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World Wrestling Entertainment 2009 and Beyond!

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DeGeneration X. vs the WWE Champion Randy Orton and the WWE United States Champion the Miz.


John Cena and the WWE Diva's Champion Melina vs. Paul and Katie Lea Burchill.


Kofi Kingston vs. Ted DiBiase

Kingston is on a roll and should get the victory here.


No Disqualification Match:

Santino Marella vs. Sheamus


Mark Henry and M.V.P. vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)

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WWE Monday Night RAW 2/8/2010


Randy Orton makes his way down to the ring to start, as the fans are booing, Orton parades around, with his newly won WWE Championship draped over his shoulder. Sliding underneath the bottom rope, Orton cuts a promo, talking about how he did as he promised, he captured the WWE Championship last week on RAW. He says he should be getting all of the attention based on his sixth WWE Championship victory but that is not what the world wants to talk about. Orton says all everyone wants to talk about is the Rock. Orton takes us back to two weeks ago, where he kicked the Rock right in the head and he hopes that kicked some sense into the Rock. That he is nothing any more in the world of wrestling. The Rock is the past and Orton is the present. Orton says the media is talking about what if the Rock returns? What if the Rock faces off against Randy Orton? Orton says that they are just wasting valuable time, because that will never happen.


Orton says that they should be talking about something that will happen. In thirteen days in the Elimination Chamber, Orton will take on five challengers. He will leave five broken challengers in his wake. Orton says he has the belt and this time, he is not going to lose it. He will hold the belt until he decides to retire from wrestling and since he is in the prime of his life, the Age of Orton will continue for decades to come. Orton leaves, as the announcers talk about the huge main event for tonight, with Orton joining forces with the United States Champion the Miz to take on DeGeneration X.


********************Commercial Break*********************


M.V.P. and Mark Henry vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(w/Natalya)(Non Title Match)


M.V.P is cut off and double teamed for most of this match. Some impressive moves from the Hart Dynasty, as they work over M.V.P. but he catches Smith with a huge leaping clothesline. Tag made to Mark Henry, who cleans house, beating down both Smith and Kidd. Gorilla Press to Kidd dumps him right on top of Smith and M.V.P wipes out Smith. Mark Henry has Tyson Kidd hoisted up for the World’s Strongest Slam but Natalya leaps off the top rope with a missile dropkick, causing Mark Henry to lose his balance and smack his head on the canvas, with Kidd on top. The referee turns around and counts the pin. The Hart Dynasty with another match, thanks to help from Natalya.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty(7:55, B-)


The Hart Dynasty collect their belts and leave, as Mark Henry stands in the ring, fuming.


******************Commercial Break*******************************


Sheamus makes his way out, to massive heat from the fans. He talks about his brutalizing of Hornswoggle last week, saying that he hates little people and he did the world a favor by eliminating Hornswoggle because small men have no place. Sheamus says that he’s going to cleanse WWE until it’s a big man’s company. He says that Santino is looking for him but he’s not very hard to find. Santino runs out with a pipe and the announcers talk about how this match is a no disqualification match.


No Disqualification Match:

Santino vs. Sheamus


Santino gets in one pipe shot before Sheamus boots him right in the face. Sheamus smashes the pipe over the back of Santino, causing it to bend and hoists him up. Huge side salto slam sends Santino down and Sheamus rolls underneath the bottom rope, before he pulls a table out from underneath the ring, setting it up by the ring apron. He enters the ring and hoists up Santino over his head, before hitting a Crucifix Power Bomb over the top rope. The table breaks in two and Santino’s spine might have as well. The referee calls for the bell and the match is thrown out.


Winner By Stoppage: Sheamus


Sheamus steps back and taunts Sheamus but Sheamus staggers forward when someone strikes him in the head from behind! The fans are cheering, when it’s Finlay, jumping over the guardrail, with a shillelagh in hand and he is smacking Sheamus around with the weapon, to loud cheers from the fans! Sheamus is slumped over the barricade. Finlay is trying to cave Sheamus’s head in, as security pulls him off. The announcers remind us that Hornswoggle is Finlay’s son and now the fighting Irishman is looking to get revenge on Sheamus for the brutal beating that the Celtic Warrior laid on Hornswoggle. Sheamus is clutching his head, as Finlay is lead away in handcuffs, cursing at Sheamus, yelling that he’ll kill him next time he gets his hands on him.


**********************Commercial Break*****************


Randy Orton is talking with Ted DiBiase, giving DiBiase hell for failing to keep Kofi Kingston and Triple H. Orton says that he’s going to give DiBiase a chance to redeem himself tonight, when he goes one on one with Kofi Kingston. DiBiase looks at Orton, before saying that he won’t fail Orton. Orton warns DiBiase that he won’t because he can and will be replaced. DiBiase nods, saying that he’ll do something that Orton failed to do at the Royal Rumble and beat Kofi Kingston.


Ted DiBiase vs. Kofi Kingston


A back and forth match in the early part, with Kofi taking control beating down DiBiase in the corner with a series of punches in the corner but DiBiase catches Kofi, dropping him face first on the top rope. Reverse neckbreaker and DiBiase goes to work on Kofi, gaining several nearfalls, as he seems to be more and more determined to prove something tonight. Dream Street is blocked and Kofi elbows DiBiase, before popping him with the Trouble in Paradise, to put him down for the pin!


