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World Wrestling Entertainment 2009 and Beyond!

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ECW on Sy Fy 3/9/10


At the beginning of the show, William Regal makes his way down to the ring, to talk about the fact that he has received one final shot at the ECW Championship at Wrestlemania 26 against Shelton Benjamin and Mr. McMahon has told him that he will be allowed to pick the stipulations. Regal says that he thought over the last day and he said that Shelton scored two fluke pins over him, but it’s not going to happen again, because Regal wants Shelton Benjamin at Wrestlemania 26 in a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match for the ECW Championship. Regal vows not only to beat Shelton Benjamin but beat him at two straight falls and become a two time ECW Championship. Regal turns, before walking off, as the announcers talk about the ECW Championship Match that has been added for Wrestlemania 26.


************************Commercial Break**************************


Matt Hardy and Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Cade and Jack Swagger


Both Hardy and Danielson are in the Money in the Bank Match at Wrestlemania 26 and they unite to take on the two men they fought to qualify. Standard tag team fare here, with Hardy being cut off after the opening moments, beaten down in the corner. Hardy begins fighting out of the corner and tag made to Danielson, who runs wild on both of his opponents. Danielson delivers an airplane spin to Cade and delivers a Samoan Drop. Hardy enters in the ring and clotheslines Swagger over the top rope to the floor! Danielson grabs Cade and drills him with a series of elbows to the side of the head, rolling him into a pinning predicament.


Winners: Bryan Danielson and Matt Hardy(9:05, B-)


Danielson and Hardy get the win. Tonight, they are together but at Wrestlemania 26 they will be part of that eight man Money in the Bank Ladder Match.


We cut to a promo with Edge and Christian. Edge says that he never lost the Unified Tag Team Titles because of his injury and at Wrestlemania 26, he is going to regain them with Christian and show the Hart Dynasty who the best team in WWE is. Christian says that the Hart Dynasty will pay for costing him the ECW Championship.


*******************Commercial Break*********************


The Hurricane vs. Zack Ryder(w/Rosa Mendes)


Zack Ryder is another competitor who will compete in the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania 26 and the Hurricane is looking to rise up the rankings of ECW. Ryder dominates most of this match but the Hurricane fights off and hits the Shining Wizard for a nearfall but Ryder is in the ropes. The Hurricane beats on Ryder but misses a corner charge and it allows Ryder to hit the Ruff Ryder for the pin.


Winner: Zack Ryder(7:32, B-)


Zack Ryder is making his way to the Money in the Bank Ladder Match with the victory over the Hurricane on Superstars.


The Hart Dynasty cut a promo, talking about how Edge and Christian caught them off guard again, but it will not happen again when they put the Unified Tag Team Titles on the line against the former seven time champions at Wrestlemania 26. David Hart Smith comments that they know their Achilles heel, which is Edge’s Achilles tendon injury that he returned from and they will not hesitate to go after it.


Coming up next, the ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin will take on Ted DiBiase in a non title match.


***********************Commercial Break********************


ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. Ted DiBiase(Non Title Match)


The fans are getting behind Shelton, as he exchanges chops with DiBiase at the bell and dropkicks him through the ropes. DiBiase is on the floor and Shelton delivers a springboard over the top rope, right onto DiBiase! Shelton beats on DiBiase, hammering him with a series of forearms and into the ring. Shoulder to the midsection and attempted springboard clothesline but DiBiase catches him off the ropes. DiBiase beats on Shelton from behind, ramming him into the corner. A pair of clotheslines to the back of the head and DiBiase connects with a belly to back suplex for a two count. DiBiase picks up Shelton and hammers away at him. Double underhook suplex gets another two count. Gutwrench but Shelton drops down from behind DiBiase. Kick blocked but the Dragon Whip connects, bringing DiBiase down for a two count. Benjamin goes for the Pay Dirt but DiBiase elbows out and hits a spine buster on Benjamin, before hooking him into a Texas Cloverleaf! DiBiase is leaning back on the hold, sitting down into the back of Shelton Benjamin but Benjamin gets to the ropes.


DiBiase beats on Benjamin and swinging neckbreaker brings him down for a nearfall. DiBiase drives a knee to the ribs of Benjamin and hooks him in a bow and arrow submission hold but Shelton quickly gets out of that. Back to his feet and DiBiase with a kneelift and goes for a power bomb but Shelton back flips off of the shoulders onto his feet and dropkicks DiBiase into the corner, following with a Stinger Splash and a Northern Lights Suplex for a nearfall. Benjamin goes to the outside and springboard cross body block on DiBiase no DiBiase rolls the move over for a two count. DiBiase is back up and kneelift, before he hooks over Benjamin and nearly spikes him to the canvas with a front face suplex! Two and a half count on Shelton and DiBiase beats on him in the center of the ring and into the ropes. The head is ducked and Benjamin kicks DiBiase in the face. Another kick is blocked and attempted enuzigiri kick but DiBiase ducks and goes into an Oklahoma Side Roll for a two count. DiBiase reaches down and goes for the Dream Street, but Benjamin elbows out of the move. Into the corner but DiBiase elbows Shelton in the face and to the second rope. Attempted double axe handle chop but Shelton catches DiBiase and brings him down with the Paydirt to score the pin!


Winner: Shelton Benjamin(18:04, B)


Shelton Benjamin gets the win tonight, as he prepares to defend the ECW Championship in the Best Two Out of Three Falls Match at Wrestlemania 26 against William Regal!

