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ECW On Sy Fy 4/13/10


Recap from Zack Ryder winning a Battle Royal for the number one contendership for the ECW Championship. Tonight, the stipulations for the ECW Championship Match between Zack Ryder and Shelton Benjamin will take place as part of Extreme Rules. Right now, let’s head down to the ring, for Bryan Danielson and Zack Ryder right now on ECW.


Bryan Danielson vs. Zack Ryder(w/Rosa Mendes and Vance Archer)


Ryder and Danielson exchange chops at the bell, with Danielson getting the better of Ryder at the early part of the match, with his superior wrestling skills. German Suplex gets a two count before Archer interferes, causing Ryder to work over Danielson. Ryder gets some nearfalls but Danielson fights back. Airplane spin into a small package but Rosa has the referee distracted. Archer enters the ring but Danielson elbows him in the side of the head several times. Ryder attacks Danielson from behind and hits the Zack Attack for the pin.


Winner: Zack Ryder(8:22, B-)


Afterwards, Ryder and Archer double team Danielson until the ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin makes the save. Shelton and Ryder will go at it for the ECW Championship as part of Extreme Rules and the stipulations will be announced later tonight.


*******************Commercial Break*******************


A video package highlight Caylen Croft and Trent Barretta who will be coming to ECW soon as our newest tag team, the Dudebusters.


Yoshi Tatsu vs. David Young


Tatsu runs wild early, as the announcers talk about how Tatsu may be one of the future stars of ECW but he could have a chance to move to either RAW or Smackdown because of the draft in two weeks time. Tatsu hits a series of punches in the corner, before hitting a face plant on Young. A series of elbow strikes sets up the Roundhouse Kick and Tatsu gets the pin.


Winner: Yoshi Tatsu(6:22, D+)


Tatsu gets the win tonight as part of ECW and looks to be moving up in the world.


******************Commercial Break************************


Slam Master J and the Hurricane vs. Ezekiel Jackson and Lance Cade


Ezekiel Jackson after the split of the Ruthless Roundtable, has agreed to join forces with Lance Cade for this tag team match and the Hurricane has recruited Slam Master J, just recently having signed to ECW, as his partner to continue the building feud between Lance Cade and the Hurricane. The Hurricane and Slam Master J get the advantage to start, but Slam Master quickly gets cut off and some double teaming, as Jackson and Cade form a pretty nice tag team, using their roughneck style to batter J, but J manages to avoid a Flying Elbowdrop from Cade. Tag to the Hurricane, who runs wild on both men. He takes out Cade with an enzuigiri kick but is all alone with the mammoth Ezekiel Jackson. Ten count punches in the corner is countered with a power bomb and then a Uranage Slam. Cade tags himself in and handily dispatches of the Hurricane with the Elevated Sidewalk Slam for the pin.


Winners: Lance Cade and Ezekiel Jackson(9:22, C+)


Jackson and Cade get the win and they form a perfectly brutal tag team. The Hurricane has been taken out handily tonight on ECW.


**************************Commercial Break***************************


We see Shelton Benjamin and Zack Ryder in the ring for the contract signing, moderated by ECW General Manager Tiffany. Ryder announces that since he is the number one contender, then he should pick the stipulations. When Tiffany tries to protest that’s not how that works, Shelton interjects, saying that Ryder can pick whatever stipulations he wants, it doesn’t matter. Ryder nods, saying that Shelton has been seen as a master wrestler, using a lot of suplexes and submission holds in his arsenal. However, Ryder says that he doesn’t think that Shelton can beat him in a fight. So how about suplexes and submission holds being banned for the match and if Shelton breaks the rules, then he is stripped of the title and it is awarded to Zack Ryder. Shelton accepts, saying that there is more than one way to beat Ryder and both men sign the contract.


The match is on, Zack Ryder against Shelton Benjamin for the ECW Championship, with suplexes and submission holds banned and if Shelton uses them, then he will be disqualified. Afterwards, Tyler Reks and Vance Archer run in and Shelton dispatches them. Ryder attacks Shelton, brawling him, but Shelton instinctively grabs him and wipes him out with a vicious Exploder Suplex. The announcers make sure to drive the point home that if Shelton uses such a move at Extreme Rules, then he’ll be disqualified and Zack Ryder will be the new ECW Champion!




