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World Wrestling Entertainment 2009 and Beyond!

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Superstars Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 2/4

MattitudeV2: 2/4

Rayelek: 3/4



Final December Standings:

TracyBrooksFan: 51/69

Rayelek: 43/69

BHK1978: 34/69

TakerNGN74: 8/69

TweekIt: 2/69

MattitudeV2: 2/4

SeanMcFly: 0/69


Congratulations to TracyBrooksFan for winning the prediction contest. As promised, the prize is choosing the 30th entrant in the Royal Rumble so expect a PM sometime this weekend(likely after I post Smackdown), with a list of entrants to choose from. The prize for January will be picking a legendary wrestler who has not been already inducted to go into the WWE Hall of Fame.


Now onto the first card for January.


WWE Smackdown


World Heavyweight Title Match:

Booker T vs Chris Jericho©


Unified Tag Team Titles:

The Hart Dynasty vs DX©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler©


R-Truth vs. CM Punk


The Winner Gets a WWE Women's Title Shot at the Royal Rumble:

Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Layla vs. Natalya.


The Undertaker and Kane vs. Batista and Drew McIntyre.

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World Heavyweight Title Match:

Booker T vs Chris Jericho©


Unified Tag Team Titles:

The Hart Dynasty vs DX©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler©


R-Truth vs. CM Punk


The Winner Gets a WWE Women's Title Shot at the Royal Rumble:

Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Layla vs. Natalya.


The Undertaker and Kane vs. Batista and Drew McIntyre.

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World Heavyweight Title Match:

Booker T vs Chris Jericho©


Unified Tag Team Titles:

The Hart Dynasty vs DX©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler©


R-Truth vs. CM Punk

The Winner Gets a WWE Women's Title Shot at the Royal Rumble:

Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Layla vs. Natalya.

The Undertaker and Kane vs. Batista and Drew McIntyre.

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WWE Smackdown


World Heavyweight Title Match:

Booker T vs Chris Jericho©


Unified Tag Team Titles:

The Hart Dynasty vs DX©


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler©


R-Truth vs. CM Punk


The Winner Gets a WWE Women's Title Shot at the Royal Rumble:

Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Layla vs. Natalya.


The Undertaker and Kane vs. Batista and Drew McIntyre.

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WWE Smackdown 1/1/10


A highlight video of all the highlights of Smackdown throughout the past year is shown, before it fades into the hype for the three big championship matches tonight. John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Intercontinental Title, the Hart Dynasty and DX for the Unified Tag Team Titles, and Booker T and Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Title. Also a video clip from two weeks ago is shown with Bret Hart becoming the new General Manager of Smackdown.


Kane and the Undertaker vs. Drew McIntyre and Batista


Kane and the Undertaker run wild to start but Kane is cut off by McIntyre to get the heat. McIntyre beats down Kane and turns it over to Batista, who delivers more of a beating. Batista gets kicked right in the face as he attempts a double axe handle off of the second rope. Batista tags in McIntyre and tag made to the Undertaker. The Undertaker drills him with a series of punches, rocking McIntyre and a series of punches to Batista. The Undertaker bounces off the ropes and leaping clothesline wipes out McIntyre. The Undertaker beats on McIntyre and choke slams him down to the canvas. Two count, before Batista breaks up the cover. Batista beats on the Undertaker but Kane makes the save with a springboard clothesline. Kane beats on Batista and McIntyre is clotheslined over the top rope. McIntyre drags the Undertaker to the floor, as Batista and Kane are in the ring. Batista delivers a vicious spinebuster on Kane and covers him hooking the leg to score the pin!


Winner: Batista and Drew McIntyre(9:21, B)


After the match, McIntyre throws the Undertaker in the ring and Batista attacks the Undertkaer, as McIntyre grabs a chair. McIntyre slides underneath the bottom rope with the chair in hand but the Undertaker just knocks the chair right in McIntyre’s face with a boot. Batista steps back but he’s right between the Brothers of Destruction, as Kane is up. Double Choke Slam brings Batista down. McIntyre bails before he gets some of the same, as the Undertaker stares McIntyre down.


****************Commercial Break************************


CM Punk is out, talking about all the people in DX merchandise in the crowd. Punk says its unfortunate that people decide to worship a pair of middle aged men who act like juvenile teenagers. He says that supporting DX is nearly as bad a vice as beer, cigarettes, and abusing prescription painkillers. Punk says that tonight, he’s going to prove that he doesn’t need any of those things to beat R-Truth. R-Truth comes down to the ring, mangling the English language just like the fans mangle their bodies with their vices and they are saying that Punk can’t beat R-Truth. Well, Punk says that everyone is going to see why he’s the best in the game and R-Truth will see what’s up, when he’s looking at the lights, after he goes to sleep. Punk adds that if they’re not down with that, he has seven words for them. “Straight Edge means I’m better than you.”


R-Truth vs. CM Punk


A chop battle to stop, won by R-Truth and R-Truth delivers a running dropkick on Punk. He beats on Punk, before taking him down with a suplex. R-Truth gets overzealous on a charge and hangs himself up on the top rope. Punk beats on R-Truth, hitting a double underhook suplex and a running dropkick, before he beats down R-Truth. Punk hammers away at Truth some more, getting several nearfalls, but he can’t put Truth away. Punk goes for the Go to Sleep but Truth counters with an armdrag and bounces to his feet, hitting a Thesz Press and a series of punches. R-Truth picks up Punk and hammers him with a series of chops. Into the corner and ten count punches, before R-Truth drops down. Leaping axe kick right down across the back of the head of Punk and R-Truth rolls him over. Two and a half count when Punk gets in the ropes. R-Truth whips Punk into the corner but Punk reverses. Truth nearly connects with the corner and Punk rushes Truth but gets an elbow to the mouth. To the second rope goes R-Truth and Truth springboards off the second ropes. Twisting cross body block and Punk rolls through, before he has Truth onto his shoulders and hits the Go to Sleep! Punk covers R-Truth and finally scores the pin!


