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World Wrestling Entertainment 2009 and Beyond!

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Kofi Kingston and ??? vs. Paul Burchill and Edge.


R-Truth vs. Cody Rhodes.


Eve Torres vs. Mia Mancini(w/Maryse)


Jamie Noble vs. Zack Ryder.


The Big Show vs. Rene Dupree.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

MVP and Mark Henry vs. The Hart Dynasty©

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Kofi Kingston and Edge vs. Paul Burchill and Randy Orton.


R-Truth vs. Cody Rhodes.


Eve Torres vs. Mia Mancini(w/Maryse)


Jamie Noble vs. Zack Ryder.


The Big Show vs. Rene Dupree.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

MVP and Mark Henry vs. The Hart Dynasty©

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Kofi Kingston and Edge vs. Paul Burchill and Randy Orton.


R-Truth vs. Cody Rhodes.


Eve Torres vs. Mia Mancini(w/Maryse)


Jamie Noble vs. Zack Ryder.


The Big Show vs. Rene Dupree.


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

MVP and Mark Henry vs. The Hart Dynasty©

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WWE Monday Night RAW 5/10/10


Hype for tonight, featuring the WWE Champion Randy Orton and Paul Burchill teaming up to take on Edge and Kofi Kingston but right now, let’s get down to the ring, for the Unified Tag Team Title Match between The Hart Dynasty and MVP and Mark Henry.


The Unified Tag Team Champions the Hart Dynasty defeated MVP and Mark Henry when David Hart Smith pinned Henry with a missile dropkick/high angle belly to back suplex combination move when MVP was distracted brawling with Ted DiBiase at ringside in 9:50 This was a solid back and forth encounter with MVP being caught in the corner and double teamed by the heels. The hot tag is made to Mark Henry, who runs wild but out comes Smackdown’s Ted DiBiase, who pulls MVP off the apron and a brawl occurs. The referee is distracted, allowing the Hart Dynasty to double team Mark Henry to score the pin. (B)


DiBiase gets on the microphone and talks about how MVP, trying to get back at DiBiase for the fact that DiBiase beat him fair and square at Extreme Rules, stole a briefcase containing one million dollars cash. DiBiase demands that MVP would return it and MVP says that he decided to just take it, in exchange for the return match for the United States Title, that DiBiase never gave him. MVP says that was the deal and since DiBiase never gave him his return shot, there was no theft. DiBiase says that MVP’s ego would not pass up a shot at the United States Title if offered and DiBiase offers MVP a match, if he returns the money. MVP admits that he never wanted the money and he throws the briefcase down, saying that he’ll see DiBiase on neutral ground, on Superstars, with the United States Title on the line. DiBiase says that he’ll beat MVP one last time and send him packing to the lower end of the card where he belongs.


The Big Show defeated Rene Dupree via disqualification when Ezekiel Jackson interfered in 5:55. A game of cat and mouse, but the Big Show finally got his hands on Dupree and beat him in the center of the ring. Eventually, big Ezekiel Jackson ran in and attacked the Big Show from behind. (B)


Jackson beats on the Big Show, with Dupree hitting a low blow from behind. Jackson has the Big Show and no way. Huge belly to belly suplex puts the Big Show down to boos from the crowd. Dupree and Jackson leave, with the Big Show down in the ring. There is apparently some kind of alliance going on here.


Jamie Noble made Zack Ryder submit to a Guillotine Choke in 6:55. In Ryder’s first match on RAW, he fell short to Noble, who used his wrestling ability to tie Ryder in knots. Eventually he slaps on a vicious guillotine choke for the tap out. (B-)


Afterwards, Sheamus ran out and quickly destroyed Noble with a big boot. Sheamus gets on the microphone, saying that Noble should have stayed retired. Sheamus says that Over the Limit will be Noble’s last stand and Sheamus will crush him, this time for good. Sheamus walks off, leaving Noble with a headache after nearly getting his head kicked in, as these two men will meet at Over the Limit.


