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TEW 108: I Can Be A Booker!?

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Much like that final segment, my picks were weak and bombed with a crowd that turned against me.


Besides that though, love the write up style for this. I wish I could read actual wrestling results that were this concise. Good job.


Thanks for the praise. I wouldn't say that your picks were as bad as the rating of the final segment. While you didn't do as well as some other people, you were even with a lot of people. Of course, it didn't hurt no one on the boards predicted the Strong and Mean Jean going the distance.

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Chapter #1

The 0/0/0 Promotion or How I Learn To Love Dusty Bin

Review of MAW Rip Chord Invitational & An End Of The Chapter Review


Role Call (24): pate, bak42, benjacko, dkohn, Kamchatka, Sudo_Nym, TheStroke7, Tigerkinney, Timber, Truth, AzzMartin, BHK1978, KarlKitsch, Marcel Fromage, MrOnu, My Name is Not..., randomfreeze, Self, ShadowedFlames, Sonfaro, TDubTNA, midnightnick, Phantom Stranger, SeanMcFly


Prediction Results for MAW Rip Chord Invitational

http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/TEW108/goldstar.png: pate

http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/TEW108/silverstar.png: bak42, benjacko, dkohn, Kamchatka, Sudo_Nym, TheStroke7, Tigerkinney, Timber, Truth

http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a288/foolinc/TEW108/redstar.png: AzzMartin, BHK1978, KarlKitsch, Marcel Fromage, MrOnu, My Name is Not..., randomfreeze, Self, ShadowedFlames, Sonfaro, TDubTNA, midnightnick, Phantom Stranger, SeanMcFly


Note: Congratulations to benjacko for being the top student of the chapter. benjacko and The Stroke7 were going head to head for the top spot through the chapter, but it looks like it was benjacko's gold star for the Wrestling For Gold predictions that put him over the top. If you want to take a look the predictions as a whole, here is the prediction sheet. Just for fun I decided to see what would happen if this was a class and the predictions were tests. Needless to say, they were pretty interesting.


As you guys probably know by now, this tournament was a lot harder to predict than the WCCW events. And it makes sense. I was very conservative in booking the promotion because of the financial implications. A Tempest Appleby losing overness is a lot more hurtful than a Mean Jean Cattley losing overness because of the percentage Appleby makes in relation to the sponsership money. Granted I could just fire Appleby and hire someone else, but I don't sign guys with the intent to hurt their overness, ever. It's just not good business (even if you can get away with it in the game).


Before getting into the matches themselves, I guess I should take a bit of time to go over some of the in-game actions that I took. As I said before, I had five wrestlers in the tournament that weren't originally on the MAW roster. I signed Mainstream Hernandez and Marc Speed to nine month ppa contracts, while talent trading the rest (3 appearances each). I got Sammy The Shark for Antonio, Nelson Callum for Cameron Vessey, and Happy Elwood for Casey Valentine. I also should note that Mean Jean Cattley and Citizen X were upset with the results of their matches. With that out of the way, let's get on to the matches.


The opener between Valentine and Masked Patriot was really a toss up and the predictions more or less showed this. Both men are talented workers and are evenly matched in terms of overness. It was a hard choice, but since I wanted to get Vessey into The Firm, Casey gets the win. And note for promotions with fans that want clean finishes: If you don't select a tainted or cheap finish, you can get away with someone interfering in the match. A couple of you made a very good point for Patriot winning in that The Masked Patriot is currently the 2nd top face in the company and needs to be protected. And while I agree that MP starts out as the 2nd top face, I disagree that he needs to be protected in this fashion. At the beginning of 2008, MAW is hurting for new faces, new faces that are in the E range (to match up with Mean Jean, Citizen X, and Erik Strong). These faces will push Patriot to where he belongs, the midcard. However, that doesn't mean I don't think he shouldn't be a big part of the show. I would take that loss to springboard Masked Patriot into a feud with The Firm, a feud that would help pull the new workers into the MAW main storylines.


The rest of the qualifiers were pretty easy to pick, but there was one comment I need to respond to: "Why Happy Elwood?" In comparison to the rest of the trades, Elwood looks pretty out of place. However, I needed a worker in that age and overness range that could play a face and Elwood is the only guy that fits. On the bright side Casey Valentine the opportunity to job in three appearances on USPW TV.


A good number of people called a Mainstream victory in the finals, but I'm a bit shocked that more than one person called Mainstream returning as a heel and feuding with Strong. It might have been a logical and common wrestling storyline to start, but after only one person called out the Jerry Martin/DeMento tag team out of 33 I didn't really think that I'd get more than one person writing down in the comments that Hernandez is going to win the tournament as a heel. Not complaining though. I love reading all the comments and it makes these review updates a lot easier to write.


Finally we come to the championship matches. I'm not really surprised that you guys didn't pick the draw in the Mid Atlantic Championship contest, but was slightly surprised to think that the thrown together team of Riley & Max go the distance with the champs. Though, the fact that those two have excellent tag team chemistry means that it wouldn't have been a bad idea in hindsight. As for the title match in the beginning ending in a draw, I think that it was the best possible choice for the promotion kayfabe and in game wise. Erik Strong and Mean Jean Cattley are the top two guys in the promotion, so having them fight on one of the two biggest nights of the year would make sense. The draw works because Erik keeps the belt without hurting the credibility of the most over guy in the company (which ended up working perfectly as Strong jumped to a E+ without MJC dropping a grade). There is also flexibility in the two feuding. A draw gives you the option of an easy reason for a rematch, but still allows room for the two feuding with other people.


Now that I've gone over the tournament, it's time to take one more quick look at the happenings of chapter one.



Chapter Overview Jan - July 2008


Promotion Popularity: PAR (0.0% to 7.7%)

Prestige: 0.0% to 0.6%



Cash: -$450

Performance: -$1,049



Skill Increases

Chris Flynn: Puro (F- to F), Flash (E to E+), Mic (F- to F), Psych (F+ to E-)

Davis Wayne Newton: Hardcore (E+ to D-), Aerial (C to C+), Mic (C+ to B-), Athletic Ability (A to A*),Tough (D+ to C-), Stamina (B+ to A), Basics (B- to B), Safety (B- to B), Sex Appeal (D to D+), Star Q (A to A*), Intensity (C- to C)

DeMento: Aerial (F to F+), Flash (F to F+), Stamina (E to E+),

Eric Blackey: Stamina (D to D+), Respect (F to F+),

Jeremy Jazz: Sub (E+ to D-)

Jerry Martin: Hardcore (C- to C), Mat (F- to F), Mic (B- to B), Stamina (D- to D), Power (D to D+), Psych (E+ to D-), Selling (D to D+), Sex Appeal (D- to D)

Lion Heart: Respect (F+ to E-)

Randy Maxx: Mat (F to F+), Selling (F+ to E-)

Raphael: Aerial (C- to C), Acting (E to E+), Stamina (C+ to B-), Safety (C+ to B-), Respect (F to F+), Sex Appeal (D to D+)

Stretch The Chicken Boy: Hardcore (F- to F), Mat (D+ to C-), Submissions (E to E+), Stamina (D+ to C-),

Tempest Appleby: Puro (F to F+), Chain (F to F+), Mic (E- to E), Respect (F+ to E-),

Warren Technique: Respect (E+ to D-)

Jason Rogers: NONE

Marty Papin: NONE

Rob Perkins: Refereeing (D to D+)



Popularity Increases

Chris Flynn: PAR (F to F+)

