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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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I was entertained during the hardcore match featuring the Wyatts and the ECW originals. Just old-school fun. The Vince segment was classic and just right. New Day's segment was a little too long (3h show I guess), but they can hardly pull of a bad promo can't they. And I never realized the Usos were so horrible on the mic. Djeez...


Catching up on NXT, I noticed Emma is really handling things really well. Playing two completely different gimmicks so well, not many can do that. Probably looking forward to her match even more than the title matches.

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I was at NXT: London. The crowd was insane. I have not seen the show on the network yet, so I don't know how much has been edited/censored. There were a few non-pg chants. Hope they come back!


Well, they were definitely there when I watched it live! Not sure if they censored them out for replays.

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There were definitely some un-PG chants when I watched it earlier. :p But I think they might have censored some a bit as there were some where I had no idea what was being said. :p


In other news... if Vince McMahon ever wants to make silly money again, they should do more NXT style booking on the main roster. ;)

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NXT Takeover: London Review:


Asuka vs Emma - Great match. Asuka has adapated so quickly to NXT. She seems incapable of having a mediocre match. Emma's best performance ever. I wish she had won so she could challenge Bayley. Unfortunately Emma's been given the Becky role, where she's probably never going to win a title even though she deserves it.

Enzo & Cass vs Dash & Dawson (NXT Tag Team Championship) - Good match. Enzo & Cass were at their best, right down to the the English themed promo and ring attire. Dawsh & Dawson's old school act is fantastic but it will need spicing up if they want to make it to the main roster. I'm happy they didn't hotshot the titles for a fleeting feel-good moment. Now it will mean more when JJ & Gable win the titles.

Corbin vs Crews - Solid match. I hope Crews didn't get a concussion hitting the steps. I'm glad Corbin won because it gives Crews an opportunity for character development as he tries to bounce back. Corbin needs to move quicker and add more power moves to his arsenal if he wants to step up to the next level. Shame his indy wrestling diss failed because Crews never wrestled in Ring of Honor.

Nia vs Bayley (NXT Women's Championship) - Good match. It was longer and better scripted than I thought possible. Bayley's selling and storytelling were top class and she switched to a more appropriate finisher. Nia showed a lot of improvement. She could become the female equivalent of Henry or Big Show with a lot more experience.

Joe vs Balor (NXT Championship) - Good match. Joe turned back the clock to his Ring of Honor days with that performance. I'm surprised he didn't win. As good as Finn is I'd still like to see him bust out something new (other than body paint) on the Specials instead of coasting by his usual moveset.


Verdict: Good show top to bottom. Most of the matches could have gone either way so it was the most unpredictable Takeover card yet. The London crowd was one of the best NXT has ever had.

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Corbin vs Crews - Solid match. I hope Crews didn't get a concussion hitting the steps. I'm glad Corbin won because it gives Crews an opportunity for character development as he tries to bounce back. Corbin needs to move quicker and add more power moves to his arsenal if he wants to step up to the next level. Shame his indy wrestling diss failed because Crews never wrestled in Ring of Honor.


I wouldn't say it failed. Probably unintentional but it adds to Corbin's character. He doesn't care for where Crews came from. They're all the same to him.


I hope he goes on to face Finn for the NXT title. Corbin has been killing it since he stopped being as mopey and lone wolf-y.

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There were definitely some un-PG chants when I watched it earlier. :p But I think they might have censored some a bit as there were some where I had no idea what was being said. :p


In other news... if Vince McMahon ever wants to make silly money again, they should do more NXT style booking on the main roster. ;)


The new Smackdown is supposedly an NXT/Raw hybrid according to Mauro Ranallo, with less micro-management from Vince.



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Am I the only one who doesnt give a damn about Balor? Since he has won the title theres been no storyline until this one with Joe. Im just not caring about him as a character or champion.


The fact that Corbin went over Crews shows that NXT knows how to book and keep even someone like myself who can call 95% of these WWE matches guessing.


Not liking how Bayley kicked out of literally everything. 3 leg drops in a row? Umm no. Bayley literally cant lose to anyone in NXT now. Nia Jax is the biggest woman in the company in terms of size. If she cant punish Bayley to a 3 count who can?