Winner: Kofi Kingston(9:00, B-)


We cut backstage, where Orton looks at Kofi celebrating on the monitor and looks at the bell, before saying that Kingston is not going to embarrass him twice. Josh Mathews comes out, to talk about Orton about the latest rumors about the Rock but Orton blows them off, talking about how he’s the WWE Champion and he should be the talk of the wrestling world. Orton yells for security to evict Mathews and says that he better get the respect he deserves. Some ex-Sports Entertainer like the Rock will not steal his thunder, just because some alleged wrestling experts got it in their head that the Rock might come back for one more match.


********************Commercial Break*****************


Carlito comes out and talks about how great it was to see Hornswoggle get what he deserved last week but he says there is another person who he will see get his tonight. The Big Show two weeks ago humiliated Carlito, by laying him out and beating him in nearly record time. Carlito promises to humiliate the Big Show and beat him so badly, that WWE management has no choice but to put Carlito into the Chamber. Out comes the Big Show and the match is on.


The Big Show vs. Carlito


Carlito attacks the Big Show but gets promptly booted in the face and then struck down with a huge knockout punch! Show covers Carlito and pins him!


Winner: The Big Show(0:22, C)


At least Carlito lasted about twice as long as he did last time against the Big Show. Show gets on the microphone and talks about the Elimination Chamber, promising crush all of his opponents and the WWE Championship will be his.


We cut backstage, with Josh Mathews is standing by with Paul and Katie Lea Burchill. Paul Burchill informs us that he will be facing John Cena at the Elimination Chamber pay per view. Burchill says each and every week, he has been destroying Cena bit by bit, but at the Elimination Chamber he will finish the job, because this match will be a Streetfight. The only rule is that there are none. Burchill says that he’s fought for his life before and this isn’t a movie. The good guys don’t win and Cena will be destroyed. Tonight, the Burchills take on Cena and the WWE Diva’s Champion Melina in a mixed tag team match and they promise pain.


*********************Commercial Break*****************



John Cena and the WWE Diva’s Champion Melina vs. Paul and Katie Lea Burchill


Brawl to start, with the babyfaces clearing the ring. Melina is eventually taken out and beaten on by Katie Lea with Burchill holding Melina from behind, so his sister can beat her. Cena tries to make the save, but this ends badly, as Melina is pounded by Katie in the corner, as Burchill holds her arms, causing Melina to be defensively. The beating continues until Melina manages to take Cena in, forcing Paul Burchill to enter the ring. Cena beats up on Burchill, pounding him. Running shoulder block and five knuckle shuffle. Cena turns over and signals for the Attitude Adjustment but Katie runs in with a low blow. Melina flies in and wipes out Katie, as both women tumble to the floor. Buchill grabs Cena and sets him up, before hitting him with the Twisted Sister, bringing him down to score the pin.


Winners: The Burchills(8:52, B-)


Melina is rammed shoulder first into the ringpost, as Burchill now grabs Cena, before hoisting him up and bringing him down with a vicious Death Valley Driver. The announcers put it over as a more brutal version of the Attitude Adjustment and Burchill curb stomps Cena, before getting on the microphone, saying that Cena’s time will run out in the Elimination Chamber and Burchill will put the finishing touches on him. His career will be finished.


The Miz cuts a promo, vowing to become a double champion inside the Elimination Chamber. He says tonight, he’s going to show the world why he is the biggest attraction on RAW and the WWE Universe will get behind him as the next WWE Champion because he’s the Miz and he’s awesome!


Coming up next, the Miz and Randy Orton against DeGeneration X. More RAW, right after this.


**********************Commercial Break***********************


A video package is shown, showcasing Rene Dupree with the words “returning soon” show at the bottom of your screen.


Randy Orton makes his way down to the ring, dressed in street clothes. Orton says that he has never been more disrespected more in his life, all the fans talking about the Rock and downplaying his championship victory last week as a non issue. Therefore, it is only fair that Orton returns the favor and refuses to compete tonight. Orton brings out Cody Rhodes, talking about how DiBiase got a chance and failed tonight, but tonight it’s Cody’s turn. Cody will team up with the Miz and his task is to take out DX, so they do not make it to the Chamber. Rhodes seems eager to please and Orton warns Rhodes that he can be replaced just as easily as he could with DiBiase.


DeGeneration X vs. Cody Rhodes and WWE United States Champion the Miz


DX beat up the Miz, pounding him, but Shawn Michaels is cut out and the tide is turned. Michaels is double teamed by Rhodes and Miz in the corner, working quite well together for their first time teaming up. Michaels eventually fights out of the corner and hot tag to Triple H, who runs wild on Rhodes and the Miz. The Miz is knocked to the floor, taken out of the match, as HBK reeneters the ring and hits the Superkick to Cody Rhodes, allowing him to fall into perfect position for the Pedigree on Triple H! Michaels dives to the floor onto the Miz as HHH pins Rhodes to win this match.