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ECW On Sy Fy:

MattitudeV2: 2/3

BHK1978: 3/3

TracyBrooksFan: 1/3

Lo-Drew: 3/3


March Standings:

MattitudeV2: 23/28

TracyBrooksFan: 21/28

BHK1978: 21/28

Lo-Drew: 19/28

Destiny: 3/28


WWE Superstars 3/11/10


Yoshi Tatsu vs. William Regal.


Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill.

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WWE Superstars 3/11/10


Josh Mathews in WWE studios welcomes us to WWE Superstars. Tonight’s main event will feature the man who will challenge for the ECW Championship in a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match at Wrestlemania 26, William Regal going one on one with Yoshi Tatsu. Right now, let’s get down to the ring where the divas on RAW are spotlighted on Superstars.


Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill


This is an important match for Melina, as she wants to get back into the running for the Undisputed WWE Women’s Title held by Michelle McCool. Melina beats on Katie at the early going but Katie fires back, hammering away at Melina with some rough offense. A splash in the corner misses and Melina fires back, getting some offense, before finishing off Katie Lea Burchill with the Primal Scream for the pin.


Winner: Melina(7:05, B-)


Melina gets the win tonight on Superstars against Katie Lea Burchill and is moving towards Wrestlemania 26. While the WWE Undisputed Women’s Title Match has not been announced as of yet, Melina’s victory will give her a solid argument for being in the thick of things.


*******************Commercial Break****************


A recap of the Ted DiBiase/Shelton Benjamin non title match is shown from this past week on ECW. The closing moments with Shelton managing to hit the Paydirt on DiBiase after a series of reversals. Shelton goes into his Wrestlemania 26 Best Two Out of Three Falls ECW Championship Match with William Regal with the win. This week on ECW, the road to Wrestlemania 26 continues, when we have a six man tag featuring Money in the Bank Competitors. The trio of Zack Ryder, the Big Show, and Ted DiBiase square off against Evan Bourne, R-Truth, and Booker T in what should be a red hot encounter.


********************Commercial Break********************


Footage is shown from Smackdown, featuring the closing moments of the CM Punk and Undertaker Match. Also, recent events are shown that set up CM Punk against Triple H at Wrestlemania 26 and the Undertaker with Bret Hart in his corner, putting the streak on the line against Drew McIntyre, with Vince McMahon in his corner. This week, Smackdown returns with CM Punk in action against one half of the challenging team for the Unified Tag Team Titles Christian and a huge battle between the man who will take on John Cena at Wrestlemania 26, Batista taking on the Punjabi Giant, the Great Khali.


********************Commercial Break***********************


A recap of the closing segment of RAW is shown, featuring the Rock and Randy Orton, setting up the Rock coming back for one more match at Wrestlemania 26, against Orton for the WWE Championship. Last Monday was a sign to things to come but this Monday is Wrestlemania rewind night with some huge matches. Batista squares off against Triple H, The WWE Champion Randy Orton meets the Undertaker, the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho collides with Christian, and so much more this Monday. Wrestlemania rewind this Monday on RAW.


Coming up next, our huge main event with Yoshi Tatsu against William Regal. More Superstars right after this time out on WGN America.


*************************Commercial Break************************


Yoshi Tatsu vs. William Regal


Yoshi hits a series of chops right at the bell, before hitting a pair of armdrags and a running dropkick, that knocks Regal back to the canvas. A series of forearm shots right into the corner and Yoshi Tatsu whips Regal into the corner, before he charges in with a running corner dropkick. Ten count punches in the corner but Regal counters with an inverted atomic drop, before he gets to work, battering Yoshi. Several two counts, as Regal is obviously sending a message to Shelton Benjamin. Half Nelson Suplex nearly spikes Yoshi on his head for a close nearfall. He fights out and punches. Tornado DDT by Yoshi for a nearfall. Springboard dropkick gets another nearfall. To the outside, but Yoshi misses a dive. He’s up and Knee Trembler scores the pin.


Winner: William Regal(11:08, B-)


William Regal gets a pin. In a little over two weeks at Wrestlemania 26, Regal will be challenging for the ECW Championship held by Shelton Benjamin a Best Two Out of Three Falls Match. Right now we are out of time. See you on Smackdown!

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MattitudeV2: 2/2

TracyBrooksFan: 2/2

BHK1978: 2/2


March Standings:

MattitudeV2: 25/30

TracyBrooksFan: 23/30

BHK1978: 23/30

Lo-Drew: 19/30

Destiny: 3/30


WWE Smackdown 3/12/10


Christian vs. CM Punk.


The Great Khali vs. Batista.


Evan Bourne and R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes.


Booker T vs. Zack Ryder.


Kane and MVP vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and WWE United States Champion The Miz.

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Christian vs. CM Punk.


The Great Khali vs. Batista.


Evan Bourne and R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes.


Booker T vs. Zack Ryder.


Kane and MVP vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and WWE United States Champion The Miz.

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Christian vs. CM Punk.


The Great Khali vs. Batista.


Evan Bourne and R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes.


Booker T vs. Zack Ryder.


Kane and MVP vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and WWE United States Champion The Miz.

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Just wanted to take a second to say to MadMatt, it appears I titled my diary very close to yours. I just noticed this tonight. Mine is titled "National Wrestling Alliance - 1989 & Beyond," which is similar to yours. I just wanted to let you know I never took the time to really go over the existing diaries before I titled mine, so I didn't see yours. Had I seen it, I would have come up with something different. So, I apologize for the similar wording infringement.


