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WWE Monday Night RAW 5/17/10


Out comes the WWE Champion Randy Orton, who cuts a promo, calling Edge one dimensional, talking about how Edge is only about giving the Spear to someone over and over again. Tonight, Orton is going to prove that he has a way to counteract the Spear. For the past week, he has been doing nothing but sit ups and by the end of the night, he’ll have abs of steel which will negate the Spear. Orton says that right now he’s on his break but he has to return to complete his work out but by the end of the night, he’ll come out and prove to Edge that his Spear is useless. Orton walks off, as the announcers wonder what Orton’s game is and if that last Spear has knocked him loopy.


Sheamus pinned Yoshi Tatsu with the Crucifix Power Bomb in 7:00 The Cardiac Kid gave it his all and knocked Sheamus off balance several times, but Sheamus proved that his brute force was more than enough to beat Tatsu. Sheamus punished his opponent and hit him with the Bicycle Kick and then a Crucifix Power Bomb for the pin. (C+)


Sheamus cuts a promo, talking about little men and how they don’t belong in wrestling. He says that he’ll finish the job that he started on Jamie Noble this Sunday at Over the Limit but Noble enters the ring to give Sheamus a low blow, before pounding on him and applying a standing arm scissors! Sheamus tries to throw Noble off but Noble hangs on. Eventually, Sheamus escapes and leaves the ring, as Noble cuts a spirited promo, talking about how he’s been waiting for his chance to whoop Sheamus and he’s whoop Sheamus harder than his Daddy whooped him when he was acting up. Noble says that he might have been put on the shelf for months, but Jamie “By Gawd” Noble, the Redneck Messiah will be the one that will put Sheamus out this time.


Ezekiel Jackson and Rene Dupree defeated Aden Chambers and Andrew Ryker when Dupree pinned Ryker in 5:55 after Jackson laid him out. Jackson was the muscle behind Dupree’s mouth and it showed, as he beat these two young men senseless. The announcers talk about how the Big Show will be back next week after the beating that Jackson and Dupree put on him last week and he will be out for revenge. Jackson hits a vicious power bomb to each and tags in Dupree, who gets the easy pin. (D)


Edge is backstage, cutting up a fired up promo about how he came back from a career ending injury and now he’s challenging for the WWE Championship. He says that he has quite a past with Randy Orton and how while most people remember their time as Rated RKO, most tend to overlook the fact that Edge has a history of beating Randy Orton when titles are on the line. Edge says back in 2004, he pinned Randy Orton to end Orton’s reign as the WWE Intercontinental Champion and lightning will strike again at Over the Limit, when Edge beats Orton for the WWE Championship.


Mia Mancini(w/Maryse) defeated Brie Bella(w/Nikki Bella) with the Kati Hajime in 2:04 This was total dominance by Mancini, who proved how deadly she is. She put out Brie in just under two minutes. (E)


Nikki enters the ring to check on her twin and Mancini hits a German Suplex on her, before locking her in the Kati-Hajime, trying to put her out but out comes the Undisputed Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix who saves the Bellas. Maryse gets on the microphone, demanding that the Glamazon defend the belt against her handpicked Assassin at Over the Limit, as restitution for Beth destroying Maryse’s face back at Extreme Rules. The Glamazon agrees, but only if Maryse puts her hair on the line. Maryse looks absolutely horrified but calms down, saying that she handpicked Mia Mancini for the task of liberating the Undisputed Women’s Title from Beth Phoenix and she has utmost confidence that she would succeed. Maryse says that if she has to put her hair on the line, then she will do it. The match is set, Beth Phoenix against Mia Mancini with the Undisputed Women’s Title against Maryse’s hair. Maryse’s arrogance might be her downfall, as Beth already gave her a broken nose, now she might lose her hair if the Glamazon defeats Maryse’s handpicked assassin.


It is announced at Over the Limit, that a fatal four way match will take place, with both the WWE Intercontinental and United States Titles on the line, featuring MVP. Christian, Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler, and United States Champion Ted DiBiase. The pressure is on MVP for sure, as its up to him to bring at least one of the championship belts back to RAW. It is a two fall contest, with the first fall being for the United States Title and the second fall being for the Intercontinental Title.


