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ECW on Sy Fy 2/16/10


ECW General Manager Tiffany announces that tonight there will be three preview matches for the Elimination Chamber when Shelton Benjamin meets Zack Ryder, Bryan Danielson squares off against Lance Cade, and in the main event, Goldust faces off against the ECW Champion William Regal one on one, in a non title match. She excitedly hypes up the Elimination Chamber for this Sunday.


Shelton Benjamin vs. Zack Ryder(w/Rosa Mendes)


Impressive back and forth action, with Shelton gaining several nearfalls but Ryder cuts off Benjamin. The announcers put over Shelton Benjamin as the best pound for pound athlete who has never won a main championship in WWE. This Sunday, he has his chance but they also put over the improvement of Zack Ryder. Ryder hits a Rocker Dropper off of the second rope for a nearfall. To the top rope but Shelton spin kicks him on the way down. Northern Lights Suplex on Ryder gets two. The head is ducked on a charge and Ryder hits a DDT for a two count. Zack Attack is blocked and spun around. Kick blocked and Money Clip brings down Ryder for a two count. Shelton picks up Ryder. Paydirt is elbowed out and Ryder leaps onto the shoulders of Benjamin, but he is dropped down and hooked, before the Paydirt connects for the pin.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin(8:44, C+)


Shelton Benjamin raises his hand in the air, drawing cheers from the crowd. Both he and Zack Ryder will enter the Elimination Chamber, two of the six men, for a chance to become ECW Champion.


********************Commercial Break*****************************


Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Cade


Both men trade holds on the mat, with Cade going to the eyes to gain the advantage and he nearly wipes Danielson out with a huge clothesline. Cade drives a knee into the head and hammers him with a series of elbows right of the head. Vertical suplex brings Danielson down and Cade rolls him over, beating on Danielson, before working him over. Cade picks up Danielson and belly to back suplex. To the outside and Cade climbs to the outside. Flying elbowdrop misses when Danielson rolls out of the way. Danielson is up to his feet and a series of elbows right to the side of the head. Double underhook suplex brings Cade down and Danielson hits a running dropkick to the back of the head. Danielson picks up Cade and a series of jabs right to the side of the head. Danielson attempts to bring Cade up to his shoulders but Cade drops down. Cade drills Danielson with a kneelift and hooks him, but Danielson manages to roll up Cade in a small package for the pin.


Winner: Bryan Danielson(8:45, C+)


Bryan Danielson scores an impressive win tonight on ECW and leaves the ring this time before Cade could pummel him afterwards. These two men will be in the Elimination Chamber this Sunday as well.


Christian cuts a promo backstage, talking about how he has been cut out of the ECW Title picture, by losing in the Royal Rumble and then losing in his Elimination Chamber qualifier. However Christian says that he has his sights set on a slightly different prize, the Unified Tag Team Titles held by the Hart Dynasty. Christian says that he will find a partner and take those belts. He reminds us that it was the Hart Dynasty that cost Christian his final title shot back at Tables, Ladders, and Chairs and now it is time for Christian to return the favor.


**********************Commercial Break*****************


Goldust is backstage, talking about how close he was to beating William Regal for the ECW Championship back at the Royal Rumble. At the Elimination Chamber this Sunday, he will get the belt and Regal will never forget the name of Goldust. Tonight Regal is going to have a small taste of what’s going to happen this Sunday, when Goldust beats him.


William Regal cuts a promo, registering his disgust that he has to defend his title in such a barbaric structure like the Elimination Chamber. Regal says that he’s brought class and dignity back to the ECW Championship and now they want to spit on it. Regal sneers at the camera and vows victory both in the Chamber and tonight against Goldust.


**********************Commercial Break*********************


Goldust vs. ECW Champion William Regal(Non Title Match)


Goldust pounds on Regal to start but Regal manages to catch Goldust with a kneelift and an European Uppercut to swing the match in his favor. Most of the match is Regal working over Goldust but Goldust fights back, pounding on Regal. A pair of clotheslines and a bulldog gets a two count. Goldust leaps off the top rope but is caught with a knee from Regal and butterfly suplex brings him down. Knee Trembler is avoided and Goldust catches Regal with a powerslam off the ropes. Only a two count when Regal drapes his foot right over the middle rope. Goldust bends over but Regal drills Goldust with a low blow, before hitting the Knee Trembler to score the pin.


Winner: William Regal(9:55, C+)


Regal gets the win as he moves onto the Elimination Chamber to defend his title against Goldust, Shelton Benjamin, Bryan Danielson, Lance Cade, and Zack Ryder this Sunday on Pay Per View.

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ECW Results


BHK1978: 3/3

Lo-Drew: 1/3

Destiny: 1/3

MattitudeV2: 2/3



February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 22/38

MattitudeV2: 17/38

BHk1978: 12/38

Lo-Drew: 10/38

Destiny: 4/38

nick21985: 4/38

Tripps04: 3/38

Rayelek: 2/38

MartinC: 1/38


WWE Superstars 2/17/2010


M.V.P. vs. Ted DiBiase


JTG vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)


The Hurricane vs. Vance Archer


Evan Bourne vs. Carlito.

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WWE Superstars 2/18/10


Hype for tonight’s big main event from RAW, featuring Ted DiBiase of Legacy going on against M.V.P. Both of these men know each other pretty well and a victory tonight will be a huge step up the rankings, for a potential chance at the WWE Championship down the line.


Evan Bourne vs. Carlito


Bourne and Carlito beat on each other, with Bourne using his high flying ability to take down Carlito but Carltio takes down Bourne. Carlito beats on Bourne, before hitting a series of elbows right to the side of the head and beats on him. Back stabber is blocked and Bourne hits a twisting leg lariat for a two count. Bourne picks up Carlito and hits a bulldog brings him down. Chavo Guerrero is on the ramp, getting on the ring apron. Carlito charges Bourne from behind but Bourne ducks and Chavo and Carlito collide on the ring apron. Bourne leaps on the shoulders of Carlito and brings him over with a reverse Frankensteiner, nearly spiking him on his head. Bourne rolls Carlito over and scores the academic pin!


Winner: Evan Bourne(5:59, B-)


Bourne gets the win, as Chavo enters the ring, trying to apologize to Carlito but Carlito punches Chavo. Carlito beats on Chavo, and hits the Back Stabber on him! Carlito grabs the apple and takes a bite out of it, before he spits its contents on the prone body of Chavo. Carlito yells that he had the match and Chavo cost him again.


*******************Commercial Break*******************8


The Hurricane vs. Vance Archer(w/Tyler Reks)


The Hurricane hammers away at Archer but Archer fights back, taking him down. Archer hammers away at the Hurricane, before suplexing him down to the canvas. The Hurricane is beaten down in the ring some more, but Archer misses a charge in the corner. The Hurricane dropkicks him to the back of the leg, before he hits the Shining Wizard for the pin.


Winner: The Hurricane(5:01, C+)


The Hurricane raises his hand but Tyler Reks jumps him from behind. Reks beats down the Hurricane but the Hurricane fights back. Archer is back up and big boot wipes out the Hurricane. The Hurricane is stomped until Yoshi Tatsu runs from the back, making the save.


********************Commercial Break**********************


JTG vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title match)


Impressive back and forth action, with the announcers reminding us that Dolph Ziggler will be part of that Elimination Chamber along with champion Chris Jericho, CM Punk, R-Truth, Booker T, and the Undertaker. JTG gets a couple of nearfalls but after the Zig Zag, that spells the end for JTG.


Winner: Dolph Ziggler(6:22, C)


Ziggler gets on the microphone and brags that there is no one in the back that can beat him. Unfortunately for him, that brings Kane down to the ring. Kane has had his problems with Dolph Ziggler as of late on Smackdown and Kane steps into the ring. The WWE Intercontinental Champion charges Kane but gets grabbed by the throat. Ziggler hangs onto the ropes and Kane clotheslines Ziggler over the top rope. Ziggler bolts, as Kane sets off the pryo. Kane has his sites set on Dolph Ziggler and his WWE Intercontinental Title belt but Ziggler has a match inside the Chamber this Sunday against five other men.


Coming up next, our main event. Ted DiBiase against M.V.P. More WWE Superstars right after this.


*****************Commercial Break**********************


M.V.P. vs. Ted DiBiase


Typical back and forth match right here. DiBiase chop blocks the leg out from underneath M.V.P and begins working over it. Including a figure four leglock but M.V.P fights to the ropes. Another attempt is reversed into an inside cradle for a two count. M.V.P beats on DiBiase and hits a series of punches. Two clotheslines and a high back body drop set up the Ballin’ Elbow. Playmaker is blocked when M.V.P’s knee gives out. DiBiase hits a belly to back suplex for a two count. To the second rope and knee strike to the face gets another two. DiBiase beats up M.V.P and goes for the Dream Street but M.V.P fights out of it and backslides DiBiase to score the pin!


Winner: M.V.P. (9:32, C)


M.V.P. is your winner tonight, limping from the ring and DiBiase cannot believe it. DiBiase looks shocked as M.V.P raises his hand in the air, drawing cheers from the crowd. We are out of time, see you on Smackdown with Batista going one on one with the Undertaker!

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MattitudeV2: 3/4

TracyBrooksFan: 2/4



February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 24/42

MattitudeV2: 20/42

BHk1978: 12/42

Lo-Drew: 10/42

Destiny: 4/42

nick21985: 4/42

Tripps04: 3/42

Rayelek: 2/42

MartinC: 1/42


WWE Smackdown 2/19/10


The Undertaker vs. Batista


R-Truth vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)


Booker T vs. CM Punk


Mickie James and Maria vs. Michelle McCool and Layla.