Winner: CM Punk(7:49, C+)


The fact that he could not defeat R-Truth for several months has haunted CM Punk but now he gets the win! Replays of the match are shown.


****************Commercial Break*****************


The Smackdown General Manager Bret Hart makes his way down to the ring, talking about how he was the WWE Intercontinental Title two times in his career and how it opened the door for many people to climb up the ladder straight to the top. He says both John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler are the future of Smackdown and have had many great battles but tonight, this could be the match to settle the score.


WWE Intercontinental Title Match:

John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler


Both men trade punches at the bell with Morrison pulling out a sunset flip for an early nearfall. Morrison beats on Ziggler and puts his leg over the head of Ziggler, before he flips to his feet and arm drags him down. Ziggler bounces up and Morrison dropkicks him into the corner, before he climbs to the second rope and unloads with ten count punches. Morrison does a back flip and lands on his feet, hitting a leg lariat and Morrison climbs behind Ziggler and punches away at the back of his head. Onto the shoulders and Morrison rolls up Ziggler for a two count out of the corner. Ziggler is back up and Morrison drills him with a kick to the ribs, climbing to the outside. To the middle of the second rope but Ziggler catches Morrison with a punch right to the chest. Morrison is doubled over and Ziggler grabs Morrison, before hitting a leaping running bulldog. Morrison is rolled over and Ziggler scores a two count. Ziggler picks up Morrison and continues to beat onto him, before throwing him into the ropes. Kneelift right to the chest and Morrison is doubled over, before Ziggler grabs Morrison. Fisherman suplex brings Morrison down! Bridge by Ziggler but Morrison rolls the shoulder up at two and nine tenths!


Ziggler bends down and beats on Morrison some more, before picking him up. Morrison is on his feet and Ziggler hammers away at him in the corner. To the top rope and Ziggler climbs up with Morrison. Ziggler has Morrison in a fireman’s carry and super gutbuster brings him down! Morrison favors his ribs and Ziggler pulls out an Oklahoma Side Roll for a two count. Ziggler pounds away at Morrison, before hoisting him up in a gutwrench and Gory Guerrero Special applied. Morrison reverses into a sunset flip for a two count! Ziggler bounces up and kneelift right to the chest of Morrison. Morrison is doubled over and Ziggler delivers a delayed vertical suplex, before he climbs to the second rope. Ziggler leaps off the second rope and kneedrops Morrison’s chest! Morrison spasms underneath the impact and Ziggler rolls over Morrison, drilling him with a kneelift, before he picks him up. Tilt a Whirl by Ziggler but Morrison reverses suddenly with a spinning headscissors. Ziggler staggers right to his feet and Morrison leaps off the second rope, before he hits a twisting forearm smash. Ziggler is doubled over and Morrison waffles him with a Pele Kick! Cover on Ziggler for a two and a half count!


Morrison picks up Ziggler and chops away at him. Into the corner and Ziggler lands hard. Monkey flip by Morrison on Ziggler. Ziggler is back on his feet and Morrison drills him with a kneelift, before hooking him. Snap suplex brings Ziggler down, as the fans chant for Morrison, who climbs to the second rope. Starship Pain no Ziggler rolls out of the way but Morrison lands on his feet and turns, before hitting a standing shooting star press on Ziggler. Two count on Ziggler and Morrison attempts to Irish whip Ziggler into the ropes. Ziggler reverses and Morrison bounces back up, with a running dropkick, wiping Ziggler out. Morrison backs off and standing back flip, right into an inverted DDT! Ziggler is laid out once again and Morrison poses, giving the signal, before it takes more than a few seconds, dragging Ziggler into position. Morrison climbs to the outside but Ziggler is back on his feet and leaps to his feet, before he knocks Morrison off the top rope, causing him to crash headfirst right into the top of the barricade! Morrison lands with a nasty thud, as Ziggler leans onto the ropes as the referee puts the count out and reaches ten!


Winner By Count Out and Still WWE Intercontinental Champion: Dolph Ziggler(16:08, C)


Ziggler grabs his belt, as Morrison is slumped against the barricade, back to his feet but its way too late. Ziggler managed to once again take advantage of an opportunity to sneak out with the championship gold and this was Morrison’s only title shot! Ziggler holds up the belt.


*******************Commercial Break************************


Winner Receives a WWE Women’s Championship Match at the Royal Rumble:

Mickie James vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Layla vs. Natalya


Michelle McCool is on commentary, as the WWE Women’s Champion talks about her wrist injury that has caused her to prevent competing at a championship level. All four women fought for a shot at Michelle, with Natalya and Mickie getting wiped out quite early. The Glamazon dominates Layla, before she fishers her off with a folding power bomb to score the pin.


Winner: Beth Phoenix(5:05, D+)


The Glamazon gets the win and Michelle immediately enters the ring, to waffle Phoenix right in the back of the head. Michelle beats on Beth Phoenix, hammering away at her and leaving her laying. Michelle stands on the throat of the Glamazon, having used a cast to take her out. Still, Michelle will not be able to run or hide at the Royal Rumble, when she has to face Beth Phoenix for the championship.


