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WWE Smackdown 5/21/10


Hype for tonight’s main event featuring John Morrison taking on the Undertaker in a huge main event before these two men, along with Batista, CM Punk, and Rey Mysterio will square off in a Scramble Match at Over the Limit. Footage of the thunderous choke slam that Morrison sustained last week.


Kane and Christian defeated Mike Knox and Dolph Ziggler when Christian pinned Knox with the Killswitch in 12:55. Ted DiBiase did some guest commentary for this match, talking about the two fall fatal four way match with both the IC and US Titles, declaring that he will walk out of Over the Limit with another belt. Kane was beaten down for most of this match until Christian hot tags into the ring, fighting off both men. Kane puts Ziggler to the floor and Knox goes for the Bicycle Kick, but Christian avoided it and Killswitch delivered for the pin. (C+)


Batista cuts a promo, talking about how the World Heavyweight Championship is his divine right. He talks about how Rey, Punk, Undertaker, and Morrison will all be dismantled one on one. Batista says that he should have had the belt several times over and he’s been passed over constantly. This time he will not be denied.


Evan Bourne pinned William Regal with the Air Bourne in 10:01 An impressive back and forth match, with the highlight sending Bourne right on his head with a half nelson suplex and Regal beats on Bourne, but a springboard dropkick sets up the Air Bourne for the pin. (B+)


Out comes Chris Jericho, who congratulates Bourne on his victory. He talks about how Bourne has been on quite the roll over the past few weeks but he has the biggest match of his career, one on one against Chris Jericho at Over the Limit. Jericho says that the butterflies must be flapping in Bourne’s stomach. Jericho says that Bourne had tasted success but he will taste failure, when Jericho beats him handily at Over the Limit. Jericho promises that Bourne will be a stepping stone to the World Heavyweight Title but Bourne interrupts, claiming that there will be a stepping stone alright, but that stepping stone will be Chris Jericho. Jericho yells that Bourne’s a snotty little upstart and can’t beat him.


CM Punk(w/Vince McMahon) defeated Matt Hardy with the GTS in 16:11 Vince stood at ringside, snapping at ringside fans and the timekeeper. He appears to be even more crazed since becoming Straight Edge. Hardy seemed to want to make a statement against one of the men in the Scramble Match, gaining a multitude of nearfalls but Punk hangs Hardy up and hits a roundhouse kick. Punk hits the GTS for the pin. (B)


Punk cuts a promo, hyping up his Straight Edge life style and how it saw him through with the victory tonight. He talks about the World Heavyweight Title and how it was snatched from his clutches but this Sunday, his lifestyle will see him through. Punk is confident that he’s going to win the World Heavyweight Title but there are four other men who want the belt.


World Heavyweight Champion John Morrison pinned the Undertaker in a non title match after reversing the Tombstone Piledriver into a Victory Roll in 19:05 This is quite the test for John Morrison, who used his speed and agility to keep one step ahead of him but the Undertaker caught Morrison on a springboard with a big boot. The Undertaker hammered away at Morrison but Morrison fights back and ten count punches in the corner but that is reversed into the Last Ride, folding Morrison up for a two count. The Undertaker steps back and goes for the choke slam but Morrison fights him off and hits the Pele Kick and a standing shooting star press for a two count. Morrison steps to the top rope and the Undertaker sits up. Starship Pain is caught by a standing Undertaker and he twists Morrison into position for the Tombstone Piledriver but Morrison counters with a Victory Roll, holding the Undertaker down for the pin. (B)


Morrison gets the win and the Undertaker sits up but Batista enters the ring to take out the Undertaker from behind. Batista goes for a lariat on Morrison but Morrison ducks and Pele Kick to Batista but Punk is out, attacking Morrison with a roundhouse kick to the face. Out comes Rey Mysterio and he hits a springboard dropkick, before pounding away at Punk. All five men are brawling, as the Scramble Match for the World Heavyweight Title is hyped up for Over the Limit. Security pours out of the back to break this up as we fade to black.




Lo-Drew: 3/4

BHK1978: 3/4

EdgeHeadD: 3/4

MattitudeV2: 3/4

MartinC: 2/4


Overall May Ratings:

Lo-Drew: 33/47

BHK1978: 32/47

EdgeheaD: 32/47

MattitudeV2: 24/47

MartinC: 8/47

Destiny: 6/47

Mattitude90: 5/47

nick21985: 3/47

ChirsKid: 3/47

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WWE Over the Limit 2010


World Heavyweight Championship Scramble Match:

Rey Mysterio vs. the Undertaker vs. Batista vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison©


WWE Championship Match:

Edge vs Randy Orton©


ECW Title Match:

Drew McIntyre vs. Shelton Benjamin©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Christian vs. MVP vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Dolph Ziggler©


WWE United States Title Match:

Christian vs. MVP vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Ted DiBiase©


WWE Undisputed Women's Title vs. Maryse's Hair:

Mia Mancini vs. Beth Phoenix©


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho.


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Jamie Noble vs. Sheamus.

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World Heavyweight Championship Scramble Match:

Rey Mysterio vs. the Undertaker vs. Batista vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison©


I will admit, I have no clue with this match.


WWE Championship Match:

Edge vs Randy Orton©


ECW Title Match:

Drew McIntyre vs. Shelton Benjamin©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Christian vs. MVP vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Dolph Ziggler©


WWE United States Title Match:

Christian vs. MVP vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Ted DiBiase©


WWE Undisputed Women's Title vs. Maryse's Hair:

Mia Mancini vs. Beth Phoenix©


Why have the stip if you are not going to use it?:D


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho.


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Jamie Noble vs. Sheamus.

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WWE Over the Limit 2010


World Heavyweight Championship Scramble Match:

Rey Mysterio vs. the Undertaker vs. Batista vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison©


WWE Championship Match:

Edge vs Randy Orton©


ECW Title Match:

Drew McIntyre vs. Shelton Benjamin©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Christian vs. MVP vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Dolph Ziggler©


WWE United States Title Match:

Christian vs. MVP vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Ted DiBiase©


WWE Undisputed Women's Title vs. Maryse's Hair:

Mia Mancini vs. Beth Phoenix©


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho.


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Jamie Noble vs. Sheamus.

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World Heavyweight Championship Scramble Match:

Rey Mysterio vs. the Undertaker vs. Batista vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison©


WWE Championship Match:

Edge vs Randy Orton©


ECW Title Match:

Drew McIntyre vs. Shelton Benjamin©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Christian vs. MVP vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Dolph Ziggler©


WWE United States Title Match:

Christian vs. MVP vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Ted DiBiase©


WWE Undisputed Women's Title vs. Maryse's Hair:

Mia Mancini vs. Beth Phoenix©


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho.


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Jamie Noble vs. Sheamus.