The Great Khali and Matt Hardy vs. Mike Knox and Charlie Haas.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Kung Fu Wang vs. The Hart Dynasty©

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The Undertaker vs. Batista


R-Truth vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)


Booker T vs. CM Punk


Mickie James and Maria vs. Michelle McCool and Layla.


The Great Khali and Matt Hardy vs. Mike Knox and Charlie Haas.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Kung Fu Wang vs. The Hart Dynasty©

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WWE Smackdown 2/18/10


We are three days away from the Elimination Chamber. Tonight, The Undertaker takes on Batista, Booker T squares off against CM Punk, and R-Truth meets the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho. However, right now, we get things kicked off with a match for the Unified Tag Team Titles.


Unified Tag Team Titles:

Kung Fu Wang vs. The Hart Dynasty©(w/Natalya)


These two teams have been going at it for weeks and Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki get a Unified Tag Team Title shot tonight. They gain the early advantage but Funaki is cut off and some vicious double team action from the Hart Dynasty puts them off balance. Funaki manages to go low on Smith and hit a running bulldog, before he makes the tag to Yang, who enters the ring, fists of fire. Yang connects with a cross body on Kidd for a two count, but Smith breaks it up. Funaki enters the ring and palm thrust waffles Smith. Yang climbs to the top rope but Natalya gets involved. Yang fights off Natalya, but Kidd grabs Yang and power bombs him off the ropes, before flipping into a jack-knife cradle for the pin.


Winners and Still Unified Tag Team Champions: The Hart Dynasty(7:22, B-)


The Hart Dynasty keep their belts tonight but Kung Fu Wang gave them a tough fight.


The WWE Women’s Champion Michelle McCool and Layla are backstage, with Michelle presenting a piece of paper, that states that she has a restraining order against Beth Phoenix. Michelle states that the Glamazon has ruthlessly attacked her numerous times and as WWE Women’s Champion, she demands a safe work environment. She says if Beth Phoenix comes within fifty feet from her, she will be arrested. Michelle says that as long as she’s WWE Women’s Champion, Beth Phoenix will not get another title shot. The two dastardly divas talk trash about their opponents, Mickie James and Maria.


*******************Commercial Break*******************


CM Punk cuts a promo about his match with Booker T and vows to win the World Heavyweight Championship in the Elimination Chamber, along with continuing the good fight against the filth that is poisoning the fans. Punk says he’s against drug addicts, alcoholics, abusers of prescription pain killers, degenerates, and other dregs of society. Punk says that his only addiction is competition and he continues to lecture the fans until mercifully Booker T makes the save.


Booker T vs. CM Punk


Booker beats on Punk, as both of these men will be competing for the World Heavyweight Title inside the Elimination Chamber. Booker knocks Punk around but Punk rakes the eyes and hits a jawbreaker, before hitting a running dropkick. Booker is worked over, with Punk gaining several nearfalls. Sleeperhold is countered with a belly to back suplex and at the count of nine, Punk struggles up but not before Booker T does the spinaroonie up to his feet, to a huge pop. Kneelift and Booker hits the Axe Kick right to Punk. This move beat Punk last week, but this time, Punk is in the ropes and underneath the ropes. Punk is beaten and hooks him. Suplex back into the ring but Punk drops down and German Suplex on Booker T. Booker is staggered and Punk goes for the GTS but Booker T fights out and Harlem Side Kick gets a nearfall. Book End is elbowed out of and this time Punk connects with the GTS to score the pin.


Winner: CM Punk(12:32, B)


CM Punk gets the win tonight on Smackdown, leading into the Elimination Chamber where these two men will join R-Truth, the Undertaker, Dolph Ziggler, and World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho.


****************Commercial Break****************


Mickie James and Maria vs. WWE Women’s Champion Michelle McCool and Layla


Mickie James is cut off and beaten in the ring for most of this match, until the tag is made to Maria. Maria enters the ring, cleaning house on both of the divas, but she gets cut off, just as Beth Phoenix walks down the ramp. She stands at the end of the ramp but the mere presence is freaking Michelle out and Layla is sent to the outside to deal with the problem, allowing Maria to hit a springboard cross body to score the pin over the WWE Women’s Champion.


Winners: Mickie James and Maria(4:44, C-)


Beth Phoenix leaves the ringside area, about as soon as she had appeared, as Maria and Mickie celebrate their victory in the ring.


********************Commercial Break*********************


Out comes Dolph Ziggler, holding up his WWE Intercontinental Title belt. He cuts an arrogant promo, talking about how he’s going to step inside the Elimination Chamber and walk out as a double champion. He says that he’ll go onto Wrestlemania 26 to defend the title. He shifts gears to Kane, saying that Kane does not have the guts to come out and fight him. Ziggler says he’s beaten Kane to get inside the Chamber and he knows how to put the monster down. After a few more minutes of arrogant talk, Kane comes out to shut up Ziggler. Kane enters the ring and pummels Ziggler to cheers from the crowd. Kane sends Ziggler over the top rope with a clothesline. Ziggler attempts to reenter the ring but he gets Choke Slammed for his trouble. Kane stares down Ziggler, before he wishes Ziggler good luck in the Elimination Chamber, because that means Kane will tear him apart and take two championships as opposed to one the next time they face off.


Coming up next, the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho takes on R-Truth in a non title match. More Smackdown right after this commercial break.


******************Commercial Break********************


R-Truth vs. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title Match)


Both of these men are in the Elimination Chamber. Chop battle won by R-Truth and Truth gets a series of quick nearfalls but Jericho hangs up Truth on the top rope. Jericho beats Truth down in the center of the ring. Running bulldog and Jericho leaps to the second rope, before he connects with a lionsault for a two count. Jericho continues to assault Truth some more but as Jericho leaps off the top rope, Truth catches him with a leg lariat for a two count. Truth beats on Jericho and rams his head into the buckle repeatedly, before hitting a vertical suplex. To the second rope and kneedrop by Truth gets a two count. Truth beats on Jericho and into the ropes. Clothesline ducked and dropkick caught. Walls of Jericho but R-Truth turns and rolls up Jericho for a two and a half count. Jericho goes for an elbow strike but R-Truth connects with a high cross body for a two count. R-Truth beats on Jericho some more and to the top rope. Truth hammers away at Jericho with both men on the top rope and superplex! Nearfall by R-Truth and R-Truth climbs to the top rope and leaps off but Jericho catches him with a Code Breaker to score the pin.


Winner: Chris Jericho(10:22, B)


Jericho gets the win, as he will be defending that belt this Sunday against R-Truth, Booker T, The Undertaker, Dolph Ziggler, and CM Punk. Can Jericho manage to triumph over his opponents or will we be looking at a new World Heavyweight Champion?


***********************Commercial Break***************************


Drew McIntyre makes his way down to the ring, bragging about the fact that he was hand selected by Vince McMahon to be a future World Champion. McIntyre vows to win the Wrestlemania contendership against John Morrison and then challenge for it in the main event at Wrestlemania. Out comes Morrison, who says that he’s defeated twenty nine other men in the Royal Rumble and he’s not about to lose to someone like Drew McIntyre. Some back and forth bickering between both men, before McIntyre attempts to take a swing at Morrison but Morrison fights McIntyre off and pounds away at him. Running dropkick right to McIntyre sends him backwards and Morrison beats on McIntyre but McIntyre drills him with a kick to the chest, before hitting a Double Underhook DDT. McIntyre picks up Morrison and throws him to the floor, before he declares that this Sunday, Morrison is going to know what Drew McIntyre is all about.


******************Commercial Break***********************


Matt Hardy and the Great Khali vs. Charlie Haas and Mike Knox


Hardy is cut off after some early offense and double teamed in the corner for several minutes. Knox hits a huge Bicycle kick for a nearfall and beats on Hardy. Knox climbs to the second rope but leaps off right into the feet of Matt Hardy. Hardy rolls over and tags in Khali. Haas enters the ring but Khali drills him with a kneelift right to the face. Khali hammers away at Haas, throwing him into the ropes. A boot right to the chest takes Haas down to the canvas and Knox is hammered, before Hardy clotheslines Knox over the top rope. Punjabi Plunge to Haas scores the pin.


Winners: Great Khali and Matt Hardy(5:22, C)


The Great Khali and Matt Hardy are the winners tonight and celebrate the win.


Coming up next, Batista takes on the Undertaker. Batista cuts a promo, promising to take out the Undertaker and take his spot in the Elimination Chamber.


******************Commercial Break*******************


The Undertaker vs. Batista


The Undertaker and Batista brawl in the ring to start. They then spill to the floor and Batista throws the Undertaker into the ring steps. Batista hammers away at the Undertaker, drilling him with a kneelift to the back. A series of forearm smashes right to the chest and Batista rolls the Undertaker into the ring, before hitting a pair of lariats for a nearfall. Batista hammers away at the Undertaker and a huge side slam brings him down. Batista steps back and spear nearly wipes the Undertaker for a two and a half count. A running kick right to the head and Batista picks up the Undertaker. Spinebuster brings The Undertaker down. Thumbs down and Batista sets up the Undertaker for the Batista Bomb but the Undertaker counters with a high back body drop and a big boot. The Undertaker hammers away at Batista and choke slam brings him down for a two count. Tombstone is reversed into a running powerslam for a nearfall. Batista steps back and goes for a spear but the referee gets hit. The Undertaker clotheslines Batista and he tries to revive the referee. Batista exits the ring and grabs a steel chair. Batista waffles the Undertaker with a chair shot. Cover, but no referee. The Undertaker sits up and Batista is grabbed by the throat and choke slammed down. Scooped up and Tombstone to Batista. Arms across he chest and the Undertaker scores the pin.