ECW Results:

BHK1978: 1/2

TracyBrooksFan: 1/2

Lo-Drew: 2/2

MattitudeV2: 2/2


Overall April Standings

BHK1978: 21/27

TracyBrooksFan: 20/27

Lo-Drew: 20/27

MattitudeV2: 20/27

Mattitude90: 19/27

Destiny: 1/27

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WWE Superstars 4/15/10


Hype for tonight, featuring our main event from Friday Night Smackdown, with the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler facing off against R-Truth in a non title match. Now let’s get down to the ring for our match from RAW.


Evan Bourne vs. Jack Swagger


Three weeks ago on this program, Evan Bourne beat Jack Swagger and two weeks ago, Swagger beat Bourne. This is the rubber match between the two as both men are trading chops and forearm smashes, before throwing Swagger into the ropes. Leg lariat brings him down and Bourne steps back, hitting him with a senton to Swagger. Bourne goes to the top rope but Swagger catches him with a gutshot and Swagger beats on Bourne, hammering away at him, hitting a series of kneelifts right to the chest, hitting a vertical suplex. Swagger hits a kneedrop right to the chest and into the ropes. Tilt a whirl is countered and Bourne takes Swagger over with a spinning headscissors. Caught with a Hotshot and Swagger takes him down with a short arm lariat. Swagger steps to the ropes and misses a pump splash. Bourne exits the ring and to the top rope but the shooting star press messes. Bourne has been wiped out and Swagger hits the Gutwrench Power Bomb to score the pin.


Winner: Jack Swagger(8:20, B-)


Swagger leaves the ring with the victory, as the announcers put over both of these men as two of the top talents in WWE.


Still to come, R-Truth takes on Dolph Ziggler in a non title match in the main event.


***************************Commercial Break**********************


A recap is shown from the Zack Ryder and Bryan Danielson match from ECW, with Ryder getting the win. Then we see the contract signing for the ECW Championship Match at Extreme Rules between Zack Ryder and Shelton Benjamin with suplexes and submission holds banned and if Shelton uses one, he’ll be disqualified, stripped of the title, and Zack Ryder will become the new ECW Champion. Coming up this week, the two men in the ECW Championship Match will be on opposite teams, when Shelton Benjamin and Bryan Danielson takes on Vance Archer and Zack Ryder.


Then we see the closing moments of Kane and Mike Knox from Smackdown, with Kane getting the win. Charlie Haas attacks Kane from behind and gets Choke Slammed. This week on Smackdown, Charlie Haas will face off against Kane. Also Drew McIntyre will take on the Undertaker in a Wrestlemania return match. And Finlay has accepted Batista’s challenge to compete in a Stretcher Match and that will happen as part of Smackdown.


Booker T vs. Chavo Guerrero


Booker T runs wild early but Chavo delivers a low blow and beats on Booker T for most of this match. Chavo hammers away at Booker in the corner with chops but a double clothesline puts both men down. Spinarooni and Booker is back to his feet. Booker steps back and Harlem Side Kick brings Chavo down for a two count. Booker beats on Chavo but the head is ducked and Chavo hits three rolling snap suplexes and goes to the outside. Frog Splash but Booker rolls out of the way. Chavo wipes himself out and Booker grabs Chavo, before hitting the Book End for the pin.


Winner: Booker T(5:04, B)


Booker T gets the win tonight on Smackdown, as the fans are cheering wildly. Walking from the ring, Booker gets a win and no doubt he’ll be looking towards the draft in less than two weeks, if he is going to go to another brand or remain on Smackdown, as well many other WWE superstars.


**************************Commercial Break****************


A RAW recap is shown with Paul Burchill and Kofi Kingston from this past Monday, with Kofi beating Carlito and then Burchill beating Kofi up. Kofi then costs Burchill the United States Title against MVP. This Monday, we’ll be seeing Paul Burchill face off against Jerry Lawler, along with many other matches this Monday.


Coming up next, your main event from Friday Night Smackdown, with the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler taking on R-Truth in a non title match.