Just had to get this off my chest. :o



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WWE Smackdown 3/12/10


Kane and MVP vs. the WWE United States Champion the Miz and the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler


The announcers talk about two new matches that have been added to Wrestlemania, with MVP getting a United States Title Shot against the Miz and Kane challenging Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Intercontinental Title in a No Disqualification, No Countout Match. The babyfaces run wild in the ring but MVP has been caught in the ring and beaten down two against one by Ziggler and Miz. MVP tries to fight out of the corner with elbows and manages to take out Ziggler with a leaping clothesline. The hot tag is made to Kane, who runs wild, drawing cheers and Kane enters the ring, running wild on both men. Huge Choke Slam rocks the Miz, taking him down. MVP wipes out Ziggler and Kane scores the pin on the Miz!


Winners: Kane and MVP(11:00, C+)


Kane and MVP get the win tonight, leading into their title shot at Wrestlemania 26.


We cut backstage, where Vince McMahon arrives in Bret Hart’s office, announcing that he’s in charge, given that the Hitman is on a promotional tour, hyping up Wrestlemania 26 around the country over the weekend. Josh Mathews is here to get a word with Mr. McMahon. Vince McMahon talk about how he hates that Hart Dynasty, because they are related to Bret Hart. Therefore they are going to defend their Unified Tag Team Titles against two of the hottest young talents from RAW, Kofi Kingston and Shawn Michaels. When Josh tries to tell Vince that Shawn is not exactly a young up and comer, Vince yells at him to “git”. Drew McIntyre escorts Josh Mathews out as Vince sits down in Bret’s chair and props his feet on the desk.


********************Commercial Break***********************


Booker T vs. Zack Ryder


Booker beats on Zack Ryder to start out this match, drawing cheers, as both of these men are in the Money in the Bank Match. The neck is snapped over the top rope by Ryder to gain the heat. Ryder beats on Booker T in the center of the ring. Springboard kneedrop right to the chest of Booker for a two count. A series of forearms right to the chest and a series of elbows, before Booker is in the corner. Running leg lariat in the corner and Ryder goes for the Ruff Ryder, but Booker T fights out. Flapjack to Ryder and Booker T delivers the spinaroonie, but Booker drills a kneelift to the chest. Axe Kick is ducked and Ryder backslides Booker for a two count. The fans are cheering as Booker kicks out. Ryder elbows Booker in the face and yells “woo, woo…” before he gets nailed in the face with the Harlem Side Kick and pinned.


Winner: Booker T(9:22, B)


Booker T gets the win and he could be one of the favorites to win the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. He will face eight other men, including the man who he beat tonight, Zack Ryder.


Vince McMahon is backstage in his office, where the WWE Undisputed Women’s Champion Michelle McCool and Layla make their way into his office. Mr. McMahon praises Michelle for working the system and coming out on top. “You remind me of me…well at least if I had the handicap of being a woman.” Vince says however, she’ll have to put her Unified Women’s Title on the line at Wrestlemania 26, against Melina. Michelle says no problem, she beat Melina before, she’ll beat her again. Vince says let him finish. She’ll also put the belt on the line against Gail Kim. Michelle looks a bit less confident at this and Vince adds that she’ll also defend the belt against Beth Phoenix. It will be Michelle McCool defending her Unified Women’s Title against Melina, Gail Kim, and Beth Phoenix in a Fatal Four Way Match at Wrestlemania 26. Michelle protests, yelling and screaming but Drew McIntyre ushers her out. Vince sits in the chair, looking smug but the lights begin to flicker in his office, which caused Mr. McMahon to snap up but it appears to be a malfunction of the light in his office.


******************************Commercial Break********************


Evan Bourne and R-Truth vs. Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes


Both Bourne and R-Truth run wild in the early part of this match, but Bourne quickly gets cut off in the corner and double teamed by Legacy. Bourne fights out and a false hot tag, but the referee did not see it. R-Truth runs wild for a while, but is ushered back into the corner and Bourne is double teamed by Legacy for some more. Eventually, Bourne makes the tag for real and R-Truth is ready to go, running wild in the ring, knocking his opponents around. R-Truth hits the Lie Detector on Ted DiBiase but Rhodes breaks it up at a two and three fourths count. Bourne enters the ring, to take Rhodes to the outside. R-Truth goes for another move on DiBiase but DiBiase ducks and hits the Dream Street on R-Truth for the pin!


Winners: Legacy(9:55, B)


Ted DiBiase, Evan Bourne, and R-Truth will all be part of the Money in the Bank along with The Big Show, Booker T, Zack Ryder, Bryan Danielson, and Matt Hardy, where a briefcase with a guaranteed title shot hanging above the ring that the winner can use at any time.


We cut backstage where Vince McMahon is sitting in his office and suddenly the Undertaker’s music is playing as the lights flicker once again in his office. The boss is up as he moves outside, but it is revealed the Kung Fu Wang is just playing the Undertaker’s song on a radio backstage. Jimmy Wang Yang and Kung Fu Naki are yelled at the boss and Drew McIntyre is sent after them, to beat both of them up! McIntyre destroys both men but Vince turns to a mirror in the hallway and backs away in fear, yelling that he saw the Undertaker’s reflection behind him in the mirror. McIntyre says that he didn’t see anything and neither did the fans at home for that matter, but Vince is insistent that the Undertaker was in the mirror. Mr. McMahon rips the mirror off the wall and angrily smashes it onto the ground, before stomping it, as Charlie Haas walks by and gives the boss a weird look, but wisely walks away. The announcers talk about how it appears that the boss has finally went off the deep end.


