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<p><strong>WWE Superstars 4/1/10</strong></p><p> </p><p>

A recap from Wrestlemania 26 is shown before we go to hype for tonight, with Jack Swagger taking on Evan Bourne in a return match from this week. Plus three other exclusive matches from RAW, Smackdown, and ECW.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Primo vs. Rene Dupree</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Dupree is making his return to WWE tonight as part of Superstars. The French Phenom looks to not have missed a step and puts Primo to the paces. Primo fights Dupree off, hitting a couple of dropkicks but he misses a backspring cross body before Dupree hits the Bonsoir(his version of a Michinoku Driver), for the pin. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Rene Dupree(5:11, B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Dupree does the Dupree Shuffle over the body of Primo before he returns, a victory as part of RAW. </p><p> </p><p>

******************Commercial Break***********************</p><p> </p><p>

A recap from ECW with Bryan Danielson beating Vance Archer highlighted. This week Shelton Benjamin defends the ECW Championship against William Regal in Shelton’s last championship shot. Now let’s get to the ring for an exclusive match for ECW. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;"><strong>Slam Master J vs. Tyler Reks</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

The announcers briefly discus that Slam Master J’s Smackdown contract has expired and he has rebounded on ECW, in an attempt to get some momentum. Slam Master and Reks have a match, with Reks using a pair of brass knuckles to score the pin. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Tyler Reks(4:22, E-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Reks gets the win tonight on Superstars. </p><p> </p><p>

*******************Commercial Break***********************</p><p> </p><p>

Recap from Smackdown, highlighting John Morrison against William Regal, with Morrison moving into his eventual title victory at Wrestlemania 26 against Chris Jericho with the victory. Hype for the Handicap Casket Match with the Brothers of Destruction against CM Punk this Friday. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>Kung Fu Wang vs. Charlie Haas and Mike Knox</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

A pretty standard tag team match. Kung Fu Naki was beaten down but he makes a hot tag to Yang, who runs wild in the ring, taking down Haas, but Knox catches him with a Bicycle Kick, sending him into a German Suplex for the pin. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winners: Charlie Haas and Mike Knox(6:22, C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Knox and Haas get the win, perhaps having put the Unified Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian on notice with their performance tonight. </p><p> </p><p>

Coming up next, Jack Swagger takes on Evan Bourne. </p><p> </p><p>

************************Commercial Break*********************</p><p> </p><p>

Recap of Paul Burchill’s path of destruction from RAW, as he destroys Shawn Michaels putting on the shelf before costing Kofi Kingston the WWE Championship and whipping him with a belt. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

This is a return match from last week on this program, where Bourne won. Bourne used his high flying and death defying abilities to take Swagger down but Swagger cut Bourne off and beats him. Swagger takes Bourne down with a series of suplexes but he misses a pump splash. Bourne beats on Swagger, hitting a missile dropkick and a tornado DDT, laying him out. Air Bourne misses when Bourne takes too long and Swagger delivers an Oklahoma Side Roll on Bourne to score the pin. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: Jack Swagger(7:55, B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Swagger gets the victory tonight on Superstars. Both of these men have gotten a victory against each other, could a tie breaker be in the future? We’ll find out but we’re out of time. See you on Smackdown! </p><p> </p><p>

---------------------------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p>


TracyBrooksFan: 3/3</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 3/3</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 1/3</p><p>

BHK1978: 3/3</p><p>

Mattitude90: 3/3</p><p> </p><p>

Overall Standings for April:</p><p>

TracyBrooksFan: 3/3</p><p>

MattitudeV2: 3/3</p><p>

BHK1978: 3/3</p><p>

Mattitude90: 3/3</p><p>

Lo-Drew: 1/3</p>

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<p><span style="color:#0000FF;"><strong>WWE Smackdown 4/2/10</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

Handicap Casket Match:</p><p>

The Undertaker and Kane vs. CM Punk. </p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian vs. Chavo Guerrero and Eric Escobar(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

Matt Hardy vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Undisputed Women's Title Match:</p><p>

Michelle McCool vs. Beth Phoenix©</p><p> </p><p>

Cryme Tyme vs. the Hart Dynasty</p>

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<p>Handicap Casket Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Undertaker and Kane</strong> vs. CM Punk. </p><p> </p><p>

Really CM should win this because he is a massive underdog but I just don't think it will happen.</p><p> </p><p>

Unified Tag Team Champions <strong>Edge and Christian </strong>vs. Chavo Guerrero and Eric Escobar(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

Matt Hardy vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion <strong>Dolph Ziggler</strong>(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Undisputed Women's Title Match:</p><p>

Michelle McCool vs. <strong>Beth Phoenix</strong>©</p><p> </p><p>

Cryme Tyme vs.<strong> the Hart Dynasty</strong></p>

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<p>Handicap Casket Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Undertaker and Kane</strong> vs. CM Punk. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Unified Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian</strong> vs. Chavo Guerrero and Eric Escobar(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Matt Hardy</strong> vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Undisputed Women's Title Match:</p><p>