*********************Commercial Break**************************


R-Truth vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler(Non Title Match)


Both men exchange chops at the bell, with R-Truth throwing Ziggler off the ropes and leapfrog over Ziggler. High back body drop to Ziggler and R-Truth hits a pair of hiptosses, drawing cheers, before he hits a leaping forearm smash and R-Truth steps back, before hitting a baseball slide and then a pescado, before throwing him underneath the ropes. R-Truth hammers away at Ziggler with a series of kneelifts in the corner and into the corner. R-Truth charges Ziggler but Ziggler moves and R-Truth hits the post shoulder first. Ziggler beats on the arm of R-Truth, working it over. Shoulderbreaker brings him down to the canvas and Ziggler hits a series of kneedrops to the shoulder, before he applies a cross armbreaker but R-Truth is in the ropes. Ziggler continues to work on the floor and into the ropes. The head is ducked and R-Truth kicks him in the face, before he attempts a clothesline but it is caught and single arm DDT brings him down. Ziggler floats over and Fujiwara Armbar applied, but R-Truth is in the ropes.


Ziggler beats on R-Truth some more and into the corner. Charging into the corner and Ziggler hits the corner and R-Truth hits a running dropkick to Ziggler. R-Truth picks up Ziggler and a series of jabs, before backing off and leg lariat brings him down. R-Truth favors the arm and Axe Kick brings Ziggler down for a two count. R-Truth hammers away at Ziggler and goes for a suplex but Ziggler drops down and shoves R-Truth into the corner arm first. Belly to back suplex but R-Truth flips to his feet and waistlocks Ziggler, before rolling him up to score the pin.


Winner: R-Truth(9:32, B)


R-Truth gets the win and Ziggler attacks R-Truth from behind, beating on him, before applying a cross-faced chickenwing! Ziggler is trying to separate the shoulder of R-Truth from its socket and referees run out to pry him off, as Ziggler has lost it after losing this match. Ziggler is pulled off, as R-Truth is in the ring, cradling his shoulder.





TracyBrooksFan: 2/3

MattitudeV2: 2/3

BHK1978: 2/3

Mattitude90: 2/3

Lo-Drew: 1/3


Overall April Standings

BHK1978: 23/30

TracyBrooksFan: 22/30

MattitudeV2: 22/30

Lo-Drew: 21/30

Mattitude90: 21/30

Destiny: 1/30

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WWE Smackdown 4/16/10


The Undertaker vs. Drew McIntyre.


Stretcher Match:

Finlay vs. Batista


WWE Undisputed Women's Title Match:

Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix©


Shad vs. Chris Jericho.


Kane vs. Charlie Haas.


Christian vs. Tyson Kidd.

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WWE Smackdown 4/16/10


Hype for tonight, with our duel main event of Finlay against Batista in a Stretcher Match and Drew McIntyre against the Undertaker.


Christian(w/Edge) vs. Tyson Kidd(w/David Hart Smith and Natalya)


Some insane high octane, high flying offense kicks off this match, with Christian hitting a running dropkick to Kidd and hammering away at Kidd, before setting him up but Kidd drops behind and hits a spinning leg lariat. Kidd beats on Christian, drilling him with a series of chops, before throwing him into the ropes. A leaping forearm smash brings Christian down to the canvas and Kidd hooks Christian, before hits a swinging bulldog off of the ropes for a two count. Kidd beats on Christian and 450 Splash misses and Christian sets up Kidd, hitting a reverse DDT for a two count. Christian beats on Kidd and hits a brain buster, before Christian climbs to the outside and frog splash gets a two count when Natalya puts the foot on the bottom rope. Edge chases Natalya which distracts the referee, allowing Smith to enter the ring and attack Christian. Smith beats down Christian and the Hart Dynasty illegally hits the Springboard Hart Attack, with Smith leaving the ring and Kidd covering, as the referee finally turns around to count the pin.


Winner: Tyson Kidd(7:02, B)


The Hart Dynasty beats down Christian, until Edge runs them off with a Unified Tag Team Title belt, drawing cheers from the crowd. The announcers hype up the submissions count anywhere match at Extreme Rules between the two teams for the Unified Tag Team Titles.


**********************Commercial Break*****************{


A clip from last week is shown, with Kane beating Mike Knox but Charlie Haas attacking him. Haas’s attack does not go as planned and Kane beats Haas down and hits him with the Choke Slam. Tonight, both men are fighting.


Kane vs. Charlie Haas


Haas hammers away at Kane with a series of forearm smashes right to the chest but Kane fights him off, using some power moves. Kane bounces Haas around the ring, with a Yakuza Kick and side slam brings Haas down. Kane chokes away at Haas, but Haas goes for the leg, working over Kane and Half Boston Crab applied but Kane powers out. Haas tries for a German Suplex but Kane fights out and Kane shoves Haas off. Kane hits a spine buster on Haas and scoops him up, before hitting an over the shoulder powerslam. Haas is back on his feet and Kane chokes him, before hitting the Choke Slam for the pin.