*************************Commercial Break*********************


Christian vs. CM Punk


Punk tries to attack at the bell but this does not work out too well, as Christian pummels away at Punk, drilling him with a kneelift in the corner. Killswitch is promptly avoided and Punk manages to hit a series of kicks right to the chest to dizzy Christian. Punk hits a clothesline in the corner, followed by a kneelift and then a bulldog, getting a two count. Punk works over Christian, with several moves, including a facebuster across the knee, shades of Triple H, Punk’s opponent at Wrestlemania 26. Punk goes to the outside and misses a springboard legdrop, which allows Christian to make a comeback with a series of punches and chops, before he throws Punk into the corner. Punk drops down and Christian springboards to the second rope, before he catches Punk right in the face with an elbowsmash. Punk is up and Christian kneelifts him, before hitting a Russian Legsweep for a two count! Christian beats on Punk and slams him down, before he climbs to the top rope and Frog Splash misses when Punk rolls out of the way. Punk has Christian up for the GTS but Christian manages to counters with a Swinging DDT for a nearfall!


Christian hammers away at Punk and puts him on the top rope. Chops on Punk and Christian climbs up with Punk. Punk begins fighting Christian with elbow after elbow and knocks Christian off. Missile Dropkick by Punk is caught and Christian turns him over into a Texas Cloverleaf. Christian leans back, putting pressure onto the back of Punk but the Hart Dynasty is out! David Hart Smith and Tyson Kidd, along with Natalya! Christian can’t allow himself to be distracted and Edge rushes out, to attack the Hart Dynasty, to prevent them from interfering. Punk gets to the ropes and Christian beats on Punk with some elbows, before setting him up in a gutwrench suplex. Punk is down and Christian is going up to the top rope. He misses a diving headbutt when Punk rolls out of the way! We see security escorting the Hart Dynasty and Edge to the back, so this match can continue without any distractions. Punk is back on his feet and he delivers a Shining Wizard Knee Strike right to the face of Christian, before Punk hoists him onto his shoulders but Christian fights out again, sliding down the back door. Attempted Killswitch but Punk twists out of that, before hoisting Christian up and hitting the Go to Sleep for the pin!


Winner: CM Punk(14:12, B)


Punk gets the win, as he gears up perhaps for the biggest match of his entire life, against Triple H at Wrestlemania 26. Punk has scored many impressive wins as of late, but Triple H might be on a level that Punk can’t conquer.


*********************Commercial Break***************


The Great Khali vs. Batista


The fans cheer, as hopefully Khali can take down Batista a peg or two and for a moment, Khali beats Batista, but Batista counters with a low blow on the outside and rams Khali right into the ringpost! Batista brutally assaults Khali, a man much taller than him for most of this match. The fans are booing, as Batista continues to destroy Khali, bringing him to his knees, only to cut him down with a lariat. Batista muscles Khali up for a spine buster and now grabs Khali’s leg, before turning him over, right into the STF! A signature move of John Cena, but Batista seems to be more vicious as he punishes Khali with that move and Khali has no choice to submit!


Winner: Batista(5:05, C+)


After the match, Batista waffles Khali with the chair to massive heat, laying him out and gets on the microphone, to talk about his match with Triple H this Monday in the Wrestlemania Rewind night. Batista says that Triple H does have something in common with John Cena and that is he has never been able to pin Batista’s shoulders to the canvas, not even once. That’s not going to chance, just as Cena is going to find out at Wrestlemania 26, Triple H is going to taste another defeat at the hands of Batista. Batista leaves the ring, ready for his match coming up this Monday against Triple H and in sixteen days at Wrestlemania 26 against John Cena.


We cut backstage, where Kofi Kingston and Shawn Michaels are in the midst of a discussion. Michaels says they might have had their issues, but tonight, for some reason, likely his ever eroding sanity by being forced to tolerate Bret Hart as the General Manager of Smackdown, Mr. McMahon has forced them to team up and Michaels suggests they make the most of it, by beating the Hart Dynasty tonight and getting the Unified Tag Team Titles. Kofi agrees, but makes a remark that he could have beaten Michaels on Monday had the circumstances been a little differently. The Heart Break Kid takes offense to that, saying that Kofi was one Sweet Chin Music away from looking up at the lights, just like what happened at the Elimination Chamber. Kofi fires back that Michaels didn’t seem so confident when he was knocked out with the Trouble in Paradise a couple of weeks. Michaels stares down Kofi but tonight they have to get along.


****************************Commercial Break*************************


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

Shawn Michaels and Kofi Kingston vs. the Hart Dynasty©(w/Natalya)


Michaels and Kofi clean house early, not really making eye contact. Eventually Kofi is in the ring with Tyson Kidd, beating him down with a series of chops, before throwing him into the corner. Leaping clothesline right in the corner flattens Kidd and Kofi leaps up, hitting a leg lariat, before backing off, connecting with the Boom Drop for a nearfall. Smith clobbers Kofi right across the back of the head and the Hart Dynasty gain the heat, beating down Kofi for several minutes. Even Natalya contributes with a forearm or a punch when she can and Michaels just stands on the apron, offering encouragement and advice to Kofi, but doing it in a condescending manner. Kidd tries a springboard dropkick but Kofi dropkicks him out of mid air and manages to make the hot tag to Michaels.