**************************Commercial Break**********************


Bret Hart is out to introduce the next match, a Unified Tag Team Title Match between the number one contenders, the Hart Dynasty and challengers DX. The Hart Dynasty greet the Hitman in the aisle, while Shawn Michaels tries to make eye contact with the Hitman but Bret turns away, barely acknowledging the presence of DX. Triple H steps forward, to say something but HBK convinces him now is not the time to stir the pot. DX enter the ring, as the match begins.


WWE Unified Tag Team Titles:

The Hart Dynasty(w/Natalya) vs. DeGeneration X©


Triple H and David Hart Smith start this match up with a test of strength. Smith forces Triple H back into the corner but the Game beats him down. High back body drop and Tyson Kidd enters the ring, rushing Triple H. Throwing high back body drop brings him down and Triple H beats on him, before throwing him into the corner. Triple H drills him with a high knee and Smith goes after Triple H but the Game fights him off. Into the ropes, Triple H hits a facebuster, before he tags in Shawn Michaels. DX double team Smith, throwing him into the ropes. Double back elbow smash brings Smith down and Shawn Michaels beats on Smith in the corner, before throwing him into the ropes. Michaels ducks the head and Smith drills a series of elbows to the back of the head. Smith hoists up Michaels and Gorilla Press Slam brings him down. Michaels is beaten down some more and Smith hoists him up, hitting a side slam, before he tags in Tyson Kidd. Kidd leaps to the middle of the top rope and drops an elbow down across the chest of Michaels. Cover on Michaels hooking the leg and Kidd gets a two count. A couple more quick tags in and out, as the Hart Dynasty keep Michaels off balance. Smith throws Michaels into the ropes. Clothesline is ducked and Michaels takes Smith out with a leaping clothesline!


Michaels crawls to the corner, to make the tag but CM Punk is out and he grabs the ankle of Triple H from behind! Triple H drops down and goes after Punk, as Michaels is left in the corner, without a tag, as Tyson Kidd enters the ring, with a springboard kneedrop to the back of the head! Michaels beats on him in the ring and Kidd throws him into the corner. Kneelift right into the chest of Michaels and Kidd sets him up, with a Tornado DDT bringing him down! Kidd covers Michaels but only a nearfall. Kidd beats on Michaels and to the top rope. He leaps off, right into the Sweet Chin Music from Michaels! Smith enters the ring immediately and beats on Michaels, before hitting a Running Powerslam, before exiting the ring as the referee reaches five. Both men are in the ring, as Tyson Kidd manages to roll an arm over Michaels for a two and nine tenth counts. Tag made to Smith and Smith continues the beatdown on Michaels, as Triple H has disappeared right to the back, to persue Punk. Natalya distracts the referee, allowing the Hart Dynasty to hit a Springboard Hart Attack right behind the referee’s back. Smith makes the cover as the referee turns around and Triple H reappears from backstage, bolting down to the ring but he can’t make it in time! The Hart Dynasty score the win and we have new Unified Tag Team Champions!


Winners and New Unified Tag Team Champions: The Hart Dynasty(15:07, B-)


The Hart Dynasty grab the belts, as Triple H checks on a beaten and battered Shawn Michaels in the ring.


Coming up next, our main event, the World Heavyweight Title on the line, between Booker T and Chris Jericho! More Smackdown right after this.


*****************Commercial Break*****************************


A video package showing Chris Jericho and Booker T for the World Heavyweight Title is shown, before Bret Hart comes out to introduce the next match and put over the fact that the winner of this match will defend against the Undertaker at the Royal Rumble.


World Heavyweight Title Match:

Booker T vs. Chris Jericho©


Booker T works over Jericho to start this match, getting a couple of close counts but Jericho fights out, knocking Booker T over the ropes, to the floor and diving onto the challenge with a cross body. Booker T is thrown into the ring steps and back into the ring, where he is beaten. Walls of Jericho is countered with Booker T flipping Jericho over to his back but Jericho hits a spinning leg lariat. Jericho beats on Booker and hoists him to the top rope, beating on him. To the top rope goes Jericho with Booker but Booker fights him off, before shoving Jericho off. Jericho lands on his feet and punch to Booker T as he comes off the ropes. Jericho hits a running faceplant and a lionsault for a two count. More of a beating and Walls is avoided once again. Jericho misses a charge and eats a Harlem Side Kick. Booker is up and he beats on Jericho. Book End but Jericho fights out of the move with a series of elbows and takes down Booker T in a double leg but Walls of Jericho is once again blocked and Booker twists into a rolling cradle for a two count. Jericho is up and elbows out of the Booker End a second time. This time he connects with the Code Breaker to score the pin and retain the title.


Winner: Chris Jericho(9:01, B+)


Chris Jericho gets the win to keep the championship but the lights go out immediately. Jericho exits the ring immediately, before the lights go back on but he backs right into the Undertaker, who stands on the ramp behind Jericho. The Undertaker beats on Jericho and carries him back into the ring, to hit a bone rattling Choke Slam. Jericho has been laid out, with the Understand standing over the World Heavyweight Champion! It will be the Undertaker against Chris Jericho for the belt at the Royal Bumble but the Dead Man has drawn first blood.

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Smackdown Results


MattitudeV2: 4/6

TracyBrooksFan: 3/6

MartinC: 3/6


Overall Results for January


MattitudeV2: 4/6

TracyBrooksFan: 3/6

MartinC: 3/6


WWE Monday Night RAW for 1/4/10


Randy Orton vs. an opponent of Kofi Kingston's choosing.


