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The Official WWE / NXT Discussion Thread *May Contain Spoilers*

Adam Ryland

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And wasn't it only on FS1 because of some football or some other sport or something too? Still, Dynamite has officially beaten Smackdown now. :p


FS1 is in about 6M fewer homes, and Friday is a lower share than Wednesdays. Both were up against World Series games.

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Ratings can be confusing and misleading but as far as the key numbers to advertisers and normalized to be fair, based on the actual audience that has access to the show as opposed to making it unfair based on homes that don't even have the channel, these were the 18-49 ratings for this past week:


UFC .47

Smackdown .77

Raw 1.01

Total Divas .17

NXT .28

AEW .61


As far as costs to the network for the episode:


UFC $10 million

Smackdown $4.02 million

Raw $5.10 million

Total Divas $400,000

NXT $588,000

AEW $500,000 plus a percentage of advertising points

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I'll point out additionally that SmackDown reran on Fox proper on Sunday afternoon, but with absolutely zero advertising to that fact, I had no idea it was on and missed all but the last half hour.


Also, I have no idea whether television ratings for Sunday afternoons are collected and published, so I couldn't tell you how it did.

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- Poppy and Io! Best opening to NXT ever. Io vs Candice was good but the commercials almost ruined it. Don't run them in the first 15 mintues during a highly anticipated match.

- Killer promo from Finn.

- Thorne vs Reed was good. Most impressive either guy has looked.

- Dakota & Tegan vs Kabuki Warriors © was great. Post match stuff was fantastic. Regal looking like a boss on the balcony. War Games!!!

- Bate vs Grimes was good.

- Lee & Riddle vs Undisputed Era was great. Whoever lays out these tag matches in NXT really understands tag team wrestling and how to make them just as interesting as singles matches. If only they could replicate it on Raw and Smackdown. Daddy's going to war!

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I watched some of NXT from two weeks ago and my goodness I had forgotten how much I hate listening to Mauro. Beth and Nigel are fine (Though Beth's voice can getting annoying when she starts yelling) but Mauro is just terrible. His lame pop culture references just kill it for me and he seems to make them every five seconds.


I remember watching him do commentary for EliteXC and he said, I am paraphrasing here, "As the late great Yankee Clipper Mickey Mantle once said, it ain't over till it's over." Now people who do not follow baseball may not understand why that sentence is eye roll inducing. What he did there was confuse three people in one sentence. The quote came from Yogi Berra, the Yankee Clipper was Joe DiMaggio, and Mickey Mantle was the third person. Now they all played for the same team (the Yankees) but beyond that I am not sure how he could make such a stupid comment.


To most people commentators are just background noise and for the most part I am that way as well. However, when one is so egregiously bad that I notice how bad they are, it takes away from me watching the product. Because all I can think of is, "That was a lame comment, that was not funny."


I know it is a me thing and a lot of people love his play-by-play work, but I just cannot help but think how terrible I find him to be.

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I watched some of NXT from two weeks ago and my goodness I had forgotten how much I hate listening to Mauro. Beth and Nigel are fine (Though Beth's voice can getting annoying when she starts yelling) but Mauro is just terrible. His lame pop culture references just kill it for me and he seems to make them every five seconds.


I remember watching him do commentary for EliteXC and he said, I am paraphrasing here, "As the late great Yankee Clipper Mickey Mantle once said, it ain't over till it's over." Now people who do not follow baseball may not understand why that sentence is eye roll inducing. What he did there was confuse three people in one sentence. The quote came from Yogi Berra, the Yankee Clipper was Joe DiMaggio, and Mickey Mantle was the third person. Now they all played for the same team (the Yankees) but beyond that I am not sure how he could make such a stupid comment.


To most people commentators are just background noise and for the most part I am that way as well. However, when one is so egregiously bad that I notice how bad they are, it takes away from me watching the product. Because all I can think of is, "That was a lame comment, that was not funny."


I know it is a me thing and a lot of people love his play-by-play work, but I just cannot help but think how terrible I find him to be.