Davis Wayne Newton: PAR (F+ to E), ONT (F+ to E), QUE (F+ to E)

Eric Blackey: PAR (F- to F)

Jeremy Jazz: PAR (F- to F)

Jerry Martin: NONE

Lion Heart: MA (F to F-), NE (F to F-)

Randy Maxx: NONE

Raphael: PAR (F+ to E-), PR (F to F+)

Stretch The Chicken Boy: NONE

Tempest Appleby: PAR (F+ to E-)

Warren Technique: PAR (F+ to E-), MA (F to F+)

Jason Rogers: NONE

Marty Papin: PAR (E- to E)

Rob Perkins: NONE


Wrestler Gimmick Ratings

Chris Flynn - Blue Chipper (B+)

Davis Wayne Newton - Blue Chipper (A)

DeMento - Old School Heel (E+)

Eric Blackey - Man On A Mission (B+)

Jeremy Jazz - Happy-Go-Lucky (B+)

Jerry Martin - Bad Ass (B+)

Lion Heart - Fan Favorite (C+)

Randy Maxx - Thrill Seeker (C-)

Raphael - ****y Youth (B+)

Stretch The Chicken Boy - Weirdo ©

Tempest Appleby - Dancing Fool (C+)

Warren Technique - Man On A Mission (A)

Marty Papin - Staff Member (A)


In six shows, WCCW and it's wrestlers has come a long way. Besides setting up a couple of feuds that the promotion can carry on throughout the year, it's also well on it's way to being considered a Small promotion. This is a very good thing since it means that the days of skipping months to get back into the black are numbered. The promotion would get a nice boost to it's sorry prestige and I'm guessing would start into a regional battle with 4C and the western American promotion sooner or later. Another positive for the company is that it looks like most of the wrestlers have staying power. They gained a lot of skill and overness in a half of a month and I think a good number of them are going to be able to at least become midcard staples as the promotion progresses into "high" Small and Regional size. All in all I would consider the first six shows of WCCW to be a huge success.


Now it's time for the final part of this update and the final major update of the chapter, answers to questions and requests about things that didn't relate to WCCW.


Company Size Changes

GCG Rise To Cult Size (Sunday, Week 1, January 2008)

WLW Rise To Cult Size (Tuesday, Week 3, January 2008)

MHW Opens in Northern Mexico (Monday, Week 1, February 2008)

SWF Rise To Global Size (Friday, Week 2, February 2008)

TCW Rise To International Size (Tuesday, Week 3, March 2008)

21CW Fall To Regional Size (Thursday, Week 3, March 2008)

5SSW Rise To Cult Size (Tuesday, Week 3, April 2008)

MHW Rise To Regional Size (Monday, Week 4, June 2008)

TCW Fall To Cult Size (Tuesday, Week 4, June 2008)

SWF Fall To Cult Size (Wednesday, Week 4, July 2008)


Notes: Everything seems to be normal till June when TCW and then SWF take a fall into the depths of Cult. Those two companies falling to Cult happens a lot more than you would think, but it's still odd that they fell at just around the same time. If I played this game farther I would expect that the first company that would make it back to National+ will stay there for good as they will get the first shot at the biggest and best wrestlers from the other company.



Sam Keith (Hall of Immortals)

Sensational Ogiwara

Mephisto (For Good)

Alpha Female

Larry Vessey

Jean-Pierre Baptiste (For Good)

Saionji Omura

Seiko Nanami

Nina The Psycho Ballerina

Wipper Spencer Marks (For Good)

Black Hat Bailey

Coyote Dynamite

Kimitada Ohishi

Maniyo Muro

The Stomper


Notes: Sam Keith is without a doubt the biggest retirement I've seen in the first month of a game ever. And seeing Bailey, Dynamite, and Stomper retire in the first seven isn't the greatest thing to see when starting up a NYCW game is it?


Major Injuries

Pistol Pete Hall (6 months) - Churchillian Neck-Nerve Damage

Wanda Fish (14 months, 3 weeks) - Shattered Knee

Eisaku Hoshino (12 months, 3 weeks) - Major Concussion

Canadian Dragon (13 months, 1 week) - Major Concussion

Lobo Blanco (6 months) - Churchillian Neck-Nerve Damage

Shooter Sean Deeley (12 months) - Shattered Knee


Notes: That's a lot of major injuries to really good workers.


What's up with: Frankie Dee


Frankie Dee is currently an upper midcard face and has a really nice run in 4C so far. He's only won two of his seven matches, all but one of them were graded at a C- or better. This has lead to him gaining a good amount of overness in Canada, especially in 4C's home region of Ontario where Dee is now a E+. It's only a matter of time before another Canadian company picks him up.



Up Next (Monday, December 28th, 2009): With Chapter One done and over with, up next is Chapter Two! Hooray! So on Monday we are going to have the introductory overview of our 2nd Chapter promotion, New York City Wrestling. However, if the open question at the bottom didn't tip you off we also have upcoming small additional readings update as well. This would have been the Monday post if it wasn't for the fact that I really want to get the second chapter on the road. So Sunday it is.


Note: If you still have a question about the WCCW or MAW games please ask through pm or in the thread.


Open Question #2

What are some of your favorite 0/0/0, local, and smaller upstart diaries as well as your favorite MAW diaries (does not have to be TEW 2008 diaries)?

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Open Question #2

What are some of your favorite 0/0/0, local, and smaller upstart diaries...

Pro Wrestling Heaven:rolleyes:


...as well as your favorite MAW diaries (does not have to be TEW 2008 diaries)?Shipshirts '05 diary was fun, as was the 07 version. And of course James Casey's 10 rules.


- Sonfaro

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Chapter #1

The 0/0/0 Promotion or How I Learn To Love Dusty Bin

Additional Reading: Additional Readings: Local and MAW diaries



0/0/0, Local, and Other Smaller Upstart Diaries

Lethal Dosage Wrestling: The Challenge by D-Lyrium

Money to Burn: 1 year of Wrestling!

Destined to Fail? by panix 04

It's Time To Find Out If You're... Destined to Fail 2008 by Phantom Stranger

Championship Wrestling from Boston Lives Again (A C-Verse 08 Diary) by shipshirt

Championship Wrestling from Boston (C-Verse '07 Diary) by shipshirt

XXCW: Wrestling The Way You Like It (A Cornellverse Diary) by shipshirt

NEO: From The Bottom Up (C-Verse) by foolinc

Florida Ultimate Sports Entertainment by C-MIL (EWB)

Phoenix Rising Wrestling by The Evil Overlord (EWB)


Mid Atlantic Diaries

MAW: 10 Simple Rules... by James Casey

MAW: Back to Basics (A C-Verse '07 Diary) by shipshirt

MAW: A New Era Begins by shipshirt


Note: If you see a quality diary that is not currently on the list, please say so. I'm a forgetful person and would like to have the best list available for everyone to be able to use. :o A link would be helpful so I don't have to spent time looking for it. :D

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Chapter Two

Empire State Of Mind

Promotional Overview of New York City Wrestling


After taking a spin with an upstart promotion, it's time to move up on the food chain to a Small sized promotion. Thankfully there are a lot of small sized promotions in the Cornellverse so we don't have to create a new one like we did last time. For the purposes of this diary I decided use one of the larger small promotions, New York City Wrestling. I went with the Tri-State dinosaur for a couple of reasons. I've been meaning to run a NYCW diary for the longest time (since I decided I didn't like the concept for my NYCW '07 diary). I also think that NYCW is the best diary for new players to use when learning how to play the game.