Winners: DeGeneration X(9:59, B-)


Randy Orton is attacking Triple H after the match, entering the ring immediately and hitting him with the RKO. Michaels attempts to interfere, but Ted DiBiase attacks on the floor! DiBiase holds Michaels back with a Million Dollar Dream, as Orton preps the punt for Triple H but Kofi Kingston runs out and brawls with Orton. Orton goes low and beats on Kofi but Kofi fires back. The Miz enters the ring but gets laid out with the Trouble in Paradise! The fans are booing as the Big Show comes out and calmly punches Kofi Kingston out! Orton nods at the Big Show but Show grabs Orton by the throat and hoists him up, before drilling Orton with a huge Choke Slam! The Big Show stands tall as RAW goes off the air. See you next week for the go home for the Elimination Chamber!

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RAW Results:

MattitudeV2: 2/5

TracyBrooksFan: 3/5

BHK1978: 2/5

nick21985: 4/5

Destiny: 4/5


February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 13/20

MattitudeV2: 7/20

BHk1978: 6/20

Destiny: 4/20

nick21985: 4/20

Low-Drew: 3/20

Tripps04: 3/20

Rayelek: 2/20

MartinC: 1/20


ECW on Sy Fy 2/8/10


Shelton Benjamin and Christian vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


The Hurricane and Goldust vs. Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder.

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ECW on Sy Fy 2/9/10


The ECW General Manager Tiffany is out to announce that Shelton Benjamin and Christian will join forces to take on the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty. She also reminds us that there are two more spots left inside the Elimination Chamber, because of the no contest between Lance Cade and Bryan Danielson last week. With Regal, Goldust, Ryder, and Benjamin already qualified, there will be a return match between Lance Cade and Bryan Danielson tonight, where the winner will advance to the Elimination Chamber.


The Hurricane and Goldust vs. Zack Ryder and Vance Archer(w/Tyler Reks and Rosa Mendes)


The Hurricane was caught in the corner and double teamed by Ryder and Archer. The Hurricane eventually fights out of the corner and hot tag to Goldust, who cleans house. Ryder goes low and Ryder climbs to the second rope, before Ryder is caught and brought down with a huge powerslam for the pin.


Winners: Goldust and the Hurricane(6:41, C+)


Goldust and the Hurricane get the win but they are jumped after the match and beaten down after the match. Reks enters the ring and helps Ryder and Archer beat down Goldust and the Hurricane. The three on two beating odds are evened, as Yoshi Tatsu runs down to the ring, the fans cheering. Yoshi Tatsu helps the Hurricane and Goldust run them off.


A video clip from the double countout from Bryan Danielson and Lance Cade from last week is shown. Coming up next, an Elimination Chamber qualifier between Danielson and Cade.


***************Commercial Break********************


We see Bryan Danielson and Lance Cade out to the ring, but the ECW Champion William Regal comes out with his Ruthless Roundtable, Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Koslov. Regal talks about how his Ruthless Roundtable were shut out of the Qualifiers and he suggests that Cade and Danielson step aside to give them a chance. Danielson gets on the microphone and says that he doesn’t speak for Cade, but he believes they can both agree that they do not want the Roundtable in the Chamber to stack the deck against Regal. Cade agrees and says that he might not like Danielson, but he wants an ECW Championship match and says that he will team up with Danielson against Ezekiel Jackson and Vladimir Koslov. If the Roundtable win, then they can get the final two spots in the Chamber. If Cade and Danielson win, then they get their spots in the chamber. Tiffany comes out to make the match official and it is on.


Lance Cade and Bryan Danielson vs. The Ruthless Roundtable(Elimination Chamber Qualifier)


Regal is kicked out and the Roundtable beats on their opponents for most of that match, with Cade getting the advantage and fighting out of the corner. Danielson is tagged into the ring, a house of fire and beats down on Ezekiel Jackson with a series of elbow strikes and running elbow smash right to the chest of Koslov staggers him. Cade enters the ring and clotheslines Koslov over the top rope to the floor. In the ring, Jackson hammers Danielson, before going for a Rock Bottom but Danielson elbows out and drills Jackson with a rolling elbow smash, before he covers scoring the pin. Cade and Danielson are in the Elimination Chamber.


Winners: Lance Cade and Bryan Danielson(8:40, C)


Afterwards, Cade lays out Danielson and beats him down, before hitting the elevated side walk slam. Cade yells at Danielson, vowing to win the Elimination Chamber and he walks off, leaving Danielson laid into the ring. The Chamber has been set, with William Regal defending against Goldust, Zack Ryder, Shelton Benjamin, Lance Cade, and Bryan Danielson


*********************Commercial Break*****************


Christian and Shelton Benjamin vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(w/Natalya)(Non Title Match)


This was a length tag team match, with Shelton Benjamin and Christian gaining an early control but a miscommunication caused the Hart Dynasty to work over Shelton Benjamin for several minutes(straight though a commercial break). Shelton is beginning to fight out from underneath as they come back and a fake hot tag, before the Hart Dynasty pulls Shelton back into the corner for more of a beating. Eventually, Shelton wipes out Smith with the Money Clip and hot tag to Christian, who runs wild on them. Huge reverse DDT to Kidd for a two count but Smith breaks it up. Benjamin enters the ring and running dropkick. Christian climbs to the top rope but Shelton dives over the top rope, inadvertently crotching Christian. Smith gets taken out on the floor but Tyson Kidd climbs up with Christian and leaps onto his shoulders, taking him down with a Frankensteiner off the ropes for the pin!