Michelle McCool vs. <strong>Beth Phoenix©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Cryme Tyme vs. <strong>the Hart Dynasty</strong></p>

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<p>Handicap Casket Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Undertaker and Kane</strong> vs. CM Punk. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Unified Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian</strong> vs. Chavo Guerrero and Eric Escobar(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

Matt Hardy vs. <strong>WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler</strong>(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

WWE Undisputed Women's Title Match:</p><p>

Michelle McCool vs. <strong>Beth Phoenix©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Cryme Tyme vs. <strong>the Hart Dynasty</strong></p>

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<p>Handicap Casket Match:</p><p>

<strong>The Undertaker and Kane</strong> vs. CM Punk.</p><p>


Unified Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian</strong> vs. Chavo Guerrero and Eric Escobar(Non Title Match)</p><p> </p><p>

Matt Hardy vs. <strong>WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

WWE Undisputed Women's Title Match:</p><p>

Michelle McCool vs. <strong>Beth Phoenix©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Cryme Tyme vs. <strong>the Hart Dynasty</strong></p>

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Handicap Casket Match:

The Undertaker and Kane vs. CM Punk.


Unified Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian vs. Chavo Guerrero and Eric Escobar(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)


WWE Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Michelle McCool vs. Beth Phoenix©


Cryme Tyme vs. the Hart Dynasty

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WWE Smackdown 4/2/10


Recap from all of the big events from Wrestlemania 26 and hype for tonight’s Handicap Casket Match, featuring CM Punk fighting both Kane and the Undertaker.


Out comes Batista, who cuts a promo, talking about how he had Cena defeated last Sunday and only his showing mercy for Cena prevented Batista from pinning him when he had the chance. Batista says that Cena have breath easily, at least for the moment, but sooner or later, they will cross paths and Batista will finish what he started. Batista shifts gears, talking about Rey Mysterio, who made his return last Sunday and attacked Batista. At Survivor Series 2009, Batista put Rey on the shelf for six months. Now, Rey wants to return and try and make a name for himself. Batista says that he let Rey off easily back at Survivor Series. Rey should have taken the hint and cleared off. Unfortunately, Rey didn’t, and thus Batista is forced to teach him an even more painful lesson. Batista talks about how Rey is not technically cleared to compete for another three weeks but Batista says Rey will be better just in time for Extreme Rules and Batista is throwing out a challenge for Rey. However, it won’t be just any match, it will be a Stretcher Match! You have to beat your opponent up so badly that they cannot continue and have to be stretchered out of the arena. Batista also puts the new World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison on notice, as Batista claims that he will be coming for his title.


******************Commercial Break********************


Cryme Tyme vs. the Hart Dynasty(w/Natalya)


Here are two teams that know each other very well and this is the latest battle in their feud. The Hart Dynasty appear to be sending a message to the new Unified Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian, giving JTG a savage beating before Shad runs in, and cleans house. Natalya gets involved and this allows the Hart Dynasty to finish off Shad with the Springboard Hart Attack for the pin.


Winners: The Hart Dynasty(7:28, B-)


The Hart Dynasty gets the win tonight and is one step closer to securing a Unified Tag Team Title Shot against Edge and Christian.


We are backstage, where Drew McIntyre is severely beating on Jimmy Wang Yang. Kung Fu Naki is already down backstage and McIntyre looks enraged, at the fact that he failed to end the Undertaker’s winning streak this past Sunday. McIntyre throws Wang through a wall and storms off, talking about how Mr. McMahon won’t even give him the time of day now and thinks he’s damaged goods. McIntyre rants about how Wrestlemania 26 was to be the beginning of his streak, that would eclipse the Undertaker’s. Security comes out as Mr. McMahon pops up, berating McIntyre, calling him a failure and a wash out. McMahon says that perhaps this is his fault, putting his faith in someone who was young and couldn’t handle taking on a veteran like the Undertaker. McMahon says that he suggests McIntyre better shape up. He also says that tonight, while he doesn’t like the Undertaker and Kane, they will drag CM Punk to the depths of hell and McMahon says tonight Punk’s straight edge revolution will be buried. McMahon has a shovel in his hand and he walks outside. The announcers wonder where the boss is going with that shovel.


**************************Commercial Break***********************


Matt Hardy vs. the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler


This non title match featured Matt Hardy getting a few nearfalls but Ziggler fought back, beating on Hardy. Hardy fights back with a Side Effect and to the second rope. Legdrop connects. Hardy beats on Ziggler but Ziggler hangs Hardy up on the top rope, before hitting the Zig Zag for the pin.


