, ready to deliver the Big Boot. But his boot was swept from under him, as Triple H had somehow broke through and managed to trip the big man. Security got a hold of The Cerebral Assassin once again as Tomko screamed furiously at The Game. The distraction cost him however, as he turned and walked straight into the arms of Cena, who dropped him with the F-U. Edge attempted to make the save, but he was quickly sent sailing over the top rope. Cena was about to make the cover when he saw Guerrero begging to be tagged in. Cena looked around the crowd, who roared their approval before Cena finally made the tag. Chavo immediately went up top before landing on Tomko HARD with the Frog Splash. Chavo made the cover and got the one, two, three, picking up the win for his team.


Winners: Chavo Guerrero & John Cena


The crowd came alive as the bell rang and Cena and Guerrero were announced as the winners. The two celebrated in the ring. As Tomko finally got to his feet, he immediately headed to the outside and tried to break through the throng of security that was surrounding The Game. Officials were trying their best to keep the two separated, but it was proving quite difficult. Back in the ring, Cena and Guerrero continued to celebrate. That is, until Edge made his way back into the ring. Edge came charging towards Cena, looking to hit a Spear. But the champ side stepped the manoeuvre, and Edge went crashing into the ring post. Edge groggily turned around and was hit with the F-U by Cena. The crowd were on their feet at the scenes that were unfolding. Chavo raised the hand of Cena, who celebrated with Guerrero....until he lifted him to his shoulders and dropped CHAVO with the F-U. Cena then held his title high in the air as the majority of the crowd chanted his name.


Ross: Cena has sent a warning to everyone here tonight. The question is, will this be the scene this Sunday at Judgment Day?


The show fades to black with Cena holding his title in the air, bodies strewn around his feet, and Tomko and Triple H still attempting to annihilate each other.






Dark Match:


Jimmy Snuka Jr. over Rob Conway E-


Main Show:


Victoria over Lita C-

Carlito over Val Venis C

Aaron Stevens over Charlie Haas E-

The Big Show over Ric Flair C

Rob Van Dam over Lance Cade C+

Chavo Guerrero & John Cena over Edge & Tyson Tomko C


Show Rating C+




Jingo - 6/6

MichiganHero - 4/6

MartinC - 4/6

Destiny - 5/6

The Celt - 6/6

The Final Countdown - 4/6

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Several Developmental Talent Released, Another ECW Original Signed, Bryan Danielson Officially Signs With WWE


- WWE have announced the release of several wrestlers that have been released from their developmental territories.Some of the more notable names released include The Shane Twins (Todd and Mike), Ryan Reeves and Derrick Neikirk, who was close to being called up several times last year.


- Another ECW Original has been signed to the roster, as Jerry Lynn signed with World Wrestling Entertainment last week. It is unknown whether this will be a long term agreement, but he will certainly be making an appearance within the next few weeks.


- After weeks of speculation, Bryan Danielson officially announced on his personal website that he has indeed signed a contract with the WWE. He will initially be sent to OVW, WWE's developmental territory, but he is expected to début for one of the three main brands in the very near future.

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Mhhh, honestly? The thing about the rise and fall of ECW dvd, to the viewer it drilled in this idea that ECW=79% CRAZY HARDCORE OMG STUFF. And the problem with alot of fan? They take the Rise and Fall as the gossip truth. I can't tell you how many times I've had the rise and fall quoted back to me in discussions about ECW.


So in order to...um, balance those views out, I'd have some classic ECW technical matches played on either RAW or Smackdown a la Smackdown "From the Vault" segment, in order to remind ECW fans of the non-hardcore side to it as well. I know some people might think it's not necessary, but honestly look up some old ECW videos on youtube and you'll so many comments reading somewhat like this:


"OMG ECW so much better than the WWE make in the day, none of that p*ssy sh*t, just hardcore awesomeness"


I think playing stuff such as Guerrero and Malenko's last ECW match, some Taz matches and some 2 Cold Scorpio stuff will help some more, um, simple minded ECW fans accept guys like Danielson as a necessary part of the product. But even with that said Danielson will still need to work an aggressive style to please the ECW crowd. Stiff kicks, snuff submission, dangerous throws will need to be part of his arsenal.