Winners: The Hart Dynasty(15:55, B)


The Hart Dynasty get the win tonight on ECW. While Christian and Benjamin are exceptional tag team wrestlers, together they did not click. The Hart Dynasty leave the ring, as Christian gets on the microphone, saying that the Hart Dynasty have not seen the last him. Christian says that the Hart Dynasty have cost him too many matches to let it die and Christian vows to find the perfect partner to take down the Hart Dynasty and win the Unified Tag Team Titles. The Hart Dynasty don’t seem too concerned.

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MattitudeV2: 2/2

TracyBrooksFan: 2/2

BHK1978: 1/2

Lo-Drew: 1/2


February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 15/22

MattitudeV2: 9/22

BHk1978: 7/22

Destiny: 4/22

nick21985: 4/22

Low-Drew: 4/22

Tripps04: 3/22

Rayelek: 2/22

MartinC: 1/22


WWE Superstars 2/11/10


Matt Hardy vs. Charlie Haas


Gail Kim vs. Jillian Hall


Yoshi Tatsu vs. Tyler Reks


Evan Bourne vs. Chavo Guerrero.

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WWE Superstars 2/11/10


Hype for tonight’s main event, featuring Charlie Haas going one on one with Matt Hardy. Right now, the superstars of RAW kick things off on Superstars.


Evan Bourne vs. Chavo Guerrero


Chavo comes out, pleased to not have the specter of Hornswoggle on his back and has a back and forth match with Bourne. Chavo seems to be confident tonight, gaining several nearfalls but Bourne fights back. A spinning leg lariat off the top rope and Bourne goes up top but blocked and superplex by Chavo for a two count. Chavo goes up but Bourne kicks him in the face and leaps to the top rope, before taking him down with a spinning headscissors off the top rope. Bourne then connects with the Air Bourne on Chavo to score the pin.


Winner: Evan Bourne(7:52, C+)


After the match, Carlito runs down to the ring and brawls with Bourne. Bourne gets the better of him but Chris Masters jumps Bourne. Masterlock applied to Bourne and Carlito beats on Bourne, before he turns, as Chavo gets up, offering his hand to Carlito, but Carlito kicks Chavo and takes him out with the Backstabber. He spits the apple on the downed Chavo. It appears that Carlito is not winning to forgive Chavo conspiring with Hornswoggle to steal a victory.


Recap from ECW with Yoshi Tatsu making his return. Tonight, he takes on the man who turned on him recently, Tyler Reks. More WWE Superstars right after this.


********************Commercial Break****************


Yoshi Tatsu vs. Tyler Reks


Yoshi runs wild early, bouncing Reks around the ring. Reks is rammed into the buckle and chopped away but he hangs up Tatsu with a Stun Gun. Reks beats on Tatsu and slams him down, before climbing to the top rope. Splash off the top gets a two count. Reks applies a sleeperhold but Yoshi elbows out and Pele Kick to Reks. Reks staggers to his feet and eats some more kicks, before the Roundhouse Kick puts him down for the pin.


Winner: Yoshi Tatsu(6:52, D+)


Zack Ryder immediately waffles Yoshi Tatsu from behind with his Slammy trophy! Tatsu is being pummeled in the ring and Vance Archer joins but the Hurricane and Goldust run out to make the save, evening the odds from Tatsu’s save on ECW. They check on Yoshi Tatsu who has been taken out.


Recap from two weeks ago, where Jillian used dastardly means to defeat Gail Kim in a tag team match. Tonight, these two RAW divas meet on Superstars.


********************Commercial Break*********************

Gail Kim vs. Jillian


Jillian poses at the bell but Gail dropkicks her to the floor. Gail Kim beats on Jillian but gets shoved off the top rope, allowing Jillian to beat on Gail for a while, knocking her around for the moment. Jillian hits a Rocker Dropper on Gail for a two count. To the second rope and Jillian belts out an off key song, but the elbow drop misses. Gail Kim is back up and she beats on Jillian, getting several nearfalls. Jillian manages a DDT for a two count and tilt a whirl is countered into an armdrag. Jillian is rolled over and Gail Kim applies a La Magistral Cradle for the pin!


Winner: Gail Kim(8:00, C-)


Gail Kim wins tonight on Superstars, evening the odds against Jillian who is none too thrilled. This was an important match in the Diva’s division.


Coming up next, Charlie Haas meets Matt Hardy one on one. Your main event on Superstars on WGN America


*******************Commercial Break*****************


Matt Hardy vs. Charlie Haas


Hardy runs wild early, knocking Haas around but Haas reverses an Irish whip, sending Hardy shoulder first into the ring steps. Haas begins picking apart the arm, working it over for the better part of this match. Hardy makes a one armed comeback and rams the head of Haas into the buckles, before hitting two clotheslines with his good arm. Side Effect and Hardy is slow to cover, getting a two count. Legdrop off the second rope gets another two. Twist of Fate is blocked and Hardy pounds away at Haas, but Haas manages to grab Hardy’s arm, before jumping through the ropes, ramming it into the ring post! Hardy falls back in pain and Haas applies a Fujiwara Armbar! Hardy struggles but has no choice but to tap out.