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World Heavyweight Championship Scramble Match:

Rey Mysterio vs. the Undertaker vs. Batista vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison©


WWE Championship Match:

Edge vs Randy Orton©


ECW Title Match:

Drew McIntyre vs. Shelton Benjamin©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

Christian vs. MVP vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Dolph Ziggler©


WWE United States Title Match:

Christian vs. MVP vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Ted DiBiase©


WWE Undisputed Women's Title vs. Maryse's Hair:

Mia Mancini vs. Beth Phoenix©


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho.


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill.


Jamie Noble vs. Sheamus.

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WWE Over the Limit 2010


Hype for the huge main event matches tonight, including the WWE Championship Match with Randy Orton defending against Edge and the Scramble Match for the World Heavyweight Title.


Jamie Noble vs. Sheamus


Sheamus attacks Noble at the bell but Noble dropkicked Sheamus right in the leg and attacks the leg, beating on it. Noble is trying to cut the big man down to size, hitting a series of chops as well, before taking Sheamus’s leg out with a chop block and Noble delivers a spinning toe hold right to Sheamus but Sheamus kicks him off into the ropes. Sheamus grabs Noble and belly to back suplex brings him down. Sheamus beats on Noble, hammering away at him, before delivering a massive backbreaker. Noble lost six months of his career because of a broken back at the hands of Sheamus and Sheamus hits two more backbreakers, before a sickening side slam. Sheamus walks out his leg injury and continues to beat on Noble, before hitting a huge suplex. Sheamus steps back, going for the Bicycle Kick but Noble catches the leg and dragon screw legwhip, right into the reverse figure four leglock! He calls that move the Trailer Hitch and he is trying to put Sheamus down, but Sheamus grabs the referee, before pulling him down and flinging him right on top of Noble to break the hold and garner the disqualification.


Winner By Disqualification: Jamie Noble(4:04, B-)


Sheamus is up, beating on Noble, before giving him a snake eyes in the corner. Sheamus pounds the back and yells that he is going to break Noble’s back again. This time it might be the end and Sheamus has Noble set up on the ring apron. He’s going to power bomb him right to the floor but Noble countered with a huracarana! Noble flings his opponent to the floor and Sheamus lands hard, before Noble jumps on Sheamus like a pitbull hammering away at him! Noble is yelling at Sheamus to come get some more but Sheamus backs off. Noble might not be the biggest dog in the fight but he’s proven than he has more fight in him then most.


United States Title Match:

Christian vs. MVP vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Ted DiBiase©


Due to the coin toss held backstage earlier, the first fall is for the United States Title. Christian chops away at DiBiase, while MVP beats on Ziggler. Ziggler and DiBiase get Irish Whipped together and Christian jumps over, before beating on MVP, proving that there are no friends in this match. Christian hammers away at MVP, throwing him into the ropes. Leapfrog but MVP catches Christian with a leaping clothesline off the ropes. MVP beats on Christian and leaping kneelift in the corner but Ziggler rolls MVP up for a two count, trying to get the United States Title. Ziggler beats on MVP, hammering him in the corner but MVP catches Ziggler with a boot to the face and grabs Ziggler, before hitting a tornado DDT out of the corner, while also hitting Christian with a missile dropkick. MVP covers Ziggler, but DiBiase breaks up the cover at the last second. DiBiase hammers away at MVP and gutwrench but MVP drops down and waistlocks DiBiase, before hitting a German Suplex. Bridging for a two count. MVP hammers away at the back of the head and throws DiBiase into the corner. Leaping forearm in the corner and DiBiase goes down, before MVP hits the Ballin’ Elbow for a two count. MVP beats on DiBiase and sleeperhold applied but Christian breaks the hold with a dropkick!


Christian beats on MVP and DiBiase with chops and rams the heads together. Christian hits a suplex on DiBiase. Suplex on MVP and then a suplex on Ziggler. Christian covers Ziggler for a two count. Ziggler picks up Christian and goes the Killswitch but Ziggler takes Christian down and neck snap brings him down. Ziggler beats on Christian before throwing him into the corner. Ziggler charges in but Christian delivers a sunset flip out of the corner for a two count. Christian hammers away at Ziggler and powerslams him down, before going for the top rope, but DiBiase cuts him off and climbs to the top rope. DiBiase superplexes Christian down but MVP covers DiBiase as he is recovering for a two count! MVP hits a series of elbows right to the side of the head and DiBiase is whipped into Ziggler, sending him to the floor. MVP grabs DiBiase and kneelift, before going for the Playmaker but DiBiase countered with a cobra clutch, before hitting a cobra clutch suplex and then hanging on, right into the Dream Street and scoring the pin to keep his United States Title.


Winner and Still United States Champion: Ted DiBiase(8:08, B-)


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

MVP vs. Christian vs. Ted DiBiase vs. Dolph Ziggler©


DiBiase goes for another cover but Ziggler breaks up the cover. Ziggler hammers away at DiBiase and into the ropes. The head is ducked and DiBiase hits a kneelift, before hooking Ziggler and bringing him down with a reverse neckbreaker. DiBiase picks up Ziggler, before hammering away at him, before Irish Whipping him into the recovered Christian, before DiBiase applies a sleeperhold on Ziggler. Ziggler fights out with a series of elbow strikes and a jawbreaker. Ziggler picks up DiBiase and a facebuster across the knee, before Ziggler goes to the outside. Springboard clothesline on DiBiase but Christian has Ziggler and hammers away at him, before throwing him into the ropes. Leapfrog over Ziggler and Christian hits a reverse thrust kick to the side of the head, before setting him up but MVP hits a Yakuza Kick, before grabbing Ziggler and beating on him with chops and into the corner. Waistlock by MVP and German Suplex to Ziggler. MVP rolls Ziggler over and La Magistral Cradle applied for a two count, before DiBiase slides in and hits a DDT on MVP. DiBiase hits on MVP and gives him a vicious cobra clutch suplex, dropping him on the back of his head and knocking him out. Ziggler is up but DiBiase appears to be making some sort of deal with Ziggler. Ziggler and DiBiase are double teaming Christian and now DiBiase stands over by the ropes as Ziggler tries to Irish Whip him over but Christian reverses and DiBiase inadvertently hits a high back body drop to Ziggler to the floor!


DiBiase recovers quickly and goes for the clothesline but Christian ducks it. Killswitch attempted but DiBiase fights out and Million Dollar Dream applied! DiBiase applies the move and goes for the Dream Street but Christian twists out with an arm drag takedown! DiBiase bounces back up and Christian takes him down with a powerslam. Christian steps to the outside, going to the top rope but DiBiase hits him with a forearm right to the stomach. Another pair of forearms right to the stomach and DiBiase climbs to the top rope with Christian, beating on him, but Christian knocks him off and hits a missile dropkick! DiBiase has been taken out and Christian bends down, going for the Killswitch but DiBiase reverses into the Million Dollar Dream and goes for the Dream Street once again, but Christian runs up the ropes and flips backwards into a bridge, holding DiBiase down in a pinning combination to score the pin, as Ziggler reenters the ring!