Winner: Kane(6:01, B-)


Kane gets the win and Mike Knox is in the ring, waffling Kane from behind with a chair, before hitting him with a vicious Bicycle Kane. Knox cuts a promo about Kane, talking about how there are many ways to put the body in a state of shock and cause the nervous system to shut down. Knox puts the chair on Kane’s face and stomps it, drawing boos from the WWE Universe and walks off, as Kane spasms in the ring.


**********************Commercial Break*********************


Chris Jericho vs. Shad


Shad beats on Jericho at the bell, but Jericho quickly low bridges Shad and beats up the member of Cryme Tyme, hammering away at him. Jericho bounces off the ropes, hitting a high knee and beats on him, as the announcers hype up the World Heavyweight Title Ladder Match at Extreme Rules, between Chris Jericho and John Morrison. Jericho hammers away at Shad and hits a running faceplant but Lionsault misses. Shad now beats on Jericho, running him from pillar to post, before hitting a Gorilla Press right into a Michinoku Driver for a two count. Shad beats on Jericho and throws him down. To the top rope but Jericho catches Shad as he leaps off with the Code Breaker to score the pin.


Winner: Chris Jericho(7:22, B+)


After the match, Chris Jericho cuts a promo, talking about how John Morrison’s crowing moment was at Wrestlemania 26 but now, Morrison is going to get knocked all the way back down the ladder. Jericho continues to rip into Morrison, until Morrison rushes out to get in Jericho’s face. Jericho once again states that he’s never lost a Ladder Match and he’s sure not about ready to lose one to Morrison. Morrison and Jericho trade punches, with Jericho being dumped over the top rope to the arena floor. Jericho is on the floor and Morrison poses, but that’s a bit premature, as Jericho grabs a ladder underneath the ring and enters the ring with it, attacking Morrison from behind. Jericho rams the ladder into the ribs of Morrison, before hitting the Code Breaker. Jericho now grabs the World Heavyweight Title and sets up the ladder, before he climbs down with the World Heavyweight Title belt and holds it up, before he drops down with the belt. If he does that at Extreme Rules, he’s the new World Heavyweight Champion. Jericho drops the belt down on Morrison, leaving the ring.


************************Commercial Break********************


WWE Undisputed Women’s Title:

Natalya vs. Beth Phoenix©


A brutal back and forth match between these two women. Beth Phoenix gains the advantage, beating on Natalya in the corner with a series of forearm smashes, but Natalya ducks underneath a charge and chop blocks the Glamazon down. Beth Phoenix is beaten down and the knee is worked over. Natalya hits a DDT for a two count and rams her knee into the corner, before sitting out in it. Sharpshooter is applied, as the Undisputed Women’s Title reign may be in jeopardy, but Beth gets to the ropes. Natalya beats on the leg and goes for another Sharpshooter but this time the Glamazon powers out. Natalya backs off the ropes and lariat takes her out. Beth Phoenix grabs Natalya’s hair and stomps her face into the canvas, drawing more cheers, before she sets her up. Glam Slam but the knee gives out, allowing Natalya to score a two count. Natalya hammers away at Beth, but Beth hits her another clothesline but the Glamazon elbows away at the side of the head until Natalya is unconscious and the pin is scored.


Winner: Beth Phoenix(8:22, C-)


Beth Phoenix takes her belts and leaves the ring, as her next title defense will be against Maryse at Extreme Rules in a Falls Count Anywhere Match.


Coming up next, a Stretcher Match, between Batista and Finlay, in a preview for Batista’s match with Rey Mysterio at Extreme Rules.


********************Commercial Break*******************


Stretcher Match:

Finlay vs. Batista


Finlay attacks Batista at the bell and throws him into the guardrail, before ramming him into the stretcher. Finlay has the steps but Batista kicks them right into Finlay’s face and hammers away at him. Batista picks up the steps and rams them into the chest of Finlay. Finlay is picked up and thrown into the ring, before Batista hits Finlay with a pair of lariats! Batista removes the turnbuckle pad from the corner and Batista hits a kneedrop. A running soccer kick to the ribs and Batista scoops up Finlay, trying to ram him into the exposed buckle but Finlay slides down the back and hits a low blow to Batista, before ramming him into the corner. Batista is doubled over and Finlay picks up the shillelagh, before he waffles Batista right between the eyes with it, knocking him to the ring apron.