Winner: Dolph Ziggler(9:22, B-)


Ziggler gets the win, walking off with the victory and the WWE Intercontinental Title, no wait, he goes for the microphone. Ziggler begins cutting a promo, congratulating the new World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison on his victory at Wrestlemania 26 and Ziggler thanks him for making it so much easier for him to capture the World Heavyweight Championship. As Ziggler reminds us, he beat Morrison for that WWE Intercontinental Title, so Ziggler reasons that he can beat Morrison for the bigger belt. Strong words from Ziggler, but the WWE Intercontinental Champion has proven that he can back it up in the ring more often than not.


************************Commercial Break**************************


Michelle McCool is out, talking about how a great tragedy occurred last Sunday, for the Unified Women’s Title was taken from her. Michelle says the WWE Universe doesn’t think she can beat Beth Phoenix but Michelle says that the Glamazon got lucky. She sends Layla to the back and calls Beth Phoenix out from their return match.


WWE Unified Women’s Title Match:

Michelle McCool vs. Beth Phoenix©


Maryse watches this match intently backstage, as Beth Phoenix pretty much picks apart McCool, who is obviously regretting her bravado. Michelle manages to get a surprise cradle for a two count but Beth proceeds to kill Michelle at her leisure, hitting the Glam Slam for the pin and pretty much seal the issue.


Winner and Still Unified Women’s Champion: Beth Phoenix(5:22, C-)


Beth Phoenix takes both of her belts, as it looks like she’s going to be in for a long reign as champion but naturally challengers are lining up from both RAW and Smackdown to take a crack at her.


We cut backstage, where CM Punk is cutting a promo, talking about how Stephanie McMahon is safe in the hands of some associates of his, because he knows the past she has with both of the Undertaker and Kane. Punk talks about how once the Undertaker tried to sacrifice Stephanie in a dark wedding, no doubt inspired by some mind altering substance that made the Undertaker believe that he is the Lord of Darkness and Kane once tried to throw her off of the balcony. Plus, Punk adds that women are never safe around Kane to begin with. Punk says that his straight edge values will see him through and guide him to victory. Punk says that Vince McMahon thought he could stack the deck against him, by putting Punk in a Handicap Casket Match but Punk vows to have the last laugh tonight and reminds us that Straight Edge is Means Punk is better than you.


*********************Commercial Break*******************


The Unified Tag Team Champions Christian and Edge vs. Eric Escobar and Chavo Guerrero(Non Title Match)


Edge and Christian get the early advantage, but Christian is worked over for several minutes, with some double teaming tactics, until Edge is tagged into the match. Edge runs wild on both of his opponents. Escobar is dumped to the floor and Edge hits the Spear on Chavo for the pin.


Winners: Edge and Christian(8:05, B-)


Out come the Hart Dynasty immediately, the former Unified Tag Team Champions, attacking Edge and Christian. Edge and Christian begin to fight off the Dynasty and a huge brawl occurs around the ringside area, as security pours from the back, in an attempt to pry these two teams apart. The Hart Dynasty yell that they want their return match with Edge and Christian but there is no answer, as both teams are lead away.


Coming up next, we’ll hear from the World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison for the first time since he has won the title this Sunday.


***********************Commercial Break******************


Todd Grisham introduces the brand new World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison, who makes his way down to the ring to a huge pop. Morrison talks about how last Sunday, he climbed to the top of the ladder, despite all of the obstacles in his way. Morrison says that this was a long time coming but now he’s the World Heavyweight Champion, which means a lot on a brand that has some of the greatest talent in the world. Former World Heavyweight Champions like Booker T, Batista, the Undertaker, Kane, Edge, Rey Mysterio, and yes the man he beat, Chris Jericho. Hungry young superstars like Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, R-Truth, and the Hart Dynasty. Veterans such as Finlay, Charlie Haas, and Matt Hardy, who have been around the block man times but have not secured a championship. Morrison welcomes all challenges.


“Break the Walls Down”


Out comes the former World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho. Jericho sarcastically claps for Morrison, before he talks about how he underestimated Morrison last Sunday and Morrison did good by proving him wrong. However, Jericho says that he is still the best in the world at what he does. Jericho says that the next time they meet, with the title on the line, the outcome will be different. He talks about how Morrison did the easy part, winning the title. Keeping the title is another matter entirely. Jericho says that everyone from the top stars to the lowest preliminary bum will be gunning for Morrison and then there’s Chris Jericho, who is in a league his own. Jericho asks Morrison if he can handle it and Morrison replies that he can, saying that he intends to stay on the top of the ladder, now that he is climbed it.


Jericho says that Morrison should know as champion, attacks can happen at any time and Jericho goes for a shot, but Morrison ducks and dropkicks Jericho to cheers! The fans pop big time as Morrison is beating on Jericho but Dolph Ziggler is out and he jumps Morrison from behind! A two on one assault, until Booker T rushes out to make the save and even the odds, helping Morrison fight off his two attackers. Booker turns to Morrison, eye balling the belt, before telling Morrison to enjoy it why it lasts, because he owes Booker one after tonight.