Winner: The Undertaker(10:40, B)


Batista’s plan to defeat the Undertaker backfired. One last bit of hype for the Elimination Chamber match for this Sunday with World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho defending against The Undertaker, Booker T, R-Truth, Dolph Ziggler, and CM Punk! We are out.

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WWE Smackdown:

TracyBrooksFan: 5/6

MattitudeV2: 5/6



February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 29/48

MattitudeV2: 25/48

BHk1978: 12/48

Lo-Drew: 10/48

Destiny: 4/48

nick21985: 4/48

Tripps04: 3/48

Rayelek: 2/48

MartinC: 1/48


WWE Elimination Chamber 2010 Card


WWE Championship Elimination Chamber:

Kofi Kingston vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. The Miz vs. the Big Show vs. Randy Orton©


World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber:

Booker T vs. R-Truth vs. The Undertaker vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho©


ECW Championship Elimination Chamber Match:

Bryan Danielson vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Goldust vs. Lance Cade vs. Zack Ryder vs. William Regal©


Morrison's Wrestlemania title shot on the line:

John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre


Street Fight:

John Cena vs. Paul Burchill


WWE Diva's Title Match:

Kelly Kelly vs. Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox vs. Natalya vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Melina©

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WWE Championship Elimination Chamber:

Kofi Kingston vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. The Miz vs. the Big Show vs. Randy Orton©


World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber:

Booker T vs. R-Truth vs. The Undertaker vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho©

ECW Championship Elimination Chamber Match:

Bryan Danielson vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Goldust vs. Lance Cade vs. Zack Ryder vs. William Regal©


Morrison's Wrestlemania title shot on the line:

John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre


Street Fight:

John Cena vs. Paul Burchill


WWE Diva's Title Match:

Kelly Kelly vs. Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox vs. Natalya vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Melina©

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WWE Championship Elimination Chamber:

Kofi Kingston vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. The Miz vs. the Big Show vs. Randy Orton©


World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber:

Booker T vs. R-Truth vs. The Undertaker vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho©


ECW Championship Elimination Chamber Match:

Bryan Danielson vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Goldust vs. Lance Cade vs. Zack Ryder vs. William Regal©


Morrison's Wrestlemania title shot on the line:

John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre


Street Fight:

John Cena vs. Paul Burchill


WWE Diva's Title Match:

Kelly Kelly vs. Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox vs. Natalya vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Melina©

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Kofi Kingston vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. The Miz vs. the Big Show vs. Randy Orton©


World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber:

Booker T vs. R-Truth vs. The Undertaker vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho©


ECW Championship Elimination Chamber Match:

Bryan Danielson vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Goldust vs. Lance Cade vs. Zack Ryder vs. William Regal©


Morrison's Wrestlemania title shot on the line:

John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre


Street Fight:

John Cena vs. Paul Burchill


WWE Diva's Title Match:

Kelly Kelly vs. Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox vs. Natalya vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Melina©

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WWE Championship Elimination Chamber:

Kofi Kingston vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. The Miz vs. the Big Show vs. Randy Orton©


World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber:

Booker T vs. R-Truth vs. The Undertaker vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho©


ECW Championship Elimination Chamber Match:

Bryan Danielson vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Goldust vs. Lance Cade vs. Zack Ryder vs. William Regal©


Morrison's Wrestlemania title shot on the line:

John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre


Street Fight:

John Cena vs. Paul Burchill


WWE Diva's Title Match:

Kelly Kelly vs. Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox vs. Natalya vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Melina©

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WWE Elimination Chamber 2010 Card


WWE Championship Elimination Chamber:

Kofi Kingston vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. The Miz vs. the Big Show vs. Randy Orton©


World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber:

Booker T vs. R-Truth vs. The Undertaker vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho©


ECW Championship Elimination Chamber Match:

Bryan Danielson vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Goldust vs. Lance Cade vs. Zack Ryder vs. William Regal©


Morrison's Wrestlemania title shot on the line:

John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre


Street Fight:

John Cena vs. Paul Burchill


WWE Diva's Title Match:

Kelly Kelly vs. Gail Kim vs. Alicia Fox vs. Natalya vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Melina©

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WWE Elimination Chamber 2/21/10


A video package is shown, highlighting the history of the Elimination Chamber, leading to the three championship matches inside the Chambers. Right now, let’s get things kicked off, with the ECW Championship on the line.


ECW Championship Elimination Chamber:

Bryan Danielson vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Goldust vs. Lance Cade vs. Zack Ryder vs. William Regal


Lance Cade and Goldust start out this match. Both men exchange punches to start out this Chamber match. Goldust throws Cade into the ropes and hammers him with a pair of clotheslines. A vicious kneedrop right to the chest of Cade and Goldust picks up Cade but Cade hammers away at Goldust with a series of forearm shots right to the chest. Cade beats on Goldust and shoves him into the corner. Clothesline in the corner and Cade drills Goldust down with a bulldog for a two count. Cade continues the vicious assault on Goldust but Goldust fights out from underneath. Goldust hits a spine buster on Cade and drops a knee right down on the chest of Cade. Goldust hammers away at Cade and sleeperhold applied. The time is up and the pod opens with the ECW Champion William Regal!


The fans are booing as Regal enters the ring, begging off but Goldust attacks him. Goldust slams Cade into the corner and a series of punches right in the corner. Ten count punches but Cade attacks Goldust from behind. Cade grabs Goldust and power bombs him out of the corner. Goldust is staggered and Cade grabs Goldust, before hitting a front suplex brings Goldust down. Regal applies a Regal Stretch on Goldust as Cade stomps Goldust viciously as the hold is applied. Goldust submits, eliminated from the Chamber!. Cade hammers away at Regal, getting the advantage. The ECW Champion is thrown off into the ropes and Cade drills him with a boot right to the chest. Cade beats on Regal but Regal delivers a double leg takedown on Cade and Regal drills him with a series of knees to the chest. Regal grabs Cade and takes him down with a high angle belly to back suplex. Regal grabs Cade and takes him down with the Knee Trembler to score the pin. Cade has been eliminated in the Elimination Chamber! Regal has only about twelve seconds before the next pod opens and Shelton Benjamin is the next man in this match!


Shelton enters the ring, trading some mat wrestling with Regal. Shelton hits a series of kneelifts right to the chest and shoves him into the corner. Running dropkick right into the corner and leaping kneelift into the corner. Northern Lights Suplex brings Regal down for a two count. Shelton picks up Regal and a series of forearms. Into the ropes and Regal hooks Shelton, but Shelton springboards to the top rope and back spring cross body gets a two count. Benjamin beats on Regal and takes him down. Oklahoma Side Roll for a two count but Regal takes him down and a kneedrop right to the chest. Regal hammers away at Benjamin and drills him with a vicious double underhook power bomb Regal applies a chickenwing on the canvas, working over Benjamin and hammering away at him. Benjamin fights off and Regal turns, before hitting him with a double underhook suplex! Regal beats on Benjamin and hooks him, before turning him over. A series of a forearms to the back of the head and Regal picks him up. Elevated belly to back suplex as the next pod opens and Zack Ryder exits!


Ryder rushes into the corner and running dropkick right to Regal. A series of punches to Regal as Ryder shoves Regal into the corner. Ryder lifts a hand into the air and yells “woo, woo, woo” before leaping into the corner. Forearm smash in the corner misses and Regal grabs Ryder from behind, before taking him down with a high angle belly to back suplex! Ryder has been folded up like an accordion from the impact and Regal beats on him. Kneelift to the ribs of Benjamin and Regal suplexes Benjamin! Regal continues to beat on Benjamin and puts him on the top rope. Superplex but Ryder walks into the corner and Electric Chair drop to Regal as he superplexes Benjamin. All three men are down in a heap but Ryder is up now. Ryder climbs to the top rope and he poses, before leaping off but Shelton gets the knees up! The wind has been knocked out of Zack Ryder. Benjamin pulls himself to his feet and a series of kicks but they are blocked and Benjamin pops up, hitting a Money Clip for a two count. Regal charges Benjamin with an European uppercut, but Benjamin ducks and hooks Regal. T-Bone Suplex right to Regal! The fans are cheering as Benjamin makes the cover but Regal drapes the foot over the bottom rope. Ryder is up and he gets dumped on his head with a T-Bone Suplex as well. Benjamin scores a close nearfall on Ryder as the pod opens.


Bryan Danielson now enters the ring and beats on Benjamin with a series of elbow strikes. Onto the shoulders and airplane spin by Danielson. Right into a Samoan Drop to Benjamin. Regal is up and Danielson kneelifts him, before hoisting him up and airplane spin, right into a Samoan Drop! Danielson does the same thing to Ryder and hoists him up but Ryder slips down and clotheslines Danielson from behind. Zack Attack connects and Zack Ryder has just pinned Bryan Danielson!. Danielson has been eliminated in the Chamber and now we are down to three men. Ryder grabs Benjamin and sets him up but Benjamin slides down the back door and shoves Ryder off into the ropes. Kick and Paydirt brings Ryder down. Three seconds later. Ryder has been pinned. Shelton Benjamin has just pinned Zack Ryder. Immediately, Regal jumps Benjamin and hammers away at him. The fans are booing Regal as he connects with the Knee Trembler on Benjamin! Regal rolls over Benjamin but Benjamin just barely gets the shoulder up at two and nine tenths!