Kofi Kingston vs. an opponent of Randy Orton's choosing.


If Chavo wins, then Hornswoggle has to leave RAW. If Hornswoggle wins, then Chavo is Hornswoggle's servant for thirty days:

Hornswoggle vs. Chavo Guerrero


Kelly Kelly vs. Katie Lea Burchill.

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Randy Orton vs. an opponent of Kofi Kingston's choosing.


Kofi Kingston vs. an opponent of Randy Orton's choosing.


If Chavo wins, then Hornswoggle has to leave RAW. If Hornswoggle wins, then Chavo is Hornswoggle's servant for thirty days:

Hornswoggle vs. Chavo Guerrero


Kelly Kelly vs. Katie Lea Burchill.

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Randy Orton vs. an opponent of Kofi Kingston's choosing.


Kofi Kingston vs. an opponent of Randy Orton's choosing.


If Chavo wins, then Hornswoggle has to leave RAW. If Hornswoggle wins, then Chavo is Hornswoggle's servant for thirty days:

Hornswoggle vs. Chavo Guerrero


Kelly Kelly vs. Katie Lea Burchill.

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Randy Orton vs. an opponent of Kofi Kingston's choosing.


Kofi Kingston vs. an opponent of Randy Orton's choosing.


If Chavo wins, then Hornswoggle has to leave RAW. If Hornswoggle wins, then Chavo is Hornswoggle's servant for thirty days:

Hornswoggle vs. Chavo Guerrero


Kelly Kelly vs. Katie Lea Burchill.

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Randy Orton vs. an opponent of Kofi Kingston's choosing.


Kofi Kingston vs. an opponent of Randy Orton's choosing.


If Chavo wins, then Hornswoggle has to leave RAW. If Hornswoggle wins, then Chavo is Hornswoggle's servant for thirty days:

Hornswoggle vs. Chavo Guerrero


Kelly Kelly vs. Katie Lea Burchill

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Randy Orton vs. an opponent of Kofi Kingston's choosing. by DQ


Kofi Kingston vs. an opponent of Randy Orton's choosing.


If Chavo wins, then Hornswoggle has to leave RAW. If Hornswoggle wins, then Chavo is Hornswoggle's servant for thirty days:

Hornswoggle vs. Chavo Guerrero


Kelly Kelly vs. Katie Lea Burchill

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Randy Orton vs. an opponent of Kofi Kingston's choosing.


Kofi Kingston vs. an opponent of Randy Orton's choosing.


If Chavo wins, then Hornswoggle has to leave RAW. If Hornswoggle wins, then Chavo is Hornswoggle's servant for thirty days:

Hornswoggle vs. Chavo Guerrero


I really hope you are getting rid of Hornswoggle for good but the Chavo servant thing is just a better storyline.


Kelly Kelly vs. Katie Lea Burchill.

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WWE Monday Night RAW 1/4/10


Replay of the return of Kofi Kingston last week, laying out Randy Orton with the Trouble in Paradise.


The Hart Dynasty make their way to the ring, with the Unified Tag Team Titles, as the announcers talk about the Hart Dynasty beating DX on Smackdown and also remind us that David Arquette is the RAW guest host tonight. DH Smith, Tyson Kidd, and Natalya enter the ring, with Natalya introducing the RAW fans to them, saying that as a result of their victory, the fans of RAW and ECW will be seeing a lot more of the Hart Dynasty, as Unified Tag Team Champions, they have the right to perform on all shoes. Smith and Kidd have words but before this could go much further, out comes Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Triple H says that the Hart Dynasty won the belts, but Triple H claims that he was preoccupied with CM Punk and they took out Shawn Michaels two on one. HHH says as the RAW fans know, they have a return match clause that the former champions can use and DX are going to use that clause tonight, to cash in. The Dynasty accept and invite DX into the ring right now, to set up a huge brawl between both of the teams. Security is out, before the RAW Guest Host David Arquette makes his way down the ramp, to a mixed reaction, with a fair few boos in there. Arquette announces that the match will happen as part of the main event tonight but until then, the Hart Dynasty and DX need to cool off and get ready for that match.


We cut backstage, where the Miz is hanging out backstage, and David Arquette comes through the curtain. The Miz makes fun of David Arquette’s WCW World Title reign and Ready to Rumble as well but Arquette said that say what you want about those things, there was one thing that he was not. He was not the Miz because the Miz is certainly not awesome. The Miz challenges Arquette but Arquette brushes him off, claiming he retired from the ring undefeated but if the Miz wants a fight, he can get one, putting the United States Title Belt on the line against a man who pinned Miz not once but twice over recent months, M.V.P. And that match is up next. The Miz protests, saying he’s not ready but Arquette has spoken.


*********************Commercial Break*************************


WWE United States Title Match:

M.V.P. vs. the Miz©


The Miz pounds away at M.V.P as he enters the ring but M.V.P quickly beats on the Miz throughout most of this match. M.V.P gets a leaping clothesline and the Ballin’ Elbow to a big pop but the Miz survives. Eventually the Miz hits a low blow and a DDT but M.V.P kicks out. The Miz grabs the United States Championship belt and waffles M.V.P with it for the disqualification, drawing boos from the fans.


Winner By Disqualification: M.V.P; The Miz is still the United States Champion(5:14, C-)


The Miz lays out M.V.P with the Skull Crushing Finale before the Miz says that he hopes M.V.P enjoyed his title shot because that was the only one that he’s going to get while the Miz is the champion because he’s the Miz and he’s awesome.


