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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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Lesnar's involvement in the Main Event would of made sense with a quick backstage segment with Heyman showing he had some kind of negotiations with The Authority.


The thing is they don't even care enough to throw that in there. Why even hold the theme up the whole night of "impressing" the authority only to give a shot to a guy that doesn't even cut a promo.


If they were going based off the most "impressive" performances then Fastlane would have been AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens or even The Rock vs. The New Day....I really want WWE to make sense when they put it out there.

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Jericho was blown up within 5 minutes on raw. I don't think I want to see him in an hour long match


Yea Jericho wasnt in too good of shape on raw. That and the man is in his 40s so I doubt he will be able to pull the matches like he could years back. I see maybe another 2 years at most before he hangs it up for good.

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Anyone find Triple H's promo watchable? Playing up the Vince getting attacked card didn't seem very heel like. I think after watching Triple H since I couldnt form a proper sentence all the way up to now where I'm 21, I'm finally sick of listening to his promos. At least it wasn't long and drawn out like title reigns of past involving him.


I'm still waiting for him to say something along the lines of, "I'm the champ because I am THAT - DAMN - GOOD!" *sigh*

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That was more of a retelling of History, It wasn't Triple H vs Sting. It was the telling of WCW vs WWF/E in a match, which is why Triple H/WWE won.


Yet, beforehand, Sting made sure to point out it was NOT about WCW. But suddenly, during the match, it was...I had no issues with Hunter winning, personally, but the WCW vs. WWE aspect felt lazy, like something taken off of Vince's pants at the last second because he said so.

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Yea Jericho wasnt in too good of shape on raw. That and the man is in his 40s so I doubt he will be able to pull the matches like he could years back. I see maybe another 2 years at most before he hangs it up for good.


I'm usually pretty bad at spotting wrestlers communicating to each other in the ring, but there was a spot were they kind of didn't seem sure and they Irish whipped each other twice then the camera went right into Jericho talking into AJ's ear :o

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Jericho was blown up within 5 minutes on raw. I don't think I want to see him in an hour long match


to be fair he is 40+ and was the second longest person in the rumble though and he looked fresh nearly that whole time.


and @BHK


Styles was in contact with TNA and Karl Anderson was the only other one who actually made it to a written contract, neither signed obviously. TNA had some good talent that now they know can use as because some said earlier TNA is no longer on WWE radar. If they ever really were honestly, cuz lets be honest did they ever get even close? I say that and I liked TNA


Not really stranged they hired a huge free agent when theyre missing most of the big name roster and they have a lot of older guys anyways

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You say that but they sure seem interested in former TNA talent. I also read that the moment TNA became interested in Styles and the other Bullet Club members the WWE swooped in and signed them.


Seems a bit TNA Mecca-ish to say that the moment TNA became interested in Styles & the Bullet Club WWE swooped in.


Dudes were killing it in New Japan and WWE just launched the network over there. Getting big names from NJPW means you have a higher chance of people tuning in to see those names.


TNA are about as big on WWE's radar as like, this board. RoH is the new target if you go by NXT running the same venues/striking up a deal with EVOLVE.

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NXT does well to take ROH's place in my heart. I feel bad for them, but I honestly can't afford to purchase their PPV's. In Europe, what they're asking (and what WWE used to ask) is an obscene amount and will never be ordered by continental Europeans (with a few exeptions probably) because of broadcast traditions here.


I also don't believe WWE ever cared about TNA. They see it as merely an inferior product to what they're offering. They also don't care about TNA's homegrown talent. AJ seems like one of the exeptions now, but his time on ROH was more impressive imo.

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Speaking of that, it'll be a painful summer for ROH who is overl reliant on NJPW talent (which WWE now has ROH's two top draws of last year). On top of that 2/3s of their next PPV main event will probably be in WWE by the fall.


ROH have proved for almost 15 years they can make stars. That is the American Indy meccha and is still the place where guys come out of their shell. They are this generation's ECW and WWE doesn't want to disturb that. WWE does cherry pick their main event scene but if they really wanted to squash them they would just buy them out.

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I don't think you have been paying attention to ROH lately


They are offering exclusive deals now. They got on national TV last year which led to WWE locking up Samoa Joe for fear that he'd be on their national TV show. WWE HAS been disrupting them for months now


They run big NXT shows head to head with big ROH shows at the same time now, they put exclusivity clauses in buildings which would lock ROH out of them, and if we're being honest, they get much more use out of Indy stars than ROH since they want to use their terrible pay to play dojo system which renders half of their undercards terrible.

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I don't think you have been paying attention to ROH lately


They are offering exclusive deals now. They got on national TV last year which led to WWE locking up Samoa Joe for fear that he'd be on their national TV show. WWE HAS been disrupting them for months now.


They are keeping their foot on their neck. They are not trying to run them out of business there is a difference. They see ROH as trainers that they don't have to pay for. The one thing I can say about Hunter is he seems to favor getting indy talent way more than Johnny Ace ever did. They want to keep ROH an unpaid farming system and not let them become real competition.

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They are keeping their foot on their neck. They are not trying to run them out of business there is a difference. They see ROH as trainers that they don't have to pay for. The one thing I can say about Hunter is he seems to favor getting indy talent way more than Johnny Ace ever did. They want to keep ROH an unpaid farming system and not let them become real competition.


No, it's much more than a foot on the neck. NXT is running the same towns on the days close to key ROH shows, and sometimes key ROH shows itself. It's actively trying to draw business away from ROH.


Then add in the example of Samoa Joe getting the exclusive deal on the back of the idea ROH could have put him on TV under his initial deal.


THEN add in the EVOLVE agreement with the clear message of "If your goal is making it to the WWE, you work here and not ROH.". It's WWE trying to drive ROH's business down, not just keeping them "an unpaid farming system" - to use your own words.

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