Finlay beats on Batista and tries to put him on the Stretcher, hammering away at him with stiff elbows right to the side of the head. He steps back but Batista moves out of the way of a double axe handle. Finlay is off of the stretcher and Batista waffles Finlay with the shillelagh. Batista pauses, before he beats Finlay over and over again across the head with the shillelagh, for each time the fans boo, until Finlay is knocked out. Batista removes the padded mats and posts Finlay, before hitting him with a spinebuster on the exposed concrete. Finlay is stunned, before Batista picks up Finlay and hits him with a Batista Bomb right on the exposed concrete. Batista casually rolls Finlay onto the Stretcher and the paramedics are out, to carry Finlay up the ramp as the match is over.


Winner: Batista(9:09, B)


Batista cuts a promo on Rey after the match, talking about how he only did a fraction to Finlay what he’s going to do to Rey. He says that there is still time for Rey to back off and beg Batista to let him out of the match. Batista invites Rey next week and says that if he still wants revenge, he’ll get his chance, but at Extreme Rules Rey is going to leave on a Stretcher just like at Survivor Series and he won’t come back this time. Hype for Batista against Rey Mysterio at Extreme Rules in a Stretcher Match.


Coming up next, the Undertaker takes on Drew McIntyre in a return match from Wrestlemania 26.


***********************Commercial Break******************


The Undertaker vs. Drew McIntyre


The Undertaker gains the advantage, despite McIntyre attacking him at the bell. A beating on McIntyre and the Undertaker throws McIntyre into the ropes. Big boot brings McIntyre down and the Undertaker slowly beats down McIntyre in the ring, but McIntyre hangs up the Undertaker on the top rope. The Undertaker is beaten in the ring and McIntyre hits a belly to back suplex on the Undertaker for a two count. McIntyre chokes away at the Undertaker and picks him up. Belly to belly suplex snaps the Undertaker down to the canvas. McIntyre hammers away at the Undertaker and beats on him. A kneelift right in the corner and McIntyre hits a pair of suplexes and he poses, but the Undertaker sits up. McIntyre kicks the Undertaker right in the face and sets him up. Double Underhook DDT is blocked and the Undertaker counters with a series of jabs to the ribs, before hitting a high back body drop!


McIntyre is up and the Undertaker beats on McIntyre, drawing some cheers from the fans, before the Undertaker grabs McIntyre, trying to go Old School but McIntyre yanks the arm of the Undertaker and he is crotched. McIntyre hits a Yakuza Kick right to the head of the Undertaker and pulls him into the ring. Double Underhook DDT brings the Undertaker down to the canvas. The fans boo as McIntyre makes the cover but the Undertaker kicks out at two and a half. McIntyre picks up the Undertaker and goes for his own Tombstone but this backfires as the Undertaker handily counters that and Tombstones McIntyre, before crossing the arms across the chest and scores the pin.


Winner: The Undertaker(10:21, B)


The Undertaker gets the win tonight on Smackdown but we are out of time. Good night everyone!




Smackdown Results:

MattitudeV2: 5/6

Lo-DreW: 5/6

BHK1978: 5/6

TracyBrooksFan: 5/6

Mattitude90: 5/6

Destiny: 4/6



Overall April Standings

BHK1978: 28/36

TracyBrooksFan: 27/36

MattitudeV2: 26/36

Lo-Drew: 26/36

Mattitude90: 26/36

Destiny: 5/36

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WWE Monday Night RAW 4/19/10


WWE United States Champion MVP vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase.


Jerry Lawler vs. Paul Burchill.


Mark Henry vs. the Miz.


Jamie Noble vs. Chris Masters.


Melina and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Maryse and Natalya.

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WWE United States Champion MVP vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase.


Jerry Lawler vs. Paul Burchill.


Mark Henry vs. the Miz.


Jamie Noble vs. Chris Masters.


Melina and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Maryse and Natalya.

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WWE United States Champion MVP vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase.


Jerry Lawler vs. Paul Burchill.


Mark Henry vs. the Miz.


Jamie Noble vs. Chris Masters.


Melina and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Maryse and Natalya.

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WWE United States Champion MVP vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)

John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase.


Jerry Lawler vs. Paul Burchill.


Mark Henry vs. the Miz.


Jamie Noble vs. Chris Masters.