The reason I think this all has to do with where and what NYCW is. First, the product is very forgiving. It balances performance and popularity equally and gives you a good amount of sponsorship cash. The promotion is also based in the Tri-States. Because it's in the Tri-States it means that your promotion is going to jump to Regional size quicker (100% regional importance), will sell out more often (95% community size & 100% affluence), and has the most amount number of overflow region (which is going to help to the promotion increase in size and worldly importance). The promotion also starts off with enough starting cash that it's going to be really hard for someone to make the company go bankrupt (this is made harder because The Stomper is a bit of a cheapskate and will block you from giving a ton of money to workers). Finally, it's very close to becoming a Regional sized promotion, so close in fact that it should rise in size by the end of the year. With a bit of preparation, you can be at Regional before summer.




Owner: The Stomper

Home Region: Tri-State


Popularity: 25% TS, 5.1% GL, 5.1% MA, 5.1% NE, 5.1% MAR, 5.1% ONT, 5.1% QUE

Prestige: 12%

Balance: $250,000

Importance/Influence: #23/#29


Promotion Name: Slow Paced Traditional

Match Ratio: 70%


Key Feature: Traditional

Heavy: None

Medium: Mainstream, Realism

Low: Pure

Very Low: None


Match Intensity: 52%

Danger: 10%

Women's Wrestling: None

T&A Levels: None

Face / Heel Divide: Strong


Product Definition

... will mean that the wrestlers are rated equally on performance and popularity.

... will attract fans who won't be keen on gimmicks.

... will attract fans who will not like highly risky gimmicks.

... will attract fans who will not 'get' subtle gimmicks.

... will attract fans who won't be keen on high risk matches.

... will attract fans who won't be keen on highly risky angles.

... is quite favorable towards getting sponsorships.

... will allow the promotion to not be rocked by wrestling industry changes.

... will mean that the 'young lion' system will not be taken into account at any time.


Product Overview

When looking at NYCW's product, you are going to see a lot of similarities to the product we had with WCCW. This is because both products share Traditional as their main feature. And just like with WCCW, it is going to be the brawlers, regular wrestlers, and technicians who are going to be having it the easiest and those flip-tastic spot monkeys that are going to fail measurably. The biggest difference between the two is that in NYCW cruiserweights and super juniors are going to have a rough time getting over, while it's going to be a little bit easier for luchadors and puro wrestlers.


Luckily for new players, NYCW is very user friendly. Their roster might not be the most talented, but everything else seems to be perfect. As a Small promotion you can hire workers with D+ natural overness. NYCW not only has two of these wrestlers in Black Hat Bailey and Whistler, but also two wrestlers in Grandmaster Phunk and Steve Flash that are C- in the United States. The rest of the roster is also fairly over in terms of their position on the roster. The only real problem with the product is because of the match ratio is set to 70%, you are forced to be running three storylines at all times. This isn't too big of a deal since they aren't that hard to set up and if you really don't want to deal with it, you can always turn off the strict storyline option.


Owner Goals


Goal #1: NYCW must have fallen below Small size.

Expires: 24 months Importance: Critical


Goal #2: When the time expires, NYCW must have fallen below #23 in the promotion rankings

Expires: 28 months Importance: Critical


Goal #3: You hire or any wrestler who is classed as a Super Junior.

Expires: 24 months Importance: Average


Goal #4: You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than D- in Safety.

Expires: 14 months Importance: Average


Goal #5: You hire any wrestler who is classed as a Luchador.

Expires: 18 months Importance: Average


Notes: In my opinion these goals are really quite tame. I really can't see anyone falling back down to local size with the NYCW roster ever and even with new, bigger promotions coming on the scene keeping your place in the world promotion rankings really isn't that big of a deal. As for the average goals (which are really more like restrictions), they really aren't that bad either. Super Juniors really don't do well anyway and there aren't a ton of people with less than a D- in safety that you'd really want for your promotion. Not being about to hire luchadors kind of suck, but it's not the worst thing in the world since their aerial ability is bound to class with most of the roster.


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Well, I missed the first part of the course, but I've caught up on the material and am ready to join in.


Always glad to see new people enjoying the diary. Hope to keep you entertained. :D


Since I missed most of the weekend thanks to snow, I'll spend the first week getting accustomed to the roster out of class (and thus, I'll forgo this first assessment) and be ready for next week.


I'm not sure I'm following the logic of skipping the first class of a new chapter or semester because you skipped the last couple, but whatever works for you. ;)

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By the way, foolinc, I really like this idea for a dynasty. It appeals to me as a college professor! Hahahaha. I hope that you continue to stick with it, because no one has put out a great idea like this in some time.


College professor you say? Which college?

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Chapter Two

Empire State Of Mind

Initial Roster Overview


Role Call (21): Astil, bak42, BHK1978, dkohn, Kamchatka, KarlKitsch, Marcel Fromage, midnightnick, NightshadeEx, pate, Phantom Stranger, QFresh, randomfreeze, ReapeR, Sonfaro, Stewie Griffin, TheStroke7, Tigerkinney, Timber, Tweek It, Waghlon


Main Event

Black Hat Bailey: 14.3%

Grandmaster Phunk: 38.1%

Steve Flash:38.1%

Whistler: 9.5%



American Machine: 19.0%

Dazzling Dave Diamond: 23.8%

Honest Frank: 33.3%

Land Mass: 0.0%

Lee Wright: 4.8%

The New York Doll: 19.0%


Tag Teams

Old School Principals: 14.3%

The Sting: 42.9%

Wiley Coyote: 42.9%


Before going into the roster, I'd like to thank everyone again for responding at the level you guy are. The reason I waited so long to begin this diary was because of how much reader involvement was needed to make the idea work and you guys have blown me away with just how much feedback I am getting. I was especially worried about what would happen when I switched promotions, but it looks like everyone is back for a 2nd helping. :D


I can't say I am really surprised with the why the voting turned out. Phunk and Flash are heads about the rest of the promotion in terms of being able to carry a promotion and the each of the three tag teams have their pros and cons. I guess I'm a little shocked that Wright got so little votes, but a good number of you commented that he was a close second so it's not like you don't like the guy.


Main Event



Name: Black Hat Bailey

Age: 46

Weight Class: Light Heavyweight

Wrestling Style: Technician

Wage: $1,400

Popularity (USA/TS): D+/D+

Finishing Move: Bailey Breaker (Texas Cloverleaf)

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Bully (C+)

Theme Music: "Paint It Black" by The Rolling Stones


Bio: Black Hat Bailey is a veteran, and a real old-school fighter. He is best known for the ten years he spent in SWF; he might not have been the biggest star there, but he had huge success as a reliable midcard wrestler, and won many titles. He finally left in 2006 when it became clear he was falling further and further down the pecking order, and soon found his way to his natural home, the old-school nirvana of NYCW, where he became head booker.


My Thoughts: Bailey pretty much embodies what NYCW is in 2008 (and 2007 for that matter). He's old and a bit bland, but still enough left in the tank to be really awesome given the right circumstances. Besides a lowish stamina rating, the biggest drawback to Bailey seems to be that he just isn't as interesting as either Grandmaster Phunk or Honest Frank.