The Heart Break Kid enters the ring, fists of fire, knocking the Hart Dynasty around, battering them with chops. Kidd is send to the outside with a flying forearm smash and Michaels bounces off the ropes, “inadvertently” elbowing Kofi in the face, before he hits a leaping forearm to David Hart Smith and scoops him up, before he hits the bodyslam and to the outside. Flying Elbowdrop to Smith and Michaels is cueing up the band, for some Sweet Chin Music but Kofi Kingston flies into the ring, knocking Shawn Michaels out with the Trouble in Paradise Kick! The fans give a mixed reaction, a lot of cheers, but a fair number of boos, as Kofi has just waffled Michaels right in the face with the Trouble in Paradise! Kofi is obviously hot after that elbow to the face and Smith comes back up, before he clotheslines Kofi down. Kidd drags Kofi to the floor and Smith makes the cover, scoring the pin.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty(10:11, B)


Back in the ring, Shawn Michaels is getting to his feet, and he calls Kofi back into the ring. Kofi returns to the ring and begins to brawl with Michaels once again. Eventually security comes out and out comes Mr. McMahon, to order a match between Kofi Kingston and Shawn Michaels, one on one at Wrestlemania 26. Not only any match, the winner will receive the first WWE Championship match after Wrestlemania the next night on RAW. “It could be against Randy Orton or maybe, just maybe, against the Rock!” Vince McMahon orders them out of the building and walks back to Bret Hart’s office, as he opens the door and comes face to face with the Undertaker.


The Undertaker grabs Mr. McMahon by the throat and backs him against the wall!. The chairman is getting the life choked out of him by the dead man but Drew McIntyre waffles the Undertaker from behind with a pipe! He breaks the pipe right over the back of the Undertaker and McIntyre beats down the Undertaker, before driving him right onto the Concrete backstage with the Double Underhook DDT! McIntyre stands over the Undertaker, as Mr. McMahon screams at him, yelling that the streak will be over and McIntyre will start his own streak by ending the Undertaker’s own.


Coming up next, we’ll here from the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho.


*********************Commercial Break*********************


Chris Jericho comes down to the ring, to talk about his match with John Morrison at Wrestlemania 26. Jericho says that Morrison has to be shaking right now, when he realizes who he has to face at Wrestlemania 26. Jericho has a list of accomplishments. He talks about how he has held championship gold in countless promotions around the world. He beat Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Rock in the same night to be the first ever Undisputed Champion. He is the only man in history to make the Undertaker tap out. He’s beaten both the WWE Champion and the ECW Champion in the same match. He beat five other top superstars to win the Elimination Chamber match. He’s beaten Triple H. He’s beaten Batista. He’s beaten CM Punk. He’s beaten Rey Mysterio. He’s beaten John Cena, Shawn Michaels, and countless others throughout his career. He is the best at the world in what he does and he talks about how the butterflies have to be flapping their wings in the stomach of John Morrison. How Morrison will have his brush with greatness, his one chance at stardom, but it will all come crashing down. Morrison might be good but Jericho is better.


Out comes John Morrison who says he does have a sickening feeling in his stomach but it’s not because of the fact that he has to face Jericho in the main event at Wrestlemania 26, but the fact that Jericho keeps running his mouth time and time again. Morrison says that over the past year, he has really stepped up his game and Wrestlemania 26, he’ll take that final step to the top, when he pins Chris Jericho in the center of the ring for the entire world to see and become the World Heavyweight Champion. Jericho says that Morrison has delusions of grandeur and talks about how with the list of men that Jericho has beaten, someone like Morrison does not really have a chance to win. Jericho invites Morrison into the ring and the minute that Morrison enters, Jericho tries to attack, but Morrison ducks the attack. Pele Kick knocks Jericho through the ropes!


Jericho lands on the floor as Morrison stands in the ring! Morrison says that he’s too quick for Jericho to catch up with and for the third time in a row, Morrison managed to get the drop on Jericho. Jericho overturns the ring steps in frustration at ringside. He’s going to have to defend the World Heavyweight Title against the man who just embarrassed him again. We fade to black on this note.

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Smackdown Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 3/5

MattitudeV2: 5/5

Lo-Drew: 4/5

BHK1978: 4/5

icedragon770: 3/5



March Standings:

MattitudeV2: 30/35

BHK1978: 27/35

TracyBrooksFan: 26/35

Lo-Drew: 13/35

Destiny: 3/35

icedragon770: 3/35


WWE Monday Night RAW 3/15/10


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Christian vs. Chris Jericho.


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Triple H vs. Batista.


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton.


Shawn Michaels vs. Jack Swagger.


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. the WWE Undispute Women's Champion Michelle McCool, Layla, and a third partner of their choosing.

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Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Christian vs. Chris Jericho


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Triple H vs. Batista


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton


Shawn Michaels vs. Jack Swagger.


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill


Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Michelle McCool, Layla, and a third partner of their choosing.

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Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Christian vs. Chris Jericho.


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Triple H vs. Batista.


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton.


Shawn Michaels vs. Jack Swagger.


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. the WWE Undispute Women's Champion Michelle McCool, Layla, and a third partner of their choosing.

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Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Christian vs. Chris Jericho.


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Triple H vs. Batista.


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton.

Shawn Michaels vs. Jack Swagger.


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.

Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. the WWE Undispute Women's Champion Michelle McCool, Layla, and a third partner of their choosing.

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Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Christian vs. Chris Jericho.


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Triple H vs. Batista.