I'd take Mauro on his worst day over most WWE announcers. What he brings to the table is more passion than anyone since prime JR.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="BHK1978" data-cite="BHK1978" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Speaking of bad color commentators, I will be perfectly happy if Pat McAfee never does commentary again.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> McAfee's an annoying mark but he's enthusiastic and fun in small doses. Doesn't sound like he's regurgitating Vince and going through the motions.</p>
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<p>Update On How WWE Roster Members Feel About Incident In Saudi Arabia</p><p> </p><p>

Here is a link to an article that I wrote for my website Bodyslam.net that I thought you guys might be interested in since I saw some referrals to my site from your forums on my google analytics.</p><p> </p><p>

Check it out, hope you enjoy.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<a href="https://www.bodyslam.net/2019/11/02/exclusive-wwe-roster-members-feel-they-were-held-in-saudi-arabia-against-their-will-as-a-power-play/" rel="external nofollow">https://www.bodyslam.net/2019/11/02/exclusive-wwe-roster-members-feel-they-were-held-in-saudi-arabia-against-their-will-as-a-power-play/</a></p>

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<p>The WWE/Saudi delay saga according to Meltzer:</p><p> </p><p> </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedOther"> <iframe data-embedid="85a55dd345a57ba4c816cfe71882675b" allowfullscreen="" data-embed-src="<___base_url___>/index.php?app=core&module=system&controller=embed&url=https://twitter.com/TrevorDame/status/1190933611773431808"></iframe> </div><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A very interesting WOR, and an even more scary situation involving Saudi/WWE, here are some notes:<p> • Dave says WWE had not been paid for the previous Saudi show, as of September 30th. WWE then reported hours being Crown Jewel that they got an unspecified 60 million dollar payment.</p><p> • Dave calls it a really bad situation and doesn't know what WWE is going to do going forward. He had talent tell him they were never going back to Saudi Arabia, and others saying they couldn't wait TO LEAVE THE COMPANY.</p><p> • Dave continually reiterates the two major points: WWE wasn't paid for the previous Saudi show as of September 30th & they got a mysterious 60 million dollar payment a couple hours before Crown Jewel</p><p> • Dave confirms that Crown Jewel was supposed to air live in Saudi Arabia but instead it ending up airing there on a 40 minute delay. Basically sounds like Vince pulled the plug until he and the Saudis came to an agreement, which they did mid-show</p><p> • None of the talent was harmed but there was talent there that felt like they were hostages, even though they were allowed to leave</p><p> • Dave just keeps saying over and over that it's a really bad, really tense situation. He says the talent needs to unionize, but then points out that Smackdown is a great example of a WWE response if that were to happen: they'd just call up NXT and have a hot show</p><p> • Bryan tries to suggest Vince left before he knew all the problems talent would face. Dave says we don't know that. He'd like to believe that, but he just knows a lot of people were mad. One person there told Dave they felt like they were pawns in a dick waving contest</p><p> • Dave says Lesnar and Heyman were not originally scheduled to be on last Friday's Smackdown but they added them because of the rest of the talent being delayed. Says Brock/Heyman jumping to Raw was going to happen next Tuesday as a big kickoff for the new FS1 news show </p></div></blockquote>
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I'm wondering what's next for Cain, after his loss at crown jewel? :rolleyes:

It was likely a one and done deal. Interestingly, Cain didn't have his own private jet nor a special charter flight. He got home at the same time talent like Heath Slater, Curtis Axel, Luke Harper and Ali did.


Crown Jewel was, all in all, an okay show. I was irate during the Team Hogan vs. Team Flair match, because they did little to suggest Rusev was locked in a bitter blood feud with Lashley. There were moments when I thought 'wow, they don't get how pro wrestling works do they?', and then I remembered that this particular brand of pro wrestling is micromanaged to the nth degree so there we go.


The decision not to put the belt on The Fiend at HIAC now seems all the more baffling too.


Baffling is a good word to describe how I feel about a lot of the stuff WWE do. I wish I could say they're playing 4D Chess because that's the meme but consistently sinking ratings and an overall shrinking of their market would suggest otherwise.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="milamber" data-cite="milamber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think I read that Cain is signed for a year and he'll be training in the PC after rehabbing his injured knee. Basically same deal as Ronda except the injury will mean he can't compete regularly.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> From what I heard, Good money, MULTI-YEAR, deal. He also has said he wants to avoid surgery and is looking into Columbian stem cell treatments that Rey swears by. It sounds like a crock to me. But it's his knee.</p>
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<p>Smackdown was a good show. Probably the best Smackdown in quite awhile. Too bad it’ll probably go back to a suckfest next week. </p><p> </p><p>

With so much quality wrestling every week it’s hard to keep up with Raw and Smackdown when they’re subpar programming.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jaysin" data-cite="Jaysin" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Smackdown was a good show. Probably the best Smackdown in quite awhile. Too bad it’ll probably go back to a suckfest next week. <p> </p><p> With so much quality wrestling every week it’s hard to keep up with Raw and Smackdown when they’re subpar programming.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> European tour starts in a few days so it'll probably be SD invading Raw then phoned-in shows until they get back. I hope I'm wrong.</p>
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