Coming up next, Handicap Casket Match between the Brothers of Destruction and CM Punk. Could this be the end for CM Punk? Find out next.


**************************Commercial Break*****************************


Handicap Casket Match:

The Undertaker and Kane vs. CM Punk


Punk had an equalizer, a handful of powder, which he threw into the eyes of Kane, before hitting him with a series of kicks, before the Undertaker could make his entrance. Kane was knocked out and this was pretty much a one on one match between the Undertaker and CM Punk, with the Undertaker beating Punk in the corner, assaulting him but Punk managed to hang up the Undertaker and put him down with a sleeperhold but Kane returns to the ring, wiping the powder from his eyes. Punk chops away at Kane but Kane goes for a big boot. Punk ducks and Kane crotches himself on the top rope, before Punk grabs a chair and waffles Kane with it twice, hitting the Undertaker once for good measure and then opening the casket, dumping Kane inside and stomping him a few times, before closing the lid for the apparent victory.


Unfortunately for Punk, it appears that he has to put both the Undertaker and Kane inside the casket simultaneously to win. Punk looks horrified, especially when there appears there is no way that both Kane and the Undertaker both will be able to fit in that casket. The Undertaker returns fire on Punk but Punk catches the Undertaker with a low blow. GTS connects on the Undertaker and Punk dropkicks Kane as he is out of the casket, before making his way down to the ramp. Punk has had enough and security is on the ramp, blocking Punk. Punk protests, and Kane grabs Punk, rolling him back into the ring. A two on one beating on Punk by the Undertaker and Kane. No doubt somewhere, Mr. McMahon is smiling. Punk tries to fight back but a double chokeslam puts him down. A second double choke slam and a third double choke slam. The Undertaker scoops up Punk and Kane climbs to the second rope, before they hit Punk with a spiked Tombstone Piledriver. Kane scoops up Punk and gives him another Choke Slam for good measure, right into the Cakset and the lid is slammed shut.


Winners: The Undertaker and Kane(11:11, B+)


The Brothers of Destruction have scored the victory tonight on Smackdown and now security has found their way back up the ramp, as they proceed to lock the casket that Punk is in, as Vince McMahon appears on the titantron, outside of what appears that be a patch of land and…a grave has been dug? Vince yells security to bring the casket outside. McMahon taunts Punk, asking if his straight edge life style will save him from being buried alive. The announcers wonder if Mr. McMahon has finally lost whatever strands of sanity he has been holding onto. Punk is being carried from the building in the casket, trapped and unable to free himself and we are out of time. No, not all ready, Vince McMahon looks intent to have that casket dumped into the hole and have Punk buried alive while trapped in it! Tune into RAW this Monday!




Smackdown Results:

BHK1978: 5/5

Mattitude90: 4/5

MattitudeV2: 5/5

TracyBrooksFan: 5/5

Lo-Drew: 4/5


Overall Standings for April:

TracyBrooksFan: 8/8

MattitudeV2: 8/8

BHK1978: 8/8

Mattitude90: 7/8

Lo-Drew: 5/8

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WWE Monday Night RAW 4/5/10


MVP, Mark Henry, Edge, and Christian vs. Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase, and the Hart Dynasty.


Evan Bourne vs. Paul Burchill.


Chris Masters vs. Rene Dupree.


Melina vs. Alicia Fox vs. Natalya.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 4/5/10


Recap of RAW last week, mostly centered around the path of destruction of one Paul Burchill, as he destroyed Shawn Michaels. Also Kofi Kingston gets cost the championship by Burchill and given a savage beating.


Then we cut to some Smackdown clips, of the Brothers of Destruction beating CM Punk in a handicap casket match and then the casket was dumped into a hole but the police arrived before Vince McMahon could do his dastardly deed and bury CM Punk alive. Punk was freed from the casket, barely breathing and taken for some medical attention. Tonight, CM Punk and Vince McMahon are both in the building and tempers could in fact flare.


Melina vs. Alicia Fox vs. Natalya


Three women battle tonight in a Triple Threat Match as the WWE Unified Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix sits in on commentary and talks about the competition across two brands being better than it ever has been. Natalya hits a Northern Lights Suplex on Melina for the pin, pinning the former Women’s and Diva’s Champion and no doubt putting her in line for a title shot.


Winner: Natalya(6:22, C-)


Natalya confronts Phoenix at ringside and both woman get into a bit of a brawl. Natalya is pulled apart, but Maryse cheapshots Beth Phoenix from behind and hits a DDT on the outside. Maryse stands over Beth, with a superior smirk on her face, before walking off. Maryse has made her intentions clear since returning, she wants that Unified Women’s Title that Beth Phoenix has.