Melina and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Maryse and Natalya.

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WWE United States Champion MVP vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase.


Jerry Lawler vs. Paul Burchill.


Mark Henry vs. the Miz.


Jamie Noble vs. Chris Masters.


Melina and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Maryse and Natalya.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 4/19/10


Hype for tonight, with the Money in the Bank winner Ted DiBiase squaring off against John Cena, Jerry Lawler taking on Paul Burchill, and the WWE United States Champion MVP taking on the WWE Champ Randy Orton in a non title match. First let’s get down to the ring for the divas in action.


Melina and the WWE Undisputed Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix vs. Maryse and Natalya


Some uneasiness between Melina and the Glamazon due to them having their issues in the past. Melina is beaten down for the good portion of this match, but she manages to fight out and Beth Phoenix enters the ring, running wild, taking out everything that moves. She dumps Natalya over the top rope to the floor but gets sprayed in the eyes by Maryse and hit with a DDT. Maryse just manages to hold the Glamazon down for the pin.


Winners: Maryse and Natalya(5:33, D)


Maryse gets the win, as she gears up for her match with the WWE Undisputed Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix at Extreme Rules in a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Maryse does a ****y pose over the fallen body of the Glamazon but will she be as ****y this Sunday.


Randy Orton is backstage, who talks about his long storied history with John Cena. Orton says that he has had many battles with Cena, but none will be more important than the one this Sunday. Last Man Standing Match for the WWE Championship but if that is not important enough, then the loser will be banished from RAW forever. Orton says that he doesn’t care if Cena goes to Smackdown or ECW or anywhere else, Orton just wants Cena gone. He says that this will be Cena’s swan song as part of RAW. Orton also talks about the draft, warning anyone who wishes to come to RAW after being drafted and make a name for themselves, that name will be another check mark on the list of opponents that Orton beat. Orton holds up the WWE Championship, talking about how that means he’s the man to beat.


**************************Commercial Break***********************


We see a clip of Jamie Noble returning last week to attack Sheamus. Noble cuts a brief promo, talking about how he was sitting at home in his trailer rehabbing, eating biscuits and gravy and watching some Springer on his television but there was one thing on his mind. Sheamus and how Sheamus tried to take away the one thing he loved above anything else. Noble says he might not be the biggest dog in the fight but he says there is still some fight left in this dog. He says Sheamus will feel the wrath of the Redneck Messiah, Jamie “Bah Gawd” Noble!


Jamie Noble vs. Chris Masters


Noble’s words seem to be true, as he has a new lease on life, beating on Chris Masters viciously, despite giving up a bit of size to Masters. Masters catches Noble and dumps him with a Wheelbarrow Suplex. Masters hammers away with Noble and goes for the Masterlock but Noble goes low before Masters can get it properly locked on. Noble goes to the outside and hits a missile dropkick, before applying a bodyscissored guillotine choke. A deadly submission move and Masters has no choice but to tap out!


Winner: Jamie Noble(4:01, D+)


Sheamus blasts Noble from behind! The fans are booing, as Sheamus is now beating on Noble, launching him over the top rope into the arena floor. Sheamus stomps Noble and pulls back the ring mats. He’s going to do it again. Power bomb on the floor coming up but Noble hits a low blow on Sheamus. Sheamus is staggered and Noble headlocks Sheamus, before beating on him with a series of vicious closed fist punches. Noble dropkicks Sheamus right into the ring steps and yells “c’mon boy!” Sheamus looks surprised, obviously nearly ending his career has lit a fire underneath Jamie Noble! Noble jumps Sheamus and fights him, as security comes out to separate the two men. Noble has a small stature, but he has the heart that many big men cannot have.


******************Commercial Break***********************


Rene Dupree comes out, talking about how he was suffering from a deliberating headache last week, so he had to be counted out against Mark Henry. Dupree says that he’s not going to run this week and whoever his opponent is going to be is going to face the full wrath of the French Phenom. “Well it’s the Big Show!” Dupree looks less confident as the Big Show makes his way down to the ring, fully intent on beating on Dupree.


The Big Show vs. Rene Dupree


This does not go too well for Rene Dupree, who is beaten in the ring for several minutes, before he bails for the countout and rushes to the back. The Big Show stands, demanding Dupree get back into the ring, but Dupree is not game for this and thus he gets counted out.