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton.


Shawn Michaels vs. Jack Swagger.


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. the WWE Undispute Women's Champion Michelle McCool, Layla, and a third partner of their choosing.

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Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Christian vs. Chris Jericho.


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: Triple H vs. Batista.


Wrestlemania Rewind Match: The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton.


Shawn Michaels vs. Jack Swagger.


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Beth Phoenix, Gail Kim, and Melina vs. the WWE Undispute Women's Champion Michelle McCool, Layla, and a third partner of their choosing.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 3/15/10


Out comes Randy Orton at the top of the program. The WWE Champion enters the ring, to address what happened last week with the Rock. Orton says that he’s pleased that the Rock accepted his challenge, even if Orton had to resort to putting the WWE Championship on the line to get the Rock to get into the ring. Orton says that the Rock obviously regrets doing even that and regrets accepting the challenge, considering the fact that he is not present in the building this evening. Orton says the Rock will pay at Wrestlemania 26 for putting his hands on him and Orton says that the Rock is going to feel it when he gets punted this time. Orton says tonight he has a match with the Undertaker, a return match from Wrestlemania 21. On that night, the Undertaker vanquished Orton and added him to the streak and Orton has stewed over that loss for five years. He has gotten stronger, faster, and better and he will send a message to the Rock through the Undertaker tonight. Orton calls out the Undertaker and the lights go out and this Wrestlemania rewind match is up.


The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton


The Undertaker assaults Randy Orton with some punches in the corner at the start and a big boot but Orton takes control and works over the Undertaker, drawing massive boos. Orton turns up the heat with a sleeperhold, and continues to punish the Undertaker for the duration of this match. The Undertaker fights out of the hold with elbows. Orton is thrown into the corner and high back body drop, followed by a big boot. The Undertaker goes for the Tombstone but Orton drops down. RKO attempt but the Undertaker shrugs it off and grabs Orton by the throat. Choke Slam rocks Orton! The Undertaker prepares for the Tombstone but Drew McIntyre is at ringside. The Undertaker goes for Drew McIntyre, pounding on him with a series of punches. The Undertaker did not forget that pipe attack on Smackdown but Randy Orton catches the Undertaker with a slight punt through the ropes, causing him to be knocked down. The referee counts the Undertaker out, awarding the victory to Randy Orton.


Winner: Randy Orton(8:11, B)


Orton leaves, allowing McIntyre to ram the Undertaker into the ring steps and McIntyre throws the Undertaker into the ring, before planting him with the Double Underhook DDT. Once again, McIntyre has left the Undertaker laying. McIntyre grabs the microphone and declares that it will be 17-1 at Wrestlemania 26 and McIntyre will start his own streak that will exceed the Undertaker’s. Drew McIntyre and the Undertaker will go one on one, with Vince McMahon in McIntyre’s corner and Bret Hart in the Undertaker’s.


***************************Commercial Break******************


The Big Show cuts a promo on the other seven men in the Money in the Bank Match, promising to squash them like bugs if they get in his way. Show says he might not be able to climb a ladder all that well but he won’t need to. He’ll put them all in traction and the officials will be forced to award him the briefcase by default. He calls out Evan Bourne to help demonstrate this. Bourne comes out from the crowd and leaps to the top rope, before hitting a missile dropkick to the Big Show staggering him.


Evan Bourne vs. the Big Show


The fans are cheering, as Bourne is sticking and moving, keeping out of the reach of the Big Show. Bourne hits a stepover enzuigiri that wobbles the Big Show, before he climbs to the outside and delivers a springboard move, that gets him nailed right in the face with the massive punch of the Big Show. Show then stomps Bourne, like he might stomp an insect, before he covers him and scores the pin.


Winner: The Big Show(1:59, B)


Show continues to beat on Bourne after the bell but the fans are cheering, as Booker T runs out and catches the Big Show with the Harlem Side Kick! Show is knocked through the ropes and Booker gets on the microphone, hyping up Money in the Bank and saying that the Big Show might not be able to put him down that easy. Booker T is no small man and he may be able to handle the Big Show! Show looks steamed at ringside and Booker asks if we can dig it, sucka!


******************Commercial Break******************


We see Gail Kim, Melina, and Beth Phoenix, who have been forced to make an uneasy alliance against Michelle McCool, Layla, and a third partner to be named. Out comes that third partner, the returning Maryse, drawing boos from the crowd, as she parades out arrogantly. Well with Michelle and Layla, she is in good company. Still, she casts a snide look to the two championship belts over each of Michelle’s shoulders and obviously appears to believe that she, Maryse, would be better suited to hold them.


Melina, Gail Kim, and Beth Phoenix vs. Maryse, Layla, and the WWE Undisputed Women’s Champion Michelle McCool


Melina, Gail Kim, and Beth Phoenix managed to hold things together for a few minutes. That was until Gail Kim accidentally hit Beth Phoenix with a missile dropkick. This accident allowed Michelle to cradle Beth to score a surprising pin.


Winners: Maryse, Layla, and Michelle McCool(4:04, C-)


Melina, Gail Kim, and Beth Phoenix are now brawling in the ring after the match. The three divas that will challenge Michelle McCool for the Undisputed Women’s Title in a Fatal Four Way Match.


We see, Triple H arriving at the arena along with his wife, Stephanie McMahon. Later tonight, Triple H has a huge match tonight, at return match from Wrestlemania 21 against Batista, a man who he has never been able to defeat. Little does the couple know that CM Punk is watching them from behind a stack of crates, with a calculating look on his face.