Winner: Charlie Haas(10:01, C)


Charlie Haas has scored a huge win over Matt Hardy, evening up the odds in their singles feud. Hardy scored a win weeks back and now Haas has gotten a win over Matt Hardy. Haas proved his brutality and technical expertise is a deadly mix and Matt Hardy is clutching an injured shoulder in the ring.

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WWE Superstars:

Lo-Drew: 2/4

MattitudeV2: 2/4

TracyBrooksFan: 3/4



February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 18/26

MattitudeV2: 11/26

BHk1978: 7/26

Lo-Drew: 6/26

Destiny: 4/26

nick21985: 4/26

Tripps04: 3/26

Rayelek: 2/26

MartinC: 1/26


WWE Smackdown 2/12/2010


Booker T and R-Truth vs. CM Punk and Chris Jericho


The Great Khali vs. Drew McIntyre


Cryme Tyme vs. Mike Knox and Eric Escobar


Jimmy Wang Yang, Kung Fu Naki, and Mickie James vs. the Hart Dynasty(David Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd, and Natalya)

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WWE Smackdown 2/12/10


There is a promo by Bret Hart, who talks about the Elimination Chamber match being set. He also talks about John Morrison putting his championship opportunity at the main event at Wrestlemania on the line against Drew McIntyre at the Elimination Chamber. Tonight, there is going to be a preview, with R-Truth and Booker T taking on CM Punk and Chris Jericho. The Hitman hypes up the match, as the fans are cheering, at this huge main event match.


Jimmy Wang Yang, Kung Fu Naki, and Mickie James vs. The Hart Dynasty


Impressive intergender six person tag. Mickie is cut off and beat down by Natalya, hammering her in the ring. Natalya is kicked in the face and hot tag to Jimmy Wang Yang. Yang beats on Smith and Kidd, knocking them around. Kung Fu Naki enters the ring and dropkicks Smith to the floor, before diving through the ropes with a high cross body block. Mickie James wipes out Natalya with a cross body of her own but Kidd beats down Yang in the ring. To the top rope but Yang dropkicks Kidd as he comes off the top rope. Yang climbs to the top rope and hits a Moonsault to a standing Kidd to score the pin!


Winners: Jimmy Wang Yang, Kung Fu Naki, and Mickie James(8:55, C-)


Yang has pinned one half of the tag team champions in this match. That has to put the team that the announcers have dubbed “Kung Fu Wang” in line for a tag team title shot.


*******************Commercial Break**********************


We cut to a pre taped promo with the Undertaker. The Undertaker talks about how he’s going to walk into the Chamber with the belt and walk out with the belt over his shoulder. Taker promises to reap the souls of the number five men in the Chamber and beat them one by one. Last would be Chris Jericho, who has already been trapped in the Hell’s Gate. The next time the Undertaker puts that on him, he’ll keep the title and Jericho will Rest in Peace.


Cryme Tyme vs. Mike Knox and Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)


Most of this match is JTG being beat on but the hot tag is made to Shad. Shad runs wild on both men in the ring, but the Great Khali makes his way out, to stalk Vickie Guerrero on the floor. Eric Escobar leaves the ring, distracting the referee, allowing JTG to hit Mike Knox from behind with a gold chain, allowing Shad to roll up Knox to score the pin.


Winners: Cryme Tyme(6:11, C-)


Knox is not too happy, as Cryme Tyme leaves with the win. The Great Khali and Eric Escobar are brawling on the floor or rather, the Great Khali beats on Eric Escobar, before he scoops him up and dumps him into the ring. Knox spins Escobar around and kicks him, before connecting with the Knox Out! Knox raises a hand into the air and stares down Khali a bit.


******************Commercial Break*******************


John Morrison is being kicked and punched backstage by Drew McIntyre. McIntyre hammers away at Morrison and Irish whips him back first into a set of metal doors. Morrison attempts to fight back but McIntyre beats on Morrison, slamming him headfirst into the table and McIntyre bashes Morrison’s back with a chair. McIntyre yells that Morrison doesn’t deserve his Wrestlemania title shot!


Dolph Ziggler is out, who is scheduled to take on John Morrison tonight. Ziggler ****ily states that he has the victory in the bag and should win by forfeit. Bret Hart walks out and announces that Ziggler will have a replacement opponent and he will take on Kane! Oh and Ziggler hasn’t defended his WWE Intercontinental Title in over thirty days, so he’ll have to defend that tonight.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Kane vs. Dolph Ziggler©


Kane destroys Ziggler for the better part of this match. An impressive and jarring side slam brings him down and Kane chokes Ziggler down in the ring. Ziggler fights back, beating on Kane. Kane has Ziggler well scouted. Last week, Ziggler beat Kane to enter the Elimination Chamber and now he’s going to avenge that loss. Ziggler leaps off the top rope but Kane boots Ziggler in the face. Kane signals for the Choke Slam but Ziggler bolts from the ring, taking his belt for the countout, drawing boos from the crowd.