Winner and New WWE Intercontinental Champion Christian(6:57, B-)


Christian is for the fourth time in his career, WWE Intercontinental Champion and he holds the belt up to a loud round of cheers. Christian has held the belt over his shoulder, as Ziggler looks angered, having lost his belt without being pinned. DiBiase rolls over, shrugging his shoulders and taking his United States Title Belt and Money in the Bank briefcase to the back. DiBiase retains the United States Title and Christian is the new WWE Intercontinental Champion.


We go backstage with a few words from Edge. Edge talks about how Orton tried to take his shoulder out and eliminate the Spear. Edge said he might not be able to Spear Orton but shoulder injury or not, he will find a way to beat Orton. Edge says that he’s been waiting for years for this chance against Randy Orton, to prove who was the top competitor in Rated RKO. Edge says that Orton will only get to enjoy his title for a couple more hours. Edge looks ready but with his right shoulder damaged, he might have a tough time against Orton.


ECW Championship Match:

Drew McIntyre vs. Shelton Benjamin©


McIntyre tries to jump Shelton at the bell but Shelton ducks and a series of chops backs McIntyre off. Shelton hits two dropkicks and a headlock takedown, before he pounds away at McIntyre and leaps to the second rope, before leapfrogging over a charging McIntyre and hiptosses him down. The ECW Champion dropkicks McIntyre into the corner and ten count punches, before he delivers another backflip and a leaping avalanche into the corner, before Shelton beats on the side of the head of McIntyre with elbows but McIntyre cuts Shelton off with a huge clothesline. McIntyre stomps away at Shelton, as the announcers talk about the huge chip McIntyre has on his shoulder and how at one time, he was branded a future champion by Mr. McMahon. McIntyre chokes Shelton, before throwing him into the corner and viciously pummels him in the corner. Up in a side waistlock and down with a side slam. McIntyre beats on Shelton, stomping away, before applying a chinlock, wearing Shelton down but the ECW Champion begins to fight out. McIntyre throws Benjamin off into the ropes and a tilt a whirl slam brings him down. A cover by the challenger but only a two count.


McIntyre drills the chest of Benjamin with a huge leaping stomp and now rolls him over, beating on him some more. The fans begin to cheer, as McIntyre mows Benjamin down with a vicious lariat for a two count. McIntyre now stomps Benjamin and headbutts him, before hooking him. Belly to belly overhead suplex and Shelton folds up like a piece of paper. Another cover on the ECW Champion but once again, he kicks out. McIntyre is beginning to frustrate and that’s when he begins to make mistakes. A pair of double axe handles right to the back and a huge front suplex, hanging Shelton right on the top rope, before a running kick sends him flying back first into the barricade. McIntyre scoops up Shelton and rolls him into the ring. McIntyre chokes away at Shelton, risking disqualification. Benjamin rolls away, gasping for air as McIntyre brings Shelton onto his shoulders. Torture Rack applied on the massive shoulders of Drew McIntyre but Shelton fights out to his feet. McIntyre goes for a clothesline but it is ducked and Shelton grabs McIntyre, before giving him a T-Bone Suplex! Cover on McIntyre gets a two count!


The ECW Champion is fighting back and a series of forearms right between the eyes. The kick is blocked but the Dragon Whip connects. Shelton now quick as a cat to the outside and a springboard splash gets a two count! Shelton beats on McIntyre but he is caught with an elbow to the side of the head. McIntyre gutwrenches Shelton and hoists him up, with a huge gutbuster. McIntyre grabs Shelton and sets him up, but Shelton drops down. Waistlock but McIntyre elbows him in the side of the face. McIntyre throws Shelton into the ropes and huge spinebuster brings him down! Benjamin twitches from the impact and McIntyre boots him in the stomach, before setting him up for the Double Underhook DDT but Shelton backs McIntyre into the corner. The ECW Champion has McIntyre in the corner and a series of punches, before Benjamin backs off and jumping avalanche. To the outside and springboard clothesline takes McIntyre down for a two count. Spinning leg lariat gets another two count! Benjamin steps back and dropkicks McIntyre in the corner and goes for another leaping avalanche but McIntyre moves and the ECW Champion wipes himself out in the corner. Benjamin staggers around and is caught with a boot and the Double Underhook DDT. Three slaps of the mat later and McIntyre gets the win.


Winner and New ECW Champion: Drew McIntyre(14:04, B)


McIntyre picks up his fallen opponent and beats on him, before throwing him to the floor. We have a new ECW Champion and McIntyre looks smug as he drapes the belt over his shoulder. McIntyre now has championship glory in WWE and no doubt this will ascend his sizeable ego to new heights.


Kofi Kingston vs. Paul Burchill


A series of jabs from Kofi rocks Burchill at the bell and a leapfrog over the Ripper, before Kofi hits a leaping back elbow smash. Kofi hammers away at Burchill and throws him into the ropes. A leaping knee into the corner is followed up by a monkey flip, which is followed up by a senton backsplash for a one and a half count. Kofi hammers away at Burchill but Burchill catches him with a forearm. More forearms as Burchill talks trash to Kofi before pulling him into a clothesline. Burchill wants to prove that Kofi can’t pin him. Last month at Extreme Rules, Kofi Kingston beat Paul Burchill in a strap match but now this is one on one and Kofi has to pin Burchill. Burchill hammers away at the side of the head of Kofi Kingston, before throwing him into the corner chest first. Kofi staggers back and Burchill gives Kofi a sickening neckbreaker. No cover, instead Burchill hits an explosive kneedrop to the chest of Kofi. Another kneedrop and Burchill gives Kofi a massive backbreaker. Burchill rolls over Kofi and gives him a nasty camel clutch variation, with those metal braces digging right into the back of Kofi!


The fans are trying to rally behind Kofi Kingston but Burchill just breaks the hold and now drags his opponent before, before choking him over the middle rope! Burchill backs off and sits down right on the back of Kofi, knocking the wind out of him. Set up and a front suplex! Burchill now hits a running kneelift and throws Kofi into the corner. Clothesline in the corner and Burchill keeps beating on Kofi right in the corner, before bringing him to his shoulders and gutbuster, driving Kofi right across the metal knee brace! The referee is warning Burchill about the brutality but he gives Kofi a nasty headbutt and now throws Kofi through the ropes to the floor! Burchill rams Kofi into the barricade and then into the ringpost, before entering the ring to break the count and earn a warning from the referee. Burchill pulls back the mats and gives Kofi a nasty suplex right on the concrete, before he hangs on and suplexes Kofi right on the ring steps! That was a nasty shot but Burchill is not done and he gives Kofi a suplex right on the barricade! Burchill could have broken Kofi’s back and Burchill enters the ring to break the count, before he rolls back out and throws the battered body of Kofi back into the ring. Burchill stands on the face of Kofi and now continues to batter him, before setting him. German Suplex release dumps Kofi right on his face! Now Burchill steps to the outside and bombs away kneedrop right across the chest!