Im happy Enzo/Cass lost. They played great to the fans but its JJ/Gable who need the titles. The are by far the best team in seen in WWE in a long time. Their chemistry is amazing and my favorite thing in WWE overall.

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Am I the only one who doesnt give a damn about Balor? Since he has won the title theres been no storyline until this one with Joe. Im just not caring about him as a character or champion.


The fact that Corbin went over Crews shows that NXT knows how to book and keep even someone like myself who can call 95% of these WWE matches guessing.


Not liking how Bayley kicked out of literally everything. 3 leg drops in a row? Umm no. Bayley literally cant lose to anyone in NXT now. Nia Jax is the biggest woman in the company in terms of size. If she cant punish Bayley to a 3 count who can?



Im happy Enzo/Cass lost. They played great to the fans but its JJ/Gable who need the titles. The are by far the best team in seen in WWE in a long time. Their chemistry is amazing and my favorite thing in WWE overall.

I think Balor is doing well. I don't see a lot of character from him aside from the demon paint on specials. However, storyline wise, he hasn't had too much to work with. KO got the rematch with him, then Dusty passed and they honored him via the tournament that took up a good bit of time and that's when the Joe angle really started. They planted the seeds during that backstage segment where Joe handed him the belt and told him don't forget your title champ and hit it twice before walking off. Then the battle royal and his subsequent match with Crews and the heel turn from Joe. He hasn't been given much story wise. I attribute that to all the main event talent getting called up. You lost Owens, Neville, Axel and Breeze (if you considered him one in NXT) and then the injuries to Kidd, Itami and Zayn. They had to build talent back up. I think with Corbin getting a shot, Zayn returning and I'm sure Itami returns soon as well, we'll see some better title stories.


I figured Corbin would go over Crews. Unless Balor is going to the dark side, he needs heels to feud with. Aside from Joe, Baron is the best heel in NXT. I'm a fan of his. He's added to his moveset, and has gotten better in the ring, a lot better if you look at his first longish match with Bull way back when. He can actually hold his own now.


I didn't like the constant kick outs either. Thankfully with the network (because I was a toddler when it happened) I've been able to watch a ton of old classic matches. To me, this should've gone the way of Sting/Vader. Have Jax beat by hell out of Bayley. Stiff punches and kicks, throws and suplexes etc, but have her try to make a statement of how dominant she is. I mean that's what the buildup from her side was anyway, right? In getting lost trying to dominate Bayley, and hets caught with a counter and then go to that choke finish. Nia doesn't look like a scrub by not getting a victory after hitting her finish 3 or 4 times in a row and Bayley looks like she got lucky to get out of the match with her title. Play up the experience card.

However, I'm so excited for Asuka and Jax. I couldn't contain myself when Asuka did that "I'm going to kill you and you don't even know it" type smile she does.


I love Enzo and Cass. They're my second fav NXT team of all time behind The Ascension. Gable and Jordon are right behind them now. Seeing those two take on The Ascension... man, that was awesome to see. I agree, they should have the next run with the titles. Those two teams are going to put on a wrestling clinic!

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Am I the only one who doesnt give a damn about Balor? Since he has won the title theres been no storyline until this one with Joe. Im just not caring about him as a character or champion.


The fact that Corbin went over Crews shows that NXT knows how to book and keep even someone like myself who can call 95% of these WWE matches guessing.


Not liking how Bayley kicked out of literally everything. 3 leg drops in a row? Umm no. Bayley literally cant lose to anyone in NXT now. Nia Jax is the biggest woman in the company in terms of size. If she cant punish Bayley to a 3 count who can?



Im happy Enzo/Cass lost. They played great to the fans but its JJ/Gable who need the titles. The are by far the best team in seen in WWE in a long time. Their chemistry is amazing and my favorite thing in WWE overall.


Considering that this feud with Joe has been going since just after Brooklyn where Balor finished his feud with Owens I think you may be missing something. Also it seemed pretty obvious to me that Corbin was going to win since Balor was going to retain. As for Bayley look at how Nia tried pining her after all that punishment. A foot on the chest or just hands on the shoulders is not going to keep a fighter like bayley down. Nia treated her like the squash women she's faced and Barley has more heart and determination. I am with you on Enzo and Cass they are fun but Dash and Dawson have much more to do with the titles.