**********************Commercial Break***************************


Out comes John Cena to loud cheers. Cena talks about how at Wrestlemania 26 he beat Batista. Batista can say what he wants and Cena even admits that he might have just managed to get the win by the skin of his teeth, but Cena also declares that’s good enough for him. He won at the biggest stage of them all and Cena says that he should be the number one contender for Randy Orton and the WWE Championship. At that point, the music of the Miz interrupts Cena. The Miz tells Cena that he should get in line, because the Miz was the United States Champion for seven months and yet he never got one title shot at either Cena or Orton when they held the gold. The Miz says Cena is hiding from him and Cena fires back that he handily beat the Miz last summer. The Miz responds that was a different time and now he is much better, stronger, and he’ll take out Cena if given the match. The Miz says he can beat Cena and prove he should be the one to get the title shot.


Out comes the Big Show to interrupt and state that he should be getting the title shot, because he’s the biggest and baddest competitor on RAW. Show offers proof of a match that he had Randy Orton slightly before the Elimination Chamber Pay Per View, where Orton had to get himself disqualified. Show says that he’ll knock both the Miz and Cena out and walk over them to get the title shot.


The music of the boss fires up and Vince McMahon is out. Mr. McMahon cuts a promo on all three men, saying that they raise good points, therefore tonight in the main event, the Miz, the Big Show, and John Cena will meet in a Triple Threat Match for the right to face off against Randy Orton for the WWE Championship at Extreme Rules. Mr. McMahon has spoken and that’s going to go down tonight.


****************************Commercial Break**********************


Another recap of Burchill’s destruction of Shawn Michaels last week.


Evan Bourne vs. Paul Burchill


Bourne hits a missile dropkick at the bell but Burchill catches Bourne and destroys him. Bourne fights down from underneath but Burchill makes him pay for even the slightest offense, with two crushing lariats. Burchill hits a spinning power bomb, before hitting a brain buster and then a vicious Curb Stomp, before he applies a Stump Puller like submission move, viciously punishing Bourne and forcing him to submit.


Winner: Paul Burchill(7:22, B)


Burchill grabs the microphone and talks about how he came to WWE and the moment he walked in, he got no respect from anyone but now he’s proven that he can hang with the top people in the company. He brags that he ended the career of Shawn Michaels last week but then he heard the commentary afterwards, from one Michael Cole. Burchill leaves the ring and drops down to the announcers table, before grabbing Michael Cole by the shirt and yelling, “Am I a bully, am I a coward, now?” Burchill begins to choke Cole and Jerry Lawler jumps up and punches Burchill. The punch catches Burchill off guard, as Lawler brawls with Burchill, but not for long, as Burchill throws Lawler into the ring steps and rolls him into the ring. Burchill headbutts Lawler and prepares to give him a savage beating but Kofi Kingston is out and springboard forearm to the face! Burchill bounces up and now Kofi has a strap that he is whipping Burchill with! Burchill staggers to the floor, clutching his back.


Kofi gets on the microphone, cutting a fired up promo, asking Burchill how it feels to be beaten with a strap! He says that Burchill cost him the championship last week and now Kofi is going to get his revenge. He wants Paul Burchill one on one at Extreme Rules in a Strap Match! The fans cheer for that one as Burchill says he accepts and promises to put Kofi Kingston right in the hospital next to Shawn Michaels.


************************Commercial Break**********************


Matt Striker and Todd Grisham are out, as both Lawler and Cole will be unable to commentate the rest of the show, due to the incident involving Burchill moments ago and a replay of that is shown.


Rene Dupree vs. Chris Masters


The returning Dupree takes on the Masterpiece this week on RAW. Dupree returned this past Thursday on Superstars with a victory of Primo and now is prepared to make a fresh start on RAW, beating Masters, after avoiding the Masterlock and rolling him up, using the tights for leverage for the pin.


Winner: Rene Dupree(4:11, D+)


Dupree leaves the ring, a ****y expression on his face as Masters is in the ring, looking angered at the loss but Dupree was the more crafty of the two tonight on RAW.


We see CM Punk backstage and he is making his way down to the ring. Punk will address nearly being buried alive on Smackdown, coming up next on RAW.


*************************Commercial Break************************


CM Punk is out, drawing boos from the fans. Punk cuts a promo, talking about despite the fact that he suffered a beating last week on Smackdown, he’s still standing, due to his superior condition because of falling the principles of Straight Edge. Punk says that Straight Edge is very real and fans should take heed to his words, because they are true. He also talks about nearly being buried alive and he said while he could do what the United States Government could never do and that’s have Vince McMahon thrown away for a very long time, Punk decided not to. He is a very forgiving man and said that Mr. McMahon was addled in some way. Plus if McMahon is in prison, he won’t be saved. Punk talks about how the locker room is a cesspool and there is only one person to blame. Vincent Kennedy McMahon and if Punk saves Vince, he saves the company. Punk says that he’s going to stage an intervention for Mr. McMahon right here next week on RAW.