Mia Mancini made Eve Torres submit to a Kati-Hajime in 3:44. Maryse is on commentary, talking about how Beth Phoenix destroyed her face and how she hired Mancini to take the Undisputed Women’s Title. Eve Torres was thrown around, until Mancini trapped her in a deadly submission hold for the tap out. (E)


Out rushes Beth Phoenix after the match, to brawl with Mancini. Mancini actually manages to get the better of the Glamazon for a time, but security comes out. These two women are on a collision course for that Undisputed Women’s Title. Beth Phoenix is not too happy after getting some of her hair cut last week either and she wants to get both Maryse and Mancini.


Cody Rhodes pinned R-Truth after using the ropes for leverage in 8:40. R-Truth still was working with a weakened shoulder after the assault it suffered from Dolph Ziggler and it handicapped his ability to deal with Rhodes. Rhodes managed to get the better of Truth, who staged an impressive comeback, chopping away at Rhodes and dropkicked him in the corner. Ten count punches but Rhodes managed to twist the arm and set up R-Truth with a roll up, using the ropes for leverage. (B-)


Randy Orton is backstage, with the WWE Championship but Paul Burchill walks up. Orton says that Burchill better hold up his head but Burchill says he’s not about to be intimidated by Orton. Burchill says he’s made a practice of taking out main event superstars as of late and Orton might be next, providing he keeps that WWE Championship past Over the Limit. Burchill says he’s going to take out Kofi and then he’s coming for Orton or Edge, whoever as the title. There is a tense moment but the match is next.


Edge and Kofi Kingston defeated Paul Burchill and Randy Orton when Edge pinned Orton with the Spear in 11:01. A back and forth tag team encounter, with Kofi Kingston being cut off for several moments and beaten down. Burchill and Orton seemed to take out their viciousness on Kofi but Kofi managed to make the hot tag to Edge, who cleared house. Kofi leapt in to take out Burchill, as Edge hit the Spear on Orton for the pin. (B-)


Edge cuts on the microphone, taunting Orton, saying that he has a weak stomach and the Spear was his undoing. Edge says the same thing will happen at Over the Limit. We fade to black with Edge standing over Orton, as we are thirteen days away from the WWE Championship being on the line at Over the Limit.




RAW Results:

MattitudeV2: 4/6

Lo-Drew: 4/6

BHK1978: 5/6

EdgeHeaD: 6/6



Overall May Ratings:

BHK1978: 16/21

Lo-Drew: 15/21

EdgeheaD: 12/21

MattitudeV2: 11/21

Mattitude90: 5/21

ChirsKid: 0/21

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ECW on Sy Fy 5/11/10


Bryan Danielson vs. Drew McIntyre.


Goldust vs. Charlie Haas.


Jimmy Wang Yang and Slam Master J vs. the Dudebusters.


ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin vs. Carlito(Non Title Match)

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ECW on Sy Fy 5/11/10


ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin pinned Carlito with the Paydirt in a non title match in 9:55 Carlito seemed to be wanting to prove himself and he threw everything that he could at the ECW Champion but despite his best efforts, Shelton proved why he is the ECW Champion, hitting the Paydirt. ©


Out comes Drew McIntyre from the back, in an attempt to get the jump on Shelton but Shelton fights him off and hits the Dragon Whip sending McIntyre to the floor. These two men will meet for the ECW Championship as part of Over the Limit and it appears that McIntyre tried to get himself a piece of the champion early, but he failed. McIntyre stews on the floor and he has a big match tonight against Bryan Danielson.


The Dudebusters defeated Slam Master J and Jimmy Wang Yang when Croft pinned Yang after a springboard clothesline/Russian Legsweep combination in 7:00 Croft and Barretta showed that they are one of the most hungry teams on Smackdown, defeating Yang and Slam Master J with a lot of double team moves. It is obvious that the Dudebusters feel they should be in line for a Unified Tag Team Title Shot but whether or not that is going to happen remains to be seen. (E-)


We see Vladimir Koslov training, beating up several opponents at once. Koslov said that his goal is to become the ECW Champion and he wants the competition to crush on his road to become the champion.