Winner: The Big Show(3:22, C)


After the match, the Big Show celebrates but Rene Dupree enters the ring and attacks the Big Show. This doesn’t go all that well and the Big Show finishes Dupree off with a series of jabs, before rocketing him down with a roundhouse punch! Dupree is laid out as the Big Show stands tall.


A look at the recent events between CM Punk and Vince McMahon leading up to their Streetfight at Extreme Rules. The loser will have to do whatever the winner says for ninety days. If McMahon wins, then Punk will be doing some things that contradict his Straight Edge values. If Punk wins, then Vince McMahon will have to become Straight Edge. Not to mention some collateral has been put up, with Punk’s career and Mr. McMahon’s ownership of World Wrestling Entertainment. It will be a big time match.


*****************************Commercial Break**********************


The Miz cuts a promo about his goals and he talks about his one year plan to hold a World Championship, saying that he’s going to hold one before Wrestlemania 26. He talks about how it doesn’t matter if it’s on RAW, Smackdown, or even ECW, the Miz will become a champion. He calls out Mark Henry, talking about how Henry’s going to be the Miz’s first opponent on the road to the top.


Mark Henry vs. the Miz


The fans are cheering as Mark Henry uses his power to overwhelm the Miz in the early going but the Miz comes back, beating on Henry, taking him down in the ring and knocking around the ring. The Miz leaps off the second rope but is caught in a bearhug. Henry punishes the Miz and into the ropes. Gorilla Press brings the Miz down and Henry steps back, charging the Miz but Avalanche misses. The Miz hooks Henry and Skull Crushing Finale puts him down to the pin.


Winner: The Miz(5:44, D+)


The Miz gets the win and he moves up the ladder with a huge victory tonight over a huge man. The Miz, along with every other WWE superstar out there will be anxiously waiting for next week’s draft, to see whether he stays or goes to a different brand.


***************************Commercial Break************************


Ted DiBiase cuts a promo, talking about how it was destiny that he became Money in the Bank, due to being the son of the Million Dollar Man. DiBiase says that he has a title shot, good for the next year, up until the main event of Wrestlemania 27. DiBiase talks about the draft and how it really doesn’t matter because he can show up on any brand to cash this in, indicating the Money in the Bank Briefcase. One man who doesn’t have a choice, will be John Cena, as after Randy Orton beats him, then Cena won’t be on RAW. And even if he did, he might not have the WWE Championship for long, as DiBiase indicates his briefcase. DiBiase calls out Cena for a little preview of what Randy Orton intends to do to him this Sunday.


John Cena vs. Ted DiBiase


Cena is a house of fire early on, nearly catching DiBiase in the STF but DiBiase is in the ropes and snaps the neck of Cena over the top rope to gain the advantage. DiBiase will put that Money in the Bank Briefcase on the line, giving MVP a chance to acquire it this Sunday, but if DiBiase beats MVP, then he becomes the United States Champion, which would be his first singles title. DiBiase hits a vicious draping DDT, taking a page out of the Randy Orton playbook for a two count. Belly to back suplex and springboard kneedrop get another two count. Sleeperhold applied but Cena fights back. Into the ropes and leaping shoulderblock. Running neckbreaker and Five Knuckle Shuffle. DiBiase scurries to the floor and Cena goes after him, beating DiBiase on the floor. DiBiase is back in the ring and Orton immediately posts Cena! Randy Orton coming out of nowhere, just rammed Cena right into the ringpost and the referee was inadvertently distracted by DiBiase. The referee puts the count on Cena but he staggers into the ring at nine but DiBiase grabs Cena and takes him out with the Dream Street for the pin.


Winner: Ted DiBiase(9:22, B-)


On the heels of his Money in the Bank victory, DiBiase scored another huge win, beating John Cena and Orton enters the ring, as Cody Rhodes follows from behind. Orton gives Cena the RKO and Rhodes counts to ten. If this happens this Sunday, Orton will win. The announcers point out that Cena just had an intense match with Orton and that it might be different this Sunday. Still a psychological advantage for Orton.


**************************Commercial Break******************


A recap from Paul Burchill’s destruction of Shawn Michaels, costing Kofi Kingston the WWE Championship, his brutal destruction of Jerry Lawler, and then Lawler challenging Burchill to a match this week.