Your Thoughts: "Bailey is getting on (in age)" (Marcel Frogmage), "not as flashy as the rest, but he is also not going to get poached or work for someone else." (KarlKitsch), "Bailey is past his sell by date and must be close to retirement (mind you that can be said for alot of the roster) he still has good performance skills and his technicals are solid but he blows up too easily and he's pretty dull" (Tigerkinney), "The man feuded with Jim Force of all people in SWF. He's got to be money." (midnightnick), "Bailey will retire fast." (Phantom Stranger)



Name: Grandmaster Phunk

Age: 40

Weight Class: Middleweight

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Wage: $1,400

Popularity (USA/TS): C-/C-

Finishing Move: Phunkensteiner (Frankensteiner)

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Pimp (B+)

Theme Music: "Give Up The Funk (Tear The Roof Off The Sucker)" by Parliament Funkadelic


Bio: Grandmaster Phunk is probably best known for his time with SWF, where he worked under the name Danny B Bling. For three years he was the undisputed top heel manager in the company, and was heavily involved in major storylines. However, he was desperate to prove himself as a proper wrestler, whereas SWF didn't want to make any established stars look weak by getting beaten by "just a manager" as so refused to push him. As a result he left the company and headed to NYCW to showcase his talents.


My Thoughts: Grandmaster Phunk might not be at Steve Flash's level in the ring, but the former manager might just be NYCW's worker when everything is considered. His wrestling skill is very solid and he's not going to be getting blown up during main event length matches, but what really makes him shine his is his mic skills. The man just brings the ratings when it comes to angles and also has one of the easier characters to get into when writing for as well. The one thing keeping him from being perfect? SWF tends to give him another chance sooner or later.


Your Thoughts: "just the kind of guy this level of promotion can use at the top of the tree" (Marcel Fromage), "I know Steve Flash is normally the favorite, but I'm all about this character, and I think he can be a great heel" (QFresh), "Phunk will probably bounce on you before too long, but he's a cool cat while you have him" (Sonfaro), " Phunk may actually be the best all rounder, he's not as good a wrestler as Flash but he has the entertainment skills that Flash lacks." (Tigerkinney), "Phunk as a good gimmick" (Phantom Stranger)



Name: Steve Flash

Age: 41

Weight Class: Middleweight

Wrestling Style: Regular Wrestler

Wage: $1,500

Popularity (USA/TS): C-/C-

Finishing Move: Flash Bang (Hot Shot)

Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Old School Face (B)

Theme Music:


Bio: "Remarkable" Steve Flash is a great all-rounder, who has been highly in-demand for virtually his entire career thanks to his ability to make even the least talented opponent look good. This was especially true during his "peak years" during the mid-1990s, when not only was he working regularly for both major promotions in Canada, but he was also playing a leading role for Rapid Pro Wrestling during the East Coast Wars. Now past his 40th birthday he is winding down his career with NYCW, although that didn't stop his performances earning him a deserved Empire title reign in 2007.


My Thoughts: Steve Flash is one of the ageless wonders in the C-Verse. Taking age into consideration, there aren't a lot of wrestlers that are better in the ring as Steve Flash, if any at all. However, there is a small problem when it comes to Flash. He's as bland as an unsalted saltine cracker on the mic. This isn't too big of a problem if you give him the right character, but it is something to note about the Remarkable one.


Note: If you like Steve Flash, but would just wish that he was younger and had the ability to be decent on the mic, I suggest taking a chance on RPW, CGC, or NOTBPW in the 1997 mod. RPW is especially fun since it's completely different from any other fed in the default data and feels very CHIKARA like to me.


Your Thoughts: "If I have learned anything from my NYCW diary is that Steve Flash is your true star" (BHK1978), "Steve Flash is one of the best wrestlers ever and I'm glad he can finally get a great push right away" (NightshadeEx), "Flash is something of a god at this level, only thing that really lets him down is that he's dull as dishwater on the mic" (Tigerkinney), "Flash probably has a year or so, and is solid and will likely anchor your ME" (Phantom Stranger), "Flash is completely AWESOME, one of the best regional workers in the world" (TheStroke7), "He can wrestle and he's over. The others are just old and useless and too pimpy." (Waghlon), "Phunk'll leave" (Astil), "I like all four, but who doesn't mark out for Steve Flash. If he would just join a Toastmasters group or something..." (ReapeR)


Upper Midcard



Name: Honest Frank

Age: 37

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Wage: $800

Popularity (USA/TS): D-/D-

Finishing Move: Frank-N-Hurter (Frankensteiner)

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Old School Heel ©

Theme Music:


Bio: Honest Frank is a big brawler from New York. His main brush with fame came during the 1990s, when he worked for the Xtreme Federation of Wresting during the famous East Coast wars. He was using the name Frankie Future at the time, and was one of the company's main stars, winning their world title two times and having a money-spinning feud with arch nemesis Shawn Gonzalez. Unlike Shawn though, he never caught on with DAVE fans post-war, and has drifted around ever since, eventually settling in NYCW. The Frankie Future character was revived in late 2007, when he debuted for Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling.


My Thoughts: Honest Frank has become a real GDS fan favorite as of late. Though if you think about it, it's not really hard to see why. He's more or less a poor man's Grandmaster Phunk in terms of skill and like Phunk also has a really easy character to write for. There are a lot of people from wrestling's present and past to play off of, from Piper to the more serious Chris Jericho we've seen since his return. Unfortunately, Frank isn't the greatest in ring worker at this point of his career and need the right opponent to put on a good main event (Steve Flash says hello).


Your Thoughts: "Whether it's NYCW, or PSW, Frank is the man" (QFresh), "Honest Frank is like a younger, slightly better version of Whistler in the fact that he has good entertainment skills and solid performance skills but can't really wrestle for toffee and like so many on the NYCW roster starts huffing and puffing after about five minutes." (Tigerkinney), ". Frank can help develop entertainment skills." (Phantom Stranger), "Frank will become a main eventer soon" (Astil)



Name: Rick Sanders

Affiliation: Old School Principals

Age: 38

Weight Class: Middleweight

Wrestling Style: Regular Wrestler

Wage: $800

Popularity (USA/TS): D-/D-

Finishing Move: Figure Four Leglock

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Old School Heel ©

Theme Music:


Bio: Rick Sanders is a mediocre technical worker. In the early 1990's, while still a rookie, he teamed up with Johnny Martin on the independent scene as "The Ace Express" and they were tipped to be the next big tag team in North America. However, they never fulfilled their potential, the team eventually slipped into inactivity, and Martin ended up becoming a major singles star in DAVE. Recently, Sanders got his first break for a while, when he was hired by New York City Wrestling.


My Thoughts: Rick Sanders is an interesting player in NYCW. His shelf life might be a bit limited due to his age, but considering his overness and skill you really can do anything with him. He's great in his current role as one half of the tag team champions, but could also easily be turned into a singles star as either a top contender in the Tri-State Regional or even the Empire title scene. As a character, I feel that he's a bit of a blank state like Bailey, but considering how his former tag team partner, Johnny Martin, became the cornerstone of DAVE, I would play him as a bitter veteran.


Your Thoughts:



Name: Whistler

Affiliation: American Made Men

Age: 46

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Wage: $1,400

Popularity (USA/TS): D+/D+

Finishing Move: Rebel Yell (Three Point Tackle)

Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Patriot (B-)

Theme Music:


Bio: Whistler is a charismatic veteran brawler. He first came to fame in the early 1990s with Philly Power Pro Wrestling, and was with them throughout the East Coast Wars. He then headed for Southern Championship Class Wrestling, where he was a four time champion and the company's main draw. Nowadays he is best known for his work with NYCW, where he is a former two time Empire champion, and also a two time tag team champion too.