Charlie Haas pinned Goldust with a German Suplex in 9:09 The strange and bizarre Goldust was no match for Charlie Haas, who wrestled circles around Goldust. Haas seems to be revived here on ECW and is no doubt one of the many men who would love nothing better to become ECW Champion. Goldust missed a charge in the corner and Haas hit a German Suplex for the pin. (B)


Drew McIntyre pinned Bryan Danielson with the Double Underhook DDT in 10:22. This was the technical ability of Danielson against the raw power of McIntyre. At one time, McIntyre was named a future World Champion by Vince McMahon and McIntyre seemed determined to prove that he was not a flash in the pan. Danielson gave McIntyre a run for his money, but in the end, McIntyre managed to send Danielson into the corner, hitting a Double Underhook DDT for the pin. (B)


McIntyre cuts a promo, running down Shelton Benjamin and vowing to become the ECW Champion in twelve days at Over the Limit.




ECW Results:

EdgeHeaD: 3/4

nick21985: 3/4

BHK1978: 2/4

Lo-Drew: 2/4


Overall May Ratings:

BHK1978: 18/25

Lo-Drew: 17/25

EdgeheaD: 15/25

MattitudeV2: 11/25

Mattitude90: 5/25

nick21985: 3/25

ChirsKid: 0/25

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WWE Superstars 5/13/10


Hype for tonight’s main event, featuring RAW against Smackdown, with MVP challenging Ted DiBiase for the WWE United States Title in a return match from Extreme Rules.


Lance Cade and William Regal defeated Cryme Time when Cade pinned Shad with the Elevated Side Slam in 8:50 JTG was beaten down by the rough Regal and Cade for most of this match but he makes the hot tag to Shad, who fights off both men, until Regal takes out Shad’s leg and Cade finishes him off with the Elevated Side Slam. (B-)


Jillian is out, talking about how she wants to become Undisputed Women’s Champion and begins to sing about it, but Gail Kim comes out to interrupt her and have their match.


Gail Kim pinned Jillian with a Victory Roll in 6:55. Jillian was impressive during this match, getting several nearfalls but Gail used her speed to dazzle and confuse her opponent, before rolling her up with a Victory Roll to score the pin. ©


A recap of all of the events on Smackdown, leading up to the Scramble Match, with John Morrison defending against Rey Mysterio, the Undertaker, CM Punk, and Batista at Over the Limit. This week on Smackdown, Morrison will face Rey Mysterio one on one in a preview for that scramble match.


Kaval made David Young submit to the Dragon Clutch in 4:40 Kaval brutalized Young for the better part of this match, with Young barely getting in any offense. A double stomp to the back set up a vicious Dragon Clutch for the tap out. Kaval is no doubt one of the top future stars on ECW. (C-)


The events of this past week, featuring Edge and Randy Orton, leading up to their WWE Championship Match at Over the Limit.


WWE United States Champion Ted DiBiase pinned MVP after Dolph Ziggler interfered in 12:00. MVP seemed determined to bring the United States Title back to RAW, but DiBiase had some help from an unexpected source, the WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler, who ran interference, throwing MVP shoulder first into the steps, allowing DiBiase to score the win. (B-)


Afterwards, DiBiase passed Ziggler an envelope and they began to beat down MVP in the ring but MVP made a comeback and managed to fight off the heels. MVP gets on the microphone, talking about how tomorrow night on Smackdown, he’s going to find a partner and beat both Ziggler and DiBiase. DiBiase accepts the challenge, talking about how MVP could find anyone in the Smackdown locker room and it still will not be enough to beat them.





BHK1978: 2/3

Lo-DreW: 3/3

EdgeHeadD: 3/3

ChrisKid: 3/3

Destiny: 2/3


Overall May Ratings:

BHK1978: 20/28

Lo-Drew: 20/28

EdgeheaD: 18/28

MattitudeV2: 11/28

Mattitude90: 5/28

nick21985: 3/28

ChirsKid: 3/28

Destiny: 2/3

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WWE Smackdown 5/14/10


Rey Mysterio vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison(Non Title Match)


MVP and a Mystery Partner vs. WWE United States Champion Ted DiBiase and WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler.