Winner by Countout: Kane; Dolph Ziggler keeps the WWE Intercontinental Title(9:22, C+)


Kane chases Ziggler up the ramp and attacks Ziggler, rolling him underneath the bottom rope and Choke Slam drills Ziggler down to the canvas! Ziggler spasms from the impact!


Chris Jericho cuts a promo backstage, talking about the Elimination Chamber. He talks about how he’s beaten everyone in the Chamber at one point or another. In nine days, he will beat them all. CM Punk interrupts, saying that he’s partners with Jericho tonight and suggests that they team up to take out everyone in the Chamber, before they fight at the end. Jericho blows Punk off, saying that he can beat everyone in that Chamber himself, including Punk. He even made the Undertaker tap out in the center of the ring, something that Punk could not do. When Punk protests that he did make the Undertaker submit, Jericho runs him down, saying that Jericho didn’t need a Vince McMahon conspiracy to beat the Undertaker by submission and Straight Edge is not better than Chris Jericho. Punk and Jericho have more words.


********************Commercial Break***************


Batista storms in Bret Hart’s office, demanding a championship match against Chris Jericho. Batista says he deserves a title shot, because he’s beaten Chris Jericho before and can do it again. Hart disagrees, saying that Batista had a chance for a title shot and he blew it twice. Batista yells that he would have won the Royal Rumble had John Cena not gotten lucky and threw him out. The Hitman offers Batista a match to prove himself, against the Undertaker. Batista agrees, stating that he will beat the Undertaker so badly that Bret Hart will be forced to give Batista the Undertaker’s slot in the Elimination Chamber.


Layla comes out, with the WWE Women’s Champion Michelle McCool, who is wearing a neckbrace. Layla cuts a promo, deriding Beth Phoenix for injuring Michelle McCool at the Royal Rumble and threatening her career. Layla says that Beth Phoenix should be banned for ever competing for the WWE Women’s Title because of her recklessness and assault of a WWE official. Beth Phoenix comes out as Layla screams for security, but Beth Phoenix wipes her out with a clothesline. Michelle tries to bail but The Glamazon beats her up, beating up the WWE Women’s Champion. Power bomb to Michelle McCool. Power bomb to Layla and Beth Phoenix says that Michelle is lucky that she’s still breathing. The Glamazon leaves the ring with the win.


*******************Commercial Break*********************


The Great Khali vs. Drew McIntyre


Khali batters McIntyre in the early part of this match but McIntyre goes low and begins beating down the Great Khali. McIntyre climbs to the second rope and clothesline brings Khali down to the canvas. He beats on Khali, before hammering way at him. Khali fights out but once again McIntyre drilling him with a series of elbow strikes. Double Underhook DDT brings down Khali for the pin.


Winner: Drew McIntyre(6:05, C)


Drew McIntyre hammers away at Khali some more after the bell and gets on the microphone, vowing that he will win at the Elimination Chamber and will go onto Wrestlemania to win the title. Lofty goals, as he still has to defeat John Morrison in a one on one match but he has yet to taste defeat as a part of Smackdown.


*******************Commercial Break********************


R-Truth and Booker T vs. CM Punk and Chris Jericho


Usual tag team fare, with R-Truth getting cut off and double team, as this is a battle between four of the six men in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match. Truth is being beaten for most of the match but he manages to just make the hot tag to Booker T, bringing him in. House of fire, with Booker T fighting off both men in the ring. Axe Kick connects to CM Punk to score the pin as Truth knocks Jericho through the ropes.


Winners: R-Truth and Booker T(11:22, B)


Booker T and Truth win tonight on Smackdown, with Booker getting a huge victory as they roll towards the Elimination Chamber. Hype for next week with Batista and the Undertaker meeting one on one.

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smackdown Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 2/4

MattitudeV2: 2/4

Lo-Drew: 3/4



February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 20/30

MattitudeV2: 13/30

Lo-Drew: 9/30

BHk1978: 7/30

Destiny: 4/30

nick21985: 4/30

Tripps04: 3/30

Rayelek: 2/30

MartinC: 1/30


WWE Monday Night RAW 2/15/10


WWE Championship:

The Big Show vs. Randy Orton


Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H.


Kofi Kingston vs. WWE United States Champion the Miz(Non Title Match)


John Cena vs. Sheamus


WWE Diva's Champion Melina and Gail Kim vs. Katie Lea Burchill and Natalya.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 2/15/10


Out comes Vince McMahon to boos from the crowd. The Chairman does his usually arrogant strut, before he talks up the Elimination Chamber matches this Sunday and says tonight on RAW, we’re going to have a little preview for the Chambers. One on one, the WWE United States Champion the Miz takes on Kofi Kingston in a non title match. DeGeneration X collides when Triple H goes against Shawn Michaels. Also, the WWE Champion Randy Orton will square off against the Big Show.




Out comes Randy Orton, who looks angered and enters the ring, saying that he’s been shown disrespect over the past couple of weeks since winning the title. He’s not going to put up with it. Orton says that the fans have to pay to see him compete from now and he refuses to wrestle unless its on Pay Per View. Mr. McMahon looks at him and says: “You’d like that, wouldn’t you Randy? YOU’D LIKE THAT, WOULDN’T YOU? To have the night off while your opponents beat themselves up.” Vince McMahon says that if Orton ever pulls a stunt like he did last week, he’ll be on the streets, wrestling hobos for his next meal and be stripped of the WWE Championship. McMahon says that he hasn’t forgotten what Orton has done and “Guess what Randy, you just talked yourself into a title match. Your WWE Championship is on the line against the Big Show!” Vince McMahon says that Orton will defend the belt tonight in the main event, as Orton sputters and security enters the ring, to escort Orton away. The announcers talk about how the entire complexion of the Chamber could change tonight if the Big Show walks out with the WWE Championship around his sizeable waist.