No Chance in Hell kicks up and out comes Vince McMahon, who is looking surlier than usual. He says that he heard Punk talking in the ring and wanted to puke! Mr. McMahon talks about how Punk is trying to eliminate the freedoms we hold dear because of his crusade of lies. Mr. McMahon says that it’s amusing, as Punk looks more strung out then some of the people he’s accusing of deviant behavior which causes Punk to get all offended. Mr. McMahon says that Punk can stage all of the interventions that he wants, but he’ll never tell Vince McMahon what to do. “NEVER!” bellowed Vince and Punk tells Vince to calm down, before he has a heart attack. Vince gets all riled up and begins to take his jacket off, before saying that Punk corrupted his daughter and put his son in law on the shelf at Wrestlemania 26, but there is one McMahon left standing against Punk and that is Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Mr. McMahon says that he wants Punk at Extreme Rules in a Street Fight, so he can beat the Straight Edge out of Punk.


Punk responds…by declining the challenge. He says he has nothing to gain by fighting Mr. McMahon in a Street Fight and beating up a Senior Citizen in the ring would not serve Punk’s agenda. Mr. McMahon taunts Punk, saying that Straight Edge obviously means that he has no grape fruits either and Punk just steps back, saying that he hopes Vince shows up for his intervention next week, because its for his own good.


************************Commercial Break************************


The Unified Tag Team Champions Edge and Christian, the WWE United States Champion MVP, and Mark Henry vs. The Hart Dynasty(w/Natalya), Cody Rhodes, and Ted DiBiase)


There appears to be some kind of alliance between the Hart Dynasty and Legacy after last week and Edge and Christian recruited two men who are very familiar with Legacy, MVP and Mark Henry to help them do battle. A lot of this match is chaotic brawling between all eight men but Christian is eventually cut off and beaten down for several minutes, until he tags in MVP, who runs wild. The Hart Dynasty brawl to the back with Edge and Christian, leaving Mark Henry and MVP against Legacy. Henry is sent into the ringpost to take him out but MVP wipes out Rhodes with the Drive By Kick. He goes for another one on DiBiase but he ducks and rolls up MVP to score the pin.


Winners: Legacy and the Hart Dynasty(10:22, B)


MVP bounces up, talking about how DiBiase managed to score a quick pin catching him off guard which won’t happen again. DiBiase says that he has that Money in the Bank Title Shot for any time he wants and MVP is just a slight speed bump. MVP is offended, talking about how if MVP was in the match, it might be a different story. Some back and forth goes on, until a championship versus Money in the Bank case match is made. MVP will put his United States Title on the line against the Money in the Bank Briefcase of Ted DiBiase in a high stakes match at Extreme Rules.


Coming up next, the Miz, the Big Show, and John Cena meet for the right to challenge Randy Orton for the WWE Championship at Extreme Rules.


*****************Commercial Break**************************


Randy Orton comes out, to join Todd Grisham and Matt Striker. Orton talks about how he did the impossible and beat the Rock eight days ago at Wrestlemania 26 and says that he would have beaten Kofi Kingston last week, but Burchill just had to interfere to put that seed of doubt in the minds of everyone watching.


John Cena vs. the Miz vs. the Big Show


The Big Show beats down the Miz and Cena, until they smarten up and form a reluctant alliance to wear down the big man with some double teaming moves. Show wipes them out with a double clothesline, but the Miz low blows Show and Cena takes him to the floor with a shoulder block. Immediately, the Miz rolls up Cena for a two count. The Miz hits a pair of clotheslines and hits a series of elbows to the back of the head, before hitting a facebuster down across the knee. The Miz hammers away at Cena with elbow after elbow to the side of the head and into the ropes. The Miz charges into the corner but Cena ducks and hits a spine buster, before dropping a very low knee. The Miz recoils in pain and Cena hits him with some chops. Attitude Adjustment is avoided, and the Miz hits a DDT for two count. He climbs to the outside and hits a flying kneedrop to Cena for another nearfall and sets him up, for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Cena backs the Miz into the corner.


Cena beats on the Miz with jabs and throws him into the corner. The Miz is hit with a high back body drop and Cena hammers on him, hitting two shoulder blocks. STF is avoided when the Miz is in the ropes. Cena hammers away at the Miz and goes for another Attitude Adjustment but it is avoided. Skull Crushing Finale is countered right into a single leg pick up, right into the STF! Cena has the Miz ready to tap but the Big Show break up the pin with an elbow drop to the back of the head. The Big Show picks up the Miz and hammers him with a series of jabs, before knocking him unconscious with the big haymaker. Show steps back and goes for the punch but Cena avoids it, before hoisting the Big Show up into the Attitude Adjustment! The announcers talk about what a feat of strength that is, especially when Cena has damaged ribs from his brutal match with Batista at Wrestlemania 26. Cena hooks the leg and scores the pin, securing his spot as the number one contender and he will meet Randy Orton at Extreme Rules.