Kane vs. Mike Knox.


Kelly Kelly and Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool and Layla.


Evan Bourne and Matt Hardy vs. Chris Jericho and the Miz.

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Rey Mysterio vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison(Non Title Match)


MVP and a Mystery Partner vs. WWE United States Champion Ted DiBiase and WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler.


Kane vs. Mike Knox.


Kelly Kelly and Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool and Layla.


Evan Bourne and Matt Hardy vs. Chris Jericho and the Miz.

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Rey Mysterio vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison(Non Title Match)


MVP and a Mystery Partner vs. WWE United States Champion Ted DiBiase and WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler.


Kane vs. Mike Knox.


Kelly Kelly and Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool and Layla.


Evan Bourne and Matt Hardy vs. Chris Jericho and the Miz.

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Rey Mysterio vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison(Non Title Match)


MVP and a Mystery Partner vs. WWE United States Champion Ted DiBiase and WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler.


Kane vs. Mike Knox.


Kelly Kelly and Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool and Layla.


Evan Bourne and Matt Hardy vs. Chris Jericho and the Miz.

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Rey Mysterio vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison(Non Title Match)


MVP and a Mystery Partner vs. WWE United States Champion Ted DiBiase and WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler.


Kane vs. Mike Knox.


Kelly Kelly and Mickie James vs. Michelle McCool and Layla.


Evan Bourne and Matt Hardy vs. Chris Jericho and the Miz.

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WWE Smackdown 5/13/10

Evan Bourne and Matt Hardy defeated Chris Jericho and the Miz in 9:55 when Bourne pinned Jericho with a backslide We open things up with a back and forth tag team encounter. Matt Hardy is isolated and double teamed for a spell but he fights back. Tag made to Bourne, who enters the ring but Jericho cuts him off. Jericho misses a charge in the corner and in a flash, Bourne backslides Jericho for the pin. (B-)


Jericho gets on the microphone, shocked that he got pinned by Bourne two weeks in a row. Jericho says that Bourne’s a great athlete and he has potential but his time is not now. Jericho wants a match with Evan Bourne at Over the Limit. Bourne accepts, saying that he pinned Jericho two weeks in a row and he can do it a third time.


Kane defeated Mike Knox via disqualification after Knox waffled Kane with a chair in 7:02 Kane and Knox had a bar room brawl tonight on Smackdown. Knox threw Kane into the post and they decked him with a chair for the disqualification. (B-)


Knox throws Kane into the ring and jabs him in the ribs with a chair, before giving him the Bicycle Kick knocking Kane loopy. Knox brings the steps into the ring, talking about how all the pressure points and angles that can be used to snap a limb but sometimes, blunt force is the best option. Knox folds the chair over Kane’s arm and then drops the steps right on the chair encased arm. Kane yells in pain, he might have a broken arm and Knox looks pleased.


Mickie James and Kelly Kelly defeated Michelle McCool and Layla when Mickie pinned Layla with the Mick Kick in 6:44 Michelle and Layla beat Kelly in the corner but Mickie makes the hot tag and runs wild, to loud cheers from the crowd. Michelle is sent to the floor and Mickie takes out Layla with a swift Mick Kick and pins her. Mickie has put herself in line for a future Undisputed Women’s Title shot with that victory. ©


Vince McMahon is backstage, snapping at stage hands and being all surly, the pangs of being forced to live a Straight Edge Life Style obviously getting to the chairman, as he is angrier than ever. CM Punk drops in, saying that it’s normal to fill some discomfort after sixty plus years of living the wrong life and Vince swears that Punk will be the one feeling discomfort when the ninety days are up. Punk says that Mr. McMahon will have seen the line by then. In comes Jack Swagger, who talks about how he should have better competition than a match with Kung Funaki. “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!” snapped McMahon. “YOU KNOW WHAT, FINE, FINE! YOU WANT COMPETITION! YOU WANT A BETTER MATCH! YOU CAN HAVE BOOKER T! NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE BEFORE I FIRE YOU!” Swagger backs off intimidating as Vince throws down a picture frame angrily.