My Thoughts: Some people might not like him very much, but Whistler is a much needed face on the NYCW roster. With guys like Phunk, Frank, and Dodger on the roster, the faces need someone who can verbally hang with the heels. Whistler is that man. He might be the greatest worker in the world, but he doesn't need to be. The roster already has someone who can carry the promotion match wise in Steve Flash. As a character, Whistler is also pretty easy to write for since pro-America gimmicks have been around forever.


Your Thoughts: "I hate Whistler." (Marcel Fromage), "Whistler is a pretty poor wrestler, who's managed to get into the main event on the back of being fairly entertaining out of the ring." (Tigerkinney), "I just have a soft spot for Whistler" (Phantom Stranger), "Whistler is old and can not have a match longer than his entrance, but he has good entertaiment skills and can help in building storylines" (TheStroke7)





Name: American Machine

Affiliation: American Made Men

Age: 31

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Wrestling Style: Entertainer

Wage: $800

Popularity (USA/TS): E+/D-

Finishing Move: Old Glory (Inverted DDT)

Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Patriot (C+)

Theme Music: "VOA" by Sammy Hagar


Bio: American Machine is a powerhouse wrestler, noted for his impressive body builder's physique. In a lot of ways, it is clear he grew up watching 1980's wrestling - like many wrestlers from that time period, he has the great look but lacks in-ring ability. He came to wrestling late, only debuting in 2001 at the age of 25, and spent the early part of his career pretty anonymously. He began working for NYCW in 2005, under the name Mr. America, but has recently switched back to his original ring name.


My Thoughts: American Machine is a a bit of a wild card in my opinion. He might be 31, but looking at his Athleticism and Star Quality ratings it seems that he has a lot of room to grow. However, this means that you have to put time into Machine. This could be a problem because Machine as a character is pretty bland. Then again jtlant's recent USSR alts has seem to give new life into a once lifeless character.


Your Thoughts: "has some upside" (Marcel Frogmage), "Machine has future main eventer written all over him" (BHK 1978), "A hoss who one can hope can be moulded into a better wrestler, he has the physical tools but he doesn't really exel in much else." (Tigerkinney), "Machine... is not as bad as Land Mass" (Phantom Stranger), "The American Machine seems to be the only man able to only have match with grades lower then E+" (TheStroke7)



Name: Coyote Dynamite

Affiliation: Wiley Coyote

Age: 42

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Wage: $600

Popularity (USA/TS): E/E

Finishing Move: Spinebuster

Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Biker (C-)

Theme Music: "Fuel" by Metallica


Bio: Don "Coyote Dynamite" Richards is a veteran brawler, who is nowadays best known for being a four-time NYCW tag team champion alongside Wiley Steinway as Wiley Coyote. He has always gravitated toward tag team action; before joining NYCW he was The Assassin #1 in SCCW, winning two tag titles with Assassin #2 (Ernie Turner), and before that he was Black Hat Richards in the Texas Wrestling League, winning three tag team titles with Black Hat Bailey as his partner.


My Thoughts: At this point in his career, Coyote Dynamite is a pretty boring worker that most people would find useless. And they would be half right. Dynamite is boring as they come. However, because of his tag team experience and high levels of performance skills makes him far from useless. He's never going to be main eventing ever, but is useful as an undercard trainer for the young members of the current roster (as well as the people you bring in as the game goes on).


Your Thoughts: " like Wiley, don't like Coyote" (Marcel Fromage), "Coyote brings some great performance skills." (NightshadeEx)



Name: Land Mass

Age: 44

Weight Class: Super Heavyweight

Wrestling Style: Entertainer

Wage: $500

Popularity (USA/TS): E/E

Finishing Move: Jelly Belly Suplex (Side Belly To Belly Suplex), Ten Ton Avalanche (Corner Avalanche)

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Monster ©

Theme Music: 1954 Godzilla Main Theme


Bio: Land Mass is a veteran worker, who has made a career almost solely out of the fact that he weighs over 400lbs. In terms of in-ring performance, he is extremely poor, and always has been. The highlight of his career was a brief run as a monster heel with the SWF during the late 1980s, but in recent years he has become a regular with NYCW. He is probably best known for tagging with The Big Problem as "Massive Problem", but that team came to an end in 2006 when Mass' partner was released.


My Thoughts: Land Mass might not get love from anyone on the boards (only member on the roster not to get a single vote), but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a use. With his high menace and relatively high overness, Land Mass is a very good candidate for playing the role of a gatekeeper to the undercard. Though, I would probably replace him with a younger, more skilled, and more popular big man once Mass retires or his contract runs out since the big tub of lard is not likely to improve his overness thanks to his poor match ratings.


Your Thoughts: "Land Mass is superfat and super terrible" (Tigerkinney), "Land Mass has useful menace, but probably shouldn't wrestle" (Phantom Stranger), "Land Mass could seem a total useless member of the roster but his A in menace could help a lot" (TheStroke7),



Name: The Masked Mauler

Affiliation: Old School Principals

Age: 35

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Wage: $600

Popularity (USA/TS): E/E+

Finishing Move: Iron Claw

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Old School Heel (C-)

Theme Music:


Bio: The Masked Mauler is a generic character who has been around for many, many years. This version is played by journeyman wrestler William Franklyn, who is the sixth man to wear the black mask, having been handed the gimmick in 2000. He was signed to New York City Wrestling one year later, bringing to an end almost a decade of Franklyn wandering through various territories around North America. He has been with NYCW ever since, and is a dependable, if unexciting, presence.


My Thoughts: Generic is the perfect word to described William Franklyn as the Mauler. He plays his role well as a midcard heel and makes a nice tag team partner for a technician like Rick Sanders, but that's just about all that you can say about Mauler. Then again what where you expecting from someone under The Masked Mauler character?


Your Thoughts:



Name: Wiley Steinway

Affiliation: Wiley Coyote

Age: 39

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Wage: $500

Popularity (USA/TS): E/E

Finishing Move: Steinway Highway (Lariat)

Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Biker (C+)

Theme Music: "Fuel" by Metallica


Bio: Tim "Wiley Steinway" Steinbrenner is a veteran heavyweight brawler, who is probably best known for his New York City Wrestling tag team with Coyote Dynamite, "Wiley Coyote", a duo that has won the NYCW tag team straps on four different occasions. He is considered the better of the two in the ring, although that's hardly a ringing endorsement of his talents. He used to work as E.Z. Ryder before coming to New York, although successes or big pushes were few and far between.


My Thoughts: Coyote Dynamite's high performance skills might be the reason that the team of Wiley Coyote is a good long term investment for NYCW bookers, but Wiley Steinway is the reason the team still has a reason to be apart of NYCW storylines. While not as good as Dynamite in terms of performance, Wiley Steinway is very good in that regards, adds a bit of flash in terms of solid rumble skills, and can actually talk a bit on the mic thanks to quality charisma and acting skills.


Your Thoughts: " like Wiley, don't like Coyote" (Marcel Fromage), "Steinway is the workhorse of the team" (NightshadeEx)


Lower Midcard



Name: Dazzling Dave Diamond

Age: 29

Weight Class: Light Heavyweight

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Wage: $350

Popularity (USA/TS): F+/F+

Finishing Move: Dazzle Driver (DVD), Diamond Mine (Sit-out Powerbomb)

Alignment: Face

Gimmick: Fun Babyface (B+)

Theme Music:


Bio: Dazzling Dave Diamond is a rough customer from Texas. A good ol' southern boy, he likes nothing more than to tear it up with fists flying everywhere. A naturally flamboyant personality, Dave may have come to wrestling late in life, but he intends to make every second count from now on. He got his first taste of regular work in 2007 when he was hired by New York City Wrestling.