Winner: John Cena(11:09, B )


Orton gets up to stare down Cena, as these two men have had many battles but “No Chance in Hell” cues up and Vince McMahon comes out. The first words out of his mouth were: “Orton against Cena for the WWE Championship again?” McMahon states that both men have been fighting for years, with nothing being settled, therefore Mr. McMahon is going to force the issue. He talks about how back at Bragging Rights, that was supposed to be the final battle between John Cena and Randy Orton. Yet it continues right now at Extreme Rules but Mr. McMahon says that not this time. The loser of this match, will be banished from RAW forever, no loop holes and no exceptions. If Orton loses, there will be no rematch and he’ll have to go to ECW or Smackdown.


He also adds that in the spirit of Extreme Rules, this match needs a stipulation and then it struck him. Back at No Mercy 2007, these two men were supposed to do battle one on one in a special kind of match but it never happened due to John Cena being struck down with injury. Therefore, not only will the loser be banished from RAW forever, but John Cena and Randy Orton will do battle for the WWE Championship in a match that is three years in the making…A LAST MAN STANDING MATCH! The fans pop big for that and the main event has been set for Extreme Rules. Randy Orton will put his WWE Championship on the line against John Cena in a Last Man Standing Match, where the loser will be banished from RAW forever. A very high stakes match and in just under three weeks, the WWE Universe will be getting their final glimpses of either John Cena or Randy Orton as a RAW brand competitor.




RAW Results:

MattitudeV2: 2/4

Destiny: 1/4

Lo-Drew: 3/4

TracyBrooksFan: 2/4

BHK1978: 1/4

Mattitude90: 2/4


Overall Standings for April:

TracyBrooksFan: 10/12

MattitudeV2: 10/12

BHK1978: 9/12

Mattitude90: 9/12

Lo-Drew: 8/12

Destiny: 1/12

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ECW On Sy Fi 4/7/10


ECW Championship Match:

William Regal vs. Shelton Benjamin©


10 Men Battle Royal for the Number One Contendership for the ECW Championship:

Bryan Danielson, Ezekiel Jackson, Goldust, Hurricane, Lance Cade, Tyler Reks, Vance Archer, Vladimir Koslov, Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder.

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ECW Championship Match:

William Regal vs. Shelton Benjamin©


10 Men Battle Royal for the Number One Contendership for the ECW Championship:

Bryan Danielson, Ezekiel Jackson, Goldust, Hurricane, Lance Cade, Tyler Reks, Vance Archer, Vladimir Koslov, Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder.

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ECW Championship Match:

William Regal vs. Shelton Benjamin©


10 Men Battle Royal for the Number One Contendership for the ECW Championship:

Bryan Danielson, Ezekiel Jackson, Goldust, Hurricane, Lance Cade, Tyler Reks, Vance Archer, Vladimir Koslov, Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder.

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ECW Championship Match:

William Regal vs. Shelton Benjamin©


10 Men Battle Royal for the Number One Contendership for the ECW Championship:

Bryan Danielson, Ezekiel Jackson, Goldust, Hurricane, Lance Cade, Tyler Reks, Vance Archer, Vladimir Koslov, Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder.

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ECW Championship Match:

William Regal vs. Shelton Benjamin©

10 Men Battle Royal for the Number One Contendership for the ECW Championship:

Bryan Danielson, Ezekiel Jackson, Goldust, Hurricane, Lance Cade, Tyler Reks, Vance Archer, Vladimir Koslov, Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder.

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ECW On Sy Fi 4/6/10


Recap of history between William Regal and Shelton Benjamin and tonight, Shelton gives Regal one more shot at the ECW Championship and if Regal doesn’t win this time, he will not get another title shot as long as Shelton is the champion. And that match starts right now.


ECW Championship Match:

William Regal vs. Shelton Benjamin©


Both men trade holds on the mat, with Shelton bouncing up and beating down Regal with a series of elbow strikes to the back of the head. He leapfrogs over Regal and hits a monkey flip. A pair of armdrags and Shelton delivers a fireman’s carry, into a leaping kneedrop for a two count. Shelton beats on Regal, hammering away at him and into the corner. Running dropkick in the corner and Shelton hits a spin kick for a two count. Regal catches of Shelton, hitting him with an European Uppercut and beats him down in the ring. Into the corner goes Shelton and a clothesline in the corner. Regal hammers away at Shelton and hits a double underhook suplex on Shelton, before applying an abdominal stretch on the mat. Shelton fights out and Regal beats on Shelton some more, shoving him off. Hotshot sending Shelton throat first onto the top rope and Regal hits a series of forearm smashes right to the face, before hooking both legs and rocking back, driving the throat across the bottom rope and Regal turns Shelton over, applying a Boston Crab but Shelton fights out. Regal beats on Shelton and high angle belly to back suplex brings him down for a two count.