Burchill steps back, refusing to even go for the cover. Instead he stomps Kofi viciously! Burchill gives Kofi a brain buster and Burchill once again refuses to go for the cover, hitting a kneedrop right to the throat of Kofi! The fans are booing and Burchill yells if that’s your hero and he beats on Kofi, before giving him a spine buster, before applying a Boston Crab! The fans are really trying to rally behind Kofi and Kofi is in a lot of pain! Burchill wants to make an impression, feeling that he’s entitled to a WWE Championship match but this might be taking it a step too far. Kofi is trying to get to the ropes, but Burchill breaks the hold. Burchill grabs Kofi’s head and is trying to twist his head. The Ripper is trying to break Kofi Kingston’s neck with his bare hands! The referee interjects and pulls Burchill off, before warning him about a potential disqualification. Burchill responds by stomping the head of Kofi Kingston and then giving him a brutal belly to back suplex! Burchill says that Kofi is finished and he picks him up to give him another one, but Kofi lands on his feet and Trouble in Paradise connects when Burchill turns around! Kofi collapses right on top of the fallen body of Burchill to score the pin!


Winner: Kofi Kingston(14:40, B)


Kofi rolls over, with the win but he sure does not look like a winner after the horrific beating he suffered tonight at Over the Limit! Burchill is up and he is not too pleased. He kicks Kofi right in the back of the head and throws him to the arena floor. Burchill gives him the Curb Stomp right on the concrete, before giving him a vicious DDT for an encore. Back in the ring, Burchill says that it was never about beating Kofi Kingston, it was about getting noticed and now Burchill will certainly be noticed. He talks about Randy Orton and Edge, how they should fear him, because he’s going to come after them next. Burchill vows to be the first ever British WWE Champion and he will leave a path of bloodied bodies in his wake.


Evan Bourne vs. Chris Jericho


Jericho muscles Bourne to the corner on a lock up and Jericho goes for a forearm smash but Bourne ducks and dropkicks Jericho through the ropes to the floor. Jericho hits the floor and turns around, right into a baseball slide dropkick. Jericho is down and Bourne leaps over the top rope, beating on Jericho with punches, before throwing him into the ring. Springboard dropkick takes down Jericho for a two count. Bourne nearly pulled off the win quickly and beats on Jericho, throwing him into the corner. Spinning leg lariat right in the corner and Bourne has Jericho in a headlock, before he runs up the ropes but Jericho hangs on and Bourne takes a nasty spill. Jericho hits a clothesline sending Bourne down. Bourne rolls over and Jericho beats on Bourne, before giving him a suplex. Jericho drops a knee down across the throat of Bourne and picks up Bourne, before taking him down with a backbreaker. To the second rope and Bourne pulls himself to his feet, before walking to a double axe handle smash. Jericho covers Bourne for a two count. Jericho picks up Bourne and hammers away at the back. Double underhook on Bourne and Jericho snaps him down with a backbreaker from that position for a two count.


Jericho bends down and punches away at Bourne, before picking him up. Bourne is flipped into the corner and in the tree of woe. Jericho taunts Bourne and kicks him in the face. Jericho is kicking Bourne in the face again and again and pulls him out of the corner, before slamming Bourne down and then bouncing off the ropes. Lionsault but Bourne moves out of the way. Jericho lands on his feet and Bourne quickly sweeps the legs out from underneath Jericho, with a jack-knife cradle for a two count. Jericho mows Bourne over for a vicious lariat and hammers away at him. Jericho hits Bourne with a Hotshot and yells at Bourne for outshowing him. Jericho hammers away at Bourne and into the corner. Kneelift right in the corner and Jericho puts Bourne on the top rope, beating on him, before hitting a superplex to Bourne! Bourne lands hard and Jericho floats over for a two and three fourths count! Bourne is beaten down some more and Jericho throws Bourne into the ropes. Double leg takedown and Walls of Jericho but Bourne twists into a cradle for a very close nearfall!


Jericho hits Bourne with a huge leaping forearm smash and beats on him savagely. Two near flash pins from Bourne, countering two of Jericho’s big holds. Jericho grabs Bourne and hoists him up. Brain buster brings Bourne down to the canvas. Off the ropes and a snap elbow drop. A second snap elbow drop and a third snap elbow drop, before Jericho picks up Bourne. Blistering chest chop and more chops, before Jericho throws Bourne into the corner. Jericho charges in but Bourne hits a kick right to the face. Bourne sunset flips Jericho out of the corner for a nearfall! Jericho takes Bourne down and this time he has the Walls of Jericho on! Jericho is trying to crank on the back and trying to put Bourne out but Bourne refuses to quit. Instead he reaches the ropes and Jericho has to break. Jericho steps back and hammers away at Bourne and gives him the Code Breaker. The fans are booing as Jericho rolls Bourne over. Bourne somehow brings the shoulder up just before the count of three!


Jericho is losing his mind and he beats on Bourne, before hitting a running kick to the face, before going to the outside. Missile dropkick takes Bourne out. Jericho covers Bourne for a nearfall. Bourne is picked up and Jericho sends Bourne into the ropes for an Irish Whip but Bourne reverses. Bourne rushes Jericho but Jericho ducks down. He leaps to the top rope but Jericho grabs the ankle, crotching him on the top rope, facing the crowd. Jericho climbs up with Bourne, setting him up. Splash Mountain is countered with a super huracanrana! The fans explode into cheers because of that impressive counter and now Bourne manages to throw an arm on Jericho to score the pin!


Winner: Evan Bourne(16:11, B+)


There is no question about it, Evan Bourne has arrived on Smackdown, beating Chris Jericho right here at Over the Limit. Bourne pulls himself to a standing position as the fans are cheering. Jericho sits up, a look of numb shock on his face as Bourne walks off with the victory.


A video package highlighting the events leading up to Edge against Randy Orton for the WWE Championship is shown.


WWE Championship Match:

Edge vs. Randy Orton©


Edge’s shoulder is taped up after Orton injured it this past Monday. Chop battle at the bell is won by Edge and Edge throws Orton into the ropes, with a high back body drop. A series of kicks right to the chest of Orton and a short arm kneelift, before Edge backs off and clothesline with the good arm. Two more clotheslines and the WWE Champion is staggered. Edge now bends down and beats on Orton, before throwing him into the corner. Edge delivers a drop toe hold, right into a La Magistral Cradle for a two count. Edge beats on Orton and twists him into a backslide for another two count. Headlock takedown puts Orton’s shoulders on the mat for a two count. Edge is trying to get a flash pin to win the title, before his injured shoulder gives him problems. Edge beats on Orton and into the ropes. Kneelift and Edge hooks Orton before rolling him up into a small package for a two count. Orton is shoved into the corner and waistlock roll up gets another two count, before Orton kicks out and sends Edge shoulder first into the ring post! Edge turns around, favoring his shoulder and Orton grabs the arm, before giving Edge the Divorce Court, nearly taking his arm out of the socket!