My Thoughts: He might be a bit old and his stamina ratings might not start out that high, Dazzling Dave Diamond is arguably the best prospect on the NYCW roster. At the beginning of 2008, Triple D is already a competent brawler and can carry a promo. More important is his very high rating in athleticism (B+), which means that he has a good chance of improving his skill ratings as his career goes on.


Your Thoughts: "someone that should have seen more use in 2008 diaries" (Marcel Fromage), "Triple D is a solid brawler who is fairly charismatic but his poor stamina and psychology let him down" (Tigerkinney), "DDD actually has potential" (Phantom Stranger), "DDD jobber for life" (TheStroke7), "Because he got more D's than everyone else." (Waghlon)



Name: Lee Wright

Age: 50

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Wage: $800

Popularity (USA/TS): E-/E+

Finishing Move: Wright Stuff (Dream Hold w/ Russian Legsweep)

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Bad Ass (B)

Theme Music:


Bio: Lee Wright is a grizzled veteran from New York, noted for his toughness and durability. He is unquestionably best known for his work with PGHW in Japan; his tag team with Raymond Diaz is the most dominant in the promotion's history, which is a huge achievement given the quality of teams that have competed there. Together they were five time tag team champions, and three time winners of the Elite Tag Team series. He stopped touring Japan in 2006, looking to bring his career to an end in the USA.


My Thoughts: It's a wonder why Lee isn't as popular as some of the other wrestlers on the roster. He can wrestle, talk, and is one of the few wrestlers in the C-Verse that has more overness in the Tri-States than the rest of the US. Granted he's old, has less than optimal stamina, and could retire at any moment, but how is that any different than 80% of the starting roster? Hell, the fact he is 50 and holds a title is a storyline in itself.


Your Thoughts: "ageing fast" (Marcel Fromage), "The ancient Lee Wright is a decent brawler and though his stamina is poor it's actually better than the younger Triple D and Honest Frank, must have been all those tough matches working in Japan" (Tigerkinney), "Tragically, Wright almost never holds off long from retirement" (Phantom Stranger)



Name: Roger Dodger

Affiliation: The Sting

Age: 35

Weight Class: Middleweight

Wrestling Style: Entertainer

Wage: $900

Popularity (USA/TS): F+/F+

Finishing Move: Ladies' Choice (Overdrive)

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Prima Donna (B)

Theme Music:


Bio: "The Ladies' Man" Roger Dodger is a charismatic performer who seems to have found his niche with New York City Wrestling, a promotion he has worked for since 2004, where his slick prima donna gimmick has caught on with the fans. Prior to joining The Stomper's company, he worked primarily for independent promotions in the Tri State area, usually under the guise of either Gigolo Jack Stein or The Amazing Winkie. Pretty poor in the ring, his gimmick is what keeps him in work.


My Thoughts: Dodger is an interesting fellow. The man is one of the best mic workers in the game, has a cool character, and has some nice performance skills to boot. The problem comes with the fact he is insanely overpaid for his starting overness thanks to the fact he can be used as a color commentator.


Your Thoughts: "can talk" (Marcel Fromage), "Roger can talk well and is decent in the ring" (BHK1978), " a charismatic but poor wrestler in Rodger Dodger" (Tigerkinney)



Name: Sammy The Shark

Affiliation: The Sting

Age: 21

Weight Class: Middleweight

Wrestling Style: Entertainer

Wage: $350

Popularity (USA/TS): F+/F+

Finishing Move: Ace In The Hole (Double Arm DDT)

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Conman ©

Theme Music:


Bio: Sammy The Shark (Greg Ford) is a young all-round performer, who has been wrestling for New York City Wrestling since his pro debut in late 2004. He has developed a great old-school heel character for himself, a card sharp \ con man who cheats whenever he can to gain an advantage, and it has caught on well with NYCW's traditional fan base. Toward the end of 2006 there were rumors that TCW were interested in his services, but nothing seemed to come of it.


My Thoughts: Greg Ford is one of the two people on the roster that you can really call a true prospect. At the age of 21, Sammy shows a lot of promise as a wrestler and has the ability to at least become a really solid midcarder in any promotion. If I was running a promotion with a developmental fed he'd be one of the first people I'd sign.


Your Thoughts: "has some skill" (Marcel Fromage), "Sammy is decent in the ring as well and can only get better" (BHK1978), "fairly promising young talent in Sammy" (Tigerkinney)





Name: The New York Doll

Age: 21

Weight Class: Lightweight

Wrestling Style: Brawler

Wage: $350

Popularity (USA/TS): F+/F+

Finishing Move: Personality Crisis (Running Bulldog)

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: Punk (C-)

Theme Music: "Jet Boy" by The New York Dolls


Bio: Spike is a youngster from Florida, who has the memorable look of a red mohawk and a body covered in tattoos, giving him a great punk rocker vibe. As well as the name Spike, he has also previously worked under the names Clash Rotten and Filth Sylvain, but it is as The New York Doll that he has had his most success, as that is the character he has been playing in NYCW, the first "name" promotion to have given him the chance to shine.


My Thoughts: Spike is the other true prospect on the NYCW roster and like Sammy has a really good chance to become a solid member of a wrestling roster if given the chance. While not as good of a wrestler as Sammy, Spike does have a higher ceiling theoretically because of his look.


Your Thoughts: "Potential" (KarlKitsch), "He's really a fun character" (randomfreeze), "New York Doll is a poor to mediocre worker, but he is very young and has room to improve." (Tigerkinney), "NYD is useful and can be developed" (Phantom Stragner), "What to say about TNYD; well, when you have nothing to say, then you better say nothing!" (TheStroke7), "Spike all the way, he's NYCW's youth talent in the making. Good foundation for a strong regional wrestler given a few years of proper work." (Kamchatka)


Up Next (Monday, December 28th 2009): I'll be taking Friday off for Christmas so on Monday we shall be previewing Rush Hour 2008 (which will go up on Wednesday). And to think it was just about two months ago when this diary was started. Now I'm a chapter in and about to post up my 8th event. Good times.


Ch. 2 Open Question #1

How would you book Rush Hour 2008?

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The first thing I'm doing is bringing in two or three new faces, otherwise I only have five or six possible matches. Des Davids, Grease Hogg, and Lead Belly sound good.


Honest Frank vs. American Machine - Frank

The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote - WC

New York Doll vs. Des Davids - Des

Angle: Whistler promises the fans hat he'll be back on top in no time.

Black Hat Bailey vs. Whistler - Draw

Angle: Land Mass and Lee look all menacing

Land Mass & Lee Wright vs. Dirty White Boys - DWB

Angle: DWB showing what menacing REALLY is.

Grandmaster Phunk vs. Triple D - Phunk

Angle: Promo with Phunk claiming #1 contender.

Rick Sanders vs. Steve Flash - Steve


This sets up Phunk vs. Steve next month, DWB will take on Wiley Coyote for a shot at the tag belts, Whistler will challenge Bailey again with a shot at Lee Wright on the line. Those are my main storylines. Everything else, I'd likely book on the fly, at least until I find a good feud for Triple D.


Oh, and Lansing Community College in Michigan.