Jerry Lawler vs. Paul Burchill


Lawler might be a Hall of Fame competitor, but Burchill is one of the most dangerous yonng competitors in WWE today. Lawler manages to clothesline Burchill at the bell and stomp him in the corner, using his boot to choke Burchill but the referee forces a break, allowing Burchill to hit a knee to the chest of Lawler. Burchill destroys Lawler slowly, hitting three vicious neckbreakers in succession, before he Curb Stomps Lawler and then hits an Uranage into a double kneed backbreaker for the pin.


Winner: Paul Burchill(3:33, C+)


Burchill continues to destroy Lawler, before grabbing a strap out of his ring jacket but before he can whip Lawler with it, Kofi Kingston rushes out, leaping from the ramp to the top rope of the ring and taking Burchill out with a missile dropkick! Kofi gets the strap but Burchill bails. This Sunday, both men will be hooked together with a strap that they can use to whip each other. The only way to win this match by dragging your battered opponent to all four corners and touching the turnbuckles in succession.


*************************Commercial Break*********************


WWE United States Champion MVP vs. WWE Champion Randy Orton(Non Title Match)


Feeling out process to start and some stalling from Orton, but MVP beats on Orton, throwing him into the ropes. Leapfrog over Orton and MVP nails him with a huge dropkick. Another pair of dropkicks and MVP hits a hiptoss and Orton is to the floor. Plancha right on Orton and MVP is really on fire, rolling him into the ring but Orton catches MVP with a knee right to the kidneys, beating on MVP. Backbreaker brings MVP down and Orton hammers away at MVP. Dropkick to the face, sets up a kneedrop and Orton slowly pounds on MVP, hitting a snap suplex and a series of stomps, before he puts on a chinlock, causing the fans to boo. Orton is really putting the squeeze on MVP, who bridges out of the hold and a series of elbows, but Orton twists into a neckbreaker, as Ted DiBiase is out watching on the ramp.


The announcers talk about how DiBiase could cash in on that Money in the Bank Briefcase at any time, even in the middle of another match if he chose but right now, Orton is beating on MVP, putting him on the top rope. The announcers wonder if DiBiase might be luring Orton into a false sense of security to strike , as DiBiase encourages Orton from ringside but superplex is blocked and Orton is shoved off, with MVP hitting a flying clothesline, wiping out Orton for a two count. MVP beats on Orton and into the ropes. Leaping elbow to the head and now MVP signals. Ballin’ Elbow brings him down! DiBiase is on the floor, holding his briefcase, as he watches, as MVP shoves Orton into the corner and ten count punches. MVP drops down and steps back, hitting the Drive By Kick in the corner. Orton goes down and MVP rolls him up into a La Magistral Cradle for a nearfall! The fans are cheering, as MVP backs off, hitting a kneelift and hooks Orton in a cradle, before he hits a fisherman suplex for a two count! MVP is back up and DiBiase is on the ring apron! The fans are cheering as MVP grabs DiBiase but Orton is back up and MVP brawls with Orton. DiBiase swings the briefcase but MVP avoids it and DiBiase waffles Orton with the briefcase! A loud clonk as Orton goes down and the referee calls for the bell, disqualifying MVP for DiBiase hitting Orton, even though it was inadvertent.


Winner By Disqualification: Randy Orton(11:22, B)


DiBiase hits MVP right in the ribs with the briefcase and hooks him, hitting a Dream Street! DiBiase is in the ring, but he spots that Orton is down, unconscious and vulnerable. The WWE Champion has been knocked out by that accidental briefcase shot and DiBiase is looking from Orton to the briefcase, but John Cena runs out and attacks DiBiase! We will never know if DiBiase would have actually cashed in the briefcase on his Legacy Leader, as Cena takes him out of the game with the Attitude Adjustment. Cody Rhodes runs out and eats the Attitude Adjustment as well.


Orton is up, and Cena grabs him and hits the Attitude Adjustment as well. Cena stands in the corner, as he conducts the fans in a standing ten count on Randy Orton! And the fans reach ten. Once again, if this happens this Sunday, Cena will be the WWE Champion and Orton will be gone from RAW! John Cena and Randy Orton for the WWE Championship in a Last Man Standing Match at Extreme Rules, where the loser is banished from RAW forever!





Lo-Drew: 5/6

MattitudeV2: 4/6

Mattiude90: 4/6

BHK1978: 4/6



Overall April Standings

BHK1978: 32/42

Lo-Drew: 31/42

MattitudeV2: 30/42

Mattitude90: 30/42

TracyBrooksFan: 27/42

Destiny: 5/42

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