Also, on a totally separate note, please hire Bill Alfonso. One of the greatest managers of all time who deserved longer in the spotlight and personally someone I thought whose gimmick could really have worked with so many people, even in the WWE: Big Show, Kurt Angle...MVP.

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Two More Matches Announced for ECW One Night Stand


ECW.com tonight confirms two more matches to take place at ECW One Night Stand on June 4th at The Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, and these matches will see the Old School take on the New Breed.


New ECW signing Gregory Helms will attempt to carve his name into ECW folklore. But in order to do so, he will have to get past one of ECW's true greats, The Hardcore Icon, The Sandman. Will the ECW faithful embrace the brash young star, or will he be laid to rest by ECW's resident Beer-swilling, cane swinging bad ass?


And, in another Old vs. New confrontation, Shelton Benjamin will try to build on the reputation he has earned in the WWE when he goes up against The Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Death Defying Sabu in what is sure to be a classic contest not to be missed. Both men have been known to put their bodies on the line to gain a victory, and both will be looking to become the face of ECW with a victory.


Keep checking on ECW.com for more updates as we get ever so closer to One Night Stand on June 4th.


Matches Confirmed for One Night Stand:


Balls Mahoney vs. Masato Tanaka


Gregory Helms vs. The Sandman


Sabu vs. Shelton Benjamin

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With just a few days to go until Judgment Day on Pay Per View, Friday Night Smackdown heads to the Louisiana Auditorium. And in the nights Main Event, it will be Champion vs. Champion as World Heavyweight Champion Rob Van Dam goes one on one with United States Champion Randy Orton in Non Title competition. In addition to that, MNM get one last chance to fight for gold, as they take on Paul London & Brian Kendrick, with the winners going on to face Paul Burchill & William Regal at Judgment Day. And in another Number One Contenders bout, Kid Kash will face one half of The F.B.I, Tony Mamaluke, with the victor going on to face the Cruiserweight Champion on next weeks edition of Smackdown.


Plus, The Straight Edge Superstar CM Punk will be in action, as will the vicious, violent Bobby Lashley. And, after everything that's happened in the past few months, don't be surprised if we get a little visit from the Land of Extreme. All this and much more on Friday Night Smackdown on The CW.


Quick Picks:


Non-Title Match:

Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam


Number One Contendership for WWE Tag Team Championship:

Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. MNM


Psicosis vs. Rey Mysterio


Number One Contendership for Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash vs. Tony Mamaluke


Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


CM Punk vs. Jamie Noble

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Non-Title Match:

Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam

-This seems like the ideal situation to have RVD drop one. You let the WWE guys screw him out of a win, and since it's against a guy as hated as Orton, it makes RVD and the ECW "rebels" look sympathetic.


Number One Contendership for WWE Tag Team Championship:

Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. MNM

-MNM already had their chance to regain the belts; now it's Londrick's turn.


Psicosis vs. Rey Mysterio

-If this were 1995, this match would absolutely steal the show. Neither guy is at the level they were then IMO, at least as far as in-ring performance goes, but it should still be good. I see no way for Psicosis to steal this one.


Number One Contendership for Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash vs. Tony Mamaluke



Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay

-Lashley, the modern day "loose cannon", could lose control and drop this one by countout or DQ. But I don't think so. I think he runs through Fit in a hard-hitting match en route to his match with Orton.


CM Punk vs. Jamie Noble

-Noble may have taken Punk's ROH World Championship away, but he ain't handing him his first defeat in the WWE.

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Non-Title Match:

Randy Orton vs. Rob Van Dam


Number One Contendership for WWE Tag Team Championship:

Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. MNM


Psicosis vs. Rey Mysterio


Number One Contendership for Cruiserweight Championship:

Kid Kash vs. Tony Mamaluke


Bobby Lashley vs. Finlay


CM Punk vs. Jamie Noble

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