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Considering that this feud with Joe has been going since just after Brooklyn where Balor finished his feud with Owens I think you may be missing something. Also it seemed pretty obvious to me that Corbin was going to win since Balor was going to retain. As for Bayley look at how Nia tried pining her after all that punishment. A foot on the chest or just hands on the shoulders is not going to keep a fighter like bayley down. Nia treated her like the squash women she's faced and Barley has more heart and determination. I am with you on Enzo and Cass they are fun but Dash and Dawson have much more to do with the titles.


I agree with the Bayley match....there was never one time that Nia Jax covered Bayley properly so they did a perfect David vs. Goliath storytelling with that one. Goliath took David for granite and by the time Goliath started treating the opponent seriously David snuck in the Guillotine clutch....or slingshot....you get the idea.


If they were to encounter again it would be a different scenario where Nia has learned from her mistake and the booking team would have no choice then to give her the win. Honestly I might get some heat from this but Asuka is the only person I see that is ready to take that belt away from Bayley. I'm calling it right now that she will be the next person to hold the women's championship when Bayley gets called up.

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Am I the only one who doesnt give a damn about Balor? Since he has won the title theres been no storyline until this one with Joe. Im just not caring about him as a character or champion.


The fact that Corbin went over Crews shows that NXT knows how to book and keep even someone like myself who can call 95% of these WWE matches guessing.


Not liking how Bayley kicked out of literally everything. 3 leg drops in a row? Umm no. Bayley literally cant lose to anyone in NXT now. Nia Jax is the biggest woman in the company in terms of size. If she cant punish Bayley to a 3 count who can?



Im happy Enzo/Cass lost. They played great to the fans but its JJ/Gable who need the titles. The are by far the best team in seen in WWE in a long time. Their chemistry is amazing and my favorite thing in WWE overall.


1. Yes. Balor got everyone's attention with a gimmick and will not keep their attention as the guy is INCREDIBLY boring. I'm glad I'm not alone in this. Guy can work, but in terms of entertainment and mic work, guy looks like a fish out of water.. I feel the same way of Neville. They''ll end up in tag teams mark my words. But that works for me because I love the ring work of the tag division more than the stories. Cesaro/Kidd come to mind as Cesaro is in a similar situation.


2. Corbin is way underrated and i feel like Crewes is overrated, but they surprised me as well, which is a nice change.


3. booking Nia Jax vs Bayley just made no sense. Kind of reminded me of Ryback being thrust in title matches with Punk. But it makes less sense because there are other contenders AND Nia Jax was actually building momentum nicely AND is newer than Ryback was (under her current gimmick anyways). But the reason you stated is exactly my issue with it. By that logic Bayley could beat any diva apparently..


4. I'm relatively sure Enzo/Cass are about to move up soon. Was surprised they didnt win, but Dash/Dawson did JUST win. Jordan and Gable will get their chance but I think Enzo and Cass deserve it first (not neccesarily more) but they've been around for a while and are over.

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Smackdown was good this week. Highlights:


- New Day vs Lucha Dragons

- Goldust having fun with Summer & Breeze

- Charlotte trying to turn Becky to the dark side (with a fun Sasha cameo)

- Ambrose, Ziggler & Owens backstage promos

- Ziggler vs Owens main event (with a very interesting finish)





Breaking Ground was great again. Lots of Bayley & Carmella.

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Just got around to watching London, and it was unsurprisingly great.


I love that I actually understand why characters are faces and heels. Joe was entitled to be frustrated, but the way he did it was unsporting so he's the bad guy.


Am I the only one who doesnt give a damn about Balor? Since he has won the title theres been no storyline until this one with Joe. Im just not caring about him as a character or champion.


Agreed, he needs constant 10 minute promos about tater-tots. Seriously he's a great worker who can both generate sympathy and not look like a doofus, which is about all he needs to do at this point. The Joe storyline has also been a great slow build.