We cut a pre recorded promo, from John Cena, who is at the Fiesta Bowl tonight, promoting Wrestlemania 26 from Phoenix. Cena talks about the beating that Paul Burchill laid on him. He says that he did not pay too much mind to Burchill but the Ripper has Cena’s attention now. Cena says he’s going to return next week and Burchill better be ready to go to war, challenging Burchill to a match next week. Cena vows to win the Royal Rumble and at Wrestlemania 26 the fans will be screaming that the champ is here once again!


****************Commercial Break*****************


Kelly Kelly vs. Katie Lea Burchill


Paul Burchill is on commentary for this match, accepting Cena’s challenge for next week and also putting over his sister in this match. Kelly got some impressive offense, including a monkey flip but Katie Lea Burchill obliterated her with a Curb Stomp, before applying a dragon sleeper for a submission victory.


Winner: Katie Lea Burchill(4:40, C-)


Katie continues to beat on Kelly Kelly but out comes Melina. Melina enters the ring and the WWE Diva’s Champion begins to brawl with Katie Lea, sending her backing off into the ropes. A wild brawl between the two women continue, as Katie Lea as her sights set on that WWE Diva's Title belt by Melina. Both women are pulled apart, but try to get at each other.


We are backstage, where Kofi Kingston is standing by, along with Evan Bourne and legendary Hall of Famer, Ricky Steamboat, with Josh Mathews trying to get a word. Kofi says that Orton tried to end his career but Orton didn’t finish the job. Kofi says that he’ll beat Orton at the Royal Rumble, he’s been training with both Steamboat and Bourne daily, with Steamboat issuing tips on how Kofi can strengthen his ring style and Bourne wrestling like Randy Orton. In comes Legacy, with Orton leading the charge. Orton says that its an insult that Kofi Kingston still insists in putting up this charade. Randy Orton calls Kofi Kingston a guy who is above average but no Randy Orton. Orton says that Ricky Steamboat can give Kofi all the advice he wants but it changes nothing. Steamboat was never World Champion in WWE, unlike Orton. Orton calls Steamboat someone who could never make it past the top of the middle of the card and always was on the highlight riel, while Orton made the headlines. Orton says that there is not anyone in the entire history in WWE. “Not even someone like the Rock.” And segment quickly fades out on that note.


**********************Commercial Break******************


Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler come back to apologize for some unfounded comments that Orton made at the end of the last segment, talking about how it may have jeopardized a deal for a future RAW guest host and out comes Kofi Kingston for his match against an opponent of Randy Orton’s choosing. Out comes Orton, along with Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase. The announcers speculate what member of Legacy will Orton send down there but Orton waves to the ramp and the Big Show’s music kicks up. Kofi looks a bit tense in the ring, as the world’s largest athlete comes down to the ramp. Kofi Kingston is less than four weeks away from the biggest match in his life and it looks like Randy Orton may be picking up the scraps after the Big Show is done.


Kofi Kingston vs. the Big Show


The Big Show goes for a forearm but Kofi ducks and Show connects with the corner. Kofi jumps around, battering Show with chops and jabs, before he bounces off the ropes. Shoulderblock but Show just stands there. Kofi kips up and knocks Show back with a leaping forearm smash. The fans are cheering as Kofi tries to literally chop the big man down but the Big Show shoves Kofi down. Big Show charges Kofi but Kofi ducks and dropkicks the Big Show from behind, sending him through the ropes, to the arena floor. Springboard dropkick and the Big Show is knocked off the arena, to the floor, crashing into the barricade. Show pulls himself up and Kofi waffles him with a series of chops, before bouncing off the ropes. The Big Show catches Kofi flush with a boot to the face. The fans wince, as now Kofi is down and in the clutches of the big man, who assaults Kofi with a series of forearm smashes across the back. A throwing suplex and a sitdown splash but Kofi manages to wiggle out. The Big Show beats on Kofi and goes for the Knockout Punch but Kofi ducks! The Big Show throws with so much force that he is knocked off balance and Kofi manages to take the Big Show down with a leaping bulldog to a loud ear splitting pop! Show is quickly on his knee and Kofi beats on him with a series of elbows to the side of the head, before he bounces off the ropes. The Big Show pops up, grabbing the throat of Kofi Kingston but Kofi manages to slip free and dropkick to the knee of the Big Show. Show is doubled over and Kofi waylays the Big Show with the Trouble in Paradise!. The fans go nuts when the big tree has been dropped and Kofi Kingston makes the cover hooking the leg to score the pin!


Winner: Kofi Kingston(7:58, B)


The plan for Randy Orton did not go as intended. Kofi Kingston took out all seven feet, five hundred pounds of the Big Show with that vicious Trouble in Paradise kick! A knockout blow that can take down anyone from the Big Show on down apparently. The Big Show is still out. Kofi Kingston gears up for the Royal Rumble with the victory tonight, as the announcers put over how Kofi has perfected his kick into a lethal weapon to take down any superstar, big or small.


A video package is shown, hyping up the long history between Chavo Guerrero and Hornswoggle is shown. Tonight, if Chavo beats Hornswoggle, then the little guy will have to leave RAW. If Hornswoggle beats Chavo, then Chavo will be Hornswoggle’s servant for thirty days.


********************Commercial Break***********************


Out comes David Arquette in a referee shirt, announcing that this match is one of the biggest matches in wrestling history, so it will be only appropriate that Arquette is the guest referee.