Now Orton pounds away at the injured shoulder of Edge. Like a shark smelling blood, the WWE Champion is going right after the injured body part. He pounds away at Edge’s arm and drops a knee right on the shoulder blade, causing Edge to howl in agony. Orton rolls Edge over and continues to work over the arm, applying an armbar to wear him down. Orton really cranks it on and now Orton turns Edge over, driving a knee right into the shoulder. Another knee right to the shoulder and back to the arm bar! The fans are booing, as Orton uses the ropes for leverage to really put the pressure on behind the back of the referee. Orton picks up Edge and hammerlocks him, before delivering a bodyslam. Orton continues to pound on the shoulder and gives Edge a knee to the head to keep him off balance. Orton scoops up Edge over the shoulder and walks him over, before giving him a shoulderbreaker. Edge’s shoulder is being destroyed and now Orton drags Edge towards the apron, before wrapping the arm around the ringpost, three times in succession! Orton steps back and goes for the punt to the injured arm but Edge moves and Orton kicks the ringpost!


A loud crack, as Orton falls back, holding his foot! Orton might have suffered an injured foot and Edge baseball slides Orton, before exiting the ring and beating on Orton’s foot with stomps. Edge rolls Orton into the ring and legsweeps the ankle out from underneath him. By injuring the foot, now Orton has had a very vicious weapon removed from his arsenal, the punt. Orton’s ankle is beaten on and Edge sits out on it three times in succession when it is draped over the top rope. Edge grabs the leg and applies a kneebar, folding the leg back, putting more pressure! Orton howls in agony but the champion will not submit! Orton is struggling and makes it to the ropes. Edge takes the full four and a half count and then continues to beat on Orton’s foot and ankle. Edge picks his opponent up and kicks to the ankle but Orton manages to thumb Edge in the eyes, before hitting an armdrag takedown! Orton applies a cross armbreaker right on the injured shoulder but Edge is pounding away at the foot with elbows! Orton rolls over, barely able to pull himself up. Orton beats on Edge’s back, and pulls him up. RKO coming up but Edge counters with a single leg pick up, right into a leg scissored ankle lock! Orton is really being punished, as Edge could be the one to get the tap out and win the title but the arm cannot hold the hold for long and Orton reaches the ropes just barely. Edge takes the full four and a half count to add some additional punishment.


Edge beats on the leg some more and into the ropes. The head is ducked and Orton catches him with a neckbreaker. Orton now pulls himself up, loosening his boot, to try and get some circulation back into that ankle that has been worked over by Edge. Orton beats on Edge and gives him a suplex, angled right onto the bad shoulder. Orton could not complete the suplex because of the ankle but that might have been a blessing in disguise as he punished the injured shoulder some more. Cover and a nearfall when Edge manages to roll the shoulder up. Orton smartly put most of his body weight on the good shoulder, forcing Edge to roll the injured shoulder, putting strain on it. Orton sets up Edge for a piledriver, but the ankle buckles out from underneath him and Edge counters with a catapult! Orton is stunned and Edge instinctively spears Orton! The wind has been knocked out of Randy Orton but that might have been the death blow to Edge’s shoulder. Orton is down on the canvas, for more than a three count but Edge can’t cover him. Orton rolls underneath the bottom rope, slumped against the barricade.


Edge is up, following Orton to the floor and pounds on him. Orton has been wiped out, as the referee puts the count on but Orton trips up Edge, sending him into the ringsteps. Orton enters the ring to beat the count but Edge does not! Edge has been counted out and the fans explode into boos when they realize that Orton has retained his title.


Winner By Countout: Randy Orton(18:08, B)


Orton gets the title, with a grin on his face, despite being barely able to stand and Edge is in the ring, attacking Orton from behind and knocks him out with the championship belt! The fans explode into cheers, as Edge continues to beat on Orton, before giving him the Implant DDT right on the championship belt! Orton lands on the belt hard! Orton has been knocked unconscious. Edge might not have won the title but he’s gotten the last laugh on Orton for tonight.


Undisputed Women’s Title vs. Maryse’s hair Match:

Mia Mancini(w/Maryse) vs. Beth Phoenix


Maryse and Mancini have a counseling session at ringside, as if Mancini loses, then Maryse will have to be shaved completely bald. Beth Phoenix jumps Mancini and brawls with her at the bell. Mancini grabs Phoenix and hits a shoulder throw. Another pair of shoulder throats and a kick is blocked and Beth Phoenix pulls Mancini right into a huge lariat! Beth beats on Mancini and hits a double underhook suplex, as Maryse yells in both French and English at ringside. Beth Phoenix beats on Mancini and gives a pair of suplexes, before Phoenix hits a kneedrop right to the face, before rolling Mancini over and camel clutch applied. Phoenix folds the spine back in an ugly manner but Mancini gets to the ropes. Mancini grabs Phoenix by the hair and hits a sit out jawbreaker. Mancini rolls over Phoenix and hammers away at the side of the head, before hitting a DDT for a two count. Phoenix is rolled over and Mancini viciously beats on her some more, before applying a guillotine choke, but Beth Phoenix powers out.


Spine buster brings Mia Mancini down to the canvas and Mancini is picked up, before the Glamazon sets her up. A thunderous power bomb brings her down for a two count. Maryse is on the apron and Beth Phoenix goes after her, beating on Maryse to loud cheers from the crowd but Maryse passes something to Mancini. Maryse is on the apron and Mancini tries to hit the Glamazon with a foreign object, but Beth Phoenix kicks her in the stomach and applies a Canadian Backbreaker to her! Submission hold applied but Maryse is back on the apron. The Glamazon drops the hold again and grabs Maryse by the throat, before pulling her back into the ring and rips off the nose guard. Maryse tries to cover her face in horror as the referee is distracted and Mancini waffles the Glamazon from behind with the face guard! Beth Phoenix has been knocked out by that metal face mask and Mancini applies a Kati-Hajime to an unconscious Phoenix. The referee checks Phoenix and the arm drops three times. The bell rings and we have a new Undisputed Women’s Champion.


Winner and New Undisputed Women’s Champion: Mia Mancini(6:06, D)


Maryse enters the ring, tossing her hair back, to reveal her face is completely healed and she grabs both of the belts, tossing the Diva’s Championship to the side, before grabbing the Women’s Title Belt and sitting it on the ground, before picking up Beth Phoenix and planting her face first on the belt. Now the Glamazon might be the one to have the broken nose and Maryse begins to rub the Glamazon’s face on the belt, drawing more boos. Maryse leaves with Mancini taking both of the championship belts.