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The first main event I usually run is a double champion match, Empire title on the line, between Flash and Wright. Since Wright just won the Tri-State belt the previous month, I make it a tradition that one of the perks of the Tri-State belt is a guaranteed shot at the Empire title. Flash retains, but Black Hat Bailey's new ally/lackey, Land Mass, post match attacks giving Flash setting up their initial feud.


In the semi-main event I put Phunk over Whistler tainted, with a pre-match confrontation between those two and American Machine. I'll put AM on commentary for that match and save Whistler from a beating at the end, setting up another rivalry where AM ends up turning on Whistler after months between these three.


I like talent trading Oscar Golden and Flash Savage at the start to take advantage of the agreement with MAW. Bringing them over for three matches as fun loving faces trying to shake up how NYCW does things. I have them beat The Sting in the opener before losing two in a row to Old School Principles. If they do well in their three matches, I usually bring them back full time.


In the middle, I debut Iraqi sympathizer Aashif Bushraa (Bulldozer Brandon Smith, another MAW trade). I usually give him a DQ loss vs. a member of Wiley Coyote, showing he doesn’t care about wins/losses. He’ll do the classic trashing of America, where eventually it leads to a Dave Diamond standing up for traditional America against Bushraa. I usually do five matches…and I can’t remember for the life of me the fifth. Oh well, this is my line of thinking when I book this show anywho.

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The opener would be a Tri-State Title defense between Lee Wright and Bulldozer Brandon Smith. I like to book that title as primarily being defended against outsiders, a sort of Spirit of New York Title. If I absolutely need to take the belt off of him, I just have him lose to a debuting worker.


The second match would be a simple tag match between Wiley Dynamite and The Sting. Nothing complicated, with a promo or two to set it up. The veterans pick up the deuce and the youngsters attack, verbally or physically.


The third match is American Machine vs. Land Mass. Terrible, I know, but Machine needs some ring time, eh?


Fourth Match is a Tag Team Title defense with The Old School Principals defending against the team of The New York Doll and Diamond Dave. Yes I know it's a face/heel team, but they can start a feud next show if they do not show good or excellent tag team chemistry. If they work as a team, turn Spike face. It's as simple as that.


Semi Main is a Number One Contender's Match between Black Hat Bailey and Whistler. It should end in shenanigans.


The Main is between Steve Flash and Grandmaster Phunk. Flash should retain, but Phunk might have to get revenge for the loss to set up a stipulation match for the next show. If you have a new face debuting, saving Steve from a Phunk beatdown might be a good way to start.

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The first thing I'm doing is bringing in two or three new faces, otherwise I only have five or six possible matches. Des Davids, Grease Hogg, and Lead Belly sound good.


Honest Frank vs. American Machine - Frank

The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote - WC

New York Doll vs. Des Davids - Des

Angle: Whistler promises the fans hat he'll be back on top in no time.

Black Hat Bailey vs. Whistler - Draw

Angle: Land Mass and Lee look all menacing

Land Mass & Lee Wright vs. Dirty White Boys - DWB

Angle: DWB showing what menacing REALLY is.

Grandmaster Phunk vs. Triple D - Phunk

Angle: Promo with Phunk claiming #1 contender.

Rick Sanders vs. Steve Flash - Steve


This sets up Phunk vs. Steve next month, DWB will take on Wiley Coyote for a shot at the tag belts, Whistler will challenge Bailey again with a shot at Lee Wright on the line. Those are my main storylines. Everything else, I'd likely book on the fly, at least until I find a good feud for Triple D.


Oh, and Lansing Community College in Michigan.


I like where you are going with this for the most part. You get over a couple of new stars while still using the original roster. The only people that really look bad are Lee Wright and Land Mass and one of the two is somewhat useless in the ring while the other is 50. Still I don't think I'd punk out a champion like that unless they were losing the title to the person that punked them out.


And setting up for next month? What about setting up for the 2nd show of the month? ;)



The first main event I usually run is a double champion match, Empire title on the line, between Flash and Wright. Since Wright just won the Tri-State belt the previous month, I make it a tradition that one of the perks of the Tri-State belt is a guaranteed shot at the Empire title. Flash retains, but Black Hat Bailey's new ally/lackey, Land Mass, post match attacks giving Flash setting up their initial feud.


In the semi-main event I put Phunk over Whistler tainted, with a pre-match confrontation between those two and American Machine. I'll put AM on commentary for that match and save Whistler from a beating at the end, setting up another rivalry where AM ends up turning on Whistler after months between these three.


I like talent trading Oscar Golden and Flash Savage at the start to take advantage of the agreement with MAW. Bringing them over for three matches as fun loving faces trying to shake up how NYCW does things. I have them beat The Sting in the opener before losing two in a row to Old School Principles. If they do well in their three matches, I usually bring them back full time.


In the middle, I debut Iraqi sympathizer Aashif Bushraa (Bulldozer Brandon Smith, another MAW trade). I usually give him a DQ loss vs. a member of Wiley Coyote, showing he doesn’t care about wins/losses. He’ll do the classic trashing of America, where eventually it leads to a Dave Diamond standing up for traditional America against Bushraa. I usually do five matches…and I can’t remember for the life of me the fifth. Oh well, this is my line of thinking when I book this show anywho.


I like the idea of running a champion versus champion match as the first main event, but you don't really to add a stipulation like that (unless you want to of course. Champion vs. Champion matches happen all the time. Plus with Lee's age it might be the only time you can do it before he retires. Land Mass interfering on Black Hat's behalf is pretty solid of an idea too.


Don't know if I would run Phunk/Whistler though. Not that your idea isn't a good one, in fact I'd say it's too good to be an undercard. Sounds like a main event match to me.


Trading for a tag team is a nice idea, but I just don't know if that's the right tag team. The Blondes are great and all, but kind of don't fit in with NYCW's style.


Interesting idea that you have there with Brandon Smith. I love using old gimmicks and tweeking them a bit to fit the current times and Smith being that guy is a great choice. However, if you notice the owner goals you'll see that Brandon can't sign a contract with us. :(


The opener would be a Tri-State Title defense between Lee Wright and Bulldozer Brandon Smith. I like to book that title as primarily being defended against outsiders, a sort of Spirit of New York Title. If I absolutely need to take the belt off of him, I just have him lose to a debuting worker.


The second match would be a simple tag match between Wiley Dynamite and The Sting. Nothing complicated, with a promo or two to set it up. The veterans pick up the deuce and the youngsters attack, verbally or physically.


The third match is American Machine vs. Land Mass. Terrible, I know, but Machine needs some ring time, eh?


Fourth Match is a Tag Team Title defense with The Old School Principals defending against the team of The New York Doll and Diamond Dave. Yes I know it's a face/heel team, but they can start a feud next show if they do not show good or excellent tag team chemistry. If they work as a team, turn Spike face. It's as simple as that.


Semi Main is a Number One Contender's Match between Black Hat Bailey and Whistler. It should end in shenanigans.


The Main is between Steve Flash and Grandmaster Phunk. Flash should retain, but Phunk might have to get revenge for the loss to set up a stipulation match for the next show. If you have a new face debuting, saving Steve from a Phunk beatdown might be a good way to start.


Like I said before, I wouldn't be using Smith this time around. However, I'm going to have to ask you to please stop looking at my teacher's notes because the idea of Lee Wright facing newcomers is extremely close to what I did. IMO it makes the most sense because Wright is a heel holding the undercard title and the promotion needs fresh new faces (pun kind of intended). Why not put the two together and have Wright face a bunch of the younger workers of NYCW (current or new)?