A series of stomps, before Regal rolls Shelton over, hitting a series of forearms right to the back of the head. Attempted Regal Stretch but Shelton pulls himself up and connects with a Dragon Whip. Regal is set into the corner and Shelton backs off, but the Stinger Splash misses. Shelton is stunned in the corner and Regal beats on Shelton some more. Double underhook power bomb for a two count. Regal goes for the Knee Trembler but Shelton avoids it. Shelton kicks Regal but gets launched into the top rope. Shelton hangs onto the top rope and pulls himself up. Regal turns around and hits a springboard clothesline wipes him out for a two count. Shelton pulls Regal up and hammers him viciously with a series of elbows, before throwing him into the ropes. T-Bone is blocked and Regal shoves Shelton off. Spinebuster brings him down and Regal grabs Shelton, before hooking him and turns him over, before turning him. Regal Stretch is applied but Shelton is in the ropes quickly. Regal beats on Shelton and into the corner. Regal charges and Shelton elbows Regal in the face. To the second rope and sunset flip on Regal gets a two count. Regal catches Shelton with an European Uppercut and steps back. Knee Trembler, no Shelton avoids it and thrust kick to Regal. Stinger Splash in the corner and Regal is stunned. T-Bone Suplex rocks Regal and Shelton covers him to score the pin!


Winner: Shelton Benjamin(21:42, B)


Shelton has beaten Regal again. After yet another loss, Shelton most certainly has the number of one William Regal. The fans are getting behind Shelton, as he retains the ECW Championship, as we see replays in this match.


***********************Commercial Break**********************


Tiffany makes her way out to the ring, for an announcement. The ECW General Manager congratulates Shelton Benjamin on his win but announces that since Regal lost, we need a new number one contender. Therefore, tonight, everyone on the ECW brand, with the exception of William Regal and Shelton Benjamin will be part of an invitational battle royal where the winner gets the next title shot. People like Bryan Danielson, Goldust, the Hurricane, Lance Cade, Zack Ryder, Ezekiel Jackson, and many more ECW competitors will throw their names in a hat for a title shot at Extreme Rules. And that match is coming up next.


***********************Commercial Break***************


Invitational Battle Royal for an ECW Championship Shot at Extreme Rules


William Regal comes out in an attempt to take part of this match illegally but he is escorted out. The Hurricane is dumped out by Cade within seconds, but Goldust wipes out Cade, with help from the Hurricane, taking him out. The battle continues, with Vladimir Koslov, Tyler Reks, and Yoshi Tatsu all being eliminated in short order. Vance Archer is taken out and now we are down to the final four, of Ezekiel Jackson, Zack Ryder, Bryan Danielson, and Goldust, with the winner receiving an ECW Championship Shot at Night of the Champions. Jackson batters Goldust, hammering away at him and hitting a pair of headbutts, before knocking him over the top rope. Goldust is on the outside and Jackson beats on Danielson. Ryder tries to double cross Jackson but Jackson fights him off. Danielson catches Jackson with a series of elbows and manages to knock him over the top rope. Ryder attacks Danielson from behind but Danielson fights him. One of these two men will be receiving an ECW Championship Match at Extreme Rules. Dropkick is blocked and Danielson catapults Ryder over the top rope but Ryder hangs on. Danielson thinks he has won but Ryder is in the ring and hits the Zack Attack. Ryder picks up Danielson and attempts to dump him over the top rope, but Danielson hangs onto the ropes. Ryder continues to beat on Danielson and dropkicks Danielson, before stomping him and sending him to the floor for the victory.


Winner: Zack Ryder(10:22, C+)


Ryder gets the win, as Tyler Reks, Vance Archer, and Rosa Mendes come out to celebrate. Ryder cuts a promo, talking about how he is going to become the ECW Champion at Extreme Rules. “Woo, Woo, Woo, You Know it!” bellows Ryder, as he pumps his fist into the air, as his stable carries him around the ring like a conquering hero, as Danielson is on the floor, a bit agitated that someone like Ryder threw him out. Danielson was most certainly the sentimental favorite but Zack Ryder is the next challenger for Shelton Benjamin and his ECW Championship. We are out of time. See you next week on ECW.




ECW Prediction Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 1/2

Lo-Drew: 2/2

MattitudeV2: 1/2

BHK1978: 1/2

Mattitude90: 2/2



Overall Standings for April:

TracyBrooksFan: 11/14

MattitudeV2: 11/14

Mattitude90: 11/14

BHK1978: 10/14

Lo-Drew: 10/14

Destiny: 1/14

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