A look at the Scramble Match for the World Heavyweight Title. The rules are very simple. Two men start out. Than every five minutes, a new man enters until five men have entered. Pinfalls or submissions can happen at any time. Whoever scores the pinfall or submission is the temporary champion and whoever has scored the last pinfall or submission after the twenty minute time limit is up will be the World Heavyweight Champion.


World Heavyweight Title Scramble Match:

Rey Mysterio vs. The Undertaker vs. Batista vs. CM Punk vs. John Morrison©


As luck will have it, The World Heavyweight champion John Morrison starts out with CM Punk. Both men are trading chops and forearms, with Morrison leapfrogging over Punk and hitting an armdrag, before he beats on Punk and applies a front facelock to wear Punk down. Morrison is smartly dictating the tempo of this match, knowing that he has a long haul and as long as no one gets pinned throughout the match, he keeps the belt. He pulls up Punk and flipping neckbreaker. Morrison beats on Punk some more with stomps, before applying a headscissors submission. If Punk taps it, it won’t matter but by using this tactic, Morrison is keeping Punk from getting the pin but Punk bridges out and counters with an electric chair drop. Punk beats on Morrison with a series of elbow strikes to the side of the head, before hitting a gutwrench right into a gutbuster and a dropkick right to the side of Morrison. Punk beats on Morrison and now sets him up for the GTS but Morrison counters with a sunset flip for a two count. Morrison leaps on the shoulders of Punk for a Victory Roll but Punk kneels down, hooking the tights for the pin! Punk is the temporary World Heavyweight Champion! The fans are booing as Punk drills Morrison with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head, before he hangs Morrison up in the Tree of Woe and then dropkicks him in the face, before Punk calmly walks to the corner and sits there with Morrison hanging there. He’s pinned the champion and now Punk has figured out that he doesn’t have to do anything other than sit this one out, until the next man comes in at least. The timer comes up as Punk calmly stands in the corner and the buzzer goes off.


Rey Mysterio is the next man in the Scramble Match Punk goes for attack Rey before he enters the ring but Rey dropkicks Punk right in the knee. Rey beats on Punk, before hitting a series of punches and throwing him into the corner. Rey charges into the corner but Punk moves. Rey hits a backspring cross body out of the corner for a two count, as Morrison begins to try and untie his ankle from the corner. Rey beats on Punk and through the legs, before Rey snaps the neck of Punk over the top rope and a Springboard Seated Senton, before Rey goes to the outside and Springboard Splash misses. Punk kicks Rey right in the face and then throws him right into John Morrison in the corner. The fans are booing as Punk is trying to run out the clock but Rey is back up, walking right into a series of kicks by Punk but Morrison is back in, hitting a leaping knee, sending Punk through the ropes. Morrison now turns his attention to Rey, beating on him but Rey slides down the back and dropkick to the back. 6-1-9 is avoided and Morrison cradles Rey, hitting a fisherman suplex for a two count with Punk breaking up the cover with a kick to the ribs. Punk reenters the ring apron as it is about time for the next man to come out.


Batista comes out entering the Scramble Match! The fans boo as Batista walks to the ring and calmly double clotheslines Rey and Morrison. Batista hoists up Rey and hits a running powerslam. Batista throws Morrison into the corner and lariats him. Batista scoops up Morrison and gives him the Snake Eyes. Batista beats on Morrison into the corner as Punk meanwhile is trying to remain hidden in the corner. Batista with a choke lift on Morrison before he drops the champion and mows him down with a huge lariat. Batista beats on Morrison some more before sending him into the ropes. Tilt a whirl into a powerslam and Batista covers but only gets a two count when Punk breaks up the cover with an elbow strike to the back of the head. Punk switches position, so a half conscious Rey’s elbow is set up by Batista and Batista awakens, before he calmly beats Rey down. Rey is thrown into the ropes and Batista hoists him up, before drilling him with a huge spine buster. Batista makes the cover on Rey but Punk breaks up the cover once again. This time, Punk frames Morrison for the deed and Batista picks up Morrison and hammers away at him. Batista throws Morrison into the ropes and a huge spear nearly obliterates Morrison. Batista covers Morrison and Punk breaks up the pin but this time he gets caught. Batista hammers away at Punk as the clock comes up.


Of course, the Undertaker is the final man in the Scramble Match! The Undertaker slowly walks down to the ring as Batista chokes Punk in the corner but as the Undertaker enters the ring, Punk manages to kick Batista off into the clutches of the Undertaker, who pounds away at Batista. Big boot right to Batista and now the Undertaker hits one to Punk as well for good measure. The Undertaker takes Batista and begins walking the ropes, hitting a clubbing blow to the back of the head. Morrison is up and the Undertaker clotheslines him down. Rey catches the Undertaker off guard and 6-1-9 staggers the Undertaker. The Undertaker is down and now Rey with a bodyscissors, right into a bulldog. Rey to the outside and springboard splash gets a two count on the Undertaker when Punk pulls Rey off. Rey kicks Punk off and Rey beats on the Undertaker, before hitting two more 6-1-9s, before hitting a swinging bulldog on the Undertaker. The Undertaker sits up and Rey leaps to the middle rope, going for the cross body but the Undertaker catches him and turns him. Tombstone right to Rey! The Undertaker crosses the arms over the chest but Punk breaks up the cover once again, as we have just two minutes left. Punk hammers away at the Undertaker but the Undertaker goozles Punk and huge choke slam! The fans are going absolutely insane, as Punk’s devious tactics might have just backfired on him. That was one devastating choke slam but Batista is up and he boots the Undertaker, before setting him. Batista Bomb drills the Undertaker. The Undertaker has been wiped out and Batista now is just left with John Morrison. Batista kneelifts Morrison and sets him up for the Batista Bomb but Morrison begins to fight out. Moonsault off of the shoulders of Batista onto Punk while knocking Batista into the ropes! Batista is tangled in the ropes and unable to make the save, as Morrison has just pinned Punk to become the temporary World Heavyweight Champion with thirty seven seconds to go. Batista pulls himself out of the ropes and beats on Morrison but Morrison runs around to run down the clock. Punk is recovering and trying to get the cover on the downed Undertaker but Morrison blocks Punk by running in front of him. Batista gets his hands on Morrison with ten seconds to go but Morrison scissors the ropes and the clock runs out! Morrison is still the World Heavyweight Champion.


Winner and Still World Heavyweight Champion: John Morrison(20:00, B+)


Like an enraged bull, Batista just blasts Morrison with a huge lariat! Batista thought he had this match wrapped up but Morrison was gold bricking him long enough to run the clock down. Batista has Morrison set up and thunderous Batista Bomb takes him out! The fans are booing as Batista gives Morrison a second Batista Bomb before security comes out to escort Batista away and leaves Morrison out in the ring.