Not liking how Bayley kicked out of literally everything. 3 leg drops in a row? Umm no. Bayley literally cant lose to anyone in NXT now. Nia Jax is the biggest woman in the company in terms of size. If she cant punish Bayley to a 3 count who can?


I don't understand this at all. The story was pretty clearly that Jax wasn't experienced enough to take advantage of her size. She made two covers, one a Jericho one-foot cover, the other a two-hands-on-the-shoulder cover. The idea that Bayley is suddenly unbeatable because she beat a woman who had only won squashes doesn't make any sense to me.

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I don't understand this at all. The story was pretty clearly that Jax wasn't experienced enough to take advantage of her size. She made two covers, one a Jericho one-foot cover, the other a two-hands-on-the-shoulder cover. The idea that Bayley is suddenly unbeatable because she beat a woman who had only won squashes doesn't make any sense to me.


I think it's because of the punishment that she gave out. The 3 leg drops along with everything she did up to the point, Bayley was dead in the water. Regardless of the pin, if you get your ass kicked like that, that should be it. Bayley made that leg drop to the back of her head look like it broke her neck. She didn't move an inch. I would've rather seen Nia do power moves if they were gonna go that route. They kinda killed her finish for me.


On another note, I was marking out for Bayley's comeback. I don't like how fast she got back up so quick after playing dead, but the comeback itself was great.



What was everyone's favorite match from the Takeover show?

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It honestly still pisses me off that Roman Reigns is WWE Champion when he does not deserve it and is only getting pushed because he is The Rock's cousin. He is untalented, boring and all around terrible. Sheamus should have retained, I hope he gets the belt back at Royal Rumble, maybe HHH costs him the title and finalizes HHH Vs Reigns at WM. I just can't stand Roman Reigns. I never will like him no matter what.
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It honestly still pisses me off that Roman Reigns is WWE Champion when he does not deserve it and is only getting pushed because he is The Rock's cousin. He is untalented, boring and all around terrible. Sheamus should have retained, I hope he gets the belt back at Royal Rumble, maybe HHH costs him the title and finalizes HHH Vs Reigns at WM. I just can't stand Roman Reigns. I never will like him no matter what.


Roman just needs to evolve. I'm not sold on him either, but saying I will never like him is kind of something a jealous teenager say.


You're blind to see the star quality Roman does have, bloodline included. Think of all the other Samoans had the athleticism and look of Roman? One, the Rock.. The others, looked like a bunch of midcarders and were..


I am huge on in ring work more so than the entertainment factor but honestly, guys who are just good in ring can't carry a company. Seth Rollins was the total package.. Roman is getting there. Who do you suggest they build for the future? I'm intrigued to hear. keep in mind this is WWE and not some indy...

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Roman just needs to evolve. I'm not sold on him either, but saying I will never like him is kind of something a jealous teenager say.


You're blind to see the star quality Roman does have, bloodline included. Think of all the other Samoans had the athleticism and look of Roman? One, the Rock.. The others, looked like a bunch of midcarders and were..


I am huge on in ring work more so than the entertainment factor but honestly, guys who are just good in ring can't carry a company. Seth Rollins was the total package.. Roman is getting there. Who do you suggest they build for the future? I'm intrigued to hear. keep in mind this is WWE and not some indy...


I would have been in favor of Dean Ambrose winning and Roman snapping on him.....That would have been the perfect night to do it especially since he has completely won over the casual audience.


But all in all I'm not against him anymore....as long as they keep him the direction of cut the chatter and fight I'm fine with his character. It's when he is forced to talk too long that cracks in his game show. His matches are engaging to me (not Cesaro engaging but not bad either) and as long as his character is going down the path it currently is I'm fine with it.


They kind of backed themselves into a corner before Seth Rollins went down for injury so there is not a ton of playing room at the top of the card.

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Roman just needs to evolve. I'm not sold on him either, but saying I will never like him is kind of something a jealous teenager say.


You're blind to see the star quality Roman does have, bloodline included. Think of all the other Samoans had the athleticism and look of Roman? One, the Rock.. The others, looked like a bunch of midcarders and were..