Regal is angered and he continues to beat on Benjamin in the center of the ring. Benjamin is thrown into the corner hard. Hooking Benjamin and high angle belly to back suplex! Another cover and Benjamin kicks out at two and nine tenths once again. Regal drills the forearm and grinds it into the face of Benjamin before scoring yet another nearfall. Benjamin is picked up and Regal goes for a double underhook but Benjamin is fighting that. European Uppercut by Regal and he goes for another Knee Trembler but Benjamin avoids that and grabs Regal. Waistlock reversed and half nelson. Benjamin lands on his feet as Regal goes for the suplex and Regal spins around. Kick by Benjamin and Benjamin has Regal set up for the Paydirt but Regal blocks it and kneelift to Benjamin. Double underhook power bomb connects this time but Benjamin once again just brings the shoulder up! Regal picks up Benjamin and hammers away at him. Knee driven right to the kidneys and Regal steps back, going for an Oklahoma Side Roll but Benjamin blocks the move and holds Regal down in a pinning predicament to score the victory. We have a new ECW Champion!


Winner and new ECW Champion: Shelton Benjamin(22:52, B)


The fans are going insane. Shelton Benjamin has done it. Benjamin has finally captured a major singles championship. After that intense last few minutes , Benjamin manages to beat Regal by simply being one counter ahead of him. Benjamin takes the belt, holding it up, as Regal has a sour look on his face. Shelton Benjamin holds the championship over his head. He has triumphed over five of the top ECW competitors and walked out as ECW Champion tonight.


An extensive video package look at the events leading up to the Street Fight between Paul Burchill and John Cena. These two men have been feuding since Burchill attacked a beaten and battered John Cena the night after the Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Pay Per View. The bad blood just escalated from now and tonight, both John Cena and Paul Burchill collide in a fight to the finish, a Street Fight tonight at the Elimination Chamber.


Street Fight

John Cena vs. Paul Burchill


Burchill attacks Cena at the bell and both men beat on each other with a series of punches. Burchill rushes Cena but Cena delivers a high back body drop over the top rope to the arena floor. Burchill lands hard and Cena goes to the floor, beating on Burchill on the arena floor. Cena hammers away at Burchill and rams him headfirst into the ring apron, before choking him out with a piece of tape, but Burchill counters by going to the eyes. Another eye rake and Burchill throws Cena right into the ring steps! Burchill climbs up and a series of vicious elbow strikes to the back of the head, before Burchill pulls back the ring mats, to expose the concrete floor. Burchill hits a suplex right on the arena floor! Cena clutches his back and Burchill viciously stomps the face of Cena! The fans are booing, as Burchill, in his street clothes, is wearing cowboy boots with steel spurs on it. Obviously a conscious decision, as Burchill rolls Cena into the ring. Burchill climbs to the top rope and double axe handle down across the back of Cena. Burchill chokes Cena, drawing massive heel heat and there are children who are beginning to cry, as Burchill takes off his leather belt, before he begins whipping Cena with it. The referee can do nothing, as this is a Street Fight. Burchill wraps the belt around Cena’s neck and throws him over the top rope, attempting to lynch Cena!


The fans are booing, as Cena is struggling. Burchill releases and a kneelift right to Cena, sending him crashing into the guardrail. Cena is struggling and Burchill drops down, before he knees Cena right in the face. Cena is rammed right into the side of the timekeeper’s table and Burchill reaches over, before he grabs a camera cable and begins wrapping it around the neck of Cena. Burchill is throttling Cena, but Cena is fighting out. Burchill rams Cena right into the ringpost hard! Cena is slumped against the ringpost and Burchill walks over, before he kneelifts Cena right in the stomach! Burchill wears those big heavy knee braces normally and he’s appears to be wearing them underneath his jeans for this match as well. Burchill hammers away at Cena and throws him into the ring. Back into the ring goes Burchill and Burchill hits a clothesline. Burchill leaves the ring and grabs a steel chair, before he reenters the ring. Burchill hits a side slam right on the chair. Cover on Cena but only a two and nine tenths count! Burchill begins stomping Cena and more than a few fans cheer, as one of the spurs of Burchill’s boots rakes Cena’s forehead, slicing him open!


The referee pulls Burchill off, as he checks the cut. Cena looks to be dazed and Burchill shoves the referee, before he beats on the face of John Cena. Cena is rolled over as Burchill hammers away at Cena. Burchill grabs Cena and delivers a vicious Curb Stomp to Cena, before grabbing the belt and wrapping it around the throat of Cena. Burchill is pulling back on Cena with the belt, boots digging right into the back. The referee checks Cena but Cena is refusing to give up. Burchill begins raking the buckle up and down the face of Cena. He then whips Cena with the belt drawing boos. Burchill grabs the chair and waffles Cena right in the back with it! Burchill climbs to the second rope and drives the knee right into the back of John Cena! Burchill picks up Cena and headbutts him. Burchill with a mocking, “you can’t see me” hand motion to Cena and a series of stiff forearms to the face. Burchill now hoists up Cena. Attempted Death Valley Driver but Cena fights out and spins Burchill around. Double clothesline wipes both men out! Both men are down, as this street fight continues. Burchill rolls over and Cena is up to his feet, delivering a shoulderblock to Burchill! Cena staggers, dazed from the loss of blood and Burchill comes back with a kneelift. Burchill exposes the steel buckle and delivers a Snake Eyes right up the buckle. Cena is barely able to respond and Burchill drops him with a belly to back suplex, before he goes to the floor!


Burchill leaves the ring and hoists up the steel ring steps, before throwing them into the ring. Walking around the ring, Burchill climbs back into the ring. Headbutt right to John Cena, as Burchill has Cena set up. Bodyslam right on the ring steps! The back of Cena has to be killing him and now Burchill puts the neck of Cena right in the steel chair! Burchill goes to the top rope, yelling that he’s going to break Cena’s neck! This could in fact do it! Burchill is on the outside, to the top rope but Cena somehow manages to remove the chair from his neck and he throws it right at Burchill. Burchill catches it in surprise and Cena dropkicks the chair right in the face of Burchill! Cena climbs up with Burchill and hooks him. Top rope Attitude Adjustment right on the steel ring steps! The fans explode into cheers for that one and Burchill hits so hard, that his boot was knocked off. Somehow, the Ripper is getting to his feet, but not for long, as Cena decks him with the boot! Burchill staggers and Cena takes him down into the STF! Cena has the STF locked on Burchill. Burchill is struggling to the ropes but Cena grabs the belt of Burchill and wraps it around the throat, adding more! Burchill cannot even breath, as Cena is trying to cut off the oxygen to his brain with the leather belt. Burchill is fading and he taps out!


Winner: John Cena(17:11, B)


John Cena rolls up, having just survived this match. And immediately Batista enters the ring, to attack Cena!. Just a few seconds after Cena had won, Batista is in the ring, picking up the pieces of a destroyed and battered John Cena, who just barely won a tough Street Fight against Paul Burchill. A huge lariat and Batista hits huge spinebuster. Batista has Cena set up and Batista Bomb brings Cena down! Batista looks down at Cena and another Batista Bomb to Cena! A third Batista Bomb and Cena has been completely obliterated! Batista leaves the ring, satisified. Yeah, he picked up the scraps, what a big man!


An extensive video package is shown, hyping up the World Heavyweight Title Elimination Chamber match.


Elimination Chamber Match for the World Heavyweight Title:

Booker T vs. R-Truth vs. The Undertaker vs. CM Punk vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. CM Punk


CM Punk and R-Truth start out with this match. Truth and Punk exchange chops, with R-Truth gaining the advantage to start. Irish whip into the ropes and R-Truth leapfrogs over Punk, before hitting a leaping dropkick. R-Truth picks up Punk and hammers away at Punk, before throwing him into the ropes. A forearm smash right to the chest and R-Truth beats on Punk. Attempted suplex but Punk drops down and a series of kicks right to the ribs of R-Truth. Punk beats on Truth in the corner and a series of chops right in the corner. Running dropkick right in the corner and a high knee into the corner, before he hits a bulldog. To the outside and Punk hits a springboard legdrop down across the chest of R-Truth. Punk hammers away at R-Truth and hoists him up. R-Truth fights the GTS and Punk unloads on him with a series of elbow strikes to the back of the head. Punk kicks Truth in the face and Punk hoists him up to hit the GTS for the pin. CM Punk has pinned R-Truth!. Punk steps back, resting in the corner, having a bit over a minute to take a breath, until the next man is released in his pod. The fans are booing, as Punk waits. The pod opens and Dolph Ziggler enters the ring!


Ziggler charges into the ring but Punk drills him with a kneelift. Punk hammers away at Ziggler and tilt a whirl, but Ziggler counters with a flying headscissors. The WWE Intercontinental Champion rushes in and Ziggler hammers away at Punk, before leaping up and hitting a Rocker Dropper for a two count. Ziggler picks up Punk. An uppercut right to the chest of Punk and Ziggler hooks him. Northern Lights Suplex brings down Punk for a two count. Ziggler climbs to the outside and leaping to the middle rope. A splash misses when Punk rolls out of the way. Punk backs off and leaping bulldog down onto the canvas. Ziggler is rolled over and Punk hammers him with a series of kicks, before hitting a series of elbow strikes. Punk drills him with a leg lariat, before drilling him with another knee strike. A series of punches throwing him into the ropes and leaping kneelift. Punk picks up Ziggler and hoists him up. GTS brings Ziggler down. Punk makes the cover hooking the leg and scores the pin. CM Punk pins Ziggler! Punk has fifty seconds left until the next pod opens. He is taking out the members of the Chamber one by one. Punk backs into the corner and looks on, as the next pod opens. Booker T exits the pod!