MVP pinned Unified Tag Team Champion Tyson Kidd(w/David Hart Smith) and Natalya) with the Playmaker in 12:44 This is an impressive match with both men giving it their all. Kidd seems to be willing to prove something tonight but MVP will not go down without a fight. Kidd misses a springboard and MVP hits the Drive By Kick before hitting the Playmaker for the pin. (B)


MVP cuts a promo, talking about how he’s going to bring both the United States and Intercontinental Titles to RAW, which causes the fans to cheer but MVP has some lofty goals against three of the top athletes on Smackdown and being the lone RAW competitor.


R-Truth and Kofi Kingston defeated Cody Rhodes and Paul Burchill when Kofi pinned Rhodes with the Trouble in Paradise in 13:22. The fans were going nuts at this back and forth tag team match, until R-Truth was isolated in the corner. Kofi makes the hot tag and never has a tag been hotter, as Kofi runs wild. Burchill gets taken out and he hits the Trouble in Paradise on Rhodes for the pin. (B)


Burchill attempts to attack Kofi but Kofi fights him off, as the announcers hype the Kofi Kingston against Paul Burchill match, the latest chapter of their feud this Sunday at Over the Limit.


Out comes Randy Orton, dressed in a long t-shirt and pants, talking about how his workout has left him tired but his abs stronger than ever. Orton cuts a promo on Edge, daring him to come out. “SPEAR ME IF YOU DARE!” shouted Orton and out comes Edge to cheers from the crowd. Edge looks at Orton as he enters the ring and asks if Orton thinks that doing a few sit ups will protect him from the Spear. Orton says Edge should just find out. Orton chants “SPEAR, SPEAR, SPEAR” in a mocking manner and Edge takes a step back and Orton attacks Edge from behind but Edge fires back. This attempted ambush backfired yet again and Edge steps back and SPEARS ORTON!


Edge suddenly rolls over, clutching his shoulder in pain as the fans boo. Orton rolls over and lifts up his shirt to reveal a dented metal plate. Orton has the metal plate and he drives it into the shoulder of Edge repeatedly. Orton gives Edge the RKO for good measure but Edge’s shoulder may be separated! Orton might have found a way to negate the Spear, by injuring Edge’s arm! Orton yells that Edge will never be WWE Champion as long as Orton breathes. We’ll try and get an update on Edge’s condition, but he’s hurt. He speared a solid metal plate so hard that he dented it and Orton drove that metal right into the shoulder of Edge over and over again.




RAW Results:

BHK1978: 4/4

MattitudeV2: 4/4

Lo-Drew: 3/4

EdgeHeaD: 3/4



Overall May Ratings:

BHK1978: 25/37

Lo-Drew: 24/37

EdgeheaD: 24/37

MattitudeV2: 15/37

Mattitude90: 5/37

Destiny: 4/37

nick21985: 3/37

ChirsKid: 3/37

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ECW On Sy Fy 5/18/10


Drew McIntyre pinned Goldust with the Double Underhook DDT in 9:55. An extended match, with McIntyre beating Goldust for most of this match but Goldust fights back. McIntyre takes Goldust up off the top rope and hits the Double Underhook DDT for the pin. (B-)


Afterwards, Drew McIntyre cuts a promo, vowing to become the ECW Champion when he faces off against Shelton Benjamin at Over the Limit. McIntyre looks confident at his chances but he’s got quite the battle against the ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin.


Kaval made Jimmy Wang Yang submit to the Dragon Clutch in 7:55 An impressive match between these two competitors. Yang was caught off guard with the martial arts abilities of Kaval, ending with a brain buster, a double stomp and then the vicious Dragon Clutch, putting Yang down for the tap out. (C-)


We see more with Vladimir Koslov, as his training is intense. Koslov once again states his intentions to become ECW Champion and vows that next week, we’ll see Vladimir Koslov like you never seen him before when he makes his in ring return.