****************Commercial Break************************


Gail Kim and the WWE Diva’s Champion Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill and Natalya


A short but decent back and forth match. Gail Kim was beaten in the corner for several minutes, but she makes the hot tag. Melina runs into the ring, beating up both of her opponents. Katie is dumped to the floor and Gail Kim leaps on her with a pescado! Natalya is put down with the Primal Scream for the pin.


Winners: Melina and Gail Kim(5:55, C-)


After the win, it is announced that Melina will put her WWE Diva’s Title on the line this Sunday at the Elimination Chamber in a six way match, against Katie Lea Burchill, Alicia Fox, Natalya, Kelly Kelly, and Gail Kim. It is one fall to a finish and Melina’s championship could be in jeopardy this Sunday.


****************Commercial Break********************


Kofi Kingston vs. WWE United States Champion the Miz in a non title match


This match involves two of the four men in the Elimination Chamber this Sunday. Kofi is a house of fire, knocking around the Miz for the early part of this match. A nice leaping dropkick sends the Miz flying through the ropes and Kofi leaps on the Miz with a tope suicida. The Miz is thrown in the ring but goes low, beating down Kofi. The Miz gains several nearfalls but Kofi keeps kicking out. The Miz yells that he is awesome and goes for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Kofi fights out. The Miz goes for a clothesline but is ducked and Kofi pops out of nowhere with the Trouble in Paradise! Kofi wins another one!


Winner: Kofi Kingston(8:01, C+)


Kofi Kingston gets another huge win tonight, as he rolls into the Elimination Chamber. This Sunday, he could very well walk out the WWE Champion! He has all of the momentum in the world on his side, with a series of impressive victories over the past several weeks. The Chamber could be the final step to the top of the mountain on RAW.


Randy Orton enters the Legacy locker room, as Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase are watching television. Orton is fuming, talking about how he’s the top star in the company and if he walks, RAW will shut down. Rhodes and DiBiase are only paying half attention to them and Orton turns to the television set, where it’s an Entertainment show with the hosts speculating what may happen if the Rock decides to wrestle one more match. Orton is angered, especially when one of the hosts summarizes that the Rock could be the WWE Champion and he rips the television set angrily out of the wall, before smashing it to the ground and kicking it down the hallway. Orton yells that he’s sick and tired hearing about the Rock, he’s Randy Orton, he’s the WWE Champion, and he’s on this show and the Rock is back in Hollywood. Orton also threatens that the next time he sees Vince McMahon, he’ll punt him so hard that his grandchildren will feel it!


*******************Commercial Break**********************


Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H


DX collides in this preview for the Elimination Chamber match. Both men beat each other with punches after a handshake. Michaels gets the better of the exchange, hitting a pair of snap suplexes and a splash off the top rope. Triple H fights back, reversing an Irish whip into the corner and sending Michaels flipping over the top to the floor. Triple H beats on Michaels and says that it’s every man for himself, before he throws Michaels into the steps and suplexes him stomach first onto the guardrail. Triple H throws Michaels back into the ring and viciously beats him down. Huge spine buster gets a nearfall. Gutwrench suplex and a kneedrop, before Triple H applies a sleeperhold. Two and a half armdrops, before Michaels counters with a belly to back suplex. Standing ten count, and Triple H gets to his feet at nine, before Michaels kips up and Triple H nearly decapitates him with a huge clothesline for a two count. Michaels is put on the top rope and attempted superplex but he blocks and shows the Game off the ropes, before he hits the Flying Elbowdrop! Cover by Michaels and nearfall. Michaels gives the signal for the Sweet Chin Music but Triple H ducks the kick, having it well scouted. Kick to the midsection and Pedigree but Michaels counters with a catapult into the corner. Triple H is rolled up for a two count and Michaels beats on him some more but the head is ducked and Triple H makes him pay for that with a facebuster across the knee!


Triple H rolls over Shawn Michaels and hammers him some more. Tilt a whirl backbreaker brings Michaels down and now Triple H picks up Michaels and snap suplex brings him over for a two count. Triple H hammers away at Michaels and into the corner. Kick by Michaels nails Triple H right in the chops and Michaels climbs to the second rope, facing the crowd. Moonsault connects to Triple H for a two count. Michaels beats on Triple H and goes for the Sweet Chin Music but once again Triple H ducks the kick and kneelift to the midsection. Pedigree but Michaels backs Triple H into the corner. Punches on Triple H and Michaels climbs to the second rope, raining down the punches, but Triple H drops Michaels facefirst onto the buckles. Into the ropes goes Michaels and Triple H hoists him up, but Michaels attempts to kick off, landing on his feet. He lands right on his leg which crumples out from underneath him! Triple H steps forward but pauses as Michaels favors his leg, saying that he snapped something. The Game is hesitant to attack his friend and Michaels kips up and superkicks Triple H out of nowhere to score the pin!