Punk goes for Booker T but Booker blocks. A series of punches sends Punk off. Booker throws Punk into the ropes. Leapfrog over a charging Punk and Booker hoists up Punk. Flapjack brings Punk down and Booker hammers away at Punk. Belly to back suplex brings Punk down and Booker hammers away at Punk. A clothesline in the corner and Booker hooks Punk in a Book End, but Punk elbows out. Booker T hits a jumping side kick brings Punk down to the canvas! Punk is covered and Booker gets a two count. Booker picks up Punk and throws him into the ropes. The head is ducked and Punk kicks Booker right in the face. A series of kicks and a roundhouse kick. Punk climbs to the second rope and kneedrop down right to the chest. Punk picks up Booker and hammers away at him some more. A pair of clotheslines to Booker and Punk steps to the outside. He leaps off but Booker catches him. Book End but Punk elbows him. GTS but Booker T fights out. A kneelift right to the chest and Axe Kick but Punk avoids the attack. A running kick to the face and a sunset flip to Booker T gets a two count. Punk beats on Booker T and rams him headfirst into the side of one of the chambers, before rolling him up to score the pin! Punk eliminates Booker T! Less than twelve seconds to go, Punk has barely any time to catch his breath, as the pod opens, and the Undertaker exits!


Punk backs off and the Undertaker enters the ring and hammers away at Punk. Punk is rocked backwards with a series of punches. The Undertaker throws Punk into the ropes. Clothesline into the corner and the Undertaker picks up Punk, before giving him a Snake Eyes in the corner! The fans are cheering, as the Undertaker continues to beat on Punk! The Undertaker beats on Punk, before wringing out the arm, hammering away at him. Climbing to the outside and the Undertaker begins to walk the ropes but Punk drops down and the Undertaker is crotched on the top rope. Punk beats on the Undertaker in the top rope! Running dropkick and Punk bulldogs the Undertaker off the ropes. A series of stomps to the Undertaker and Punk climbs to the outside. Springboard legdrop misses when the Undertaker sits up. The Undertaker hammers away at Punk and drills him with a series of punches, before hitting him with a big boot. Punk is grabbed by the throat but Punk counters with a series of elbows to the back of the head. Roundhouse kick brings the Undertaker down. Punk picks up the Undertaker. Kneelift right to the chest and Punk goes for the GTS but the Undertaker fights back. The Undertaker grabs Punk by the throat. Choke slam brings Punk down! Punk rolls over and the Undertaker grabs him. Tombstone but Punk grabs onto the ropes, fighting it off, as the other pod opens. The World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho is the last man out of the Chamber!


Jericho exits the Elimination Chamber and attacks the Undertaker. Jericho beats on the Undertaker, drilling him with a series of punches. Into the corner and punches in the corner. Running faceplant and Jericho backs off, before hitting a lionsault for a two count. Jericho picks up the Undertaker, hammering him, as Punk is up! Double team by Jericho and Punk, in an attempt to take the Undertaker out and double suplex brings the Undertaker down. Stomping by Punk and Jericho and Jericho grabs the Undertaker from behind. Punk backs off and he goes for a roundhouse kick but the Undertaker avoids it and Jericho gets hit. The Undertaker kicks Punk and scoops him up. Tombstone Piledriver brings Punk down to the canvas. The Undertaker crosses both arms over the chest and scores the pin. The Undertaker eliminates Punk! Jericho is up and the Undertaker hammers away at Jericho. Jericho is bounced off the ropes and high back body drop. Jericho is back to his feet and big boot. The Undertaker gives the signal and grabs Jericho by the throat. Choke Slam is countered right into the Code Breaker! Jericho rolls the Undertaker over and just manages to hold down the Undertaker long enough to score the pin.


Winner: Chris Jericho(22:06, B)


Chris Jericho leaves the Chamber with the win and gets on the microphone, bragging about his victory tonight, talking about how he has done what he says he is going to do and has kept the World Heavyweight Title. Jericho says he’s going into Wrestlemania as the champion and brags about his victory.


We cut backstage, with Josh Mathews catches up with Batista. Batista talks about how he promises that he would take out John Cena the next time their paths crossed. Batista says that Cena should have never thrown him out of the Royal Rumble, robbing him of his chance to challenge for his championship at Wrestlemania 26. Batista talks about how he took out Rey at Survivor Series and he still has not been seen since and he did the same to John Cena. Batista says that he will have the championship one way or another and no one will stand in his way.


We cut backstage, where Gail Kim is face down in the lockeroom area, as two women are putting the boots to her. They run off, before the camera could get a look at them. Gail Kim is down and she appears to have been knocked unconscious in the backstage area. Paramedics are looking at Gail Kim, as they say she’s not responsive.


We cut backstage, with Josh Mathews tries to get a quick word with CM Punk, but Punk says that he had the championship in the palm of his hands. He blames Chris Jericho for being unable to keep a hold of the Undertaker. In walks Triple H, who mocks Punk, saying that he might be straight edge, but he’s not going to be a champion, like Triple H is not. Punk shoves Triple H who fights back. Punk and Triple H are brawling in the backstage area, as security quickly pulls Punk away, as Triple H taunts him.


Five of the six women for the planned Diva’s Championship Invitational are in the ring but there is no Gail Kim! The fans are booing, as the WWE Women’s Champion Michelle McCool comes down to the ring, along with Layla. Michelle yells that she should get a match on Pay Per View over these pretender Diva’s and brags herself up as the longest reigning champion in WWE today. Melina eventually gets on the microphone and says she’s sick and tired of hearing Michelle run her mouth and even though the RAW divas fight at times, they are sick and tired of hearing her as well. Melina says that since Gail Kim was knocked out, they are one spot short. Michelle looks mock sad about Gail Kim’s predicament but Melina invites Michelle into the ring to compete tonight as the sixth diva. Michelle accepts and she rushes to the ring, where she is immediately taken out by a dive from Melina! The bell rings, kicking off this Diva Invitational.


WWE Diva’s Title Match:

Kelly Kelly vs. Alicia Fox vs. Natalya vs. Katie Lea Burchill vs. Michelle McCool vs. Melina©


Melina is beating on Michelle McCool on the floor, as Natalya and Alicia Fox go at it in the ring and Kelly Kelly does battle with Katie Lea in the ring. Katie Lea is thrown into the corner and Kelly hits a jumping leg lariat right in the corner. Ten count punches and Kelly does a back flip, landing right on her feet, before hitting a running kneelift right to the face. Melina drags Michelle by the hair and rolls her back into the ring, as the ring is cleared, leaving the WWE Diva’s and Women’s Champions in the ring. Melina continues her assault on Michelle McCool and flips her into the corner, hanging her in the Tree of Woe! Melina stomps away at Michelle and chokes her. Melina drags Michelle right into the center of the ring and beats on her, before hitting a running bulldog. Melina backs off and huge legdrop. Cover but Katie Lea Burchill breaks up the cover with an elbow to the back of the head. Kelly Kelly leaps into the ring and missile dropkicks Katie Lea backwards. A series of punches, but Kelly is dumped over the top rope with a high back body drop. Alicia Fox attacks Katie Lea but gets dumped. Natalya enters the ring and brawls with Katie Lea Burchill, as it is all breaking down in the ring! The fans are booing, as Layla is back on the ring apron. Melina clotheslines Layla and launches her back into the ring! Melina beats on Layla and drills her with a vicious DDT, but Michelle McCool hits a spin kick to Melina. Melina is set up and Face Breaker on Melina! Melina has been driven down, and Michelle baseball slide kicks Natalya right into Katie Lea Burchill. Alicia Fox and Kelly Kelly Kelly are down on the floor and Michelle covers Melina to score the pin.


Winner and New WWE Diva’s Champion: Michelle McCool(5:21, D+)


The fans are exploding in boos, as Michelle McCool holds up both her championships! Michelle leaves the ring with the gold over her head! She has made history, by backdooring her way into this match, she has become the first woman in WWE history to win both the WWE Women’s and Diva’s Championships at the same time. The fans are really unhappy, as Michelle has pretty much unified both of the belts.


A video package is shown, hyping up the John Morrison and Drew McIntyre match, with Morrison’s opportunity to challenge for the championship of his choosing in the main event at Wrestlemania 26 hanging in the balance.


Wrestlemania 26 Title Shot on the Line:

John Morrison vs. Drew McIntyre


McIntyre attacks Morrison at the bell but Morrison quickly ducks underneath a charge and springboards to the second rope, before he hits a twisting cross body block to McIntyre. McIntyre is back onto his feet and Morrison hammers away at him with a series of forearms to the back of the head. McIntyre bounces into the corner and Morrison hits a running dropkick right into the corner. Morrison hammers away at McIntyre, ten count punches in the corner and Morrison flips back onto his feet. Spinning leg lariat drills McIntyre right in the chest and Morrison backs off, before he drills a knee right in the chest of McIntyre. Morrison hammers away at McIntyre and into the corner. Leaping knee to the head in the corner and Morrison hammers away at McIntyre with more chops. Into the ropes but McIntyre reverses and kneelift flips Morrison over. McIntyre is immediately all over Morrison with a series of punches. Morrison tries to fight back but McIntyre kicks Morrison right in the face, before hitting a series of forearm smashes right to the chest. Tilt a whirl by McIntyre, right into a backbreaker!