The boos continue as Ted DiBiase makes his way down to the ringside area and he’s got the Money in the Bank Briefcase in hand! DiBiase slides underneath the bottom rope, and holds out the briefcase. The fans are really screaming as its announced that Ted DiBiase will now cash in on his Money in the Bank title shot. The bell rings and Morrison is still completely unconscious.


World Heavyweight Title Match:

Ted DiBiase vs. John Morrison©[/color]


This is merely a formality as DiBiase hooks the leg. Morrison manages to bring the shoulder up just barely at two and nine tenths to a huge pop from the fans! DiBiase is beside himself and he stomps Morrison, before picking him up. Dream Street connects and DiBiase scores the pin. We have a new World Heavyweight Champion!


Winner and New World Heavyweight Champion: Ted DiBiase(0:30, B-)


The fans are really giving DiBiase some static and DiBiase takes the belt. Morrison wrestled an intense Scramble Match and then was completely obliterated by Batista afterwards. He couldn’t have defended himself. DiBiase picked his spot well tonight and he cashed in on the Money in the Bank Briefcase.




BHK1978: 10/18

MartinC: 6/18

EdgeHeadD: 10/18

Lo Drew: 12/18


Overall May Ratings:

Lo-Drew: 45/65

BHK1978: 42/65

EdgeheaD: 42/65

MattitudeV2: 24/65

MartinC: 14/65

Destiny: 6/65

Mattitude90: 5/65

nick21985: 3/65

ChirsKid: 3/65

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WWE RAW 5/24/10


Kofi Kingston and Jamie Noble vs. Paul Burchill and Sheamus.


MVP vs. Rene Dupree.


Yoshi Tatsu vs. David Hart Smith.


Eve Torres and Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.


The Hurricane vs. Cody Rhodes.

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Kofi Kingston and Jamie Noble vs. Paul Burchill and Sheamus.


MVP vs. Rene Dupree.


Yoshi Tatsu vs. David Hart Smith.


Eve Torres and Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.


The Hurricane vs. Cody Rhodes.

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Kofi Kingston and Jamie Noble vs. Paul Burchill and Sheamus.


MVP vs. Rene Dupree.


Yoshi Tatsu vs. David Hart Smith.


Eve Torres and Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.


The Hurricane vs. Cody Rhodes.

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Kofi Kingston and Jamie Noble vs. Paul Burchill and Sheamus.


MVP vs. Rene Dupree.


Yoshi Tatsu vs. David Hart Smith.


Eve Torres and Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.


The Hurricane vs. Cody Rhodes.

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Kofi Kingston and Jamie Noble vs. Paul Burchill and Sheamus.


MVP vs. Rene Dupree.


Yoshi Tatsu vs. David Hart Smith.


Eve Torres and Melina vs. Katie Lea Burchill and the WWE Undisputed Women's Champion Mia Mancini.


The Hurricane vs. Cody Rhodes.

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WWE RAW 5/24/10


Out comes the World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase, who cuts a promo about how great it is to have the gold around his waist. He holds up the United States Title, saying that this belt has served its purpose for him and if RAW wants it back, it can have it back. DiBiase says that he’ll leave it backstage after this is over. He claims his masterful plan was to swoop in and take the title. He said John Morrison never saw it coming. Edge comes out to interrupt DiBiase, congratulating DiBiase for taking a page out of his playbook, as the Ultimate Opportunist but Edge says that soon DiBiase will have to face a harsh reality. “Getting the belt is the easy part, but can you keep it?” DiBiase states that Edge obviously hasn’t figured out how to keep it, given how his longest title reign was a mere three months and he held the belt for weeks on some time. DiBiase talks about how those spectacular championship dynasties really set the mark. Edge comes out, talking about how DiBiase was nothing but a lackey for Randy Orton and how just because he won the briefcase and then beat a champion that already wrestled for twenty minutes and sustained a post match beating, he must mean he’s something. Edge enters the ring and scuffles with DiBiase, until Randy Orton jumps Edge. DiBiase looks very annoyed with Orton’s help but helps puts the boots to Edge, until Christian makes the save. Christian rightfully points out that in the last match DiBiase was in before he cashed in, Christian pinned DiBiase to win the Intercontinental Title belt. Some back and forth, leads to the WWE Champion Randy Orton and the World Heavyweight Champion Ted DiBiase taking on Edge and Christian tonight in a huge tag team match. The stars of RAW and Smackdown in the same ring tonight!


Cody Rhodes pinned the Hurricane with the Cross Rhodes in 6:22. Cody Rhodes and the Hurricane have a great match but the second generation star puts down the would be superhero with a Hotshot before hitting the Cross Rhodes for the pin. (C+)


Out comes Maryse and the new Undisputed Women’s Champion Mia Mancini. Maryse talks about how she would have Mancini offer the Glamazon a return match but as it turns out, Beth Phoenix now has a broken nose and is not cleared to wrestle tonight. Maryse laughs at her rival’s misfortune, before stating that a broken nose can only be an improvement for the Glamazon, which gets some loud boos. Out comes Katie Lea Burchill to join Mancini for this tag team match.


Katie Lea Burchill and the WWE Undisputed Women’s Champion Mia Mancini(w/Maryse) defeated Eve Torres and Melina when Mancini made Eve tap out to the Kati-Hajime in 5:55 The roughneck tactics of the heel divas were no match for Eve and Melina. Melina was tied up with Katie on the floor, allowing Mancini to brutalize Eve and lock her in the Kati-Hajime for the tap out. ©


MVP pinned Rene Dupree(w/Ezekiel Jackson) with a small package in 7:49 The technical wizardry of MVP proved to be the deciding factor in this match, as the ****y Dupree was caught in a small package and pinned. (B-)


Ezekiel Jackson punishes MVP from behind, beating on him and hitting the Uranage Slam. The fans are cheering as the Big Show comes out to brawl with Zeke. These two titans are going at it, allowing Dupree to escape before the Big Show could get his hands on him. Big Show goes for the knockout punch on Zeke but Zeke wisely leaves to join his employer up the ramp.


Yoshi Tatsu pinned David Hart Smith(w/Tyson Kidd and Natalya) in 8:00. The fans are cheering, as Smith’s roughneck tactics are not enough to put down the Cardiac Kid. In fact, Tatsu comes out of nowhere with a sunset flip, holding Smith down long enough to score the upset pin! ©


In comes the Hart Dynasty to brutalize Yoshi Tatsu three on one. Tatsu is paying for scoring that victory and a Springboard Hart Attack wipes out Tatsu. The Unified Tag Team Champions take their belts, leaving a downed Yoshi Tatsu in their wake.