And I don't know what to say and Phunk/Flash being the first main event. It makes sense considering how big of an event it is, but IMO you are wasting Phunk's promo skills. I'd much rather get a "lower" heel to take a shot at Flash to see if I get anything in terms of chemistry while Phunk flexs the golden pipes to complain about not getting a shot. That's just me though.


Thanks everyone who has participated in the diary these past two months and see you on Monday to preview my version of Rush Hour 2008. That is unless you want to discuss what you would do (or comment on what someone else would do). Then I'll see you whenever you put your thoughts to text. :D


Happy Dies Natalis Solis Invicti!

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Chapter Two

Empire State Of Mind

Extra Info: NYCW's Championship Lineage





NYCW Empire

Steve Flash (Nov 2007)

Honest Frank (June 2007)

Grandmaster Phunk (Oct 2006)

Joey Minnesota [2] (Mar 2006)

American Buffalo [3] (Aug 2005)

Whistler [2] (Feb 2005)

Joey Minnesota (May 2004)

Whistler (Jan 2004)

American Buffalo [2] (Mar 2003)

Paul Steadyfast (Nov 2002)

The Stomper [2] (June 2002)

American Buffalo (Jan 2002)

The Stomper (Aug 2001)





NYCW Tag Team

Rick Sanders & The Masked Mauler (Oct 2007)

American Machine & Steve Flash (May 2007)

Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite [4] (Sept 2006)

Whistler & Mr. America (Feb 2006)

Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite [3] (Sept 2005)

Land Mass & The Big Problem (July 2005)

Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite [2] (Nov 2004)

The Stomper & Whistler (Aug 2004)

Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite (Mar 2004)





NYCW Tri-State Regional

Lee Wright (Dec 2007)

Sammy The Shark (June 2007)

Steve Flash (Sept 2006)

Grandmaster Phunk (May 2006)

Nevada Nuclear (Feb 2006)

Travis Century (Oct 2005)

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Chapter Two

Empire State Of Mind

Preview of Rush Hour 2008




NYCW Empire Title Match: Black Hat Bailey vs. Steve Flash ©

Very much like the Rip Chord Invitational was to MAW, Rush Hour is one of NYCW's two big events as the game starts. So it seems obvious that the main event of the show would be the company's top champion facing one of the top challengers. In NYCW that would leave us with six guys fit for the job: Black Hat Bailey, Grandmaster Phunk, Whistler, Honest Frank, 1/2 of the NYCW Tag Team champions Rick Sanders, and the NYCW Tri-State Regional champion Lee Wright. I am going to take out Whistler because a face/face matchup at one of NYCW's biggest event would need a lot of backstory. And if I wanted to put that much effort into a main event, I might as well have that story play out in the game than on a sheet of paper. I'm going to leave out the other champions as well. They might be logical choices, but because of the ease of booking a champion vs. champion match, I'd rather save those matchups in case something happens that causes my plans to be screwed up.


This leaves Grandmaster Phunk, Honest Frank, and Black Hat Bailey. In the end I choose Bailey. Why? Because Phunk and Frank are two things: former champions and excellent mic workers. What's better than a heel who makes you want to throw your garbage at them? A heel that makes you want to throw your garbage at them that has a point. It seems like a waste of Phunk and Franks skills if they are the ones that have this match. Bailey has some decent skills too, but just not to the extent of the other two. As an added bonus he's also one of the most over guys on the roster and is still a talented worker in his own right.


Street Fight: American Machine vs. Grandmaster Phunk


I might have snubbed him on the championship match, but I'd be stupid to leave Grandmaster Phunk off the card entirely. So, I decided that a good matchup for him would be the 31 "prospect" American Machine. I also wanted one gimmick match on the card to help emulate that big card feel. Since this match featured NYCW's top heel and its 3rd best babyface it only made sense that this would be the one that got the gimmick match. All I needed to do was figure out what kind of match to run and why is it happening.


I decided that a street fight was the best option as it showcases the wrestlers' strength, brawling, and it a common old school gimmick match which wouldn't need too much made up build up. As for the reason, I decided that Phunk's big mouth and pimp ways got himself into trouble when he decided to "asked" American Machine's valet and girlfriend (made that part up as well) Cheerleader Nicki to be his newest ho. Machine of course didn't really take that well and after a couple of DQs and interferences in each others matches we had ourselves a "lights out" street fight.


NYCW Contract Match [Elimination]: Cameron Vessey vs. Jack Griffith vs. Sean Deeley vs. The Masked Patriot

What's an old school way to bring in some new talent that you want to push without having to put them over existing talent? Why a contract match that's what! What makes this interesting is that all four men are perfect for NYCW. Vessey, much like the rest of his family, is a throwback to the past, Griffith is a southern brawler, Deeley has an amateur background, and The Masked Patriot would fit in quite well with Whistler and American Machine. I wonder which one I went with. ;)


NYCW Tri-State Title Match: Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Lee Wright ©

Lee Wright might have just won the title last month from Sammy The Shark, but I'm going to take creative license and say that Triple D was considered the number one contender to the title before that match happened. In any case, you have an interesting situation with Lee Wright. At the age of 50 the old man still has the goods to be a viable midcard champion, but could retire at the drop of a hat. So in my opinion the best way to book him is to have Lee face off against the best and brightest of the midcard till he retires. That way the young members of the roster will develop their skills from wrestling him and one lucky man will get a nice overness boost for finally taking the old man down. In my experience with Wright this has come as early as the beginning of January to sometime in October of 2008. With that said, the question you have to ask yourself is when is Lee going to hang up the boots?


Tag Team Match: The Sting vs. Wiley Coyote

With two of the three titles already on the line, I decided to give the tag team champs a day off. Instead I decided to match up NYCW's oldest tag team combinations in The Sting and Wiley Coyote. It's just as simple as that.


Opening Match: Jorge Wilkes vs. The Masked Grappler & Dark Match: "Mr. Electricity" Kashmir Singh vs. The New York Doll

These matches feature three of NYCW's newest signings in action as well as one of NYCW's home grown prospects in The New York Doll. The only note that I really have to make about these matches is about The Masked Grappler. For those of you who read my NYCW '97 diary you might have seen a pair of men going under the name of The Masked Grapplers (using Showtime4Lajf's insanely awesome Masked Superstar renders). Well for my default NYCW games, I use The Masked Grappler gimmick as a way to debut people that I don't want people knowing who they are, whether it is a stud that I want to debut in a shocking angle or a prospect that I want to hide in dark matches till he's ready to debut for real.


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I have to say that I really love the posters that you are doing. To me it looks like an old-style indy wrestling promotion poster, the kind you would see dudes handing out, when a WWF show would get out.


Thanks. That was exactly what I was going for with the posters.


Excuse me Mister Professorman. Is charging 10 dollars not a tad too low for the level of popularity in the tri-state region?


NYCW starts off with an E in popularity.When you start off the game the price for E tickets is at $6, but you can easily get away with raising them by $4. This makes the tickets $10.

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Special Update


Thanks to ReapeR NYCW's titles have once again been upgraded. A while ago he created the awesome Winged Empire title and now he updated the Tag Team and Tri-State Regional belts too. Don't they look all shiny? :D






And since these titles make use of Kamchatka's take on the NYCW logo, I am also going to announce that I'll be using his version of the NYCW logo as well.






A big thanks to both of these fine young lads. ;)

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