McIntyre yells at Morrison and yanks him up by the hair. Punches rattle Morrison and McIntyre throws Morrison into the corner chest first. Running kneelift right to the back of Morrison and McIntyre beats on Morrison some more, before hooking him. Belly to belly suplex brings Morrison down to the canvas. McIntyre drops a knee down across the chest of Morrison and Morrison is lifted up. A pair of backbreakers, as McIntyre continues to pour on the pain and the offense. McIntyre rolls Morrison over and a series of forearm smashes right to the chest. McIntyre throws Morrison into the corner hard and huge spine buster slam brings him down. McIntyre grabs the legs of Morrison and rocks back, sending him right into the corner with a catapult! The fans are booing as McIntyre waffles Morrison with a huge clothesline. McIntyre bends down, picking him Morrison, before bringing him down with a huge power bomb! Only a two count by McIntyre!


McIntyre picks up Morrison and rocks him series of forearms right to the side of the head. Into the corner and kneelift in the corner, before McIntyre brings Morrison to the top rope. Both men are on the top rope and McIntyre goes for a superplex but Morrison hangs onto the top rope to block it. Morrison shoves McIntyre off and missile dropkicks him down! McIntyre is back on his feet as is Morrison. McIntyre rushes Morrison but gets a drop toe hold, causing him get rammed throat first onto the middle rope. A leaping elbow drop that drills McIntyre and Morrison is on the outside. Slingshot roundhouse kick brings McIntyre down. The fans are cheering as Morrison backs off, dropkicking McIntyre into the corner. Ten count punches in the corner but McIntyre shoves Morrison off and waffles him with a huge clothesline. McIntyre picks up Morrison and hooks him, before hoisting him up and bringing him down with a delayed vertical suplex! McIntyre stands over the fallen body of Morrison and gives the signal! Kick to the chest of Morrison and Double Underhook DDT is coming up but Morrison blocks it and jab right to the ribs. McIntyre is staggered back and goes for a clothesline but Morrison ducks and Pele Kick brings McIntyre down. To the second rope and twisting roundhouse kick brings McIntyre down. Morrison leaps to the top rope and connects with the Starship Pain to score the pin! Morrison is still going to Wrestlemania 26 in the main event!


Winner: John Morrison(15:28, B-)


The fans are cheering, as Morrison has not only gotten the victory but also ended the undefeated streak of Drew McIntyre. Needless to say, Morrison is completely cemented the fact that he has earned that Wrestlemania championship opportunity!


An extensive look of the events leading into the WWE Championship Elimination Chamber is shown!


WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match:

Kofi Kingston vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H vs. the Big Show vs. the Miz vs. Randy Orton©


Randy Orton and Kofi Kingston start out, with the WWE Champion not getting the luck of the draw. Kofi hammers away at Orton, drawing massive cheers from the crowd. A dropkick brings Orton down and a leaping kneedrop right to the chest of Orton. Kofi hammers away at Orton, ramming him into the buckles several times. Leapfrog over Orton and monkey flip as he comes off the ropes. A series of vicious forearm smashes and Kofi rams him into the corner. A series of vicious chops ricochet off of the chest and Kofi steps back, before hitting a leg lariat to Orton as he is slumped in the corner. Ten count punches in the corner and Kofi drops down, before hitting a bulldog. Kofi backs off and hits the Boom Drop on Orton! The fans are really getting behind Kofi but only a two count. Kofi beats on Orton but Orton goes to the eyes and clotheslines Kofi down to the canvas. Orton viciously stomps the chest of Kofi and picks him up. Kofi is rammed in the corner and Orton drills a kneelift right in his chest. Another pair of kneelifts right to the chest and Orton grabs Kofi, before hitting a modified backbreaker. Orton applies a chinlock, working over Kofi, as the clock gets out. The timer goes off on the pod containing Triple H but the pod does not open!


Triple H is confused, as the referee goes over, to check the pod but he is unable to get it open. Triple H looks like he wants to smash though the glass but thinks better, as the Chamber is opened, as Kofi fights back to his feet, with a series of elbows but Orton hair pulls him down! The cage door is opened, as members of the ring crew are opened. A member of the ring crew walks over and has a wrench, which he uses to pry the door open. The chamber door is forced open and the ring crew member waffles Triple H with the wrench immediately! The fans are booing, as the ring crew member is beating on Triple H, before drilling him with a series of vicious kicks. The ring crew member takes off his hat and some make up to reveal that he’s CM Punk! We see Shawn Michaels, trying to force his way out of the Chamber, to save his friend, as Punk pulls Triple H over to the steel part, before giving him a DDT! Back in the ring, Orton hits a DDT on Kofi Kingston and works over him. GTS by Punk, before he is finally escorted from the cage. Kofi Kingston takes Orton down with an armdrag and begins beating on him, as the next pod opens. The Miz exits the pod!


The Miz leaves the pod and walks over to a beaten and battered Triple H, before calmly covering him to score the pin! The Miz has just pinned Triple H! The Miz jumps up and down, like he has achieved some great feat and he turns around, to play cheerleader to Randy Orton as he hammers away at Kofi Kingston in the corner. Orton chokes Kofi and Orton throws Kofi into the ropes but the head is ducked and Kofi kicks Orton right in the chops. Leaping dropkick brings Orton down. The Miz immediately jumps Kofi and stomps the ever living hell out of Kofi. The Miz grabs Kofi and gutwrench suplex brings him down for a two count. To the second rope goes the Miz but his face meets both of the feet of Kofi. Kofi is back up and he chops away at the Miz but Orton attacks Kofi from behind. The Miz and Orton are double teaming Kofi Kingston for the rest of the period until the next pod opens. Shawn Michaels exits the pod and enters the Elimination Chamber!


Michaels saves Kofi Kingston from a two on one assault, hammering away at Orton with a series of chops and kneelifts him, before slamming him down. The Miz goes for a clothesline on Michaels but Michaels ducks. Superkick nearly wipes the Miz out!. The fans are really cheering but Orton chop blocks the leg of Michaels, before he continues to beat on Michaels. Front suplex on the ropes and Orton drills Michaels with a kneelift, before the Miz crawls outside of the ring and hides beneath the Chamber. Attempted pulling DDT but Michaels hammers away on Orton and snaps the neck over the top rope! To the outside and Flying Elbowdrop connects with Orton! Michaels is up in the corner and he begins to cue the band! Sweet Chin Music is avoided and Orton takes down Michaels with a Hangman’s Neckbreaker! Orton hammers away at Michaels but as he turns around, Kofi Kingston hits a springboard clothesline. Orton is beaten down in the center of the ring and Kofi picks up Orton, before throwing him into the corner. Running dropkick right in the corner! Kofi backs off again and leaps to the middle rope. Standing ten count punches right in the corner and Michaels is on his feet. Kofi hits a backspring cross body block out of the corner for a nearfall! The fans are cheering, as Kofi kneelifts Orton in the face but the final pod opens andThe Big Show is out!


The Big Show exits the pod and clotheslines Kofi Kingston down to the canvas. A big boot takes Orton down as well and The Big Show begins hammering away at Michaels with a series of body shots. Headbutt to Michaels sends him flying to the outside of the ring. The Big Show hoists up Orton and side slam. Kofi is up and Show drills him, before grabbing him by the throat. Choke Slam but Kofi chops away. The Big Show takes a step back but Kofi slides underneath a charge. The Big Show is staggered and Kofi manages to take him down with a running bulldog! The fans are really behind Kofi and Kofi bounces up, before he connects with the Trouble in Paradise on the Big Show as he is back on his knees. Cover and Kofi scores the pin. Kofi Kingston has just pinned the Big Show! The Miz jumps back into the ring and beats on Kofi Kingston. Attempted Skull Crushing Finale, but Kofi counters with a reverse cradle for a two count. The Miz bounces up to his feet and elbowsmash is ducked. Kofi bounces off and plasters the Miz with the Trouble in Paradise! Cover and the Miz has been pinned! The Miz has been eliminated by Kofi Kingston! The fans are cheering and Kofi charges Michaels but gets high back body dropped over the top rope. Kofi lands on his feet and shoulder block to Michaels. A series of punches from the apron stagger Michaels and Kofi leaps to the middle of the top rope! Michaels hits the Superkick right out of the springboard!. The fans have a mixed reaction to that one as Kofi has been just superkicked out of mid air. Michaels covers and scores the pin. Kofi Kingston has been eliminated by Shawn Michaels!


Now we are down to two, a return match of sorts from the night after the Royal Rumble and Micahels lights it Orton with a series of chops. Into the ropes and high back body drop on Orton! The fans are behind Michaels and Michaels hammers away at Orton. A pair of clotheslines, as Michaels looks ready for the WWE Championship to return to him! Michaels picks up Orton and slams him down. To the outside goes Michaels, facing the crowd as he is on the top rope. Moonsault to Orton! Michaels cradles Orton but only gets a two and a half count! Michaels picks up Orton and sets him up. Belly to back suplex and Michaels covers but only another two count. To the outside and Flying Elbowdrop to Orton! Michaels gives the signal, Sweet Chin Music is coming up. Michaels cues up the band and he goes but Orton ducks at the last second. RKO attempt, is reversed into a backslide for a two count but Orton kneelifts Michaels as he gets up. DDT brings Michaels down and Orton hangs onto the head, before he twists Michaels into the RKO! Michaels has been flattened and Orton covers Michaels. The fans pop big time, as Michaels rolls the shoulder up at two and nine tenths!