I am huge on in ring work more so than the entertainment factor but honestly, guys who are just good in ring can't carry a company. Seth Rollins was the total package.. Roman is getting there. Who do you suggest they build for the future? I'm intrigued to hear. keep in mind this is WWE and not some indy...


I'd like to throw my 2 cents in to the last question, if I may. I'd like to note character work is number 1 to me. I need a reason to care or not to care about someone. Second is mic work to further draw me in. In ring is last, but very important to me. I don't necessarily mean chain wrestling, more the way you're booked in ring. For example the Mark Henry Hall of Pain run in that he's a horrible technical wrestler, but the way they booked him from an in ring (out of ring as well) was pure gold at that time.


1. Bray Wyatt

His character work is so golden. When he starts talking, I forget it's scripted. He draws me in like nobody else at the moment. In ring work is solid enough to keep me drawn in as long as his matches don't go for a half hour.


2. Kevin Owens

The PERFECT heel. In a scripted product, he makes me hate him with his mic work. He bastardizes a crowd with a mic in his hand and makes you boo him. I'm a huge fan of his, but once he starts talking it's hard not to hate him. The spot with Balor in Brooklyn where he went up the ramp and ran at Balor who was on the ladder just to stop and punch him was golden. Such a perfect guy to hate.


3. Seth Rollins

Character sucked, mic work was getting better. Reminds me so much of Edge with his delivery of a promo. Best in ring guy on the roster by far. Handsome guy. Could definitely see him as the top baby face.


4. Apollo Crews

Character is developing slowly and haven't heard him talk much at all. The in ring work is great especially for a guy his size and his look is incredible. Tremendous presence about him.


5. Roman Reigns

I'm loving the rebelious, kick ass, take no prisoners character he has shown of late. Time will tell if it continues. Mic work still sucks. He needs to say very little. Use more facial expressions, which he's very good at. In ring work is coming along very slowly, but he's getting there. He can pace a match better and carry his load aside from the wow moves he had in The Shield. Look is of course off the charts.


6. Chad Gable

I look at him as Kurt Angle 2.0. Really strong character work with JJ and really solid on the mic. A little too heavy on comedy to be taken serious as a main event guy, but it can be toned down. In ring is phenomenal.


I didn't put Dean because they've castrated him to the point where I don't really care anymore. His character is now a an idol of Roman Reigns. He's supposed to be the lunatic fringe, but never nears lunacy. Actually make him unstable and you'll have something captivating. Get dqed by biting your opponent's ear. Tear up the area around the ring. Attack guys with no reasoning behind it. Have crazy promos. He's so bland right now.

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I'd like to throw my 2 cents in to the last question, if I may. I'd like to note character work is number 1 to me. I need a reason to care or not to care about someone. Second is mic work to further draw me in. In ring is last, but very important to me. I don't necessarily mean chain wrestling, more the way you're booked in ring. For example the Mark Henry Hall of Pain run in that he's a horrible technical wrestler, but the way they booked him from an in ring (out of ring as well) was pure gold at that time.


1. Bray Wyatt

His character work is so golden. When he starts talking, I forget it's scripted. He draws me in like nobody else at the moment. In ring work is solid enough to keep me drawn in as long as his matches don't go for a half hour.


2. Kevin Owens

The PERFECT heel. In a scripted product, he makes me hate him with his mic work. He bastardizes a crowd with a mic in his hand and makes you boo him. I'm a huge fan of his, but once he starts talking it's hard not to hate him. The spot with Balor in Brooklyn where he went up the ramp and ran at Balor who was on the ladder just to stop and punch him was golden. Such a perfect guy to hate.


3. Seth Rollins

Character sucked, mic work was getting better. Reminds me so much of Edge with his delivery of a promo. Best in ring guy on the roster by far. Handsome guy. Could definitely see him as the top baby face.


4. Apollo Crews

Character is developing slowly and haven't heard him talk much at all. The in ring work is great especially for a guy his size and his look is incredible. Tremendous presence about him.