The next match, Paul Burchill comes out and has the WWE United States Title Belt over his shoulder. Burchill declares that Ted DiBiase has left the belt backstage, so he claimed it and he defies anyone to come out and challenge him. He talks about how the United States Title belt is his golden ticket to become WWE Champion and says that he should be next in line to challenge Randy Orton. Out comes Sheamus for the next match with Burchill against Kofi Kingston and Jamie Noble.


Paul Burchill and Sheamus defeated Jamie Noble and Kofi Kingston when Burchill pinned Noble after Sheamus waylaid him with the Bicycle Kick in 10:01 Kofi Kingston is less than a hundred percent after the beating that he suffered at the hands of Paul Burchill last night but he gutted it out and got beaten down two on one. Noble gets the hot tag and makes a comeback, all fired up. He locks Burchill in a guillotine choke, trying to get the submission but Sheamus pulls him off. Kofi enters the ring but Sheamus sends him to the floor and then catches Noble with a vicious Bicycle Kick to the face. Noble goes down and Burchill scores the pin.(B-)


Ted DiBiase and Randy Orton have words, with DiBiase saying that Orton better not think that DiBiase will just be his lackey once again. DiBiase claims he’s Orton’s equal. Orton talks about how DiBiase only won the title because he took out an unconscious man. All of Orton’s title wins have been straight up. DiBiase throws it back at Orton, telling him how he couldn’t beat Edge in the center of the ring, even after injuring his shoulder, so he had to resort to a cheap countout. DiBiase and Orton go nose to nose but they agree that for tonight, they have to unite and take down Edge and Christian.


Edge and Christian defeated Ted DiBiase and Randy Orton with duel submissions with Sharpshooters in 12:44 The fans are going nuts for this blockbuster tag team match. Orton still has a bad ankle and a concussion from being dropped on the belt last night, so DiBiase works most of the match with Christian, with Orton taking his spots. The hot tag is made to Edge who runs wild. He takes out Orton and Sharpshooter applied. DiBiase enters the ring and Christian takes him out, before applying a Sharpshooter of his own. Both Edge and Christian have their opponents tied up and both tap out simultaneously. The fans go nuts as Edge and Christian have beaten their brand’s respective champions and that has to put them in life for a title shot. (B+)


Edge and Christian celebrate, as DiBiase and Orton are down in the ring. DiBiase’s first night as champion didn’t go as planned. What will happen now? Good night everyone!





Destiny: 3/5

Lo-Drew: 4/5

EdgeHeaD: 4/5

BHK1978: 4/5



Overall May Ratings:

Lo-Drew: 49/70

BHK1978: 46/70

EdgeheaD: 46/70

MattitudeV2: 24/70

MartinC: 14/70

Destiny: 9/70

Mattitude90: 5/70

nick21985: 3/70

ChirsKid: 3/70

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ECW On Sy Fy 5/25/10


A recap of Drew McIntyre’s ECW Championship victory at Over the Limit. Tonight, our brand new ECW Champion will be in the house, to celebrate his victory.


Carlito pinned Justin Gabriel with the Back Stabber in 7:55 This a return match from several weeks ago where Justin Gabriel scored his first win as a part of the ECW roster, beating Carlito and Carlito beat him up. This time, Carlito was determined to get a win and as it turned out, that was bad news for Gabriel, as the Back Stabber proved to be his end. (D+)


After the match, Carlito tried to beat up Gabriel but Gabriel fought back, hitting a pair of arm drags and a dropkick to the floor. Carlito is knocked to the floor and Gabriel stands in the ring. This is far from over between these two for sure.


Vladimir Koslov k’oed Slam Master J with a series of stiff punches in 3:55. The Moscow Mauler made his return to ECW and he returned in decisive fashion, brutalizing Slam Master J in under four minutes. The Slam Master was put down with a series of rapid fire shots to the head before he was pinned. Koslov backs off, the last several week of training paid off for the Moscow Mauler and he could be in line for the ECW Championship for too long. (D+)


An extensive video package looking at Kaval, one of the most impressive new comers to ever step foot in ECW and a man who will be competing this week on WWE Superstars against Jimmy Wang Yang.


Bryan Danielson pinned Charlie Haas after reversing a German Suplex into a cradle pin 11:22 Danielson and Haas had a spirited technical battle that the fans got into at the end, with lots of submission moves, suplexes, and counters. In the end, Danielson had the trump card, managing to outwrestle Haas and roll him up into a cradle for the pin. (B-)


Haas attacks Danielson after the win and takes him out with a German Suplex. Haas beats on Danielson with stomps and locks him into an armbar submission, yelling that he’s the best technical wrestler on ECW and Danielson has nothing on him! Haas continues to work over the hold, until security pulls off Haas, who spits on Danielson. Haas has obviously lost it, being pinned by Danielson tonight and these two will be meeting again more too long.


Out comes Drew McIntyre, with a full blown celebration, with cake, balloons, a band, cheerleaders, and everything, talking about how he has lived up to his promise, he’s a World Champion, holding up the ECW Championship. McIntyre, talks about how he’s better than anyone who has held the belt, from the Sandman and Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam all the way to Christian and Jack Swagger and the former champion Shelton Benjamin. McIntyre brags that he’ll hold the belt until he wants to give it up and that won’t be for quite some time. McIntyre continues to degrade the fans but the former ECW Champion Shelton Benjamin is out, brawling with McIntyre. Shelton hits the T-Bone Suplex on McIntyre and then dumps the cake that had been brought out over McIntyre. McIntyre has been humiliated by the former champion. Shelton holds up the belt, inviting McIntyre to come and get it. We close on this night, as former champion and current champion exchange words.





BHK1978: 2/3

EdgeHeaD: 2/3

MartinC: 3/3

Lo-Drew: 2/3

Destiny: 2/3


Overall May Ratings:

Lo-Drew: 51/73

BHK1978: 48/73

EdgeheaD: 48/73

MattitudeV2: 24/73

MartinC: 17/73

Destiny: 11/73

Mattitude90: 5/73

nick21985: 3/73

ChirsKid: 3/73

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<p>Matt Hardy vs. <strong>the Miz</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>R-Truth</strong> vs. Zack Ryder</p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy Wang Yang vs. <strong>Low-Ki. </strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gail Kim</strong> vs. Jillian.</p>

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<p>WWE Superstars 4/27/10</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Matt Hardy </strong>vs. the Miz</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>R-Truth</strong> vs. Zack Ryder</p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy Wang Yang vs. <strong>Kaval</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gail Kim</strong> vs. Jillian.</p>

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<p>WWE Superstars 4/27/10</p><p> </p><p>

Matt Hardy vs. <strong>the Miz</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>R-Truth</strong> vs. Zack Ryder</p><p> </p><p>

Jimmy Wang Yang vs. <strong>Kaval</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Gail Kim</strong>vs. Jillian.</p>

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