Winner: Shawn Michaels(15:01, A)


Michaels gets on the microphone and reminds Triple H that it was every man for himself just like this Sunday. HBK walks out with the win and ready to win his fifth WWE Championship inside the Elimination Chamber. He gets his return shot against Randy Orton at the Elimination Chamber.


******************Commercial Break*************************


John Cena vs. Sheamus


Cena had quite the tough task tonight, as he warms up for his street fight against Paul Burchill at the Elimination Chamber. Sheamus uses his massive power to knock Cena around but Cena fights Sheamus back. Shoulder block and five knuckle shuffle. Attitude Adjustment but Sheamus fights out and Bicycle Kick to Cena for a nearfall. Sheamus beats on Cena and attempted Crucifix Power Bomb but Cena drops down, inadvertently bumping the referee! Sheamus clotheslines Cena and begins to strip the corner pad from the corner, exposing the steel bolt but Finlay rushes from the crowd. Finlay beats on Sheamus, as revenge from the Celtic Warrior’s beating on his son Hornswoggle but Sheamus quickly knocks Finlay into the waiting arms of security. Cena rushes Sheamus and rams him into the exposed buckle, before hoisting him up and hitting the Attitude Adjustment! Cena hooks the leg to score the pin!


Winner: John Cena(8:41, B)


Immediately, Paul Burchill rushes into the ring and obliterates Cena with a knee strike to the back of the head. Cena is slammed right into the exposed metal, his head bouncing off the buckle and Burchill hammers away at him, before hitting the Curb Stomp. Burchill rolls over and throttles Cena, yelling that in the Street Fight, Cena is going to draw his last breath. Burchill will obliterate Cena and drive him from RAW for good! Burchill walks off, as Cena has suffered yet another beating at the hands of Paul Burchill but this Sunday, Burchill has promised to give Cena his most savage beating yet as these two men do battle in a Street Fight where the only rules are that there are none.


****************************Commercial Break*************************


A look at Rene Dupree who will be making his return to RAW soon.


WWE Championship:

The Big Show vs. Randy Orton©


Orton tries to reason with the Big Show but Show headbutts Orton. Orton scurries back and is beaten on by the Big Show in the corner. A series of massive forearm smashes knock the wind out of Orton and a big boot. Show continues to pummel Orton and Orton tries to scurry to the floor but Show pulls him in. Show beats on Orton but Orton goes to the eyes. A running kick to the side of the leg and Orton begins to work over the leg of the Big Show, but Show shoves him off. Show drills Orton with a clothesline and beats on him, but Show misses a corner charge, allowing Orton to hit a chop block. Orton goes back to the leg, cutting the Big Show down. Orton wraps up the massive leg of the Big Show, applying a leg bar. Show is fighting but Orton manages to position his body. Show punches Orton right in the chest, causing Orton to drop the hold. Orton staggers to his feet and the Big Show hammers away at Orton. Into the ropes goes Orton and side slam by the Big Show gets a two count. Show hammers away at Orton and beats on him in the corner. Running kneelift in the corner and Show grabs Orton by the throat but Orton counters with a low blow. Show is staggered and Orton grabs the head. RKO attempt but Show shoves him into the ropes. The Big Show measures Orton but Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes enter the ring, with Rhodes taking the knockout punch! Rhodes falls to the canvas, as DiBiase attacks Show for the disqualification.


Winner By Disqualification: The Big Show; Randy Orton keeps the WWE Championship(9:55, B+)


The Big Show is beating on DiBiase in the ring, as Orton leaves the ring, in disgust, yelling that he should have had the match won! Orton is walking down the ramp, but Kofi Kingston is on the ramp. Orton spins around and Orton is face to face with the man who beat him at the Royal Rumble. However, the Miz attacks Kofi from behind. Kofi fights back and Orton runs up the ramp, where he comes face to face with Shawn Michaels and brawls with him. The Big Show makes his way down the ramp and attacks the Miz and Kofi Kingston, before going for Shawn Michaels but Triple H runs out and brawls with the Big Show! The Big Show staggers back and Triple H waffles him with a steel chair. Orton is back in the ring and Shawn Michaels attacks Orton. Superkick by Shawn Michaels to Orton and Orton staggers into the Pedigree! DeGeneration X is standing tall in the ring and Triple H and HBK turn to pose for the crowd, but Triple H turns around and punches Michaels in the stomach, before hitting the Pedigree! Triple H stands in the ring, raising his hand in the air, standing tall. Could this be a sign for things to come this Sunday? Triple H walking out of the Chamber with the WWE Championship.

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RAW Results:

BHK1978: 2/5

MattitudeV2: 2/5

TracyBrooksFan: 2/5



February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 22/35

MattitudeV2: 15/35

Lo-Drew: 9/35

BHk1978: 9/35

Destiny: 4/35

nick21985: 4/35

Tripps04: 3/35

Rayelek: 2/35

MartinC: 1/35


ECW on Sy Fy 2/16/2010


Goldust vs. ECW Champion William Regal(Non Title Match)


Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Cade


Shelton Benjamin vs. Zack Ryder

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