5. Roman Reigns

I'm loving the rebelious, kick ass, take no prisoners character he has shown of late. Time will tell if it continues. Mic work still sucks. He needs to say very little. Use more facial expressions, which he's very good at. In ring work is coming along very slowly, but he's getting there. He can pace a match better and carry his load aside from the wow moves he had in The Shield. Look is of course off the charts.


6. Chad Gable

I look at him as Kurt Angle 2.0. Really strong character work with JJ and really solid on the mic. A little too heavy on comedy to be taken serious as a main event guy, but it can be toned down. In ring is phenomenal.


I didn't put Dean because they've castrated him to the point where I don't really care anymore. His character is now a an idol of Roman Reigns. He's supposed to be the lunatic fringe, but never nears lunacy. Actually make him unstable and you'll have something captivating. Get dqed by biting your opponent's ear. Tear up the area around the ring. Attack guys with no reasoning behind it. Have crazy promos. He's so bland right now.


1. Bray is great on the mic, but people expect him to be the "New Undertaker" basically already. They don't understand he has to lose sometimes and they aren't being "buried". I love the guy and see a bright future, best mic work in a while, with an interesting gimmick to boot. The two just go hand in hand.


2. Huge fan of KO, I think he is no doubt going to be the best heel not too far off. But they need to build him right, I saw people complaining he lost the IC title, but I think it means he's moving forward. A bit early in terms of how new he is to WWE I think, but the guy definitely has the talent.


3. Seth is IMO the most solid all rounder in WWE. Guy is now a made superstar, people didn't even realize how much they liked him til he was gone lol. Hope his injury doesn't hinder his future. I feel for him because I tore my ACL and meniscus at once too a few years ago.


4. Appollo is good in ring but seems very green to me. Every two moves hes slapping his thighs for an enziguri, just thought he could do better. Mic work is way cheesy. I could see a future though, guy has the it factor.


5. I honestly just felt a few weeks ago that I didn't want Roman to win the title. The way they booked it was okay. Roman wasn't flapping his mouth repeating himself, or at least if he was the crowd seemed more into it. I'm not sold the guy should be the "Face of WWE" right now, but he definitely has potential. Guy just needs to evolve his moveset and character. I hate that I watch a match from him and I'm surprised (but happy) that he did a new move because hes predictable. If the guy can learn to go with the flow and not rely on your special moves I think people would get off his back so much. Throw in a running powerbomb as opposed to that goofy one armed one you do, little stuff. I agree with everything you said on his character though.


6. I can't lie I love Jordan and Gable and I hope they bring a spark to the tag division thats been missing for a while. Hoping for a Jordan and Gable match vs Kidd and Cesaro eventually once they are healthy!

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It honestly still pisses me off that Roman Reigns is WWE Champion when he does not deserve it and is only getting pushed because he is The Rock's cousin. He is untalented, boring and all around terrible. Sheamus should have retained, I hope he gets the belt back at Royal Rumble, maybe HHH costs him the title and finalizes HHH Vs Reigns at WM. I just can't stand Roman Reigns. I never will like him no matter what.


I don't think Sheamus is the right person to put the belt on at this point either. His mic work is atrocious, and his matches are generally fairly boring. He just doesn't seem like someone who should hold the top belt to me. He's more suited for a US or IC title in my eyes.


Seeing as how I don't really like Roman as the champ, with the number of injuries there are right now, it's tough to say who should have the world title.


I think Kevin Owens is an obvious choice. The dude's in ring abilities are top notch, and he's great on the mic and getting heat.


Bray Wyatt is a possibility, but he has generally been booked exceptionally weak as a singles wrestler, so I'm not sure if he'd be a great fit right now without some more build.


They could bring Brock back and give him the belt, but I honestly hated his last title reign. The world champ shouldn't be disappearing for months at a time without so much as cutting a promo or defending the belt.


Other people who could potentially hold the belt right now and hold it well are Daniel Bryan (if he's ever cleared again, which I heard he might never be cleared), Neville (would need build), maybe someone from New Day, but that might be a bit of a stretch at this point. Or... (and I can't believe I'm about to say this) John Cena. I generally don't really care for him, but his work with the US title was pretty impressive. He could be a good person to hold it or a bit until people recover from injuries, but he's also on vacation right now.

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