**********************Commercial Break***********************


We cut to the ring, where Jack Swagger is standing by, talking about how he is the best pure athlete in WWE today and how it is a shame that he’s left off of the Wrestlemania card. He talks about how he’s gotten no respect since being put on RAW and very little air time to speak up. Swagger says he’s going to make a statement, by beating Shawn Michaels tonight and perhaps someone will finally learn that Jack Swagger is for real.


Shawn Michaels vs. Jack Swagger


Michaels runs wild early, but Swagger takes control with a kneelift and a fireman’s carry, showing a vicious streak tonight. Swagger has been always the odd man out, not getting a spot on television more times often then not but he’s making the most out of this match. The announcers talk about how this was supposed to be in theory a tune up match for the number one contenders match between Shawn Michaels and Kofi Kingston at Wrestlemania 26. Pump splash hits the knees and Michaels goes to work on Swagger. Spine buster sets up a flying elbow drop. Michaels prepares to go for the Superkick, but changes his mind and applies a reverse figure four leglock to Swagger! Swagger struggles in the hold but he has no choice to tap out!


Winner: Shawn Michaels(8:01, B)


The announcers talk about how Michaels is more than just Sweet Chin Music and he has any number of tricks that he can use to put a man out. Kofi Kingston has only one finisher that he’s established, the Trouble in Paradise, but it is one that has knocked many people out. It will be Kofi Kingston and Shawn Michaels.


A video is highlighted, showing Sunny, talking about how she paved the way for the divas of today in the mid 1990s. Without Sunny, there would be no divas to speak of and for that, we salute Sunny as the newest member of the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2010.


*********************Commercial Break********************


Triple H vs. Batista


Triple H is a house of fire but that fire quickly gets extinguished, as Batista really beats down Triple H, taking his time. Unfortunately, that pacing comes back to bite Batista, as Triple H avoids a spear and hits a neckbreaker on Batista for a two count. Triple H hits a series of elbows to the side of the head and a face buster on Batista. Triple H hammers away at him and high knee right to the face, before an image of the Titan Tron appears, with CM Punk congratulating Triple H on finally avenging his losses to Batista but Punk is doing some avenging of his own. He talks about how Triple H corrupted the heiress of the company with his degenerate ways. We cut back to see Stephanie McMahon screaming and the Hart Dynasty holding her back, obviously in the league with Punk, as they force her into the back of the car. Punk tells Triple H not to worry, he won’t harm a hair on his wife’s head and in fact, he will help her rescind any wicked ways she might pick up for Triple H. And at Wrestlemania 26, Punk will help Triple H see the light and that Straight Edge is the only way. Batista lariats a distracted Triple H from behind but Triple H lands on the floor and begins to bolt to the back, not carrying about the match. Batista just shrugs his shoulders and lounges in the corner, allowing the referee to count Triple H out.


Winner By Countout: Batista (9:08, A)


Batista cuts a promo, vowing to not be as lenient on John Cena at Wrestlemania 26 and praising Triple H for his genius in running rather than taking a beating that would put him on the shelf for months.


We cut to the back, where Triple H is too late. Punk has already cleared the building, with the Hart Dynasty and they have kidnapped Stephanie McMahon. Triple H angrily begins to tip over backstage equipment, vowing that Punk is a dead man when he gets his hands on Punk at Wrestlemania 26. Triple H is in a rage and Punk might have gone too hard.


**********************Commercial Break*********************8


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill(w/Katie Lea Burchill)


Kofi gets the early offense but Burchill cuts Kofi off with a punch to the midsection and a Hotshot, as the Ripper goes to work. Kofi is being pummeled by Burchill, who is trying to make a statement, much like Jack Swagger did earlier tonight. Shawn Michaels shows up, just as Kofi fights out from underneath. Into the corner goes Burchill and a leaping clothesline. Backing off and Boom Drop by Kofi gets a two count. Kofi pulls up Burchill and hammers him with a series of elbows to the side of the head. A kick right to the chest and Kofi backs up but Michaels takes a step forward to get a better look, which throws off the concentration of Kofi Kingston, long enough for Burchill to take advantage and attack Kofi from behind, before he hits the Twisted Sister to score the pin.


Winner: Paul Burchill(9: 00, B)


We see Burchill with the win and Shawn Michaels enters the ring, as Burchill appears to leave but he ducks and clotheslines Michaels from behind. Burchill begins to viciously stomp Michaels, ramming that heavy knee brace into the back of the head of Michaels, before hoisting him up and Curb Stomping Michaels. Burchill gets on the microphone and asks if they thought he was going to go away quietly, just because John Cena beat him at the Elimination Chamber. Burchill says that it’s a farce that two men that he’s just laid out are fighting for a WWE Championship Match and he has to sit in the back at Wrestlemania 26. Burchill says he will be noticed, no matter how many heads he has to crack.


We cut to a pre recorded promo with John Cena, who says that he should have expected Batista to attack him from behind last week. However, no injuries were aggravated to the point where Cena will be able to miss any more time. He is still ready to go to war against Batista, to take him out at Wrestlemania 26. Cena says that Batista will be the one to fall this time and after Wrestlemania 26, Cena will be back on the track to his biggest goal, that is regaining the WWE Championship. He talks about how after Wrestlemania 26, the champ will be here again!


**********************Commercial Break*******************


John Morrison joins us for commentary during this return match from Wrestlemania 20 between Christian and the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho.