Bryan Danielson and ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin defeated the Dudebusters when Shelton pinned Croft with the Paydirt in 15:22 The Dudebusters were impressive tonight, trying to make a name for themselves against two of the top stars on ECW. Danielson was kept in the ring for a period of time but Shelton makes the hot tag and runs wild. Barretta is sent to the floor and Croft is hit with the Paydirt for the pin. (C+)


Out comes Drew McIntyre to attempt to take Shelton out but Shelton kicks McIntyre off and hits a dive to the floor. Both champion and challenger for this Sunday at Over the Limit are brawling around the ringside area. Security comes out to break up these two men before it gets too ugly. Shelton Benjamin has a tough task this Sunday, against Drew McIntyre, who has yet to taste defeat since getting drafted to ECW but Shelton has beaten some tough competitors before. Hype for the ECW Championship match at Over the Limit.



ECW Results:

Destiny: 2/3

EdgeHeaD: 3/3

BHK1978: 3/3

MattitudeV2: 3/3

Lo-Drew: 3/3

MartinC: 3/3


Overall May Ratings:

BHK1978: 28/40

Lo-Drew: 27/40

EdgeheaD: 27/40

MattitudeV2: 18/40

Destiny: 6/40

Mattitude90: 5/40

MartinC: 3/40

nick21985: 3/40

ChirsKid: 3/40

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WWE Superstars 5/20/10


We open up with tonight’s main event from Friday Night Smackdown, with Jack Swagger taking on Rey Mysterio.


The Hurricane pinned Zack Ryder(w/Rosa Mendes) with a roll up in 10:10. The Hurricane and Ryder had a match between two former ECW competitors that got move during to RAW during the draft. A back and forth encounter that ended with Ryder getting a bit too arrogant and the Hurricane rolling up Ryder for the pin when he was grandstanding. (B)


A recap of ECW featuring Drew McIntyre and Shelton Benjamin brawling. Both men will square off for the ECW Championship as part of Over the Limit.


Charlie Haas pinned Slam Master J with the German Suplex in 6:02. Haas battled Slam Master J in tonight’s ECW showcase and he tied the young man in knots several times before finishing him off with the German Suplex. ©


A recap of last week on Smackdown where it is announced that for this week, the World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison will take on the Undertaker in a huge blockbuster main event.


Clips of the latest between Edge and Randy Orton, with Orton using a steel plate to injure Edge’s shoulder. Edge will still be at Over the Limit and challenging for the WWE Championship, but his spearing arm is at less than one hundred percent.


Rey Mysterio pinned Jack Swagger with a springboard splash in 16:55. This was Swagger’s chance to really stake his claim as a big time competitor on Smackdown, facing off against one of the challengers for the World Heavyweight Title at Over the Limit. Swagger got several nearfalls on Rey, but Rey proved to be one step ahead of Swagger, hitting a springboard splash to score the pin. (B)


Hype for Smackdown and for Over the Limit as Rey celebrates. We will see you then!




MattitudeV2: 3/3

Lo-Drew: 3/3

BHK1978: 1/3

MartinC: 3/3

EdgeHeaD: 2/3



Overall May Ratings:

Lo-Drew: 30/43

BHK1978: 29/43

EdgeheaD: 29/43

MattitudeV2: 21/43

Destiny: 6/43

MartinC: 6/43

Mattitude90: 5/43

nick21985: 3/43

ChirsKid: 3/43

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WWE Smackdown 5/21/10


The Undertaker vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk.


Evan Bourne vs. William Regal.


Kane and Christian vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and Mike Knox.

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The Undertaker vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison(Non Title Match) Draw


Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk.


Evan Bourne vs. William Regal.


Kane and Christian vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and Mike Knox.

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The Undertaker vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison(Non Title Match) Draw


Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk.


Evan Bourne vs. William Regal.


Kane and Christian vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and Mike Knox.


What the heck, for once someone will approve of Lo-Drew's picks!:D


So I approve!

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WWE Smackdown 5/21/10


The Undertaker vs. World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison(Non Title Match)


Matt Hardy vs. CM Punk.


Evan Bourne vs. William Regal.


Kane and Christian vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler and Mike Knox.

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