Hornswoggle vs. Chavo Guerrero


Chavo attacks Hornswoggle at the bell and beats him down, but Hornswoggle comes back, biting Chavo and pounding away at him. Running headbutt to the groin and Chavo is doubled over, but he bodyslams Hornswoggle down to the canvas. The force from the impact, causes David Arquette to fly out of the ring, taking a bump. Chavo is up, yelling at Arquette but Santino sneaks into the ring, dressed as Kerwin White but Chavo attacks Santino and brings him down with a brain buster. The midget is up and Chavo beats on him! Chavo has Hornswoggle set up for a brain buster but Arquette enters the ring and gets in Chavo’s face! Chavo shoves Arquette and Arquette shoves back, before he backs off. Arquette spears Chavo down to the canvas! Hornswoggle is back up as he climbs to the top rope. Tadpole Splash delivered to Chavo, as Arquette counts the pin! Chavo has to be Hornswoggle’s servant.


Winner: Hornswoggle(4:02, D)


Chavo rolls over, to loud chants of “Kerwin”. Chavo attempts to bolt but a group of security midgets rush down to the ring and hoist up Chavo, before carrying him to the back. Hornswoggle leaves in amusement, rubbing his hands together, as the announcers wonder what will happen to poor Chavo right now. David Arquette stands in the ring and says its been a great show and he thanks the fans but out comes Randy Orton from the back. Arquette offers his hand to Orton but Orton kicks Arquette right in the stomach. Orton takes Arquette down with the RKO!. This gets the loudest pop of the night, as Arquette has been struck down by Orton! Coming up next, Randy Orton will face off an opponent chosen by Kofi Kingston!


***********************Commercial Break*******************


Kofi Kingston comes out and announces that Orton’s opponent is a man who practically begged for this match after the incident backstage early tonight….RICKY STEAMBOAT! Steamboat comes out, saying that he appreciates Kofi giving him one more chance to enter the ring and says that Kofi can go to the back, because he can handle Randy Orton one on one! Steamboat looks ready to go, as Kofi gracefully goes to the back, as the legendary Hall of Famer enters the ring.


Ricky Steamboat vs. Randy Orotn


Steamboat starts this match, by blistering the chest of Orton with chops. Steamboat dropkicks Orton and hits a pair of armdrags, but Orton catches Steamboat with a kneelift and begins a slow beatdown on Steamboat. Swinging neckbreaker sets up a chinlock and the fans boo, but Steamboat fires up out of the chinlock and begins elbowing Orton. Orton turns into a modified backbreaker and a leaping kneedrop. Orton talks trash to Steamboat and continues to beat on him. RKO but Steamboat reverses into a backslide for a nearfall! Orton is on his feet and Steamboat fights out from underneath, before throwing Orton into the ropes. Leaping karate chop drills Orton. Orton is on the verge if losing this match and Steamboat dropkicks Orton into the corner, before taking him down with a high back body drop to a huge pop. Into the corner and ten count punches, and Orton staggers out of the corner, where Steamboat rolls him up into a small package for a two count. Steamboat climbs to the top rope and dives off with the Flying Cross Body Press! The fans are on their feet, thinking that might be the finish but Orton rolls the shoulder up. Steamboat picks up Orton and into the ropes. Steamboat misses a charge and hits the corner, before Orton hits a flash RKO to score the pin!


Winner: Randy Orton(9:58, B)


Orton gives Steamboat a second RKO and gets on the microphone, yelling that Steamboat will pay for try to upstage Orton tonight. Orton sets up Steamboat for the punt and Kofi Kingston bolts from the back but Legacy meets him in the ramp, to hold him back. Kofi valiantly fights off Legacy and practically leaps towards the ring but Orton drills Steamboat with the punt! The fans explode into boos and loud “Orton sucks” chants! Orton quickly bails, with the rest of Legacy, as Kofi just barely missed saving his mentor from a getting drilled. We see a replay and Kofi just leaped into the ring a second after Orton drilled Steamboat. This was an example of just missing it.


********************Commercial Break***********************


Recap of moments ago, with Randy Orton drilling Steamboat right in the head with the punt!


We cut backstage, where Ricky Steamboat is beating loaded into an ambulance and Josh Mathews tries to catch up with Kofi, who is shaking, too angry for words. He manages to say that when he gets in the ring at the Royal Rumble, he will take Orton out for what he’s done. The announcers talk about how Kofi is fired up but could his emotions get the better of him against Randy Orton at the Royal Rumble.


Hype for next week’s RAW Guest host, Chuck Norris!


Graphic for the DX, Hart Dynasty return match for the Unified Tag Team Titles is shown. That match is next.


******************************Commercial Break********************


Unified Tag Team Title Match:

DeGeneration X vs. the Hart Dynasty©(w/Natalya)


The Hart Dynasty are beaten at the bell but they get the advantage double teaming Shawn Michaels in the corner. A two on one beating against Michaels got them the victory on Smackdown last week. Smith hits an elevated vertical suplex on Michaels, as Kidd springboards off the ropes with a clothesline. More double team move son Michaels, including a double front suplex on the top rope, followed by a double suplex back into the ring. Michaels eventually wipes out Smith and races to the corner. Tag by Triple H, who is a house of fire. Spine buster takes Smith out and Kidd attacks Triple H from behind. Michaels is back into the ring and Superkick to Tyson Kidd, sets him up for the Pedigree, but Ted DiBiase rushes to the ring and pulls Michaels underneath the ropes to the floor. Triple H goes after DiBiase and gets attacked by Cody Rhodes, as the bell is called for, throwing this match out!