Christian vs. the World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho(Non Title match)


Christian and Jericho exchange some vicious chops at the bell, with Christian leapfrogging over a charging Jericho and hitting a pair of armdrags to take him out. Christian hammers away at Jericho and sends him into the corner. Ten count punches in the corner drawing cheers from the count and Christian drops down, before he beats on Jericho. Russian Legsweep connects to Jericho for a two count. Christian hammers away at Jericho, as the announcers remind us that Christian did in fact beat Jericho at Wrestlemania 20, but it was with help from Trish Stratus who turned on Jericho. Christian pulls out a sleeperhold, before he leaps up and drives the back of Jericho’s head into the canvas in that move. Two count and Christian beats on Jericho but Jericho elbows him in the side of the head, before he clotheslines Christian down! The fans are booing, as Jericho is punching away at Christian with a vicious streak. Jericho suplexes Christian down and stands on his throat. Kneedrop right to the top of the head of Christian and Jericho picks up Christian, ramming him into the corner. Kneelift in the corner and Jericho grabs Christian, attempting a power bomb but Christian counters with a sunset flip, slipping out the back door for a two count!


Christian is kneelifted right in the ribs and Jericho hits a swinging neckbreaker on Christian. Jericho beats on Christian and hammers him, before hoisting him onto the shoulders. Gutbuster to Christian and Jericho with kicks to the ribs, taunting Morrison on commentary, before hitting a running senton! Jericho is working over the ribs of Christian, setting up the Code Breaker no doubt. A series of forearms to the side and Jericho throws Christian into the ropes. Spinning heel kick brings Christian down and Jericho leaps to the second rope. Christian rolls out of the way from the lionsault but Jericho lands on his feet and dropkicks Christian, before leaping to the middle rope and completing the lionsault for a nearfall. Jericho sets up Christian for a power bomb, which he connects with this time. Unfortunately, Jericho makes the mistake of going for a second power bomb, hoisting Christian up, and he pays for that when Christian counters with a DDT! Both men are down and Christian is back up, drilling Jericho with elbows right to the face. Christian charges Jericho but he gets high back dropped over the top rope. Christian lands on the ring apron and grabs Jericho, before hitting a neckbreaker right across the top rope. Jericho plants face first onto the canvas and up to his feet is Jericho, with Christian hitting a springboard dropkick on Jericho for a two count! Christian bends down and applies a dragon sleeper to Jericho! We could see a submission victory but Jericho is in the ropes.


Christian continues to beat on Jericho, drawing more cheers with each strike, as the fans are getting behind Captain Charisma, as Jericho is thrown into the corner. Dropkick by Christian in the corner and Jericho is staggered, with Christian hooking Jericho around the head. Tornado DDT is countered into the Walls of Jericho, which is countered right into a cradle by Christian for a nearfall! Jericho very nearly was put down and Christian hits a reverse kick right to Jericho to stagger him as he gets up. Christian grabs Jericho by the hair and turns him. Reverse DDT brings Jericho down! Christian could have him! No Jericho gets out at two and nine tenths! The fans are really getting behind Christian, they want to see him beat the World Heavyweight Champion. Christian grabs Jericho and in the corner with more chops. Ten count punches on Jericho in the corner and Christian drops out, before grabbing Chris Jericho and running up the ropes, to hit a tornado bulldog on Jericho! The fans pop big but that’s only just another nearfall! Christian picks up Jericho and double underhook suplex but Jericho somehow kicks out again. Now Christian pulls Jericho into a kneelift and sets him up for the Killswitch but Jericho turns out and double leg pick up, right into the Walls of Jericho!


Jericho is really leaning back on the hold, as Christian struggles to get to the ropes. Thankfully, he is near enough to grab it and Jericho has to break the hold. Jericho drills Christian with a kneedrop to the head of Christian. Christian is picked up off the ropes and Jericho throws him into the ropes. Running forearm smash knocks Christian down and Christian is hoisted up to the top rope, where Jericho continues to pound his chest with chops. Jericho climbs up with Christian but Christian fights off a superplex, hanging onto the top rope and Jericho is shoved off. Jericho hits hard as Christian readjusts his footing and leaps off. Frog Splash misses when Jericho rolls out of the way. The earlier work on the ribs has paid off for Jericho with this miss, as Christian rolls around, favoring them. He manages to get up, in time to eat the Code Breaker, which is enough to get the pin.


Winner: Chris Jericho(19:53, A)


Nearly twenty minutes of back and forth action, but Chris Jericho proves to be the better man tonight. Chris Jericho gets the win tonight and may be at the best he’s ever been during this current run as World Heavyweight Champion but then again so is John Morrison. This match could be one for the ages, the main event of Wrestlemania 26 between John Morrison and Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Title. Next week is the last RAW before Wrestlemania 26 and all of the superstars will be in the house.

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RAW Results:

MattitudeV2: 6/6

Destiny: 4/6

TracyBrooksFan: 3/6

BHK1978: 4/6

Low-Drew: 4/6


March Standings:

MattitudeV2: 36/41

BHK1978: 31/41

TracyBrooksFan: 29/41

Lo-Drew: 17/41

Destiny: 7/41

icedragon770: 3/41


ECW On Sy Fy 3/16/10


Evan Bourne, R-Truth, and Booker T vs. Zack Ryder, Ted DiBiase, and the Big Show.


Bryan Danielson vs. ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin(Non Title Match)


Goldust vs. William Regal.

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