Orton looks enraged and he grabs Michaels, before he hits a second RKO! The fans are booing and Orton looks at Michaels, before hoisting him up and hitting him with a third RKO! Orton looks absolutely crazed and he picks up Michaels, before throwing him though the ropes and has him on the outside. Orton just launches Michaels right though the glass right in the chamber! The feet of Shawn Michaels is sticking right out of the Chamber, as the referee walks over and goes to check on Michaels, but Orton shoves the referee away! Orton steps inside the chamber and covers Michaels hooking the leg to score the pin!


Winner: Randy Orton(24:22, B)


Orton is still the WWE Champion, in one of the most sadistic ways possible! The fans still have not seen the body of Shawn Michaels or the state that he is in, as the pinfall occurred inside the Chamber. Orton exits the Chamber, belt draped over his shoulder and yells that he’s the champion and the fans will not disregard him anymore. Paramedics swarm the Elimination Chamber to extract the body of Shawn Michaels, who was just thrown right though glass and no doubt cut up pretty bad.

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WWE Elimination Chamber Prediction Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 8/12

MattitudeV2: 8/12

Lo-Drew: 10/12

BHK1978: 10/12

Mattitude90: 8/12


February Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 37/60

MattitudeV2: 33/60

BHk1978: 22/60

Lo-Drew: 20/60

Mattitude90: 8/60

Destiny: 4/60

nick21985: 4/60

Tripps04: 3/60

Rayelek: 2/60

MartinC: 1/60


WWE Monday Night RAW 2/22/10


The Undertaker vs. the Big Show.


Finlay and R-Truth vs. Sheamus and Batista.


Kelly Kelly, Maria, Mickie James, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. Alicia Fox, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, Jillian, and the WWE Women's and Diva's Champion Michelle McCool.


Christian and a Mystery Partner vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

MVP vs. Zack Ryder.

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The Undertaker vs. the Big Show.


Finlay and R-Truth vs. Sheamus and Batista.

Kelly Kelly, Maria, Mickie James, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. Alicia Fox, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, Jillian, and the WWE Women's and Diva's Champion Michelle McCool.

Christian and a Mystery Partner vs.the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

MVP vs. Zack Ryder.

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The Undertaker vs. the Big Show.


Finlay and R-Truth vs. Sheamus and Batista.


Kelly Kelly, Maria, Mickie James, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. Alicia Fox, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, Jillian, and the WWE Women's and Diva's Champion Michelle McCool.


Christian and a Mystery Partner vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

MVP vs. Zack Ryder.

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The Undertaker vs. the Big Show.


Finlay and R-Truth vs. Sheamus and Batista.


Kelly Kelly, Maria, Mickie James, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. Alicia Fox, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, Jillian, and the WWE Women's and Diva's Champion Michelle McCool.


Christian and a Mystery Partner vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

MVP vs. Zack Ryder.

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The Undertaker vs. the Big Show.


Finlay and R-Truth vs. Sheamus and Batista.


Kelly Kelly, Maria, Mickie James, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. Alicia Fox, Natalya, Katie Lea Burchill, Jillian, and the WWE Women's and Diva's Champion Michelle McCool.


Christian and a Mystery Partner vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(Non Title Match)


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

MVP vs. Zack Ryder.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 2/22/10


Still are shown from last night, featuring Randy Orton retaining his WWE Championship in the Elimination Chamber. Also, the Street Fight between John Cena and Paul Burchill is highlighted, as we are informed that both men will be out for the next few weeks nursing injuries suffered during that Street Fight. However, the beating afterwards could have potentially made it longer for John Cena, as Batista gives John Cena a savage beating culminating with three huge Batista Bombs.


“Ain’t No Stopping Me Now!”


The fans are confused but they are cheering as the brand new ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin makes his way down to the ring. This is not the way that we expected to start off RAW for sure but Shelton is out. The announcers talk about the road to Wrestlemania and how the rules for the brand extension will be relaxed, allowing some spillover between the three brands. Shelton gets on the microphone, to talk up his ECW Championship win last night at the Elimination Chamber and he also talks about the fact that John Morrison still hasn’t formally chosen who he will compete against in the main event. Shelton says that he’s going to get down on his knees and beg John Morrison to choose Shelton Benjamin and the ECW Championship for the main event at Wrestlemania 26! Shelton says that Morrison could do what no one else has ever done before and that’s elevate the ECW brand to the highest importance at the biggest show of them all. Shelton states that it would be big, two first time Wrestlemania main eventers colliding for the ECW Championship! Shelton gets down on his knees and yells that he wants in the main event of Mania. Benjamin says that John Morrison is in the back and he wants an answer, yes or no.


“I Hear Voices in My Head”


Well that’s not John Cena, that’s the WWE Champion Randy Orton, who kept his title in the Elimination Chamber, by introducing the head of Shawn Michaels into the glass of one of the chambers. Orton steps into the ring, talking about how he’s sick of outsiders coming onto his show and trying to take up time that should be devoted to Randy Orton. Orton says that Shelton’s place is on a third rate show on Tuesday nights which Shelton takes great offense to, saying that Orton wouldn’t last five minutes on ECW, because he does not have the heart to compete with anyone on his should. Shelton holds up the belt, yelling that he earned this belt though nearly a decade of blood, sweat, and tears. He said that Orton was destined for greatness. He got his foot into the door with WWE because of who his father and grandfather were. He road the coattails of Triple H for years! He hid behind Evolution, he hid behind Edge in Rated RKO, and now he’s hiding behind Legacy, using them to keep his championship around his waist. Orton says that he rules RAW, not John Cena, not Triple H, not anyone else and Shelton is in his playground. Orton taunts Shelton, asking what he’s going to do about it. Shelton responds by walloping Orton with a stiff punch to the face!


Shelton attacks Orton, beating him into the corner and dropkick right in the corner. Leaping avalanche in the corner and Shelton continues to beat down Orton but Cody Rhodes is in, as is Ted DiBiase. Shelton fights them off but Orton takes out the ECW Champion from behind. Legacy is beating down Shelton three on one, but the number one contender for Wrestlemania 26 John Morrison rushes out, to help even the odds. Still it is a bit lopsided until Kofi Kingston runs out to even the odds and send Legacy packing.


Orton says that he’s had it with the disrespect. Orton says he retained the title last night but the news media is not talking about him, they are still bringing up a former WWE Superstar, who Orton punted in the head recently and who Orton vows never to dignify by mentioning his name. Loud chants of “ROCKY” causes Orton to be thrown off his ground. Orton says the fans to shut up or he’ll get the entire show shut down out. He said that Morrison and Shelton have had the gall to step onto his show. Orton warns Morrison that if he decides to choose his title shot against Randy Orton, that it will be Morrison’s first and last Wrestlemania main event, not to mention his last match ever, because Orton will end his career. And Orton says that Kofi should have just left it alone but he just had to interject himself into Orton’s business again. Morrison gets on the microphone, saying that Orton should put his money where his mouth is, six man tag, with Morrison, Shelton, and Kofi against Legacy tonight. Ted DiBiase accepts for his team and Orton doesn’t look too happy, but nods in order to save face.


********************Commercial Break********************


Money in the Bank Qualifier:

MVP vs. Zack Ryder


Ryder’s entourage of Vance Archer, Tyler Reks, and Rosa Mendes are quickly moved to the back, much to their utter displeasure. MVP beats down Ryder for most of this match, as the announcers put over the Money in the Bank is an eight man Ladder Match, with a guaranteed title shot at either the WWE, World Heavyweight, or ECW Championship hanging in the balance, depending on the choice of the wrestler. This can be done at any time. Ryder cuts off M.V.P and hammers away at him. Ryder climbs to the outside and slingshot legdrop right to the chest of M.V.P for a two count. To the top rope again but he meets the boot of MVP. MVP beats on Ryder and throws him into the corner. Leaping dropkick and Ballin’ Elbow. MVP backs up but The Miz is at ringside. MVP beats up the Miz, the WWE United States Champion getting knocked backwards, but Ryder attacks MVP from behind, before hitting the Ruff Ryder on him to score the pin. Zack Ryder is the first of eight men in the Money in the Bank match.


Winner: Zack Ryder(6:55, C+)


After the match, the Miz picks up MVP and lays him out with the Skull Crushing Finale, before he taunts the downed body of MVP!


We cut to a video with the following narration.


“Throughout the annals of Sports Entertainment there have been many great superstars and many colorful personalities. However, there are none who are more colorful than this man.”


Vince McMahon voiceover: THE ULTIMATE WARRIOR!


Footage of the Warrior dominating the likes of Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Randy Savage, Rick Rude, and countless others.


“Often imitated but never duplicated, the Ultimate Warrior was the one of the more unique superstars in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment. Former Intercontinental Champion, former WWE Champion, there is only one Ultimate Warrior! A man who has inspired his great share of controversy but regardless, an individual who has shown great power though one simple concept. Destrucity. The truce between our destiny and our reality is the concept that the Ultimate Warrior lives by. Whether inside the ring with his many championship victories over top WWE superstars or his work outside, the Ultimate Warrior is truly without peril. There is only one Ultimate Warrior and he is the first member of our WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2010!


More footage of the Warrior to his music and then a graphic is shown. The Ultimate Warrior will be honored in his hometown of Phoenix Arizona.