Winners By Disqualification: DX; The Hart Dynasty is still Unified Tag Team Champions(9:19, B+)


DX and Legacy are brawling on the floor but the Hart Dynasty get involved and eventually it leads to a big brawl between all three teams on the floor! The announcers hype up Ted DiBiase and Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble but Smith, Kidd, Rhodes, and Triple H will all be in the Royal Rumble match. All three teams brawl, as security, who are earning their paychecks, pull all six men apart as we fade out. See you next week with Chuck Norris and Paul Burchill going one on one with John Cena.

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RAW Results:

TracyBrooksFan: 3/4

TheOmniWarrior: 3/4

Rayelek: 2/4

MartinC: 2/4

Lo-Drew: 3/4

BHK1978: 3/4



Overall Results for January


TracyBrooksFan: 6/10

MartinC: 5/10

MattitudeV2: 4/10

Lo-Drew: 3/10

BHK1978: 3/10

TheOmniWarrior: 3/10

Rayelek: 2/10


ECW on Sy Fy 1/5/2010


Goldust vs. Vladimir Koslov


The Hurricane vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Lance Cade


Tyler Reks and Yoshi Tatsu vs. Zack Ryder and Vance Archer

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ECW on Sy Fy 1/5/10


Hype for tonight’s main event featuring Goldust taking on Vladimir Koslov of the Ruthless Roundtable, as Goldust gears up for his ECW Championship match with William Regal at the Royal Rumble.


Tyler Reks and Yoshi Tatsu vs. Vance Archer and Zack Ryder


Reks and Tatsu run wild at the bell for the first couple of minutes. Reks is beaten down for a lot of this match, but he makes a comeback and hot tag to Yoshi Tatsu, who cleans house. Yoshi lays out Archer with a roundhouse kick but Archer is not the legal man. It allows Ryder to grab his Slammy and bash Yoshi across the back with it, before hitting the Zack Attack for the pin.


Winners: Zack Ryder and Vance Archer(7:58, D-)


Ryder and Archer celebrates as Yoshi stares down Ryder, clutching his back but its obvious that once Yoshi Tatsu gets his hands on Ryder, its not going to be a pleasant day for the man who says “Woo, Woo, You Know It”.


A video package is shown, hyping up the history involving the Hurricane, Bryan Danielson, Shelton Benjamin, and Lance Cade over recent weeks. Coming up next on ECW, all four of these men will compete in a fatal four way match coming up next on ECW.


********************Commercial Break******************


The Hurricane vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Cade vs. Shelton Benjamin


At the bell, the Hurricane dropkicks Cade to the floor, as Danielson wrestles with Shelton in the ring. Hurricane dives onto Cade and beats on him. Back into the ring, Shelton gains the advantage on Danielson but the Hurricane is back into the ring, beating on Shelton with punches. Shelton and the Hurricane exchange moves but Danielson pops from behind and tags the Hurricane down with a belly to back suplex for a two count. Lance Cade joins the battle and all four men continue to brawl, while in some circumstances pair up. The Hurricane and Lance Cade join forces, to take out Danielson with a Doomsday Device, but Cade bushwhacks the Hurricane from behind, laying him out with a lariat, before connecting with the elevated Sidewalk Slam. Out of nowhere, Shelton pops up and nails Cade with the Paydirt, before rolling him over and scoring the pin.


Winner: Shelton Benjamin(13:59, B-)


Cade looks none too happy to say the least, as Shelton Benjamin celebrates on the ramp, an impressive victory tonight. He’s in the Royal Rumble and he has a bit of momentum on his side tonight.


******************Commercial Break***********************


Christian cuts a promo, talking about his participation in the Royal Rumble, saying that if he wins the Rumble, he’s going to use his victory to choose to challenge for the ECW Championship in the main event at Wrestlemania 26. He has some unfinished business with the Hart Dynasty and when he saw they won the Unified Tag Team Titles, Christian could not be happier. That means Kidd and Smith will be on ECW and Christian can get his hands on them. Christian says he might even have a partner to take those Unified Tag Team Titles.


Vladimir Koslov is backstage training, when William Regal walks up, dressed in a suit, as he tells Koslov that its important that he not only beats Goldust, but takes him out, because it would be a disgrace if a freak like Goldust became ECW Champion. “I mean, the days since the likes of the Sandman are long bloody gone and thank goodness for that.” In response, Koslov headbutts a cinderblock, causing it to shatter. Regal looks smug. While Ezekiel Jackson might have fallen to the Bizarre One, Koslov may be more than a match for Goldust.


******************Commercial Break********************


Goldust vs. Vladimir Koslov


Koslov beats on Goldust at the bell, with Goldust firing back. Clothesline off the second rope but the Russian powers out. Goldust continues his beating but body shots and Koslov hits three clotheslines. He hits a vicious spine buster on Goldust but Goldust rolls the shoulder just in time. Koslov prepares to deliver a running head butt to Goldust. Koslov’s head is hard enough to shatter a cinderblock and he charges Goldust but Goldust ducks. Koslov turns around and Goldust muscles him up, before snapping him down with a powerslam to score the pin!


Winner: Goldust(8:50, C)


The announcers put over the powerslam, as a move that Goldust can hit on most men and out of nowhere. It holds most men down for three seconds and Goldust gets the win, but out comes Ezekiel Jackson and William Regal. The Ruthless Roundtable are in the ring but Goldust bolts out of the ring. Goldust is on the top of the ramp, as Josh Mathews and Bryon Saxton talk about how Goldust has gone 2-0 in singles matches against the Roundtable. If he can beat Regal at the Royal Rumble, he can go with a clean sweep and walk out with the ECW Championship. We are out of time.