Jack Swagger pinned Booker T with an Oklahoma Side Roll, using the ropes for leverage in 8:02 Swagger had a brutal match with the six time former WCW Champion but the end, Swagger used a mixture of great wrestling tactics and devious tricks to put Booker down. An Oklahoma Side Roll plus the ropes equals win and Booker T is not too happy. (B)


A recap is shown from Superstars, with Ted DiBiase beating MVP to retain his United States Title thanks to some help from Dolph Ziggler. Afterwards, MVP fights both men off and challenges DiBiase and Ziggler to a tag team match tonight on Smackdown.


Christian and MVP defeated Dolph Ziggler and Ted DiBiase when Christian made DiBiase submit to the Sharpshooter in 12:55 Christian was the mystery partner for this evening and he proved to be a great pick. MVP was double teamed for the vast majority of this match until Christian makes the hot tag. Ziggler gets taken out to the floor and Christian wraps up DiBiase in the Sharpshooter, making the Money in the Bank Winner and United States Champion tap out!


A video clip from last September where John Morrison beat Rey Mysterio for the WWE Intercontinental Title. A rematch was offered but circumstances caused it to not happen. Until tonight, as John Morrison and Rey Mysterio will meet tonight. The World Heavyweight Title is not on the line, but Rey will be one of the four men to challenge John Morrison in a Scramble Match at Over the Limit.


CM Punk comes out to offer his commentary and some preaching on the values of living a Straight Edge life, which will cause him to become the next World Heavyweight Champion in nine days at Over the Limit, according to Punk.


Rey Mysterio pinned John Morrison after hitting a reverse huracarana after Morrison went for the Starship Pain in 17:44 This was an intense back and forth match, with both men giving it their all with suplexes and high flying moves. Counters and counters to the counters, with nearfalls going deep into the dozens. Morrison seemed unable to put Rey away, but he avoided the 6-1-9 before giving Rey a vicious Pele Kick and then a brain buster. Morrison seemed a bit out of it from keeping pace with the quick Mysterio and went up top to attempt the Starship Pain. The key word is attempt, as Rey dropkicked Morrison from behind, causing him to crotch himself and then Rey climbed up behind Morrison, before leaping onto his shoulders and giving Morrison a reverse huracanrana off the top rope, spiking him on his head. That is most certainly enough to get the pin as Striker and Grisham put over that insane move on the part of Mysterio and Punk claims that Mysterio has to be on some kind of substances to do a move like that. (B+)


In comes Punk to attack Mysterio with a kick right to the face and he elbows away at Mysterio. Batista comes out and joins in on the attack, giving Mysterio a sickening spinebuster. The dastardly duo then turns their attention to Morrison. Punk and Batista are double teaming the downed World Heavyweight Champion but the lights go out and the loud gong echoes throughout the arena. When they come out, the Undertaker is out. Punk hits a vicious elbow strike to the side of the head but the Undertaker shrugs it off and grabs Punk, giving him a choke slam! Batista spears the Undertaker down and turns around but the Undertaker sits up. To the throat and choke slam to Batista! Both Punk and Batista have been rocked and the Undertaker helps Morrison up, only to give him a huge choke slam, which gets a thunderous pop from the crowd. The Undertaker wants that World Heavyweight Championship and there are no friends in the Scramble Match at Over the Limit! We fade out with the Undertaker standing tall, perhaps an omen for things to come!




Smackdown Results:

BHK1978: 1/5

Lo-Drew: 1/5

Destiny: 2/5

EdgeHeaD: 3/5


Overall May Ratings:

BHK1978: 21/33

Lo-Drew: 21/33

EdgeheaD: 21/33

MattitudeV2: 11/33

Mattitude90: 5/33

Destiny: 4/33

nick21985: 3/33

ChirsKid: 3/33

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