******************Commercial Break******************


CM Punk makes his way down to the ring, drawing his share of boos. Punk talks about how he halted a terrible injustice last night, when he took out Triple H. Punk says that Triple H is the antithesis of what CM Punk is all out. DX loves to party and create havoc while CM Punk attempts to be a role model, yet the fans cheer Triple H and Shawn Michaels for their juvenile antics. Punk says that Triple H paid the price but if the Game wants more, than CM Punk is ready! Punk throws out a challenge one on one for Triple H, March 28th at Wrestlemania 26. Punk says he will expose and humiliate Triple H on the biggest stage of them all and if the fans are not down with that, then Punk has seven words for them. “Straight edge means I’m better than you!” Punk leaves to a round of boos, as Cole and Lawler state that Triple H will obviously accept the challenge after Punk cost him the WWE Championship last night but HHH will be out of action for the next couple of weeks because of the pipe wrench that Punk used on him last night.


The Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty come out and Christian makes his way out. If Christian and his partner win this non title match, then they will receive a title shot at Wrestlemania 26! Christian calls out Mark Henry. Christian has a heavy hitter tonight and the World’s Strongest Man could be the partner that Christian needs.


Christian and Mark Henry vs. the Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty(w/Natalya)(Non Title Match)


Henry uses his power to thrown around the Hart Dynasty but gets cut off and double teamed in the corner. He manages to take Kidd out with a Gorilla Press Slam, throwing him at Smith and tag made to Christian, who runs wild in the ring, fists of fire. Smith is clotheslined to the outside by Henry and Christian beats on Kidd and goes up top for a Frog Splash but Natalya pulls Kidd out of the way, causing Christian to splatter. Kidd rolls up Christian in a La Magistral Cradle to score the pin.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty(6:22, B-)


Another partner was a dismal failure for Christian tonight and the fans are booing as the Hart Dynasty manages to slip by with another win.


We have a brief word with Michelle McCool, the WWE Diva’s and Women’s Champion but Michelle quickly corrects Josh Mathews, saying that she’s the Undisputed Women’s Champion and the greatest diva in the world, considering she won both belts. Josh states that Melina is not too happy and Gail Kim isn’t too happy. Michelle is offended when Josh suggests that it was Michelle McCool took Gail Kim out of the match last night and took her spot. Michelle says she’ll defend her belts against either of those women any time, any place but not tonight, because these people do not deserve to see a title defense.


Coming up next, ten diva tag.


*****************Commercial Break*******************


Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, Maria, Mickie James, and Melina vs. Alicia Fox, Katie Lea Burchill, Natalya, Jillian Hall, and WWE Undisputed Women’s Champion Michelle McCool©


A wild tag team match, with all ten women brawling in the ring. Mickie gets cut off and plays face in peril for the next few minutes but she wipes out Katie Lea with a flying clothesline. Into the corner, tag to Melina and tag to Jillian. Melina enters the ring, running wild on all of the women. Michelle bails before Melina can get her hands on her. Jillian jumps Melina but Melina hits the Primal Scream out of nowhere for the pin!


Winners: Kelly Kelly, Gail Kim, Maria, Mickie James, and Melina(7:00, C+)


Michelle stands on the ramp, taunting Melina with both of the belts. Both of these women are on a collision course soon and Melina wants to get her hands on Michelle. Replays of the match are shown.


Out comes Batista drawing boos. We see a replay from last night, where Batista utterly destroys John Cena after his Street Fight. Batista cuts a promo, talking about how he had to deal with being compared to John Cena. Everywhere he turned, the fans talked about how Batista might be good but he did not match up to Cena and how he was as big of a superstar of John Cena. Suddenly, Batista gets intense, saying that if he’s not good as John Cena, how come the only time they fought one on one back at Summerslam 2008, Batista beat Cena? Not only did he beat Cena but he put Cena on the shelf for months! The fans boo but Batista says they can boo into they lose their voices but it doesn’t change the truth and the truth is that one on one, John Cena simply isn’t good enough to beat Batista. Batista says that he took out John Cena last night but he did not quite finish the job. He just left just enough of Cena for him to recover, to heal. Batista says Cena has a competitive desire to prove that he is the best but that desire will end his career. Until he beats Batista one on one, Cena has proven nothing and therefore, Batista is confident that Cena has no choice but to accept his challenge. One on one, Batista-Cena II at Wrestlemania 26. The fans cheer and Batista says he won’t just put Cena on the shelf for a few months this time, he’ll put Cena on the shelf for good.


The announcers talk about the possibility of Batista/Cena for the second time ever but coming up next, Batista will be in action, when he teams up with Sheamus to take on R-Truth and Finlay. More next on RAW.


***********************Commercial Break*****************


R-Truth and Finlay vs. Batista and Sheamus


Finlay assaults Sheamus, as the announcers talk about how Sheamus ended the career of Finlay’s son Hornswoggle a few weeks ago. Batista clotheslines Finlay from behind, allowing Sheamus to take control. Some double teaming by Batista and Sheamus, as the announcers put over both these superstars as two vicious men who are out to cause lasting harm to their opponents. Finlay fights out from underneath and manages the tag to R-Truth. R-Truth runs wild on Sheamus and Batista, as the announcers point out that R-Truth beat Batista by disqualification to get into the Chamber. Truth takes out Sheamus and Finlay dives onto him. Both Finlay and Sheamus brawl to the back, as Truth goes up top but Batista spears him down as he leaps off the top rope. Batista sets up R-Truth and hits the Batista Bomb for the pin!


Winners: Batista and Sheamus(7:22, B)


Batista and Sheamus get the win tonight, as the possibility of the Cena/Batista match is brought up and no doubt we’ll hear from Cena before too long.


We cut backstage where Shelton Benjamin is talking with John Morrison. Morrison says that he might take Shelton up on his offer but he’ll make a decision for sure next week and let the entire world know what title he’s challenging for at Wrestlemania 26. In comes Kofi Kingston and the three men prepare for this huge main event against Legacy, featuring six of the hottest young superstars in WWE.


********************Commercial Break*********************


The Undertaker vs. the Big Show


This was scheduled to be Triple H against the Big Show but obviously Triple H cannot compete, so the Undertaker is brought in as a replacement. Both of these men lost their respective Chamber matches and have something to prove. Both men also have had many matches in the past. Show works over the Undertaker for most of this match but the Undertaker blocks the Choke Slam with elbow strikes and beats on the Big Show. Clothesline off the top rope and the Undertaker beats on the Big Show some more, but Drew McIntyre is out. The Undertaker goes after Drew McIntyre but McIntyre grabs the neck of the Undertaker and snaps it over the top rope, allowing the Big Show to hit a punch to the back of the head to stun the Undertaker. A punch to the face puts the Undertaker’s lights out for the pin.


Winner: The Big Show(7:22, B)


Drew McIntyre gets on the microphone after this match, with McIntyre stating that he might have been locked out of the title picture but he has a bigger goal in mind for Wrestlemania. A prize bigger than any title. McIntyre vows to be the man to end the Undertaker’s Wrestlemania winning streak. The fans boo, as McIntyre says that if the Undertaker accepts the match at Mania, then the party will be over. McIntyre picks up the Undertaker and gives him the Double Underhook DDT, drawing the ire of the fans and many boos! McIntyre has made his intentions known, he wants the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 26.


We cut backstage as the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho is backstage, wearing a three piece suit and the belt draped over his shoulder. The six man main event is next but Jericho appears to be heading this way.


**************************Commercial Break*******************


Chris Jericho makes his way down to the ringside area and joins Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler down at ringside for some commentary. Jericho says that last night was another glorious achievement for him, as he kept his championship inside the Elimination Chamber and proved why he is the franchise player of Smackdown. When Cole tries to get some thoughts on the main event, Jericho states that since he’s beaten everyone in this match at least once, they are not worth his breath. Jericho says they might be good but Jericho is great. He holds up the World Heavyweight Title to prove it.


Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, and ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. Legacy


John Morrison runs wild on all three members of the Legacy, as Cole asks Chris Jericho about the possibility that Morrison might chose to challenge for Jericho’s title. Jericho states that Morrison is a great athlete but there are hundreds of great athletes out there and very few of those men are champions. Chris Jericho says that Morrison is destined to be the top of the bottom or the bottom of the top. Jericho says that Morrison would be a fool to choose someone like Jericho, who has beaten pretty much every big name in WWE in the past decade. Eventually, Shelton is in but he gets cut off and double teamed and then triple teamed. Shelton is pounded for several minutes but he fights out and hot tag to Kofi Kingston. Kofi rushes into the ring, a house of fire, knocking all three members of Legacy down! The fans are cheering, as Morrison and Shelton rejoin the fun, to take Rhodes and DiBiase leaving Kofi and Orton in the ring. RKO is blocked and Kofi spins Orton around, before hitting the Trouble in Paradise to pin the WWE Champion in the center of the ring!


Winner: Kofi Kingston, John Morrison, and Shelton Benjamin(10:01, C+)


Vince McMahon comes out to say that this is the second time Kofi Kingston pinned Randy Orton and that has to put him right in line for a WWE Championship match. However, since Morrison has yet to pick his title match and will do so next week, Mr. McMahon can’t give Kofi that chance at Mania. However, he can give Kofi a title match next week, so he can walk into Mania as potentially defending the title. Next week it will be Kofi Kingston against Randy Orton for the WWE Championship. Mr. McMahon also adds that for the first time ever, CM Punk collides with Shawn Michaels. The announcers hype up the big card next week, with Kofi and Orton for the title and HBK/Punk, along with John Morrison officially choosing who he will face in the main event at Wrestlemania 26.

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