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ECW Results:


Rayelek: 2/3

TracyBrooksFan: 1/3

BHK1978: 1/3



Overall Results for January


TracyBrooksFan: 7/13

MartinC: 5/13

Rayelek: 4/13

MattitudeV2: 4/13

BHK1978: 4/13

Lo-Drew: 3/13

TheOmniWarrior: 3/13


WWE Superstars 1/7/10


Primo vs. Sheamus


Christian vs. Ezekiel Jackson


Matt Hardy vs. Charlie Haas

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WWE Superstars 1/7/10


Hype for tonight, where the superstars of RAW will take center stage in the main event, where Primo goes one on one with the “Celtic Warrior” Sheamus. Right now, lets head to Todd Grisham and Matt Striker for the first match, from Smackdown.


Matt Hardy vs. Charlie Haas


Hardy and Haas battle in the ring, with Hardy getting a pair of clotheslines, to the second rope and Hardy delivers a forearm off the second rope. Hardy beats on Haas, throwing him into the corner. Boot to the corner and Haas delivers a high kneelift right to the corner. Haas continues to beat on Hardy, before hoisting him up and backbreaker brings Hardy down. Haas works over Hardy some more, pulling out a T-Bone Suplex for a nearfall. Haas picks up Hardy and beats him down more, and German Suplex. Hardy just barely rolls the shoulder up and Haas applies a front facelock, before he cranks on the neck, hitting a capture suplex. Another nearfall on Hardy and Haas continues to beat down on him. Haas picks up Hardy and throws him into the ropes. Ducking the head and Hardy grabs Haas, before rolling him over with a small package for the pin!


Winner: Matt Hardy(10:05, B-)


Hardy gets the win tonight on Superstars and Haas jumps Hardy after the bell, beating him down. Haas hits a pair of German Suplexes after the match and poses over the fallen body of Hardy. Charlie Haas leaves the beaten, battered body of Hardy down in the ring.


Still to come tonight, Primo against Sheamus but up next, ECW takes center stage, when Christian goes one on one with Ezekiel Jackson.


************************Commercial Break***********************


Christian vs. Ezekiel Jackson


Power versus speed tonight, with Christian getting an early advantage by keeping a few steps ahead of Jackson but he gets plucked out of mid air and beaten down. Jackson hits a vicious Samoan Drop but Christian kicks out. Torture Rack but Christian drops behind and dropkicks Jackson. Jackson comes back off and Christian beats on him, but Jackson boots Christian down to the canvas. Jackson picks up Christian, going for a Uranage but Christian elbows out, before he delivers a reverse DDT. He climbs to the top rope and connects with a frog splash on Jackson to score the pin.


Winner: Christian(7:59, C+)


Christian gets the win tonight, as he heads to the Royal Rumble. Jackson will be in the Royal Rumble as well and both of these men are looking for a title shot in the main event of Wrestlemania 26. Christian has stated that if he wins, he will challenge for the ECW Championship in the main event, which will be the first time in Wrestlemania history where that belt will be on the line in the final match.


****************Commercial Break********************


A recap from RAW, featuring Kofi Kingston taking down the Big Show with the Trouble in Paradise, Randy Orton having a closely contested match with Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat and giving Steamboat a punt right to the head, where Kofi barely missed saving him. Also, DX take their return match with the Hart Dynasty but it ends when Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase get involved. Hype for this Monday, with Chuck Norris as the guest host. Paul Burchill takes on John Cena and also, just announced, DX, Legacy, and the Hart Dynasty all meet in a Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the Unified Tag Team Titles.


Coming up next, Primo goes one on one with “The Celtic Warrior” Sheamus. More Superstars right after this.


*******************Commercial Break*****************


Primo vs. Sheamus


Primo beats on Sheamus at the bell but gets taken down with a pair of clothslines. Sheamus hammers away at Primo, beating on him with a severe beating, ending with a huge belly to back suplex for a nearfall. To the second rope but Primo gets a boot up into the chin of Sheamus. Sheamus is staggered and Primo is up, pounding away at Sheamus. A pair of dropkicks stagger the Celtic Warrior and Primo leaps into the corner, knocking Sheamus back. To the second rope and ten count punches but Sheamus throws Primo down, before nearly taking his head off with a big boot. Sheamus picks up Primo and muscles him up for the Crucifix Power Bomb to score an easy pin.


Winner: Sheamus(5:40, C)


Sheamus continues the brutalization of Primo after the match but the music of Mark Henry plays and out comes the World’s Strongest Man. Henry enters the ring and beats on Sheamus, using his power to back off the Celtic Warrior. Sheamus seems to be a bit less pleased with fighting a man his size. The Celtic Warrior bolts from the ring, as Mark Henry stands in the ring, telling Sheamus to come get him some but we are out of time on Superstars.

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Superstars Results:

BHK1978: 2/3

TracyBrooksFan: 3/3

Rayelek: 2/3



Overall January:

TracyBrooksFan: 10/16

Rayelek: 6/16

BHK1978: 6/16

MartinC: 5/16

MattitudeV2: 4/16

Lo-Drew: 3/16

TheOmniWarrior: 3/16


WWE Smackdown 1/8/10


The Undertaker vs. Eric Escobar(w/Vickie Guerrero)


Booker T vs. Drew McIntrye


Mickie James and Beth Phoenix vs The WWE Women's Champion Michelle McCool and Layla.


Finlay vs. CM Punk


Shad vs. Mike Knox.


Kane vs. Batista

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